Wednesday, November 7, 2018 Thursday, November 8, 2018

19.00: Visit of the exhibition “Foto-Auge Fritz 9:00–10:45: Panel 7: “Jewish” Architects? Block: Der Architekt als Fotograf” Self-Definitions of “Jewishness” Introduction: Vladimir Levin, The œuvre of Fritz Block (1889–1955) ranges from Alexandra Klei, Berlin/Hamburg the new photography of the late 1920s to the travel Relations and Disruptions. Jewish Architects in Jewish photography of the 1930s to the color photography Postwar Germany of the 1940s. Fritz Block is currently experiencing a Institut für die Geschichte Bet Tfila – Forschungsstelle rediscovery. The exhibition consists of 130 black-and- Stephen Games, Kent der deutschen Juden für jüdische Architektur in Architects white prints, 20 color enlargements based on original Jews, Architecture, and Post-War Nationalism Beim Schlump 83 Europa, TU Braunschweig color slides as well as prints from the photo-illustrat- in the United Kingdom 20144 Hamburg Pockelsstr. 4 ed press. T. 040/428 38-26 17 38106 Braunschweig Jewish Amelie Wegner/Anna Luise Schubert, Weimar Geschaeftszimmer@ T. 0531/391-25 25 From the Second Life. Documents of Forgotten The exhibition is accompanied by a photo-book [email protected] Architectures monograph by Roland Jaeger: “Photo-Eye Fritz Block. Architecture? th New Photography – Modern Color Slides” (Zurich: 4 International Congress on Jewish Architecture 11:15–12:30: Panel 8: In Search of a “Modern” Contact and registration Scheidegger & Spiess Publishers, 2018). ISBN 978-3- Jewish Architecture? For further information on the program, please contact 85881-789-1 (English edition). ISBN 978-3-85881-531-6 Introduction: Viola Alianov-Rautenberg, Hamburg Ulrich Knufinke: [email protected] (German edition: “Foto Auge Fritz Block. Neue Fo- For questions of organisation and registration, please tografie – Moderne Farbdias”). Paola Ardizzola At the Roots of Modernity: The Intrinsic Jewish contact Beate Kuhnle: [email protected] Opening hours: Component of Modern Architecture Registration is possible until October 29. Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm Instead of a conference fee, we kindly ask for Ron Fuchs, Friday from 9 am to 4 pm a small donation during the conference. Rudolf Wittkower’s “Architectural Principles”: German Humanism in Exile

12:30–13:15: Final discussion The conference is sponsored by Chair: Andreas Brämer, Hamburg the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, 13:15–13:30: Closing remarks and the Society of Friends of Bet Tfila – Research Unit.

Handelskammer Hamburg Hafen City University Adolphsplatz 1, 20457 Hamburg Überseeallee 16, 20457 Hamburg Hamburg, November 6–8, 2018 Introduction Tuesday, November 6, 2018 Wednesday, November 7, 2018 Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The international congress “Jewish Architects – Jewish Architecture?” aims to re-examine the biographies of 13:00–14:30: Opening session 9:00–10:45: Panel 3: Jewish Architects, Their 14:00–15:45: Panel 5: Jewish Architects in Migra- th Non-Jewish Colleagues, and Their Contractors: tion: Transfers and Transformations of Archi- Jewish architects from the 19 century up to the present Miriam Rürup, Hamburg Partnership and/or Competition? tectural Ideas day from an international perspective. It will deal with the Alexander von Kienlin, Braunschweig Introduction: Anna Menny, Hamburg Introduction: Eleonora Bergman, Warsaw question whether and to which degree Jewish self-defini- Aliza Cohen-Mushlin, Jerusalem tion and the perception of “Jewishness” by a non-Jewish Rudolf Klein, Budapest Artur Tanikowski, Warsaw Keynote: Ulrich Knufinke, Hamburg/Braunschweig environment has influenced and still influences the life “Judaisation” of Hungarian Architecture – In , Warsaw and Gdynia: Interwar Jewish Jewish Architects – Jewish Architecture? and works of Jewish architects all over the world. During The Big Row of Gentiles and Jews in the Press Architects from the Polish Lands between the last decades, multifaceted research on Jewish archi- and Assimilation tects has been conducted, however focusing primarily 15:00–16:45: Panel 1: Discovering a New Profes- Ulrike Unterweger, Austin either on certain persons and their œuvre or on limited sional Field: Jews and Architecture before 1900 Competing Competitions. The Quest for a Modern Zuzana Güllendi-Cimprichova, Bamberg regions. Introduction: Katrin Keßler, Braunschweig Synagogue in Hietzing, Vienna The Example of Karl/Carlos Kohn: A Jewish Architect in Ecuador The conference emphasizes the need to provide a more Simon Paulus, Stuttgart Claudia Marcy/Günter Schlusche, Berlin extensive view, drawing comparisons between different Maneschin the Master Builder – Jews as “Architects” Cinema Architecture and the Relationship between Sharman Kadish, Manchester times and regions – from late the 18th century to pres- in the Middle Age and Early Modern Period? Architect and Client From Fortune to Failure? Central European Syna- gogue Architects in Germany and England, 1933–1963 ent days, in Europe, America, Israel and other countries. Mirko Przystawik, Braunschweig 11:15–13:00: Panel 4: Jewish Women as Architects: A new focus will be set on biographic networks, on the Ludwig Levy – A German Architect of Jewish Faith cultural and economic preconditions for Jews in the pro- A Multiple Emancipation – A Double Exclusion? 16:15–18:00: Panel 6: Jewish Architects: Zionism, fessional field of architecture, and on the role of Jewish Samuel Gruber, Syracuse Introduction: Regina Stephan, Mainz , and Israel Arnold W. Brunner (1857–1925) and the First Generation Introduction: Sylvia Necker, München women-architects. This will also lead to the question of Edina Meyer-Maril, Tel Aviv of American-born Jewish Architects defining “Jewishness” in architecture as based on respec- The Restless Life of the Architect Judith Stolzer-Segall Ronny Schüler, Weimar tive contemporary perspectives. (1904–1990): Russia-Germany-Israel-Germany The Architectural Revolution and its Framework. 17:15–18:45: Panel 2: Jews Studying Architecture: The Establishment of a Modern Building and The congress intends to examine the subject in different Schools, Teachers, and Networks Sigal Davidi, Tel Aviv/Berlin Planning Culture in the Eretz-Israel methodological ways. Architectural and art historians are Introduction: Alexander von Kienlin, Braunschweig Architectural Education and Gender: The Case of the invited as are historians and scholars from other fields to First Women Students at the Technion in Haifa Ines Sonder, Potsdam contribute to the debate, herewith developing new and Sergey Kravtsov, Jerusalem Zionism and Exile. The Architects Lotte Cohn and trans-disciplinary approaches to Jewish culture and his- Joseph Barsky (1876–1943) and His Search for a “He- Hagit Hadaya: Marie Frommer tory. brew” Architecture Phyllis Lambert: A Canadian Architecture Crusader Naomi Simhony, Jerusalem Joy Kestenbaum, New York The Competition for a Synagogue in Nazareth Illith Henry Fernbach, His Associates and Legacy (1959) Jan Lubitz, Hannover A joint project of the Institut für die Geschichte der Jewish Architects in Hamburg deutschen Juden, Hamburg, and the Bet Tfila – Research Unit for Jewish Architecture, Braunschweig/ Jerusalem. Warburg-Haus Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden Heilwigstraße 116, 20249 Hamburg Beim Schlump 83, 20144 Hamburg Beim Schlump 83, 20144 Hamburg