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5-10-1918 New Mexico State Record, 05-10-1918 State Publishing Company

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K. P S TAKE IN 22 NEW THOUSANDS OF LAMBS FIVE HIGH SCHOOLS SANTA FE SALOONS COUNTY QUOTA OF MEMBERS. ELECT OFFICERS BESIDES HOGS AND STEERS COMMISSIONS FOR WILL COMPETE IN TRACK MUST CLOSE AT SIX RAILROAD MEN AND ENJOY BANQUET TO BE FED BY HUBBELL MEET AT DUKE CITY AFTER THIS WEEK STATE'S MEN MANY 996 Santa Fe Lodge No. 2. Knichts of That 200 sows, from 800 to 1,500 OF OUR NEW nine high school athletes, The ciiv council of Santa Fe at HAVE RALLIED IN .i .. .i a t i . Thirty --- P,tfi,i t.:.i. t tinrt inrlitHintr frnm a i - txr r m ,lll,a:1 mi.uittunjdi.nt.j ut jumiti. uiiuiuhv steers aim irom o.vuu ro imi's renrespntntives the stormy session on Tuesday even- rir V AY ,ast Saturday night by taking in 21 would he feeding ot the Hubbell ran-- u 1 II Alhii.inrrq.te. Santa he. Koswcll. ing pas-e- an ordinance rAVr 1 t"- -' MkXlfl M IIIhRS requiring LARGE NUMBERS .new members. They were Chief Jus-- ch, five miles south of the city by mL,lVA uULLILIW! and Dawson high schools, wi'.I the closing of all saloons at 6 p. - tice R. H. Hanna. Rev. F. F.. Loch- July 1, was announce.! today by . step out on University- field Friday in., effective Monday Miiy 13. j ridfje, Came Warden Theodor Frank A. Hubbell. afternoon to complete in the first The vote was five to three on al-- , Enough New Mexicans to make Rouault, Jr., State Senator B. F. F.ventnallv, we shall have about Twenty-eigh- t, New Mexicans, win clay's events of the intcrscholust the nronosition. M:ivor Davies ad'l- - Skilled and technically trained most a regiment, under the old Army Pankey, State Engineer James A. 30,000 lambs on the ranch that is, are graduated from the llnrd (Jilt - track and field meet. I he final willi'iig Ins vote to that of the four workers of this state, having rnlist-- will for - organization, start leaving French, H. C. Yontz, Superintend- - when we are in full blast,'" said Mr. ccrs training Camps, have been re be held Saturday afternoon. Republican Alderman three of whom en for service with the military rhe camps of the United of Public now work-State- s i l n training Instruction Jonathan Hubbell. we are L'Jiiiiiitnucu iui aa ' j uc ucLi.uiidlUi UMIUTM Will UC were last month on same torces ot tnc tied are re-- five-da- jent "Right kuiiiiuntfiia eieneri the Mates, Army during the y H. Wagner, H. S. Lutz, W. A. Fort- - injj out detads. We expect to feed ind lieutenants in the United States held in Rodey hall Saturday morn- - ticket with him. Those voting for ccivinc instructions which soon will which 25. Albu-exa- 1 period begins May The ner, Frank Hermann, A. B. Gnagey, 2,000 hogs here every year." .'.my. Commissions will be issue ing and the oratorical contest in Ro the ordinance were Cclso Lopez, G. 'put them to work. These New Mex-V- number is 985, as announced E. N. Stevcr. I. C. McConverv. ciuernue Herald. ns need for officers arises. In the dey hall Saturday night. Armijo, Lihrrato liaca, Nicolas icans. not of the draft age. who have by Captain R. C. Reid. U. S. R., in Frank Owen, C. E. Hott, Supreme meanwhile they will be in the service The entries in the declamatory Sena and the Mayor. enlisted, are all railroad men. charge of the work in this state. Justice Frank W. Parker, Dr. F. R. THE NEW MEXICO CATTLE without commissions. contest will be Miss Clara lierch- - Judge Holloman, Judge Roberts Air Brake Inspector In addition to these, who are all Lord. Robert W. Lynn, Charles AND HORSE CROWERS ASSN. Twenty are graduates of Camo told, Santa Fe: Miss Grace Jackson and several ladies as well as the Call No 4M was for one air brake white 11 colored men men, there are Proebstcl, E. N. Rich, William It. j Travis, Leon Spring, Texas. They or Miss Thelma Farley, Albuquerque ; mayor and members of the council inspector. Under this call Thomas liable call ' under this of the draf'. Roberts and George Dietzcl. The executive board of the New are as follows Leah Caldwell, Clayton; Miss Grace spoke for the measure. Marcelinn Devine, of Las Vegas, San Miguel Inasmuch as no for train-in- s in-- Grels-chowsk- provision New officers elected and installed Mexico Cattle and Horse Growers Leslie E. Alldredge, Springer, f Freese, Raton; Miss Ernestine i, Ortiz and Guadalupe Herrera spoke county, will entrain on May 20. these colored men has been made were: Chancellor commander, R. H. Association held its first meeting in in try. Santa Rosa; Miss Norma it. (porting to the Commanding Officer General - by Headquarters, they will Hanna; Reed Hollo- Raton last week. All members of Richard H. Buevcns, Jr., Carlsbad, Rasmus, Roswell, and Miss Ruth of Engineers. Camp Dick, Wrights- - not be sent to camps at William the new Carlsbad. IN training man; prelate H. Roberts, board were present and an infantry. Helper, H. J. LANCE TARRED AND town. J. this time. master of work, C. E. Hott; keep- - important session was held. One of Stanley W. Coon, Lordsburg in- Contestants in the oratorial contest ( all No. 434 was for one boiler The coun- FEATHERED AT CARLSBAD quotas which the several er of records and seal, Rev. Loch- - the most important decisions was to fantry. will be Arthur Dean, Clayton ; George maker or helper. Under this call ties will furnish are as follows: ridge, master of S. a Frank M. Culberson, La Lande, in- Hite, Las Vegas ; Paul Cullcn or finance, Harvey appoint legislative committee, j! ": O0Sevl;It Bernalillo 0 master of Cashier whose it will be formulate Roswell. Saturday night, shortly after nine r,a , Lutz; exchequer, duty to fantry. Wayne Ingram, o'clock, the town was the V" Leg-Fran- k L. Hill. str.led by Chaves 0 Robert W. Lynn; master of arms, and present to the next State John Clayton, infantry. The student body of the university " in- ' sudden appearance on Canyon street V Colfax 34 inner E. N. islature several bills favorable to Gustave J. Kaune, Santa will give a dance for the visitors at - Owen; guard. the Fe, of a man clothed in an - Camp Mca,,c- A(lm'ra. 14 outer K. Stauf-- stock fantry. hall the "! impro Md.?;,.,c Curry Stever; guard, John ! industry. Rodey following oratorial ""'Iam. snoes7 Dona Ana 75 H. C. Yontz. j Clark M. Albu-F- . Dillman C. Kinsell, Santa Fe, in- contest !4 niKing: E! h E fer; trustees, Benjamin Captain Carr, of Saturday night. ofY" s '" 0 and Thomas de-- , was a member of The entries from the different ,riow" fee. ''cadd Call Ko. 441 was J"t Eddy Pankey Doran; querque, appointed fantry. " tha - for Grant 76 puty grand chancellor, John K. the board to fill the vacancy caused Aud E. Lusk, Carlsbad, infantry. towns in the field events follows : P,rVeJ aut? tive firemen vTdcr Roswell-A.i- ",0,'lIe hai1 suddenly Guadalupe 51 Stauffer. Grand Keeper of Records by the death of former Governor Sam J. Lusk, Carlsbad, infantry. Dawson.-Cov- ert. stin ,,,is fh MoV "JT - " C. S. , , -- Lincoln 8 and Seals Elder, and former Grand William McDonald. Lawrence Ousterhoudt, Hond.ile, liassett, mayney, Canon, Corn, Hale, ; , , 'C. A Mnv " reporting, to the Command- - Luna 0 Chancellor Bernstein Suitable resolutions relative to the rtoman, .,, ' Officer of brought three infantry. Hayes, Jones, Mcrherson, ofty' n(1 rol cd o mging Engineers Camn 0 automobile loads of from death of Governor McDonald were Thomas Pappas. Jal, cavalry. Urton and ?" object out Meade. Admiral. Md McKinley Pythians Pendergrass, Whatley in Mora 94 Albuquerque, despite rain and slip-- j adopted by the board, Joe A. Purdy, Gallup, field artil- Santa Herrara, Laws fr0"f "7 PP'e standing TaIIcv a,lf) Pan R Ross, of "ibu: Victor Loveland and J. ,he building, said object Otero 0 pery roads, the visitors arriving just Culberson, president of the lery. Staplin. Albuquerque - Bernalillo Ray Quay 23 in time, having taken from 2 to 8 association, cal'ed attention to the Casper S. Rea, Riddle, infantry. -- Blake, Faw. Harrington. Herndon, ,ng a. most. s,r.a1c J PP"ran- Vrnnly,n f i.'vega's San Rio Arriba 99 p. m. to make the which or-- 1 importance to the stock of John C. Robbins, Mesilla Park, Horner, Miller, Payton, Pinter. Ro-- ; . It Ci Molton G trip ' industry Jr., iT' M''"' in.v: Penglose. Roosevelt 34 takes half the time. the of the state gers, banchez, Sandoval, Sedillo, llnlZ?tLi,h " nf n ohe. Arizona dinarily only reorganization infantry. ob-y- Sandoval ' 48 Ma- - mounted a Watson M. in- and Raton fa"nc,d by the brebze gave the A TaTner There were also delegates from police, result attained Roberts, Clayton, Sganzini Smalding. - of b'rd of San Juan 22 drid and visitors from other juris- - largely through the efforts of the fantry. Rrown, Pooler, Gillespie, F. Gillespie, Ahf p,ea.raT .j?lurK1fed1 Wichita Falls. Texas -r- eoortin from H. Huffine.-Albuqu.- rque I San Miguel 85 dictions, including former Grand association. Charles Southern, East Las Howe . and Sa"a Fe county ; Judd F. C ndi of Santa Fe 80 Chancellor Bowers of Kansas. Grand The next of the board will Vegas, TllKTAL Raton, Colfax William meeting infantry. 111 . HIL."vlldUMtril itll III Mrf I. II I" o r, . . county; - Byrd 23 Chancellor G. C. be held David infan-- f " "t.r r Sierra Whited of Raton at Alamogordo, August 1st, Thompson, Dawson, .. i. annj . men ayne, ot columlius. I. una countv 17 and leariiikrs inp f remn-na- n.c i Socorro inducted the officers and there were another will be held, probably try. FOUR LIBERTY BOND n l"" not ye. furnish- - Taos 60 at the fall. Klza White, Roswell, ' rX)? " p" nI ' speeches by Supreme Representative ' Clayton, during Jr., infantry. ISSUES NOW ON MARKET "cro county u i. . t .a :..V.: :c. Torrance 31 uuK-i-lr tj tirni; cnairman 01 uic.1.. Ty White, Las Cruces, field artil- a.',. Hontler and Linemen n. Williams, one "would a vehicle and take . Union 55 state commission; Su- BETTER COME IN WHILE lery. at issued and get ajo r corporation There are present ,11 a Immj. " it proved to be Henrv SamiiiS Valencia 56 perintendent of Public Instruction T. THE WATER IS FINE The seven from Camp Funston, outstanding, four issues of Liberty tive nosMer Vnder this rail are as j Lange. who had been treated to a S. Havnes. of The colored men liable, and who H. Wagner, Supreme Court Justice Kansas, follows: Bonus, dim su.i.i incic w... uc i - 0f am Roswell, Chaves coun- There is a man in Roosevelt coun- u. Silver in- - jCOat tar f(.athers. will entrain will be called later, are distributed Frank W. Parker; State Engineer deorge rrame, City, sues They are as follows: The troubles of Mr. are well ty, May 20, reporting A. and enthusi- who is one Lange to the En- imong the count;ts as follows: James French other ty worth, approximately fantry. . The original bonds ot the first fcnown bllt a short resume Commanding Officer o astic Louis Gal-le- s or two hundred thousand I.yle B. Hawthorne, San Marcial, 3A cent may help gineers Fort Va. Bernalillo 3 Pyhtians, including dollars, Liberty Loan; these bear per arrjve a, a c()rrcct concllIsion of t,,e Meyer. who had been the does't owe a dollar on re- 15, 1947, Call No. 46i was for six Chaves 4 working up earth, yet infantry. interest and mature June affair of nig-ht- telephone affair the past week. Governor W fuses to buy a Liberty Bond, He Koman G. Hubbell, Albuquerque. but are redeemable at the Govern - Saturday and telegraph linemen Under this Eddy 2 in He was arrestcH some wc(,ks a!,Q call the 2 E. Lindsey, who is a loyal Pythian, might just as well come while the infantry, ment on or after June 15, fnr following will entrain May Otero - soptionL . . .. linnatriotic' utterances dnrinir the did not return in time from Fort water is fine, because come in hei George E. Moore, Santa Fe, in- 11171 1 npnii to the Ot-f;c- er time an effort was being made to reporting Commanding Sumner to make the main address must. It would work a hardship on fantry. lege. of the Sicnal Corns Camn NORTHERN COUNTIES in- - arouse the people to the , for which he had been slated. The him if his ne:ghbors refused to havci Herbert N. McClellan, Clayton, 2 The bonds of the Second importance Snmm. Moe e(in s Tl ARE OVER TOP original - "C exas; THE - F,0"'h- in' CI MORE Pvthian women set the banquet anything to do with him, if the mer fantry. Liberty Loan; they bear 4 per cent Z!L"'y:":''"rV "VRnymnnrl Travis I.orinior :ama. THAN DOUBLE chants to sell Thomas C. Silver " to table, around which the lodge and refused buy or to or McSherry, City, interest and mature Nobembcr 15, Arrilia-- countv: Charles Oren if ilictnient returned by the umeci ri, I t Northern New Mexico more its guests gathered at 2 o'clock a. from him. the bank refused his nfantry. 1042, but are redeemable at the lovis urrv countv: Frank than the session 4 a. m in if he should be Alexander E. Williams, Silver Santa doubled its loan of m., lasting until business, fact, City, Government's option on or after nn(,1,'n,.,i ,:, ,i,j ''Otortli. Santa Fe county; liberty quota mem- - tracised and in .' from the ten coun- morning. Of the new both socially business infantry. November 15,1927. They have a Mr. LanU Reports bers. ten were taken the such a could The one of Camp Pike. wa, ties to Reed chair- through yet thing happen, gradaute conversion privilege. ,m bond furn5shed j f.?""1 S''Ve Judge Holloman, 12 should if will Arkansas, is Scott A. Burnam, of 3 LaRe Hernal.,, , man of the district, indicate that degrees, the other were admitted happen and; possible Bonds of the second issue which ,,is ,)mth and a yci hl Mr. ,S,"'n on card or Col. .be made to Portales Journ-Georg- e Roswell. He has as an of- n y com ; Ed. S. - $2,285,200 has been subscribed. are reinstatements. happen. qualified l'?ve been obtained by the conversmn r Rj ht h M L d firnt ty Tay- ficer of Ior- - Rio Arriba is the banner W. Prichard, former attorney ial. infantry. of the first issue into bonds mie,,t f t,:. i:f t ('i""P- M' Kinley cuonty. county, one 4 to..,j ft subscribed $106,000 fourteen times general and Grand chancellor, of of the second; they bear per cent in Santa Ft as t0 in 15. remainin(; a(lvise(, HUBBELL SELLS cts Sandoval the founders of Pythianism New KILL THE USELESS DOCS (Official Bulletin) interest and mature June 1947, hc it SIX quota. county made was one The Provost Marshal General has (lo, returned to Carlsbad, and CARS OF $16,-40- Mexico, of the most elo b"1 " or after LAMBS IN even a better showing, 0 RAISE PIGS AND HENS a",re1?rma,,!e J"neis said did not cease his raising of the evening. issued a call for 8.985 draft men who 1932. a conversion utterances; KANSAS CITY AT $20 eS more than times its quent speakers 15, They j am1 when his h was visi,cd 5 eighteen are grammar-schoo- l and Rio Arriba is awarded the Dogs eat large quantities of food, graduates committee the to quota. qualified for general ser- 4 bonds of the Third Langes bbell sold palm because of the large sum rais- DAVID GOLDSTEIN Useless dogs ought to be killed as a military The original invM, in ,ibert; Bods used company means vice to be sent to the various schools Loan ; bear 454 such!, in ITancaa fitir ttiia ed in spite of the small amount of ADDRESSED A LARGE of helping food conservation Liberty they per cen,t language toward certain of its mem- -' Jf","""ofe&2h If your dog is of no use and as listed below. They will report merest and mature September, t per hundred The its bank deposits. GATHERING AT MUSEUM specal on 16 in you don t value it, it is better put out May every case, except 1928, and are not redeemable "V1 him ,?own. Stiil he w a' where the date is 23. 5 one a - tne waV- - In there Virginia, May maturity. They have no conversion nA : , number of record break- AMERICAN FLIER. KILLED David Goldstein a Hebrew wholof very village These men will receive a two r,ri,UH im ,.,, are numbers of ownerless which . . - !"K UtX' IN FRANCE DECLARES embraced the Catholic faith some dogs months' course of as auto Pri.v.i,ege:. . . it Patriotic, but coming to town, Satur- sheen fourteen lectured to a .ol'Snt to be rounded up and killed, training inc unicr iwo issue? which win growers""r.rJin Kansas AGAINST MOURNING years ago mechanics and chauffeurs, machinists, soon be will be A'A City market this season. lawe audience at the Museum Mon is,tray cats- - whlch eat the songbirds outstanding per ch not Rermain ,0 the of eat harmful also blacksmiths, carpenters, electricians, cent bonds obtained by the conver- - spirit 1. Dins-mo- re He was some timethat the bugs, ought the tfme and e, alreadv Chicago, May Lieutenant day evening. for -- ,he haj Maior a uneialist hut nnit that to be exterminated. Useless cats and rajdio operators, concrete workers, on of bonds of the first issue, and!k.. Massie ought to fight just Ely, U. S. A., of Winnetka.'a onrani. and obtained con- a little if when 1 cost the millions of telegraphers. 4JJ cent bonds by better, possible, he North shore suburb, was killed in tion because of their immoral teach-- d,f.s country will be until per WhenfjLange made his way south uunars. They unassigncd version of bonds of the second issue, in goes back to the front, with the o - , iou may ininic. , inai: you- . towards his home, clad only natu- riitiicc in aviauuii service on rwuriiA;t,miv t t . after the completion of their courses, into bonds of the Third Liberty Loan. knowledge that he has the 21 Mr- - Goldstein is under mem iooa mat is not gooa re's and a breechclout, a personal A few davs before his death he traveling jeea oniy when will be assigned to various will have no conversion garments best wishes of the of New the auspices of the Catholic Truth ,for hum;n consumption which may they They privi- number of automobiles followed him people wrote a letter his father Dr be branches of the service. Mexico, who hone most sincere) O which lw received ye.rr! Guild and is .forceful speaker who, tn.e .but the ..me food will raise lege. to get a glimpse of him, and presum Ely a valuable or a dozen useful hens. The men will be allocated as that eVfrV 'hot from nis battery will The closes was heard with much interest here. pig : ably to see, also, that no on nicked day. letter thus: follows V Perforate the maximum number T He ac- - German Not Given Rich Food MISS SHIELDS OPENS a I of "And - want n aV in rlc!nn - is traveling by automobile Alabama. of him up and gave him it his : T J : i ... c . a .i r The that interned Germans University Alabama, OFFICE IN ARMORY Fe New Mexi- - Anything should happen to me let's i:uiiiiiiiiii:ii iiv in niimir i. report Tuscaloosa.200. home. no corbett and is in all the various camps in the United States The affair was shrouded in my-- 1 have mourning in spirit or in speaking District of Columbia (colored). : Ti -- i c i. : i .1 . n.-,- :. x- - , , towns of the state. are eating "tne tat ot the land a imiss i ci mens in, w:.ii...5 I. no one Knew wno nau .u dress. Like . Liberty bond, it is an larger Howard University, Washington, D. jiiic on applied knows the not . when . men story spread by German propagan- presentative of the committee the coat of tar and feathers, and no w,V"u fe"?w .wh investment, loss, dists is denied the C, 300. nrotective work with under the lone seemed to want know It "."ttonhook pnzzle by heart, and Is a dies for his It is an honor emphatically by Uni- girls, to wa. shark country. DR. LINDAU MADE THE Food Adminitration. No food is Florida (colored). Tuskegee War commission of that had been at sums and no slouch on dec to . family, and is that the time for MUSEUM ADDRESS ON Ala., 380. Department enough the job done, imals is his being wasted in these camps and the versity, Tuskegee, camp activities, has estab- Mr. Lange was in town, having troubles solving I would rather leave training Tuesday, the gas-mas- weeping? ray TUESDAY EVENING conservation rules are Georgia. University of Georgia, lished her office at the .where and when seen an - family rich in memories of being strictly 250. armory by Argus repre- But no pleasant enforced. Athens, Ga., she will be glad to receive between sentative eave the following account soldier is burning any mid- my life than numbed in sorrow at Dr. born in Illinois. Lewis night oil over an state-mem- ?. Lindau, Jewish Rabbi, Radtica Meat Institute, Chicago, hours ot 1 p. m. and p. an of the Mr. income tax my death." Eating 100. the J m., affair of Saturday night. England, and of world wide experi- " Cut down on meat" is the III., those in need of her assistance or in- s Trench and Camp. ence as a made the address again Kansas. Kansas State Lange statement is not given speaker, appeal of Herbert Hoover. The re- Agriculture terested in her work. verbatim, and was made in the - , 7. WOMEN BEASTS OF FIELD at the Museum evening. College, Manhattan. Kans., 250. pres- T1 one about this wa- IN Tuesday gular decline in the .volume of ani- The problem created by the pres ence of witnesses: Mr. Lange said: thing r- MINDS OF GERMANS It was one of war Louisiana. of Tulane, ryit-t- c iri f Vt rt the best talks mals on the has deve University nf vnntiit ntcrri hpr..x. . . He Ivincr down u,,c. oren 10 rrance ana coming market 600. wis., vi wunjs was on a much in yet given in the city. loped, but 75,000,000 of meat New Orleans, La.. hood of j has his ,ne effects of it comes back Baniamla W. Douglass) Hun pounds of Pitts- training camps proved home, Saturday night, and his fee". (By Dr. Lindau knows the and must be shipped weekly to Maryland. University so that officers have two brothers were in the room with .1 maAe. on the Several years ago a friend of mine was able tell and products Pa., 330; State great protective ...: to simply directly our sodiers and the allies. burg, Pennsylvania been in him. when foi-- r men V rress. hired a family to work on a farm. he must be defeat-- They State 150 appointed every community entered the '"ro,r "ee logically why have cut meat consumption to a College. College. Pa., to a military camp, to han- - house with drawn revolvers and de-- ! inose ,,lat do" l. come back have The family lived in a "tenant house" ed. or human from Agricul- adjacent peace on the liberty perish pound ,nd a quarter per person per Mississippi. Mississippi die the many reformative questions manded that he come with them. Kaiser's terms. St. about a quarter of a mile from the the face of the earth. ture and Mechanics Cillege, Agricul- - I.outs Star. owner. associated with delinquency. The men were disguised by having By eliminating waste anditur?' College, Miss., 460. Protective work plans to make a black masks and red One morning my friend noticed a quarter. New College, Durham, handkerchiefs Tt is announced "SEEING THINGS" IN THE reducing of meat, particu- Hampshire survey of conditions in cities near over their faces. He was loaded into that the high cost in quantities office-seeke- strange looking outfit one of his beet served N. H., 340. which are to secure of living is driving fields. HAPPY CAMPING GROUNDS larly and poultry, at camps located; an automobile, and taken across the . He investigated. The new New Brown University, 'rom Wash-ngton- We had each meal, it is hoped to escape the Jersey. increased facilities for the care and; canal to some soot where he HM not ?wav have tenant one horse and his wife " Providence. R. I., 150. amuse-- a" a'on that some ditched to a The other horse While eamned at 8500 feet alti. of the meatless day. protection of girls; supervise : know as he himself was blindfolded neen, con,,trt.ent plow. rude head of Fawn Creek in Mr. Hoover the New York. New York University, ment inspect public build-- ! He was of his clothino- n.l .W.?".M t from the hiph was too sick to walk. The man near the again urges greater New 500. places: strioned " Gallatin in use of milk and fish. York City, those em-- 1 coat ot "v'"g Minneapolis Tribune. was a German. the Range the northwest products North Carolina. North Carolina ings, particularly giving the of tar and feathers applied, jC05t That is the German of ern part of the Yellowstone National pioyment to women; innuence ine: after which he was given an old way doing Vernon Chief N. M. BOOTLEGERS College of Agriculture and Mechanic- of needful aid in low like The man who has not bought at Women are no more to Park" writes Bailey, N. 160. legislation; slip or covering, with the end In things. al Arts, West Raleigh. C, strives to im-jc- ut the light of recent developments Germans than are the beasts of Field Naturalist of the U. S. Biologi- GET YEAR SENTENCE law enforcement, and out ordered to draw it on, when the Ohio. Toledo University, Toledo, rnmntiitv th- : - .1 1. : . .:-- u . among certain of our noted men. field. cal Survey in a book soon to be issu- nfei" with...... fart that rt m 3 !A sivuiiii ins wu.il . it Ohio, 100; Ohio Mechanics Institute, j uiu-- a nsisi : .u- amon o certain of our men tt ed the National Park "I Tucson, Ariz., May 8. Bor- it.J mrM mil .mir- artivities need u...... 3 t.A.AI. v. v U - , . noted, an Reverence for one of by Service, Harry at. nig, auu lie n ' inc ' women, our den D. li- Cincinnati, Ohio. 250; University of in of pears to " Renedirt Arnold was a Anglo-Saxo- n could make out with a field glass elk and C Wright, wholesale constant scrutiny the interests auto and to town. ideals, finds no place Akron. Akron. Ohio, 100. - brought Arriving in the code of the herds on the high ridges south, west, quor dealers of Rodeo, N. M., who its young women and men. The pro- jn town, his captors told him that .Vw ,ort of. gentlemen German. Indiana. Valparaiso University, re--1 37',y " Minnesota in the war. Mr. how and north of camp. By climbing cau- - were convicted of conspiracy to tective officer does not assume when they opened the door and told American, would you like I 500. tiously, so as not to disturb the elk, transport liquor from Rodeo to Valparaiso, Ind., sponsibility for the things that ought him to jump, he must pet out lively. TT TT. to see your wife hitched to a olow? South Carolina. Clemson Agricul- 1 he Bolshevki to he a You scoff up to 10.000 feet on Quadrant Moun-- 1 Douglas, Ariz., were sentenced to a to be done, but hopes to have them which he did. and upon landing on appear at the idea? Remember ture Clemson, S. C, 200. in- - deal more over tain south of I was soon in the i year and a each at Fort Leaven- - College, undertaken by local groups. The terra firma found himself in front rooj! disturbed the Belgium, please and dig. If you camp day South Dakota. Institu- of midst of their choice summer UUI 7I ISUII UJT UIIHCU Olit&CS Dunwoody tention of work is not 0f the as lj,.nliniJ, (,w Japanese at cannot then for the one of JUUgw 650. protective postoffice, stated Lange ig trenches, dig sawtelle bach was fined te. Minneapolis, Minn., to fill a war emergency, but to wa hlintfnlHrl i .11 im. divostok than over the invasion of in ranges. today, Aus- rrU. iron-sho- Liberty Loan. Minnesota the Texas. of Texas. Aro-in-. t''cir bv a host of d War. "Small herds and scattered individ- $1,000. University oromote the intelligent handling of had country uals were seen over the tin. Tex., 500. irirls bv every asencv coming in con Germans. Providence Journal big open Utah. University of Colorado, FOR SLAYER slopes of timber line; bunches of GOVERNOR MANNING SENDS tact with them, so that this policy ACQUITTAL SON WAR Boulder, Colo.. 250. into the think- Troubles Of An Editor i For two vears not a single pleasure OF FLAG INSULTER old bulls with full grown velvety SIXTH TO may be incorporated ' horns Ivinir on ton of the ridires Vermont. University of Vermont, ing and permanent practice of every In one of the southern towns in motot car has been made in England. where the wind was and' Columbia. S. May 1. When Burlington, Vt., 365. community. Deming Headlight. Otero county, the editor got in bad lurnrv business has cened. The T. 30. A strongest C. ' Honolulu, H., April Jury, Vivian M. became a Virginia. University of Virginia, over a recipe headed Cor-- Knglish are leading strenuous lives. to-a- ay insects least troublesome ; calves and Manning private recently ner aenoeraiing six minutes, field University Va., (May 23), 600. TAR AND OR Bread, when the was nut are t Sumner re- yearlings playing over great snow in a artillery regiment at Camp FEATHERS conglomeration prospering. acquitted Captain Henry Allen, banks on cold and cows Jackson here Man- West Virginia. Richmond School BONDS FOR CALLEGOS supposed to be a Pudding Recipe. Review. tired tea captain who on April 14 the slopes; Board. State Fair peacefully lying in meadows of rich ning, of South Carolina, saw his sixth Grounds, Richmond, hot and killed S. J. Walker for cur 800. at short grass and clover. Little streams son enter the service of the nation. Va.. The report comes from Santa Rosa the indignant lady who had contr:-th- One of the immediate require- - ling tne American flag. Wisconsin: 1 OOuOOO ice-co- ld were The others who Vivian Michigan Agriculture N. V. Gallecos. chairman of buted her prize recipe, and we can ments of the Allies 's horses r...i:.-i.- . .:. - :...iiand pools of water preceded and Mechanical East Lan- .(.. and the elk : were a Maning are all men, one College, the Guadalupe county exemption doubly sympathize with the editor.! and mules for se'vice in France, Allen was surrounded soldiers, everywhere pic army majo', 500. ' by sing Mich.. and receiver of the who was to admit that there n-'- mis- - who a about him ture of contentment and satisfaction two captains, a sergeant and a pri- board, former ready Horse breeders make no draped flag and summer vate. Total, 8.985. Tucumcari Land Office, who is re- - is something in the name, even if it is tike in raisin colts this summer. formed a body guard as he left the with their ideal home. court. "After watching them for about an ported as being worth $25,000.00 or in the culinary line, for people could Rutland Herald, a had MANY NEBRASKA WIT- HUMAN RACE CAPABLE more, had been m'ven a choice of not relish some dishes if they were . Walker, while dying, admitted he hour large grizzley bear that GREAT SACRIFICES been mice on a NESSES IN BIRKNER CASE OF buying a $1,000 Liberty Bond or of not camouflaged under another convince a - had been shot after he had condemn- digging neighboring -- Trying to hurlv police- was seen across to- receiving a handsome oat of tar and name. ed the United Statea and slope walking is of our man that vmir draft credentials are expressed ward the elk. As he came in view Maj. John M. Birkner, charged Labor essentially a part feathers. He publicly bought the Yes, editors make mistakes, grave , the wish that all American toldiert new The farmer is es- ones individual vot)r oth(,r n, KotT,e , fat their, heads went and the herds with disloyal utterances, is reported great army. Bond, and at the same time he was sometimes, yet every UaKntt ontdoor,it Europe would be killed. up a man. These I A n 1. m.etalrna .illhrniMi frnov . sport. Pittsburg summoned nine sentially fighting mala Iaa e. near me gathered into a dense mass to have witnesses . iimcs-uzi- must do their share and more. board bv citizens w;ll not admit that do. However MAY ARGUE BLANCETT of about 500, old and young, while from Nebraska for his trail in the Theempt;on the angry they the bear walked close in front federal court next week. The trial nrhn viutn) hi nff irr in m hodv. thi their mistakes, are iust as annarertt APPEAL THIS MONTH past a Hlam-- -- of them. The herd was a beautiful is set for Monday. The government not be fully conceived even after demand was also complied with. in fact, always as apparent as the Mrs. " of nenver. is offi- visit to its bloody scene. It is won- He is advised a contrast between bold and white i 'rrstruct;nr th Pe C'o women in A. B. for 25 or 30 old bulls with sets of will or nine had, it reported,a . a type Renehan, attorney Elbert sight, bring eight army derful to see what the human race the art of and sur- Blancett, convicted last year of the horns towering above the numerous cers from Camp Cody to testify. number ot people against cuying paper can maice inem. mlr!ng Khe in sacri- mis-th- is of j could e gical Hillsboro Advo- murder of Clyde hat ap- small sets, while the front ranks Birkner will be defended by A. B. capable making great Liberty Bonds and as chairman of If editors bury their dressings. Armour, fices in a cause Gen. Leon- to--1 cate. plied to the state court were mainly filled with anxious cows Renehan and Carl Gilbert. great exemption board his actions takes as the doctors and druggists supreme far ard Wood. ward men is said do. or hide their errors in oisreon oral argument in the appeal far ready to give battle for the protec-tio- a of draft an to ew trial The case wilt be of their young. When the bear After refusing to buy Liberty have been high-hand- and arbitrary holes and go on smiling as lawyers! Anvhow. th K"w' six sons argued offi- - soon. Blancett was sentenced to fee had disper- Bonds, a western Kansas farmer Silent pro-Germ- appetites are and he was accused of using his do. editors would be a happy set never can say that he:r father didn't disappeared they quietly I - last but the sed to their and seemed very committed suicide. He set a good as hostile to the Allied cause as dis- ce for political preferment. House But. alas every one sees their mis- take food care of them. Detroit hanged June appeal stay grazing I ed execation. little concerned." example. Portales News. loyal utterances. Indiana Bulletin. News. takes. Free Press.



GERMAN WORKS WEST Union News Ssrvtes. DEFENSE RESTORATION OF BELGIUM AND AUSTRALIANS BREAK THROUGH tsks Those Unsble to Bear Arms to Wulirn Nswtpspsr OF ARRAS RAZED IN HAND-TO-HAN- to Second DUNVER MARKETS, AUTONOMY FOR ALSACE FOR ADVANCE IN Contribute Generously $100,000,000 War Fund. STRUGGLE. NIGHT THRUST NEAR ANCRE. Cattle. AMONG PROPOSALS. Fat steers, ch. to prime. . .115.75 16.7 Fat steers, good to choice. 14.50 15.60 Waitern Newspaper Union News Service. Pat steers, fair to good.... 13.50014.26 lor is- Heifers, 12.00013.00 Wilson prime Washington. President Cows, fat, good to choice.. 11.5012.25 BIG GUN DUEL NEAR ADVANCE LINE sued a proclamation designating the Cows, fair to aood 10.50011.50 m EAST TO REMAIN AS IT IS FRENCH Cows, common to fair 7.00 10.00 week beginning May 20 as "Red Cross Veal calves 10.60ii14.60 Week," and calling upon the Ameri- Bulla 8.00" 4. SO to choice.... 12.0014.6 can people to contribute generously to Feeders, good BERLIN ADMITS AUSTRALIANS TAKE UP NEW Feeders, fair to good 10.00011.60 INSPIRED PROPOSITION DELIV- CANADIANS the second $100,000,000 war fund ot Feeders, common to fair... 9.00 10.00 MADE GAINS BETWEEN EN- for the alle- Mockers, good to choice... 10.00011.50 ERED BY FORMER WAR MIN- TRENCH AND PENETRATE the American Red Cross Stackers, lulr to good 8.50 .75 AND SOMME. ARRAS. viation of suffering among tho Amer- ISTER OF HOLLAND. EMY FRONT AROUND Good $17.00 ' 17.60 ican troops In Fiance and their de- hogs pendents at home and among the Sheep. Western I'nlun Sewn Service. Lambs, light . ...$19.25019.75 Ncwnpaper Western Ncwfcpnper t'nlnn Nw Service. forces and civilian popula- Wenlei n Newnpupcr L'nluii Service. fighting Lambs, heavy ... 18.7519.26 British HeadiiuurtiTH in France (vlb tions of the allied countries. The Kwes , ., 15.25016.00 London, May 7. Correspondents in Yearlings ...... 16.26017.00 8 was terrific London, May Foreign Secretary proclau-atlo-n follows: . Ottawa), May - Thi'io a France state that the British gun fire Wethers .. 16.00 16.60 bomlmrdniPiit of two hours' duration Balfour told the House of Commons "PROCLAMATION: no offers had been made in Flanders during the last three days HAV AND GRAIN MARKET, Monday nig. t in connection with two that peace "Inasmuch as the war fund of 1917, the He added: has completely prevented any enemy ruitls. One was carried out by the recently by enemy. eo generously contributed by the (F. O. B. Denver, Carload Price.) is uo of a neu- movement on the British lines, while enemy and wan unsuccessful. The "T!:ere representative American people to the American Hay. nation in thin who has the French prevented any attack, Buying Trices per Ton. other was by the Canadians, near Neil tral country Alfred Smith, president of the New Red Cross for the administration of Coin, ton tl8.0020.00 Mark L. of San Francisco, a tentative or informal sugges- which was undoubtedly being pre- upland, per vllle Vitasse, southwest of Arras. The Requa made York Central system, has been ap- relief at home and abroad, has been Nebr. upland, per ton 17.00018.00 imminent mlnlna enalneer. has been of Ger- pared, on their front by attacking Prairie hay (new crop), raiders that many tions peace negotiations." assistant director of railroads exhausted by appropria- 16.00 18.00 Canadian reported annniniail nil mri m n 1st rator. under the to pointed first. practically Colo, and Nebr., per ton. Cernians were killed or wounded in many's peace eminsary, according in charge of transportation In the tions for the welfare of the men in Tlmothv, per ton 20.00021.00 of Dr. H. A. Garfield, fuel work- Sunday night the irrepressible Aus- Alfalfa, per ton 16.00 18.00 hand-to-han- de- jlrectlon the Daily Mail, has been busily northern districts. He is fighting and great been eastern and west our military and naval forces, and South Park, per ton 20.00w2l.00 idmlnistrator. He has recently bin has made no progress in tralians gave the Germans and 18.00 struction was wrought in the enemy's ing heir, an able executive of long experience. for those dependent upon them for the Gunnison Valley, per ton.. 020.00 In charge of the commercial relations There reason to be- southwest of Morlnncourt, between the Straw, per ton 6.00 defense works. uny direction. is more ursent necessities of our al- division of the food administration. 11 Somme another yet Grain. lieve, rays, that the German agent, Ancre and rivers, 00 ruins are the lies, military and civilian, who have Oats, Nebr,, 100 lbs., buying $3 Heavy rendering who has been reported to be u Dutch GALL IN MAY drubbing and advanced the entente Colo., oats, bulk, buying 3.00 bad for Un- 233,000 long borne the brunt of war; 3.33 ground very fighting. financier, returns to Germany to re- line to a depth of 500 yards along a Corn chop, sack, selling the is for MUTINY GRIPS AUSTRIA "And, lnaamuch as the American Corn In sack, selling 3.30 doubtedly enemy preparing port that there is nothing doing. front of 2,000 yards. Gluten feed, sacked, selling 2. 97 but the Hiitish ANNOUNCEMENT MADE BY SEC- Red Cross has been recognized by law 1.7714 another violent blow, A Central News dispatch from The This operation was a continuation Bran, Colo., per 100 lbs., selling. to meet it. and International convention as the are ready Hague says the Dutcti intermediary RETARY BAKER. of one started Saturday night south- Flour. (ler-man- s AS RIOT instrumentality for war relief; Monday and Monday night the GERMANS FIGHT SLAVS is to be Jonkheer Colyn, for- west of Morlancourt. That time Hie public Hungarian patent, 98 lbs., sacked, reported "And, inasmuch aa the year of our subject to discount 4.95 kept up a considerable bombard- FORCES GAIN GROUND. mer minister of .ur. Australians drove in against the en- Arizona Will Send 1,784 Draft Men; own participation in the war has IMUJI.THV. ment of the back areas in Flanders The proposals made by Jonkheer emy and smashed them back 700 yards DHESHKD on Colorado, 2,079; New Mexico, 985; brought unprecedented demands upon Less 10 per cent commission. with guns. The allies, Colyn, the from The Hague a front of 1,500 30 Goes to dispatch 167. along yards. the and liberality of our Turkeys, fancy d. p 032 the other hand, were busy hamme ring Emperor Charles Fighting are sulJ there to have been and Wyoming, patriotism Turkeys, old loins 24 025 reports, The Canadians have appeared in the and made, evident the neces- 21) the enemy's roads and concentration Front as Dozen Crises Center on as people, Turkeys, choice 022 follows: Arras sector, further south than they of the work of re- Hens lb 27 Shortage of Food. 1 sity concentrating 27 30 points. Germany to renounce all claims with have been since the battles in this re- which Ducks, young has without Washington. Simultaneously lief In one main organization Geese. 25 27 Still another day passed in the west. announcement of the March 21. ThiB of the 15 at- the Friday scope gion began part can respond effectively and universal- Roosters 018 the Hermann on the western front 2 Restoration of Belgium. Increas- V"tern New Pliar'M' t'nlin Srvlre. of the government's plans for line is important, as it defends Arras ly to the needs of humanity under Live to begin a new phase of :! Alsace-Lorrain- e to be autono- Poultry. tempting JxniuYn, ". I'niest in the Slo- ing its fighting strength, Secretary to the southwest and includes locali- of (Prices net F. O. B. Denver.) the May stress war; 10 15 their offensive, livery where along mous, within the German federation. Neuvllle-Vitasse- , Mercan-te- Roosters, lb venian district:: or Austria is growing Baker disclosed that 23,000 men from ties such as l Iniumuch as the duration of 26 at 4 -- t "And, Turkeys, 10 lbs. or over 030 line there have been artillery duels, The In' lie east to remain e and is with stutu;i forty-fiv- states had been called to and Bolsleaux St. Mare, where and closer co- Hens ... 25 026 daily mutiny spreading the war and tho closer 23 to 25 some points of considerable intensity, an- as at present. Ducks, young great rapidity, Iteuter')- Limited Join the colors in May. there have been bitter struggles since of the American Red Cross 18 20 and the allied armies are In their fi to certain conces- operation Qeese lying nounced it hud been learned from a Austria The tall for 230,0(io men during May the Germans launched their great of- own and with the with In with our army navy, positions awaiting expectancy, A be- sions to Italy the Trentino. to states! Kicks. Serbian source. recent conflict, goes all except California, fensive. ot our allies, and with No. 1 F. and also with the ti be solved governments Ekes, graded net, perfect confidence, und Slovenians ended Balkan questions to by and Nevada, which, with the The British have withdrawn their re- U. B. Denver .33 will fall at tween Germans Oregon foreign relief organizations, have blow that they realize Boon an international conference. of have of Jor- Eggs, graded No. 2 net, F. in bloodshed. Kmperor Chillies has District Columbia, already troopB from east the sulted In the discovery of new oppor- o. B. Denver .24 some in Flanders or l'lcardy. 7 All colonial affecting Koru-fl- point left his capital for the lighting front questions supplied so large a purt of their quo- dan, in Palestine, the London war of- of under condi- para rnnrit. misc. The British made a successful raid Africa Asia Minor to be settled tunities helpfulness 9.30 9.00 at a time when Austria Is seething and by tas that it was decided not to include fice announces. 1,000 Germans wliicli into cases, less commission....! Neuvllle-Vltasse- , of Nearly tions translate opportunity near southwest a conference of all the belligerents. e with political unrest. In Bohemia and them this time. The movement in and Turks and twenty-nin- machine Butter. Arras, the war office reports. Three 8 to abandon all claims to duty; Creameries, ex, 1st lb... 43 all parts of his domains, the liberals Germany most states will begin May 25, and guns have been captured in the last inasmuch as the American grade, 40 machine were captured. her former Chinese protectorate of "And, Creameries, 2d grade, lb guns are protesting against his action In will be completed in five days. few days. Red Cross war council and its com- Process J6 37 The French in the Amiens sector Kiaochai:, but in exchange to receive stock 28 3 dismissing Parliament. It is announced By this order the War Department The allies have kept up a heavy ar- missioners in Europe have faithfully Packing were successful in a similar maneuver. certain economic i onressions in China. men in a Berlin newspaper abandons its plan of assembling lire in sectors where the Ger- and administered the In addition an attempt Jonkheer went to Kngland tillery economically now box.t.l f2.50 they repulsed that the German food department has Colyn in even monthly increments of approx- mans have been or have Apples, Cold, fancy, ed Oernian attack. last week at the head of a mission assembling, people's trust; Pears, Colo 3.00 taken over control of most of the Bo- imately 100,000. at in for virtue of my pa- to be to ex- been work bringing up guns "Now, therefore, by The Italians dispersed hostile hemia "in to the demands of whose purpose was said Under the new draft call, Colorado Vegetables. response the battle which is virtually certain to authority as President of the United 12 00 'it 14.00 trols on various parts of the front. mcm-ber- a plain to the British the difficulties will send men to Bnans, Navy, cwt the German population." Three 2,079 Camp Cody, come. Stales and President of the American Beans, I'lnto, cwt 10.00 the allied line every- cnused demand on Hol- 10 Meanwhile of the Austrian cabinet are re- by Germany's N. M.; Arizona, 1,784 to Camp Cody; Woodrow do Beans, l.hna, lb .16 to meet the the transfer of Ger- Red Cross, I, Wilson, cwt 2.00 where Is being reinforced to have resigned. land concerning Nebraska, 1'i73 to Camp Dodge, Iowa; Beets, Colo,, In- ported Geneva, Switzerland, May 6. It is hereby proclaim the week beginning Cabbage, Colo 2.50 when he unleashes his man materials across Holland to Bel- to 1.00 enemy again Kansas, 4,871 Camp Funston, Kan.; that 20, 1918, as 'Red Cross Week,' Carrots, cwt Americans are u officially announced fron Vienna May Cauliflower lb 10 12 fantry. The taking . are least gium. New Mexico, 985 to Wyo- London, May "There at Camp Cody; Emperor Charles, the chief of the during which the people of the United Onions, table, dos 25 .35 prominent part in this strengthening a dozen different crises in Austria to- ming, 1G7 to Camp Lewis, Wash., and Potatoes, cwt 75 1.65 ELEVEN 1m7lUONWOMEN AID. Austrian staff and several States will be called upon again to 1 of the line. M. Clemenceau, the 808 to Lewis. general Turnips, Colo., cwt 250 1.50 day," wrote one of the Utah, Camp high German and Austrian officials give generously to the continuation of French premier, who has just returned "All these English correspondents. Nearly Two Million Engaged in Agri- reached the Italian front. This, with the important work of relieving dis- HIDES AND PKLTS. to Paris from a visit to the battle to concentrate on the St. Hides. crises appear cultural Pursuits. Louis Jury Indicts Denver Man, the considerable movements of troops tress, restoring the waste of war and Dry Pound front, is authority for the statement of food. Kvcn the racial ani- St. Louis, Mo. Indictments problem Hot Springs, Ark. Eleven million charg- in the Tyrol and Trentino reported assisting in maintaining the morale Flint, butcher, lb 28c that American troops are continuing mosities of the empire, ing thirty-on- e men and one woman Flint, fallen, lb 26c composite women and girls are employed in from the interior, is Interpreted to of our own troops and the troops and bull and lb 16c to arrive In the battle zone in force. which have been the weak tim- with were returned a Flint, stag, always American industries, according to the disloyalty by mean that the long predicted offen- peoples of our allies by this manifes- Flint, culls and glue, lb 16c The conclusion of peace between bers of its structure, have been in- federal jury. Among those In- Bait hides, lb 20 22c and social conditions de- grand sive on the Italian front will soon be tation of effort and sacrifice on the one-ha- lf to s Humunla and the central powers has sec- industrial Horse hides flamed into unusual bitterness by was dicted was Dr. Charles H. Weinberg, of those who, not privi- of green salt. been about the of partment report, which made at begun. part though price brought, by signing tional Jealousies over food distribu- president, until it disbanded, of the to bear arms, are of one Green Halted, Cured Hides. Iso- the convention of the General Federa- leged spirit, Over 40 lbs., lb 10 12c a treaty at Bucharest Monday. tion. These crises appear to have Missouri branch of the German-America- tion of Women's Clubs by Mrs. D. D. Rome, May 6. An Increase in the purpose and determination with our I'nder 50 lbs., lb 10 12i; lated from her allies by the defection reached a culmination in the govern- Alliance. Twenty-si- members Glue hides and skins, lb 8c Wilkinson of Louisiana. intensity of the hostile artillery fire warriors. lb 9c of Russia, nothing was left for Ruma- ment's decision to Parlia- of I. W. Bulls and stags, prorogue mu- the W. are also named in the in Lagar-in- a "In witness whereof. I have here- lb lens en- per cent of all workers in along the front, notably the 1'art cured, lc nia but to accept peace from her ment the of the "Sixty indictments. F. C. a trav- Green, 2c lb. less than cured. during present phase nition are women; 1,800,000 are Schroeder, and Astico valleys and In the Foss-Alt- unto set my hand and caused the emies at the hard price they imposed. war for the reason It could not plants man of who was arrest- Dry Kllut Felts. that and eling Denver, sector, is The Italian, seal of the United States to be af- Wool lb 42f45c 7, was the third anni- engaged in agricultural pursuits reported. pelts, 37 Tuesday, May help, but only hinder, in the solving ed at a local hotel on March 19 on in- numer- fixed. .Short wool pelts 40c Seven hundred and fifty artillery also has carried out No. 1, lb. . . 27c versary of the sinking of the Lusitania of economic on which every- dairying. formation he had him- Butcher shearlings, problems thousand of these are under the age of that proclaimed ous bombardments and there has been "Done in the District of Columbia No. 1 Murrain shearings, lb 10c by a German submarine with a loss of in the words of a semi- self a is those in- Bucks, Baddies and at value. thing depends, 21 said Mrs. Wilkinson. "kaiserite," among additional intensive activity by the this 4th day of May, In the year of pieces 1.27.1 lives. official years," dicted. Talluw nnd (arrase. explanation. More than a million in America Capronis and British airplanes, during our Lord one thousand nine 'hundred Prime rendered tallow, lb... I 10 .11 The Berlin report says: "Between "Before this announcement was girls No 1 lb 10W .11 haz- which machines were de- and eighteen and of the independence tallow, the Ancre and the Sotnme the enemy Premier von met have entered into new, ofttimes eight enemy No. 2 tallow, lb 03 .10 made Seydler party Mother's Day Set for May 12. and tons of bombs of the United States of America, the Brown and tallow for a at- ardous positions created by the war, stroyed many yellow employed Australians night leaders, upon them the forty-secon- lb 09 .10 impressed 3. Mother's a on the hydroelectric works at one hundred and By the grease, tack. On both sides of the Corbie-Bra- necessities of the offered and this number will be increased by Paris, May Day day dropped Calf and Kip Green Salted. situation, on which soldier of the Ameri- north of Mori. President, salted I .20& .25 road succeeded in of for the dis- thousands with each new draft, she every Cuvedin, Calfskin, they reaching vague promisep reforms can "WOODROW WILSON, Kip. lb It'if .16 foremost line." demands and issued declared. expeditionary forces, young and Branded, lb .12 ourp contented races' 6. German at- "ROBERT LANSING, be The report of the committee recom- old, high and low, is expected to write London, May troops Deacons, each 1.251.!0 warning that any agitation would new of State." Klunks, each 50 .75 mended more efficient social service home to mother has been fixed for tacked the positions gained by "Secretary No. 1, each 5.60 S.00 Chili Names New Envoy. dealt with by all lawful means. Horse, or work for women in cooperation with May 12. The idea originated with the the British Friday night on the Flan- Horse, No. 2, each 4.50 5.00 Santiago, Chile. liduardo Suarez "Parliamentary government, "Stars and the official news- ders battle front near north- Knighted by King George. Glue and pony, each 2.6003:00 rather debates, are to the domestic branch of the American Stripes," Hinges, London. Edward who Colt, each 50 .60 has been named Chilean am- parliamentary of the American forces in Eu- west of Bethune. were re Henry Duke, Green Salted Pelts. Mujica and an au- Red Cross; new laws to regulate hours paper They pulsed, bassador to the United States. be suppressed indefinitely and was the war office the British resigned recently as chief secretary Lamb and Sheep, each $ .502.50 tocratic will to hold of labor for women in all industries, rope, approved by headquar- announces, for been Spring lamb, each 15(9 .45 government try ters. The censors have decided to line intact. Ireland, has knighted. each 10 .50 HOLD LUSITANIA MEMORIAL. the helm. and wage justice. remaining ShearllngB, work overtime, until if nec- at "What straits Austria has reached midnight Prussian Frighttulness Denounced AMERICANS GIVEN HIGH PRAISE essary, so that the letters will be Dispatches from the British head- ISSUE NEW WAR CURRENCY. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. were revealed by the premier's New York Meeting. partly speeded to the United States without tell of a tremendous cannon- Prices for Metals. s offi- quarters New York, May 8. I'tussian fright-fulnes- speech and also by the German U. S. Troops Drive to German Third be New York. Lead delay. ade in the Lys region, which may New and Two-Doll- to $5.007.124. was and the deter- cial statement that all food supplies Line in Dash In Lorraine One Bills Ap- Copper 16.87 H 7.00. denounced, taken to mean the of the Flan- 99 out from Ukraine month will be giv- part About 4. Bar silver He mination of America to wipe it this Sector. Former Denver Man Killed. ders battlefield at or near Mervllle, pear July Boulder. Tungsten concentrates, 60 on of 22.50 was emphasized at a l.usitania me en to Austria account her great- With the American in France, na- per cent, J20.00 per unit. Crude Army Denver. A. R. Fulton, until last where the Germans made their great- Washington. Designs for the 60 122.00 26.00; 25 at hall er need. C. Lor- ores, per cent, per morial mass Carnegie American in the Armen-tiere- e 12. 00 meeting May troops February a resident of Deliver, was est advance after the fall of tion's first war-tim- currency federal cent, 12.60; 10 per cent, !9.40iC under the of the "The Hague correspondent of the sector 11.20. last night auspices raine Friday morning carried shot and killed by his wife in their reserve banknotes of one dollar and American Defense Society and the. Times, discussing the German food out a raid on the German lines south home with re- The British has found two-doll- remarked: at Sheridan, Wyo., a admiralty denominations have been Boston Wool Quotations. American Rights League. shortage yesterday, of Halloville, on a front. volver which the woman said she did that the channel at Zeebrugge in Boston. Wool Scoured basis: were Theodore Moose- - "liven the German public approved by the treasury and the new Texas Fine 12 The speakers ordinary After an Intense, but brief artillery not know was loaded. The bullet en- which old British cruisers recently months, 1.721.16; Robert ,. Owen of realizes that something worse than bills will make their appearance in fine 8 months. 1.50( 1.55. velt and Senator preparation, the infantry, accompan- tered Fulton's chest near the heart were sunk during the naval raid on Territory Fine staple, $1.6001.8;' Oklahoma. Charles S. for- food scarcity threatens Austria." went over circulation about 4. A half-bloo- d Kairchild, ied by pioneers, the top death following instantly. the German submarine bases on the general July combing. 1.631.68; mer of the pre- two the combing, $1.401.45; secretary treasury, For months past exaspera- and penetrated the German positions Belgian coast, is still blocked and will note of the war period is given to the fine clothing, 61.60(ft 1.66; fine me- 1.60. sided. tion between the Slavonic sections of to the third line. They found not a so two-doll- dium clothing, ll.56fa No Peace Offer from Pope Now. probably remain for a considerable reverse side of the note in A Ostracism from the markets of the Austrian and the other Pulled Rxtra, 1.80fa l.sr; A, $1.70 the population single Garman. Rome. Pope Benedict has served time, in spite of the efforts of the the design of one' of the newest battle- 1.80; A superfine, $1.60 1.65. civilized world until they are ready races has been at the of The was on a German sal- highest point attack notice on the world that the Vatican Teutons to dredge a new channel The r notes to accede to the of inter- ships. face of the Kansas Produce. principles tension. The Germans have been ient. The artillery completely leveled will not be a party to of- around the obstacles formed by the nty - any "peace bears a of Thomas Jefferson. Kansas national law and enter the family of Premier von with in- German and the pio- portrait City. Butter Creamery. bullying Seydler the positions fensive" at the present time. wrecks of the warships. firsts, 394c; seconds, 38c; pack- nations as members, was solence which reached its climax in neers finished the job by blowing up The face of the one dollar note car- ing,0c;29c. urged by Senator Owen as the pen- that the Austrian frontier the ries a of George Washington Eggs Firsts, 21c. the request all enemy works, thus eliminating Sugar Certificates Required. Chrlstiania, Norway, May 4. Pub- portrait Hens, 23c; roosters, 15 c; the world should inflict the Poultry ' alty upon populations of German race should, the salient. New York Sugar distribution cer- lic feeling approaching jubilation has and the reverse side has a design of 1916 broilers, 40c. and be It ex- e German, Austrian, Bulgarian for food supply purposes, annexed A German raid, which was tificates will be required of all manu- resulted from the announcement In the spread eagle clutching In war-lik- Grain In Mlnnennolls. Turkish to Nan-sen- , peoples. Germany. pected, would be carried out on the facturers of foodstuffs using sugar on the newspapers that Dr. Fritjoff attitude the American flag. Minneapolis. Corn No. I yellow. "Three years ago today," said Col. sector south of Verdun, failed to ma- food mis- !. If l.Dll. and after May 15. head of the Norwegian The bills are intended to replace sil- Oats No. 74 c. Roosevelt, "the Lusitania was sunk. Ten Vessels in i white, 75(4 Norway Loses April. terialize. sion in the United States, had signed ver about $30,000,000 of Flax $4.00 4.02. I wish that every flag in this had certificates, Flour cents lower. In city Washington. Ten vessels, aggre- The spirit of the Americans is go- Hun Peace Agent in England. an agreement there for an exchange which have been withdrawn from cir- Fifty carload stood at halfmast today, for this lots, standard flour, $9.05 a barrel in gating 13,704 ton:!, and twenty seamen ing higher every day and the officers London. An emissary of Germany's of necessities for the people of this culation In two weeks as cotton sacks. should be a forever the last the 2.66. penitential day were war losses during give high praise to the men when In new peace offensive already is in Eng- country in return for Norwegian ship- Rye $2.646 for America." Norway's silver which secured them was melted Barley $1.67 1.76. April. action. land. ments. into bullion under the new silver act. Bran $33.14. to Run for Governor. on Bill Ckleage Live gtnrk Qnotatlnna. To Investigate Maurice Charges. $19,730,893 to Increase Food Output. Campbell Agree Extending Draft. Mrs. Potter Palmer Is Dead. Nicaragua Joins War Against Huns. Chicago. Hogs Bulk, $17.16317.75: bill Ariz. Thomas E. An on the San del The light, $17.20 17.85; mixed. $17.00 London. Andrew Bonar Law. gov Washington. The emergency Phoenix, Camp- Washington. agreement Sarasota, Fla. Mrs. Potter Palmer Juan Sur, Nicaragua. 17.85: as has declared heavy, $16,206 17.5; rough, ernment spokesman in the House of authorizing the Department of Agri- bell, deposed governor by Supreme bill extending the selective draft law of Chicago is dead St her winter home Nicaraguan Congress $16.S516.5S; pigs, $13.50017.15. culture to $19,730,893 to In- Court mandate last December, an- to 21 of since June war on Germany and her allies. The Cattle Native steers, $10.1817.70; Commons, announced that the govern spend youths years age here from pneumonia. Mrs. Palmer, stockers and feeders $8.10012.60; corns of food was ordered nounced his candidacy for the Repub- was reached the Senate declaration of war was ment proposed to ask two judges to crease production 5, 1917, by who was born in Louisville and was adopted by and heifers, $6.8014.10; calves. $1.00' as a court of honor to favorably reported by the House agri- lican nomination next fall. He made and House conferees. The amendment Congress at the suggestion of Presi- 014.26. act investigate the widow of Palmer of Chi- Sheep $11,80414.75; lambs, $15.50 culture committee. the announcement on the eve of his of Hull of Iowa Potter dent Chamorro with only four dissent- 21.25. the charges made by Gen. Frederick Representative provid- where she was a social re- - for Chicago to that the additional cago, leader, votes. Congress also a B. Maurice, who was recently departure testify ing registrants ing adopted utter. - U. S. War Adviser Girl Resigns. W. in had been ill for some time. The body Eggs, Pntntnen nnd Pnulrry. moved from the post of director of against the I. W. the trial shall be placed at the bottom of pres declaration of solidarity with the Chicago. Butter Creamery, 35 0 Washington Christian Girl of will be taken to Chicago for burial. fol- 43c. military operations at the British war there. ent eligible lists was retained. United States. Nicaragua's action Cleveland has tendered his resigna- During the World's Columbian expo- Eggs Firsts 12HtT$lc; ordinary office. Mr. Bonar Law said the army lows that of its neighbor, Guatemala, firsts. 81 H 0 32c; at mark, cases in- as chief civilian adviser to the Lowers Limit. Mrs. Palmer was of : 11 32 council was with of tion Age sition president which last month declared war on cluded. li He. dealing questions on motor truck Ottawa. Canada has lowered the French Named Viceroy for Ireland. the board of women and vis- Potatoes Wisconsin. Michigan and out of a writ- War Department pro- managers Germany. It is the twentieth nation Minnesota, discipline growing letter limit for service regis- Field Marshal Viscount French has ited the bulk, 0c$1.05; do, sacks,' Gen. duction, but the resignation has not age military Europe for purpose of Inter which has declared war Ger- ten by Maurice. from 20 to 19 been named of Ireland. against Poultry Fowls, 27c; been accepted. tration years. viceroy esting foreign government many. springs, J5c Overman Bill Approved, 15 to 1. Reaffirms to Allies. ; CMeas (rata and Prsrimlra Prieea. U. 8. May Loan China $30,000,000. 500 Chinese Lost In Collision. Japan Loyalty Amendment Loses In Senate. Corn No. 1 :' Washington. The Overman bill Tokio. Baron the new Suffrage Britain's Losses for Week 38,691. Chicago. yellow. $1.63 Communications from Dr. More than 600 Chinese Goto, Japan- No. 1 yellow, $1.5001.16; No, 4 yellow. granting broad powers to the Presi- Peking. Peking. ese in a statement Washington. By a margin of one London. British casualties report- $1.4001.54: Chinese minister to col- foreign minister, 1 dent to reorganise and coordinate Wellington Koo, passengers were lost in the recent vote, a motion proposing that the ed week 7 Oats No. white, 7114 077'iic: characterised as "insidious propagan- during the ending May . was forecast an American lision off Hankow, in which the Chi-nes- 10 standard. HHfTTHc, H government departments ordered Washington, da," the various rumors and Senate proceed May to consider the reached a total tf 38,691. Of this Rye No. 2, $1 67. n reports to the House loan of $30,000,000 to $50,000,000 to steamship Kiang-Kwa- was House woman resolution to Barley 11.40(? 1.74. favorably reported by that a change in Japan's foreign pol- suffrage number 6,555 officers' and men were J' the committee a vote of China for war purposes. If the Chinese sunk by the Chinese gunboat Chutai. constitution was defeated In the Timothy $6.0008.15. Judiciary by icy was impending, fie said there was the killed or died of wounds, and 32,136 Clover $1$ 00011.00. IS to 1. government requests it. Senate. Lard 116.17. no foundation for such a suggestion were wounded or reported missing. 21.40. ... ' Man Lives 111 Years. Ribs $21.77 0 ,i- t and reaffirmed the to the al- Omaha Vote Defeats Execution, Ends Life Del. loyalty - ' ' ' ; Cowboy Mayor. Cowboy, Facing Laurel, Bayard Jones Gray, a lies. Spain Adopts Daylight Plan. Fire at St. Louis Stockyards. Linseed. .' Neb. After served '.' ' Omaha, having Sioux Fall. S. D. "Shorty" Olllard, slave for more than a century, and New. York. Spain has adopted the St. Louis, MoAThe Union .stock- Dultith, Vlnn. Unseed $8.1504 ol7 twelve year as mayor of Omaha, a under sentence of death for who cultivated fonr masters Shah Asks to arrive, 11.95; May, tl.lf asked; July; cowboy during $100,000 Liberty Bends. daylight saving plan. Legal time In yards here and ah. elevator containing $11 asked; October, $1.66 asked., , ... James C. known as the cow- - Dahlman, the murder of Cornell Cooper, anoth- slavery days, died here at the age of Washington. The shah of Persia that country was advanced sixty min- $300,000 worth of grain- for. the allies boy mayor, was defeated for " , Prtee at Suar. er cowboy, committed suicide In jail. 118. Gray worked actively and regu- applied for $100,000 worth of Liberty utes on April II to continue until were destroyed In a fire which author Kew York. to returns. - Sugar CJentrlfuril. according Incomplete He swallowed poison. larly until near 100 years old. ' UuUull. 't Oet . - . Hies any was Incendiary. 06; fine granulated, 7.4$. in two minutes were blazing away. It hotter, and even though It was a won- THRILLING was a STORY thrilling sight. derful sight to watch I decided "dis- MOTOR Torn by 8hellt. cretion was the better part of valor," TRUCK IS AUTOMOBILE HINTS In going forward we went around or something like that, and got down the end of the wood In front of in Our Part OF HAIG RETREAT larger my dugout. Here are 17 excellent hints in Feeding the NatnJ us, over ground that was torn to bits I went back to the advanced dress- BIG AID OF WAR for the motorist who wishes to by the heavy shell fire that had Just ing station through the hottest shell put his car In order for this preceded, over another edge, across fire I ever experienced. More than summer: (Special Information Service, United States Department of Agriculture.)- .fflnois Officer Relates Experience valler. under the crest of a hill, once I went down on my face when a First Remove carbon from shell burst and the pieces went whls-zln- g HELPING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES MARKET of Hun Attack on the over Widest Possible Use for Trans- engine. TO the top of the hill to take up over my head. I spent the night Second Grind valves. their At this .we were In De- British. position. point a mined village where the advanced portation Is Urged by Third Clean gasoline line. still about a mile from the front line, dressing station was located, and all Fourth Flush out crank case. At this I nn aid fense Council. place opened up post night they shelled it to blazes. It was Fifth Adjust valves. under the crest of the hill to take care remarkuble how few casualties we Sixth Care for clutch. of what wounded came In while w fEN DIVISIONS AGAINST ONE had. Seventh Clean and oil gear were getting into position About eleven o'clock the morning of RAILWAYS TAXED TO UTMOST set. was in the Shrapnel bursting air, the third day a shell blew In the side Eighth Clean and oil unive- shells were whizzing overhead, and our of our post, but luckily no one was rsal. Despite Overwhelming Number of En behind me were forth guns belching hurt. We stuck to it until about four Substantial Highways Must Be Con- Ninth Clean and oil differen- my, Hie Losses Were Great-Mirac- ulous the fire. The noise was in deafening. the afternoon, when we saw our structed Between Principal Manu- tial. Escape From Bap- A railroad ran through the valley men retiring over a ridge In front of Tenth and un a facturing and Shipping Cen- Adjust bearings. tism of Shell Fire. engine pulling couple nf flat us, keeping up a continuous machine Eleventh brakes. enrs was A ters Source of Funds, Adjust going by. couple of sol gun and rifle fire, and we beat it back Twelfth Care for tires. dlers were on rear truck rirst Lieutenant Roswell T. Pettlt. sitting the to another village and opened anoth Thirteenth Renovate chnssls. O.-- their feet. A on tf. C, of Ottawa, III., In a letter swinging shell burst er post. Through the highways transport Fourteenth Clean nnd the track and missed the last car committee the of de- polish to his father, Dr. J. W. Pettlt of the only The Begrimed Lord. council national body. about fifteen Neither man was fense has Ottawa tuberculosis colony, and pub' yards. Ahout ten o'clock on the morning of approvel "the widest possi Fifteenth Touch hit and the train went on. ble use of the unexposed ilshed in the Chlcugo Tribune, relates blithely the fourth day Lord Thyme, my col motortruck as a trans- metal. ' mil "'Si in .mi was T '"Iiii the thrilling story of the battle By this time It getting along onel when I was with the battalion, portation agency," and furthermore Sixteenth Care for great toward ruu was top. In Plcardy. The American officer was evening, the sinking stumbled Into the shack where I was "requests the state councils of defense Seventeenth Care for In the and went down a and In the thickest of the fighting for nine west, finally sitting. He looked like a ghost. He other state authorities to take all Jays, during the retreat of the British great ball of fire. At the time, I re had lost his hut, his face was covered necessary steps to facilitate such I was fifth army from before St. Quentln, member, noticed its color. It with a four days' beard, the sweat nienns of transportation, removing uny Lieutenant Pettlt's account of the bat blood red and hud a sinister look. Was had traced tracks in the dust from his regulations that tend to restrict and tle thrills with the stress of the con It my Imagination, or might It hnvi forehead to his chin. His sleeve was discourage such use." been a At rate TO REMOVE AUTOMOBILE TIRE diet, as It was written Immediately premonition? any torn nnd bloody and he had a gush in "If the war Is to continue for any after he had tre shall never forget the color of the sun his arm where he had been struck by length of time, motortruck transportat- passed through the as Tool Consists of Two Adjustable Bars mendous and before hi it set that night at the end of the a piece of flying shell case. ion must he largely extended and In- experiences first one Connected With Thumbscrews Impressions had been In any dulled day of probably of the great "My God, doc, are you here?" he creased, as It has been demonstrated way est In to Handlebar. ' by time. His letter follows: battles history. It certainly said. "You got out Just in time. The that In the mutter of transportation didn't look good to me Is fill battalion all gone. The sunken road there are limitations which the i beyond Lieutenant Pettlt's Letter. A new tool for the removal of auto The drumming of the guns contln Is filled with dead mostly Huns, railroads cannot go," comments Dr. H. March 30. ued, Into M. mobile tires consists of two adjustable (Jrk twilight gradually deepened damn 'em. The line broke on the Rowe, of the American president burs to Dear Father: Now that the show Is night, the signalers stopped their wig- right; we were surrounded, and at Automobile association. connected with thumbscrews over for me for the time and took flash a handlebar, by which the tool Is ex being, and I wagging up their sig the last we were fighting back and Must Have Substantial have time to breathe and a down on us and Highways. panded or contracted when the rim Is sleep and eat nals, fog dropped back. Only thirty of us got away, "This cannot avail unless there and I'll and tell about the out of and are write, try you put lights business, So we knew the Boche had broken built between the manufac- the battle. Before you receive this when we left to go forward under the to our our and principal through right and left, turing nnd shipping centers substan- you will have had the whole from cover of darkness they were busy put was a how The Bureau of Market Uses Leased Wires to Gather Market Information story it question of long It would tial highways which the em- the papers, but I know will be ting out their telephone lines signal be before penult Which Goes to More Than 50,000 Individuals In 32 States. you we, too, were surrounded, ployment of motortrucks. The time interested In knowing what I did in the ers and runners don't have an ensy but we wanted to stick out as a aaafc it long In which this work to be done yfjyj-jyjyj-j-j affair. time. as we ought could. is right now. If the construction Is should to the Bureau Of course, the I saw were but Shell Dump Goes Up. But not more than an hour a agents apply of things later not within the financial of Markets, of an infinitesimal of a Behind us a shell landed in an am officer capacity GLUTS PREVENTED Department Agriculture, part gigantic medical rushed In from one of the stutes which D. C. whole would be for munition and it went with a through these high- Washington, and.it Impossible dump up the battalions and between gasps for then It me to a correct then the rifle ammunition started ways pass, should be done by give description of the roar; breath told us the Germans were on national funds. battle. And as I write this, I do It going off like a great bunch of fire the of the had shot him IN FRUIT MARKET edge village, "In my the Chnmherlaln-Den- t with no knowledge whatever of what crackers, and great tongues of flame a machine opinion, BETTER TO DRILL THAN through the sleeve with bill should be con- has been on even a few miles lit up the sky, was and passed by going gun bullet (luckily that all), as it would needed author- CHECK WEAK SEED CORN from me, It is reported that the Germans had for us to beat It gress, give 1 our we were ity nnd money to the serretury of war, I have not seen a paper In eight days ; broken through line and Let me tell you we did. I threw Service by Department of Agr- counter-attac- k who could then certain roads Where to I have received no mall, and the only to in the morning. We and made the first hun deslgnnte necessary plant my knapsack to which federal attention' could be iculture Aids Deal- weak seed corn, is not Information we have received has been got Into positions without a single dred in flat and then Shippers, checking yards nothing given. ns as ac- by word of mouth, and most of what casualty. I opened an aid post In an settled down to a walk because I was ers and Growers. satisfactory drilling, ' old and settled down to State Should Furnish Funds. cording to specialists of the we hear must be wild rumors. For ex dugout sleep so out of breath I couldn't run any The French have advanced until morning. You may think It fun In some of the stute legislatures United States department of ag- ample: more. Handy Rim Tool. riculture. 20 miles at Verdun, the Ameri ny that one could sleep under such scream misdirected efforts are being mnde to Plant right at first The Incessant and crush and HELPING OUR UNCLE HENRYS the extra amount of seed cans have taken Ostend, and are on conditions, but I had been up since of the shells and the establish prohibitive taxes nn trucks. engaged by lug hooks at the outer ends plnnt hang kept up at means ad- their way to Zeebrugge, and a had tramped about six or seven never Whatever sums are sufficient to of the bars. first, for replanting great 50, of the machine guns ditional late and naval battle has been fought in the miles, had had a rather trying day ceased. The be strengthen our highways as to carry- The tool may be adjusted to various- work, planting, village Immediately Bureau Pic- uneven nnd Drill- North sea. and was dog tired. hind us was a mass of brick ing the heaviest military loads safely sized rims by merely changing 'the of Markets Shows Dally late maturity. Just like some of the warm we seething and without serious destruction to the ture ed corn Is easily thinned. Har-- All I know is that on this part of the days flame, and thumbscrews to different holes spaced of Conditions Throughout the last of March at home. In dust, smoke, bursting roads should be at once rows or cultivators enn be used front the Germans attacked us In over-- get shells. We were told on our way appropriated along each bar. It is made to fit any Country Guesswork in Ship- . j In In dlvl- going forward It was necessary out nf state funds nnd federal one-piec-e demountable auto rim, ? thinning by driving across whelming numbers, places ten back that a stand was --o be made split, ping Is Eliminated. for us to march seventy-fiv- e In of It is as the corn rows. Without the loss Ions to our one; that they suffered yards behind this so we circled sought congress. just and enubles the tire to be removed J front of three batteries of field guns. villuge, much. In the business of of time, the can terrible losses, but finally broke around It and took a my Judgment, without injury. The station agent at nighlnnd wired thinning proceed There are six guns to a battery. They up position the to build roads for several weeks while the corn through our lines of defense, one after about a half mile behind it at a government good hlN division superintendent "four cars shoot an eighteen-poun- d shell and ns It Is to build good muskets or good Is being cultivated and Is grow- another, and fighting for the most part, BRAKE strawberries to Chicago." The super- while we were there each gun was cannon, or to furnish BANDS MUST BE CLEAN ing, but replnntlng is altogether a rear guard action, we have retired for a six Inch bat proper equip intendent lidded these four cars to fig- twice to the minute. Tou Unfortunately us, ment to its Of federal and about IS miles In a straight line, shooting come Into action about army. course, ures received from other station unsatisfactory usually can the racket when I tell tery fifty yards funds should be on roads of Use Thin Brush and Kerosene, Rins For a week before the battle started Imagine from us aside from the placed agents', and wired the total to the de you that the of on,e gun can and, harassing national and ing Off With Gasoline and Permit we hod been expecting lt we were discharge effect Importance, highways of be heard about four miles. In nddl of the terrific noise, batteries a Them to Dry. partment agriculture at Washing ready to move on 80 minutes' no are as possessing special military value ton. tion the Boche was trying to knock always unpleasant neighbors, come under this hend at the tice. I had been out with combatant Invite shell fire. We present The at wondered Make Sweet Potato Flour, out this battery and he was dropping they stopped time. When brakes do not hold it Is usu agent Highland as well as medical 'officers on tours of here until about 10 o'clock at why anyone should want to know Sweet potatoes, dried and ground his six Inch shells a little too close for night, This cnu no more do with ally because the surface of the bands reconnaissance, definite methods of when we were ordered to retire. country about cars of strawberries moving to into a flour in an ordinary kitchen the wounded comfort. out properly and adequately built high- have become hard and smooth. Clean coffee enn be used in a evacuation of had been In a There was no way of getting out Chicago. A few years ago his Uncle grinder, variety our Nearly Trap. ways than It can do without properly them with a thin brush and kerosene, of In of worked out, and plans of counter 1 the wounded we had so had broke" ways cooking. Specialists the Then I made a lovely mistake. that collected, rinse off with gasoline and them Henry "gone raising attack been made. After four or five the bearers carried them on and adequately built tonnage for ocean permit strawberries because he couldn't sell United Stntes department of agricul- was to establish an aid' post near bat stretcher to Then spread on lubricating days of waiting,' the storm finally their for seven travel. The country should Impress dry. them for to his ture believe that in many localities talion headquarters and went blithely stretchers six or miles. oil, sure every spot is covered. enough pay expenses. broke, In when upon congress the importance of this being While he was where sweet potatoes are abundant on when I met a company commander fact, we all helped, and we This will raise the fiber, soften the ma- wondering about this, The Boche on us 5 a. m.; ' 4 matter. Of course, the expenditure of the making of sweet potato flour In, opened up at and asked him where to go. arrived at our destination at o'clock terial and the brakes will be effective, messages were coming to Washington March 21, with the heaviest I we money on the highways would be for from all railroads and soon word was the home may furnish a practical way barrage Back there about a quarter of a in the morning of the fifth day This should be done at night, for It ever heard. "Stand was the benefit of those who use motors. in sec- to save the sweet potatoes from spoil- have to," mile," he replied. "This is the front were all In. will be to the flashed back to points producing we turned out and That Is right, because It is by the use dangerous attempt using ing. The flour will well In ounded, dressed, center company. If you keep on in I could hnrdly move, but after two car until the oil has had a chance to tions showing that a total of 40 curs of keep dry our In 30 of motors that we are going to be Chi- containers. had all equipment packed the direction you are going yon are big bowls of hot tea and some hard do work. strawberries were on the way to ' to thou- its minutes. Then we sat down and tack I turned in on the floor and able transport thousands and cago, and that few To mnke the flour the potatoes going up over that ridge and Fritz will slept sands more of tons of comparatively ship- waited for orders to move. The bar be for with a machine like a log for four hours, when we commodities, ments were going to other Important should first be cut Into small length- waiting you materials, and of all kinds Good Oil for Gear Set. wise rage kept up continuously, sometimes moved to another place and opened a products mnrkets. pieces and thoroughly dried. A gun." that are absolutely necessary to main When the crankcase is drained, the small drier fits on of heavier and then of less intensity, So my sergeant and orderly and dressing station. Shipment Diverted. that top the tain this country at the point of high- oil, after strained, oven or closet a sometimes it seemed to be to the north myself didn't waste any time In clear Hun Plane Crashes. being thoroughly cars will the warming of range or est efficiency in its determination to be used in the gear set the "Forty swump Chicago stove can be used. an of us and then suddenly it switched to ing. On the way back I found a gallon On the way a German airplane came may during market said a gus If electric win victory and substantial democracy, cold weather. This oil is of the tomorrow," strawberry fan is available It will serve admir- the south. can full of water, got Into a corrugated down and crashed near the road, but just man, who received the wire from Our balloons were as soon as it not only for Its own people, but for all right consistency to give good results The nut knife of a meat up iron shelter and had a wash and a neither the pilot nor observer were Washington, and he renched for the ably. grinder was and the were buz-lin- g the people of the earth." In gear set lubrication at this time. also can be used for this light airplanes shave. It certainly felt good. I don't hurt. They were a couple of rather telephone. Messages went to railroad purpose x Flour made such can over our beads. The ground mist believe I had washed for thirty-si- neat looking lads about 19 years old. offitinls to divert certain cars headed by process be for some If gradually cleared and the Germans hours. It was warm and blight. I And so It went for three days more. for to other where kept time put Into a dry' Chlcugo cities flour put a hail of shrapnel on our camp could look out of my shelter and see open a dressing station, retire (some- RURAL EXPRESS SERVICE SOLVES FOOD strawberries were not abundant. container, or the may be mnde we men from the is needed. and all took cover, but three our support lines digging themselves times on the run), long marches, very Next received 20 dry potatoes as It day Chicago only A of were hit. Why It Is a fellow always in several hundred yards away. The little to eat except what we foraged TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM AT CAPITAL cars of strawberries Instead the quart the dry potatoes makes a a over of flour. feels safer with roof his head, cannon fire ceased, the machine guns from abandoned camps and dumps, 40 that would have there cup of gone except The use sweet In even if he knows bullets and shrapnel settled down to an occasional fitful dog tired, sleeping when and where we for the market news service of the of potato flour will cake or bread and pieces of shell go through burst and It was midday of a beautiful could, nnd finally the division was re bureau of markets. could making will materially boards and Iron like Chicago reduce the amount of flour used. corrugated Just spring day. lieved. We now saw our first civilians, use 20 but not 40. and because other cars The and paper. A couple of partridge flew over me. and lust night I slept In a bed. It the other 20 cars went to different proportions mny be half half. or about all When used in cukes the sugar could Ordered to Move. What did they know rare wasn't much of a bed, and the mattress markets many growers received checks this noise and racket and men also be reduced a little. Sweet potato Our orders to move finally came and getting was full of humps, but to get my that gave them a profit on their In line and each other? and- flour is useful as a thickening agent, we marched off to the brigade assem up killing boots off my sore aching feet, to Along about three oclock things be and know I wouldn't be lauatVTal having the same value In this respect bly point several miles away. This as- stretch out, the Uncle gan to liven up again. In the mean routed out in fifteen minutes well. Helping Henrys. as cornstarch. Recipes for the use sembly point was in a little tVinch of Cnesswork In marketing of fruits time headquarters had been establish- you couldn t have bought that bed of sweet potato flour have been tested trees about the size of Allen park and and vegetables has gone. The market and found to be excellent food behind and from ed In a sunken road with banks about from me for f 100. by spe- separated a larger on either side news service is working for many cialists of the United States wood In In wood fifteen feet high (later Did you ever rend Robert W. Serv depart- front. the larger filled "Uncle Henrys" nnd also for dealers ment of was a of this cut was half with dead). ice's description of the retreat from agriculture. there battery heavy artillery was In a near and consumers. No one profits when and shells were In two My aid post dugout by Mons? Well, that's the way I felt: dropping there and and a city receives more of any fruit or When Canning for Market. or three to and it was gradually things got hotter Tramp, tramp, tbc srim road the road t. minute, heavy hotter. x?sr egetnble than it can consume, and Housewives nnd canning club mem- tuff, too. from Mons to Wipers; Our men had dug themselves In I've 'ammered out this ditty with m ns a means of correcting such a condi- bers who wish to sell their cnnncdU Sometimes they overshot the big bruised and bleeding feet; tion It Is necessary to know how much are urged by the bureau or and were popping away with their the dim road products wood and shells were landing In the rifles. The field batteries behind us Tramp, tramp, produce Is en route to that city. markets. United Stntes department of around the little wood where We didn't 'ave no piper- s- open my were up a barrage, airplnnes All bellies tna.t were 'oiler was the The mnrket news service for fruits agriculture, to study their markets at had Its As putting s brigade assembly point. were overhead, both ours and drums we 'ad to beat. and vegetables, with Its many np-nt- the beginning of the season and pnclt we our we circling approached little copse the Germans' The Germans put up a The ninth day, sitting around the and with assistance from railroad off- according to locnl demands for differ- could make all this out from some dis 4 counter-barrag- the machine guns fire In onr mess after the best dinner icials, gives dolly a picture of market ent products. Secure orders for canned tance and it wasn't a fl J; away pleasant were going like mad. I was standing we had bad In days, the commanding conditions throughout the country for goods before putting them up. Is the sensation to feel that we were march- with the colonel on a little rise of officer handed me some papers and both shipper nnd dealer and places advice of the specialists. Small lots into ing straight it ground above the sunken road when said, "Here la something that will In this picture in the form of a typed re- of nonstnridardlr.ed products are diff- All the battalions arrived and In that the Germans broke through about a terest yon, Pettlt I want to say we port In the hands of all persons Inter- icult to sell except among local buyers little copse there must have been at mile to the north of us. They could shall be sorry to lose you." ested. The bureau of mnrkets uses and are not purchased by the army, two men. least thousand What a be plainly seen pouring over the ridge And this Is what it was: "Lieut. leased wires to. gather this Informa- navy, commercial dealers, or any de- chance if the Germans only knew I But In close formation. Row ell T. Pettlt M. R. C, Is relieved tion and furnishes market news, in- partment of the government. the sheila continued to drop In front of Tank Get Into Action. from duty with the British army and cluding prices and supplies, to more Home-canne- d food can be kept over aa and on either side, but none landed Then the tanks came np, and you ill proceed to the A. E. F where he STOPPING AT FARM TO TAKE ABOARD TWO CALVES. than 60,000 individuals in 32 states. from one season to the next and those among us, and after waiting there for should have seen them runt Just like will report for duty." The reports, which are issued simul- who have not sold their goods have three hours, to be blown to I Paris in cities and In reserves to expecting rabbits The tanks retired; the I leave for the morning. To help carry foodstuffs to American cities during the coming year the taneously in many pro- draw from for their home bit any second, we finally moved for- Booties reformed and came at It This has been a long tale, bnt the half of the ducing sections, covered in 1917, 21 table. It Is good policy, say the spe- highway transport committee council of national defense has evolved ' ward. Just aa we left the from been told. I I copse, again. They tell me that at certain of it hasn't hope haven't a nation-wid- e plan for rural express service to the centers of population from commodities, Including strawberries, cialists, for the housewife to provide a behind ns, over a came a suc- too op ridge, places our men withstood fifteen strung It out much. nearby productive regions. tomatoes, peaches, cataloupes, onions, reasonable surplus beyond the prob- stream of galloping horses. and have been informed all able home next cessive attacks that the Germans I Just that A special study has been made of food delivery systems Into potatoes, apples, grapes, watermelons, consumption for the "It's the cavalry," someone shouted, went In thousands. One Welsh had to be burned to It Washington, and Each carries While the bureau of mar- down my kit prevent which shows that In the face of a growing Increase In population, which asparagus. report crop yenr. but soon I made out limbers and field man told me his accounted Into the hands of the market Information from most of the kets Is aid to on mar- that gun falling enemy. already baa added 100,000 new residents to the District of Columbia's total, giving producers 79 In minutes one shall want to send me cities as well as It is diffi- gun. for three during probably yon practically no new means has been created to feed this added large giving shipping keting problems, it says that They galloped past us, going like wave. some from home, bat will see population. Information. cult to of small things The committee Is now experimenting on the rural express service. Not point place producers quan- mad, took np a position to our right, Machine-gu- n bullets were what I can here first Tour eon. Farmers or others to re- tities of different kinds of in nipping get do the trucks haul food Into Washington, but do an extensive wishing products swung into position, unllmbered, and around me, the shell Ore was I ROSWELL. only they ceive any of these from field touch with getting business In carrying goods from Washington merchants to the farmers. reports buyers.

Tree Within a Tree the wide trunk, which serves as a In England to attempt to bring about MOTORCARS IN IOWA the record of one car to In- One of the best preventives of injury One of the giant redwoods in Men- protection against the wind. The orig- the abolition of capital punishment MORE every ten habitants are not pleasure vehicles or by cutworms is clean culture, which, docino county, California, has shown inal tree was a magnificent specimen When he entered public life the Eng in case means Sun- for Sunday use If the the of a garden, keep- that in of its combined foes more than eleven feet In diameter, lish statutes with death Vehicles Are Not for Pleasure or mainly. returns spite the punished which include July 4 are thrown out ing it so free from weeds the preced- wind and the forest Ore, It has made towering high In the air, and It youth- 900 from mur- day Use Mainly Autos Art nearly crimes, ranging because of the unusual traffic of ing yenr that there will be compara- np Its mind to on In ful successor should be of goodly slse der and treason down to com- Used Frequently. that keep right living keeping day, the proportion of motor vehicles tively little to attract moths when de- the same spot where it has stood for when the old stump Is ready to fall pany with gypsies. Romllly, who was In field culture tomato vines are sel- in midsummer. F. Pan! la Nicholas. been known for some time to horse vehicles using the roads of positing eggs dozens of years. During a terrible away. George St of French descent secured the repeal It has dom given supports, though these that Iowa has more motorcars in pro the state la from 2 to 1 on one road storm on the mountain the top of this of these codes. Romllly was devoted 18 to 1 should be supplied in the home gar- A general increase In the produc- to Its population than any on another road. big tree was broken off, and later the Deserved a Happier Fata. to his wife, and when she died, Octo- portion den. tion of food can be expected In the 8am-n- et other and the returns from the trnnk was nearly destroyed by a for- The remarkable career of 8ir ber 29, 1818. the philanthropist fell state, United States even with a redaction traffic census made by the Iowa Licenses. est Ore; yet enough vitality remained Romllly. the British statesman, Into a delirium of grief. Poor days being Temporary Overproduction of soy beans la an of farm labor. If the farmers will avail and state com- li- to ninety-nin- e his so on State college highway Pending the receipt of a motor short-cu- for a young tree rise from the roots came to a end years later had preyed hit since uses are so themselves of ts pro-dud- tragic grief show these cars are used cense impossibility its the la of the older one and to grow up within ago. Be waa the first influential man mind that ha klUed himself. mission very the police of Portland, Ore, varied- - food. frequently. The cars that give lews a temporary license. catilniien of the Midland country o'clock it had gained such headway until the present drouth, but that his thai it was impossible to save the New Mexico State Record NEW MEXICO !: losses the past winter together with hotel which being a frame build- rfie expense of feeding brought him ing was soon burned to the ground ' Carls-ha- d Published by J to the verge of bankruptcy. a crowd soon gathered on the scene YOUNG MAN STATE PUBLISHING COMPANY NEWS REVIEW Argus. and by hard work the flames were r M ills r kept from spreading. Frank Stnplin hVreivrr Shipped 28 Curt The Globe Plaster and Cement Co., YOUNG WOMAN week-- cars Editor BERNALILLO last shipped twenty-eig- Unfortunate Community GITI1KIF. SMITH of the finished product. The pro- Big drive against the Devil starts Should Follow Patriotic Example duct of the mill is mcctinp with in the U. P. Church May 12, Meet- . conn-tr- F. P. of Vict 'I'll Imy-- in the Manual Pres- ready sale in all parts of the ings to be conducted by Rev. iii-rf- : as (fcniu! class matter at trie post Miss'im School at A.'m Carlsbad Argus. Ovcrmyer of Colorado Springs, and New the Act of byterian .pier ad- at Santa Fe. Mexico, under Food Adii.tf stra-to- Rev. C. W. Gray of Mead. Colo., Have to realize the ij'c, after 'learing 8 you begun March 3. 187'' F.ly to a:;. their sn Unique Advertisement Special Music Meetings begin at spetk, vtcd in- prrintciidcnt 10 serve no more wlic.it The Public Utilities company had o'clock each evening, Everybody a advertisement of its Mound over YOU held to Weekly State Kecnrd $1 50 per year in the school dining room until in t very unique vitedWagon Pantagraph. vantages by riptinn harvest. Other schools in New Mex- ice business recently. A big cake ico are urged to follow this patriot'c of ice was placed at the corner oi OTERO the man or woman with a FRIDAY MAY 10, 1918 e.vanipk'. the Hates hotel, and suspended abov was a placard telling passershy that Mrs. Patton in War Worn the ice was made from pure dis- Down Over 500 Feet M-'- ' Buttes Oil and Gas Co. Mrs. i. nns ui me tilled water and sold by Public Utili- The Twin thorough College Jiarry i.mon, well is now down to a of over OUR OBLIGATION lias gon1? into war ties company. 'It was noticeable that depth attorney general, 575 the new location. Dril- in I has ap-- j almost who paus- feet at work came: She ben everybody passed lo- Education? , commenced the new of Geo- - PRESIDENT ENDORSES oil ted the food adirvn s v n ed long enough to chip a piece off ling was at The speech Premeir Loyd by two weeks Mr. in the British Home of Com- 'at of hotels and restatir-- i as a sample. The ice was as clear cation ago. Ward, rge inspector furn- field of the com- mons on the question of the Man ants. Albttqiu roue Journal. as crystal and Carlsbad will he the superintendent sum- was in town last week, and If have realized these you have begun to think Power bill, should be read by every President Wilson has given ished with the pure article this pany, you advantages been in states that the formation encount- American, and read carefully. There his personal endorsement to COLFAX mer as they have the past. about a education and have to want state-wiil- e ered in the well varies wide- getting college you begun is much in this speech to give us the conference of The company is giving its profits present New Mexico war this month to the Red Cross or such ly from that of the first well. He serious thought. workers, f!nnvirts Emnloved on Hiehwav of that education very much. ad- held in on Thurs- which are to other as the council of de is sanguine that the big flow water ..Mr. Loyd George practically Albuquerque The State convicts charity hole will not be is and Friday, under the aus- be the fense may designate. Carlsbad struck in the first mits that Great Britain making day employed upon improvement Ala-- ! dim- in the drilling. little if headway toward win- pices of the New Mexico Coun- of the Scenic highway under the struck present any cil and Coun- mngiordo News. ning the war, and that England is of Defense the -lion of County Highway Superin- cil in "On The Bum" A nearing the limit of her resource? of National Defense. His tendent Smylhe will arrived Raton pain If you want such an education hard in men. The bill propose to call men telrgram, received this morn- the latter part. o this week. These The b'g wheel at the Carlsbad QUAY of 50 and of 18. The speaker ing by the Council of Defense, men will lie housed in tents and Light and Power plan which, was boys in is careful to state that not all the follows: worked under guard. The arrange- sent to Roswcll the late sprim.r ' can and will for has "on the hum" M"xican Sterrs Shipped enough you you older men will be nert to the front, ments made by Supt. Sniytlie with repairs gum- oi of F.I Paso, who 1 has been un- Kraft Modern, but that are needed to take the May not c'xprr'ss to the the State authorities for the employ again. The company hundred head of! they war workers of New Mex- able to run its ice the it have had several it. places of younger men who can par- ment of this labor are very advant plant pa Mexican Steers nn pasture near here get in the ico my profound apprecia- at'eons and will cut the labor cost week, but fortnnatdy has plenty of deli-- ticipate fighting. ice for the past several months, I .In this emergency, America's duty tion of the public spirit that of the improveiiK nts about half. on hand to supply the trade last ( vcred the greater part of them is plain. We can no sit back has led you to call a war Raton Range. arlsbad Current. who - longer at 'week In Coggins Bros., ship- and wait for the allies to stop the conference Albtupiertpic 18 to Plains and Vir-- YOU CAN IF YOU WILL. BEGIN IT RIGHT nn 9 and 10 In our iped carloads j German hordes. We are as vitally May Camps Break Records GRANT where will De the of free- - gil, Kansas, tney NOW. interested ns they, and have as fight for rights Van Houten and Koehler, the larg- on for trie summer, outcome men the world over, your est of the Mountain placed pasture great a stake in the final Rocky camps, Activities and took the balance to their ranch the nations, efforts and the efforts of claim the first and second of Mining r All .1 Write to as any one of European places Co, nnrt tl ot iiienrio. Aiueri If,mauciu, today doubt a mo- your fellow citizens are a the communities of the The Mogollon Mines are ship- intelligence could for Junior among 16 IS of bul- W. R. Franklin and John McCabe, of America is vital factor. United for rais-- ping between and lats ment that the fate entire States having j lion of El Paso, closed up the deal, and with Your determination to ed the in beside concentrates. Tonnage now in dissolubly linked that greatest amounts propor 48011 Millard and O M. received can the necessary labor to for April about tons. Coggins of the allies. Certainly none perform tion population in subscriptions is the cattle. J. Dye. of Virgil, Kansas, DAVID R. BOYD, alied would and accept the necessary to the Third Loan. At Koeh- Deadwood hoist now running doubt that an defeat Liberty and mine is unwatered as fast who will the cattle, was here a blow to Ameri- .sacrifice and the like spirit ler 560 men subscribed for $110,000. being pasture prove staggering as possible. This will soon after them. Logan Leader. President can prosperity, and if not to her which has now become at Van Houten 430 men subscribed property manifest our for man in be producing again. very existance as a free nation. throughout $110.0:0. Every residing of Road Completion win the war. Her nation reassure a stricken each is the of a Several hundred feet additional Nearing America must camp purchaser flume was cut in the The road between Logan and Nara must be the added force that world that our ideals of bond, and none of less than $100 de- tailing during THE power and and past week. This is being put in to Visa is nearing completion, and seve- hall turn the scale in favor of the justice humanity nomination. In both camps 97 per the over it. There shall in the end of keep tailings out of Silver Creek. ral have made trip alied cause. To that end all her liberty cent of the population is foreign is a mile or so more to be d5 to The Oaks Co. are saving ore from only put power must be exerted. Presi- prevail. birth and per cent unable speak in condition for travel. After the the A num- drift being1 driven west from Central UNIVERSITY dent Wilson has our allies English language. great road is there will be lots WOODKOW WILSON ber of these are shaft Silver City Enterprise. completed that our armies will be rushed to residents Austrian, of tourists come this way, especially as fast as it is humanly pos- Hungarian, and Bulgaria, but not- Europe GUADALUPE after the bridge is built across the sible to put them there. withstanding) their allegiance they , river and the road between Logan OFNEW MEXICO But while our fighting men are now have come forward offering and Tucumcari is in better con- AMERICA'S HONOR ROLL financial to the put hastening to the fray, there is also backing united Steers Delivered dition Logan Leader. a herculean for wo. States in war upon the lands of their N. M. task every man, Casualties among the American Ex- - W. H. Hitson, of the Juan de Dios, ALBUQUERQUE, ana wno remains ai birth. Katon Range .300 inn,,, dot eiti . , peditionary Force, commanded by last week delivered head of two ROOSEVELT home we must work work and General J. have now and three obi steers to W. A. We must feed our and John Pershing, Huge Mountain Lion Trapped year save. troops reached a total of 5,252. Of this Davis, manager of the Salado Live Ask for information about the for YOU in provide them with all the necessar- Stock Co. Rosa Arrested for Libel complete opportunities number, 2,099 are dead. It is worthy hV. '..,., ,. ? , Santa Voice. ies of war. And we must practically ,,,i.. .,,i .:., R. F. Keller and Lizzie Miller wer of j i uuic inn i truiic iii.c nni-- i a,aii the summer period regular University work, which begins feed the allied world. There is no!, ten, inches in length, was trapped and Live Stock Losses arrested last week on a warrant! - : i--i Heavy .i a ' , IS. will come to mail. escaping me DDiigniiuii..in ue the number killed in action .. only It is reported that Treasurer J. M. sworn to by Sheriff Gregg, alleging! June It you by return is our own, and the man who shrinks )er o the moullte(1 ,ice ap(, (, t Casaus criminal libel. bond of a little more than half as great as , .i, i.., has suffered heavy losses of They gave now must forever bear the brand of disease. The ,, ,,,! !.., ',i. cattle and on account of the $1,000 each for their appearance at coward. the number dying t Vermeio Park This'hiu.e animal sheep of the slacker and the long dry spell and scarcity of grass. a preliminary Portales Mews. ir. V .. . i . . . wnicn nas been on stock ine ae.ai.ea summary in- - preying One report has it that he has al- renewing ha(1 kiMe(1 a buck deer weighi m His Car THE SCHOOLS IN DANGER eludes the casualty list given out at ready lost over 700 ewes. Santa Ro- Painted pounds and a trap was set for him sa Voice. The Ford touring! car of T. D. Mc Washington on Sunday: When he returned to claim the flesh The action of the Santa Fe Killed in action 564 Rae was found on the court house recent of the deer he was caught. Many School Board in raising the salaries Killed by accident 217 New Insurance Office lawn early last week painted a bril big mountain lions have been known & Co. are liant McRae had of teachers is commendable and it Died of disease 993 to inhabit the fastnesses about the Hanagan remodelling yellow. purchased communi- 261 two rooms in the Denver Hotel no Bonds, a small a is to be hoped that other Lost at sea Bartlett and fine tro- Liberty only ties in th'e state will do at least as Died of other causes 64 estate, many building to opening mount of Baby Bonds. With the phies have been bagged, but the preparatory up Catarrh of an owner's the was sold Stomach estate com- car much. Wounded 3,027 is the on insurance, real and permission 49 Riley trophy largest record. mission office. The business will at auction for $301.00 and the American schools are in danger of Captured Raton be pro Mrs. FennelL R. F. D. Ameri 77 Reporter. under the direction of W. F. ceeds in Bonds. Portales News. Mary , Po grave depreciation unless the Missing Hanag- put mona, Missouri, writes: Made Well j an, an and busi- can people face the school problem New Cement Sidewalk energetic "I wish to say a few words In the squarely, as they have faced every William Randolph Hearst, anti-oth- ness man who recently located here Buys Two Fine Cows The Springier Trading Co. has put from Texas. D. took home from praise of Peruna. I have used it Peruna. problem that has confronted British, and in Dallas, Santa Rosa J. Curry Estan with for By a cement sidewalk in front of its Voice. cia a fine cow good results cramps in the The schools are suffering from man, has bought the Chicago "Her of business on Maxwell recently very Jersey stomach. Also found it the very - place avenue. for which he $100, and last week the two all absorbing problems- of aid," which will be combined with the is this. paid thing for catarrh of the head. My My Sister Enterprise Springer j the day the war and high cost of Examiner . This deal will leave LUNA he was here again and bought one of was cured of stom- Nels sister catarrh of living. Chicago, a city of 2,500,000 people Frostenson, paying the same ach by the use of Peruna.'' and salaries in almost ev with one price as for the other. Portales Mrs. B. T. 69 42nd Abo Cured Wages only morning newspaper Another One Has Gone Brah min Cbomer, East other vocation have risen other than the Hearst Buy Cattle News. St., HI., ery pretty publication Springer years ago had more sa Senator H. L. Kerr and Sam Clark Chicago, says: "Manalln much in keeping with the cost of Poor Chicago! No wonder it ele loons than it best laxative on the market for liver on has now, and they are have bought two, more carloads of By living. Still the teachers grind at vates a man like "Big Bill" Thomp- one one. SAN MIGUEL and bowels, very good for indigestion the same old starvation son to the of dwindling away by This the sacred Brahmin cattle and have and heart burn. practically post mayor. week Ledoux & sold Cam-bra- Ledoux the put them on the Kerr ranch at y, wages. stock of the Those who object to liquid medi- PE-RU-N- Metropolitan saloon and The Brahmin cattle have been Patriotic School Children cines can secure Peruna A If the harm done were only in Tn8 D;B rain which extended near-forcin- g closed the but tablets. a of to live business, leaving two one of the show features of the The schools have number people y B over New Mexico, was worth now in the while but a city purchased city, short ranches of both Senator Kerr and Thrift to the amount of $2,-60- 4 en inadequate wages, the matter a ,t jea in helping to produce the time ago there were four. In her his Stamps not do me brother, James G. Kerr, and they and Liberty bonds in the sum of would very serious, dui and foodstuffs needed to defeat earlier days Springer Iiad eight sa are stock that can narm does not stop here. The impos the Kaiser. hardy, stand $7,975. This is a wonderful record, is fj loons. bpringer Stockman. drouth better, it is said, than almost and one that school well sibility of obtaining living salaries other any might inevitabely the ambitious any strain, and they are also envy, and it proves the intense pa- forcing Does the high cost of living make CURRY excellent beef cattle. resemble man or woman out of the profession wonder how to make ends meet? They triotism at the High school, "Deeds, U you deer in color, and the hump on their not Words." well he said to be and into aome other calling that Start a war-p- a rden Work hard and might New Carage To Open shoulders, their heritage from the their motto. Las more generous, you can't fail. Clovis Vegas Optic. The natural result must be the the Night and Day Garage sacred cattle of India, is their most LUCKY STRIKE is of the name of a new automobile noticeable features. Deming Head- - Good filling of the schools with a lot THE RAPE OF THE BELLS was Mighty Suggestion second-rat- e and icpdu anuji uiai openea last ugni. Mexican Pete Everet, who served teachers, boys girls week in the Await on North who the school-roo- as Building !00 days in jail here for insulting the regard Nothing is sacred to the Prussian Main. St. The business will be con Takes Over Lumber CIGARETTE a stop-ga- p between their own Company flag, is advertised for a boxing bout merely soldiery. With them religion has lost ducted by J. L. Butler and C. C. Car- - A deal which has been school days and a nice no pending for with Mike Baca, of Santa Fe. If profession all its former sanction: place isson and" will be an exclusive some time was closed un- boys and nice girls, we grant you, no emblem sanctified. repair recently, Governor Lindsey has not undergone holy, During shop, open both night and day.-- der the terms of which the Fox- - a of he will but much of being on worth-Galbrai- change heart, probably lacking competent the present war they have gone LJovis Mews. takes over instructors. The only possible result from bad to worse, until there is no Company suggest that these gallant warajors a year it has become s tne iJeming Lumber Company and go to France to do their of this condition must be the grev-iou- longer even an affectation of rever- Steam Sold will fighting. of the of the land. Laundry conduct it as a oart of its busi Las Vegas Optic. IN neglect youth ence for those things that most men D. R. Shupe announced last week ness in the future. local the man's cig- And at this crises this coun deem holv. The world has not been The company just that the Clovis Steam Laundry had nas ucen a parr oi tne ot can not afford to neglect her the n. Holdings arette for the men who are try mch surprised .therefore at changed hands, the the Foxworth-Galbrait- h TORRANCE America has had too hard nnsrd siwili.itinn of the in becoming prop- Company, rburrhes erty of its former owner, W. F. but owing to the amount of a struggle to reach her present inte- - An of the bells great over here, and Relgium. inventory Swartz. Mr. Swartz is expected to work in connection with the making School Children Invest $52727 working ..ecu.. " " J" and organs in everv Belgian cnurcn in the within a few out of fraction P..n.of she :: arrjve city days the monthly reports and in The children of Mrs. Veal's room over there. the progress ha. wiongrng to the Roman Catholics to taUe Mr. will leave order to fighting sac-- 1 charpe. Shupe simplify the detail work have bought four dollars and made. We have made too many )las 1(,en demanded by the Herman for N. M. in seventy. rif-ee- s shortly Deming, where he connection with the the : business, five rents worth of Thrift stamps in the name of education and authorities and as Cardinal Mercier has other at latter cu ture and moral . laundry interests the company decided to cease and one hundred and fifty dollars The reason? Because and observes, "The inven-- ft Com-pan- . prophetically big army cantonment -C- lovis Journ-upli- operating the Deming Lumber y to be willtn to take one back-- torv 0f is the for the re- - worth of Liberty Bonds. today signal aj ' as an independent unit and Miss it's made of ward steo. We MUST go on, in jus-- 1 of hells Hoyland's room has bought Burley pipe qnjsitinn tomorrow." The will incorporate it into the nf e tice to future in ! resi thirty-fiv- cents worth of Thrift generations, justice mst f:o to make Prussian bullets Traitor Arrested its holdings. This new tobacco and because to the ideal, that have inspired us. The bells and chimes of arrangement Stamps and a fifty dollar Liberty Belgium Mrs. C. E. DeLano who lives in the will not make changes in the Bond. the comes from are most renowned and beauti- - any Already complaint tle north part of the county was management or the personnel of the Miss Corbett's room sections of the ; world. Admired count-- 1 has bought country that.f,,) ,),e by rested charged with Deming Lumber thirtv-si- x numbers of the more the recently having Company. Deming dol'ars and fifty cents IT'S TOASTED competent less travelers loved by pious and: made seditious utterances about the Headlight. hun- -1 worth of Thrift Stamps and a teachers d sgusted with the meager .wondered at by the profane, government and the Red Cross. The school-roo- dred dollars worth of Bonds, salaries, are leaving the ed by musir lovers and praised by officer who came Nesch Bread Liberty for more lucrative Once government here Buys Moulder The high school has bought one callings out, is,dents of erclessiastical art. they t0 arrest Uts. DeLano did so on Paul Nesch, the owner of the Nesch hundred and this talent is forever lose to the have been a source of and fifty dollars worth of long justifiable the complaint of neighbors who it bakery, has received a new bread Liberty Bonds. schools, because the channels of bu. to All ss pr;de the Belgian peonle. thisjs sajd had heard her make a num-ine- moulder, made the Union will and ab- - counts with the by Wrap- This makes a grand total of Five quickly eagerly however, for nothing ber of remarks about Machine of n them. derogatory the ping Company Joliet, 111., hundred twenty-seve- dollars and orh rude invader. His supply of rifle j Red Cross and work- - the Red Cross and now has it installed in his bake- seventy-fiv- e cents. More than six- There is but one remedy, and that bullets mav run short when another ers. Mrs. DeLano was be- where it is - arraigned ry, making good on every per cent, of the pupils have join- ts for the people to look the s.tua- Miss Cavcil is to be shot Scheu-tio- ty or another fore U. S. Commissioner C. A. n ciaim mane tor it the manufac ed Bovs and which in the face, and be British to be murdered for rich by the G'rls' Clubs, squarely captain! who found the charge serious turers. The new machine will take goes to show the of the wili ng to lew taxes for school mir- - defending his ship: and the Belgian enough to Dlare her under Jrtnmn the from patriotism that shall the i dough the mixer and will children. Mountainair Independent poses put teaching church bells will serve to replenish bond which so far she has failed to muuiu 4 o,uw loaves an - profesion up and abreast the other it. nour, make. Clovis News. turning out each loaf in perfect First Graduating Class profesions. More, perhaps, than on The church of Rome may well be It will mould loaves from other class is the future shape. For the first time in its historv. ny of proud that it has one representative EDDY six ounces to three pounds in this dependent noon the f'- - in who dares to denounce weight Mountainair High School will this country Belgium and it has the advantage of being vear send out a Class, thful work of her pedagogues. We this sacrilegious outrage. The power Big Cattle clean In Graduating - Shipment absolutely addition to the the class being composed of two must suit tne reward to the magni- of the tyrant who arrogates to him The Merchant Livestock Cnmnanv mixer which he and tude of the work. the of no recently bought young ladies. Misses Tillo Richard- self title the all highest has Iast week shipped 1.200 yearlings to the new moulder, Mr. Nesch has also Bac- - son and Lois Clare Hollon. The terrors for Cardinal Mercier the bra- the Conrad Cattle Co.. who will pas- - installed a machine which Dunne is now edi-- wrapping calaureate Sermon w;ll be delivered Finley Peter the I ve archibishon of Malines. who has fi,re thorn Tu takes the bread from the moulder on tor of "Collier's" to the made the seizure n, T... Sunday morning. May 12th at the according of. were sold two i and protest against cattle weeks ago, and wraps it in the oiled paper with- - Methodist Chapel by the Kev. Thos. aemiannual sworn statement, which the bells in these nntrinff words. thinner! from h s,,t it, h9;nn. . k. i- .... was in a A.iU r,nl. V. Ludlow. On next Thursday even- published recent .He "Ini the name of freedom of Mr. j ijue. the Conrad, who closed the deal with hand. Lleming Headlight. ing May 16th. the Graduation Ex- ...... wno m ine cnurcn. in ine name oi mc san- - tne company in conversa to devote all his time recently ercises will be held at the High Washington to ctity of the Catholic religion, in the tion with an Arcns reporter sail The Hens Are Helping' School Auditorium. Mountainair In or - six-wa- r. na.iers a.irci.ns; ine progress ine name ot interationai law, we con- Mis range had received a fine Mrs. Henry Meyer has been beat- Mr. Dunne acquired everlat- - demn and reprove the seizure of the inch rain last week, and that he the cost dependent fame ing high of everything by tome year ago w:th his bells and organs of our churches :! found the condition, of the help of twelve white j"f sketches. The new general Leghorn Cattle Shipped to Nebraska editor's "we forbid the clergy and faithful of tie in Eddy county very good, when hei.i. which have laid 740 in the A 30 am is not carried in the our diocese to eggs shipment of car loads of cat- anywhere toward the fact of the extreme dryness was past three months, and when eggs tle amounting to about 956 head of publication, and no mention of the their removal; we refuse to accept taken into consideration. Bob Rich- - were from six bits down to was so costing three and four years old. were plac- change made, far as we recall the price of the sacred objects taken ards shipped with the Merchant cat four bits a dozen the amount of in- in scent in the which ed our stock yards here last week sworn statement, from us by violence, tle about 100 yearlings, which were come. Mrs. Meyer derived from her Bruce and received could not be avoided. We have been in hr Conner, by "Strong invincib'e hope, we sold to the same company as the chickens figures out at quit- - a re- Messrs. E. Stone and E. P. Reeder weadering why a at- - 'await the hour of our God." Men ban C great secrecy t cattle Carlsbad Argus. spectable sum. Deming Headlight of Sioux City, Iowa, who purchased tended the j No wonder the Germans found -- change. have them and had them shipped to West- aw fev necessary to postulate a ood ot Worry Responsible For Rasa Dead The Canitan "Mountaineer" ,ii 'own a MORA ern Nebraska, where to rise their ex- Guaranteed has their special and peculiar Tom Queen a well known stock- would "double sum- Ol by ''wX commenced it fourth rear of work Teutonic to man pressions, they deity justify their of the Midland country, com- mer and winter them and then put for its tsnrn, cewnty anal district. It acts of barbarity and sacrilege. To mitted suicide last week. The cause Douglass Hotel Burned them on corn". and we wish for it recot-niz- e the God which of his ex- Sast paper most as of rash deed was worry over Fire started in a small building Mr. Conner hat been buying up y04Vrae1W at of anccoss nasi aa worship would be to foretell their tensive losses of cattle. It is said adjoining the Douglass Hotel recent and them loom. Las be was yearlings having shipped! jown Vegas Optic. one of the most prosperous ly and when discovered about 11 (iratinned or. page t) I STATE OF NEW MEXICO Possession under contracts of aale for NWX, EXSWX, SEX, Sec. 17; NXNX, See. containing 1160.28 acres. The improvement s ay 'and reservations. me auovc uescriocu iracis win uc given u; nya, sr.Vi, aec. l ill Ol aecuons consist 01 lenciag, value stiu.uu. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION on or before 1918. 23, Sec. 29; ot Public October 1st, ii, 26; SWX, Sec. 28; EXSEX, ' The Commissioner Lands or NEXNEX, Sec. 32; NX, SEX, NXSWX, Sal No. 118 - K'A, Sec. 28; T. 31 N., his aveni hoi linu such sale reserves th NEW MEXICO STATE LAND SALES PUBLIC LAND SALE Witness mv hand and the official aeal SE'SV'I4. See. 3.1: All of Sections 34. .15: R .U E.. rnntmini. 1.iN rni There lire nulit to relict anv snd all bids offered .11 , 01 tne state l.ana Ullice 01 tne Mate 01 T. 2u IM., K. Ii., All ol sec. JU; Ni-j- no ini)ro v. nicnts. .t said sate. CHAVES COUNTY ntw nirvivg, inia iwcniy-scvcii- t it uay 01 aec, ct, ar.nivva, BWMir.ja, jser. fill; 1. April, 1918. 20 N., R. 32 E containing 950 08 acres. Sale No. ll7 - NEXSWX, NWXSEJ4. Possession under contracts of sale for the i1 Office of the Commissioner of Public p. The improvements consist of fencing, value S.c. 24; T. J2 N.. R. .14 E., containing nhnve described trans will be given on Hubert ekvien, .., Lands, Commissioner ot Public Lands of $1500.111. XO.utl acres. There are no improvements, r he' re Dctolni lsl, lytK. State Land Office, said contract to pro- Santa New Mexico. thr STATE OF NEW MEXICO vide the at his Fe, Stale of New Mean ' that purchaser may option .12 snd First Publication 3, 1918. Sale No. 11CZ Sale No. 1181 Lot 3, Sec. 19; T. Witness my band Ihe nffiriaf seal make of not less than one May W'EX. KKW'5, S.c f St.-.t- payment! Notice given that A. VAi.l. iZ VuijL Ml.- M 1?i K . !:!.?(, Sel the Land Of(i of the Slate of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION of ninety-fiv- cent of the hereby pursuant Last Publication 5, 1918, 1. llli kliru K. acres thirtieth per pur- to the visions ol an Act ot July 'Lot's New Mexico, thia fifteenth f chase price at any time after the sale SWXNwV. NXSEX, 3,'4.' SWXSEX,' "I f'" lhe Santa Fe and Grant County day April, approved June Jtlth, tne laws ot tne Sec. Sec. 1; S('C. Kailtoad Hond Fund. lvltt. PUBLIC LAND SALE and prior to the expiration of thirty years New and and 2; EX, SWX, NEX. 9; Ihe improvement". State of Mexico, rules reg- SEXNWX,' Sec. Ill; consist of reservoir, value $100.00. ROBEKT P. ERVIEN. from date of the contract, and to provide ulations of the State Land Office, the STATE NEW MEXICO NVVXN'KX, Commissioner of Public Lands of the ROOSEVELT COUNTY for the of balance at OF WXNWX, NEXSEX, Sec. 11; EX, payment any unpaid Commissioner of Public Landa will offer E',W'i, No- of New of from the Sec. 12; All of Sec. 1.1; EXN EX, 'SWJiN EX, Sa,e - II5" 5' " Sec. 24; SWX Stale Mexico, the expiration thirty years at sale to the bidder at First Publication 26. 1018. Office of ihe Commissioner ot Public of the interest on de- public highest NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Sec. 14; Sec. IS; All 01 S c. SWX- Sc. 26; S'CSFX. Sec 27; NhXNWX Aoril date contract with 9 o'clock A. M., on Monday, 1st. .1918. NEXNEX, Las' 28. 1918. July See. 17 ; Sec. T. 32 N., H. 30 E,. 20o'i Publication June Lands, ferred payment at the rate oi four per in town of Roswell, of I&;NXNEX. SEXNEX, WXSWX, containing - New Mexico. advance the County Chaves, face. 20: seiccieo hit ce ana .Tani Santa Fe, cent per annum, payable in on State of New Mexico, in front of the court PUBLIC LAND SALE WiWj. hl'.WSW 'i. WVj. Sec. jy; acres, uie aania SWXSI'-X- . Kailroa.l Hond Fund. There arc the anniversary of the date of contract, house the described tracts NX, SWX, Sec. .UiKounty be on an- therein, following Sec. .1.1; NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE. Notire is hereby given that pursuant partial payments to credited the of land, vis: QUAY COUNTY SWXNEX. SEXNWX, NEXSWX, improvements to the of an Act of s niversary of the date of the contract next EX, SWXNWX, NXSWX, SIX previsions of SWX,' Sec. 34; EX, SWX, Sec. 24; SEX I Sale No. See. Sec. In the District Court for the County of approved June 20th, 1910, the laws of the following the date tender. Sate No. 1215 SXNF-X- , SEXNWX, Sec' Office of the Commissioner of Publ 110 - NX, 1; NX. SEX. See. 2.1: NX. SWX. Sec. 25; T. 25 R. 31 F... Santa Fe, First Judicial District, State State of New Mexico, and rules and reg- 3: T. 4 S., R. 24 E., 120.00 acres. Lands, KXtX 2; N., EXN EX, N)..SE"4, of New the The above of will he containing EXNWX. SWXNWX, SWX, Sec. 26; All Sec. 20; e. Mexico. ulations of the State Land Office, ale lands subject The consist of a house, value Santa Fe, New Mexico. WXW'X, NEXSWX, SXSEX, S No. 8926. will offer valid improvements of Sec. 36; T. 19 N., R. 31 E WXEX. Jl ; Commissioner of Public Lands to existing rights, easements, rights $J0.00. WX, SXNW'X, SWX. S"..SEX, Sec. 22; Nj, T. and SEXSEX. Sec. Sec. All of Mathias J. Nape I, Jr., and Mathiaa Najrel, at public sale to the highest bidder of way, reservations. Notice is given that to 6; SXSWX, 5; SWX. NXSEX, S.c. 25; NX. Anson A. on hereby pursuant Sec. 7; WX. Sec. WX, Sec. 17; All of Sec. Sr., Plaintiffs vs. Avery and at 9 o'clock A. M., Wednesday, June e.l N I9IS KPUsWU Si.lsFU See le,. nr,lu , ft r.n Act nf (..nurstt an. 8; SEXSWX, SEX, 26; NEX. NX'NWM 'arrie M. Defendants. 1918 the town of Commissioner of Public Lands or ! Avery, J6th, in Portales, County The 25: T. 8 S., R. 23 E., Lot 10, Sec 30; T. proved June 20th, 1910, the law. of I he " :jZ- iVJ' SV'.Vsjij. W,?W Notice is that under and of New Mexico, in front his such sale reserves the ""T WNVV A - ?i hereby given by of Rooaevelt, State agent holding 8 S.. R. 24 E.. containing 156.90 acres, select-- ! State of New Mexico, and rules and reEu- - hXLX, NWXSKX, bee virtue of a Decree and Order of Kal Fore- - house the following to any and all bids offered - of the court therein, right reject ed for the Santa Fe and Grant County la.ion. of the State Land Office, the Com- f ' " " closing a certain Mortgage made and en tracts of vis: at said sale. Possession under contracts - - described land,, Kanroau ona runa. mere no un- oi win oner ax u l- .W:V A. and hi of for above will ire missioner l'uuuc i,anus 'm v u i " tered into oy Anson Avery sale the described tracts public tale to the biM.t, r at V V t,r'," wife Carrie M. and to Mathiaw 1144 S'A, be on before 1918. provemenlt. highest ,',:VJ' VVlSlLl; 9 Avery given Sec. 3; or Sv?' Octoher Sale No. S'A, S'AW, given first, ,10 o'clock, A. M., on Tued.lay. lMh, i, h.,2' ,3; Sale No. Utl NK4SW4. S. .1. of Sec. 8: All of Sec. Lots July - N;,SK4. J. N.iKtl, ,'r., and Mathias Nnwel, Sr., Sec. 7; All 9; No bids on the above detenhed tracts 1018, in the town of t ouut y A , vc. 11; i W 14. Sec. 10; T. 1 S. official iucumean, JSW on the 3rd day of May, l'H7; Rrcorded 1, 2, 3, 4, S'AKWA, SWX; Witness my hand and the seal of land will be for lesa than of State of New Mexicn, in front u'?' V..4 V? Sec. U N K;4N 13; T. Jo Tiook accepted Quay, ' tivr' 5r, T 1 i;;4, in P, pa uc 11 of the Record of R. 37 2473.12 acri s. There of the State Land Office of the State of ,;- K- . E., containing FIVE DOLLARS $5.00) per acre, which of the court house therein, the following wi c u fit c b'U Er'S', - 7; Mortaces of said made and en- are no New Mexico, this Ninth day of April, 1918. at- - Set-- County, improvements. is the appraised value thereof and in described tracts of land, vixt v Li?, kV'ZI u SKi4NK.i, 18; Se. 17; All tered in said entitled C;uise on the 4l h dition thereto the successful bidder must Q,:;. s ' of Sec. h.; aSWtfNEtf, SKNU Mi. NV4 of 1145 Sec. S'A, ROBT. P. v day May llS, the undersigned Special Sale No. N'A. IS; NWji, ERVIEN, pay for the that exist on Sale No. 1Z07 V',, Ser. 1.1; "o vVi i1 'W, N 14SK'4. S r. 15; will Sec, 28: EUSEK. Sec. 31: E'ZSWX. Sic. improvements WSW, 'r'i',',, S'.SK4, S'lSji, Master an Thursday, August 15th. Commissioner of Public Lands, Ihe land. Sec. 14; Sic. 21; N!4: o.h' 14; Sec. 13; Sec. at the 10 o'clock fore- T. 4 R. 30 NEX. Sec. T. 5. NKNK. SKtfNKtf, tu A;Vy.vvT' ilv. S',SW)4. P1X, hour (f in the 33; S., K, 9; Stale of New Mexico. , NWJ4, Sec. 24; T. 17 N., K. .V, E., lots "fl '5 2i Nh N.NWli. See. .'4; T. & N., H. noon nf said at the front door of K. 1217 7 .f. a .?.vc- - V... R day, a., jo c, coniaininK n..ui nljcb, 12, 1918. Sale No. All of Sec. 36: T. S.. 2. 3. Sec. 7: Lots 1. 2. 3. NW'i. Sec. 18: .i . r h'f N.!. M All of See. .V.: T 27 N. 31 E.. hv i.f S.int.i Fc of First Publication April ..' ' rurt this ('otinty, consist well and feminv, R. 30 640.00 17 37 'rfJt'.f ' ,: U t i jln-i- im- Last Publication 14, 1918. E., containing acres. The T. N., R. E.. containing arris .... , 'r ,1' ll ,J . euitaiiuiiK 33.?J hkhs. ,m " New Mexico, offer for sale and sell at value $230.00. June and tU;, i' provenu-nt- consist of well windmill, There are no improvements, IT. IS N.t R. 31 E NVV'H. NV.. provcinems. public auction to the hiirhest and bst value $300.00. No bid on this tract of land fur describee' Sale No. 1146 SXNEX. N'SF-X-, Sic. SWWSWW, SEH. S. e. 1: bid'hr cash, the following - will be for less than 910.00 Sale No. 1208 .yA'i, No- - . accepted per SEtfSEtf, ,.,T;sw. Sale 1192 in said of 19; S'AK'A, Sec. 20; WKjSWX. S. STATE OF NEW MEXICO VVW''-- S' l' 2' W' NEjSEj4. 'iS'Yt, SW'i rirnperty situate the County HySYi, acre. 6 N. R. 27 E., 40 ' Of Sec. All of Sec. 31; T. containing 3: S.t. f,; AH of 7, 12; Sec. 13; S';, Sec. 11; S;nia re, and tate New Mexico, to 21; W'aSW'4, 28; S'S'J, Stft,.. E'NE'i, UK;i C'l'imi-nriiu- are no improvements. 13: All NK'-i- NE'4NW!4, S. c. ,;2: SE'NW wit: ' at a on the Sec 7 S., R. 36 E., 12'i8.20 Me 121 E'.S, of See. 2"; E, E '6 SVjSWtf. point containing ants, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION IV.. AI! of Sec. 16; T. 6 S., t lu'we-- 12 Town-- (oun-l- SW lA, See. 3D; SW'-4- , E' S. e. 23; KtfSWtf, Wj-- n line Section .md 13, selected for the Santa Fe and Grant R. 31 E,, 6.0.00 The im 1709 4; SEJ4, j NjNW. containing acres. Sale No. NSEtf. St. u'i 'j 11. A11 t c M N', K 0 E,.M. N.MPM. 375 East Railroad Bond Eund. There are no im $75 in- 14 N R 3S xv" h nl ' "WW PUBLIC LANb SALE provemcnts consist of fencing, value 00. cVi. T F cull- See. 25; V'iNI-'4- , SW'A. NWJ4SV nf t!h' intersection of the North and Soutt provemcnts. No bid on this tract of land will be ac- .. I, Tin ,,S .t.va rt v A7r. Se 7; M sw, See. 2o; SU'SK', S.c ; ; .'. ,. half Sect ion line of the said Section 13, cepted for less than $10.00 acre. SESW, S- LEA COUNTY per ments. T. IS M,, K. 33 E., rontaiiiMig 2'.S8.37 acres. S.c. 3i; T. Mi V, R. 30 b'. All d th. u S .n'h wirh .vd half Sec No bid on the above described t t tracts s nf in: c l ot 3. ion line W Rods to th" and ! S- The iriiitrnvf nu m ei ni-s- wdl ssw'4. S'WM, Eat of land" will he for ss than No. SW'X JS; All tanks, Se-- I; m lin-- acivpted Sale No. 1219 IVfjNVS, SSVS, SKKV4. Sale 120 - Etf. r, 1mm vn!ue 50. SW!i S'.SE4, 1:'; S iH S eti.r. of Section 13 lh''Tic- East m re Office of Ihe Commissioner ul Public 16 ,in'l fencing, $674 ;V'.4. FIVE DOLLARS ($5.U0) per whirl', NKWSE'i, Sec. 16; T. 11 S., R. 24 ., con- of Sec. 16; EJNFM. SEJ4, See. 10; T. Sec. NW-4- SEW.SW said half line K12.8 feet, ad-- , V; ,',.n IS tlie value thin of aiul in Lands, 4CXJ.00 N., U. 34 E., 1360 at s. The R. 31 ' hvnee with the appraised Ne Mexico. taining acres. The improvements containing n . 20; T. N., K., eonta.n.n North parallel said North S.iiit.i Fe, s of Sale No. All of 16; N VM, .,' u l dition thereto the successful bidder most consist of fencini?. value 4225.00. No hid iti'tirovenx tit eotiMHt fencing, vnlue lt3 - s. il.e im fit i;on ..ii S ii'll half Section hue of saitl ' SI N'AVVtf. All niijinm pay fcr the improvements that exist this tract of land will be for 57.50. ShNV;4. 2; II fencing, v hit S ctt n 13 llL- - feet. t hel.ee Wis-p- land. N'liice is hereby given that pursuant accepted M;SK, phuvitiji. ihe of ii ps ihan vu.uu per acre. rail. with th.- said E.tst and West to rile tirii t isii.n s nl an Act "Tigress 1211 T 11 Sec. 2K; T. 17 R. 31 Sale No. Sec. 2; N., SKJ4WVJ4, SKtf, N., line of ;iid 13, A R JO, 1Y10, laws ol the NEji 17 the Section Sale No. 1147 All of See. 16; T. N., .approved June h U. V 160.46 K'lert All of A 23. 2ut 27; T. S.-- Eat ot tiir ahnv dsenbed wil I"., containing arn's, 'K., Sale No 11E3 14, K' S. .'V.H feet, thence North rail with tbc 30 640 The State if New Mexico and the ru.es and train t v N.. R. 33 E., S' S! Vu 24: pi E., containing arris. improve- be uitered fur tale td fur the Santa Fe and (.r.mt otint N'j Sec. v North and half St et line ot the State Land Ihe separately. 1( R. 30 K.. NEMtNE'4, NV4NE. N'y South ion consist of well, lank and regulation, Olfice, Railroad Hond fllll'lll S N'K'4, Sec. T. 1 . ments corral, l;und. The impro N, N'j. See. .IM 27 N., R 32 E., f ;id S- r.ti'-- 13 M'2 fe t to the said 11015.00. No hid for Commissioner of Public Lands villi olfei The above sale of Jam! will be J2U.IW. Sec, 5; SKJ4. See. 6; N'J, Sec. fencing, value accepted subject. consist of fencing, value SW',, N1, Nt M0.(M ; Tlo it an no S'ftion line lutween said Section 12 and this land for less than $10.00. public sale, to the highest bidder, at to the following terms and condition-.- 7; All of Sen ion s 8, 17; S"iSW'4, See. taiiinig !t. M. eiiii nt 8. V t hence West said Sect ion line o clock A. on Saturday, June viit.: t fur land selected for the 2Rt 12 IS; W1,;, Sec. 19; 3. 4, S.c. pro', along 2th, Sale No. 1212 Sec. T NV4, LotH, 3' 3 said 1''18. in the town of Santa and C E'jE, 16 N R. 31 feet, to the place of beginning, No. 1148 NEX. SWX. Sec. 16; T. Lovinglnn, t.'oumy re Railmad Bonn R. 3J 160 30; T. E.. SV'4SK'4. 11 Sale (rant ounty N., E., containing acres. There S'SW'.. Sale No. 1194 Set. iV.j, s in the North East 5 S., R. 37 E., .Ml acres. The of Lea, Slate of New Mexico, in front of Ktind, the successful bidder must pay to are no Sec. 2: All of See. 11; SV. Sec. 12: All - S'.SE, prenns' being quarter containing des-0- improvements, S c. 14; 1. 2 N., K. 32 r... ot U T 16 W, K ') fcast. of $225.- - the court house therein the following the Commissioner of Public Lands or his of Sections 13. 14. 23: W'A. Sec. 24: All eontainmg Nctwn N.MI'M, improvements consist fencing, value 4UO.00 acres. 1 lie re are no Ee New Mexico. One hun cribcd tracts of land, via: such of of T. If, R. 33 improvement Santa County, No bid accepted for this land for hss agent holding sale, No hid on the above described tracts of Sections 26, 30; N., E., V'2 and five in follow the offered him for the See. See. K; drcd twenty yards the than $10.00. price by land, land will be for less than FIVE SKJ4, 7; SV4. NWij. See. Sale No. 1195 .111 four accepted - SWtf. SV4 ; the INurt ti tast aSaiV iwsj. CSI.. 1) yt per cent cent interest in advance for 17; All of Sec. 18; See. 10; T. , ing description, It ivi.a, DOLLARS ($5.00) per acre, which is the NENE4. Ni-4- W'.vSEJ4, .Sec. 1; SE'4NWV4, SWfi of Section 13. 16 N. Range Sec. 11; E'AEM Sec. 12; NWX Sec. 13; S'A the balance of such purchase price, fees value and in addition 16 N., R. 34 E.. K'it KWNW4. SWS4NWW, quarter Township Each of the described tracts will 15 appraised thereof 'A, he. L T. 9 in Santa Fe N. M., the ajove See. 14, T. S., R. 35 E H'A Sec. 2, T. for advertising and and all Sec. 26; T. 15 N U. 31 E., NEJ4, Stt East, County, be offered for sale appraisement thc.eto the sucressful bidder must pav NSK, N., R 30 E.,SV, tW at i i, Tiler. land in the West separately. 14 S.. R. 34 E containing 1601.24 acres. costs incidental to the sale herein, each for the that exist on the Sec. 10; T. 15 N., R. 32 E., SWJ4XE'4, containing hereby conveyed being - improvements are nu ern end ot land ana t The consist of value and all of said must be drnosit- 14 32 15.-- j improvements. above described The above sale of lands witl be sub improvements fencing, amount! land. Sec. 4; T. N., K. E.. containinR" measured as $600.00. ed in cash or certified exchange at the 745.07 acres. There are no follows, commencing jret to the following terms and conditions time of sale and which said amounts and improvements. Sale No. U9fi S'N1, See IS, '('. 20 N., at the North West corner of said des Sale No. 1213 All of Section 36, T. Tin-r- viz: 1158 34. T. 14 all of them are to R. 28 E., 10 liens. are t rip tion, thence 125 yards in an Easterly Sale No. S'ARWt Sec. subject to forfeiture the 5 N., R. 20 E., 640 acres. The. Sale No. 1164 lots 4, 5, 6. NEJ4, E' containing S.. R. 36 E.. Sec. 2: 3. 4. State of New if the successful containinj? no improvements. direction, thence in a .Southerly direction for lands' for the Santa WX Lots SXNEX. Mexico, consist of house, well, and SEJ4, Sec. V; S'S'4, .Sec. 20; Except selected of 11, T. bidder does nut a with- improvements NEj'iSE, in a tin .i as the line run SEX Sec. 3; K'A Sec. 10; All Sec. execute contract No bid on above NJt SW'!4, Sec. ?J; Lots 1, 2. 3, ' straigr Fe and Grant R. R. Bond Fund, fencing, value $450.00. the Sale No. 1197 SE'4, nitiff fr- .. l. ; iru County 15 K. 36 E., SXSWX Sec. 25; &'A in thirty days after it has been mailed 4, 5, NKJ4. Sec. 32; E',NE'4 K'SW',, must to tne ShH, described tract of land will be accepted 6; NESEy,, W'NKji Sec. West : the successful bidder pay SEX, SWX Sec. 26; SX Sec. 27; WX. SEX to him by the State Land Office, sain Src. 21; SWI4NWJ4, NWI4SWJ4, S'.SW!4, South corner o, t.,iui w. Uut Commissioner of Public Lands, or his agent for less than $10.00 per acre. SKy4SK'4t SEtfSWj, Sli4. 33; NjvNEh., N'vSK'4, Sec. 22; See. 27; NE'4, hence 125 in a direction Sec. 28; EX, SSWX Sec. 29; All of Sec. contract to provide that the purchaser NEJ4SWJ4. Sec. 34; T. 17 WjNW'4, yards Westerly such sale, of the E!,NWJ4. WJ4. Sec. 28; T. 20 N,, R. 28 E., con- as far as the said South West holding 32; EXNEX, NEXSEX, SXSS-- Sec. 33; All may at his option make payments of not 6 R. 29 All of SS.Sec. T. 16 N., R. cornel orice offered by him for the lat.d, four Sale No. 1214 - All of Sec. 36; T. N., N., E., 3; KhO.OO There no oi said thence in a Norther of Sec. 34; All of Sec. 35; All of Sec. 36, less than of five 2'J 1. taming aires ate unpToe- description, for niuety per consist of house, wind K., Lots 3, 4, See. 3: Lot Sec. 4;; t cent interest in advance the balance 16 of the sheds, in en s. ly direction and the Western bound- per T. S., R. 36 E NEX, SEXNWX, S'4 eent purchase price at any time Srovetnents im- Sec. 10; along o: such tne tees tor containing 640 acres. The E",NK'4. SWJ4NEtf, WKSE'4, N'4; of said to the place ot purchase price, Sec. .11, T. 16 S.; R. 37 E All of Sec. 1; after the sale and prior to the expiration NEJ4. Sec. 15; T. lo N.. R. 30 E.. ary description and and all costs t breaks, well, windmill, fencing, and plow eontaniiiiy Sale No. 119ft -2- SW'4. S.c li It t he same and identic appraisement All of See. 2; EX, Lots I, 2, SEXNWX, of thirty years from the date of the 31S7.47 are no NW'4SK'4, ginning. being incidental to the sale herein, and each and inn, value $1341.00. No bid on the above acres. There improvements, Sec. 32; Set. 33; al convt yed to M, Kead SEXSWX Sec. 3; Lois 3, 4; and to provide for the payment of ' . H; N''..NEJ4, NfjAvV. property Itcnjamin all of be in described tract of land will be 28 JnO lM) .i s. said amounts must deposited K'A. Sec. All of unpaid balance at the of accepted T, 20 N R. E., tout aining ii by Jose Maria Sarnoza ami Felicitas Ro the time of SEXNWX, SWX 4; Sec. any expiration for less than $10.00 acre. Sale No. IMS - All of Section 4; T. 16 cash or certified exchange at T. 17 R. 36 9R10.31 from the date of the con per Tjiere arc no impr venients driguez de Samosa by Deed dated January and which said atnounta and all of 5, S., E., containing thirty years N., H. 31 E., containing 61.2f acre. There which is iu sale, acres. The of 3 tract with interest on deferred 13th, I'm said Deed Recorded them are to forfeiture to the State improvements consist wells, payments Each of the above described tracts will are no improvements. office of Clerk ex subject windmills, tank and value $2300.00. at the rate of four per cent per annum Sale No. 1199 EKSEJ4 See 27; E'j the the Probate and pf New Mexico if the successful bidder does fencing, be offered for sale separately. Stc. 34; T. 32 R. con- officio Recorder of Santa Fe N payable in advance on the of 1IM N NE&, N., E., County. not execute contract within days anniversary Sale No. SW'i E'.i, SE'4NW- loO con- in Hook Records of Deeds of said thirty Sale No. 11S1 EX Sec. 17; All of Sec. the date of the contract, partial payments taming at res. Thr improveim nta M., (M, After it has been mailed to him oy th - The above sale of land will lie subject NESWW, N WSEV4, EI4SE U. Sec. 20; W of value. $260.00. at 384. 18; All of Sec. 19; SWX Sec. 20; SWX Sec. to be credited on the anniversary of the 20 R. E sist fencing, County page State Land Office, said contract to provide date of the contract next to the following terms and conditions, SWJ4, Sec. 21; T. N., 28 oaiu saie mane io sat sam ur 21; NWX Sec. 29; N'A Sec. 30, T. 16 S., following the 320 acres. I here are no oeing isiy at his make viz: taming improve n eree of Foreclosure and Order of Sale that the purchaser may option R. 35 2388.38 acres. The date of tender, No bid on the above descrdtrtl tr.iet of up pf not lest than E., containing im. ments, on which there will be due Plaintiff at payments consist of value $450.00, land will be accepted for less than THREK e of the provenients fencing, The sale of selected fcr the Sunt for the selected for Santa the date of sale the sum of $3''53.87; also 4)1 ninety-liv- per cent purchase land Except land the DOLLARS ($5(10 acer which is the time after the sale and Fe and Grant Railroad Bond Fund Fe anil Grant Railroad Hond Fund, Sale No. 1W7 - Alt of Sec. 16; NW'4 per $.150 fees, $25 Special Masters feest price at any prior 22 County County appraised value thereof and m addition Attorneys to the tion of years from date Sals No. liei - NWX Sec. W'AE'A will be to the above terms ami the successful bidder must pay to the NEJi. NEJ4SKJ4. Sec. 17; SSWM. Sec. 18; and cost s and expenses herein incurred to expir thirty 16 subject 'herein the successful bidder must pay for of the contract, and to provide for the Sec. 27; EX Sec. 34; SX Sec. 35, T. S., conditions except that the successful bid- Commissioner of Public Lands or his agent NyiS'i, SEJ4SKJ4. Sec. 19; Sec. be taxed, R. 35 960.00 21 U., R. 28 NjS,M77.'3 that exist on the land, - payment of any unpaid balance at the ex- E. containing acres. There der must pay in cash or certified ex- holding such sate, of the 20; T. E., containing iinprovementi Jas. W. Norment, from of are no at the of sale of offered him for the four acres. The improvements consist of fenc- Master. piration of thirty years the date improvements. change time price by land, ,7M Al1 M Special on aererrea the offered by htm for cent in advance for the bal- ing, value $520.00. Sal? ?,0' - Vi.20 First Publication May 10, 1918. the contract, witn interest purchase price per interest R. 25 E.. 040 acres. The ira- - at the rate of four cent per Sale No. 1151 - SXSWX Sec. 13; NEX the land four per cent interest in ad- ns.A nf a . li .it.v-- li i a npii-f- i f, IVir art. containma Last Publication May 31, 1918. payments per , . , ,, . tvt ctscwrt. c- - consist of well and fencing, annum in advance on the y SEX Sec. 14; SEX Sec. 15; EX, NXNWX. vance for the balance of such purchase B'" oi. c.K.xtA provemcnts payable vcr,1 a"u value $396.50. No bid on this tract of w of the date of contract pay- SXSWJ4, Section 22; NXNEX, SWXNEX, price and will be required to execute a n,7 .. 1' X: v partial musrhV-dcited- 0 for less than $10.00 ments to be credited on the WX. SXSEX, NWXSEX Section 23; contract for the of im- all "of Vid amount. in .WnW N E b. acce0ted anniversary providing payment WNe'SWW' acr- - NXNX. Sec. of im Sec. 13, puu" Section P of the date of the contract next following SXSX, SEXNEX, NEXSEX, balance such purchase price cash or certified exchange at the time N4t NSEj. SWtfSEtf. the date of tender. 24; NEX, NXNWX Sec. 25; NXNEX, NWX thirty equal annual instalments with io of sale and which said amounts and all 24; I, 21 N, . 33 ., vi CLASSIFIED t 1211 of Sec. T. 23 N.. Sec. 26; NX Sec. 27, T. 16 S., R. 36 E., terest on all deferred at th of them the NWJ4, Sec. 17; Lots Sale No. - All 16; paymenta are subject to forfeiture to K'SW, SWSW, R. 36 640 acres. im- 'frd'd'HJtwW'wvw for Lot 4, Sec. 18; Lots 1, 2, SWX of four cent annum 10 ad tf '. E., containing The The sale of lands selected the Santa SEXNWX, rate per per State of New Mexico, the successful! J, 4, riry4ryy4, vyy3 of and Fe R. R. Bond NEX, SX Sec. 19; NEX Sec. 20; NX. SEX. vance, and intereat due os Octo not SVM. Sec.fttixw,18 sr."4. provements consist tank fencing, and Grant County Fund paymenta bidder does execute a contract with SfcHW, walNf., No bid of LAND FOR SALE. will be to the above terms and NXSWX Sec. 30, T. 16 S., R. 37 E., con- ber 1st, of each been mailed :. SEtfSWtf. Sec. 19: W!4NWU. NEUNWJ4 value $500.00. on this tract subject year. thirty daya after tt has will be for less $10.00 successful bidder 3843.22 acres. The him Land con Sec. 20; T. 21 N., R. 34 E., Lots 2, land accepted than conditions except that the taining improvements by the State Office, said SEJ4, acre. most pay in cash or! certified exchange at consist of fencing, value $875.00. The above aale of land will be subjec tract to provide that the purchaser may 3, 4, SWJ4NWJ4, E'jSEtf, Sec. 4; Lots 1, per DANDY STOCK R A NTH owned, leased and h of the t valid easements, right his make of 2, 4, NEJ4SEJ4, Sec. 5; Lots 1, 2, fenced and the time of tale purchase existing rights, at option payments not less S'jNEJ4, Sale No. 12s2 Sec. T. free range, spring waters; good mm Sals No. 1154 SX Sec. 10; All of Sec. of way and reaervations. one ive 3, 4, Sec. 6; NH. - NWJ4SWJ4, 2; price offered by lor tne lana, tour than thirtieth of ninety if per cent 7; NSEji, NESE, 24 R. 40.00 house, barns, corrals, etc., fully equipped, for ihe balance All of Sec. 16: WX Sec. NEX Sec. N., 34 E., containing acres. There for 1500 Now per cent interest in advance 14; 27; SX, of the purchase price at any time after SVYKSE& SSWtf, 7; W'NEtf, SEtf no No bid on and range cattle on ranch nf orice and will be re Sec. SX Sec. 29; SX Sec. 30; All The Commissioner of Public Lands 01 Sec. 8; are improvements. thia tract tW,- tv. o old 46 such nurchaae 28; of the sale and prior to the expiration of NE4, WNWM, SEMSWJ4, SEJ. of land will be for less 3u; ci.wx; year heifers, contract (or Sec. 31; All of Sec. WX Sec. 33, T. his auch sale reserves the con- Sec. 9; All of Sec. accepted than $10,00 :n if 10 100 quired to execute providing 32; agent holding thirty years from the date of the NWNWsj. S'4, acre. ycailii. rh. bulls, stock horsta, tne payment of tne Dsisnce ot sucn pur- 16 S R. 35 E., NXSEX, SEXSEX Sec. 19; right to reject any and all bida offerer1 tract and to provide for the payment of 16; T. 21 N.,SN,R. 35 E., All of Sections 26, per 12 muit lor complete outfit, Range Im- chase in annual inatal-ssent- NXNWX Sec. 29; SXNX, SX, NEXNEX at laid aale. balance at the of 27; WJ.WJ4, and Live Stock. $46,000.00 Now price thirty equal any unpaid expiration EKNEtf, NEjijNW, SE4SW, Sale No. 1203 WH. Sec. 32; T. 26 provements with interest on all deferred pay- Sec. 30; All of Sec. 31, T. 16 S., R. 36 from of con- SEJ4, Sec. All of Sections 29, 32 33; - N., 192. E., thirty years the date the 2; R, 29 320.00 acres. ments at the rate of four cent per All of Sec. 2; All of Sec. 3; All of Sec. Possession under contracts of sate for th on s NE;4, SWJ4SE54, K'A E., containing There THOS. G. Deming, N. M. per will be or tract with interest deferred payment W2W. SESW. are no No bid on thist AITKEN, nnum in advance, payments and interest 4; All of Sec. 5; All of Sec 6; All of Sec above described tracta given at the rate of four per cent annum SEJ4, Sec. 34; SNWtf, SWJ4. SSEH, Sec. improvements. AH before 1918. per tract of land will be for less due on October 1st of each year. 7; of Sec. All of Sec. 9; WX, WX or October lat, Davahle in advance on the nt 35: All of Sec. 36. T. 22 N.. R. 34 E., con accepted 5 t; anniversary than $10,00 acre. VAN TED to 100 aections of good gras NEX, SEX Sec. 10; EX. SWX, EXNWX the date of the contract, partial payments taining 10463.86 acres. The improvements per land. Must have water and lands will be Sec. 11; NX Sec. 15; All of Sec. 16; NX Witness my hand and the official sea of and value ng running The sbove ssle ol subject to be credited on the anniversary of the consist well, tank fencing, 36: 28 of it. Western New Mexico valid Sec. 18, T. 17 R. 35 E 13466.5 of the State Land Office of the State o' Sale No. 124 All of Sec. T. N.. plenty to existing rights, easements, rights S., containing date of the contract next following the $3305.00. - Will not Day fancy orice. but of reaervations. acres. The of 3 New Mexico, thia 18th day of April. 1918. of R. 32 E containing 640.00 acres. There way and improvements consist wells date tender. no No bid' on tle to handle 50,000 to 75,000 acrea. No.8l and windmills and value $5000.00. ROBERT K Sale No. 11W are 'improvements. this fencing, ERVIEN, - WtfNEtf, NWtf, NEj tract of land will be for lest than are State Record, Santa Fe, N. M. The Commissioner ol Public Lands or Commissioner of Public Landa of thr The sale of land selected for the Santa SW!4. NWtfSE, Sec. 11; NWSW& .Sec. accepted 30 $10.00 per acre. ' his agent holding such sale reserves the Sal No. 1155 NX. SWX Sec. 29, T. State of New Mexico Pe and Grant County Railroad Bond Fund 12; W'WVS, Sec. 14; T. 23 N., R. E FOR SALE OR TRADE- - Seven passenger and all bids offered 16 S., R. 37 E.. all of Sec. 2; All of Sec. 1918. ill be the above a Sec. 30; T. 23 N., R. 31 E., right to reject any First Publication April 19, subject to term and NEKSWtf, S4 Sale No. 12SS All of Sec. 36; T. 28 Studebaker Car. Six Cylinders, Powerful NWX Sec. 10. T. 17 S., R. 37 E., con- 1918. bid- Sec. 35; T. 24 N., R. 30 E., con- - st ssid sale. 9; Last Publication June 21, conditions except that the succeasful NEJ4, SElA, R. 34 E 640.00 The Call or address 263 San Francisco 1924.76 acres. The . HU0.00 are no im- N., containing acres. Engine. taining improvements der must pay in cash or certified exchange taining acres. There of value St. Santa Fe, N. M. No. 204. Possession under contracts of sale for consist of vslue $900.00. the time of improvements consist fencing, fencing, tt sale, of the pur provements. $293.25. No bid on this tract of land will the above described tracts will be given STATE OF NEW MEXICO hase price offered by htm for the land, 1918. All be accepted for less than $10.00 per acre. on or before October 1st, Sal No. Ill of Sec. 1; NX. SEX. our per cent interest in advance for the Sale No. 117 All of Sec. 9; All of Sec. PERSONAL EXSWX, Sec. 2; NWX, Sec. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION balance of auch will be WXSWX, 3; purchase price and 16; Sec. 14; WNW'4, SENWtf, Sale No. 12M All of Sec. 16; T. 15 N., and the official seal EX Sec. 4; Lots 2, 3. 4; Sec. a SEtfSEj. 33 AT If n.-- Witness my hand SEXSWX 7; required to execute contract providing Sec. 23; T. 23 N., R. E., containing R. 32 640.00 acres. The vlAKRY ONCE lonely; witte of Land Office of the State of NWX. NXSWX. NXSEX. ;or of E., containing 1 the State SXNEX, SEX PUBLIC LAND SALE the payment the balance of such 1440.00 acres. The improvements consist of of value ,nd will send you hundreds of d scrip New this Ninth of 1918. SEX Sec. 10; SWXNWX. Sec. 11; in in- improvements consist fencing, $1,000 Mexico, day April, WXSWX ourchase price thirty equal annual fencing, value $400.00. $306.00. No bid on ions; congenial people, worth to NEX. NXNWX. SEUNWU. See. 12: Wv, MORA COUNTY on all this tract of land witl ROBE-I- T P. ERVIEN, . stalments with interest deferred J5U.UU0; seeking marriage; (Confidential), Sec. 20, T. 19 R. 35 All be accepted for less than $10.00 per acre. Cal. of SWX, S., E., of at the rate of four per cent per Sale No. 1171 Lots 3, 4, Sec. Ralph Hyde, Ajhun Francisco, Commissioner Public Lands, Sec. 16; All of Sec. 17: 20; 21; NX, SEX. of in - StfNWj. So.- 127. State of New Mexico. Office of the Commissioner Public innum advance payments and interest 4; T. 24 N R. 32 E., containing 1"2.48 acres. Each of the above described tracta wiM EXSWX Sec. 27; NX, NEXSEX. SWXSWX lue on October 1st, of each - 1918. Lands, year. There are no improvements. be offered for sale First Publication April 12, Sec. 28; NX, SWX, WXSEX, SEXSEX Santa Fe, New Mexico. separately. RETIRED BUSINESS MAN, worth $30,000. Last Publication June 14. 1918. Sec. 29; All of Sec. 30; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. The above sale of land will be would 35 Toledo, subject Sale No. 1172 NENW4, Sec. 7; T. The above sate of land will be subject marry. League, NEXNWX, NXNEX, SEXSWX. SWXSEX Notice is that to to valid existing rights, casements, rights 24 R. 34 E., 40.00 acres. Ohio. No. 205. Sec. hereby given pursuant N., containing to the following terms and conditions, s 31; NX, NXSX. SEXSEX Sec. 32; NX the provisions of an Act of Confess ap- of way an dreservations. There are no improvement s. viz: H NWX, SWXNWX, SWX. SXSEX, Sec. 33; proved June 20th, 1910, the lawa of the WILL YOU WRITE to lonely widow STATE OF NEW MEXICO NEX, SWXSWX Sec. Except for the land selected for th young EXNWX, 34; T. State of New Mexico, and rules and regu- The Commissioner of Public Landa or Sale No. 1173 NtfSW'tf, SWHSWtf, Sec. Ke worth $35,000? Would Address 18 S., R. 35 All of T. 18 R. - Santa and Grant ( ounty Railroad Bonr marry. Mary, E., Sec 36, S., lation! of the State Land Office, the Com- his agent holding such sale reserves the 32; T. 25 N., R. 28 E., containing 120.00 the Box 584, Los Calif. No. 190. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 34 E., 9740.92 acres. The im- and all offered Fund, successful bidder must pay t Angeles, containing missioner of Public Lands will offer at right to reject any bids acres. There are no the Commissioner of Public Lands or his " "a consist of vslue $900.00 at said sale. mj)rovements. provements fencing, public sale to the highest bidder at aRcut holding such sale, o vVILL YOU ftTO LONELY YOUN0 PUBLIC LAND SALE 14 WRITE 2 ofclock P. M., on Thursday, July I8th, C.I. N. 1171 Wi,ViX. 9er N'NEW the price offered by him for the land WIDOW Sal No. 11ST NX, SEX Sec. 21, T. of Possession under of sale fnr 25 R. 29 worth $35,000?. Object, matrimony 1918, in the town of Mora, County contracts NEWNW. Sec. 15; T. N., E. four cent cent interest in advance for IdO. DE BACA COUNTY 16 S R. 35 E., 480 acres. The the above described tracts will bi per Mary, box SM, Los Angeles. Calif. So. containing More, State of New Mexico, in front of given containing 280.00 acres. There are no im the balance of such purchase price, feet improvements consist of fencing, value the court house therein, the following des- on or before October 1st, 1918. for and r $150.00. provements. advertising appraisement and al' Office of the Commissioner of Public cribed tracta of land, vit: costs incidental to the sale herein, eacf WILL YOU WRITE to lonely young widow Lands Witness my hand and the official seal Sale No. 1175 SWtfNEtf. NW'4 Address No bid on above - ENEj. and all of saitl amounts must be deposit worth $35,000? Would marry. Mary, Santa Fe, New Mexico. the described tracta of Sal No. 1Z?I All nf Section 11: Nl4 of the State Land Office of the State of Sec. 23; T. 26 N., R. 32 E., containing ed in cash or certified pxchanir at thr Box 5M. Los Calif.No. 168. land will be for New t Angeles. accepted lesa than Five N'4. SWtfNEtf. SEKNW& SW. W'4 Mexico. this went day of 280.00 acres, There are no improvements. time of sale and which said amounts ant) Dollars ($5.00) which is the ap- 1918. Notice ia hereby given that pursuant per acre, SFM, Lot 4, Sec. 12; NH. Sec. 13; April, all of them ar forfeiture to thr V value and in addition there-t- SE, subject to ATTR AfTI VF YOUNG MA1DE worth to the of an Act of Congress, praised thereof, K r: Vi W ec. : n in r, , r. 2 s SJi CXI 11 provisions 4t & nwA. "IC ill, i, " " new Jl HI, l lie IllUTItlU' over $MI,UIXJ. Anxious to notioraoie 20th. 1910, the laws of the the successful bidder must pay for the . 25: T. 22 N., R. 22 E., ROBT. P. ERVIEN v Sec. 25; All of See. 36; T. marry approved June NMSWj. '4, SW'ij. hidder does not execute a contract with ne man. v arn. i cm uu of New Mexico and the rulea and improvements that exiat on the land. Sec. 1; All of Sections 3, 4, 9, Commissioner of Public Lands, 27 R. 29 Lots 1, 2, 3, "', in it been mailer1 gen r. w pic oi. State SWMSWtf, N., E., 4; SWNWJ4, thirty days after has Calif- .- No. 187. of State Land Office, the 10. 15, EVJ, Sec. 21; State nf New Mexico. T. 26 R. 29 E 1435.49 Angeles, regulations the Each 16; E'7W'4. WyNW!4 Sec. 1; N., containing to him by the State Land Office, saic nf Pnhlic Lands will offer of the above described tracta o Lot 2. SVVNEM- Sec. First Publication May 3, 1918. acres. are no to the land will be offered for aale E4NWji NWSEH. There improvements. contract provide that purchase at sale to the highest bidder at aenarate 30; T. 22 N.. R. 23 E.. All of Sections 20, Last Publication July 5, 118. may at his option make of not MARRY IF LONELY: for results, try me; public ly. payments "Home me o CIOCK A. M., on luesaay, June jui, 21, 22; WSE$ NEHSF, W!4. NE, Sec. Sale No. 1177 All of Sections 13. 24; les than of ninety five pei est and most successful Maker'; 1918. in the town of Ft. Sumner, County 23; VfVMTM NWV. Sec. 24; All of Sec- T. 27 N., R. 29 E Lots 1, 2, 3. 5. 6, S! cent of the purchase at time undreds rich wish marriage soon; strict-- The above aale of lands will be NEW MEXICO price any ex- of De Baca, State of New Mexico, in front subjec tions 20. 32; S4N!4. S'j Sec. 2; T. 23 N., STATE OF FM. SEMXWtf. NE14SWS4. SE14SEI4. Sec. of thirty year? from the date of thf con confidential; most rr liable; years the following to the following terms snd conditions R. 23 11548.41 acres. The 26 R. 30 E.. 1682.82 ann tree. "The Success-u- l of the court house therein, via: E., containing 6: T. N.. containing tract to provide lor tne payment o' perience; descriptions described tracta ol lana, vis: improvements consist of fencing, value NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION acres. There are no improvements. any unpaid balanVe at the expiration o' (lub," Mrs. Purdie, Boa 556, Oakland. ah torn i a. The $1180.00. thirty years from the date of the con Sec. 25; S'A Sec. successful bidder must pay to the PUBL'C LAND SALE the sale and the Sal No. HO - SWX, Commiasioner Sale No. 117 All of Sections 14, 15, 16, after prior to expiratior SW sec. sys sec. as; of Public landa. or his sgent Sa! No. 1771 NV$, Rre. 10; tract with interest on deferred 26: NXSEX, ii; NENE4. 17; N'Jt Sec. 20; SEJ4 payment RE YOU SINGLE? Would mar-- y Sec. 32; All of Sec. 33; NWX. SEX, holding such sale, of the Sec. 11; UNION COUNTY NSVVJ. WNWtf, at the rate of four cent annun you SXSX offered him for font SWjiNE, WHNWJ4, SE54NWJ. Wj4. Sec. 21: T. 26 N., R. 29 E., contain- per pr Sec. 34; EVSE4, NWXNEX. NEX price by tho land, T. 22 R. 25 520 acres. payable in advance on the o if suited? Let me find ideai. sSnEX, cent intereat in advance for bal N., E., containing Public ing 3080.00 acres. There are no anniversary your HWH, WJ4NWX. SWX Sec. 35; All of Sec. per the There are no improvements. Office of the Commiasioner of the date of the contrac, partial payment ibsolute satisfaction: Many wealthy ance of such the fees - 36; T. 1 R. 25 E., SEX Sec. 21; All of purchase price, Lands, to- be credited on the anniversary of th honorable Sec 29; for sdvertising and appraisement snd No bid Santa Fe, New Mexico. DPXI wishing marriage: Sec 18; NEX, WXSWX. SXSEX, all on the above described tracts of Sale No. 117t Lots 3. 4, SNEJ4 ,:"V,r,,n,r3Cl ' All of Sec. 30; All of Sec. 31; All of Sec. costs incidental to the aale herein, and will be for leas than FTVE - SWHiJ" members destriptions free; each and all of aaid be land accepted Notice NW'i. Sec. 2. SEJ4, Sec. 3; INW SWXSWX Sec. 33; T. 1 amounts must DOLLARS ($5.00) which is the hereby etven that pursuant S'. Mrs el Box-75- 7 Oakland Calif. 32; NX, NXSX, in per acre, of s NE'i. 11; T. 27 N., R. 32 E, con ("apj R. 26 Lots 1, 3, 10; NXSEX deposited cssh or certified exchange in addition to the provisions of an Act St. The sale of land selected for the Santt N., E., 4, at the time of and which appraised value thereof and the of 719.36 acres. There are no -- No. 112. Sec. Lots 1; 2; 7; 8; !0; 11 Sec. 3; sale, ssid amounts the bidder must approved June 20th, 1910, lawa thr taining Fe and (Jrant Countv Railroad Bond Fum 2; 9; and all of them are thereto successful pay New and rulea ' Sec 9; NXSEX Sec. 10; N4SWX subject to forfeiture the that exist on the State of Mexico, and reg- provements. will be subject to the above terms anf to tne Mate 01 new Mexico if the sue fr improvements ulations of the State Land Office, the conditions the successful bid Sec" 11; NEXNWtf, SWXNWX Sec 25; land. Sale No. 11M Sec. 4; NEJ4 encept that Marry If You Are Lonely for speedy T. 1 R. cessful bidder does not execute a eon Commissioner of Public Landa will offer - S4SE, der must in cash or certified NWXNEX. SXNEX. Sec. 34; S.. SFMSKH. Sec. 9; T. 27 pay in Fl All Sec. 5: 1. 2: 3: 4: 8; 9 tract within thirty daya after it has been will at nublic aale to th- highest bidder at SIM, SWNEU. at the time of sale o results try my club; best, largest of Lota mailed him Land Each of the above described tracts 9 o'clock A. M.. on 10th. N,, R. 32 E., 200.00 acres. There change 12 10. 11. 14. 6. T. 1 R. 26 to by the State Office Wednesday, lulv containing the price offered by him th? country, established years, SElaSWtf Sec S., aaid be offered for aale separately. in of of are no purchase 8572.44 acres. The improve- contract to provide that the purchaser 1918, the town Clayton, County improvements, land four per cent interest in ad mar E., containing hia of ot iNew ot thousands wi althy wishing early of value $2481.25. may at' option make paymenta not above land will Lnion, Mate Mexico, in iront vance for the balance of such purrhas- ments consist fencing, e The aale of be subject des- Sale No. 1H1 NEl all confidential, dea less than of ninety-fiv- pet the court house therein, the following - S'AWA, NWKNEJ4, anu will rcuuircu io rxct riage dealings .. . cent of the to the following terms and conditions, of viz: Sfc. 32; T. 28 N., R. 30 E. price uir Old No bid on the above described tracta purchase price at any time aftet vizi cribed tracts land, W4, S'2, contract providing for the payment of th. criptions free. Ihe Keltable the sale and prior to the expiration 01 containing 560.00 acres. Thr improvementa balance of such ir Mrs. 732 Oak- - of land will be accepted for less than value $150.00. purchase price Club. Wmbel. Madison. is thirty yeara from date of the contract, and Sale No. 11W NWJ. Nj3S,, Sec. 15; cutisist of fencing, equal annual instalments with m FTVE DOLLARS ($5.00) per acre, which to for the The auccessful bidder must pay to the Sec. thirty land. Calif. No. 186. the value thereof and in ad provide payment of any un Pofnmissioner of Public Landa or his NE4, NEKSWM, NSE'4. SEXSEX, terest nn all deferred paymenta at th appraised paid balance at the expiration of thirty agent 13; NEJ4NEH, NJ4SEJ4, Sec. 24; T. 21 N., Sale No. 1182 - SWJaNEK, SJNWH, S'A rate of four cent annum in ad the auccessful bidder must of . per per dition thereto from the date of the holding such sale, the R. 29 Lot 3, 1; S'A FA1RMOUNT HOS- for that exiat on years contract, witb offered him for the four E., SE'4, ESWja, SWi, .V!4SE, SF.VjSE'4. vance, payments and interest due on Octr. NEW MATERNITY stay the improvement! interest on deferred payments at the rate price by land, Sec. 7: S'SNWl.SN, EViSWtf. SWJ4SW54. Sec. NFS. NJSW'X. SKyiSWJi, SE'4, of each PITAL for confinement: reasonable: land. cent interest in advance for the bal- . ber 1st, year. prices the of four per cent per .annum in per NWKNWtf. Sec. 17; Lots 2, Sic. 2: m,All of 3: N'4. E' ,SK!4. S". 10: work for babiea Writ payable ance of auch nprchase price, fees for ad- 8; EaW, may board; adopted. ... miNWtf. SWtf advance on the anniversary of the date 3, 4, Ey,W'A. NEJ4. Ny,SE4, SEtfSEtf, Sec. SWJ4, NXSEX, SWtfSE'$. Sec. 11; The above sale of land will he subjec (or booklet, Mrs. T. B. Long, 4911 E. 27th. M. no - W'.NEtf. of contract, to be credit vertising and appraisement and all costs Lot T.N, 28 N.. R. 33 E., SEV4SWK. Sec. 13; Mo. No. 203. WKiSWtf, SWWSEX Sec. partial payments incidental to the aale each and 18; 3, NEVSWJ, NEXNVV. NNE, to valid existing rights, easements, right, K.insas City, NWK, SEtfSWK, ed on the anniversary of the date of herein, Sec. 19: NEMiNWW. Sec. 20: T. 21 N.. R SW. W',;SE. SEXSEX. Sec. 14: SEX. all of said amounts must be deposited in r. . I. - contract next following the date of tend .' . - .... mi- c coniaininir mim.).yc at:rt:a. T uc im- Sec. 15; E'A. NEXNWX. See. 24; NEXNEX, The improvements coisaist of fencing, value er. casn or certirin exenange ar ine iim : Sec. sale all Pavement, consist of fencing, value J100.00. Sc. 25: SEXNEX. SEX. iJ; $15.00. of and which .aid amount, and NEXNEX. SMNEX, SEXNWX. SWX. The above sale of lands will be subieci of them arc auhiect to forfeiture to the Sec. 32; No bid on the above described tract of of Near Mexico, if the successful Sale No. IIS - SWX, S'ASEM, for to valid existing rights, easements, T. 21 R. 30 E., S!4NEX, SEXNWX. Sec. 34: XEX, NMXWJ4. Timber Lands Sale land will be for lesa than Ten rights. doe not exA-nt- a contract within N, accepted 01 way ana reservstions. SL. ,. ulumc-- si.sfu .w m-- evvicir, vriKFU . NK Dollars ($10.00) per acre, which ia the ap- A. S. AGENT value thereof, and in addition there- By HARPHAM, praised The Commissioner of Public Lands o 12; AH of Sec. 13; Sec. 24; T. 20 N.. Sec. 36; T. 29 N., R. 33 E. 1018 to the successful bidder must pay for the his such sale reserves thr tract to provirle may N, NWtfSW, Eaat Eleventh St. Kansas City, Ma, that cxiat on the land. sgent holding hi .faT R. 29 E., WHN4. NWX, SJ4, Sec. 5; SWtf. Sec. IR; N5, SW, WKSEM, Sec. Feel Price improvements right to reject any and all bids offerer JTlhltfSir LmerTnt Lota 5. 6, 7, SV4NE?, SEX, Sec. 6; 19; N'.N S'.SVJ. Sec. 30; Lots I, 4. Acre. Description at said aale hn ? SN, Sec. 31: 500.000 Cash $2.00 acre Each of the above described tracta will ot the Lrrhlil SIl Sec. 7; All. of Sec. 8; WMNWX, SE)4 NEHNWJ4. SESWJ, SE5SEJ. Mahogany, Panama, per . a s . ,?,.,, v. .m c b. i ia. Sec. T. 29 R. 34 be offered for aale separately. .a r IVV. LVOITW. ircC. rtllhi UI i3CV, EX, SXNWX. SWX. 32; N., 700,000 Two adjoining tracts, one 500.000 Possession under contracts of sale for hZTth?mlfi WXEVi. W'A. Sec. 17; Ntf, SWX, W.SEX. t. containing 7440.35 acres. Ihe improve- d..e o( .he co. the 250.000 the above described tracts will bs giver ,hirt. ,,.r. ment, consist of corrals, and value acres other acres, The above aale of land will be subject 1918. fencing, on or before October 1st, T- - 20 30 (500.00. cash, balance 6 6.00 acre to the sollowing terms and conditions, any nnpaid balance at the expiration of Jf - per from con- - The improvement, conaist 24,000 100.0n0.n00 o5 cent oak 10.00 acre" wist Witness hand and the official thirty year, the date of the f2:9 S:-- per per my seal tract with interest on deferred fcntuif y.lue $650.00. Sale No. 1183 - All of 16; NEX. EX 12.3.16 107,000.000 40 cent oak 15.00 acre of the State land Office of the State payments NWX. SWXNWX- - Sec. 21; per per must the . NWXNWX, The auccessful bidder pay to New Mexico, this Ninth of 1918. NJ4NE-- 29 R. 29 E.. 960.- - 11,000 60,000,000 50 cent oak 15.50 acre Commissioner of Public Landa or hia agent day April, SUahie SI. N. lit - EV.NEX, Src. 23; Sec. 22: T. N.. containing per per ROBT. P. ERVIEN, "nM'JFtyfnJZ "l Sec. 24: SEMNEM. Sec. 25: T. 20 N.. R. 00 acres, of which 320 acrea were aelected 140000 80 cent oak 900 acre holding auch aale, of the Commissioner - per per four of Public Lands, SEXNWX NEXSWX. See 30 SEX to, the Santa Fe and Gran, County Kail- 150.000,000 18.00 price offered by him for the land, State of New Mexico J?E7 ( - 30,000 Hardwood per acre for bal- acc. a. v .... o.u uuuu There are no improve- per cent intereat in advance the First Publication April 12, 1918. date of the contract' aext following the sLuana, oi, luw. 5,000.030 Cash, Arkansas 60.00000 ance of aach fees for date of tender. 31 E., SEXSWX, SXSEX. Sec. 6; T. 19, ments. purchase price, Last Publication June 14. 1918. 4e nere 50.000 White oak 15.00 acre and appraisement and all costs N., K. jl H.., containing acres, l per accidental to the sale herein, each and all H The above uie of land will be suhirct are no improvement. Sale No. 114 - NEXNEX, WX. SEX, 43.000 White oak 25.00 per acre amounts must be in cash VaWTED About three sections of leased valid Sec. 16; T. 30 N., R. 2 E., containing f said deposited to existing right, eaaementa, right, 520.09 of 16.000 White oak 5.00 per acre certified at the time of aale and with of grass and water. Desire of way aa dreservations. Sal Na. IM1 All of Sec. 2; SEXNEX. acrea. The improvement consist r exchange plenty Sec. $300.00. 52.280 6.00 acre atd which said amount a and all of them location where cattle can grate all the NXSEX. Sec. 9; NJ4, NXSWX. 10; lencing, value White oak per to forfeiture to the State of rear round. Please give fall The Cotnmissfoner of Public Land or NXNEX, NWX, NVSSWX. SEXSEH, Sec. 2.000.000 50,000.000.000 Mahogany are subject description 11. 12; All See. Mostly Hew Mexico, if swccessfnl bidder does 4 water and .other hi. such sale reserves the KFUC.FU SUCVt Sec of Sal No. 115 - NEX, EXNWX. SEX. the supply, building agent holding SV4SV4. 1. 30 N.. R. 800,000 Mahogany sot execute contract within first letter. No. 1JB, cart :"...... J iSa. a NF.U. F.V4NWU. SWS'X. See. 14: EKSWtf. SWXSWX. Sec. T. thirty daya T. 31 R. 29 2,000,000 Pine 3JO acre after tt has bees amailed to hia by the tate Record, Saata Fe, New Mexico. mt fu sale. Sec. 15; All of Sec. 16; EXNE54. NWX S.E., All of Sec 36, N.. E.. per exertions, ut least the small sum of "I came to see If you were hero," live guineas before the yeur's end, the he replied, hat In baud for her und OWN bargain was off, and he need wait no for Lord Thanet, who had only the 17,000,000 longer, before deciding on what wor- ghost of a smile, with no emphasizing ttJ thy institution he would beslow his dimples. "I wus sent," he added, "by a THIRD WAR BONDS sqmet mm money. gentleman who not long ago left a let- "Thut wire wus sent on two duys ter to await your arrivul." ago from my last lodgings. I nearly Lord Thunet's eyes Hashed surprise. CA arfc A.rt.WILLiMSOrt missed getting It, hut when I did get "Do you mean that his majesty has 7,000,000 MORE PERSONS THAN IN il. I put Hide in my started asked you " AUTHORS KTHE LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR." ETC pocket, SECOND LOAN, 12,500,000 MORE 1 ' out, procured a license, turned my "To take him back his letter. He beautiful Scarlet Itiinnor Into a con- has changed his mind, It seems, und THAN IN FIRST. DRAMATIZED AJND PRODlCED veyance for public convenience, and will write unother," IM PICTURES ty THE bud had two hours' bad luck when I Lord Thunet's proud old fuce flushed VITACRAPrt COMPANY rim across you. I hope I haven't bored faintly. "Give me the letter, Ivy," he ynu?" said. "I must see him if he is here:" SAVINGS HABITSPREADS COPYRIGHT. fSlfc "On the contrary, you have enter-Inine- d Christopher took the letter and car- me," replied the oilier. "Hut ried it out to his passenger, who all FIRST EPISODE "Not at nil," said Christopher we are in Kensington already, are we but snatched it in his eagerness. PROSPECTS FOR VICTORY IN FU- Hace, "unless life is a joke. I'm out not? It seems Impossible." "Cood!" exclaimed the mysterious one. In il I The Car His gain livelihood. have no license "In three minutes I shall land you "Now let us get away." TURE CAMPAIGNS EXCELLENT, and Majesty. lo hut I have u license to live, drive, at Desmond House," said Christopher. "Hut, sir," said Christopher, "Lord SAYS SECRETARY McADOO. if yini would care lo see It." " r 111 "You are at my for the eve- Thanet has come and It. !IS Ml'll llll Ullllsllillly X SI disposal '''Mfh "Vmi look like u re- S mill cur llnil looked gentleman," ning, I believe," said Christopher's The gentleman in the tonneau hast- striking marked the stranger. lin n liirnrcl look passenger, us Scarlet Huiiner entered ily examined the envelope. "It Is Weilern Newnpapar Union Newn Service. ill il, in ngiiiii. "I almost believe I am Km".-llUl- one," replied the drive and slowed down for still he muttered. This whs what ('lit'isniici' l its ap- unopened," 6. of Christopher. "I should he delighted lo to the door. car "Lord Thanet has not had time Washington, May Analysis ronndd Upon. proach "My may yet Loan showed that think Hint you are right." I to to Liberty reports Sl'.'ll'l' l I'tllllliT!" hi' .suid, come, or it may not. Iu any case, read the letter. He wishes know "(iliiill "Very well," said the "I will probably 17,000,000 persons bought ' ; I other; wish to wait. And there is a If he have the honor of UK III' drove. K ill girl, you're you may coming bonds in the whl.'h closed engage you fur the evening. You I a out to " campaign, making .viiiir question could ask only of gentle- more impression." can take me where I wish to and 1 Saturday midnight 7,000,000 l go, man. have shown some iu "No," said his lie reel cur tnovi-i- curiosity majesty Imperatively. 12,500,-00- 0 Slowly wail. If my chauffeur can lav than in the second loan, and street us us Oxford where bring regard lo you. Do you retaliate?" Then, wilh less abruptness: "Co back, far 'ileus, cur mum! later, you can go: hut in more than in the first. it In roll sunn- "I ha vi' no curiosity," said Christo give Lord Thanet my compliments, turned luick, like great, $3,310,-628,25- any case you shall have Hie same and not tlie Latest tabulations showed splendid liciisl, luteins Ihc length nf a pher. say that I regret having money. What are your charges?" "You " time reported subscriptions, but the Mist I'll mean to speak with him this evening, ,!'. 'lor the entire live I now believes the actual total, Ill' drove iiliiin', hut lie wus ilressed evening, "I mean whatever you would pre- as have an important engagement, treasury guineas," suid Christopher. fer me to sir." for which I tun in nf which may run to $4,000,000,000, will like ii gint lein.'iii, net hi the glorified mean, already danger iiooii; mat is settled. I lie gen "Thank sure us late." not be definitely known until May 13. lively of ii chauffeur. you. I'm you are being tleman stepped forward, and the own discreet as are Au He did not doubt that the "iiiinort- - "Whatever the total," said a The white cleelnc light full you original. money w;is or of the n il car and the chauffeur of ant for which his fare "It Will Be Suicide Unless You Consent to Come With Me, Sir." statement, 'the loan How ol silhouettes of He'll III evening engagement" treasury just the green one both sprang to open the Ten minutes be, and the had declared himself "In danger of be- closed la the most successful who ilurteil lure tmil there passed, may see where stand with your people?" House and sounded the big bronze probably door tor him. Jtut he waved llieni of Hace had ing late" wus a coulinuiitiou of the you ever floated nation. The mar- like snmll, dark lish in u thoughts Christopher "I have suid thut I would an- knocker with the of a by any iilertly grcul hack. from the affairs of his late unfortunate dinner ut Desmond pay," velous distribution of the Third Lib- globe of sparkling witter. Twice III glided pas- party swered Max. i snail sit with tlie driver, lie an to his own. He was House; therefore the order which prince. loan indicates that one out of the iiiiiiuti' the motorist's hand wus senger wondering "When will do it?" Tlie door flew open and u footmun erty nounced, wilh the air of one itceus- when he to his din- came from the tonneau him a you six in the United States mi sed in invitiition to soinenne whose might expect get gave "Is It wish, sir, to see it done?" stood revealed, staring. every persons lumen to quick decisions, turn never when the one which of till double your have in this loan." eyes reiiclied his ucross the chusin of ner, thing surprise "No, no. Ilut It should be while your Christopher wrote something on a may participated lo have llieni gainsaid. others he did not "The Wood, No Street, hut with iisn ppiiiiit-in- g expect happened. Thoroughfare blood Is warm for It. Hood-nigh- t. I curd. Banks' resources, it was pointed out, roadway, always "Do you know Desmond House?" lie Close to nanimersmlth." words visiting results. .Vo one In his Scarlet Hunner appeared the The struck trust "This must be to the have been drawn on comparatively lit- responded asked, when be was in his place, and which a few minutes on ears. you." given instantly li ml figure ago had sharply Christopher's "Good-nigh- t, to- and the for future loans agreeable signals, lie nrriviil ul lo start. sir. You will leurn gentleman whose name I have written tle, prospectB of Christopher ready been ceremoniously ushered into the His majesty wus not going back to across nt an are as a An the corner Charles street without he morrow thut this time it wasn't in the top," he said, pointing brighter consequence. Christopher replied quietly that house. the dinner party. He wus going to the added reason for is the in- Mopping once. did know Desmond House. vain." underscored line. "I will wait here, jubilation but at house of Mux Lind the elder Max bond-buyin- g In this fiiiet thoroughfare of re- - Surprised, hiding surprise His majesty took a step towards a and I expect an answer In ten minutes dication that the government "Then drive me there, if you of the of the Llnd, the long-ag- o banished Socialist. siei table irivute hotels utul liett please, sight guest evening, door the window, but Mux at least." habit is becoming stronger and us quickly as you can," said his and out of doors when ho Max senior was from home opposite class nouses was ilruwn an awny reached it before him and opened It. He got It in six ; but it was neither among people of small means, loiiging up employer. "I am late in keeping uti to have been with his und out of Knee iiutoinolille, handsome to rival oughl engaged England. Christopher "I to find my wuy out ulone," verbal nor in writing. The man to The table ol dis enough appointment, and yel," he added, "I from his hud read a few in prefer subscriptions by the led ear. It was dark green in oysters, Christopher sprung only days ago the said the visitor. His host bowed sub- whom he had sent tho urgent message tricts is as follows: iiiii not sorry that, with the best driv- seat and awaited orders. paper that the famous Socialist hud color, and it si silent liefurc u dis- missively, and stood at the door until appeared himself at the door. New York, 4,000,000; Chicago, 2,498,. ing, we shall be at leusl twenty min- "Saunders' Charles street, Pall gone to America on a lecturing tour, creet looking doorway. hotel, the erect figure In the dark overcoat "You are very good," Christopher 000; Cleveland, 1,561,079; Philadel-phla- , utes in reaching Desmond House. Do Mall !" said the voice And young Max, so far us Christopher Tho chauffeur, dressed in n smart quick crisp hud passed out of sight. Then, softly, exclaimed. "But I knew you would 1,200,000; Boston, 1,200,000; San you take my inclining?" with the accent. knew, was somewhere in the East, on hut bottle-gree- n foreign he closed the door, and as he came come. inconspicuous livery "Yes. Hut you me Hie for- Francisco, 1,000,000; Atlanta, 1,000,000; pay compli- Christopher drove on, in a reflective a diplomatic mission for his own back to a desk which was be- "Of course I came. I am not made with leather collar, hud left his ment of some placed Minneapolis, 1,000,000; Kansas City, feeling slight curiosity mood and ut a to suit it, until he giving country. Chrls-Itac- e of said seal, opened one of the side doors of pace tween the door und the window stone," the other. "And you 900,000; Richmond, 900,000; St. Louis, as to my reason lor touting with my had reached Charles street. There, ut could he more wrote tlie and wus "lick-linn- " Nothing unpromising threw the casements wide open. that It was a matter of life and lionnet, anxiously cur in the streets for sug- 866,342;. Dallas, 850,000. passengers," he door which had given him his fare to visitors than the aspect of The Wood "Lind!" he exclaimed, before the death for n man I valued." the cnrliiirelor with his hand. gested Secretary McAUoo gave out this to Christopher. and his adventure, he stopped. when the red car stopped before the other could move or speak. "It's I "Do you value young Mux Llnd, sir?" 'hristoplior Huce hud not niennt "You have it. I statement: should be pleased "Co in and Inquire If Lord Thanet tall Iron gates. The house wus set Race. Don't remem- asked Christopher. enter (pilot Charles street, which, if would u Christopher you "The people of the United States you tell tue how such and Lady Ivy de Lisle have come," the back from the road a distance of no ber me? There's no time to "I do, Indeed, and Intend to show had nothing to offer him; came apologize may well felictate themselves upon strange thing about. Hut, of foreign voice directed more than feet ; but so screened my He has ren hut al sight of the car In distress he " brusquely. forty and explain, except to say that I drove appreciation. just the success of the Third course, If you do not choose Christopher's fuce made no comment was It with huge old oaks and beeches him to the and I've some dered me a service, in accom- triumphant paused and foully swung round the house, heard great Liberty loan. It is a most hoartening "Why not?" laughed the young num. on these instructions, but that was be- that by night, unless the windows were and plishing a mission corner from street. As he things. I thought you were awny, tactfully, adroitly, manifestation of their patriotism and "You shall know the whole story, if It cause he had the habits of a man of was Invisible to passers-by- . as few other men have ac- slowed down to pass the green car, tho lighted, it your father. I followed to protect his young could of inflexible determination to amuses you and not u penny extru, the world. he was excited and It. And I have their discreet door and a Within, majesty in case of a plot ; I've stayed complished done my our and opened gentleman over the fare. The trouble is that curious, for the earl of Thanet and There was no drive to best not to assure his but support gallant army navy (nine out on the pavement. lending up to defend you from one." only career, until a victorious decision for America you'll be disappointed, for, except in his daughter were distant cousins of the house, and Scarlet Runner must no Max his happiness for the future as a re- Never had the young man in "There is plot," said Llnd. is achieved. one particular, its u very ordinary Race, and he wait at the curbstone in the deserted to- ward. do ask such a the red car hcheld Hint face in the Christopher naturally "I am not so sure. I've seen Ivy Why you ques- "I should like to thank the thou- tale." would have liked to know the why and street named "No Thor- we're cousins. tion?" llesli, save once, when lis a little liny appropriately night you remember sands of men and women "Suppose that you begin with the wherefore of bis majesty's interest In oughfare." Christopher got down to her "Because ut this moment Mux Llnd throughout he had heel) taken to a (.'rand She loves you. This will break class of our citizen- pageant one particular, since you are so oblig (heir movements. open the gates, half to find believes that you hove doomed him to the country, every lo gaze in awe at those sumo expecting heart, poor child." for their effective assistance ing?" snld Christopher's passenger. Ills majesty hud a consort to whom them locked; but they swung "Don't !" stammered Max. death, as a ghastly fullure who has ship, features (or others exactly like apart and In this "It is that if I had failed to earn nt he wus devoted, and he was not to be with a rusty creek, and his "I there were no compromised the government for which cooperation great victory tlicin), under a glittering silver hel- majesty wouldn't, if hope, behind the without which a vic- least the sum of five guineas before tempted to a flirtation even by such u wns Instantly swallowed up In shadow. believe Is. want he was working. He believes that you lines, met. but, me, there I you on the front cannot be achieved. twelve tonight, untiling could prevent beauty as Lord Thunet's twenty-year-ol- d Christopher did not go back to the to wait. I wunt to " have put into his hund a revolver and tory "Could It he the real face?" he me you promise "I that who from losing another sum, amount daughter, who had been one of the car, but paced the pavement. It was "One such as I've made to- told him the only thing to do Is to blow earnestly hope everyone asked himself, with a quickening throb promise has bought bonds will to ing approximately to one hundred and successes of last season. Rut, then, a cold, and he was restless. night is enough," Mux cut In, his voice nut his bruins." Liborty try of excitement. Then he remembered e them for the of war seventy-fiv- thousand pounds." man highly placed is occasionally un- It was well enough to argue that the like ice. "You don't know " "Great heavens! But this Is mad- keep period the reading, a or two nun. that it now be day "You are right," agreed the other. selfish enough to interest himself in a affair was not his affair, and "I know what It is tried ness." at least. The slogan should lie in thut, don't you, one might presently expected That one particular is not ordinary." girl for the sake of another man who whatever happened, he must not mix to and fulled if did fail. I "It will be suicide in less than an 'Keep your Liberty bonds.' No land on mi uuofliciul visit, during do, in, you does his He invited Christopher to go on needs an advocate. And there were himself In It. But there was no get- were sent on some mis- hour, unless you will consent to come share fully if he merely buys which for all save Its distinguished suppose you with tlie story. two men whose names Christopher had ting round the fact that his majesty, sion one of those which no with me, sir." a bond and then sells it immediately friends It desired to he Incog. perhaps "The hundred and seventy-fiv- e thou- heard with Ivy de Lisle's. who was famed for reckless "Leuve my friends who are enter- below par on the market. I''or a moment Hace coupled Lady daring, government will acknowledge If ft Christopher sand pounds or thereiihouts are Either might have this have been lured to this desolate " taining me to go where?" "If each and every purchaser keeps all about his car, Ills errand my persuaded might falls, and forgot uncle's," said lie. "Also n ruther nice to his cause with the for some evil "To the Wood, the his Liberty bonds he helps to protect the Ills In the sovereign plead place purpose. "You ure right there. I, stupid fool, Hammersmith,, with car, and interest house in tlie and a few other for both could claim his house of the where a man who the credit of the government by main- car that was disabled. Itut the tirst country, girl's father, The Llnds, father and son, were thought I hud been a brilliant success, Linds, which I was to be- as the hind of birth. ; con- und uses It for his taining the market for the bonds at words the with things brought up country their above suspicion of treachery but Max and expected a personal letter of usurps your dignity spoken by gentleman lieve would eventually he mine. But Due wus Huron von Hess, the enor- senior or had notorious own or some other's Is par, which Is a very helpful thing in the hat unil neat overcoat re- was, been, for gratulation. Ivy, too, and her fnther advantage shining my uncle heard stories about my life mously rich inventor of the latest his and some fire- but I cannot talk of it. It seems that expecting me back every moment."- war time." minded him forcibly of all three. Ideas, which didn't him, and were quick-firin- tlie I "A man who Can mean Gus-ta- v "No better success?" asked u clear please they gun adopted by brand friend might have taken base played Into the hands of the enemy you all Irue. So he sent for me, and all triple the other was young of his absence. all the while dreamed were Krokesius?" Colorado Goes "Over the voice, in enriched by alliance; advantage I that they Top." perfect English, my deceitful meekness and sweetness Mux Llnd whom hud What if the man now "If Gustuv Krokesius Is the a nocent. Christopher had gone Into a playing Into mine. I don't even living Denver, May 6. Colorado went slight foreign of manner was of no use. He saw known slightly und udmired greatly and should never come out alive? but one takes word Image of you, sir, has cultivated a "I am Indeed, sir." apol- trap understund, the "over the top" many days ago, but the very sorry, nip. and told me I was an in- at Oxford the son of a notorious So- of voice like and weurs clothes I through Christopher could bear Inaction no royalty. You overheard something, yours, flood of dollars kept tumbling into the ogized the chauffeur, "but haven't scoundrel. he cialist who had from corrigible young Also, adopted England for longer. Leaving Scarlet Runner to but I know you won't betray It. You copied yours." war coffers until Saturday, with an told me his future. a when banished from his "He and rea- plan for my It country look after herself, he slipped through meant well though It's no use. You does, for the best of oversubscription of 37 per cent, rep- was. to cut down allowance from own. A or two there had to- sons because he Is my year ago the gates and tiptoed up the path must forget this scene wipe It off the what you English resented in the $27,766,850 total, the to one hundred a been a between Max would call A eight pounds year, rapprochement ward the hidden house. slnte. Tomorrow you must be sur- my understudy. man lid figuratively could not be closed. to me clothed tlie elder and an who resembles me remark- just enough keep fed, outraged monarch, Treading on grass to nvoid gravel, prised, with the rest of the world, naturally The state ran over its quota of and housed in in his and a In the service when " and Is to de- decency, which, place diplomatic he skirted the path round the house ably, paid cultivate every by $7,453,950. opinion and in mine, when I came to for young Max had been held out us to was re- If. But It's 'If.' I tail of that the right, and somewhat "Yes, only Lind, resemblance, taking my The state outside of Denver 'did think of It was more than I de- an olive branch. lieved to see a of on ask to wait till I come with visit here whenever sprinkling light you buck, pluce during my itself with a of served. As for the bulk of his money, As to or- the frosted lawn. was thrown from news which make all differ I wish It, before the that I proud, subscription Christopher started obey It may the public, may when asked for my uncle had not made up his ders he a ence In world to as I and not be $17,644,750, only quite hoped that this mysterious long French window, which opened the you." enjoy myself please And mind where to leave it. The one thing visit had to do with Max Lind and to the and as casements spied upon or anarchists. although only 100,000 Ivy ground, the The white face flushed painfully and by reporters subscribers were needed to be thought he had decided upon was de Lisle. were the the mean But he Is off duty tonight." comply ajar, heavy green curtains tragic eyes dilated. "If you with the the not to leave It to me. His hand was on the door, when a half drawn back. could to fetch Officially, perhaps. Yet he has been government request, Christopher Ivy" number was increased to 106,398. "I heard him through to the end call from his employer gave hira pause. see Into the room beyond. "I mean to fetch his at work. He went to the Charles only majesty. From Kansas City came the report and then proposed a substitute plan. "Stop !" said the great man. "I left His majesty stood with his back No one else. I will speak to no one Street hotel, got buck a letter left by 1 that the district showed an official admitted the young scoundrel, but a letter here for let me see was it half turned to the and else. Give me an one you for Lord Thunet, who is my cousin, window, facing hour, just hour, total of on aft- denied the incorrigible. I said I for Lord Thanet or his daughter? him wns Mux In and if I don't him not and drove out to the Wood " subscriptions Saturday young Lind, traveling then, bring here, ernoon of which amount- thought thut he might give me a one of the I to his white fuce like carved to but some- "How do you know all this?" $170,221,250, two; reully forget dress, stone, forgive you, mind, for ed to 131 cent of the chance to show that I had a back- - which I addressed It. That letter I his dark with The vis- thing better than it will be be- "Uecause I took him for you, ana per district's eyes tragedy. that, quota. Sales states follow: North- bone. As proof of its existence I re- want back. I have changed my mind itor held out to his host a small re- cause I've had a mad thought, and acted as his chauffeur until I began by west Missouri, $27,010,000; Kansas, fused the allowance, asking my uncle and prefer to write a different one. If volver, and Max was taking It. have failed." to suspect. Then I came here to get $40,752,000; Nebraska, to keep his money and reserve his Lord Thanet has not arrived, or If he "It Is the best thing you can do," Max Llnd looked at a clock on the you to save my friend, Max Llnd, from $41,416,000; Oklahoma, $29,679,200; judgment. Said I: "If within a year has arrived, but has not yet read the his majesty said, and through the open high mantel. "Very well; an hour, misery and disgrace my cousin, Ivy Wyoming, of New $1,622,-90- I'm a reformed character that is. If letter, I wish to huve It again. Should window the words reached ears for then," he said, with a smile which de Lisle, from a broken heart." part Mexico, Three hundred and twenty-fou-r I've shown thut I'm utile not only to you learn, on the other hand, that the which were not meant. "The Race would never "That lovely girl! Ah, I guess the they only Christopher forget. counties out 380 In make my own way in the world, but letter has already been received, I will left for to do In honor." "But will be a hour. would mystery. He is paid for this business of the district thing yon It long I were oversubscribed. to make it like a gentleman will you send a message." "Very well," Max answered dully. sooner have got It over within the next by' Von Hess, who loves Lady Ivy reconsider, and not leave the family Christopher went In somewhat be And he looked at the weapon. But ten minutes. You had better go. If and hates Lind. But Von Hess shall house and the money away from the wildered, but knowing that somehow Christopher thrilled as he felt that It you drove him here he may come back pny more. He shall pay me. As for Cut Coast Passenger Service Third.

last of nume?' he must succeed In his Krokesius a shall never One-thir- d representative your accomplishing was not the revolver which those to look for you." It's pity. I Chicago. of all the pas- find so valuable "I Will Ride With the Driver!" '"All right,' suid he, 'it's a bargain. errand. tragic eyes really saw. "He sees Ivy," "He'U not think of my being with again an understudy. senger trains between Chicago and But I don't believe you can do it.' In the entrance hall stood an old Ivy's cousin said to himself. you. I know what I shall say to him," Rut his engagement Is finished, and his the Pasiclf coast will be eliminated the "I believed So I man B attended "You is to Did been able yet to make out what's I could. sold the and girl, obsequiously will do Itr answered Christopher. "But I'll go." punishment begin. you say after June 1, according to word re- with the hooks, and orna- all the hotel from will do It. Christo- we should find him still at The Wood?" mutter. Something wrong furniture, pictures by authorities, the "I But" They clasped hands, and ceived from Washington by railway the ments In my chambers and a down to the still more "There Is a "I said that I him watch- carburetor or Ignition." got tidy elderly manager but'T" pher went quickly out by the way he left there officials. This step, it was said, lute broke in the sum. I also sold motor headwnlter. God ! Is ing. When he sees with "I'm already," enough my elderly "My Yes, sir, there a bnt' had come. you coming would save approximately $12,000,000 his car for what I could and The man's back was to Chris- more one. me " gentleman, visibly bolstering up get, bought turned than There Is my father. There, by the car, stood the neat fig- a year and cut off 11,728,000 miles of patience. another for what I hoped to get. Al- topher, but there was no mistaking He was so happy and proud. He be- ure In the dark overcoat, the keen eyes "We will be too quick for him, train haul. It was this moment that the driver ready I was a fair drrver; but I dis- the silver sheen of the hair or the sol- lieved that I should succeed that I looking this way and that, under a sold his majesty, looking pleased. of the red cur chose for making his appeared for months from public life dierly set of the shoulders. The girl, should be able to satisfy you. And penthouse frown. And they were too quick ; for he Is President Pardons Two Soldiers. habitual gesture, which he accom- and learned, In a good school for chauf- however, faced the' front door, and there Is you know well, sir, there la "I beg thousand pardons for keep- a man whose prophecies usually come Washington. President Wilson's panied with the usual inviting smile feurs, how to be a first-rat- e one. and looked up from a bunch of letters another." ing you, sir," said Christopher, as be true. action in pardoning two soldiers of and questioning lift of the eyebrows. an d practical mechanic as which she held in her hand, as the "It Is better for them both that yon shot out between the half-ope- n gates, He made several people happy that the American expeditionary force who Instantly the keen gaze of the man well. young man entered. should take this one way of wiping "but something's gone wrong with the night; but Gustuv Krokesius was not had been condemned to death by a with the waxed mustache fixed his. "The end of the trial year and the Christopher was only a poor rela- out disgrace." motor, and I went Inside to look for one of them, nor Baron von Hess. military court-marti- in France for 'Why do you hold up your hund?" In- end of my money were drawing to a tion, a mere "forty-secon- d cousin," "Disgrace! It's a hard word. I you, just to say that I must get her to As for Christopher, he was glad that .sleeping while on sentry duty and quired the clear tones, with the close, when, to pile Pellon on Ossa, I and, moreover, was under the ban of tried so earnestly. I thought I was the nearest garage before I can take he had quarreled with his uncle, glad commuting to nominal prison terms accent. had a letter from my uncle. He family disapproval. Nevertheless, so certain, only a quarter of an hour you on. I won't be long; not many that he had not pledged himself to the death sentences Imposed on two "I hold up my hand because I'm wished to know how much I had Lady Ivy gave him a lovely smile of ago, that I had done well as well as minutes are needed for repairs." look for the girl that uncle had wished others for disobeying orders, was man plying for hire," answered Christopher earned during my probation. 'Nothing surprised recognition. a could do." "Ill wait for you," he said. him to go and find, somewhere In viewed by many army officials as ap- L in answer. came now Race. yet,' said my Then "Why, father. It's Christopher!" she "And that I tell you you were Christopher Race could have shout- France; glad that he was free, with a proval by the President of Secretary a I not Have men min- "Eh? Plying for hire with that car? wire. If could earn, and prove said. "Naughty Cousin Kit! utterly fooled, outwitted by you ed as he flashed away. In eight year of adventure before him. Baker's stand against the imposition to him I own , come to see should never utes was You are joking, I suppose." that had earned, y my you here us? have trusted, don't you he at the door of Desmond (End of First Episode.) of the death penalty in the army ex- cept in special cases. HOLIEST SHRINE IN MEXICO npr hnor- - After appearing to him plexion are those of an Indian prin- OUR AUTHORS IN RUSSIA Russia knows only three American yond the Niemen and the Beresina. Senate Adopts Sedition Bill Report cess. National Geographic Magazine. poets Poe, Whitman and Longfellow. AH in all, it seems that Russians know Washington. Protracted controver In Moscow more American books than Americans It It the Collegiate Church of Guada- him to climb to the top of the bill, Product of Ben Franklin's Pen Was and Petrograd the three sy in the Senate over the sedition bill most ' know Russian books. to lupe, Which Contains Miraculous where the chapel now stands, but Imitative Monkey. the First Book to Be popular American poems are: severely penalize disloyal acts and Picture. which had always been barren, and It is Interesting to learn from ex- Translated. "The Raven," "Leaves of Grass" and utterances and interferences with there to gather a bunch of roses to periments on monkeys at coo that "Hiawatha." AH Agreed. Liberty Loan sales and the army draft The Collegiate Church of Guadalupe, take to the archbishop. they, unlike dogs, cats, chickens and Ben Franklin' audience waa the) The single American book most "Did you speak to father about me, ended In adoption of the conference together with the chapel on an adja- This the Indian did ; but when he un- rats, but like human beings, do seem world, so it does not surprise one to widely read In Russia Is "Uncle Tom's ArthurT" asked the girt. "Yes, I did, report on the measure by a vote of 48 cent hill, is the holiest shrine In Mexi- folded his serape It was found to con- to be able to profit by observing one learn from a Russian critic that tho Cabin." Some of Irvine's works were dear, and he agreed with me heartily," to 6. The House Is expected to agree co. It stands on the site where the tain, so the account runs, a miracu another's behavior. In a number of first American book translated Into translated for the Muscovite public replied her wooer. Then he said 1 to the report The bill was initiated Virata Is renuted to have appeared to lously painted picture of the Virgin. cases one monkey would pull out a Russian was the product of Poor Rich- and the Russian boys have been might marry your" "Why er no. 1 a year ago and provides maximum an Indian. Juan Diego, Instructing him This picture Is now venerated by all plug or tug at a string after he had ard's pen. That was thirteen years thrilled by the doings of Leatherstock-lu- g didn't quite get so far as that. I Just penalties of twenty years' imprison to to the archbishop Mexicans and occupies the center of seen a companion get food in this way, after he died, Olrard writes In the and Uncas. said yon were a fine London An-- ment and a $10,000 fine or both for a take a message ' girt" 1 . . Twain Is be asking that a shrine be built there In the altar. The features and the com but not before. Philadelphia Ledger. Mark. quite popular wide variety of disloyal acts.

i mriOVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL American military officer trained to FIGHTING TOOLS design the equipment of an army, and the weight of expert opinion both from SlINMrSOIOOL military men of other nations and OF OUR SOLDIERS capable business men In this country For the Fair Sex who are working with the war depart- ment Is to the effect that we have as Me good a system of development as ex- mom Lesson Crossbar taffetas and all the ging- for hem, with America produc- D. ists. mlngs (By REV. P. B. FITZWATER, D., Standardized In are a of the mer- Teacher of Bible In the Equipment, Quality, In our ham patterns taffetas that ing lurge part required English ordinary times requirements chandise and and China enter- Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) Efficiency, Determine Advan- for tools are so small thnt classed as "gingham taffetas," appear- Japan t fighting mood of Into the of (Copyright, 191A, Wratorn Newapaper Union, ns Incident to ed at just the time when the ing manufacturing fancy they can be supplied tin N und as as Over success certain. feathers flowers well braids tage Enemy. The Amerlcun mi- the public made their peaceful Industry. nre in the humor for and nnd body huts. there never LESSON FOR MAY 12 to center upon CMWe have no Intellectual to be two bent en s of a Women quiet Certainly litary was able right eggs light, expert our conservative and taf- has beeu a better display of excellent the of rifles, guns und ainnuinl-tlon- , Ignorant when information lie at cupful of chopped tomato, stir and dressing gingham design hand, and we have no right fetas are the most of and the demand Is for flue JESUS FACES THE CROSS. WORK OF ORDNANCE BRANCH his blue and speci- spiritual cook until well blended. Serve on unpretentious millinery turning prints to be weary when great moral laaues Silks. This modest, qual- nnd fine workmanship, regard- fication over to manufacturers who are at atake. crackers. unassuming goods Agnea Reppller. Is a mntter of suggestion less of prices that have been rapidly LESSON TEXT Mark 10:32-6- were to bid contracts. ity merely waiting upon borrow It from the GOLDEN TEXT He humbled Himself, When the was finished he sim- APPLE WAYS. at all things, they gingham they udvuuclng. and became even design and amall Imitate In colors Two dress hats and one for street obedient unto death, Department Has in Washington Alons secured de- Ureat tilings; and patterns. They the death of the Cross. Phtllpplana 2:8. ply advertised for bids and Sick or well, ut sea or ahore; 42:1- - 3,000 Officers With Thousands of clause In DEVOTIONAL READING Isaiah liveries through the penalty To serve an apple pie de luxe make While we're quufflng, . have Civilian Employees and Many government contracts, and saw that well-like- laughing ADDITIONAL MATERIAL FOR the pie after any recipe. Who cures for more? Added. was maintained by careful In- - TEACHERS Matthew 20:20-2- Luke 22: Being quality Have ready a cup- Lord Byron. 1 spection of material delivered. f u 1 of whipped PRIMARY TOPlC-Jes- us and the blind JAMES H. COLLINS, For several months after war was udd a few HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS. beggar. y cream, T. 10:46-5- From the Committee on Public Infor- declared the ordnance department of salt and LESSON MATERIA Mark grains Almost any kind of nuts will be PRIMARY AND JUNIOR MEMORY mation, Washington, D. C found Its whole scheme of organization put this mixture eul-let- h them before !T VERSE Be of good cheer, rise; He Of all the large activities conducted fairly satisfactory, nnd for a reason a pastry Improved by soaking they thee. Mark 10:49. through are Cover with Uncle Sam In his war establishment, which will be apparent to everyone cracked. JUNIOR AND INTERMEDIATE by tube in any pattern warm water for an hour. TOPIC J tenches to be the ordnance of the army when It is slated. on of the pmis how great. department top pie. This freshens them, nnd is second largest In expenditure, being Regardless of the magnitude of our Serve ns a dessert. I. Passion and the meats are more eas- Jesus Foretell His exceeded only by the quartermaster war task and the urgency which has Date and Apple Resurrection (vv. ne.w ily removed from the department. And as our war program not been lost sight of our army Pie. Line a pie with rich mnkes tills plate shells. This in the third time he develops, ordnance might easily come and our war preparations had to be paste, fill with a mixture of dates and The circumstances are of Flour sacks, the fifty prediction. to be the largest single activity. arranged on an orderly program apples, sprinkle with a hnlf cupful of most had to or hundred-poun- size, tragic. This department has the responsibil- growth. Soldiers for the army sugar, a teaspoonful of cinnamon, two 1. was work when hemmed make fine Jesus going to Jerusalem (v. 32). ity for furnishing artillery, rifles, am- be drafted and trained. This tablespoonfuls of water, then cover conscious- which would months of time dish towels. To remove i He was with the full munition, motor transports, und prac- consume with a crust nnd hake an hour In a rYYl II? going were Hut letters nnd nalnt. ness of the awful tragedy "t the cross tically all the fighting tools our army no matter how well Hie plans moderate oven. laid. And men were being boll In water with soap before him the treachery of Judos, needs, except aircraft, together with while the Steum six ap- Kentucky Pie. large and a tablespoonful or two of kero- the of the means and mobilized and instructed, the ordnance ; fiery persecutions priests for assembling storing ples and put them through a colander sene. and scribes the the them in this and deliver- department could arrange for their but- urjust judgment country stir In while hot, one spoonful of Cold or to the mock- on in tools. There was even time cereal, oatmeal, rice any delivery Pontius Pilate ing them the fighting front fighting ter nnd when cool add the yolks of to crown of now to on tests to deter- other cooked food muy be added ing the scourging the France. With expenditures ap- spend thorough three eggs, the rind nnd Juice of n mine which of rifle, machine gun. hnmburg steuk, mukliig u little meat thorns the cross between malefactors proaching twice what Is called for by type lemon nnd a of nil well best results on cupful sugar go a long way. the nails the spenr all were spread our entire shipbuilding program, the etc., would give the mixed and beaten Cover a e together. When all fruits add a lit- before him. He moves on to this of ordnance are naturally the fighting front. The peace-tim- stewing operations deep plate with good crust mid fill tle while This will Im- not external but a of and Its plan of organization was therefore salt cooking. goal, by necessity, great magnitude, problems with the mixture. Bake 40 minutes, the flavor and saves fixed The servant had not are for In the tools adhered to, but with full provision for prove sugar. purpose. complex, furnishing cover with a meringue and brown. A can of cut with u fork come hut to of war It to enlist enormous pro- as the new army was (rained shrimps up only "to minister, give has growth sauce when of d old In- and sent to France. It was possible to Apple prepared and added to hot corn mush, then his life a ransom for many." That ductive capacity by converting Is Slice the for each bureau. tart apples delicious. molded, and when cool made luto which he had voluntarily set out to dustries and creating new ones, as well plot requirements and in a the by drawing the peeled apples thin place small rakes and fried, makes n most do was moving ou to its glorious issue. as go back of the munitions factories Increase organization sev- In men from civil life stone covered dish nnd bake for tasty luncheon dish. The Joyous outlook upon the victory in ninny Instances and find enormous more technical for each task, and provide eral hours In the oven, adding sugnr If clothespins nre treated by put- which would be accomplished through supplies of raw materials. specific after are cooked. Cider for- new bureaus to deal with new tasks. they partly ting them Into the hulling suds after the shedding of his blood led him During January the ordnance de- cook- A became neces- may be added to the apples while the clothes are boiled, they will not ward (Hebrews 12:2). partment was thoroughly reorganized. bureau of supplies nnil was started last ing If liked, making the split. 2. The disciples following after (v. So It becomes interesting to observe sary, for Instance, two men In a room, cider apple sauce which Is often canned Wash hairbrushes by tbem 32). the of this department as May, with single putting workings to out thnt bu- and used when the apples and cider In warm water In which a tablespoon- were In dread bewilderment. newly constituted. who proceeded map They for 18 months, taking are out of season. ful of borax to u quart of water has His utterances and demeanor filled Let us to look at the reau's functions try proposition of New 8alad. Beat one-hal- f been added. Itlnse In cold water and their minds with and their the soldier's and see It Into account the delivery supplies Apple perplexity, through eyes, nnd their distribution of double cream until stiff, udd drain by them bristle side with awe. In this state of con- we can. be well to from factories, cupful putting hearts whole If It may In the United a of lemon nnd a down In the sun. called them to him and of the and o every army camp tablespoonful juice PLAID TAFFETA IN SEPARATE SKIRTS. fusion, Jesus begin at the ABC subject the de- fourth of a of salt. Cook When a colander or sieve for instructed them. ask ourselves: What Is a soldier? Stntcs, as required by army's teaspoonful using patiently In this country, and final- three apples that have been cored and tomatoes or other foods a small bowl "fit In" to the frocks wenr, shown In the picture, confirm 8. "What needs should unto The answer to this be: velopments provide simple happen question might care of Its pared In a of equal measures of or jelly to be used In place of and skirts that are the advance In taste that requires tho him" A soldier Is a limn whose ly taking requirements sirup glass, practical separate (vv. 33, 34). occupation reached the western front. and water with two or three a spoon, will force ttie food to furnish the coolest clothes for mid- best efforts of manufacturers and de- Is Whnt does a soldier when it sugar through (1) "Delivered unto chief priests fighting. fight tins cloves and an Inch thick of more summer. This silk of Each one of them calls for with tools. How do a Tills bureau of supplies today cinnamon, quickly. interpretation signers. and scribes." with? lie fights and more are be- then let them stand until cool. Yolks of be several cotton has a distinction of Its the work of a well-trai- r ed, profes- soldier's tools with tools used about 5,000 workers, Chop eggs may kept goods (2) They shall condemn him to compare added to orderly fine four candled cherries. Cut nut the If In u bowl and covered own. sional milliner to make it and consid- other craftsmen? show prac- ing dally according days placed death, and deliver him to the Gen- by They and the end of tills center of head lettuce and nn with cold water. The skirt of erable of her time. At the center of the same characteristics as growth of work, by plnce separate tiles." tically will be 10,000. In ench head. Mix the four cher- A bunch of will fresh worn with the sheer blouse of the group there Is one of those airy, those In modern Indus- year there fully apple parsley keep silk, shall mock, scourge, spit any peaceful ries with ten and add for three or four weeks If In or cotton, comfort picturesque hats for midsummer, wllh (3) "They War in Charge. chopped pecans dipped crepe filmy spells and kill him." try. Engineers to the cream. over the cold then in a Jar the wannest weother Joined to a transparent crown of hair braid and upon, In the first have been Pour apples. water, placed glass for rise plnce, they The ordnance department Is now ar- on to In neatness thnt looks cool. The skirt halo brim of chiffon. (4) "The third day he shall in recent Baked Apple Salad. Bake rosy ap- with the top screwed keep wonderfully amplified years In a way that makes It an ef- the moisture. in the shows a col- This one Is In light orchid pink. again." the use of and Increased In ranged ples until tender, remove the skin nnd portrayed picture by power, agency for the off wool ored cross-ba- r taffeta which resolves Clusters of little chiffon roses are set II. The Ambitious Request of James and ficient, stuff the centers with celery and nuts To tnke the shine any goods complicity complexity. Practically of Its work on a of Into a with Its narrow bars about the base of the crown nnd very and John labor-savin- performance particular well mixed. Serve rub it with small piece big plaid (vv. g contrivance Invent- with mayonnaise lightly every scale, and with the most Of white In of two nnd narrow pink faille ribbon Is threaded 1. The (vv. ). the largest on hend lettuce or in nests of shredded fine sandpaper. running groups request ed for peaceful calling has been ap- all for the near Its in careful attention to details lettuce. The mnlerlnl in fathers' shirts aft- three bars each, over tho surfuce. It through the bruld top, brought It was for a place of prominence plied to present-da- y war. The ma- period of the war. At the head of the er they are past further wear, will is a good model for a slender figure to the base at the back and finished the kingdom. According to Matthew, chine exenvotor that lays onr water ord- today Is the chief of Do not to be bo In for or with the bars In an with a bow with hoops nnd ends that their mother was the Intercessor. and sewer in times department dare absorbed make nice little dresses baby running pipe quickly peace which Is still held by your own life, bo wrapped up In lis- or and horizontal direction fall a little way over the brim edge. mothers have been used by chil- the field to nance, position small aprons for mother sister. straight Many can be taken Into dig MnJ. Oen. William Crazier. General tening to the Bound of your own hur- about the A which widens Sometimes this very narrow ribbon is dren to out which that all thin vast figure. girdle carry that they trenches, nnd a battle front requires Is at In rying wheels, pathetic The whole great problem of winning a n with used In three as tan nnd Crozler. however. present mualc, made up of mtiiKled Joy and into yoke, tunic much colors, blue, were themselves ashamed to do. It construction work, tele- ex- the war reals primarily on one thing, power plants, his ability and sorrow of your fellow men. shall not In length, and a wide sash pink on n pink lint. A is desirable for mothers to get and rail- France, applying the loyalty and aacrltlce of the Ameri- very phone nnd telegraph systems to the of the re- find out your heurt nnil claim It and In we finished with n silk make made In much the sume way, their children near to perience study army's can people the mutter of food. If end, tassel, model, places for Jesus, road transportation far beyond pence In the field. Oen. make you rejoice to give yourself for are selfish or even careleBB, we are a somewhat affair has diminutive between two are quirements Brig. them. -- Phillips Brooke. this complicated pnnsies but unfortunately many seeking requirements for equal population, B. a's chief of disloyal; we are the enemy at home. made of the taffetas. Never- of chiffon, scattered about the for- Charles Wheeler, acting Now Is the hour of our testing. entirely layers the pinnacles of the world and nnd these requirements must be met (ien-er- an- staff. Is In chnrge In this country, GOOD THINGS WORTH TRYING. theless It looks like gingham and brim. getting the nearness to Christ. under the pressure of war's emer- thor- Wheeler Is a West Pointer, NUTS A GOOD MEAT SUBSTITUTE. nounces Itself ns merely a neat and At the left a leghorn shape suggests 2. Jesus' ). - reply (vv. gencies. oughly familiar with the requirements Comfortable article with no presumii- the poke bonnet, with hrim split at and John Peanut butter Is such an appetizing (1) To Peter (vv. Soldier Like Factory Workman. of the army, and Is assisted by throe a food de- food and combines with Nuts nre valuable and with to the men, y miiny dishes, He speaks directly Present-da- war Involves the organ- other regular army officers, each at kinds one need not know not what affording a variety. the different fear claring that they they ization of great communities hack of the head of a bureau carrying part of them too often. Lord times has to re- Apple using ask. The many the fighting front, so that the soldier the detail work. Peanut Nuts like are and rebuke us for our blind re- Col. Salad. l'u re, core legumes prove may follow his actual trade of fight- The englnerlng bureau, under rich In fat. He showed them the and chop slightly protein and quests. that way ing with the greatest efficiency. And John H. Bice, conducts researches and Peanut Loaf Take a to of was acid apples anil this position glory through when he actually reaches the fighting experiments, deals with Inventions and of soft bread The cup which they were real of mix the in with cupful suffering. front with his fighting equipment designs, determines types military crumbs tonsted, three-fourth- s to drink was all that wus embraced in Is to craftsmen In other conducts tests and draws half ns much he comparable equipment, of a cupful of the on the cross. He concedes In his tools are hopped .. ngony trades that fighting up specifications. celery. ami I...... Mix a of jicmiiui umiri) null n that the positions which they craved more or less standardized and that suc- The control bureau, under Col. dressing b u 1 1 cupful of cooked rice, a were obtainable, but in a very differ- cess or failure turns the C. attends to esti- er upon quality Tracy Dickson, one peanut teaspoonful of snlt, a ent way from what they apprehended. of hlsrtools and Improvements In. de- mates and schedules of requirements, using tablcspoouful of lemon Juice JVtL to five of ii ut J dash of pepper, a tea- The way to places In glory In the nnd which give him a and the vari- pen butter, season well sign efficiency supervises spoonful of poultry Kingdom of Christ Is through the path definite over the for deals with with salt and cayenne and serve with ndvnntage enemy ous operating divisions, and a tablespoonful of of lowly, service. the time industrial rela- lettuce garnished with pennuts. dressing being. methods, organization, chopped parsley. Combine the In- ten ). on Is nnd Apple Chicken Salad. out the (2) To the (vv. The soldier the fighting front tions, transportation the adjust- Scoop mold Into a loaf and bake a workman In a and centers of six fine apples, fill them with gredients, The ten were displeased with Peter not unlike factory. ment of complaints disputes. minutes. Unmold, and serve were not Modern Industrial under cooked minced chicken seasoned with thirty and John, but doubtless they production, The general administration bureau, with tomato sauce or cutsup. same selfish conditions, seeks advan- S. looks af- green pepper finely chopped, salt to free from the ambitions. competitive under Col. William Pierce, Nut and Cheese Loaf. Take a cup- - showed them to Is standardization of equipment, taste and cream to moisten. Place the Christ that give tage by ter arsenal administration, finance, fill of rich grated cheese, one cupful to to serve scale rind ceaseless anil apples In a steamer nnd cook until al- greater than receive; that large production property, legal advisory details, of English walnut or hickory nut than to be served. The in the Improvement of tools of the both mili- most tender. Place on ice and serve is greater activity the personnel army, meats, a cupful of dry bread crumbs, of his Is to so that a little Increase In output here attends to the de- with mayonnaise. standard kingdom forget tary and civilian, two tulilcspoonfuls of water, a tea- self and serve even to or a little' Increase In cost there records, Quaker Oata Sweetblts. Take n others, give partment's mail, publications, spoonful of suit, a few dashes of pep- life. Christ Is the ex- will enable a given workman or fac- information cupful of sugar, two eggs, one's supreme library and generally. per, two tablespoonfuls of chopped be' imitated all who would to competitors. The tools a tablespoonful of butter, a teaspoon- ample to by tory outstrip In addition, the chief of ordnance is onion nnd n tablespoonful of oil. . of war are standardized. Kvery army sit- ful of vunllln, two of bak- follow him. In touch with the general military tcaspoonfuls Cook the onion In the oil and water uses rifles, mnchlne guns, ing two mid n half of III. Jesus Cures Bartimaeus of flcldplcces, uation through the war council and powder, cupfuls until tender. Add crumbs, nuts und aircraft. Im- mili- oats line and a half Blindness (vv. heavy artillery, Popular general staff of the army, and Quaker ground cheese with Hake in a looks to some of nuts. Mix and on but- seasonings. Though the weight of the cross was agination continually tary attaches of foreign governments cupful drop loaf till brown, (iarnlsh with lemon upon him, he had time for gracious novel nnd unheard-o- f Invention as a stationed In Washington for advisory tered tins by tcaspoonfuls. deeds. Blind Bartimaeus receives his means of settling the war. Actually, Cream Salad Dressing. Cook a third points. service. t Take one modern war Is mude with tools us of a of two Nut Croquettes. cupful sight. The ordnance department now has in cupful cream, slightly kind of nut meats at add standard ns those of h shoe or beaten two of any halid, 1. Bartimaeus' request (vv. 40, 47). factory alone approximately 3.000 egg yolks, tablespoonfuls each of bread crumbs steel and most of the Inventive Washington of and the same a half cupful He cried to Jesus for mercy. The works, commissioned officers with thousands sugar of lemon Juice soak the In on those tools is di- and cooked rice, crumbs addressed him as Son ability centered organl-catlo- n In a double boiler until thick ns a soft fact that he the of civilian employees, ami this half a cupful of milk, add an egg of shows that he rected toward minor technical Improve- in as custard.': Add salt and HATS THAT ARE WHOLLY AMER ICAN. David, recognized will steadily Increase size ' slightly beaten, a teaspoon of salt and his Messlahship. Though he was ments which will plnce better appa- When it Is strain. on the war program develops. n dush of pepper. Mold, dip in egg tlou of It is to be recom- the sides. It is hound Willi crepe his faith enabled him to take ratus In the hands of the men the much of the work Poached Eggs In Soup. Butter a iinporiance. blind, advan- remembered that and crumbs nnd fry In deep fat, us- mended as a of every summer georgette In pink and Its crown is en- hold Jesus. As soon as he heard fighting front and give them ar In times deep pte' plate of pyrex, then part of was accomplished peae by sprinkle ing corn or other vegetable oil. outfit. Worn with sheer white blouses tirely covered with the crepe which was he cried to tage perhaps only temporary over small In one over the bottom a hnlf of fine that Jesus passing by a chief and a very force cupful Nut, Cheese Date Salad. Stuff and with white low shoes and thin silk has bu n made Into French folds nnd not can hear their competitors, the enemy. The en- of bread crumbs. To a can of mock him for help. Jesus only office, some Idea of the magnitude turtle dates with crenm cheese after remov- It will prove refreshing to braided, flusters of small roses are our but he can even tell when emy, of course. Is just as quick as an Is realized. soup, add three tablespoonfuls of wa- stockings cries, the new war organization ing the pits from the dates. Roll In look at nnd the least burdensome of set about the crown nnd a bow of will re- Industrial competitor in catching up ter, hot, mix well a soul yearns after him, apd Prior to the war, on April 8. 1917, boiling 'nnd pour nuts and pile on a salad plate all summer clothes. wide, soft sntln ribbon is ' ' with all advances In the art, and Is over the crumbs. ground placed under spond to that yearning. there were 79 ordnance officers ; about carefully Set the with a mound or In the taffetas are at their best the brim at. the this also an active Inventor and Improver dish into the oven and when mayonnaise Gingham back, making hat 2. Rebuked by the multitude (v. 48). 60 In Washington. bubbling center. made In ways. We have a choice for the debutante. The himself. take It out and break Into up simple good This rebuke a more earn- hot, It as Muffins. Take one and a half does I provoked It was along this general trend Nut long since learned thnt simplicity bow at the back might be repine Bartimaeus. He be- great many eggs as there are persons to or est cry from of modern war, the making of better How to Help. cupfuls of barley flour, add a half not mean an absence of cleverness with flowers to make the hat less could and would serve, being careful to keep the yolks of soda to a In lieved that Jesus help tools, that the recent reorgan- Tou can fellowmen. you teaspoonful half cupful originality. These, conjunction youthful looking. was now fighting help your from breaking. Sift over the eggs a him, and knew that It or ization In the ordnance but the of sour milk, a half teaspoonful of with simplicity, make skirts of ging- The little bluck hnt of liseri be- God' department must help your fellowmen; layer of buttered crumbs and put Into never with hint. The fact that was carried out. When war was de- can them is be- salt. Mix with a half cupful of mo- ham taffeta an allurement that longs to the present season we have our only way you help by the oven to bake until the eggs are set are not has brought salv.atlon within reach clared we had an establishment of mil- noblest and best man that It Is lasses, one egg and a half cupful of discriminating dressers likely not seen Its like before. It Is faced ing Serve this from the dish in which It Add assemble should convince us that It Is time for men whose business it was to de- for to be. .watch the hickory nuts. a teaspoonful of to overlook when they their with dark nattier blue duvetyn. Lit- we itary possible you was baked. to the wardrobes. ns to cry for help. Therefore, tools of war.- - They not only knew workman the which by baking powder barley flour. summer tle, black, enameled wings, poised in sign upon building Mexican RabbK. Melt a tablespoon- Mix resources In should not allow the opposition of how these tools were used by the sol- and is to soar into the skies, to as usual, giving the batter a good America's the produc- pairs, all over It, show that It Is pre- by ful of bdtter and cook in it a mate- he-fo- men to keep ns from Christ. track green beating, pour Into greased muffin pans tion of millinery and millinery pared to move In any direction, re dier but kept of Improvements toss its pinnacles' up to the heaven, cut In bits. When softened add 3. The (vv. ). In pepper and bake thirty minutes in a moder- rials are being put more and more to winds from all of the blessing granted In fighting tools every modern army, and I see him looking up and wonder- of cut quarters knew his he In a pound good cheese, fine, and ate oven. the test as It becomes more and more compas Though Jesus, desire, and the almost daily changes the where those are to be, two-thir- ing pinnacles stir until melted. Add of a to for wished him to definitely commit him- way fighting tools are used. That was the feet, wondering how difficult get space shipping goods measuring cupful of Canned corn pulp, a half tea- So the has self. God Is pleased when we come to their job, and highly technical pro- are to be built ; and att the time from Europe. far public they spoonful of paprika, the same of salt. suffered lack of hats or trim- - him with oar definite needs. ' fession. They corresponded In every he Is cramming rotten brick Into not any When his eyes were opened, he saw respect to fh technical men In any the building Just where he has been ! many Interesting things, but the su- peaceful Industry, making researches set to work. Let him forget the pin- 8L John's Bread. Unnecessary Noises Barred. ' Your Taffeta Underskirt jead. though there are many good linen preme object Was Christ, for he fol- and tests and utilizing all the refine- or hold the bread Is name The man ( nacles, if be will, only St. John's the given with the new set of store has an unenviable tailored blouses In both the heavy lowed him. Ifote, of Barti- ments of Invention .and design to keep them for his inspi- Is Taffeta reputation .experience floating image' of the carob In the Holy. Land as It said fangs was alternately eating fresh cel- or True, tbe and sheer weaves. The familiar Chi- maeus : ! With competitors' in' war equip- he must do Is to for splitting cracking. pace' ration; but the thing to be both the locust and wild honey ery and dry toast Finally a waiter Is hard to work nese and Japanese silks and some new A blind (v. 46). ' and secure pos- m and substantial chiffon taffeta trying (1) beggar ment, every advantage pot brave, honest devoured: by that famous acclalmer stepped up and tapped him on the with excellent effects In wash silk ere much X a better reputation crepes (2) His cry for. mercy (v. 47). sible. life Into the Just where he is In shoulder,-saying- : up building while the desert It grows practical- "Pardon, sir, but I But If taffeta under- used, as Is the ever-popul- crepe in Persistence In his cry 48). Have Capable Experts. now work. Brooks. results. your (3) (t. at Phillips ly everywhere, planted in Palestine. must call your attention to the fact first It Is dipped wonderful lines of plain as well as In Responded to the call of Jesus In industries the public Is skirt when you get (4) peaceful that this hotel Is located In the hospital then without striped and effects. 49. 50). !!;' satisfied to judge by the quality of the In water and hung up fancy (vv. To Remove Rusty Screws. Too .Good to Waste on.Poetry.,.-.- ; tone;? Farm Life. to the silk will not crack Made specific request (v. 51). final product. When the history of the wringing dry, (5) ' jMifes .mouvoa soft turbans are made of Received his J wHI of P0' rersi.)' so readily. Charming (6) eight immediately present warjs written, t proba- AH&jrft4rotafkad a woman's face as a "tear Somebody Had To. brocade and fur. -- a" bold pretty drop 62). bly, be found, fi'sf'tblfwas the proper rusty "screw and till the Iron (t. v,':': re- by Its own audacity." "On what pray, do base Tub Silk Blouses. He 52). measure of Industry, the cools a trifle. Immediately after petrified Any you your (7) follow. Jus man with an Imagination like that "On the law It comes to the more Real fllet Is a favorite, ra- How one can pew(. from sort results secured on the battle front moving the Iron use the screw driver r of supply When great quickly turn ought to giro up poetry and peddle lea. and demand." Farm Life. tailored blouses tub silks still cially for brassieres need to jubilant dlsclpleship. Those results will be secured by the and the screw will easily. Dr. B. E. Hedding, formerly of! Union County R. C Nolo tins city, now located in Denver, is The Greenville Red Cron cleared in the city for a few days. NEW MEXICO $55 at the McCarty tale on the lunch CHURCHES CAPITAL CITY NEWS IN BRIEF served recently and on a cake that SOCIETY, CLUBS, LODGES, W. A. I'ortner. who operates the was sold at action. I'te Mountain Ranch in Taos county, Following the Liberty Bond speech" Over General and Personal left Sunday for New York and Was- RED GROSS es a pie supper was held from which Here and There the State hington. He will be gone several $76 was realized for the Plainview wt't'ks and ncrhans longer as he mav Auxiliary. C.ipt.nn K. L. K.i.I, fnliT.il l txiri - James W. iNormetit has resigned ILcide to cuhst in the army or navy, The Auxiliary, recently organized, WATCHING THEM GO. An Unfair Advantage a visitor in as chairman of the Santa Fe A Ito ing officer, was hnsimss county Santa Fa Red Cross has a membership of forty and is Alone in the crowd that was watch- Peabody girl, writing her Guadalupe rnuntv tins week Democrat ic entral l ommittee ami New Museum one of the most progressive in the Canadian sweetheart in France, in- Hill, assistant NEW MEXICO NEWS REVIEW building: open ing them go, in her last letter: "What kind I'. secretary afternoon 2 to 4:30 p. m. county. Unobtrusive and silent she stood; quired P. of the 1'mkv Moiin-fai- of State has In en tu fill every of a man is the censor who C Color, appointed Sewing. Knitting. Gauze Work. But the look on her face as the reads Camp Company anil Mrs Coter. the vacancy. (Continued from page four.) from Such Devotion Will Win War below, all my letters and your letters to a Tuesday Evening Open troops passed me and his name loft Tuesday for Taos on pleasure in to his ranch here and 7:M) 10 m. Mrs. Chamberlain, mother of Mrs. could if he would. signs 'Opened by expects to p. No one forget, the censor'?" The censor added trip. The prize fight scheduled fur another shipment in soon. But this There is work for everyone. Frank P. Kilburn and Prof. J. E. - . . foot-not- e in last let- Thursday night between Mike P.aca;.,, the largest shipment to leave here All ar welcome, and urged to Chamberlain of Clayton is seventy- wa heM hi h and her her sweetheart's Dr James A. KoMs who Ins been of this city and Mexican I'ete, of at one time this season. En- - come. one years old nut sne Knits one sock ..arched the men ter, describing himself, and now the wcid:-- . any is on the sirk lis! for over tivo olorado, was stopped ny iiovrrnor eino every day and works in the KeJ Fnr ' . one famiiiar and dear: girl doesn't know whether she ia i t - hnterprise. ' aUe attend to lit 1 - a cise-iocke- love with the censor or her old ;.s:hh praet- ( y who il'recteil the Mounted Cross rooms Besides. She baked H h 1. were d when R- - c- sv.eeth.sart Gazette. i' did to cooperate with ihcriif Broom Corn Workrooms at Italy cake for all artion sale recently heH j looked oncc again, Peabody in preventing the same. J. I. Arm,tronuf was in last week. The Department of has at Scotts Bluff. Kansas, which An(j that she winked back Mrs T) 1'. Supplies j thought Delightful Dinner Party from his farm north of town with a been authorized to purchase for use brought $40 She is praying every a tear. Dean and Mrs. Carroon entertain- Ha .ii ,t"iu and Arthur Cor loa'J ot broom corn anil solil it at 111 the Ked Cross Workrooms in Italv. hour lor ngnt to truimpn and ed the girls from Roswell who de- - , are of -'J Panhandle t lie of America to win and with suen fi , .1- ,- .,f Mas;, vJui repu-si-ii- the into per ton. 't rep:cst R. P. Perkins T, ,t,i Nnrtn, Tin:.,,...:... e I R. C. votion as oiir; '' .itholie Truth Cnil.l. ami who Herald. ( ommissii tier to Italv .lOtyiO her arm. I as Vegas this year, at a delightful it clnri-- g 011 of f nth.dio-- 1 We think that from the above tiross' of buttons and 50 0 0 spools the war. a kerchief of O- -r c: Iii.l.t- -i - th, OWM And waved small dinner the latter part of last week. left Tuesday for Las Vegas. Mr. port, many of our farmers had f white or black cotton threid The an.! I10 tia - I,- - ' white. The Roswell girls have been a large Irv. delivered an plant some broom corn alone; War Council $9,3S0 for! Mora County R. C. Notes I lacki- I'n 0 eloquent appropriated While into the face thought factor in school doings this year, and fr oi:T vcred lo re in the New as a diversification in raisin;;, this The people of Abbott recently! v.h-i- t orv,s Monday nih' crop purpose. ng, in charm, are all in the dean's classes. After t' .' rre up agn-.- as it if a dance and turned over the takes very little more ruin Authority to purchase surgical. gave There crept a new wonderful light. a jolly time about the festive board, a. iv, than the cane, uiilo-mai.s- e etc., instruments and siiru-.a- l supnhes to. proceeds, amounting to $29. to the all r. I oner'Tin. superintendent A the guests attended Mr. Seder's w-- th the!1"1"1 for some time has been the amount of $2.18.272. for Mills Red Cross. nice boost for t S SV'iomI Albu- - ureal- Kirketts, formerly bring. shipment "My two boys," she said, "they are recital at the Normal. of fie r lllilhn at a lK" to the Red Cross Commission fori that enthusiastic bunch of workers. III mitli i rt r w rt harmineton later with'!" l",'Vc '".urc '"Vs leaving today; fjoeroue. is erifir:.!'. hnterprise. i.'t-- Encino Unusual Pleasure and ,:-- of this and trouble. Enterprise. Italy, has been given by the War But I am so and so glad I" d'eitis at St. hospital in llwt "'" Record, city, R. C. proud Interest marked the of who has been editor of the Her-- I Council of the American Red Cross Torran,ce County Notes And she left me there with meeting the city ball at standing South Club held re- aid, at Colorado, for the UNION This authorization was at the request The game the Estancia to say, Spring Reading Durango, R. between the and nothing cently at the home of Mrs. Melville to re- of p Perkins Commissioner to grounds Estancia For her smile was so brave and C. A. Whited of Pat. .11 and D. H. past six months has resigned R. Summers turn to San where Italy. The articles purchased are, Mountatnair clubs recently resulted so sad. of Roswell, where of A attended Sunny Juan per- Mechanics To Fields in Hoatrijlit. Ibmtuerque sonal his Wheat upon distribution, to be accounted a decisive victory for the visitors large attendance of club members M'O of the Knudits of interests demand attention. A 12 and most patriotic action was that for by the commission under specific the score being to 8. The net And in the crowd was invited guests gathered for 'Ma- - he'd in the f i,M Fell.. ws hall of there that the Clayton Garage Association, ce:pts of about $4000 was turned them most delightful afternoon. Inter- ! I'bo annual convention of the watching go. part of last week. state at a meeting held recently, adopted The Italian and renresen- - over to the local Red Cross chapter, esting talks were given on Red Cross Knii;hts of Columbus will be held in poonle Unnoticed and silent she stood; resolution calling upon its mem tatives of the Italian Government But the look on her face as the work and food conservation by Mrs. C .r'.oral I niirmlt. recruiting offi- tiallup. next Sunday, May, U. bers to close their places of business still soundimr of the Lincoln County R. C Notes A. E. MrKee of Columbus Ohio, Ve-z- are the praises below, cer T1. S stationed n f a r A large attendance is expected from summer months and release troops passed C. F. artw fr tle Amer;can Red Cross workers who; The following completed garments I would not if I could. Mrs. Beeson, chairman of the - arrie-- in Sant'i Fe Tiiesrlav to various cities the state, forget, throughout every man employed for farm work carried relief to their distressed wre recently turned in at the local Parsons. Red Cross chapter, and Miss Luiille ;! volun-r-.- r The Santa Fe council will be - As- Catherine 'o the apolications of repre- a petition circulated by the country in the hour of its chapter. 12 pairs socks. 2 sweaters, Woodard, county home demonstra- sented D. Juan N. greatest 1 service in the army. by Jose Sena, sociation has been signed by nearlv need Cross Bulletin. ' pair wristlets, shawl and 12 bed tor, gave practical explanations in igil and Auiistin Dunn, of this cry mechanic in the city and will shirts. Enroute To A Foreign Land the use of all kinds of substi- ' jr. wheat anc P.uth .of Alhnnucrniie. he signed by all of them before the Junior R. C. Annroxhmates 5 000 000: A few weeks ago 100 garments Mrs. Byron Mills who for many tutes, serving a delicious pie with v.'io is !n eliar:.'e r.f the pardon divi- time for their departure to the Kan-Mi- With hnlf of the Divisions renort. were shipped to Denver from the years has resided in Las Vegas left crust of potato flour to illustrate her sion, c.f 'be food n 'mvi! 'r;.':' Wynn. of the Attor- - as wheat fields arrives, inc Anr:! and fo''owrng auxiliaries. Anrho 10 bed on No. I. enroute to the Isle point. A most delicious Hoover lun- di enrollment f;rt the Sunday tliroi' tbe ritv the first of mi' General's office left Wednesday, The idea is to practically close balance of the renorts based shirts ; F.nrinoso, 15 bed shirts: Alto, of Pines, where she expects to re- - cheon brought the afternoon to a tlii week to Arriba Cob-man- , in enroute Pio for Texas, where cry garage Union County, leaving on statistics available on thoi-- i nea snirts; rori Mainon, iu nen main tor several inontns She will pleasant close. ii '.( interest of tbe cause. on ac-- 1 i" one or two men to 45 'y she was imcvpo.rtedly called charge only first of Mirrh. the enrollment '"rts; Carnzozo chapter, bed go direct to New Orleans, sailing Never Mind Someone Else court of the illness of her sister, who make necessary sell gass and 5 000- - hirts. from and repairs of the imn'or Rod Cross shows there to Havana, thence The most human impulse i. to do Collier' C Root reporter for the is in a critical condition due to in acccssones. poo enrolled in 24 Auxiliaries. to the Isle of Pines. Mrs. Mills was !.1 pupils things when others are doing the Ww ex'can for tbe past few juries sustained through the explo garage employee in Clayton accollnt 0f the vacation. Mountainair the for a number of sociil Vo-m- 0 Spring inspiration same to hesi- months has to his I.as s is a .-- -, . A things and, conversely, returned i..ii of a gas tank. competent mechanic and eacli .j. ...mi u. ....iiki. Red Cross d iree was iriven a events prior to her departure and whore he has I one will be to a threshin tate to do ourselves what others are home, neropte assigned until later in the month. In all nays ago at trie iMectric jneatre in her manv friends reBrctted to see to do. the e rot arv of I. as outfit to the failing This is particularly hip the Vegas convicts have left for help garner bumper cases Divisions renort that enroll nat city winch was a success social her leave the city. of food Forty -- true when isn't o::irni rcial Club. to work on a road in Luna coun- - crops that w'll be necessary to feed ment is still and will iv and nnancialiy., Riuo was cleared the nation and our allies. proceeding, pro Patriotic doing it? Why save mv crust of reed, so that fnllv comnlete figures for the chapter. Party bread when hotels are Mrs. I.. Bradford Prince has ,'f , r a(. .. .., ., The movement originated here by a in Mrs O. F. Sandoval, of Albuquer- wasting ... i r .,. i . should show substantial increase on i...... !.:.... t...... ,. ' ' ""'J"'" the local Association has been tak- - was hostess at an oread every hand.' That it is ,,vv .t .OM th(, ro;uJs Anr,thor carnp of sc. the above figures. Red Cross At Domingo que enjoyable for one to do w. w i ...... , en the Association last week in discouraging her part ii...... v v t t v - c convicts is to be cstablish- - up by Trinidad The Red Cross dance held recent- patriotic party honor b-- . while another fails do sornmslv for severa and will he probably to all a of her s'ster Miss Lihhy Chaves.. to her par days. ,p w,.stern Socorro T.rt, spread ly was decided success. Several fs admitted. But where does such Ii (,n,y. garages in the south west. The rooms were decorat- are t .rty-thre- e convicts in Clayton T- natriotic people were from artistically i camp A.'to Donated Red Cross present lorjic lead if one refuses to save be is rapi'lly i ecovi-- - Xews. ed with flaps and the national colors. ii. near Alainof.oiflo and twenty at Fs- Great interest is being shown in P.ernal'llo, Algodones and other cause another fails? No concerted .... . in Twelve ladies had the time of Frank j .1... m r ,i.. I,..., .!..... towns the county. Lunch was young movement is born Max Read. Ralph Poyhal. lives , ever overnight: - Assistant Manager ierve' Addresses were delivered their playing games, dancing is Poi'!o- and Hen Salazar volunteers, J. A. MeCune. has stock automobile, donated to the Red and Four of these were eal- - it always the result of one exam-nl- e - purchased Marcos C. de Hnca, trea sincing. nas-s- l osamina- i i an? nibdc to v.ross cou"'v ahother. Because a - their prrlini'in ry being in Powell Overland and ny Mrs Maria liacneeni. witei A. - lint two more than upon ncigh- f IV Company, surer, and J. Cb:vcz. The pro- youths, patriotic l.rtf i C ... 1 . O f t . I ia a A i a tions here r service in the S I.ieut. Bruno PoseMi of the has assumed as Assistant of O. Bnohc hi. president of the the were in e.n frnrv an Alhu-ner.in- position needs exceeded 5150.00. rest attired nifty sailor ravy and left v f..r e Italian army lecture in Santa Fe on Manager of the business. Mercantile rompnnv. Ameri- suits and carried off the honors , ves, but it is no reason why vft should to lake the finals. scum week. He is on cans as well as TfiVans have wrtMc.ui night net He will have charged of the gen- joined tne eveninrr. Dainty refreshments i.c iuu, un tne contrary, l is to I. os An:;tles from Ma-- i with Mrs. Pac'techi in making this Moye School District it is iust twice as much reason Al- - eral business of the and D. were served. why Mr. J D. dc of G-- garage, and Mrs. Huff, nn, His toi-i- is th.' aims and U. a success and tickets are At a nicely appointed and well we should conserve. It is ' Powell, the will de- enterprise doing have r;rri. ed i.i the eitv. President, Red Cross box sun- bijquei q:ie, leals of Italy in tbe present war. vote most of his sal beinrf disposed of rapidly. Fullv mnnnged benefit Announcement our own part that counts: being sure Mr. do Huff is the new superintend time to the held at the School House Pretty Party He w.:s formerly professor of art and of the line of automobiles $1.c00 will bo collected. der Moye One of the prettiest affairs of the that we conserve. Others may not ent at the I'. S. School liere popular week. $100 00 was raised in the recenHv delivered lectures at Johns carried by the Besides donating the car, Mrs. lat season was given recently by Mrs. see the light so quickly as we do: Frederick I company. sale of superintendent b j.l. ins university. Frank O. who Bachechi is giv'ng freelv of her time the boxes etc., to he given Fleonor Long at her Lnrdsburg home some remain rebellious longer : others v. ho sev eral weeks Blue, recently pur- o the Red .iiiyder resigned chased stock in to make the sale of tickets a suc- Cross. J. D. Hopper. to annniice the engagement for her are thoughtless. But must we for a'O to return to bis eastern home. the garage company, R. F. Hall numerous State Engineer James A. French is now of the concern. cess. She has taken part in several and others; daughter. Mis Fleonor Hagerty. to that reason refuse to use our greater is the con- - secretary for the Ameri of the progressive citizens of the; Polk and remain P.. (I. banker of Taos, receiving protests against Clayton News. previous campaigns Mr. Jackson. The house intelligence rebellious Randall, of a can Red as well as Moye District made the box and Ww Mexico, his wife and (ruction $12,000 bridge across Cross, rontr hut supper was decorated in violet and white thoughtless? Another's action daughter, the Rio Grande river at Barranca, incj to Italian war relief. Albuquer- a big success. Vernon Tate acted and the table, at which there were should be no excuse for our own: and Bert G. Phillips, the Taos artist, Eouity Ships 120 Cars Broom Com as of on the ground that the expense at The dttrinc? que Herald. actinneer the occasion. twelve, was a dream of loveliness. In it should, on the contrary, be a Tuesday evening in the Capital Equity Society, the . . r . , a..- , spur spent tins is Me a1so I. a A - en- - and left for Albu-- i time unnecessary. ;pa,t few weeks, has shipped 120 cars Eddv Cnuntv R f N .me center oi me raDie was mirror, uiuic cmiKiiicncu City Wednesday received information which a deavor. Our .!. is will in this city yesterday that f broom corn for members The'Ssn Misjuel County R. C Notes th I rested basket laden with responsibility ours, qnerqitc. They stop the steel of g " " .f p. Cr""lvolets. a bow of tulle en- - and we cannot shirk it again on their homeward journey. ongest span any bridge brush netted the growers from $132 Ttie Las Vctras hind bovs donated ,X0 " gracefully by pointing .ii the was circlin - o our friend some- -. state, completed across,.,, a car. r- $50 to the local Red Cross last Week, amMv "'.V? t,,e 1'an":- Lit,le boquets neighbor, our or The farmers of else.-La- Quite an exodus of educators took the Canadian river near Roy, Mora'ative nrnn!7i;nn , .,;., Cantnin Rrimtnn relrbraiod 1is Rnth rhildre.i eTninXi vU of violcts ticd with laintv ribbons one dies Horn. Journal, from the office of the U U m feCt lo"B and ,..:j si" rf 's the to each No place sta'e co,itsily and expects to erect a ten thotis-- ; birthday last week by donating $10 ine ye t y Jror" Escape For Th. Kaiser $20,000. thS ylp-,a,ce- co'or superintendent Tuesday afternoon. and dollar elevator here for the our to the garment room. o f others knitti.,"sq are , Th,et Attracting universal attention aud a, ' "P"?Al Superintendent Wagner left for pose of handling the bean crop of The High school auxiliary sent workers are T' ' coni?Iete'. he causing merriment the Arizona train a com- moVVnume where he will deliver Rev. J. W. Hamblln. of Cass City, meniDcrs this tall. Clayton News. three more layettes to Denver last on, much is a"fd n2dintBJ.fthe M ' wi,h TitW en he . .n Irk card- - ltS' mencement address after which Michigan, arrived in the city the lat- wer-k- out of1."10", 2'"Jne route to Camp Funston. Kansas, pas-n- fl in turned at the boards with ribbons . will visit various other schools ter part of last week. He will fill Freight Headquarters There are 159 workers rgeistrred a i..!' box t'ed to which sed through New Mexico recent!-- of V chapter. Tuesday large small were were in rhat section the State. John the pulpit of the First Presbyterian The United Oil Company have op- at the caii7e room: 35'0 dressings pencils attached, The cars were decorated with the Conway, assistant superintendent, church for the next three or four ened freight headquarters in the old arc packed rcadv for shippment the ,,,BT:r auiness for th. guests tolnw-n- war mottoes left for Lincoln county, where he weeks. Owing to the of hank on first of the week. These : Er:M: soon all were in the midst of a Ashes to ashes resignation building the south side of dressings this week. There will be one box will the state department Rev. J. F. of wdio Des Moines. both muslin game which was a jumble Dust to dust- - represent Horton, Chicago, They report they are comprise bandages and of muslin and one of hospital gar- trnessing st numerous school meetings and has entered active service in the Y. beginning operations on Bakers gauze dressings ments. of letters that, when rearranged, We'll get the kaiser functions. Mrs. Ruth C. Miller and M. C. A. at San Antonio, Texas, Ranch. There arc 2fi workers Ti t. I T n i r . made the announcement Or we'll bust." will be a big There registered T, ividisiiai or - f intelligent. . , hope E. left for El is a in tonnage juwii inn paKer uaris- .i. ' The Professor D. Smith there vacancy the church at to dc named trom this point, some- at the sewing room. 52.1 ladies work bad. is one of the best knitter, of " ' tn"e tW0 p0' authorship of the lines wa$ Rito to industrial and agri- and Rev. Hamhlin con- like 300 ed the room ill" ascribed to promote present may thing tons being the estimate at during April. the local Red Cross force. Grand- - j S3 Shakespeare. cultural education in section. sider a call to New that Mexico. for the next 60 days. A. F. Fraker , although in and and Another: and G. up years Lizards Lizzies "Who in von D. Wilson are in charee of Knitting rippled by rheumatism, has The Lizards and Lizzies hell's Hindenburg? Des 146 were just who are "We'll send the kaiser down operations. Moines Swastika. articles shipped recently finished her thirty-sixt- h pair of connected with the of - to trom 30 sweat- Knights Py- find out." tne knitting unit and ocks One lady in the lower ; ers were valley thias enjoyed a banquet the latter .Another car was labeled: "42 given to the bovs who left ha, of socks and nine last ini- - pall A forty pairs part of week following the bearers for Ber- NEW MEXICO RED Saturday. letter from Denver com- ! the kaiser bound for CROSS ,0 Mrs- - C tiation- - The CAPITAL GOAL YARD mended the ladies on If'n?'? her, ced.it: a,nd. Li"' we" present lin." their last ship- h. Uisnman, of Carlsbad, has also by special request. Santa Fe New Red ment and remarked especially upon knit forty Mexican. Another car: "Gila monster that Croat Tea the excellence of pairs. eat kaisers whole." At the residence Mrs. the srtcks. There of Hugh are 400 knitters in this unit. Swastika Coal, Cerrillos Coal, All Kinds Williams the latter part of last week the members of the Ladies Aid So- Colfax Steam N. Anthracite of St M. County R. C Note Coal; Madrid, M., ciety John's E. church Krd Cross a Red Cross lar- Pin gave tea which was Dr. A. R. has dnnatrrl Coal, Madrid Smithing Coal, Cord and gely attended and a marked success. Stretcher tn he Red Cross two t The cozy rooms were thoronchhre.-- Sawed attractively uiiror-iersc- v Wood, Factory Kindling. decorated with carnations and pigs about three mon- flowers. spring ths old. These nigs with certificate An interesting musical Dro- - of gram and addresses thoroughbred registration are to NEAR A. T. & S. F. DEPOT PHONE 85 MAIN patriotic were ne sold for the benefit of the Reit pleasing features. The a- - proceeds Cross general fund the close mountea to $:i.uu. at of i 'tie drive this month. In the mean- time the i Hf Harvey Lunch Counter pigs are growing fat and large on the alfalfa fields at the in aWorld atWar For the past ten days the girls at Serving the House Lunch counter Steicher ranch, waiting to be barter- Harvey ed for a of the fund. I POWER RATE have kept a special Red Cross dona, swelling tion jar into which the railroad bovs have been to their Auxiliary Al French urged put spare Last week the Red Cross change. The jar was turned over to We am our utmost to t& aa the Ked Cross at French nave a box so- doing serrs publie satUfaotoril today aa 200 K. W. 7c K. W. chapter this week and which was per found to contain $50.56. cial, largely attend- aa we did before the war poet tha eoaanxsrelal world. 300 K. W. 6c K. W. ed and netted the society $64.00 per At Encino Several weeks ago they held a pie 400 K. W. Sc K. W. Prior to the celebration social, which made over $3000 per patriotic That the Red Cross members Ia tha fees of iacreased aoata of aaatarlal w ars to held in that little city last week, the at this greatly sndearorinf Ked Cross ladies from an action little city are workers in more ways maintain oar plaat at tha blghaat point of affieisaay. dance and than one has been nlainlv demons sale, lunch counter added trated. The All in excess of the abort at 4c per K. W. $200.00 to the Red Cross fund. French teacher. Miss Hazel Shanks has been supervising cross tha eoat of wo are arews Special Rates for Cooking. At Roy tne junior Ked work and the Diwpit high labor, maintaining full that that children have made manv useful b no of work or the net returns from the Jack articles. may part tha slighted nagloatad. SANTA FE WATER & LIGHT CO. Rabbit drives last winter being the money received from rabbits sold Branch amounting to $14.69, has been turn- Springer ed into Red The Red Cross branch at Snrinoer While the demands of the signal serrioe of our araiaa hare deprirexTna the Cross Fund by those received in ot the sale. the following donations af trained men, those who ram sin to fill charge during the past six weeks. aiany technically hare apread eat The minstrel show the gaps extra effort. Curry County R. C Note given by the by At Cameron hoys at the Reform school, $.30. Raf- fle Charles The Red Cross ladies sold the lun- of doll, $41. Springer, ch at A. Goodson's $100.00. Mrs. J. P. Abreu,$l. Arthur K J. sale. The pro- $1. In some places eostgeation has oeenrred because we hare beam nnable to Mrs. P. Abreu. ceeds amounted to about $55.00. J. $1. Arthur AUNE'S Thome, fixing tables and floors in secure equipment for relief, bat in such eases the traffle Ii being handled t room. Brown gauze Arthur and the fall extent of heuman abilitf . GOOD THINGS TO EAT Lloyd Granger, work on cabinet for M'FIE EDWARDS & MTU gauze room. C B. Stubblefield fur- ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- nished baler and man to bate clothes OFFICEi for Belgian relief. Springer Times, With the world reeking order the weight of with ooonoaaie oondk and thea- eu naper advertising. Pastime Macs unsettled and abnormal, we are to coordinate our Bakery Goods Conor Palace ft Washington An tre, advertising. A. W Hywood, striving always el Coffee Cake Pie Santa Fe, Nan sacks for clothes for Belgians. Mr. torta to the groat probleme tnrolred ia the winning of th war. Apple Ackland, printing posters. Springer Raisin Bread Raisin Pie Lumber Co.. coal refunded, $2.50. Mrs. Frank Dacy, pillow top. Fruit C!IIG I IESTEEJ SPILLS Wo feel that wniniesropted, efficient telephone eerriee la playing a eem Cledetono Note SSM in the forces will DIAMOND BRAND Sale apieuona part that bring ultimate victory. Bananas Oranges 5yP The Red Cross sale at the Harring- ton school house last Saturday net- Grapes Apples ted '$500 (to the organization1. To Col. George Goodyear, the silver-tongu- Vegetables orator of the day is due the The Mountain States Telephone & Co. tasnsi credit for this wonderful success. Telegraph Sweet Potatoes eaht for A Gladstone is neither so nor Celery MnvMAIIONB BaAND KUA la tee ikIA large 0olo saeulllc bora, seeled with niaKO) wealthy but PATRIOTIC yes, ca- ALL Blbbea. Tann no ontsta. mf pitals. The auxiliary was started at WE HAVE THEM iiiniiiis b4 nvvV Mrs. V. D. ItaS IBARS FILL, for Iwcatyia Galdstone by Sanders K Phone 2J teera leeaMtd u Bat, Safest, TAtwan BeUaele. with seventeen members. They now AUNE'S SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS have fifty one. They told one small timk rvrRVWUCBC worm C-- S calf for S2S. a team of horses for $150 and many other thine.