Figure 1 - Joann and Michael Knox in Ottawa - 1990 Produced By Len Hendershott 416-690-9304 This ancestry report was prompted by a rather extensive collection of undocumented photos in the possession of Joann Knox and comprised several distinct eras in the Knox-Marcellus family lineages. Many predate 1900 and severall are tintype. Amongst this heirloom was a paper family tree probably produced during the 1940s by the Marcellus sisters - Amelia Belle, Helen, Doris and Ruth. It detailed generations of the Marcellus family back to Elida Auley Ouderkirk (1792-1878). This ancestry was recorded and further researched on to produce a family tree composed of over 4,000 names. The lineage was traced back to the von Tschudi ancestry in Switzerland around 1200 AD. It is recorded as Family Many of the photos have been attached to members of this tree. Their identity is often inferred through the use of a "picture grid" whereby those captured in a photo are compared to family members as recorded in by age and known associations. In some instances written identities were cited on the backs of the photos to facilitate identification. There are many unknowns in these photos. I have placed many of these on my Google home page at . Feels free to scan these and email me if you know any of the people in the photos -
[email protected] . Nicknames have been cited in quotes. All attemtps have been made to be failthful to locations as existing at the time of the reference (eg.