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J, Home of Th~ News VOLUME 24--NO All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse ews ==-----J, Home of th~ News VOLUME 24--NO. 8 Entered as Se('ond Class Matter lit the Post Office at Detroit, Mich, 'Ie Per C0J)7 ",OIl Peo.r Year 20 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS-SECTION I HEADLINES i He's King of Hearts to the Girl Scouts . (~'Safet~~,Works 01 tb" I Red Cross Sendlng Depa~tments '\lEEK ,~'r3 As Compiled by tbe Double Equipment! Reor~anized Grosse Pointe News 1hursday. February 14 /~f~I'j. To Collect Blood I ~~~ :n~~~~~:s~~~:~:e:. ~;', ,,', Greater EffIciency PRESIDENT KENNEDY and " ,~: /,,' J .~__ And Economy top G'veroment 0"""", m en- '.,':'i(i.!:+, Two Eight-Bed Units of Bloodmobile Service to Be, W d C' Ad" f:~i~~"'~,,.~t ;~;;~~'.,i~~e;"~':"",; :r...; 't St. tioned in W. r Memori.1 Aud itor; um : t r ato';."~hes(~; i:. Pe~~~~~ re-f'valuation of U.S. European , "':0" On Thursday, February 28 ' d i s c 1 0 sed on' Monday, Presidentrelations inCharlesthe lightdeofGaulle'sFrench ~.i;,~,'.,I Two eight bed-~~ii-;~f the A~erica:1 Red Cross,: h.F:bruary 18.. that.d theP cit.ybl January 29 \"C'to of Britain's". ' Bloodmobile Service will be set up in the Crystal Ball- I a.s reorganJze I.ts ,u Ie entry into the Common ,Market I room of the Grosse Pointe War Memorial's i.Villia'1'1 Fries i Safety and Publlc Works and his refusal to per m i t Auditorium on Thursday, February 28, frr)m 9 a,m. to: I?epartment.s for more ef- }'ranec's participation in a 9:30 p,m. , . ..__~_. ' fiCIent serVIces to the tax- NATO nuclear force, The Presi- I Th G u . t P D payers and for better econ- dent met Tuesday with mem- , ,e r 0 sse ...om e Com- rayer ay om\' h mumty Blood Council is spon- ... ers of the sO-I'allcd National;,:.", 'boring this event with the War , rhc reon,anizatinn of the Se('urity Coundl executive com- Me m 0 ria 1 Association. The T B H II Puhllc Safety De par t m t' n t. mittee, created to formulate ,~>., ~ Center maintains a community 0 e e' l , \\'hich is a combin,ed police-fire policy during last October's , , :... Blood Bank from which any d.e~)artment. went m,t_1)effect on Cuban ('risis. I G 0 Marclt 1 Fr d F b j th I .; rosse Poi n tel' may borrow It I a~', . e ruary ;); e re- Present at this fir"t "essian i free of charge in case of emcl'- or.gamzatlOn plans for t.he DP'~ Werc Vice President Lyndon 13. ~ gency. This supply is now very '\I'll! not become effectIve untIl D.JOel~nnsonR:tlSksccfretary°Sf Sttate " t:J...........," It. lo,v .and bthiS is a chance fOr I Women of Eight Churches :\ionday. February 25. u. .; ormer ,cere ary pre~IO~s orrowers to pay baek I Uniting for Annual Ob. The former does not call for of State De:1n .'\cheo'on; David theIr Indebtedness as well as • a shift in command posts and K, K BruC'e. amb:1ssador to civic minded citizens to do- servance In Woods \\'ill not cOst extra to the city BI'itain: WaIter C. Dowling, .~- / nate. Presbyteriah taxpa~'ers. although two ~e\'v ambassador to West Germany; ~y. f Churches Soliciting men have been added to the and Christian A. Herter, special In addition to the G r 0 s s c Praver \\'iJl lJe the im'is- : department. Howe\'er,. t~e lat- trac!(' neg.otiator. A s"'''orld, "". 0 tl'l' call~ for co bIn g r -'-'- """"', Pointe Community Blood Bank . '.,. ',' a m In 0 smaller meeting \\as held yes- h -''-<"., all the churches in th_ Grosse Ible space shJp whlch WIll I various departments unoer one terda~' at the Whit(' House. Of- '''' " ." ~o Pointe area will be soliciting orbit the earth on Frida\'. I head :md is expected to sa\'C~ ficials {'mphasized that the ""'.' . , the (it an e t' t d 835 000 .. k t .,~,. ""-.~;'.,.1"',,,,./ members of their congregations lVlarch 1 the 77th World' . ~' s I.ma e . sto(' . aking" s('ssions are de- ~ .v to replenish their church blood' i annually, accordmg 1.0 Peter- signed to ITIt'asurf' obstacles When the Grosse Pointe Girl Scouts presented whole district are now possible. LINDA DUVALL, banks. Teachers will be askcd Day 0.: Prayer, in which' son. ('onfronting the Atbntic part- their Valentine to CHET SAMPSON it carried the Senior Scout, left, VIRGINIA BARTHOLOMEW, Girl to make appointments to do- women of Grr)sse Pointe i Hope t.o CI!t Rates nership as ci result. of de GauUp s heartfelt thanks of 3495 Scouts. Mr. Sampson has made Scout, ,Kerby School, CAROL CHOPE, Brownie, Rich- nate to the faculty blood banks Presbyterian, Grosse Pointe; The publi~ Safety Depart- recent poliey decisions. not to possible. by a generous donation, a central location for ard Sc~ool, and MRS, FREDRICK EOHL, chairman of and postal employees. city em- " .: ment operation wa'S changed rcvisE:' American policy re~;jrd- Pointe Scout activities at the Neighborhood Club, Of- the Grosse Pointe District, present Mr. Sampson with ployees and some of the larger MethodIst, Grosse POInte to permit bettpr police and fire in~ Europe but to combat fice space, storage facilities and meeting room for all a suitable token of their gratitude and esteem, stores in Gl'Osse Pointe will be Baptist, Grosse Pointe Con- ; protection, with an eye to the ;;,,~nc<" "thee"''' 10 (hal pol- Scout (raining classes and larger meetings for (he "filling their baok,. gregationaL Ch,-ist Church I futuce of lowe"ing the n" io- --'----.--.----~-..~..-----.-------------~-~--.-------------------------I This is abo an opportunity to E . S' , ~surance rate In the CIty, the The C,S. post-World War II contribute to any individual in piscopal, t. M 1 C h a e Is, city administrator said. European eone'cpt evolved grad- Clturclt Asks Poillte FI-r-e Loss I-U 1962 Tl"ree TZ;lled need or for anyone who has Episcopal, G r cl ':: e Unit.ed I At present. the Woods j~ lla!ly, based on the 1947 NIar- " ~\...II large amounts of blood to pay Church of C h r is tan d ,rated as a se\'enlh c!a"s cit~., shall Plan and the fonnation of F B -d T I $6 6 back ColleciJons will also be . , 'as regards to fIre Insurance North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- or 't s on QJa s 24"7 2: Woods I'l Traffic made for open heart surgery. Grosse POI n t e Memonal i rates. It is hoped' th<l.t because tlon 1n 1940. America cnvisages e / / AIq healthy adult up to age Churches will join \v i t h 'of the reorganization of the e a Continental partnership of na- RecoI-d.,;;: 60 may donate blood and 18 to: hundreds of H::ousands in ,P.ublic Sa.fet~' DC'paliment, it tions, working to!?,ether for ecc- B,-Lg Add-tl 'ton lJ Only Fatall ty DUrtllg- 1962 (Continued on Page 2). ,wIll be ra)"cu to a SIxth class nomic j:!rowth and the preserva~ I --~______ serVIces around the world, 'eity. :tl'!d e\'entually to fifth tion of a Free Europe. De i F t E r h E I' I t Annual Reports Submitted to State Fire Marshal's I ~ ~865" G d The local obsel"'ancc will be' class. Gaulle's actions regarding Brit~ Irs "g IS vange Ica 0 AI Type Accidents Totar t,p ln 00 S , . , ; Plans for the reorganization ain and the NATO nuclear fcrce Build Educational Unit Office Gives Over All Picture Damage to 1,145, More Than 252 Stolen front Car i h('ld at ?rosse :F amte \\ oods 'of the DPW call for the merg- constitute a rejection of this Expected to Cost Homes and Other Property P I I' I PresbyterIan C h 11 I' Ch, 19950' ing of the Highway Division, ''par tnership" idc'a!. Two meth- $ ---------- ersona nluries 11\1ack avenue at Torrey road at I Water-Sewer D i \' i s ion and ods of combatting the French 225,000 The Pointe fire loss for 1962, according to reports A thief" or thieves, broke into 1 p.m. The service is open to: B u i I din g Inspection Di\'ision President's policies arc report-j , . sent to the State Fire Marshal's Office in Lansing by the Three persons lost their a convertIble car belonging to all who wish to he part f; under one supervision. cdly uncler eonsideration: Out-, Plans have been submlt- I Pointe fire chiefs totaled $624762.63. lives in traffic in three John Haynes of 22919 Colony, '. .' a 0 ~ Picked to be assistant direc- right isolation of France v('rsu:" I ted to contractors f!)r bids Th h . l' ' I ,.-'~---.- Pointe communities during St. ClaIr Shores, on Thursday, th~s \\orld-wJde prayei' fello\\"-: tor of the combined depart- k. d f' , th d dd" e eavlest ut were t le - 96 F b 14 d shIP a m 0 eautlOUs cooperatlOn- on e propose a ltIon to F d tI W d 'th h t 1 F' A.d P t d f 1 2, according to official e ruary ,an stole a number . I:nent was Tony Guaresimo. when-possible, opposition-when- First English Ev. Lutheran s~~~:/~oss ~ino~o b~: ;;;mp:ri~ f~fse al~:ms.
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