consumers. Lithuania has the of one markets represent over million 500 T major European ports. to S services and there are regular cargo and year is around ice-free Klaipeda of T railway and sea networks. is by well road, Klaipeda connected Union: European the in Located cost and unique of advantages combined the of various sizes, because number Free Zone Economic For the Z A me one M and past ten years past of international of companies, of convenience. candinavian, as well as to all ss a ana g has , the , the he surroundinghe e from th attracted a attracted location, location, Klaipeda Klaipeda he port port he g

ement Team foreign investments attracted in our foreign investments attracted T projects. turnkey type time possible, includingin shortest the will up have and running your facility management experienced Our team desired.even if manage construction toauthorizations build, design and include obtaining services Our sizes available term for long leasing. various of properties and operating infrastructure, state-of-the-art a fully Convenience:Cost and levels. gross salary Europe, lowest the yet of one with educatedhighest populations in e K laipeda F he currenthe T he zonehe has ree E Finally, we provide all the post (U zone represent over 562 million EUR Director Eimantas Kiudulas, with you. working toWelcome We forward board! on look importance is also noteworthy. FEZ is privately held as a project of state Times 2010). in the world (fDi Magazine, Financial of the top five Free Economic Zones The Klaipeda FEZ is recognized as one for the years of your presence with us. construction zone management services S $850 million). conomic

T he fact that the Klaipeda  KLAIPEDA FREE ECONOMIC ZONE  Grow S Mediterranean S Netherlands,the Belgium, Russia, Poland, G 8.5 mare to able at8.5 terminal. the moor centre city > > and other destinations. > other cargo and countriespassengerservice). (Ro-Ro, > DW up to 80,000 channel is 15 vessels accept can dry-cargo meters.port Our > and 33 terminals specialised million hub 40 with tonnes cargolargest of capacity transport > Sea West. land, the sea, and railconnecting routes and East the from agateway makesposition Klaipeda hub and distribution region. entire the of economy growing the for adriver is city Klaipeda country, the in Zone Economic Free first the with and Sea Baltic the of coast Eastern the on port ice–free northernmost the activity, by economic Lithuania in city second the Being business. region’s and entire the of economy level the is raising city country, the in Klaipeda Zone Economic Free first the and Sea Baltic the of coast Eastern the on port ice-free northernmost the Lithuania’sof population, one-third almost Boasting Ukraine. and Belarus, to Russia, time EU atsame access the and countries to Scandinavia, easy provides Klaipėda EU the CIS and markets, between center the Western in Lithuania, of located Strategically W K kandlines and others. kandlines laipeda – Ga ell P Cruise VesselCruise 100 Terminal the about mfrom is located companies shipping International to shipments handles Port 17 routes marine Direct is 13–14.5 port the of depth The meters. sea-port Ice-free . Vessels 315 of alength with mand adraught of th o s hipping Company (M … T i , and tankers up to 150,000 DW t ioned for F , the only Lithuanian port and the Lithuanian only , the port to G the U the Its unique geographical unique geographical Its ermany S tewa S SC), BLR , S : DFD outh America, Asia, Asia, America, outh weden, Denmark, Denmark, weden, reat and Britain u S T T G t he entrancehe eaways, ure roup, T y t . o L i th 30 15 25 35 20 10 which links Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine, IXB > R P C and the rest of the EU to Eastern markets – Asia and China. > –55 less than hours, 30 min.port to cross border. the S timeKlaipeda the from delivery Lithuania) andBlack the S Western Europe and Scandinavia > Western Europe). > Oslo (Norway), Riga(Latvia)and Moscow (Russia). which operates flights to Copenhagen (Denmark), > A European T S corridor for easy connection to the Baltic 0 5 iauliai and Palanga. All have in T included the been or oad ir ar Source: Source: (Vilnius, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia; IA transportation The railway network is directly connected to the seaport connecting “Vikingas” train container Combined corridors transportation to Pan-European Connected Lithuania has 4 international airports in airports has 4international Lithuania Airport to International Palanga Klaipeda 35 from km 2002 g t in 2002–2010 ( uania and bey o h ransport Network ( Network ransport 2003 andlin 2004 g t 2005 mln t ea Ukraine). (Odessa, Container urnover in K T 2006 EN- ) ea Port to the Odessa sea to ea Odessa Port the , Baltic S , Baltic T ). 2007 S tates, Russia and ea (Klaipeda, ea (Klaipeda, 2008 laipeda ond Vilnius, Kaunas, Germany 2009 rans- 2010 , EU (population: million) 340 and CIS (population: 250 million) markets. Lithuania is located on the cross road of the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) (population: 110 million), ZĂŝůǁ  ;ƌ /Ŷƚ  'ĞŶ͘ĐĂƌ ^ĞĂƌ Ăŝůǁ ĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂůƚƌ ŽƵƚ ĂLJ ĂLJ Ɛ ƐĂŶĚƌ ŐŽůŝŶĞƐ ĞƐ͗Z ŽZ ŽĂĚͿ ĂŶƐƉŽƌƚĐŽƌƌŝĚŽƌ Ž ͕ŽŶ ƚĂ ŝŶĞƌ ͕ SP Ɛ AIN IRELAN D KINGDOM UNITED ICELAND Le F Havr elixstow Tilbu Te espor e Hull ry Ipswich FRANC e t Amsterdam E BEL Rotter L GIUM UXEMBURG An SWITZERLAND tv dam Br erp emerhav NE THERLANDS en C openhagen GERMAN Hambu Aabenra Aarhus NOR rg a Kiel Y WA Sassnitz Y AU Fredericia STRIA CZECH REP Karlshamn Sz Soder cz ecin talj . Gdynia SWEDEN Ga SL e vle POLAND OV AKI Gdansk A Baltiysk Klaipėd Raum Riga LITHU Helsink a a Vilnius i ANIA LA I FINLAN T BELARU EST VIA Kotk IX d ONIA a D S St. Pe tersbu RUSSIA  UKRAINE

KLAIPEDA FREE ECONOMIC ZONE rg  transport and warehousing providers. transport for logistics, excellent opportunities and has createdacknowledged internationally hassystem been infrastructure network well-developed processing, &repair. Its processing, furniture &wood plastics, I &logistics, areas transport of in economy, global the especially in the is to wellKlaipeda positioned compete Top F the region’s business land and lower reflect location, availability strategic geographic costs operating economicstrength. for isapromising positioned Klaipeda and educated force, economiclabor life, highly of future. productive Its quality good E W conomic D ell P orei o g n I Mars, Incorporated Mars, Limited Investment Terminal Statoil GROUP NEO HeidelbergCement Ventures Indorama Investor SCT BLRT Philip DFDS s i nvest

t Lubricants


Seaways Morris International Morris ioned F evelopmen ors in K T , food or laipeda re T in K OP 10 branc t… Agriculture, forestry and fishing and forestry Agriculture, communication and Information activities service food and Accommodation Financial and insurance activities insurance and Financial activities service social other and work, social and health Education, Manufacturing Construction storage and Transportation motorcycles and vehicles motor of repair trade; retail and Wholesale activities business other and rental activities, estate Real Branches USA Switzerland Norway Ukraine Germany Germany Thailand Switzerland Denmark Origin laipeda ci g ion h ty (2010)ty es of economic ac Mars Lietuva, UAB Lietuva, Mars LKAB Smelte, Klaipedos UAB Mestilla, UAB GROUP, NEO UAB Klaipeda, Heidelberg UAB Aransa, AB statykla, laivu Baltijos Vakaru UAB Lietuva, Morris Philip AB LISCO, DFDS Company Orion Global Orion

PET, UAB PET, t ivi t ies Petfood manufacturing Petfood company Stevedoring production Biodiesel facility distribution Cement products lubricants and Oil Shipbuilding PET products Tobacco transport Sea sector Industry PET

resin manufacturing resin Source: Source: 1 434 1 397 Units 100 233 436 618 762 351 49 57 Estonia (7.7 %), U main investorsOther are also Cyprus (16 %), S make up around 20 total the %of figure. ing 2010. Danish businessmen occupy leading the positions, as their investments Foreign companies have invested 950 about million region EUR dur in Klaipeda the well-developed.” is very ratio to Secondly, the connected seaport, conditions. infrastructure, other all range cargo awide of price-performance the to at best ishandle able and seaport, that also has ice-free agreat city Klaipėda of location –the geographic gift “God’s CEO, DFDS Nazarovas, Seaways Jonas DFDS S eawa S y A (6.8 %)A (6.8 and more. s witzerland (12witzerland %), G ermany (9.5 %), - K of produced g Top e CIS EU laipeda 2010 x por t marke Source: Source: Kazakhstan Uzbekistan mln Denmark Germany ood G.Britan Sweden Ukraine Belarus Poland France Russia Latvia E Spain ts ur s in 322.095 146.879 119.220 124.797 139.472 58.320 71.330 76.485 53.967 59.959 31.561 8.285 8.706 1.670  KLAIPEDA FREE ECONOMIC ZONE  40 000 40 30 000 30 15 000 15 25 000 25 35 000 35 20 000 20 10 000 5 000 0 Hi One-third of the LCC isfaculty Lithua with classes being taught in English. institutionarts in the ofcity Klaipeda ly and internationally recognized liberal LCC International University is a national and arts technology-related disciplines. ences, marine engineering, performing business, the humanities, natural sci produce more than graduates 2,000 in colleges LCC International University ited universities, Klaipeda hosts two nationally accred cities of comparable size. erational costs relative to other European It offers competitive wages and lower op which provides a highly skilled workforce. has a well developed educational system live in, after the capital, Vilnius, Klaipeda second most attractive city to work and terms of the country’s population and the Being the third largest city in Lithuania in our people O per capi 2005 st ur capi oric and foreca . Each year, both universities 2006 t a ( e Klaipeda University,Klaipeda 2007 x t cl al – . emplo … 2008 and st y ed ANNUAL EMPLO 2009 er t five - - - a - - 2010 x es) demic institutions and business entities. association are public scientific and aca maritime sector”. Business Centre (Valley) for Lithuanian the “Integrated academic and business activities within lished in order to coordinate research, Association “Baltic valley” Europe, Canada and the United nian while two-thirds are from Western 2011 2012 Y MEN Science, T he founders of the 2013 T CO S tudies and E STS 2014

was estab S tates. ur 2015 - - national statistics, 2011 statistics, national on based Lithuania Invest Forecast: 3. 2011 statistics, national from International Euromonitor Employment: from Income Gross 2. 2011 statistics, national from International Euromonitor Income: Gross Annual 1. Source: production. tobacco industry, and food and drink processing, furniture production, the are ship repair and shipbuilding, timber tation. a bachelor’s degree or higher accredi more than 30 % of the residents have unemployment rate is 14 % (2011) and % of the city’s total population, Our ing age, which accounts for about 70 over 123 thousand of people work 269 thousand and has city Klaipeda countyKlaipeda population exceeds United Kingdom United Sweden Norway Germany Finland Denmark Lithuania China

T he major employment sectors - -

> > > > > > as high as EU-15 the average. higher education, which is twice almost > compared to the EU average of 24 %. > aroundbeing 70 %). (ranking 2 higher or education have asecondary > educated nations in the EU. Overall, Lithuania is one of the most in Lithuania is 576 is Lithuania in EUR. earnings monthly Average gross is 1.4 wage EUR. hourly Minimum 232 EUR. is wage monthly Minimum 39.4 years. age: resident average The 21.3 % Russian. 71 %Lithuanian, groups: Ethnic yearly. graduates 5,000 and five Twocolleges universities, 25–34 the %of year40 olds have a 30 % hold higher education degrees, 25to %aged More than64 90 nd in EU, the EU-27 average

ers and entrepreneurs are seeking natural sand dunes, the Baltic S spaces for all kinds of cultural activities. libraries, museums and various cultural galleries, concert halls, music theatres, plenty of creative places to explore: art ing, vibrant and open, Klaipeda offers lifestyle. Known as culturally develop stunning natural beauty, and a relaxed attractive business opportunities, a stable quality of life that includes Klaipeda offers what many urban dwell K na urrounded by white sandy beaches, laipeda t ural a tt –apor rac Sea and t

ion – - t of lei - s and fe Klaipeda Castle Jazz Festival. favorites are the Culture Tall ShipsRegatta. in a Training Organization Each secondyear, was hosted by Lithuania and Klaipeda. versally referred to as EuroBasket 2011, European Basketball Championship, uni festivals are held in the city annually. scapes to enjoy. About 30 traditional bounty of valuable and unique land the Curonian Lagoon, Klaipeda has a spectacular sailingeventspectacular – The s ure st Sea Festival and the ival , the International Sail the InternationalSail lists Klaipeda listsKlaipeda s T he 2011 - T he -  KLAIPEDA FREE ECONOMIC ZONE  one of the lowest business operation costs.” the business lowest of operation one because has itstill notonly countries China, like production large for is It competitor aserious decreased. Lithuania’sreasons hasn’t today potential and why We Icame. development, Industrial for saw potential the of the estateone EU,real for “Already potential so ahuge joining that’s business, had Lithuania before Clarke, CEO, Andrew GROUP James BNTP BNTP GROUP FEZ staff.”the Klaipeda by offered services as as well the location highest-quality geographical good really the city’s because of historical our also because of to sympathy and rationally was Lithuania chosen emotionally “Klaipeda CEO, Group Glassbel Dr. Sobolevski, Dmitri GLASSBEL GROUP To stableretain competitiveness. strongand investment successful.” our is really itshort, put as as well quality, and resources us to have thatallow productivity we Lithuania highest have in got inentirethe Morris’ factories of most effectivethe Philip areone All thethe difference, we EU. making who are the ones as as well the people equipment and technologies with Lithuania modern in “Based Lietuva Philip Morris Operations, Director Kubicek, Ivan PHILIP MORRIS LIETUVA Europe.” of by all acknowledged product, with the best exporter top with world class are endowed which skills have driven us to management the become and employees us to success. great enjoy that have helped Our people and governmentagencies including the years over FEZ, as we have received support business tothe strong Klaipeda local in decision locate our our of business of with pleasure which is We secondproud the world. in to none are indeed opportunity unique a natureprovides of by thebeauty serene surrounded Sea Baltic the ice-free in advantageous location city’s Klaipeda its investors fiscalwith to and benefits infrastructure combined FEZ with modern its “The PET O. P. Global Orion Director, General Mishra, INDORAMA

to the number of investments attracted and number the investments of S attracted commencement operations. of > planning, real and educational legal engineering, institutions. estate construction, > > > > and services. logistics > attractive economic zone in overall ranking: world’s economicbest zones according to the facilities provided, and the 20th most that has been developed, In recognition of the business conditions created within the territory and the infrastructure national of economic significance. project total investment amount will reach inor planning the implementing phase. After investment agreements already signed, the which of out Management Company, has signed T accordin K and CI he he t laipeda FEZ B –5th - an infrastructure that is specially designed and developed for industrial activities, that for industrial is activities, and speciallydesigned developed - an infrastructure - 35 away Palanga km from International Airport railway with networks - connected to national motorway - next Klaipeda of Port away ice-free the - 3km from Individual assistance in management the processuntilmeeting first the from the and business professional of consultantsA reliable network partners in logistics, Professional consultations and quick business set-up and development. industrial mof premises,55,000 sq. offices,and customs warehouses for lease. creates network easyMaritime access and road transportation to main the European Klaipeda FEZ Klaipeda ax incentivesax to applicable corporate income, real estate taxes. and dividend S countries, S 17 have is the best free economic zone free in Lithuania according is best the andBaltics the g t outheast Asianmarkets:outheast and American already and 4are commenced under construction their activities o th the FEZKlaipeda has recognizedbeen as one of the five e s 562 million 21 contracts ervice e st freest economic zone

EUR with foreign with companies, and domestic s and facili . T he Klaipeda FEZ is arecognised Klaipeda he ince 2002, FEZ Klaipeda the t ie s provided  KLAIPEDA FREE ECONOMIC ZONE KLAIPEDA FEZ MASTER PLAN

2 COMPANIES IN KLAIPEDA FEZ: LEGEND: 4.1 3 4.2 17 1 Skuba Klaipeda FEZ Management Company 7 3 km to Klaipeda 2 Yazaki W.T. Lietuva Address: Pramones str. 8, Klaipeda 16 1.3 10 1 17 Operational companies in FEZ 11 3 Klaipeda Business Park I 0.7 0.7 15 0.7 5.7 0.8 4.1 Klaipeda Business Park II 19 Reserved sites 1.0 0.8 6 8.0 1.0 0.8 9 8 2.5 1.9 S Industrial facilities 0.7 eapor 4.2 Klaipeda Business Park II 0.7 2.2 14 12 5 Vinges Logistika LT Warehousing facilities t 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.1 19 1.5 6 Lindström 2.2 Vacant sites (site area) 20 1.7 1.8 3.9 18 0.5 1.1 7 Sites for rent after 2013 1.0 0.8 Philip Morris 35 km to the AD REM LEZ 2.7 3.5 t 3.6 13 Lietuva Palanga Airpor 8 Glassbel Baltic Streets 3.9 5 4.0 4.2 Streets to be built after 2014 3.4 9 Pack Klaipeda 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.4 2.5

141 Railways 10 Helsina 0.5 ad km to Riga 215 km to Kaliningr 308 llinn Railways to be built during 2011–2014 Ta 11 Retal Baltic 618 km to 12 Espersen Lietuva Fire depot A1 Waste water pumping station 1.4 13 Orion Global Pet 0.9

Electrical transformer station 2.7 High 14 ANIS LMK 310 km to 578 km to Mins 15 Albright Lietuva Central heating facility wa 21 y 4.6 5.7 Vi 16 Mestilla Vi lnius– lniu

s 17 Fortum Klaipeda k K 6.1 laip 18 HeidelbergCemet Klaipeda ed a 4.8 9.1 19 Vesvela 20 Laivite 2.3 21 Neo Group 3.7 4.4 8.2

3.4 4.2 4.1 6.2 KLAIPEDA FREE ECONOMIC ZONE 10 11 12 K effective industrial parks in theBaltic Zone can be considered as one of the most successful and All thesedemonstrate facts that the Klaipeda Free Economic increase their turnover (+ 10 %) and rate (+ of export 13 %). downturn (2009–2010) the zone companies managed to production capacities. Even during the worst of the economic the majority of investors have increased investment and business development. business establishment process and reduce the costs for and a well-organized network of partners speed up the development solutions meeting the customer’s requirements benefitfrom the tax incentives. Flexible, operative business that wish to establish a baseto next the seaport and T inve K he Klaipeda FEZ is open to foreign and Lithuanian enterprises laipeda FEZ invest Heidelbergcement Klaipeda (Sweden) Klaipeda Heidelbergcement (Lithuania) Vesvela (Lithuania) Laivite (Finland) Klaipeda Fortum investments Planned (Finland) Lindstrom (England) Albright (Ireland) GROUP BNTP Park, Business Klaipeda (Switzerland) Helsina (Lithuania) Skuba Klaipedos (Lithuania) LMK Anis (Lithuania) LEZ Rem Ad (Lithuania) Klaipeda Pack (Ukraine) Baltic Retal (Lithuania) logistika Vinges (Denmark) Espersen (Ireland) GROUP BNTP vystymas, Pastatų (Belarus) Baltic Glassbel (Japan) Lietuva Technologies Wiring Yazaki (Norway/Lithuania) Mestilla (Thailand) Pet Global Orion Enterprise Neo Group (Ukraine) Group Neo laipeda FEZ st or S s ince starting their operations, ors S tates. Industrial real estate development estate real Industrial glass Architectural harnesses Automotive Biodiesel PET Activity Concrete manufacture, cement packaging cement manufacture, Concrete processing Fish manufacturing Metal Energy Heating services Workwear connections Electronic development estate real Industrial processing Metal center Warehouse manufacturing Metal services Logistics foams Plastic films PET services Logistics processing Fish PET Espersen (Denmark) Espersen (Ireland) Park Business Klaipeda Planned investment 3EUR investment Planned 4EUR investment Planned 4EUR investment Planned EUR 140 investment Planned 2 EUR 2 EUR 2 EUR 3 EUR 3 EUR 4 EUR 5 EUR 7 EUR 7 EUR 7 EUR 9 EUR 10 EUR EUR 18 26 EUR EUR 40 93 EUR Investments Millions 173 EUR 400 500 300 200 100 150 250 350 450 50 0 Glassbel Baltic (Belarus) Baltic Glassbel (Lithuania) Logistika Vinges ( I in K 2002 nvest mln – 2003 laipeda FEZ s E ur men 2004 ) ts 2005 2006 ince 2002 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 (I half) here. successfully continued development the their of businesses S different countries ( haslocation, already chosen by investors been many from T organized than other free economic zones.” economic free organized other than FEZ was far incentive more an theclearly Klaipeda and tax advantages to The were make that possible. willingness reasons was Lithuania and chosen their because of logistical Eastern wantedin for to Europe “We manufacture Lietuva Albright for MD & acting International Albright Director, Operations Kevin Holland, A Norway) (Lithuania, Mestilla (Thailand) PET Global Orion witzerland, Ukraine, Japan, Norway,witzerland, Belarus,etc.), have who he Klaipeda FEZ, as an effective and reliable FEZ,asbusiness an effective Klaipeda he lbright L ietuva T hailand, UK, Ireland,hailand, Finland, UK, Denmark, 13 KLAIPEDA FREE ECONOMIC ZONE 14 K 112 ha Country investor Country companies the of sales total from share export Total Employment EUR) (mln investmnets Planned EUR) (mln Investments construction under Companies companies functioning Fully area Subleased area Total opened Officially laipeda FEZke y fac ts (2011) 300 ha Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania Ukraine, Belarus, Switzerland, Norway, Japan, Denmark, Finland, Thailand, Ireland, England, 93 percent 1130 151 411 4 17 hectares 48.85 (1.020 acres) 412 hectares 2002 Service premi > > > > > management. > CPM –con > B > > > > W > > > > > > Initial real estate solutions,including: for your project. needed regard with Flexible to site size the and shape aparticular of P business relocation: FEZ offers up,optional ForKlaipeda seas.. the business start avoid many problems the of associated over operating with and easily FEZ,and quickly in Klaipeda the their activities start T reloca he wide range of different of range ensures wide he services thatour clients g lu uil are Design verification. control. quality Construction managementConstruction up to turnkey. services. Pre-construction client’s desired specifications. Design using partners. contracted Design assignment preparation, design works to buildlease or premises the Ability according to the storage. outdoor More thanmof sq. 25thousand officeMore thanmof sq. 5thousand space. customMore thanmof sq. warehouse. 8thousand More than 55 regular mof sq. thousand warehouse. Preliminary Environmental Assessment. Impact neighbouring activities. of List Architectural, spatial, physical plans and cost estimates. to site the borders. next points connection Infrastructure and approvedReady development regulations. g and pla t eological and archaeological investigations and reports. and archaeological investigationseological and reports. h s o s es for lea ou ui s st es and commercial t ruc y s tion po s offered – O i t t s ion projec es for lea e s ss t mana e : ibili g emen tie p tional bu t - s territory and companiesterritory in territory. the > monitoring. > > > in th Services for opera companies and negotiate S with

Coordinate public relations campaigns FEZ the of Organize and maintain environmental quality Administrate, maintainFEZ the territory. and supervise Represent common the interests FEZ the of e K laipeda FEZ: s ine ss t in g companies tate institutions. 15 KLAIPEDA FREE ECONOMIC ZONE 16 applications are addressed efficiently, and the entire environment in the business park is friendly and inviting.” valuable time. The professional assistance from the FEZ administration is highly appreciated and very helpful. almost down to the actual plant site and that meant we were able to start the construction process immediately and saved “One thing of vital importance to Espersen was the already established infrastructure. Roads, water and electricity were led Lietuva Espersen Director, General Inselseth, Reidar E are available to all plots. line DN1200-800 of collector DN600-400 cast-iron of network supply important most allAlmost sites T have access direct streets. existing from I to motorway the Vilnius (A1), Riga(A13) (141). and Kaliningrad andmain the highway,network to it connects which directly territory. T and archaeological research in out the has carried also been 20 ha. to haup 0.5 from ranging use warehousing and industrial for of sites selection wide a FEZ offers Klaipeda The Si time. up set their shorten to essentially able are Free Zone Economic to Klaipeda the capacities productive investigations soil, of water and air conditions have already conducted. been natural gas, heat electricity, supplycollection, and telecommunication supplies are available. fully S more than 21.5 million EUR European the from Union, national and private have funds invested. been Water, sewage, rain water place in infrastructure essential the has all area The to connected industrial the infrastructure. and directly Itis agricultural aformer land, levelled, pollution-free Klaipeda. of city the have Free Klaipeda rankedthe Economic Zone siteIndependent experts suitable site as most the for industrial development in provided I nfra nfra spersen L t e , power and grid an Land plots have plots Land approved plans. G detailed st he Klaipeda FEZ is connected to FEZ is connected national the Klaipeda he rail ruc rucst ietuva t infrastructure is in place infrastructure ure optical telecommunication cable telecommunication optical , ahigh-pressure ture and a : a newly : builta newly natural gas supply gas natural waste water waste eological eological , which is continuously and maintained. S developed being water he he

Companies choosing to transfer their their to transfer choosing Companies ite planning, preliminary

Planning ince 2002, managers.” and engineers to staffworkers manual from withprofessional – the local happy ranging Also, we are very port. ice-free the positionand is the geographical great ago 9years attention our greatest advantages that attracted Klaipeda’s of “One CEO, Grupp Berman, BLRT Fjodor > > > Social infra aresystems all available options. public address CC systems, networks, munication data line. communication Outdoor networks, T s Telecommunica licensed heat local supplier. Alternatively, hot water heating purchased be can the from line gas Natural supplied the from gas be can Hea 2*40 MVA capacity power requirements. T E street main the under discharged into built aspecially through internal to systems site utilities, and this is then water and surface are and conveyed roofs from collected T W BLRT G elecommunications are suppliedcurrent the from telecom he site has a stable supply of electricity meeting industrial meeting sitehe supply electricity of has astable zonehe

uppl lec a ball fields. ball fields. Public transport, FreePublic Customs transport, Zone and catering. Recreational facilities: tennis football and basket courts, systems. Fire and depot area security t t and na er s t y and Securi rical s which supplies central gas to heating city the station. rupp is supplied with safe drinking water drinking safe with is supplied uppl A 2*25 MVA y and Sewera upplies st t ural g ruc t . ion ty syst ty t transformer station is station operational. transformer will be available will be 2013. from ure a s s DN1200 watercollector rain : uppl em g T (6.0 BAR) DN600 mm mm (6.0 BAR) DN600 e syst V, and intrusion alarm y em . Rainwater - - Telecommunication networks Telecommunication networks supply Heat networks Gas networks sewage and Water capacity Power Roads en g Eq ineerin uipped wi 4 km 3 km 2 km 17 km 2*25 MVA 6 km 2011 g infra th amodernth 6 km 4 km 3 km km 23 2*40 MVA 2*25 MVA and 10 km 2013 st ruc t ure 17 KLAIPEDA FREE ECONOMIC ZONE 18 start their activities namely in the Klaipeda FEZ.” the Klaipeda in namely activities their start Free We business. We anew Economic recommend to starting investors place other think Zone the for Klaipeda to is excellent an Profit paying from to businesses the FEZ Estate in are exempted territory.Real privileges some They and state Tax applies Taxes. the addition, In here. highway) activities usour encouraged to start the Vilnius–Klaipeda of the proximity and to the seaport Free (the infrastructure Economic approach Zone Klaipeda excellent good is The situatedaconvenientplace. in geographic “The CEO, Pack Klaipeda Butvilas, Vytautas P ack K laipeda > > Ta F > > > > > > for bu

inancial s vided by S the vided Cohesion, T Resources development, Economic G million5.8 investment targeted per to project H the Investment Guarantees and Bank Loan Support Loan Bank and Guarantees Investment into newtechnologies. incentives tax profit Corporate eligible costs. of % %–80 training staff up for and specific to25 general Staff for EUTraining support Funds support EU Structural and etc. costs training, salary personnel infrastructure, to EUR million 3.5 construction, investment per project: State Oth ment into term long –1million assets EUR). (Corporate Income T and a50operation %discount for following the 10 years Source: Invest Lithuania, Lithuania, Invest Source: NO corporateNO during incomesix years first the of tax realNO estate tax. NO tax on dividendsfor on foreign tax NO shareholders. x incen financial“INVE investment support er financial incen echnical Assistance. t s tate company “Invega”. ives in th ine ax in Lithuaniaax –15 %)* (min. invest ss st uppor e K 2007–2013 –up to EUR – non-refundable support support –non-refundable laipeda FEZ t for R&D and investment for R&D ives: ar rowth, Promotionrowth, of L ST t t up T +” up of pro uman - - 19 KLAIPEDA FREE ECONOMIC ZONE How can I get started?

Contact the FEZ management company by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at + 370 46 312163 to assist you through the process step by step STEP 1 – and answer any questions you may CONTACT have.

Complete our questionnaire at Introduce your investment project and provide basic information about your planned enterprise. We will then discuss your needs with you in STEP 2 – more detail and offer you the most COMMUNICATE optimal setup proposal.

Sign a contract with the FEZ Man- agement Company. Receive your Activity Permit and establish yourself in the FEZ! Available office space will allow you to get started straight STEP 3 – away, whether you are renting a site COMMENCE! or constructing a building.

Project realization stages:

Introduction Evaluation Project realization Aftercare > Information > Evaluate the needs > Office space > Maintenance and collection from the and opportunities. available supervision of investor application > Select a site or setup immediately. the FEZ area. form. option together. > Provide assistance > Consultancy and > Identification of the > Combine the terms in project problem solving. technical needs. and conditions. implementation. > Participate in the > Sign the contract. FEZ Customers’ discussions and life.