Version 2.1 Dissertation Submitted to Graduate School of Science of Osaka University for the Degree of Doctor of Physics Exotics in meson-baryon dynamics with chiral symmetry Tetsuo Hyodo A) ∼ 2006 ∼ Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University Mihogaoka 10-1, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047, Japan A)Email address:
[email protected] ii Acknowledgement First of all, I would like to sincerely express my gratitude to the supervisor, Professor At- sushi Hosaka for enlightening discussions, helpful suggestions and continuous encouragements over the past five years. I have been instructed about plenty of things in hadron physics from fundamental facts to recent developments, which are reflected throughout this dissertation. I wish to thank Professor Eulogio Oset (IFIC, Valencia Univ.) for providing many excit- ing ideas and stimulating discussions. He has been giving me a lot of interesting subjects and beautiful hand-writing notes on them. Doctor Daisuke Jido (YITP) is acknowledged for collaboration and help from the beginning of the master course, which have provided funda- mental tools for researches. I appreciate Doctor Seung-il Nam (Pusan National Univ.) for his friendship and interesting discussions. Without their affectionate support, I would never complete this dissertation. The work presented in this thesis has been done with my collaborators, Professor Hyun Chul Kim (Pusan National Univ.), Doctor Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada (Madrid Univ.), Professor Jose R. Pel´aez (Madrid Univ.), Professor Angels Ramos (Barcelona Univ.), Doctor Sourav Sarkar (IFIC, Valencia Univ.), and Professor Manolo J. Vicente Vacas (IFIC, Valencia Univ.). I would like to thank them all again for the fruitful collaborations.