WHO IS WHO 2020 Message from the CEO of ICEX Spain Trade and Investment Dear reader, Continuing with our support for the Spanish animation area, we are proud to present our fi fth edition of the “Who is who” guide, a publication which provides a complete picture of Spain’s animation industry and highlights its values and its talent. This publication is your ultimate guide to the industry, introducing you to companies of various sizes and profi les, including producers, studios and services providers with active projects in 2020. ANIMATION Animation from Spain is the brand created by ICEX to promote the Spanish animation industry at all international shows around the globe. You are cordially invited to visit us at our stands at Kidscreen Summit, MIFA or MIPCOM, among other events, and so to see how Spanish animation productions are playing in the best global league. Kind regards, ICEX María Peña Mateos SPAIN TRADE AND INVESTMENT CEO ICEX Spain Trade and Investment ITC AND DIGITAL CONTENT DEPARTMENT +34 913 491 871
[email protected] www.icex.es GOBIERNO MINISTERIO DE ESPAÑA DE INDUSTRIA, COMERCIO Y TURISMO EUROPEAN REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FUND A WAY TO MAKE EUROPE GENERAL INDEX ICEX | ANIMATION FROM SPAIN | DIBOOS 6 SPANISH ANIMATION IN FIGURES 10 TAX INCENTIVES PRODUCTION OF FILMS & AUDIOVISUAL SERIES IN SPAIN 12 ANIMATION FROM SPAIN COMPANIES 18 www.animationfromspain.com www.icex.es www.diboos.com ICEX SPAIN TRADE www.animationfromspain.com DIBOOS AND INVESTMENT The Spanish Federation of Animation Producers and María Arochena ICEX Spain Trade and Investment, in collaboration with It’s main aims are to: Visual Eff ects Associations is the umbrella body of the
[email protected] +34 651 909 157 DIBOOS, The Spanish Association of Animation Produ- sector’s principal associations.