: ■ !- ; _ ^ S ^ ■ Cllswortl) !Imedc0n. vol. lvii. )^o,”0:P;^cVy1a.,>"T***-i ellsworth, Maine, Wednesday afternoon, july 26, 1911. No. 30. -— aoDfrttiemtm*. LOCAL AFFAIRS. B. Doyle, A. Ilutn Fields, Mary A- Hurley, SMintiffmfKta. Clara and Alice Mullan, Marie Harley and Ella M. Crowe. ^ TAKE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK. CHANCES? At the WHY for sale. Methodist church Sunday morn- Plano * Lost—Bank book. ing Dr. Hirer’s subject will be “Co-opera- Rice A Max G Cimbollek—Violinist H„(e belonging’ to Tyler, and teacher. tion with God”. In the there ^* When Harry C Austin A Co—Furniture and under- evening bnd no offlee In tbe $3.00 per year dcalere, who taking. will be a special service. UNION TRUSTCOMPANY now deetroyed, wm opened will assure Absolute Protection J A Haynes—Cash-down store. Jr btm bloc it, you Walter W. Royal and wile, who have contents found de- East Sonar: OF ELLSWORTH and ita for valuables In been Seturday your the Mrs Mary Stinson—Cottage to let. spending several weeks visiting rela- tives in have returned to their atroyed. Bccksport: Ellsworth, OFFICERS Hanson B Stousland—Notice of foreclosure. home In Cincinnati, Ohio. John A. Pitt km, President Hhnry W. Vtea-Preeldent Monday morning, and it M> Fire and Trrmont: Cushman, wwoptned Burglar-Proof The Ellsworth schooner Storm Petrel was Henry H. Treasurer M. tb. eoetenU aU de- Eugene H Tinker—Libel notice. Hiqoins, Oalxebt, Secretary found that »»re » m reported at Vineyard Haven Saturday,with Tb«io-to Afc. dw*d vaults of the main boom broken and outer Jib gone. She 8CHBDULB OF MAILS DIRECTORS • — Conmerical. Bangor at was struck by a squall Friday. bllsworti postorricb. William F. Campbell Eugene Hale Albert E. Mae* PURRILL NATIONAL. In effect June 26, 1911. Harry G. Goodwin and Miss Marlon E. Fred A. Chandler W. A. Haver Frank C. Naab l BANK, Collar, both ot Franklin, were married Alfred B. Crabtree Barney B. Havey John A. Patera OF ELLSWORTH. MAILS ARCHIVED. W. Cushman L. Blon M. at the in Ells- Henry Frank Hodgkins Pike From Wbbt—*6.56, {11.16 a m; 4.36, §6.18 p m. Saturday Baptist parsonage Rooms for Bo* Renters. Inspection Invited. Lucillus A. Emery L. Elrie Holmes Henry W. Sargent private From Bast—12.22, 5.85 and 11.07 p m. worth by Rev. P. A. A. Killam. Myer Qellert John R. Holmee Elmer P, Hours: 9 Set. 9 1. Spofford to 4. to Cell to-day. MAIL CLOSB8 AT ROSTORRICB. Rev. A. J. Lord, wife and son, of Meri- John K. Qrebam H. B. Holmee O. W. Tajpley Going West—11.45 a m; ta.56, »5 and *9 m. Henry H. Gray Arno W. King John O. Whitney p den, Conn., arrived last week, and are Going East—6.80 a m; 8.56 and 5.46 m. p guests of Mrs. Lord’s father, Hosea B. Registered mail should be at postofflce half Phillips. They will remain in this vi- We invite you to become a depositor with The Union Trust Company of Ells- an hour before mail closes. worth. You have only to glance over the list of our officers and directors to for several weeks. know that mouev is safe The included. cinity your under their supervision. managers of thin •Daily, Sunday {Daily, except institution are well known for their and business success You need Mouday. f The S. L. C.’s will meet with MiBS probity Daily, except Saturday. {Daily, have no hesitation in business or savings to their oare. Don’t Have LAZY MONEY! except Sunday, Sunday at 6.49. entrusting your your Geneva Smith to-morrow evening. There We take pleasure in offering you all the facilities of our institution and we No mall or dispatched to received from the trust that you will avail yourself of them, and will favor us with your banklug east will be music, Set your spare1 cash to work for you in our Sav- Sundays. readings, recitations, query business. and talks on the life of Lincoln. ing* Department, where it will be constantly box, Light as will be earning more money at a liberal interest rate, Miss Mae Btudor left for New refreshments, usual, yesterday served. ! * and be surely safe, yet instantly available when York. UNION TRUST COMPANY I want it. Le t us tell you bow you can bank The Cantara Carnival Co., a collection of you C. L. Morang and family are at their ^ with ua mail as easily aud safely as in “midway” attractions, set up in the field Vi__ by Just J Contention Cove cottage. person. Ask TO-DAY. at the junction of State and School streets | Mrs. C. H. of is the Closson, Boston, three days last week, drawing good ELLSWORTH TEACHERS. COMING EVENTS. guest of Miss N. M. Dutton. crowds. The company may return to Ells- EASTERN TRUST & BANKING CO. Miss Cox, of Mass., is the worth for Old Home week. List of Those Elected to ELLSWORTH. 1 Lucy Malden, Complete liaugor. Maine. of Miss Bernice at Hancock guest Eldridge. Everett W.Lord,a former Ellsworth boy, the City Schools. Tuesday evening, Aug. 1, Bra no lies at Old Town and B. ball—Lecture on prohibitory law by George Floyd’s pension has been in- has been elected dean of Boston univer- The school board of at its lochias. Ellsworth, Pollock, of North Dakota. Admis- creased from |24 to f30 a month. sity, a position second only in importance Judge regular meeting yesterday afternoon, sion free. Pearl Thorsen, of New York, has joined and responsibility to that of president. the election of teachers for the week at his wife here for a short vacation. And rumor has it that Mr. Lord will ulti- completed Aug 6-12-Old Home celebration be raised to the of the city schools. Ellsworth. Mrs. Alma K. Whittemore is occupying mately presidency There were two vacancies in the at Odd Fel- the Richards homestead on Bridge hill. university. high Saturday evening, Aug. 12, Ellsworth friends were to learn lows hall—Reunion and banquet of Ella- Mrs. F. A. Coombs, of East Orange, N. grieved school this year, caused by the resigna- of the death on at Hebron sani- worth high school alumni association. with her two is here (or a vaca- Monday, tions of Mr. Ward and Mr. Ellsworth. J., sons, and tarium, of Miss Bernice Coughlin, of Dex- Banqnet at 7.30 followed by dancing tion. was In com- Miss Brown re-elected. the cards. 75 cents. ter, daughter of William J. Coughlin, Tickets, J. F. Knowlton and family are spending mon schools a of the teachers of formerly of Ellsworth. Miss Coughlin majority Friday, Ang. 25, at Ellsworth high a week at the Treworgy cottage, Conten- had visited relatives here and last year were re-elected. st 8 a. m. — Teachers’ tion Cove. frequently, school, beginning had many friends in this city. Besides Following is a complete list of teachers exsminstion for State certificates. Miss Margaret Downey and brother Ed- her she leaves one sister and five parents, elected for the next school year: COUNTY. ward spent Sunday at the Han scorn cot- brothers. Howard A. Mc- tage, Bayside. High school—Principal, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Aug. B. F. Gray and wife returned yesterday Lellan, of Princeton; first assistant, 22, 23, 24—Horse show at Bar Harbor. Dr. A. C. has a Hagerthy purchased from a two-weeks’ outing at Contention Thomas P. Packard, of Houlton; second five PAMILY REUNIONS. forty-eight horsepower, passenger Cove. They had as guests Mrs. Gray’s assistant, Mabeile W. Brown, Fairfield. Buick automobile. Wedneseay, Aug. 2—Sals bury family at sons Charles and Edmund Burke, her No. 2 (Brimmer’s bridge)—Martin A. Gar- Nathan Beech Hill Seth T. Campbell and family, of Island daughter, Mrs. Henry A. Brown, and hus- land. Salsbury’s shore, pond» Otis. Falls, are at the Grindal cottage. Pleasant band, of Waltham, Mass., Mrs. Mary No. 3 (city)—State street, Catherine Har- Beach, for a month. Campbell and son and daughter, Julia and ley. School street, Annie F. Malian, Wednesday, Aug. 9—Gray fsmily at Oak West Robert B. Holmes and wife leave next James, of Mattapan, Mass., Miss Ethel grammar; Ella M. Jude, sub-grammar; Grove, Sedgwick. Miss Sallie Donroe. Monday for a tour of Canada, including Brown and Mary C. Hamilton, assistant. Pine Saturday, Aug. 26—Wilbur family at the Quebec and Montreal. A severe electrical storm, accompanied street, Margaret G. Drummey, interme- home of J. D. Perkins, Franklin. Hi Water Arthur E. Cook, of Boston, with wife [ by hail and rain, visited this section Sat- diate; Mary Black, primary. Alice Mullan. Buick and Cadillac and little daughter, is visiting his parents, urday. Hail-stones an inch in diameter street, Up River Fair. No. 4 — A. of I James L. Cook and wife. fell in some places. The hail followed a (Morrison) Mary Conley, The dates for the annual fair of the narrow path, however, and damage to Pembroke, in place of Ruby J. Gurney, W. Sargent, Carrol Shea, Northern Hancock agricultural society at i -*■ arc Henry Ralph the two makes of cars for which we are the selling ! was slight. Light- resigned. Brooks and Mason are for crops comparatively Amherst have been fixed for Tuesday and events. The features these cars are Philip camping of such that no intending took the and electric power No. 5 (Surry road)—Evelyn M. Bonsey. a week, at Point. j ning telephone Wednesday, Sept. 26 and 27. >'• > i user should fail to become familiar with them. We are Weymouth wires in several parts of the town,doing no No. 6 (Infant street)—Nina Franklin. eaten to show detail. E. W. sub-master of the beyond putting many every Ellsworth, damage telephones No. 8 (Nicolin)—Ruth G. Maudocks. *• out of commission. ■SBfafrttatmRUs. Ellsworth high school the two — COV PLETE LIME OF" LIGHT DELIVERY TRUCKS past years, No. 11 (West Ellsworth) Carrie L. in E. H. is visiting friends in Ellsworth. At the races Bangor Saturday, Turner, of Milbridge, in place of Amy won honors and Miss Evelyn Bonaey, who has been vis- Greely’s stable money. F. Astbury, resigned. three races on the and 15 Models—$550 to $1850. iting her brother Sidney for two weeks in There were card, No. 13 (Bayside)—Alice B. Moore. been trotted in each when heats had — Searsport, is expected home Friday. two No. 15 (west side) Mary A. Gaynor, rain stopped the sport, money being dis- Ruth Fields. Roy J. Goodwin and family are occupy- New Store tributed according to the two heats. In No. 18 Jor- ing the cottage at Pleasaut Beach which (Ellsworth Falls)—Minerva Ellsworth & Machine the three-minute class, Maine Todd,driven sub- West end of Foundry Works, Mr. Goodwin has recently completed. dan, grammar; Sylvia Hurley, bridge Mr. took the two and by Greely, heats, grammar; Grace Carter, primary. Maine. Miss Ruby J. Gurney, who has taught in the Water^Street, Ellsworth, went into the thirty list, going first No. 19 (Shore road) Lyda A. True. the Morrison school for the past two years, and the second in heat in 2.29% 2.29%. Schools Nos. 7, 8 and 9, adjoining Can beat these has accepted a position in Phipps burg. a when you Incidentally Mr. Greely got spill districts in North are closed — Ellsworth, by GARAGE and every tool needed to do with all A. L. Livingstone, of Boston, who has another hooked into his when the repairing speed. sulky operation of the State law, the average ? been H. W. Dunn and wife sev- were after the visiting horses turning finishing attendance in each having fallen below prices eral weeks left for Boston second heat. Mr. Greely was not injured. Chocolate Baker), past, Monday. the required eight pupils. The schools (Walter In the 2.19 class, Daniel O’Dell, driven by per cake, 20c Miss Jessie Nash returned last week Charles W. Eaton, took the first heat in can only be reopened by. vote of the city Soda, in bulk, lb. _ 3c from Mil bridge to spend the remainder of 2.19%, and divided first and second money government on recommendation of the Flora which took the second heat. ... -*Cc the summer with her mother, Mrs. E. G. with P., school board. Starch, lump, lb. Nash. Shall the prohibitory law be retained or The school board voted to recommend Oolong Tea, in bulk, lb. 25c shall the State over to high license and of Salt 14 lb. 2lo Mrs. ti. l. uoage ana mile son naroia, go to the city government the opening (Worcester), bag, local This is the question to be the middle of the Order who have been visiting Mrs. E. M. Dodge option? school No. 8, district These goods are all of the best quality, decided at the on 11. to for Grocery on the have returned to Bar polls September three, and arrange transportation and I have others at Big road, correspondingly Hurry in Ellsworth in the Harbor. The opening gun of pupils from districts 7 and 9, where low prices. _ campaign for the retention of the law will necessary. In anticipation of concurrent Frank Bonsey, of Lynn, Mass., is ex- be fired in Hancock hall next Tuesday action by the city government, a teacher This Cash Combination Order offers MORE Groceries for LESS pected home Monday for a three-weeks’ Freshest of evening, by Judge Pollock, of North for No. 8 was elected. Best of Butter, Eggs stay with his parents, Capt. K. C. Bonsey cash than you could jiossibly get otherwise. Read the list: Dakota. North Dakota has recently The school board voted to close school and wife. swung into the prohibition column, and No. 14, Beechland, and arrange for trans- 5 lbs. Sugar, .IO Miss Annie K. Stock who has bridge, | it will be well worth while to hear a man portation of the smaller pupils where 2 bars .02 I been with her brother in Los An- Soap. Henry of Judge Pollock’s standing and experi- deemed necessary. toe. Cocoanut .05 since last fall, arrived home pkg. j geles, Cal., ence tell of the conditions that obtain in Kearns, lb. .OO last week. to this 1 Starch, his own state with reference great Kish and Game Hearings. issue. He is said to be a most Odd Fellows Block, Ellsworth 1 Corn Flakes, .03 Miss Hhirley F. Dodge, of Bar Harbor, interesting The commissioners of inland fisheries pkg. and because of his work in that | is the summer with her speaker, i lb. Oolong Tea, .40 spending grand- : state has been called the “Neal Dow of and game last Friday had hearings upon F. and on the 1 lb. Coffee, .33 parents, George Dodge wife, ! North Dakota”. The public, especially several petitions asking for fishing regu- When in doubt, buy at Austin’s road. ! those who are cordially invited to Surry vote, lations upon various streams and in 5 lbs. Rolled .25 ponds —■— Oats, hear him. There is no admission price and m-uj n »■—% Mrs. C. 1. Davis and little daughter this vicinity. Chairman John 8. P. H. l bag Salt, .10 j no collection. and Miss Lovina Moon are at the Wilson, of and Frank E. 1 bottle Blueing, .10 Vera Auburn, Mace, Mount Desert for a two- of Great were the commissioners Bluffs, Ferry, MOUTH OK THK KIVKK. Pond, ALL FOR $1.40 weeks’ outing. present. Mrs. Charles J. McCarthy and daughter, Harris Pratt is home. At Franklin there were hearings in the A cash the extra low of 81.46 forenoon on strictly offer, price of Boston, who have been visiting her pa- T. A. Pinkliam is home baying. petitions for closing Egypt stream and its tributaries for three covering this special Combinatiou Order without change. rents, Richard Hawkea and wife, have Miss Eva Closson is working (or Mrs. years, and for the closing of Molasses pond to Come in TO-DAY—and save. gone to Brewer. Henry Davis. ice fishing. The commissioners reserved A of ladies a sail to Mrs. Laura J. Alexander is spending her * party young enjoyed decision. 1 Manset In the were Misses vacation here with her sister, Mrs. T. A. Sunday. party At Ellsworth in the afternoon there was Alice C. Ella M. Frances Pinkham. Gay nor, Hawkea, a hearing on petition for closing all tribu- —~ --— taries of Branch pond. There was no re- ! 3bbrrt»cmmt*. monstrance. The commissioners will Bordeaux Mixture, render their decision later. At the Ellsworth hearing a petition for DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY Lime and Sulphur, the screening of lower Patten pond was We Can Save You Dollars Arsenate SPECIAL presented. If the petition is granted, as $ $ WITH TMB Lead, when it probably will be, the screen will be buying OLD RBLIABLB Pyrox Copperas, built by private subscription. IRON or BRASS BEDS Paris Green, We carry a large slock of Blue Vitriol, OFFER LAKEWOOD. Springs, Mattresses, Pillows. (while last! John Tourtelotte is at work for White Hellebore, they Ralph In fact, EVERYTHIN!} in the Hancock Co. Savings Sargent. General HOUSE FURNISHING Line Prepared Lime, I Bon Bon Dish George W. Garland is at work for A. H. Bisulphide Carbon, Garlaud, haying. HARRY C. AUSTIN & CO., ==Bank= (a daiuly) John It. Moore is cutting the bay on ELLSWORTH, ME. Moth Balls, Harold Moore’s place here. H. C. Austin. Mgr. and Coroner. GIVEN AWAY WITH A Bug Death Mrs. Isena Franklin, of West Newton, In is hero on her business 37 1-2 years and has paid pound box of these Mass., annual visit. Beautiful FERNS for 75 Sheep Dipping Powder, Large, regular eemi-annual dividends. A pleasant event Tuesday was Lambert’s Death to chocolates. evening House and Porch Decorations. Lice, the gathering of sixty friends of Charles O. and Martin A. Garland in new Tht* is a time to secure desirable FOK SALE AT tbeir present good ferns of different BANKING BOOMS: Moore’s Drug Store, barn, for an old-fashioned barn party. varieties at Games were played and refreshments ELLSWORTH GREENHOUSE. 6 Store Cor. P. O. were served. State Street, Ellsworth, Me. Parcher’s Drug Opp. Telephone 43. ! panted her mutual Benefit fcolnmn. 3mong tt)c •rangers. COUNTY NEWS. by daughter. y„ w i «*“»». «xl«» Chen. She marnS"^lb* EDITED BT "AORT MAMBN. mm night, much Tbit colon n is devoted to tbs Grange, es- SUNSET. ! enoouraged. pecially to tbe granges of Hancock county. Byron Traoy, who baa /(« Motto: “Helpful and Hopeful.” Mrs. Peters and son are at Mrs. EUaa a^wnt the The column fa open to all grangers for the and a half in year the cam. J** disc nation of of and Sylvester’s. Wait, “• OTTUMWA topics general interest, recently to Tialt hia Th« of this column mre succinctly family. For the Week purposes for reports of grange meetings. Make letters Owen Jackson and wile returned to their Prayer Meeting Topic stated In the title and motto—It is for the mutual July a. short and concise. All communications must home _ H Beginning July 30, 1911. and alto* to be helpful and hopeful Saturday. benefit, be signed, but name# trill not be printed ex- — A missionary Journey around for the common it Is fer the com Celeb Paris and ol 8TON1NGTON. Topic. Being good, of the writer. All com- wile, Everett, Mass., Mission* In Burma and cept by permission the world.—VII. roon use—a servant, a of In- are at their Mine Era public purveyor munications will be to by cottage. Snowman, of Kluehill ..... xvll. Edited by Her. WOMAN subject approval b* India.—Acts formation and suggestion, a medium for the In gneat of Mr*. F. T. H. D. D. the editor, but none will be rejected without Mr*. Greene, ol South Boston, is Simpeon. Bherman Doyle, lde*«. In this It solicits Lydia terchangeof capacity good reason. Mia. Zora with strands” and visiting relatives here. Thuraton, who ha. India her "coral communications, and Us success depend* largely heen 10 Porto Rico teaching, is home. teeming population Is a great religious on the support given It In this respect. Com Mrs. William Kaynes and her mother DATBI. Fred E. Here Brahmanism and municatlona must be signed, but the name of arrived Irom Boston Saturday. Webb and wife are battleground. 14—Field meet Han- taking a writer will not be printed except by permission CURED Monday, Aug. ingot cation in their motor and Mo- Mr*. Prank ol is vis- trip car. Buddhism had their birth, cock Pomona at Bluehill mineral Brown, Hampden, Communications will he subject to approval or grange Mra. as a re- iting her mother, Mrs. Henry Cole. Emily Bebbidge. who hammediam was Introduced rejection by the editor of the column, but none spring. ha. h~„ very ill, is now and con- will be rejected without reason. Address E. Pinkham’s Miss Eaton spent a lew days convalescing. sult of the Invasion gradual good By Lydia Thursday, Aug. 31—Meeting of Hancock Josephine of almost the entire country by all communications to last wesk with Prescott Eaton and wife. Walter Shaw and wife, of quest Pomona grange with Rainbow' grange, Washing,* The a Mexican. Compound D. are the which began about 1000 Vegetable the members of the C., guests of Mrs, Samuel Arabs, Ellsworth. Me. North Brookaville. Tuesday, July 25, Go*. A. D. In no other land have the evil Ottumwa, Iowa.—“For rears I was circle will hold a sale at th* A concrete sidewalk is sewing candy being laid on been a constant sufferer from female Main effects of these so called religions almost 8CHOOD1C, 420, FRANKLIN. chapsl. street near the Noyes DREAMING OP ROMS. trouble in all its drug store. more evident. The caste system of It comes to me often in silence. dreadful Sc hoodie grange, No. 420, held it* regu- Prsd Small, who works at Mill Island, George Noyes, Jr., and wife, of has been developed. forms; Mi|„ Brahmanism fully When the firelight low. lar with a email attend- but is now able to re- bis Dr. sputters shooting pains all meeting July 30, has bsen quite ill, visiting parents, Noyes and wife Is In Its grossest When the uncertain shadows Idolatry practiced black, over sick ance. The third and fourth degrees were sume work. 8. of the my body, George Aedmsn, wife, ,nd tmo forms, and the evidences hope- Seem wraiths of the long ago; worked on one candidate. A§ one is headache, spinal every Mia* Bessie McNutt, of dien are guests of his are seen on with a throb of heartache Cliflondale, father, U. W. r*. lesaness of Buddhism Always dizziness, it was voted meet- weakness, busy now, to postpone Mias Laura Bad din man. re- | |That fills each pulsive vein. Mas*., is tbs guest ol every band. No more revolting depression,and ings until 7. September at Mrs. Haskell «. Mias practices were ever developed Comes the old, unquiet longing that was Hsnry Eouise Sweetaer, who baa teen ligious For of home everything of the lives of In- the peace again. horrid. 1 tried many Mrs. Gertrude and children, Lil- iting in Gaatlne, ia now at bom, than the sacrifice Mosley .7 77'* doctors in different DKKR ISLE, 206. fants by casting them Into the Ganges I'm sick of the roar of cities. j lian and Ruth,and Mias Lillian Knowlton, Stonington. of the L'nited Deer Isle grange held a regular session river and the horrors of the Jugger- And of faces cold and strange; parts cam* home from Portland Hatorday. Thomas F. Barbour and Merton 1 know where there’s warmth of States, but E. with a attendance for the Coomb, aud no darker welcome. Lydia July 10, good are on a naut and the suttee, Pinkham’s Mrs. Carrie Eaton is entertaining Miss vacation trip to Biddeford And my yearning fancies range Vegeta- season. Quite an amount of business waa .nd life Is Imaginable than that of the l'\\ H Has of and Krnnefcunk. Back to the dear old homestead. compound Mary Bartlett, Marblehead, Mass., widows In India. It done, it being the first meeting millions of child done more for mo than all the doctors. Miss Marion Davis, ol Melrose, Mass. John Bowen came from With an aching sense of pain. the Ice-cream was served Mt. Waldo conditions have been it to tell these of quarter. Sat- Is true that these But there’ll be in the I feel my duty you of for- and will be Joy coming recess. On account of the lateness of Arthur Kaynes, Lynn, Mas*., urday, employed at the under the facts. heart is full of RTatitude to at livla! greatly changed supremacy W’hen I go home again. My this received fatal Parker the the was dis- merly of place, injuries quarry. of In India, and it Is still you for my cure."—Mrs. Harriet K. hour, literary program England yet last week a kick from a horse. He was When I go home again! There’s music 524 S. Hansom with. by Minol Oon», who I* in true that— Wampler, Street, pensed employed Boston, Tnat never may die away. Ottumwa, Iowa. working in a stable when tbe horse kicked is spending his vacation with his deliver 1 They call us to And it seems the hands of angels him. His skull was fractured and his jaw VV. H. Goft»and wrife. Their land from error’s chain. FLORAL, 158, NORTH BCCKHPORT. On a mystic harp at play Consider This Advice. broken. He lived but a short time. He of was John F. and Have touched with a sadness Regular meeting Floral grange Stanley wife, shn UartDoiomew, one or me iweive yearning No woman should submit to a surai- leave* four brother* and one sister. His nivo held with an attendance of been of Ml*. T. H. Is said to have in On a beautiful, brotcen strain. cal which mean July 18, thirty guest* Milt,, have * “* apostles. preached operation, may death, wile died a few year* ago. to their home in Brock To which is my fond heart three members and two guests. A re-elec- loif. India, but this Is mere tradition. We wording— until she has given Lydia E. l'inkham's launch Hal ur- a fair trial. tion for master was held to till vacancy K. \Y. Knowltun lost bis Mr*. Julia Harmon, of North \V do know, however, that Christianity When I go home again. Vegetable Compound bia Mr*. Ger- i.iufield, of day nigbt, July 15, sister, * bo ceroe to of caused by the death Master Joseph attend the funeral was Introduced Into India at least as Outside my darkening window This famous medicine, made only trude E. Mneely, at the same time losing ,.,f Mr, Is the world's crash and Gordon. The worthy overseer declined of her Howard 8 po fiord, left for her early as the second Christian century. great din. from roots and herbs, lets for thirty two large trunks containing much home on And to have his name and \V. ow n and children’s sil- Indian merchants visited to slowly the autumn shadows proved to lx- the most valuable used, George wearing apparel, Wedofudijr, Egypt years bed and table linen, etc. Mrs. Come drifting, drifting in. tonic and invigorator of the female Chip man was elected master. Sarah A. verware, The Boston sell their silks and pearls and learned Moeley, who recently lost her husband, yacht club, with a fleet 0| Sobbing, the nigbt wind murmurs Women residing in almost was elected lecturer to till of the Saviour. their efforts organism. Royal vacancy bad broken up in Everett, forty yachts, anchored in the Through To the of the autumn rain; house-keeping harbor splash every and town in the United caused of W. to to be the city by resignation George Chip- Mass., and was returning her old borne and a Pantaemus. who Is supposed But I dream of the glorious greeting States hear to the Wednesday spent part of the day willing testimony man. for the summer. She bad arrived on tbe and first Christian to India, When 1 home _ night here, going east to Bar missionary go again. wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink- Petnaquid that evening, Mr. Knowlton go- Harbor. was sent to teach the Indians of to for ber in tbe launch. Abram T. ham's Vegetable Compound. NEW CENTURY, 356, DEDHAM. ing Htonington Collier, vice-president uf th, A number of Chris- Dear M. B. Friends; Helurning, they left tbe trunks aboard tbe Christ Syrian Three candidates received instruction in Shawroutt national bank, has been in to*o Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., boat, as it was low water and dark, leav- tians settled lu India In the fourth As vacation time, reuiona and Old Home the paat week. Mr. Collier’s invites all sick women to write rtrat and second degrees in New Century ing tbe boat, aa tbey auppoaed, all right. mother was century. Francis Xavier visited south week festivities are now in order, the abe waa eeen be on a daughter of the late her for advice. Her advice is free, grange July 22. Though several were ab- About 11 o'clock to David Thurltm ,nd India In the sixteenth century, and sent Aunt Emma comes in Are, end burned to tbe water’i edge. It la a native of town. poem by very confidential, and always helpful. sent who had prepared to take part in the tbit The of Home” thought that tbe boat caught Are from many Hindus became Christiana. appropriately. “Songs was Mr. special program, it carried out as far the muffler. She waa worth about |2S0.— Lawrence, of Lawrence Bros., Lu- Protestant missionaries reached Tru- touch a cord of old associations which no think someone else, who can do better, will as There were and Deer hie bec, is in town and a waa possible. negro songs Messenger. > ball given in solution of this problem Ues In a will keep for weeks. We double the amounts to have for a side dish at dinner, try my Rewired, as a token of Haskell is in Confirmed Proof. That, respect which where command o( a church of Christ In India. The mis- for summer use. (.'apt. Macaroni Ceowcettbs—l cup cooked maca- we feel for our departed sister, we drape oor Tut one yacht. sionaries may be from the west but roni, one-third cud cheese, salt and to cup vinegar to boil in double boiler. charter for pepper If is thirty days. taste; add a bit of flour and milk so as to mix vinegar very strong, add a little water. autos have been I Christ Is not western and the supreme Mix two Resolved, That a of these resolutions purchased to mold into Roll in cracker together tablespoons sugar, one tea- copy up shape. Deer lale men. Dr. Small has aim of all should be to so present crumbs and eggs and fry in deep fat. Serve spoon salt, one teaspoon mustard and heap- be sent to the bereaved family, also a copy recently by ing tablespoon flour. Add two bot. well-beaten senttoTHB Ellsworth American for publi- a Maxwell touring car and Dr. Wasgatt, a of Christ as to make Him the Saviour of eggs, then add slowly two tablespoons melted HeaUleut Ellsworth C a n not We like them very much, and here is an- cation, also a on our records. tiuick roadster. India equally as much as England or butter, stirring constantly. Add one-hair copy placed other stand-by perhaps some one will like to cup sweet milk or cream. Pour all slowly Angir 8. Uoogiks, Doubt been America. the church In In- into the The steam yacht Akela, owned Mr. Wliat Has Moreover, try. boiling vinegar, and cook as thick as Vernon by well. U. Haslam, dia should have as little identification cream, stirring Bishop, ol Bridgeport, Conn., arrived last Jelly Puffs—Fry like doughnuta. Two Goldib 34. Clark, Twice Proved. This may be used for fruit salad week. The are with a western church aa possible. cups floor, one teaspoon melted fat, one-half by thinning Committee. Bishop* coming later | salt, one-half two with either sweet or of in India are not. teaspoon teaspoon sngar, sour cream. The sim- The yacht i* sailed almost entirely by i Signs progress teaspoons cream tartar, one teaspoon sods fruit plest salad is made of diced but — (not milk to make it knead soft. apple, Deer lale men W. E. however, entirely wanting. Some heaping), this is BROOKL1N. Capt. Greene, Roll thick as a round cracker and cut like improved by adding walnuts, peanuts, la made the Ernest Pickering and Herbert Pickering. progress being among high small cookies. When done, split and fill with bananaa, oranges or other fruits. Mrs. M. E. Taylor, of Boston, is visiting Influence of jelly or sauce. Serve hot. I The Florence In gratitude (or relief Ircm caste people tbrongfa the Perhaps will write about something be- her bod, H. M. Pease. Nightingale society will complete schools and Bat one of There, I do think I will sleep better to-night sides salads aud the weather next time. hold a lair in the the colleges. chapel building next acheeaod of — from dts* Miss Georgia Allen and Mr. Stewart re- psine bad backs features Is for having tried to do my part. How do you Mol. The little ol this soci- the most encouraging _ Wednesday. girl* all like the old summer time”? turned to Boston Saturday. “good ety are working to raise lunda treaaiog kidney ilia—thousand* hare pub- among the lower castes and the out- inese recipes, Mol, win be very helpful. to assist the “One asks for sun, an’ one for rain, Miss Mary Stanley, of Boston, is visit- ladies' aid in "easts or no caste peoples. An’ sometimes bofe Thanks for your good letter. 1 don’t society repairs on the licly recommended Doan's Kidney Pills. together. Idng her mother, Mrs. Lizzie I for sunshine in heart know ing Stanley. church. This work should be heartily sup pray my but that I’m a little extravagant in KeeidenU of who so testified An' den forglts the weather.” who is Ellsworth, “The harvest Is and the filling the column so full of Byron Sellers, employed on JulyW. Hex. ported. great good things __ how were Love to all. Nell. was in town last week. years ago, say their cure* per- laborers are few." “The burden of the this but I have some more yacht Avocet, week, good SOUTH DEEK Your good cheer is very welcome. 1SEE. manent. This testimony dout.lv proves message from India today la ‘haste. things on hand, just received. Mrs. Winifred Goodwilley, of Arling- Katie McCauly is at Northeast the 1111*- What Is needed la Immediate re-en- I am sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. ton, Mass., is visiting at the Tolcott’s. living worth of Doan’s Kidney Pills to Dear Aunt Madqe: Harbor. forcement to prepare for the situation Jordan, who met with us at our last re* Mr. and Mrs. Earl, of Lynn, Maas., ar- worth kidney sufferers. When I looked ever the column, the title of C. E. who is that la sure to In the near fu union. Dell's letter, which follow s, tells rived at their summer home here Bye, employed In Bockland, Mrs. develop the poem struck me as very appropriate, yet Friday. John Header, of Ellsworth, Me., us about it. spent Sunday at borne. ture”—a situation that “calls for the see how have the Mrs. Charles of I hardly you courage to even West, Koxbury, Maas., •aye: “I was so well pleased with the most earnest on the of “take heart” the we have all Dear M. fl.’s: Mrs. Kaiph Saunders is her prayers part way neglected is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. B. Babson. entertaining benefit I derived from Doan’s Kidney PUB God's people." you. I don’t seem to have an idea worth Those of you who attended the reunion sister, Mrs. Spear, ol Brooklin. Mias Maxwell and Miss Robinson, of in 1902, that 1 gave a testimonial at that Burma mentioning, yet 1 wanted to say I appreciate last year will remember the pale, sweet face of Mis* mission work In N. are at W. S. Marshall, a nurse trom them. I *® ^Protestant the and useful found in Mrs. Jordan, one of the Invited and Yonkers, Y., Ford’s for the Marlboro, time, publicly recommending many good things the guests, is begun at Rangoon in 1807. Among summer. Mass., caring lor Mr*. F. A. Pierce. to no need o! • SfiM column. feel sad to know she has passed over the river glad say that 1 have bad the missionaries was Felix Ca- to Nellie early Olad to know Meb. is still n a inhered with be with us uo more, but those of us who Mrs. Nellie Barrett, of D. Walker, a pupil in the normal kidney remedy since. For aeveral yean Washington, it rey, the eldest son of William. Carey. the and to meet her at another have had the pleasure of her acquaintance for school at is at my back was weak and sore and 1 found living ^hope C., is visiting her ancle, J. H. Hooper, at Caatiae, home lor the sum- In 1814 he went from reanion when she back to Maine. years know of her worth as a mer. a sitting When Rangoon gets Heard neighbor and Haven. difficult to stoop or arise from one of to Ava. then the Burman “no by way of somejreturned Californians, t bat friend, whom it may be said it made I iu my capital, Mr*. Harry and Maud position. also had sharp pains Susan was on her way to Maine. If she our lives better to know. Doneld Jordan, of Hartford, Conn., it Stanley Bobbins Barman bad heard that there was an which fait like a knife thrust. Where spent with Mrs. kidneys, would call on me now would give her a bunch are our sisters? Word comes from spending his vacation with his mother, Tuesday Stephen Stanley at eternal God." In 1813 Rev. Adoniram at Until I procured Doan’a Kidney i’dli of fragrant rosesjrom nay pink moss bush. across the continent to inquire for several of Mrs. H. J. Jordan. West Stonington. Judson and his wife arrived at Ran Moore’s nothing did me soy latest idea is making the old stand-bys. Was it not to hear 1 Drug Store, Mj sugar pear pre- good Mrs. Rose Allen has returned William Sanndera, ol North and a mission. In 1819. from Meb? from Fox- Cambridge, good. This went directly to the goon opened serves. By using one cup of sliced rhubarb Hope she will come back to is with his remedy croft, where the hae been the of Mass., mother. AH are sorry a after six years of effort. Judson bap- and one cup of sugar to a quart of berries Maine where we are content to just live and gueet ■eat of my trouble and brought about Mrs. E. A. Blake. to hear that he is ill. tised his drat convert The Burmese you have preserves that equal most any culti- not scramble for wealth. cure.” M. A now are Mr. and Mr*. and rulers were for the moet part arrogant vated plum in flavor, and with the advantage B., you not proud of your The church aid society held its annual Pringle aon Nelaon, For sale by all dealers. Price fil) cents, of their not or much attorney nephew? Just write and tell us so. ol East N. are and brutal and tilled with hatred to- having any pit needing fair at the town hall Wednesday, July 18. Jeffrey, H., spending their Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, Think rkubarb and strawberries are a I remember him as a little tot vacation • sugar. coming to Net at Gray’s point. ■ole for United States ward everything that was foreign school. proceeds, |70. agents the. good combination for preserves, using a pint take Judson was called to endure Mrs. Harold Qrindle and little Mrs. C. M. Pert went to Houkland Hat- Be member the aame-Doan’s-snd upon of berries to|a quart Jar. What warm, dry weather! Not much grows daughter, and nrday lor medical advice. She was other. great sufferings persecutions, and We appreciate this oool, foggy morning after but insects. Garden planted two or three of Melroee, Mate., are visiting Mrs. R. K. accom- the early converts to Christianity suf- the hot wave of last week. Hope the cousins times. Unless the frost favors us by being Babaon. too to remember late, fear our will fered cruel persecutions, fines, lm won’t be busy Aunt Madge “garden ease” be scant- Dr. Bond and of Lots of family, Revere, Maes., 46bmi»nam». tortures and death from has her cares as welllas we. company, and enjoy It all. Don’t try prtsonment. ere visiting Mrs. Bond’s Mrs. With best for a to feed them 1 sister, the officials. In 1886. after several wishes*to;all pleasant sum- very well, yet hope they will all Hattie Joyce. mer. Cordially, C. come again. “Are” is busy picking goose- wars, the empire of Burma was an- berries. I bother her with a Oscar who has on are telephone call Ford, been employed on nexed to British India. Successful These hints ^preserving just in often. Dbll. steamer Pemaquid, is at home. C. and have _ Bay work is carried on time, Pickles,^ellies preserves missionary among Griffin baa taken his the held (or rather the kitchen) for a1 piece. the various Burman tribes, the work Heat your knife before cutting hard month or two. Mrs. James Deane, of Uoxbury, being largely directed by American soap. Mass., wtaobas been the guest of Mrs. Dee H. Baptists. The work of evangelization returned to her home Dear Friend* of the M. H. C\: Honest Medicines Versus f akes Powers, Thursday. Is largely carried on by trained ua- I cousins of our one Or, should say, Aunt President Taft's recent message Dr. Owens, of ut tlves This has been a feature of mis suggesting Wsterville, preached a an amendment to the Pure Madge, and we spell it with capita! A, for Pood and Drugs the church law in its relation to Baptist Sunday. Mrs. Ham- slonary work in Burma from the be doesn't she do when we her? It Prepared Medicines, finely neglect does not refer to such standard medicines as mond aud Miss Maxwell, of New York, ginning. is so easy to put off from week to week the Foley’s Honey and Tar and Compound Foley sang. things that don’t have to be done now. I be- kidney Pills, both of which are true medi- cines carefully of June 21. Che lieve any of the sisters are loyal enough to compounded ingredients Femme. whose medicinal qualities are recognised Bible send knew it by readings. help almost any time if'lhey was the medical profession itself as the best known remedial for the A CurFd Man. I Sam. v. 1-5; 1’s It. 72: vlli. especially needed, but probably most of us agents diseases they are intended to counteract. For over three Annapolis,-N. S,, Jan. 31, 1911. decades 17-19: cxv. 1-11; cxxxv, 15-21: Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound Manager of Maine a Ketley. Portland, Me has been standard for — FOLK Y’St HONKY -AND TAK COM- remedy cough*, colds Dear Sir It has been several since Matt. lx. 55-3R; x. 7. 8: xxvtli. 19. and affections of the throat, chest aud years I luugs took the Cure and will sav I’OLNIi. for children and for Keeley that durii 20; Acts i. 8: Rom. x, 14. 15; grown persons, and it re- ail this time I have never had the least Is effective for and colds in either tains its above desire coughs to-day pre-eminence all other for any kind of stimulants. I wish 1 I John v. Rev. xxti. 17. or grown No no of its kind. had 21; chiidreq persons. opiates, preparations Foley Kidney Pills taken the Cure 10 before I harmful drugs. In the yellow Re- are effective and years did. sin- package. equally meritorious. Sold cerely yours, Jos. fuse substitutes. For sale byfall druggists. by all druggists. McMulljn, Annapolis * Royal, Nova acotia. 0 The Girl Whom Th* q«*MM*a* hh* gin th* nag* *f The Racing j ntaUprlM la SUiwMth: that *m*m. Nobody Knew _ Ohm, The finest uno day, to tbo rarpria* « an. it Gif^r * EDWARD os Maiden. * > wu iuomt that tb* By D. ROGERS frcB ______r~ ri|ln | at ^aam- Oleomargarine.»*B J Jamaica bad toad* applies do* tor tb* ^^jSam!t£nmaSam prln- OwrriaM ky Anartm Fimb Aay » The best oils oF No Mhi ■ «•**■ band and bad | : Sh« Would Mory i aObrad to ablda OUttOH. uu. at the qeewh favorite. Ivettas 4a Frtak laid, par dot. 88#tt tb* Who Could Not Oft- bp Candida** aba had laid down Hmtnnm. whe wee adorned with the fsallry. tor bar aoltora Tb* waa at Ohkkna.. .28 *81 dtp ooca "Where did meet title at vtcaaey at tance ud celled mo Hot thrown 70a yaw wife Fowl.10*21 Into grant writ-rat On# from Havre with a ktae fleet, only to Campbell r* 1 asked. ■ap. aaid that tba raco would bo giro to be wrecked In the Alien tic. Another He smiled. Boot loose, per ton.If *14 By F. A. MtTCHBL tbo stranger lntondonally, another favorite, Btroesl. wee commissioned to Baled. .18*20 j ; I met Bar that whan It ahould coma off It would “Evidently," added, "you capture Booth America, but be waa Straw. i copyrUbt by Am*rtc*n Prom Amo- ; be found to bo with tba Intellect In- In some singular way." no more fortonata than for Loose.10*11 I ctatkm, 1|U Masgones, Baled .. 1ft deed of the and In thla caae the “Not at all. It Is not legs, any peculiarity ho waa killed at the Azores. These Vegetables. would stranger rarely win. All sorts of my meeting with ber, bat the multi- happenings, however, took a long time New potatoes, ok 60 Onions, ft 06008 of rumors bead 10 ft museum at Rome were afloat, greatly exag- I was to reach the ears of Lettuce, Cabbage, Oft In the Vatican plicity of my meetings before Queen Catherine, ft bunch from those that Tomatoes, 1502ft Beets, 08 dress gerated had before and In the meantime she nursed her Oft > there Is a statue of a Greek girl even introduced to her." Cucumbers, each Spinach, pk 26 been circulated, as to the of String beans, qt 06 New Squash, ft 06 for running a race. Ber body Is Identity dreams and prepared a map on whitb the suitor. “Explain.” Carrots, bunch 08 Green peas, pk 26380 knit A few of her admirers "the new world of the north” and “the Sweet ft 10 bunch 2ft covered by a single garment, “I was one at a dance that potatoes, Celery, claimed for him a divine evening limbs are bare. Tbe statue origin, hint- new world of the south" figured as Fruit. while her at the of a ing that he was the followed a dinner house doz doz who upon It far bark offspring of Mi- colonies of France. This cartographic Oranges, 30g50 Lemons, 85040 takes one gases 13 50 nerva. beside whose statue ho had friend, there being many more at the Cantaloupe,each 10g Watermelons, tbe dawn of our civilization be- curiosity Is among the map treasures Gooseberries, box 15 ft 18 toward Raspberries, are no chemicals gun bis discourses, and that his moth- dance than at the dinner. While danc- of the National in Paris. Blueberries, box 10 In the Grecian archipelago at a time library er had In his head the words 1 saw a herself, not Grorerle*. running maid of the Vatican put of ing girl sitting by THEREin CLICQUOT CLUB when this ! ft wisdom that came from his mouth. having any attention whatever. 1 woa Coffee—per Rice, per ft 06 308 lived was an Island governed by King Sweetness That Never Palls. Rio, 18025 Vinegar, gal 20a25 linger Ale —no saccharin, At the other extreme were those who for 1 wag very much struck Mocha, aft Cracked wheat, 05 He had no sons to sue surprised, b the Vizier Artngones. During sleepless night Java, 35 Oatmeal, ft 04 chemical coal tar flavor- upheld the theory that he was a treed with ber appearance. ‘1 shall get her per acids, ceed blui. but a daughter. Thesbla. had Mujjeduddln Kumija dispatched his Tea—per ft— Buckwheat, pkg 20 man. out of that' 1 rcmnrked Inwardly, or color, T he finest Imrii to him. who grew up a very slave. Rodruddln EJas. to bring him Japan, 45y65 Graham, 04^06 rig ginger, been Oolong, 80065 Rye meal, mat the race was to be a muscular 'she’s not a girl for a wallflower.’ 04^06 woman. From childhood she sweets. The slave a copper ft Gran meal, ft 03 he best and n touch o; shapely with almost procnred Sugar—per sugar, Interest In athletics and one waa Boon evident from prepara- And. being acquainted kettle with kinds of Granulated, 06*2 306 Oil—per gal— evinced a deep heaped many C 06 Linseed, 1 15 d,e best limes and lemons are tions at tbe stadium for the every one In the room. 1 asked one Yellow, her royal birth took event fruits and sweets, and Mujjeduddln Powdered, 08 a 10 Kerosene, 10 312 notwithstanding a after another to Introduce me. Not a and the v/a'er is the were to large number of extra seats being to eat. Molasses—per gal— ;sed; In games which open began Havana, 40 part In for tbe occasion. person 1 applied to had any acquaint- ale water When she waa years pat It was ru- "Ton relish them, my master?" asked Porto Rico, 5ft inert ginger in the women. eighteen her. time I mored that tbe waa so Incensed ance with Every spoke Meets end Provisions. old she captured many prises In those king the slave. rvorid, at the Idea to any one on the subject 1 was obliged 1 Beef, ft: Pork, ft: contests that were instituted of his daughter's holding The vizier his shoulders. athletic not shrugged Steak, 18 336 16 such ■ contest to point ber out and It was long Chop, 318 ber father, and waa de- with an nnknown per- “These fruits are sweet—for the mo- Roasts, 12 325 Ham, lb 20 by the king, was about per 325 son before she noticed what 1 Corned, IO3I8 Shoulder, the champion runner. that be bad consented to the racs ment.” he said, "but show me a fruit I3gl4 clared She smiled, and avery time the smiled Tongue, 17316 Bacon, 20g25 Bad blow only on condition that if she failed to the sweetness of which will endure Veal: Salt. 10 Iter success waa a to tbe 312 ounced ;.ioek-o Club) 1 set off to find a now person to lntro- Steak, 25 Lard, 12014 (?ron for It pat Into ber head a fancy win she should be beheaded. Than even unto the Judgment day." king, dnce me. Finally, after leaving tbs Roasts, 15018 became a fixed resolution which those who admired and loved her were "Such fruits there ore, my master,” Lamb: that room In oearcb of another possible go- an edict from the cried the slave and hastened toward Lamb, 1502ft seriously Interfered with his arrange appalled by king each 05 between. on my return the lady was Tongues, Ginger^Aie ment for tbe succession. There were confirming this report Buppoao that tha Meached Huaa, where he awoke Freah Pish. gone. Use Clicquot Club and you by accident or weakness the starving orphans In tbs bouse of 06 ft several princes among the neighboring temporary name. When Cod, Salmon, 26080 "I didn't oven know bar Haddock, 06 Sword ft uan be sure of using the best who were suitors for the ■ha should loaa the race, aba would All win and led them forth Into the flsb, 20 Islands prin- to the boot about bar l could Halibut. I spoko of 12080 ale the market affords. hand, any one of whom would loaa bar head and they would loaa room hla master. Overjoyed, the Lobsters, ft 20 finger cess’ not rvtn describe bar sufficiently for been acceptable to her father, their prlnceas. children devoured tbs fruits. FIomX* Grain and Feed. Other Clicquot Club Benra|ci| have him to recognise bar by my description. but abe announced that aba would Buch a contest between these two "Look, oh. my master,11 said the Floor—per bbl— Oats, bu 000621# Birch Beer, Rout Beer, Ho said aba most bo from out of town 6 0008 80 Shorts—bag 1 40*1 BO man who could not outran waa to slave. “Here yon see fruits the sweet- Sarsaparilla, Lemon marry no enough oxdto the cltiaens of in an eastern Corn, 100ft bag l 50 Mix teed, bag 1 6001 60 or a newcomer, city Blood her. The strongeet one of them ac- the Island, and whan It waa ordered ness of which todures onto the Judg- Corn meal,bag l 60 Middlings,bg 1 6001 8Q Soda, Orange. thoee In the swim are cold to those Cracked corn, l 60 tbe condition, and a waa that the should loaa bar cepted day princess bead not In It and sometimes the most de- Sold by ths best grocers. set for the trial. The king waa pres- If aha did not win avaryhody want are left to LAW SIOAIDING WEIGHTS AND MB ASCIIS. sirable persons to know ~~ "**’— A bushel of siIt shill The Club Co, ent, and his subjects thronged the wild to obtain admittance to the sta- -—•' Two Little Bills. Liverpool weigh 60 Clicquot themselves. pounds. End bushel of Turk’s Island silt The waa known to dium where It was Robert waa MU1U. Mam. stadium. prince to take place. When "This girl whom nobody knew and in the bsblt of expecting shill weigh 70 pounds. and The standard weight of bushel of > mat be well built for euch encounters, the gates were opened a throng at to be Intro- reward for every little service. At the potatoes my unsncceasful attempt in good order sod fit for shipping, is 60 waa Invincible end of the week be made the princess regarded once poured in that soon filled the In- duced to her Interested me Possibly ont a "bill” pounds: of ipples, 44 pounds. The standard of bushel of even by the strongest. closure, and they were closed again, and that to hla mother and carefully laid It weight beins in It was this attempt failure good order and fit for shipping, is 60 pounds; tbe two stood on tbe where her wonld fall When starting leaving a multitude without kept ber In my mind. At any rate, 1 eyes upon It of wheat, beets, ruta-baga turnips and pels, 60 of 66 of 52 line It was seen that tbe prince waa far The princess and tbe philosopher ber. endeavor Tha Items were as follows: pounds; corn, pounds; onions, could not forget My of carrots, English turnips, rye and above "Mother Owe# to Robert better developed than below the stood on tbe starting line, the princess was a compliment to ber, and 1 was founds;ndisn meal,50pounds;of parsnips,46pounds; cents of and buckwheat, 48 pounds; of oats, waist, while tbe princess possessed a with a loose cloak about her to would me on a "Five for running errands. barley protect quite sure It put pleas- 32 pounds, or even measure as by agreement. "Five cents for feature that waa both a mark of her from the wind In lieu of tbe mod- ant footing with ber If I could find her. being good.” in a woman aud an element for ern sweater. The wore auto- That evening there appeared beside beauty philosopher "One day 1 was driving my Any min who repeats half he hears talks Robert's a success In a foot race. She waa very the same baggy garments tn which mobile down an avenue when 1 met plate paper upon which was too much. written: long of limb between tbe knee and the be had discoursed. When tbo order another machine, on the back seat of “Robert owes for of Foley KidneyfPillN are composed ofringredi- j As soon as started this was to make the sat the whom mother, years thigh. they given ready princess which girl nobody ents specially selected for their for corrective, superiority became evident. Her threw off her cloak, while her antag- knew. There was an amused smile on happiness, nothing; nursing him healing, tonic and stimulating effect upon the kidneys, bladder and strides were than those of ber onist doffed his and, face as we shot each other. 1 j through long illnesses, nothing; for do- urinary passages. They longer upper garment : her by are antiseptic, antilithic and a uric acid sol- ■ I PROCURED AND mod.l, ! lug good to him, vent. For sale DEFENDED.,1fcndTree H competitor and slowly but surely car unloosening a cord about his waist determined to turn and follow her that nothing.” by all druggists. ■ arnwirw'ii ) :i 'to.f>rexi»crt search and report. ■ free advice, how to obtain patents, trade marks, ■ ried from him. She on tbe at Thoroughly ashamed of himself, her away easily dropped bis nether covering j 1 might see where she lived or, any | ■ copyright*, etc., ,N ALL COUNTRIES. ■ Robert ran to mother, threw his arms saves won tbe goal, and the prince lost hi* grouud. i rate, get some clew to ber Identity. 1 Hfciirrttsnnmis, ■ Business direct xciih Washington time,^ ; around her and sobbed: ■ money and often the patent. suit as well as the race. An exclamation of surprise greeted slowed up and brought my auto about, "Mother, I will do I can 9 Patent and Infringement Practice Exclusively. I on sufficient everything or us This result discouraged other royal his uncovered body. He proved to be then started back. put Pauper .Notice. 9 Write come to at for after and I’ll never M BIS ninth was to overtake the other car and you this, ask Street, opp. United States Patent I suitors, and King Artagones much a combination of bone and muscle, speed A VINO contracted with the Citv of Elis* to me 9 WASHINGTON, D. C. ; came so near to turn you give anything but Just n worth to and care for troubled In the matter of a marriage without a particle of superfluous fat that, happening support those who i love.”—Otsaha may need assistance during the next five her she sa w me. World-Ilerald. for his daughter He bogged her to Then came a conflict of feeling head, years and are legal residents llsworth, "At that moment a who forbid all persons trusting them on mv ac- change the condition so that tbe among tbe onlookers. the policeman Perhaps count, as there is plenty of room and accoru- had been me overtook me fleetest among her suitors of royal princess would lose tbe race and ber chasing Easy to Please. I odatious to cart* for them at the Citv Farm I on me to Not said his house. M. J. Drummev ■ blood might take the prize, but she head: Perhaps she would beat this and called stop. daring j “So.” girl's papa furiously, would not consent. She would of muscles work- to disobey the mandate of od officer I "you think you could make my little many splendid combination 1 of the law. I was obliged to come to a girl Arethusn happy?” no man who could nut beat her In a ing under a soft white skin! What a j halt. The 1 had been following The young man considered his race, but she would marry uny man match between such a perfect man girl pro- saw whole and The who had and a who could outrun her She was con the tiling laughed spective pa-ln-law, gout and woman: 1 took me to the station, and face like a Ore engine and an sldered to be safe from matrimony on Tbe stadium was an oblong affair policeman eighty 1 a fine for horsepower temper. those terms, for she had come to be a sunk In the ground, wltb stone sents paid speeding “Mud Is the only word that describes "She’s been happy with you, sir, marvel of fleetness Hut the king was for rbe stwH-tators Tbe terms of tbe What could I do? I hud hasn't she?” the young man asked. much concerned lest some herdsman or should my feelings. race were that the contestants think lost my chaDce and might never have “I so, my boy—I think so," re- artisan or soldier In the ranks should go over the course on three lops, tbe another. plied his girl's papa. "I certainly enter the lists and off the tbe where carry prize goal being starting point, think so. 1 so "But 1 did One day I was on a think certainly. I’m One day there appeared In the mar- was also the royal box. Tbe princess was summer time, and certain 1 think so.” ket train. It every place of the capital a young man showed an exhilaration or, rather, an chimed In the I ■■ If you have used William Tell Flour it window was open. We came to a atop “Well,” young man dressed In a loose costume never seen indicated that Interest which clearly 1 "If she's been with at a station. I as reading a news- sweetly, bappy will be bread that is good as most cake— there before, who. taking position near she knew her father’s edict to be no 1 think I can make her A tral coming from the oppo- yon certainly a a paper cake that is miracle of tender lightness— statue of Minerva, began to dis mere thrent It was a matter of life I think so. I think so cer- site direction steamed up to the statiou happy. I I course on philosophy At first he talk and death with her There was that I tainly. I'm certain I think so." pastry that melts in your mouth. and stopped, the two trulns remaining | || | ed to vacancy, but one passing stopped about tbe stranger to Indicate confi- side by side for several minutes. Then Our own to listen, tbeu another and another till dence. None knew whether he would special process, I beard the other train begin to move Sleepwalking. a crowd stood rapt In the stranger's doom to death the woman be desired Somnambulism has been a latest improved machinery, per- Looking up from my paper, there In mystery II Ideas the race, but the prevalent and a matter of discussion to the med- eloquently expressed Every day by winning a window directly opposite mine, slow- [ I ! feet organization, selected Ohio he win If he spoke, each day attracting a large belief was that he would from me. with an ical profession since the days of the ly moving away I « Red Winter Wheat, makes Will* crowd and more till ancients. knew as well as we exciting attention could amused smile on her face—indeed, They the all now know that there is such u iam Tell the ideal flour. whole city was Interested In his Tbe signal was given, anil the run- mischief lb her eye—was the girl H i discourses. Of course the of the wind. Tbe stran- thing as somnambulism, or walking In reports ners were off like whom nobody knew. 1 It is also the most economi- what was on ear* then maintain- the sleep. They attempted to explain going reached the ger slowly fell behind, “As soon as she bad passed oat of of it just as modern medical science has cal—makes the most loaves the king, and the stranger was sum ed a trifling distance When they pass- sight, snatching my belongings. 1 ||| first been endeavoring to explain It ever utoned to tbe palace He was received ed the starting point Rfter the arose and ran out on the platform, to the sack. In since. But as It was then so It Is now. |||| the audience hall by the king, the lap It was evident that both were put- Intending to board her train, hut she There are so many explanations that it in readiness royal family and the court aud or- ting forth every effort. Od tbe second was In the last car. 1 saw it pulled Have for even the physician la puzzled to decide dered to expouud his philosophy. All lap tbe stranger continued to lose, but away with accelerating rapidity. Nev your next baking. Re- which to accept. jli Were his Ideas round to gain. When run after and as 1 did so deeply Impressed with midway began ertbeless 1 It member to order " hen be bad finished he was Intro- the point for tbe third lap was passed aaw the girl that nobody knew with II|| Tbe A Freak. duced to those present. Including tbe tbe two were neck and neck. her bead out of the window laughing noticed to be The elevator was waiting for pas- iTlncess Thesbla. wbo found him as princess' breath was at me. For a tew minutes 1 gained 11! of her sengers on the ground floor of the sky- engaging In conversation aa be waa on coming hard, while that antag- on the train, tben It pulled away from when an woman was scraper excited flut- tbe rostrum. • onist Improved. me and 1 gave up tbs race. when tered over to the man running It roui ima ume ut strangers tua- The race was a tong one, and “Again 1 waa plunged In the depths "Does this car go up?" she Inquired, couraea In the market teas tbe runners neared the goal they came of or. rather. 1 was all nerv- place grew despair, breathless aDd bla conversations at the palace slowly, the stranger In tbe lead. Then laned up at these misadventures, and “No, madam," said the elevator man, more frequent. Among bla andiencee it was seen that tbe princess was somehow 1 teemed to be coming un- unperturbed, "this Is a crosstown car." at the latter the Princess Tbee Suddenly a cry arose from der a spell. time 1 saw that place staggering. Every —New York Times. bla waa always to bo found and lis- tbe spectators Tbe stranger, seeing amused smile It threw me into a tened to bla words with rapt attan- that their eyes were turned on tbe wont condition than before. 1 waa The One Plsoe. Hon. Later be was summoned to tor- princess, looked back and saw her lying almply being tantalised to madness. "That Mrs. Gossip seems to bo St ture to her and her salt on the ground. Though be was within Singular, wasn't It?" home wherever she may be." There waa great cariosity to know a hundred feet of the goal, he stopped, "Very." “Well. 1 saw her In a place yester- whence the stranger hailed and what went back to her and lifted her in hi* "It was about six monina alter tuts WOOD BURNING FURNACES day where she seemed decidedly rest- | | was his name. Bat on this subject be arms. She was unconscious. that my friend Jimmy Dutton was less sod uneasy.” would give no satisfaction. Borne said When the Princess Theabla came to married. We dad been rdnms for “You don’t say? Where was that?” Simple, Strong, that be waa from Athens, bat ot herself, supported by her antagonist, years, and nothing would do but tbat “At home."—Catholic Standard and many persons wbo bad visited tbat she before her father, I must be ble beet man. Be made an Powerful* appeared tbe, Times t'lty none could be found wbo bad king. The stranger said: engagement wltb me to take me to ever beard him discourse or bad eveu “O king. 1 have not wdn the race ; call on tbe young lady wbo was to Proven so the most Awkwardly Expressed. by *eeu him there. Others averred that against your daughter; therefore your, be hla bride's maid of bonor. We call- Gushing Lady—I hear you’ve been tie was the son of a alave. wbo bad dr royal edict does not condemn her. But ed tbe evening before tbe wedding, severe of all tests—the away for your health, professor. Mu- 'eloped a remarkable for orator-. I voluntarily gave up the contest that but tbe young lady. Ulss Pemberton, gift sical Lion—Yes. I've been at Marlen- The atrauger neither conBrmed n •- I might have won; therefore I have sent down word tbat abe was sick In test of time. i bad taking tbe baths. Gushing Lady— denied any of these ■ n fulfilled her condition of marriage. It bed trying to brace beraelf np to be suppositions. Really! That must have been a change tlnulng to derote to tostne la time that I throw off all mystery. I able to officiate ibe next day. Ibis To an J himself for you)—London Opinion. get apparatus lug the people and Instilling Into n>< am king of —, one of these Grecian rendered It Impossible for us to meet higher motives for their living. Islands, and I ask tbe band of tbe prin- till just before tbe ceremony. you can rely on, Whst's the Answer! buy J It became known that he waa of cess as one equal in rank with your "Tbe next day tbe groom, attended ®t Tbe Inevitable kid and his question: the palace, and It to be wbia self." by bis supports. 1 leading, inarched a noiNlTOK or HOT began "Papa, who furnishes the meat for the T>ered that the waa coming When those about the royal down one stale of tbe church, while princess standing train, the cow catcher or the train under bla Influence. Every one won box beard this they sat up a about the bride marched down another. BLAST made by butcher?"—Sants Fe Employees’ Mag- THI HOT BLAST uered what more distant When we all met at the chancel who would' happen If she which others knowing; azine. should fall In tore with him. Since that good had come to tbe princess. | do you suppose 1 met face to face aa __ WOOD & BISHOP CO., Bangor, Me. esta|ushed ■to one knew who he this and tbe stadium with the maid of honor?" was, result took up. rang j Pretty Bad. was the "Tbe whom knew 7” • • more to be deplored, and If acclamations. girl nobody "Was the bad?" Sold by J. P. Eldridge, Ellsworth. should “Tea." play turn out that he waa, as The young king married tbe princess, I “nilJt "Wen. should say. Why, oven tbs been son one Island was ruled "What did abe doT How did Mo reported, the of a atom and eventually lights went out at the doss of tbs •marriage between him and the prin- by one and bar own Island by another meet your ce“* second net” would bring down, flgnmdmty ef her eons 1 "8b# laughed." SUBSCRIBE FOR THE AMERICAN Jectof prohibition. All the moral power Buwons FALLS. county boy, n nottvo ot Grant Fond, to ret baalaaaa nap of tba Btata ought W. a. American Interact In tbn IraB. Augustas Klaaaldare Utah taMiHt to a„._ myt €U0®ortlj writ**: "My prohlbi- be eoUdl? united again* the oooetttu- Hagaaaad thl* MUla, altar ettatlng kia Uon In toon. My ntnn youra* la to the at Baal Btaefclll week, aaraaytag. fcaUly awT**** fight mi. ttonal change tough! regard JOUBBAL haa not Mr. Dwurrv Mb^ Jnty M, of was Um »* A LOCAL AllO POLITICAL raaidanoa In Maaaachoaett* liquor traOc. Mian AUaa Harris, Portlaad, If***’ Oroao, slatted u Tb the Miter of The 4MNMM aad wilt panpta, Jem* a. Mender alter cal my old opinion that the Maine Prohibition, remaned tram the concil- guest of E. A. Flood Sunday. end .im, ^ ■mT WBDHK8DAT ARlHOOl Wbn we laet met yoo uMawtokHp law, avan as It ia abuaod, to hotter tor iation, will be morel from tba atatntaa Joha H. Dyw is horns traai Portlaad for A* yon informed about the no-Urn—a move- Btanekard than whal within two peon. Lloanee oOere noth- a raaatloa of aavsral wseka. Stanley, of BLLSWOBTB. MAIHK. tho younger generation ment. Ita only purpoee la to main organ- EUawoeih, oar *he fueet of Jama* Qrindle BY KB here. I the in ing bnt a lowarlag of moral atandard, Mia* Clara MePbenoa, of Banco*, to and *lh ZT prevails hope prohibition ised effort to maintain prohibition and Bw' COtrSTY PUBLISHIH8 OO. a diagracefal allianoa with the moat gi- EJa- orday Sunday. AABOOOK amendment stays.’’ Mr. Archer to a onr constitution. The movement ia In no vialtlng bar grandparent#, Llewellyn r. W. BOLLIB s, Bailor mad MaBBint. gantic curee of tba age, and a multipllen- tan. Bowena Garter graduate of the Boston university sense partisan, and thorn who are taking oald and wife. returned homes,,, W. B. Titus, assocIam Bdltor. tion of all the art la experienced by tba day, after etattln* relatiree and is dean of the Suffolk active part in iU work, are not trying to Maatar Robert Haynes succeeded in in BWm law school, tba and *hui s »U» «or ris people and pictured by anti-prohibi- North Sedcwick. •Bbsorlptlon Prlos—B2O0 fSAr; make political capital for any party or a salmon at bis camp 90 oenta for three months. If puW school ot law of Boston. under landing good-sited months; tion preaa prohibition. Irefnr darter and of strictly In advance, $1*0, 79 end » rents Candida tea. at Green Lake last week. wife, Bluehili All J. M. H. ited respectively. Single ooptoe 5 oents. Bat this does not mean that thoaa who Mr. Ckrter a aiater, Mr*. of $2 e£ trade be- C. J. and Geor~ * reereges are reckoned at the rate per The reciprocal agreement Treworgy family spent Sunday are prominent and active in ita work are of Mr. Cunnlnrham, Sunday. year. tween the United States and Canada, 400 SHOTS A MINUTE. at Ortond, guests Treworgy’i sister, Advertising Rates—Are reasonable and will be men of no political prominence; for many embodied in the so-called Mrs. Annie E. Gray. made known on application. reciprocity ot them are end have been active in their DOtXAHDTOWN. the Senate last Saturday With New Army Gun Tauter Coaid Frank Morgan and wife returned to Mildred Mead, of Business communications should be addressed bill, passed parties. But in making np the com- Bererly, Mas,., is.,, order* made Have Stood Off Sioux Nation. after a short to. and all checks and money pay* a vote of 53 to 27. A of baa been to Brookline, Mate., Thursday, itin* ber aunt, Mre. A. Publishing by majority mittees the one purpose get Mary Bonsey. able to Tu Hancock Courty A new grin, whose use in the United visit here. Kll*worth, Maine. the voted against it. Of men who could and would do effective Mrm. Agues Salley, who ha. been Co., _ republicans rev- visi, Htate army, it Is said, may mean the i E. A. Flood and wife and B. 8. Jelllaon tbe 53 votes for it, 32 were demo- work, and there has always been an effort in* her mother, Mrs. Harriet Barron clutiouizing of even the moat modern at tiu Thin week’s edition of The of the 27 to have men o! both on and family spent Sunday Tremont, returned to New York. cratic, and 21 republican; political parties which for methods of war on land, and guests of Dr. T. 8. Tspley and famliy. American is copies. 24 were and 3 the committees. Marion Smith, who bas against it, republican lightness, power and general effectiveness been keepin. be- The organisation of the movement con- Kev. Mr. GuptU, of Yarmouth, occupied houae for Mr*. Kiira democratic. The bill does not is said to be the most terribly destructive Htaekpole, (,,, Average for the year of 1910, 2,375 sists of s State committee ot sixteen mem- the pulpit last Sunday morning and even- turned to ber home at Ellsworth come operative until the Canadian weapon ever invented, is now being se- Fan, bers, one from each county. A State ad- ing. He »ill preach the coming Sunday. government takes similar action. cretly manufactured in the Springfield ar- WEDNESDAY JULY 26, 1911. visory committee of from five to ten mem- W. H. Brown went to Cherryfield to-day mory for Uncle Sam’s use. lost. bers from each and and county, county to arrange for the rebuilding of the mill of This gun, less than twenty COUNTY OOSS1I*. town committees. The of the weighing book Sellers for Prohibition? make-up A. L. Stewart ■* Sons, which was struck Are Liquor pounds, and manipulated after the fashion Hank SavinRaKoTiwuwIdbr^, Hank. State committee ia as follows: and burned in the County Kinder week’s issue The American Bar Harbor is better. out a by lightning spring. return lo Cim» c, In last feeling Washing- of an ordinary fowling piece, pours { BvasiLt, TraaaarlJr Androscoggin, Henry W. Oakes,Auburn; Mr. Brown expects to begin active opera- said: “About the silliest phase of the ton despatches announce that President stream of bullets when in action at the Aroostook, Carl E. Milliken, Island Falls; j tions with his crew in a week or ten is the Taft will, after ail, cruise along the Maine rate of 400 shots minute. days, fox Unit. anti-prohibitionists' campaign Cumberland, George VV. Norton,Portland; per this in which case Bar Har- coast — that the wholesale sifmmer, The new firearm is called the Benet- ; At Contention for, proposition liquor- Franklin, Frank W. Butler, Farmington; “ bor will, of coarse, expect a visit. Mercier, and is of French invention. It OBITVABT. COTTAi.HMae. B. C. Ixien, Eo.i Surry. Me. dealers are really working with the Hancock, Dr. R. L. Grindle, Mt. Desert. ; has a stock that is against the With the death ol Mrs. Amanda Gerry prohibitionists, because Maine as a Kennebec, Thomas C. Ingraham, Augusta: placed shoulder, in action the soldier lies on the on July 9, there passed away a women of JFor iaU. State is a better market The Trenton man, who went to hia barn Knox, liufus G. Condon, Lin- prohibition Friendship; sterling her one last and found his ground, resting the gun on two supports. qualities who, through busy than it would be un- morning week, coln, Kendall M. Dunbar, Damariacotta; tmniOBiLE- for their goods end useful had held the re- B.^Rei; Mt horse dead and chickens smothered This gives an advantage in safety over the life, alwaya MoRtrell The Portland forty Oxford, George D. Bisbee, Humford; Pe- A'" tourinec.r; der license.” Argue, Hiram Maxim since spect and esteem of the people among equipped. New lire., top. to death in their pen, was in “hard Arte mas rapid-firing model, wlnd.hi.ld, to show surely nobscot, Weatherbee, Lincoln, speedometer. SAW. Olo. E. after quoting that, endeavors the of that la to whom she lived. Follow.,fflj luck”. Piscataquis, Galvin W. Brown, Dover; operator gun compelled worth. Me. tbat the is not the silliest stand in it. This him in Mrs. Gerry in order to avoid tome of the proposition Sagadahoc, James H. Ames, Bowdoinbam; feeding brings in the cam- State Commissioner Hardison full tight of the or rather it brings confusion of a Fourth of July celebration, hood phaeton top phase anti-prohibitionist Highway Fred| F. enemy, In condition. snfrf Somerset, Lawrence, Skowhegan; BDOUY-Seooudfood Addreu iii-aitcsr was over three men in for three are want to spend the night of July S with paign. in Bar Harbor last week looking Waldo, M. J. Dow, Brooks; Washington, sight, required p. hoi in, Eilewortk. her Mrs. Arthur Mitchell. She The are the proposed automobile road authorized for the manipulation of this heavier daughter, anti-prohibitionists saying Ashley St. Glair, Calais; York, B. C. Jor- I tone of Hudr.... the last are near- wag not well for several days, but kspt and so many things that by legislature. Surveys dan, Alfred. weapon. HAT-Aboutdrum -A", core Aninitaa oBce, Eili. doing silly | worth. and arrangements are being Onoa a row of man la on and about the house, and to the daugh- it is not easy to say whioh is the I ly completed, Of the executive committee A. P. Leigh- brought np the Dp I made (or payment of land damages if the firing line with the will ter whowae iu to tee her on the afternoon silliest. Bnt it is difficult to imagine ton is chairman, and George W. Norton ia guns they drop frend •qnare'cW^P town votes to accept the road, which con- down after the fashion of of July 8, she said at parting, “I will be FANO—Second-bendAddreaa, Box tie, Rfl. worth! Me sillier than the effort to con- secretary. sharpshooters. anything sists in of roads and in It is the work a at borne In the part existing part In the minds of tome there teem* be of aeoood to raise the morning.'' common-sense that the to vince people of a new Commissioner Hsrdiaon When Mr. Mitcbell earns borne at an way. an guns on the low supports. Another sec- in and impression that it is only temperance persons engaged representing “I believe thst the road and la in hour morning, she of ssys: proposed men and church who think ond, everything readiness for early Sunday spoke in people very d the liqnor traffic want prohibition ia safe and for auto- action. With the word of command the bis return, and after a few \rr\CO&o**fHonn'tOtutn«r’ ki unut. prohibitionists recognize the gravity of the when loaded on the battlefield, received it* for Daniel Richardson. Join* F. R< ui. thing even worse, and then 9aw the same county are: Byron H. Mayo, Southwest issue.” Hoyt K. Artrrtw. door or window of charge from a gunner, who him- fly go through the open Harbor, State senator; Albert F. Richard- perched Alphonso B. Nason and wife returned to E ’.aworth. July 14. 1»11. A««HKirt Then it on to self on of the in full of goes say: your dining-room and wipe his feet on the son, Oastine, principal Castine normal top weapon sight Bangor Thursday, after spending their va- “Now that the moment has ar- the The new- is loaded and NOTICE. auspicious tugar, tangle his legs in the butter or take school; Elmer P. Spofford, Deer isle, rail- enemy. gun cation here. rived when the of tf birebr given that F---fericR galling yoke prohibition a bath in the milk? If you should watch road Parker operated by one man lying fiat on the commissioner; Spofford, Fred A. Moore and of Bar Litt of V ::,m can be cast off, there must and should be no wife, Harbor, >TOTIOKI efieid. Bucksport. every fly that comes into the house, you former railroad ground. made application totho Maine Mat* *rd of in until the sun sets on that Bucksport, commissioner; spent Sunday with Mrs. Moore's respite agitation The to it* night Bar Examiner* lor examination for would see that most of them had come W. former Maxim, owing unwieldineas, eventful day in September, when by the voice Henry Sargent, Sedgwick, iwrents, H. F. Maddocka and wife. to the bar at the neat session of tbi *.>ard to from such to the food on table. had to be wheeled about. The new gun of the it has been to the tilth your State senator; Forrest B. be heid at Portland, on the firs’ Tuesday of people proclaimed Snow, Btuchill, A severe thunder sec- is therefore ten times a* storm visited this August, 1911. John B. Mam a*. world that Maine is free from her Bad as filth is, it is not the worst thing Western Hancock court. effective, j nightmare judge municipal Beeret* ry of the Board. is because it is carried about as a* tion Saturday afternoon, accompanied by of prohibition.” that flies carry about. They swarm about The advocates of believe easily prohibition s of and an ordinary rifle. With one of these heavy downpour rain, bail-atones Certainly there is no uncertain open sewers, drains and outhouses which that it greatly reduces the use of intoxi- NOTICE. it is cited Custer could have of unusual size. 'VTOTICE ia that Wi:fred ar«1 to bv on their beads and armory is being guarded with the strict- Itiver, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Inez like could there be carry bodies, legs, ple. held at Portland, on the fi’»t Tuesday of this, anything est About men are em- at W'. M. Higgins'. 1911. John U. Mamua*. (which are covered with fine hairs—just But careful observers see that in addi- secrecy. sixty Smith, August. aillier than the effort to convince Secretary of the I »rd. on them, and it is that — suited for catching and holding this sort tion to its good moral effect, prohibition ployed expected people that they want in within a few weeks some will be prohibition of thing) the germs of typhoid fever, promotes material prosperity. And 1 be- ready GKKKN LAKE. NOTICE. Maine? cholera for a trial. la given that Rodney W. infantum, (sometimes called sum- lieve that a very prevalent opinion is ex- hereby Mr*. M. C. Baker is at ber new Carter, of Biuetill. Maine, ha* made ap- Another obtained on mer diarrhoea of children) tuberculosis cottage N'OTICB fact, pretty pressed by the following address issued by plication to the Maine Mat* Board f Bar BKOW.N TKOL'T. (or a rest. is that the United and several other diseases. no-license State committee: r.xaoilnera for examination for admiastoa to good authority, the — the bar at the next aea«lon o# the hoard to be Dr. L. O. Howard chief-entomologist of To the Citieme of M*inet A. £. Bell and trite, ot States brewery association has appro- First I nt rod tired into This Country ! Philadelphia, held at Portland, on the Ural Tuesday of The of are at the Clark 1911. B. MaMqax. to be used in the the United States department of agricul- adoption prohibition sixty years ago cottage. August. John priated 4150,000 from Germany. Secretary of the Board. ture, calls the common bouse the challenged the attention of legislators in fly “ty- John F. of the Mr. and Mrs. Burrell, of Washington, campaign against prohibition throughout the English-speaking world. It Stanley, superintendent j phoid fly", because so many casev of ty- D. are at tbs Morse collage. NOTICE Maine. What is sillier than the made the name of Maine familiar where State fish hatchery at Auburn, in a letter: C., phoid fever have been caused by his car- la hereby given that V* B it never in the Maine 1 Ethel Gorham and a of friends are that these are otherwise might have been known. Foods, says: party HUisdell. of Boillvan. Maine va raade proposition people giv- the germs from one sick to >7t>TlCEI rying person It new to the motto of “I read in a at the a to Maine Mate Bos.of Bar to abolish some- gave significance our your paper letter written by Gorham cottage for week. application the ing away 8150,000 another. These germs are so small that Examiners for examination for ad- *•<< c to State, putting her in the van of a great move- “B. C. J. Biakealee in relation ! which are in E-,” camps, Mr. Gardner and a party of twelve boys the bar at the next session of the board ** thing they really you cannot see them without a now more than ever microscope, ment. claiming the at- to a fish there. at on the first lur- »y of caught My opinion, ac- from Kali Mass., are near held Portland, favor of? but the which is eating from the same tention of men hav- Kiver, camping 1111. John B. Mi ■»*. fly thoughtful everywhere, to the of the is August. cording description fish, the hatchery. Secretary ol the Board. When Boston dealers plate with you may be carrying a million ing for its object the relief of society from one liqnor appeal that it was a Qer.nan or brown trout. I to the manufacturers of of them. of its heaviest burdens. From that day to this, Mrs. C. Ryder and daughter Charlotte, bowling am sure is the NOTICE. to that relief has quite this only State fish more than wTild legislation looking been in- who have been of Mrs. Mark Crow- them to a Flies kill people beasts guests wife. K. Bice, having eft my bed alleys, asking sign petition fluenced to a or leas extent the hatchery that has raised any brown trout. Mary greater by pro- have returned to and board. I forbid sli to abolish in and poisonous snakes. Many of these ley, Bangor. MV persona prohibition Maine, and hibitory policy of Maine. “The first brown trout were sent to this her for auj amount from thia date, as 1 *ba.. beasts and snakes never a chance to get Fishing is still good. Charles Harlow none of her bill*. asking them to get all those whom Before resorting to prohibition. Maine had hatchery some fifteen years ago from the pay kill human but one of Lewis '> H.tk. any being; any the tried all forms of license. And it was has eighteen salmon to his credit since (Signed;! they patronize to sign it, and intimat- only United Steles hatchery. I tried to be Hutton. Me.. July «, 1911. millions of flies found in most oj our the failure of alltof these systems of alleged still dsbing began. in case of when ; careful not to have the different fish mixed, ing boycott refnsal; towns and cities has a chance, if he comes regulation to maintain measuresble control of but at times, with the most careful atten- the maker writes a SMrttsnnnitA. bowling-alley into a house carrying typhoid germs, of the liquor traffic that led to the adoption of tion, the screens between the ponds will The Ueanty Meeker. lumber-dealer aaking him to sign it killing a whole family. prohibition. Yet once again Maine tried get broken, and no doubt the fish Here ia a set of roles for the girl who and if be license. But two years of it worked such in- got IT SAVES YOU MONEY. intimating boycott refuses; tans or and who ia jury that prohibition was restored by a large mixed. There have been red trout sent to freckles, sunburns, and when this lumber-dealer tells of Summer Beds. popular majority. Now the organised Hquor Biakealee lake from this hatchery, and there who does not indulge In one or more this it is rather Wbile tbe beds in the summer borne of experience, positive interests of the country seeks to reverse that more than likely a few brown trout got those objectionable summer habits? Dr. Howard’! Dyapepst.i -'pw16'' end that the attitude of the Boston should be rurally simple give an im- position. As the result of experience and ob- mixed with them. Don't expose your face to the son un- proof KtguUr »*rle« 50c. Further’! of no servation in our own State end elsewhere we The rum-seller toward prohibition is very pression inexpensiveness, expense “Don’t be frightened if there are a few necessarily. complexion that looks should be in detail that affects are convinced: rice 25r. much like that of the rest of his fra- spared any brown trout in your ponds or lakes. In eery jaunty and picturesque with your I* tbs comfort of the the best 1. That prohibition is the most logical end sleepers. Only my are a much better flab sailor suit will make a poor showing with ol Dr. ternity. effective legislative method of cartelling the opinion they Thi apecial half-price aale of mattresses should be considered, and a than the salmon. The brown your new dram next fall. As this on there evils of the liquor traffic. trout has party osmpaign goes may failure to sheets of Howard’! lor tbi cor* ol conetipe- provide ample length X contrasted with the been by soma writers aa a flab Don’t forget that a parasol or broad- apaciBc be said or written whioh con- That, injurious ef- represented things and width is a serious shortcoming on the brimmed hat la worth a fects of the legalised liquor trade elsewhere, that is destructive to other flab. My pound of lotions. lion and by O. A. rtrcW tain more of ontrnthfninees or wick- of the dytpapaia part housekeeper. the evils of the outlawed traffic in Maine are knowledge and with them for Don’t wash the face immediately before experience on awry ■ednees, bnt one can There are summer blankets of imam tba earing of a tow doiUr. hardly imagine lovely greatly mitigated. the past fifteen years la that they are not going out into the sun. Coat It liberally that can emanate from wool no heavier than a ootton sheet, and t. That much of the energies and earnings with oold anything pen a destructive or bad fish, not as much so, cream and rioe powder before family’i yaarly bill for medicine!. or whioh Italian silk blankets are also desirable of our people that would otherwise hove been tongue will contain more of aa the salmon or redepot trout. exposure. tb* wasted in licensed saloons have been eon- Mr. Parebar bai eo much tonh .n for nas on cool nights. Bpreads for in- “Tbs German or Don't wash the face in oold water genuine foolishness than this old served and devoted brown trout spawn ware just to netful purposes, and be formal beds should be unpretentious cov- first aent to tbs United after in out of tbs If medicine that chestnut tbat “Boston liqnor dealers that Maine has been greatly benefited other- States from Ger- coming sun; you luparior merit of tbia material. oov- erings of practical Pitted are must use water aa hot as are in favor of in Maine”. wise by prohibition. many. They quite plentiful in Eng- wash, you can does no* prohibition ers cretonne are mye: “If Dr. Howard'! epeciflc oflflowered always pretty, 4. That a return to la in the river bear and afterwards rub In ot lioeaee any form land, Thames, and in the It, plenty and ■ which are coma to More and French dimities, much would prove a serious Injury to the State, to streams and lakes of Scotland. cold cream. sure you, bask my Mr. Taft’s Victory. They are lighter than mareeillea, are also service- its business, as surely as to its moral welfare. called the Lock-Lewn One of the beet remedies In the world will mturn \.Now York Sun.J trout in Bootland. your money.” able. We are convinced that what is known as for tan la old-fashioned medi- economic and commercial ef- They are a hardy, quick-growing fish, and buttermilk. Thia ramady ia not an ordinary The are desirable in the prohibitory amendment to our constitu- Old-fashioned quilts wherever Wash the face in it as if It were they have been introduced in water, and formula ol * wel1 fects of reciprocity with Canada must homes of the informal and tion is a great safeguard to statutory pro- :lne. It ia tha favorite country sort, Maine after a fair allow it to in. Lemon and cu- hibition. It also a waters, trial I notice dry juioe be tested and the abnndanoe white has moral influence as a known and haa tbe endorae- by time; the old-time blue and coverlets call for more. cumber are aleo phyeician, declaration that the people of Maine are set- they They are a ga may fish, juice excellent weapons of of or ill to oome made by Kentucky mountaineers, are mentof bundrada ol ol emi- prophecies good tled in their oonvictions that the liquor traffic and good eating. with which to fight the obnoxious pbyaiciana mountain or u from it be dismissed as essenti- quite the thing for the camp a freckles. may is great evil that ought to be suppressed. “The habits of the brown trout and land- nence In their protoaelon, who prescribe A certain freshness is lost A political effect of the bungalow. Ws believe that a reaffirmation of the pro- locked salmon are or ally poetical. nearly alike, spawning in all caaea of dyapepsia when colors are choeen for bed amendment will not show that conatipation, discussion of the has been coverings, hibitory only in November and the same Laconic. agreement occupying from yet their use is very common. Austrian the people of Maine are oppoeed to legalizing “The most laconic lirar trouble, knowing expert*0* disclosing itself gradually since Mr. spawning beds. We netted brown trout person I know of ia and blues or s the liquor traffic, but will also have and laatml spreads in delicate pinks great last November in a deaf and dumb in our that it will make a complete Taft’s to on in spawning time at Lake chap neighbor- message Congress January rich or India with weight securing enforcement of law. ecru, cottons, quaint Auburn hood,” said a man who was and with dearness in We believe that to rescind that amendment weighing eighteen pounds. I traveling by sure. 26, particular or with __ palm crescent patterns, printed have here at the Lake train to the now would expose prohibition to attacks in Aubnrn hatchery in city. the last few weeks. make attractive covers. borders, the and one of the trout “He never writes on his title more in future, would render it much easier pools weighing eighteen pad Mr. Taft has gained remarkably than to for the liquor traffic to obtain through some pounds that are only eight years old—fish enough convey his meaning. He estimation, and the insurgents To Exterminate Ants. form of license n is a crib Wm. O. EMERY public legal foothold in this State 1 raised hare. A brown troot was caught good bags player, and one night ! have in “After yean of warfare I have with a train of evil of which he won a sagged steadily reputation forty following but at Lake Auburn last May that weighed watch and chain from a young exterminated both tbe black and little ie now known in Maine. TITLES until there seems to be a general feel- finally fourteen and one-half pounds.” man. The letter’s father met the mute. small red of We therefore invite to unite at sel- ants by the use tarter emetic,” earnestly yon The deaf and dumb man ing of disgust theft insincerity, produced the MAIM* says a Wellington, O., of with us in giving the influence of votes and ■LLO WORTH, double correspondent To dean a little pad. On it the Irate father wrote: fishness and dealing. vote to continuing constitutional protection smoky ceiling baa a solution the Country Gentleman. ‘I understand won Bob’s watch iMtrahM IMH mud Mr. Taft has shown that he is a to prohibition in Maine. of washing soda in water, in the propor- you gold “Five cents’ worth pat In flat dishes and the other •Ml M«IM tUrnlmhmd *"* and The tion of about one of soda to night.’ (rank, brave capable leader. moist with set in R. L. GmurDLB. tablaspoontul **“■ kept water, every cup- “He handed it to tha deaf and dumb ■HIM, mmd *1IIMOMU saints have lost their two quarts of water, or according to how progressive board and oorner they infest, has entirely man, and to badly the celling la stained. a expected see him oflsr to give OfPIOIl the of the hypo- driven them I did not Had dead Time to Woke Up. Wring halos; congregation away. doth out of the and up tha spoil. Not so, however. Nona liquid wipe the pi—- Instead, JOY 0 CO. BLOCK. crites is desolate. ones; they just disappeared. It took two PKHOBaoor, July M, 1BU. he took the MOMISON, taring, changing the cloth as it pad, wrote two words care- a few To the editor of The .dieeriooo: becomes OTATR OTRMT. years, appearing tbe second year. on and soiled. Do not have the solution too fully It, returned It. In a personal letter to the editor, Tbs red ants were most persistent, but It ie time lor the people ell over the strong, and wash tbs hands la vinegar “Inscribed thereon ware tbaee wards: Gleason L. Archer, a former Haneock they are gone, too.” county end Btote to woke up on theeub- altar using it. •And chain’.’’ DOW* TUB BAT. COUNTY NEWS. rUf lo Pronootad WmOIvmIcn Years Ago. Ftrty MMMMtaiUU) School*. HANCOCK POINT. With 014 Ism week lees than two Alton If la tha a week* away, Indication* Ural raany forarar [AhiMhTx.] Clark, iddleaex, gnaat Milton GUBord and «Ua. resident* will ba bm tor tfco wook mul- Abort *°° people wait down river to Mr. and Mra. P. H. Macom bar, Baa tiply. newbvry Nook on tbe annual a full week’s excursion are the ol tha Max walla. ELLSWORTH’ In the arbor, gueeta preparing program, ol tbe Method let end in charge undertook u Baptist Sunday Mra. Helen committee big task, •ebool* last Tbe Crabtree, Somerville, Maaa. and Friday. weather waa ideal but with the help encouragement of for la occupying her cottage ter the annunar such an oocoslon. There ware two vas- the citizens of Ellewerth generally, the Char lea F. aaia this yaw Instead of on*-tbe Guild, Bangor, arrived Mon an in the Ann C. week w ill prove epoch history of day. Mr. GnUd la at the Stuart and Lola W. Eppet—and thsaa Crocker houae Ellsworth. ware laabed together, a fa in Mra. Minne Whitcomb and Mra. Smart The 1* still in process of altera- catamaran, program tow of tbe of are tog Little Round Top. It was Bangor, vialting their aunt, Mra tion, though the general outline ee pre- whispered abroad that one vessel Wing. announced will be followed. waa for HOME viously tbe OLD Methodists snd tbe other for the Prof. H. N. Van N. J. Governor Pleisted has accepted an invi- Bap- Dyke, Princeton, tists, but in view of tbe fsct that ia at the visit Ellsworth Old denomi- Princeton summer camp for the tation to during Home national barriers are not aa high as summer. week, but will be here Saturday, Aug. 12, they need to be and that the spirit of instead of Thursday, as originally planned. Miss Natalie Young, of Trenton, is here . unity is tbe sects bringing into closer for the summer. An interesting change made during the She is at the Bird’i AUG. ’11. fellowship, this rumor was with- week is in the to be entirely Nest cottage. 6-12, last play presented. out foundation. Instead of the short sketch, “Sweet- Mr*. J. C. Dole, Miss Miriam Dole and Although the party reached the picnic heart*,1’ the threo-act pastoral drama, Miss Plaisted, Bangor, spent Sunday at grounds earlier than ususl, the sail down A founded on the Tarratine. Reunion at Home. I “Dora,” Tennyson's poem, t he river had spired the appetites of all, and Seven-day Program. will be presented. This play w as selected Dr. dinner was the next feature after and Mrs. J. B. Woods, Dr. and Mrs. because of its “old home” landing. largely signifi- Canoeing, swimming, H. H. Crane, Bangor, dined at the Tarra- same wading, berrying cance, the play baving been pro- and tine chatting were some of the ways in Sunday. moted here by a local cast forty-two years which the people enjoyed the passing Edward Wood, Bangor, is at his cottage ago. hours, but the larger center of interest for two weeks Mr. and Mrs*Allen, oi The cast of characters for the play is as was the hall game between the Solid Mul- Bangor, are his guests. All follows: Ye doons and the Faithfull Clswbammers. T. D. Hammatt, Topeka, Kansas, has re- Come, Farmer Alien...Fred E. Cooke Year after these year rivals try to take turned to Kansas after a stay of several William Allen. C. Haloes | Roy each other’s measure, and the last two weeks at the Tarratine. lake Bloomfield.Harry L. Crabtree years the Muldoons have taken the Claw- Jem Blunt...Roger Higgins Newell Whitcomb, of Boston, who has come him. He will fill the pulpit here hammers into camp. The Claw hum mers Willie. Chrtatiua Doyle been visiting bis aunt, Mrs. Wing, re- Sunday afternoons at 3 o’clock. were anxious to the ^IIEI pora Allen.Mrs. Ha*ry L. Crabtree change order, and turned to Boston Saturday. IliitlUltMiiilllttllillltUIIJIIIilllfUtitlilllUtHtlllllJliiHMfllllffKIU^nHittini^jl were Work has begun on the addition to the 5 “It is to be it is better to be Marjr Morrison.Mr*. Fnllerton Merrill eager for a chance to reverse tbe good sure; insured; 9 Mias Pauline Savage, Bangor, who has schoolhouse. The foundation is nearly score. The game was played on the field = it is best to be insured” with IS The cast of characters on the previous been Miss Wood for the of William visiting Margaret completed. Lester McFarland, of Eden, of this was ss follows: Treworgy, throogh whose presentation play past week, returned home Tuesday. has the contract for the mason work. kindness tbe picnic grounds were granted Farmer Allen.William O. McDonald Miaa Eleanor who Mountain to the excursion. The battery for the Strickland, Bangor, View grange held its regular William Allen.....Fred Hopkins W. & F. L. hat been a MASON were few with lira. J 21. There was a short busi- I L'lawhaaimers KUlam and spending days meeting uly 1C. Mason, = Lake Bloomfield. Charles A. Lyon GENERAL INSURANCE AOENTS. 1 while and Lillian Hill, retnrned home Monday. ness session, as only a few were present. Jrm Blunt...Orrlson Call Royal Joy tarnished aU the ar- 5 R SAL ESTATE DEALERS ■ was and The grange socials, which are held Willie...Bertha Joy tUlery that needed for the Muldoons. Miss Louise Cushman Albert P. every S3 Two-story bouse, shed and large stable, all connected with city water and eieeMe H are well S- and Dor* Allen...Mra. George Dyer The Clawhammer* got first choice and Cushman were the guests of Miss Saturday evening, patronized. lights, about 1 acre of hnd. A bargalu on aaey terms. JB Ice-cream will be served neat Mary Morriaon.Alice Gilea took the field. The Muldoons made a Elisabeth Thelberg at her cottage Sunday. Saturday 5 ELLSWORTH, MAINE 9 evening. The proceeds are for a Firemen's day will be one of the big good start, scoring two ran* before three Henry Wood and Charles Bartlett, Ban- piano. men July 21. M. days of the week, with old “Union 2”, went down. The feature of thia inn- gor, spent the week-end at the Wood cot- how the “Welch City”, of Waltham, ing we* s little by-play between KUlam and returned to even- tage Bangor Sunday WEST SULLIVAN. Mass., ss ons of the principal attractions. and C. Joy, first-baaeman of tbe Clawham- ing. j John waa Mrs. John Carroll, ot Worcester, Maas., It will seem like old times to see her lined mer*, whereby Coughlin caught C. and Misses Holyoke wife, Marjorie is on Brat and oat. It was a visiting at F. E. PettingiU’s. up wiyh Old Hanncmau end Dirigo in napping pat and Madeline Holyoke and Walter Lam- office “barbarous” thing to do, bat it was all in F. E. Mace, ot Great Pond, was in town post square. son, Brewer, spent Sunday at the Tarra- ? The hoee race between sod tbe gam*. Tbe Clawhammer*, in their a guest of A. P. Havey. Bangor tine. Friday, CIMBOLLEK Brewer teams is exciting considerable in- half of the tint, struck in well (except Miss Cora of is a J. D. MacKenzie, Hartford, Conn., is at Gordon, Boston, guest terest in thoee cities, and many admirers thoee that struck ont) and cleaned up five of her sister, Mrs. Forest Haskell. the Princeton summer camp preparing for of the rival teams will be in Ellsworth to rune. college. More boys are expected about Miss Maud Colby, who has spent several w itnesa the race. The following clippings Tbe thriller of this inning was the borne Aug. 1. weeks at Prospect Harbor, is home. from the Bangor papers show the interest run of Neil Johnston, who swatted might- Violinist and Teacher Willis who has been Dr. G. A. Phillips is inJWinter Harbor, taken in the race: ily toward first, and in fielding the ball to Haines, Bangor, of Newell Whitcomb for the where he has a practice for a week each tbe man on first, there wae some mis- the guest The Bangor running team is putting WILL TEACH IN ELLSWORTH week-end, returned to Bangor Sunday month. in hard hose reel practice for the matched calculation so that the ball got by him race which is to come off w ith the Dirigo and Johnson kept on going. In the effort evening. Sara Bunker has returned fromJFrank- Particulars Announced Later of on at the Ells- team Brewer, August 10, to get the ball to second, a wild throw wae Mrs. Hattie Jones, of Bangor, who has }in, where she visited|her aunt, Mrs. Ros- worth Old Home week celebratiou. There and still Johnson on been Miss Dorrice has coe Gay. is much interest in the race, as on the made, kept going visiting Robinson, Fourth of at South Brewer the teams Third was reached, and again the ball to Sullivan to the rest of the Moore and of Waltham, July gone spend Ralph fwife, BORN. were so close that the prize money was di- proved elusive and got by another of the summer. Mass., were recent guests of H. H. Havey HAIR vided.— Ba:igor Commercial. (PJfk Muldoons, and Johnson kept on going, I. K. Stetson and wife have opened and wife. HAMMOND—At West Gouldsboro, July 19. to STORE Both Bangor and Brewer hoe© teams ! and he still if the Mr and Mrs Albert Hammond, a daughter. he would perhaps going their cottage for the summer. Their Mrs. Belle Mitchell, of|Cherryfleld, is 518 Congress St., Portland, Me. are in some hard work for the ! HARDY—At Deer Isle, to Mr and Mrs putting big home had not in the !j July 10, Manufacturer of ■ plate got way. Mrs. Ruel is a few weeks at the home of G. race to take place in Ellsworth, August 10. daughter Beach, Cambridge, spending James Hardy, a son. the “on ice” The captains have been notified that the This seemed to put game visiting them. • | M. Farnsworth. PATTERSON—At Great Pond, July 19, to Mr ARTISTIC HUMAN HAIR GOODS following Ellsworth officials have been for tbe Clawbatnmcrs, and they were con- and Mrs Guy Patterson, a daughter. of j Mrs. Charlotte has Miss Florence Parker has to every description. at J. Jones, Ellsworth, j |returned SAWYER—At Castine, 14. to Mr and Mrs selected, by agreement: Koyal gratulating themselves that they had the July Goods sent on approval to responsible parties Goodw in, chief of the Ellsworth fire de- been visiting her granddaughters, the Manset, after a short visit! j with Miss Russell Sawyer, a daughter. iceman on their side when the fatal third partment, will be judge, Charles W. Joy, Misses for a few days. She re- Flounce TREADWELL—At Amherst, July 17, to Mr Young, Hysom. Let us Btarter, and Harvard C. Jordan one of the ojicned. Then ts-gan the slaughter of the | and Mrs Arthur Treadwell, a daughter. mail turned home Saturday. I Mrs. A. and daughter |if fttJCLI timers. Bangor and Brewer w ill each se- innocents. Tbe Ctaw-baminers are still Mary Hooper WHITE—At Ellsworth, July 16, to Mr and Mrs ; lect a timer. The course w ill be on Water and Mrs. Mrs. A. P. Wis- Doris are in Bar have Roderick N White, a daughter. [Florence how it all Some of Senator Hale, Harbor, Jwhere they WUMCN cffS where races have wondering happened. 1 Irene.| street, many exciting well, Ellsworth, Frederick Hale, Portland, employment for the season. to earn a beautiful pair of »4.00 been run in times Mews. them blame tbe pitcher, some the umpire, past.- Bangor _ shoes. It's the beBt ever Mrs. Chandler Hale, Washington, and Mrs. proposition but it now looks as though the MuldoouB I Charles; Speidell Jand daughter, MARRIED. offered—and we can it. A new amusement feature which has Mrs. New York, took tea at the 1 prove were responsible for the way in Curtis, Mrs. Louise Hickman, offLincoln, Neb., balloon as- mostly been added for tb© week are Tarratine Sunday. BENSON-TRIPP-At Eden, July 10, by Rev which the scorekeeper was obliged to are guests of Mrs. George Petting ill. State SsES censions by Prof. Tirrill, of Boston, Wed- Charles McKoy, Mrs Phebe Benson, of Kay Hosiery Co., bis Last Sunday an auto party from Sauger- Mis9 Helen and Eden, to William M Tripp, of Lamoine. and keep pencil busy. Thomas, ofj’Boston, nesday, Thursday Friday. COLLAR-GOODWIN-At When the smoke had cleared away, the ties arrived, and are guests at the Max- Mrs. Mida of Winter Har- Ellsworth, July 22, Commission iflcrcijants. The Old Home week will ThomasJfJoy, Rev P A A Killam, Miss Marion B program open included Mr. and by Collar Muldoons were wearing the smile that well cottage. The party bor, are spending a few iweeks with their to Harry A Goodwin, both of Franklin. with union services Sunday afternoon and The advertisements below represent some of off. It was a Mrs. and two children, and John HODGKINS—WOOSTER—At won’t come merry-go-round Kenney , mother, Mrs. Nellie Thomas. Lamoine, July the ieadmu houses of New England. Our evening at Hancock hall: 16, by Hollis E Austin, esq, Miss Florence for the team to the tune of eight runs, but A. Snyder, wife and son Robert. ! 24. Vox Populi. readers will doubtless And them m value. there will be an excursion to July Hodgkins to Frank Wooster, both of La- Monday -— the Clawhsmmers did not lose all are: Mrs j moine. New unless the committee is hope, Late arrivals at the Tarratine bury Neck, RAN — At and tried to change the in Ban- EAST LAMOINE. JEWETT—O'HALLE Bangor, July To Ellsworth Shippers. SEND US a in case result, though Hutchings, Miss Mary Hutchings, unable to obtain vessel, which 20, by Rev H A Sherman, of Brewer, Miss APPLES vain. In tbe fourth occurred a Mrs. Frank New of are S Jewett to Charles G BERRIES POTATOES, the festivities would have to be trans- spectacular gor; Mr. and Irish, j Mr. McLeod and family, Bangor, Julia O’Hailerau, of Amherst. FANCY HENNERY EGOS. play by Merrill Head, who made a dive York; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Frederickson at the Log Cabin for a few weeks. ferred to Ellsworth. YOUNG—JOHNSON—At Castine, Returns. Market Prices. into a to a ball New July 16, by Prompt Top feet foremost heupen get Little N. Y.; Miss Edith Eliot, W Tuesday will be Old Home day, with ex- Falls, MA. Nelson Young,J of Everett, Wash., Rev G Patterson, Miss Effie E Young to ; DEAL WITH AN APPROVED HOUSE that bad landed there as the result of a C. W. Coffin, Bangor. Willis A Johnson, both of Broogsville. ercises at Hancock hall in the afternoon Bedford, Mass.; is visiting her parents, Dyer Young and ciiapin bkos., of Claw-hammers. terrific drive by one the ovei 107-109 So. Market St., Boston. and reception and ball iu the evening. A heavy gale has been blowing wife. for some of the hen- DIED. Ask for free stencil. We will send market The result was fatal Point for several The play, “Dora,” will be presented Hancock days. Heavj Eben Leavitt and Mayor Mul- on and a two | and|wife, quotations request. wire spoiled home-run, only all and o1 BOWDEN—At Castine, July 23, George O Wednesday evening. rains fell day Monday part len and wife, were in town bases being realized by tbe batsman. |of||Bangor, Bowden, aged 61 years, 1 month, 6 days. be firemen’s a The wind kicked up s Thursday will day, with Monday night. Mrs In the filth the Claw hammers braced up | Sunday. BRACEY—At Cranberry Isles, July 22, surf. went to the ex- 68 2 LAWRENCE & ball in the eveuing. heavy Many people bis Cynthia W Bracey, aged years, months, CO. and two more runs across the Fred Brown, who has spent vacation pulled to see the unusual surf. N< 5 days. Established 1803 Friday afternoon the reunion of former treme point to Wal- seemed to be getting down to with his family here, returned EMERSON — At Oakland, Cal, 17, Ze- will be held plate. They was done it, however, excepi July Wholesale Commission Merchant* pupils of Miss Elizabeth True damage by lenda, widow of D L Emerson, formerly of business when tbe game (which was tham, Mass., Sunday. PRODUCE in Hancock hall. There will* be a concert that a floating slip, belonging to A. P j West Brooksvilie, aged 82 years. OULTRY, BOOS, FRUIT. for six innings) was called, and in all Harold Nash, who has been visiting his in the evening. Lasher, wab carried away. j GARDINER—At Hull’s Cove, July 20, Mrs APPLES A SPECIALTY probability if the game had gone nine I grandmother, Mrs. C. Y. Huckins, has Mary E Gardiner. Saturday will be high school alumni Hancock Point is to be quit< Faneuil Hall Market, Boston, Mass. result would have been re- getting ROLFE—At West Gouldsboro, July 22, Frank inqings the j gone to Massachusetts. etc. furnished on day, with a lawn party at the high school lively lately. Most of the cottages are full Rolfe. Stencils, application. versed and victory would have been was at Shore grounds in the and the Alumni is taxed to its utmost A dancing party given SPRINGER—At North Hancock, July 17, afternoon, But and the Tarratine snatched out of the Jaws of defeat. Acres last evening for the bene- Jason D Springer. associations, reunion and banquet in the Much bridge whist is indulged in. Th< ) Saturday iSrofteemnai Caro». and the tide wait for no man, and tbe ill There will time fit of John Lancaster, who has been of evening at Odd Fellows hall. tennis courts are in constant use. Excel j * score of 13 to 7 j result is indicated by the fever several weeks, this being SWjrrtiacmnita. also be a public ball at Hancock hall. lent sailing in Frenchman s b iy is greatlj typhoid : Y in favor of tbe Bolid Muldoons. his third run of fever in”about one year. enjoyed. Several afternoon teas have been ANNOUNCES THAT HE HAS OPENED Tbe Claw-hammers, however, like the Mrs. Bors, of Bangor, kindly offered the held among the cottagers. Also marsh- NORTHEAST HARBOR. are used, to this THE— Boston “Heps”, getting use of her tine graphopbone, and besides a mallow toasts, parties, musicales, etc. arc LAW OFFICES Miss Mildred U at Q. W. sort of end while they lost tbe Mayo employed thing, held. good time for all, f30 was|collected. Ur. frequently being IN ODD FELLOWS HALL, ROOM 7 Mayo's store. game they still have their appetite*. July 25. N. An informal dance was held in the din- CLARION. W. W. Frazier and family have arrived Kizer was the umpire, and special mem- SOUTHWEST HARBOR, MAINE be-made of his work in that ing-room of the Tarratine Wednesday. for the season. tion ought to EGYPT. Whether It’s a range or a fur- was furnished Mrs. B Special mention waa made of it July 19. Music by Miss Mabel Donnell is at W. position. E. E. has moved into the nace—if it a is C. E. HOLT, employed of the The of L. Bryant, Miss Emllie Young, Newell 8cammon,|jr., is “Clarion”, it J)H. W. at tb* time game. peck pea- Frazier’s far the summer. and Jack Freese. The dance Burnham house. nuts want to the Muldoons, but in tbe Whitcomb sure to meet every requirement Dentist, Fred la at N. S. at about 8 o’clock and lasted until Helen ot Bar Harbor, spent the Zelting employed rush that waa mad* for the prize, it was pagan Weal, Made the Wood Bunker A season. were: Mi« her Mre. M. G. by Bishop Co., Maine. Son’s tor the scattered far and wide, and it is probable 10. Among those present week-end with mother, Bangor, Dorrice Bangor. Sold by Mrs. B. C. Graves a few of will have a next Elizabeth Thelberg, Miss Robin- West. OFFICE: RESIDENCE: spent days that Mr. Treworgy crop Fourteenth Hattie Miss 29 Hammond St. 25 St. last week at her former home In Franklin. as a memorial of the time end place son, Miss Jones, Margaret William F. Jordan, ot Bar Harbor, Office hours : V to 12.15 1 to 5. year Mias Pauline Savage, Misses EmilU J. P. ; on the bate of the Wood, with bis George ELDRLDGE, Evenings by appointment Mrs. Mends Orawlord, of Florida, is where victory perched and Eulalie Young, Miss Bertha Godfery spent Sunday parents, visiting her parents, Proctor Smallidge Muldoons. Mrs. B. L. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jordan and wife. Main Street, Ellsworth. Harrison Harold and wife. After this game the Tigers end the Horton, Robinson, Samp- Mre. P. H. Stratton and daughter Viv- H. SCOTT Morrill and Robert Burr, Newel had a These were son, with Mrs. ALICE The Peter Murray Stock Co. will be the Teokhammere game. Whitcomb, Dudley Baldwin, Osoar Pier- ian are spending the summer SPECIALTY MADE OT the boys, end the Teckhammer* (a se- Jack and Paul Freese. Stratton’s mother, Mrs. John Hutchins. TYPEWRITING. ACCOUNTING AND attraction at the Neighborhood house the son, Drummond, GENERAL CLERICAL WORK. of tbe Clawhammer*) took first three of next week. cond edition July 25. Spec. July 26. M. Agent Union Safe Deposit & Trust Co., of Port- nighta __ the Tigers into camp to tbe tone of 18 to 5. land. for furnishing Probate and Surety Bonds. The annual meeting of the Village Im- The prise, a box of suckers, went to the SOUTH HANCOCK. BUCKSPORT. Agent Oliver Typewriter; typewriter supplies. provement society was held at the Nei gh- Cor. Main and Water Sts. (over Moore’s Drag winner*. and wife are borhood house Tuesday of last week. Hiram Merchant visitini Mrs. Etta B. Lions who has been mat- Store). Ellsworth, Me. The home was made pleasantly. trip at Bast brook. ron ol the East Maine Conference semi- Misses Harriet Weir and Jennie Morse, Not an accident occurred to mar the day, hi six is soon to leave who have at the Charles Sarage, ot Chicago, joined nary tbe p«Bt years,; Sbbtrttwuunuk been visiting parsonage, and are forward to the trip many looking a with have in tamily here Friday. baring accepted similar!;position returned to their homes Waltham, to be made Old Home Week. Mass. Grace Kelley, of Bangor, is visiting he the Wesleyan university, Middletown, Conn., as matron of the Foss hall. WIRINO. Hereafter the at the Union aunt, Mrs. Susie Bishop. I RON F ELECTRICAL pipe organ BROOKS VHJLE. Ful Lines of church will be blown by water, a motor I. H. Coggins and son left for their horn RESTAURANT"" Mrs. Etta Cousins is employed at The atAntiSrounta. having been installed. It was used for the at Malden, Mass., Friday. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Travelers’ Home, Sedgwick. Board by or Week. AND FIXTl'RBS. first time on has an African Day Sunday. Mrs. R. C. Hagerthy til; M aid Cbcrtuli, Qt«ee. Mrs. L. 0. Fowler, who has been very Rooms to Rent. EMlB.lt> Wlri.f Sepfllee Re v. Henry Van Dyke, D. D., preached which now bears 127 blossoms. ANDREW M. MOOR. ill, is better. Mrs. Cyrena Turner is with •t the Union church Sunday. The ser- P. L. Ogden, of Waltham, Mass., win Cor. Main and rranklinSts., Ellsworth Eitey Building, Slate St.. Ellswortk vices next will be conducted her. Sunday by been the of Mrs. A. E. Wooate Rev. Samuel A. D. D. has guest Eliot, Mrs. Bertha Coates, with son Guy, ol returned home Saturday. ELLSWORTH July at. J.FX. and daughter, _ is her mother, Mrs. F. M. W. Hood’s Boston, visiting July 24. __ Steam and Bath NORTH BLUEH1LL. BUlings. Laundry Rooms. WEST EDEN. •MO PAV, MO WAIH1I.' Annie Grieve left Monday (or Baffle, Miss Bertha Douglass and son Harvey, CLOTHINGS Sarsaparilla DAVID FRIEND. Hamor the week-eni All kind, of laundry work done at .non notice, when she will be aa waitress. Somerville, Mass., are with their sister, Miss Octavia spent employed of Acts directly and peculiarly Qood Work Reasonable Prices viood. called tor and delivered. tor the summer. at Northeast Harbor with Miss Mildrei [ Mn. Ellen Crippen, of Boston, visited Mrs. May Weacott, A.kforth. Dirlgo Olovu. H. B. CSTCY * CO., her on the blood; purifies, enriches sister, Mrs. C. F. WeeootOeceotly. Mayo. ... stalest-. Elliwortn.Me Ross A. Wood, wile and children, ol Main Street, Ellsworth Bitejr Building, Hasel Melville Higgina and Mr. Curvain let ; and revitalizes it, and in this Gill is left Friday ;.for Booth Redstone, N. H., who have been visiting when she will be last lor their homes in Maasa. builds the whole Brookavllle, ;empldyed. Wood’s Arthur Wood, at East Saturday way up sys- The merchant who does not advertiee in Sixteen ounce. to Mn. Mr. lather, of performance every Orpha Kittredge, otilWestboro, have returned to Mias chusette. tem. Take it. Get it Mass., visited bar Wes- BluebiU, a week, today. a dull season makes it more for pound of promise in the 'idvertiesmsnte sister, Mn.JNon is form or In chocolate profitable hat John Boyoe, of Spencer, Maas., spend In usual liquid «ott, week. Emma Gray’s. thoee THE AMERICAN. here. All are to wel coated tablets called SarsatakM* who do advertiee. of Joly M. IX July 24. A- ing his vacation glad ■

■ ■ ■ > .. v >1 .. »!■ w t tad Via. H. C. n- I friends woe net aware of her real condi- L. A. Ckik, Tlahar, county news, COUNTY NEWS. aa utonoMh FiU*tlJN' tion. aba recently underwent an opera- toratd Imm Batartfay srftt al Mr. Mr*. N. mm. U.P. tion, end an intaetinal ennear waa found, party naaMHag McIntosh, NORTH CANINE. LAMOIMB. aad is no of C. Tlakar, hyacod Tlakae, wife Vtateuvqwadiaea from which than hope nooearj. Joka P. •( GaaaAaa, was la tava Hn. Howard ln| m Orvllla, at Zalaa, who salted on friaada lit, Bury Warontar a July M. M. daughter gnat 1, tta aatlr. day and _ m a *1 aaladlaM kaaa last week. at H. H. 0M- bwi svant^T"1 •WMtb. WoroMtar Bar Harbor, an (meet* von Tnuu. Mrs. Oryaaa Dunbar to visit lag at ito-OMiimMUhr, ot mhum vkr. NOBTH HANCOCK. idga’s. JalyM. Mam, with tar Uttl. Gaoi|a P. Conner's. da^hUr, k C. J. Death haa again entered our Bidet, this A party at swob young ladlen apent tar par.aU, Will*. Uwtoa two at tbs at nova SEAL HARBOR. Ckpt. Baaaatt Dunbar to netting kto aoa tine taking th* fathar of th* horn*, Jaaoo days bungalow Barry’s Whan tto record at ot tta Ha waa th* son of Isaballa last wwk. Mrs. Bseehet of it vlalt- Daaoan tka old boma. early D. Springer. Dyer, Bangor, bloom notad by Too and all hla lib had Mlaa Prise of Naa AMmc*it»Z and Lewie Springer, Miss Hsian Davis ruturaod to Bousar- lag ralaU*as ban. Kathryn man, Tort, Mite Katherine giroo. Pmaman had ^ bean hen. Mr. Springer had bean two em- to tka gacat ol Mia. J. E. Blodgatt. spent ville, Masa., Sunday, having psssid Ralph Woostar, ol Franklin, la raody a good dlaplay ot blomoma health about two and was from her in tailing years, weeka at Chpt. Charles Hodgkins’. ployed by W. H. Whitmore. Mra. Mary L. Laach, who apant tka 2ae collection ot dahliae. Anally taken to Bangor bcapital for treat- of and winter in Maaaaehoeetto, to at home. Roy Stratton, BeaUodala, Maaa., The lair and mis bald by tha Cram and Tta many friend, of Mn. ment, when it waa found hi* oaa* waa a Philbrick Gorbam Stratton, of Cambridge, Maaa., Crown society waa wall patronised. Mlaa Josephine Dunbar, who taught la of Bangor, were mddened one. cars waa him, by the hopeless Every given their Mrs. Nellie sum- new! of are viaiting mother, Dr. U. E. Hat ot baa Patten the past year, ia borne for the of tar which wife and aon V»u«bn, bat he fell asleep 7 and the remains borne, Bangor, death, seemed July Stratton. of Dorchester, mer. r,lhJ in tbair Georgs Bard, a dentiet'e office in Jeeee Driscolls anddan, at ato had so Saturday were home for bnriel. opened recently Ti,itw1 brought Mass., came with them tor his vacation. the east to visit relatives tenement. Mrs. W. E. Ordwsy arrived home from friends here, who extend Mr. Springer was widely known sincere ,vni. The Sunday school will have an old- Portland last weak much in parity U> tta bereaved throughout eastern Maine, having driven The Helper* ol St. Jude will bold their improved family. fashioned picnic st Blunt's pond. Wed- health. andlencea | Grace Butler French with two n peddler’s cart and canvassed for years. annual sale of ice-creatn, rake and fancy Urge appreciate the needay, Aug. 2; it stormy, the next day. excel!,* ung (laughters, of Oakland, are visiting He was noted for his honesty snd fair goods Thursday, July 27. Miaa Margaret Beales, of West Penob- sermons given at the The East Lamoine school is invited to Congregation,, T. But- her Mrs. Marie church t the home of her parents, Ivory dealing with all mankind. David Marshall, has a scot, is visiting sister, by visiting clergy. On in this and a general invita- Jr., purentaed July u ter and wife. He besides the stricken widow, join picnic, Conner. Rev. D. leaves, house lot of K. K. Campbell on ibe Jordan George Utimsr, Brookline, Mm, tion is extended to the townspeople and the Mrs. Abbie who was stricken with who was, before her marriage, Misa Carrie and will build at once. Mra. 8. L. o( w ith her occupied pulpit, and on July 23, Gott, visitors. pond road, Bates, Portland, ,.ro|' is to he ol Addison, four children —Mrs. and her William Adam* Brown, of New f paralysis Monday night, thought Wass, Seal Harbor is a sea- children, John Louise, is visiting York the of Charles having prosperous j The Her Miss Winni- Mertie A. of Mt. Desert Ferry; Through courtesy Cspt. A. Lesch. pulpit alcove ha* recently been improving. daughter, Grant, son. All the cottages arc taken, end both mother. Mra. A. greatly a a two- home from Ellis W. and John L., who live at home Hodgkins, large party enjoyed improved by tasteful paneling, the fred, is at Kingman. the hotels are doing s good business. Mrs. Ads Joyoe, with Miss Ooldie Dun- work amt Etta J. at the tel- days' outing in the Awa recently, cruising of Vondelle Stanly, an artist in hi* Mrs. J. T. Maxwell was from Han- Springer, operator her and is occu- line 0| up v new shore is soon to be built ! Master Eugene Dunbar, at West Sullivan. He is about Frenchman’s bay. Nine of the path by work. to attend the funeral ephone exchange cock Point Tuesday the Village begin- pying her cottage at Verona perk. survived four sisters and two brother' party climbed Crsen mountain. Joseph improvement society, j July 21. of son of Mr. and Mrs. by Sprat Irving, young ; at Hunters beech and to Wei- I Mrs. Frances Devereux is home from were offered and words of con- Hodgkins unfortunately turned his ankle, Pig going Rev. Gideon offici- Prayers BAK Harry Havey. Mayo discomfort. Besides Otter Creek. It will be Penobscot, w here she has been caring for IIAHBOH. solation spoken by Kev. U. E. Cook, of causing considerable lingtoia spring. ated. much the summer those ill in the of Pearl Leach. The Bar Harbor Coal and West Sullivan, at the home July 9. Beau- the captain and his son Joseph, the parly appreciated by people. family Co., the Clark wife and Dor- Coal {Joseph Simpson, daughter included Mrs. Sumner Mrs. wee Co., have been the tiful flowers were in profusion bearing Foster, A big transfer of real estate bere About thirty friends and neighbors of consolidated, l»t- othy, of Newton, Mass., who are spending Cbsrles Mrs. ter having bought out the their silent message of love and esteem. Bartlett, Shirley Holt, made recently, wben E. B. Dane pur- Ospt.J.E. Blodgett and wife assembled former. For some time at Sullivan, were in town Clara the present, at least, the two com Interment in the local cemetery. Misses Anna Young, Hodgkins, chased from the tleorge B. Cooksey Co. by invitation si tbeir pleasant home on woiee Thursday in their touring car, calling on Olive will go under the same July 24. M. Olive Coolidge, Vera Berry, Has- the Urge tract of lend known ss the Wild- the afternoon of July 6, it being the management «* i0 frienas. tha At a tings, Louise Reynolds, Hazel Hodgkins, wood property. Mr. Dane will improve twentieth anniversary of tbeir marriage. paat- meeting Friday night ol 24. B. the directors ol tha Clark July MARLBORO. Georgia Leland, Helen Wavia and Wini- the land in various ways, which will add Owing to the sudden tempest, several Coal Co., Pre«. Anson fred were from dent B. Uland resigned and WEST FRANKLIN. Mrs. Abbie Willey, of Ellsworth, is Cashing. greatly to the attractiveness of the place. prevented coming. All present Fred C. was elected to July 24. R. H. July 24. Rsx. expressed pleasure for the delightful en- Lynam sneered him. for Mrs. _ _ j of Boston, is here for a working Tyler Hodgkins. The Shirley Dunbar, tartainment. Delicious refreshment* membership of the board of director* and two of Bar Har- short visit. Mrs. Frost children, was at this SURRY. OOTT8 ISLAND. were served. mealing increased from live to bor, spent last week with the family of George B. Scammon is st Macomber's Goodwin is much in 24. L. nine, tta new members being Hon. i.. fi. Rodick. Stephen improved Miss Pollard, of Boston, Is at “Hillside" July mill, marking lumber. her nephew, Harry Danay, Cap*. E. P. Dickson, John H. health. for the season. Stab Miss Letitia of North Mrs. Shelden Sumner, of California, CABTINE. ford and B. E. Clark, aaq. Williams, Clara Carpenter is working .for Will of la tha with her little son Harold, is spending the Miss Baldwin, PbiUpalpbta, Franklin, is visiting here. Carlisle. U. D. W» and family spent last week in summer her Mrs. Charles guest of Mrs. Moore, of “Hillside”. HUUKMFOKT. with mother, visiting relatives and frtends. Harry Goodwin and Marion Collar, were Mrs. Jewett has returned from Beamoaoot, Estey. Angie Mias Anna Elliot, of Boston, is tbs goeet Daring the electric elorm married at Ellsworth Saturday, July 22. The H. B. Brown Ctaal Co. baa a craw of Halurdsy, of Augusta. of Mra. David Elliot at Moore’s “Look- lightening (track n of Miss Ethel and Stanley McIntyre, man at work its wharf and chimney thehouw Mrs. Janie Stanley, with little son Rich- is her Mrs. E. repairing pat- of Cbnrlee V. at are the sum- Miss Holmes with sister, out”. Bench Leech'e point nn Hopkinton, Maas., spending ting a aew frame and flooring on the coal ard, is visiting her parents, George L. down to the kitchen and mer with their grandmother, Mrs. Mary Sawyer. John D. Brooks, ot Lanedown, Pa., la out through the Springer and wife. tide of the McIntyre. Florence Curtis is horns from Bangor the guest of M 1st Elisabeth 8. Peterson, at honee, doing conmderebtc The tax collector has his tax Will Hooper has recently installed a ten Mr. Leach and Mrs. presented of for a few days. “Petit PUtaanta”. damage. Freemen, Sanford Mitchali, Cberryfield, spent banal Power tank near hie Rev. bills for 1911. There has been an increase garage. e relative, who were in the kitchen sue- at S. H. Kemick’s. He re- George Haines and wife are visiting at Prof. Irville F. of 8t. in taxes of cent, over last Saturday night Davidson, Stephen’s Mr. t'atterseo is also patting In a four- lained (evere ebocke, bat soon recovered twenty-eight per where he has turned Sunday to Bangor, George Phillips’. college, Annan dale, N. Y., with his family, barrel gasoline tank. Mrs. Bench, in another part of the house, year. woe not affected. employment. Misses Lena and Elsie have re- >i here for the season. July 24. Ch’e’eb. Sperry George (X Bowden died Sunday, July 23. Misses Maud Stanley, Alice Kelley, Jen- turned from Augusta. Mias E. M. Burrell and Miss C. H. Wbit- Mr. Bowden, daring the greater part of Woman lores a clear, who have been rosy completion. EAST FRANKLJN. nie Oates and Marion Cole, Cousins one last of Parker Blaehtll, are hie Raymond spent day tleaey, Point, life, has been work Ingas chef on many Burdock Blood Bitters purities the Wood, at Col man Hodgkin’s, returned a week at “Hillside”. Mrs. Cecil Butler and two children are boarding week with his parents. spending steamers end also in many hotels. He dears the skin, restores ruddy, sound health. to Waltham, Mass., Friday. -AdH. guests of G. W. Madison and wife. Miss Flora Milliken has gone to Seal Arthur Kenney and wite and Miss Hazel was in a Pcrtiaad hotel when be was sud- Mrs. Newel and of Port- stricken e Miss Daisy Gordon, who attended the Hodgkins baby, Harbor tor a few days. Kenney, of Bangor, who have been guests denly down with sbbck, end land, are Mr. Hodgkins* parents, of Q. H. and have re- was to his home bore, where he summer school at Machias, is home. visiting Charles Patten, wife and daughter, of Kirkpatrick wite, brought c&bat’xrnuiuh. Seth Hodgkins and wife. Her husband turned home. has been carefully cared for by hit wife- Mrs. Warren Kimball, of Salem, Mass., Gardiner, are visiting in Surry. accompanied her here, returning to Port- July 22. Chips. Death came after three weeks of suffering. is visiting her brother, Steven B. Hulbert. Rills Nickerson, who has been visiting land Sunday. Mr. Bowden wss born in Casttne snd Miss Harriet who has taught at John Staples, has returned to Ells- SATARRH Blaisdell, July24. Ark. OAK POINT. spent the early part of his life in his borne _ ^Remedy6 school in the worth. Springfield, Mass., past year, town. He wss Jefferies returned to her sixty-one years of age. ! is home Miss Edna has for the summer. COREA. Charles Johnson and wife have gone to Besides his wife, be leaves four eons—Wil- Graam Balm borne in Boston. Ely's friends re- »* Rev. Mr. Brown, the Methodist Sabbath S. T. is seriously ill. Machias to live. Their many liam snd Harry, of Portland; Frank snd QuieMv Spurling 6rr*« Rc4*«< at Once. school in the Meth- gret to have them leave town. They were Charles Sargent and wife, of Eden, are missionary, preached Hollis Ferren has moved into bis new Horacr, of Caatine. The funeral was held it Mrs. Susan Alley's for a few i '■ ci-.-A a v < A odist church Sunday forenoon. Bccompanied by their daughter, Mrs. E. days. | on afternoon. house. Tuesday %U iu\ July 25. B. E. Swell. Mrs. Hazel Gordon, with daughter July 2t. G. Mrs. Hiram Davis and Mrs. Flora _ | :L*? >if tattzi- Noyes , 2*. Asox. left for Portland to July Evelyn, to-day join \ f-nuM* fro?n are visiting in Jonesport. r.mitiiiia NORTH FRANKLIN. her husband, who has employment there, j SOCTHWfcBT HAKBOK. Cstinh and »lriv4*H is in the Mrs. Becsie Decker employed WEST SURRY- a CY4d Miss Sadie Lawrie is employed at the Ralph Haynes met with double lose one Mrs. iHinscott of Cambridge, Mass., is cvraf in the home of James Hill, at West Gouldsboro. Anson who has been ill a Kimball house, Northeast Harbor. Cuningbam, night last week. His horse died, and on \ spendings fi-w weeks with her daughter, uay rrv/rn with two chil- is Bet.- ;,a. rCfun Miss Marie Cousins is in where Mrs. Fanny Donovan, long time, very poorly. [he same night forty chickens were Mrs. C. Williams. Bangor, j J 1 dren, of Jonesport, is visiting her brother, of was the mothered in their she will an for tumor pen. ■ undergo operation Henry Higgins, Ellsworth, j Mis* Ellen Sargent, ol Malden, Mas*.,, «>r Biftil. Iri l form, 75 nts James Clark. by It.jui on of K. S. Leach aud wife July 24. M. the lip. guest Sunday. ) j is visiting Mrs. A. W. Clark, and will bav Warren Street, Kwr York. Mrs. E. W. with three children, Neighbors and friends of Mrs. Bertha Doyle, Mrs. Nell Guptitl, who has been with of East is visiting her THE MONT. Lawrie gave her a mowing match Thurs- Sullivan, parents, Mrs. R. 8. Leach, left for West Ellsworth Lufkin and wife. j a day and Friday of last week, and got in A. C. Sunday, to hoard with her cousin, Mrs. j Mrs. Jacob Eellav has returned from nearly all of her hay. Allen G. Knight, the Baptist pastor, and I Kertha Higgins. Mm. Guptill is in poor risit at Seal Cove. July 24. T. twenty of his people, went to Petit Ma- I health. Mrs. Eva Daws, of New London, Conn., < nan on a picnic Thursday. July 24. L. is visiting Mrs. Linda Donaldson. EAST SULLIVAN. July 24. S. of who has been _ Mrs. Page, Bluehill, DEDHAM. OBITUARY. with her granddaughter, Mrs. Leach, at TRENTON. Sarah A., daughter of Abagail and Ben- Mrs. Everett Black is seriously ill in a [he home of her daughter, Mrs. Henry jamin Robinson, was born in Appleton, Mrs. Oaks and daughter, of Newport, private hospital at Bangor. Marks, has returned home. March died at the home of her are at the Drake 8, 1S30; j cottage. Mrs. Milton Blood is gaining slowly Mr. Maxwell and wife, of Saugus, Mrs. Walter in Corea, daughter, Young, Miss Pamelia Stafford, of Bar Harbor, is [rom an attack of bilious typhoid fever. Maas., and Mrs. Stocker and little daugh- June 28,1911. She was one of a family of of Miss Nathalie the guest Young. Mrs. Louise Hastings, of ter, of Lynn, Mass., who have been guests twelve two of whom survive Haverhill, children, Miss Tonie E. Gilbert has gone to Con- Mass., was the guest of F. W. Fogg and 3f Mrs Leslie J. Rich, left for their homes her—the youngest sister, Mr9. Abbie Sim- cord, N. H., to visit her sister, Mrs. Galen wife last week. to-day. Miss Stocker and Miss Davis, of mons, of Appleton, and the eldest, Mrs. Snow. Misses Ethel and Erma of Saugus, returned last week. Jane of Union. Perkins, Littlefield, 22. Kin. Misses Eulalie and are at Mass., are their July Miss Robinson was married to George W. Emily Young Dorchester, visiting _ the at Hancock Point for J. L. Perkins. Ash in Rockland in 1849, coming to the Young cottage grandfather, BAN* HARBOB. the summer. home where lived more than Mrs. J. E. Cochrane, of Brunswick, Mrs. here, they L. F. Pennon, ol Somerville, Mass., ar- July 17. Luther of Bangor, Mrs. fifty years, or until Mr. Ash died in 1899. _May. Trueworthy, rived Friday. Since then she had lived with her William Truelove, of Waltham, Mass., and ; WEST TRENTON. Meurice Thurston and wife are home, daughters, Mrs. Doyle and Mrs. Young. Miss lnex Creighton, of Augusta, were Mrs. Addie Darke has to Bar Har- ifter a week in Camden. Three daughters remain of a family of gone guests of Mrs. H. P. Burrill last week. nine children—Mrs. Jennie Doyle, Mrs. bor for the remainder of the summer. Ervin Dix, of Cambridge, Mass., is vacation here. Clara Shaw and Mrs. Linnie Young. She Mrs. Parmenter, of Denver, Col., is visit- WALTHAM. spending jiis leaves also four and five her Mrs. Annie Anderson. Mrs. J. T. Coffin, of Brooklyn, N. Y„ grandchildren ing sister, Mrs. Harry Rhodes and children, of great-grandchildren. of Booth is with son and daughter, ia here for the Mrs. Geneva Gregory, bay, Somerville, Mass., are here for the sum- Mrs. Ash was a member of the Metho- Rummer. spending a short vacation *with her mer. church. She visited with her sisters dist mother, Mrs. Caroline Moore. The many frienda of Mias Edna Benson Walter Colby, lineman, who baa em- last fall. She was spared from growing July 24. 8. regret to learn of her illness of scarlet _ ployment in Bar Harbor, is home for a few THAT’S HIM old, since she never reached the time when (ever at the Worcester, Maas., days. hospital, she was not young in spirit. After a few PARTRIDGE COVE. where she ia training for a nurse. of serions she oat Harvard Haslem, who has employment days illness, passed Marcellas Woodward, of Ellsworth, has July 22. X. Y. Z. with a smile on her face. in Bangor, is visiting his parents, William been visiting at Henry Bartlett’s the past TWRU'BER-OID Hu Services were held in interment Haslem and wife. Corea; week. HULLS COVE. in Blrch-tree with services at the "Tha Mam whh thm RotL" cemetery Herbert Hager and wife, of Waltham, and Mrs. Harley Hodgkins, who has been Mn. Con Leighton daughter an j burial. Mass., who have been Mr. Remember at Samuel has returned visiting Hager’s occupying their bungalow hen tor a lew him—he Audi for *t«e 22. H. employed Eaton's, I July aunt, Mrs. Alden Haslem, have gone to weeks. and _ to her home. original beftpoeaible Ready- I Machias for a abort visit before returning Mn. Lillian Haddocks and two chU- To-Lay K NORTH SULLIVAN. Mrs. Adelaide McFarland and her grand- home. Roofing. daughter, Frances Salisbury, of Auburn, dnn, ol East Holden, are visaing at M. C. When Little Zemro Hall ia improving attar an July 17. H. you require roofing—the \ has been at the homeataad for a few days. _ Sweet’s. “A injury on bin face, being accidently hit by you can afford ia rhwnfAt \ Her old neighbors were glad to see her. WEST OOULDSBOBO. Lawn nee Brewer returned to his home a bicycle. end if you cen afford a 34. HUBBASD. alter a honeri July Miss Clarissa Hill and a friend from ben Saturday, visit ol several Cora a teacher in the Mias Gordon, pub- weeks In Boston an at James Hill’s fair a few Lagrange. YOU WANT lic echoole of Boaton, ia at her home tor NORTH LAMOINE. weeks. Mn. Mary E. Gardiner, who has been bar vacation. { Newell is home from Waterville. Miss Both ill at her home hen several months, died ot ia with ; Ttipp Bragdon and Miss Elizabeth Mias Agnea Robertaon, Bangor, 20. Funeral services Edward is his Have?, of Sullivan, an their Thursday, July wen her aiater, Mra. Hinckley Robertaon, who Gilpatrlck painting visiting Mn. Abbie held at the church Friday afternoon. Rev. ia much house. gain, Taft. haa been ill, bat improved. Mr. and Rev. Mr. Jobe Mn. Green officiating. RU-BER-OID Mrs. E. E. McFarland, of vis- E. W. Cole and Mn. Allen Cole The marriage ol Miss Jessie Robertaon Auburn,is Anne. son Jnly2«. relatives here. end Perry, of an _ to John Robinson, ot Bangor, waa a sur- iting Dorchester, Mass., at Mn. J. B. Wright’s. _ priae to friends here. Mrs. Robinson is Mrs. J. K. Tweedie end daughter Agnes PRETTY MARSH. Roofing her form- from Among late arrivals at Inn” well and favorably known here, arrived Friday Cambridge, Mass., “Wayside Mn. Mark Gny is employed at Andrew The beA for snow. an excluding heat, cold, rain and er nome, end hoata of trienda extend con- for the remainder of the season. Edgar Bobinson, of Chicago; Mn. J. Chrter’s. and Miss Van Wart and Mn. Elizabeth The gratulations. July 34. Y. T. Freeman and only _ John wife, of ready-roofing that Hammond, of New York. Boston, The newly organised choir at the church an at Allen Smith’s. be made in HANCOCK POINT. 17. visiting permanent colors. ail. It ia com- July L. le highly appreciated by _ Mn. Valorous of Florenoe of is vis- Gny, Penobscot, la Red. of and some of the Mitchell, Cherryfleld, Beaa,lful Colored Effect* In posed young people, .WEST TBEMONT. at the Freeman bouse. Rm^!Y„HRV BER'OID,L**“ at W. H. employed end as these beet talent in town. The organisation iting Phillips’. 1,? 1*2*. f** maintained, Marie BomiU is a few at July 17. G. th* niaterial in manufsCture and are as spending dayi _ wae the efforts of Miss Willie Ash and Miss Henry, of Bangor, the£*** nt,? largly through the Bar with Mn. eoofin* itself. No other roofing can with Marcia Ash. Kathlyn Bead. prepared Florence Hysom. spent Sunday SEAL COVE. process of making (our patents prevent), end Letitia Sprague, who has been visiting ^^ooredjncolored otherwise the colon It ia with deep regret friends hen learn E. K. Baker and wife, of Bangor, have Rt. Rev. Robert Cod man, bishop of the cannot bt ptmioi&t Investigate. at Tnmont and McKinley, came home of the critical illness of Mn. Phelps, wife been spending a few days with Mr. Baker's Episcopal diocese of Maine, will hold ser- Saturday. Smdfitr our Book.1st, of Ur. S. E. Phelps, who moved from hen sister, Mrs. C. A. Psnney. vice at tbe hall Friday avsning, July 28. Roofing Misses Kate and Helen Clark to Farmington, Conn., in the spring. Al- July 23. and Janet The public la cordially invited. _C. Lunt took an automobile ride to Ellsworth THE though Mn. Phelps waa not wall, her July 21. Jt. STANDARD PAINT CO* HAT ntTU AND SUMMER COLDS. Monday, nturning train and boat. by IM William New Must be relieved and Street, York. WHO TAU FOLKY IIDIIT quickly, Foley’s Honey Sullivan Webster’s KIDNEY DISEASES AEE CUBA SUE riotl and Tar Cose will do it- H. M. Oapt. family, from pound Stewart, under certain conditions. Tbe medi- FILLS 10S4 Wolfram St., Chicago, writes: “I have Owls Head, an the summer at right WH1TC0HB. HAYNES & C0„ spending cine must be taken before tbedieeeee has end bladder ailments, aad been troubled the bot summer pro- For their kidaey greatly during their old home ben. His married too far. Mr. A. Pitman. urinary are months with Hay Fever, and find that us- daugh- Perry Dele, Distributors, lor annoying irregularities elwaye by i.. “I was down la bed for the and re- and Tar I ters an also hen. Ksssedsays: four ■rateful both for qaick permanent ing Foley's Honey Compound get months with sad bladder and for their tonio and grant relief.” others who suffer aiml- kidney trouble ead Ellsworth Palls, flaine. ft they afford Many Mn. Zolma gall stones. One bottle of effect as wall. Kld- arly will be glad to benefit by Mr. Stewnrt’e S. Clark, who spent last Peley's Kidney stroaathontBS Try Foley Remedy cured me well end sound. Ask tor It. For sole all xperience. Fur sale by nil druggists. week at ZoyHlla. by druggist.. Manaet with her daughters, Mn. Por ssle by all druggists. t lottos. COUNTY NEWS. COUNTY NEWS. Carrie Tapley, at their summer cottage l*g*l ftqpIlfitUN. near the ferry. To au'p.iwoBa'iaMMMM la attharot Um'«» Mlae Edith xonca of Fonmonma. teUi hereinafter named. r ABE’S BOOTH BLUEHILL. NORTH Skelton is with her grand- SEDGWICK. TlfE, John W. Bonn nnd Melville L. Allen, At a probate oonrt held at B11*worth, la ap« father, Gersham Ftrnhim. for the of on the Mrs. Ruby Uray baa gone to Ellsworth Capt. v ▼ both of Mount Desert, Hancock county, county Haaoock, fifth Mr*. Hanocom spent last weak at Swan’s of a. d. 1911. to work. Jaly son. Maine, hereby give public notice that we day July, CONVERSION Island. _Tom have a claim by mortgage upon certain lota or following matter* having been pre- of land situated in said Mount Desert, THEten ted for the action thereupon herein- Miss Margaret of Mrs. parcels after TROOP SAWYER Dlnemore, Woburn, Clara Clapp has opened bet house Torturing eczema spreads its burning area Maine, bouuded and described as follows, to indicated, it ia hereby ordered that no- Br ELMER 1* the of tice thereof be given to all Mas#., guest Miss Edith Qott. tor the summer. every day. Doan’s Ointment quickly stops it# wit: peraon* interacted, 1*01 1*0. at a stake on me by causing a copy of thia order to be pwb- relieves Heginnmg roaa; by American Preea Asso- Mrs. Eunice Carter and Mias Mattie Miss spreading, instantly the itching, thence north four and minutes lished three weeks successively in the Ells- Copyright Gwendolyn Hamor, of Seal Harbor, degrees thirty worth ciation, tfiL of cures it permanently. At any drug store.— east, thirteen and one hundredths American, a newspaper published at Mello, Brockton, Mass., are guests of is the of Miss twenty-two in guest Virginia Allen. Advt. rods; th* nee north one east, Ellsworth, said county, that they may ap- degree twenty- at a Charles Ferrin and wife. three and one hundredths rods pear probate court to be held at Ells- Miss Lilia of waa twenty eight McIntyre, Bluehill, to a stake at the corner of land of T. worth, in said county, on the first day of I *u a student tn the Uni- Mrs. easterly When Sterling Freetby, with children, of the week-end guest of Miss Abbie L. El- 8 Somes; thence the line of said Somes' August, a. d. 1911, at ten of the clock in the JLtga. deuces. by and be one to is the lummer land north eighty-four degrees west, seventy forenoon, heard thereon if they see versity of-. evening, desiring Boston, spending with her well. cause. rods and seventy two one hundredths to the Fred Hamilton and NOTICK OP Wilford S. a note to ■ young girl who Uved parents, wife. FORBCLOSUREr easterly shore of great thence the Trussell, late of Cranberry Idee, (end Roland Clapp, wife and children, ol pond; by in said deceased. July 17. c. Mary L. Scott, of Backsport, shore about forty rode to a stake; thence connty, A certain instru- back of the build- _ (orne distance college Boston, and Kay Thurston, are home for WHEREASHancock county. State of Maine, by .south eighty-fonr degrees east, ninety rods to ment purporting to be the last will and testa- ment of said deceased, with the wbo Mias the summer. her mortgage deed dated June 8.1809, and re- place of beginning. For further together petition 1 asked Abe. sweep, Linda F. Candage, of Melrose, description for ings. corded in Hancock county registry of deeds, reference is hereby made to volume 23, page probate thereof, presented by Sadie A* to who has been a the executrix therein named. care of my mom. taka It for Mass., spending month at Mrs. Harold Grindle and daughter Mar- book 481, page 53, conveyed to the Bucksport 168 to 176 of records of supreme judicial court Trussell, took Loan A for the William Beazley, late of Bucksport, in said the Bradford cottage. North of Building Association, a corporation oounty of Hancock, State of Maine. me Weymouth, garet, Melrose, Mass., are yieiting located at Bucksport, said county, certain Lot No. 2— Beginning on the easterly shore county, deceased. A certain instrument pur- Maas., Is her Uzial real estate thus in of at porting to be the last will and testamenk of »l'm In a burry for a reply to this, visiting parents, Can- George M. Allen and wife. described said mortgage: great pond the northerly corner of the dage and wife. A certain lot or parcel of land with the “five acre lot”; thence by northerly line of said deceased, together with petition for pro- I sold. “Go straight back over An outing on the island was enjoyed by bnildings standing thereon, situated on Oak eald lot and by line of John O. Richardson’s bate thereof, presented by Baward L. Beasley Abe." so in said land south and Ellen M. Bridges, the executors therein s of Place, called, Backsport, and de- eighty-four degrees east, one hun- and throagh the grounds party young people recently. It was scribed as named. the campus NORTH follows, to wit: Beginning at the dred nine ana sixty one hundredths rode to PENOBSCOT. an ideal with a northeast corner a Sarah J. Bragdon, late of Mount Desert, in and It won’t take you half an day, Jolly crowd. of land bargained to Georgs stake at the road: thence by the road north beyond, Miller and this deeded to A. one degree west, seven and one said connty, deceased. A certain instrument Beulah Leach baa gone to Gaatlne to day Mary MUlsr forty-four to and coma" Mrs. W. C. Norcross, of Massachusetts, and by land of heirs of J. Harriman; thence hundredths rods; thence bv the road north purporting to bo the last will and tes'amenfi hour go visit and codicil thereto of said friends. accompanied by her and by eafd G. Miller land southerly twenty-four six degrees west, three and flfty-eix one hun- deceased, together "Yea, sahl“ replied Aba. and. taking family guests, rods to a thence dredths rods to a thence with petition for probate thereof, presented Rev. stake; westerly parallel stake; north eight Mr. Carter preached on temper- has opened her cottage, “Craneswater”, for with said Harrlman's land six rods and six- degrees and four minutes west, five and by Shirley P. Graves, one of the executors the note he departed. therein named. ance to the the eummer. teen and two-thirds links to a stake, thence seventy-one one hundredths rods to a stake;, | boys Bunday night. Fred A. late of in t welted an hoar for him, at the northerly parallel with said Miller's land thence north six degrees west, seven rode to a Orcutt, Ellsworth, said J. M. Hutchins afad Melbourne Marks and twenty-four rode to said Harrlman’s land: stake; thence north eighty-four degrees county, deceased. A certain instrument war- came daughter Chrystal granddaughter, weet, to be the of which time ha In pant- thence easterly by said last land six rods ana ninety-five rode to the shore of great porting last will and testament of ecd were in of have been two weeks easterly said Bangor Saturday. Boeton, spending sixteen and two-thirds links to the corner pond; thence by the shore about nineteen deceased, together with petition for pro- ing. first with the rode to the of bate thereof, presented by Zilphe M. Orcutt, Clyde McCuaick of la at the “Uld Homestead’’ with his sister mentioned, privilege of crossing place beginning. For further Uuilford, visiting over other land from reference Is to the executrix therein named. "Were yon kept waiting. Abel" I and brother. (derived said Sewell description hereby made a his grandparents, J. M. Hutchins and Lake) from the county road, and by his keep- deed from Seth W. Babbidge to Nancy M. Dennis Buckley, late of Bucksport, in said county, deceased. A certain instrument sated. wife. Recent arrivals: Marion ol ing up good gates or bars until another road Babbidge, dated December 27,1907, recorded in pur- Hazelwood, or passage wav shall be laid ont to said land. Hancock registry of deeds; also warranty porting to be the last will and testament of -No. sah. I wasn't kep* waitin’.” New and said deceased, together with petition for pro- Mrs. Abbie Kitleridge and of York; Tom Hazelwood, Allan Pratt, Meaning intending hereby to convey the deed from Nancy M. Babbidge to John W. children, same as described In deed Richardson, dated December 1907 and bate thereof, presented by James E. Buckley, "Then why were yon gone so longr Berlin Dick Hubbard and premises warranty 27, re- South Framingham, Mass., are visiting re- Bolden, Hugo from Sewell P. Lake et als to Thomas Miller corded in said Hancock registry of deeds. the executor therein named. "I didn't go the way yo’ told mo to of Connecticut. dated July 27, 1863, and recorded in Hancock Lot No. 8-~8ituated at Beech hill in the Colman Gray, late of Orland, in said county, latives here. Msstin, deceased. A certain instrument registry of deeds, vol. 119, page 207, to which town of Mount Desert, it being a three-fifth purporting sah." Miss Miss Marion Coan deed reference be had for a of the Richard Richardson to be the last will and testament of said de- go, Airs. Frank Lowell and son, of New Mary t’ercival, may more particu- part homestead, lar description. bounded and described as follows, to wit: ceased, together witb petition for probate "Why not?” are and friend, of all New York, who are presented Winifred B. York, visiting Mr. Lowell’s parents,E. And whereas the condition of said mortgage Beginning at a staxe on the west side of the thereof, by Gray Spen- therein named. nebber dat sah. I had A. and taking a walking tour from CaBtine to Bar has been broken, now reason of road to the cer, the„executrix "I go tray, Lowell wife. therefore, by leading Ripples, twenty-seven Moses B. such breach of condition the Loan rods from the north line of the Clark lot, in Friend, late of Sedgwick, in said on dat roote once." 24. Harbor, spent one night last week with Bucksport deceased. A certain instrument a bad sperience July H. A Building Association claims a foreclosure the northeast corner of Seth W. Bahbidge’s county, pur- Miss Abbie L. El well. They report a good of said mortgage. lot on the road; thence from said stake north porting to be the last will and testament of What kind of an ex- said with for “ExperienceI eighty-four degrees west, five rods and seven- deceased, together petition pro- PENOBSCOT. time. Bucksport Loan A Building Association. bate teen links to a stake; thence north six de- thereof, presented by Elizabeth P. perieuceT' By Wiley C. Conary, its the July attorney. grees west, seven rods to a stake; thence north Friend, executrix therein named Mias Maud Ward well has returned to Bucksport, Me., July 17, 1911. Frank W. •1 don't mind tollin' yon about It If 24._Rae. eighty-four degrees west, said Friend, late of Sedgwick, in said by Babbidge’* deceased Petition that Blanche A. her work in Ellsworth. subscriber hereby gives notice thal north line, ninety-five rods to the east shore of county, won't tell any ob de students. Dey WEST BROOKSV1LLE. Friend or some other yo' THE‘‘be has been duly 'appointed adminis- great pond; thence nonherly by the shore of suitable person be ap- Edward Snowman and pointed administrator of the estate of said cle- don't b'lelbe nothin' about bants, and family arrived Horace Mills, of Boston, is visiting his tratrix of the estate of said pond to the southwest corner of Mrs. Odell’s lot; thence by said Odell’s south line ceased, presented by John W. Friend, heir-at- last week for the summer. E. E. Mills and wife. EUGENE F. SAlNBORN, late of. BUCKS- law of said deceased. laugh at me. Bnt I tell you. sab. parents, south eighty-four east, rods to a dey degrees ninety John 8. Merle and of PORT. stake at the road; thence said Sargent, late of Mount Desert, in hanta on dat road, and dey get In Fielji wife, Stockton, spent Mrs. Kesiaii of is the southerly by said deceased. Petition that Charles deb- Jones, Belfast, in the county of Hancock, deceased, and given road to the place of beginning, containing county, a few here last F. Paine or some other suitable be statutes In de and raise days week. guest of Mrs. bonds as the law directs. Ail persons having thirty acres more or less, together with the person ap- side de park Maggie Blodgett. administrator of the of demands against the estate of said deceased barn situated thereon; also one other lot situ- pointed estate said Edwin of has re- Alice M. a de debbll." Field, Heading, Mass., Pearl Gott, of Bluebill, has rented the are desired to present the same for settlement, ated on the east side of said deceased, presented by Kodick, road, containing creditor of said deceased. turned to his home after a short visit here. and all indebted thereto are to one-half acre, with the house thereon; also “Get into the statnes7” Bert Mills house, and will soon move here requested Clara R. late of in said make payment one other lot bounded as follows: On the I Bunker, Gouldsboro. immediately. deceased. Petition that Charles H. to tole Douglas and Hobart of with his family. Clara E. Sanborn. north by land of Seth W. Babbidge. on the county "Yes, sah. I'm gwlne yo* ] Swan, Spring- Wood or some other suitable be Bucksport, July 18, 1911. east by land of John G. Richardson, on the I person ap- field, Mass., are at A. E. Varnum’s for the Edward and of administrator of the estate of said de- about one ob 'em. He mske me a Angley wife, Bangor, south by land of Clark and on the west by pointed ceased, Charles H. summer. were week-end of their d great pond, containing four acres, more or presented by Wood, man. though. 1 own np to dat guests aughter, subscriber hereby gives notice that guardian of Kate C. Robbins, mother of said good she has been less. Reference is hereby given to book 275, Elmer Snowman returned to his Mrs. M. THE duly appointed adminis- deceased. But I baln't got conscience enough to Friday Harry Tapley. tratrix of the estate of page 412, Hancock county registry of deeds, 1| for further John H. Grindle, late of Bluehill, In said home ‘in Litchfield, Conn., after a few Miss Ethel of description. that wey any mo’ nohow. Stevens, Brockton, Mast., ELLI8 E. FEEETHEY, late of BROOKLIN, Lot No. 4—A certain lot or parcel of land county, deceased. First account of Austin T. go here Stevens, filed for days with his parents. and Misa Isa bell of New are in the county of Hancock, deceased, and situated in Beech hill district in the town of administrator, settlement, "I war de wickedest man anywhar. Ewen, York, Levi Franks, late of Brooksville. in said July 34. Woodlocke. given bonds as the law directs. All per- Mount Desert, bounded and described as fol- with Mrs. Maggie Blodgett. sons having to wit: on the west oounty, deceased. First account of Susan G. I war a Bar and a thief and every- demands against the es- lows, Beginning side of tate of said deceased are desired to the town road leading to the so- Franks, administratrix, filed for settlement. Lewia Moore and who have been present Ripples, William P. late that was bad. To" know Pro- wife, the same for settlement, and all indebted called, in the north line of land of Gatchell, of Orland, in said thing NORTHEAST HARBOR. Henry deceased. First account of gueata of Capt. William Stevena and wife, thereto are requested to make payment im- Clark, formerly owned by John Gilley, ana county, J. fessor Barnacle? He was student deo Claris L. Fbuuthby. following said Clark’s north line Tyleston Gould, administrator with the will Shirley P. Graves, of Boston, is in town. have returned to their home in Brewer. mediately. westerly annexed, filed for settlement. Ills fader bad chickens. All ua nig- Brooklin, Me., July 6, 1911. sixty rods to a stake in said line; thenee northerly and with said Daniel S. Banker, late of Sullivan, in said John E. Mare nee Is employed as tailor Philip Tapley launched hia new twenty- parallel Ripples deceased. First and final account Inb chickens and watermUllons subscriber notice that road, sixteen rods to a thence county, of gen hereby gives stake; easterly, Charles H. by N. S. Bunker and eon. two-foot motor boat Saturday morning, THEshe has been duly appointed adminis- with and sixteen rods from the south Bunker, administrator, filed for When de broilers git plenty big I used to settlement. and went down the a on a tratrix of the estate of fiaralleline, said road; thence southerly by said (Jordan H. Grates has been as bay with party ranxie in. ate or in to steel 'em. and wben de chicken* engaged rdad to place of beginning, containing six joraan, uriana, saia LEVI CHAPMAN, late of BUCKSPORT, county, deceased. Third account of Charles at the Union church for the sum- fishing trip. acres, more or less. war watermltUona war organist big and de ripe in the county of Hanoock, deceased, and Reference is given for farther de- J. Dunn, administrator, filed for settlement. mer. Misa Belle hereby William to home tbs Barnacle Tapley Smith, of Sedgwick, riven bonds as the law directs. All persons scription to Hancock of deeds, Roland Milliken, late of Surry, in I used go past county registry said deceased. First is her Misses Mildred and having demands against the estate of said book 815, page 298, book 811, page 199, book 991, county, account of Flora a nnder one Miss Winifred Sanborn has her visiting ooosins. deceased are F. Howard A. Milliken and place, and I take chicken resigned desired to present the same for page 892 and book 840, page 101. Milliken, Herbert and all E. Milliken. filed for settlement. with ma on Its ss here and settlement, indebted thereto are re- Said mortgage i* from John W. Richardson, executors, arm. Soger pressed position telegraph operator to make Horat:0 8. late of of by the offensive quested payment immediately. late of eald Mount Desert, now deceased, and Seavey, Dracut, county to It from and her place has been taken by Miss Alma Drop drop discharge Eunice S. Chapman. in the Commonwealth of Massa- throat keep aquawkln. caused Nasal Catarrh falls from the back Ermina R. Richardson his wife, to us the said Middlesex, by 5, 1911. W. chusetts, deceased, Petition filed Fisher under de udder arm I bad a water Sampson, of Poxcroft. of the nose into the throat, an in- Backsport. Jaly John Somes and Melville L. Allen, is by setting up H. Pearson, administrator, de bonia won, for flammation that is to mean dated January 8, 1908. and recorded likely Chronic January license to sell certain real estate of said de- million. There will be six sunset services on the Bronchitis. The most 15,1908, in the Hancock county, Maine, registry satisfactory remedy of deeds ceased, as described in said petition. "When I'd committed these depre- rocks at W. Arnold’s be- for Cstarrh is Ely's Cream Balm, and the re- Kailroabs anb Steamboats in book 447, page 84. Benjamin place, The conditions of said have been Clara A. Heath, late of Verona, in said lief that follows even the first application mortgage deceased. dations lota ob times Hr. Barnacle ginning 23. These services and are broken, and reason of such breach county, Petition filed by Oscar P. Sunday, July cannot be told in words. Don't suffer a day by executor of of condition we claim foreclosure of said Cunningham, the last will and be says to me. 'Abe. wbat yo' stealln' are for sll the young of Northeast longer from the discomfort of Nasal Catarrah. testament of said people mortgage and give this notice for that deceased, that the amount Cream Balm is sold by all druggists for 50 pur- of the lnheritanee tax our chickens fo’T 'Go 'long.' 1 says; "1 Harbor over eight years of age. pose as by law provided. upon said estate he de- cents, or mailed by Ely Bros., 56 Warreu termined by the of probate. Street, New York. Mount Desert, Maine, July 3, 1911. judge baln't got no use fo’ yo' chickens.' July 18 X. Y. Eugene H. Bristol, late of .New Haven, m _ John W. Somes, the state of •Well. Abe. all I hnb to any Is dat 1 Melville L. Allen. Connecticut, deceased Petition filed JuliaS. Bristol and W. DEER Bar Harbor and Boston $4.75 by John Bristol, heard a clatter In de chicken house one NORTH ISLE. Banking. both of said New Haven, praying that tli© of said named night ami went out to see what was Alton has returned home from One Way. $8.50 Bound Trip. NOTICK OF FOKKCLOSCKK. appointment petitioners, as Torrey trustees in the last will and testament of said Franklin 8. of de matter I saw dark yachting. Pierce, Bangor, deceased, may be confirmed by said court. somethin' Blueblll and Boston $4.50 One Penobscot State of Maine, by L. walkin' and It. I saw WHEREAS county, Joseph Gordon, late of Bucksport, in away follcred Mrs. C. H. and of his mortgage deed dated June 21, 1908, and re- Jolly daughter Hutb, Bound said county, deceased. A certain instrument It Into bouse.' Way. $8.00 Trip. corded in Hancock county registry of deeds, to be go yo' are at F. E. a purporting the last will and testament Atlantic, Ga., Hardy’s for 19 what your money will earn if book 461, page 160, conveyed to Hanson B. Fo Gawd. Mr. Barnacle. 1 baln't of said deceased, together with petition for few weeks. Invested in shares of the Sedgwick and Boston $4.00 One Stousiand, of Bucksport, Hancock county, probate thereof, presented by Annie C. Gor- teched chicken meat In a year. l‘s too Maine, certain real estate thus described in don, the executrix therein named. Misses Florence, Louise, Catherine and Way. $7.00 Bound Trip. said mortgage: William N. York, late of Bluehill. in said poor to buy em. and I’a too bonest to A certain lot or of laud, with build- Cassie Carton, of Cambridge, Mass., are at parcel county, deceased. First account of Forrest steal eta.' Ellsworth Loan and Ass’n ings thereon, located at North Bucksport, in B. Snow, administrator, filed for settlement. Mrs. G. L. Holden’s. Buildiflfi Steamer T Morse leaves liar Harbor 2.30 said and bounded and described •' county, William N. York, late of Bluehill, in said 'Abe.' be as wit: said, 'yo're sacrilegious. p m, dally, for Seal Harbor, Northeast Harbor, follows, to Situate between the county, deceased. Petition filed by Forrest The .carpenters have finished work on Southwest North Haven County road so called and the Penobscot river “1 turfed wben be said dls. fo' I A NEW SERIES Harbor, 3fc>nington, B. Snow, administrator, that an order be is- Haviiand’s which was and Rockland, connecting with steamer for and westerly of the Maine Central railroad sued to distribute the heirs of said de- minister Arthur cottage, among wasn't convicted ob sin. as de Boston. tracks, and bounded on the east by the line of ceased, the amount in the hands of in the Is now open. Hharee, 81 each; monthly pay remaining sho' damaged cyclone July 4. The said railroad; on the north by the line of said the of his first says, but 1 got convicted enough 81 share, Steamer leaves Bluehlll 1.30 administrator, upon filing has moved in. menu, per Boothbay p m, Farnsworth Marshall’s land and westerly account. dat. De water- family for South Bluehlll, Brooklln, Deer Isle, said line to the Penobscot mighty quick arter dally, along river; thence Susan W. Hardy, late of Boston, Suffolk July 24. H. Sargentvllle, Dark Harbor and Rockland, con- southerly along said river to land formerly millions war and one _ county, Massachusetts, deceased. Petition giftin' ripe, night, necting with steamer for Boston. owned L. thence by Cyrus Fish; easterly to filed by Alpheus Hardy, of said Boston, one de Barnacle 1 tuk a big WHY PAT RENT the line of said thence pausin' place. Steamer Catherine leaves 3.30 p railroad; northerly of the trustees in the State of Maine, under SOUTH BROOKSVILLE. when can borrow on your Sedgwick m, along said railroad line to the of be- wntermllllun under arm. and 1 you for Herrick's Landing. South Brooks, place the will of said deceased, that said trustees my shares, give a first and dally ginning, three acres more or less. Chase has moved his mortgage vllle, and con- containing in Maine, be ordered by said court to trans- how chicken would Robertson family reduce it month? Monthly Eggemoggln, Dirlgo Rockland, And the same to said thought good fried every steamer for Boston. being premises conveyed mit certain funds received from the sale of ana interest necting with into the Orvis Gray house. payments together Hanson B. Stousiand by Alfred B. Chase, by certain real estate of said deceased, in said taste fo’ breakfast. Den I went Into amount to but little more will RETURNING his deed dated Sept. 15, 1877, and by his deed State of Maine to the trustees under said will de chicken bouse to git one ob 'em. JarvisGray, of Harborside, has moved than you are now paying for dated Oct. 17, 1891, and deed from Lydia A. appointed by the probate court in and for and In about ten Turbine Steel Steamships Belfast mud dated Oct. also another into Howard house at Bucks rent, years you Chase, 5,1893; certain said Suffolk county. Dere war ao much squawkin' dat 1 lit the Esther or will Camden. lot parcel of land adjoining the above de- Melvina Gray, late of Penobscot, in said out fo’ awhile and hid In de bushes Harbor. scribed premises, and bounded on the east by county, deceased. Petition filed by Milton OWN TOUR OWN HOME. Leave Boston 5 pm, dally, for Rockland. line of said Maine Central railroad, and on 1 saw bouse W. Herrick, trustee under a written instru- somebody come oat ob de The schooner Emelie Belle is discharg- the west the Penobscot river, and on the Leave Rockland 5.15 a or on arrival of by ment for the benefit of Helen Herrick and I m, south land now or owned and look around, den go away. from Portland tor the canning steamer from Boston, for Bar by formerly by Henry Herrick, of Penobscot, for license to ing freight dally, Harbor, and the same For particulars Inquire of and George Peed, being conveyed sell certain real estate all as appears in said waited to' awhile; den 1 sneaked In. factory. Bluehlll, Sedgwick Intermediate landings. to said Hanson B. Stousiand by Cyrus L. Fish O. W. Taplby, petition. ma Sec’y, by his deed dated Aug. U, *897, and known as got chicken And went off towards O. of visited E. L. Smith. Agent, Bar Harbor. Clara A. Heath, late of Verona, in said Mrs. M. Smith, Bluehill, First Nat’l Bank Bldg. the Fish lot, the same containing one and ma cabin. A. M. Hf.rkick, Agent, Bluehlll. county, deceased. First account of Oscar P. her son, Allen, superintendent of the ▲. W. Kino. President one-half acres more or less, reserving to said Cunningham, executor, filed for settlement. "1 war «]e statute ob General E. J. Eaton, Agent, Sedgwick. Cyrus L. Fish the right to build a fish weir Edward E. of Winter panto' granite last week. his natural life. Upham,;late Harbor, quarry, during in said county, deceased. First account of or odder who fit fo' dls state Somebody July 24. C. And whereas the conditions of said mort- Warren L. Russell, administrator, filed for In de rebelutlon wben de statute called gage has been broken, now therefore, by rea- settlement. son of such breach of condition, I claim a oat: foreclosure of said JEROME H. KNOWLES. Judge of said Court. K1TTKKY TO CARIBOU. mortgage. A true " in Effect June 1911. Hanson B. Stousland. copy of the original order. 'Halt thar. you Abel* Schedule 26, Attest:—T. F. Mahoney. Register. at Wiley C. Conary, his attorney. “I stood still as 1 could fo' de ebak- The Narragansett hotel, Rockland, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE. la’ ob ma was damaged by Are Saturday to the ex- legs. BAR HARBOR STATE CP MAINE. Charles A. of Bucks- " of TO BANGOR. Sundays Stubbs, de statute. tent f7,000. _ Hancock ‘Drap de chicken.' says AM AM PMlPMIPM PM AM PM Hancock hh. WHEREASport. county, Maine, by his " dated the isth of '1 baln't no The one of the 8 45 *1 20 2 *7 20 mortgage deed, day October, got! chicken.' Prospect house, Bethel, ManBet.de 90j To the Honorable Justice of the Ju- a. d. 30 2 40 7 30 Supreme 1894, aud recorded in tbe Hancock county in was Southwest Harbor. 8 50 1 dicial Court next to be holden at “De right arm ob de atatute raised oldest summer hotels Maine, 7 40 Ellsworth, registry of deeds, book 288, page 63, conveyed Northeast Harbor. 9 05 1 40 2 50| within and for said on the 2nd Tues- insur- 00 coanty to me the undersigned, a certain parcel of and (rowed at me. 1 heard it burned Loss, f20,000; Seal Harbor. 9 25 2 00 3 10 8 of a. someptn Saturday. ^~ day October, d. 1911. real estate situate in said and Bar Harbor.de 8 10 10 50 3 00 *3 9 00 5 20 Bucksport splosh on I reckon It was 30j H. of bounded and described as follows to wit: de ance, |10,000. Sorrento. 10 80 4 00 > TINKER, Tremont, in the tgroun'. of Hancock and Lot numbered in the an Hancock Point. 6 86 10 40 J4 40 IjNUOENEIA county State of Maine, seventy-nine (79) sixth egg. 1 aged six years, son of John g that he of lots in said Joseph, Sullivan. 11 05 4 85 o respectfully represents was lawfully (6th) range town, containing “I waa so de atatute married to Nettie of one hundred acres more or less accord- akiered at aeeln' Dostin, of Waterville, while playing in a Mt Desert 7 00 11 45 d3 40 5 00i 9 50 £ 6 05 Moran, Philadelphia, (100) Ferry. Penn., on the 5th of a. d. to the and of said town, to- (row le' ob 7 07 11 52 3 47 5 07i 9 67 6 12 day October, 1901, at ing plan Purvey somepln/dat I go de neck on the point ot a scythe, Waukeag. hall in New York with all the mill hayfield, jumped Hancock... 7 15 5 10!. 6 16. City City by Alderman gether buildings, mills, de he 11165'. James Smith, that lived and in and about the chicken, and It began to squawk. a cut on the leg from which Franklin Road. t7 5 19 6 26 they together as privileges machinery receiving .]. husband and wife at said mill thereon and the home- Junction. 7 30 12 15,. t5 11 00 32 10 00 Tremont, and at standing; being 'You say baln't got no chicken, bled to death. Washington 28;. other in said state and in stead farm and mill need and rip* Ellsworth. 7 87 12 22 4 11 5 86 10 21 11 07 *6 89 10 07 places other states, occupied by •hr until the 18th of a. d. Samuel E. Stubbs in his lifetime and deeded saya de afctute. of the Ban- Ellsworth Falls. 7 42 tl2 27 5 40 11 12 6 47 10 12 day September, 1907, John K. Graham, president that said libellant has to him Moses Buck deed recorded in “I dla. Nicolin. t7 66 fl2 40 6 00!.fll 25 f7 00 flO 26 your always conducted by by didn't st J nothin' to has himself toward his said wife as a faith- said of vol. 172. Said gor Railway A Electric Co., purchased Green Lake. 8 04 fl2 49 6 08 11 84 f7 08 10 84 true, registry deeds, 84, page de and da water- H 67 f6 41 ?7 15 41 ful and affectionate husband, but that on said premises were conveyed to said Charles A. 'Drap the of the Bodwell Water Power Co. Phillips Lake. t* fl2 16.til flO Stubbs H. (chicken plant 8 18 06 6 24 11 48 !7 21 10 48 13th day of September, a. d. 1907, the said by Charles Rice, administrator of million.' says statute Holden. fl of said ij|e Old Town and Milford, on the Penobscot 888 124. 644 12 08 7 88 11 08 libellee without reasonable cause utterly de- estate Samuel E. Stubbs, deceased, by Brewer Junction. serted deed dated and recorded in said “I 4m bofe. and da chicken is 8 4ft 1 80 d5 20 6 SO *11 26 12 15 7 40 11 15 your libellant, and has continued said July 20th, 1894, dropped river, and will proceed, it understood, Bangor.nr desertion for and whereas the condition of PM AM AMAM PM AM three consecutive yesrs next registry: said went off aqua kin*. the Stillwater to the of this that has been broken, now jw to build a dam across Port 1 And.nr 8 26 5 56 9 26 12 50 3 46 4 50 12 20 8 46 prior filing libel, the resi- mortgage therefore, by dence of said libellee is not known to reason of tbe breach of conditon thereof I 'Abe.' saya be statute. Tm a bant thus the Boston. nr 6 46 9 06 5 15 7 00 8 80 3 40 17 00 your branchjof the river, completing libellant and cannot be ascertained rea- claim a foreclosure of said to New York.nr 5 86 °7 40 by mortgage. what tuk Inside dla atatuta fo’ a vast sonable and there no a. d. 1911. op and creating power. * ° diligence, is collusion Bucksport, July 1st., original project f on signal to conductor. Daily Sundays included, d Except Saturdsy. Except between and Benjamin R. Stubbs. convict yo1 o > chicken and watermll- Stops your said libellant libellee to ob- of was shot tain a divorce. Wherefore he O. P. his Hon Pater Laferier, Winterville, Sunday morning, t Mondays only. prays this By Cunningham, attorney. steelin'. ■ nd I'm gwlne to stop yo‘ honorable Coart to him a divorce from a deer Frank grant { in mistake for recently, by BANGOR TO BAR HARBOR. the bonds of between him and doin' It' matrimony his subscribers hereby give notice that is now in Houlton to said ** Soucie, jr., who jail PM|PM|AM|PMfAM|AM AMI wife, and that such further orders and THEthey have been duly appointed executors ‘How you to do datT I says. decrees be made as to this Court shall gwlne of the Both :8 00 ... may of the last will and testament of await action grand jury. New York..lv ...! seem and Tm klU Boston.7 *10 00 *10 00 a m 8 00 10 00 9 00 proper necessary. gwlnelto yo’. to each were watch- a. d. 1911. AUGUSTUS C. SAVAGE, late of MOUNT men, unknown other, Portland.lv *1 20 *1 20 a6 20 11 06! 12 46 12 50 Tremont, Me., July 17th, “Dat statutA be Jnst lifted np his Euuknb H. Tinker. DESERT, ing a spring at which deer frequently AM AM AM PM PM PM AM arm fired a and de j *5 50 *6 10 10 35 aio 15 3 30 5 05 5 40' 8 CO State of New York, New York hs. in the county of Hancock, deceased, no bonds ag'ln and! pistol, saw he took for a Bangor.lv drank. Soucie what 8 18 10 11.; 5 13 5 46 8 07 the terms of said will. All ball ma bead. Brewer Junction. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th being required by sung right fcp above fellow 1100.i 5 36 6 tti 8 demands the state of deer, and fired, killing. his Holdeu. «36 27 day of July, a. d. 1911. David Cohen, persons having against said to “'Fo Gawdl Mr. Hanf 1 says. Phillips Lake. :6 42 ’ll 07.j t5 42 *6 lb f8 84 (L. S ) Notary Public, j deceased are desired present the same poachers. Green Lake. 6 50 11 16 .| t5 50 |8 24 8 42 for settlement, and all indebted thereto aro ‘1 promise no™ to steal chickens or Notary Public, Kings County. N. Y. Nicolin. 7 00 fll 25. t6 00 t6 32 8 51 Certificate tiled in New York County. requested to make payment immediately. watermllilons A mo' If yo'll spa ma Ellsworth Falla.. 7 12 11 38 6 12 6 44 9 05 Herman L. Savagk. who for earn *6 55 7 18 11 43 11 16 4 2b 8 18 6 49 9 11 George A. Savage. life.' A, People marry money every Ellsworth. STATE OF MAINE. Washington Junction 7 25 11 52 4 86 t6 24 ?6 55 *9 18 Northeast Harbor, July 10. 1911. of it — ‘Abe.’ said thMbant. •yo' not only a cent they get. Franklin Hoad.7. 12 02 t6 32 f7 03 9 26 Hancock ss. Supreme Judicial Court. In Hancock. 12 11... f6 40 f7 11 9 35 vacatiou. Ellsworth, July 22, a. d. 1911. subscriber, Alvah L. Stinson, hereby thief; yo' a 1 gwlne know There is living in Illinois a solemn man liar ll|Jow Waukeag. *7 13 12 14 all 46 4 53 6 43 7 14 9 38 Upon the foregoing Libel, Ordered: That THEgives notice that he has beeu duly ap- yo' who is without meaning to Mt Desert Ferry.ar *7 25 12 20 *11 65 5 00 6 50 7 20. 9 45 the Libellant give notice io the said Libellee pointed administrator of the estate of keep yo' ;oftert^funny ® pruifjie?' Sullivan. +7 50 12 45 ... to appear before the Justice of our Supreme ‘I I ef I ever do.’ be. At the time of his wedding he lived HARDY L. STINSON, late of SWAN’S hope majHpe Hancock Point. +8 15 '< 10 112 05 5 15 10 00 Judicial Court, to be holden at Ellsworth, distance from the home of 25 1 20 5 25 7 10 7 10 10 within and for the of ISLAND, 'W'ual. Abe. I IK let yo' off dls time, in a town some Sorrento...... * *8 © 40| County Hancock, on the Harbor.ar J* 10 r* 2 00 *12 40 5 40 7 40 8 10) 10 45 second Tuesday of October, a. d. 1911, in the county of Hancock, deceased, aud but If or lie I'll bride. The wedding was to be at her Bar by pub- j-o' .liaal agin tbo Heal Harbor. *8 5o *1 :*) 6 25 8 30 9 «0. lishing an attested copy of said Libel and this given bonds as the law directs. All per- come out ,ob and pummel ! house. On the eventful day the solemn Northeast Harbor *9 05 *1 50 6 40 8 50 9 20(. order thereon, three w .*eks successively in the sons having demands against the estate dls Statute ^ *2 the but on the Southwest Harbor. 15 00 6 60 9 00 9 30|.. Ellsworth Air jrican, a newspaper printed in of said deceased are desired to present yo" to kin on.' man started for the station, deaf. Now Hp go Mamet. *9 28 2 06 6 55 9 05 9 35’. Ellsworth in our County of Hancock, the lust same for settlement, and all indebted tbeteto 1 who talked so to to 'old Abe be quite excusable way met the village grocer, | publication be thirty days at least prior to are requested make payment immediately * a the second of to me or to Wil- ,or Jwts that the bridegroom missed Daily Sundays included. \ Sundays excepted. Mondays excepted, t Stop on signal Tuesday October next, that she m.v duly authorized agent, taking a 4>ut route. entertainingly | may there and theu in our said liam Swan’s Island, Maine. round* conductor. H. D. WALDRON, Court appear Herrick, he was in a "state”. to and answer to said libel. 'Alvah L. Stinson. When 1 saw Barnacle again his train. Naturally General Passenger Agent. Arno W. Kino, I'rofVIK’r Justice of the Sup Jud. Court. July 17,1911. 1 told him hie smiled and Something must be done, and done morris McDonald, the stoKf" 1 A true copy of the Libel and Order of Court ••Id So he sent the following tele- Vice-President & General Manager. thereou. that be was t bant behind the quickly. A* PORTLAND, ME. Attest:—John E. Bunker, Clerk. Subscribe lor lHfc AMtRICAj\ l "Don’t marry till 1 come. Henry.” | •tatue. J gram: ■■ ujrrx wot wo deaf t>,at I can't hear people ntvtontuiimt fmmry .news. who apeak plain. Sam won’t hero to nm to. we MM admit, today do raise hla voice at all If ho doesn't Monarch la any tontfue upon tba utar- HIS MANLY BLUKHILL. mumble hla words." tbrooe, do sovereign world nuns | \ ary F. H. Wood and Wife, 0I or as has Brookline But the supposed Sam objected. He in poetry pruee. In whom, an In town on BEAUTY Mam., thair annual vl.it I was a be bad before now. not so many said that It long story happened Winfield Brook* ba* Joined the to tell and be was tired. Ue would generations ago. In royal succession to BROOKS Brook, Bt WALTER EMMONS family at “Elwtn Con” for the tell It to Etbel and sbe could repeat Scott. Byron. Goethe. Hugo, Tolstoy, »umm«r. Latin. Asso- William Bernard and of as much of it as 9he liked to tlieir all the civilised world—Teuton. Copyright b, Aewrlcan Press wife, Bingham ere Deception The old man. both oriental—Is Interested, for ciation. 1W- Mm-, guest* of Mi.. father. opposed by Olt. Slav, War«,n Trees’’. his children, was obliged to give in whose new works It looks or where It “Bowen 1^^It Was Maintained and z Loag and left t bem together. As soon as be seeks the gospel of the day. Nabocb- In a »nd Judge Cherles J. Dunn 1 have been a man of man; eccupa At twenty-two I lived city end family, 0t Ended In Death had gone Etbel closed the door and to use an Irish word that became of the bona# Orono, wen In town Only Hons, 1 have had more to do Lsb, !n a rear room. Rack hut week. Mi* though It looked luqulrlngly at the stranger. a favorite with Sir Walter Scott. for UnnD end denghter wiB . with the aea than with the land. were yards Just deep enough .pend ,hort v»- "1 was trying to begin." Ue said, does not matter. Do not let os nurse and then the rears of cetlon hen. By HELOISE BRAYTON I Once I waa owner of a ecbooner that clothesline# "the delivery of a message from your the humor of the despondent editor John W. Amo- other bouses. Oept. Kens gave hi. Copyright by Amarlcaa Praee jg late brother. He was In 1 uaed for pearl diving, my divers be- told his readers. "No ennu.l my partner who mournfully One while looking out of my •ail and to elation, 1M1. A Bedouins. day picnic Newbnry Neck leat Fri. business In a western city, and I re- ing north African new epic this month." window 1 saw a girl sitting pensively day. It waa greatly enjoyed by all. gret to say that 1 come to announce working ground was off the can tell bow tba wonders of Capt' If; Nobody at a window of a houae across the Kan* ia a fine host. 1$ his death.” of Peart art nor bow a coast diving with went Trlpolltanla. language performed She eras doing something Bemuel D. Whea 8am Bartlet at sixteen yartte. Elmore and wife end P. h. Ethel sighed. It was rather that a la a hard life, and those who am .took comas Into tba world. Genius Is to be knit- from home without bidding hia onl; her bands which I Inferred Leavitt end wife, of away material- that soma Cambridge, M.u, hoped for support would not engage In It The boas la genius. Tbs lamp today it was dene beneath the or hls little sister Ethel good- desperate ting. though wen the gneets of Charles H. Stover parents remem- burns low wUl be and ise than grief, for the scarcely to he severe with his may think replenish- I not be sure. She (aot communicating with them obliged vary sUL so that could wife for the week-end. by bered her brother. But the ed. New orbs trill Litera- the comfort of stranger, m> mm er will taka brine light was down but afterward), he wrecked ■ they possession looking pensively, The Blnehlll Bn wifi who gave hla name as George Mason, ture may bo trusted to take care of bent on her company hold a the Hls mother died within a at him, bis and in it whether her eyes war# family. ship everything tor It to the of tbs concert and ball at the town ball assured her that her brother's Interest Itself, transcript not tell. 1 was struck Prtdey few and her dentb left the old 1 tad one man named Hamed. a little work I could 4. The years, to of with nil Its acton, Aug. Firemen’, orcbeatra. «ix and In the business would be sufficient drama Ufa. with her features and. above maa desolate Indeed. His eyesight mnecular black as the ace of regular will fnrntab mnslc. make her father and bereelf quite com- moods and strange Cashing fortunes. of sadness piecea, Ills were both Impaired. Hls all, with an expression hearing who undertook to master me. It meets Is July W. H. fortable. The story of Sam Bartlet’s ^adee. The cariosity that per- a _ daughter Ethel, poor girl, had a hard that seemed Inappropriate to young as Mason had a Them wae trouble, after which 1 had and Insatiable, and the Impulses time with him. To read to him was career was, said, long petual face. BLL'EHILL FALLS. one, aDd after giving It to her the him arrested and taken Into the town that Inspire It can never be extinguish- set a difficult, since she was obliged to shout, It doesn't require much to Mr*. A. H. Candage la home. came up as to wbat course of and be received a fall dose ed.—John llortey. and be could not see to reud himself. question Tripoli young man's fancy flying, though by of the Mr. and Mra. Hall, of North Ethel loved her father, but It was to pursue In the matter breaking of bastinado. thu i do uot mean to belittle the pic- Hampden, returned ooroe news of Sam’s death to the father. Monday. natural that she should wish for some- It was not long alter this that one Thrifty Harry Lauder. ture to which I bare referred. 1 aaw Etbel could not make up her mind There are stories told of the William Sinclair and children, of MJS. thing more inspiring than taking care night, the weather being very bot, I many her about the same time every day and to tell the old man that hla son. In- wonderful thrift of Lauder, the Mchuaetla, visited bis mother here of a broken down old man. She was preferred to sleep on deck. I pnt Harry fell to dreaming about her. The fuel last stead of returned to him, was Scotch comedian. Once when Lauder week. but eleven years old wheu her brother having down a mattress, but I was cooler In of love la Imagination. A youngster la At rate, she felt that it was in New York be was tn a wine went away and fourteen when her dead. any a chair. All I had on was a pair of attracted to n girl not for what she Mr. Johnston and family, of Cleveland times must be otT. But she Invited Mr. a at the Aator. Everybody her. arrived to mother died. When at she would put thin pajamas and low shoes. I lay buying party j la. but for what his fancy paints ()., lo-day open up their rot- remain 111 the but the Scot wine. When It summer. have a temporary respire from the Mason to house—Indeed, few hoars in sleep, awaking about bought ! And girls are still more apt to endow tag* for the another her father would misunderstand her meu came his turn to he aigbed. and k>v© care of her father, like many midnight. The were asleep be- buy a man with noble qualities Mrs. lioeie Briggs and sister. Mrs. Edith she would dream of the not doing so—uutll be returned to the was aloue on deck. For "Well, boys," he said. "It’s my turn girl, prince low, and I him for them. Candage, oprn their parlor Wednesday come her and west The old mau was Informed that to treat. Come with me. I've and who would to marry an boor I caught cat naps from time along It was In the summer time, and Saturday evenings for the sale of was in In the west and a fine bottle of old Scotch In give her the comforts of a home that S:un business to time, not losing myself for more got up my when I came home from business ev cream. would be her own—and hls. must reiurn there, but possibly he than ten minutes at onca At one of room. I brought It over with me.” atll! and ery day at 6 It was very light, The yacht Visitor 2d, with another occasion be was with a Hsrr.i Brown, One morulug there was a knock at might take his father and sister these Intervals between sleep 1 saw a On at that hour I saw the girl every day owner, of l’ittsburg. Pa., was in the offlng the door. Ethel was upstairs nud did him. George Mason before leaving his round black ball on the gunwale on drinking party and Instead of liquor he lu the same opposite sitting position. Saturday afternoon and evening. .Mur not hear the summons. It sounded business bad taken in one of hts clerks the port bow. 1 being starboard amid- took cigars, for which those who treat- before own Since 1 stood right np my dark she was a pretty tight, with electric and this time loud enough for as a partner, and there was no hurry ships. ed him paid SO cents apiece. Harry that she again window it was Impossible lights and searchlight*. Mr. Bartlet to hear. He went to the for his return. He remained with the Now, to a half awake sallorman a pnt all bnt one In his pocket. He spent should not have been aware of my July door and It There stood a Bartlets as a son, Ethel tak- black ball on the gunwale of bis ship two bonrs smoking that one. After the 25._Ckcxm. opened prodigal presence there. Occasionally ehe man. Inform her friends and ac- is a curious 1 wondered was over the little comedian young ing care to object. why drinking would turn her face outward, but I EAST BLL'EHILL. "1 am for the home of Mr. Incline. In- went to the counter and aakl to looking quaintances as to the true state of the It didn't roll along the cigar ever rested could cot see that her eyes Mis* Kutb Orindle went to Isle au Ilsur Bartlet,” said the stranger. "Have I case. stead of doing ao It rote. looking now the man In charge. “I say, man. wnd upon me. But 1 remembered that • laat week. ■truck the house?” Uke the round of a mind me ten cent for right Several weeks passed, and lCaaon top fencepost, ye glvln' cigar* would not a arran- pure girl gase upon Mis* Benlah Orindle is relative* "Speak louder.” replied Bartlet put- to return to business. spreading ont below. By thU time I these fafty cent ones?" The exchange visiting made no move ger—certainly not whan he was look- ting hls hand to hia ear; “I’m bard of waa sufficiently awake to realise that was made, and Harry went to hla room in Vinalbaven. Ethel was beginning to fear that tome at bar. time# be ing bearing.” let the cat out of the object waa a black head and with five as many cigars as H. F. Stront, of Springfield, Mass, stupid person might Every day on entering my room after *Tm to Snd a Mr. Bartlet, full had at the start came trying the to ber father. Besides this, shoulders, blacker for a moon laat week. bag my return from business 1 dressed for and I think you are he. I judge by that shone behind it. playing brother and sister by two per- the evening, making myself appear as John Charnley and William Farnsworth the resemblance your son”— not From this point my faculties came to It Was Serious. cam* home from Sound sons who were not related was Thought attractive as then threw Saturday. son r me possible, “My to on without criticism. To Uke lightning. I have often since The homing of the famous Grey- likely go opec the shatters with ea much clatter Edwin Barton and ton, George Long “Tee. your sou Sam.” such Issue George wondered that what for want of a bet- friars church In Edinburgh occurred guard against any as possible that 1 might'attract the at- Barton, of Springfield, Mass are guest* “8am r tar name 1 will caU an automatic rea- one Sunday morning, and tb* young Mason told Ethel that they bad better tention of the Hasting of W. M. Ward well and wif*. “Yes.” should hare made me girl opposite. announce that were engaged, soning prepare people of a house which backed upon they the sound, the would turn her face In Mrs. A. I. and little eons Irvin and Sam. how could for that which I had not ont were Long “Oh. my boy. you which was his of Eth- thought the churchyard among the first, way propoalng. my direction, but only momentarily Clifton, of P'ortland, are visiting Mrs. have left us as you did with never a Bad I taken the stepe to lead np to as were to start for el didn't quite like that way of doing they preparing of Ton and without any look recognition. Long's parents, E. C. Long and wife. wold all these long years? killed but she that preparation they would have been church, to observe the llamas. It was It, acquiesced. This down to her native mod- 25. R. and 1 have one foot as follows: "That Is a Bedouin the housemaid's I pat July your poor mother, became more to thief, Sunday out and old Every day It risky esty and parity. But I remembered In the grave. How could you? How who will kill me to enable him to car- Kitty, the cook, was that day respon- disabuse the old msD and confess the that there was a man FRANKLIN ROAD. could off some trifle" In a sible for her duties unwonted young opposite, you?" lie waa ry twinkling my Hearing deception. falling rapidly, and It occurred to me that If she con- Mrs. J. W. and •on. The father put hls arms around the were on the deck. I commotion and excited outcries McKay Sumner, and It waa feared that the shock of pajamas lying up- sidered that young man especially went to laat week. stranger's neck and wept standing naked In my sboee 1 knew stairs. she came panting and hobbling Bangor knowing that his son had not return- aba fall in love visitor was In this ab- that the thief would not be lncum- np from her basement kitchen, good looking might The many friend* of Fred Milliken and The standing to but was dead, would kill crying I ed him, with him, for thl* was not only my surd position, not knowing whether to be red with clothing, and 1 must not anxiously at each stair: wife sympathize with them iu the l*"* of him. Mason and Ethel, wbo were very theoretical basis of love at that time. hls tears with those of the him this over me. I “Ob. what la't? What la'tr their only child. mingle much In love with each other, wished give advantage ! but 1 saw no other way of attracting weeping father or to laugh when he knew that he had swum to the ship; “Ob, Kitty, look beret” cried one of George Putman and wife, of Nc Lon- I to be married, and It was necessary her. saw an attractive descend- therefore It was not he would the girls from n window. “Oreyfriars I are Mr. Put m’« looking girl that Mason abould return to his busl- likely don, Conn., viaiting 1 some time the ing the staircase. nave any firearms with him. The cbnrch Is burning np." spent discovering aunt. Mi** A. G. Clark. ness. It would not do to leave the old name, then wrote her a “But I'll not reproach you. 8am,” struggle would be muscular. Kitty dropped limply on a settee. yoong lady’s tv man behind, and If they took him with Mia* Blanche McFarland, who ha* :> continued Mr. Bartlet “I dare say 1 1 should have cried out aud aroused "is that a’, miss?" she grumbled be- note couched In as manly and respect- them, blind as be was. they could not viaiting friend* in Sullivan are Bar Har- a ful as knew how. 1 bad no was severe with you. and a spirited those below Strange to say. this did tween gasps. "What fright ye geed terms I live together as man and wife without bor, returned here Sunday. won’t stand too much correction. not occur to me as ns the other me! I tbtcht ye said the parlor fire tbongbt of making headway by what boy his knowledge of their relationship. quickly July 26. M. I'm come back and to and when It did 1 was too late. was out-"—Youth's Companion. I wrote, but 1 must open communica- glad you've The seemed Insoluble. points, puzzle so 1 ■tay—haven't you? Ob. stay with us: A black naked figure Jumped over the tion. and In doing wished to give WEST BROOKS VILU However, though Mr. Bartiet would Ethel and I are so lonely, nnd we need gunwale and darted like lightning to- Blending the Odors. the girl an opinion of me cornmeo- not solve It by dying, he grew so Word baa been received bert f the your help. Your old father needs a ward me When he reached me the It has been proved that two odors surnte with the admiration. If any. blind that the young couple decided to death on July 17, at Oakland, La!., f arm and brain to flashed on a steel blade with which do not seem to have that she had for my personal appear strong young support i be married and take him west with moonlight anything Zelenda, widow of D. L. Emeraon, a na- In anea. him." which be struck at me. I caught bis common, that of putrefied cheese tive of Weat I them without letting him know the Brook*vilie, aged eighty-two these words and the half amused, forearm with fist; but. the arm be- and that of pineapple, are so closely To make a long story short, I receiv- By j secret The ceremony was performed my year*. She wa* the daughter of John and on It clutch allied from the chemical standpoint ed a courteous to note, the half sympathetic look the face of privately, where be would know noth- ing oiled. slipped through my reply my Polly (Dodge) Henry, aiater of S vail to shoulder. I saved from that It takes bnt a few minutes to that, the the stranger Ethel understood that her ing about It and the three departed the myself young lady stating though Henry, of Caribou, and of Ellen, Mary, transform an Intense stench Into a could not consent to a father had made a mistake. Dreading the same day for their new home. being stabbed by holding my enemy correspondence Sophia, John and Lory J. Henry, of Weat sweet fragrance. This curious with a In cose 1 to have him suddenly disabused, fear- Months passed, and although Mr. off from me with my hand under bis experi- stranger. could Sod BrookavUJe, and Mra. Harriet A. Joy, of a arm the shoulder. The ment is easily made and require* but a means of known to of ing reaction consequent upon disap- Uartlet’s ears and eyes got no better at man. wrig- making myself Camden, all deceaatd, and mother small amount of three chemicals— pointment. she gave the young man bis health waa no worse. The difficul- gling. was liable at any moment to her through a mutual friend or other- Henry D., Charles M., Ellen Mary and valerianic add. sulphuric add and a meaning look and put a finger on ber ty of keeping the situation from him free himself. With my other hand I wise. should my position and character George A. Emeraon. amylic alcohol. Care most be taken Ups as a signal for silence. Her fa- was trifling compared with the ab- grasped bis throat. It. too. was oiled, prove satisfactory, she would be hap- not to over the or ther’s back was to so be did not but 1 clinched It to make spill fingers dress py to have me call her. ber. surdity of bis talking about the rela- long enough upon NORTH SULLIVAN. of the first two named see ber, and she. wishing to release tlonshlp that be supposed to exist be- the man drop bis knife. any drop liq- The day I received this note 1 spent | uids. add Is A. Sinclair Kirk, will «"'« the visitor from bis embarrassing po- : tween his two children. At this moment the rascal's face was Sulphuric exceedingly some time before my mirror wonder- impersonator, caustic and the stench of valerianic a monologue entertainment next Monday sition. laid her hand softly on the old ‘‘Wben Sam first came borne.” be to the moon, and I recognized Hamed. ing that the girl should have found add. bet-idea being unendurable, la evening, July 31, at the Hooper ,t Hatty man'a shoulder. He turned and saw said to a friend. "1 feared Ethel would Be bad not come for plunder; be bad such attractiveness In It aa to call very difficult to rid oL—London hall for the benefit of the church. her : not forgive him for all the trouble be come for revenge. My life now de- get forth so favorable a reply. 1 set my Family Herald. "Ob, Ethel." he exclaimed Joyfully, had given us, but now she acts toward pended on my preventing his getting wits to work to discover some mutual i friend to Introduce bat. “whom do yoa suppose this Is? Your him just like a bride and be like a the knife. 1 placed myself bet woes me; having 3libiTtisn»miis> Ths Caddis’s Advice. come to the long lost brother Sam has returned." i young husband. They kiss wben be him and It and clinched with him. HU recently city a stranger, down to A famous woman golfer was 1 knew few 1 He disengaged himself from his sup- goes business In the morning body was oiled all over, and be slipped talking very people. Finally and when he comes home in the even- about tbe SL Andrews links. wrote another note to the girt I ad- Envious posed son that Ethel might embrace through my arms like an eel and made \^omen. 1 never a “And aa wonderful as the links,” she mired. the case and the prodigal. But Ethel stood mute. ing. saw such loving broth- a lunge for the knife by darting be- stating asking er and Bister.” •aid. “are the caddies. The Scotch permission to furnish references. \ “Forgive him, Ethel, as I have for- tween my legs. I caught an ankle caddie la the of mortals. For To this 1 received a that she him. the and what While the old man was content to and held him extended to bis full quaintest reply given Forget past “1 as Instance: had skied a lot of balls would not receive calls for a few weeks, be might have been to us during the live, he supposed, with his children, length, bis arms stretched and within one much to caddie's bat U after he ofteD wished one morning, my dis- the expiration of that years that are gone. It was 1 who that or the other a few Inches of the knife. Be Jerked would gust Finally be teed a ball for me time 1 was of the same mind she drove him away by my harshness. For marry that he might have a lit- bis ankle so that, oiled aa It was, I tle and then, banding me my driver, re- would be happy to receive me. give him for my sake.” grandson to love him and cheer con id doc count on bolding It long and marked: Those weeks were the longest of my “I him. said EtheL him In his old age. But to gain this most do something else to thwart his forgive father,” I let's see a life. he must a ‘Woo. eddy, gold shot From Sunday to Sunday aaemad But there was no warmth tn the give up part of what be al- purpose. With one hand I made a and uae malr o' ” like from mouth An outsider must be yer glory hallelujahs.’ to month. After words, nor did Ethel greet her brother ready enjoyed. quick grasp for his shoulder, then with Introduced Into the house, and this he three Sundays had passed 1 dispatch- with a sisterly kiss. An expression the other let go bis ankle and grasped The Outdoor Nation. ed e note asking if I might be per- of Infinite pain crossed the father’s knew would endanger the family peace the other shoulder, falling on him at and comfort The of Wo nation loves nature so much aa mitted to calL I received a reply giv- face. The stranger saw it and step- thought bringing the same time. woman the German. The Italian travels to ing the desired perm leal on that day In the breach. In another appalled him, for be Here were two of for ped on reaching week. had a that no got somowhore. tho Goman to travel. “Forgive me. Ethel." be said. “I theory woman could the knife. 1 slid over his oUed surface um u» a Tho walk for Its own oaks Is wuuai up or my have done come Into house without sooner or and to country very wrong" attempted eintcb the weapon, card later over Its a Gorman discovery. The Mlaa Markley came tat* Lb* He advanced to her with outstretch- taking management But but aa was on English, Just 1 getting my Angers room man's Ideal la a tho Gorman's a whan 1 awaited b*r wbat I es- ed arms. Ethel drew back. he saw no difficulty In Introducing an- It be seized wrist and knocked it park, my noticed wae that other man. So he hinted wood, and tho Frenchman loves his pecially ah* laokad “Ethel!” cried her father In an ago- occasionally farther away. at m* as though eh* bad never eean ny to his danghter that she should marry. 1 bad tbe of btm. boulevard.—Hamburger Zettung. advantage bolding me before and wee *T have no wish to curious to know The folded her marry, father.” him between me and the deck. Be stranger In bis arms wbat sort of a she would am She Admitted looking fellow I was. and kissed her. Had the old man aay. “1 perfectly con- con Id not slide on tbe latter It easily received me with tented aa I am. do A Mrs. Ms la said to No- Having a fair he Why you wish me me on be was so prop Clara better eyesight would bare known haring bis back, but amount of to vello, the noted cordiality, we seated our- the blushes that the kiss was marry?” It difflcult to English prims donna, by not slippery that I found selves, and abe said: “You will admit that there la a gnat a brotherly and sisterly one. And bad “Well, yoo we, I’m lonely during the maintain my position on him. Never- deal of evil life In the theater.” “1 will explain why I put yon off not the two whose sight was long days when Sam la at business, and theless be endeavored to wriggle to- perfect eo long. It waa necessary. 1 bad I'd like to have a child for "True, indeed.” replied Clara, "but strongly approved of each other’s per company." ward the knife. Be gained some Inch- an which aide of tbe curtain?* learned who you are. and the delay sonal had not each seen Finally about a year after the mar- es and was about to It when 1 appearance, grasp waa not because the I bad the old man report in the other's expression that ap- riage gave out One day knocked it farther away. of you. for It waa very besides he took to bis bed which be never An Economist flattering. proval. something akin to I now determined to risk all on one The truth ts "You should ride a horse.” that I was born blind. love's first the again left Bis supposed sou's ab- move a band on each spark, probably girl quick Tutting Cntll a of all "Can't afford It” said the couple weeks ago I had might not have blushed. The old man sence day at his business was a of bla shoulders for 1 gave apprehen- leverage. never seen any It was great trial to the invalid From the sive person. object recent- put one arm around his supposed son a tremendous pull, shooting my head decided "But It will an ly by several oculists in coun- and the other around his time Mason went away In the morn- and shoulders give you appetite.” daughter, beyond tbe glittering sel that an "Perhaps. Bat it will do the same operation Mould be per- forcing them to their em- ing till his return In the evening the blade. Feeling It under my chest. I prolong formed on niv eyes wltb a view to would wait for tbe horse."—Washington 8tar. brace. patient and watch for him. grasped It. and tbe victory was mine. opening up a world to me. That opera- At last when the candle of lift* was an Instant from "Thank heaven, my dear children, In my enemy slipped tion has been low A Gun. emlueutly successful. flickering the dying man beard a nnder arose and ran like a Big for this reunion!” my legs, You have mentioned in child's “Professor Smart Is a man of your notes "Father.” said Ethel, “let us hear j cry. deer for the ship's side. I followed large mental caliber. Is he not?" having seen me at my window. 1 have has to “What's that?" he asked, starting up but before 1 reached the what Sam say In explanation, him. gun never seen till this "He Is a bore.”— you moment." "Father." said Ethel “that's little a and certainly big Uni- or. rather. I had better hear It first wale beard splash knew that he That was of Minnesota Minnehaha the last of reliance upon Sam. named for you, the third of the roe. versity and repea t It to you. Y'ou know you bad escaped my to line" manly beauty win a sweetheart have grown very deaf since he went Not fearing that he would return. 1 1 married That is the bitterest of Miss Markley. but I wou her there no all. to wear away, and he would have trouble Fortunately was time for lay down and sank Into a slumber not the of own by my good looks, for ahe says bear.” any more lies. The grandfather I sent the Tripolitan police after the yoke your wrongdoing.— making you drop- that I am rather than hand hack dead. did not And Eliot. homely “No,” protested the old man. “I’m ped villain, but they him. some.