2016 The human capital of is its single best hope for the future. Giving young people who face a 50% unemployment rate in Greece the opportunity to receive training, internships, mentorship, and compensation is a priority of THI. Together, we can build a better tomorrow for Greece, and give the hundreds of thousands, who have been forced to leave to find work, the possibility to return to their homeland. ANNUAL REPORT 2016

1 2 3 THI New Leaders The 2nd Annual Venture Fair The 3rd Annual Gala 5 13 29

4 5 6 THI Programs THI Around the World Friends of THI 51 77 87

7 8 9 THI Board Member Profile: THI Donor Profiles Financials Corinne Mentzelopoulos 91 99 103

ON THE COVER: The many points of light of THI’s partners, friends and beneficiaries EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Bill Clinton, Honorary Chairman Andrew N. Liveris, Chairman Dean Dakolias George A. David Muhtar Kent Nicholas Lazares George M. Logothetis Dennis Mehiel Alexander Navab John Pappajohn George Sakellaris George P. Stamas, President Harry Wilson Father Alexander Karloutsos, Honorary Advisor

Te fag of the Φιλική Εταιρεία, BOARD MEMBERS the “Society of Friends.” Maria Allwin Drake Behrakis It has the letters "ΗΕΑ" (Ή ΕλευθερίΑ") John P. Calamos, Sr. and "ΗΘΣ" ("Ή ΘάνατοΣ") Aris Candris John Catsimatidis which are a shorthand for the words Achilles Constantakopoulos “Ελευθερία ή θάνατος” – “Freedom or Death.” Jeremy Downward William P. Doucas John D. Georges Arianna Hufngton Constantine Karides Savas Konstantinides John S. Koudounis Amb. Eleni T. Kounalakis Ted Leonsis Alexander Macridis George Marcus Panos Marinopoulos Corinne Mentzelopoulos C. Dean Metropoulos Nick Mitaros Nikos Mouyiaris Nicholas G. Pappas Michael Psaros Nikos Stathopoulos George Svokos George Tsunis Oli Mazi! The Chairman's Message Andrew N. Liveris

Dear Friends of THI, Hellenes and Philhellenes All:

The Hellenic Initiative is now well into its fourth year, and the Greek economic crisis is still roiling. Perhaps the people of Greece have become more used to the conditions of the crisis; certainly this leaves some observers feeling that Greece has simply accepted its diminishment. And the world is no longer focused on Greece as it was a year ago. The flow of refugees has temporarily staunched, the Brexit has replaced the Grexit, and many within the country have become numb to the politics of it all.

But this is no time for complacency. This is no time to relax our eforts. The people of Greece are enduring hardships at an increasingly alarming rate. People are losing hope, and when hope is lost, the return to any semblance of normalcy becomes the most difcult.

This is why 2016 has been THI’s most active year for our various philanthropic and entrepreneurial initiatives to date, over $2.2 million dollars in grants and sustaining programs. Indeed, 2016 has been the year of our largest grant-making to date, thanks to all of the supporters of our eforts. Yet despite our best eforts to demonstrate new paradigms of self- help, growth, and development, we cannot meet the demand. More and more throughout Greece, there is less and less. Our homeland needs the Diaspora now more than ever.

And this is not the first time the Diaspora has played such a vital role. When Greece faced that greatest of challenges of throwing of the Ottoman yoke, Greeks of the Diaspora joined the famous Φιλική Εταιρεία, the “Society of Friends.” This secret society (whose symbol is on the opposite page) comprised some of the greatest names of the Greek War of Independence. They had one goal: the liberation of Greece, and their motto was “Freedom or Death!”

Drastic words indeed, but are these times really so diferent? Greece is dying from within. We Hellenes of the Diaspora and Philhellenes around the world are in possession not only of financial means of assistance, but of models of economic success and revitalization that can breathe new life into our Ellada. The Greeks of 1821 rose up to proclaim their freedom; we also must rise to help ensure the economic recovery and freedom of Greece, so that the country may thrive again.

Our Greece is a continuous civilization of thousands of years that have seen many and diverse crises. We can overcome this one too. We don’t need a secret society, but we do need a “Society of Friends” – friends of Greece and friends of Greeks. Everyone is welcome to help. Join us!

Oli Mazi,


This year, The Hellenic Initiative afnity and love of Greece, are able founded the THI New Leaders. The to donate their time, talent, and THI New Leaders is an international treasure to support THI’s programs group of like-minded young leaders on the ground and truly make a who share in THI’s vision of funding tangible diference. crisis relief programs, encouraging The THI New Leaders kicked- entrepreneurs, and creating jobs off on February 4, 2016 at Pier A for Greece and Greeks. THI’s New Harborhouse in New York. Over 220 Leaders are donating their time, Greek American and Philhellene skills, and expertise in helping to young professionals gathered for build a better future for Greece. a fun evening of networking, food, Since THI’s founding, the drink, and conversation. Young Board of Directors recognized that leaders from around the northeast group expands, events will be held young, driven individuals are the attended in support of THI’s in , , , people that will be most valuable mission of empowering the future and New York. These first New in driving economic recovery in of Greece. Those who attended Leaders events in New York and Greece. They also recognized that had the opportunity to learn more Boston raised nearly $40,000, in order to sustain the future work about THI’s various crisis relief and which translated through matches to of The Hellenic Initiative, the best entrepreneurship programs and how almost $120,000 for THI’s program and brightest young leaders are they can become involved. with Prolepsis/Diatrofi, feeding paramount to its future growth. The The THI New Leaders hosted schoolchildren throughout Greece. Greek Diaspora has been extremely a second event in Boston at The New Leaders are building a successful, and young Greeks of Committee Restaurant with over grassroots network throughout the the Diaspora are no exception. The 120 people in attendance. Our Diaspora and are helping to bridge THI New Leaders are an avenue for numbers are growing daily, with the gap with Greeks in Greece and young professionals to “network with over 200 New Leaders planning around the world. THI’s New Leaders purpose” in support of Greece. The to attend THI’s Fourth Annual Gala will be able to lend a hand on a wide New Leaders, who have a strong held at the Waldorf Astoria. As the variety of programs. Service trips are being organized where New

6 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 The New Leaders are building a grassroots network throughout the Diaspora and are helping to bridge the gap with Greeks in Greece and around the world.

Leaders can support some of our crisis relief initiatives by helping to administer medicine, provide support at soup kitchens, and spend time with sick and disabled children. Most importantly, the New Leaders will develop a bridge between young professionals in the Diaspora with budding entrepreneurs and professionals in Greece through mentorship, helping to develop a new generation of business leaders. New Leaders in the Diaspora, like the Board Members of The Hellenic Initiative, want to help Greeks to have the same opportunities that we all enjoy and take for granted. 7 NEW LEADERS COMMITTEE

Peter Alemis Peter Corsell Daphne Konstantinides Christopher Allwin Yiannis Emmanoualidis Harry Koulos Michael Apostolides Manny Friangiadakis Katie Lazares Taso Argyros Chris Goulakos Nicholas P. Lazares Emilia Bechrakis Stephanie Kacoyanis Zach Leonsis Eunice Buhler Michael Karloutsos Sofia Lingos John Catsimatidis, Jr. Victoria Katsarou Tatiana Lingos-Webb Pantelis J. Constantinides Nick Katsoulis Alexandra Liveris

8 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Anthony Liveris George Petrocheilos Paulina Stamatelos Gregory Maniatis Peter Psiachos Alexandra Svokos Meredith Nelson Maria Raptis Elizabeth Svokos Chrys Nikopoulos Constantine Skarvelis Paulina Stamatelos George Papaliodis Paul G. and Jason Tsoukas Nicholas Papapolitis Stephanie X. Stamas Konstantinos Vasilakakis Christos Perakis Stephanie G. Stamas 9 These first New Leaders events

in New York and Boston raised nearly 40,000

10 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 This $40,000

translated through matches to almost 120,000 for THI’s program with Prolepsis / Diatrofi’s

which provides daily lunches



Once again, The Hellenic upcoming businesses presented their Initiative brought foreign investment business plans and visions in a 12-minute and investors to Greece through its pitch and interlocutory in front of a Second Annual Venture Fair. Returning group of 120 investors from US, Europe, to the Athens Hilton on June 28, Australia, and Canada. Before and after 2016, THI brought fifteen promising the presentations, the participants companies together with more than 120 had the chance to network, receive international investors. Following the feedback and interact with highly first successful Venture Fair in 2015 that experienced business executives. The raised over $1.2 million for participating participating companies represented entrepreneurs, The Hellenic Initiative many sectors, all quite important for the again organized this unique event development of the Greek economy, transforming the discussion about such as Food & Beverage, Information investment into actual opportunity. Technology, Health, Tourism, Music, IoT, More than 40 enthusiastic young Real Estate, Automotive and the Retail entrepreneurs representing 15 Industry.


14 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 In conjunction with the VentureGarden program, and with the invaluable assistance of Kurt Heiar, from the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center at the University of Iowa, the fifteen companies, listed below, received mentoring and presentation coaching. 15 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 SPONSORS Many thanks to our sponsors! 17 18 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 As Homer said, we are ‘sailing the wine dark sea’ – and it is difcult to see below the surface, a parable for Greece right now. So, in this sea of confusion, to behold a room like this come together is a combination of inspiration, hope, and reality. The reality is provided by all of you in this room. This is not a theoretical gathering or some kind of think tank. This is about business. This is about funding – for profit – some of the wonderful entrepreneurs of this country.” –George Stamas, co-founder and president of The Hellenic Initiative, opening the event 19 40 $1.2 PARTICIPATING MILLION RAISED ENTREPRENEURS for participating entrepreneurs in 2015

20 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 We want those who are born in this beautiful country and are educated at top-notch universities here and overseas, to live in their own country with a high quality of life. We want to keep them here by creating entirely new categories of employment and opportunities that were previously unavailable. Entrepreneurship has the potential to radically change the face of Greece.” –Marina Hatsopoulos, Keynote Speaker Entrepreneur, Director and Angel Investor 21 VENTURE FAIR PANELISTS

Peter Abraam Evi Andrianou EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, PARTNER STRATEGIC PLANNING ReaCapital Advisors Royal Group

Angelos Angelou Jimmy Athanasopoulos


International Accelerator Libra Group

Michael Bapis Aris Candris RETIRED PRESIDENT AND CEO PARTNER AND MANAGING DIRECTOR Westinghouse Electric Company The Bapis Group

Stefanos Capsakis Dean Dakolias


7L Capital Partners Fortress Credit Funds

George Giovas Marina Hatsopoulos


Axius Partners Pty Limited Levitronix Technologies

Kurt Heiar Costas Karagiannis


University of Iowa Apollo Management International LLP

22 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Constantine Karides Panos Katsambas


Reed Smith Reed Smith

Roxane Koutsolouka Socratis Lazaridis


JOINCARGO Athens Exchange Group


Dean Metropoulos Harry Patras FOUNDER AND CEO CHAIRMAN Create Investments and Patras Metropoulos & Company Property Developments

Nicholas Papapolitis Elias Retsinas


Papapolitis/Papapolitis Fasken Martineau DuMoulin

George Stamas Nikos Stathopoulos


Kirkland & Ellis LLP BC Partners 23 Kurt Heiar

Kurt Heiar is an accomplished corporate executive, se- rial entrepreneur, and university instructor. Kurt has been the President & CEO of multiple early stage companies for John Pappajohn, and served as Vice President, Marketing, at Baxter Healthcare. At the University of Iowa, Kurt utilizes his Stanford Business Model Canvas training serving as both a faculty member, and as Lead Instructor for the University Venture Schools statewide. For three years Kurt has been spending one month per summer leading special seminars for the VentureGarden Program of the Hellenic Initiative. In addition, Kurt has been a vital part of the preparation for the Athens Venture Fairs. He meets with all the companies in the weeks before they present to the investors, and ofers them guidance as to how to polish their presentations, both visual and verbal. All of us at The Hellenic Initiative express a deep and abiding gratitude to Kurt for the inestimable contribution he has made to the success of these Greek entrepreneurs and the success of the THI programs for the economic revi- talization of Greece.

24 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 3 THI PARTNERSHIPS WERE RECOGNIZED The THI Venture Garden Award The Junior Achievement Competition The THI Egg Excellence Award 25 SUCCESS STORIES

JoinCargo, the most innovative The funds raised gave JoinCargo the expand its horizons through constant shipping platform in Greece, opportunity to focus even more on learning. New ideas lead to new manages to instantly connect improving its services. A sales team features and each problem leads companies who need to ship freight, was put together, focusing on both to new, more efficient processes. with carriers who need freight to fill our shipping and carriers businesses. For this reason, JoinCargo strives up their trucks. Its focus is based on In the meantime, our developer is to stay as close to our customers as maximizing the efciency for both making sure that both processes and possible in order to continually lear parties, resulting in the highest the platform itself are functional and and improve our services and drive percentage of productivity and as efcient as possible. JoinCargo’s growth. The recent investments efciency possible. Following The philosophy is based on the power of have allowed JoinCargo to more Hellenic Initiative’s First Annual constant improvement both through clearly define our procedures and Venture Fair that took place last keeping up with the industry’s in the coming months, we will begin June, JoinCargo’s Founder and CEO, changes, but also by adapting to to focus heavily on marketing. We Roxane Koutsolouka managed to new tech innovations. JoinCargo expect that with our already strong raise funding of €400,000 from three is a company that understands sales, and constantly improving investors, 2 of which were a direct competitive advantages lie in the platform, our marketing push will result of JoinCargo’s participation. ability of a company to adapt and enable us to grow further.


T h e Focused on the theme, Hellenic Republic’s Ambassador H e l l e n i c “Empowering the Future of Greece,” to the United States, Christos Initiative’s over 650 supporters of THI’s mission Panagopoulos, the Ambassador to T h i r d to Greece crowded the 53rd Floor the United Nations Catherine Boura, A n n u a l of Tower Number Four overlooking the Consuls General of Greece and Gala was held at the World the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and Cyprus, and the EU Commissioner Trade Center, Tower Number 4, the glorious New York City skyline. for Migration, Home Affairs and overlooking the site of the Saint Directly below the vast venue was Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos. Nicholas National Greek Orthodox the construction site of the Saint Prominent friends and members of Shrine on September 30, 2015. The Nicholas National Greek Orthodox the Greek-American community, night’s fundraising exceeded $2 Shrine. including Theodore and Gianna million, continuing the record of the The Gala was attended by the Angelopoulos and Olympia Dukakis most successful fundraising initiative , Alexis were among the hundreds who ever within the Greek-Diaspora Tsipras, several Greek government graced the event. Emcees Ryan community. representatives, including the Serhant and Emilia Bechrakis, Stars

30 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 The 2015 Recipients


of Bravo’s “Million Dollar Listing New Varis, through her eponymous Trust. is truly an evening of fellowship and York” provided smooth sailing for A Waterford crystal “Trufe Bowl” connection. A true “symposium” of the evening. was selected for the Award and ideas, conversation, and renewed There were substantive the famous exhortation of Peleus friendships, the Annual Gala provides contingents from THI Australia and to his son, Achilles, (Iliad 11:784) The Hellenic Initiative not only with the future THI Canada, both groups – “αἰὲν ἀριστεύειν, always excel” funding for our many programs, occupying tables. was inscribed on each, dated, and but it engages Diaspora Greeks at The event honored three personalized with this dedication: the highest level, and affords the outstanding individuals for their “for a lifetime of excellence and wider community to participate in lifetime of entrepreneurship and philanthropy.” our programs to both assist those in philanthropy: John A. Catsimatidis, The Annual Gala is an need and create a more sustainable Founder, The Red Apple Group; extraordinary gathering of the Greek economy for Greece. George Marcus, Founder, Marcus and Diaspora, who come together in New Milichap; and the late businesswoman, York to celebrate their roots and give activist and humanitarian, Dr. Agnes to the many worthy causes of THI. It 31 32 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 To give back! We owe it our forebears who gave so richly to us! And to those who are Philhellenes, thank you for understanding what the words, “Hellenic Initiative” mean. The Hellenic concept is all-pervasive through the modern world. The ‘Initiative’ we pursue is not just for today or tomorrow. It is for the youth of Greece – to respond to the call for action: the call of a child that needs food, that needs education. We are here to bring the call to action. The Diaspora in America is mobilizing, as are the Australians, and soon the Canadians and others. Eleven million Greeks have five million in the Diaspora to partner with! The Hellenic Initiative is not a single entity; it is all of us!” –Andrew Liveris, THI Chairman 33 The night’s fundraising exceeded $2 million, continuing the record of the most successful fundraising initiative ever within the Greek-American community.

34 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 35 We are here to pay respect to our forefathers, our grandparents and parents. The one thing that will make them happy and proud is that I have achieved having my children love our Ellada!” –John Catsimatidis

36 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 37 38 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 39 A Waterford crystal “Trufe Bowl” was selected for the Award and the famous exhortation of Peleus to his son, Achilles, (Iliad 11:784) – “αἰὲν ἀριστεύειν, always excel” was inscribed on each, dated, and personalized with this dedication....

40 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 ....“for a lifetime of excellence and philanthropy.” 41 42 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 When I was first approached in the formative years of THI, it was clear to me that the situation in Greece was dire, and that the Diaspora could help and should help quickly. Although she is not with us today, I am certain that Agnes Varis would support the decisions to support the necessary work of THI. She would also challenge everyone of us to do as much as we can to support it, because it is is the right thing to do.” –George Svokos (on behalf of the Agnes Varis Trust) 43 We formed The Hellenic Initiative in 2012 to mobilize the Greek Diaspora and friends of Greece worldwide, of whom I am proudly one, to support the Nation, to support the people of Greece through long-term development and near-term crisis relief. And the mission is, of course, investing in the future of Greece: through economic revitalization, providing crisis relief, encouraging entrepreneurs, and creating jobs. I am very honored personally, and with the seven hundred thousand of the system of Coca-Cola worldwide, to be part of this very noble initiative.” –Muhtar Kent

44 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 45 46 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 We are called together to help our Motherland. The Diaspora is remarkably successful globally – Australia, South Africa, everywhere! But the Greeks have just as much talent at home as we have abroad. We just need a clear runway! –George Marcus 47 48 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 49 THE HELLENIC INITIATIVE IS COMMITTED TO A TWO-FOLD PROGRAM OF AID TO GREECE: CRISIS RELIEF FOR THOSE MOST IN NEED AND ENTREPRENEURIAL SUPPORT FOR THOSE RENEWING THE ECONOMIC LANDSCAPE. WE ARE GRATEFUL TO ALL OUR NGO’S AND PARTNERS FOR THE SUPERLATIVE WORK THEY DO EVERY DAY. THI Programs 4

THI Supports Greeks Helping Greece to Grow and Thrive

There is an old theory of why the Ancient Greeks developed philosophy – it was because the light of Greece was so clear, and it cleared their minds to deep perceptions about reality. Whether this is the case or not, one thing is clear: Greece is a land of light and the people of Greece are shining examples of light. In the pages that follow, we present our “Points of Light,” instances of Greeks helping Greeks and helping Greece to cope during this ongoing economic and social crisis. You will read about Greek NGOs that are doing phenomenal work in securing the social safety net for the most vulnerable. You will also read about Greek entrepreneurs who are fighting everyday to make a life for themselves and for their employees in Greece. Their courage is truly the future of the country, as it is the brilliance of the Greek soul that has shined through the ages, that shines throughout the Diaspora – where generations of Greeks have known amazing success, and that continues to shine in Greece in these dark times. CRISIS RELIEF

From its founding in 2012, Since 2012, through our NGO Partners, a total of The Hellenic Initiative has been committed to providing crisis relief and in Greece through funding local, $3,512,653.00 AU$60,000 innovative, and transparent NGOs. has been distributed in direct crisis relief. These organizations are “Points of Light,” distributing basic aid, and social and medical services that have disappeared for significant Direct Impact portions of the population. Children, the elderly, and the infirm have been especially hard hit, and the needs vary regionally. While the countryside has abundant food resources, there is often a marked Over 2,100,000 meals Over 10,000 More than 13,000 people directly distributed. children vaccinated. provided with medical and need for medical services. In the dental services. cities, food and energy are real deprivations for many. In four short years, and through the generosity of the Greek Diaspora and Philhellene Communities, THI has directly funded fourteen crisis relief 70,000 gallons of heating 250 Patients supported 12 Month of support for programs and impacted another 25 fuel donated. through MDA Hellas. cardio surgery in Crete. programs through indirect support. THI is proud of the work done by committed Greeks in their own homeland to assist their fellow citizens. As a Diaspora-wide organization, THI sees support of those in need as a vital part of its Two transit stations for unaccompanied minors mission to serve. in two of the worst hit islands from the refugee crisis, Lesvos and Samos. In what follows, you will see the fourteen crisis relief programs that THI has funded directly, as well as the twenty-five programs that have been Indirect Impact funded indirectly (these are eleven organizations under the umbrella of Together for Children).

More than $400,000 of More than 20,000 meals Through our child-focused donations facilitated through per day otherwise wasted partner organizations the sharing platform of through the organization throughout Greece, THI helps Desmos. Boroume. 30,000 children per year.


the THI Crisis Relief portfolio since total, the food aid that has been 2013. The total grant aid that has secured by THI is equivalent to been ofered is now $800,000.00. 728,520 meals over the last 4 years. Our partnership has supported on THI’s support for these families With an exceptional record of average 2,000 individuals per year extends throughout Athens, Piraeus, serving children and families, SOS from 500 families (approximately , Alexandroupolis, and Villages Greece has been part of 1,200 children and 800 adults). In Kalamata.

TOGETHER FOR CHILDREN One of the 2016 honorees at the THI Fourth Annual Gala, Together for Children is an umbrella agency supporting ten members:

3. Social Work Foundation 7. “Eliza” Society for the “Hatzipaterion” Rehabilitation Prevention of Cruelty to Centre for Children with Children, Cerebral Palsy, 8. Panhellenic Juvenile Diabetes 4. “Hara” Centre For Individuals Union, with Special Needs, www. 9. PNOE - Friends of Children in Intensive Care, 5. Merimna’s Friends Foundation- 10. “The Friends of Theotokos”- “Merimna” Society for the “Theotokos Foundation”, Care of Children & Families Center for the Assessment, Facing Illness & Death, www. Rehabilitation and Vocational 1. Cerebral Palsy Greece, www. Training of Children and 6. Friends of the Child, Young People with Mental 2. “Paidiki Stegi” Foundation - Protection of the Child in its Disabilities, Day Care Nurseries, www. Family Environment, www.

THI has partnered with this umbrella organization from 2014 to the present, and the London Kick-of Event was dedicated to its support. To date, THI has granted $300,000.00 to Together for Children and is encouraged by the impact that has been made. Our aid has primarily been focused on covering operational expenses and staf costs associated with the diferent programs that these organizations deliver on the ground. From hiring social workers, to special trainers that work with children sufering from cerebral palsy, the lives of 30,000 children are directly or indirectly afected by THI. 55 DOCTORS OF THE WORLD

Through this partnership, which has been active from 2014 to the present, THI is supporting communities in Athens, Piraeus, Chania, Patras on a regular basis and numerous other cities and smaller villages all around Greece by supporting the organization’s mobile units. The total granted to date is $480,000.00 and the primary focus has been on supporting their dental and vaccination programs. Greek children cannot register to go to school unless they can prove they have received the minimal vaccinations. These can cost $200.00 per child and many families cannot aford them. In 2015, gynecological services were added as part of the services ofered to the community. So far almost 10,000 children have been vaccinated against a number of diseases, more than 13,000 individuals have been provided with primary and secondary dental treatments. and a team of gynecologists has provided services to 1,200 women.


I was always good with numbers. I kind of like the way they speak the Michael Printzos is THI’s Director of Programming truth without being susceptible to in Greece. Michael is a Greek National, born diferent interpretations. Being THI’s and raised, and is deeply passionate about his Director of Programming is often a homeland. He has been with THI since 2013, and job dealing with a lot of numbers. manages all of the programs on the ground, keeps Wondering how many beneficiaries track of the metrics and follows up as needed. He can be part of one program, and how also interfaces with all applicants for THI’s charitable much value I can get for every dollar work. The work is gratifying, but also challenging, as his invested, are questions that often reflection demonstrates, after a Doctors of the World mission to the little come to my mind. Avoiding the real island of Kastelorizo. hardships that our beneficiaries go through is an advantage of the work I did not go for vacation, but to I am doing since I have the privilege accompany aid workers providing of dealing with … numbers. relief to those most in need. I was Or so I thought until the day I there with a wonderful team of 10 arrived in Kastelorizo back in March. doctors working together with our For those of you who haven’t been partner, Doctors of the World. The there, it is one of the most beautiful whole story started at THI’s 2015 islands in the Aegean. Its small Gala when I was approached by harbor gives you the impression someone who asked me to examine that it jumped out of a movie set. the living conditions on the island,

56 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 especially after the refugee crisis. I was on the phone during the winter trying to organize this trip and connect with the local doctor to see what he needed most. We arrived together with a mobile unit and for 2 days the people in Kastelorizo had access to health services likely much better than anything they could have found in Athens. We visited the elderly and people who had sufered strokes in the past. We visited homes, saw young families coming with their children to be vaccinated, Amidst the beauty of that island forget. Not only because of what and even served a number of people paradise, whose serenity was I witnessed, but because of my with primary and secondary dental shattered by the the screams of a proximity to the disaster. This is when treatments. Everything looked fine bereaved mother, I witnessed the I realized, the hard way, that numbers until that Sunday morning when I moment when a coast guard ofcer don’t speak the truth all the time. That woke up to get ready for my flight brought two drowned children in a night’s TV news reminded me of this home to my family in Athens. As I was single body bag to the medical unit. when they reported this story as “two walking around the harbor, I spotted Two innocent souls, a boy and a children, drowned in the Aegean”. life vests on the surface of the sea. girl around 3-4 years old, died that Their mention in the news was as I approached the local medical unit night as their mothers lost them at short as the lives they lived. and heard the screams of a woman. sea. At my back one mother was I don’t know how much you I suddenly realized that something screaming. The doctors were giving believe in numbers yourselves, but terrible had happened. The previous her an injection to calm her down. In I do know that I have many to share night, more than fifty people had front of me the father was smoking a with you, like the ones you can find crossed over from the Turkish shore cigarette, staring blankly at the sea, by reading this Annual Report. But as and landed at the neighboring island without saying a word or making you read through it, try to grasp what of Ro. What I did not realize at this any sound. Just staring there with these numbers really mean and feel point, was that not all of them made his eyes on the horizon wondering…. proud of the help you are providing it safe. This is a moment that I will never to the people of Greece! 57 IOCC/APOSTOLI

International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) is well known to many in the Orthodox Christian community. THI has partnered with IOCC and Apostoli, the social service arm of the Autocephalous Church of Greece since 2013 to provide a safety net for the neediest in Greek society. To date, IOCC/Apostoli have received $900,000.00 thanks to our fresh produce delivered through to needy families and institutions generous supporters. an innovative partnership with a in northern Greece. In conjunction grocery chain, to helping agricultural with this, in 2013 THI also supported The food aid provided through cooperatives buy new equipment, six schools in northern Greece with this program is equivalent to over delivering food parcels with dry food 4,000 liters of petrol during that 1,300,000 meals. Our aid under aid through the Church network in winter. this umbrella ranges from providing Attica, and even donating petrol

PRAKSIS Praksis is a Greek NGO focused on the implementation of humanitarian programs and medical interventions for the poorest and neediest in Greek society. From 2013 - 2014 a one year grant of $156,000.00 to provide medical and dental services, as well as intensive support for 25 families through the Praksis “Plus to Minus” program. The program helped recently unemployed families stabilize their finances and transition back to independence. Nearly 3,000 individuals received medical services and another 1,700 dental treatments.

DESMOS THI and THI Australia are been transacted through this portal. supporting Desmos Direct (www. The grant commenced in 2014, an online digital and continues to the present day, tool which facilitates and accelerates supported by THI Australia. The the donation process between total grant aid is $27,000.00 from individuals, companies and social THI (2014-2015) and AU$20,000 THI welfare providers. So far more than Australia (2015-present). $400,000 worth of donations have


In 2015 THI made a decision to Additionally, enhance the services of MDA Hellas Christos’ family in the Special Unit for Neuromuscular was stretched Diseases at the AHEPA Hospital in. t o t h e l i m i t Thessaloniki. The grant of $50,000.00 spending money funded operations offering daily and time making services to patients sufering from 47 appointments rare neuromuscular disorders. w i t h m a n y diferent doctors (neurologist, The Impact…. pulmonologist, every six months. He has all the orthopedist, and cardiologist) in medical care that he needs, all Unit Christos is now nineteen years order to monitor the progress of the doctors monitor the progress of his old. He was diagnosed with Duchenne disease. Christos normally would disease, and he is doing all required Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), at the age have been hospitalized for one week tests. At the age of 16 he came under of one. Christos was one of the first in a public hospital to complete all the team of doctors for adults and he patients at the Unit for Neuromuscular tests, but being hospitalized was was decided to have some sessions with Diseases (NMD) in the “AHEPA” risky because of his susceptibility to the psychologist of the Unit as well. University Hospital. By 2007, Christos infection. These sessions helped him to open was already in a wheelchair, because When the family found out that up his character and improve his life. of the degenerative nature of the a Special Unit for Neuromuscular Currently Christos is studying Biology disease. Diseases was operating in the “AHEPA” at the University of Thessaloniki and is His parents received the Hospital, they made an appointment working toward a scholarship in order diagnosis in the disease’s early the same day. Christos was examined to specialize in research. stages. Christos first came to the Unit by a pediatric neurologist, a The grant of The Hellenic Initiative for NMD, with a costly DNA analysis pulmonologist, a cardiologist and has contributed not only to maintain from a private research laboratory. orthopedist. His blood sample was the level of services provided in Despite the DNA analysis, he did not sent to a recognized public research the Unit of NMD, but also to recruit qualify for the necessary therapies laboratory and gave Christos’ family a pulmonologist especially for the and examinations in the public health the valid paperwork for his diagnosis patients. Having all these services in system, because he did not have any free of charge. one place provides the patients with a valid tests and prescriptions for the Since then Christos, has regular “one-stop shop” for their care, saving disease. appointments at the Unit of NMD valuable time, efort and expense. 59 THE CARDIO SURGERY DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL IN HERAKLION, CRETE

e v e r y y e a r ) head of the Department, THI helped was unable to to fill a funding gap by devising a o p e r a te d u e special funding process through to a l a c k of the University that would ensure funding for staf, the money would go to the Cardio The Hellenic Surgery Department. With the Initiative went Department becoming operational, into action. The citizens could now be treated in unit had all the Crete without having to travel to the e q u i p m e n t , mainland. t h a n k s t o THI provided $230,000.00 to When we learned that the only g e n e r o u s staf the unit which opened in 2015 Cardio Surgery Department on the private donations, but there was no and will continue through the end of island of Crete (population of over public funding available. Working 2016. It is hoped that public funds will 600,00 with nearly 1,000,000 visitors with Doctor George Lazopoulos, the be found to keep the unit functioning.


Since 2012, Prolepsis has been ic in Greece. implementing the Food Aid and Pro- The Program motion of Healthy Nutrition Program– avoids stu- DIATROFI supported by the founding dent stigma- donor, the Stavros Niarchos Founda- tization and tion. Prolepsis provides a nutritious, e n h a n c e s daily meal to disadvantaged schools social inclu- around Greece. DIATROFI, the largest sion through the participation of all There are still well over 100,000 school food aid initiative in the nation, students in selected school. students waiting to participate in this supports public school students in The beneficiaries of the Program program. vulnerable areas by ofering them a are students from ages 5-15 in se- THI’s grant for 2015 – 2016 of healthy, free meal on a daily basis and lected schools of vulnerable areas in $66,000 was matched 3:1 by the Stav- promoting nutrition via educational Greece and their families. Participat- ros Niarchos Foundation. In addition, material and activities. The main goal ing schools include all grades and are the THI New Leaders Kickof Cocktail of the Program is to reduce food-in- selected on the basis of strict socio- event in New York City on February security among children residing in economic criteria, related to regional 2, 2016, and the THI New Leaders socioeconomically-disadvantaged net-taxable income, unemployment, Boston Cockatil Party on June 6th, areas of Greece and to encourage food insecurity data, school principals’ dedicated all the money raised to healthy nutritional habits for both written statements on the percentage Prolepsis/DIATROFI which in turn was students and their families, thereby of children in need, and the presence matched by THI and then again by the aiming to address the obesity epidem- of socially disadvantaged students. Stavros Niarchos Foundation.


The objective of Boroume’s core program is to reduce food waste and to increase food donations to charities and their beneficiaries, using innovative and non-traditional channels. The program has consistently shown steady increase in the number of donated food portions, food donors, and recipient their way to the needy and hungry. THI and THI Australia have charities while the type of food donors This is a savings estimated to be supported staf costs to keep the expanded. Boroume has saved and over 5,650,000 euros! Boroume has organization running with total grants redistributed a remarkable number found innovative ways to connect of $27,000.00 from THI (2014-2015) of food portions, now in excess of food to hungry people, and has done and AU$40,000 from THI Australia 3,700,000 portions that have found it at minimal expense. (2015-present). 61 THE REFUGEE CRISIS

In 2015, nearly one million THI made a commitment to reach refugees and immigrants reached out to a Greek NGO, METAdrasi, the Greek islands from the shores of that was specializing in protecting Turkey. Most of them traveled on to unaccompanied minors who reached countries in Western Europe via the Greek shores. METAdrasi, along Western Balkan corridor. The majority with many international NGOs, were fled war, violence or persecution in in the front line in the Summer of Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan, and need 2015 when the island of Mytilene international protection. (Lesvos) became a “Ground Zero” With the rest of the world, THI for the refugee crisis. Even as witnessed not only the sorrow and the Greeks on the island were pity of this tide of refugees, but also seemingly overwhelmed by the flood the incredible strain that this crisis of refugees, they continued to open was placing on the people of Greece, their hearts and arms to the battle who were responding with a humanity weary masses reaching their shores. unparalleled by any other country or METAdrasi opened the first people. Inspired by the generous center for unaccompanied minors donations of a THI Board Member, on the Island, and has since opened

62 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 a center on Samos. The total grant E x i s t i n g by THI was $200,000.00 and these need for legal centers have relieved both the services vastly refugees and assisted the local e x c e e d s Greek residents of these islands capacity. Reed cope with the refugee crisis. Over S m i t h h a s a 35% of refugees arriving in Greece 1 0 0 - m e m b e r are children, many of them separated human rights from their families or unaccompanied. team that has the utilities for the transit center METAdrasi has provided legal handled refugee cases for over 15 on Lesvos. Gridmates is the worlds services to unaccompanied children years. The firm has worked with first internet platform designed to since 2009. METAdrasi teams initiate Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Jordan, end energy poverty. It empowers family reunification cases; facilitate Lebanon and Kurdistan for the last 18 individuals with the ability to donate legal guardianship cases, acting months. Reed Smith has an ofce in energy to people in need. Gridmates on behalf of the Public Prosecutors Athens and sends teams of qualified was one of the first companies to (including the Public Prosecutor for pro bono lawyers and Arabic participate in SXSW in 2014 with the minors) who are appointed by law interpreters to support METAdrasi support of The Hellenic Initiative as temporary guardians; run the two lawyers in Greece. and International Accelerator and transit accommodation facilities in Reed Smith has been working was able to attract $150,000 in Lesvos and Samos, and accompany with METAdrasi since May of 2016 and investments and another $105,000 children in transit so they are not the partnership is very strong. Over in awards from the US Department trafcked or harmed. 40 international lawyers and case of Energy. METAdrasi ofers free legal aid to workers volunteer in Chios, Samos In addition to the work with asylum-seekers and torture survivors and Lesbos. The firm brings its own METAdrasi, THI has supported entitled to international protection. interpreters and field coordinators the Bodossaki Foundation and its Its programs include trainings on and operates as a mobile legal clinic “Giving for Greece” program with a asylum law and procedure; individual in parallel to METAdrasi’s lawyers. grant for 2016 of $75,000.00. This representation; identification and Reed Smith is supporting the most program provides shelter, protection, support to vulnerable populations; vulnerable refugees, while adding and the support with appropriate and legal support to detained capacity to the Greek legal system, services for unaccompanied minors refugees. which is overwhelmed by the number living in Greece for one year. Some of the most serious of refugees seeking protection. These types of cooperation are humanitarian concerns addressed by The firm plans remaining in Greece indicative of the kind of work that METAdrasi are: child protection and supporting METAdrasi until October The Hellenic Initiative is propagating the safety of unaccompanied minors; 2016, and is building the architecture throughout Greece. As THI grows trafcking of women and children; lack for a permanent volunteer structure into a larger and larger nexus of of capacity in identifying, protecting so that international lawyers may synergies for Greece and the and representing asylum-seekers come to Greece and serve Lora Diaspora, we hope that many more and torture survivors; inhumane living Pappas and her METAdrasi team for points of light will shine! conditions for refugees and migrants as long as needed. in camps and detention centers. It is METAdrasi also partnered with also necessary to provide efective a Greek startup called Gridmates reception and asylum procedures. that is working to fund the cost of Thanks to a THI Board Member who is a Senior Partner at Reed Smith LLP, as part of its pro bono program, Reed Smith is cooperating at its own expense with METAdrasi in a number of fields to address some of the more pressing concerns, by forming joint teams between Reed Smith pro bono lawyers and existing METAdrasi lawyers and other personnel already working in the field. 63 ENTREPRENEURSHIP & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT

THI’s Entrepreneurship Programs successful throughout the world. All together, including HEA, and Economic Development Therefore, in addition to monetary nearly $6.2 million have been initiatives are focused on the long- support and funding, fueling invested in programs and companies. term economic health of Greece and new engines of economic and Additionally, THI Board Members Greeks. It has been reported that entrepreneurial revitalization, they have invested in a private equity fund since the beginning of the crisis in represent a main focus of the THI (60 million euros) that is investing 2010, perhaps as many as 400,000 program for Greece. Some of it would in Greek companies. The fund young Greeks have left the country be bold experimentation, trying new has no direct relationship to THI, in search of work and opportunity paradigms where perhaps none the synergies created by those elsewhere, primarily in Western had existed before. In the pages involved have proven useful to the Europe. This number is literally that follow, the full panoply of THI entrepreneurial ecosystem. staggering! If the United States lost programs for economic growth and THI is also a major supporter of the same percentage of its youth, the entrepreneurship is represented. the mission to the SXSW Interactive number would be in excess of twelve We begin with the Hellenic festival in Austin, TX that has seen million. Such a loss of citizenry is not Entrepreneurship Award (HEA), THI’s some of Greece’s best startups sustainable for any country’s future. first program. Funded by Libra Group, raising funds and support abroad. When THI was founded, it was HEA has already invested $4.25 Though each of these programs decided that the long-term needs million in Greek start-ups. The Athens indirectly promotes growth and of Greece were as important as the Venture Fair, THI’s platform to fund, job creation THI is also a strategic short-term needs for direct crisis relief. for profit, mature startups looking for supporter of the ReGeneration Greeks of the Diaspora possess new Series A/B funding, is described on program focusing on direct job paradigms for economic growth and pages 13-27. Some programs have creation through 6-month, paid entrepreneurial engagement that morphed, others have ended, and internships in some of Greece’s best have historically been tremendously some are going strong. companies.

$6.2 MILLION invested in programs and companies

64 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 HELLENIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP Jimmy Athanasopoulos, Chairman Alexandros Nousias, Director AWARD Maria Gabriela Anagnostopoulos, Project Manager & Financial Analyst Charisia Chatzitsoli, Administrative Assistant & Event Coordinator Dimitris Chaintinis, Marketing Executive Olga Theodosiou, Legal Counsel Fenia Haikali, Legal Counsel Yiannis Mallios, Intern


This year the Hellenic operated by the Libra Group which entrepreneurship, The Onassis Entrepreneurship Award (HEA) has committed €10 million to the Cultural Centre has granted use of proudly announced another three program. In addition to funding, Libra its facilities to the HEA. winners, bringing the total number provides experienced and industry- We have been heartened by of winning companies to fourteen. specific mentorship to the HEA the numerous organisations who Since the program’s inception in winners. Jalouise Pty Ltd, an Australia- have stepped forward to help HEA 2012, over 2,600 Greek start-ups based property and development winners and finalists achieve their have applied and submitted their company, and Dimitris Goulandris, commercial ambitions. By joining business plans to the HEA. The also support the HEA through the HEA family, these organisations number of applicants alone proves significant financial contributions. demonstrate their commitment to that the entrepreneurial spirit is In addition to contributing to developing Greece’s entrepreneurial alive and well in Greece. In addition the winning funds, Piraeus Bank community. The award supporters to the mentoring and business supports applicants and winners include: Antidote, Intracom Telecom, support provided by supporters of through its training subsidiary, the Ioannis Vassardanis & Partners the program, this year’s winners Excelixi Centre of Sustainability and Law Firm, Lykourezos Law Ofces, received increased prize funding of Entrepreneurship. In recognition Microsoft Hellas, Moore Stephens, €1,250,000. of the Hellenic Entrepreneurship People for Business, Reed Smith, The award was conceived and is Award’s contribution to sustainable SAP Hellas and White Room. 65 presents The 2016 Winners 2016 awards Blueground is a With more than 1,100 submitted technology-enabled chain business plans, the HEA’s fourth of serviced apartments, year attracted a record number houses and villas created of participants. The award year by transforming existing culminated in a ceremony at the residential properties. The Onassis Cultural Centre in Athens company functions like on Wednesday, June 1, where the a hotel, but instead of all President of the Hellenic Republic, rooms being under a single Prokopios Pavlopoulos, presented roof, it operates individual trophies to the three winners. This properties spread across brings the total number of winners a city. Blueground (www. to fourteen since the inception of the t heb lu e g rou n d .co m) award program. The 2016 winners are serves corporate and Blueground, Bubbllz and Raymetrics. leisure travellers in Greece, They span a range of commercial Turkey and soon in UAE. (in 3D), Incoming Cloud Base Height, sectors, from hospitality to social Bubbllz ( is a Planetary Boundary Layer Height media marketing to meteorology. mobile application that rewards users’ (useful for weather forecasting and The winning companies will social media posts and, via a web modelling) and Vertical Optical share prize funding of €1.250.000 marketing platform, enables brands Range (VOR). and, as usual, will be provided with and vendors to promote products an expert mentor and a range of and services through user-generated Past Awards business support services, including content. Users simply take a photo or The eleven innovative companies legal, accounting, marketing, IT, selfie with the product they buy and a who were declared winners between communications and HR services. reward code is created. They receive 2013 and 2015 are now successfully instant rewards in the form of discounts, pursuing their business plans. coupons, competitions, Operating in 11 different sectors loyalty points and special and trading products & services ofers when they post their in more than 30 countries, these pictures on social media. companies are contributing to the Raymetrics (www. Greek economy through the creation aims to of hundreds of direct and indirect create a new, advanced jobs and have collectively attracted a n d p o w e r f u l 3 D funding totalling over €11 million ceilometer (instrument in the form of awards, grants, loan for determining t he capital and equity investment. height of clouds) for the The winners are part of the aviation industry, aimed growing HEA family, positively at providing additional impacting Greek entrepreneurship data, essential for airports and sharing the HEA values of and mete o ro lo g ic al inspiration, responsibility, creativity, agencies, such as Total collaboration, sustainability and Cloud Cover information growth.

66 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 VENTUREGARDEN VentureGarden was established around Greece, including Volos and in early 2014 by The Hellenic Corinth, Kavala and Kalamata. Initiative, Anatolia School of Business Since 2014, THI has invested in Thessaloniki, and ALBA Graduate $568,630.00 in the VentureGarden month support and mentoring phase Business School in Athens, in order partnership, helping emerging built around a customized roadmap to provide support and training to entrepreneurs to develop their to entrepreneurial success. The initial Greece’s budding entrepreneurs. ideas and create a real business. stage of the educational courses The program aspires to promote The program has received 1,234 is repeated twice a year (February entrepreneurs in Greece through applications and welcomed 402 & September) and welcomes all training and mentoring in order participants to five rounds in Athens interested participants regardless of to nurture raw ideas into viable and Thessaloniki, as well as the four the entrepreneurial characteristics business enterprises. workshops in Volos and Corinth, of their idea. During the 5 weeks, The program runs simultaneously Kavala and Kalamata. In total more participants are encouraged to in both Thessaloniki and Athens than 346 teaching hours and 558 test their hypotheses and work on through Anatolia College and mentoring hours (by 88 Mentor) have identifying their customer base. ALBA respectively, with each been delivered. Following the 5 weeks of classroom school responsible for providing a VentureGarden is a blended training, participants are assessed physical location for VentureGarden learning educational process that and asked to join VG’s mentoring to operate. Both schools are helps participants develop their and support services, a 6-month responsible for co-planning and entrepreneurial mindset and then program with the goal of proving co-managing their programs. Each work on their specific ideas. In the their Product Market Fit hypothesis school has a director to set strategy first 2 rounds, the process had and their Customer Get-Keep-Grow and direction and a manager to two stages: a rigorous 5 week strategies. The core teaching period run daily activities. The majority of classroom based activity with consists of 10 courses (two per classes are held in either Athens or two courses per week facilitated week based on the Business Model Thessaloniki, however, we have had by a professor and delivered by Canvas) that address the key issues small scale seminars in other cities experienced specialists, and a 12 of entrepreneurial launch.

A VentureGarden Story….

In March of 2014, The Hellenic Initiative O r e a n t h i launched VentureGarden a joint project of Bakery“When we Anatolia Business School in Thessaloniki applied to Venture and ALBA Graduate Business School Garden, we never in Athens. THI provided the funding to thought you would enable aspiring and existing entrepreneurs accept us because to develop their ideas in an educational of our age. We are setting. There was no age limit imposed really happy we and the ideas could come from any sector. participated in the Fast forward to 2015 – and enter program! It was a Sophia Stathatou, Yota Pavlaki and Eleni great experience Vafiadi, three women who had been for us and the fact friends from childhood. They had all that we met young enjoyed successful careers in the fields people who aspire of Marketing, Advertising, Research and to be successful Greek Botany, but they wanted to try “in e n t r e p r e n e u r s , a company producing high quality Greek a small way to make a big diference by gave us the chance to integrate the herbal tea collections that are created by creating a modern product” that would new generation’s way of thinking to our Sophia, Yota and Eleni. Oreanthi excels project their values of creativity, love for own mindset and adjust to the modern by creating unique herbal infusions from their country, hard work, and innovation. entrepreneurial reality.” native whole leaf herbs, blended with At the age of 60 and despite the “Before joining VentureGarden, we flowers which represent the Greek spirit Greek economic situation, they decided felt that we were fighting alone. During the of wellness, creativity and tradition. to setup their own business and follow classes we met people who could help us. Through its distributor, Hellenic Farms their dream. VentureGarden also helped us become (, Oreanthi has entered Yota and Eleni participated in the 4th more confident. Prior to the classes we the US market in their newest cooperation cycle of VentureGarden in Athens which, thought we were naïve and somewhat with Pi Bakery in New York. as they noted, provided the amazing romantic believing that our products could opportunity to streamline their thoughts make it to the US market, so it was very Oreanthi products, at Pi Bakerie at and ideas and understand their value important for us to find people that will 512 Broome Street, SoHo NYC proposition and customers. In their own understand and support our vision.” For more information, visit: words: The result is Oreanthi, ( 67 THE HELLENIC INITIATIVE AT SXSW AND SXSW IN GREECE

IN 2014, The Hellenic Initiative partnered with Angelou Economics and the International Accelerator to bring Greek-based companies to Austin, TX for the world- renowned SXSW Interactive Festival. SXSW is one of the leading and largest entrepreneurial opportunities in the world. For the past three years, THI has been providing funding to bring Greek teams to this incredible event, a city-wide celebration that captivates Austin, Texas and much of the high-tech, culturally savvy world for its duration. That funding has amounted to $125,750.00. In that time, nearly sixty companies have attended SXSW thanks to THI’s underwriting their participation in the Interactive Festival, and six companies have raised almost $20 million as a direct result of their coming to SXSW. In 2016, the companies that participated were:

• Filisia Interfaces • Quantimetrica • MyeTutor • Pegneon • Vidavo • CityCrop • Mastiha World • Yodiwo • • SentiGeek • Ark Analytics • Ergon • MiniMe-Labs • Near App • TMA Global • Accusonus • Codebender • Bare Square • Reportbrain • Mobiltron • Nobilissimus Apps

The companies that qualify to companies who were prepared had the opportunity to facilitate a come – usually for the first time to to do so, as well as trade show first-time visit to Greece for SXSW the USA – have an unprecedented booths for the participants. These executives. In partnership with opportunity to meet investors, gain added components, along with the Angelou Economics and the US experience pitching their ideas, and networking and mentorship provided Embassy in Greece, THI arranged networking in one of the most dynamic by Angelou Economics and the for site visits by the SXSW team to entrepreneurial environments in the International Accelerator provided both Athens and Thessaloniki. In world. In 2016, THI expanded its a rich and textured entrepreneurial each city, SXSW held an “boot camp” funding to include partner financing environment. event in each city, where over 300 for a fast-pitch competition for the In the aftermath of SXSW, THI participants attended.


The egg - entergrowgo Program provides young business teams with an integrated framework of business incubation, acceleration and co-working space. It offers a range of supportive services and tools that help them develop and accelerate innovative business ideas into actual companies. It supports innovative youth entrepreneurship in order to create more employment opportunities in Greece, particularly among young people. The Hellenic Initiative has partnered with the egg since 2015, and committed $150,000.00 to be used as as seed funds, in the THI Board Member Jeremy Downward at the award form of grants, to help support the companies ceremony with THI Director of Programming Michael having participated to the program Printzos and THI Director of Development Peter Poulos.


THI has partnered with MIT Enterprise Forum Greece to provide Visualizing the MITEF Greece Community the Greek technology ecosystem to have access to this important member MITEF Global, TR, MIT: Products, Content, Services of the worldwide MIT Enterprise MIT Forum system. The TechReview Institute of Technology is known as Global Visibility a global leader in monetizing high- MITEF StartSmart Annual Conference Tech That Matters tech intellectual property. With the Networking Events assistance of Marina Hatsopoulos (keynote speaker at the Athens Inspire Connect MITEF Startup Competition Venture Fair 2016), who is an MIT Showcase Community Capacity Building alumna and venture capitalist in Technology Startups with Boston, THI is building a growing Community Networking Visibility Global Potential relationship with MIT and the MIT & Startups Mentoring Work shops Enterprise Forum Greece. Beginning in the summer of 2015, THI helped to bring ten Greek start-ups to Boston for one week Strategic Judges Mentors to attend a special entrepreneurial Partners Seed Seed Later Stage Support seminar with funding of $10,000. IN Funding Funding Investments 2016, THI formalized the relationship MITEF Global MITEF Global with MIT Enterprise Forum Greece MITEF Supporters & Sponsors Investors Affiliated with a $50,000.00 grant to assist Network funds the organization and provide some prizes for the Startup Competition winners.

With the assistance of Marina Hatsopoulos, THI is building a growing relationship with MIT and the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece

All the Participants at the Award Ceremony

THREE START-UP COMPANIES WERE AWARDED AS FOLLOWS: 1st 2nd 3rd Advantis Medical Imaging Vesselbot Owiwi with the prize of $ 55,000.00 with the prize of $ 35,000.00 with the prize of $ 10,000.00 69 THE AUSTRALIAN INTERNSHIP PROGRAM AND THE FELLOWSHIP FOR A NEW ECONOMY

The Australian Internship Program is an initiative of THI Australia and is described on pages 80-81. It was inspired by the one-year program, The Fellowship for a New Economy, which was an experimental program that placed highly skilled but underemployed Greek professionals for a one year paid internship in a major American company or organization. The funding for the program, $372,130.00, was provided by the companies themselves and ran from 2014 – 2015. The participants were as follows:

THI Australia launched its flagship Participating companies include Australian Internship Program in major Australian banks ANZ and June 2015 to provide work and NAB, and placements are spread training opportunities for Greek across Australia in a variety of graduates facing unprecedented industries, from engineering to IT. unemployment in Greece. THI The first eight Greek graduates Australia has partnered with more began their internships in Australia in than 20 Australian companies to ofer February 2016, working in companies six-month paid internship positions, in Melbourne, and Perth. which represents an investment Another four interns arrived between in Greece’s youth of $1.5 million June and August 2016 in the second over three years. Interns receive round of placements. training and mentoring, develop The Australian Internship Program new skills and then return to Greece is working in partnership with the with new mindsets and capabilities groundbreaking ReGeneration program based on their Australian workplace (see next section) in Greece to select experience. candidates for the Australian positions.


ReGeneration is a partnership of Greece. So far more than 13,300 Greece, designed to increase youth The Coca-Cola Company and The applicants have submitted CVs, and employability and thus actively Hellenic Initiative in cooperation with the program has created a total of contribute to battling severe brain the World Economic Forum Global 156 internships in 57 companies with drain and youth unemployment. Shapers Athens Hub. As of this a retention rate of over 80%. Over its 3 operational cycles, year, THI has invested $540,000.00 ReGeneration is the most ReGeneration has achieved a positive helping to create internships in prominent multi-stakeholder impact on candidates, stakeholders some of the largest companies of graduate trainee program in and the Greek society alike:

8.000+ hours of community An increasing number service have been ofered to 6 13.000+ hour s of of hired trainees are being NGOs dealing with homelessness targeted training (ranging hired full-time after the and the refugee crisis. The from business skills, to program has firm believers, end of their traineeship, soft skills and targeted facilitators and promoters and from 75% in 2014 to 86% digital trainings) have been their support has extra meaning in in 2015, thus fulfilling the delivered to all trainees. the particularly challenging current program’s core objective. socio-economic environment of Greece:

2 major sponsors, 130+ organizations 80+ individuals from The Coca-Cola Company such as professional 25+ companies have along with The Coca- associations, business ofered pro bono services Cola Foundation plus The specialists, academia and worth over €1.2M to help Hellenic initiative, totaling embassies have actively design and implement the in approximately €2.25M in embraced the program program capital and pro bono ofered products and/or services.

The program is gaining more and more traction:

The vas t majorit y A targeted customized The program has won of trainees and hiring PR plan has reached 3 acclaimed National HR companies alike declare almost 80% of the two core Awards in the category to be highly satisfied with audiences (graduates and “graduate development the program and actively hiring companies) programs”. act as their ambassadors 71 Paid Placement

6 MONTHS 25 HOURS full-time paid 80 HOURS community training internship service

3 Awards €1,2M pro bono TOTAL won contribution from sponsors & partners more than 200 9.000 hours of interns hired community work 17.000 hours of training 150+ stakeholders

1.800 4.200 6.300 applications applications applications (+57%) (+33%) 2015 2016 2014 55 interns hired 105 61 interns hired internships at the moment 21 (and more hiring companies 36 than 170 open hiring companies positions) 76% of interns 82% are currently of interns were full-time employees offered contract extension

Thank you to our all of our hiring partners


With the kind support and sponsorship of

72 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 THI AND EDUCATION As part of its commitment to reinvigorating the Greek genius, THI has made significant investments in educational programs around Greece.

Junior Acheivment (JA/SEN)

THI partnered with JA/SEN with the brand name of their company, as making, negotiation, organization a $50,000.00 grant to address high well as the product or service they and time management skills as an school students aged between 15- were to ofer. They elected a board expected outcome. The competition 18, in order for students to learn of directors from among their peers, that ensued was extraordinary, and how to take a business idea from raised share capital, and marketed all the students came away with concept and theory to reality and and financed a product or service of deep feelings of accomplishment and practice. The students formed their their own choice. Each student was purpose. own mini-enterprise and discovered assigned specific responsibilities and This kind of business education first-hand how a company functions. had the obligation and opportunity to at the High School level is essential After sessions of brainstorming and actively participate in the Company. if Greece is to produce the class several discussion sessions where All students had the opportunity of entrepreneurial innovators and they recognized and defined needs during the Company Program, to pioneers who will help re-shape the and solutions, they decided about develop communication, decision- modern Greek economy. 73 The Fulbright Foundation in Greece

Former US Ambassador David D. Pearce (left) with THI and Fulbright staf at the Award ceremony at the US Embassy in Athens, June 2016

In 2016, THI designated a Program is through the “American ranges from three to six months. $40,000.00 year-long grant Studies Institute” and concentrates The third program supported in support of The Fulbright on improving teaching quality and through The Hellenic Initiative grant Foundation in Greece supporting the development of curricula in is the Train the Trainers Workshop, three scholarship and educational educational institutions and schools which is an important part of the programs for the academic year outside the United States. It takes Fulbright Foundation outreach 2016-2017: “The Greek Secondary place in universities of the United activities in Greece. This workshop Educator Program”, “The Greek States and addresses high school promotes the multiplier effect of Visiting Scholars Program” and “The teachers who teach English, as the Fulbright grants, as it provides a Train the Trainers Workshop”. well as professionals involved platform for program alumni to share The Fulbright Program is the in developing curricula, training their newly acquired knowledge and flagship international educational teachers and writing textbooks and expertise and act as Trainers to their exchange program sponsored by manuals. colleagues across the country. The the U.S. government and is designed The Greek Visiting Scholars “Train the Trainers” program is ofered to increase mutual understanding Program refers to university or to teachers and administrators from between the people of the United engineering faculties’ professors and Greek public schools and takes States and the people of other researchers, who have completed at place in the fall or spring of each countries. “Fulbright GR” administers least four years of work experience year in diferent parts of the country. the Fulbright Program between since obtaining their doctorate The aim of the “Train the Trainers” the United States and Greece. diploma. The program is open to program is to maximize the impact Moreover, it is a non-profit, non- every field of study, and addresses of the grants awarded, by spreading political, autonomous institution, scholars who wish to do research and the experience to other educators, which awards grants to both Greek lectures at universities or research who have not been exposed to this and U.S. citizens in almost every field centers in the United States, with intensive training program in the U.S. and discipline. which they have already secured co- and also to foster connections with The Greek Secondary Educator operation. The scholarships’ duration other educators across Greece.

The American School EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since 1881 the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA), a private American overseas research center located in the heart of Athens, has been commited to of Classical Studies education, archaeological exploration, scholarly research and the dissemination of the work of the School. Te ASCSA Libraries provide one of the best research facilities to scholars working in Greece: the Blegen Library is devoted to the study of Greece and , and the Gennadius Library is among the greatest in the world for the study of Byzantine, Medieval, in Athens and modern Greece. 3 “Te Library Project,” a long-term plan to combine and streamline the Blegen and Gennadius Libraries, will be entering a phase of reorganizing its holdings in order to THI Board Members and families touring provide readers with greater access to its collections. Tis phase of the project provides an opportunity for four interns to receive training in collections care and management in the American School in June 2016 preparation for a career in library science. We would like to request that The Hellenic Initiative support two one-year internships for Greek nationals during the 2015–16 calendar year with a grant of $50,000.

THE GENNADIUS LIBRARY Since 1881, the American School among the greatest in the world for of Classical Studies at Athens the study of Byzantine, Medieval, and (ASCSA), a private American overseas modern Greece. research center located in the heart The Hellenic Initiative partnered of Athens, has been commited with ASCSA in “The Library Project,” to education, archaeological a long-term plan to combine and exploration, and scholarly research. streamline the Blegen and Gennadius ASCSA Libraries provide one of the Libraries, reorganizing their holdings best research facilities to scholars in order to provide readers with working in Greece: the Blegen Library greater access to its collections. for to receive training in collections is devoted to the study of Greece and THI granted of $50,000.00 for four care and management in preparation Rome, and the Gennadius Library is Greek interns to have the opportunity for a career in library science.


The Κρυφό Σχολειό , the are committed to Greece and to “Secret School” of the Church that her future. They want to live and preserved , culture earn their living in a Greece that and Orthodox Christian Faith during creates opportunities for all. Facing the time of “Turkokratia,” remains an the lack of investment opportunities iconic inspiration for Hellenes around and investor confidence, they are the world. The poem, “Φεγγαράκι μου spanning the globe, presenting λαμπρό” has inspired generations of their ideas and companies. Even our youth. if it means they have to establish There is a new Κρυφό Σχολειό their companies overseas, they are in Greece today, a secret that needs committed to creating jobs in Greece, to be revealed as far and as wide as which now has a 25% unemployment possible. The new Κρυφό Σχολειό rate that is over 50% for those under is the emerging entrepreneurial the age of 30. ecosystem that is forming in Greece For too long, a false narrative despite the ongoing economic has been imposed in Greece, that catastrophe that has engulfed discourages and even despises the country. These brave, new the entrepreneurial enterprise as ‘entreprenauts” (entrepreneurs being “beneath” Greeks, or at worst, willing to traverse land and sea unpatriotic. What a contrast from Jason seizing the Golden Fleece from the Hydra (Apulian Red Figure Vase, 4th Cent. BC) to find their treasure, like Jason’s the entrepreneurial narrative we Argonauts) are inspiring real hope witness around the globe in the for the economic recovery of Greece. Diaspora. Never has there been a The Hellenic Initiative, and a whole Not content with the status quo, more successful and prosperous host of stakeholders. One team not satisfied with failed policies and people in any and every place. invented a new soft drink; another empty promises, not burdened by The Diaspora thrives because the an app that maps the entire Athens the ennui of disappointment, these cultures it has adopted promote and Marathon from start to finish with exemplars of the human capital reward ingenuity and hard work. The archaeological high points and a that is the richest wealth of Greece Greeks of Greece are no diferent, drone-generated aerial visual of are venturing forth into the great and the proof is in the young people, the entire course. A team from a school for the mentally challenged adventure of self-motivating and self- the new Κρυφό Σχολειό of Greece. sustaining entrepreneurialism. They These young entrepreneurs are developed a product line of agro- are showing the imagination of their bringing ingenuity and creativity products to benefit the hungry. The forebears – the Greeks who gave the to the dire economic reality that is list goes on and on. world philosophy and democracy, art Greece today. From high schoolers This is the new Κρυφό Σχολειό, preserving and augmenting the legacy and aesthetics, τό καλόν κάγαθόν, to retired yiayias, Greeks are finding and the rest of what we call “Western new ways to sustain themselves. of Greece. The Diaspora should Civilization.” Truly, they are the best The recent Junior Achievement be more than very proud of their hope for the renewal of Greece. Exposition in Athens is a case in achievements. Let us honor their With neither social nor political point. Sixty-three teams from across efforts. The Hellenic Initiative was encouragement, and often in the the islands and mainland were founded in 2012 to do exactly this, and face of crushing bureaucratic showcased in a program supported there is plenty of room at the table. foolishness, these modern heroes by The Stavros Niarchos Foundation, Όλοι μαζί! 75 THIS YEAR, WE WELCOME THI CANADA TO THE THI FAMILY, WHICH IS ALREADY GROWING WITH THI AUSTRALIA. LONDON IS ENGAGED, AND EUROPE, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, AND THE PACIFIC RIM ARE ON THE HORIZION. THI Around the World 5 THI Around the World


In what was a busy and exciting year, The Hellenic Initiative Australia welcomed the first eight Greek graduates into the pioneering Australian Internship program and provided grants to two Greek non- profit organizations assisting those in need. The Hellenic Initiative also expanded its outreach across Australia, culminating in a gala event in Perth that boosted support for Australian programs and raised awareness about THI’s global mission to address Greece’s immediate relief needs and support long term Boroume founders Alex Theodoridis and Alexia Moatsou with THI President Nick Pappas economic renewal. and THI Director of Programming, Michael Printzos in Athens. The global bonds being built through the THI movement were that pitched their businesses at the during these challenging times. evident in the warm reception Venture Fair, with Australian Board Assisting Crisis Relief Eforts given to the the strong Australian Members Peter Abraam, George In November 2015, THI Australia contingent at the 3rd Annual Banquet Giovas and Harry Patras joining the announced crisis relief grants to in New York last September, and the selection committee and taking part Boroume and Desmos, two dynamic significant Australian delegation that in panels’ deliberations on the day. non-profit organizations assisting attended the second THI Annual As THI’s Australian chapter those in need through the distribution Venture Fair in Athens in June 2016. evolves, we look forward to further of food, goods and services to This year, THI Australia was Australian involvement in what is individuals and welfare organizations invited to play a leading role in becoming a truly global Diaspora throughout Greece. shortlisting the 15 Greek start-ups efort to assist the people of Greece B o r o u m e w a s g r a n t e d

78 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 AU$40,000 to fund its Food Saving Reaching out to Australia Program and Desmos received More than 200 key business AU$20,000 to support the Desmos and community leaders, and families Direct online service. representing several generations of “THI Australia is honoured to Perth’s robust and dynamic Greek be supporting the innovative and community attended the launch of far-reaching work being done by The Hellenic Initiative in Western Boroume and Desmos at this moment Australia on 23 March 2016. Held of profound need in Greece,” said at the prestigious State Reception THI President Nick Pappas. During Centre in Kings Park, Perth, the event visits to Boroume and Desmos in raised more than AUS$100,000 November, Mr Pappas also had towards THI programs. the opportunity to visit a Boroume- THI Chairman and global Other distinguished speakers supported soup kitchen run by business leader Andrew N Liveris included THI Australia President Nick Caritas in downtown Athens, which AO, CEO of the Dow Chemical Pappas, the Ambassador of Greece to provides food to more than 350 Company, was proud to be back on Australia, Ekaterini Xagorari, and Greek people daily, mainly immigrants and home ground as keynote speaker at Olympic gold medalist and Vice-Governor refugees. the event. of Thessaloniki, Voula Patoulidou. A In 2017, THI Australia is looking “Every expatriate community out highlight of the evening was the to extend its partnership with there needs to model what Australia has heartwarming speech by intern Stavroula Boroume through a new volunteer done to build a global Greek diaspora Oikonomou, a THI architecture intern at program that will see young Greek network, to really seize an opportunity Cox Howlett & Bailey Woodland in Perth. Australians donating their time to to stand tall and put our shoulders Our deep appreciation goes to assist Boroume with programs on the against the wheel of history and take a major event sponsors Kailis Bros, ground throughout Greece. leadership role in advancing not just the Jalouise Pty Ltd, Cirrena and THI’s work of THI International but your work,” supporters in the West and across Mr Liveris told the gathering. Australia. 79 I hope you will continue this program and give opportunities to more young people like me to come in Australia... This experience will not only boost their resume but will change their life and give them diferent perspective in their professional and personal life. It will help them to dream big and achieve even more.”

Giorgi, 25, intern at NAB Sydney

The six-month paid Australian internship program ofers a unique opportunity for Greek graduates facing unprecedented unemployment to receive training and work experience in Australian companies and to return to Greece with new skills, mindsets and a boosted resume.

Australian Internship Program with major Australian banks ANZ “The experience gained during The Australian Internship and NAB in Melbourne and Sydney, their time in Australia has had Program launched last year became a marketing intern worked with a profound effect on both their a reality with the arrival of the first international education provider, professional and personal growth eight interns in February 2016. Lonsdale Institute, while Cox Howlett and we believe it will bode well for The six-month paid internship & Bailey Woodland in Perth took on their future career in Greece,” said program ofers a unique opportunity a graduate architect. THI Australia President Nick Pappas. for Greek graduates facing The program has attracted As the first internship cycle unprecedented unemployment to widespread interest and support concluded, four new interns arrived receive training and work experience both within Greece and across in Australia to start their six-month in Australian companies and to return Australia. Australian Ambassador placements with NAB in Sydney, and to Greece with new skills, mindsets to Greece, John Griffin, hosted Findex and Sinapse in Melbourne. and a boosted resume. a reception for the interns at his The total value of the program Working with the ReGeneration residence in Athens in November to date is estimated at in excess of team in Greece to recruit and train and met with the THI interns again AUD $500,000. top candidates, the pilot program during his visit to Melbourne on 7 “The employment situation placed Greek interns in a range of April 2016 to get an update on their in Greece for today’s graduates host companies across Australia in progress. remains extremely challenging and a variety of sectors. The feedback from both interns we hope that with the continued Two engineering graduates and host companies participanting support of local businesses and worked on construction projects in this exciting program has been corporate Australia, we will continue with Hickory Group in Melbourne, ovewhelmingly positive and to ofer young Greeks this unique four finance graduates were placed rewarding. opportunity,” Mr Pappas said.

80 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 2016 Internship Host Companies It is a life-changing experience. Experiencing the business environment in such a developed country is a boost for my skills and a great start for my career. Living in another country helps you to improve as a person not only by working and living in a foreign environment but also by meeting people from a diferent cultural background.”

Aggeliki, 27, Intern at ANZ, Melbourne

THI Australia Board of Directors

PRESIDENT Nicholas G Pappas AM (NSW)

BOARD MEMBERS Peter Abraam (VIC) George Giovas (NSW) Nick Mitaros (WA/NT) Chris Dolkas (VIC) George Kailis (VIC) Andrew A Liveris (NT) Con Michalakis (SA) Afroditi Miriklis (VIC) Nicholas Mylonas (VIC) Evan Nicholas (WA) Bill Papastergiadis (VIC) Harry Patras (VIC) Harry Patsouris (SA) Jim Raptis OBE (QLD) Harry Stamoulis (VIC) Lee Verios (WA) Nicolas P Zervos (VIC) Prof Helen Zorbas AO (NSW) 81 LONDON THI London Kick-off Event

It was a full house for The Hellenic Initiative’s London Kick-of Event on May 19th at the historic Halcyon Gallery! Over £30,000 was raised to support the Greek NGO, “Together for Children” (Ένωση “Μαζί για το Παιδί”) funding eleven specific organizations who assist at- risk children in Greece. “Together for Children” offers all kinds of assistance to children and young people irrespective of race, religion and political conviction, supporting more than 30,000 children on an annual basis. This includes more than 10,000 direct child beneficiaries, who face poverty or death of an immediate family Gallery and their team and to the over and social exclusion, domestic member. “Together for Children” is 250 friends of The Hellenic Initiative violence, chronic diseases, mental or a recipient of THI’s who attended and contributed to physical disabilities and the sickness Special thanks the Halcyon such a successful event!

Event Co-Chairs Nikos Stathopoulos, Dimitri Goulandris, and Constantine M. Logothetis led a tremendous efort with the support of the Host Committee:

EVENT CO-CHAIRS HOST COMMITTEE MEMBERS Nicholas A. Exarchos Nikos Stathopoulos, THI Board Member William P. Doucas, THI Board Member Harris Giampanas Dimitri Goulandris Jeremy Downward, THI Board Member Thomas D. Gommes Constantine M. Logothetis Isidore Caroussis Pallas Kalamotusis Stratos Chatzigiannis Costas Karagiannis EVENT BENEFACTORS Haris Contaroudas Panos Katsambas LXM Group Christina Crosby Athanasios Laskaridis Nicholas L. Papapolitis, Papapolitis & Paul Doucas Anastasios Leventis Papapolitis Harry Eliades Dennis Malamatinas Reed Smith LLP Timi Ellinas Christophoros Papachristophorou Katherine Embiricos Stefanos Papapanagiotou Nasos Thanopoulos


The “Together for Children” Association ofers every form of assistance to children and young people irrespective of race, religion and political conviction, supporting more than 30.000 children, on an annual basis, including more than 10.000 direct children beneficiaries, who face poverty and social exclusion, domestic violence, chronic diseases, mental or physical disabilities and the sickness or death of an immediate family member. 83 CANADA

THI Associate Director James Canale presenting the matching grant to “Reaching for the Stars” with Voula McLaughlin and SOS Children’s Villages Greece Executive Director George Protopappas

In July of 2015, George Stamas, President of THI, visited with a select group of Diaspora Greeks in Montreal, Canada to businesswoman inspired by THI Greece, a partner of THI. These discuss THI’s efforts for Greece. had already initiated a project, efforts are now merging together Thus THI Canada was conceived. “Reaching for the Stars,” to after a year of intense work and At the same, a young support a SOS Children’s Village diligence by Greek Canadians.


ELIAS RETSINAS TASSO LAGIOS Elias Retsinas specializes in real Managing partner of Richter LLP, estate law and is a senior partner over 23 years of experience counseling at Fasken Martineau’s Montreal numerous Canadian-controlled ofce. His practice is focused on the private companies as well as public acquisition, financing, development corporations. He practices in the area and leasing of real estate assets such of tax working with businesses to as ofce and residential complexes, meet their overall business objectives shopping centres, resorts, wilderness while ensuring that tax matters are estates and hotel properties. properly addressed. Elias regularly acts on behalf of domestic and foreign Over the years, Tasso Lagios has written numerous family offices, lenders, property owners/investors, papers and been invited as a guest lecturer on topics developers and hotel banners and has extensive ranging from corporate reorganizations, international knowledge and understanding of the technical and taxation as well as industry specific topics such as real business aspects surrounding the real estate industry. estate and retail. Elias recently led various high-profile real estate He has also lectured for McGill University, the Ordre transactions including the conclusion of construction and des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec, the term financing arrangements exceeding $3B with some of Canadian Tax Foundation and various private events. Canada’s most active lenders and real estate developers.

84 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 DR. JOHN SAMPALIS ALEXANDER GEORGIADIS Dr. John Sampalis is an entrepreneur Krinos is Canada’s largest who is recognized as one of Canada’s importer, distributor and manufacturer leading epidemiologists and the top of Greek/Mediterranean specialty trauma researcher in Canada. Founded foods with distribution and production in 1985, JSS Medical Research Inc. has facilities in Toronto, Montreal and over 25 years of experience in clinical Vancouver. The company sells research. With over 120 projects in 15 through various distribution channels diferent therapeutic areas, their clinical such as, supermarkets, gourmet operations teams handle high volumes stores, wholesale and major food of recruitment with over 400,000 patients processed at service institutions over 500 frozen, refrigerated and dry more than 8,000 sites in the last five years. foods items in various product categories including, feta Dr. Sampalis is a tenured professor of Surgery and cheese, various hard cheeses, olives, olive oil, fillo dough Epidemiology & Biostatistics of McGill University, the products, pasta, peppers, condiments and confectionery. University of Montreal and University of Laval. With over Alexander, holds a Masters in International Afairs 140 peer-reviewed publications in high ranking journals from Columbia University 85’ and a B.A. in Political and more than seven million dollars in research funding, Science from IONA College 83’. At Columbia as a student Dr. Sampalis is recognized as one of the leading clinical of the School of International and Public afairs (S.I.P.A.), epidemiologists in the world, and one of the top trauma he was elected President of his class and since 2009 he researchers in Canada. is also a member of the S.I.P.A. Advisory Board.

JOHN SOTOS EDUARDO MOURA John Sotos is the founding partner Eduardo Moura joined Eldorado’s of Sotos LLP and carries on a broad Sao Bento Gold Mine in Brazil in transactional and dispute resolution October 1996 as a Planning Engineer practice in franchise, hospitality, and relocated to the Vancouver automotive, grocery and distribution law. Ofce in 2000. He is VP, Corporate John possesses unique expertise Development and VP and General in franchising corporate networks, Manager. Eduardo has an MBA from mergers of competing systems and Simon Fraser University in British offers an expert perspective on Columbia, a post-graduate degree franchise regulation, having advised governments on both in Engineering Economy from Fundao Dom Cabral and a national and international scale throughout his career. a degree in Engineering from the Federal University He regularly counsels companies on matters regarding of Minas Gerais in Brazil. He has been involved in the structuring international and domestic franchise transactions, evaluation of numerous open pit and underground system restructurings, distribution of products and services projects and has provided leadership in corporate as well as on franchise disclosure matters. transactions on behalf of Eldorado Gold. He ofers strategic support to franchisors, buying or selling franchise systems, as well as those who are in the process of repositioning their concept or brand. John has significant expertise negotiating complex franchise matters and is counsel to numerous trade and not for profit associations.

VOULA MCLAUGHLIN ANNA ANTONOPOULOS CPA, CA Voula McLaughlin, first generation Anna Antonopoulos CPA, CA: Vice Greek Canadian, is a wife and mother President Finance of the Antonopoulos of two living in Toronto, Canada. Mrs. Group, a dynamic hospitality and real McLaughlin started her career in estate company with a portfolio of advertising in the early 2000’s working boutique hotels, restaurants and with business to business as well spas in Old Montreal. Over the past as consumer publishers and media many years, the group has been companies. She left the workforce in recognized on several occasions for 2013 to pursue a philanthropic mission to its exceptional contribution to regional help children in Greece. As one of the founders along with her tourism. CoChair Anastasios Moussas, Voula McLaughlin has been a Anna is also a board member of the Foundation of the leader in the Toronto Greek Community by spearheading the Contemporary Arts Museum of Montreal. The Antonopoulos THI-inspired fundraiser, “Reaching for the Stars.” The annual Group has been honored with the Montreal Arts-Business event commenced in 2014 and focuses its fundraising for SOS Award for their continued support of the arts. Children’s Villages Greece. As one of the driving forces behind this event, Voula has served to bring The Hellenic Initiative’s mission to Canada. 85 WE GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGE ALL OUR FOUNDATION AND CORPORATE SUPPORTERS WHO HAVE PARTNERED WITH US AND DONATED TO THE MANY DYNAMIC PROGRAMS THAT ARE CHANGING THE LIVES OF GREEKS FOR THE BETTER. Friends of THI 6 Te Agnes Varis Tr ust


Circle Management Company



88 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Onassis Foundation USA


Scurly Dog Capital


92 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 THI BOARD MEMBER PROFILE: Corinne Mentzelopoulos CHÂTEAU MARGAUX Where Hellenic spirit meets French wine


By Theodora Maios Story and photos courtesy of

Château Margaux is considered economic and qualitative crisis, the oenologist Emile Peynaud, one of the finest wine estates in the entrepreneur bought the Château Mentzelopoulos reintroduced the world, with its legendary bottle of Margaux wine estate, which architect Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux 1787 alone insured for more than Louis Combes had designed in a by considerably increasing the $225,000. style inspired by Greece. The ionic selection, and he redefined the Although the company needs architecture filled André with pride Pavillon Blanc du Château Margaux. no further introduction to wine and reminded him of Greece. The dedicated and hard-working connoisseurs, what most people Located at the commune of businessman passed away in 1980 don’t know is that Château Margaux Margaux on the left bank of the before he got the chance to enjoy the (previously known as La Mothe de Garonne estuary in the Médoc renaissance of his Château Margaux. Margaux) is owned and operated by region, France, the estate has 82 His daughter Corinne took over the a Greek family of migrants from the hectares under vine, with cabernet business as well as the challenge of Peloponnese. sauvignon inevitably dominant (75 keeping up with the extraordinary Born in Patras in 1915, André per cent) with 20 per cent merlot worldwide demand for Bordeaux Mentzelopoulos, son of a hotelier, making up most of the rest, along wines. decided to leave home and become with a smattering of cabernet franc In a rare and exclusive interview a citizen of the world. He studied and petit verdot. with Neos Kosmos, Corinne literature in Grenoble and made While Château Margaux’s history Metzelopoulos gives her insight into his fortune through importing and and legacy stems from more than her family’s journey, the legendary exporting before returning to France five centuries, it’s a known fact that brand and the enormity of the legacy in 1958. there has not been another owner as she was left with as well as her ties In 1977, just as Bordeaux wines influential as André Mentzelopoulos. with Greece. were emerging from a serious Under the guidance of renowned 93 My Greek heritage grew on me gradually; I am not only proud of my heritage, I am also convinced that I would not be the same person I am today if I were 100 percent French.” – Corinne Mentzelopoulos

Having studied the classics, humanities, political studies What is the migration story of your family from Greece and having worked in advertising and retail distribution, to France? You were born just outside of and lived do you feel that all these disciplines have helped your in France most of your life. How important is your Greek journey in heading the iconic, French national treasure heritage and how has this afected your upbringing? that is Château Margaux? Yes, I was born in Paris where I have Well, I am sure they have all helped lived all my life but my father, who was me a great deal; I am also very grateful born in Greece, settled in France in 1958, that my Greek father, who was adamant having lived before then in Burma, India I speak English fluently -he spoke six and Pakistan. I am proud of my Greek languages-, sent me to summer camp roots and my name; it’s so diferent from in North-America. I believe it gave me a everyone else in France. I was baptised new outlook and experience of the world in the Greek Orthodox Church and, as beyond Europe.” a child I used to travel Greece with my father often. You have stated in a previous interview that your father My Greek heritage grew on me André was a genius in having the foresight to purchase gradually; I am not only proud of my Château Margaux, which had been on sale for two years. heritage, I am also convinced that I would At the same time, you have stated that he drank ghastly not be the same person I am today if I wines. How do you reconcile these two extremes in were 100 percent French. I spend every the eventual restoration of the Château Margaux and summer in Greece at our family home its success? and I speak Greek.”

My father was a true Spartan and he worked hard all his life, not indulging in the little pleasures life can bring. Still, when he heard about Château Margaux he immediately understood what it stood for in terms of heritage, quality and world-wide prestige. From then on, he only drank wines from Château Margaux!”

94 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 With its story dating back to the 16th century, Château The youngest of your two daughters, Alexandra Petit- Margaux was deemed a national treasure by French Mentzelopoulos, has joined Château Margaux. Do you President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. How do you see a family wine dynasty emerging and how significant accommodate the enormity of this historical aspect? is it to you personally that this lineage now continues?

Owning and running Château I have two daughters and one son. Margaux is a unique privilege, and I My youngest daughter, Alexandra, always keep in mind that it has been has been working for Château there for five centuries and it will live way Margaux for some years now and I after me and my family.” have tried to put everything in place for a smooth and fruitful transition How important was the contribution of revolutionary when the time comes for my children oenologist Émile Peynaud in the development of the to take over the business.” renowned vintages? How do you view the current economic and humanitarian Émile Peynaud was crucial in crisis in Greece? What areas would you address in the restoring the true quality of the wine. political-economic areas? I believe hiring Émile as a consultant was one of the best decisions my father I try to help as much as I can in made. I was lucky enough to work with Greece, especially in education and him until 1990.” hospitals. I look after a number of things in my grandfather’s village up In 2012 you received the distinction of Officer of in the mountains of the Peloponnese, the Legion of Honor. A French Order established by as well as in the village where we have Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802. The Order is the highest our family house. I am a board member decoration in France. How important was such honour of the Hellenic Initiative, a large Greek that was bestowed on you? American not-for-profit organisation that does amazing work in Greece. I believe I owe it all to my father At this point in my life, I have decided and to the magnitude of the fame of to increase my commitments towards Château Margaux.” this cause.”

I try to help as much as I can in Greece, especially in education and hospitals. 95 The year 1961 seems to be a highlight year for the wine. Have you had the opportunity to visit Australia? What do Why? you think of the quality of Australian and Greek wines? Are there any that have impressed you? 1961 was probably one of the best vintages of the 20th century. The climatic Unfortunately, I have not been to conditions were perfect throughout Australia but I am planning to go in the the growing season and a severe frost future. I have enjoyed many Australian reduced the overall quantity, which wines, especially the white ones, and contributed to a lot of concentration in during summer time, I drink solely Greek the grapes. 1961 is one of those magic wines ranging from assyrtiko to retsina, Bordeaux vintages, and an example which I am very fond of.” of what Bordeaux can produce at its best combined with its ageing unique From an aspiring veterinarian, neurosurgeon, conductor capacity worldwide.” and skiing champion, what would you advise someone contemplating entering the winemaking business? What would you consider your biggest success since you took over the family business? You have to love wine.”

‘Primum non nocere’; a Latin American fashion model/actress Margaux Hemingway expression that means ‘Don’t do any was named after Château Margaux. Did you ever have harm in the first place’.” the opportunity to meet her?

Yes, and I have many pictures of Margaux with my father. She was beautiful and a lot of fun. I believe she also was a ski champion.”

96 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 I drink soley Greek wines ranging from assyrtiko to retsina, which I am very fond of.

You have a penchant for junk food, i.e. burgers and fries, Is there such a thing as work/life balance for a mother? which – somehow - you recommend with a Margaux. How do these two extremes complement one another? I hope there is but you might have to ask my children the same question.” Well, I love being able to go from a hot dog with a Coke to a sophisticated Do you think that there is gender equality in the meal with good wine. I am happy that I world? How is this represented at the highest levels can enjoy both experiences.” of business?

What advice would you like to ofer to young women There would be gender equality in that want to succeed in their careers? the world if women decided to be more competitive. Some women prefer to look You have to work hard and love after their children instead; a choice I what you do.” respect.” 97 DONORS TO THI COME FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE. WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR ALL THOSE WHO FIND THE MISSION OF SUPPORT FOR GREECE DURING THESE DIFFICULT DAYS. PEOPLE GIVE FOR DIFFERENT REASONS BUT THE PURPOSE IS SINGULAR: TO RELIEVE THE SUFFERING OF OUR COMPATRIOTS AND TO RENEW THE SPIRIT OF THE COUNTRY. THI Donor Profiles 8 THI DONOR MEMBER PROFILE: Christine Kondoleon, PhD

The Hellenic Initiative is proud to have donors who embrace our mission, sometimes even without our asking…. Below is a statement from Christine Kondoleon of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, and a facsimile of a letter of James Karis, a retired FBI Agent of a distinguished career.

I can still recall growing up in the 50s in New York City and living with Yiayia Matina Kondoleon, we spoke often of the needs of the Greek people.

We organized boxes of clothes and sent other necessities by post to relatives on the island of Kythera and Athens. We were raised with a strong sense of giving back to the homeland because the Greeks had struggled mightily through WWII and suffered deprivations through their civil war. That sense of reaching back and offering a helping hand was a good thing but later when I went to Greece in the 60s and 70s there was a resentment of Greek Americans, perhaps a sense of I am pride and wanting to forget the unpleasant past. Now I heartened am heartened by the success of The Hellenic Initiative by the and their targeted and meaningful projects that lead to success of significant on the ground uplifts. I am awakened in our The Hellenic sense of purpose to build the bridge to our brothers and Initiative sisters in Greece, to let them know they are not forgotten and their or alone. As the world has become global, so must our targeted and hearts and our outreach. meaningful projects” Thank you The Hellenic Initiative founders and funders for making this a reality.


They, like so many others, have embraced the mission of THI, helping the People of Greece face their prolonged economic crisis. Their generosity of heart and genuine φιλανθρωπία are a shining example for us all.

June 27, 2016 Enclosed is a check for $50,000 (ffty thousand dollars) from the Trust of Aleck G. Karis. I am the Trustee for my twin brother Aleck’s Trust. He died on July 15, 2015 in Hermosa Beach, Ca. at the age of 92.

My brother Aleck has expressed a strong desire to help the Greek people living in Greece during this terrible time. Therefore I am confdent he would approve of this donation to The Hellenic Initiative.

Our parents were born in Messinia, Greece (father, George Katritses, from Gargaliani, mother from Kalamata) and My brother came over as immigrants. This also adds to our affection Aleck has for Greece. The donation would certainly meet with their expressed a approval as well as all living members of the Karis family. strong desire to help the Greek people living in Sincerely, Greece during this terrible time.”


Maria Allwin John D. & Dathel C. Georges Corinne Mentzelopoulos Amb. Gianna and Theodore Constantine Karides Dean & Marianne Metropoulos Angelopoulos Muhtar Kent, The Coca-Cola Nikos Mouyiaris Drake Behrakis Company Alexander and Mary Kathryn Navab John and Mae Calamos Savas & Sophia Konstantinides John and Mary Pappajohn Aris Candris John Koudounis Michael & Robin Psaros John and Margo Catsimatidis Amb. Eleni and Markos Kounalakis George and Cathy Sakellaris Thomas E. Constance (Kramer Nicholas & Pamela Lazares George P. and Georgia Stamas Levin) Constance Ted & Lynn Leonsis George Tsunis Achilles Constantakopoulos Andrew N. Liveris, The Dow Harry Wilson Dean and Monique Dakolias Chemical Company The Agnes Varis Trust George A. David George Logothetis, Libra Group Anonymous William Doucas George & Judy Marcus Anonymous Andreas Dracopoulos, Stavros Dennis and Karen Mehiel Niarchos Foundation

$50,000 – $99,999

Nicholas & Marcie Alexos James G. Karis, The Karis Trust IBM International Foundation Lily Bentas, Cumberland Farms Alexander Macridis Teneo Strategy LLC James S. Chanos Greenwood Energy, LLC Michael & Mary Jaharis Hostess Brands, LLC

$25,000 – $49,999

Kostas Apostolidis Angeliki Frangou Antastasios Thanopoulos Dimitrios Athanasopoulos John Lykouretzos David Wittig Heather Bresch, Mylan Inc. Athanassia Papaioannou, Atlantic Four M Capital Gus Costalas, Lennox Hill Hospital, Bank Dennis & Karen Mehiel NSLIJHS Peter J. Pappas “Dennis & Karen Mehiel Telemachus & Irene Demoulas George J. Petrow All the Way Foundation” Anthony J. Diamandakis Nicholas and Julie Sakellariadis John & Sonia Lingos Family Jeremy and Nayia Downward Poly Syngelides Foundation

$10,000 – $24,999

Elena Ambrosiadou, IKOS Paun & Magdaline Peters Citi Private Bank Michael & Christine Angelakis Fotios Piniros Fasken Martineau Tony Antonopoulos James Sampalis, JSS Medical JP Morgan Chase George Danis Research Marvin Samson Foundation Christ & Anastasia Economos Nicholas A. Sannella Richmond County Savings Socrotes Goulakos Dennis and Jamie Scurletis Foundation Spiros & Antonia Milonas William Stavropoulos The Blackstone Charitable Foundation Alexander Panos George & Grazia Svokos The Sidley Austin Foundation Anastasios (Tas) Parafestas William and Heather Vrattos James & Ted Pedas The Pantelidis Family PanBros Associates

104 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 $5,000 – $9,999

Michael Bapis, HighTower Holding Andreas C. Kramvis Theodore R. Wagner, Carter LLC Andy & Mike Manatos Ledyard & Milburn LLP Peter W. Bradley Nikki Margarites Theodore Vakrinos & Helen Abadzi Christina Crosby Maria & Markos Marinakis Order of AHEPA Theane Evangelis James Orphanides ReaCapital Advisors Christine Kondoleon George Tsougarakis The Vranos Family Foundation

$1,000 – $4,999

Barbara Alafoginis Peter Gelb Teodore & Keryn Mathas Anastasia Alexandridis John A. Georges Pericles Mazarakis Elaine Allen Leonidas C. Georgopoulos Aris Melissaratos Emmanuel Androulakis Pavlos Geroulanos Peter & Georgia Mellis Angelos Angelou George Giannopoulos George Mentis Konstantinos Apostolopoulos Peter Giannopoulos David Milch James Argyropoulos Demetris Giannoulias Michael W. Mitchell Tsambika Bakiris James & Ann Gianopulos John Negroponte Andreas Beroutsos Basil Goulandris Dimitri Nionakis Nicolas & Olga Bornozi Stelios Gregoriou Joanna Ntousopoulou Nicholas J. Bouras Eric Hatzimenos Eleni Panzures Dimitris & Eleni Bousis Vasilios Hioureas Basil Papachristidis Apostolos Bregianos David Horner Caitlin Papastamelos Roland Breitenecker George Kailis Jeanette Paroly Robert & Violetta Buhler Peter Kakoyiannis John Payiavlas, AVI Foodsystems Mary Casey Steven N. & Laurel Anne Kalkanis George Peristeris John Chachas Nikitas Kalomiris Nicholas Pipikios Marina Chassapis Konstantinos Katsiris Maria Pissioti Aris & Anne Chicles Nick Kolovos Anthony Podesta Peter Chresanthakes, Anatolia Markos Komondouros Jennifer Poulakidas College Michael Konstas Steven Psarellis Dimitri Cocconi Anthony Koudounis Maria Raptis Theocharis Contaroudas William Kourakos Toni Rinow Brynn Corbello Nicholas Koutsomitis Achilles Risvas, Dromeus Capital Amalia Cosmetatou Michael & Cindy Kuenzler Emanuel and Marylin Rouvelas Debbie Custer Nicholas Larigakis Manny Rouvlas Peter Davos Dr. Labrini Liakonis George E. Safiol Nicholas Denton-Clark Achilles Ligeras, Good Counsel Andrew L. Samaras Maria Dimitrakopoulou Realty LTD Nicholas & Elizabeth Sarris Theodore Dimon Dr. Anthony & Maria Limberakis Ross Savas Maria Domenikos Demetrios G. Logothetis Francesco Scarnera Markos Drakotos, M&N Paul Lountzis Dennis & Jamie Scurletis Management Alexandros Lykourezos Ioannis Segounis John & Betty Eliopoulos George & Antonia Makkos Alice M. Shukla Dimitri Eliopoulos Konstantinos Mantzis Allyson & Constantine Sideridis Pavlos Exarchos Irini Marag Constantine Skarvelis Georgios Fatouros Richard Marais Jan Spanos Martha Fling Elizabeth Martin Ioannis & John Spyridakis Michael Galanakis 105 Paul G. and Stephanie X. Stamas Helen & Dean Vafiadis Anton’s Cleaners, Inc. Greg Stamboulidis Nia Vardarlos Onassis Foundation USA Andrea Stassou Thomas Varvitsiotis Ryan Serhand & Emilia Becharkis Elena Stephanopoulos Vassos & Teresa Vassiliou, The Veneble LLP Christopher Stratakis, Pharos Realty Roxe Foundation Ekaterini K. Malliou LLC/Alma Realty Emanuel Velivasakis Pier 50 LLC Francie Tague Nick Weeks, Washakie Foundation Hellenic Classical Charter School John Tentomas Panos Xenokostas, Onex SA National Hellenic Student Danae Theofanous Demetri Yatrakis Association of NA John D. Thomopoulos Yianni Zaparas Open Society Institute John M. Tinios Hellenic American Bankers American Hellenic Council George Tsandikos Association Rabt Loucas Tsilas Harry and Peter Poulakakos

$500 – $999

Lisa Aifantis Chris Goulakos Bill Manos Andreas Akaras Michael A. Gousgounis John Maragiannis Panagiota Andreopoulou Mareva Grabowski James Margarites Deborah Androus Lauren Green Peter & Irene Marudas Arthur C & Madeline K. Anton Marc I. Hayutin Nicholas Microulis Robert C. Apfel George & Lisa Horiates Eleni Mihalaki Michael Apostolidis John G. Hutchinson Sarados and Kefala Milios Mark & Lyn Arey Tim & Kathy Joannides Sudha Nair-lliades Demetri Argyropoulos Thomas G. Jordan Kostis Niarchos Nicolas Bornozis Peter Kaldes Gregory Nicolaidis Kay Breeden Peter S. Kalikow Irene Notias Michael Canaris Nikitas Kalmiris Nikolaos Papapolitis Laura & Brian Carr William Kapos, Excelletnt Cofee John Parsegian Henry Chang Co. Costas Perdikakis Debra Messina Coritsidis John Karras George Petrides Nicholas Coutoulakis Costas Kellas Evangelos Politis Konstantinos & Savina Prokopios Theodora Klissas Dean Poll, Gallagher’s Famous LLC Davos Peter Kokkalis George Raptis, Mega Contracting Thanasis Delistathis Ioannis Konstantinou Group Danielle Djokic, Kontogouris-Djokic Athina Kontosakou Kassandra Romas Foundation Cynthia G. Kostas Serene K & Nicholas A. Romas Peter Dolkas John Koufakis Steven G. Roukis Andrew Economos Demitris Kouris Penelope Salmons Mike Emmanouilides Dimitrios Kourkouvis Paul Samaras Maria Flytzani-Stephanopoulos Nondas Kourkouvis Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes George Galifinakis Damianos D. Kyriakopoulos Rep. John Sarbanes Tarsi Georgas Robert L. Golub Omiros Sarikas Alexander Giannoulias Constantinos Lambadarios Georgia Senduka Christos Giannoulias Chase Landreth John Spyridakis, Hilbert 8 Steve Giannoutsos Richard Ledes Elsa Stathopoulou Thomas Ginakakis Evangelia Makkos Maria Stephanopoulos George Giovas Rene Makrinos Christ & Mary C. Stratakis Alicia Glekas Gregory Maniatis Sean Tonner Joan and John Goodwin

106 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 William Vassiliadis Panos Xenocostas Chris Goulakos and Stephanie G. George & Barbara Vittas TK Zampetis Family Foundation Stamas Peter Austin Vlachos Leadership 100 Dimitri Charalanmbous, Apollo Stone Imports, Inc. Christine Warnke BCI

$499 – below

Jaya Makmur Abadi Nicholas Augustinos Mark Caligiuri Jennifer Ackerman Spyros Avramopoulos Anthony Calinikos Eugenio Acquaro Evangelos Axarlis Yvonne Callas Ananea Adamidis George Balafoutis Steven Campbell Aspasia Adamopoulos Fotios Balaskas Jo Campbell Panagiotis Adractas Zoy Balaskas Peter Capsalis G. Afentakis Jim Ballas Hrisanthy Carbajal Dena Agapion Arthur Balourdos Evangeline Caridas Elli Agiovlasitis Panayiotis Baltatzis Dustin Carr Mustafa Batuhan Albas Pashalis Baraklilis Efstratios Chatzigiannis Patricia Aleck Maria Barry Pete Chatziplis Peter Alemis Panagiotis Bassadios Passadeos Athanasios Chatzirgiotidis Koula Alemis Anastasios Baxevanidis Suzy Cherpelis Mari Alexakis Emilia Bechrakis Peggy Chiampas John Alexakos Evangelia Bellas Tasso Chirogianis Paul Alexander Ageliki Benissi George Choriatis John Alexiades Nikos Benos Maximos Chrisomalidis Christopher Allwin George Berberis Demetrios Christo Dean Alonistiotis Athanasios Beredimas Stelios Christodoulou Ioana Anagnos Georgia Berios Kathy Christodoulou George Anagnostopoulos Athena Bersimis Maria Christodoulou Jordan Anastasiade Angie Bezandes Eleni Christou Eugenia Anastasopoulos Andrea Bianchi Sotirios Christy Jalene Anderson Peter Bithos Zissis Chroneos Panagiota Andreus Steward Bland Chrisovalantou Chryssos Tina Andronicos Ellen Bonepath Tracy Cockerton Socrates Angelides Eva Boti Ioannis Coemtzis Charles Angelis Aikaterini Bougiouri Fofe Collins Vaseleke Angelos Penelope Bouklas John Colocythas Josephine Ann Gennaro Sylvia Boulouta Marina Comninos Achilleas Antoniades Dora Boussias Georgios Comninos Marina Antoniadou Alexander Boutsikakis Michael J. Condakes Michael Apostolides Basil A. Boziotis Marla Connor George Apostolopoulos Cathy Brack Catherine Connor Kathy Apotsos J I Brough Demetrios Constantelos Christos Arabatzis Byron Broun George Constantin, Heritage Realty Anthony Argyrides Richard Brucker Services, LLC Efrosyni Aroni Eunice Buhler Yeoryia Constantin George Assimakopoulos Katherine Bull Pantelis Constantinides John Athanasiadis Anna Burbridge Andres Constantinidis Betty Athanasoulas Richard Bushley Maria Constantinidou Mimikos Athanassiadis Paul Cabaniss Alex Constantopes 107 Athena Coroneos Anastasia Marie Eriviades Spiros Giannaros John Cosmopoulos Michael Evangelides Anthony Giannopapas Christina Costas Mary Evangelis Joanna Giannopoulos Sophia Cotzias George Evangelopoulos Anastasia Giannopoulou Joseph Coutlis Boutsakis Evangelos Stavros Giannoulias Alec Coutroubis Chris Evripidou John Gianoulidis Susan Cox Dimitrios Exarhopooulos Mike Giapitzoglou Myron Cozombolidis Urania Fairclough Kathryn Gildassis Mary Critchley Phil Falekos Catherine Giourgas Gavin Crowley Catherina Fallah Aikaterini Gkikas Elaine Danigeles George Fanourakis George M. Glytsis George Daniolos Chris Ferekides Annika Gnadinger Efthymios Daniskas Alexis Fermanis George Goulakos Andrea Daoutis Nicola Filadelfia Andrew Gounardes Yanna Darilis Maria Fillas Demetri Gounaris Antonios Daskalopulos Tarlizos Kyriakos Firoglanis Evangelia Grammatikaki Fulvio Del Deo O Flourentzou Dimitrios Grivas Sergio Deligiannis Andrea Flynn Georgios Groppas Efe Delimarkos Ionna Fokianou Eleonora Guglielmo Eleni Delimpaltadaki Stavros Fourakis Daniel Gutierrez George Delis Nick Frangi Magdalena Gyftopoulos George P. Demeter John Frangoulis Michael Hadijoannou Vasilios Demetriou Dimitrios Frantzis Andys Hadjiadamou Michali Demetroudi Maria Frezoulis Nicos Hadjiangelis Lea DeMetsenare Joyce Friedman Denis Hadjiliadis Gaizag Demirdjian Paul Friedman Mike Hadjimichael Alex Demos Stefan Furris Tika Hadjipateras Stavroula Derizioti Maria Gaitanis Anastasia Hadjipateras Nikoaos Dervenis Tina Gakis Antonis Hadjipittas Vanessa Diamataris Alexander Garza Emmanuel Hadzipetros Apostolos Digbassanis Anastasia Gavalas Estel Hagdorn Penny Dimakos Tom Gavaris Ann Marie Hankins Jimmy Dollopis Stelio Gavas Kathy Haramis Michael Doumas Vivian Gavros Kostas Hardaloupas George Dratelis Stylianos Georgakas George Hardas Evangelos Dritsos Anastasia Georgakopoulos Michael Harris Lois East Peter Georganas Niki Hartofilis Nicholas Economides Christina Georgas Charles Hatsis Steve Economou John Georgeton Daphne Hatsopoulos Themis Economou Teodoro Georgiadis Marianthi Hatzigeorgiou Maria Efaplomatidis Phylaktis Georgiou Gillian Hearn Tuncay Efendioglu Christos Georgiou Irene Hepworth Helen Efthimiadis-Keith Tracy Georgopoulos Eleni Hioureas Vasileios Efthymiou Dionisios Georgopoulos Christina Hioureas Alexandra El-Khishen George Georgopoulos Salome Holden Peter Elgohary Michael Gerling Michael Horoudas-Harris Alice Eliades Vasileios Geronatsios Gerasimos Houpis Constance Elmore Evelyn Geronimos George Hristodoulou Nancy S. Elwell Theodoros Giannakopoulos Angela Hughes Michael English Efthimios Giannakoudis Kyriaki Hussey

108 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Ahmed Ibrahim Eleni Kaufman Andreas Koutsoudakis Christos Ioannidis Joanna Kavoukas Efrossini Koutsoukis Kathleen Ioannou Konstantin Kavvadias Violetta Koutsoukou Aikaterini Ioannou Patti Kazas Eppaminondas Kozas Genevieve J. Iorio Peggy A. Kennedy Konstantinos Krousouloudis Veroy Jacomb Julian Kenning DV Kyriazis Peter Janetos Tom Kessler Demetrios Lakkas Diane Jarrell Efthimios Kevrekidis Raina Lamade Nancy Jassak Leo Kfeilati Kirby Lambert Christos Johnes Russell Kiger Paul Lambrakis Maria Johnson Ariana King Paul Lambrkis Katherine Johnson John Kiriakatis Manos Lampidis Allan Jones Barbara Kiriazis Maria Lampros Peter Jordan Aretina Klapsis Jim Lappas Emmett Joyce Diane Kochilas Pepie Lapsatis Evgenia Kakakios Roula Kofides Nicholas Lardas Lee Tamis & Maria Kakava-Tamis Savvas Koktzoglou Haroula Larmer Stacey Kalambakas Nina Kolias Ben Larson Christos Kallidis George Koliavas Chirstopher Laskaridis Peter Kalogeros Vasileios Kolintzikis Efe Lasof Alex Kambanis Paul Kolostroubis Christine Laspalakis Mazen Kamen Michael Konidaris Georgia Lathouris Stavros Kamilaris Evelyn Konstantinidis Nicholas P. Lazares Anthony Kammas Nikitas Konstantinidis Katie Lazares Steve Kamvissis Stavroula Konstantinidou Christos Lazaridis Dimitri Kandalepas Josefina Konstantinidu I Lefas Anthony Kapadoukakis Charis Kontaxis Nicholas Legatos Georgios Kaparos Demetrios Fifis & Evangelia Kurt Leimbacher Melissa Karagiannis Kontorousis Petros Lekkakis Evangelis Karanikas John Korologos Konstantinos Lekkas Mihalis Karanikolas Anastasia Koshakji Wade Alexis Lemon Anastasia Karastergiou Daphne Kostantinides George G. Lendaris Eugenia Karatasios F. Koster Stella Leontsini John Kardaris Petros Kostidis George Leotsakos Anna Karpathakis Victoria Kostis Spiro Leunes Maria Karras Paul Kotrotsios Andriani Liakos Mark Karras George Kotsogiannis James Liapakis Spiro Kartsonis John Koufakis III Dean Liappas Eleanor Kas George Kougianos Michael Lignos John Kasimiotis Stavros Kougias George Likakis Demetrios Kastanis Stephen Kougias Stamati Lilikakis Dimitria Kastanis Marianthi Koullias Ioannis Limitsios Dr. Stephani Katechis Maria Koulmanda Dimitri Limnios Spiridon Katehis Vasiliki Kouneli John Lingas, M.D. Emmanuel Katsanis Kerry Kourepenos Natalia Linos Athanasios Katsiabanis Ioannis Kournetas Maria Litos Lena Katsimbrakis Arete Koutras Jim Litsas Alex Katsiotis Lakovos Koutras Michael Livanos Athanassios Katsioulas Dimitri Koutsaliotis Nicholas Liveris Demetris Katsonis Athanasios Koutsos Anthony Liveris, Applecart 109 Alexandra Liveris Kuriakos Mellos Heidi Nutz George Logothesis Athena Menlaou John O’Hara Sophia Logothetis Anthony Metaxas Ramail Odisho Diomedes Logothetis Spyros Metaxatos Paulo Omari Georgios Lonas Jack Michael Dena Orfanitopoulos Micah Long Anastasia Michaelides JM Orlie Katsiris Arthur Loridas Aristotle Michopoulos Christopher Orr Nicholas Loutsion Anna Mickile Dimitrios Pagonakis Paul Lucey Costa Mihtatidis George Paizis Helene Luguel Allison Mikuni Dina Panopoulos Irene Luppa Nick Milionis Fotios Panos Maria Lymberis Nicki Milios Konstantinos Panouklias Jef Lynn Christina Miller Calliope Pantelidis Georgios Macheras Ralph Milroy Fotios Pantis Ceren Maeir Miltiades Miltiadous Nicholas Papacostas Betty Makis Dino Mirkopoulos Susan Papacostas Lillian Malahias Michael Mistras Spyros Papadakis Alex Malamatinas Nicholas Mitaros Georgios Papadeas Markella Mallas Theona Mitaros James Papadopoulos Dean Mallires Anthony Mitchell Nick Papadopoulos Despina Manatos Rene Mitchell Alex Papadopoulos Timothy Maniatis Daphne Mitchell Antoine Papadopoulos Emmanuel Manos Vicky Mitrou Stamatina Papadopoulos Diane Mantouvalos Evangelos Momios Chris Papageorgiou George Mantzios Stella Moniaros James Papagiannis Dean T. Maragos Jamie & Yiannis Monovoukas Athanasios Papaioannou Costas Maranas Stavros Moschopoulos Irene Papaligouras Bataille Chris Marangoudakis John Moshos Pandelis Papamichael Carl Marangoudakis Elias Mossos Athanasios Papanaklis Maria Margarites Michelle Moukios S. N. Papanicolaou John Maria Todd Penelope Moulinos Harilaos Papanicolaou Demetrios Markopoulos Tula Mouroufas Penelope Papasotiriou Maria Markou Helen Mousoudakis Georgia Papathomas Antony Markou D. Nedwell Thomas Papathomas Helena Martini Elaine K. Nelson Eleni Papavasiliou Andreas Martinos Michelle Nelson Danai Papazymouri Zoe Mavrellis Helen Netos Lois Pappademos Steven Mavrikis Maria Nicholas John Pappas George Mavropoulos Nicolas Nicolaou Harry P. Pappas Morris May Fodoulla Nicolaou Alexander Pappas Kipras Mazeika Nicholas Nicolau Elias Pappas Peter McAlister Iwan Nigg Joanna Pappas Jake McCarty Steve Nikiforides Ioannis Pappou Diana Medina Nemanja Nikitovic George Paralemos Alexandra Megaris Aliki Nikolaidi Anthony Paraschou Con Meglis George Nikolaou George Parastatidis Maria Meintanis Andreas Ninios Annette Park Irene Melabiotis Irene Nisirios Melia Parkes Alexander Melas-Kyriazi Antonios Ntatzopoulos Harry Partridge Jr. Connie Mellides Richard Nuttall Vivek Paul

110 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Melpomeni Pavella Andreas Repapis Christopher Sourlos Steven Pavlakis Peter Retsinas Peter Souvatzis Erricos Pavlis Peter Rezos Martin Sova Konstantinos Pavlopoulos Doris Rohr Emmanouil Spanoudakis Maria Pecaro Erin Rokas Vassilios Speleotes Lilia Pekova Alexander Roland Eleni Spencer Emanuel Perdis Eleni Roselli Constantine Speridakos Demetra Perlegas Eugene & Aphrodite Rossides Peggy Spetsieris Mark & Julie A. Pernokas Bettina Rousos Marina Spezakis Benedict Perny Benjamin Roussel Evangelos Spinos Terpsichori Pessexidou Nikolaos Roussos Evangelos Spithas Lilia Petkova Andrew Rowlas John Sporidis Georgios Petrocheilos Mary Ruddick Dr. Peter Stamas Marios Petrou Fay Safaris Vicky Stamas Demetrios Petrou Steve & Sophia Sakoutis Helen Stamatacos Christine Philp Nicholas Saltos Pauline Stamatelos Michael Pieces Eleni Saltos Fotine Stamatelos Dimitris Piperidis Vasileios Samolis Peter Stamboulis Christina Pishiris Maria Samourkas Gregory Stamos, The Hellenic Bar Nicholas Pitsis Guillermo Santos Association of CT Christina Plakas Brooke Sanzari Timothy Stanton-Ameisen Yiota Polirakis Athanasios Sarantopoulos James Stasios Angella Polychronopoulos Lisa Sardegna Debra Staup Chrysi Polydoros Jean Pierre Sarkis Maria Stavrakis Toula Polygalaktos John Sassaris Katerina Stavrianidis Steven D. Ponns Renos Savvides Georgia Stavropoulos Pantelis Lee Poseidon Vasilis Scouris Steven Stavropoulos Peter Poulos Diana Sedereai Antigone Stavros Efstratios Poulos Konstantinos Segounis Rosalia Stefanatos Helen Poulos-Frys Gina Senduka Avraam Stefanidis Kenneth Powell E Sepsis Dr. Kosta Steliou Vasileios Prassas Lydia Serafim Terry Stelle Myles Presler Alexia Serlis Harvey Stockwell Frances Prevas Nick Sfakianos Christine K. Strumbos Xesus Prieto Blanco Ian Shackleton Jean R. Stylianoudakis de Carvahlho Antonios Printezis Albert L. Shefer, M.D. Alexandra Svokos Michael Printzos Eric Shuler Constantina Sweeney Jakob Prison John Sianis Helen Syrpes Katharine Pritsos Mary Simmons Ewa Szteinduchert Anastasia Provel Basil Simon Rachel Tabbal John Psaltis Christopher Simotas Rachel Tahmassebi Maria Psihogios Eftihios Siradakis Christos Takos Anthoula Psomiadou Constadino Sirakis Nikitas Tampakis Chris Raftis Constantine Sirigos Alan Tanenbaum Jose Ramirez Kim Skarvelis Isil Tavukcuoglu Eleni Ratheb Angelique Skoulas Joe Teleoglou Carly Raven Maria Skoulidas Lynn Terezas Antonios Razis Constantinos Sofocleous Josephine Terlato Katherine Relle John Sotiropoulos Voutsas Theocharis Anna Rentoulis Mary Sotos 111 Thalia Theodoratos Theodora Vasilakis Endy Zemenides Georgios Theophanous Frank Vasos Irene Zemenides Nickolas Theros Gregory Vassilious Peter Zemenides Elena Thomas Maria Vathis Kalliopi Ziangos Catherine Thompson James Vavas Christopher Zias John Todd John Vavas Craig Zievis Kyrylo Tokaryev Spiro Vavougios Vasiliki Ziozis Loukia Tomazos Christopher Vecchiarelli Chrissy Zotalis John W. Toulopoulos Panayiota Velmahos Elizabeth Rizos Zougras Stelios Tryfon Michail Velonakis Evi Zoumpouridi Van Tsahiridis Vaggelis Venetis Gregory Zouvelos Rick Tsakalios Andrew Veniopoulos Marina Zouzias Ionna Tsakos Andromache Veou Nicholas Paindiris and Lynne K. Andreas Tsalikis Irina Veramidis Heston Alexandra Tsampasian Chrisse Verevis Network for Good Adamandia Tsardounis Epameinondas Virvidakis Barounis Management Co Inc. Sofia Tsatsaronis Harilaos Vittas Ergomet Inc. Ioannis Tsiailis George Vlahos Petra Fine Art Anastasio Tsikas Irene Vlahos Blue Fig Art John Tsikis John Vogiatjis Kalamai, Inc. George Tsiklis Elias Vokolos The Benevity Community Impact Fund Konstantinos Tsimpoukis Stella Vorka Byzantino Café Bar Ilias Tsiotas Despina Voukelatos Mshop LLC Dimitrios Tsirekas Periklis Vounisios Netronix, Inc. Styliani Tsirka Lefi Vryonidou Pontiac 2+2 Registry Chris Tsistinas Jean-Paul Warmoes TMT Niles Elina Tsolakidou Thomas Webb Alexander Alexiades & Clio Nikos Tsonis James Weinstein Nicolakis Andreas Tsouchlaris Katerina Whitley Angela Monette Nicholas Tsoudis Wouter Wolthuis Aurorita LTD Olga Tsoudis Maria Xinari Clapsis Selling Jason Tsoukas Joanna Xylas Eventsy INC JoAnna Tsoumpas Michael Xyndis Timothy Stanton-Ameisen Alex Tsouvalas John Jean Yamanis Zuzudrive Inc. Sotirios Tzakis Catherine Yatrakis Safos Systems Rania Tzalla Nikolaos Yoyas Frontstream Holdings LLC Anna Tzanetos Savvakis Zachariades NPP Marketing Constantine Tzanos Anastasia Zacharioudaki Rhinestone TShirt World Irene Tzikas Dimitris Zafiropoulos Alphasoft Australia Olga Tzortzatos Lia Zafiropoulos Notion Publishing Dimitris Tzortzis Maria Zagoreos Numoax Harry Tzoumas Chrisoula Zaimis Red Anvil Forge Julian Upston John Zakos Athens Media Lab Corporation Stephen Upton George Zalantis Nikiforos Vaimakis Anastasio Zamanis Vassiliki Vakirtzis Demetris Zambas Peter Valaris Irene Zanetos Stace Vallianos Katherine Zangari List complete as of W. Hollander Van Hoeven George Zapantis September 15, 2016 Konstantinos Varvaropoulos Steven Zaris

112 ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Hellenic Initiative, Inc. Statement of Financial Position

DECEMBER 31, 2015

ASSETS Cash and investment $3,324,488 Receivables and other assets 153,242

Total assets $3,477,730

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Payables $1,038,345 Net assets 2,439,385

Total liabilities and net assets $3,477,730

SUPPORT AND REVENUE* Special event revenue $1,883,543 Less: costs of direct benefits to donors (477,843) Special event revenue, net 1,405,700 Contributions 373,035 Investment income and gains 17,052 Total support and revenue 1,795,787

EXPENSES* Program expenses - grants 2,507,973 Program expenses - other 279,784 Fundraising 327,583 General and administrative 550,457 Total expenses 3,665,797

Change in net assets $(1,870,010)

* Revenues and expenses above exclude in-kind contributions that were donated to Hellenic Initiative, Inc. for programmatic, fundraising and general and administrative activities.

Thanks to the generosity of the Greek Diaspora and Philhellene community, The Hellenic Initiative received over $625,000 of in-kind contributions, donated to support our cause.

Since 2012, THI has committed or distributed:

• $3.5 million in direct crisis relief • $5.9 million to programs supporting Entrepreneurship and Economic Development 113 The Hellenic Initiative 601 Lexington Ave., Floor 35 New York, NY 10022 1 212 909 3239 [email protected]

Executive Director Mark Arey

Director of Development Peter Poulos

Director of Programming Michael Printzos

Associate Director of Development and Programming James Canale

Graphic Design John J. Mindala II

Photo Credits Dimitrios Panagos | Yannis Kontos | David Cotter | Aristidis Vafeiadakis Peter John Poulos | Stavros Niarchos Foundation SOS Children’s Villages | John J. Mindala II | Constantly Flashing Photography Maria Yanna, for the edition “Portraits of Prominent Greeks in the U.S.A.” Investing in the future of Greece through direct philanthropy and economic revitalization.

We empower people to provide crisis relief, encourage entrepreneurs, and create jobs.

We are The Hellenic Initiative (THI) – a global movement of the Greek Diaspora.

Since 2012, THI has committed or distributed: 3.5 million in direct crisis relief 6.2 million to programs supporting Entrepreneurship and Economic Development