Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 47 International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2018) New Approaches to the Branding of Tourism Destination I. Yakovenko, N. Strachkova Crimean Federal V.I. Vernadsky University, Vernadsky av. 4, 295007, Simferopol, Russian Federation
[email protected] Abstract— The article deals with the content and stages of territory through the name, slogan, design or their research of tourist destination image, They include the combinations to create a positive image [9]. Some authors identification and study of factors of geospatial image of the consider branding as a tool for the complex identification of territory, the priority image-forming objects selection, the the tourist destination that distinguishes it from competitors formation of the rating and the search for variants of [10,11]. A number of researchers associate the branding of a visualization and verbal characteristics of geospatial image of the territory. tourist destination with the concept of an image, understood as The approaches to the branding new tourist destinations on the a set of opinions, ideas and impressions caused by a certain basis of integra-tion of natural, socio-cultural and mental- area [12], as a formed system of knowledge obtained from mythological geospatial images of the territory are defined. The various sources [13]. Strong brands with a positive public group of natural images includes objects of natural heritage, image influence the process of demand formation when unique natural phenomena, especially protected natural purchasing elements of both tangible and intangible offer of a territories, pic-turesque natural landscapes, etc. The socio- tourist destination [14].