English-Garo Dictionary
BliHIi 1 bai '•' mm iiffel HB&'-v-yiil ENGLISH-GARO DICTIONARY BT MEMBERS OP THE GARO MISSION OP THE AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSIONARY UNION TUEA, ASSAM. Published by the Garo Mission, American Baptist Missionary Union, SHILLONG: PINTED AT THE ASSAM SECRETARIAT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. Price Eight Pence,'] [Price Seven Annas, Agents for the sal* of Books published by th« Assam Administration. Agents In India (i) Messrs. Thicker, Spink Si Co., Calcutta. \V. Newman A; Co., Calcutta. (;,) Me tl. S. K. L^: ata. Agents in England. (i) Mr. F. Arnold. 41 and 43, Maddox Street, 5. King & Son, 1, Bridge Bond Street, W., London. Street, Westminsftsr, S. W., London. {1) Messrs. Constable S: Co., iG, James Street, I '.lack well, 50 and 51, Broad May Market, London. I (3) Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench. Triibner & .htoo Bell Si Co., Cambridge. Co., Charing Cross Road, \V. C, London. K ng Si Co., 65, Coinhill, 4) Mr. B. Quaritch, 15, Piccadilly, W., London. l.i Agents on the Continent of Europe. (l) MM. Iriedlandcr and Sohn, 1 1, Carlstrassc, (3) M. Katl Hierbcmann, Leipzig Bc.lin. (4) M. Eroot l.croux, 36. Kue BonaparU, [») M.Otto I Iarras*owitz, Leipzig. (5) MartinusNijhofl, The Hague SU1LL tilXlMD MX I. HILL, FIE I xUlM.. PREFACE. HTHIS Dictionary was prepared and published to meet an immediate demand in Garo School work, caused by substituting English text-books in place of the Bengali books formerly used, in the higher branches of study. Its preparation required haste, amidst the pressure of many other important duties. I therefore requested Modhunath Momin to draft definitions, in addition to his duties as teacher in the station school.
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