Epigraphia Indica
ARCI--IAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA EPIGRAPHIA INDICA Volume XLII 1977-78 Edited by Dr. K. V. RAMESH, M.A., Ph.D. DIRECT()R (EPIGRAPflY) , • • • • • PUBLISHED BY THE DIRECTOR GENERAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA NEW DELHI-I 10 011. 1992 First I_,rintccl199:! © ARCHAE()L()GI(:AL SURVEY OF INDIA G()VERNJ\1ENT ()F INDIA P1icc : Rs. 220.00 • Printed at Bengal Offset Works, Karol Bagh, New Dclhi-11 O005 Tel.: 524200,510455 EDITORIAL The present volume is the arrear volume for 1977- 78, covering eight parts in all, which \VCrl'.to have been issued progressively in January, April, July and October of 1977 and 1978. It is hoped that the next volume (Vol. XLIII), covering • the period 1979-80, will be brought out in the near future. I record here n1y grateful thanks to my colleague Dr. M.D. Sampath, Superintending Epigraphist and my erstwhile colleague Dr. S.S. Ramachandramurthy, formerly Deputy Superintending Epigraphist and now Professor of Indian Culture, Sri V enkateswara University, Tirupati, who have been of imn1ense help to me in compiling the present volume and finalising it for the press. Besides, Dr. M.D. Sampath and Dr. S. Subramonia Iyer, Deputy Superintending Epigraphist, have helped me in proof correction and have also prepared the entire illustration material. Sri P. Natarajan, Stenographer, got the typescript ready for the press. To these gentlemen in particular and to those who have enriched this volume, through their leading contributions, I owe a deep debt of gratitude. I am beholden to Shri J.C. Gupta, Production Officer, Archaeological Survey of India, who has master-minded the scheme for clearing the arrears of epigraphical publications in reasonable time and rendered immense help in the speedy publi cation of this volume.
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