WEATHER SHady$tde 14010 Fair today, tonight and tomor- For All Departments row. High both days in the Ms. Low tonight, «. See paga 2. Ked ftmk Kegister An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership 4^ Since 1878 liauid Dally. Mond«y through rndty, entered u Second Clue lUtttf PAGE ONE VOLUME 82, NO. 79 at UM Po4t Office si Bed Bank. N. }.. under tha Act ol Iterek 1, lilt. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1959 7c PER COPY 59-Car Parkway Keuper Lists Siinday Sales Pileup Injures 28 Ban Items, Outlines Policy SOUTH AMBOY (AP)-Author- FREEHOLD — County ities pressed their investigation Prosecutor Vincent P. Keu- today into what caused the 59- Home Rule Urged per yesterday notified all car pileup on the fog-shrouded Vandals' police in the county of the Garden State Parkway. definitions of items which Twenty-eight persons were in- jured (n the big accident, which On Sunday Closing are forbidden for Sunday occurred early yesterday as com' Probe Is sale, and outlined a four- NEW SHREWSBURY — The muters drove northward toward possibility of this borough being point policy to be followed in their Jobs: the site of a test case on the Sun- Monmouth County. • State police said then were 13 Broken day closing law was indicated separate plleups in a five-mile last night by Leon Anschelewitt, ^resident The prosecutor also pointed out stretch of the superhighway just LONG BRANCH — Two Juve- Asbury Park, attorney for Atlan- that responsibility for enforce- south of the Raritan toll plaza. niles-one 12 yeara old and the tic Superama, Shrewsbury Ave. ment of the' Sunday sales law other 13—are being held in con- In addition to appearing before rests with local police inasmuch The tint was at 1:45 a. m. as nection with the vandalism dis- the Borough and Council. Mr. Arrives as offenses are violations of the visibility dropped to zero in me covered at the Broadway School Anschelewitz presented a letter Disorderly Persons Act. fog. The crashes continued for to the governing body which the next half hour as motorists Sunday. stated in part: The text of the prosecutor's abandoned can and scurried for Detective Sgt William Walling, "The closing law is unfair and letter to local police, follows: safety, realizing they were in who led the investigation, said against the wishes not only of the h Rome 1.'Clothing'and wearing apparel danger of being hit from behind. this morning that the two boys, stores that, wish to remain open, ROME (AP) - President Eis- "includes any article or articles Following is a partial list of both from West Long Branch, but the citizens of the community howcr landed in Rome, today to to be worn on the person by man, the injured: . admitted ransacking, the school. as shown by their vote." gln his 22,000-mile "mission of woman or child as bodily cover- The admissions came after ques- Locally, the vote was 808 in peace and good will." Despite a ing or protection, including gar- Alexander Chase, «, ef 71 tioning last night favor of allowing the stores to heavy overcast and chill down- ments of alll types, headweahd r and Raviae Dr., Matawaa, critical, One of the boys had a teach- remain open and 750 for clos- pour which delayed his landing 20 broken ribs and brokea leg. footwear." \[J r's attendance register, taken ing. inutes, Italy gave him a warm I Interpret this to taemde Edward Hyrae, 44, of Liberty from the school, Sgt. Walling The closing law went into ef- elcome. '.'... Infaat wear but not diapers, un- St., Matawaa, fair. said. fect Sunday in Monmouth and U The American President told derwear but not medical, surgi- Alice Sebastian, N, of 131 Damage at the school was esti- other counties after the state greeters at Rome's Ciampino Air- cal or saaltary wear, handbags Wilson Ave., Pert Moamouth, mated by board of education au- Supnme Court refused Saturday port that his menage for each of thorities to be in excess of $1,000. ILICnD9UnN —Pat Merrill, •lectsd Queen of the Golden Anniversary National but not wallets, an kinds el hats, fair. to stay it. he 11 countries he Visits is one shoes, costumes and uniforms, James Weed, M, ol 11 Apple- Sgt. Walling called it "one of Motor Boat Show, rejoices with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Portland Merrill of Silver* The Supreme Court is expected friendship and freedom, and he worse" cases of vandalism hopes it "will be heard in but net jewelry Items ton Dr., Hattet, fair. lido Ave., Little Silver, and her sitter, Lynn, at right in photo. The pretty 19-year- to decide the constitutionally of with, pins, dips, wrist 'I have ever seen." the law after a hearing Dec. 22. very country where communica- Lotus D'Amlco, 40, U Walker old will reign at fho show in the Coliseum from Jan. 15 to 24. and the like. ; v, Ter., New Monmouth, fair. One of the boys is In the Juve- Cites Homo Rale ions are allowed freely." nile Shelter, Freehold, today. The •We feel that it is within the Eisenhower expressed pleasure 2. Furniture "includes all ar- Madeline Van Hen, 51, of I other has been released in the Late Store Hourt, landing "in this great city ticles of furniture used inside or . Louise PI., New Monmouth, authority of the community to custody of his parents. Free Parking Start control the situation concerning hich was for so long the very outside a house or office*; in; . fair. Sgt Walling said complaints Patricia Merrill whether a business night be center of all western civilization.' eluding chain, • tables, beds; Nancy Bacon, M, of 411 against them have been signed Stores la Red Bank win be open or dosed, Mr. Anschele- Ties ef Blood* desks, wardrobes, dressers, • • Crassmen Ave., Asbury Park, by school authorities. open until I p. m. Monday witt stated. "We therefon re- ldhrl cupboards, cabinets, . bookcases, sofas, couches, and fair. A hearing date on the charges through Saturday, starOag to- Wins Queen Title quest that the municipal govern- Italy, too, because of the "ties Frank Baker, 31, ef S Lynn will be set. ment consider the passage of an related items; and materials es- day. of blood which unite our two pecially, designed and prepared Blvd., Haslet, fair. Credits Tip NEW YORK CITY — Patricia ordinance allowing sale of air countries." He noted that mil- With the official opening at items on Sunday." for assembly into furniture; and Shirley Browaiag. M. of 117 Sgt. Walling credited a tip from Elite Merrill, 19-year-old college Delay Action all such furniture whether finished Eighth Ave, Behnar, fair. West Long Branch Police Chief the Christmas abopplag season, sophomore from Little Stiver, N. Mr. Anschelewitz told council that Superama is the only local or unfinished, painted or-unjpalni- Salvaton Saachl, 52, of 8 Frank S. Bitotta with breaking parting at meters will be free has 'been selected Queen of 9 Ground-Controlled Lyaa Dr., Neptune, fair. open the case. business affected by the taw and every night and alMay Sam* the Golden Anniversary National On Sickles that his clients would be willing I Interpret this to taehsdiifan-' The accidents left the roadway He said the chief had been in- day, the Red Bank Cemnraalty Motor Boat Show, to be held in to absorb the costs If the bor-Landing for Ike's Plane tlque aad hnreano furakan.! strewn with broken glass and formed by a woman that two fish tanks, bird cages, aad at boys were bragging about ran- Chamber at Cenunerco said. New York's Coliseum Jan. IS ough passed an ordinance per- ROME (AP)-Alrport smashed vehicles. Resignation miting Sunday sales. under the ild President Elsenhower's such special purpose aatts. j sacking the Broadway School. to 24. 3, Home Furnishings "include Ambulances, wrecking trucks The chief, assisted by Patrol OCEANPORT — Councilman Home Rule Act to test the legali- a giaoadcaalroB. and fire engines were rushed in Miss Merrill was nominated by ty of the atatute. teeny items of, equipment and furnish- from surrounding communities. man Ralph Yamello. investigat Negotiators Hy Cunningham, snorts editor of Uoyd N. sickles submitted his ings used tat a home or office, ed, and brought Sgt Walling to _ at last night's Bor- Milton A, Mausaer, borough at- Twenty-four of the Injured were the Red Bank Register. Red torney. Informed Mr. AoscheleV such as floor coverings, lamps taken to Perth Amboy General to the probe, lank, N. j£in ear ough Council meeting. faOan eavtto,|Ua«. and lighting fixture, household Sgt WaWng said the two boys tha National Asioct • i, estates,.; aupamrlaa local Eafca^BBBBfleilW*ftV* *ji&BBtl' Cftst* Hospital. Seventeen were ad- '•••*^ '^tedlm would linens, drapes, blinds, curtains, mitted, jone in critical condition. admitted causing damage to the glrie and Boat Manufacturers, 0 liana Ck Draper.; had radioed mattresses, bed. coverings, mir- school on ^two- ether- week-ends. sponoor' of 'thtf'Boat Show, in- least until neat meeting. look mto .ma matter.. -• One car caught fin and: Mayor Baron, with the approv- rors, chma.kitchenwear and kit- burned. Last Sunday, he said, the boys On Steel vited newspapers from coast to Mr. Sickles said illness had chen utensils, silverware ant went to a movie In Long Branch, WASHINGTON (AP) -Steel coast to submit entries. forced him to decide to giv* up al «l tho council,- tabled any A restaurant near the scene the post. further action until the Supreme cutlery." •;.;..-•;• :<:'••'' ^ < '•• was.jammed with motorists un- were bored, and decided to head labor and management negotia< The Register's green-eyed, gol- ," An' ttaMaa Xfe-Fereo.
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