YEAR PLANNER 2019-20 Subject: Grade: IX Month Skill Objectives & Specifications Evaluation

Knowledge about Chess, Chess Pieces Names & About Chess Board & Files and Ranks & Square Names. & & Introduction of Game and its important & Basics & Basics & & Movements and Movements and June & Pieces Movements and Capture & & Check Mate Observation its and Capture & Safe Capture & Check and Escaping & Castle & En-passant & Notation and Playing Games from Check and Check mate& Types of Castle & Rules of Castle & En-passant & Writing the notation and Playing Games

Mate in One Puzzles & Mate in Two Puzzles & Playing Check mate in one move Problems And Check mate in one move Observation and Assessment - July Games Problems And Playing Games with natation. I

Check mate in one move Problems And Playing Games with & FIDE Rules & Playing with Time Controles natation & How to use the chess clock while playing and Aug Observation & Tournament Rules tournament Rules – illegal moves & Claiming to Arbiter & Rules of FIDE and Playing with different Time Controls

Scotch Opening, Sicilien Defence, , Giuoco Piano, Observation and Assessment - Sept Openings Queen's etc II Oct Opening Traps & Short Games 15 Opening Traps and Short Games. Observation , , Knight , Pinning, , Double Observation Nov Middle Game tactics Attack. Assessment -III Pawn Promotion & One Rook Chech mate & Two Bishops Check Dec End Game tactics Observation Mate and Rook Ending. Jan End Game tactics Pawn Ending & Rook Pawn Ending and Minor Pieces Ending. Observation Observation and Assessment - Feb Practice Tournament Games. Practice Tournament Games. IV