Innovation for Sustainable Agricultural Growth in Burkina Faso Program of Accompanying OCTOBER 2017 Research for Agricultural Innovation COORDINATION: This report as oordiated y Dr. Olier K. Kirui )EF ad Dr. Fatui Oluole Aiodu FARA. CONTRIBUTORS TO THE COUNTRY DOSSIER BURKINA FASO INERA: “ouleyae Ouédraogo, “auel Neya FARA: Yei Akiaijo, Fatui Oluole Aiodu )EF: Heike Bauüller, Joahi o Brau, Aapia Dearry, Tigau Degu Getahu, Chrisie Husa, Olier K. Kirui, Ehsa Eyshi Rezaei, Leoie Rouil, “ougryoa )aiatou “ore, Jusie Akpee Tao, Detlef Virho, Doris Wiesa Layout & Ediig: Eely Baraké, “easia Ekert, Katharia Gallat, Haah Jaeike, Yesi Paal, Katharia )i This report is ork i progress ad oiuously eig updated. Ay feedak ad suggesios for further iproeet are eloe ad a e set to
[email protected]. SUGGESTED CITATION: )EF, FARA, INERA . Country Dossier: Innoaion for Sustainale Agriultural Groth in Burkina Faso. Progra of Aopayig Researh for Agriultural Ioaio. Bo, Ara ad Ouagadougou: Ceter for Deelopet Researh, Foru for Agriultural Researh i Afria ad Isitut de l‘Eiroe- et et de Reherhes Agrioles de Burkia. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The paper was developed within the project “Program of Accompanying Research for Agricultural Ioaio PARI, hih is fuded y the Gera Federal Miistry of Eooi Cooperaio ad Deelopet BM). Country Dossier Burkina Faso About this study In 12 African countries and India Green Innovation Centers (GICs) have been established under the Oe Wold, No Huge Iitiatie “EWOH of the Gea goeet and other investors. The aim of the GICs is to promote agricultural innovation, improve food and nutrition security and build sustainable value chains in the agri-food sector of these countries.