RECENT LITERATURE THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION AND THE BRITISH ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION SUPPLEMENT TO THE AUK Vol. 102, No. 2, April 1985• SUPPLEMENT TO IBIS Vol. 127, No. 2, April 19852 EDITED BY FRED E. LOHRER(AOU) ArchboldBiological Station, Venus, Florida 33960 USA JOHN A. HORSFALL(BOU) EdwardGrey Institute of FieldOrnithology, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS,UK EDITOR'S INTRODUCTORY NOTE Beginningin 1983(Auk 100, Ibis125) the AOU and BOU combinedtheir RecentLiterature Sections,and they now publish a single supplement of ornithological literature to which membersof both unions contribute. The AOU coversjournals published in the Americas, Australasia,and The Philippines. The BOU coversjournals published in Europe, Asia, and Africa. More than 100 volunteers scan about 300 titles and contribute abstractsregularly. Authors' addressesare included, if the journal lists them, to facilitate communicationbe- tween readersand authors. However, Russiaand many easternEuropean countriesalmost never include authors' addressesin their scientificjournals.--F.E.L. A NEW JOURNAL tamus ½yanopterus.Australian Bird Watcher 10: CENTZONTLE.Journal of the Mexican Society of Or- 69-72. (9 Duffeld St., Manjimup, WA 6258, Aus- tralia.) nithology. (Comit• Editorial, Apt. Postal 70-851, M•xico 20, D.F., Mexico.) Vol. 1, No. 1, January AVERY, M. I., J, R. KREBS,& R. E. HEGNER. 1984. A 1981.Six issuesannually. Subscriptionrates $600., caseof bigamy in the European Bee-eater(Me- U.S. $40. In Spanish.--Publishesoriginal works tops apiaster).Auk 101:609-610. (EGI, Zool. Dept., aboutall aspectsof ornithology,current announce- S. Parks Rd., Oxford OX1 3PS, UK.) ments relevant to Mexican ornithology, and a sec- BArtAM,J.M. 1984. The useof soaringby the Red- tion on "Art and Science"featuring art involving tailed Hawk (Buteo jamalcensis).Auk 101: 519- birds.
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