Mount Hermon, and Henk Beerepoot ‘Melita Park’ 14.11.2012

Preface When one takes a map of and looks at the river one may imagine a figure of a man with and the sea of as his head, the valley of Megiddo as the neck connected with the river Jordan to the Dead Sea, which is his belly, and with Jerusalem as his heart. Above the head, and as a halo, lies Damascus, which will make this man into a ‘Saint’ see map on the last page. In the papers “The Judge ” and “Galilee” I have written about the meaning of the names and places where the water of the Jordan comes from and where it runs to. In this paper, which contains new levels of spiritual revealed View to Mount Hermon from Damascus truth, I will present some notes for those who may recognise him- or herself in the geographical area of his promised land. When you recognises yourself in this ‘figure of a man’, you will see your transformation as you appear into a Living descendant of the man Israel who receive the Promise which is given to your Father Abraham to possess your ‘land’. How do you know this to be so? You will know that... if this figure speaks to you..., then you will say ‘Yes’, or in Dutch: ‘Ja’, or in Hebrew: ‘YaH’... to this man... to Him....

Mount Hermon It is the Living Water of the precipitation coming down on Mount Hermon which runs through our body and makes us ‘Alive’. On the slopes of Mount Hermon The transformation of the Firstfruits, we are born and our life runs its course through the river or the Enlightened Ones, will be the recognition of the Promised Land Jordan wherein we flow and are battered through waterfalls inside of them. There they come to and along rocks, picking up all kinds of minerals which give see the topographical and historical shape to our destiny. At the end of our life we arrive in the meanings of their Promised Land, Dead Sea wherein we die by evaporation. There we leave and once they have lost their battle behind the earthly, but we return to Him, our Father, with all in the valley of Megiddo(footnote page 2), the impressions and blueprints of our ex-periences, the they will see that their blindness has memory of our carnal life, which will make our flesh made them alive in order that they Spiritually Perfect in Him who is Life. This is, in short, the take possession of their inheritance, allegory of our Life, the Life of our river Jordan and the name which is the earth, and all there is in :yardên, which means ירדף :it. “Jordan” is the Hebrew word “the Highest is leading on the Pathway to Life”.

Damascus This lifecycle, described above, accounts for most of the people of Israel. However, there are some amongst us who will not see death. They are waiting at present for their transformation. They are waiting for the consummation of their Damascus, which is our Father’s city of ‘Praise and of Joy’1,2.

1 Jeremiah 49:25 2 See footnote 2 on the next page.

Page 1 of 7 Mount Hermon, Damascus and Jerusalem.

This city pictures the First of the Firstfruits, which is the Manifestation of our Father, the man דמשק Yahshua. He is the Door to Life and this name ‘Damascus’ is in the Hebrew language Dammeseq3 which means: “The Door to Water Consumed at Last”...4. Once the Firstfruits have walked through the Door and this city is thus consumed, He, Yahshua, is consumed in them and so He has consummated the Firstfruits. They will then not need this Door anymore, this consumed city of Damascus will therefore not be rebuilt again5. They then are ‘lifted up by the Authority into Life’6 () onto the and have access to the ‘Living Water’ of Mount Hermon as the name ‘Hermon’ means: “The Presence of Father in Man is Living Water”7.

Megiddo In the valley of Megiddo, or Armageddon, the final confrontation will take place, though the greater encounter takes place within man. This valley of Megiddo is the neck, as it is situated between the head and the body of the ‘imaginary man’. The ‘neck’ is symbolic for ‘attitude’ (we are a ‘stiffnecked people’). It is there where the King(s) of the East (spirit) meet man’s opinions, the West (flesh). Strong gives as meaning for the name ‘Megiddo’: ‘place of crowds’. Indeed there in our Valley of Megiddo all our flesh-, and thus ‘self’ ideas, will be met, by Him, and dealt with, and there are many. There in our Valley of Megiddo our Pride (neck) will be broken and Pride is the burden of ‘Self’. When thus ‘self’ dies, we will be raised or entered into Life. Then, when we are entering into Life, we see the deeper and enlightened meaning of ‘Megiddo’, as this name is in the Megiddown and in the Paleo Hebrew script this word shows the pictographic מגדון :Hebrew language meaning of: ‘By Breaking the Water one Enters into Life’. This is how the Israelite will be ‘born again’ and at the present time the ‘born again’ Firstfruits are the rising ‘Dew of Hermon’ (Psalm 133:3) (see further on page 4)

2 Damascus, not Jerusalem, is His resting place. In this, so called, ‘time of the end’, all the eyes of humanity will turn to this city. Zechariah 9:1 “An oracle. A word of YaHWaH against the land of Hadrach (the “Land of Hadrach” answers to the Promised Land and means the “Area of the Fertile Crescent”). And Damascus shall be a resting place for Him, for the eye of man and all of the tribes of Israel shall turn toward YaHWaH (He is, as Him manifested, as Yahshua, in His ‘resting place’ in ‘Damascus’).”

3 Strong gives for the word ‘Damascus’ under 1834, the meaning: ‘silent is the sackcloth weaver’. Like so many words in the Hebrew language also this word has been given by our modern translators an, so called, ‘evolved meaning’, though oftentimes we still recognise the deeper meaning therein. This is also the case with the meaning given for Damascus. A ‘Sackcloth’ is a symbol of ‘repentance’ or ‘return’, a ‘sackcloth weaver’ is a man who provides this repentance, or this return, and he does this in ‘silence’, hence ‘silent is the sackcloth weaver’. So is Yahshua the One who ‘in silence’ returns us to our Father, He walks us through the Door so that .’Dammeseq, ’The Door to Water consumed at last דמשק we have access to Life. He is the Damascus

4 The city of Damascus has a serious shortage on fresh water. The Barada and the Fijeh Springs from the North have supplied sufficient water to the city in the past; however, both springs have dried up see: Today. Currently Syria has no access to the abundance of water which the southern slopes of Mount Hermon provide, as they lost The Golan Heights to Israel in 1967.

5 ‘Stone’ edition Tanach Isaiah 17:1.

6 To be ‘lifted up by the Authority into Life’ is the pictographic meaning of the word ‘Golan’, which is in Gowlan. Strong gives for this word 1474 the meaning: ‘their captivity: their rejoicing’, a גולן Hebrew Gowlan גולן meaning which reflects a ‘coming out of captivity’ and which reflects the deeper meaning of which shows: ‘lifted up by the Authority into Life’ as Yahshua is our ‘Authority’ and we are ‘lifted up’ by Him, out of ‘our captivity’, into the Father, ‘into Life’, ‘our rejoicing’.

Chermown, Strong 2768: ‘a sanctuary’. Indeed, there in our הרמון :The Hebrew word for Hermon is 7 Head is Mount Hermon and there our Father is pictured to reside in the diencephalon, there in ‘His Sanctuary’ He resides, and there we will meet Him in our consciousness. It is from there, the diencephalon, that Life is given to the blood and this Life Blood gives Life to our body, through our Heart, the city of Jerusalem. The deeper meaning of the word Hermon is therefore a wonderful confirmation as: “The Presence of Father in Man is Living Water”.

Page 2 of 7 Mount Hermon, Damascus and Jerusalem.

There on Mount Hermon, the ‘Mountain of Transfiguration’, which is also called Mount Sion8 and in Siyon, means ‘I consume’9, our Father will indeed שיאן ’the Hebrew language the word ‘Sion consume these Firstfruits as this Mount Hermon pictures their mind, whereupon the slopes of this mountain they have worshiped their idols10. There on the foot of Mount Hermon in the former Philippi11 were the, so called, ‘Gates of Hell’12 where they venerated ‘self’ and married into them13, producing the ‘giants’, which we do know also Most of the people of Israel, who are aware of today. Though, because these Firstfruits have come to the time we are living in, are looking to the know Him, these ‘Gates of Hell’ will not prevail ‘outside’ and see the prophesies coming to against them (:18). There on the slopes of fulfillment. These will die… in order to be Hermon and in their head, are those who will not see raised to Life. death, consumed, and thus consummated, in Him as 14 There are a relative few who are granted to see they have recognised in themselves Him, the the fulfillment of His Word within them, they Messiah, the Son of the Living Elohim,.... will not see death and are raised into Life

8 Deuteronomy 4:48

Siyon no.: 7865 ‘lofty’. This is correct, as there in our head we שיאן Strong’s gives for the Hebrew 9 become ‘elevated’, there in our head the deeper meaning of ‘I consume’ takes place, as there we will be ‘consumed’ and thus ‘consummated’, or rather ‘perfected, fulfilled or completed’, thus,‘lofty’.

10 The history shows that on the slopes of Mount Hermon the people of Israel, whereof the tribe of Dan was the first, practiced all kinds of idol worship and occult rituals. So have we practiced these things on the slopes of our Mount Hermon, in our head.

11 Caesarea was situated on the south western base of Mount Hermon, an area where all kinds of idol worship was practiced. The name ‘Caesarea Philippi’ means: ‘Lover of the god Self’. (‘Philippi’ means: ‘Lover of horses’, and horses are symbolic for flesh, ‘Caesarea’ means: ‘of the god self’ see page 11 of: 'Is it Lawful to Pay Taxes?' ). Yahshua asked: “whom do ‘men’ say...”, the disciples reflected men’s opinions, indeed ‘men’ respond to ‘the god Self’. Peter however responded to the Father as he said ‘Thou art the Messiah, the Son of the living Elohim’ (Matth.16:17).

12 “The Gates of Hell” in Yahshua’s time are still known by the same name today.

13 The book of Enoch sheds some light on the identity of the Nephilim. As the ‘children of heaven’ (who are also called ‘the angels that sinned’, or ‘the watchers’) “were in all two hundred”; and “who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon (Enoch 6:6)” and chose wives from amongst the children of men and begat Nephilim, or Giants, so too have the people of Israel defiled themselves by interracial marriage, producing flesh peoples who were driven by their carnal nature rather than guided by the Law written on their heart. This adultery pictures a Spiritual adultery of which we are all guilty. We all have produced Nephilim. We were born on Mount Hermon, and became blinded at birth, we were separated (=2, see: 200 children of heaven) from our Father and started to trust on ‘self’ with whom we united, producing ‘giants’ in our human workmanship, in all our arts. Though, our brother Yahshua has paid the penalty for this great sin, this ‘trust in self’, which started with our blindness from our mother Eve, indeed from the time we left the womb. (Enoch 10:11-14 records the fate of Semjaza and his band of 200 men, which pictures Yahshua and the people of Israel).

14 Matthew 16:16-18 And Simon Peter replying said, Thou art the Messiah, the Son of the living Elohim! Yahshua answering said to him:”You are happy Simon Bar-Jona; because flesh and blood have not revealed it to you, but my Father Who is in heaven*. And I also tell you that you have said it; and upon that Rock I will build My church, and the gates of the Grave shall not overpower it."

He builds His Church on that Stone, which is on man’s consciousness of being united with the Father, through the Son, and in his head. It is the Life awareness of the Father which man receives from Him and on (footnote continues next page.) that Stone, or Rock, or diencephalon, or Holy of Holies, or Yahshua, He builds His Church, as He told Simon Peter.

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Matthew 16:13 “When Yahshua came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Messiah, the Son of the living Elohim.”

Knowing that they have lost their life, or have denied ‘self’, for His sake, these Firstfruits are going to be transformed through the enlightenment which comes from within them, as they will come to see His Reign as His Kingdom, wherein they will be instrumental through Him to restore the creation into His Rest. They will realize that they have gained the world and will come in the Glory of the Son and of the Father and the holy angels (Luke 9:24-26).

To recapitulate, as the Living water, which precipitated from the clouds on the mountain and watered the slopes, so were these Firstfruits, these Saints, who the Father had called and were taken by the Son to the mountain, watered during their 6 days flesh life, thus ‘while asleep’ (Luke 9:32). After their battle in Megiddo these Firstfruits are then raised in their 7th day, in His Rest, on Mount Hermon, and ‘outside’ Caesarea Philippi, as ‘His Presence’, through the Son, to become the ‘Dew of Hermon’. Luke 9:34-35 “… there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and with reverence they entered into the cloud. And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear Him”

Jerusalem (psalm 133 in reverse order) As Dew these Firstfruits will then descend upon His beloved one, upon Israel, upon the Mountains15 of Zion16, which are their brothers.

It was not upon ‘the man Peter’ whereupon the Church was to be build but upon ‘that revelation’, which came from the inside of Simon’s head, it was upon Peter’s awareness, thus upon His unity of flesh and spirit that Yahshua told him he would build His Church. His unity of flesh and spirit is ‘Him Manifested’ and … indeed… ‘Him Manifested’ is Yahshua and He is our Rock, or our Stone, or our Peter. And surely as this revelation, which Peter received and was predetermined before time began, it was reflected in the meaning of his name as he, and we all, ‘live up’ to the meaning of our names. He was called Peter, which means: ‘Rock’ or ‘Stone’ and in Matthew 16:16 ‘Simon Peter’, which means: ‘He has Heard the Stone’ and in verse 17 Yahshua called him ‘Simon Bar-Jona’, which means: ‘He has Heard the Son of the Dove’.

There, where formerly man united with his idol ‘self’, that is in his head, Father ‘Unites with man through the Son and so … subsequently in man with His People’… and this ‘Uniting His People’ is the perfect outworking of His Church.

Once His Church is being built inside of man, it reflects on his outside and in the earth and therefore shall the ‘Gates of Hell’ not prevail against it. The man… who sees this… will therefore not see death… (Matthew 16:18). Luke 17:20-21 “…The kingdom of Elohim comes not with observation… behold, the kingdom of Elohim is within you.” * Note: the word ‘heaven’ in verse 17 refers not so much as to ‘a place’, but to this ‘created realm’.

15 Mount Zion pictures the people of Israel and is Jerusalem which is a city built upon seven hills, namely: 1. Scopus, 2. Nob, 3. Mount of Offence, 4. Mount Zion, 5. Ophel Mount, 6. Rock, 7. New Mount Zion*. These seven (7) hills picture the seven eras, or the seven days, which the people of Israel will go through to be made ‘Spiritual Perfect’. It will be in Zion where our Father takes domicile: Psalm 132:13 “For YaHWaH hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation”. *This 7th hill was in the time of Simon Maccabeus the most recently named, which is wonderful indeed as this ‘New Mount Zion’ pictures, as the 7th, the Healing into Life of the people of Israel.

16 The ‘life’ of man is pictured by Jerusalem, it is the ‘City of Peace’, which pictures man’s Heart. Tsiyown. Strong translates this ציון Jerusalem is known as Mount Zion, which in the Hebrew language is word 6726 ‘Zion’ as ‘parched place’, however this rendering is not complete and because of the blindness of the :Tsiyown shows the meaning as ציון people of Israel, this should not be a surprise. The picture of the word Page 4 of 7 Mount Hermon, Damascus and Jerusalem.

Psalm 133:3 “As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there YaHWaH commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.”

They come down as Dew upon Zion, upon Jerusalem, as His Presence, to heal their six hills, to make them complete and Holy in their 7th hill/day, their Feast of Tabernacles. Psalm 133:2 “It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments.”

This Dew17 reflects the Life which makes their body alive so that they will become united within the Firstfruits in Yahshua in the Father Psalm 133:1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”

P.S. Much controversy exists about the question: “Who is that woman, that great city, which reigns over the Kings of the earth (Rev.17:18)?” “Is it Jerusalem, is it Rome or is it both?”

The woman is the ‘Self Consciousness’ of the people of Israel. ‘Self’ is the harlot. In their blindness they committed fornication with all dominions in and outside their body, assuming to have power in their earth, having control over Jerusalem, their Heart, the life of their body. On a personal and corporate level ‘Self’ is therefore Mystery Babylon18, the great confusion.

This meaning reflects the completing, or circumcising, Heart where .(ן) Life (ו)comes into (צי) The Desert indeed, ‘Peace’ has settled (‘City’). The Heart of man will give life to the body and this body is their promised land, as the descendants of Israel will also been given the Land promised to their fathers, which is the world. This land which was promised was formerly called ‘’ or ‘the land of Phoenix’. It is the land, the body of Israel, where New Life will come forth from the ashes, Life brought forth from the Heart, from Zion, from .Zion ציון ,The Desert, which comes into Life John 7:38,39 “If any man is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever trusts in Me, as the Scriptures says, Rivers of Living Water shall flow out from his Heart. [He said this, however, in reference to the Spirit, which the believers in Him were afterwards to receive….” (Ferrar Fenton)* *Ferrar Fenton renders the word ‘Heart’, and not belly, which is correct. He recognises that the Gospel of John was originally written by the evangelist in Hebrew and was later translated by him in the Greek language for the Greek churches. The Heart relates to the Life of Jerusalem, the residence of our Father. Zechariah 14:8-9 “And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former (eastern) sea, and half of them toward the hinder (western) sea: in summer and in winter shall it be. And YaHWaH shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one YaHWaH, and his name one.” These waters towards the ‘former’ and ‘hinder’, or ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ seas are the main arteries of the people of Israel. ‘In that day’ these arteries will direct His Life in their body as their inheritance, their Birthright, in their body on a personal level and in their body, as ‘the body of the world’, on a corporate level. The Eastern water, as the ‘small blood Life circulation’, will restore the Dead Sea into a Living Sea whereby the ‘dead’ minerals, which represent the building blocks of the flesh body of Israel, will be made complete into living stones. The Western water, as the ‘large blood Life circulation’, will flow into the ‘Sea of The Middle of the Earth’, the Mediterranean, from there all the Oceans of the world will be given Life, and the oceans are symbolic for ‘peoples’.

tal which means ‘the Authority of the Covenant’. Father is תל The ‘Dew’ is in the Hebrew language 17 the Authority, He made the Covenant. His Dew, pictured by the Firstfruits, will come upon all of Zion, to give growth within the people of Israel, to establish the Covenant, to establish Himself within them and within the earth.

18 ‘Mystery Babylon’ means literally: ‘Flesh Man ‘trying’ to come from the realm of Good and Evil into the realm of Life on his own accord’, see page 3 of "The Fall of Mystery Babylon" Page 5 of 7 Mount Hermon, Damascus and Jerusalem.

Rome is the counterfeit of the true city Jerusalem wherein our Father will take domicile. Rome is a much younger city and, as Jerusalem, also built upon seven hills and, deceptively, called: ‘eternal city’. This city of Rome reflects our blindness on a personal and on a corporate level.

Rome was founded by Romulus around 750BC and named after him. Romulus was also one of the founders of the roman mythology and he became deified as ‘Janus Quirinus’. Janus Quirinus is supposedly the principal god of ‘beginnings and transitions’, of ‘gates and doors’, of ‘endings and time’. This god counterfeits our brother Yahshua, who is the manifestation of our Father. Because of its falsification to its identity Rome is a limitation in its culture and always has been. The ‘city’19 of Rome is only about the trust or the deification of ‘Self’ and this Rome20 will be destroyed.

At this moment Jerusalem is an occupied city. It is occupied by our brother Esau who facilitates us, in our blindness, with a ‘trust in ‘self’. Esau feeds our ‘trust in self’ through an illusion of security and progress which has replaced the unity we have with our Father, a unity which yields everlasting security and abundant progress. Thus, in our blindness, we have considered ‘money’21 and given value to her by our payment of taxes22, this in fear of losing security and progress by non compliance. This road is the road to the ‘death of self’, designed and directed by our Father to bring Himself to Glory, but from within man. The ‘death of self’ lifts man’s blindness and inaugurates His New Beginning.

Esau is thus in reality the tool of our Father in facilitating this process, of ‘feeding our trust in self’ and towards our death. Esau23 has, as a hunter of ‘flesh’, so attempted to take possession of our Life,

19 A ‘city’ is a collection of ‘doctrinal things’, hence a Judge sits in the gates of a city providing travelers entering into the city with information which makes them comply with the requirements of the Law of the city. A ‘city’ relates thus to the flesh mind where our doctrines are stored and He, the Judge, our manifested Father, sits in the gates thereof, providing us with our ‘conscience’.

20 The word 'Rome’ comes from the Etruscan word, ‘rhome’, meaning: ‘hard’ and is relative to the Greek word: "ῥώμη, rhōmē", meaning: ‘strength’, ‘vigor’. Hence the name, ‘Ro-man’ is: ‘The strength of man’, which is ‘Self’.

21 The word ‘money’ is derived from the name of the Roman goddess ‘Juno Moneta’, she is the ‘protectress of funds’ (security in foundation) and the ‘goddess of fertility (progress in growth)’.

22 See the article: "Is it Lawful to pay Taxes"

23 Esau is : Genesis 25:30 “And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom.” Strong gives for the word ‘Edom’ no.:123 ‘Red’. The colour red is the colour of blood. According to the pictographic Paleo Hebrew language the word for Edom which shows: ‘The Door to Chaos’. Looking to blood under the microscope is looking to ‘chaos’. Flesh אדם is Life, which is facilitated by the blood, is indeed chaotic. As a hunter of flesh, Esau was not interested in the spiritual promise of the ‘birthright’, as he despised it, and preferred to be fed by the ‘flesh life’ of the red pottage/blood of his brother Jacob (Gen.25:34). Esau was thus not upset about the fact that he sold the birthright to Jacob but he hated Jacob because he had taken the flesh ‘blessings’ from him. Therefore, he took on the mandate, given to him from his heart, to slay his brother (Gen.27:41). (footnote continues next page.)

At this time, as our destruction is almost complete, the descendants of Esau, (‘pictured’ by the House of Rothshield, whose ‘red’ shield shows his mandate) will break our ‘yoke’, which is our ‘self’ consciousness, from off their ‘neck’, which is their mandate to kill us. Genesis 27:40 “And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.”

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our Heart on a personal and on a corporate level. Through control of the world’s money system, which Esau calls Zionism, they seek their rebirth as he has a hold on our Heart and thus our body, which is also Zion and the land known as Israel. They know this Zion as a ‘Parched Place’, but for us, when we are losing our fight wit hHim and come to see the face of our Father in Esau/Self, it will become our ‘Desert which comes to Life’, which is our body, wherein we afterwards will serve Life to our Birthright, our inheritance, which is the world and all there is in it, Zion, the ‘Desert which comes to Life’.

According to our Father’s divine plan, they have, through our blindness, created a fear within us for losing an illusory value, which suppose to give us security and progress. This fear has reached such an unprecedented level that it is now choking us. This they have done through money which they have given value through their command of the payment of taxes.

Most of the people of Israel will meet Esau soon on the Fiscal cliff which will bring many of them, as their father Jacob, on their knees so that they, who are falling, may find True Value in Him, our Father who unites them with Him, providing them with everlasting Security and Progress.

Seeing our Father in the face of Esau (Gen.32:30 and 33:10) marks Jacob’s death to self and will release Esau from his divine mandate in order that we will be reunited with him (Gen.33:4).

Then, when we see Him in our enemy, which is our ‘self’, we will be healed and, after our healing, at the end of our 7th year, our Rome is burnt up, our flesh Temple destroyed by Our Father who has come down from Mount Hermon and ‘rules’ from our Heart, a ‘Life force’ from our ‘New Mount Zion’ in Jerusalem. We then have Yeruwshalaim and ירושלם lived up to the meaning of our name, as the word Jerusalem is the Hebrew word literally means: ‘The Highest Consumes the Authority of Chaos’. Then we have received our Birthright and will be called ‘Israel’, which means: ‘El-Rules’ (not ruling with El).

A further note on the words ‘yoke’ and ‘neck’: Unbeknown to ourselves we have carried our yoke, the yoke of ‘self’ and the mandate to facilitate us with this ‘trust in self’ was Esau’s mandate. ‘True Value’ is carried by the ‘neck’, as ‘True Value’ is the unity of Flesh and Spirit’, or the Consciousness of our true identity. The desire of Esau was ‘flesh’, he was not meant to be energised with the unity force of the Father in man, he was the ‘outside’ flesh energy of the mind which needed to destroy us, the people of Israel. Surely this was Esau’s mandate, which was carried on his neck, but the blessing he was given was that he would break this ‘yoke’, the ‘yoke of self’ from his ‘neck’, which will make him free.

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