Market Fishes of Indonesia
123 SYMPHYSANODONTIDAE (50) & SERRANIDAE (51) 50.1 50.2 51.1 51.2 51.3 51.4 124 51.5 Cephalopholis aurantia 51.6 Cephalopholis boenak Golden Grouper Chocolate Grouper Coral reefs, usually deeper than 80 m; 9 dorsal-fin spines, Mainly shallow dead and silty reefs, to 30 m depth; dorsal caudal fin rounded, 9 anal-fin rays, 45–56 lateral-line fins with 9 spines and 15–17 soft rays, caudal fin rounded, scales, subopercle edge serrate, pelvic fins reach anus, 8 soft anal-fin rays, head lacking dark spots or blue ocelli, orange–yellow with small darker reddish spots, caudal- brownish with 7 or 8 darker bars, opercular spot, some fin posterior margin pale; Indo–W. Pacific; to 30 cm. fins white edged; Indo–W. Pacific; to 26 cm. Keyapu Keyapu, Bandih Terumbu karang, umumnya kedalaman lebih dari 80 m; Umumnyadi karang mati dangkal dan berlumpur, 0–30 m; 9 duri sirip punggung, sirip ekor membulat, 9 jari lunak sirip punggung dengan 9 duri dan 15–17 jari lunak, sirip sirip dubur, 45–56 sisik gurat sisi, tepi bawah tutup insang ekor membulat, 8 jari lunak dubur, sedikit bintik hitam bergerigi, sirip perut mencapai dubur, oranye-kuning atau biru melingkar pada kepala, kecoklatan dengan 7 dengan bintik-bintik kecil kemerahan lebih tua, pinggir atau 8 baris lebih tua, terdapat bintik pada tutup insang, belakang sirip ekor pucat; Indo–Pasifik Barat; 30 cm.. beberapa sirip bertepi putih; Indo–Pasifik Barat; 26 cm. 51.7 Cephalopholis cyanostigma 51.8 Cephalopholis formosa Bluespotted Grouper Bluelined Grouper Coral reefs and vegetated areas, to 50 m depth; dorsal fins Shallow dead and silty reefs, to 30 m depth; dorsal fins with 9 spines and 15–17 soft rays, caudal fin rounded, with 9 spines and 15–17 soft rays, caudal fin rounded, 8 soft anal-fin rays, adults brownish red with pale 7 or 8 soft anal-fin rays, dark brownish to yellowish blotches (no bands) and numerous dark-edged blue brown with many irregular dark bluish longitudinal ocelli on head, body and fins; Indo–W.
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