Annals of Art, Culture & Humanities
S.R.S.D. Memorial Shiksha Shodh Sansthan, Agra, India UGC Sl. No. 64548 ANNALS OF ART, CULTURE & HUMANITIES A Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal ONLINE ISSN-2455-5843 Volume III, Issue I, Februray 2018, pp. 20-26 UGC Sl. No. 64548 Religious Co-existence Especially of Brahmanism and Buddhism at Thanesar (Kurukshetra) in Ancient period, on the basis of Literary and Archaeological evidence Manoj Kumar Research Scholar , Dept. of Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra,Haryana, India Abstract The present paper describes Co-existence of Religions especially of Brahmanism and Buddhism at Thanesar (Kurukshetra) in the Ancient period which is demonstrated on the basis of Literary and Archaeological sources. Thus, religion is an integral part of human life. It usually obeys the laws of inheritance as it is transferred on to the new generation from the prevailing one. However, time to time new religions and cults came into existence throughout the world and at many places, these cults and religions lived together peacefully (with harmony), but in some time, these had some discords. But, Thanesar has a very clear literary and archaeological confirmation of religious co-existence with harmony which was mainly between the Brahmanism and Buddhism. Though, with the passage of time, Vedic religion divided principally into five sects like Shaivism and Vaishnavism, Shaktism, Sun and Smartism even these sects may be lived together with sympathy and devotees of all these sects paid respect to all religious groups in the region. This aspect is presented by the ancient texts. thus, to confirm the literary sources for the co-existence of religion, archaeologist conducted the excavations and explorations in this region and several archaeological remains recovered from the region particularly from Buddhist Stupa- Thanesar have been investigated for the confirmation of Religious coexistence of Brahmanism and Buddhism.
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