Studia Obszarów Wiejskich 2016, volume 43, pp. 45–58 kOmiSja ObSzaróW WiejSkich pOlSkie towarzyStwo geOgraficzne inStytut geOgrafii i przeStrzennegO zagOSpOdarowania pOlSka akademia nauk HOW BIG IS THE DIGITAL DIVIDE BETWEEN RURAL AND URBAN AREAS IN POLAND? Krzysztof JANC1 • Piotr Siłka2 1Institute of Geography and Regional Development, Wrocław University pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław
[email protected] 2Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences ul. Twarda 51/55, 00-818 Warszawa
[email protected] Abstract: in view of the development opportunities, the rural areas have a lower potential when compared to cities and towns. this disadvantage is caused mainly by smaller population densities, greater distances from urban markets as well as information, work, education, and most other resources. Seen from the perspective of the rural areas the internet means a possibility of equal development chances between the rural and city inha- bitants. access to the internet means availability of work (telework), administration, education, services offered on-line that are impossible to obtain elsewhere, of different kinds of databases, entertainment as well as contact with other users. thus, both social and economic aspects can be distinguished.t hese aspects can be studied in the digital divide context, which the authors try to investigate in this paper. Keywords: information society, digital divide, internet, rural areas. introduction the analyses of the internet-related issues in the context of their ‘rurality’ are most often conducted from the perspective of the differences between rural areas and urban areas in access to the internet and its usage.