Fam. Liliaceae from the Cerna of Oltet Basin (Romania)

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Fam. Liliaceae from the Cerna of Oltet Basin (Romania) Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii i comunicri. tiinele Naturii, Tom XXIII/2007 ISSN 1454-6914 FAM. LILIACEAE FROM THE CERNA OF OLTET BASIN (ROMANIA) RDUOIU DANIEL, RDUOIU MARIA-IONELA Abstract. The results of the recent research about the Liliaceae family, especialy anatomical research, cytotaxonomical, ecological, biochemical, and the morphological have influenced a lot the taxonomy of plants. Lately they are producing deep changes in the content of some taxons: family, genus, species, etc. Lots of taxons change their upright position, increasing or reducing their value, or the horizontal position moving from a genus to other or even from a family to other. In the last 10-15 years it has been talking more and more often about the division of the Liliaceae family in 9-15 families. Some romanian botanists (CIOCÂRLAN V., 1998) tell that although the Liliaceae family is a heterogeneous family, she must be admited as a unitary family, the heterogeneity being through taxons at level of underfamilies: Asparagoideae, Colchicoideae, Melanthioideae, Asphodeloideae, Lilioideae and Scilloideae. In this paper we present all the species from Liliaceae, identified in the Basin of Cerna of Oltet in the region of Oltenia – Romania. Key words: The Basin Cerna of Oltet, Liliaceae. Rezumat. Fam. Liliaceae din Bazinul Cernei de Olte (România). Rezultatele cercetrilor recente asupra plantelor, în special cercetri anatomice, citotaxonomice, ecologice, arealogice, biochimice, alturi de cele morfologice au influenat mult taxonomia plantelor. În ultimul timp se produc mereu modificri profunde asupra coninutului unor taxoni: familie, gen, specie etc. Muli taxoni îi schimb poziia pe vertical, mrindu-i sau micorându-i valoarea, sau pe orizontal trecând de la un gen la altul sau chiar de la o familie la alta. În ultimii 10-15 ani se vorbete tot mai des de divizarea familiei Liliaceae în 9-15 familii. Unii botaniti români (V. CIOCÂRLAN 1998) spun c dei familia Liliaceae este o familie eterogen, totui ea trebuie admis ca o familie unitar, eterogenitatea putând fi prin taxoni la nivel de subfamilii: Asparagoideae, Colchicoideae, Melanthioideae, Asphodeloideae, Lilioideae i Scilloideae. În aceast lucrare prezentm speciile din familia Liliacee, identificate în Bazinul Cerna de Olte, regiunea Oltenia - România Cuvinte cheie: Bazinul Cernei de Olte, Liliaceae. INTRODUCTION The River Cerna is a Meridional Carpathic affluent which flows in the Oltet River at approximatively 180 m altitudine. It springs from the Cptânii Mountains under the Cororu Peak (1900 m) and accompanies the river Oltet from the very high zone of these mountains` peaks. It has a length of 99 km and a surface of approximatively 617 km2. As a result of the very varied relief, climate and rock structure conditions, we can encounter a large range of soils (dark acide, podsol, rendzine, forest dark soils and alluvial from the river meadows of the main rivers), also reflected in the floristic composition of the studied area. The relief is under the form of low hills interrupted by the valleys of some rivers and small Sub-Carpathian depressions. The diversity of the relief is given by the steps in which it is arranged, by the mountaineous and Sub-Carpathian peaks oriented generally to the west-eastern side, the hilly plateau oriented to the north-southern direction and also by the the aspect of the valleys and depressions, by the river meadows along the main running waters and the geomorphological particularities of all the relief forms. This variety is the result of certain areas of massive relief forms: The Meridional Carpathians, The Gaetic Sub-Carpathians and the Gaetic Plateau which, have a complex geological structure. MATERIAL AND METHOD Starting from this information we repeatedly studied the area conform to the method of itinerary as the surface was very large, but when necessary we used the method of stationary and detailed our analyses collecting and preserving the floristic material. The identification of the taxons was performed on preserved dry material or on live material, using the latest taxonomic informative sources (BELDIE Al., 1977, 1979, SVULESCU T., 1952-1976, TUTIN T.G., et al. 1964-1980, BRUMMITT R.K. & POWELL C.E. 1992, CIOCÂRLAN V., 2000). For the localities we use the cartographic index UTM (LEHRER A. & LEHRER ALEXANDRINA 1990). RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The floristic list is presented in alphabetical order: Asparagus tenuifolius LAM. - G., 2n = 20. Botorani, Mrgineni, Drganu, Fârteti - GQ36, Roeti - KK67. Pont.-Medit. Querco-Fagetea. Colchicum autumnale L. - G., 2n = 38. Oteteli - GQ34, Fârteti - GQ36, Mciuca - KK65/66, Cerna - Dl. "Dumbrvia", Dl. "La Rudarii de la Cerna" - GR20, Cerna Dl. "Roci" - GR20. Centr. Eur. Car. Molinietalia caeruleae. Convallaria majalis L. - G., 2n = 38. Rusneti - GQ35, Giuleti - GQ35. Eur. Car. Querco-Fagetea. Erythronium dens-canis L. subsp. niveum (BAUMG.) BUIA & PUN - G., 2n = 24. Pietroasa - GQ34, Giuleti - GQ35, Botorani - KK65, Fârteti - GQ36, Nisipi - KK66, Popeti - KK65, Ciocnari - KK65, Oveselu - KK65/66, Mciuca - KK65/66, Ldeti - KK67, Copceni - GQ38. Carp. Rom. Carpinion betuli. Gagea lutea (L.) KER.-GAWL. - G., 2n = 72. Fârteti - GQ36, Stroeti - GQ29/39, Sltioara - Dl. "Gurgui" - GR20/30, Goruneti - GR29, Rugetu - GR20. Euras. Carpinion betuli. 55 RDUOIU DANIEL RDUOIU MARIA-IONELA G. minima (L.) KER.-GAWL. - G., 2n = 24. Goruneti - GR29, Rugetu - GR20 (RDUOIU 2004), Recea - GR20, Milotea - GR20. Euras. Cont. Carpinion betuli. G. villosa (M. BIEB.) SWEET (G. arvensis auct., non DUMORT.) - G., 2n = 48. Boca - KK65, Mciuca - KK65/66, Mldreti - KK66, tefneti - KK66, Goruneti - GR29. Eur. Chenopodietalia. Lilium martagon L. - G., 2n = 24. Goruneti - GR29. Euras. Fagetalia sylvaticae. Muscari comosum (L.) MILL. (Leopoldia comosa (L.) PARL.) - G., 2n = 18, 27. Fârteti - GQ36, Ldeti - KK67, Hotrasa - KK68, Vetelu - GQ38, Copceni - GQ38, Bâlteni - GQ38. Eur. (excepie N.). Festuco-Brometea. Ornithogalum orthophyllum Ten. subsp. kochii (PARL.) ZAHAR. (O. kochii PARL., O. gussonei auct., rom. non TEN.) - G., 2n = ?. Milotea - GR20. Centr. Eur. Submedit. Festucetalia valesiacae. O. pyramidale L. (O. brevistylum WOLFNER) - G., 2n = 24. Fârteti - GQ36, Nisipi - KK66, Milotea - GR20. Centr. Eur. Stellarietea mediae. O. pyrenaicum L. (O. flavescens LAM.) - G., 2n = 16-18. Cernioara - KK68, S;ruleti - KK67, Bereti - GQ37, Vetelu - GQ38, Copceni - GQ38. Atl -Medit. Carpinion betuli. O. umbellatum L. (O. divergens BOREAU; O. umbellatum L. subsp. divérgens (BOREAU) BONNIER & LAYENS) – G., 2n = 18-20, 27, 28, 35, 36, 42, 44, 45, 54, 72, 90, 108. Gârnicet - KK66, Dejoi - KK66, Z;voieni - KK66, Vârleni - KK66. Submedit. Stellarietea mediae, Festuco-Brometea. Polygonatum latifolium (JACQ.) DESF. - G., 2n = 20. Giuleti - GQ35, Fârteti - GQ36, Ciumagi - KK67, L;deti - KK67, Stroeti - GQ29/39, Sltioara - Dl. "Gurgui" - GR20/30, Goruneti - GR29, Rugetu - GR20. Pont.-Pan.-Balc. Querco-Fagetea. P. multiflorum (L.) ALL. - G., 2n = 18, 32. Sltioara - Dl. "Gurgui" - GR20/30 (Lehrer A. & Lehrer Alexandrina 1990). Euras. Car. Fagetalia sylvaticae. P. odoratum (MILL.) DRUCE (P. officinale ALL.) - G., 2n = 20. Ciumagi - KK67, Ldeti - KK67, Stroeti - GQ29/39, Mogeti - GQ29. Euras. Geranion sanguinei, Prunetalia spinosae. P. verticillatum (L.) ALL. - G., 2n = 28. Cerna - Dl. "Plaiul Cernei" - GR20, Cerna Dl. "Roci" - GR20, Vf. Zvidanu - pd. - GR22, Vf. Stânioara - GR22. Euras. Betulo-Adenostyletea. Scilla bifolia L. subsp. bifolia - G., 2n = 18, 36, 54. Querco-Fagetea.; - fo. uniflora G. GRIN.: Giuleti - GQ35 ; - fo. trifolia PETRESCU: Giuleti - GQ35. - subsp. drunensis SPETA: Ldeti - KK67, Copceni - GQ38, Stroeti - GQ29/39. Eur. Centr. i Sudic. Querco-Fagetea; - subsp. subtriphylla (SCHUR) DOMIN (S. bifolia var. praecox (WILLD.) MASTERS, S. praecox WILLD.) Mez.: Oteteli - GQ34. Querco-Fagetea. Veratrum album L. subsp. lobelianum (BERNH.) ARCANG. - H., 2n = 32. Vf. Buciumu - GR22, Zvidanu - GR22, Vf. Stânioara - pajiti- GR22, Vf. Cororu - pajiti - GR22, Vf. La Nedei - GR22. Euras. Car. Betulo-Adenostyletea. CONCLUSIONS In the Cerna of Olte Basin the Liliaceae family, is represented through 17 species, 4 subspecies and 2 formes. Among those exists an endemic taxon too in the flora of our country (Erythronium dens-canis subsp. niveum). This has a more rare spreading at the inferior part or the researched teritory. At the level of the subcarpathian hills and of the highlands it is absent. REFERENCES BELDIE AL. 1977, 1979. Flora României. Determinator ilustrat al plantelor vasculare. 1, 2. Edit. Acad. R.S.R. Bucureti. 406, 412p. BRUMMITT R.K. & POWELL C.E. 1992. Authors of plant names. Royal Botanic Gardens. Kew. (EDS.). 732p. CIOCÂRLAN V. 2000. Flora ilustrat a României. Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta. Edit. Ceres, Bucureti. 1038p. LEHRER A. & LEHRER ALEXANDRINA 1990. Cartografierea faunei i florei din România. Edit. Ceres Bucureti. 291p. POPESCU N. 1977. Munii Cpânii. Ghid turistic. Colecia Munii Notri. Edit. Sport – Turism. 99p. POSEA G. 2002. Geomorfologia României. Edit. Fundaiei România de Mâine. 444p. RDUOIU D. 2004. “Preliminary Data Regarding the Flora in the Basin of the River Cerna of Olte (Vâlcea)”. Acta Horti Bot. Bucurest. 31. Bucharest: 97-102. SVULESCU T. & al. 1952-1976. Flora R.P.R. - R.S.R. I-XIII. Edit. Acad. Rom. Bucureti. TUTIN T. G., HEYWOOD V. H., BURGES N. A., VALENTINE D. H., WALTERS S. M., WEBB D. A. 1964 -1980. Flora Europaea. I-V. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. UJVÁRI I. 1972. Geografia apelor României. Edit. t. Bucureti: 379-380, 383. VÁCZY C. 1980. Dicionar botanic poliglot. Edit. t. i Encicl. Bucureti. 1017p. *** Mic dicionar de biologie 1999 – Edit. Niculescu. Traducere Mihaela Ni-Lazr. Titlul original: The Hutchinson Pocket Dictionary of Biology. Edit. Helicon. 312p. Rduoiu Daniel - University of Craiova, Biology Department, 15 Libertatii Street, 200583 Craiova, Romania. e-mail: [email protected] Rduoiu Maria-Ionela - Primary School Matei Basarab, Rm. Vâlcea. 56 .
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