Palaearctic Grasslands No. 49

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Palaearctic Grasslands No. 49 Issue 49 (May 2021) ISSN 2627-9827 - DOI 10.21570/EDGG.PG.49 Journal of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group Dry Grassland of the Eurasian Journal PALAEARCTIC GRASSLANDS PALAEARCTIC 2 Palaearctic Grasslands 49 (M a y 20 2 1) Palaearctic Grasslands Table of Contents ISSN 2627-9827 DOI 10.21570/EDGG.PG49 Palaearctic Grasslands, formerly published under the names Bulletin of the European Editorial 3 Dry Grassland Group (Issues 1–26) and Bulletin of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (Issues 27–36), is the journal of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group (EDGG). It appears in four issues per year. Palaearctic Grasslands publishes news and announcements of EDGG, its projects, related organisations and its members. It also serves as an outlet for scientific articles and photo contributions. News 4 Palaearctic Grasslands is freely available at and new issues are announced to all EDGG members. All content (text, photos, figures) in Palaearctic Grasslands is open access and available under the Creative Commons li- cense CC-BY-SA 4.0 that allow re-use provided proper attribution is made to the origi- EDGG Event 10 nators ("BY") and the new item is licensed in the same way ("SA" = "share alike"). Submissions following the Author Guidelines are welcome by the deadlines of the four issues: 31 January, 30 April, 31 July and 31 October. Scientific articles (Research Articles, Reviews, Forum Articles, Scientific Reports) EDGG Publications 12 should be submitted to the Receiving Editor Jürgen Dengler ([email protected]) and will then undergo peer review, so publication in a certain issue cannot be guaranteed. All other text contributions (News, Announcements, Short Contributions, Book Re- Janišová et al.: Focus on farmers: 13 views, Glimpses of a Grassland…) should be submitted to Anna Kuzemko On the irreplaceable role of man ([email protected]) AND Idoia Biurrun ([email protected]). and his animals in biodiversity Photo contributions (photos for general illustrative purposes with captions; Photo conservation Stories; contributions to Photo Competitions) should be submitted to the Photo Editor Rocco Labadessa ([email protected]). Contributions to the section "Recent Publications of our Members" should be sent to Iwona Dembicz ([email protected]) and those for "Forthcoming Events" to Alla Dengler et al.: Standardised 22 Aleksanyan ([email protected]). Any member of EDGG who would like to see EDGG methodology for sampling their book reviewed in Palaearctic Grasslands should communicate with our Book Re- grassland diversity: second view Editor Péter Török ([email protected]). amendment Palaearctic Grasslands is published by EDGG c/o Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dengler, Plant Ecolo- gy, BayCEER, University of Bayreuth, Universitätsstr. 30, 85447 Bayreuth, Germany. Palaearctic Grasslands on ResearchGate Palaearctic Grasslandson Google Scholar Best shots on “Grassland lights” 27 Palaearctic Grasslandson Editorial Board Book Reviews 30 CHIEF EDITORS: Idoia Biurrun, Jürgen Dengler, Anna Kuzemko, Rocco Labadessa SCIENTIFIC EDITORS: Alla Aleksanyan, Didem Ambarlı, Idoia Biurrun, Iwona Dembicz, Jürgen Dengler, Edy Fantinato, Riccardo Guarino, Frank Yonghong Li, Anna Kuzemko, Recent Publications of our 33 Rocco Labadessa, James Moran, Alireza Naqinezhad, Jalil Noroozi, Arkadiusz Nowak, Members Salza Palpurina, Ricarda Pätsch, Nina Polchaninova, Solvita Rūsiņa, Laura Sutcliffe, Péter Török, Atushi Ushimaru, Orsolya Valkó, Stephen Venn LINGUISTIC EDITORS: Dolores Byrne, Sean Cooch, Magdalena Firganek-Fulcher, Paul Forthcoming Events 34 Goriup, Richard Jefferson, Ashley Lyons, Lorna Marcham, Jim Martin, James Moran, Hallie Seiler, Stuart Smith, Laura Sutcliffe, Stephen Venn PHOTO EDITOR: Rocco Labadessa PHOTO JURY: Edy Fantinato (Chair), Magdalena Firganek-Fulcher, Anna Kuzemko, About EDGG 35 Rocco Labadessa, Jim Martin, Jalil Noroozi, Salza Palpurina BOOK REVIEW EDITOR: Péter Török LAYOUT AND TYPESETTING: Rocco Labadessa On front cover page: Campanula stevenii on Mt. Sabalan, Iran. Photo: J. Noroozi. 3 Palaearctic Grasslands 49 (M a y 20 2 1) Editorial Dear readers, On the eve of the new field season, we are pleased to pre- gestions could be applied in practice already during the cur- sent you Palaearctic Grasslands issue 49. After the last elec- rent field season. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic tions to the EDGG Executive Committee (see p. 4), we imple- continues, which imposes its own adjustments of our activi- mented some changes to Palaearctic Grasslands. We are ties. Therefore, in this issue we also provide updated infor- now a team of four Chief Editors with equal rights, but dis- mation on the EDGG events planned for this year, while at tributed roles. Most importantly, we have abandoned the the same time we hope that all our plans will come true. former practice of publishing an issue when enough materi- al is ready; instead we have now four issues per year with fixed deadlines. We also welcome some new members to We hope that despite preparations for the fieldwork sea- our Editorial Team. You can read all this and more on pages son, you will find time to read the new issue and find inspi- 6–7. Our aim to strengthen Palaearctic Grasslands as a peer- ration from its contents. We wish you enjoyable reading and reviewed scientific journal is underlined by two scientific productive and eventful summer months. articles in this issue, one of which introduces a new catego- ry of scientific articles “Methods in Grassland Ecology”. It is no coincidence that this article is published in the May is- sue, when many of us are planning our field research, so Idoia Biurrun, Jürgen Dengler, Anna Kuzemko that some of its methodological recommendations and sug- & Rocco Labadessa The Glanville fritillary (Melitaea cinxia) near the Siedliska village, Roztocze upland, SE Poland. Photo: P. Chmielewski. 4 Palaearctic Grasslands 49 (M a y 20 2 1) News New Executive Committee of EDGG for the period 2021–2023 The elections to the new Executive Committee (EC) were completed on 15 March, when the Chair of the Election Committee, Péter Török, announced the following results: 179 EDGG members have voted (with up to 7 votes). The votes were distributed as follows (in decreasing order). Idoia Biurrun (Spain): 166 votes (93%) Jürgen Dengler (Switzerland): 131 votes (73%) Anna Kuzemko (Ukraine): 129 votes (72%) Iwona Dembicz (Poland): 113 votes (63%) Didem Ambarlı (Turkey): 98 votes (55%) Stephen Venn (Finland): 91 Votes (51%) Rocco Labadessa (Italy): 89 votes (50%) Alla Aleksanyan (Armenia): 85 votes (47%) Alireza Naqinezhad (Iran): 80 votes (45%) Frank Yonghong Li (China): 49 votes (27%) According to the EDGG Bylaws, the seven candidates with the highest number of votes are elected, plus the first candi- date from outside Europe, which means that the persons marked in bold form the EC for the period 2021–2023, con- sisting of eight members with equal rights. We thank Alireza Naqinezhad and Frank Yonghong Li for their participation in the election. In its first video conference 22 March 2021, the new EC de- cided on the following assignment of responsibilities: Secretary-General: Jürgen Dengler – Deputy: Didem Ambarlı Treasurer and Representative to IAVS: Jürgen Dengler – Deputy: Idoia Biurrun Membership Administrator: Idoia Biurrun Chief Editors of Palaearctic Grasslands: Idoia Biurrun, Jürgen Dengler, Anna Kuzemko & Rocco Labadessa Editor of Website: Alla Aleksanyan – Deputy: Rocco Labadessa Conference Coordinator: Didem Ambarlı – Deputies: Stepen Venn & Alla Aleksanyan Field Workshop Coordinator: Iwona Dembicz – Deputy: Idoia Biurrun Special Feature Coordinator: Jürgen Dengler – Deputy: Didem Ambarlı Social Media Administrator: Stephen Venn – Deputy: Anna Kuzemko The Executive Committee 5 Palaearctic Grasslands 49 (M a y 20 2 1) Thanks to Péter Török After one decade in the Executive Committee (EC) of EDGG, Péter Török has decided not to run for another term of du- ty. He joined the EC in 2011, where he took on the responsi- bility of Treasurer, a task which is always unpopular and difficult to fill. He was also very active in the organization of Special Issues, as well as book reviews for our journal, Pal- aearctic Grasslands, and its forerunner, the EDGG Bulletin. Péter joined us at a time when his academic career was de- veloping fast, and he was promoted to the post of Full Pro- fessor at Debrecen University in 2019. Péter was very effec- tive in taking care of the responsibilities of his post as Treas- urer; the budget was always managed well, and he was very effective in negotiating with the IAVS to secure the funding necessary for our activities and projects. Péter was also good at integrating his academic role with his organizational duties. Students and researchers from his group were very active in the Eurasian Grassland Conferences, and other activities, generally travelling together, and probably having the lowest per capita ecological footprint of any of our con- ference participants. Pèter Török and Mike Vrahnakis, both former chairs of the EDGG, discussing the properties and potential uses of Stipa-grasses in Prespa 2012. Photo: Y. Kazoglou. The whole group was very actively involved in both the aca- demic programme, the cultural programme and social life at the events. When there were difficult situations to be dealt with in the committee, Péter always remained impartial and patient, helping us to resolve issues effectively. Another aspect of Péter’s character that
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    Mediterranean chromosome number reports – 18 edited by G. Kamari, C. Blanché & S. Siljak-Yakovlev Abstract Kamari, G., Blanché, C. & Siljak-Yakovlev, S. (eds): Mediterranean chromosome number reports – 18. ― Fl. Medit. 18: 563-610. 2008. ― ISSN 1120-4052. This is the eighteen of a series of reports of chromosomes numbers from Mediterranean area, peri-Alpine communities and the Atlantic Islands, in English or French language. It comprises contributions on 43 taxa: Allium, Cyclamen, Muscari, Ornithogalum from Cyprus, by E. Christou, P. Bareka & G. Kamari (Nos 1645-1649); Anthriscus from Israel, Eryngium from Cyprus, Daucus, Ferula, Orlaya, Smyrnium from Crete, Lagoecia, Pimpinella, Tordylium from Israel and Crete, by M. G. Pimenov & Ju. V. Shner (Nos 1650-1663); Saponaria, Dianthus, Trigonella, Teucrium, Inula, Taraxacum from Bulgaria by D. Pavlova (Nos 1664-1669); Lathyrus from Bulgaria, by A. Tosheva (Nos 1670-1676); Pinguicula from Italy, by K. F. Caparelli, F. Conti & L. Peruzzi (Nos 1677-1678); Genista from Spain, Portugal, France, Helvetia, Germany, Rumania, by T. Cusma Velari, L. Feoli Chiapella, V. Kosovel & S. Patui (Nos 1681-1682); Adenocarpus from Morocco, Ulex from Spain, Genista from Morocco and Spain, by H. Tahiri, P. Cubas & C. Pardo (Nos 1683-1687). Addresses of the editors: Prof. Georgia Kamari, Botanical Institute, Section of Plant Biology, Department of Biology, University of Patras, GR-265 00 Patras, Greece. E-mail: [email protected] Prof. Cesar Blanché, Laboratori de Botànica, Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona, Av. Joan XXIII s/n, E-08028 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Sonja Siljak-Yakovlev, CNRS, Unité Ecologie, Systématique, Evolution, UMR 8079 UPS- CNRS-AgroParisTech, Département "Biodiversité, Systématique et Evolution, Université Paris-Sud 11, Bat.
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