
WEATHER SHady$tde 14010 Fair today, tonight and tomor- For All Departments row. High both days in the Ms. Low tonight, «. See paga 2. Ked ftmk Kegister An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership 4^ Since 1878 liauid Dally. Mond«y through rndty, entered u Second Clue lUtttf PAGE ONE VOLUME 82, NO. 79 at UM Po4t Office si Bed Bank. N. }.. under tha Act ol Iterek 1, lilt. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1959 7c PER COPY 59-Car Parkway Keuper Lists Siinday Sales Pileup Injures 28 Ban Items, Outlines Policy

SOUTH AMBOY (AP)-Author- FREEHOLD — County ities pressed their investigation Prosecutor Vincent P. Keu- today into what caused the 59- Home Rule Urged per yesterday notified all car pileup on the fog-shrouded Vandals' police in the county of the Garden State Parkway. definitions of items which Twenty-eight persons were in- jured (n the big accident, which On Sunday Closing are forbidden for Sunday occurred early yesterday as com' Probe Is sale, and outlined a four- NEW SHREWSBURY — The muters drove northward toward possibility of this borough being point policy to be followed in their Jobs: the site of a test case on the Sun- Monmouth County. • State police said then were 13 Broken day closing law was indicated separate plleups in a five-mile last night by Leon Anschelewitt, ^resident The prosecutor also pointed out stretch of the superhighway just LONG BRANCH — Two Juve- Asbury Park, attorney for Atlan- that responsibility for enforce- south of the Raritan toll plaza. niles-one 12 yeara old and the tic Superama, Shrewsbury Ave. ment of the' Sunday sales law other 13—are being held in con- In addition to appearing before rests with local police inasmuch The tint was at 1:45 a. m. as nection with the vandalism dis- the Borough and Council. Mr. Arrives as offenses are violations of the visibility dropped to zero in me covered at the Broadway School Anschelewitz presented a letter Disorderly Persons Act. fog. The crashes continued for to the governing body which the next half hour as motorists Sunday. stated in part: The text of the prosecutor's abandoned can and scurried for Detective Sgt William Walling, "The closing law is unfair and letter to local police, follows: safety, realizing they were in who led the investigation, said against the wishes not only of the h Rome 1.'Clothing'and wearing apparel danger of being hit from behind. this morning that the two boys, stores that, wish to remain open, ROME (AP) - President Eis- "includes any article or articles Following is a partial list of both from West Long Branch, but the citizens of the community howcr landed in Rome, today to to be worn on the person by man, the injured: . admitted ransacking, the school. as shown by their vote." gln his 22,000-mile "mission of woman or child as bodily cover- The admissions came after ques- Locally, the vote was 808 in peace and good will." Despite a ing or protection, including gar- Alexander Chase, «, ef 71 tioning last night favor of allowing the stores to heavy overcast and chill down- ments of alll types, headweahd r and Raviae Dr., Matawaa, critical, One of the boys had a teach- remain open and 750 for clos- pour which delayed his landing 20 broken ribs and brokea leg. footwear." \[J r's attendance register, taken ing. inutes, Italy gave him a warm I Interpret this to taemde Edward Hyrae, 44, of Liberty from the school, Sgt. Walling The closing law went into ef- elcome. '.'... Infaat wear but not diapers, un- St., Matawaa, fair. said. fect Sunday in Monmouth and U The American President told derwear but not medical, surgi- Alice Sebastian, N, of 131 Damage at the school was esti- other counties after the state greeters at Rome's Ciampino Air- cal or saaltary wear, handbags Wilson Ave., Pert Moamouth, mated by board of education au- Supnme Court refused Saturday port that his menage for each of thorities to be in excess of $1,000. ILICnD9UnN —Pat Merrill, •lectsd Queen of the Golden Anniversary National but not wallets, an kinds el hats, fair. to stay it. he 11 countries he Visits is one shoes, costumes and uniforms, James Weed, M, ol 11 Apple- Sgt. Walling called it "one of Motor Boat Show, rejoices with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Portland Merrill of Silver* The Supreme Court is expected friendship and freedom, and he worse" cases of vandalism hopes it "will be heard in but net jewelry Items ton Dr., Hattet, fair. lido Ave., Little Silver, and her sitter, Lynn, at right in photo. The pretty 19-year- to decide the constitutionally of with, pins, dips, wrist 'I have ever seen." the law after a hearing Dec. 22. very country where communica- Lotus D'Amlco, 40, U Walker old will reign at fho show in the Coliseum from Jan. 15 to 24. and the like. ; v, Ter., New Monmouth, fair. One of the boys is In the Juve- Cites Homo Rale ions are allowed freely." nile Shelter, Freehold, today. The •We feel that it is within the Eisenhower expressed pleasure 2. Furniture "includes all ar- Madeline Van Hen, 51, of I other has been released in the Late Store Hourt, landing "in this great city ticles of furniture used inside or . Louise PI., New Monmouth, authority of the community to custody of his parents. Free Parking Start control the situation concerning hich was for so long the very outside a house or office*; in; . fair. Sgt Walling said complaints Patricia Merrill whether a business night be center of all western civilization.' eluding chain, • tables, beds; Nancy Bacon, M, of 411 against them have been signed Stores la Red Bank win be open or dosed, Mr. Anschele- Ties ef Blood* desks, wardrobes, dressers, • • Crassmen Ave., Asbury Park, by school authorities. open until I p. m. Monday witt stated. "We therefon re- ldhrl cupboards, cabinets, . bookcases, sofas, couches, and fair. A hearing date on the charges through Saturday, starOag to- Wins Queen Title quest that the municipal govern- Italy, too, because of the "ties Frank Baker, 31, ef S Lynn will be set. ment consider the passage of an related items; and materials es- day. of blood which unite our two pecially, designed and prepared Blvd., Haslet, fair. Credits Tip NEW YORK CITY — Patricia ordinance allowing sale of air countries." He noted that mil- With the official opening at items on Sunday." for assembly into furniture; and Shirley Browaiag. M. of 117 Sgt. Walling credited a tip from Elite Merrill, 19-year-old college Delay Action all such furniture whether finished Eighth Ave, Behnar, fair. West Long Branch Police Chief the Christmas abopplag season, sophomore from Little Stiver, N. Mr. Anschelewitz told council that Superama is the only local or unfinished, painted or-unjpalni- Salvaton Saachl, 52, of 8 Frank S. Bitotta with breaking parting at meters will be free has 'been selected Queen of 9 Ground-Controlled Lyaa Dr., Neptune, fair. open the case. business affected by the tawan d every night and alMay Sam* the Golden Anniversary National On Sickles that his clients would be willing I Interpret this to taehsdiifan-' The accidents left the roadway He said the chief had been in- day, the Red Bank Cemnraalty Motor Boat Show, to be held in to absorb the costs If the bor-Landing for Ike's Plane tlque aad hnreano furakan.! strewn with broken glass and formed by a woman that two fish tanks, bird cages, aad at boys were bragging about ran- Chamber at Cenunerco said. New York's Coliseum Jan. IS ough passed an ordinance per- ROME (AP)-Alrport smashed vehicles. Resignation miting Sunday sales. under the ild President Elsenhower's such special purpose aatts. j sacking the Broadway School. to 24. 3, Home Furnishings "include Ambulances, wrecking trucks The chief, assisted by Patrol OCEANPORT — Councilman Home Rule Act to test the legali- a giaoadcaalroB. and fire engines were rushed in Miss Merrill was nominated by ty of the atatute. teeny items of, equipment and furnish- from surrounding communities. man Ralph Yamello. investigat Negotiators Hy Cunningham, snorts editor of Uoyd N. sickles submitted his ings used tat a home or office, ed, and brought Sgt Walling to _ at last night's Bor- Milton A, Mausaer, borough at- Twenty-four of the Injured were the Red Bank Register. Red torney. Informed Mr. AoscheleV such as floor coverings, lamps taken to Perth Amboy General to the probe, lank, N. j£in ear ough Council meeting. faOan eavtto,|Ua«. and lighting fixture, household Sgt WaWng said the two boys tha National Asioct • i, estates,.; aupamrlaa local Eafca^BBBBfleilW*ftV* *ji&BBtl' Cftst* Hospital. Seventeen were ad- '•••*^ '^tedlm would linens, drapes, blinds, curtains, mitted, jone in critical condition. admitted causing damage to the glrie and Boat Manufacturers, 0 liana Ck Draper.; had radioed mattresses, bed. coverings, mir- school on ^two- ether- week-ends. sponoor' of 'thtf'Boat Show, in- least until neat meeting. look mto .ma matter.. -• One car caught fin and: Mayor Baron, with the approv- rors, chma.kitchenwear and kit- burned. Last Sunday, he said, the boys On Steel vited newspapers from coast to Mr. Sickles said illness had chen utensils, silverware ant went to a movie In Long Branch, WASHINGTON (AP) -Steel coast to submit entries. forced him to decide to giv* up al «l tho council,- tabled any A restaurant near the scene the post. . further action until the Supreme cutlery." •;.;..-•;• :<:'••'' ^ < '•• was.jammed with motorists un- were bored, and decided to head labor and management negotia< The Register's green-eyed, gol- ," An' ttaMaaXfe-Fereo . officer ' f Iseararet tab to lacsade an for the school. They entered the tors clung, firmly to Mayor Edward C. Wilson, Sr,, Court renders its decision. •JJBBSB ' aMa^s* EaHlbfc - g^ViMBt able to get through the wreck den-haired nominee was selected ^ajngow aanvapvnHnj_ a^saHBBja^anwni'^ aspnswanB^B^an kinds of plenty crystal .tear, area for an hour and a half after building through a basement trenched positions today from a field of six finalists who asked that councU have, «bta door, he stated. President Eisenhower!* urgent : time to study the re*f»atio7 dotontive Hems, the collisions. had . previously, survived the lag la t*o Ugh ef tto tow, tea bulbs, lanterns; A parkway spokesman said new plea that the .nation's'econ- semi-finals, and hundreds of can- "Lloyd and I have been close Mathis tea tsi the left or tee aaoch Aaotber Bey omy requirei s l through many yean. He's served about 1,700 can pass through the n prompt settle- didates ' screened by 40 news- L There was another boy with to the right. savaBaw^EasaaT aaov^sianvaiajBBaB^ v^aaaaa^Baaonasn/ Raritan toll plaza north and south ment. papers. One of the requirements the borough for a long time and them, the sergeant added, but he Neither side showed any sign he's been loyal and true to the Hearing "It was-a beaadfol Job ef ana. Christmas tree deeeratleas. between 7 and S a. m. each decided he wanted no part of the of the search was that nominees This section Is Intended lo eowr weekday. of budging. The industry said be participating boating enthus- borough. I'd like to have another ground controlled landing," vandalism. again Its proposals are fair and talk with him befon we take this Jan. 18 aaM aa airport sevrce. pirnuaaat type Items and does iasts. up," the mayor said. net extend to soca thtaga aa The third boy left the building, reasonable. And the union, NEW YORK (AP)-New Jersey Sgt. Walling said, while being without preferring any new First taKaign Mr. Sickles has been a council- Ckrletasas trees, plants, Bowers, State Sen. W. Steelman Mathis ate.. Nab Youth heckled and called "chicken" terms, charged' the employers Miss Merrill is an old sailor man since January, 1856. is free to keep his date at lions of Americans sprang from (afraid) by the other two. wen being obstinate. who crowed for Carl Schwenker, He served 26 yean on the Florida race tnck—but he can' Italian origins, "so our friend- 4. Household appliances "In- Rooms on the first floor Elsenhower, ns port of his the 1954 Penguin national Board of Education and 33 years drive there. ihip is not merely official, but dudes stoves, heating devices. In Assault the building were ransacked, farewell radle-TV address to champion, and spend her sum- In the borough road department, comes from the people, from rel cooking equipment, refrigerators. desks overturned, telephone and of which he hu been director Or anywhere else, Magistnte stives clasping hands across the air conditioning equipment, elec- the natiea bat Bight men aboard her father's It-foot Edward D. Caiazzo ruled yester- light fixtures ripped from the leaving an his goodwill Corsaire cruising sloop. She be-since 1934. sea." tric fans, clocks, radios, toasters, On Women walls, and ink splattered aboui abroad, said tho nation's econ- day after hearing drunk driving looked television sets, washing ma- longs to the Shrewsbury Sailing Plot charges against Mathis. The President said he RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Key the rooms and hallways. omy and Its defeats pasran and Yacht Club.' and attends The Shrewsbury Sailing and forward with eagerness to his chines, driers, and all such ele'e- port State Police yesterday ar- Ink was used in one room before the world an suffering Hood College, Frederick, Md. Yacht Club bought from the bor- He freed the Ocean County talks here with President Giovan- trical and gas appliances used in. rested Thomas N. Sacks, 21, of paint obscene words on a wall. from the threat el a where she is studying music. ough n plot of land, 100x175 feet, N. J., Republican leader in 1500 ni Gronchi. Premier Antonio Seg- the home.. 12 Fifth St., Highlands, on a Sgt. Walling said police work strike. This is the first time that the on Genessee and Sewanaka Aves. bail for n trial Jan. IS. Mathisn, i and other Italian leaders con- - I Interpret shb to Inehjde all charge of assault with intent to ed continually since Monday in "Day after day. throughout the National Motor Boat Show has at auction for $4,800 after spirit- surrendered his New Jersey li- cerning his search for "peace Mads of electric and otherwise commit rape against women here vestigating the case. economy," the President said, had a queen. When tha search ed bidding. cense and promised not to driy< with Justice" ia the world. powered devices, each as aha* and In Atlantic Highlands earlier "uncertainty, indecision and hes-was begun in early fall, it was A communication from the until the trial. Gronchi nailed the American vers, vaporisers, bottle warmers tills month* Little Silver Girl itation are growing aa a result stressed to tho nominating boat- state Division of Alcoholic Bever- He waa arrested Wednesdaj President's "great political sag- electric blankets, tape aadwtro Police said that Sacks is be- of this continuing controversy." ing editors that the queen would age Control recommended that night In Times Square when, driv- acity" and his humanity in un- recorders, nsovte /projectors}' lieved to be the same person Regains Conedouanesa The dispute has been going on not bo expected to pose In n council conduct disciplinary ing alone, he collided with a taxi dertaking his historic mission. deg clippers, hair cutters, saw- since May. A record lM-day hearing on charges against Ar- cab at Broadway and 43rd St. ing who attacked two women in bathing suit, and that her selec- ll Keansburg and one in Eaat Louise Criml, 7, of 190 Pinckk-- strike ended a month ago under tion would depend more on her thur L. Crochet, trading as Art's Mathis argued with the driver, And Rome's Mayor Urbano Ci Keansburg Tuesday night. ney Rd., Little Silver, who was an 80-day Taft-Hartley injunction ability to represent young ladies Package Store, 327 Oceanport who called police. They booked occetti assured Eisenhower that sharpenen. He ia being held in the Monshot through the head by a that expires on Jan. 26. The interested1 in boating. Ave. him on a drunken driving charge the Italian capital "looks at you after a drunkometer test. Mathis S. Building and Lumber supply mouth County jail pending ar- caliber Mauser, remains in cri union then will be free to strike When not Bailing' or attending The charge is of sale of an al- with profound sympathy and will materials "includes all items ralgnment today in Raritan cal condition in Riverview Hos- again. coholic beverage to a minor. had $3,413 In cash in his pockets follow with very warm hopes the used in the construction of build- school, Miss Merrill devotes her and told Caiazia he intended to delicate and generous mission Township before Magistrate Sey pital. David J. McDonald, eteelwork- time to swimming Instruction Council referred the. matter to ings, whether residential, or la- mour Kleinberg. Although paralyzed on her let!ers union chief, proposed last •r.i pool direction. Its attorney and scheduled a use it on a trip to Florida and (See PRESIDENT Pg. 2) (See KEUPER Pg. 3) , The arrest. was made by side, the child has regained con night that the Presidents Steel the Tropical Park Race Track She will receive n $750 schol- hearing for Dec. 2». Trooper Thomas Wolf with as- sciousness. She has been on thi Inquiry Board make settlement Mayor Wilson appointed Fred' then. sistance from the Keasburg, critical list since she was acci- recommendations. Ho said be arship, n chaperoned trip to New "I usually take money when York with all expenses paid, and crick Geiger, Mn. H. B. Ked Mlddletown and Atlantic High- dentally shot by her sister, was sun it would result in a ney, Sr., and Mn. Harry Van go to the nee track," Math! lands police departments. a complete wardrobe, including ssid. Gloria, », Nov. 21 in their home, prompt contract agreement. sailing clothes, from B. Altman, Brunt aa a committee to judge of New York's Fifth Avenue. Oceanport's Christmas decora- Mathis, «I, wUI lose hla license She will also make appearances tions. Three cash awards will be in New Jersey for two yean on radio and television during given. Richard H. Hauter was ac- he is found guilty, the State M» tha Boat Show. cepted as a member of the tor Vehicle Division said. Oceanport Hook and Ladder "You know the law in New pany. Jersey, the tavern owner Is An end-of-year meeting of sponslble," said Mathis jovially Find Car council was scheduled for Dec. to newsmen. His lawyer hushed 29. him hurriedly. Mathis, who spent the night ii Of Heller Jail, pleaded innocent, posted bail INDEX and left, reportedly for Florida. In Newark The taxi driver, Samuel Kemp- ler, apologized for "making all NEWARK-A car owned by a the fuss." Keansburg'man, who is wanted by Eatontown police as a suspect Jim Bishop • In the shortage ef 14,000 In his Hal Beyle 7 Car Hits Curb, company's funds, was foun Bridge „ II, M abandoned Wednesday at 'the Classified JM7 Snaps Pole' Pennsylvania Station parking lot, Coaks it, M LITTLE SILVER-Mrs. Marl Market St. Crossword Paulo II, M an B. Feathers, 279 Linda St. Police uld the car Is resjli Editorials I Belford, escaped Injury la tared In the name of Edwarc HerMoek I night when a car she was drh Heller, 3», of I Willow PI, Kilty Kelly II Ing unappcd off a telephone pol Keansburg. He has been mlisln, Obituaries t on Branch Ave. since Nov. IJ. Sylvia Porter I Police said Mr*. Feathers wa Radlo-Teltvlslon 20 driving north on Branch Ave Police In Eitontown, where Religious Services 14, IS when she hit the curb of Fo: Holler worked ss a gas station Social It Hill Dr. near Plnckncy Rd. attendant for SAS Sales and Serv Oeorge Sekotsky I Ice, Rt. 39, said a complaint Mrs. Feathers lost control CARGO CINTIR — This is an aerial view of $4,000,000 four-building air cargo cen- Sports 21-21 the car, which traveled snothc embezzlement has been filed Slock Market 2 50 feet, Jumped tho curb am ter, foreground, built by the Port of New York Authorify at Newark Airport and against him by his employer, Amy Vanderbllt '. II rimmed the polo. Tho car w dedicated Wednesday. The Newark cantar U second In ilie only to the cargo fa- Saul Taubenklmel, 59$ Green W. S. While I Avo., Bclford. towed awny. cility at New York International Airport. On a 29-acre site at the north end of Pollco SRI. John Foster an DRIVING CHARGI — New Joruy State Sen. William Katontown police quoted Tau the airport, the cargo center compriiet three ilngle-itory cargo buildings with about Old Coins - Gold Coin* Patrolmnn Norman Skldmon S. Mathlt, contor, 61-year-old P.opubllcan loader of bonklmel as saying Holler wai Indian hond cents—Old f be under direction of the Bert bachs' report today is expected $225.70, a shade more than Wed M. Fay Funeral Home. ied in Monmouth Medical Cen- to .offer further evidence of a adverustsg er «aetay et aeedt/s decline. Industrials :r Wednesday. MCOSS Unit Gives AUXILIARY BISHOP—Mt9r. link between, smoking and lung say saeh msraaiatln which were up 40 cents, rails $1.40 and She was a former resident of November Report Jemes_ J. Hogan, pastor of cancer, Dr. Cashman's Public Is sat available utlllities 10 cents. Long Branch. Mrs. Potter was a far aareasse aa tatty." Camel Humps M1DDLET0WN—Nurses assign- St. Catharine's Church in Health Service exhibit says: NEW YORK (AP) — Yester- member of Asbury Methodist ed to the Harthshorne Memor In view of the above, I sug- Church, Long Branch. She was Spring Lake, who will be- "It is a statutory responsibility gest the following be accepted as day's dosing stocks: ial Health Center at Campbell's of the Public Health Service to ACP lad > •T-« Brk MM Pose Problem born in Rowlesburg, W. Va. Junction by the Monmouth Coun- come first auxiliary bishop of policy In Monmouth County: Mm as Surviving is 'a daughter, Mrs. inform members of the medical 1. It is not unlawful to publish Air lUUuo WASINHGTON (AP) — The ty Organization for Social Serv the Catholic diocese of Tren- profession and the public on all S (errick Feldmann, with whom ice, traveled 2,638 miles in Nov advertisements ' in newspapers a* problem confronting officials of lived; a son, Maurice A. Pot- ton. (AP Wir.photo) matters relating to important soliciting telephone calls, for sales the National Zoo today is what, ember to carry out their health public health issues. of Long Branch, and three service program. < purposes, to other counties or iiiiTcKf if anything, should be done about grandchildren. "The relationship between the sagging humps on a young Miss Kathryn E. Cooper, sa V. KewalsU states where Sunday selling ' AI004 Port o The funeral will be held tomor- smoking and lung cancer consti- legal, however it Is illegal to Ant Alrlln Val lad camel. pervisor of the program, said Minstrel tutes such an issue. The PHS The dub set Feb. 27 as the Brk Sk ub vii nit row, at 10:30 a. m., in the Flock nurses made a total of 584 vis solicit such calls into Monmouth Can ~ ~ * OlMt Should they just be allowed Funeral Home,. Long Branch, believes the following statements tentative date for the dinner, to or any County where Sunday sel- AiSTw to flop over, or should they Its in the township. Of this num- are justified by studies to date: honor Township Commltteeman- Am Motws tev. William I. Roberts, pastor ber, 372 were made to township Is Tonight ling is prohibited. AIM. Mon- Am Sm.lt LMWS me stand firm and upright? "1. The weight of evidence at elect Sigmund V. Kowalski. The Am std if Asbury Methodist Church, will residents in nursing homes, and mouth merchant* may not solicit Sack Trk The director of the Dallas, ifficiate: Burial will be in Glen- present implicates smoking as affair will be held in the Cliff- ssles through telephones placed Hartln Co Tex. Zoo, worried about the . 2$. were health guidance visits wood Inn. Am VlMowt tftrek rood Cemetery. Pre-natal clinics and infant and In Matawan the principal factor in the in- outside the" county. It Put sloppy appearance of a baby MATAWAN - An "Old Time crease in lung cancer. Mr. Kowalski defeated Demo- tfonttr Oil bactrian, or two-humper, asked pre-school conference clinics crat John W. Kearns, 921 to 818, 2. It is not unlawful to lease or (oat Ward MRS. BERTHA FASS were held at the center. Thirty- Ministrel" will be presented by "2. Cigarette smoking particu rent merchandise on Sunday even Armtt Ck> «tt BIK the question of the National Zoo. larly increases the chance of de- in the Nov. 3 election to give Aim on lit Mlrr LONG BRANCH — Mrs. Ber- one persons attended the preth-e Matawan Hook and Ladder though the same Items could not Atchlion Jil Distill It turns out there is no easy veloping lung cancer. the GOP control of the govern Atl ttatin answer. tha Fass, 76. of 317 Bath Ave., •stal clinics, and 32, the infant Company in the high school au< be sold, as long as the lease or Avoo Corp !»lt Sttcl died in her home Wednesday. "3. Stopping cigarette smoking, ing body—for the first time in NY Central P and pre-school conferences. rental Is not part of s purchase Bibcock (WITH Dr. Theodore Reed, director of ditorium tonight and tomorrow 26 years. Nit M Pw She was born in Austria,.and even after long exposure, is help- agreement or subterfuge to avoid Slid Ufflfflll - the National Zoo, found on a night. Bin Soon t»» Am A* came to this country SO years .'CHESTERFIELD CRITICAL ful. compliance with the sales law. BB»TUk CICII Nor p»c a* recent tour of European zoos I MIDDLETOWN- Henry Ches- John Hinds and Walter Bing "4. No method of treating to- Btndls Av Nwtt AlrMB ago. She had lived in the Shore are co-directors. If any part of a rental ia accep- Ohio Oil that some of them put a sort of terfield, SI, of 11 Cherry Tree bacco or filtering the smoke has BMIIIIHI OHVM Cp leather corset on their camels to area six years. Appeal Drive ted as part of purchase price, or Bixlni Air Outb Mir Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. -Lane, is still in critical condition Before the show. The Matawan yet been shown to materially re- may later be considered part of Bordtn Ow.m III 01 keep the humps straight. •to' Rlverview Hospital with in- Fire . Department Junior Drum duce the hazard of lung cancer. Bare Wtrn Put A W Air Wk33% Lillian Pearlman of this city; a purchase price, the transaction Bucktya PI Param Plct - Arabs who use.bactrians for three sons, Henry Fass of Broek- juries suffered when Ms car was and Bugle Corps will present a "3. The,non-smoker has a- low- Ends Monday is illegal on Sundays. Buey Erl* JC transportation also put a sling •truck by a train at the Gerard medley of inarching songs. Sudd Co lyn, Max Fass of the Bronx, New er incidence of lung cancer than SHREWSBURY — The Shrews- 3. It is not unlawful to perform BUlOVA Pa RK around the sagging humps to .Ave. crossing of the Long There will be a chorus of 38the smoker in all controlled stu- Burl Ind Phil XI York City, and Leo Fus of Long bury Community Appeal goes in'services, such as sharpening Cm, Jl Phlll Ptt givg e themselves something solid Island, and six grandchildren. Branch and New York Railroad members. Interlocutor is John dies. to the windup phase of its cam- Pit ltt»l Hinds. End men are Walter Bing, tools, polishing floors, etc., on Pub Bv B*0 to sit on. The funeral will be held on tn Matawan. "6. Unless the use of tobacco paign this week-end with Mon- Public* Ind bactrians naturally William Formon, Fred Forman, Sundays as long as the service cjwii! But some Long Island. The Flock Funeral can be made safe, the individual day having been designed Clean rendered is not part of a sales have fine, upstanding humps, Clifford Reeves, Clifford Brewer, person's risk of lung cancer can CalS Ptlm Home, Long Branch, is in charge Up Night. demonstration or purchase agree- Cl um OOu leading to a theory that diet may of local arrangements. John Pogers, Sam Banafato and best be reduced by quitting to- James Smythe, president, and ment. oomi BslB T ~;rov have something to-do with the Edward Francy. bacco." Con Bdli RCA Robert M. Rooke, organisation 4. It is unlawful for vendors to CoMC Readme Ca problem. In other words, a sag- Specialty numbers will be pre- The cobalt radiation discussion chairman, announced today that Repub Sll MRS. MARY WEEDEN employ the telephone on Sunday ss Reya Met gy camel may be a fat camel. LONG BRANCH — Mrs. Mary sented by Sam Banaato; Walter reached what appeared to at- all areas will have been covered to receive calls, in response to Crown z*U ft«r Tob The fact is, however, not too Bing and daughter, Denise; Di- tending physicians only one point by Sunday and that final call Cfue Ml Rob Pulton Weeden, 87, of 39 South Broad- previous advertisements, for the Curtlii Wr It Joi Lead much is known about camels, way, died this morning In her ana Wayte, of Keyport; Bobby of complete agreement That was backs for contributions will be Ml * Hud lean RMb 1VA purpose of making sales appoint DllLtW DIM humps or otherwise. Just what home. Ciecierski and Marsha Wallace, that the care and technique of made Monday. Doug Alre smii on ments on Sunday or on any other Dow Chem purpose the big mounds of gristle Mrs. Weeden was born in Eat- Keyport; Linds Martin, South the radiologist were more im- Participating agencies are thdaye . Sinclair on the back serve is not clear. portant than his tools. Smith, AO ontown and was the daughter of Amboy; Mrs. Reeves, Tommy Monmouth County Council of Boy If a question Is received Soeony The idea they store water has Scouts, Girl Scouts, American Sou Pie the late Issac and Sarah Pierce. Marsicano, Fords. about an Item which a pellee Sou Ry Just about been abandoned by thi She had lived here 47 years and Cancer Society, Cerebral Palsy Std Brand experts, who now feet they ston Also, "The Girls." Wini Hinds, The "Del-Counts" will provide the official knows te be forbidden, ma on en was the widow of John Weeden. Jeanne Bing, Mary Brower, Lee Association; Mental Health As- that Infermatlea sheuM be rea- 8M Oil N J energy. music. sociation,. Muscular Dystrophy atud Pack Surviving are two daughters, Tureby, Jane Staeger, Dorothy dily gtvea. If It Is aet efevteesly Tcaaeo • .Dr. Reed, and bis associates Miss Mary Dangler and Mrs. Formon and Mary Sica; Shirley Other members.of the chorus Organization, Salvation Army, T«i a Pr*4 are Sis Ciecierski, George Deitx, Textron can get no help in the slumping Cora Blakley, both of Long Henderson, Mr. Hinds, Marie S.P.C.A., U.S.O., and the Red Tldewat Oil . hump problem by looking at their Harlan Dietrich, Verna Ellison, Bank Community YMCA. would be te cauttea the dealer Traniamcr Branch. Labrant, Peter Fierro, Maria to consult with Us own alter, Un cirblda only bactrian. One hump is up, The funeral will be hold Mon- Piptone of Keyport. < Vernon Ellison,' Ann Fierro, Dor Mr. Smythe said contributions Un Pac MS and the other down. othy Formon, Nick'Francisco, may be pledged for payment over aey befere effedsg tat Han far Unit Alre . ',' day at 2 p. m. in the Woolley UnlUd o sB Funeral Home, with Rev. W. I. And. Mr. Brower, Kathy Fier- Bernice Hathaway, Robert Hath- a long period of time. sale. US Llnfi ro, Joan Hendricks, Fred For- away, Robert Horbal, Rhea Long' Families or business places de- While It may be that the police US Plywd Si* Roberts, pastor of Asbury Meth- US Rub odist Church, officiating. Burial nwn, Mr. Pogers, Mr. Francy. street, Bruce McCutcheon. Wil-siring to give large amounts, he I" a community may feel that US Smelt n Troop Inducts certain merchandise Is free from MO will be in Glenwood Cemetery. All musical selections and ad- liam Chamsan, Lillian Pipitone, said, can space the payments oye Van Al Stl 4m JOHN VAN KIRK A SON aptations are under the direction Joseph Rank). Evelyn Rasmus- whatever period is desired. embargo under the law, there is III Ctnt Walworth 1*14 SS Ctiiu H., WWII—• «M rt M of Mrs. Raymond Hendricks, pi- sen, Fritz Sica, Mary Staeger, All contributions, he added, are nothing to prevent another indi- mt Bui Meh 431 Warn B Pic «)Vi 15 Members MRS. ELLA A. PHILLIPS M vidual from making a complaint Nick W P«nn £1 3711 Mrs. Ella A. Phillips. M, of anist for the show. Frances Tahler, John Thaler, Ber< tax deductible. Each family, or Int Paper Wut Un T«I 4«« NEW SHREWSBURY-A can- StMta'l Cwwr M1-U1S and bringing the matter into in f«Y* T«I'3T W#»tf B1 . I0?u 146 Maple Ave., Red Bank, died UnnM «tmw BSI1-IM After the Saturday night per- nard Tuckerson and Russ Weber. business place, may elect which Whitewsrt UhK ss dlelight investiture ceremony was organizations it wants to help and court. ?«*tt SMT held at White Hall for members yesterday in Monmouth Medical formance, holders of Friday and If the merchant could produce 1MU Center. She was the widow of Saturday night admission tickets the amounts each is to receive. of Girl Scout Troop 4. Council Postpones Thus, he explained, 10 organ- evidence at such' a hearing that Welcomed into the troop andHugh J. Phillips. are invited to a dance at theDrainage Work President presented pins were Barbara Among the survivors Is a American Legion Hall, Main St. Stations have the advantage of he had been given permission by NEW SHREWSBURY — Themaking a combined yet indivld-a police official to seU a certain (Continued) Eckerson, Pamela Hand, Aleta daughter, Miss Helen Phillips, Mayor and Council last night de- ual appeal, item, the merits of the case could that you have undertaken, follow- Kennedy, Diane Kozusko', Jean with whom she lived. dined to- set up finances for be unfairly prejudiced. ing the impulse of your spirit." Lee Kulinyi, Marilyn LaRocque, The Carill Funeral Home, drainage improvements on Plum, MEAT HEARING As I have previously pointed Eisenhower emerged smiling, Jane McConnell, Lynn Moreau, Bridgeton, is in charge of «r- e rangements. ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS Pear and Orchard Sts. at the MIDDLETOWN — A hearing out "> responsibility for enforce- bareheaded but looking a little Ellen Novy, Donna Palumbo same time county-authorized im- against Food Fair Stores, Inc., ment of the Sunday sales law lies tired from the trip. He set foot on Evelyn Platto, Kathy Reilly anc DISTINCTIVE provements to Hance Ave. are on charges of having five under- with the municipal police inas- Italian soil for his fifth visit to Margo Weeks. made. weight meat packages for sale much as offensei are violations Rome at 12:22 p. m. (0:22 a. m. A court of awards followed Perfectlea et Material and The contractor, M. J. Stavola, has been postponed until Dec. 10. of the Disorderly Persons Act. I EST). One year membership stars wen Inc.. Middletown, has stated he The charges were filed by Wil< recognize that procedural ques- Raia Limits Crewd awarded to Adele Bailly, Susav WwkauNbl* la Beautiful would do the work at the sameliam Thompson, county superin- tions may arise on the spot from A band hurriedly played Banner, Marienne Beard, Susan Ntw Deslgas rate as the Hance Ave. project- tendent of weights and mess- time to time and I suggest that if through excerpts from the Amer- Berglund, Diane Brady. Grace but council delayed action until ures after a routine inspection of help is needed you call upon lean and Italian national anthems, England, Cynthis Goodrich, Bra Our memorials are manu- lithe end of the year. Food Fair market here Nov. 20.Chief of County Detectives John there was a quick exchange of da Harris, Susan Patterson M. Gawler. As for legal advice greetings and then the officials Barbara Pickerel), Louise Ralph factured by skilled artisans W * *•_ *t _• .* - .•_ *__ in our well equipped plant and representation, you should di- hurried to the airport veranda for Linda Warwick and Carol Week: rect Inquiries to your municipal the welcoming speeches. Other activities the troop has at West Long Branch. LOCAL SECURITIES attorney in the municipality The spectators applauded heart- recently engaged in were a "bud- dedicaled to (These bid and asked quotations from local brokers do nowhert e the problem occurred. ily as the President arrived and dy burner cookout" and hik J represent actual transactions. They are a guide to the range with- at the conclusion of the transla- INTEGRITY in which these securities could have been sold or bought at the which enabled 20 members t LONG BRANCH MONUMENT CO., Inc. time of compilation.) tion of his remarks. Outside the pass the outdoor requirement fc To serve reverently . . . " BANKS airport another crowd cheered in second class badge. Mrs. Rober with dignity and beauty Wall St., GApital 2-0300, West Long Branch Egg Market the rain as the two presidents Billings, leader. Mrs. George Div. Asked always, and offering the Asbury Pk. Nat'l 1.25 NEW YORK (AP)-(USDA) — drove off for the trip into Rome Ralph, assistant leader, and Mrs Asbury Pk.. Ocean Grove 2.50 Wholesale egg offerings ample over the 2,000-year-old Appian Fred Pickerell accompanied th utmost in consideration. IRANCH OFFICE and DISPLAY Allenhurst Nat'l .50 to more than ample. Demand Way. troop. An afternoon spent on th At no time does creed or Atlantic Highlands Nat'l 0.00 Despite the rain, small crowds grounds of the Reformed Church Belmar-Wall Nat'l 2.00 fair yesterday. Receipts 22,300. priea make any difference MONMOUTH MONUMENT CO. New York spot quotations yes- of Italians under umbrellas lined raking leaves. All of the trooi Central Jersey Bank .SO (x) Rome streets to watch the Presi- participated. in the high standards we HEADOEN'S COINER IHsdyslde 74110 Farmers * Merchants 1.00 terday follow: First Nat'l, Bradley Beach 5.00 Includes Midwestern dent go by on his wsy to the 400- The troop meets at White Hall have upheld and shall con- MIDDLETOWN, N. J. year-old Quirinsl Palace, his res- First Nat'l, Freehold (xx) 14 Mixed colors - Extras (40-JO in the Reformed Church week' tinue to uphold /In eur Keansburg-Middletowa 12.00 idence for his two-day stay in lbs.) 31 H-33; extras (4Mt lbs.) service and responsibility Long Branch Trust 11.00 »(43'/, extras medium 27-21; Rome. The weather kept the Merchants Trust * .70 21'/4 numbers of the crowd down, but ta the eommunlty. Matawan Bank .30 ... smalls 22(4-24; standards large those who did turn out cheered Monmouth County Nat'l * .10 4ft 30-30(4; checks 24-27. lustily. Peoples Nst'l. Keyport 3.00 White — Extru (41-50 lbs.) 32- New Jersey Trust 1.00 35; extras (45-41 lbs.) 3042; ex- Births ORDERYOUR Sea Bright Nafl .75 tras medium 27^-28'/,, WEATHER John E. Day INDUSTRIAL Browns — Extras (W-50 lbs.) nffKldasswV aiMil Rlverview Electronics Assistance Corp. 1IU Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O'Sul< Electronics Associates (xxx) 34-35. Iy saaay today aad wsna agsla CHRISTMAS 35 Includes Nearby livan, 3» West Eighth St., Keans Funeral Home Hanson VW-M 8 far Ms lima ef year wkh alter- burg, daughter, yesterday. Haydu Industries ,.. 4% White - Top quality (4«-90 ssssssBssl tessstsssssaVsniWaisB IW (h* ^sW II Rhnrslw* Avoxwo) Laird & Co. 2>/« lbs.) 37-41; mediums 29-30; Fair tealsjbt with lew 40 te «', Mr, and Mrs, William Burling 8 South Cherry La., Rumson Monmouth Park ,45 S smalls 24-25. la the Me well iataai. FLOWERS son, this morning. N. J. Nat. Gas 44% (x) Including .10 extra; (xx) (.7 percent stock div, .. Browns — Top quality (41-50 fair aad eaaUaaai Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Data, •Plus stock dividend, (xxx) 2 percent stock div. 1958; lbs.) 37-38; ' mediums 31-Ui with blah well m la 4 Maple Ave., Matawan, so ••Ex. dividend 2Ci in stock. smalls 28-21. this morning. NOW! Meek Islaai la Case May— l,0M SHIPS USE SEAWAY »•noniMnj_ .> . _•__ r _i—JWM- M|av« MIV*O ••••>•T Htt^R• * Plac* F. T. D. MASSENA, N, Y. (AP) - The HssMifI t MI^HBfVAfts*dBBBialttsTB WWIBBBlaBHI VUWvOTa^MaaBBaasftaWt WHIsMtsrBfPt order. «arly and American locks In the St. Law- tides areaai a feet abeve ear* rence Seaway accomodated a>959 SMI aad rather rsngh seas due save tram* vessels during the waterway's te gales at Ma teday aad te» Worden Funeral Home minion chargei. The Adams Memorial Home first season of full operation, the eight. Wlads eertterly dlmln- St. Lawrence Seaway Develop- tsMag slewly Saturday. Weath- 40 I. WONT STRUT M0 IANK 10% discount ment Corp, announced last night, er lair. VMMHty II miles. on local ordert SrladyiM. 7-0557 ROBERT A. BRAUN if placed before Successor to Mount Memorial Home Answering the county's need for modern funeral facilities) December 10. "HOME FOR FUNERALS" we proudly announce the completion of Moamouth County's sew, modern funeral home and memorial chapel. The One of the county's mott modern funeral expcrlonco of over 40 yean ol urvlce to the living has RED BANK •UNIRAL DIRICTORS gone Into the construction of this establishment to aisure 26 Broad St. homes with a completely home-like atmosphere, greater comfort and privacy lor you during a trying period. SH 1-7229 A dedication service and public visitation will he held In IN BROAD STRUCT EATONTOWN nild-JHnuary. LITTLE SILVER i 310 iroed Street Red lank, N. J. ( LIBERTY 2-03S3 HARRY C. F. JAMES A. ROBERT F. SH 7-1832 Formerly ol Unit Orange L =rl= TheMoral Firemen To Reign as Queen Taller BED BANK REGISTER friaar. Pee. *V Religious Teachings Little SUver Board Nam^s Re-elect Of Boat Show Traffic Thompson New Secretary Get Political Airing Willis Signs LITTLE SILVER - Marshal n the classrooms, an extra jani- F. Thompson last night was ap- tor ii needed to help dean the By TOM HENSHAW •'In Catholic teaching, the SHREWSBURY — Willard D. TRENTON (AP)-New Jersey »inted secretary of the Board of building. There is no cafeteria in Willis was re-elected president of i going to have taller traffic the Point Road School. AP Religion Writer meaning of natural law Is un- Education. derstood in the tight of a high- the Hose Company at Tuesday's signs. He replaces the late F, Richard The board held for study two There are signs the 1960 Pres- er law, the eternal law. The meeting in the fire house. - Gov. Robert B. Meyner yes- Warner, who died Nov. 10. >ids for landscaping at the Point idential campaign, at least until eternal law la God's plan di- The new slate of officers also terday signed a bill increasing Mr. Thompson will serve on a Road School. Turner Bros.' Nur- the nominating conventions next recting all the attain of the includes Grover Carter, vice he minimum height for traffic 12-month basis. His salary will sery, West Long Branch,' bid summer, promises to be a run- universe, from the movement president; Carl Nil), treasurer; signs to five feet. The present be $4,200 a year, with $300 yearly $2,225.25, and Holly Acres, Red ning exercise in Roman Catholic of the atoms to the actions of George H. Lange, Sr.. secretary: minimum is 2>/2 feet. increments until he reaches a Bank, bid $2,580. theology and moral teachings. John W. Parker, corresponding Present signs that do not meet maximum of 16,000. Mr. Warner A request from Christian Bro- With one Catholic already in •The aataral law Is the eter- secretary; Patrick D'Aloia, chief; the new requirements are legal thers Academy. LIncroft, to use until June 30. 1964. was a part-time board secretary. the thick of the fight and several aal law eaasldtra* Insofar as It Louis Longo, first assistant chief; Retired Officer the Markham Place School gym- others lingering hopefully on' the affects man. It Is the ether Dr. Ensley M. White, seconsd as- The bill was sponsored by nasium sftor school or on Satur- fringes, every utterance by mem- al the atonal law Impfftead sistant chief; John W. Parker. Sen. William E. Ozzard (R-Som- Mr. Thompson lives at 143 days was turned down. The board bers of the Catholic hierarchy apea man by saving the aatare Frank J. Lane, James W. Bly, erset). Sunnycrest Dr. He is a retired It states that signs must be said the gym is in full use. with with a close or distant applica- that be bat. . J. Grover Carter and James A Army lieutenant-colonel.. He Is school and. borough youth activi- tion to public policy ia going to "For example, man's nature Curley, trustees; J. Grover Car- five to seven feet above the married and has one son, Regin- pavement. Where parked cars ties. be studied tn detail. as a social being demands that ter, captain fire police, and Ber ald Thompson, 17. Mr. Thompson Badgct Meeting The Catholic position on birth he respect the property of other nard Man, Mr. Bly, Monroe might obstruct the signs_ , they is a graduate of Creighton Col- must be seven to nine feet above An executive session will ba control by artificial contracep- people, aad thus not steal. Marx, William Herden, and J lege. held Dec. 10 to review a preUnv tion, as reaffirmed by the "Man's nature as a ' rational J. McCann, fire police. the pavement. He will 'have two weeks vaca- Meyner also signed these As-. inary draft of the IM041 setMMl church's bishops at their annual being demands that he subor- . Also. George H. Lange, Sr. tion and nine paid holidays a budget. meeting in Washington last week, dinate the inclinations of his ma-chief engineer, George H. Lange, smbly bills: year.' In addition, he will have Matthews (D-Essex) —Allows The school's administrators, aad la the latest to undergo exhaus- terial body to the good of his Jr., first assistant engineer; Al- 10 days' sick leave a year. faculty were given permisikni to tive public scrutiny. spiritual soul. fred Cooney, second assistant en- Essex County's freeholders to The Board of Education voted appropriate up to $100,000 tor purchase sets of encyclopedias The cbarch Is against aril- 'Man can discover this law by gineer; Frank J. Lane, represen- to hire Theodore W. Soden. 3U for classroom ftftflss.! JMBan4ffal4t^BBnatan%Ba gasaaaVftaaV treatment of crippled children. use if they are the use of his reason. Reason tative relief association (three- Prospect Ave., as a part-time needed. It to be contrary to "Miami determines which actions are in1 year term); Frank Dancey and The previous maximum was $50,Janitor In the Point Road School t0 Board member Charles A. law," a bread term covering accord with or are opposed Walter Wilson, representatives 000. - He will work four hours a night, the relationship of maa toGod , man's good. It is then up to New Jersey Volunteer Associa- Beadleston (R-Monmouth), Bra- O'Malley said four spotlights at five days a week. The salary wil the Point Road School wen ad- Ms fellewmea and Ms aarreaad- man to follow the law his reason tion; George H. Lange, Sr., Mr. dy (D-Hudson)—Allows use of be $1.50 an hour. lags ea which moral teach- discovers. Parker, and George Marx, sick amber or yellow parking lights justed so they will not shine m on cars. Randolph Balliy abstained from the eyes of motorists on Point ings are based. f "The penalty for not following committee, and Mr. Carter, Mr. voting on the motion to hire Mr. The Idea that there Is a nat- this law is unhapplness, since Lane and Mr. Parker, representa- Beadleston, Brady— Reduces Rd. The action was taken after the minimum height for rear re- Soden. Borough Council, at its Nov. 24 ural lav Is ast exchtsire te man is then acting against his tives, Monmouth County Associ- Eat » Rooms Reman Cathaaclsm, The moral nature.' ation. flector light* from 24 inches to meeting, said it would write' the teachings of virtually all or- How does natural law enter 20 Inches. Board members pointed Board of Education and ask mat It was announced that plans that because children eat lunch the lights be moved. ganised naghas are reeled la into artificial birth control? have been drawn for the new fire It. The Tea Commandments "Primarily, aad by the very house, and that they have been are aa wirssalsa of It. nature ef the ease." says Fath- put out tor bids. Chief Frank Cranberry The difficulties between church- er Kelly, "marital relauoas are Dancey informed the group that Mass Funerals Scheduled es arise from different interpre- ordered towards aew Hfa the Cub Scout Pack SO was taken on tations of the natural law. child. . a tour of the fire company last Industry Since the Catholic interpretation "They (marital relations) al- month. seems bound to get considerable so fester mutual leva, with ex- For Dam Break Victims attention in the political annas •rs—tea ef mataal affection— The annual dinner will take Hit Hard place tomorrow at 7:30 p. m. in in the coming months, a concise and this is aha goad aad ATLANTIC CITY (AP)—What FREJUS, France (AP)-MaM examination of it might be healthy. Shadowbrook. The firemen are LITTLE SILVER—"Pretty, ac- She also has crewed for Carl used to be sauce for the tur- decorating the tree in front of the 1954 national cham- funeral services were scheduled timely. "Bat to make the secondary tive and talented"describes Miss Schwenker key is gloom to the cranberry Vest Pocket police department for Christmas. Patricia Elise Merrill, above, pion in the PenquinClass. industry. today for more than 100 victims This is the Catholic view of purpose the exclusive goal, of the giant dam break which while frastratmg me primary Queen of the Golden Anniversary The entire Merrill family be- Hard hit by the cranberry natural law as put forward by National Boat Show. long, to the Shrewsbury Sailing Revolt Quelled turned this tranquil MedKsnaav Rev. John E. Kelly, director of parpasi by the ate of con- scare at their peak season, the ean farm region into a valley and Yachting Club. \ . industry doesn't know what to the Bureau of Information of the traceptives. Is te deliberately Sagotsky The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) of death. •-..• National Catholic Welfare Con- destroy the integrity ef the Portland Merrill, SUverside Rd., Boating and swimming are not expect next year. the only interests Pat has. ; —President Juscellno Kubitschek Haggard officials poring over ference: marriage act Pat is a sophomore at Hood Col- Girard Colasurdo, operator of last night promised swift action lists of dead and missing reaort- Resigning lege in Frederick, Md. Honor Student • the Colasurdo Cranberry Orchard An honor student in college in Mays Landing, said yesterday to stamp out a vest pocket re- ed after darkness hatted Pat was The Register's candi- where she is majoring in music, volt by about 25 Air Force of- efforts last night that tho date for queen of the boat show. he doesn't know whether to plan toll of fatalities had Americans, Great Buyers, Pat hopes to gain a singing on ho sales or a peak market ficers who set up revolutionary Council Post After hearing the news that career, perhaps in television. headquarters deep in the jun- about 200. she was selected from a list of next season. It is possible the FREEHOLD — Harry Sagot Music waa the center of hei public fear over the use of a gles of northwest Brazil. They said the number of miss- sky, a member of Borough Coun six candidates to be the show's The rebels charged Kubit- ing MI 'substantial." but no OM Are 'Meatf'for Quacks queen, all Pat could say was high school activities and thi chemical weed killer in some cil for 10 years, submitted his same goes for college. cranberry bogs may carry over schek's regime was riddled with at the city hall central informa- NEW YORK (AP) — Reaching products which wilt allegedly resignation yesterday to Mayor "I'm very thrilled." corruption and Communists in a tion office in Frejus would bax- An outdoor lover, Pat has been Besides singing in the choii to 1960. he said. for eternal youth, yearning for prevent heart attacks; alcohol- Barton Callahan, effective Dec. in high school and college, Pal On the other hand, since New manifesto left behind aa they ard a guess at the total.- - relief from pain or Just relief from ism cures; certain vitamin pro- 31 a boating enthusiast all her life. also teaches the piano—a girl seixed five planes and flew into About 15 Reyran River Valley Besides boating, she ia an expert Jersey has cleared all the grow- farmers and townspeople wire ' surplus fat, Americans apparently ducts promoted as .tranquilinrs, with talents no end. ers in the state, it may be a the interior to wage their cam- will buy and try anything. sexual rejuvenators and to in- swimmer and even teaches the paign. Injured when the Matpasset Dam sport. . Being a beauty queen is noth- good season, he aaid. There are quacks aplenty to crease mental powers." ing new to her Justice Minister Armando Faj- cracked open Wednesday night, One thing ia certain, this year cao declared everything calm In loosing' tons of water down on oblige them. They gyp the public In Cosmetics, Toe Active Sailor This year she was Homecom- wasn't. Thomas Pappas, mana- of hundreds of millions of dollars In the cosmetics field, Miss Pst's love of sailing runs In ing Queen at Hood College's ger of Pappas Bros, the nation after a two-hour emer- the valley. About 30 of Jhojn- —and many vlctima pay with Russ says the parade of creams the family. Her father is an avid Campus Day. gency meeting with the president jured still were hospitalised. Cannery in Cologne, last night. But army unite were their lives as well., and lotions which will purportedly participant in the sport, Raving A reporter who interviewed hei sold only 41 cases since the Officials decided on a "hastily At leaat 75,000 Americans need- banish wrinkles, facial lines and entered many races. had this to say: "As for being placed on the. alert throughout arranged mass funeraral tma after- eminent report last the country. lessly died of cancer in 1958 blemishes, firm, or lift facial This, past summer Pat queen of the show, she's a nat- started the scare. noon for aa many as possible of The Rebels reportedly num- the Identified victims. The burial because they relied on cancer muscles, and so on, is- steadily "crewed" for her father on the ural. Lota of talent and kite This is about one-tenth of one quacks, claims the National Bet- growing longer.' family's 18-foot Corsair. beeuly." bering between/17 and 27 aad alto is Frejus Cemetery, in a per cent of normal—a loss of including two army majors- high part of the town |aat escap- ter Business Bureau. "Yet. despite the claims for about $190,000. he said. royal jelly, estrogenic hormones, holed up In the tiny town of ed thVflood. T] ^T- Activities of quack operators Ariston Canning Co. In Col- Aragaracaa. 1,100 miles 1 In cancer, nutrition and weight- placenta extract, plankton, turtle PUC Asked to Order ogne reported sales off 73 per north Scores of other bmttss;drapad reducing became so alarming a oil. mink oil, shark oil, orchid cent with a toss of $175,000. Of Rio. in sheets were placed m rfwa pollen, vitamins or the blogenic The jungle outpost Is relative- along corridors of the Pfsm public warning waa issued by The Eatmore Division of Mor- ly safe from ground attack. It Hospital and in makeshift mor- Arthur S. Flemming, head of the stimulators; unfortunately, we ris April Bros. Canning Co.. In know of no cosmetic preparation Automatic Rail Signal would take weeks or months to gues at St. Raphael and Puget- U. S. Department of Health. Edu- Bridgeton said its business was get through the dense jungles. which will significantly alter the only 5 pep r cenntt of IMS—IMSaa lloss Sur-Argens. Hosts of stricken cation and Welfare. MATAWAN — The Township petitions to the governing body Then is a small airstrip, but relatives of the missing paced Cites AMA Estimates physiological changes which ac- Committee last night was Infor- relating to truck traffic on four of $100,000-wit$100000h no orders company aging." hand. In this easily could be made tin- slowly back and forth, Last September, Flemming med by its attorney, Ezra W. roads. usuabie for government planes the uncovered faces. Matted weight reducing quackery, Besides civil and professional Karkus, that the Public Utilities 7H-Ton Limit The Government warned against to land. citing American Medical Associ- groups such aa the NBBB, there Commission has' been asked to The petitions will ask a 7K-ton consuming cranberries that have HOIK TABXj; TCNNM UU are government agencies which The revolt had the earmarks Coif Brmneb >. WM aWT? ation estimates that overweight order an automatic rail signal at truck limit on Van Brackle Rd.. been treated with amlnotriazole. of a propaganda campaign port 5, Wttt Long Snack «; Americans were being fleeced of keep tab of these promotions. Harry Sagotsky the Gerard Ave. crossing. a chemical spray that has caused town t*, Asbur• ' y Aril S; - Line Rd.. Lloyd Rd. and Church against the presidential aspira- ited Bank 1. 100 million dollars a year through Government agencies take legal A Middletown man wasinjured St., in an attempt to keep cement cancer in rate when fed in large tions of war minister Henrique fraudulent products and schemes. action, but often promoters make Mr. Sagotsky, who has been critically in a car-train crash at trucks, from a' new Lloyd Rd. doses over prolonged periods. Teixeira Lott, Kubitechek's hand- He noted that the problem of a quick killing and then switch Freehold Democratic leader the crossing a few days ago. .New Jersey growers wero dear- to something else. cement plant, from using those picked choice to succeed him in weight control was a serious one since 1954, said in his letter o•' Two persons were killed on the streets. ed by the state ef using ammo- next October's election. Ele- for many people and that this What can you do to protect resignation that he was giving Keyport side of the crossing two Last week, the building inspec- triatole in this year's crops. How- ments in the air force long have created an intense demand for anyourself? up the position to devote more years ago. ever some shipments were im- been feuding with Lott tor. Homer Matteson, was critici- pounded elsewhere in the nation. article that science has not yet Obviously, the first thing la time to his law practice, but Mr. Karkus said that if the zed for issuing the plant a per produced: a simple, safe and to get competent advice from a would remain active in politics puc does not take "proper One company waa not as sev- ac- mit without consulting the erely hurt. C ft E Cannera in sane food, drug, or device which doctor before trying anything that and as party leader. He has twotion" the township will then have mittee. SklOOKShmcmd will bring about loss of body promises miracle results. Before years remaining of his fourth Folsom said sales were off only to file a formal petition with Mr. Rettagliata declared thai 23 per cent but the firm said Santa's Ready -weight without exercise or the you fall for any gimmick, re- term. PUC. the association also will investi- will to cut down the food intake. Would Accept it does not normally expect or- member that there's nothing now Track Traffic gate all legal means "of getting ders between Thanksgiving and For Yule Mail "But unscrupulous promote!* known to science, which can atop When asked by reporters if he Joseph Rettagliata, president the cement plant out of town." mid-December. by the scores have rushed into the process of growing old, that would consider an appointment of the Taxpayers'. Association, the vacuum with their worthless M per cent of baldness is be- as borough attorney, Mr. Sagot- said the association; also plans P*O MOCKF.V In Middletown pills, potions, freak diets, mech- sky said he would gladly accept yond any effective treatment, to appeal to the PUC in the mat- W I. T ancial gadgets,' and the like." that to lose weight the main thing the point. The position now Is held Sees Attack MIDDLETOWN — Through the ter. 17 4 4 co-operatloo of the Recreation Flemming said. "Riding the crest la to cut down on foods, that no by Republican M. Raymond Me- He said mat if necessary the It S • of the popularity wave at the Gowan, but the post will be It S • Commission and various post cream can enlarge a bust, that u association wil.' circulate petl- (II S offices, Santa Claus once again moment are the electronic vibra- the best attack on cancer is to for appointment in January --.-. 4 1« f In Making by Hons throughout the township de- CMeat* 4 14 S will be able to answer letters tor devices, running the gamut have It properly diagnosed and the Democrat controlled council ing automatic signals and TAIPEI, Formosa (AP) — A "ranking officer" in the Matsu written by children in the town- of hand units, pillows, chairs and professionally treated early. Mr. Sagotsky said, when asked present them to PUC. Nmr Tarii 1. Maatrwl 4 ship. mattresses." Before buying and trying any if he would be Interested In Mr. Rettagliata also reported America* u group of islands was quoted to- - QMfcMl day as saying there are mount- A large mail box has been In the field of nutritional quack- of these quick and easy miracle appointment as assistant prosecu- that at the next committee meet- placed in front of the Fabric ery, "royal Jelly" became the products, get in touch with your tor, that he would, and pointed Ing, the association wil present SJT?Ji ing Indications that the Chinese Communists night launch a full- Fair in the Shopping Center on biggest thing in the market In local Better Business Bureau. out that Freehold has not had Rt. 35 for letters addressed to recent years. This Is a special Chamber of Commerce, or write Democratic assistant prosecute! sounded frequently, but for seal* attack at any moment on Santa. food prepared and given by work- government agencies such aa appointment in 40 years. The Recreation Commission er bees to those they select to Flemmlng's department, the Food There has been political specu Small Fry Go Formal the Nationalist-held Islands at the northern end of the. Formosa will deliver the mail to Santa. become queens. uid Drug Administration or the lation lately advancing Mr. Sagot- In order to receive answers Good for Bass, Only Federal Trade Commission. sky's name as borough attorney. Strait. Nationalist Chinese warnings from Santa, children should mail It was made into food, drugs Next: The mall order gyps. Demos Gained the letters before Dec. 21. *»>. about the possibility of a major and cosmetics and held forth by As party leader Mr. Sagotak) The only requirement for an some promoters as a virtual cure- haa brought Democratic mem- Communist action have been answer is that the complete name •Kroys «f tho btsH Y«NM all, with emphasis on sexual re- bership on the council up from sounded frequently but for months things have bean and address of the sender be on fW fresh, new levntitw fcs> juvenation. Flemming gave the Roddy Newman one to five. Among his accom- g ean very the letter. : "royal Jelly" promoters a real plishments on council are: The quiet on the offshore island from. H»ttV«*V*fwwwaf ' The nationalist officer, whose •ting by declaring: development of the municipal par- RIDES FOUR WINNERS "For bees, 'royal Jelly1 Is In WinslstNJSVCL king lot, the bus terminal parking name was not given, was quoted deed a miracle food, but It has lot, making Lake Topanemus in a report from the Islands by MIAMI, Fla.—John Rotz rode GINGER no practical value fof humins recreation area, and helping to the official Central News Agency. four winners at Tropical Park as a food, drug or cosmetic. The Tournament attract Brockway Glass Co. He said the Communists yesterday, including both ends of claims made for It are ground- LEONARDO - Roddy New Minnesota Mining Co. to the area are masting troops on the main. • $33.50 daily double and Good happily mlrm-nsjctwtl e*r less." man, of Homestead Country Club, In 1951 Mr. Sagotsky served at Isnd coast opposite the Mataus Joy ($25.N) In the feature, toon panel by Orla OefteV. Opportunistic promoters will Spring Lake Heights, yesterday rate counsel for the attorney and that Urge numbers of Red won the first tournament of the Chinese fishing boats are oper- IVUVt BOROS LEADS monn . . . Look for-it On% exploit the human fear of any general's office to oppose the re- ating In waters near the islands, known disease or pain. New Jersey Shore Winter Gol! quest of the Monmouth Consoli- CORAL GABLES, Fla.-Juliui In the : League season at Beacon HII "clearly Indicating the Commu- Boroa carded a four-undor-par 67 Miss Maye A. Russ, NBBB dated Water Co. for a 33 1/1 pel niits are trying to determine our KID IANK IMKIMr expert on foods, drugs and cos- Country Club. cent rate Increase, The watei for a one-stroke lead after first military strength under the cam-round of the $25,000 Coral Gables HgM If metics, says millions of arthritis He shot a 36-35-71 par. company, which serves 20 Mon ouflage of fishing." Tied for second were BUI Mo-mouth County municipalities, dlt open. victims have been exploited The Nationalist report conflict- through promotions of "amailng ran, PlalnfleW Country Club, and not receive an Increase. Bill Torlucci, Essex County ed with one made yesterday by medical discoveries" or "new the commander of the U.S. 7th revolutionary formulas." She Country Club, with cards of 35- 38-39-77; Rudy Dombrowskl. Gat 38-73. Fleet, Vice Adm. Frederick N. cites one scheme in which as- loping Hill Country Club, 41-38- Kivette, whoae forces guard the plrln-phenacetin-caffelne tablets There was a four-way tie for 77 Joe Sallette, Lake Mohawk Formosa Strait. He said the Red —familiar to any armed service fourth place, at gross score of Country Club, 35-43-71; Ben buildup on the mainland coast veteran as A-P-C pills—as an 74, between Andy Slkora, hoal D'Andrca, Blue dm, 41-37-78; opposite Formosa has leveled off, "amazing discovery, . . released club pro, 35-39; Monte Norcross W. L. Grant, Beacon Hill, 41-38- off. for the first time." The pills were Metuchen Country Club, 3S-36; 70; John Cafone, Mannsqua Meanwhile, a lull In the Quc- fiold for $3 fnr .10, yrt tho Name John Bclluardo, Orchard Hills River Country Club, 38-42-80; moy area, ISO miles smith of ones i-nultl be bought In most Country Club. 36-38, nnd Bill Fen- Tom Hnwlhornc, Hnckcnsncl the Matsu Islands, continued for drim stores fnr (wo for a penny. wick, al«o of Beacon Hill, 39-35. Country Club, ,18-42-HO; Prnn tlio seventh dny today. "Tho types of fraud and de- Fcnwlck was low scorer among Conor, Deacon Hill, 31M2-81; Kci FORMAL FAMILY-Sam Rudolkcr of Philadelphia introduce! The CommuninlA skipped their ception In promotion of drum amateurs In the mixed pro-ama- Hoffman, Plalnflcld, 42-41-83; li dinner juckol* for little hoys this ica«on. Rudollkcr poses wllh shelling of tho other offshore Is- nnd devices nrc quite numerous," teur tourney. Grimm, Mctuclxm, HMO-M; lin hi* two sons, Theodore, 4. and Michael, 5, nil attired In matching lands held by tho Nationalists dinner jacket*. Tho jacket*, In pastel or vivlil colors, are dacron- QiflJ W BtWlHRE...IOEAL FOC FftHNOVBIUlty CflWVTl..! Miss Rtiss snyn, but nmoiiR the Other scores wero as follows Hob lliuiH, llomcstctul, no card for thrco successive odd-numbor- ; vnrlous categories there nre fnke •loo Stevcnuon, Asbury Park lic tournament opened tho lea' and-orlon nhnnlung, can ho washed In any standard automatic cd dnys and also continued to Hows! rawom o WITH IS oaiucirs... 15.95- J Country Club, 36-30-75; Lou Mnrf- Ko's 20-wcck achcdiilo. Tho nox washing nmchlno and worn wllh little or no Ironing. This year, ciuicor cures; baldness remedies; says Rudollkcr, small boys will go formal Now Year's Eve. just observo their cease-fire promised hilt Uovclopors; some alleged flo, Uluo Elm Country Club, 31- match will ho next Thursday a for cvcn-numbercci days more HANK t HII 7• (IMO CATALOG Ilks Dnil. And 4/hen tho family Ukcs off for a crulio, small frj ri nli. Am, wiX.t-g ft I n I n g preparations; 38-70; Phil Zullo, Essex County Metuchen Country Club, will pack their iiixcdoti. ' tlmn a yenr af,o. j jl^Frioiy, DM. 4. 1959 BED BANK BECISTEB fcf tUm OETCHAM,. picious of another. And to bring disputes before the world court- Disarmament Pact for Antarctic but this latter only if the parties agree. The nations making territorial Took 18 Months; For World...? claims agree not to press them. but are not required to renounce By J. M. ROBERTS serious ideas *bout colonizing the them. This is a method of let- (Associated Press) wastes, or anything like that. ting such disputes die Bases Contest which may have some val- If it takes 18 months for 12 There has nevertheless been nations to draw up an-agreemenl ue as a precedent. some fear that under modern One plague of the United N* to keep the Antarctic demilitar conditions there might some day ized, how long will it take for tions machinery has been carried be a contest for missile bases into the new treaty. A consulta- world disarmament? there, or that the vastness migbt The comparison gives so tive committee which will super- be seized upon for nuclesr test- vise the treaty must act unani- Idea of what can be expected from ing, polluting the winds which the summit conference and the mously, which means each mem- blow outward toward civilization. ber will have a veto just aa do disarmament conference which Australia was particularly con- Vill follow. the members of the Security cerned after Russia, one of the Council. JOIN TODAY! There has been some clench' signers,, established a base for ing of fists and a few bullets exploration and research. In one aspect the signers also A CLASS FOR EVERY PLAN AND have flown in international dis- set themselves up a mutual de- putes over territorial claims in Now the nations which par fense organization. The treaty Pay $ .50 we>ek and receive $ 21.00 ticipated in the International Geo- the Antarctic; but nobody has had pprovide s that they will not let Pay $ 1.00 week and reeeive M.00 physical Year, or which have they art territorial claims, have agreed anyone else do what Pay $ 2.00' week end receive 100.00 agreed not to do. All the pres- COMPLETE to ban all nuclear activity and ent members of the atomic club, Pay $ 3.00 week end receive $ 110.00 to keep the great uninhabited b f h and France who is about to join, Pay I 5.00 week and receive $ BATTERY area like it is, with one change are signers. of some significance. The conditions are to vastly Pay $10.00* week and reeeive $500.00 Instead of trying to set up an Pay $20.00 week and receive It CAST FHONT ITNIT different from those in populated | •^s. ..$1000.00 Mm T.I. M »-»lie international inspection system to and armed areas of the world enforce the treaty, each nation that nobody is calling the treaty a pilot project, or anything like NO SERVICE CHARGE that. But it is the most formal agreement for co-operation •» wr«Rumi an* CUB nit? tween Soviet Russia and the non- Communist world which has been reached in many years, perhaps U. S., Russia Agreement ever. Past Presidents9 On Outer Space Is Near ByTOMHOQE . part in the~ new committee's work. He said there had been Meets UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. give ana take In the HIGHLANDS — Mrs. Andrew (AP)—Working against tin cal- private V. S.-Soviet talks. Homiak, 34 Huddy Ave., enter- endar, tht United States and This informant aUo predicted tained members of the Past Russia art stopping up behind- agreement on a Soviet proposal Presidents' Club of tha Ladies' acano efforts to roach agreement to call an International confer- Auxiliary of Twtalight Pott. on tha makeup of a iw. com-ence of scientific experts on out- American. Legion, Monday. mitts* to study way* to keep er space, similar to those held on M 'donation'"wM"made'tto the «•<•' •P« peaceful uses of atomic energy. Legion fof r thh e posp t floor fund. Both thhe U. S. and Soviet dele- group hhav e bbeen raising gallons kept a tight lid ot se- funds to help tha post install • crecy on the negotiations, but Chamber Dke new floor in the front hall of the Soviet informants hinted private- post homeh . ly there night be tome an The group will assist the Past nouncemcnt in a day or two. Outer Space Commanders Club with its first Sources close to tht U. S. FORT MONMOUTH — An im- annual dinner to be held Satur- delegation were more guarded. proved high altitude test cham- day, Jan. 34. They indicated there was about ber that duplicate! the conditions Mrs. Elsie Duncan, Belford, re-| a SO-M chance the two nations met byy missiles and satellites ceived a special award, a bas- would come together on a divi ket of groceries. 100 miles above the earth sion of seats for a permanent been-put into uie at the U.S. Mrs. Harry E. Beyer, Mrs. UN committee. Henrietta Kinney and Mm. Hub- Army Signal Research and De- bard Stiles, secret pale, celebrat Prodding the negotiations was velopment Laboratory. ed their birthdays. tht new target date for the As- | Atmospheric pressure in the Mrs. Elizabeth Heliker rectiv sembly to end its MM session- stainless steel chamber can be special award. Mrs. Ste- Dec. 12—set yesterday by the reduced to simulate the virtually H. Falter, S3 Washington steering committee. Earlier the air-free environment found Ave., will entertain the group group had hoped to close out miles above.the earth. lights a Year Monday, Dec. 28. Secret pals will by Dec. 7. Although satellites and mis- II *s*li nsat SMlaeaJfaMl reveal their identities and ex- The Russians boycotted the tiles reach much higher levels change of gifts will be held. M-nation special outer apace [than this ionospheric zone, many Attending were MM. Heltker, committee set up last year be- conditions are the Hmt at the president, Mrs. Beyer, Mrs. Clau- cause Communist and neutral higher altitudes, the Army says. countries were outnumbered by Vi I C A R H I dia France, Mrs. Finney and The chamber, which the Army the West. OUR IWIi Mrs. Homiak. adds will aid in advancing &CC0UM V Mrs. Stiles attended at guest The Assembly must agree now Mtienal space program, pro- one new committee to replaceIvldes a new and highly accurate .... GIVING BY MINISTERS the special group, which was ap-means to insure before launching CHICAGO (AP) - Most Lut- pointed for only one year. The that equipment and components .0 BROAD SI eran ministers put 10 to IS per two outer-space powers have have been engineered to retain 717 COOKMAN AVE. cent of their salaries la tht of- been trying to reconcile their their operating stability. RED BANK ASBURY PARK fering plate, says the Rev. Dr. ideaa on what nations to appoint. The new test clumber, eight MONEY BACK GUARANTEE A. Howard Weeg. pfttldeat The Russians have been .tf* feet long and five-and-one-half the Illinois Synod of the UnUnitel d mending an equal three-way di feet in diameter, doubles tran Church in America. vision of seats—ont third each simulated altitude of the 200,000- to Jhe West, the Communist bloc),** .tratespheric chamber at the and the neutrals. laboratory. MONMOUTH COUNTY NATIONAL BANK The United States had made A refrigeration system and an plain the West Is unwilling to array of infrared- heat lamps MEMIER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION give tht neutrals the balance of make it possible to vary test power. The United States re- chamber tempers hires from M| ALL OFFICES OPEN 4:30 TO t P. M. FRIDAY EVENINGS STARTING MONDAY portedly it now prepared to give degrees Fahrenheit below zero the Russians the SMO split-half to 300 degrees above. to the West and half to the Com muatsts and the neutrals—which PRESBYTERIAN ALL DAY - ONE STOP BANKING the Soviets sought lut year and Eatontown the West refuted. Sunday service will be at One high Western source said a. m. Church school will RED BANK / LITTLE SILVER / KEYPORT / ENGLISHTOWN recently the Soviet Union h 1:445 a Westminster Fellow- RED BANK Indicated It would like to take ship will meet st 7 p. m. STORES Four luxurious slippers. WILL IE Top two, of genuine deerskin, in Continental casuals, at 12.95. OPEN or moccasin style, at 11.95, both with flexible leather sole, [very Evening foam rubber cushion innenole, full glove leather fining. INCLUDING SATURDAYS Or, a scuff, in , TIL 9 P. AA. toft-sola calf, with leather innsrsote. Brown, burgundy, 6.95. Faille lined opera, FREE PARKING toft tolad. Brown, burgundy, 5.95. EVERY EVENING AND Starting Monday, open to 9, ALL DAY SATURDAY every evening until December 23

NfiMMIMMi^ The mrrtagt $tuUd momtty RED BANK REGISTER Friday. Pee, 4, fondly. when an over-cooperative V. f. Virginia Bruce Makes *~. "Everyone says that his voice Army sergeant gave Ali an ille- committee are Mra. Edward killed his career when sound gal pass. The pair was wed be- CD A Book Tea Hanlon, Mrs. Edward Williams, came in," she remarked. "That fore the posse arrived to haul Mrs. Robert Morgan, Mrs Jos- Return to Movies at 49 wasn't true. He had a wonder- turn back to camp. Set for Sunday eph Christman, Mrs. Carl Rosen, Mrs. Virginia Langendorf, Miss We Meet." When you point out ful, romantic voice. But the love "Then AH had to put in serv, By BO BTHOMAS scenes he did in silents weren't Court- St. JaMes, Catholic Agnes Kane, Mrs Hart Webber. that this if hardly credible, she Ice in the Turkish army," she Daughters of America, will hold AP Mevle-TV Writer the tame in sound. He said to recalled. "The law said no Turk Mrs. Frank Triola and Misses readily admits her age and re-Catherine Dale Owen 'I love you, a book tea Sundiy from J" toMarie Cassell and Mary Kelly. HOLLYWOOD — She has themarks that she has a daughter married to a foreigner could be 5 p. m. in the auditorium of tame peaches-and-cretm skin, I love you,-1 love you,' and they an officer. Enlisted personnel (by John Gilbert) the same age threw tomatoes at the screen." Red Bank .Catholic High School. the lovely blonde hair. A pound as Kim, 26. live in unbelievable squalor, so Mark Tardy of Adelphl College Her second marriage, to MGM we decided to get divorced. You Rev. Gerard Rooney, literary or two has been added, but at Miss Bruce has had a life with editor of The Sign, will speak on is the tallest athlete at the Gar- .49 Virginia Bruce it still strik- bigwig J. Walter Rubin, ended can do that by just signing a many triumphs and a sizable with his death in 1942. In 1946pape, r in Turkey. "Significant New Books." den City, N.Y., school. He'a «• ingly beautiful. share of tragedies. She talked she married a wealthy turk, Ali Mrs. Clayton Held, Middletown, foot-6 and plays on the squash She's back in movies after a candidly about them as she pre- "We went on living together Ipar. Their union has prevailed, for the year he was in the army. and Mrs. Charles Thul, Red team. 10-year absence, playing Kim No- pared for her film return. but under the most difficult of Bank, are co-chairmen. On the vak's mother in "Strangers When Everything was the same, ex- Her marriage to Gilbert ended circumstances. cept that Ali had to hide on the balcony whenever the doorbell rang. When he got out of the rmy, we were married again. "My ton. Chris Rubin, hated living in Turkey. He. had been back here with relatives, but I decided to return and give him some kind of home. Mist Bruce lives here with Chris, 11, and eees her husband seldom. "It's pure hell," she ad- SPECIAL! mitted. "I haven't teen him since July, because he is so Involved in Mi shipping business in Tur- COMET'S key. But be 4s trying to arrange thinga so be can gradually re- Tiuton Falls mond B. Lippincott, Jr., 33 Fair- tire and settle down here." field Dr. She hu tried painting and golf The Woman's Auxiliary of the to relieve the boredom of being New Shrewsbury First Aid Squad Maj. and Mrs. Charles Groty, SSM alone and hopes for a career re- will meet Wednesday at 8:30 p.31 Branford Cir, has returned vival to help the campaign. She m. at 46 Old Mill Rd. A Christ- from 10 days' vacation in Flor- has alto been forced to learn to mas party also will be held. ida. Guided Missile cook. (Net exactly aa "My mother told me never to Rev. and Mn. Raymond t. PRESENTS AWARD Illustrated.) JET learn how to cook and then I'd Mowbray are vacationing in Bal'MIAMI BEACH, FLA. — never have to,"«he said. "It hastimbre. Keansburg, N. J., Councilman COMPLETE WITH OK CUB .MIA GAS ENGINE WITH always worked until the other Louia Collichio recently present- STARTER, CONTROL HANDLE AND LINES. day.when I had to fire the cook The New Shrewsbury local As> ed the roller skating industry's I had. Now when I call up thesitance Board meets Tuesday at "Man of the Year" award to Dr. grocery store to order the meat, 7:45 p. m. in the local school. Shane McCarthy, chairman of I ask the man how to cook it President Eisenhower's National and write all the instructions Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carney, Council of Youth Fitness. down. You know—my cooking's The,award was made during a pretty good!" Sr, of Wayside Rd. have return- ed home from two weeks' vaca convention of roller rink opera- at this tlon in Flrodia. tors here. $0.99 Complete* Training Mr. Collichio also received the sensational Howard Waddell of 680 Tinton industry's "Big Wheel" award for Ave. returned home Saturday the most .constructive pro- ^^ Reg. *8. from the Veterans Hospital, East motional recommendations made Orange, where he was a medical at the convention. patient 14 days. When In doubt ibout how to Mil The Women's Society of Chris- Hobby Headquarters tian Service will observe its first unwanted household goods, solve your I anniversary next Friday at 8 problem with Tht Regliter'i cluilflcdf •2 WHITE ST. SH7-MS1 RED BANK: the quality of n tn *ln th*> finim* of Mrs Rav* ads.—Advertisement. McKelvey furniture matches the quality of your esteem for your loved ones. BEAUTIFUL TABLES CHAIRS and ROCKERS Robert E. Catherweed No horn* can have too many tablet. Wa hava tho grandett colloction. LACKLAND AFB, Tex. — Air- W« offer you a wido selection, of Occasional club, wing barral-back man Robert E. Catherwood, eon of Robert E. Catherwood, RFD ttyltt to choose from. loungo chairs, luxurious spring bata Matawan, recently completed ba' End Tables 11.95 to 45.00 rockers, La-Z-Boys. with adjustable sic Air Force training here. back and ottoman, Cali loungart and Airman Catherwood has been Sfap TabUt .. 22.50 to 71.50 selected to attend the technical Lamp T«bl«s 19.25 to 37.50 Rock-a-lock chairs. Also big apd training course for photographic small upholstarad roclcert and Boiton repairmen at Lowry Air Force Cocktail Tablai .. 22.50 to 94.50 Base, Col. Comola Tablai 43.50 to 91.50 rockart. Prices range from 29.50 He is a graduate of Matawan High School. Pembroke Tablat 34.50 to 75.00 to 199.50. Drum Tablot 22.75 to 10.00 Boy Scouts Spend Cigarette Tablet 21.50 to 34.00 FIREPLACE ITEMS Week-end in CaThp NEW SHREWSBURY — Mem- Brats and black folding and draw, bers of Boy Scout Troop 100 re- EXQUISITE LAMPS string seraani, brass wood boxtt, cently spent a weekend at Camp lighten, andironi, fire sets, coal Hausman, Allaire. They were ac- Hundradi of tho mott unutual, inter- companied by Frank Steckhahn, buckets, etc. One of the largest scoutmaster, and James Blowers, aiting and finatt quality lamps! collections for miles around . . . and cubmaster, Walter Govinsky and Many cannot ba duplicatad today every item is moderately - priced in Lawrence Walker. Scouts attending were Ivan Ar at our pricas. Table,* bridge, floor, keeping with our value-giving policy. kadie, Preston Williams, Donald boudoir, pin-up itudant lamps. All Brandt, Glen. Rodman, Robert Walker, Mark Finucane, Richard kindt of batet — ceramics, matali, MAHOGANY DESKS Ford, David Teeters, James Teet- glatt, wood, ate. Alto, many Vie- ers, Darryll Robertson, Kennetr and SECRETARIES Dammann, Richard Dammann, torian typai. It will ba fun just to Joseph Curetola, Daniel Neilson, Desks have always been thoughtful Arthur Wickberg, Glen Steck- tao than*. Pricad from $2.75 to hahn, Larry Park, Jeffory Cor- $64.50. gifts. Thete flat topt and secretariat neal, Donald MacPherson, Ker- are in beautiful mahogany. Prices mit Brown, James Cottingham. ...fur collared range from 32.50 to 279.00. Robert Cottingham, Robert Thome, Craig Canfield and Ron- HaMockt -4.50 to 19.50 ald Bongerzone. suburban coats Picturat '.'.. 1.25 to 62.50 Card Tablat ... 6.95 to 17.75 Ricky Blowers attended at guest. the shawl collared coat hat Taa Wagons ...J 1.50 to 99.50 S-Pe. Card Sett .... .29.95 to 64.50 always been a favorite Boudoir Chain '. 11.50 to 44.50 Smokers . 4.50 to 21.50 New Girl Scout among discriminating malet. Bachalor Chaitt 31.75 to 119.00 Wall Reckt .. 9.00 to 17.75 Now in the popular suburban C Alio Lana Cadar Chaiti, Book Cases, Unit Entertains Alto Marble-Top Tablat. Maple length, with an all wool Daacon Banchas, Etc. 1 NEW SHREWSBURY — Cocktail, Lamp, End, Step, Sewing I mother and daughter tea was alpaca lining and collar, in. Alto Wrought-lron or Brass Plant Tablet. Maple Magaiine Rackt and held at Tinton Falls School re- I cently by members of a new In- deiert tan. Siiet 36-46. Stands, Etc. Smekert, Etc. termediate Girl' Scout Troop un der the leadership of Mrs. Phill| Hartung, Jr., and Mrs. Franl alto in heavy wale .eordu- £4% •• GULISTAN RUGS AND CARPETING AT FACTORY Steckhahn, assistant. roy with full fur collar, in tan Refreshments were made am served by members of the troop. and green. Sites 36*46. SHQWROOM After fly-up ceremonlea, pins i were presented to Debbie Zeik, SAVINGS! ) Nancy Brown, Carol Cooke Robin Deutch, Evelyn Oryll, Dol- 9' x 12' GULISTAN RUGS lie Faye, Judy Rodgers, Helen Cox, Susan Teller, Rosemary from It.BO Robertson, Patty Fuller, Alice White, Sharon Henesy, Carolyn WALL-TO-WALL CARPET. Madsen and Robin Lloyd. ING from 3.91 Sq. Yd. Kiwanig Readies OPEN O-Brfl#t GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE Variety Show MIDDLETOWN - The mal< t. Near •>*• BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED ... OR chorus and three quartets of tlv Parklnt »• USE YOUR EASY CHARGE ACCOUNT Asbury Park Chapter, Socletj rr—tntt't a 1^^^j» »*.ifc.i+,.t>.itJi^-i» * i, m m • MMIIIPII Uts for the Preservation and En M Rtmmtfcw—Always Mai DIM MMMrmwat* couragement of Barber Shot Quartet Singing In America will be the featured acts In a variety show presented by the Kiwanla the fair McKelvey of Freehold Club In the high school Saturda' nlKht. raitNOLO FACTORY SHOWROOMS FOR GULISTAN •UMtTAN Milt, The qunrtct.1 aro tho Seaside™ University Shop MAR OUR tTORI Snltalrcs and MonmoulhalrcK, CARPETS MADE HERE IN FREEHOLD rr»« Wntkly Doiivirr The Souvenirs, n qunrtet from Wllhln M Mllti tho Torn* River Chapter, nl»o will Routt 35, Wanamassa 21 WEST MAIN STREET, FREEHOLD, N. J. i>t Htort Hlnn In the nhnw. W« Nh!D Anywhfr* KEIIogg 1-4949 , Storo Hours; Momlny thru Snlurdny 8:00 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. The Klwnnln Club will prencn Illl 12/l/f.D ii humnrmm precision drill «t\.j;',.T. .-.:•(.•.,•.;.../.'..'.•.t",;,r.UTO« OPIN MIOAY TO a p. *.>,.„• pnrt of tho SHOEMAKERS CHILDREN JIM BISHOP: tied Hank Kegisfar Reporter 4MI Iml Street. Red Bank, N. J. State Highway IS, Middletown, N. J. Established 1871 by John H. Coofc and Henry Clay Part 2—The Billy Row Story THOMAS IRVING BROWN, PubUiher I walked into the lobby of the mansion. There was a sweep of white tile with black edging. A butler took JAMES J. HOGAN, Editor M. HAROLD KELLY. Manager W. HARRY PENN1NGTON, Production Manager the hat and the coat in silence. There was an elevator to the riglit It took me to a big smoking room. Billy Member el the Aaioclated Preaa "M !• «ui»a «icii»iveiy 10 in uu lor npubiicatloa M all UM Met) am Rose, better looking at 60 than at 50. met me at the elevator. •'.••• - ;' " •• •/;,_ "•;•]•/ Member Audit Bureau •! CUwdatloa The center halls are spacious. The Rifincr inumti no nmnclu reapoiulbflluu for'typo»r»phlcn «rt»r» la i4*«ftlM- , Th. R«l rlnt. VlUiout chan«. ttat part ot «n advertisement m which uu trpacniftietl ma stairway curves like a pretty hip; Ev- hut ill! «W VMM noUfy tttt mmntnm.nl imnnOIUily »t «ny «rrer «t»lcb pay ww. erywhere there are old masters hang- Tbll MwtptMf miuo«i no ruponilbimm tot mtiwatt ot «Hnloc» la Itttert troai tu wdif*.. ing on the walls, each face looking Prim In Att OH Tear SII.SO: - r lit auaUu «.«•. brightly or grimly down the centuries. autl* •< cotntar. ' «•" Maiit an tr mail, t Mat* An alabaster sphinx rests on a' foot- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1959 stool. Logs flicker discreetly In'"•fire- place. A sterling cigarette, box gleams Transportation Bottleneck •*•** under a table lamp. There Is a small office with a desk, a blackboard, The mounting number of com- installed on Rt. 35 not only to slow and a Dow Jones ticker. Here, Billy Rose "sillfrom munities taking a dim view toward traffic down, but to aid residents in 9:30 a. m. until 2:30 buying and selling blue chip both the state's and the county's gaining acpess to the highway from stocks. His Wall Street business amounts to more than proposals for a Rt. 35 by-pass in the their homes. a million dollars a year and!he divides it between Red Bank area, serves to point out The problem —acute how—will Hutton, Ungeleiter and preyfus. get worse in the next 10 years. The little loner chalks symbols on his blackboard, the need for planning on a regional feeds the ticker tape through graceful hands, arid level. A good look at the traffic prob- phones his orders to buy or to sell. On his desk is a There is no doubt that the traffic lems many Essex County Communi- big television offer to put on a network show. Billy problem in the Red Bank area is ties have because of traffic dumped Rose thinks he will decline it NBC doesn't under- acute. on them from the Garden State stand that Rose would have to run the show alone. However, Red Bank is not the Parkway gives a clear picture of They have a clause in the contract about "good taste." only area along Rt 35 that has what will happen in the Red Bank Who knows'what that is? . ' area. He bought the Ziegfeld Theater 16 years ago for problems. $630,000. Billy, as always, paid cash, and paid in full. Middletown for the past two One Middletown official feels He has been offered 3 million dollars for the dream years has been trying to cope with that the answer to the problem can WILLIAM theater, but he doesn't want it The land alone, he the problem. Its woes stem from be found in a relief route extending THESE DAYS reasons, is worth $200 a square foot and he has 15,000 tremendous residential development up to Keyport. By GEORGE E. SOKOLSKY feet of it He has just bought the old National Theater along the highway. Because so many communities S. WHITE and it will be renamed the Billy Rose Theater. Raritan Township is faced with are involved in this problem, state Just as a decade ago, Americans believed that we Monuments are important to a poor youngster. and county officials should meet possessed a quality referred to blatantly as "know- Vice President Richard Nixon He can stop anything in the big house except the the same situation. is determined that the vice pres- clocks. At 60, Billy has riches and esteem and power* with local officials to discuss the how," which other nations did not possess, so today idential nomination- is to be To cope with the situation, Mid- we grow pessimistic over a phrase "rate of growth.' treated as a really, serious prize ful friends. Somewhere along the line he lost four dletown has had many traffic lights problem on a regional basis. in next year's - Republican con- women: his mother and three wives. He misses them, The power of phrases to confuse men's minds is very vention. He himself, of course, potent indeed. It \i almost paralytic. expects the presidential desig- but Billy is not a weeper. He walks the halls alone, Educating the Freeholder It makes some of us despondent be nation. listening to the echo of shoe on marble. reau of Government Research and cause we assume that we are no longer Strongly aided by circum- In a corner, he has his own barber shop. It has a Once again Rutgers University, stance, Nixon in seven years has this time in co-operation with the Eagleton Foundation^ ha| a "number as good as we used to be. built up the secondary office to chair, a lot of equipment, a striped barber pole that of other such 6ducatibd programs for When we believed that we pos a prestige it never had before in lights and turns, an electric horse, a massage table New Jersey Association of Chosen our history. The willingness of and barbells. How often can he get a haircut? Freeholders, is undertaking a pro- municipal officials^ They have been sessed the extraordinary quality, know- his chief. President Eisenhower, successful and have shown the tyro how, which others did not possess, we to turn over such unusual power In several rooms there is an electric coffee maker gram which can go a long way in were suffering from an inexqusabl to the vice presidency has been plugged and ready. He likes coffee. There are electric the first factor. But Nixon's producing better government. officeholders what is to be expected egotism. Actually, there is no monopoly the first factor. But Nixon s , ,, :, ., rt: • "J ... •„ . , ,, • ,• eager, readiness to use that pow- chafing dishes with chicken livers and cocktail frank- The university will sponsor the of them and what their positions will SOKOLSKY of brains, Intelligence is individual not er has been equally important. 1 entail. collective. There is no American intelligence or British Now, Mr. Nixon Is already furters so that, if Mr. Rose feels hungry at 3 a. m., first "Forum for New Freeholders ' planning so that the office he has something is always ready. Dec. 3-4 on its New Brunswick It is in(erestihg't6 note that intelligence or Russian intelligence, There was 'the An- elevated will not return, after telligence of Thomas Edison, of. Albert Einstejn, ol I960, to its old status as a kind The Spartan spark is in the bedroom. It is big, many veteran freeholders will attend of sour political joke. Tradition- campus. the Rutgers,sessions i»A9 attempt Guglielmo Marconi, of Dmitri Mendeleyev, of Sfemund but, against a wall is an old iron bedstead used by ally, the vice presidency has one of Napoleon's generals. It is small and light There Its purpose is lo give the county f ethove 0 0 been seen by politicians as a to brush up*oup on the tarany*^thy* complex! complex ^ ° ^1 ™J* »- ^l.* ™.* ?. is room for one. Outside, in a wall, is a built-in refrig- government leaders a quick course through names, lists of names in every category pi job for a faceless stand-in whose aspects of their jobs. only importance lay In his being erator. Down one flight there is a poolroom with a full- covering everything from the func- intellectual activity. The names represent persons, noi arouod, to take over in case of County, as well as municipal gov- the death of his President. sized pool table overhung with two big orange globes. tions and responsibilities of the coun committees; men or women, not nations. ernment, holds a high place in the A vice presidential candidate Billy likes to shoot pool and he can run six or ty freeholders to county relation- The most that can be said about any nation Is thai eight balls. There is an ornate card table, a black lac- structure of our democracy. Natural is usually selected by the pres- ships with municipal, state and fed- Within its geographic confines, conditions obtained idential nominee himself, ..fter quered snack bar and, outside the room, a chilled wine ly, it is important that voters select which made it possible for genius to expose itself am some consultation with advisers. eral governments. But if Nixon gets the top nom- cellar fronted by a bank vault door. the best possible candidates for.of- blossom. In the United States, since the Civil War, ination next year, two tilings When he tires of the mansion) Billy goes to Tavern Sandwiched in between will be fice. But it also is important that mechanical inventiveness and mass-production develop- may be put down aa certain: Island. This is a small body of land off Darien, Conn. discussions on what newspapers ed more rapidly than in many other countries but noi 1. Richard M. Nixon alone will He.bought it outright, including the big house on It these .candidates, when elected! be more,rapidly than in Germany or Japan. decide who is to run on the think of freeholders, the future of well-prepared for office. A program ticket with him. Whatever "cau- He has servants there, and in the mansion too. county government, and the free- During much of that period, Russia remained cus" is held on this subject will A few weeks ago, he wrote a will. In it, he left such as the "Forugi for New Free- primitive agricultural country with a small but negligi- be held, really, in Nixon's'hat. holder and the county budget. 1 4 something for each of the old retainers. He left some- holders" should help bring that ble volume of industrial productivity. Indeed, the great- 2. Whoever is chosen will be Rutgers, mainly through its Bu- chosen on . new standards. To thing for his two sisters and for his last wife, Joyce about. '',.-,'- '.. est degree of Russian productivity in those remote begin with, Nixon is not im- Mathews, and her child. There is nothing in it for days was in Russian Poland and the Ukraine. Warsaw, pressed by the old idea of "geo- Eleanor Holm because, as Billy says: "She's already, Lodz, Bjalystok, Kiev, Odessa were cities of small man- graphical balance"—if the pres- YOUR MONEY'S WORTH "' *'• " idential nominee is from the been taken care of. We're the best of friends and she ufactures! There were others. The largest iron works East, for example, the vice pres- has nothing to worry about" was in Petrograd but there was no modern steel plant idential nominee must be from Most of his millions—perhaps 10 when the estate By SYLVIA P5RTJR anywhere. On the other hand, small Czechoslovakia the West, and so on. Quallflcatlocif is liquidated—will go to the Billy Rose Foundation. It In 195* the «ri «f the Marshall of the competitive comeback Secretary of. State Herter has possessed one of the greatest steel units in Europe, the 1 will beautify "the gifted in the performing arts." If a Plan—the American foreign aid burst upon us. Last year the to- ndicated that "spend it here! Skoda Works. His set of qualifications for program which stands In history tat of the funds w# sent abroad will be extended if the gold out- second place on the ticket may good actress needs to have teeth straightened or scars be authoritatively described as as the symbol of the greatest topped the total of our, receipts flow persists; It is therefore true that the Soviet rate of growth covered, the foundation will do it, in secrecy. generosity a single nation ever by $3.4 billion. A full $2.3 bil- (2) The United States has de- since 1917 has been swifter than ours. If they did any- follows: The second man must ass displayed first of all be in total sympathy I asked him if he ever went hungry over a period lion, or 10 per cent of our gold minded and Is getting from Eu- thing at all, percentage wise, it could be a thousand with the policies of the' top man. toward Its reserves, moved into the vaults ropean nations and Japan a de- per cent improvement. When the base is zero, every Next, he must have genuine po- of time. The intelligent face smiled faintly. "Once, be- c o m p e t ltlve of other nations. This year the cisive, liberalization of their re- litical appeal in his own right. tween jobs, I lived on two five-cent packages of salted friends and gap between our outgo and in- strictions, against our goods. The move upward is rapid growth. For instance, we can, He must be able actually to as- peanuts a day for several weeks. They are the cheap- former ene- come has been even bigger—J4 trade walls against us-of which if there are, no strikes, produce about 140 million tons sist the top nominee Instead of mies — came billion. The drain on our gold has we approved In 1949—are 'tum- just going along for the ride. est and most nourishing." ... > to an end. continued. bling down on bur Insistence in of steel a year. The probability is that we do not need In 1959, poll Seek Balance 1959. At the just-concluded trade to produce much more than that for our own use, no Then, he must be young and cy-makers in Now we are acting to regain parleys in Tokyo, the chairman vigorous enough to take on much matter how prosperous we may be. In fact, other foreign traveling. (Nixon himself g o v e r nment. our trade balance In the world. of the U.S. delegation hailed the metals are being used as substitutes for steel, for in- "Brother, You're Gonaa Get U. All la Ttw Industry and (1) The United States has just resurgence of our competitors' has done Just such fir wander- labor publicly adopted as formal policy a "Buy stance, aluminum. ing for Mr. Elsenhower. But Garbage Can" PORTE* positions and their recognition if he were President today, he a c knowledge*! American" requirement for cer- that new trade policies are now tain foreign aid. Under the pot This represents no loss in the national economy would not be setting off on the that, as • result of our spending in order as "exciting aa a sue kind of 11-natlon journey Mr. far more overseas than we have Icy poorer nations setting U.S cess story." ., or in the quality of the goods produced. Soviet Rus funds must spend the cash in Eisenhower is taking. Nil been taking in from other lands (3) Everyone of. our overseas sia now produces about 60 million tons of steel. But would send his VP, instead.) gold has been flowing out on a our country for our goods. While spending programs for economic substantial scale, the dollar's the move has aroused sharp pro- and military purposes it being Russia's development from a primitive economy to a Finally, Mr. Nixon is far from prestige has been seriously ques- tests that it Is a step backward searchlngly re-examined. We are 20th century industrial base for 200 million people re committed to another kind of tioned and an Indefinite contin- to restriction and protectionism, suggesting in unmistakable terms ticket "balancing," though Tils quires more steel than that. Therefore Russia, to be a mind cannot wholly be mad* up. uation of the trends cannot be that our now thriving friends modern nation, must have a more rapid growth than tolerated. take a share of the until next year. It appears that more of the Democrats are likely to put Tn 1959, therefore, an historic world's economic and military we have. A baby grows more rapidly than a man does burdens, a Catholic on their ticket, In one turning point was reached In our A new industrial system must grow faster than a well- place or the other. Nixon, for trade relations with Industrial Interest lates established one. his part, may well simply Ignore Europe and Japan. (4) We are counting on thi tho so-called religious aspect. To grasp the full extent of the upsurge In our interest rates to The rate of growth is a fallacious figure. If one Many believe that if one parly change, you must RO hack to the help offset the drain on our wants to note the swiftest rate of growth among na- end of global war In 1948. At thai '•old, The high rates foreign cen offers a candidate from among time our country was the over trnl bunks can earn on- short- tions, he should look at Japan from 1868 to 1914—that i religious minority the other whelming power In the world term U.S. Treasury 'l.O.U.s is is from the Meiji Revolution to World War I. When party is bound to do likewise. cncournginR them to Invest their Nixon Is by no means so con- trade markets. Nearly all other Commodore Perry opened Japan to world trade in 1853, vinced. Indeed, his people reck- economies were ruined or obno- funds In these securities Instead Ifte, In our vaults we held most of nsklnc for gold. Japan had a primitive island pconomy, based on house' on, on the contrary, that In of tho world's gold reserves. (5) Still In It* Infancy Is a hold production. By 1914, Japan was one of the five some eventutilltlos tho political Billions In Gifts mnjor drive to spur our Indus- principal powers on earth based on an economy second advantago mlfjM Ho in the other trialists to return to "hardsell- direction altogether, only to Great Britain and third in all the world. The To get other nations back on Ing" of our goods and service* May Offend their economic feet, wi> beftun n the world mnrket* and really rate of growth In Japan exceeded that of Great Britain They think, for illustration, that pouring billions In gifts nnd compete with foreign producers where the Industrial Revolution and modern capitalism grants Into rebuilding their plants Instead of simply accepting or if the Democrats become deeply and factories. We willingly ex dcra, Here, of course, lies the got their start. Unfortunately, to maintain its position, caught up in "the religious quo jx>rtod our know-how and man- fundamental answer to our re- 1 lion" they may well offend all Japan had to conquer China. This involved Japan on ;'roups—no matter what they agerial skills. We encouraged Kalnlng a comfortable trade bat- the wrong side disastrously during World Wnr II. private capital and tourists to an nnce, finally do about candidates, •.brood nnd mwnd freely. We In such a cano, the present Tho new cycle In our foreign As It Is, the gross national product of the United nclds nrc that tho Nixon cfliup turned the other wnv an our economic nollcles which nrxmetl Mck competitors rnlsrd lowering "I wouldn't worry Inn much States Is nbout twice that of Soviet Russia. Khrushchev would bypniiit tho whulo contro- NIOTUI hut lux hit him »llli U In 1(15!) will become mnrr> flrmlv vcrny l>y nnmlnji nn alM'rntcn- Imrrlrri nRiilnM Imnorli of mir hull, Sciinliir — Wimhlnitlmi Is moro modest thnn those unrailisllc Americans who 'Mnbllshrd In IflliO. Aclunlly, Ihlf tint Ikki'l, Hy dolim no they r.rxxU to protect IIwlr mvn wenk 8111,1. dllfMl'l linvr Ihr \ ol(j, imilnji point may rnuli ni one ire frlRlileiK'tl hy the progress of tiny other nation. Iniluslrlcii. )OM kmnv." could prcM'iit HIP OOP nn nobly if the emit Fi-oiiMiiilc-flnnncIn' 'Oirushchev says Hint Russia will paws tlic United to hilnij Into u piilltlcnl Vcnr nlt»r ynir Ihn rromiinlrr 1 tviMit* n( the next itocnrtf m :iiMi|>!ilj-:n what mi|{hl to be jr- »>f otir <'impelHorn Iwvf Ix'tri re flutes; Jio docs not chiim Hint this nlrj'tuly has hap. (Herb Block, Washington Star carloonlil, Is III, Dill Mauldjl well in fino of tho lop Mori™ ol rcli'vnnl, llm fiii'tnr ol » tniin'n Mvli:j:, mill In l!l',K \L lull i-xle-nl jiJned. '* <• I'liilllV, MM-, -I. I'l.V.' Dili vi'.-ir. ifinn, bt (hn M. l.oul* I'lul-Dlnpulch I* phich-liUiInK for him.) Bendix Names manager to succeed 9*f H, Is- 2d Oil Slick RED BANK REGISTER MUr..!-Bfa.-C aaca, receotry appointed vice Datebooks' HAL BOYLE Mn. Roy Maxim, feadrift preaident in charge of govern- Suit Planned C&C Club Ave., received a special award. 2 fop Aides ment relation!. James E. Bevins, Mrs. Daniel J. Martin, High- TETERBORO — Two top-level director of engineering, was boon Sale YORK (AP)—Executives of many companies LONG BRANCH - This city is Party Dec. 15 land Ave., will entertain the appoiatments at the Eclipse- named assistant general man- NEW SHREWSBURY..— Mrs. are worried about whether to have an office Christ- following Atbury Park's action in group at the first meeting in Jan- Pioaeer diyiiion of Bendix Avi- ager. , Kenneth Mitchell and Mra. John mas party this year. preparing a court suit to recoup HIGHLANDS — The C. and C.uary, to be held Tuesday. Jan. ». ation' Corp. were announced to- Wood, co-chairmen, said today losses caused by oil on the city's Social Club, formerly the "20 Attending were Mra. Stephen day. . Star bowler Eddie Lubaniki of the League of Women Voters' They are afraid that if they don't hold a cheery beaches last summer. H. Falter, Mrs. Msxson. Mrs. Milo F.. McCammoa, formerly Detroit won 23 garnet pitching for "Datebooks," published annually Club," will hold its Christmas staff get together they will offend their employees: The Board .of Commissioners Martin, Mrs. John Newton, Mrs. assistant general manager of theWausaw in the Winconsin State by the state league, is. being dis- voted to'hire Nathan Baker, a party Tuesday. Dec. 15, at Cedar Inn. Secret pals will reveal Charles Quaat. Mra. Clifton division, was named general League in 1948. tributed today. They also are afraid that; if they do Hoboken lawyer specializing in Wells and Mrs. Banko. ' The.pocket-size datebooks con- allow a holiday shindig the affair will admiralty Isw, to handle the their Identities and exchange tain information of interest to Mrs. Harry Potter, Center St., get out of hand. work. Asbury Park hired Mr. gifts. Plans for the party were was a guest. • voters as well as space to re- Baker for the same job Nov., M.mlde Tuesday at the home of DONT MISS cord personal appointments. Horace McGrubb, chairman of the The oil washed up on the beich-Mrs. John Banko, 42 Center St., li>k« It a »roflt»bl. lukll. M w The co-chairmen, at well as h« lUiifttr-i CIUMBM u I giant Acme Tiddlywinks Co., is one cor-et after two tankers, the North wno miNft —AdTvrtlMmmt. mi your Misa Helen Herman, Freehold, Dakou and Southern Skies, cot- are in charge of datebook dis- poration head who doesn'thave to wor-Ud*d about four miles south' of HALF THE SHOW. tribution. It is a project of the ry about the party problems ' V Ambrose Ugntsttp. I .','• "; " league's Red Bank' Region. 1 He solved it a week ago with the Oil covered beaches from' Sea ]••'• BH. S'luA^. are in COLOR [very Nioht Bright to Seaside Park following letter: Mr. Bakw v>rilh' taWt ; PtDF r-UR BLACK & WHill IV to: CAP Observes "With the approach of the holiday jthird of whatever (mcMthecaB 18th Birthday the question again has-been \Traiaedr:whether " Acme Tiddlywinks Co., should have an otflce PCG Investigating 'f FORT M014MOUTH - The Civ- • — - ^ ' ' t * 'M ^* * L t at .fl * il Air patrol Is marking its l*th Christmas:P*rty."••In the spirit of true industrial de- Dlee Joekey 'PayoU' birthday this week. • mocracy which has always animated our firm, the man- It was organized Dec. 1, M41agement h«a decided this/ is an issue th«>t. should lfe Federal 3Xde Cohwitssfcm says i sn agency of the Office of employee vote! it la making an intensive iayetti- Civilian Defense. - '' gaUon of alleged payoffs by re- It played a role fn anti-sub- "The managament is prepared to marine patrol off the Atlantic and eording companies to disc joe srribean coasts in early days of • offle* ChristmsM party on lu premises toe after- keys to • promote.. their records, nooit before Oiristmas, or, if the employees so FTC chairman' Earl if. Kiat- World War II. . nsr esjd lirvestlsatork are c,heck- The CAP has been described d«eMe, they etui instead simply take the after- at the Air Force's "right ami" : ; ing' on possible violations' of the air'search and rescue oper f' ' ' law by record firms in payments ations. ^ WoWce Chi^tnus party Is held, the i made to' television and radio dfsc Last year CAP performed jockeys. Several sections of the more. than €• per cent of the to- egement juturally will shoulder all country: are being' checked, he tal search hours flown by all Wives will te United, of course, as we retard said, naming New .York, Phils- participating agencies within the - • them u essential partners In the operation of the delphts, Oeveland and Chicago continental limits of the United U among them. ' ' States. :•• 4 •••'• • / • AcsM Tiddlywinks Co. ' ;•"' •. _ '. ' CAP members receive no pay. "A plentiful supply of refreshments, consist* MATAWAN MAN UNINJURED Cap has more than 74,000 cadet MATAWAN-Frank armichsel, and senior members who are pil- Ing of apple Juiee and sandwiches, will be supplied, J7 Niw.. BwaswickAve, was not ots, observers,' radio operators, courtesy of the manafement . . , Ujured Wedaeaday night when his first aid specialists, instructor! "A tentative program for the party has been car hit the Little St. bridge, police and technical specialists. id>'" •' HHDDLETOWN drawn up. it will consist of the following: Police are checking the possl Mrs. Berry Entertains "A short history of the Acme Tiddlywinks Co., toNUty that a second car may NATIONAL IANK have been involved' in' the mis- 'or Thimble Club be given by Miss Winifred Myopia, head of our rehap- . It was reported that Mr. KINGS HWY. MIDDLfTOWN OCEANPORT — Mrs. Edward search department Carmlchaet'a carhad a blowout ...e*.a*ew21"C0R- M. Berry. Sir., entertained the "A brief speech by "President Horace. McGrubb k*le Gator TV. like own* Thimble Club at her home on jlaf 2 sets b» 1 . . . Arcana Ave. this week. Games explaining why, because of the intense competition in SANQUft ft WORTH iMWffRt IWH wor onfJ and refreshments followed the the tiddlywinks industry, the firm will be unable to aperUtat I needlework period. .' . declare a Christmas bonus this year. 5ms. WI.Yeef Wot- Attending were Mrs. George C. Mnty en «« perls, ta- D. Hurley. Mrs. C. Parker Van "A cornet solo, The March From Aide,' will be ;«Jma*s efcren h*e. Brackie. Mra. Stella Gibson, Mrs. given by Master Aloysius Swindle, son of Tom Swindle, H. Whitney Conrow, Mrs. John our chief accountant As an encore he will perform 70% Wool, 30% Nylon B. Hulse, Mrs. William McCor-' t „ Wi - .. ^ ^ •relnCOUKi mick; MM. Charles Guiiiaudeu Beethoven s Moonlight Sonata on the kazoo. and Mrs. Arthur R. Mason. "There will follow an hour of parlor charades and *3f **••"» The Christmas party and ex- change of gifts will be held at a number of contests, including the three-ieg potato the home of Mrs. Edward C. Wil- sack face. This should provide a lot of fun for ail. son, Sr., Dec. 29. "A period of dancing In the aisles which HONOR ARCHITECT should be particularly enjoyable to the wives. The CARLISLE. Pa. - Eero Saari- management will provide the music—which win «n. architect for the Bell Tele- consist of recorded oM-faahkmad waltzes. phone Laboratories Research PLUS Heavy Waffle Pad Center in Holmdel, N. J.. wu an hour of awarded the Dickinson College Ar|a Medal at a dinner here re- I carel staging, led by Mrs. Horace De Uxe TacUess hstaHatioii cently.' •' •• - • / .V- McQrubb,•» gtftad eoprmeo who gave up • prantls- The college makes the award utg cotvceti ureer to wed the head of the firm..'. : aaaualy to honor outstanding achievement la the arts, letters "Measelet us know your wUlut this matter. and humanlUes. , Do you. went an .office Christmas party—or the - FOR SATURDAY ONLY! Afofimout/i County't Largen Mr. Saarinen daiagned the afternoon off?" , . : .. e»d Servicing Organinlion Massachusetts Institute of Tech nolegy Auditorium, Milwaukee . As soon as President McGrubb's open letter to the Plum Kl 10400 er II 2-0400 War Memorial, General Motors staff was. posted on the bulletin board, it was sur- Technical Center, and the U. S.rounded by a group of hired hands. .:.:••.•.••. Embassy ia London. 508 MA SL, Astnri Park Fifteen minutes later, a spokesman entered the Luis Apartcio of the Chicago president's office and said: ''• 50 Highway 35 Eatonfown White Sox atole M baaaa ia « Op«n Doily THI 10 P.M sttenpts la UN. He waa ta "Sir, the employees have decided by, a vote of out twice at taM Wae and 312-to-O that they'd rather not have an office Christ- at home plate. mas party this year." "Well," said Mr. McGrubb graciously, "whatever the boys want. I just want to keep everybody happy." Is there any wonder that Horace McGrubb is known as the smartest brain in the entire tiddlywinks industry? Factory Demonstration Funeral Unit SATtJRDA^ DEC. 5 (Setg Speaker . LAKEWOOb•'.— Dr. feymoui llWerthamer, Oeeaa County phy SwarbtFs from aidan, wfll apeak at a dtaaer. Hoslwt, N. J. Hmaettai of the MoamBUft_s«l COWUTaY WSTALliO ; Bocean Funeral Directors Asaoct 10 A. Jt to 1 P.M. nation next Wednesday at S p. m yton! tt in Danardo'a Town and Country I • BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY RMUurant. I He will apeak on the duUes « S12.4S DAILY and SAT. I A. M. te 4 P. M. Ma office. I RIO. T\WED. and FRI. S A. M. to t P. M. W. David DeRoche. local funer I f llal director, wUI serve as host foi I YOU $AVI %n 3JO the evening. .... Tifips jfowns^ WUIlam P. Walton. Jr.. Asburj H Park, association president,.: wil 47 it. SHa«JpleV MMt Red leak conduct: the meeting. •Sfaittte If you will want carpeting in the holidava . . . don't detayt Take ad- it *•)>• to'MvartlM In ' vanUge of this unusual mid asuaa ctoaa- AdnitlMaital. out clearance. This week only, you wii save I3.S0 on.every asjuare yard of this •Alre RHers tightly woven, beautifully styled wool sad SHERMAN'S SHOWROOMS nylon tweed broadhwrn. Beat of all yoii receive heavy waffle cushion aad our fls> CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION |M jfVVI BBVwylfMM jfSIssssjHV. MWUWWJUtttMT eat custom InsUllation at no additional Cheek the tnMe haltw far year easnreateat Give tht Fine$t ... Cuitom Made coat (except small: additional charge for •SiHiltypw v stairs). Colon: Driftweed, Caramel, Kss>. Draperies «nd Slipcovers Uc, Sunflower, Aoua Surf, Black * Whtta, ftuaranteee) Delivery far Xmai •Shitty en All Orden Reealvee) Up'te Oae IO*h. CHOOSE YOUR DRAFlRIU AND SUrCOVIM •HettTipes MMM Ubewty 2-2200 RIGHT IN YOUR OWN HOME ... OR VISIT OUR SAMPLE STOCKED SHOWROOM CaMMimtevh, I~-M^ *U~ *« H0MI »HOPWN» Our'service takes the euetiwerk eut ef reeJeceratlntj. •%#^rVUVIVffVly llwWVNWV- • IT^wef > t ^_a_ t 2_~_t '• We're full of helpful hlnta about extra-large and unusually- ^^ (ikgssl-'ABnt 'sskisB msTassI ' ' ' Ottf HMUI WIN bfsass| SMB,fM0 I§ JMVT shaped windows, too. There's no ealra charge for our mi 9«» r v *4* »•• . . . wM MMMin aervice—Just eitra convenience. 1 "' .•'"• SssssJIeiatlsssssi Yaw Year ""wan"* i * Select from one of Moamouth County's largest fabric collections, priced for every budget, Dawn Monthly * All our slipcovers are cut and pin-fitted on your furni- n Ifyeaaead: Payment Payment PfcjMiai U 2.22AA ture In. your home to Insure proper fit. sj •Purtui Chows II „_ y^ga . .' ,usJS ' 'I S.M ' rsaejllw s«S ak'etaiwif Work- ' - b-"y cuitom erafWmenImenl •J * Complete with tippers, box or kick pleats; m^^ziZM:::::::um #or CARPET CLEANING choice of cord welts! •% •fttstics e» sa- yes-, ; • ».7» IS.M WalMe-wall carpet cleaned M your home. 1* H. H§ •>••> 1»*» We call far and deliver ruga. TAM UP TO * MONTH* TO PAY \ DAILY 'TIL 1:10 • NIDAYS 'TIL t P. M. y SwartzeTs SANDLERIcWORTH Order now to y (Neslet RR SleMnfl tOUrff 35, fATONTOWN TtAFFIC CiltClf beautify your Itomn y for Chriatntm SHERMAN'S SHOWROOMS y PhMe CO 4-2211 Liberty 2-2200 y HOURS: Mon., Wed., Frl. II a.m. to 9 p.m., Tuei., Thuri., Set. 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. SH 1-8345 AND WORKROOMS Haslet, N. J. 468 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY ii Other Stareti Route It, Serls«fleld; Haute 4, Pa }. 8—Fri 1959 RED BANK REGISTER 2 Teachers Resign Posts; REEDS 25IH YEAR. .BUY WITH CONFIDENCE! 1 Employed Mck FAIR HAVEN-Two teachers submitted their resignations and iCffrisfnui? sate another was hired at last night's Board of Education meeting. Leaving the school system will kmusy feeds «K«j be Mrs. Linda Von Gehren. Lit- tle Silvtr, a stath grade teacher, and Mrs. Georftaana Salas, Highlands, a third grade taacher. Named to replace Mrs. Salas MONEY.AS NOTHINC! as Mrs. Madeline Neaosl, Holmdel. Mrs. Von Gehran'a resignation men's shop becomes effective Jan. 1 while the termlnaUoa data of Mrs. Sal- as is Feb. 1. Mra. Vetaosl'c annual• salary will be $5,000. MIDDLCTOWN, N. J. BENRUS WATCHES She hu a bachelor of arts de- gree from Upeaia CoUege and baa taken Ja additional courses la alemeaury education at Seton ot REEDS LOW PRICE HaU University and Newark State CoUege. WasSHksttate ONLY '25. * FLOOD WRKKAM— Rateua team In flood-battered] French •own of Frejus. an Mra. Venosl aervad as a nib- ttttta taacher in Newark 10 /^eet(2^^£i earnum -MV Iha Riviera, work to claar wreckage from buried, truck. Collapse of Malpatiet Dam years, «V4 of which were aa a •km«*MM*at ** upstraam in tha Rayran Rivtr Vallay sent billion* of gallons of watar rearing dawn permanent substitute. She was tha vallay. Daath toll It estimated at evor a hundred. assigned to the same class for e year. JAP Photo by radio fram Paris) She holds a provisional teach- Comfort ing certificate. la Other business, the ~bma om» $25.00 Post Collecting approved students to attend the National Ballet of Canada at the JUMP-JAMA Gifts for Needy CarKoa Theater, Red Bank, March 1. The program It soon- Somethina truly-m MATAWAN TOWNSHIP-Gutd- aorad by the music advancement for ceiual comfort! rfENBCS "IC" ateanal Post; Veterans of For- committee of the Monmouth Arts alga Wars, again la Miking its wofMertw one m Foundation. suit with tuff;length annul appeal to raaidenta of the s trentenrtetloe will ba ar* area for canned fooda and can- _ad at a coat of IS cents par zipper front, cinch dies, which tha members will child. distribute to local needy at Chriit- belt with elastic baa, Superintendent Charles E. How large, roomy pockets o* $25.00*" us. ard announced that tba Rumaon- An appeal letter, decorated Fair Haven Regional High School . . . altogether trim with a large Christmas tree mark- j ••'&>t'$mw:*;.M?£i: Pareat-Teeehtr Aaaoeiation hu and handsome. Tai- #I ad "willing," has been mailed BEMUJS W a study group working on pro- lored of soft tex- to area residents, explaining the gram acceleration and co-ordlna- a«giOMal need for the drive, and the fact rproof* shSts* tured, washable gab- that post members will make Asks Attsedaace erdine. Just as com- their collections Saturday and itCttiOaMl ScKool SuptriBtoeedcnt fortable for sleeping Sunday, Dee. 19 and 20, between Dr. John F. Kinney. Jr., he 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. to pick as for lounging; : • iBtolHS itMl CM*. said, hu asked that Fair Haven up the contributions. meet with this group Tuesday. o# $25.00 siw«u» Vincent Gaunt and the.plck-ap Mr. Howard will attend; along PAJAMAS NO MONEY DOWN committee members will atop with members of tha board's only at those houses where the •t Weekly Nert Veer curriculum committee. from tree Is displayed. Tha board turned down a it- CRIDIT OR CASH . . . YOU SAW AT RelDS" quest that music teachers be paid 00 LjaMaMft SaTJAafetlnTJBi ttf BaRBBBMMSl gVta^ka> New Riding Club an additional amount for the ilPlant. Rone'Show i*\ afternoon hand program, a duty 4 conducted after school hours. OCEANPORT-Membera of the I Mr. Howard reported the teach- COMB IN AND SIS OUR OFBN EVERY EVEMN0TO CHRB1MAS iGardea State Western Riding I er evaluation program adopted Club, meeting at the home of| by the board Nov. 30 was dis- WONDIRPUL SILICTION OP< _ SiglJS^f*" ||Al»terest Albert Consentino, 387 Portau- cussed at a staff meeting Nov. CLOTHINO AND OIFTS FOR MSN. Ipeck Ave., made plans to hold 8 at which time detailed work- |an indoor horse show in Janu-|| ings of the plan were explained I I ay.' and aasstkns ot teachers answer _??" V LAY-A*WAY Miss Donna Jackson, Asbury ferhlef Space jlPark, a nsw member, was in-' I trofcced. Membership in the OHM MRY NrSHT UNTIL t:M •. M. klctttb, formed, recently, Is «UH 4v.rtlMm.tit. ;|open. William »3rewcr, Morgan- of member-

New'eh* by-laws were read RSHINft UP A Bf» ONI —A batterad aufomobile Is and approved. After the busi- NEW ADJUSTABLE ness, meeting,' Mr. Coientino suspended from tha anchor ef tha Norwegian freighter showed a series of motion pic- Makiefjell In Montreal harbor. Tha ship's sailing was tures made at club meetings. delayed for hours whan the anchor hooked ante the auta REMINGTON ROLLAMATIC at it was being raised. Thara was no Indication of how long tha car had been In the water er hew.It get thara. (AP Wlrephetel ALL WOOL BROADLOOM sale, Mrs. William Macintosh Church Bazar hi charge assisted by Mrs. John ADJUSTS Reed, Mrs. Osborne Patten aadl Mra. Frank Loveraidge, Sr.;' lnvl Is Tomorrow ported gifts, Wlllem Vedrkooyen; IN 72 COLORS "Holiday House," Mrs. Pater NEW SHREWSBURY - The Moreau. chairman, assisted by to any beard or skin baiar committee of the Reform- Mrs. Isaac Rottenberg, Mrs. Wit-! AND 3 POPULAR TEXTURES ed Church held its final work- Ham Lelghton. Mrs Russell Mc- shop meeting Tuesday night at Queen, Mrs. Theodore Murphy, White Hall. The annual event Mrs. Alfred Ralph, Mrs. Jack will be held tomorrow from 10 Webster and Mrs Richard Ool> a. m. to 7 p. m. in the Hall. den; fancy goods table, Mra. Santa Claus will be present Harold Severin. chairman, a» throughout the day. listed by Mrs. Lester Saibia, Sr.. Featured this year will bo aand Mra. Raymond Snlffen; ap> Church calendar with the birth- nsw, Miss Edith Duncan, assist- daya of parlshonera listed each ed by Mrs. Jackson Murphy: month. _^ plants and flowers, Mrs. Marie Mrf. Alfred Herbert, chairman, Laubmslster assisted by Mrs. has assigned the following com- Philip Meyers and Mrs. Wil mittees to work on booths: "Cob- Novas: books. Mrs. Fred Hera, web Corner," a white elephant fall, assisted by Mra. Da Vetlch and Mrs. Joseph Zetkul>] FAMOUS MAKE LUXURY lc; Christmas country store, Mrs. Victor HemMIng assisted by Mrs. Russell Clark and Mra. Angelo NUBBY TWIST Pugatere; home-baked good*. WORTH 11.95 Mrs. Norman Hallam aulsted by Mrs. John Zagaja and Mra. Edna V • ir - II* WIDTHS IN MIT, «MHN. NUTRIA, DUII. Mast; Ice cream and soda; •OLD. RID, ROM. MM. MINK, AOUA, Fred Colmorgan, Jr.; grab bag, • TURA COTTA. HUNTIR •RUN Mrs. Clyde Morgan and Mrs. Russell Coyne; cafeteria, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oibtoo. Mr. and New - gatdktflntahavaryoucanadhjstto up ... let aaa-ateed Remington, with * Mrs. Roger Severin and Mrs. Le- avery shaving problem-the Remington diamond-honed cutters, shave the Heavy ROXBURY'S TEXTURED LOOP PILE roy Croft; candy, Mra. Robert RoH-A-Matk Shaver. Beard and Hidden Beard: whisker baits that Geddes assisted by members K*t aMhMi«« Roll-A-Mitk Roller Comb. lie below ordlniry shaving level. WORTH 11.95 the Junior Youth Fellowship. for lender skin, fotwr for heavier beard! and For the first time, enjoy truly problem-fn* trimming sMeburm or mustasjM. ahaving in absolute comfort. So get a new 12' - 15* widths h 57 smart, iww, decorator RoOsr Combs no skin down, esenb whJaken Remington Roll-A-Matlc Shaver todayl (•J•Jl|gi jg4« dJgjiAgmafkjl g«g»a»aifcla»aa1a%le»sBiei ta Wm wr TWffV vmiPawlllUI IIIIIB* •m at» awe asa ant a« aassssna eae ea •

IBWIW IfOMfll Hsdsf Cembs as taw CALLAWAY MULTI-LEVEL PILE M«ar. baanj gsH taugker, er grows laager. ...v.vilN TIHV UNITM awawTI* RajtS Rellar CMT*S WORTH 11.95 wrnjn JFWv SRIn reM WSwW NAOsV* •wUMmsff ~ V - 12' - 15' widths in 20 colon In bolfM, tjroom • Tinmi IOTNH i»ef>waiaki«% awl S^DlWe^Svf e^PT S/10 Ounci wfy MH a» *M*^ flOWi SCJIMNHWOOdi rilltTKIi WnitOi pumBkilli OtJlOIS • f luibli wires Tuklns HalSs AM 8nusl»lnmaw «IncompkiMlM WnweWiUi* ConnMtor (et tHfM eiM ceil In my twilth cuitMl iirnnKJ Stet* In or eeN OS MJ00. Our ikee et home rtfreieaterive wW eeN ee yen NaDwalMeCefe' ' I'M A CHRISTMAS 9T fft9 R9WMT • Ztnllh Outllty fuiumtntt STOCKINQ FILLER! HUS...W With me to fill those Christ- mai stockings, you don't need NEW SHREWSBURY (o run short of cssh. I'm O. FREF DEMONSTRATION! SUPHAMA Howie Hustles, a Register Class- Shrewsbury Ava. er Rr. 31 SHERW Illcd Ad, and I bring buyen fast ISTAILISHID 192S for the things vou want to turn (Oppoilto Ft, Monmouth) Hearing Aid Center • Rugs Into caih. Hwy. 35 Middletown 21 HARRISON AVE. Cheek tho unable toys and ASBURY PARK • Sloop Shop RED BANK, N. J. other items Just lying around, 709-71 S-Main St. FREE PARKING ... OS M300 • Carpets SH 1-3013 then dial SH 1-0010 for an Ad FRospocr 5-1405-1407 Writer. 1 to New York and the rest else- fee proposal come fa New York would MM and addresses of RED BANK REGISTER Friday, Pec. 4, l0i*~9 Rockefeller Seeks Parley where, would be allowed only unacceptable. fit from the increased number of Yorkers working in those states. two-thirds of the full exemption Both Ribicoff and Meyner have deductions. A person who re- 2. Authorize businesses in lion dollars to non-residents but NAVY INSURED in New York—$400 instead of asked for another meeting with ceived only part of his income those states, whose headquarters said this revenue loss would be LINCOLN, Neb. (Af») — Web- On Non-Resident Tax Relief $600 for each dependent. Rockefeller. The New York gov- in New York, however, would are in New York, to withhold in- offset by increased income from raska's mythical navy, manned Gov. Abraham Ribicoff of Con- ernor's office said it was trying lose because his exemptions come taxes from New York resi- New Yorkers who work in neigh- by'nothing but admirals, la ftow dents whose source of income ALBANY, N. Y. (AP) - Gov. necticut would not comment on to arrange one. would be cut. boring state* and who are not insured against sinking, coMiton. sey. Neither state taxes personal was in those states. fallout, iceberg* and stray whales. Nelson A. Rockefeller hopes to incomes but, under the proposal, the proposal, but said he had At present, non-residents are Most non-resident taxpayers paying their full taxes now. meet this month with the gov- each would be expected to help discussed it briefly with Rocke- allowed the full $600 personal ex receive their full income in New 3. Permit New York to bring In Trenton, State Sen. Wayne The insurance policy, 2 by 4 ernor* of Connecticut and New New York collect taxes from feller yesterday. The two men emption. But they are denied York. court action in those states to Dumont, Jr., head of a legist a feet/was presented to Gov. Ralph Jersey In another effort to end New Yorkers working in those are attending a meeting of the many deduction.* allowed to New Tax credits of $25 for married enforce' tax judgments against tive commission studying the Brooks by the Nebraska iaaurancc their objections to his proposed states. Council of State Governors at Yorkers.. '• '• •, couples and $10 for. single per New Yorkers with income in problem, and Assemblyman El- industry. ._ sons, allowed now to a>l taxpay- those states. Governors have been present- tax-relief plan for non-residents, Rockefeller's plan, announced White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. Among ' these are real estate mer Matthews issued a joint But, in spite of objections, Gov. Robert B. Meyner of New taxes, Interest on loans, medical ers, would remain unchanged, The plan was drafted by a statement opposing the plan. ing "admiral" commisstont, to formally yesterday, would grant These amounts are subtracted officials, friends. dlstlnguj*ed Rockefeller will submit the plan non-residents deductions and ex- Jersey, could not be reached. expeases, insurance premiums, special committee on non-resi They said the New Jersey to the 1960 Legislature. Both men, however, have met contribution* to charities outside from the final tax figure. dent taxation, headed by Tax visitors and local heroes foqthe emptions proportionate to the commission was drafting an a!' past 2» years. 7: Most of the 200,000 non-resi- amount of their taxable income with. Rockefeller previously and York State, and alimony In return, the New York plan Commissioner Joseph H. Mur- temate plan that would be sub- dents who work and pay income earned in New York State. objected to the plan. < to '. out-of-state resi- would require the home elates of mitted to New York leaders "as n» lUftotaf brlnts taxes in New York State are For example, a man who Meanwhile, two New Jersey noa-residtnts to: The committee estimated the soon as a meeting can be ar- «n Isf Mlwr Mtt link from Connecticut and New Jer- earned two-thirds of his income legislative leaders issued a joint A person receiving all his in- 1. Furnish New York with the plan would be worth three mil- ranged."



MB 2 gtnUM M#M$. $IKA writ curved piteMl • Hut a set af 24"rislfc . road trading cards! 5040 N ,-d^.*^ AMEttCAJI AYR WITH TiESTU 4 UT00T •23U* Slasin HwssjHthra anal tandsri landala oaf, tank olr( anal oabaoaal 1 tranafarmar, and twonf/#sur plaeas af IraakJ S CQHVHHIT ^| UT-AWATPLAW _ S

**•** MonssfOMAur STTLB XT K **. T POOL TABLE 'X: , r .11 ;T


cottons, Oasrans, 198 GIRLS' BOUFFANT 2.98 & 3.49 GIRLS' NEW, anddacron-cotton. PETTICOATS 4 SUPS FASHION HOLIDAY DRESSES i« Crap-tap, eummsr> tGHiit, 7-14. • Daubla ahlrte, with • A full auartmint af Mia nawott • Official sliol Folds into | laea ft ribbon trlmi! fashions, colors and fabrlcsl • Slips in nylon, or • Polishod oattona, Victorian prints, . • f«ehtabllU3'x4vi«! pollshod cotton. now Angal & balloon puffed ilosvot. 3.49-3.98 SKIRTS i • Eisyto-stort, multi- • Nttleoata In full- • Shoor nylon and laco trims; shoor purposa tablai usa for iklrtod nylonl nylons in bonbon pastols and bright • Hallday-stylsd... picnics, barbocuos. • White, and pretty Jswol tonssl Porfact for Holiday • flaras, alsats, and axtra dlr- * piitils. Sins 4-14. slims! Qav prints) Innsr fussts, drass-up tlrnol Sins 3-6x, 7 to 14. I appllquo It quIHad trainil • Qirls' sltosi7-14.


PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5M}-WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES!'WHILE QUANTITIESfLASTI • , ihn Libby, entomologist. to wipe out any rematotog tmtt. 10-FrMav. Dec. 4. 1959 RED BANK REGISTER For spider mites, use a dor- Miners, by the way, get into YOUR GARDEN lant oil spray in late March. American, English and Chinese Dec. 13, a yule party for the THIS WEEK ollow during the j; row ing sea- hollies, but not the smaller post children will be held in the Mi with Kelthane or Aramite broad-leaved Japanese hollies. Auxiliary post home. By Garden Reporter The group will hold the annual College of Agriculture Of Post Sets Fort Monmouth Hospital party Rutgers—The State Uni- Dec. II. versity New Brunswick Mrs. John Kennedy and Mrs. Yule Parties Daniel J. Wagner were accepted Holly Spot MIDDLETOWN-The Auxiliary as members of the organization If,you're fortunate enough tc of Post 2179, "Veterans of For- Wednesday night. have holly trees in your yard eign Wars, has announced plans you may be getting ready to cu for three Christmas parties. When Pittsburgh upset Penn at least the traditional sprig foi WRENCHES • LADDERS The auxiliary's party will be State the Panthers increased Christmas. SAWS • DRILL SITS held in the post home Wednesday their edge in the season series. When you go out to cut you: HAMMERS • SCREW DRIVERS night at 8 p. m. A covered dish holly you may find some imper supper will be *erved and gifts Pitt now leads 33-23. Three games feet leaves, to set you worrying o MANY OTHERS . exchanged. were ties. But there are no serious disease; of holly in New Jersey and on!; a couple of insect pests. . B. D. WOLCOTTS SONS What may be mistaken for PAINT HARDWARE QUALITY disease symptom is only a "con dition" according: to Dr. Spence 27 MAIN ST. • U H. Davis,,plant disease special' 1st at Rutgers. Those brown spots With a purple halo, for example, are caused by puncture; wounds of the sharp spines of old leaves, blown about by the wind. ' Water or ice on a leaf while TREES sunlight is intense, can cause scaled, gray-brown spots devel- CROWLEY AT FOOTRALL OFFICIALS' DINNER — Jim'Crowl.y. center, former oping into small black pimples. football coach at three major colleges, was guett speaker last night at the New Jer- These molds and pimples were sey Football Officials Association, Trenton district, dinner held at Beau Rivage. Left caused ~by the scald. to right, are Thomas L, Phipps, Rod Bank,; Shore, group chairman, Mr. Crowley. and Gray or brown leaf edges, sspecially on hollies near the John L. Kelly, Jr., Liniroft, secretary of the group. , shore, are caused by salt mist blown by high winds. ustify the expenditure of more The black or brown "trails' TODAY'S honey for research and expan- vou may find in holly leaves are lion, rather than putting such the mines of the holly leaf miner, money into the pay envelopes of a cure, spray your hollies in Business Mirror present employes. I mid-May and repeat in 10 days. Over all the disputes falls the off-color leaves show that By SAM DAWSOS shadow of what Congress may spider mites have been at work, take it upon itself to do next year sucking out the plant juices, says AP BUSINESS ANALYST if it again steps into labor-man- — The chances seem growing to- so despite the insistance of steel agement relations. day that U. S. manufacturers v ' management that it is set on hold- '" ' ' " inE the price line. Sorensen to Speak FIRST AID year for basic metals. This seems Whether steel prices go up awaits To PTA Committee the settlement of the dispute in LITTLE SILVER-George W. DECEMBER 7th that industry over wage increases FOR DOLLS and wording rules. But when the lorerisen, public relations direc- tor of Monmouth College, will Rush to . . . SBl US NOW FOR YOUR government steps in—as is now threatened if labor and manage- speak on "Monmouth College Up ment can't come to an agreement to Date" at a meeting Tuesday MARY'S POWER MOWER WINTERIZING in the home of Mrs. A. Edward ST0RA9E . RIFAIRS • CLEANING —the historical pattern has been to grant wage increases which irudin, 435 Spring St. Doll Hospital the'companies contend must be He will address the parent ed- offset by price hikes. ucation committee of the Red AT 141775 Bank High School Parent-Teach- With manufacturers' steel in- Association. Mr. Sorensen al- AT 1-0472-J MERRITT ventories so low, they could put so will show slides of the college. SWEATERS up little fight against paying Open Moa. • Wed. - Sat •IAWM M0WCR $1.98 what the steel companies might MONMOUTH AVENUE ask: CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. (Opposite Fire House) Copper prices have finned up HENDRICKS J already, due to a supply short- NAVSSINK 325 MAPLE AVE. RED IANK age In that strike beset industry Mary Maison • Mary Hallam 24 MECHANIC ST. RED BANK PARADISE Final labor contracts will help set the price pattern there— SH 7-1352 PETLAND perhaps still higher prices. LbWbUUi-L. L LI The aluminum Industry makes "Ike Seat L*/ Loum* Moui&v) no bones about wanting to raise prices—If It can get away with It In the face of foreign com- petition. Aluminum companies also nave labor, contracts to I'LL HELP YOU START hammer out. These are being held up awaiting the outcome of MM WITH A BANG! the wsge and rules dispute In Need a job. a place to live, the steel industry. cash for things you no longer But aluminum management con use? Call on me, 0. Howie tends that even without another Hustles, a Register Classified Ad, pay boost their present prices and a. specialist at solving prob- are too low under current operat lems. ' ing costs. Call SH 1-0010 for a friendly Ad -for In industries where contracts writer. Soon you'll be smiling. have been signed this year the wage scales plus fringe benefits have gone up an average of 1 "Hello? This is cents an hour. Still other industries will in- EASYU crease wage payments next yea Ginger calling..! under old contracts providing foi them. Thousands of workers wi get more pay when the cost oi living index reaches new peaks All this is why many manufac hirers see rough sledding aheac in holding down their own op erating costs — and hence th prices of their own products. This also is why fears of fur- ther inflationary pressure persis in official and banking circles dlspite the fairly stabl; price level of most commodities. Mslag wage scales aren't the ealy pressures tending to push prices up. Maay companies con- tend, as steel management does, that the price line could be held If working rules were changed to let them get the most output per hour of man labor. Aad In some labor disputes— the dock workers tussle, for ex- ". . . it you like laughter, ample—a bos* of contention Is look for me every day, in management's Insistence on In- Orla Gettermonn's cartoon stalling tabor saving machinery panel. It's really lots of fun. and processes. The fear of automation taking Bo seeing yowl" For mirth's away their jobs and livelihood sake, don't miss reoaNno. — is strong among thousands OtfhwHhthot "worm inside" workers. Management's conten fooling, from Kinno/i vast slippe. tion is that in time automation GINGER coHection. Standout values. Loather spurs production and consumptio to the point where more services In tht •ippora and iota, warm flaoeo lining. and more jobs, are created to the RED RANK REGISTER Rich tones of brown, all sites. (If uncertain benefit of the economy as whole. D9Ci 7 •bout his, bring tracing of hit shoo.) The same argument is used ti UM our layoway plan if yew with. Savings in Insured Savings and SEE AND HEAR Loan Associations like ours Increased more in the last ten years than savings In any THE BALDWIN ORGAN other type of financial institution... and today total over 1. EASIEST TO FLAY $49 billion. There are a lot of thrifty people. Start your savings account with us now. You'll like knowing that your savings are 2. HI-FI SOUND safe and earn excellent returns, too. 3. ONE PULL YEAR WARRANTY i uvi do» maka m dlfforanc*!* HWY 35, MIDDLETOWN 4. QUALITY DISIftN J, CONSTRUCTION Open Evenings Til 9 R M. 5. FULL PERCUSSION RED BANK SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION and ctffe leer OTHER STORES LOCATED AT AT A LOW LOW PRICE VShe Door to Security f y NEPTUNE—Neplune Shopping Center MID STATE MALL Shopping Center PARLIN-SAYHEWOOD Shopping Center NO. BRUNSWICK .Shopping Center 10 BROAD &T. RED BANK NEW JtHStY PARSIPPANY'MONRIS lllt.LS I'lit/n KI.MWOOI) MioppltiK Onlor NEISEN MUSIC CENTER, INC. Insured Saving* Accounti ROSELl.t—Rosollo Shopping Center Money Ordori Home Improvement Loam Rl. 4, Knit l>alur»on, N. J. 123 BROAD STREET EAST I'ATRRSON Shopplnn Center Traveler! Cheques DIVIDEND Homo Mortgage Loam BURtiKN MALI. Mumping tenter TOTOWA-KMUIO 48 RED IANK SH 1-52S* Route 4, 1'nmniim, N, J, I.IVINtiSlON—HIMIIO 10 Sovo-by-Mull Chriitmns Clubi WOODIIHIIHil;, lUiulo J WATCIIUNO—Kniilu 22 Open Wed. A Frl, Evet, to 9:00 P, M. 3!/4% NABAC Unit to Hear Mr. Martinet wffl next suxiifsry meeting. The fol- RED BANK REGISTER 'Savings OoperaUoni." Squad Auxiliary lowing were nominated: Mrs. linden Bank President The central conference of Theodore Spiecker for president; Friday, Dec. 4, 1959—11 FREEHOLD — Emmanuel NABAC Is made up of banks in fale Meeting Set Mrs. Diodato. vice president; MarguUes, president of the Com Middlesex, Monmouth, Hunterdon Mrs. Norman Janwich, secre- jnunity Bank of Linden, wUl beand Ocean Counties. MATAWAN—A card party and tary; Mrs. Theodore Phelan, Largest Sermon— guest speaker at a meeting of Christmas meeting were planned treasurer; Mrs. Jonathan Hedg- Lowett Prices when the auxiliary of the Mat-lin, sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. Mar- the Central Jersey Conference of Andy Branlgan, a defenseman the National Association of Bank for iwan First Aid Squad met last garet McDonald, chaplain; Mrs. 15 seasons in tha American reek in squad headquarters. Frank Martin and Mrs. Harry Auditors and .Controller!. Wed- Hockeyr League, coaches the New MATERNITY The card party will be held Clune, trustees, and Mrs. nesdsy night fa the American Ho- York Rovers in the Eastern Holmes, captain, tel.' League. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Andrew Diodato, 350 Main St., Mrs. Clifford Martin won the CLOTHES-SEPARATES with Mrs. Harold Holmes as the meeting prize. i assisting chairman. BOYS' k MEN'S The annual Christmas party Only horse ever disqualified and gift exchange will be held from first place in the Pimlico Tuesday night, Dec. IS at the Futurity was named Privileged. A5BUBY PABR— 718 (ooknun i£ cup butter oi control over the educational pro- for'a .388! batting average it that's possible. the flat side of the nut, near the margarine, V/i cups finely chop- FORD HAS CONTINUED TO cess by church and state." base.' That's' to keep the nuts ped onion, V/j cups finely chapped Now there is no need here to We can't even name the Pres- idents backwards much beyond rom bursting when they are celery, S cups dry- bread cubes OFFICE ESSENTIALS, Inc. take sides" in this controversy, boiled or roasted to make shelling (Hih), 1 cup coarsely chopped MAKE MOST OF ITS OWN for it seems to us that both Wilson ... : AUTHOHZED AGENCY OLYMPIA • BURROUGHS Much less vice presidents. possible. ' cooked chestnuts, V/x teaspoons parties are acting within a rea< To use the boiling ' process, salt, % teaspoons pepper, V4 tea SALES • RENTALS • SERVICE nnable concept of duty. The two But the relief is that we no STEEL RIGHT THROUGH THE longer feel so terribly ignorant. put the slit .chestnuts in a sauce- spoon poultry seasoning, % tea- 2? MONMOUTH ST. RID RANK dniversities, on the one hand, pan and add enough boiling water spoon sage (if desired), '/ cu are perfectly within their rights After all, intellectual achieve- 4 OPPOSITE NEW ment isn't directly related to the to just about cover them. Cover water or lightly seasoned stock, STRIKE. RIGHT NOW WE CAN to reject the funds and to guard the pan and boil for 7 to 10 min- 1 egg (beaten until thick and pale jealously their freedom from the memorizing of a set of ency- MUNICIPAL WILDING clopedias or memorizing utes, or until the shells may be colored). political dictates of the State. easily removed. To cool them Method: In a 10-inch skillet meli GIVE YOU A "BUY-NOW" DEAL. But. the State is certainly also a lot of answere to questions you know are going to be asked. enough to handle, put them under the butter over low heat; ad well within its rights to say that running water briefly; remember onion and celery. Cook, stirring SH 1-7300 it will not use its governmental Most certainly the ego in others UNMATCHED ANYWHERE. waa also deflated when they it's fatal to get the nuts too cool often, until wilted. Place bread to lay taxes upon all the before shelling. Remove the cubes and chestnuts in a large people and then use the money watched contestants answer with apparent erudition questions that shells and inner brown skin from roasting pan. Mix salt, pepper, SEE YOUR FORD DEALER collected to subsidize those peo- the chestnuts with the help of a ple who "believe in or teach the merely baffled most home view- poultry seasoning and sage (i overthrow" of the very govern- ers. small knifekif . used); sprinkle over bread and TODAY AND DR^VE HOME ment that ia supporting tht A question arises: Is it better To roast chestnuts; put the nuts. Mix in onion and celery or worse that our ego is rising slit nuts in a flat shallow ppan using, a rubber spatula to add all In any event it is foolish to (450 d) the butter. Add water and egg; suppose that the State will do again, inflated with the know- in a very hot (450 degrees) oven TONIGHT THE FINEST FORD ledge that maybe we aren't so for about 10 minutes or until toss together with forks.'Makes such a thing. Sometimes it may enough stuffing for a 12-pound be reasonable in what it asks; dumb after all? the shells may be easily removed sometimes it may not be. But It doesn't make us any smart- stirring a couple of times. Then frozen turkey (thaw bird befor OF A LIFETIME. stuffing). M.A.F. if the State is going to pay the er, but it does make us feel remove shells and inner skins. piper, it is most certainly going just a little better. To cook the chestnuts before to call the tune. — Publisher's Auxiliary adding them to your stuffing So it seems to us there is here cover with water and bring to a a salutary lesson for those who National Golf Day in 1959 real boil; simmer until tender — this I ited more than $90,000 which REEDS 25th YEAR ...BUY WITH CONFIDENCE advocate—and a great many of usually takes 10 to 20 minutes. them coma from the groves of eventually will be turned over to Some cooks like to use stock the academy-that the Federal charities and worthwhile golf pro- instead of water for the cooking. government come to the aid and jects. It's easy to stuff a turkey if succor of our educational system, Their vision runs only so far ar to tee that tht universities are In need of money and that the Federal Treasury la large. And FRIDAY & SATURDAY! usY Feeds w«r INTEREST they delude themselves into think- ing that somehow they can tap this cornucopia and pay no price OR for it 7 LITTLE V Them is, and ought to be, room NOTHING ia our educational system for MONEY AS :| CARRYING publicly supported institutions. A TIL NEXT The community of taxpayers ^ DOWN ' everywhere provides for elemen- "• YEAR > CHARGE tary and secondary education. In many places it provides' in- stitutions of higher learning. The diversity of local school boards, of local governmental bodies, pro- _l You can't go wrong vides that these schools and col- REMCO leges ahall not ba run on mono- lithic lines; some have more reaaonabte nttrictJoM put upon when you give a REMINGTON BULLDOG them by those who support them * do other like But all of them. let It ba noted, an beholden to the public that TANK paya the local tana and there- fora to the political agents of BATTERY OPERATED the local public. More people prefer It Is for this very reason that we need also private education- Rtg. SALE Xi .88 al institutions secondary schools that may, if they choose, give REMINGTON SHAVERS a religious Instruction not accept- 6.00 PRICE able to the public In publicly 4 supported schools; or universities free to inquire into political than any other brand! ~ ideaa that may not accord with g^gtM^^-S^a^sinass^s^^Bi^"" the majority views of the public. REMCO MOVE-LAND And It Is also for this reason 'OrUm-pHe lilted. that danger lurks In a single State, tht Federal Government, providing money for all schools even, to the zip-off haodf DRIVE-IN-THEATRE over the nation. For then diver- sity will be lost, all eventually must conform to a "national" ' BOYS' MELTON Rtg. SALE 88 standard, and there will be lost N* mar* iricks «r cut* with MM that freedom which Is most .. prised. JIMI rrmccw • tiara s tut 6.00 SUBURBAN COATS sJwvfjr that mahai hair 4 Tht lesson of history, if it had have made •Kluaiva Guard Comb* prefect this clear from the moment "Fed- tandar Hurt. Slum fast at* AMERICAN FLYER eral aid to education" was first proposed. Certainly now, In the ckMn - without racer acrapal experience of Harvard and Yale, MlfvrWnfMIS mw it should ba liMden from none IM •xtrai chart*! MM, TRAIN SET but those so blind they will not 12" sat. Fabulous gift ideal Get your boy rich meltons 58 PIECES IN ALL! -Wall Street Journal of 501 now, 401 reprocessed wool, fortified with Wlffl MCOHIOfiWi A Cfll"S| 2# OUT OF TV EXPOSE nylon! Good-looking stylo for dress-up occasions piee«* of track, 2* pltcM of trestle. COMES SOME RELIEF .. . durably made for sports and playl Orion-pile WHEWWWW . . . That's m.p. linings finished.off with cozy quilting! Sizes 6-12. posed to be a sigh of relief, •D.MKI'I n«lit*n4 trafemili tor III wrvlli and we're not sure how it's spell- i In a I Co, or Rtg. 52.50 In fact, there are a consider- able number of thing* of which we are not sure, The only dif- f'A V ()\ l y ference now Is that we are no longer afraid to admit it. Since the beginning of the tv big money quit shows, and the spectaculsr display of knowledge shown by the contestants-house- Open Every Night 'ill ft P.M., Including Saturdays wives, department! More clerks ASBURY PARK—ROUTE 35 taxi driver* at well M college A WELK profo».

Friday, Dec. 4, 1959—17

S4CtlonTwo RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1959 7c PER COPY Qilet Hearing Red Melody 4Lame Duck9 Body To Decide Master Wins Barn9 Plan Fate Thursday Case Closed Approves 4 Bills FAIR HAVEN — Its going to HIGHLANDS - The Planning be a warm winter for Red Melody 7-Man Commission Created, Board listened to a few more after sU. matter plaa objaetioaa from the Oceanport The now famous horse of Wal- New Police Posts Proposed public last night, then adjouni- ter M. Isbrandtsen, 45 Haddon ad with an announcement that It Park, will have a barn to call MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — A Mr.Waters, who voted against will vote on the plan at Itt his own. both, said he favors a Harbor meeting Thursday. Creeks Will 'tame duck" administration and The Zoning Board of Adjust- committeeman who Is expected Commission "but net at this to'contrast to the previoua ment lsst night granted Mr. Is- i take over es mayor next time." week's teaghtliy bearing, list Be Dredged brandtsen a variance to erect a month went at it tooth and nail "Why is it that all of a sudden night's eootiaued t lOxltfoot stable on his property. last night over "lsst minute" ap- less than ao hour. OCEANPORT- Holm nil COUH' e have to do everything — dl learned laat night its It wu needed because another pointments and ordinances. without proper study or investi- Only about 25 reatdenU at- efforts hem—Red Melody's old home- landed, compared to aoma IS over the put two yean to get Republican Committeeman Pe- gation — this particular month?" Blackberry and Parker's Cracks ft aMtt^oworntAf ter J. Waten accused Mayor who debated loag and loud last It waa back to August mat the dredged will meet with aucceM. John Man, Jr., and Committee- 'As'soon u this commission ta permission to keep, the hone ta man Stephen J. Kalieta, both he told the mayor, Moat af th* comments voked A letter from Salvatore A. the barn—on the grounds it wu laat Bight1 rwmphailied points Democrats, of 'railroading "you will appoint the seven too close to an adjoining property through two appointments to the members- made in the previoua session.. Conservation and Economic De- line. velopment, said the Division of Sewer Authority and four ordi Mr. Waten expressed the opin- Planning and Development has But last night the board was n that harbor commission ordi- Timothy A. Lynch, BayaMe unanimous in voting that the new nances "before.your'time runs Ave., repraenting the firemen's been authorized to proceed with out." nances of other towns should be committee. said that the firemen the dredging. barn—one story in size with a studied first and that this mu- cement block foundation—can be Charges 'RallreedUg' are "vigorously opposed" to fire- As a result of the Nov. 3 elec- nicipality should complete its His letter wu to response to a built. zoning ordinance before a com- houae site outlined in the Master telegram council decided to aend tion, the GOP — for the tint Plsn«- . Cost Given UARNIN» TO H«HT —The fight againit cancer follows many lines, including lission is set up here. at its last meeting. The telegram Mr. Isbrandtsen said the barn time to M years — will take con- "The boating industry Is on the He pointed out that 31 ot the those being shown by Mrs. C. R. Vickers, New Monmouth,; left, to members of the trol of the governing body Jan, preeeat force of 48 live in the coat about $1,000. Raymond newly formed American Cancer Society service unit of Congregation Bnai Israel, increase," Mayor Man replied. quests,' according • to Borough Jannell, River Rd., will con- 3. "Now is the time to act oo this." area of the present' firehouie on Clerk William P. Heetaer. H. ££ £. Rumson. The volunteers who have offered te melte dressing units for distribution to Miller St Mr. Waten Is expected to re- said none of the other pleas were Objecttog to the variance again eny end ell cancer patients in Monmouth County comes from tho Congre'gation's place Mr. Man as mayor at that The next two ordinances — "Putting *e flrehouee down at even answered. the southen and of the borough was Hermann Asendorf, SO Tyson Golden Ago Group. Among them, seatid, left to right, Mrs. Alexander Berets of Port- time. •.•;•-.•• :. -. • introduced over the dissenting Council learned also me state Dr., a neighbor of the Isbrandt- Mr. Kalieta dM not seek re- vote of Mr. Waten — propose could mamn • lots of vital time eupeck, secretary; Mrs. Helen Siderman,.Shrewsbury, president, and Mrs. Benjamin m gettlag to * lira," he stated. Highway Department will aUo- sen's. •..-. ;:-• .• • . election this year. He will be re-two new police offices — a lieu- cata to MM sidewalks Board chairman Frank J. Hall He said as far aa he was con. H. Athin, Little Silver, a leader. Rabbi Gilbert Rosonthaj, spiritual leader of the con- placed to January by Republi- tenant and a sergeant — and set Rt71. earned die old bam is a Vshanty* assured Mr. Lynch that the loca- gregation, attended the service unit's first wsskly isssion.: '.'" • ,' can Hgmund V. Kowalski, who salaries for the posts. tion of the firehouie will be "In accordance with Ms policy and the new one would give i defeated Democrat John W. At present the force hss a "duly considered" the of co-operating wlth'our tumid- a further "shinty town appear- Reams to the Nov. 3 contest chief, captain and four patrol- board steels Thursday to vote paliUes. Commisaloaar Dwight R. ance." icn. on the plan. C. Palmer bu authorized ma to Mr. Asendorf said It would "de- Twining Golf By this time, Mr. Waten was inform you that this department predate" surrounding property. Four Men Indicted Mr. Man will «*s fee toneDem - The board plans to meet with ocrat on the governing body next 'completedly disgusted." the firemen's committee prior to will enter into an sgnement with The new barn wU! U 11.73 "Can you explain to me," he Oceanport for mat .borough to f*B6t ffoui ttw Paid for By year. His term expires at the Thursday to discuss the question pcopcrty endoflMO. said to Mr. Man, "why allot a accompUih the work and theline and M feet from the southern In Theftsy Gunplay dden to December we need la detail Appointed to the Sewer Auth- state wiU compensate the boren- d of the property, near RiVer Contractor lieutenant and sergeant when ough to tba maximum amount of ority wen Walter L. Karaiew- Mrs. iqhaOedrick. First Ave. Rd. WASHINGTON (AP)-Gen. Na- FREEHOLD - A Monmouth lor Court Judge, J. Edward during the rest of the year we $2,500." A tetter from state High- Mr. Asendorf said again that Ski, II Garden PL, and Thomu •aid she eoeldaot see how the than F. Twining,' chairman of County grand jury yesterday In- Knight was . Leonard Hall, St. W. Brown, 2t West Prospect did not need those two offices?'' civic center coald be planned torway Engineer O. H. Frttvche the "proper place for anyone with dicted four men for a series of Charles Hotel, Keansburg, for 'Well, I've been thinking about the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and a Ave., River Gardens, both of construction on land which to a horse is in the country an£ not armed robberies ta Red Bank, armed robbery-of a taxi driver Cliffwood. this several months," the mayor la the pi*c«M of being purchas- a populated area." score of other officers were Mlddletown and Atlantic High- July 4. replied. Interviewed Them edmr privatei business use, WiUemRelUy. Board of Educe- "Many is the time mat I sll named today aa guests of a de-lands. One of the four wu also According to Mr. Keuper. Hell A salary "range" of •4,1100 to Mr. Dadrlck's reference was tokvuataai oo coutv in my living room and that hone fense contractor for golf Jaunts Indicted for atrocious assault and held up William Beesjey, 70, of "I interviewed these men aw$S,«00 was set tor the lieutenant, a I* by Norman Co.,'Neptune. DOB* comes right under my nose," he battery and assault with intent 90 Church St, Keansburg, after Mr. Kalieta also spoke to them," and a "range" of $3,111 to $5.. cttl that the regional study for an to the Bahamas. for the property recently put Oceanport-Wsat U Bnaeh^M charged, to kill. asking to be driven to Keyport Mr. Man commented. 410 for tho sergeant banta borough council. The aite, Testimony made public 'by a David Jones, tt, of 171 West The prosecutor charged that Hall "Well they may be fine selec- Public hearing for both ordi- 9ngni*Moninoam zMecn school House Investigating Subcommit- owned by the Jersey Central had been completed, In other business last night, the Bergen PI., Red Bank, was inpulle- d a revolver and stole $40 tions," Mr. Watert retorted, "but nances waa art for Dec. 17 at Railroad, now houses a many- It is now'in meTbands of state board granted the owner of thetee also listed Secretory of the dicted on the assault charges. from the driver. I wouldn't know because you cer- 7 p. ra. Air Force James H. Douglas as go-round which is in the process education authorities, he said. WMowbrpok Restaurant a vari- According to Prosecutor Vincent Hall then forced Mr. Beesley tainly never consulted me, snd In regard to the proposed new of condemnation. When and If tt receives state ance to erect a new front on thea visitor at the golf resort on P. Keu'per. Jones find four shots into the trunk of the cab andI never beard of either one ofpolice offices, no names were .„,. Mrs. Timothy A, Lynch asked approval, it will be submitted to building, which faces River Rd. Eleuthera Island, the Cotton Bay from a 12-gauge sawed-oft shot- drove it to Raritan Township, them. That Is certainly some way mentioned during the meeting aa if ma master plan maps could be referendum to the. nsoicpUtiensuoicipaUtiess Dr. C. Douglas Hoyt, 907 River Club-but said Dougles paid his gun in a sun battle with police where he abandoned it, the pros- to run a Towajhto Committee. to who might fill the posts. left lathe Halle, few affectedffd . Mr. y^aid^i . Rd., said he was negotiating to own expenses. Douglas- con- when they tried to apprehend utor said. Did you pan me names out of Ralph E. Wallace is senior pat- firmed this. daya so that the public could He statanV *». Jhatthe ref- buy a piece of property next to him Nov. H in Red Bank. One of Mr. Beesley pried the trunk elatr rotmaa. with 10 yean* service. haw a better "chance to review the shots struck a bystander, your Pajbomun John P. Ktonaae ta v erendum probably will his home and would like: to sub- Listed as' a" guest of the Mar- lid open and called far help and the particulara of me plan. sometune next year. PubUcmeeV divide It The problem, however, Un Co. at the club was retired Robert Kirkland, 25 Harvard Rd., waa found 49 minutes later by next a tos.'with su years. Pat- John M.ZV0MC, rapraesntlng Ings wiU be held for the informa- la that a garage on the property Air Force Lt. Gen.. E. R. Quo-Fair Haven. police. . , rolmen James C. Hoyt snd Frank Community Planning Associates tion of residents, he added. ia in violation of the zoning law. sada, at the time a special as- The three Indicted on the arm- Hell has been ioovictod-bf the Aad I caa assure you,'' Mr Cheney have been on the force lac., said the plane are needed The -first referendum on the he added. sistant to President Eisenhower ed robbery charges are: Milton July 10 murder ot a Maryland Waters aaid, "it won't be done two years. by his firm tomorrow, but that matter, according to Mr. Reilly, Dr. Hoyt said there waa a and now. administrator of the Goode, 21, of 72 Bank St., Wiltaver- n owner. this way. I wiU discuss every sp- Net Cartels ha would return mem to the mu-wiU be on the question of wham- possibility he might someday Federal Aviation Agency. liam Henry Davis, 21, of 17 Lin- William Erven, 19, of Florence potntment wim eaw meiuiwi t» Although the department is un- nicipal Hall aarry next week. er or not the borough wanta to erect another house on tHe prop- Other Air Force aad Navy den PI., both Red Bank; and Ho- Ave., Union Beach, waa Indicted the governing body. But you goder Civil Service, a spokesman enter the regional group. It they arty, but said he had no such in- officers listed ae Martto gueea bait Lewis, 32, of 15 Cherry St, for grand larceny. The prosecu- right ahead, John, you have two told The Register later "no one In dosing tthl e session, Mr. Hall wish to do so, there will be a tentions i toctoded Gea. Emmett trDea* New Shrewsbury. tor charged Erven stole a 80- meetings left." is certain all the provisions of aKBrassamraaaadkld Mss gratitude to those second referendum on the matter Councilman Tony E. Hunting, Maly Jr. NW COinilllstsiBW let Sean Entry horseppwer outboard motor and "Now we have a few ordi. Civil Service have been adopted residents who had shown "such of a bond issue for the regional m River Rd., said he would be chief, Pacific Air Forces; Rear Jones and Goode wen Indict-a 10-foot boat, valued at $1,400, nances," Mayor Man said. ben." greet interest to borough at- school. against a house going up because F. M. ed for breaking and entering the Aug. 3. The motor and boat be- The first two - adopted even Policemen were to doubt as to tain" by attending the meetings No site has bean selected or it would destroy his view of the of me Fifth Naval Sean and Roebuck Co. store on longed to Robert Buhler, 315 though several persons had ob-what their status might be In re- and voicing opinions. suggested aa yet, Mr. ReUry stat- river. Dtotrlet, Nerietk, Va-j and Gen. White St, Red Bank. Oct 31Broa. d St., Keyport, and were jected at a previous public hear- gards to taking exams for the He emphasised that the citizens ed, adding site selection will be The board will discuss the mat- S. E. Aaiirsia, a and stealing five shotguns, two taken from a mooring off theing, and none had spoken tofav - |obs of lieutenant and sergeant could rest assured that every a matter for the regional school ter again at its meeting next ef the Air rifles and two pieces of lug] Keyport Yacht Club. or — deal with the waterfront It wu indicated that Patrol- point raised at the public bear- board — if it is set up. mootn< valued at "" according to the New man Wallace might not be chal- ing will be given consideration prosecutorosecutor. Ante Death Douglas and Quesada were at One ordinance creates a seven- lenged (to a Civil Service exam) by the board before the plan or the club for a week-end ta Feb- Jones, Godde and Davis were Donald Weasel, II, of 1 Carmen for lieutenant but that all three any part of it Is adopted. indicted for the armed robbery PI., Red Bank, was Indicted for member Harbor Commission, ruary. 1N>, when other visitors and the other establishes rules of the other patrolmen probably ' "Nothing wiU be done next New Jersey News Briefs included Twining, Mn. Twining, Nov. 4 of Donald Caruso, owner causing death by auto. would seek the post of sergeant Thursday," he said, "that will Weit E According to. Prosecutor Keup- aad regulations governing the ATLANTIC CITY AP)-New RDGFIELD (AP)-A worn. their son, married daughter and °' <"• "- violating fair tnde prices. J A J Various of the other officers It wu selected by a committee ty Young Democratic Club. "Flgat ts • aaked a permanent injunction named said they had considered known whether his new adminis- themselves guests of personal headed by Robert L. McCall. tration will sanction a larger Mr. McGann represented 12 .PS against Two Guys and $175,000 Halts Train Just in Time In other business at the meet damages. The New Brunswickfriends who invited them, rather force. local Democrats, Including Mr. tsM yssNiday by A. Paul Kmg, than of the Martin Co. and some tag. Mayor Karl K. Baroo-heed- Erikssa and Mr. Rodgen, who medical supply firm said Two PITTSBURGH (AP) - Quick tag a suggestion of Angelo Zan- The GOP head hu made it BammmmmVtaaB hun^m^at^mmm efOeaa" "~ ^^a Guys had "wilfully aad malic- said they had tried without suc- clear, however, that the number cess to pay part or all of their action by two nllroad employees etti—recommended that the Board cxptlM from tht otter M7. iously" violated the fair trade of health again be asked to look of special policemen, will be expenses. stopped a crack passenger train Mrs* Weber limited in 1M0 to men "who an tflMCfWlC C1UC1UD RtD Ui ,t ,» , ,: prices. tato the possibility of providing He wee a Superior'Court case 4 Most of them Mid they had test night as it bore down on a licenses and physical examine, active' 'to the departmont no direct contract nlationships In January of this year, when and as a remit the 12 wen re- ^k^^^ al^^kAB^AB^sW^to .tka^ ^f aHnHai Itt* PALISADES PARK (AP)-Irv* stretch of treck buried under a Elected By lions for local food handlers. ^fc—*.— — with the Martto Co. and did not Mayor Man appointed 4s men instated. UalveraityNV InNWHI. Warael Md Ktogt ing Rosenthal of this amusement 200-ton landslide in Pittsburgh. RtSIWideatag center was named a director of consider the entertainment an ef- to the special police force, Mr. . After the election this group, u "NeveUlir teraet that therd e la a fort to gain favors. Company Ralph Thorton, track watch- GOP Club Council voted to recomend to a nucleus, organised its own the National Association Waters charged that he »u us- desire as the part ef me state Amusement Parks, Pools officials had emphasised the man for the Pennsylvaina Rail- RARITAN TOWNSHIP -Mrs the governor and the state high- ing it u a means for "political PemocrStic dub. er same point earjier. road, came upon the landslide way department commissioner Mr. ErUuen waa high vote- Beaches yesterday. The group George Weber was elected presi- patronage." convened to Chicago. The aames ef the Air Force minutes before the Penn-Texes dent of the Women's Republican that widening of Rt 33 be ap- Later ta the year, the GOP getter In the election, defeating Streamliner was due to pass proved. Republican Mayor Boyle X. Pat- aad Navy effleen were given Club at a meeting In the home committeeman got the special Am Si»Ma* AMVUJ ••-••„••• •_ through. He flashed the dsnger Mn. Robert Flaherty, Rt. 35, Kaon 1,217 to «ti. NORTHAMPTON, Maas. In reports to the council, Dan- force cut down to 25, for insur- t*«v »••«•••, jimtf*fl •OTTKVYI ••• signal to Mn. Pearl Reno, whoHwlet. Monday. iel E. Reashaw stated that $2(5 ance purposes. Mr. Rodgen, for council, de- operates a nearby signal tower. feated two opponents, former JERSEY CITY (AP)-Francls toglslsters have asked Mm to George Beaker, beard chair* Also elected were Mn. Charles wu spent by the Local Assist- Under the present setup — be- Democratic Mayor Joseph Scho- Cardinal Bpenman sad , Oea. veto their ewe Mas, says Gev. ef the Merita Co., et a Mn. Reno, noticing that the Lube, vice president; Mn. Aranc- e Board during November cause of lack of a sufficient George H. Decker yesterday re- am_a---* am y...- , . _j -|-,,, • ' Aug. II. The tnln had Just cleared an elec- lone Peterson, recording seen with six cues pending at thenumber of regulars — a special lor, who ran as an independent, start of the month and eight and Republican Frederick M ceived honorary degrees from It. HWVn Be ntlrMf M nfw sl#f* tronic warning point, grabbed tary; Mn. Michael Crecca, tress policeman does a four-hour tour Peter's College. The i degrees say. -la " silos aad aircraft, dees prae* her lantern, need along the urer, and Mn. Carl Thorns, cor the close. of squad car duty, accompanying Fedkanheuer. wen awarded at a special con* Heady aU Its) business with the The election victory, me of the .. •telyme tracks and flagged the train. Therespondence secretary. Councilman Unterberg report' a regular, on an average of four vocation to dedicate Rankta hall etfnMm) ed that this year the borough major upsets la the Bayihore, veto them/' he 17-car train, traveling at about Serving on the nominating or five nights per week. for use by the Army Reserve ssM yesterdsy st smith Cet. The subcommittee, which has 40 m.p.h. bnked to a halt aboutcommittee that presented the retained funds from Municipal Ne Firearm Tralalag returned control of the governing Officer Training Corps (ROTC.) Court amounted to $11,304 through body to the Democrats, ousted to leg*. "I have evea bad legls- been Investigating alleged In- two miles from the rubble. slate of offlcen were Mrs. Mabel Of the 10 to 15 "active" Rankln hill Is named tor Rev. klers whisper •veto' to me, fluence In service buying, sent Walling, Mn. Gerald McCaskey Nov. 30 in contrast to $9,M2 dur- specials who alternate on these an upset by the OOP in 10S7. R. Ruin Rankln, a Jesuit priest The Penn-Texas, with 145 pass. ing the ssme period lest yesr. Council next year will be split, esptalalag they had to see the questionnaires to those named. engen aboard, had arrived in and Mrs. Fred Nice. tours, only two hsve some de- who was a World War I chap- measure through to pessags. It made Bunker's testimony pub- He also commended the effi- gree of training in firearms and I to 3. It will be Mr. Erlkien'a lain and teacher at St. Peter's. Pittsburgh from St. Louis. It wss Installation of offlcen will tak< ciency of the court. Thus I am cast ta the rele ef lic today, along with replies to rerouted to the station across the place at Chriatmaa dinner in th< police combat tactics, according vote which will give the Demo- the questionnaires. crate an edge — provided the vidata te me pressure group Ohio River. Shore Point Inn, Rt. 35, Hszlet, Ordiaaaco Hsarlag to a recent department report. ATLANTIC CITY (AP)-Some tavaivad while the legislator Bunker also listed a number of Monday, Dec. 21. Mrs. Anne Final hearing on an ordlnanc The Township Committee July perty patches up Its election scorching summer's day you may campaign differences. masaairadss u a hero." civilisns and ntlred officers, In- Aumack will be the Installing of- to regulate installation and main 5, on the recommendations of be longing for the sun to shine cluding Dsn Klmbsll, former HEARING POSTPONED ficer. tenance of oil burners snd lhl>l«ip| mill lli. tteilitfi'a cltlalllfi nlone than with an untrained a'la.—Ailvirttlfittent. wo miiy help each other," special. "y BED BANK REGISTER Concert Set Civic Chorus to Open Kitty Kelly By Chorale FARMINGDALE—The Howell What's Sauce for Goose Township Education Association With Parker 'Hora Novissima' will present the Shrewsbury Monmouth Civic Chorus, di- torlum. The chorus, now in. its 800 years ago,_ and was com- Chorale in a concert Saturday posed by Parker in KM. This Is Sauce for the Gander tight in the Ardena School. Al- •ected by W. Gordon Pagdin, Uth year, consists of 90 voices. will inaugurate its 195940 con- They will be accompanied by a was the tint American musical den Hammond, New Shrewsbury, composition ever presented at an Dear Kitty Kelly: husband a dose of his owa med- will direct the 60-voice group cert season Saturday when U will symphony orchestra of 35 mu- kfaw. Stop nwklag conversa- present Horatio Parker's "Hora sicians. English music festival, and crit- My husband and I have benn tion. Be as mum as he, but The Chorale, now in its third ics considered it one of the moat married two yean. He kisses rne season, will include several sa- Novissima" in Rumson-Fair Ha- The cantata was taken from a do It with grace. My mother ven Regional High Schoolaudl- prose source written more than beautiful ever written. when he comes home but rarely — as gay aad talkative a per- cred anthems in its program, as The music coven a wide range utters more than 20 word* an en- aaa as ever lived — eaee triad well as traditional Christmas of choral itylins. •no" contains tire evening, yet when friends this ea my father — a sphynx, carols, Brahms songs, selections solo, quarter, four-part chorus drop in,, he has much to say. if there ever was oae. At dta- from Gershwin's "Porgy and Miss Neidlinger to Be Guest and double chorus passages. Alone with me, he does nothing Bess," a group of American folk Soloists will be Ruthealine but watch TV, or read the ptp- r he said aetblag, aar did songs, and a' medley from "My aha. After dlaaer ha started te Barnes of Ocean Grove; Geor- er. He speaks only when he Fair Lady." Artist With Apollo Club gette Byrne. Oceanporf: Vanleta wants to have a cup of coffe pr read a aewspaper.' Still she Mrs. Raymond J. Johnson, Jr., •aid aathlag. Uaabk te staad Canonlco, Shrewsbury: Dorothea change the channel on TV. I've of Fair Haven, is the Chorale's ASBURY PARK—Tht Apollo est group of its kind in this area, KUem, Ocean Grove; Jean Reed, pleaded with him to talk fir It aay leager, he thug dawa pianist. She was graduated from the newspaper aad Implored Club Christmas concert will be It is directed by Dr. Ctrl F. Fair Haven; William Wtegaad, just a few minutes. He always Connecticut College for Women, presented in the Crystal Terrace MueUer, minister of music of the New Shrewsbury; Fred. Loadon, •ays he's got a lot on his mind. her la apeak. Had be hurt her where she majored in piano, and feeHsgs? Was aba alekT What ballroom of the Berkeley-Car- Red Bank Presbyterian Church Freehold, and Ronald Clark, Red Do you believe this? How c|n organ. She' has' been organist teret Hotel, 1:30 p. m. Tuesday. and is beginnin« g its »yed by. the Mn. Louella Ayers. Island Perth Amboy, honor attendant, A&P in Red Ba ,' Mr. Conk Kitty Kelly: Heights, district deputy and wore a gown and headpiece of was graduated . from Rumson I'm a guy who thought I wu president of Monmouth District; coral, silk organza. Her bouquet Fair Haven R-e-g-i-o-n-a-l Higti mart. From the very beginning Mn. Emma Lyons, Belmar was of pink roses. School. I hurt my wife by being more Mn. Helen Linstedt. Dover, and interested in other women than Mrs. Hannah Jones, Belvidere, waa in her. I blamed her for past assembly presidents, and ETIQUETTE Mai Geaevteve Gill Miss Lea Depp Curtains everything. I didn't care what representatives of 22. lodges. . ahe wanted but expected every- HIGHLANDS-Mr. and Mrs. MIDDLETOWN-Mr. and Mn. Drap«ri«s . Edward Patterson, New Richard A. Gill, Highland Ave.. Frank J. Feiekai. M Morford thing from her. I destroyed hei Shrewsbury entertained with AMY VANDERBILT life and mine. My neglect broke announce the engagement' of Rd., announce the engagement Slipcovers magic show. Balls In this country are to- at the ' ; their daughter, MUs Genevieve of their daughter Miss Lee Depp, her heart and her health. What The lodge will hold its Christ day mainly given for. charitable Junior Horse Show Ball I didn't know was that the one g Rosemary Gill, to William P. to Paul H. Fox, son of Mr. and B*dsprt>«dU mas party meeting Tuesday in purposes. Saturday Evening, Aug. 24 Mulligan, Jr., son of Mr, and Mn. Ernest L. Fox, 24 Foster Two aprons in one! See how thing she needed was my co-op- eration and all my love. Now it't Odd Fellows HaU. In Wilton, Conn., however, a nine to one o'clock Mrs. William P. Mulligan, Sr.. St. River Plata. Linsns It reverses gaily from one a lo few years ago a group of moth- Semi-Formal of Atlantic Highlands. to another. Whip up this pn try too Ute. Why did I do the* FREE GIVING Miss Depp is a Middletown things?—Sorry ers got together and decided $3.00 per couple Miss Gill was graduated from Township High School'student Vonstiaa Blinds ehirmer to brighten kitchen NEW YORK (AP) — Members that some kind of formal dance plus tax the Star of the Sea Academy in chores or for smart serving, f er- Dear Sorry: Bebuj remorse- Mr. Fox, a graduate of Middle- of the Free Methodist Church of should be given for young people Please respond to . Long Branch and attended Red town Township High School, is feet shower, hostess gift Tomor- ful Isn't enough. Daa't sit there North America are the freest the 11th and 12th grades, for Fairfield County Hunt Club Bank Business Institute. She ia row's pattern: Boys' shirt. bemeaalng year lack of charac- in the Seabees, stationed in Protestants in America -when college freshmen and a few se- Westport CA 7-7243 employed by Benton and Bowles, Morocco. Printed Pattern 9458: Misies' ter. It'a never too late M pick it comes to giving money to thei lected sophomores. They organ- New York City. up the pieces aad start aver, .Medium Size only. Each aide re- church. ized "The Bachelor Ball" which "DEAR MISS VANDERBILT: quires 2>4 yards 35-inch fabiic. If year wife stlU lives, make Mr. Mulligan attended Mount A survey of 49 Protestants and as the years passed, eventually Please tell me if it is ever ap St. Mary's at Emmitsburg, Md., Printed direction! on each pat- her aaffftmt yeur abjective. Orthodox Churches in the United like most balls, raised money for Julia Crone, Who knewa, she might even re- propriate for a group of men tc and was graduated from St. tern part Easier, accurate. States by the National Council of charity—in their case for the exact a fee for presenting youni John's University at Hillcrest. Send thirty-five cents (coihs cover her health. Aad as far Churches' Department of Stew- Public Health Nursing Associa- Edgar L. Koons her heart - lave wfll heal the ladies to society, in a 'Comin; L. I. He is employed by the for this pattern-add 10 cents ardship and Benevolences shows tion of Wilton. A list of patron- Out Party.' I have always known William W. Stanley Company at for each pattern for first-clis breaks. esses, all mothers, was drawn up' CLIFFWOOD BEACH — Mr. Free Methodists lead in average that this is a courtesy men ex- Hillside. and Mrs. Jerome T. Crone. Sr., mailing. Send to Marian Mar in giving with $243.99 per member with a chairman and vice, chair- tend to young women. Of course, The Shapemaker* Red Bank Register, Pattern (Send your problem to Kitt) man, together with a Junior of IM Maiden Dr.. announce the in 1958. I agree that I am of the 'old engagement of their daughter, Dept., 232 West 18th St., New Kelly. Be , sure to enclose Committee of young men. To- school' in some phases of social York 11. N. Y. Print pi stamped, self-addressed envelope gether they worked out an invi- Mary Matthews, Miss Julia G. Crone, to Edgar etiquette, but times might have Lee Koons, son of Mr. and Mrs. TUCKER'S name, address with lone, and address her care of The Reg- For Chair or Table tation list. changed and, if this custom has and style number. ister. Edward.R. Koons, Morganville. The invitation itself included changed, please let me know.— Melvin Vreeland The wadding is planned for May inside the patronesses and junior W. J., Waco, Texas." committee lists as well as a de- MATAWAN — Mr. and Mrs. There was an. interesting dis- Russell E. Wilson, Harding Blvd.. MUs Crone and her fiance are tachable card for acceptance or cussion of this whole subject regret. The cost per ticket was have made known- the engage- both graduates of Matawan High in the Dec. 24. 1936, issue of ment of Mrs. Wilson's daughter. School. The bride-elect U em- kept low in. deference to young Newsweek. There have been people's budgets. The Wilton Miss Mary Elizabeth Matthews. ployed by Welln Davit Boat Di- accusations that some famous to Melvin Harry Vreeland, son vision, Perth Amboy, and Mr. Idea is adaptable to any com- men's clubs have exacted high munity. This is how.the invi- of Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Vree- Koons ia employed at The Bar- fees for the presentation of land, Sr., Morristown Rd., gain House ia Morganville. tation read before a charity was debutantes, but these accusa- Cheesequake. involved: tions were always hotly di LADIES' WOOL Miss Matthews, a Matawan ATTENDS CONFERENCE Mr. Lincoln Clark nied. according to this article High School graduate, is em- (handwritten) If you are interested in the WASHINGTON. Pa.-Alan A. sun ployed by the Household Finance Allen, son " • Bermuda Shorts is invited to subject, you can look it up in Corporation in ParliO. Mr. Vree- of Mr, and* Mn. the library, for that edition of Charles P. Allen, Leonardo, N. Rag. I2.S0 to 14.15 THE BACHELOR BALL land, also a Matawan High on Newsweek should be on file. School graduate, is a mason, em- J., an elected official delegate from Washington and Jefferson Thursday, Dec. 19. 19S7 The word "ball" today in this ployed in New Brunswick. 9:00 until 1:00 a. m. College, attended the National country is reserved for large Interfratemity Conference Gol- SALE to be held at the public dances given for char- Great Lullwater, Zoom Hanov- MEN'S COATS Wilton Congregational den Anniversary meeting last ity, or, as in these cases that er, Cardinal James and Sky Eden weak-end at the Waldorf-Astoria TUCKER'S Raincoats, Car Coats, 13.55 Parish House I have cited, under some kind each made 19 starts during the Hotel in New York. TO Ridgefield Rd,, Wilton, Conn. of club sponsorship. A private UJ-nlght harness racing seasoa Coruta at LingerU Raccoon Colla r Coats. Subscription ball is always called a "dance1 at Yonkers, N.Y. Mr. Allen ia a member of the Couples . . . $5.00 on an engraved invitation. A Delta Tau Delta Fraternity and 39.95 president of his local Inter- Stags . . . $3.50 small dance is so designated Alex Webster of the New York Im rarktac Reg. I a.9S to 49.9,5 Limited number of when it is not Urge enough to Football Giants Is a brewi SALE stag tickets available be in the category of a private salesman on Mondays, his ana One of the patronesses tells me ball. day off from football. 8.40 that the sale of the tickets cov- 1 LADIES WOOL TO ered the cost of the ball with a little left over for the same ball the following year, and it has be- SKIRTS 10.80 come a community tradition. III THE Formal dress was required. SALE A "ball" is, of course, a Urge Rag. 10.50 ta I2.l> dance and usually does require 11.20 formal dress, Here, however, Is NURSERY FALL SALE HOLIDAYS TO another invitation to a so-called "ball"—one planned for young MEN'S t LADIES' 22.40 In crisp white or a color, oni people In the community—but Shade Trees formal dress was not required A fay ana* flittering hatrJe large pansy makes • graceful THE FINEST CROP Of WADE Bulky Sweaters chair back or place mat. although this Is a fashionable LADIES' & MEN'S club. TREES I HAVE EVER HAD ereatae) |vtt far yaw. A taft, Rag. 14.00 ta 21.00 Panslea — a spring time touch PIN OAK . MD OAK - NORWMIAN MOHAIR AND LAMI^ WOOL in mid-winter! Pattern (M: The Junior Horsa Show SALE charts, directions chair back o Committee MAPUS > IILVm MAPUS aaiy t* keip permanent, |uit of SWEATERS dolly, I2i,$xl3; armrest 6xl2>/j MORAINI LOCUST • HOMY LOCUftT right far the coming hall- 9.98 center-piece 13x24^ Inches. The Fairfield County Hunt Club Rag. 12.00 Requests the pleasure of your WltPINt WILLOWS Send thirty-five cents (coins] company CRAI APPUS • DOaWOOD days. for this pattern — add S cents foi IUROPIAN LINDIN each pattern for first-class msil WHY GO AT ALLT Ing, Send to Red Bank Rcglstei Needlecralt Dept,, P. O, Box 16] FRANKFORT, Ky,, (AP) - A 2.50 AND VP Old Chelsea Station, New Yorl class of seventh graders has SUPER PERMANENT far fine er elfficult hair; SUI. II, N. Y. Print plainly pattern challenged the Kentucky Educa PERMANENT far «Jyaa1 ar bleached hair; REGULAR number, name, address and zone, tlon Association's proposal for PERMANENT far eaiy-to-manade hair. Newl Newt Ncwl Our I96C 10-month school term. Laura Wheeler Needlecralt Dool In a letter to the '"State Lc«la Flowering Newman Springs Road Holmdel Is ready NOWI Crammed will lature of Kentucky" the 31 stu SHRUBS oxcitlng, unusual, popular d dents at Martin School In Floyd MYRON KOZICKY ASSO. JOHN'S BEAUTY SALON CHRISTMAS STORE HOURSs DAILY »l«n» to crochet, knit, sew, cm County put It ttila way: Uroliler, quill, wi-nvc — fashion Hwy. 35 Ecrtontown 10 MONMOUTH ST. RED IANK 10 A. M. to • P. M. If name of Ainorlcn's great SH I-ISII homo fiirnlnlilniis, ioyn, K|f|M. ba- loaders such as Abraham Lincoln zar him, In the hook I'RKK — LI 2-0643 SATURDAYS TILL 6 intended school only three months JOHN, NICKY, VIRGINIA, HELEN, DARLENE . . . 3 quill pflllmnd. Hurry, tend 25 or less it yenr, why should we cents lor your copy. intend 10 months?" AND OUR NEWEST HAIR STYLIST* MME. JOSETTI f • Today's Cowic» «nd Crowword STEVE ROPER SAVEIT.JOKW.'Kf -AMD THKTf WM«r KAJPEWft RED BANK REGISTER doubtetoo. A pass It the "book" r CUTE LITTLE KEEPER STEVE/-WHILE THE COP VVWCHttl Friday, Dec. 4, 1959—19 action. However, the raise is MIKE '••• IT5V SAYS I CAM TALK JUST THE FANCY FREDDIE WITH THE THE HANDS more enterprising and makes the GREAT TO < 30 SECONDS/ " WRINKLED PUSS HAD bidding tougher, for the oppon- HEAR—AUSTEN SHARP, HIS SOON WORK Bridge North dealer ' ME OVER/-FOR three of diamonds since he could ents. A raise with four trumps North-South vulnerable; not. afford to waste the nine in NO REASON NORTH seldom gets you into trouble and aAKJO a signal. When the jack of dia-is therefore recommended to bold H VAIS2 monds held, however. East had a players. Column • None fair idea of what was going on. a>«652 He led his other diamond, and By ALFRED SHEINWOLO WEST EAST the jig was up for South. * 9852 e» 104 Now go back to the first trick. U.S. Matters Team Champiea » Q74 9 86 Before you play from dummy, "I know two things about • KQJ632 • 109854 count your tricks: four clubs, finessing, and one of them is A None Q J 7 4 SOUTH one heart, one diamond. Three most depressing," goes the old *Q7 , spades are sure if you knock nursery rhyme that you learn ¥ K 10 9 J out the ace. Since these will as- in your cradle. Unfortunately, • A7 sure the contract, you don't need some of us forget the lessons of 4 A K-10 9 3 a second heart trick. our childhood and come to a Nortfc Eact Sooth West Therefore take the first trick bad. end at the bridge table. 1 A Pass 2 A By WALT DISNEY A A 4 • 4NT with the ace of hearts and lead MICKEY MOUSE West opened the eight of 6 A Pass Pass spades to force out the ace. If hearts, and South forgot his nur- Pan Pasa 7 A n the opponents continue hearts, I'M A CHRISTMAS sery rhymes. He, decided to fi- Opening lead — AH Pats you can get 10 tricks; if they nesse. switch to diamonds, you are still STOCKING FILLER! East won with the king of sure of nine. With me to fill those Christ- hearts and wondered why hiforbiddings ^ East shifted to the mas stockings, you don't need partner had led the eight. It jack of diamonds. DAILY QUESTION to run short of cash. I'm 0. couldn't be a fourth-best lead Proper Pimlshmcat Partner opens with one spade, Howie Hustles, a Register Class- since it was impossible,for West This was proper punishment and the next player passes. Youified Ad, and I bring buyers fast to have three cards higher than for South'* careless play. No hold: Spadei 9 6 5 2. Hearts K for the things you want to turn the eight of hearts. Obviously. , matter what South did. West 10 9. Diamonds J 6. Clubs 9 8 into cash. West's lead was "top ofnoth-could defeat the contract with 5 2. What do you say? Check the usable toys and tag." three diamond tricks and the ace Answer: Bid two spades or other items Just lying around. East saw no value in continu- of spades. pass. You have four points in then dial SH 1-0010 for an Ad ing a worthiest suit, so he looked South made some attempt to high cards and one point for theWriter. •round for a better shot. Since wriggle out by refusing the first dummy's spades and club looked diamond. West had to play the 'ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean CROSSWORD PUZZLE *"•*•••*• ••' ACROSS 16-Former N. T. Giants Prof •!»»—For You and SECRET AGENT X9 By MEL GRAFF 1-Ugly. old manager auno HMO mm woman ll-College . OH anon aaa Yourt.. • Although radiations 4-Foura forth officials arc benefic, they suggest pro- ••DUtant to-Old French ' M-Perlod of ' coin :oaati 'j'.itiB rasa at a alow pace rather time 2i-aiosa •HH'JC) fiM'Jt! ii'J than driving yourself. Yon caa 1 5HW »IN6H-« UK lt-LUt of jurors SS-Pocketbook uwroa FOR A MOMEMr, aVT IMrX l<7 TAUIUS (Aatil M toMa y M) aooa. MEA6H0VB.' !^1»V ll-WIpe out SCOHflO (Oct. 21 to Nov. 21) M-Quarrel Don't aak others tt> tahe It ceiv ao*. 4-Alttla trrou) ahout what miaht have fceeo. S-Aristocratic llO|JlHVnTaAM.II) AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Fab. If) t-Prlnter's Cirrinmif i» m the air May. Take measure Aak »oar«ll: AjaTSk* •*> ttat? la care xe dw't "catch" U. T*Damp S-Narrow vimoi fiSCIS (hb. N to March 20) opentne; Th!» OMM ba a cliauetie day in ceo. •-Novelty . oectiea with aa aapteaiaat lituation. lo-Everyone DUtr. ty atted reatun SrMleate, ] 11 -Female ruff e lt». field Eiiterprieea. Inc.









«U> IT MAKES HIM WA» H*«TAIl..' 20-Tridsy. Pte. 4. 1959 HEP BANK REGISTER TELEVISION WNTA-TV TVHighlights AFTERNOON ' Newsreels 0:10- (4) Roy Rogers 12: •»— (1) Love of Life (11) Sky King 10:00- (2) Heckle and Jeqkle. of the Week (4) Truth or Consequen- (II) Henry Morgan (4) Howdy Doody ces :40— (4) Weather 6 (7) Oswald Rabbit By CYNTHIA LOWRY (7) Restless Gun :45 -(4) News 10:10- (2) Mighty Mouse AP TV-Radio Writer (•) Movie (7) News (4) Ruff and Reddy NEW YORK—With the onset of :0t— (2) World News (J) Learn To Draw (ll)French Through TV (II) Command Perfor- the busy holiday season, the (13) Cartoon Jamboree (4) Lock Up pulse of television is quickening, (5) I Led Three Lives mance too. During the next seven days 12: SS— (2) Search For Tomorrow 10:40- (I) News (4) It Could Be You (7) U.S. Marshal there is something unusual or (9) Terrytoons 10:45— (S) Movie special cooking daily. In addi- (5) Cartoons 11:00- (2) I Love Lucy (7) Love That Bob (11) News tion, oa Monday the networks (13) Highway Patrol (4) Great Gildertleeve start intensive and extensive cov- (II) English 12 7:03- (2) Local News (7) Cartoon Playhouse erage of President Eisenhower's 12:45- (2) Guiding Light 7: IS- (2) Weather (0) Playtime trip. ' (IS) Three Musketeers l:as- (2) News (II) News Somebody, however, goofed in (4) Joyce Brothers 7:U- (2) News 11:20— (2) Lone Ranger JACK WEBB stars as night managing adifor of a nsws- (4) Circus Boy scheduling tonight's special at- (5) Cartoons 7:2S-(U) Weather tractions. CBS' "Oliver Twist," M (7) Music Bingo (7) Magic Eye paper in —3O—." tuiperu* thriller presented by War- :H- (2) Du Pont Show of the ,(U) Industry on Panda starring Robert Morley and Eric (11) Fun At Ons Month Portman, runs from 7:30 to 9 >nar Bros. Opens at tha Baronet, Long Branch, Sunday, (IS) Movie (II) New Horizons (4) People Are Funny 1I:4S—<11> Through The p. m. (EST) while NBC's "Very Dec. 6, for two dayi. • 1:18— (2) Burns and Allen (») Cannonball (11) Through TAB Important People," a music and 1:M- (4) News (7) Walt Disney Porthola comedy revenue starring Art Car- (I) Movie ney, is on between 8:30 andnetwork will present "My Three l:Jt- (2) As The World Turns (11) Honeymooners 9:30 p. m. That means a half- Angels," a comedy starring Wal- (4) Dial 4 (II) Newsbeat hour overlap during which you er Slezak and Barry Sullivan, (5) Movie :»-(ll) Weather must decide whether to see the[9 to 10:30 p. m.). (7) Ray Miliand MQWE TMETABLE end of "Oliver" or the beginning Paul Galileo's "Once Upon A • (4) Troubleshooters RED BANK Christmas Time," a fantasy star (•) Film Drama (5) Night Court of Art. (11) Growing In Spanish Carltss) They Came to Cor- ring Claude Rains and Charles (11) Sarr Francisco Beat On Saturday (3:45 p. m.: NBC Ruggles, will be NBC's special 1:M-(11) News (It) Play of the Week dura 2:11, 7:11. 0:51. will broadcast the UCLA-Syra- 2:M- (2) For Better or Worse Wednesday night. 7:30-8:30 p. m., (4) Art Carney SAT.-Klddl* Show 2:00; They cuse football game from the Los hd CBS (4) Queen For A Day Came to Cordura 4:20, 7:08,Angeles Coliseum. ' : and on Thursday CBS comes up (I) Racket Squad with two specials—"Christmas at UiamiK-TAJBTlTEI (7) Day In Court (7) Man From •:30. On Sunday, things start early (•) Film Drama • the Circus," (7:30-8:30) with ailBTO SHOAL STARS— tlngcMetraM Jams Pals* will b* B*b Hop*'* Blackhawk PREVTEW-Odds Against To- A "Salute to the American Thea- James Arness snd a lot of big E|*afll»*f>t «u**t »Ur for th* ttiton'a third "Bob Hop* Show" Pridty, D«e. (II) Empire (11) Panic morrow 11:30. ter" on CBS at 11:30 a. m. which 11 on th* NIC-TV Nttwork. Tht full-hour Hop* •ptcltl tlte will top acts, followed immediately by (II) Movie - (2) Desilu Playhouse SUN.-Young Land 2:04. 5:23, will Include a lot of stars and tttr Krnlt Kovtei tnd ethtr gutttt to bt announetd. 2:M- (2) House Party excerpts from a dozen plays. "Tonight with Belafonte," (8:30- (5) Theater 5 8:42.; Odds Against Tomorrow 9:30 p. m.) (4) Thin Man (7) 77 Sunset Strip That night NBC will have "Give 3:39, 6:58, 10:11. My Regards to Broadway" star- READY AT LAST SHOW SCENTS (7) Gale Storm (*) Wrestling The Pittsburgh Pirates wil NEW YORK (AP) — Lillian NEW YORK (AP)—Broadway (5) Film Drama (II) Man From The West EATONTOWN ring Jimmy Durante and Raj is soon to get two kinds of scent- Bolger in its Sunday Showcase continue their working agree- li Helman has a new play ready (11) Basic Russian t:M- (4) M Squad Drlve-In-FRI. ft SAT.-Kar- menu for 1960 with Columbus, for Broadway after two years of saturated movies, but White Way I:**-(2) Millionaire (U) Its A Great Life toon Karnival 7:00; Web musical, while Ed Sullivan's EATONTOWN oldtlmers claim such perfumed Ohio in the International League DRIVI IN THEATRI work involving four extensive re- (4) Young Dr. Malone lt:tB- (2) Twilight Zone Evidence 7:55; They Cams guests oa CBS will ts Teresa Km i r i'. ,i ii.. ruif i r attractions are nothing new. Cordura; 9:45; Late Horror Brewer, Jack Carter, Yehudl and and Salt Lake City in the Pacific |[ writes of the material. (5) Treasure (4) Boxing Coast League. The untitled drama, which is Back in 1923, Producer Has- (7) Beat The Clock (5) Not For .Hire Feature 12:00. Hephxlbah Menuhin (both 8-! Shows nani 7 p. m« due in February under the spon- sard Short had an aide develop (•) Strango Stories & (7) Detectives SUN.-Kartoons 6:00; Odds a chemical compound which Early Bird Show aonhip of Kermlt Bloomgarden (U) Movie , • (11) Hiram Hollldsy Against Tomorrow 6:20. 9:45; '"The Philadelphia Story," Phil tted romt f a i ip Barry's play with Mary As SUN. «f * •>. m. and Lester Osterman, It Just •»' °» « 5 ,.7 "JP »:*•- (2) Verdict Is Yours (II) Full Coverage Cry Tough 8: IS. about ready for viewing, in the while singers crooned "An Or- (4) Prom These Roots l:»f- (2) Person to Person tor, Diana Lynn and Chrtstophei ange Grove in California" In the HAZLET Plummer, win be on NBC Mon author's judgment (I) Racket Squad (S) Official Detective PhatM LI 2-97M Mlts Hellman is opposed toex -"Music Box Revue." (7) Black Saddle Leew't Drive-In- n7:M; day night. 9:30-11 p. m. and th< The cinematic battle of fra- (7) Who Do You Trust? following night (Tuesday) th< tensive reworking of scripts dur- (I) Movie (•) Movie They Came to Cordur* 7:45, Now thin Sot. ing tryout tours, grances involves the Scent-O- (11) Giant Quarterback 11:30; Pushover 10:00. "Any extensive rewriting Is not Vision technique being used by •(U) Curtain Time Club SUN.-Cartoons 6:00; House of Hawks 3:41, 6:55, 10:10; going to improve it" the says. Michael Todd. Jr., versus an 4:1*- (2) Brighter Day Seven Hawks 6:45, 9:55; Tar- SH 1-HOO AromaRama system utilized for (4) House On High Street (IS) Mike Wallace ran The Ape Man 2:14, ! a rival film by Walter Reade, Jr. li:4J- (4) Jackpot. Bowling ran The Ape Man 8:30. 8:45. MATINEE AT 2:N PROGRAM ABANDONED (5) Douglas Fairbanks EVENINGS FROM 7 P.M. 11:0V- (2) News ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS SUN.—The Jayhawkwers 3:41, NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP)—The BABYSITTERS FOR (7) American Bandstand (4) News Cent. Sat, San., Holidays Methodist Church has abandoned SHOWGOERS (11) Amos 'N' Andy Atlantic—Career 7:22, 9:29. 6:50, 10:00; Crimson Kimlnc (3) Movie 2:14, 5:24, 8:30. ~ its 21-year-old ' youth caravan NEW YORK (AP)-Babysitters (13) Richard Willis (7) News SAT.-^Career 7:22. 9:29: Fra» Now thru Sot. program under which teams of are being supplied now as a new 4: IS- (2) Secret Storm (11) News |., eis in Haunted House 2:43. Lyric-Back To The Wall 7:00, students and a counselor traveled theatrical service at the "Billy 4:Ss- (2) Edge of Night (U) Dance Party SUN.-Blue Angel 2:32, 4:41,9:00. ALSO 2nd HIT. the country during summer visit- Barnes Revue." (4) Split Personality 11:10- (2) Weather and Sports 7:00, 9:15. ing churches. SAT.-Back io the Wall 2:00. VAN JOHNSON Producers George Brandt and ci (S) Mr. District Attorney (4) Weather 4:00, 6:00, 8:00, 10:00. 1 "Changes in the program needs Samuel J. Friedman devised the KEANSBURG (II) Abbott and CosteUo (7) Weather SUN.—Blue Murder at St. Trlri- rvn OF ivioiNcr of churches and growing interest innovation to encourage week-end (IS) Junior Town 11: IS— (2) Movie CatlBO-FRI. ft SAT.-Career by Methodist students in newshow going by husbands and 7:00, 9:15. fan's 2:00, 5:30, 8:45; The Truth S:M- (2) Life of Rlley (4) Jack Paar About Women 3:30. 7:00, 10:20. EXTRA FHI. and SAT. types of voluntary service re- wives. Seventy-five college stu- (4) Movie (7) Everything Goes SUN.-Jay Hawkers 3:10, 6:20, sulted' in the decision to discon- dents and members of Actors LATE HORROR SHOW tinue the caravan program," said (5) Big Beat (11) Sports and Weather 9:30; Young Land 1:45, 4:50, CARTOON CARNIVAL Equity provide home service ut ll:20-(ll) Movie 00. a church spokesman. nominal fees for ticket buyers. (I) Jet Jackson (II) Bozo The Clown 12:01- (0) Movie LONG BRANCH EVENING (IS) Newsbeat THEYGAME 12: IS- (7) Movie BaroMt-Oddt Agalntt Tomor- STARTS SUN. row 2:30, 7:30, 9:30. RADIO - (S) Cartoons 12:29—CIS) Movie TOCX«1HJRA| [• (7) Little Rascals 12:S0- (S) Movie SAT.-KIddies' Show 2:00; I A'COtMMUkrtCTUM DDS WABC 711 WOR 711 (II) Fopeye Odds Against Tomorrow 3:50, Ciwsmico»s « mntaw COtOB WCB8 Ml 12:50- (2) Movie WPAT (11) Club 13 1:01- (4) Consult Dr. Brothers 4:35. 7:40, 9:40. AGAINST WHTG Mil sMsl WRCA - (4) Local News PREVIEW—"30" 11:00. WNEW WQXR 1: IS-(4) 13th Hour KIDDIE SHOW TOMORROW un m (S) Our Gang 1:43— (4) News; Sermonette SUN.-r-"30" 3:30, 6:40, 9:90; ROBERT RVAN AFTSBNSON SAT. AT 2:00 i~.iiZZS.1Z- ?«"••» Fradarlcka (7) Yesterday's 2:01— (7) Evening Prayer Tammy st The Bachelor 2:00, I SHCLLey WINTER* I _ rrWay AL KENNY I HARRY BCLATONTC | fits—WABC Nan; Alas Fraad 2:50-(2) News 5:10, 8:20. ...OBC N.wi; Dick Bhapard 11 2:K- (2) Give Us This Day SMsarkwal Pianist "Broktn Star" WCBS Nawa; Lou Adl.r Show ASBURYPARK WOTO. Fiftaaa Miaata Nawa Carltca Irad.ricka "GIGTS Apaaaiteg Mtdy • ALSO 2nd HIT WOB! Nawai JehB^Soolt World Tonliht SATURDAY MORNING WSrCA Nawa; It'a Natwerk Mawi. World Today Mayfalr-Beloved Infidel 3:45, CBTTOBB Carnival KIRK DOUGLAS in Tim* .Monitor RESTAURANT 0:41- (2) Previews 7:00, 9:25. "LAST TRAIN PROM Ui: IfudloX **" 1:50- (2) Give Us This Day SAT. * SUN.-Beloved Inndel • ••sB Nawa; Alas Fraad SntCIAllSTS i for •UN HILL" 0:53-(2) News 2:25. 4:55, 7:25, 9:50. Waddings • Parties CtMttsh • OamM Si**—WOB 8how IN WCBS Halaa T»« (4) Sermonette *«, Anniversaries WMT* Nawa..Bal»ll»t Nawa; UN. Today HOMI STYLI 7:00- (2) Big Picture ^ St Junes House of The Seven ON STAOI Valla tram Stadia X Hawks 3:27, 7:00, 10:16; Tar- PRIVATE ROOM SBBVSBBHBSSBBI ft AmarkSM (4) Modern Farmer Ui.^.- £•••'• *••• Fr»ad 7:10— (2) Sunrise Semester can The Ape Man 2:00, 8:50. PRIVIIW SAT. 11:30 & WCBS Nawa DISHES 1 Gibson .9-9000 Nawai Dtae* ataale 7:53— (S) Previews; Call to SAT.—House of the Seven "Odds Againtt Tomorrow" from Studio X Nawai Bob Bayaai Prayer N«wa: Qulao? How. • VeaJ ranslctaaa 7:80— (7) Morning Prayer STARTS SUN. SET &«•*.*.*. U • E~ M^S ssr 0:00— (2) Captain Kangaroo 8:..:\M£ •OMSMADE ITAUAN UCSAOK (4) Home and Garden ALPINE MANOR 1 1 •VERVDAY DDS 41 MONMOUTH ST. (5) Encyclopaedia SK isasssr SB? SM. * '- RED BANK Brltannica Gracious Dining • Cocktails AGAINST Mualo • (7) Cartoon Festival TOMORROW nrefary Fack HII-WK Mm Tomorrow ORDIRS TO 0:10- (4) Children's Theather llM^WMO rrad BebMu Show Mule -Til Dawn . ROBBRT "VAN pakank Kirr WCBS Bicht To Hapaisaaa Muilo from Studio X (5) Cartoons WOTS) UMdllBtl. Mu.lo Blc Joa TAKE OUT. I SHELLEV WlrJTCm "BEIiOVED INFIDEL won Nawa; Laa Smith WOJJ Umt JohJohn CALL SH i-f-17 0:00- (2) Capt. Jet | HArlWV BCLAfONTe| WIM Nawt: Ed Harlihj WOJWRCJA KawK a RRaporta (4) Andy's Gang CHRISTMAS PARTY ANYONE? SltS WOB Gtlaa Draka WRC (5) Just For Fun WCBS J«at EnMrtalamant BANQUET FACILITIES OUR SPECIALTY ALSO 2a*i HIT G Hayai WMTa rut—m mlButo aawa; ^szfiWNTB HaadllBMi:u. Mill* Egg prlc.a HWY. 3* HI 3-2473-1412 HlftHLANDS WO* Nawa; L»U V»n WIM Nawaj Bob Ha/awa eu Show fl4S—WHTB ¥L~lioraonth*"Nawa SAND'S •'»—WABC Nawi. Al LoknaB WNTO HaadllBM; Waka op tOUTI #38 IATONTOWN FRIDAY MEATLESS SPECIAL to Maale • Hsadqwartsrs for Towwafjera • W6BS Nm; Jack SUrllnr 1 38 WCBS Nawas Fraamaa tad H.T.I WO. l,.w. LASAGNA c^Tcw*. ! WOTS) Cloalna Slack WBCA N.wi: Bill Cnllaa Tho Pcttoet NOW THRU SAT. Raperts Muilo •'if—*9i_ Dorotkir a»4 Dick Pizza • • WOB) Nawai Jehn Wlntata 'ABC Al lohmaa Christmas Gift WBCA Nawai Warn. Howall WHTO Nawi, HalaalBS JOHNNY'S "BACK TO 11 •US—WOB Radio Naw York WCBS Jae'k" Starllat? Show TO TAKE OUT MOVIE •US—WOTS) Nawii Balulag OB Dorothy and Dick Prlw. ChtekM B* $forw-*H»s Italian Family RtHtaiirant THE WALL Mnala until Sunaat Sli ABC Br.akfait Club Nawa; Artnur 40 MONMOUTH ST. ' RID RANK TICKETS fair* AsMaal AttractrM Sit*—WABC MaTt'lB Block Godfray WCBS Nawi! rratmiB sad WMTO H.adllnaii SUletlr Ssa sf tha praprktar af Naada's, Lsag -ranch $3 Books "Toeeotfa for Hayai for Wom.n WOB N.wi; John Scott WOB N.wij G.l.n Pr.k. "All Feed Horn* Cooked" ... Try Our Food, You'll Love It ONLY $2.50 Toy Trains" WOCA Jim Iowa Show WBCA N.wi. Bill Call.n Opsa dally 11 a. m. ts 1 a. n.; Sun. 2 p. m. to 1 a. ra. BUS—WOB Radio Naw York Bit*—WMTC N.w«. Ralaxln( flOUARDjOHmOlf) Sit*—WNTO N.wi. IB.SS WABC Fate'r and Mary • ratrlviiaryAMarlaaM- STARTS SUN7~ BVSHINO WCBS Nawi Martha Wright WNTS) lUadllnai, Mail* Van WCB N.wi ftaporta UURENCE HARVEY WBCA Up ts tha MlnaU WBCA N.wi •it*—WABO Mararlli n BlBlock My Trua Story JULIE HARRIS Bwl 1 BaWawaW ataVfi Howard Coitll IBIlt—WABC Martin Block Bporti, Bob CookCook*a Martha Cam RT. 35 MIDDLETOWN ai is—WCBS Nawi, John VYIaat Martin Block Maka WOB N.wi, John WlantDalr o IBiSS—WABO B.liava Ballroom SUNDAY dm THURSDAY LMaf Rosas Comhrt EVA6AB0R •It*—WABC BUI Uonard WNfai N.wi, R.laxlnv •:N A.M. to 11:M P. M. open all year-round WOB Nawi, llinrj SBISWIH UjU Gltrlitona WOB IntarWawi; Martha FRIDAY and SATURDAY 'THE TRUTH Arthur Van Mora Diana •14*WABC Rldntr Walton tat A. M. t* 1:N A. M. BitS-i'WABC Low.ll Thomn WBCA Kd Harllhy. Now Mini Sot. ABOUT WOMEN" WCBS Bporli, SUn tamu ' Tru. Story DRIFTWOOD WOB N.wi! Houia Party WMA Thr«« Star Eitra Hiadllnait Mailc ITS A lift. WIDI flBB-WAM Edward P, Morran wop Nawi, T. Boblmon BEACH CLUB ODDS Nawi i Amoi 'n Andr Nawit Radio Thaatar WONDMHJL WORLD WCBS Fulton Lawli THE OAKS B W«B Nawii Art ford Illl McCanni at Homa AGAINST O WOMIN . <, WthSA T*t'i Tr.v.l Martin "look. Maka COCKTAIL LOUNOI ami IAR OCEAN AVINIW, MA IRIOHT fllB—WABC Tadar'n Iliiilfi.at n.li.va Datlmom TOMORROW i A MAN'S UNDOINft W*)B Alan Fri.it WCBS Funny Blda Ul> flSB WABC Andr Griffith! Burn WMTO Kail Bank Ratlttar Open Dally to the Public ROBBlrr "VAN PLUS lad HIT WCBS * All.nl nnti ft Hi; N.wi, Tito Hoffman I BHtLLBV WINTMS I N.wa. Cubrlil WOB McCanni *i Horn. WOB WBCA l#. Ilnwman Annual I HAtlRV *ELArONTE Ttnrllo Thaat.r "Blue Murder or WBCA N.w,, Moron 11.11—WABC N.w. DANCING STARTS SUN. 1 R.attr Hill—WHTO Mlilday Ntook n.port TONIGHT Music ly CHRISTMAS PARTY St. Trillions' "THI STAR DUSTIRS" Make Reservation! Now lor Chrl'lmat Partlet FRI.r DEC. 1K8 P. M. DANCINft IVIHY SATURDAY NIGHT Free Buffet • Holiday Cocktail TO THE TUNE OF THE "HI Kl's" Santa will distribute gifts to all! M*mb*n, Their Frlandt and Neighbors ALL ARE WELCOME ALSO We cater to banquoU, wedding parties, etc Dot*: Fri., Dec. 11; Hour: 8 P. M.; •TAMMY" Centrally located In Place: Driftwood Beach Club COFFEE SKRVED For Purrhtr Eatoniown • Now ShrcwulMiry McGUIRE'S GROVE Wllh Our Compllmontd Thtorra Information MONMOUTH COUNTY AND NATIONAL NEWS HWY. 35, MIDDL1TOWN Tal. SH 7-2253 MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL J. STAVOLA CALL SH 1-9600 ON Till! HOUR AND HAD' IIOUH DAYTIMK Extend Holiday Grccllnm Io All RED BANK REGISTER Fridw. Pee. 4. H»l Hwphiryi VIEWING TV Rations Appearances With HAL HUMPHHY' By CYNTHIA LOWRY Shows to Watch AP TV-Redie Writer TONIGHT turned town by the townspeople NEW YORK — During this STAMPS IN CBS—Show of the Month—A when he asks their aid in fight- About Love . year of the television special, ir of distinguished British ac- ing off bank robbers. Western demand for big-name guests is irs head the cast of "Oliver melodrama laid on with a heavy hand. HOLLYWOOD — Everybody in imouflage the hard realities of so great that many of them are THE NEWS 'wist," Charles Dickens' classic suffering from that often-fatal TV tovel about an orphaned waif television wants to be loved now. fe. THE FIRST of the American ABC — John Gunther's High The new.kick is to prove that not For example, the NAB is sug- disease: over-exposure. Hitherto, who becomes a member of a performers most susceptible had Credo stamps, featuring George notorious gang of robbers in 19th Road—Daring men who climb only are the performers on the gesting that sponsors with cold Washington's famous statement mountains and explore cavea are up and up, but they also are and headache remedies throw been start with their own daily century' London. Eric Portman or weekly programs. hit Farewell Address of 1796 plays the. infamous Fagan, and featured,in an episode appro- warm, friendly folks — just like out those graphic animated Rube priately titled "Caves and Moun- Goldberg sketches of our stom- Polly Bergen, however, hat fig ["Observe good faith and justice Robert Morley is Beadle, the you and me. Some of it is pretty of the work- tains." Films show Swiss guide* sickening. ichs, nasal passages and other ured out a way to avoid wearing toward all nations"), will be plac bullying official bouse which: is young Oliver's successfully scaling,the "Need- Even the heroes of these blood- luman plumbing. out her television welcome. I ed on *ale at Mount Vernoa, Va. les" in the show of Mt. Blanc. calls for a strict rationing first home. Frederick Clark, 12, and-thunder series are stepping "Seek techniques which show on Jan. 20,1960. with no previous acting exper The cave* of Pierre St. Martin out of character, apparently to ie pleasant after-effects and re- guest appearances at a singer in the Pyrenes* are examined. and the development of two dis- The design for this 4-cent stamp lenee, i* assigned the rale of give us a look at the "real man." let gained from the product," Oliver. He was picked because The arm-chair traveler's delight. idvises the NAB. tinct personalities. hat been given in thto column NBC — Five Fingers — U.S. On the "Chevy Show" last Sun- previously. he best resembled Dickens' de- day, Craig Stevens was seen The sponsors also are being Polly appears weekly at a pan- scription of Oliver. Counter-espionage Agent Victor playing verbal patty-cake with a elist on CBS' "To Tell th___e Stamp collectors desiring tint Sebastian suspects an American politely warned to eliminate girls finale* day cancellations may tend their little Japanese kid. Normally, we shown shaving their legs in "set- Truth." Here she make* ABC—Walt Disney Presents- ambassador's valet of selling and plays a guessing addressed envelopes, together state secrets. Besides which the recognise Craig as Peter Gunn, tings or costuming overempha- with remittance to cover the cost Texas John Slaughter returns for a stony-faced tough guy who can sizing sexual attraction." a new season of adventures. Out valet is making time with Sebas- mete out justice with the butt of They don't cay anything about to round up a herd of wild mus- tian's girl (Luciana Paluzzl.) a gun along with the best of men shaving in their-undershirts, tangs, Slaughter . must outwit Contrived stories, and David their self-styled owner as well Heidson (Sebastian) and Luciana them. Now we know that he loves but we can assume that doraed "First Day Cover* 4-Cent kids and really is just an old practice is on the way out, too. "I had xey earn weekly Ntta* In an episode called "The Rob- Pahuat are just too .handsome softie. Washington Credo Stamp." ber Stallion." Tom Tryon start: a couple to be believable as Baseball player* will have The data* and place* of the On the tame show was lovable shave in full uniform, and James wye, "and One of the kids' favorites' . people mixed up in cloak 'n' Gene Barry, the fellow who plays other five Credo stasajx will be dagger doings. Mason will have to wear to do ether* I tamed announced soon. • Bat Miiterson. He took the night tuxedo. dewa. I eWt waat te do net NBC—Art Carney Show—Art's off to show us that he can sing An "ectoplasm" technique is TAMNO A BOW - Steve Allen, whete NBC-TV Netwerfc shew SUNDAY . mach work er take ~ea S w 11 x e r I a n d' t 1959 "Pro second comedy show of the sea- and dance with a bevy of whole- prescribed by the NAB where It celereaet Mtnday nlahtt, take* time out between rthetraala much retpaaalMlty. Na matter son is a musical. "Very Import- NBC — Jimmy Durante Show some chorus girls. You see? He's commercials demonstrating la- to wrap Chrlatmaa alfts with hi* wife — state an« TV (tar Jayne how much help yea have, yea Juventute" set will be issued on ant People." Show will be ~ a (Choice viewing)—The Schnoz is just play-acting when he bops Meadow* — far thtlr flret California Yulatid*. Stockln** for the doing a special, "Give My Re- dies' foundation garments are ftur Allen boy* are hung on the fireplace, a* t)teve and Jayne carry the weight ef the whole spoof of the manners and morals people over the noggin with that concerned. All you see is the Main their festive wrapping chore*. •hew. I feuad I w _ of people of wealth or position gards to Broadway," which Is a cane or shoots them because girdle itself, floating through nervous under the pr*—uret of whose names appear ia the sort of salute to one of his fav- they've been bad. space like a Cakter mobile. responsibility, aad the papers. Betty Garrett, Dick orite streets. Jane Powell, Ray Father Image If clean living will do it, then my famUy-«y ehtV Van Dyke and Gloria Vanderbllt Botger, Eddie Hodge* and Jim- mie Rodger* are in the variety Robert Horton of "Wagon the medium Is well on its way to my are featured. Art has become a Train" and Mike Connors of sainthood. WORLD TODAY ed." second Sid Caesar., ' . revue. Jimmy, to thow hi* ver- satility, engages in a drum duet "Tightrope" have popped up re- By JAMES MARLOW me kind of settlement, wheth- Polly's plant for thto cently to assist Bill Leyden in the CBS-The twilight Zone- and then comment* on a fashion , Haslet AaaaeUted Pres* News'Analyst er not it caused more Infla- involve show-hopping end net- show. spreading of happiness on "It on, is not clear. work-Jumping. So far the hat Nehemiah Peraoft star* a* man Could Be You." It gives them Mr. and Mr*. J. Frank Wei- WASHINGTON (AP) - His- In his talk last night his anxie- been on "The Wonderful World with a foggy memory,and an an opportunity to treat* a father gaud, Holmdel Rd., entertained torians will have to list optimism ty teemed mostly directed at a of' Entertainment" extravaganza, odd knowledge of German tub- NBC — Rivervoat — Mercedes Image. mt Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and among President Eisenhower's renewal of the strike. He didn't and The Telephone Hour. On marine tactic* on a wartime At- McCambridge, in a role remin- ' And honestly prevails every- Mrs. William Hugh Ryder, Mr. most persistent traits. anything about price boosts. Dec. 17 she will guest on the lantic crossing in an Allied ship iscent of her part in "Giant," where! When John Daly brought and Mrs. Paul T. Ryder and At he departed on his 11-na- [e did say he wanted a uttte- Pat Boone show. To conclude her —a man whose premonition of stars in an episode called "Jes- sons, Thornton and Thomas, Red lion pilgrimage last night he seism she will appear with Di- disaster Is created and consum- sie Quinn." As a strong-willed Rodger* and Hammerstein on a tent fair to all (ides, including ated in his own mind—in "Judg- the guest celebrities for "What Bank; Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. still teemed optimistic about the ie public. nah Shore, do another Telephone Texas ranch owner, she finds Mv Line?" the other night, pan- Weigand, Frank V. B. Young and steel dispute. Yet, so far for Secretary of Labor James Mlt- Hour and work on a Bob Hope ment Night." A series created boa, her Mns tre espionage Miss Nancy Young, Keyport; him this has been a steady frus- for viewers who look for some- e'ist Bennett Cerf disqualified hell said Nov. S Eisenhower show. She misses one month— Jec. 31, containing five values, •gents, but on different sides in himself immediately. Miss Margaret E. Weigand, a tration going back to last spring. thing different. Mexico's war with Texas. They nurse in Fitkih Hospital, s irould send Congress, when it re- jmuary-because one scheduled our of which are flower*. The All three things he rns in 1960. recommendations j^ ciiceled. But her only all board Darren McGavin's "Did I have dinner with you William J. Weigand. WM Ifth bean, the portrait of a TOMORROW In the past 24 hours?" inquired to avoid have happened: A r ending the strike if it starts real disappointment wat the ne- amous Swiss personage. stemwheeler for different res- the blindfolded Cerf, after Dick strike, Inflation, and govern- again. cessity of refusing a part in the The flower stamps are: 10- CBS—Perry Mason—Terry Lee sons. Recent ratings have post- Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Mac- Huntingdon, Miss1 U.S.A. and run- Rodgefs had squeaked out on Donald and children, Margaret ment Interference. Te com- The proposal the steelworker* dramttic .how "Philadelphia centime* phi* 10 — marsh mari- ed some storm warning* for little "Nope." Ann and Harrison, and Paul Mor- plete the lreey Elsenhower, union made last night—that'it it Story." It conflicted with a show gold. 20-c plus 10 — field poppy, ner-up in the '59 Mist Universe 'Rlverboat." : It was darned decent of Cerf to ton, Middletown, were Thanks- who protested against interfer- willing to make a settlement to which the wat already com- plut 10 — nasturtium, Sfrc contest lends her • charma to rule himself out as a guesser giving dinner guests of' Mr. and ence, ha* been accused of In- rithin the framework of.recom- mitted. "The Case of the Bartered CBS-G.E. Theater-Burl Ives terfering himself. >lus 10.— sweet pea. • Bikini." Terry, of all things, is when Rodgers said yes, althougl Mrs. Clarence 'Pedee, Holmdel lendations made by a Preslden- A 5-c plus S honors Carl Hilty makes one of his infrequent TV 1. There is still no settlement lal board of inquiry—may turn "I've found that the panel accused of pilfering umple bath- appearance* to star as King Dav I suppose there are some viewers Rd. show doesn't, hurt a bit." she 1833-1909), noted scholar, phikwo- who would accuse Cerf of being in this steel dispute which be- out to be nothing more than just ing suits from 'her boy friend- id in the Biblical story, "Absa- gan with the negotiations open- another maneuver. say*. "In fact, I'm always hear- pher and for many year* a mem- boss who runt Dunbar Originals. a "dinner dropper." Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Brown, ber of the International lom,. My Son." The aged king - • , Lovable Bert Parks took it up- ing May S and turned into a ing from people who say, 'I Obviously a beautiful girl like Jr., and.Mr. and Mrs. John J. There is a legal tangle on the didn't know you could sing.'" Court of Justice at the Hegue, find* solace In his most, beloved - on himself to expose a dastard- Warnock, Rt. 35, were Thanks- strike July 15. The strike, long- question of whether the board, Terry can't be all bad, and Per- son, born of his younx wife Bath- " * est in steel history, lasted 116 reports the Swiii Philatelic ry goes out to prove it Slick ly bit of chicanery on "Mas- giving guests of Mr. and Mrs. under law, can make any recom- Agency in America. sheba (Patricia Medina.) Ives * querade Party" recently, too. J. B. Dunn, Glen Rock. , days, was finally stopped' for 80 mendation at all. Vice President Richard M. productions. it-a deeply religious man and Patrice Munsel was garbed as days by court injunction. Nbrae win he grand aaarshal of locked forward to playing this This stamp feature* a three- salty ship captain, riding out Now, unless settlement is NBC-Bonanza-Old Ben: Cart- role.for two reason*: in it he Sitter Renee of North Plain- quarter portrait of Abraham stormy swa. She's really an oper- field Academy visited Mr. and reached within these 80 days, Reoet parade en New Yeai*e wright, who raises hit.MM to act* and ting*. atic star, and the clue was "High the strike begin* again. Eisen- ub Pack 24 Day, whkh NBC wdl celereaet. Lincoln with a quotation from be honest God-fearing men, ap- Mrs. Clarence Pedee, .Holmdel hit Gettysburg Address: "Of the C," you see.' Rd., last Friday. hower wanta to avoid a aecond NBC will televise the Rote and parently han't learned all there NBC-Loretta Young Show- strike. People, By the People, For the it to know about hit fellow man. Trick* UaveOed las New Den Sugar Bowl football game* that Miss Young It a lady play- 2. The President' wanted to day. while CBS will focus on the People," around, the sides and In thi* epiaode, Ben (Lome Right after Faye Emerson, 01 Mrs. John Greene and child- FAIR HAVEN — Cub Pack 24 top. wright who clathea with a bache- ren, Jay, Leigh and Kerry, and avoid inflation through an up- formed Den 11 last week under Orange and Cotton Bowl games. Greene) finde that friend* aren't lor architect when they both dis- someone, guested it was Patrice, ward thrust of steel wages and always dependable in a crisis. Bert had the stage stripped Mrs. Marion S. Young, New- the direction of Mrs. Daniel The TV sage* were predicting cover a desirable New York : prices. But the long strike itself Iran has Issued a S-rials brown, Injured in a gun battle, Ben gets apartment at the same time. show us poor boobs sitting at foundland, N. J., were Friday Britton, den mother, and Mrs. that Perry Como would miss the red and yellow stamp honoring home just how the rain effects guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank has already caused some infla- ohn Bottini. assistant. New services of his former chief writ- Elliott Reid co-star*. A high Weigand, Holmdel Rd. tion, since the result of it was er* are Jeffrey Britton, the United Nations. The des.gu grade of soap opera, and high- and the pitching boat were work- memD er, Goodman Ace, this year, bu shows a world globe and a hand PLAYERS LUCE CLASSICS ed by the ingenious stagehands. toss of revenue to the govern- ohn Bottlni, George Brown, Kurt a* it ha* turned out. it look* as ly commercial. . John H. 'Bahrenburg, 3d, ment. Boeswetter, Peter Brown and holding the torch of freedom, The NEW YORK (AP)-The cast Any Wednesday night, now, we if it were the other way around. U. N. building appears in the of the hit musical "Destry Rides ean expect to tee Ralph Edwards and Neil L. Bahrenburg, twin The lost revenue meant gov- Martin Deggin. , . . New *imile» developed dur- sons of Mr. and Mrs. John H. ernment Income In flacal MO, background. Again" goes classical each I bring on a "This It Your Life" "Aesop's Fables' wat the ng the current TV investiga- Wednesday following the thow'a Bahrenburg, Jr., Beers St., now ending next June *, will al- tions: "Tired at television execu- candidate who hat been mean to theme of the pack meeting. Nationalist China has Issued matinee. his mother, bilked his employer are stationed at the Lackland most surely be leu than gov- Participating in a shadow pup- tive," "Jumpy at a disc Jockey" HALF SIZE Air Force Base, Texas. ernment spending, thus creat- . . . Airlines, French perfume set of two new commemoratives The company remains at the and beat a murder rap. The fel- pet skit by Den S were Tommy honoring the National Taiwan Imperial Theater to hear orches- low will confess all of this on na ing a deficit for the fifth year Gattls, Gary Pettigrew, David distributors and major appliance PLAYS IT SAFE manufacturers—all of whom went Science Hall which opened this tral work of Mozart, Beethoven, tionwlde hookup, and J. Edgai Schneider, Kenneth Murphy, Pow- year. Each stamp depicts a dif- Mendelssohn and other master*. | Ifpover will be standing by CRAWFORDSVILLE, Ind. (AP) Eisenhower wanted both sides ell Robinson, Wayne Trotter, in strongly for incidental name to reach agreement by them- ferent view of this museum of played by the pit orchestra. lead him off to Alcatraz. —Six-year-old Greta Jan Zachary Robert Wallace and Eddie Jones. plugs in exchange for prlie mer- Saul Ovcharov, the musical's wasn't taking any chances on selves, without government in- science and technology. DRESSES It's interesting to note thai Narrators were Charles Wolf and chandlse—will be hit hardest by terference. But the government concert master, it a former pupil while the ahow business tide milting a party invitation offer- John Dillon. The Cub* made the CBS' new anti-plug directive. of Efrem Zlmbaliit and violinist TV Is embarking on this literal ed by the city library to any had to interfere, through the 80- puppet* and a small stage. Postmaster General Arthur E. day injunction, to stop the strike. NBC is going all out for the Eis- Summerfield announced that the with the New Or nothlng-up-the-sleeve kick, th youngster who read 10 or more Four tablet with dialogue writ- enhower trip-hired a composer, He organiied the venture after •ponwra are being advised books in a nine-week period. It may have to act again to pro- U-cent international air mail ten by Cuba of Den 14 were en- Ralph Burns, to do special musl stamp — for use on airmail to discovering a number ' of col- the National Association Greta, who doan't care for tele- vent another strike. acted by Chariei Russell, Bobby for its seven interpretives on the Alia. Austrilia and most of Africa &S" ••*£. Broadcasters to disguise an vision, xipped through 250 book*. And AFL-CIO president George Kelly, Kevin Post; Danny Brit- journey, to be played by a 4S- music for their own enjoyment Meany has accused Eisenhower ton. Jack Kavanaugh, Robert piece orchestra. There will be — will be placed on sale first at an Francisco on April 22, 1900. himself of interfering—on the Geary, John Ostrander and oriental music, London-Paris mu- The Wyoming freshman foot- side of the steel industry—with Morton. sic and "State Occasion" music hit caution about inflation before Thomas Spain has Issued a new 1-peseta bell team went unbeaten in 1930 Men • Women - Cbfcyc Students Charles Russell received the in the backgrounds. for the first time thM» UN. free, collective bargaining had award of the month given by orange red stamp paying tribute FtiH Urn* or Part Unit chance to begin. Mn. Thomaa Morton, den mother Recommended tonight: "Oliver to the peace treaty in M» be-1 Just before he embarked by of 14, for outstanding courtesy Twist," CBS, 7:30-1 p. m. (EST) tween Philip IV of Spain aad Earn extra i*y ler the hettday* and Reread. Lean plane for Rome last night Eisen- Louis XIV of France which ended hew te tan M exceUeat tactile wafer and co-operation -An adaptation of Dickens' clas- i drcuHtaaee* to. the eeeafert e__f year hower called on both sides—as Health and proper diet meas- sic with Robert Morley and Eric the JS-Years War (1834-1SM). _ hear*. Age er he did as long ago as March .25 ures were recited by Cub* of Portman; "Very Important Peo- The new sump depicts part of AUjw aaad to a gee? tele- —to settle their problem. But he Den 2: Robert Hahn, Robert ple." NBC. 8:304:30 p. m.-Mu- the tapestry by Lebrun found selliag. Short, tatentlve, •free trala- gave them a warning, even Hall, Richard Hunter, Robert sical comedy revue starring Art in the Castle of Versailles. though it may have seemed mild. Oiborae, William Richard, Thom- Carney, Dick Van Dyke and He said if the union and thi as Stender, Larry Young, Gibbie Gloria Vanderbllt BUSY PUBLISHER TRAVEL AGENCY Coy CoH+ct: REdwood 1-2492 Industry can't act responsibly Young and Allan McFarlane. WASHINGTON (AP) — The their countrymen will see that •MAJORITY* TO LONDON aerospace industry claim* that 314 COOMIAN AW. they do. He used the word it i* the nation'* largott book "$£]* "countrymen" u a synonym for NEW YORK (AP) - MoUy WSCS Holiday Picon, veteran star of the Yid- publisher and Its (tack of tech- JtHUITPAM the government He meant gov- nical manuals exceed* the com- ernment. dish theater, to to play the dis- INI Fete Is Monday taff lead to the British edition bined output of all-the commer- PRI.MM Nevertheless, h I s optimism cial book publishing bouaea ia still showed through. He said In FAIR HAVEN-The Women's of "A Majority of One." Ger- trude _. . the nation. his TV talk to the nation lasi Society of Christian Service of Planes, the official publication night: the Methodist Church will hold still-running Broadway Mt pro- You can reserve and pick up airline, tteamihlp, duction. of the Aerospace Industries "What treat aews It a holiday party at Its meeting Assn., says that though these he If, during the course ef this Monday at t o'clock" in Fellow- Due in London in mid-Feb- manuals will never reach the but and tour ticket*, hetei and retort area Jearaey, I should receive word ihip Hall. ruary, the venture to being pre- best seller" list, the coat to of a settlement ef thto steel Mrs. Edwin M. Tata, of th* sented by the original producer*, produce them it awtroaomlcat- reservations *t our offictt. eeMteversy . . ." Tate Garden Center and Gift The Theater Guild and Don the Air Force alone spend1 Last March 2S when Elsenhow Shop, Eatontown, will give a Senary, In aMOciaUon with H. I some 250 million dollar* a year er asked both sides to reach demonstration, "New Idea* for Tennent Ltd. for technical manuals. It COSTS NO MORI TO IOOK non-inflationary settlement in th Christmis "arrangements." The publication add* that th* Mrs. Gerald Cupplea, Miss SLOW TALKER negotiation* due to begin in May, aerospace industry to attempt' THIOUtH YOUR LOCAL TtAVU AMHT he. indicated he would not stand Jeaanie Comber aad Melvia PENDLETON. N. Y. (AP) — Ing to cut the ""—Mfe; cost Idly by if a wage boost point* Grimmer will entertain with vo- Peace Justice Franklin Schulte, through a program of manual FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT to a price boost in steel. cal selections. Memben will ex acting supervisor for Pendleton. standardisation. A pita to ac- Whether he still feelt that we; change holiday gifti and tring kept order at a recent hearing complish this act has been sub- -after what the US-day strlk< their favorite cookies and cakes by telling the 100 persons pret- mitted to th* Def*nt* Depart- ALL STAR SHOW hit done to the economy—or to be served as refreshments at .„>. ment. would just be hippy If there wat the coffee hour thtt will follow, "Don't get me excited, lam STARRING—IN PERSON breaking in new dentures and Jerry Wait, t-foot-3 senior from have to speak carefully. If I get Cabin Creek, W, Va., promises excited, I won't be able to speak to shatter West Virginia basket- Monroe Seton FEED WE BIRDS! at all." ball records in his final ; \ M. C. eomtovdlrect from fameu* New York Night Club* • WIM Bird Fwwd Italian and American Food • * PLUS • • • MIXMJ Grains • Siwt CakM at W$ be$t . . . LUNCHEON WmmMnn DINNER from Beverly Lawrence • • •jejiiiiifj • LUNCHEON Facilities For. From th* original cast ef the Broadway Smash Hit H SURI TO INCLUDI MRD HIDIRS Weddings • Banqutti Partial GUYS AND DOLLS » DINNER ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST Please note that our hall Is available free ef cost for RONALD KINO ENTERPRISE AI DKJIrolamo adult dances, parties, etc. • PIZZA Proprietor For Ktwrvntionn Phon. CA 9-1000 North larh ft BAIRD-DAVISON CO., Inc. AL'S RESTAURANT FORMERLY SYCAMORE GREENS Ocean Avenues, SH 1-2300 Ll WEST DEAL, N. J.' ' KE 1-4113* 174 W. FRONT ST. RID IANK SYCAMORE AVi>. SH I-M7I LITTLE SILVER ADVENTURER> LONft IRANCH (Weil ol Little Sliver R.R. Station) I ROUTE 35, K-MILE NORTH OF ASBURY CIRCLE • OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY * CLOSID TUISDAYS AT 3:00 P. M. I Open every day Irom 12 noon; Sat. S P. M.-closed Mon. 1 . tW 4, 1959 BED BANK •EGICTEB football Of f iciak Groap 1 ALL-AMERICA Hear Former Coach Crowley

•I SPRING LAKE-JIm Crowley. the assoctatioji, made tht pr«. sentation. . . II former football coach at Ford- Officers named for 1M0 were ham, Michigan State and Geor-Edward C. Valyo. chalrmsn; gia, last night told New Jersey John L. Kelly, Jr. of Ltoeroft, Football Officials Association, secretary and Peter W*. Dilto, By Hy Cunningham treasur-r. Trenton District, one of the rea- .%* 5S& Thor ) L. Phlpps, Red Bank, FOOTBALLS PLUS THE GEAR that goes with the he liked football so much vice chairman of tbt Short season are packed away for another year and basket- was the friendship that is '.:• group, and William Clark, Nep. veloped through the game. tune Township ware named u- ball takes over next In fact, basketball goes on during slstant secretary aad treasurer, Crowley. one of the famous respectively, of the Short group. football when several coaches have their boys together Four Horesmen of Notre Dame, In gyms working out. However, these workouts are James J. Egidto. AUintie High. CANNON*** frrrrrrnn was guest speaker at the annual lands, and Arthur J. MacDon- not considered as official practices so it all seems to dinner held by the officials at aid, a to Beau Rivage. Red Beak resi- be legal. dent, art^ of the ad- Chatting with e few coaches last eight si The famed gridder and coach vitory council. related experiences while play- Representatives of .undefeated the New Jersey Football officials Association din- las under the great football | teams were introduce"—d ' "from ner we picked up the impression that Matawan coach. Xnute Rockne. "He wasRumson-Fair Have* Regional and Rumson-Fsir Haven Regional will floor excel* a treat man. teacher and speak- High School. Highland Park and er, and a man with human kind-Red Bank Catholic. lent ball clubs again this itSMO season. The court Mas," stated Crowley. season is on, and Asbury Park will be the scene „ Crowley held the interest of COMPLER CONFUSION Dais audience as if he were Pres- LOUISVILLE, R>. (AP) - of the preseason tournament play. of the United States. His SHORT SNORTS—Frank Nichols, son of Milton humor and* stories of Rockne's Sports Editor Peaa Eagle of tht coaching and of tht successful LoulsvttleTimee discussed a knot, "Red" Nichols, a halfback on Point Pleasant*s grid team, use of psychology In getting his ty problem la Us eehtmn ana was elected captain of the 1960 team Wednesday. Papa gridders to win the tough ball came up with a sports definition. Nichols was a former coach at Rumson High and was tames were enjoyed. Eagle wrote: better known for his officiating, especially on the One of the features of the din- "My idea of completi confusion wsm •»»*••«» •» mama rMAUTINOj ner-meeting was the presentation would be Roy Metal trying to basketball court He recently retired from the "whistle S*»wthem CallUrnio| tSywcwsef™ 1 SyracuseI of a trophy-clock to John F. catch a plant piloted by Wrong- tooting" business, and his pot belly proves he quit run- Cittadino, who retired from of- Way Corrlgan to Shaagri La to ficiating after 20 years. Frank explain a decision by the NCAA ning around gridirons and courts. |j.Ptagltorer« life member of|to*the AAU. Pete Dileo, Trenton official popular in this iyraci area, is in his last season of basketball officiating. Pete has been working basketball games for M MEW YORK (AP)-*iltr Can- > passed for 731 yards aadj years. Night air, poor shower faculties and other State's supsnst** i touchdowns, ran for 325 LADIISDAY Items kept Pete Inwinter colds so be decided to ta si g^fjg«Bar yards and scored M point*. UCLA Against call It quits for better health. HeU ttm work foot* •jieuit lafee oar/ team peed and deception are the OJ>1 hall and baseball sames. trademarks of Flowers, a p Too Much Power io°°o •^MB mtWtM RIM^IIIHII *>•••••••• . i PrsseUH AH law student whose shifty, stutter .Oli Johnny Druze, assistant football coach of Boston style of naming enabled htm toIn Syracuse Tilt] College, who was one of the "Seven Blocks of Granite" the team, repreasnting every rack 771 yards on the ground, Anoclitod PfGtt i setioa of the country, Is an-He also'distinguished himself as when he played with Fordham University, is now a LOS ANGELES (AP) - The nmced today after thorough pus catcher, btocker. line back- Monmouth County resident He lives in Belmair. Druze sifting of me looommendatloiis UCLA Bruins, who knocked off Monmouth County'* NEWEST FORD DEALER er and quick-kick specialist a formidable foe two weeks ago, started his athletic career at Irvington, where he earn- nf 12 regional boards of news- 1954 Ford ed 12 varsity letters when a student of Irvington High. len. Motty. who once thought he hope to duplicate the Job against S eyl., Mtomitlc »UT» might have to forego football be- Syracuse tomorrow. I9S7 Plymouth t 995 Johnny Clttadlno, Long Branch, Florida buddy Cannon, winner of the Heto- But wise heads figure the Bru- Club atdu ' man Trophy and top pick of thecause' of recurring ditty spells, of Edward H. Conway, Fair Haven, retired from Instead left the diaroets to Ms ins will be up against too much 1954 Plymouth Btlndtr* S crl auKMUlM • pros, heads a backfleM unit ia the nationally-televised game t m football officiating and received a SO-year award which includes his Sugar Bowl opponent*. He carried the ball 93 1954 Studebaktr S eyl. UltMUtM , 'I 7S0 times for 511 yards, returned miui that pound guard whose alert line- ago, 10-3, apparently havt neith- 1950 Dodge . *4«or hto !MOO backing featured the Orange- The other guard, BurnU, at er the site nor tht depth to copei suspected. Bud had the inside information. 310, reamed the field making At Ruinson Red Bank High School football Is on the up- men's rugged defense. with Syracuse and its record of | Opposite Mautino at end Is taekles. He was credited with M nine straight. RUMSON — Basketball Lea- grade. Coach Bob GUsson says Junior vanity and Martin McKtever, one of the fe-tackles against Purdue before The big problem, is whether gues sponsored by the Recreation, MATAWAN FORD freshmaa material coming up will help the Bucs rocious twins from Southern Cal-suffering a twisted knee In theUCLA can move tht ball against Commistna will'get under way! 40 Main St., LOwtll 4-3100 Matawan ifornia, and the other guard isthird period. • a line that averages around 331 here tomorrow with Junior and 3 Blocks West of R.R. Station get back tsicempetltipn with the best of them. The Bill Burrelt of Illinois, a former Tht tackle* are the kind to from tackfe to tackle, and 311senior boys' leagues and an Adul Bucs ha4sfv*nhoiMr society students on this past fullback. The. tackles are Donwarm a professions! coach's from end-to tod, as compared League scheduled. Floyd.of Texas Christian and heart—big and towering, yet to la overall front wall aver- The boys' program will be held Bobby Scott, All-State ttcHe last year, who will Dan Lanphear...of Wisconsin. Thtagile. Lanphear, a vicious tackier]aging its. la Forrtstdalo School starting at not go as far this year.because of; thejfeam'i record, ia center Is Georgia Tech's Masie and aggressive battler, was In- Syracuse's opposition has gain- I a. m. Youngsters from grades Baughan. strumental In Wisconsin's march ed only IIS yards in 427 plays'; four through eight are urged to to the Rose Bowl. One of Ms best hoping to be os? Syracuse's freshman squad next fall. Cannon,' 33. aid Tamer of three; which means the advance has attend In,order to fill out the games was against Ohio State been only 1.9 yards per try. teams for competition. Captains Rival coaches jnaryeled at his line play for the past has been the chief offensive In which he recovered two fum- two years, " M$* y . ..'- :. • ' weapon of an LSU team which By the same token, the visitors' will be chosen, and teams will bles and tackled to hard, he sent be picked. Geoffrey White* son of Mayor and Mrs. Be*> has lost only, one game In twotwo Buckeye ball-carriers to the offense, featuring a back/iekJ of yean. Shotputter, weightllfter sidelines. . quarterback Dave. Sarette, half- At Rumson-Fair Haven Region- . nard B. White, Com La* Shrewsbury, won a Junior and a t.3 second sprinter, he was backs Gerhard Schwtdts and Floyd, a 215-pounder, was key| tt High School the Adult cage varsity football letter at Blair Academy. He re- tht team's "climax" man-al- Ernie Davis and full back Art program will be conducted start- ways coming through to the bigman In Texts Christian's tough Baker, has piled up an average defense. Ing at 1 p. m. This is not an eetvodhtslasignUatancmtsportsba^ moments. . of 39.9 point* per game. open league. Only Rumson resi- MeKeever. although primarily , Bbdrstown school. Matthew Pwry. son of Mr. end A highlight was Ms W-yard Davis, a sensational sophomore dents are eligible to compete In a rushing defensive end, was also who ha* already been compared this program. punt return in the final minutes a good pass-receiver 'and punter. (Contmued on Next Page) ' for the touchdown which pulled to another ex-Syracuse great, with famous Mautino was called by coach Ben Jim Blown of tht Cleveland The girls' program for junior out a 74 victory over Mississip- SchwartzwaMer of Syracuse "the and senior high school girls will pi. He gained SM yards rushing Browns, ia the top runner. He best end In my .11 years at Syra- has averaged 7.3 yards per carry. begin at noon at Forrettdale. tad returned punts, kickoffs and Basketball and volleyball will cuse." Mautino caught 17 passes Schwedes, they say, is the KRAFT Intercepted passes for an addi- for 2U yards. highlight thla program. tional S27 yards. He averaged workman — and high scorer — 40.J yards on his punts. Baughan was the top lineback-of the team. He has 14 touch- All leagues and play at For- RENT A CAR or er In a hard-playing league which downs, plus four extra points, restdale School art open to stu- Schloredt, who lost sight of hisproduces a big part of the ma-to his credit I dents from Forrestdale, Holy left eye in a childhood accident, jor bowl talent. He also was a The Bruin hopes, for tht most Cross and Rumson Country, Day TRUCK from HERTZ is another all-round performer, standout Mocker. equally effective on offense and part, rest on the condition of I. CM \ : C Three of the player*—Mautino, their halfback star. Bill Kilmer. defense. Acclaimed the best pass MeKeever and Schloredt — are defender la tht Far Wast, .....— 00,4,, aeniors. A third of his triple-threat talent* PR 5-1LI5. CA 2-3299. SH 7-2121 he juniors . The an — his running — has been badly hampered by a bad ankle. Kilmer actually hobbled around against the Trojans, but he man- 'S aged to hobble for first downs on two key occasion* and more was nothing wrong with his pass- ing. If Kilmer can match Ma USC ON effort, he could cause Syracuse SPECIAL 'some trouble. Frank Ryan, former Rice star, firttfont Is oat of tht top passer* In the National Football League, He's THE BULLETIN with the Los Angeles Hams. TODAY WE CAN ASSURE YOU Winter Triads W«MI 1 HOVE gf4ssBSIsaBB^ssfesat aaaaai aasssaa^BisssBi ABBVSBB SAVINGS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON V9vttW 61* vtt yviM* IWi flVvS TIRES ON COST OP NIW TIMS! PRACTICALLY ALL MODELS 2 lor One Low Price And Qhm AGAIN OF THE 1960 FORD. THERE TubeUu or 1. Traction Tubed Typ( SIRVICI PLACE IS NO SHORTAGE BECAUSE e.70.11 2. Safety S KM\.II YOUR FORD HAS CONTINUED TO PRICES SLASHED 3. Quietness OWN FRIDAY ORDER MAKE MOST OF ITS OWN ,7w?lrt*tOlttTowi, i Country Tim 4. Economy TILL 10 P. M. Ott Our New Lew Price On Yeur tin Tedeyl NOW STEEL RIGHT THROUGH THE laty Terms AH«nhnr»t le»y Chart)* "Plus ion and two rtcappablt tires 9mwWfW9f IM w V* •»?• For Delivery in tear Wheel Alltnmeat STRIKE. RIGHT NOW WE CAN Just a Ftw Weeks USE YOUR GIVE YOU A "BUY-NOW" DEAL EASY CHARGE McMANUS & FISK, Inc. MANK POiTIR'S BOB WHITE UNMATCHED ANYWHERE. Hew Location... SEE YOUR FORD DEALER RED BANK STORES TIRE CO. BUICK, Inc. 1724 Asbury Ave^ Asbury Park TODAY AND DRIVE HOME Illll Chid wick . Hob Hitter Next te R.R. SteHesj (Opposite Josoph F. Stein, Cadillac) Mapl« Av«. at White St., Red lank (On* Mile Mouth of Airport) TONIGHT THE FINEST FORD SHesJysUe M200 lent riiMe Ne. Ml MMt SH 7-1700 Shrewsbury Avenue 1000 ASIURY AVI. Afbwy Perk PR 5-1700 UJ MonmeuHi Street, HOURS) • A.M. TO * P.M., INCLUDINO SATURDAY OF A LIFETIME. f.O.A.f, SN 7-3404 Real Rank •*- BED Now Is the Time They HanglN. J. Loses PASSM0 CRAM at— ait— NBA Studio Grid Coaches in Effigy $100^000 BOBBV D'AmatoCase Round Table is Named LAYNE, LOGAN. Utah (AP) — Cus By Col. Earl H. (Red) Blalk At Race Track PITTSBURGH D'Amato comes under scrutiny TRA's Handicap Champ STBO.KRS by the National Boxing Associa ... I TRENTON (AP) - New Jer- tion's executive committee next ft cat exertion, invariably Include some of those stal- H77.J40 over last year. This in- North Shrewsbury Ice Boat and exchange for catcher Pete Oa- year-oW year, Round Table was crease was figured into state Yacht Club for the 1KS40 sea ley. sold to Travis M. Kerr far* wart marauders of girl dormitories known as budget estimates. on. • The trade was Boston's second reported $175,000 and Haneoe| "panty raiders.'* Racing commission secretary AIO*TTP fi*S.Se& retained an interest in the horseV Tf/ROHW. Peter Wingerter wu elected in three days. On Tuesday, the Thehanging-in-effigyis a macabre hint to the coach, Charles Sheehan said late rev- vice president. Others named to Red Sox acquired outfielder Bob- breeding career. '.i enue from uncashed tickets and office included Dr. C. Douglass by Thomson from the Chicago While on the small side, Roustf probably once lauded by the college, that he is no longer other sources might boost the Hoyt, commodore; William Cuba in exchange for pitcher Al Table had a big; hurt andjt state take another $20,000. welcome in their intellectual community. "Red" Hogan, vjee commodore; SchroU- - - . willing, and amiable disposltioi. Members in spirit, if not in body, of the pseudo* Re-instating "Dark Mondays" Raymond Boyd. financial secre- BaKbaora, Saa Fraadsco and Tratear WllUe Moltcr said b> into Garden State's fall schedule, tary: George E. Brush, Jr., rec- St Louis, were bwehMd In the saemad to enjoy traveling, whhp lynchers are those self-appointed, dedicated, loudly allowing racing on more holi- ording secretary, aad Ira Miller, other bases.-The Orioles sent wu fortunate for U» campalgas articulate saviors of university affairs known as ?old days, helpsd) Increase the total BOb; &tm aad Billy took hint aU over the countij. grads." Although they may never have inhaled even tdoly." Sheehan said. Hy Spotting Sports Members of the regatta com- Loss to the'Qiaats tor outfielder White considered a turf-courte Freehold Trotttag Track con- specialist, Round Table also can one whiff of the ozone of a locker room In all their mittee named were Roger Win- Jackie Brandt, pitcher Gordon Ihraaa: with its yearlly 220 par cant • (Contiaued) garter, Amory I*. HaskaU, Jr., run oa the dirt u be mortal days, they «• positive the present coach'is even lamp k haasTa aad attendancei . ; Mrs. Maxwell ML ferry, Colt's Neck, was awarded Robert Cabeen, Harvey Schenck, worse than the one they, paid off. ' The track bu been increasing and Borden L. Hanee. Alternates meetings. The OfMas also at Aqueduct Oct. It when | t m popularity for the put few a vanity latter. are Paul Mathswa and John swappad outfleUera with the P» •** "•»•• M Not all coaches are twined by years because of an Improved -r»— .... _ .»— . gnj p^t jj,, ^beequent Phyllis Stadler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Darling. cards, sending Bob Nleman for . Some courageously ride the storm to regain the re> pleat The boats are ready to go. Gene Green.' •.-•••• of the Washington D.C. Stadler, 16 Packer Ave., Rumson, was named to the was reported that the season got Yesterday's Sturdivant • Daley national by a length. : syaet of alL Now thU b IM brief for tncxmspetent Perhaps his top i eoaehea who should be fired. But in Jostiea to those United States first team, at the dose of the National under way .last year with a tight exchange marked not only the Dix Trounces Dae. 2f freest. . third deal engineered by the Red this year wu in the losing coaches about to be fired, I believe unhrar< Hockey Tournament held hi Washington, D. C. over Sox aince the new inter-league tlons at AtlanUe City slty authorities and campus, communities owe them Thanksgiving week-end. This was a repeat for Miss trading^ period want/Into affect Table toted US . Monmouth but the first to a convincing victory.'Wat nothing lass than to separate them with dignity. Stadler who wu on it lut year. This tournament, which Martinez Wins poor performancu ware oa FORT MONMOUTH — Port brings together the cream of hockey talent throughout of the Along this line, I offer In a season's farewell a quote Dbt's powerful basketball team Over Vejar front President Theodore Roosevelt, which 'was routed Fort Monmouth last night the nation, was opened by Vice President Richard M. kindly sent to me by John McKenna, tha fine coach at the Field House u BiU Tel- Nixon. Miss Stadler wu one of the top girl athletes to MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — Vtoce aaky's 25 points paced the Bur- Martinez stauered Chic© Vejar They were Cracmnati'e Tom Aek- of the Virginia Military Institute team: ros to a tJ-50 win over the Stg- graduate from Rumson High School, and later was one twice in the third round aad -• "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who aalesrs. of the best Softball players in the county. weathered an inside slugging at tack during thai remaini points out how the strong man stumbled or where the The Army Infantry Training Cadet Warner T. Coleman, son of Mrs. Otto A. Center piled up a SI-IS halftlme rounds for a split decision in doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit lead u Dix racked up its 12th GUllg, Vista Dr., Little Silver, earned a football let. 10-rouad boxing match las belongs to tha man who is actually in the arena; whose straight win against a Monmouth tar at Cardinal Farley Military Academy, Hhlae* night '• '..'. :.:'•••'•• The victory glvu the Patsrson, face is marred by dust and sweat and Mood; who team. The victors were 22 for cliff, N. Y. Ife played In all games except the last strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and 41 from the floor la the opening N. J., fighter a shot at the pro- 20 minutes. two, when he was retired due to Injuries. posed "Junior mlddlawe '" again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great de- Telasky, former George Wash- One of the outstanding Storm King School soccer championahlp. The National votions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at ing U eager and working out lag Assoclanea will aameaa op- thepro WarrioraunUl his P^y*1"* thi* aeasonwas Pern Lincoln, Jr., son of Pember ponent ' •'" •'••'•'• -'; the heat, knows the triumph of high achievement; and 1 Induction, made all but one of ton H. LincolnLincoln, 100 West River Rd.Rd , RumsonRumson. Pern'Pern's Marttnex woo oa marglna who, at the worst, If he fails, at least fails while daring tlM and KM on caiia of rat his poinu oa field goals. And in team had quite a record. Storm displayed a 10-10 re- greatly, so that his place shall never be with those: cold Hank Fields and Lonnle Wast, eree_Bl)ry Regan, and Judge J| and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat" both M. along with Ray Redds- cord this season. Coupled with a 9-0 record in 1958 and Cassivani respecttvely. Judge nwiki at M, they had the heigh two the end of the '57 season, it made the record 21 Jerry.. Sherrard.. scored Vejar. to control the boards. Fields, from Stamford, Conn., S7*M un- the nation's third leading re- consecutive victories. Pern was a former student at der; the it-must system. bounder lut yeer for small col- Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School. leges, had 14 points. He played at Elizabeth City Teachers Col Vincent Makmey was recently elected presl* Stubbe Decisions lege in North Carolina. West is dent of the Monmouth Tennis Club. Alan Mao the ex-Wagner College star from Donald, Red Bank Catholic High School's tennis Art Aragon in 10 the Met area, while Radstoewski starred at St Joseph's College coach. Is chakman of a committee to build a prac- LOS ANGELES (AP) - Rey- InPhuly. West hit for 10 points. tice board. This combined with a hard top court boa Stabbs but Art Aragon to the punch and: shrugged off Are- Bob CoecodrlUi of Manhattan win give the club open play during winter months. wu the fourth Dix member In goa's but punches to win a double figures with 11. Another Matawan High School is seeking grid games for unanimous 10-round decision last ex-Jupar. Gerry Paulson who next year. Open dates are Oct 1-8-29. Scheduling still paced Dix to.its fifth straight StubM,H of Pittsburgh, took First Army crown last year, sat a problem hi the Shore Conference. Dropping Matawan virtually every round from eat the game with aa ankle in- were Central Regional, Toma River, Point Pleasant and 30-year-old Los Angeiu " mjury. Each weighed Ul. Lakewopd. Too many high schools "borned" down that- Stubbs wu the -_ „ .. For Monmouth it wu their a-way. . throughout,never letting Aragon ML fifth loss in seven tilts. Charley ^^BA m^A VA ^ka^BMa^hsBi^^sl aaasi ^A^ ^SM£ Price had 14 points for the Sis Matawan High School's basketbaU outlook for •jVtj •n* nt ifjutwiwu sw M WJI nalmen. the next couple of years looks mighty bright. •The over Aragon's left aye and had Dix now has a 29-23 edge Beaver" Is developing freshmen and Junior varsity him bleeding slightly In the the long standing series. mouth midway through the In the prelim, Fort Dix's Wees players at a rapid pace. Dave Start, f>2, Art Hens* match. rallied in the last five minutes lerM frl and Terry Mages, 8*11, are sophomore pros- Referee Tommy Hart' to upset the Monmouth Wi pacts who will see some vanity action this season, •MO, Judge Fraakta Van S7«. JO* The winners reeled off l< and Judge George Lathe sM. For thtt Bowler bbs now hu 24 viessriu IMDI> • louts, Aragoa OFF For Chrittnuu! oung * a o wins, IS tossu and t I Iromi 1U 4°J Tempted Unanimous Choice Mmta s a Wllllamspoit. Pa., of the East- •IVI A OflH .0 10 « 110 League will agate work win Cohlll ROM 9UMN-M.rgar.the 1, 0 S As Champion Older Filly the Philadelphia Phils .far * 1 SYCAMORE LANES Bertelion, II, wet named PrM* f tu u The Thoroughbred Racing As* most three lengths to span la •Iff CWTWCATI quean of the Tournament of board of selectioseli n todad y 2:tt, t track record and a now Rotes end will prailde over 4111 uaanlmously named Mrs. Philip Aawricaa record (or the distance. m.L _ — •»••- ontuia:*ii«v!&. carton*. PBr. ej • BWWjRwej the New Year's Day parede duPoat's Tempted the champion Oramtrtty when a filly switch- older filly of Itst. thus raUfying MbertadariMtSMruaatagihe end Rose Bowl game. A na PRO BASKETBALL a popular vote of 10.070 fan, indleatw she hu had It but in five of Minneapolis, she has New York's largest attendance Jemptsd's case It hi .apparently SYCAMORE LANES lived in southern California la 12 years, who cast their bal- a derUive gesture toward those lot at the part-mutual windows la bar wake tor, while swltehlng for 10 years. She's brown- E3 and made the copper-colored her tall, she also runs with her , SHMW9MJRY haired, Is S fast • Inches Ally an odds-on choice for the ears pricked aad awvu away. Handicap at Aqueduct fall, and weighs 120. Oct. 1J. A four«ear>oM daughter of the SH 7-2711 (A* Wirapheto) imported stallion Half Crowa, Aqueduct Racing Secretary, out of Enchanted Eva. Tempted 1 r"rank E. "Jimmy" Kilroo had has been a staku winner In each already Implied Tempted's champ- of her throe sssseas of raciag. ionship by an Impost of IN This yur she won nine of U| pounds, more than wu ever car- starts and was but once out FOREIGN CAR s&ss- ried by any mare finishing first. tha money, aarateg flM,lt2. second or third In N previous Anvon| liwT vldOfiM thlsi TRADES (minings of the Ladlu Handicap. ware three other staku: the Tempted, In co-opsratlon with Castle, one of Delaware ly DICK MATTHEWS Jockey Eldon Nelson, made her "Distaff Big Three"; the TV) own pace, wu never threatened Handicap at Saratoga and the and finished the race with si Beldame Handicap at Aoueeact. VOLVO ECONOMY DOIS NOT MEAN COMPROMISE SEE - DRIVE Valve laamstrstu that the true "economy" car caa re- fleet ajwHty wltheat eompromlse . . . lai prld* of onaer- skto, PS«dsbniw tkst assaru "the Parisian Delight" Discover superb craftsmanship, finger-tip werrrfree drhring. Volva la really the cujatstMwaliio ear._... I„t delivers sfiasu to SM hsndMnt, shear pleasure at tha wnsoll Inky many I . solid, amxmK, iMHSttte construction, rear- "optleaal.1 THE 1960 SIMCA engtrn thrift smi off Idency, sails setion, aw* COMVERTBLE War cempcearisoT Lot yaw dealer demeutrate tha clous sun-raof-end a car-full ef "ertret* st "ussalay* caa sssaa quality. ITS PBtFORMANCE IS SUPERB! no wtra ceetl ITs ths best buy-trte buutlM buy-the seerty, Inwlttible SIANCHIIMI DICK MATTHEWS PRICED AS LOW AS ... *1675" UP TO H MILES TO THE GAL DIUVUID RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS INC. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED RANK BARRON & JARMON, INC. BUFFIA MOTOR CO., INC SH 1-5887 • CA 2-1700 • FIAT SALU Si SIRVICK VOLVO > RINAULT • SAAI 83 SO. BROADWAY LONG IRANCH M.3ISIMRIMM.N.J. (U 2-1820) Tomorrow's Comics and Crossword funk STEVE ROPER By SAVNDEKS mi WWMGA9D

RED BANK REGISTER Spadea 10 4, Hearts 8 «, Dia- THAT'S THE PLACE, OFFICER/ \ ONE Of OUR MEN * monds 10 9 I 5 4, Clubs Q J 7 4. NOMAD REMEMBERED THE hlAS INVOLVED, MR. * THE HANDS 24—Friday, Dec. 4, 1959 What do you aay? LOCATION PERFECTLY/ j-^TlOPeR,! PROMISE HXJ- Answer: Pass. You have three East and West were both ag- points- in high ctrds and two North dealer gressive bidders, as you can see North-South vulnerable points for the two doubletons. NORTH from the way they sacrificed all Don't stretch to respond with * KJI03 the way to six diamonds, with only five points when your part- Column » A 6 4 practically no high cards. Why ner has bid a minor suit. The By ALFHED 8HEINW0U) #10 4 had they failed to bid seven dia better part of valor is discretion. • KQJ4 monds as a sacrifice against the VS. WEST EAST vulnerable grand slam? •OOK OF sm ...- The last player to apeak was ROME At 75 2 mind men of the traditional con- By WALT DISNEY North bid six clubs, East did. not cept of sin "because one cannot MICKEY MOUSE the king of diamond!, and de- • A 10 - sacrifice: he just passed. West clarer ruffed in dummy. Nerih East Seam Wast otherwise explain history nor 1 • Pan 2 NT PAN waa doing all the sacrificing at give an orientation to life." At the second trick declarer S NT All Pass vhe slam level. Clearly, East HAVEN'T led the eight of clubs from dum- Opening lead — Vf thought he had defense against Pope Pius Xll is-quoted in the SOLP A *NSLI ONBI my. East played a low club as slam; and West thought that preface as ikying: "The greatest naturally ai he could. South took he discarded two hearts on ihere was no defense. sin of the world today is that men a deep breath and played • low dummy's spades. Obvious, isn't it? But' how have' attrted to lose the sense of club from his hand. rsycaefogy many players would' have, the •in."? ••.;•;...••.•'•.; :"' West discarded a diamond, and Mitchell, one of the best psy >rve to back their. Judgment The book, was compiled by East turned a pale shade ofchologista in the game, saw with that deep trump finesse ™\ Msgr. Pietro Palanwi, secre- green. This is where he askeat—d nothing remarkable, about the the second trick) tary Of the Sacred CongregaUon first trump trick; "You didn't of. the Council, a division of the all of those bewildered questions. DAILY QUESTION There wasn't much to the rest twitch," he conceded to the down- Romas Curia. Contributors in- who cast East player. "I just.knew Partner bids one club, and the dude famed French author Henri of the hand. Victor Mitchell, who DanielRops. . played the South cards, continued what was going on." next player passes. You hold: the trump* and easily picked up What was going on,, arid how East's trumps without loss. Then did Mitchell know about it? ASTRO-GUIDE' ByC—an CROSSWORD PUZZLE SECRET AGENT X9 By MEL GRAFF ACROtS 10-WrlUn« roiont—For You •ncJ tablat 1-MlXM ll-Encomlums «. .'Apply yourself dili- ll-Dtpend on '.VUWUii l^i geatly to whatever your job is— I-M OIMUIT It-Burdtn tin .11 I ill Mniltin ll-llor* whetatr it be that of housewife ia-WI« youthful • ••y.mr, us \ ll-Ctmnenr Il-Publlc or pretMeat of a business con- H-OonjuBctloB premtaM* lS-Motii H-ftnntr I» ronm mujct M one 17-A contlntot Rinslaa and * today. Smile back! A Ubbr.) mltrt ; 11-AtUmpt Jl-Olrl'» nan* cheerful attitude brings happi- ;M.Bodl*a of J7-P*4al dlait ness to those around you, too. wat*r Il-Phntpplna 11-RITW telut natlv* Affairs of the heart atain take ll-Chlmiuy It-Lara1* , • carbon •elnors spotlight. tl-Mcrrr Il-Frult H-Emp* JJ-Strlnr IS-Cklcktni 41-1 f»-lmp«lr* fMg^akfWAfafj VUgffBsaL CUIBajBvfjfaBj asj igawy R - WYWy* CANCtt l-mt>: net 4-Alcohftllo ' AeUAMUSIJM.lltoFak.lt) Yvm*»Y»vm I-Jurnv im IF/, aim tkm « cant tXMHic* ym SEtH MSCit |U.Hta Mwtk M) f—plili mill nikw laia « . lBrSStH •» ainmty limniHlti KM. »-Blmpl*r









«. J»»— ^^^.fc^^ RED BAHK WXOSttM Friday, Pec. 4, 1959—» BIGGEST VALUE EVER! I ELECTRONIC ASSISTANCE CORP. MERCHANMSf . tie line S IM C A 0 BRIDGE AVE. RED BANK EXCELLENT QUALITY 4 Dsys Consecutive . Me Use FOR SALE I Days CawsaeuUve . 2k Llae FOUR-DOOR SUPER DELUXE HAS OPENINGS FOR EXPERIENCED 0 • LOVELY APPEARANCE CHILD'S 9PRINO Wonder Horsa. Like St Daya Coaaccullve Me Line $1695 new. Four-post bed, complete. Ke- M Daya CoasecuUvs . 8c Line ELECTRONIC; WIRERS • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY lonable. KB 8-3002. . Barren & Jarmon, Long Branch IDEAL CHP.ISTMA3 OIFT — Pony. Yearly Contract Rate* On Bequest and only $298. cart and saddle. Call after *. Mlahnam latertloa Am Um ' SOLDERERS KF. li 012S. Blind nil mini The Register's p. o. BOE Me ettra. 21" BYLVAKIA table model TV. *70. JUirnt to elasnTfy. edit or reject ui advertisement It reserved for three complete rooms of Inaulre B/jrvlce Deftrlment. Eaton- by TI» Register. Many Employee Benefits \ to-wn TV. SO Hwy. 35. Eatontown. LI 2- We will not be reioonslbta for errors, unless they an detected SI MCA 0400. btfora th* second Insertion. FOR COMFORT — ECONOMY BRAND NEW FURNITURE FUR STOLE dark muik/at. mink blend, pure «lllt lining. |2.V) new. Excellent , ;; Sta Them All At CALL SH 7-5100 • 9-pc. Modern Living Room Group condition. %W. RU 1-102-1^ . Ask lor Mr. Van Atta er apply in parten • 8-pc. Lovely Bedroom Outfit CONCBRTONfl TATB RECORDER — DEADLINE 1:00 P. M. Day .sror. Barron k Jarmon, .Long Branch Professional dual track modeL Per- CLASSIMEO DISrLAt • 5-pc. Dinette, Plus Accessories fect conrl'tlon. 7.5 and 15 speeds. Play- back speaker. Case. Microphone. Extra •IN A. H Bay Mat* Fabnottloa wltk Preef twa Say* keatrs psta- 11 Inch 2<0o fool tapes nnrt 7 Inch 120O, and a lovely oot tapes. Cost over 1550. Will sell •US4NESS NOTICES IMPLOYMIDT 1175. Van Horn, an 7-28SW. CaJl Oaa-ified—SH 14)010 or OS 1-0525 IOBS THAT OTHBR8 REFUSE or hid HELP WANTEO-MALE RECONDITIONED REFRIGERATOR AT BOY'S MD BICYCLE — Perfect eon- Calls on private telephone* are toll-free te OS 1-OTO Iran the M- loo hlth on. try us. Palntini, rtnova. dltlon. Heavy duty. 2« Inch. Motor- :lon* etc. Not experts or msaters. you'll cycle style. Was In storage. Ved very iswitig stations: Lowell S. COIfax 4. KEanaburg S. WHItnay a. UNIT BUICK. Century Sitate Wagon. NO EXTRA CHARGE Calls on private telephones are toll fres to SH 1-O01O frpm th* ust like the lob we da Enlmatn, little. Brand-new tires and tubes. Hew Low nallaje. full power, one owner. o 8-1714. ELECTRONICS Departure brake. Worth tSs. Will sell following sutlons: ATlantle Highlands 1, CApttal a and " ' * AIR CONDITIONED, ELECTRIC WIN- tor H7.50. Van Horn. SH 7-2SM. Hlrblud* S. OSbom* 1. RUnjwn 1. SlU BHaM £ ud DOWS. This car must be seen to beiOE MONTANO — Mason contractor. appreciated. We are otferlni this car Stuccoing, plaaterlna. concrete work. INSTRUCTORS LIONEL TRAINS. Santa Fe double at a aacrlUca price only through this Address RFO 1. Box 121. Eitontown. FIELD FURNITURE TMcsel; ilreamllned passenner cars; ad. Fully guaranteed. Call alter 8 p. m. LJ 2-3118. four Bteam locomotives; switcher en- . Prefer ex-servicemen 7-11 East Front Street gine. Budd eelf.propelled car; nine Book Price S2,09» PAINTER DECORATOR and paper- freltht cars; so* of track: 150 watt ANNOUNCIMINTS AUTOMOTIVI Our Price S1.M0 hanger: Interior and exterior. 25 Keyport, N. J. rears' sxperlence. Estimates cheer or retired officers transformer, accessories, $100 for every- VOSt AND POUND AUTOS AND TRUCKS ully glrtti. Uiula Caaian. 448 Shrewt- thin* Will sell separately. eomnleU Bob White Bulek Inc. mry \n. Red Bank. SH 1-1708. . . . With military or technical CO 4-3020 trains for (12 to S2S. Van Horn. SB 7- DOO boar—Black and fur mala. An- 193 Uonmouth St. Red Bank school Instruction experience. 1M1 TWO-DOOR CHEVROLET EXPERT MKNU1NQ—China, glass, ill. OPEN: Thursday and Friday '01 9:00 P. M. •wara to name of Mickey, has ion* 1100 SH 1-C20O ver. reltnlahlna and plating. Thermo> FOAM RUBBER leaah itlaehad. litti* Silver UcenM 407. SH 1-18S0. Beds, Sofas and Chairs-Top Quality Call aH 1-06W. Reward, oucketa. Chln^ 1 Glass shop. H7 Broad PERMANENT POSITION , Monday thru Saturday 'til 6:00 P. M. 168 PLYMOUTH twCMloor Savoy, radio, St.. Red Bank. BH 7-4C00. FOAMART Rte. 38 EATONTOWN FOUND I— BROWN FEMALE puppy heater, automatic, 20.000 miles. L SOUTHWEST LOCATION RUQS — Never used. 9x12. t3O. Bits. with cellar; on Broad St. Red Bmt. I country. I13O0. CO 4-47M. ATTENTION HOME OWNERS — 14' I3S, other alzea. GS vacuum, S20. Owner may claim at lionmouth County Hump body truck tor hire by hoiir or HIGHEST RATES AND Phona 'till 7 p.m. SH 1-1429. a.P.C,A- on Wall at. gatonlown. HEVROLET, late 1809. Impala «, IIOO lob. with driver. Bemove accumulated miles, Settle eaUte, (2M0 cash. BH 1- traah from your, propsrty. BH 7-2144. LIVING ALLOWANCE FINANCIAL ME1CHANDISI PIANOS—Save 1200 or more off list 192. Send details and oomplete resume price on brand new BS.note spinet pi- 19M FORD ranch wagon. Radio, heat IDO JOBS, windows and cellars eWBINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE anos. 10.yiar guarantee. Come see and PUBLIC NOTICES OS PLYMOUTH Btstlon Wanon, er, Fordomatle, two-tone two-door. clewed. Painting. Trash removed. Including dat« of availability and save.' Vie' service what w* sell. Tenter*! snow tlraa, tRS or best offer. RU 1-M06-J. Truck available. SH TUTS- ^CONDITIONED TV'S Guaranteed 30 K 1-9915. telephone number to LUNCHONETTEUNCHONETTE, DELICATESSEN I Munld Store, 300 Main St.. LA «-Z190 I WISH TO EXTEND my gratitude COL. O. B. LAWRENCE (KM.) aall e or leanln. Write "L D" B days 19" console with doors, Kf.H Kvenlng and 'Sunday by appointment. la Mr. Tomalno of MBes Shoe store 158 PEUOEOT, excellent condition. SU, Red Bank '" table model, |4S.«S. New TV's, (or returning my loit wallet. Radio and: heater, luggage rack. Will H. L. YOH co,. ma irt&blea, bis discounts, plus high trade OIVB HER AN ILECTROLUX for Carolina 'Zfannlnl HOUSE TRAILERS IMPLOYMINT RENT fTUDI Service station In Red i at "Rainbow',. 175 Broad Bt. loepo- Christmas,' no payments 'till tent tcrlflce. LI 2-1020. P.O. Box 128S Bank'area. Ideal for middle aged or te Acme parking lot) Red Bank SH 1- year, wrapped and delivered free. 720 183 MERCURY MONTJRXY HARD USl SPARTANBTTB TRAILER — 30' HELP WANTED-FEMALE Fort Sill, Oklahoma auni-ntirad machanlc*. other locations 108. Mattlton Ave.. Aabury Park. PR o-OMl. TOP, Uere-O-Hauc, radio, heater,-ex- twin netfs, good condition. Quick aale, available. Please, call IJ 2-QO£9, TRAVEL • TRANSPORTATION •ptlonal condition. SH 7-447*. WJ5. OS 1-2437. SAliBSOIRl^ParMlma. Byivetta's Chll- TELEPHONE SOLICITORS.. Home. KAUB IN your old furniture wltn no COPPER KETTLE ANTIQUES — 61 dren'a Department. Hlddletown Shop- workers. These areas' East Ksani- down payment and gat a new parlor Monmouth Rd.. Oakhurst. For thi> DRIVE MY 1859 Chevrolet to Holly- IIH WE8TWO0D 4«xl'. Two bedroom, .Ing Center, Mlddletown. B«« Mary. ujrg; Keansburs, Port V,onmouth. Al- r dining room let at aale prices. Wll unutual In sSarly American Antiques wood, Florida around December 8. For A . washer, dryer, blinds, rug. Reducet •o Red Bank area from our offle* or MERCHANDISE m Lell rurnlturs Inc., Hwy. 15, and Decoratlvo accessories. A gift that Call CA M737. this week only, W.200. FR 8-4969. OUSEWORKER. COOKINO. Small «t home. SH, 7-5115. Iddlstown. SH 1-3313. open evening* can't be duplicated. Our free "OPEM- i • p. in. INQ DAYS" lift to you, a matche- Good Selection Of apartment, two adults. Experienced 'ARTS MAN—Mum be enperleneed. Ap- LADY DRIVINO TO Bt. Petenburg md references. Write "Cooking," Bo« FOR SALE 8BD REPKIOIRATORS and freesers fcur-seasone set of Currier A Iveo January S-P will take lady. $50 plus ill. Red Bank. ply In person. M. Schwartz at Sons, Print*. Com* and browse. CA S-477E. own expeneef. Write "ST. PETE." Box TRACTORS Chrysler, Plymouth, 141 W. Front St., sale, AIM repairing and . rennUh 511. Red Bank. USED CARS JOT TO LATE to earn Christmas Red Bank. BhSpry PfTtlJI JS BEDROOM SET nine-pieces Includlnr 1280 FOR REBUILT Gravely tractor money. Part-time, three nights par HAMMOND tnnersprlnc and mattres, SSB. Also eek. S-lt. CA 2-S89O. WORKING MANAOER wanted far Kon. tables, drapes, etc. CAB-ISM. See ' | wit: h mow plow. Phona mouth County'* newest, most mod- * '" ' VR BVO743. TLXPHONB aoLXOrrOlUa, HomeworE- •n dry cleanlnr plant; Plant will be ORGAN STUDIO MM KODAK Retina XA. with Mather ACCORDION r- 120 bass. Etcel- AUTOMOTIVE ers. These areas Stan Keansburg, completed In about four weeks. Prefer case, tripod and flaeh. Cost ever stor, good condition. SH 1-J383 FRANK Keaniburg, Port Mtomoulh. Also Red someone familiar In all phases of airy ol ASBCRY PARK WOO. Like new, STS, KB t-nos. . p-ni. AUTOS AND TRUCKS Bank area from sur office or at horn*. cleaning. Apply Mr, Oordon, Top Hat alsa —' •srno* —' Instruction WHY PAT FOR BIQHX IT «t JIISF APARTMINT SIZE refrlserator wit' IOATS * ACCISSOMIS 8H 7-B118. • ' Heanere, Route 30, Ulddletown. NTAUrUAM Olf ALL MOUELS •(•count* u "Rainbow" on fan, sleo- freetar, STOi Stofa bed, St.. Call rlc appliances, TV, radio, HI Fl.Sclee- UU atsTRCuRT. radio and httter. VAN SYCKLE COME SEE the world's./west boats HOtllBWIVES, wAo Ban not accept SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEE— bpaa dally 'ttl » p.m. Sat. 'til 1:10 p.m. CA s-aou, Four-door. Mutt selL Call after S p.m. »-* employment can ettll earn SH National Company will train man Oiokman Are. Vain St.. Aabury Park an of beautiful gift* far all "Rainbow" 1 AT i-osr* INC. In New Jersey'* Isrgert showroom. to S80 a week for three evenings work. with leadership quallUes. Aae 24-30. TO* opposite Acme lot). IIS. Sreaa St, NBPrilCB STANLEY nan'ah mo' Duy now • during our . tremendous win- Red Bank. em dlntac room suit* I3M, mstchlnc UBS CBRYSLER WINDSOR NASSAU AuUmrlMd Dodge Dealer :er savings' event at A 4 B Boat SH 7-0310. , '. Is an ouutan-iinr oportumty for man PR 5-9300 vn-plnee'bedroom suit* s?98. flvn-pler i "Squlposo, mat run: 11,000 miles Btles. Authorised Mercury 4 aale Buc- with vision. Earning of 110.000 up wtthlB 'ABHBR • STOVI. Dawburntr ta* •eetlonal living room suite, foam rub- sicemnt. an IM*. Established 1909 caneer Dealer, Hwy **. Belford. KB two years, flos per week to etart. Write stove, working order. CM, ABO ber cushions. $250. International Hid' •-Mas. 'TRAINEE" Bol Sli, Red Bank. 'Italic washer, needs repair • abed S200, Hartshorns living room sult^ I* Wen Front St. . Rad Ban] COUNTY ORGAN & iMd. 140. SH »-t»T. • S370. Burace * Son (next to Stein THREE CABIN BKiBKJFrms - Oood con- FEMALE ASSEMBLERS tor electronic MAN — Stock work and delivery. bach's parking lot). 34 Clay St., R«I: to TF UM, rad. Radio, heater, new dition. All W. One 1*0 tip. Chris equipment. LHht. • inttrtatUK wort. Apply In person, Carroll'* Stationers, IARK RED RUO — tsU Lawaon sofa Bank. opea dally tii, IB, Friday even alnt. Must saorlflee. MOO. Craft. HI 1-1141. ' Pleasant, consent*] enrlronment. Ei- IJ Broad St.. Red Bank. PIANO COMPANY with slipcover, •setllent eeadltlsn. IMS CHEVROLET IMPALA iport Alto. French Provincial gran velvet Ings?**. coupa. fully equipped, low ralleiie. AT 14114 perlence desirable. Apply »-4:3O. Eles- ELECTRONIC TEST TECHNICIAN - Authorized CONN ORGAN Dealer . VSED BOATS tronlo Ueasurementa Co., Inc. • Lewis Familiar with electronic test equip- eftalr Antique Queen Anne type rocker. New car demonstrator. Call Joa Forlno W! OLDSMOBILE, four4oor. hardtop. Visit our studio-showroom. Bee and uteh table, r long, beautiful eld tin* FOR CHRTHTMAS lT.ooo miles, oood eoMition, niboai Owen* t St.. ai Maple Ave., Xatontown. ment and procedures. Apply M:30, Rear the beauty of the CONN fiWiMt. Danish pastry. LotefHk, Sulla. Import- BH 1313ft Owene I Electronic Measurements Co. Inc., ilsh. Circa 1T40. Perfect condition. ood. BH 1-0123 after 8 p.m. Trojan Sedan. Ilka new 13800 HOUBEKEEPER — Ll»e In, Stt days. Then convince! yourself that you can ed Cranberries. Salt Slid. Imported 1M1 HUDSON HORNET. Hydramatlc. Two ofalldrem In family. References Lewis St * Maple Ave., Batontown. play In IS -mlsmtes. Cheese, Swedish. Danish. Norwegian. four-door. two naw tires. 1120. Call __ Owens, like new f55 IN A HURRY? Stn sold war* III* HAN8EN FISH MARKET BH 1MM. ' . JO- Richardion S2S0O required. Mrs. Russell, RU 1-333*. CARPENTER experiencedahakeablniile man only. Iwy. » IHt-SH Mlddletown Shops Hairdresser*. SS MoomoutU St. Red 1US Ocean Ave. sea Brlfhl FAIR HAVEN TACKT WORKS COOK for luncheonette. No evenhic* Bank. No appointment necessary, BE J-0289 IMS DODOE PANEL TRUCK. Call af- er Sunday*. BH 7-Z171 after open -til * p. sn. eicept Saturday Of, Fat Haven BH 7-3O10 CO FT Cold Jtport. refrigerator llae OPPORTUNITY BHOP ANTIQUES - a p.m. MARRIED MAN, wanted on dairy farm. U. a anrl foreign ntamne. Delft Must be able to operate milk' ni> «PINET PIANOS for rent. Find out I new, SfO Ffsb acquarlum with stsnd, • st ON DISPLAY COOK — H0U8EWORKER for two . purchase It your child I* HO American Flyer train get with placquej flow blue, copper chaflnc dish IMS STUDEBAKBR four-door Cham' adult*. Vuit be experienced cook and ihtneL drive tractor. Oood house pro- ill trey, beautiful plates, demitum i plon, alx cylinder, dependable, econo- 059 8IMCA for quick sale. Htl 8,000 1M0 Owent ft Trojan Crullers. Ltn Ided. WXbater 8-75S1. Edward Rlor- 'pUbls, . Ifull allowance of all. rental accessories, W>. Boys" Rink roller stock In N. J. Buy now on our I . lo first floor housework. Live In. Own on purchase. Choice of S makes. 12 •kat.i. IV,, tVCaU U.M1H IPS and saucers, cat, colored end pat- mical transportation. W25.SH7-42TC. nlies -^-'two-tone — In new condition. oora bath. TV. SH 7-23W after 7 dan, Windsor Farms, Farmlnffdate.N.J. terned glass*, sliver souvenir spoons >na owner. Here Is.your chance to get Away Plan for aprlng. Open Sunday, etyles. Tuning Piano Co.. IS Monmoutn DISCOUNISCOUNT ON PAINT — any color in marble top tables, pine chests, lamp BUICK — IMS. LaSabre. Four-door FAIR HAVEN YACHT WORKS m. MECHANIC OR MECHANIC'S helper. St.. Red Bank. sedan. S. a Trim, only 13.000 mllea. tie ol the world's finest economy ears Wanted by one of Monmouth'County's aidid e or outsidtide painit •pedal: St.M.StM ' tables, benches, 'washstands, " mnpli Like naw. Power steering, extra mow it a price anyone can afford. Will Fair Haven SH 7-301C YOUNO LADY WANTED — For Cos- TYPEWRITERS. AUUINO machine*. gallon. Wallpaper discounts. Ken made metic counter and drug atore. Apply srgest foreign car dealers. Good start- Lincoln rocker. Lots of small ltemi Urea. S3.U0. OB 1.1887. lance and Uk* trad*. ng salary and working conditions. For- All makesmaes, new or used, ouaranteed. v u wh >elllnr SEA SKIFFS 1960 n person. Do not phone I Katsln's Drug ilgn ear ekperlenfie helpful but not Ea*y Mriaav\i "Buy- era wners they .•wo.. TtoSSSSRS - - "- "'- IBM BUICK SPECIAL, convertible, black I SH 14209. Ask for Mr. Patterson Store, Shrewsbury- Ave., Red Bank. em.._ ' Low aas SM. Berslco's. 101 ML loo Red. and red, red leather seats with air 23' Luhrs lldlf, 109 h.p —.»3480 lecessary. Apply *t Continental Cars,' BBAU1 PAIR of mahogany plc- lilts. WOO. Call BH 1-89W. 25' Luhrs shelter skiff, 170 h,p. ....*4B0 SHIRT PRESSERS, experienced. Applv Inc.. IS West Newman Spring* Road, mouth St. West to theater BH 7-048*. trust JS' Luhrs ihelUr aklff. 1M h.p. In person. Morey La Rue, Highway 39, Red Bank. TO ARE HARVESTIHO our finest tp- •Ismp tables. Lamps, drspc-i. pits. Selected Red Delicious. Ooldcn medium Ha mnhosany bookcase with IMS FORD CROWN VICTORIA—Radio, 1H-1 RD ~ „.;.....__.; JS800 latontown. ... ad]ujtabl* ahelve*. Call after 6 on Frl- heater. WK S-4871. Very good con- 28* Luhr* Flying Bridge, 188 h.p. LIFE INBURANCSI CAREER wlthaone Delicious. SUymen Wlnesap. Macin- dition. , 1H-1 RD _._. „_".__ "..S64M GENERAL HOUBtWORKXR. perma- of the largeat Ufa Insurance com- tosh. Maeouna. For. eating and) eoo«- BAasETT eharry dining 2?/' "" day Saturday and Sunday. Demonstrating throuaUmit winter. nent position In ranch house, no unles. BaMry while training. Call SH Ing also R.L dreenlngs for pita. Buck- rammile Silte. OSO. t>»rtot-ilU»i nvsHece sasettBlSSttii W MM*. lMO DODOE IEDAN. food transports- leavy laundry. plalneooXUg. Excellent •4645 or SH 7-5009. Ita1 Fruit Farm and Nursery, Phalanx rry bejdroom suit* , wltt^ swing LION tton, latest '.Inspection, mechanically CHAPMAN'S BOAT SALES >pportuntty and. pleaaant aurroundlngs frame*. Mai BUM.SIMS Bassett Jroit- i L O-» OAUOB and O. Com- aound, Beads paint. STO. LI 3-1368. [or nice person. Xiperlenced. Sleep In. !AKE BAKER WANTED ipply In per Rd.. Uneroft SH 1-0980. Rout* 70 Rlverla Beach, N. J, Paris Pastry Shop, 4*• Broad St. nv*ear freight, tang ear. *uto- IBM FORD CUSTOMLJNE — Two-door, (Point Pleasant) ialary. ISO. RU 1-130*. ted Bank. WOOD - Seasoned oak; fireplace, stove wood breakfront, •»* «pl hsr**-on-loader ear, lea loading new Ursa and slipcovers. Radio. beat, EXPERTJBNCED WOMAN for reaUU- ud furnace. ItcOulre's Market, Rt d dock, exua boz ears, rernotS ar. defroster. KB S.14M. ranL HlRh salary and pleasnnt work- OLD ESTABUSHKD FIRM with over -4. ColU Nsek. WH S43B- Ivenlnse. 98T IMPERIAL. OB* el our own. ng* condition*. Apply or .radio HO: chrome kitchen etep stool, S3; shut, Mi cylinder, radio and heater, :^» for appolntmenL proarsmj. Matt sell wonca. IX Vim. clock radio. IS: oversized train table, K-*~4 rubber. Mi'f»t «"" by Friday. MOYAN—General algn, truck leUerlni lfV^ 4 for Uttl* money. SO years experlem COMPLETl RrrdHEN 817T-UP - B FOUR PAIR ladua- wool slaeks. alt* aaoo firm price. CA HO33. WOMAN to relieve housekeeper who FULL TIME Real Estate salesperson double Sinn, cablneu. Frlgldalre elec- is aH lSus SI MCA U N. Bridge Ave.. Red Bank. cares for Invalid. Once a week, Sat Active organisation 14. worn one*: two pair gabardtn*. H.O. TRAINS, treeks, ears, two en- 1888 BNOLISH FORD SEPHYR four- Call CO 41925 tric MOT*, automatic, double oven. Cor- ilte IS. never used. AT l-»*m door sedan, heater, new tires, red IF YOU THINK TWICE, you'll get urrtay 8 p.m. to ftuntfav 13 noon. SH 1- ner Breakfast nook. Youngstown baae ttnes. two transformers. • SH l-Ol*) Mather upholstery. »78J, no cash needed FOUR-DOOR ELYSEE our price. Painting contractors. H 0883 between 4:» . a p.m. REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON. Full cablneu II". It", SV'i wall cabinet* SHIRTS 1953 Ford Country Squire nine-pa'S^n BOOKKEEPER — Automotive expar time only. Real Estate enpertonce not llxM, MiX, 2414S. Lary susan comer. Far every naa an yoor list Fao- •QUIRRIL FUR ffTOLB. orlijinal vale aer, radio, heater, automatic, white $1895 ' POR TREE WORK, CaVO tree service. lence. Will oonetdor other*.- Ooed op- aeeaesary, but nun- have sailing baek- AH.eioelleot condition. Call after I p.m. onr. outlet Aabury Ssaruwaar.^wur lm..wlll *eU • ajr-gJO. SH 1-74M. walls. $888. no cash needed. Levlne ~opplng, trimming, removal. Call U nortunlty for right person. Matitwan •raund. Harry A. Kearney Si Co.. Rout* inwiburr * Patursoa AT*., stinwav ia,u»l Ail, Fair Haven. Motors. M Ocaanport Ave., West Loot BO for tree estimate. Full Insuran Pord. M Main SCTMatawan. LO 4-JIOOI. 39. Mldletown. 08 1-4N00. ask tor Mr. bury. Branch. CA M«S. Barron & Jarmon, Long Branch Bovs. TIN STORM AND BASH WINDOWS RCPRIOBRATOR. 90" coverage. •ART-TIME MAID wanted for . Any offer accepted. Must pick up. JNBERWOOD omcB typewriter"-«-.- . *4S,-; p Frlgidalra .*Ie*trlcli . range. .MovtntMi , PAINTINO AND PAPXRHANOINQ. nlshed roam house. Call SH l-tSO. REAL ESTATE BALEIMAN. full time. SH fsoos er CA MIH. fyarePdie a _b«by,baby wrltgecarriage ^ Woman's[hesSU; man's t offer aecepted. SH 7513T. AUTOS AND TRUCKS Frea estimate* given. H-4 p.m. Active orflee with excellent location. OMPUTB HBATINO STarrBH. Ca gray wonted suit sad twsejd MSwaat. IDEAL FOR CLUBS, CHURCHES, ETC. AT 1M» . Write to."Estate." Box SU. Red Bank. pacity of sis rooms, ell, asking ITS. I short, etch tlO. SH T-24TB. i OITS full qualifications. Live Christmas tree, sH-nely 20' SIMCA APPUAMCE RBPAIRa—And SUDpllea. good oondltloo. Call far appolatment'be- BROWN COWHIDE SOFA ant win* •prues.; Reasonable. BH T-4BS. LADY OR aENTLSMAN !ord I.S0 ana. ar --flar S:SO p.m.. SB chair. French slds table, storkllne FOUR-DOOR ETOILE Residential and commercial eutlete. HELP WANTED-MALB crib, droplet' tabu, ehast of drawer*, OIRL'S BIKB futures end appliance Installation. To- ten part or full time: fine 1-MTL $10 Ian Blsctrlc SH 7-ofll metlca Beauty.Formula and hlth «i._. r* enslne, wondsr born, and omsr SH 1-91SS IK95 WANTED ' perfumes. Write Beaut* d* Paris LONML HOUBS Items, BR Man. CONTINENTAL BUILDER - Highest quality custom ; 11M Broadway, Haw Torn City. Authentintic reprodroductionu ns ol tarltalt r Amer. CAUAUD COLT percussion mod*! nuoroAiiw REFRIOERATOR, work. New construction, alteration* 10 men between ages 30-38 to work glntl running order. «w. Barron aV Jarmon, Long Branch and repairs. For estimate, call Herbei recently- opened factory branch. lean AAecesweisisi and giftgifttss NotNorthh o pitopistoll , oomplete and orlglntl with Elgenraueh. SH 1-S20L Ab uamM^ ^Plr, eatsorles, Sin. Beautiful, easeeased per- HI t-ssn. • • No (lack periods er lay-off*, Thate SITUATIONS WANTED, Fsasals eusslolon dutllnduling plttol* over toloo yt*rytar* HWJART. Royal Horseman, with I h-e. are permanent positions. old. out Inpsrfeet condition, wlua ao- SCALES — t Brlggt-StrBtton engine. Last thsn USED CAR AUTOS AND TRUCXt AUTOS AND TRUCKS BABTBiTTmo. a* your borne or' esaorles, t3M. Many other One antique rear old. Cfcellent condition. Atkins Ittfornt typ t. S'lll', capacity S SALARY $93 PER WEEK Ol light eausofcyptoit ^FSns! firearmIrestrms rosfcth* beginner «r the aadd- MO. BU I-ISW after S p.m. ). Mutt b* removed by buyer. Phoni aervlc*. , Orslngtr. FA S-1HO. vaneed CALL SH 1-*»U EXPERIBNCXD BTBNOORAPHSR. eonven- TWO STANDARD SIZB) JORDAN UPRIOHT TRBEZER . »OOX) TABLES. RI1I1UOERATIOK af AN — Must dictating and typing: Typing preferred Hf 3-1038 YOU GET •xperlenead. Apply In person. Bai at home. Call Kn. WynbVrt. "Sl-UsT aM pound capacity. 150. RBOULATIOn SISB PINO POKO table. SPECIALS town TV. SO Bwy. SS, Batontown. DOMESTIC WORK three days a week. Venrgeed esndltlan. Walker-Turner tLEVUflON — If RCA eustsm-btUlt M" Jigsaw with stand, molar and at- consols with doer*. S3S. Radio 17. TV REPAIRMAN - Full or part-tin*. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Call TINT UPR1OHT PIANO. SS toys, .r, •H 7-O48S. ft. high. VA ft. long. Oood csneltloa. eassories. Simplicity roto-tuier Ilk* new. laturday. Sunday, call SH 1-3TIS. Vacations, holMars with nay. Apply tias. u 2-SOOB. Call SH 1-4443. MORE VALUE „In personPCL . Eatontown TV. SO Bwy. M. WOMAN WILL CARD for children dav rWO-PIECSS SECTIONAL •"'». tur- TYPEWRITERS—Royal Quiet Deluta IRL'S SS" BICYCLE — Remington 'auolse slip savers, cost W23. *acrl- '59 HUlman Conv. $1823 Eatontown. or mght. References. Pisa** call SH Ice till. CA 2-8242. MM2. portable H43 model llks new 170 lakes Noiseless typewriter, coffee table. •59YHCA $2150 MEN It Also standard office model 14S. Brian sewing cabinet, child's chest of drawer*. 1RAY PERSIAN LAMB coat, beautiful FOR YOUR Have openings In our elrcutatton de- Hemhauier, 24 Vineyard Ave., Bait electric *t*im radlttor, AT. 1-OH*. condition. al» 1M4. Call •St Porsche 1600 Coupe $2995 partment. No experience necessary. Will SITUATIONS WANIED-MALE Keansburg. KM t-MTt, , URL'S JS" Bagllsh bicycle, like new: OS MM) rain. Married men preferred. Call Mr. MANUFACTURER of fine solid brass three-piece llvtni^room set; phono. Strong SH 1-O010 for appointment. YOUNO MARRIXD MAN wishes part- VORrtB lTlu. n« refrl"»-atoT. tl28: 'M Flat 1200 Conv. $2095 time work. Evening! after s:8» sad lampe offers dlaeontlnued numbers st naph • radio. I S413S. WestlnghotiH washer. |7J; Bicycles, $$$$ reduced prices. Tower Craftsmen; 108 17; hltn chair. 15; bird cases, tl: 12" '« Austin-Healey Sprite $1650 CARETAKER. . OARDINER . HANDY. weekends. Strons seltlng backsmund. Chestnut lit, Red Bank. MAN Desire work In salt* or related Holds. . - . Jrtplass Hsc Sander; 'men, women, children. Mlddlstown estate, excellent refer- Write "D.E.." Bex 111. Red Bank. n« SUV AMD SELL sanything ^ltt Vl^r* ^(TsUHVsT*- 4PSvVt ^r—* Infant'*, clothes, like n<"v record play- '58 Hlllman Husky Wag. $1295 ences. Write "CO.", Box 511. Red evervthlni. Olve the ni eommodas, S4.1S, upholrtared >r; much more. U 3.36SS. AT MAN will do, yard, cellar cleaning, Cmir«fl"llV*m uilY Wmn\tn?t *Ins..P Hwy. Bank. window washing, light trucking, r an wiuiam Uff Furitur U.S0. Hll rug. US. ate. RUMIU. U BOY'R B'KE. 24" Columbia. Lionel '58 HUlman Husky Wag. $1150 a). ItTddleuwn. SH I-WII. Opan *vs- Front St trains, 077. Other boy* toy*, every- YOUNO MAN wanted over U year* eleenlng, warning. AT 1-1S54. nlng* till I p. m. '58 Saab Sedan $1295 old for general work In dry cleaning* KW FURNITURE BAROAIRS—Knee- thing new. SH 141311. tlant. Will teach complete dry clean' MESSBNOBR SBRVICB' O. B. BLECTRIC RANQB — Uke new, hole desk, tn.M; bookeaaer Siroo; '58 Austin-Healey $2495 ng business. Must be presentable and For business, professional and horn priced to sell. Convertible deep well, magattne racks, SLTS: WTitt-not tnervs*. CIRCLE •teady. Apply In person Mr. aordon, Letters, paresis, documents. Nothing over-sited oven, lots of drawer spaes. IW; brsakfatt sets, »19.8o: mattresea, MERCHANDISE WANTED Roadster Top Hat Cleaaears, Route 35, Middle we will not detlver. Holiday deUvnlt*. push button controls. Mutt see. to LsC; utility etbtntu, SUSS. eta. Ru*. Call SH 7-2144. predate. U IW, SS •. Front St. • '58 MCA $1895 PIANOS — Highest prleee paid. H. Ten- AMstRICAN P1NSS - Canxd ser. MS Main St. Lakewood er Lake- AUTOS AND TRUCKS "> AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS ANDTRUCrtt rocksn. caned chilis. Also r*Bnt»h- wood MIBO '57 HlUman Husky Wag' $1075 CHEVROLET _!•.'rapalrlns. Broken lees our spec ar tfT iMnaid-rllM AnUauaa,. SS I U S. COINB - RAMPS - Top prices •58 Hlllman Minx $1075 nils ltd., LsanardoTAT 1-279*. paid for • g*M. old currency. eMIee- ..ons. odd tots; old eorrpspnnrienea Deluxe Sedan tstat* apnralaala. Monmouth mampt- 1955 VOLKSWAGEN AUIOt AND TjlUCKl coin* M Monmouth St SH IMM. •57 TR S Roadster $1900 Sun roof. Rich green. Radio, heater. TWO DOLL CARS1IAC1ES , reasons '57 Morris Conv. $1095 This won't be here long! good condition, reasonable. •57 Lloyd Sta. Wagon $275 Pretemief DONATED PIANO for St. John's Bun- day School. Little Sllvor Will pay '87 Ford Aflglla $ 795 1957 DODGE cost of moving, contact Father A. AH J-dr. hardtop. Two-tone green. Radio, heater, WW HAVE YOU tenborough. SH T-M75. '56 Porahe 1600 Coupe $2425 NTIQUES - Wetthervanea. marine Urea, push-button drive. As clean at we've ae'en. palnUnss. books of New Jersey, 56 HUlman Husky Wag. $ 750 , i l*mp*. wood coverings, furniture. E«. SEEN THE ALL NEW •ER I960 laUS purchased and *ppr*l*ed. Phone 'MKarmann Ohla $1650 IH 7-l5n. The Hudson'Bhop. Inc. UI •marl SI Shrewsbury. FLASH! FLASH! — RENAULT OLD FURNITURE - Antiques chins. glassware, art objects and brlc*. rac. Immediate cash for anything and 1959 CHEVROLET CORVETTE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! everything. Ruscll's. 2» East Front SL AS IS SPECIALS Raven black with red interior. Radio, heater, hard- top, soft topi 370 h. p. engine, 4-ipeed trammlsilon. LATEST TRADE-INSI . Very low mileage, Hurry down today and . . . . 12,000 miles, '39 Ford $ 95 '60 FORD •M^OLfunyV equipped. . . PITS AND UVISTOCK white, one own< •50 Austin 4-dr. $ 150 - —^er, 4- SAVE m A-l MIDDLETOW.V KENNELS '50 Dodge Sta. Wagon $ 150 AND THE NEW SIZE 'H PIUOEOT —I1SN Tim* Paymenln, No Finance Co. atttlon wagon,, a. XMAS LAY AWAY '51 Willys Wagon $ 550 •teeenger, very low mlleaie, roof rack, Mlt«t puppies .1... .13-tS-Ho '53 Dodge Sta. Wagon $ 150 1986 CHEVROLET etcepllonslly clean Hln-TIn type Shecerdj J«5 11 Collies, sable and white !M '54 Hlllman Sta. Wagon $ 495 Hardtop. Ivory gray. RAH, padded daah, tinted •J9 nOLIATH IUSS Cockeri, alt colors glaii. V-8 with Power|lide—an unbeatab'c team. FORD "FALCON ? •litlon Wagon. 1- Ileatlei „._ _. '55 Olds 18 Hardtop $550 nir. mulpixd OS \-f!H IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! 'M I'OIlnClin 41700 Hwy, 35, next to Klnnry Bhoflt. CONTINENTAL' Thli li only • partial lilting of eur value-paeksd super Hnoedtler, real buy, DACHBIHINII l.ONOHAlltKn pupplci. can and trucks. Ten weeUit, AKC. r««I:Inlt'rt'il. wurnlrd SEE AND TEST DRIVE THEM TODAY AT •ml InnoutaU'd. HII T-ltKMJ. Cars Inc. I960 VOLVOS I LIVl!. (TlilU.KY ChrHI'Mia i!l l lor JDOOIIH «n,| 4.UOOK* your chllil Thrrn nionlli o),1 Only Quality Imported FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS TO 3 ami («p»i"l trans.-All oolori 'urnsln, criphor pup. AIM ri'itliti'ri'il. llrcrtljlllt up vvllli rlillilri'n. Hll I-2H1, Automoblloi BMAI.'l, nRI'OHIT Wll.l, ll.>l.i l.ivilliln ciillli' pup f-ir C^rHlinii^. Trlii ami 19 E. Nowman Springs Rd. KROLL MOTORS INC. In*, tnntn. AT I-JIW. Circle Chevrolet co. RED BANK iK \ It hT.lT(hriilnVit" "liliirrnis li, v^ry afnllo. »JH1. i'all HII 7- Red Bank AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER [• 2JIKI. 325 MapU Ave. SH 1-3130 Red Bank AUTO IMPORTS TWiT I'rr OMI GMAC TERMS OPEN 'TIL 9 P. M. 671 BROADWAY CA 2-3600 LONG BRANCH I. DICK ami IIOII MA'lTIIKWK SH 7-4500 119 K, MBWMAM (IflllNrlH ItO.M) I'l re RED BANK—SH 1-5886 ii»r Mil REP BAffK REGISTER MU PHI MIS 26—Friday, Vec. 4. 1959 IUMCH HOMB UHnmirUHID, two bedrooms, $1* monthly, yearlr rent- < Homss For SPECIAL INVITATION RAY VAN HORN PETS AND LIVESTOCK si and several furnished and un- ROLAND PIERSON furnished rentals In all sizes and price REALTORS AUSTRALIAN TERRIERS — amall ranges. Ella Wiltshire Agency, 14M Better Living AGENCY »m«.rt and nudECl priced. Reserve Ocean Ave., Be a Bright. BE 24004. OPEN HOUSE Over a Quarter Century Chrlslnms puppy i">»- Pleasant gas- WIDE SELECTION OF RENTAL* - lure Kennels. Ml Porsell Dock Hi., Furnished and unfurnished. Immedi- REALTORS . Tolnt Pleasant. TW 9-055;. Through RENTALS — Authentic' colonial. New. ate occupaney. Samuel Teleaer Agency. APPLE VALLEY Ir painted. Living room, dining room, BASSET JIOUND — Very flashy tri- Oceanport Ave., oceanport. Call or dial 300 Half Mile Rd. Red Bank kitchen, three bedrooms, bath, fire- color male pup. Ten weeks, wormed, LI 2-3S00 or H 2-3401. place 1105. Studio spartment, fur. puppy shots, lint temperament. Olhert. TWO-YEAR OLD Cape Cod. two bed- WALKER A WALKER SATURDAY AND SlJNDAY I 5 P. M. SHadyside 1-7575-6 nlahed MS. Other houses end apart- Klnr» Kennels, IU. M. Oskhurst. KE roomi, 4\{ roomi, lull baaement. Im- ments from W1S to wm. .; -. i:i>37. mediate occupancy, unfurnlahed. One JtEALTORS We Invite all those discrlmlnallnt. people looking for a custom built three PHA RUMSON — Four-bedroom co- COLI.IE TUPS — AKC. aable mile from Parkway entrmnce. 8H 1-17M. bedroom, two lull bath home to Inspect this charming ranch. Finished with Mortgages — Insurance onlal 114 baths. Large dining room. trl-color, exciting new hardwood parquet floors. Roomy kitchen plus beautiful birch Basement. Large screened porch. Ga- FURNISHED BUNGALOW — Living PICTURE PRETTY three-he B-aSBO. ts. 8H 7-14U. tance to bus, schools, shopping. Cal Ohlsen Realty home, shade, basement, storms BEAUTIFUL RIDING HORSE com IMALL HOUSE — FURNISHED, MO. Your Local Heal Estate Broker FHA RIVER OAKS — Blvsr rights. Plete with saddle, bridle, and halter, Three-year-old ranch, beautifully and screens. Asking $16,400. Uaa of dock. Attractive modern home. Rumson. Phon. maintained and landscaped. Three bedrooms. Two tiled baths. Fire- HI 3-1141. NEW MONMOUTH, N. J. OSborne 1-3322 GRACIOUS LIVING place. Bsssmtnt. . Hot water oil heat, THREE-ROOM BUNGALOW fumlshsd, Large cheerful living room. •orch. S3.000 down. Monthly ,ny- sew decorated, all utllltlea In- Oversized modern kitchen. Three Directions: North on Hwy. 35 approximately thre* miles to traffic light at Near Red Bank, excellent loca ments S134.M. Move rl|nt In. Alklng REAL ESTATE FOR RENT lluded. Call CA 2-0SM. bedrooms. Completely finished, fir* corners, bear right on Tlndall Road 1V4 mile* to Mlddletown Road In tion,,large plot, living room, din- $22.TOO. • - • APARTMENTS FOUR ROOM HOUMG — OIL hea paneled family room. Aluminum terteetion turn right then bear left on Church Street to Apple Valley. INVESTORS ATTENTION — This new- Wykoff Road, Reevytown, gH 1 ing room, five bedrooms. Ask- ly decorated converted dwelling has FURNISHED APARTMENTS—1, 3 and screens. ASKING ONLY »1«,000. ing $45,900. four apartments, which rent for S34T 3 hedrooma. Water, beat supplied. URNISHCD HOUSE — Five rooms, monthly or t*,M4 yearly. Taies »511. |7S to »100 monthly. CA 81851 completely redecorated All year BRAND NEW SPLIT LEVEL in AHlng tM.no.- Brokers protected. TWIN GABLES APARTMENTS three round Electric and water lupplled excellent location near school*, ALLAIRE & SON AGENCY, INC. LAKEFRONT — lovely view. TAwtr- and four roorai. boat dock, elevator, Muat furnlah own beat HI 3-1141 WEART-NEMETH Ing treet. over »i acrt, Seven-room patio on river. SH 1-2399. UTTLJ SILVER — Ranch, seven bus and station. Good construct- Monmouth County's Oldest Real Estate Firm ranch. Flreplaee. Dining room. Three bedrooms. Blectrle ' kitehen. Den«Bar- TORT MONMOUTH — Four roomi loomt, all heat, two-car garage, Mrs. ion by well-known local builder. lance, 134 Maple Ave., Red Bank. LINCROFT -If you never seem to find a house with all the refine- AGENCY becue. Chlldrena' play yarj. Boiling. furnished. All utilities. Adulta only, Living room with wood-burning ments you wish, LOOK AT THIS - Four years old, stone and frame Fishing. Duck shooting. Ss>.000. •. KE fi-4156. UNQALOW — Four rooms and bath fireplace, dining room, spacious 102 WEST FRONT STREET ROLLING HALF ACRE — Tort neigh- ATTRACTIVE. CLEAN, one or two Suitable for adulte Ml per month kitchen. Three bedrooms, l'/4 ranch, three bedrooms, panelled den with huge window facing borhood. Nsw eight-room split level. room furnished efficiency apartment. 3all KB «-4U4 baths." Family room. I.sundrv woods, raised hearth in living room, full garage, acre of land- Four bedroomi. IVt btUw,'Recreation Private kitchen, convenient location. 3CEANPORT — Available Decemba. SHadyside 1-2240 room. Formica kltchtn. ; Fireplace. room. SENSIBLY PRICED AT sure the price is $26,500 but if you GOTTA GO, YOU GOTTA GO. Dishwasher. Two-csx nrsg*. slsse- SH 1-8394. 10, Brand new •put level unfurnished. FHA . MIDDLETOWN - $1000 down to anyone, large two bedroom FIVE-ROOM DUPLEX, cross ventlla Three) bedroomi, living room, dining $24,500. ment. Built ta sell for taMO. Marked lion, newly decorated. area, kitchen, den, lU baths. Ful ranch in country location, living room and dining room with fire- 24 • Hour Service . down to *tl,MO! basement, attached sraragt, fenced li 811 1-4890 1 place, large modern kitchen, cellar finished offT breereway and yard. No objtclon to children, wo P* j COUNTRY SETTING-City con- "RESULTS COUNT" 804 Rim Road : 4H-ROOM APARTMENT — Newly dee- month. Bamuel Telchsr Agsncy. Ocean veniences,' good value, modern oversized garage, large lot, house empty, we have key. Price $16,- orated, two bedrooms), $90 per month. port Art., Oceanport. Call or dial U 9 509. CA n-1198. 3900 or LI 2-3901. four-bedroom, two-bath raneh on LITTLE SILVER Fair Haven, N. J. THREE ROOMS and bath, all utilities, LITTLE SILVER — Uafurnllhed. Five large landscaped lot. Full base- How often can you find a house with LARGE ROOMS? SHREWS- year round, S80 month. Phona BE rooms, two bedrooma, bath, basement ment. Newly painted exterior. Desirable eight-room t split level SHadysid* 7-4100 !9717. BURY two bedroom Cape Cod with expansion attic, sunny break- in top residential area. Four and garage. |125 monthly. Yearly lease. Fine interior. Owner will con- fast room and kitchen, garage, large plot, price $15,000., OWNER THREE ROOMS—Furnished or unfur- Blwood A. Armstrong, 995 Prosper sider second mortgage. See this bedroorns, two full baths plus nished. Elderly couple or women pre- Ave.. Little Silver. SH 1-4500. TRANSFERRED. lavatory, recreation room, ultra- ferred. No pets. HO Wallace St. BH 1-4386 8HRKWBRURY BORO — B(aroom today. Fairly priced. Good in- WALKER 4 WALKER FOUR-ROOM unfurnished apartment. house. Two tile baths, attached ga- vestment for the future — $19,- Williim C. Waterman, Real Estate Manager modern kitchen,' garage, Vi acre v Hot water heat, two miles north of age, choice residential section. Im- plot. Immediate occupancy for Realtors mediate occupancy. Rent, 1171. 8H 7 500. Red Rank. JS5 monthly. BH 1-74S4 or 24M. 199 BROAD STREET SHadyskle 1-3450 only $24,000. •It 7-2253. . REDUCED TO $20,000 and well Highway 35 Hazlet, N. S. THREE-ROOM nicely furnished apart- EIOHT-KOOK HOUSE, 314 baths. Am ment, flnt floor, private entrance. pi* grounds, excellent, convenient lo- worth it. Rambling three-bed- RIVER PLAZA CO 4-5212 All utllltlea furnished except electricity. cation on horse farm. Van Vlttt Agency UAL ISTATI FOR SAU RIAL ESTATE FOR SAU WH «-44M. room rancher on '/& acre land- Riverview Cape Cod with four HE 2-1723-J. scaped lot. Screened porch. Open 7 pays THREE ROOMS FURNISHED with LONO BRANCH — Three-bedroom HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR 9KLB bedrooms, 1V& baths, full base- heat, hot water. SH 1-T0K. Near Bed ranch. 1H baths, unfurnished, one Workshop. IK baths. Modern ment, fenced rear yard, oh dead- NEW, NEW* RANCH Bank station. slock from school. 132 Rosewood ' Ave. kitchen. Dining room. 4V&% IO BROKERS. IUO monthly slug utili- end street. Ideal for children. ready for occupancy — THREE ROOMS UNFURNISHED — ties, ane month security, one year mortgage available.. JOSEPH G. McCUE HARRY A. KEARNEY Top value at 915.900. Pleasant ground floor, prlvata en- leas*. Owner. CA S-192T. Three bedrooms, lane bright trance. Sea Bright. RU 1-052S. ;ONTXMFORARY amall completely ACCENT ON BEAUTY - Look- REALTOR & CO. kitchen, disappearing stairway to THREE-ROOM Furnished- apartment, furnished horns en water. Holy Cms ing for the unusual?. Here is RUMSON RANCH attic storage; a compact custom heat and water fumtehed. Pay ownares. Fireplace, sleeps four to sla, creative design at its best. Roll- Consult A Realtor — Three bedrooms, two baths, fire- buuilt home in a quiet, friendly utilities, garage. F70 month. BH 7-217S. attractive Mtehen, on* bath. Until June 30 Ridge Rd. RUmson 1-0444 place in living room, -dining FURNISHED apartment, ttree rooms. 15th. »125 monthly. Ellen 8. Hasleton ing one acre wooded lot, with You Can Be Sure. neighborhood, local and city bus all .conveniences. For Information call Realtor. RU 1-2003. running brook, in delightful Old "THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE room, electric kitchen, huge en- transportation only two blocks, SJH 70477. ' FURNISHED RANCH TVPE bungalow. Shrewsbury. Chalet type ranch TO SEE IT IS TO LOVE IT —closed porch, garage. Attractive also shopping stores. . Just re- THREE FURNISHED apartments. Living room, fireplace, dining room, with balcony set on • hillside. setting with trees and shrubs in cently FHA appraised. with 30- Nicely decorated, all utilities. Year kitchen, two bedrooms, bath; hot water Covered porch entrance. All FOR OVER 35 YEARS' TO LOVE IT IS TO BUY IT! round, with be&utlful scenic view. HI 3-oil beat. Available on annual lease. fine residential area.' Good value year mortgage available. Low noo monthly. John Mlnurh, realtor brick fireplace wall, in paneled Are you interested in a colonial 1141. '__ Rumson Rd. Phone RU 1-OTlg. EXPERIENCE" house with ranch conveniences? at $28,500. down payment, pre-Christmas oc- EATONTOWN, modem unfurnished four living room. Dining room with rooms. Heat and hot water, garage. HOLMDEL VILLAOE VICINITY Ideal a view. Newest of new kitchens Three bedrooms and two baths cupancy. Inspection invited. Sel- Tear round, adults only. LI 2-0410. eight-room English Colonial house re- RUMSON — Unusual split level ling for $(2,990. cently remodeled. Four bedroome, two with closets from floor to ceil- on main floor, and in the base- Her 4 p. m. porches, utility room, two baths, pow- ing. Exquisite den with paneled with view of Shrewsbury River. ment, a gameroom with a guest Rolston Waterbury THREE ROOMS FURNISHD. Utilities. der room. Every convenience, base- chair rail. Three bedrooms. Two Living room-dining area, kitchen, bedroom. Only the finest was llnenn, parking Included. Desirable board radiation oil heat, attached two- recreation 'room, powder room. EXCELLENT BUSINESS LOCA- nelBhbornood. Adulu only. 89 Prospect car garage. Superb view. 1350 month. baths. Full basement. Most un- used in construction of this new Pre$ent$! TION ON BUSY HIGHWAY.with . Ave, corner John St. SH.1-3MB. WH 6-4819. usual outdoor living room with Three bedrooms, tiled bath. Full home in the tall, towering trees l'/i-story, three-year-old, home' in THREE-ROOMS furnished or unfui YEARLY LEASE five rooms, two bed barbecue wall TRULY A basement, attached garage, low of Oak Hill. This home is theCENTURY OLD HOME — Com-top condition. Hot water oil nished, bath, private entrance. Center rooms. Little Silver cottage. Large DREAM HOUSE. $31,900. taxes. $21,000. pletely secluded op over an acre 01 town. BH 7-4574. lot. garage, fireplace. Near busline and best value on today's market at of beautifully landscaped grounds heat, aluminum storm windows, FOUR LOVEL.Y ROOMS arnt bath. railroad station. 990 per month. Hall RUMSON — A real buy. Very only $28,900. Come See — Buy. screens and doors, one-car at- Weat Bros. Realters. Ill River Rd. Fair having priceless boxwood, holly, Garage. 131 Wall Street. Haven. SH 1-7SM. large plot with trees. Nearly tached garage 18x24. Deep lot IJCIUZ Branch. WALKER & WALKER laurel, . shrubs and towering OUR ROOM COTTAGE unfurnished new rancher, plaster walls. Liv- CASH TALKS with parking area. City sewers. TWO-ROOM furnlaned apartment, bath, Do you want three bedrooms, trees. The home is beautifully Bargain price $l»,oK>. ' ' utilities included, flrat floor, J4« central location, adulta preferred. 9B* ing room-dining area, attractive restored; containing living room Prldje Ave., Red Bank. monthly, plus utilities. Iweeney Agency REALTORS two baths, den, full laundry RU 1-1491. paneled kitchen, three bedrooms with original picture window, full NEWLY DECORATED UNFURNISHED and bath. Full basement) at- room, wall-to-wall carpeting, and four-room apartment. Heat, hot water, EATONTOWN — Three-hedroom ranch Highway 35 Shrewsbury fully grown trees? Here are dining room, kitchen with mod' garage, near achool and transportation. house, electric kitchen, basement. tached garage, patio, wood-burn- era conveniences, den, two bed- REDDEN AGENCY 11! Bath Ave.. Long Branch. CA t-1188- Call after « p.m. OS 1-1478. SHadyside 1-5212 ing fireplace, most convenient some of the financing facts for rooms, H4 modern baths. .Wide TWO-ROOM FURNISHED apartment. TWO-BEOROOM HOME. Living rsDm this buy of the year: VA% Mort- Realtors — Insurors dining area, kitchen, full btssment, area. $21,900. satiny pine floors, full dry, clean Utilities, parking. Hwy 35. SH 1- storage attic. Good schools, close to OPEN T DAYS gage; $2,500 assumes this im- basement. Two-car barn with TC79. buses, markets and Red Bank station. MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP — mediately available home, and IMMACULATE TWO-BEDROOM RED BANK MODERN garden apart. $100. Rlgby Associates. SH 1-1741. workshop. «nd loft. Playhouse home with expansion space,1 tile ment four rooms, two bedrooms, liv- Head and shoulders above all you pay $108 a month. Do this and barbecue. Delightfully priced ing room, kitchen with dlnteg area. ATTRACTIVE four-bedroom Cape Coil, competition. Real country, trees, and you own a $17,500 home. bath, garage, gas r»nse and' re- 9129.50. Select residential neighborhood. two tiled bathe, living room, dining at $24,908. room, large kltenen, reereatlon - room. UAL UTAH KM SAU RIAL ISTATI KK SAU high ground, approximately frigerator included. $19,000. . FH 1-7B33. " attached garage. Brand new. 917ft per acre. Split level. Center hall, WANT A $16,000 HOME FURNISHED apartment, living ram. month. Rlgby Associates. SH 1-7741. HOUSE! FOK SALE . HOUSES FOB SALE EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, inrjted bedroom, kitchen, bath. All utilities. living room (fireplace), kitchen, FOR $15,000 RoUton Watejrbury Anulta. 990 monthly. BH 1-1404. THREE-BEDROOM HOME. Qulel Bank. Four bedrooms and den. street. Estontown. living room, mod Three bedrooms, two tiled baths Yes, the FHA appraisal on this REALTOR MORTGAGES FURNISHED — Two bedrooms, llvlni em kitchen, refrigerator. Hit, Rlgb; up, bedroom and tiled bath down, Good location,' .convenient to room, kltcnen, bath, near station Associates. SH 1-7741. BERG three-bedroom, VA bath, split INSUROR, APPRAISALS schools and shopping. $18,900. 9100 per month. BH 7-003*. Jos. P. Schwartz plus large recreation room. Base- level home is' $16,000! The own- THREE ROOMS, bedroom, living room, ment, two-car attached garage. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — FurnlShi kitchen and bath. Water, gsi ant VETERANS er has been transferred, so has 16 WEST FRONT STREET ALL BRICK COLONIAL near Rtudio apartment. Sleeps one or two. Top grade neighbors. $28,900. 1 electricity Included at sss. Rlgby As- Agency to move immediately and will school and bus line. Six rooms, Near to shopping, transportation. A" * sociates. SH 1-7141. NO DOWN PAYMENT RED BANK, N. J. 1-tKlo. EATONTOWN—Early American sell for only $15,000. Move in fireplace, cellar, screened porch. NEW BHHEWBBURY — Three bed 976 PER MONTH 37 E. Newman Springs Rd. st once to this comfortable, con HIGHLANDS — Three rooms, bath rooms, largs living room, kitchen, farm house. Cornerstone marked •SHr 7-35(30 Steam heat, $19,500. around floor, no children, furnished breakfast room, .laundry, recreation net. Brick lined, beamed ceil venient home. . 975: unfurnished Hi. FR 8-2*11. room, full cellar, two-ear serago. Large 110,990 FULL PRICE Red Bank SH 7-3121 ARE YOU INTERESTED in hav- FURNISHED on bus line two blocks lot. IMS month. Rlgby Associates. SH IMS house It money in the bank lo inga. Approximately VA acres, RURAL RANCH IN COLONIAL ing a home custom built to your from railroad station. Living, bed- 1-7741. the salesman whe Hate* it. The first NO DOWN PAYMENT on three building lots which may room, kitchen, dinette, bath, washing RUHSON — Nawly daeorated, unfur- person w*e sect It has to bar It. be sold off. 11 rooms, three SETTING William S. Garrison own specifications? Builder has machine .SH 1-W30 atk for Mill Warm- nished four rooms, hot sir oil heat, There are tune ltrfe bedroome, equip- For qualifled .vet, bun charming King's Highway vicinity seta this lot in a fine area in Rumson. tngton. - detached two-car garage, small family, ped science Miehu, butmim, alumi- V/i-nom Cape Cod with ful baths, three fireplaces. House no pets, lease, $110 per month; Fur- num combination storm seah and ranch. Three bedrooms, living AGENCY Call us for details. : . , RED BANK — Four-room and two- serssnt. rants, blinds, and leeated en basement and expansion attic. has been modernized and is in room apartments. Well furnish-d. nished three rooms, saa heat, no pets, room with fireplace, real Chef's leaae, $80 per month. Dennis K. Byrne, a beautifully lindseaBed 1st. Immedi- Only$12,M0. Non-veU need $800 fine condition. Low taxes, sew- REALTOR — INSUROR decorated, garage, parking apace BH ate, possession. kitchen, attached garage, base- 19180. Realtor. * W. River Rd.. RU 1-11S0. down. ^ erage. Workshop wired for pow' 77 Broad St. Red Bank REDDEN AGENCY RED BANK — 4>J room unfurnished FORT MONMOUTH CONVENIENCE! (Trade-ins Considered) er tools. Here is an excellent in- board hot water heat. Vacant, apartment. Heat and water supplied. Immediate occupaneyl Cape Cod. ATTENTION PROFESSIONALS vestment. Offers invited. Ask- and you can move right in for SHadyside 10801 301 Mapl»Ave. Cor. Bergen PI. Immediate occupancy. Molly Pitcher Cellar, three bedrooms, $110 monthly, Monmouth County Office only $18,500. Village Court. LI 2-2TM- plus utilities. New Shrewsbury. Adam 14-room Red Bank home and ing $32,500. Agency • SH 1-SoM • II X. Bergen PI. REAL VALUE - Ranch t) SH 1-5660 % THREE ROOMS unfurnished, utilities Red Bank. "24 Hour Service." THE BERG AGENCY three-car garage, just perfect for WHICH ONE? living room with fireplace, din- Included, near transportation. Busi- doctor, dentist, ect. Five rooms FAIR HAVEN - Finest River NEW MONMOUTH — Three-bedroom ness couple 975. AT 1-1753. "PersouiiHci acmes" Oaks area. Access to beautiful $700 down includes closing ex- ing room, kitchen, two bedrooms, Colonial split. 1<4 baths, largs fami- on first floor and five on second; Shrewsbury River. Saucy, pert, tile bsth, fenced yard. Refriger- ly room, attached garage, full Visa* EXCEPTIONAL — Three-bedroom, fur- WANTED TO feff OSbonw 1-1000 five separate entrances; almost penses for any of these three va- ment, flagstone patio, dead-end street nlnhed. Own entrance. Good area. IU. *• Mddletown, N. J. barn red colonial. Nicely land' cant repossessions. Unbelievable! ator, washing; machine included. Many ether extras, Aiiums 41*^ per •Jtllltes supplied. 9150. SE MJTi or THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE, In Rum. an acre, with river rights. Must sat., SUB. IS . T scaped comer plot. Ideal young Taxes under $300. Full cellar, cent O.L mortgste. Mutt twenties, OB BE 2-0OS4. • ' son, for family of three. One yesi be seen. Asking $40,000. 1. Middletown — five rooms, two 124s. PUPLEX three-room unfurnished apart. lease. RU 11040. Furnished or unfur family or older couple. Most baths. $9,300. good location, minutes to Ret ment. ground floor. 129 Wallace St. nished. •NCHANTTNa. COLONtAL RANCH — economical. Living-dining area Bank — $15,900. HOD DOWN eft Spring St. Occupancy Jan. 1st. OB 11* aerst of beautiful lawna with STORYBOOK RANCH 2. Hazlet — five rooms. $11,500. Cape Cod maeonry construction; living BH 7-4449 between 9 and • p.m. Spacious custom-built three-bed- (fireplace), two bedrooms, tiled room, eersmlo tile bath, two bedrooma a ttltettd varltty of traniBlantti 3. Matawan —two bedrooms, ex-ONE ACRE wooded lot in estate and apacloua kitchen with saa range on FURNISHED ROOMS trees, artistically placed to provide the room home with two-car garage bath, kitchen. Second floor: bed- first floor. Attic finished off Into eitra LONO BRANCH — Flvs-room duplex best In living comfort, privacy and pansion attic, one bath. $10,-area. Reduced $1,000 for im- apartment with full basement. Two and full basement. Gorgeous two-room, tile bath, large storage mediate sale. large bedroom' with three walk-In elos- Bedrooms. Available end of December MODERN MOTEL ROOMS charm. Pour Bedroomi, -t% bathi, area, full basement. Real bar- 500. eti. Fully Insulated. Hot wattr oil heat, nr first of year. CA 2-0210. Regular type, TV, phone, tub ahower. center hall, lirgs living room, fire- acre tree-studded property. Situ- combination aluminum ttorm and 9M per month,' single oeeupaney. SIM place, full dining room, pins paneled gain. $22,700. Yest — any one for $700! VETERANS — No down payment — screen windows throughout the houaa. TWO ROOMS AND BATH furnished. per month, double occupancy. Coffee den, modern country kitchen with spa- ated in desirable Little Silver 879 per month. When, a house like this Many other nice featurea such as All utilities clous eating area, sorsentd porch, section. Asking $33,900. lells for- less,' people will nave to he genuine plaster walls, split rail fence, BH 1-8881 ahop-restaurint-lounge. Diner's Club. curved brick patio encompassed by RUMSON-Owner Florida bound, COLONIAL — CLASSIC — shade trsss snd Ivy, two-ear garage, asks us to price this house to too broke to afford It it any price: city sewer. 30-year FHA mortgage. FOUR BEAUTIFUL, FURNISHED OceanfrorT"* Jumlnutns,.rm.uh«d.«r..»..ll« CAPTIVATING Two large bedroomi, "Woman's Samuel Telcher Agsncy, Oceanport rooms. Yearly rental, steam heat, f sell. Warm in winter, delightful- Delight" sclencs kitchen, full dormered Ave., Oceanport. Call or dig) LI I-3S0O neighborhood. Walking dlttanet "NEW LISTING FIRST This new colonial with Old World espanslon attic, baaement, range, alum- M 3-3M1 for prompt, courteoue hot water, air conditioned. Reasonable to ntwr school. A eaeriflct tt »T,H0. ly-cool in summer, access to riv- rent. PR 6-3975. FURNISHED ROOM on 'Irst floor nta TIME OFFERED" charm. An entrance hall, den, inum combination atorm windows and rvice. '' * i bath, sultabls for business mtn or er. Living and dining rooms, screen!, snd located on a heautlfullj THREE-ROOM APARTMENT furnished Charmlns tern red ranch home — bath — plus living room, dining retired gentleman. SH 7-2J14. Three bedroomi, tilt bath. LI tins kitchen, recreation room. Three landscaped lot, Xicellent location. Im- 960 a month. Also two-bedroom apart- THE LOW AGENCY room with knotty pins fireplace wain room and kitchen on the first mediate possession. Non-vet 1375 down. ment, oil heat. sTO a month, flwecney COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOM bedrooms, two tiled baths, porch '11,900 full price. The Berg Agency, (Mm Atency. RU t-1492. • for business woman, nesr but snd MS River Road fair Hsven Dining room. Kitchen with electric floor. Second floor includes three •hopping. II Spring St., Red Bank. SH ruse, dishwasher. Full basement. Ill and patio, two-car attached ga- :t. 35, Middletown. OS 1-1000. Oa Uw Nut Paft) TWO ROOMS, fully furnished, first SHtdllilt 1-MTT IS screened poreh. Eteellent land- rage. $38,000. large bedrooms and two baths; floor. Close, to town. New York buy. seseXni — holly, oak aad tulip trsss. a full basement and two-car over- VaCTKRANS — No down payment Business person preferred. -SH 1-7291. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. In priv- INCOME FRoraRTT rtntl B.tM yetr- Transferred eteeutlvt offtrt thlt fine SM.300 full price. A truly luxury ate home, good location, on bus line. ly. mortsass available. W.ioo gsedtd. home st CT,8oo. sized garage. Near school and HOUSES IM SALE MODERN FIVE-ROOM unfumlahei WANAMABRA — Owner transferred home. One look and you'll buy It. Im- 9H T-O4M or 421 River Road, Red Apartment also available. OS 1-Otrt Modern, well-built split tevel conlsln. , apartment, 38 Beabreeie Wsy, Keans- Bank. Gentleman preferred. If no answer Pit M390. station — Red Bank area. $25,500. maculate split level with three bed- *urit. "REDUCED TO $23,500" ins three beiiroome, llvlne; room, <1ln- rooms, ltf bathe, science kitchen with LAROE BED BITTINO ROOM—Plea- HILLTOP COLONIAL SPLIT eeven Transferred owner says sell ' It. II' ,nt sres, spacious kitchen with built- built-in oven and range, riming area, VERY LARGE HOUSE RUMSON — Unfurnished four rooms sant home, board If deelred. Call SH rooms, three bedrooms. 1H baths, fin- ranch with three bedrooms, two tils in rings snd oven and full ceramla tile THIS IS THE ASSUMPTION recreation room, laundry room attache! utilities by tenant, no pell, lease, 1-0812. shad recreation room with bar, beauti- baths, ay living room, run basement bathroom plus recreation room, laundry THAT BUYS THE HOME garage, combination aluminum atorm IN FINEST RED BANK ' 9R5 per month; Unfurnished three ful MOilM' landsetped lot, attached with recreation room.. Electric wall room with toilet, aluminum tcreena sash; on a U acra completely land- LOCATION rooms, utilities Included, adults, no VERY LAROE ROOM Purnlebed sarsse. Atkmt ni.MM. OS 1-NTT If no oven and range in modern kitchen. snd norm windows and doors through- THAT THE FAMILY NEEDS scaped lot. Non-vet IMO down. The pets, lease, 990 per month: Unfurnished Couple or single woman Kitchen answsr PR •%•«. Two-ear attached garage. Many ea out ths house. Alao, one-car attached Need four bedrooms, game room, Berg Agency, Rt, 3t, Mlddlelown. OS Excellent condition inside and five rooms. g.du1te, no pels, l#see, ga- prlveleges, ttl utllltlea SH 1-7011 tras. •arase. Situated on well-landtcapeil Blot out. Complete with gas ranges rage, S100 per month. Dennis K. FURNISHED ROOM — In private •XLPORO IN00MI 1 "Tie: TSs.ll> Ttks advantage of this Vi per separate laundry? Want trees, Byrne, Realtor g W, River Rd., RU home. Near bus llns. story frame koine, upstairs apart- "SOMETHING DIFFERENT' csnt o. I. morlftie anyone can assume convenience to schools, shopping, and refrigerators. This house 1-1150. RU 1-04M. lent with three reone and balk, rent- A delightful four-bedroom home, near with SZ.SOO down. Must truly bt seen to HOMES FOR IALE Is capable of paying an excel- d. Four rooms and bath down. Pros- the river that offers a changing pan- bs appreciated. No red taps. Immed- bus or trains? For $2,400 your RED BANK furnished room, one per erty Sl'tHW. Uw tune near Herts oramic view of the water from most sts occupancy. Samuel Telcher Agency, lent income. This Is a very. son medium Use. Utllltlea, sink, lav. Slid ekurehes. sP.tH. KE eVelsa. every window. Spacious living room Oeeannort Ave., Oceanport. Call or dlsl family can move in Immediately ELWOOD A. good buy and a sound invest- COMMERCIAL RENTALS story, ra'rlisrator, bath convenient with fireplace. Formal dlnlnc room U I.3SM or M 3-3501 for prompt, to this home that will really sat- Private entrance. SH 7-14N. MARIsl COX AOSNCY Butler's pantry. Two baths, full bate courteous service. ment at $26,000. f OR RENT—Two suites of offices avail- Realtors a Inturort ment, overtlit two-car garage — IN, isfy. • able In The fuller building. Both on SINOUB ROOM*. Clean and Established aloes IMS O.t.-HO DOWN PAYMENT—NORTH fiver fide of building. One ef three able. Reasonable rate. Oarage Oen- M Cemmsjaeht Dr. bONO P RANCH—rtsneh home built LARGE NEW RANCHER' roomi on first floor. Ths other twi tiemen preferred. M Wallace St. SH 1 Ostanfan •srauga IMt (not a development) containing 9M Rt, 35 Middletown, N. J, roams on second floor. 811 7-2410. S395. three hedlnoms, large llvlne; room, AGENCY ! Large living • room,- dining COMMERCIAL RUILDINO — 2,0m sq, NICE. COMFORTABLE ROOM. Near A. Fr«d Maffao dlnlni roon". tiled bath, spacious kit- OS 1-0800; Eves OS 1-1443 SSS PROSPECT AVENUE room, kitchen, four bedroorns ft, Including basement, nil heat. Ce- hnth and shower. No other roomers. V. a. sTTBBL MOHBa. New madel. 7M Broad at, (Hwy H) Shrswtburr chen with R.ts ranre, plua knntty pine LITTLE SILVER, , VA. baths, den, porch and dar Ave.. Fair Hnven, one block from Gentlemen preferred. SK T-iTM, "Ret* covered tattafs sent raool- reereatlon rt.om. Full dry basement, Daily: 9-6 Sunday: 1-5 Tllver Rd. mi l.«47«. SH 11311 automatic nil htat, aluminum screens NEW JERSEY • basement. Two car attached AltaE Pine and maple room, shower. em." Oak Hill Rd. From Hwy. snd itorm wlndowt and donrt. alumi- garage, Fireplace. Very low OFFICE" Foil RENT — In heart o: Bacellent location, *4 Harding Rd. M turn wen at Headdtn's Corner num awnlmi, Venetian blinds, washing VETERANS — No down payment — SHadyside 1-45O0 Red Rink. Red Rank. SH 70Ut. Mini Open Saturday an* Sunday HILLSIDE CHALET machine, dryer, air conditioner and ttt.MO full price. On your wsy to I.1TTLF. HILVBR — rmir.bfdronm taxes. Beautiful land. $2S,0W. Call R aTtsmoens. other eissa Bvtrttt H. wall-to-wall carpetlns. city aewer. Full our office atop and Inspsct every home colonial on large plot, Hlinrt walk Tkorae Co. OS l-COSl Landscaped by nature (and a lit price, II",MO. Qunmited veteran ab- this nrlce range. Then Inenent this to school and anopplns center, spa. LARGE ATTRACTIVE FACTORY lolts and atorate spact for solutely no money "'h Rt. Holmdel Vlllsge "" ttfitt BMP - ity of the first floor. Very pretty ranch, 1H hilhi, newly r*nnvat»d, sash ami screens, anil located on sn privacy, Four lovely bedrooms, decor. Combination sun room- AGENCY COUNTRY HOMES AND ACrlCAOl kitchen. Second story balcony ons block from school, 132 nosewood Immaculately lanilicaped lot, Immedi- two tils nalha, 19131 picture) win- den. Expansive altlc. Two ate- possession. Non-vet MflO flown, The lolmdej, Atlanllo and Marlboro Twps. Ave-. Nn nrtOKFirtit, sis.noo. owner. dow living room, bailment plsy REALTOR. INSUROR THE KIRWAN off master bedroom takes ad- CA »-ll>27, inspect Raturday and Sun-lerg Agency, Rt. .15, Mlrldlelown. OS area, attached nna-car garage. pantries and full basement. WH «-SM| vantage of the beautifully land- • tIKKt. Prloxit listow replacement cast at Four bedrooms and bath. Two 77 Broad Street Red Bank V»T COMn.RTBD, four bedrooms. Hi COMPANY scaped vista. Artistic guest Sltt.BOO. car garage. Real opportunity liathi. In tied Bank. KItchea, dlnlni nnuiXR COI-ONIM, among lieati- at $21,000. •/ Slfaiiyajrie 1-0801 irpa, 30' living room snd ctrpoil. For Tht Beit In room. Basement studio room HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE turn ires and •hruha, nntrancr Hl"iy'7 ms •venlnis snd sundsy opens onto ground level, hall, attractive living rnom wltli BROAD STREET corner »tore — Real Estate titd Insurance hrlck flrrpiacn, dining' rnom with SPECULATIVE .22,500 corner cupboard, lovely kitchen, A-l location, 14x45. Reasonable 1IVKH I'l.AZA •- lively tour.bedroom FAIR HAVEN two large hedrooma anil hath, OPPORTUNITY rent. Cape ('oil, largs living room, 114 Alt'»£lly« tlwoom Csns Cod tiiutttil ELLEN S. «n«et for two mom nudronmi anil This l» a largo two story lialha. lOOalM Tot enllr«ly lenced. on lOtalM rt, landseaped plat, Cacil. hath on IFCOIHI floor, "creenxil home in Rumson In fair con- . GROUND FLOOR office nr store lolVroughl nlt «»lr»«Iron rail, slllt. fronl t and hack atari. ent location, convtnlanl location. porch, full cHiar.'attached gsrase, — 18x24, bi»M location In Red'"!,".."iwilniment' ."'If.'', nil .|.»397 !15JW". ' "-'a.', lor aj. Prleed far Immedlite tali |ll,Mo, HAZELTON Offered al 12.1.OWI. Mltlon. Very large living room KIIIP Alloy sjKirpnrm — wat.r- and dining room and kitchen Rank business district, NKW TIIMKR.niCDIIOOM house, lot M Campbells Junction Belford REALTOR front drttm. Charming tlghl- FIVE-ROOM OFFICE recently «100. llnl wtler h«al, birch cahlntll, room colonial right nn tnt river, with full Iwiement. With a 13,1100. Will iMtn with npllon in buy,LeonardvilU Roid KE IUO0 13 W, River Rd. Rumson bulkhead anil dooV 33' living room, little work and decoration occupied by dentist, Excellent Contact cltnrge Harliy, KR 6-3 Kltnhan Broad Street location, 195 per TAKE OVBR o f. MORTOAOE with lirsakfaat nnok, lour hM- this house could be very FAIK HAVEN - New sli.room Cap. RU 1-2003 rnoma, Man or fifth hsdroom. full month, Cod, Kipanslon altlc, liol water heal NEW siinewsnunY - can CM cellar, Low taxes, Wondtrful buy attractive. $10,000. iria j'orrli, i-etliir. I.«nilic«|i«cl. $30,' :ontlillni nf llvlni roam, Iwa hen. nBEHOLM ~ Bliht-rnom hnuseTTsrYr at S'JlnOO, 'nomt, modern bslli, dlnlns trst, kit* living; room. 'lrr|>lscf, itlnlnr rtiniii PIlfcTTY AH A PIOTIIIIW - «pn lun ami taa rsnie on firm floor. lichen, four hfrironmi, bath, full haxr limn arvriwftnin funrh, four twin. Tv«n |.iimfirnn/rveT 'wo hfilrooml on teennit flunr. Kull nfnt, fill alfalu lifNI Nrnr »lnr»M MOUSES FORWENT slrli!, six yenrr nl'l Cnpe t'ntn< Mlf!p> Itftdruttma. Ill* hath, nrpitrnli- il liHHernenlrnl.. imrlUMimlUMy y fittlnhfihll nininne Iry Itaspmfni, aluminum ai-ri^tm and mil tcliooli. Hicfllsnl nelihhorlumn timing room, rol.inlal Mroplai'i* IU W iiliilhlllliilhlllii Mormi mi'll ai'rrens NMN I itorm wlrnlowt. Ksnri>il avallftljlr HII Ifll'JI his 4!i ptr rrnt o. I. nionisR* anyone • hsily anri rrml in ihr mimmpr, Half ncr* of rural hemiiy, l/nv •UrKl, AaKlitt; flfl.niHl. nn nastiinr. fnn a innnth tinys all rnrry< SXTnAOnlllNAIIV -• N»w niiTnin 3*n«iiT i , Three litrtronms, Iun IIMI tnalnirnani*. nil lulck. KlrfpHrc, full illnln« room. 11x21 I'ir/.Y KIVM.IIOriM IIANCH HI nlr> l«r«3 «livlriK mmn, IMrK» rei'iralirm iiili • • Tlir««~u'r'ga7noTn~h'i7ri' us: rharsts, H«rnutl Trlch'r Aiinry, hullt rsnpli liima al only llfi.nflfl nHjtlilinrlmi'l, ltd' living rnitin rlnacls iilus additionadlllll slnrski- line rnnilinnn. Hscrlflm, i(,(l(io ir.iannnrt An.. nc»nnori. i!«ll m iiim Cjlllrl #t|«lillalwil llflililinrhrmd. VVnl p«nt>IM family room, rnwiler room. 'I'lirm hfilriyimi. fl«r«i» appAratD dining rrtnrtt, al^p aavlns jo I.I J (P7II.1. i'i io nmiTn I I'lMin nr 1.1 9-nSOl for prnmpl, lo rift) Hank. 'I'rrfi. 7'hrfs hMrnnm* for Iwn long rars. Low low tain. Aakln« I'JI.fmo. !1uaa»ll kllrhan, two hedrnflma, halti, haap N •- ItANWII ThfafliJH riiirt«(iiiN ssrvlr*. l.«r«« tuprr kllchen. l,»ninliy mm, ttiMit, oil IIMI, fara|», Thrfr i\irtiCi riiiMiiiiiTiiini lively" new •lill'il" Niim»roiis laras cln»m. darair. T"i M. notua Autnrv, «00 film ltd,, Tslr Haven, III T-4MJ. _irnm*-tilatt occupancy* LI n MM"rll M llnrus lt«allnrs. «(« 20(1. 'Ir, KM I lilH lincti. Jll.KOO, Mo sitnli. mi HO»t>, nivtr lid,, Kalr llavsn. Sil VM2. rELSH. 1*8700 RED MME UCttTn Fri4*r.

UTTUB SILVER — Ranch on two BITATB OP HAHRAL A. IUEDDEN. eerei. Attractive uvlii( room. (Ira- Space Program Worker Jos. P. Schwartz Hate, dlnlnc «l. Three bedroema, two Purauant to tna order of EDWARD HOMES FOR AMERICANS fcatha, baairaent, attuned two-car (a- C BROSOE. Surrogate of tbe County '»•• *Si**o * of Vonmouth, thla day made, on the application of the underalgned. Evelyn Agency 1* Kedden, Sole Siecutrlx of tha ea- Buys House in Middletown Lawr«nc« J. Schillingtata of till aald Harrtl A. Redden, de- It Spring Itratt Itad Bank eeaied, notice u bereby given to tne 3T E. Newman Spring! Rd. sredltore.of aald deceaMd to prcient PAIR HAVEN-A Colonial style n the Crest Hill section of to the aald Bole Executrla their clalma split level house on Bamm Hol-Middletown to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Red Bank SH 7-3121SHREWSBURY CAFB COD. thru bed under oath within als monthe from W. Brown, Baltimore, Md. HOni, bath, living room, fireplace, tnli date. Rd.. Middletown, has been •fining room, kitchen, basement, Mere*- Dated: November (th, MS*. sold by the Ray VanHorri Agency The house was built by Msimona NEW HOUSES IIM mm. awningi, linetd yard,, ea> EVELYN L. REDDEN. eellent •Moltlon. Ntar Mhool ul buf. 22* Proipect Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Bros., Little Silver. Mr. Brown RANCHES - CAPES - SPLITS SSiSI1T1M. Immediate oceupancjr. in 1 Llttla ilfvir, N. t. . Brounley. Cincinnati, Ohio. is.sales supervisor of the Rheem Meiire. Abramoff < APT, 115.900 to $16,250 AUTHENTIC EARLY AMERICAN — Red Bank, N. J. Mr. Brounley is a member of Manufacturing Co., Linden. Cloaa to Havwlnk river. Ue* of dock. Attornrya. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Me- AS LOW AS $»0 DOWN FORChoice reeMantlal Htting en wide tree team of engineers and tele- ALL — Extremely well located, lined atreeL Four bedroom*. Hug* llv. Nov. 1J—JO— 27—DK, 4 S1T.S4 phone men selected by the Amer- Nulty, Jr.. Drexel Hill, Pa., Ing aad dinlsg room*. Handaom* pine fix and seven-room hornet with plan^k naoriToinaral KiactrM alak anu MONMOUTH COUNT* ican Telephone and Telegraph bought a house at 190 Oak PI., VA bathi, garage*; science kitch- £*« Tal* property would be aVBBOOATE'S COUBT Fair Haven, from Maurice E. em; on fully landscaped plou*wi.- omwunr, TUleveP pnr af eitteuee. Aak- md Western Electric companies otg irreeiatlble t» a levekfr . Borua Realtor!, HaSiec ea Credllen ta Preeeeit to develop the communications Lizee. Beit value in a long-while. "OC- wfiw, lu.. Fair Haven1 . SK T-4IM. Clalme Aaaknt ESTATE OF JOSBPH BARBUTO, system for the United States' Three Acres SeM cupancy when desired. RIVERFRONT SPORTaMAN'S Par* DECEASED. t^ " dlae. Throe acre hideaway. W ft. Purauant to tha order of EDWARD man in space program. A three-acre tract on Battla •wlmmlng pool. Beating, duek moot- C. BROEOE, Surrogate of the County Rd., Fair Haven, was sold by ing. Oraeloua canter hall horn* fea- of Monmouth. ml* day mad*, on tha Uvdd la Little SUver E. R. SNYDER & COturin. g living room, aunny family room, application of the underelgned, Anthony Harry P. Jansen, Edward Scud- dining room, three fireplace*. Four Barbuto, Admlnlatrator of the eatate Mr. and Mrs. Brounley lived der, Jr., and James D. Stump Established 1173 bedrooma, deluxe tile bathi. Mald'a of the aald Joaeph Barbuto, deceased, Quarter!. Beat heuae, dock, green- notice 1* hereby given to the' credi- In Little Silver until they moved to Mr. and Mrs. William R. TWO-STORY ROUE — Wonderful louaea. tndaaerlhable beauty. SM.0O0. tor* of said deceaaed to preaent to the to Cincinnati eight years ago. value, modetalaed and redooorated. Kuuell II. Berua Realtor*, ewilt aald Administrator their claim* under Ryan, Fair Haven. The property Rd., Fair Haven. SH T-4S3>. Mh within elx montha from till* date. They have three tons. Mr. and two bedraoe.*. Samwl dining room. L. Dated: November «th, IMS. has a. 10-room Colonial house »ul«t etreet. aclenca kitchen. A aual m HISTORIC SHREWSBURY — A Ml' ANTHONY BARBUTO, Mrs. Brounley will move into thewith four baths. Mr. Ryan If ting to dream about. Contemporary S Henry Drive. house after.the first of the year, COUPLETS PRTVACT-awlee Chalet ranch, curtom built with untaue tea- associated with Griscom-Rusaau •verloaklng Bandy Hook Bay and theturn, as- balcony overlooking garden New Monmouth. Naw Jeriey. David Stoloff, Inc., general con Iteiu*. Abramoff * Apy, , g Co., New York City. ; eecan. % aera et land, eundeck, ga and brook. Property leaded with tree*. 14 Monmouth Street, tractor. Is rig*. A "al buy at SB.MO. A three-bedroeml twa-bath home. Much Red Bank, Naw Jeriey. completing work on A custom built hous* OT BEAUTIFUL, VTBW—Overlooking New paneling and vary Attorney*., the house. fork. two*adraa« rambler.. fajT haw •pectlon will M a BUckpoint Rd., Rumson, wail r BS.MO. Ruaaelr NOT. U-»-n—Dec. 4 SlT.fi A ranch .style house on McCar-sold to Mr. and Mn. Queatia O. WTW,•._i \ S River «U., ter Ave., Fair Haven, was sold T-4U1. HOI1CB OF RXmiMEMT Young. V&S Buildera, Inc., Rum- VERT PRIVATE LOCATION *• theMBECnONS FOB MSTBIBimON, by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Stick- son, built the house. Mr. Young CUSTOM BUILT — Orerioofclag aaua Shrewakurr river. Oaa alar* real- BiSCBABOB OF FtDfJCIABT, try elub, two kairoaau, aieluded •nee of pleulng atyte. M«M living AMD OTSTEB BEUBF. ler to Mr. and Mrs. Willis M. ia an attorney with Philip Mor- roam wltk fireplace, U1 dhma raoaa" Smith of Fair Haven. Joseph F. lew hedroMn* twe bath* garag •STATE OF THOMAS BROWN, DB- ris, Inc. TCAIBaCAIBDD. ' Notice ta herebr given that tha ae> Hunter was the broker. Mr. Hunter was the broker to IUIWSI — -i*» bidraam*. •awata wi the aubeerlber. Admlnlatra- Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wilth-e last three sales. fuU or at the aatate of aald Deceaaed wui r. Mat* M ta UM an« I T-ttS*. bo audtud and Mated by the Bans- liams, Delrav Beach, Fla., and TWO-FAMII.T — Three down, three sate of the County or Monmouth and New York City, have purchased up. Live free. Income will mere than reported for eettlement to The Mon- Mn. Dioniai Joina pay taie* and utllltla*. Convenient lo- mouth County Court, Probate Division, a riverfront tract at the end of SNYDER REALTORS cation. 110.400. Tha Klrwan Co. KBon Wedneaday, th* Twinty-thlrd day S'5900. of December A. D., IMS, at 10 o'clock Lewis La., Fair Haven. Robert Ellen Heuelton Agency a. m.. at the County Court Heuae, Five Corners, Middletown ATTRACTIVB] CUSTOM-BUILT Cape Monument, and Court Stree'ta, Free- Lee, Rumson builder, construct-• RUMSON-Mrs. Katharine H. OS 1-23M or AT 1-3584 Cod oa laadKaped halt acre t* MMhold, New Jeriey. et which time Ap- ed a ranch style house on the Dionisl, Ml Tintoa Ave., Eatoa- location Llvlaa and. dlntof" ro« plication will ha mada for tha allow- y kitchen, two large hjdtaawa. run » ance of CommlMlone anctcounael feea, property. Mr. Williams Is chieftown, has been named a mem- ment, attached garage. Scream, atorma. Direction* for dlatrlbuilon. Discharge &—nf*f%*+**m+~+**mi**» Low tax**. SKMn. Van Vllet Agency, af Fiduciary, and other roller. engineer of the California Oil ber of tte staff of the EUt« S. HOLIDAY SPECIALS Line Rd.. Holradel. WK *>44M. Dated November ISth-A. D. ISM. Company's Perth Amboy plant. Haielton raal estate agency tort. • LlrWJROST—t«»vel» n*w opllt level cellar, tratf, dan. reereatloa ream ••AUTIFUI* WOODBD AUM ar oake NEW JERSEY TRUST COMPANY The propertpy y wasp part of the Mn. Dionisl has beta engaged and hickory, Wad*i af dogwood, laurel. OF LONO BRANCH, m By: CHARLES T. MtcLAlN estate off RolRlff KiellanKilldd and WilWil- ia real aatate since 1M1Ml. She %2WsstS3&' "- dmlng room, Truet Officer. Ham L. Russell, Jr. attmded Manhattaavil|a College, •aaetoo* mantment,. garage. 1T4 BroadwayBroadway. _ . SM.eOS. Van Vllet _ l« Branch. K. J. Leajbardt fans Heaaa aad it a member of tht Maahat- two-*** ga- Manual. WH d-ddSt. Vincent T. Lombard!. now tanville Short Alumnae Assocta- ' • IKMBMATB OOCUPANCT —Valua Ity ta athar ana fereee «L coach of the Green Bay Packers tion and tbe S*a Bright Beach . gaMra. Tlu«l »«araw eplli, reere- professional football team, told nMeatial lecaMlen, % acre flu*. fea- ig Branch, N. J. dub. _7i' f"*a FOUR ledroorao. family' room. Nov. SO—2T—Dec. 4—11 paneled fireplace wltk tiled Rookie Bob Allison of the Wash- his Colonial style house on "«• living room with benUful bay. Mate Loekwood PI:, Fair Haven, to t nUJBDIATM OCCUPANCY — ~Tr .« ninlng room, ««tr* large kitchen, m MONMOCm COCNTT hearth, formal dining room, pine ington Senators kit 21 of his 30 Thirty-seven athletes who have mandaua tnir-badraom eoloniai. tile bath*, attached garage- Aluminum Agency lists Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Martin, caliar, dining room, llTtnt room, •ereen end atorm combination, only sntBOOATca COBBT kitchen, three master bedrooms homers against tint division attended tht University of Ala- family room — Unparalleled at two year* old and m lmmaeulat* con. Pittsburgh. Pa. Mr. Martin Is bama la the last 40 years have dldlon. r.H.A. apprataad at tJl.000 NI iretin ta Cradltera le „ with two tile baths, den and at-teams. *W! reaaanaMe affer MfueeS. Call at mn. Clalma Agalaet Eetale tasistant district manageg r of thepUyed major league baseball. LITTUt BILVBR FBATUBATU M — XSTATB or AUOUSTA nORDLAND Six Sales tached garage. Mr. Johnson is Fleeter walM, «allar. flrepluefll d American Bitumuls and AsphaAsphallt DICIASED. The Dowstra Agency, Red a sales engineer with Ingersoll- Willard (Bill) Grelm of Den- three-bedroom ranch. SM.SM Purauant ta tha order of EDWARD Co., Perth Amboy. Lorin B. Van- Trader Horn, with SM.179 ltd IMMBDIATB) POMBSMOM — Park- C. BROBOC, Surrogate af the County Bank, today reported six recent Rand Co. in New York City. This ver is commissioner of the Nt- trotters In money won during the Ilka aammtattr. Builder offer* naw of Monmouth, thla day made, on the sale was negotiated by William tloaal Industrial Basketball Nest negotiated the sale. ADAMS AGENCY ranch, tuna bedroom*, two bath*, huit application of tha underlined, Joyce house sales. Paul A. Huntsman, Jr.. a 19H harness racing tasoa at Real Batata — Ineurance peneled family roam, largge family al» Andereon Cenway, sol* Buucutrlx of Dowstra. League. Paul A. Huntsman, Jr.. wa at Beat Bergen PI. Bed Bank kitchen with buUI-lbuUIln rant* and walwal lthe eatate of th* Bald. Augueta Fiord- Mr. and Mrs.'Walter F. Cun- the broker In the sale of a house Yonkers, N.Y. even. Ml l ealltrll . laundryld . llw»car at- land, decaaaed, notice la hereby given BH 1-SNS taeheA garage. Ona aera Undaeaoed to the creditor* of aald deceaaed ta nane have sold their two family lot, large tnta. Ptleat at HS.«n preeent te the eald Sola Eiecutm their residence at ISMja Hudson Ave., mampton * Baron. Inc. Hwr. siclaim* under oath within all month* RETIREMENT INCOME? Call BH.T-SSOO. Bvonlnga oa 1-ciaa. from thla data. Red Bank, to Mr. and Mrs. $10,500 JUST ONB MWUTB ts Itad Bank eta. Dated: November Ms, ISM. .' Frank Lelchuk of Little SUver. tlen. Attranira rantn koine. In ai JOTCS ANDIRtOH CONWAT. Nice elder home on wooded plot taMlehed raaidmllal atea. near river. The house has seven roome on H ae« tan«Mae«4, ehade traaa, Hat- Conover Avenue, each aide. Mr. and Mr*. Lelchuk with apartment upstairs. Down- tar wall ranetniellon. all-tlred eteam Mlddlatawa, I*. J. ataira has front porch, two bed-..Mat. . FOUR lain badraoma, two full art school teachers. natha, huie llvlnc roam with flresitce, rooms. living-dining room, kitch- formafi l dining room, fait cellar. tw» Mr. aid Mrs. Raymond M. aa aad bath. Convenient location car datached garage, iteeda' minor in- terior dteoratlon. B«« bur at SH,SMt. Attorney*. Tierney. Jr., Red Bank Manor, Tnomaeon eV. Barttll. Inc. Hwr. MMa*. ST-Dea. d—It—IS, GI ASSUMPTION! I1I.S0O Call- ait T-SSM. BTanniga OB 1-O1K si».s»have purchased a split level Beautifully kept house with house from Mr. and Mrs. Da- TOP LOCATION FOR-«hHdren. deal EVERYTHING. Split level, three end adjacent te>! woode. slay graead. WOtrjora. Star Jgtr*. vid C. Latham at 41 Nortavale bedrooms, living room, dining «*»« Man _...- . i,"«i*rr..a» aay a* tkalr tue- Little SUvtr. Tho house room, science kitchen, tile bath. rai""l * enclosed. Split-level. _ t« mat, title and mteraat. has a living room, dining room, Den, laundry and «* bath. Only dealgn, Immaculat* through eat. Three bedroom*. Itt bath*, full dheM ream, kitchen,. four bedrooma with two S3.NO needed — «M per monthlovely on-level family room, attaaan tile baths and a recreation room. pays all! garage- Muat be aeon. S par aeat man gage available. Monthly pafaaant SM There also Is an attached gar- Wee S1S,*M. Thampaan eTBarten. wHk. Itir^ SS. CM SH T-SSSS. Svenmgd 01 WIWQt age. Tha dwelling ,ls .located on MATTHEW J. GILL i»^ehA»artV.Va5 a half acre of landscaped ground, "The Broker Noatraad, aatt ux. et ale an atalatlfta Mr. and Mrs. Latham have LOTS AND ACREAGE movtd to Orlando, Fla,, where •'.- Who Knowa Middletown" wwi ni new rfeney. wnnni aa aay* 1 RUMSON — Newly offered cholea n after December 11. ISM aicluarn el Mr. Latham Is connected with Highway 35 Middletown era tot* ATI utllltk*. tree*, cleared, duch date. If you fell te de ee. judg- Minute Maid Corp. Mr. Tierney dr ta build Priced tram SS.TM ment by default may ba rendered CA f-MSS or OA J-4SM. agalnet you for the relief demanded In la with tha Hanover Bank, New OSborne 1-3200 the Complaint Tou ahall file your an- awer an>d Proop f af eervle* In duplicate York City. acre tn a hCwr* »f ttajuparmr Court, FAIR HAVEN-Very eonvealent State Rouae~Ann*s,"~Trentonr"New*Jer'- Capt. and Mrs. William R wooded area, frame ranch, three Bank. eey. In accordance with the rule* of Hurder sold their house at 40 badrooms, fireplace, full cellar, WOODED LOT — Ifaar river nt eicivil practice and procedure. eellont enabllahed •atghaaihoiid. SJull ~ action ha* been Inetltuted ta par- Madison Ave., Red Bank, to Mrs. hot air gas heat, high grr " able for ranch, epHt level, ar CeleMal. and divide certain real eiiate Veronica Townsend, formerly of owner relocating. Priced at Redden Atonev. M Maple Av*.. aanar which la In part vacant land and In Bergen PI.. SH t-SISS. • part Improved reel eatate ownnd by California' . The dwelling Is a Albert W. Van Noctrand and Jamei modern O. Van Noetrend, plaintiff* and de- mwlcrn level with a living SEA BRIGHT - Spacious two- fendant*. Jamea Oreen. Arthur T. jt kitchen, COMMERCIAL PttOPERTT Oreme, Owrga K. Oraene. Robert story frame dwelling with ocean- Notion Oreene, Alfred Oreen, John three bedrooms, two baths and a front area, hot water oil heat re- f Qrom,.Su*en a. Bruno. Blliabet—h NoT-"- recreation room* Capt. and Mrs. easily installed, detached two- T^Jo dward Hurder have moved to Long Is- earjgaragt, taxes 9315. B. Oreen. DDally Oreen. Iiarenences OiOill taiwf Mr tlunlitr U mill. «fc» ham. ~lob*rRoberDt l a. Barraba and Henry l™~«™r<. Httr~r,u wlm Ule H. fattcno•rton and Solomon Tepper. Ag enta for the helra of John Oreen, de •artloa af th gotiated all five sales. Avamta of Two Rivera Rumson smaeaawa COCTT aald premlee*., Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. John- DATED: Nov*m**r tt, ISM. son, Red Bank Manor, have tak- KU 1-mo Nl|kta B.U 1-1177 Nallea ea ^_ X. ORAKT SJTOTT, Clark ar Superior Court, en ' possessiop n of a nernw rancch classified ads... •STATB Of fOHN M. WBLCH. SB CfJASJBD Nev. JT—Dee. 4—it—is smw home taUt by Maimone Brothers Purauant to tha ardar af SiDWARD Thompson Agoncy C. BROEOB). surragata at tha Cavi- Wben tn doubt about of Little Silver at M Tllton Rd., ty of Monmouth. thla day made, on wanted bou**hol< tossuun- Middletown. The house has a re- the epplle»tloo af tha mderalgned, » problem with 1... " Id Kelly. Sole Bieeuter a? the ee-tied ad*.-Adv*rtl*om*nt. ception hall, living room with at the eald John M. Weleh. do- sealed notice la hereby given ta the creditor* af eald deeooeed ta preaent Smart, mtsJarn familial fine! exceptional values tn to tha aald Bole ••eeutar their claim* under oath within els montha tret By KEN REYNOLDS IhM dale. QUICKIES . Lorea antMttfla _—,—.. — — tht things thty want U make lift taiitr and hap. am, flreelaee, Iwa Mdnami, Hi Dated: Nevtmber S», 1SSS. talla. Undaaaped araundf. DS, M^HAROIA ITJSU.T, pitr In Tht Rtgttttr Classified. Ufa's basic naad* Unaran, N. J. Xtim Wlee, Wlee a> Wlchmann, ... a plaea ta livt, a job and a ear for getting Red Bank. N. I. Attctneya placti ara there. Tht ether things you nted and ai a. Bad Buk n**. d. n, is. sd ' su.n an um nOTtca or TAX a»tB want fill tha columns too. Road thaia tds and ' BOBODOR Of BOMaON. N. *. 10% DOWN Notice at Bale at Properly for Nun •ava valutblt time ai wall ai important dallari. Payment af Tas*i. isenfflnti and Veu ar aoa vets — Homes In al!Othjr MuniclMl Ueni In tha Bereuih satatlaaa ant tries ranges. P«^KO«^ hh J4-4 badrooms. a g Uit Cltsilfltd ads yourself tt stll tht tayi, ttoli, ELLA WILTSHIRE sum* .'a. hunting gear and other things you own but artn't AGENCY making tnjoyablt uia af. Maka a lilt, than dial Caunell Cham MV 14J0 Ocaaa Avtnue Set Bright at 11 A." X.VTK* Tandl'aMfeil aatat* SH I -0010 bttwttn • A. M. and 5 P. M. tt plact SE 1-0004 hetalnaRer daicrlbidi ifAtJSi oasonirnoM AMOUNT your fast selling ad. Jain othtr progrtnlvt ftml- OOLT'B NBOK—Building lot*, aoraag*. A1l*nor*M, Int. Blk. ISA, Let I II.MS.II NBW RANCH on 1* *ore*. IM.OM. Th* aald Unds end real eetat* will llei that gat money ftr bttttr living this teiy way. be aold te m«ke the amount af th* MBW RANCH—Three bedroom*, aire municipal Ham eniraaable aialnrt tn* aam* on the lint day of July, Its aare herie ar rtock farm, about ISM, aa computed In the foregoing tin, tt mil* of road fronlas*. hou*a and together with Intereet on aald amnun sutiulldlng*. SSM per acre. fram th* first day af July lo the dati af »ile, and eo*t* el tuen *ale. Bald preparty win ba aold In fee ta Goorg* _V.u JJIrnanit* euch pereoeona at will purchaee the eame, aubjee- -• -l• t-e reitemrllen at tha ' m. S4 ' rale »f but m smi aa i In ai num. •> IIV I-IIM for the lila ihlll be maded ' before Register Classified Ads U>VBt,r tr«**he.dtd art*. Cep* Cod Ih* concluelon of ill* eale, ar th* prop- ranch, ovarmad lot, Living rwint with •rty will he reeolrt. ' double pfoliir* wlndowi and flreplece, The ealt etle It Held purulent te IHnlng ar«a untl kitchen, two bedHunte- r I af Till* 14 el (he Revitt roumi, tilt hull. Unflnlehed eapamlon aiatue*. Marketplace of Modern, Progressive Families till* wllli iimca for l*n large room* time h*r«ra Ih* *ile, tha un< end nith. KH««lnn« tmlls, game will receive peymenl or Many eiira*. Aaiutn* 4

SINCE 1870


SACONY-. Does Wardrobe Separates to Perfection

(A) Whit* Cotton Mow* with. b*H slows and furtla neck—trimmod in red. • • l.ft

•k# Swirling Skirt in cut* cat-and-mouse inotJf, rod only.

(I) Pink and White or Novy and Whita Strip* llouio, olastieiiod boat nock style, JJO

Skirt detuned with clovor Roottor motif in plaitic. . •:•••/ . . t.n

IC) Cotton llouio in bluo

Rartn* Skirt with colorful Fiowor Cart motif, t.tt


STElNBACtrSGIRLSr SHOP Second Floor and Asbury Park

Flannel Sport Shirt Canadian Ice-Breaker "Brookside" Swank's BIRD Brush by "Arrow" by McGregor 27*95 Wash *n Wear Casual 4-95 by Puritan 10*95 • You'll like the toft, tmooth texture of this nsw Waathar-eenditloned for cold weather eomfort-here A novol man's clothoi bruih sot In an unbroakabl* Arrow cotton flannel (port ihirt. it mateuline Winter fathion at iti btttl Tailored of A Puritan Knit Shirt of wondorful. abiorbont Ian* polyothylono stand., Vary realistic looking, with Lon yarn which will not shrink, lag or fun. and • Sanforixad, it ftaturoi tht •xcluiive Arofold collar tough, hard-wearing cotton—boltterad with a haat bird's plumago remarkably simulated. Fin* quality for smart comfort and appearance, with perman- waihat without blocking. Fully faihionod, boautl- retaining, lightweight pile lining of furry dynsl. brittle brush. ent collar stayt. fully dotallodi handtomaly maieullna. Anortad Wind and water repellent. colon. , ' • Handsome woven plaid patterns; tiitt S, M, L, XL. STFJNHACH'S MEN'S FURNISHINGS, Street Floor and Atbury Park ^i^*u."",s(*a,i?a»«j»v*''WWas«l«^ j~:i.i.*.;.vi:».;;,.;~;w..^^ Shop Friday 'til 9 - Both Asbury Park and Red Bank Stores
