Elejq . 5W4” \/ Inventor
Jan. 29, 1963 ' C..RUBIO 3,075,202 PIN COLLAR STAYS Filed June 13, 1955 8 , \ / 7 3 .ELEJQ . 5W4” \/ INVENTOR. 5. [40 I5 4 Carlos Ruble 3,b75,2d2 United States Patent 0 " 1C6 Patented Jan. 29, 1353 1 2 FIGURE 7 is a plan view showing a modi?ed form of 3,075,202 angular adjustable stay for collars. PIN COLLAR STAYS FIGURE 8 is a plan view showing a modi?ed form of Carlos Rubin, 126 E. 83rd St, New York, N.Y. cross adjustable collar stay, according to the invention. Filed June 13, 1955, Ser. No. 514,840 FIGURE 9 is a plan view showing another modi?ed 2 Claims. (El. 2-132) form of collar stay with unitary main body construction. FIGURE 10 is a front elevational view of the collar This invention relates to improvements in devices for stay shown in FIGURE 9. staying and smoothing shirt collars and the like. FIGURE 11 is a right end-elevational View of the collar An object of the invention is to provide a novel and im stay shown in FIGURE 9. proved shirt collar stay which is carried by the collar in FIGURE 12 is a plan view showing another modi?ed order to retain the collar in unwrinkled form, and with a form of quadrilateral stay of a type suitable for collars smooth attractive appearance. also. ' Another object of the invention is to provide a novel The presently disclosed devices are convenient for main and improved shirt collar stay which may be employed on 15 taining the most attractive and uniform appearance de any type of shirt collar, whether or not it is equipped sired in connection with the wearing of shirt collars.
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