OFFPRINT Franck Orban Le lepéno-gaullisme: nouvel avatar du Front National ? Guri Ellen Barstad, Arnstein Hjelde, Sigmund Kvam, Anastasia Parianou, John Todd (Hrsg.) Language and Nation Crossroads and Connections 2016, 320 pages, pb, € 44,90, ISBN 978-3-8309-3497-4 E-Book: € 39,99, ISBN 978-3-8309-8497-9 © Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2016 All rights reserved. No part of these pages may be used for any purpose other than personal use. Steinfurter Str. 555 Order 48159 Münster Fon 02 51 – 2 65 04-0 Internet: Fax 02 51 – 2 65 04-26 E-Mail:
[email protected] [email protected] Fon 02 51 – 2 65 04-0 Fax 02 51 – 2 65 04-26 Franck Orban Le lepéno-gaullisme: nouvel avatar du Front National ? Abstract This chapter deals with a minority within the leadership of French far right party National Front who want to frame NF as the sole holder of the Gaullist tradition. We first take a look back at the paradoxical relationship between French far right and more specifically National Front and Gaullism. The idea of any ideological convergence between Gaullism and far right extremists has never been obvious. However, some elements in Gaullism can suggest that rather two different political families share some values. This chapter then looks at the evolution of NF since the early 1970s until now to determine to what extend NF's current narratives fit better into the main political system and have become a viable tool for political achievement. This chapter concludes with the idea that in order to win future presidential elections in France, Nation Front could indeed be tempted to merge Gaullism and Frontism into a new hybrid ideology, Lepeno-Gaullism, or eventually Marino-Lepenism.