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Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1396 VOL. LXVIII, NO. 31 CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1963 UCONN COED COLONEL: ASG Constitution Passed; Referendum November 6 Schachter: ''Fight Only Begun'' 1Koinonia'' Seen The Associated Student Govern- Senator Ronald Cassidento, Opportunity For ment Constitution was unanimously chairman of the Finance Commit- ratified by the Student Senate Wed- tee, asked Calder if he had already Self Expression nesday night. received an appropriation from the There were no objections to the Senate to finance the printing of "Koinonia;" the name given to Constitution as a whole. A little the ballots. the Coffee House opened last Sat- discussion proceeded the final vote Calder reported that the com- urday night in the Community as to various amendments concern- mittee had not received any mon- House Auditorium by the U.C.F., ing the Board of Governors, Wo- ey. The reason he proceeded with- is Fellowship. Fellowship is the men"s Student Government, and a out funds was that the ballots were union of individuals expressing few stylistic changes. needed and time was running out. themselves and being heard and When the roll call vote was read Cassidento said to the Senate in being heard and understood as in- there were no absentions and no general that in view of the fact dividuals. negative votes. that the Nutmeg had just run over But how can a Coffee House After ratification President Vic- $5,000 over its budget he could not make fellowship possible in any tor Schachter said. "The battle has allow any monies to be spent by meaningful way? First by simply only just begun." The Constitution the Senate's subsidiary organiza- providing a place to sit and talk has yet to pass a referendum on tions which had not been expressly more private then dorm lounges Nov. 6, and the Board of Trustees. budgeted for by the Finance Com- or student union snack bars, and mittee. It was said that each Senator has warmer then lake sides and cold the responsibility to act as a public He further reminded those peo- ple in charge of the various organi- cars. Here people can come alone, relations man to inform the stu- zations that they are personally re- in couples, or in groups and sit dents of UConn to vote for the sponsible for any sum of money and talk. It is often easy to feel Constitution. which has not been budgeted for. alone in a crowd, but very difficult Receiving a standing ovation for At this point Senator James Gad- PRETTY PEGGY SCOTT, coed- colonel and Queen of the Military to be alone when you want to. riut Ball will be crowned this evening as part of the fun filled festivities. the work he did on the Constitu- arowski took up a collection among Queen Margaret Ann Scott is a sophomore from Honolulu Hawaii tion Senator William Hait, Chair- the Senators for Calder. here at a Coffee House this too is and is a sister of Kappa Alpha The ta. man of the Constitution Committee, Cassidento said that it was not possible. announced that his committee will his intention to tie the hands of the Secondly there is provided an op- start on the process of drafting a leaders on the organizations. But new set of rules and bylaws for the he will not tolerate flagrant disre- portunity for selfexpression. Any- College Students Jailed Student Senate. gard of Senate and financial policy. one who wants to participate in a The floor was yielded to Mr. He had said earlier in reference program is more than welcome. to the Nutmeg that it might be Robert Calder, Co-Chairman of Music, be it piano, guitar, voice, For Negro Registration the Elections committee. He said necessary to take punitive action by that the ballot boxes would be plac- stopping all funds to the violator. etc.; Art be that oil. watercolor. The day was Tuesday. October were arrested on charges of violat- ed in the following locations: Wind- Also the head of the organization sculpture all these are expressions 22, 1963. and 14 students were ing the Clarksville curfew regula- ham Hall, Fairfied Hall, Sherman could be called before the Senate of self and all these are desired at placed in jail in Indianola, Missis- tions and released on a $16 bond House. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, to show cause why the Senate this Coffee House. On opening sippi, charged with distributing leaf- per person after spending the night South Hall, Witney Hall, Spencer B. should pay the additional sum. night there were on display works lets without a permit, helping to in jail. Wednesday in Indianola, Humanities, and The Student The financial policy which has register Negroes, and attempting six more students were arrested on Union. been in effect since 1951 has pro- by several students in the art de- to participate in a Mock Election charges of distributing leaflets with- There will also be another ballot visions in it to force the communi- partment and there will be more. for Dr. Aaron Henry, President of out a permit and held on $50 bond box placed in the Freternity quad cative organs Connecticut Daily A major part of the entertainment apiece. the Council of Federated Organiz- rangle, but its exact position has Campus, WHUS, Photo Pool, and will come from the student body, ations who decided to stage a mock not yet been determined by the the Nutmeg to submit a monthly Bingham has appealed to the from people who want an honest election in Mississippi with himself students of the nation to aid the Flection Committee. Students will financial statement before the Fi- as candidate for Governor, in the Yale students still in Mississippi be able to cast their ballot on Nov. nance Committee. opportunity to show what they ;an early part of the month. jails, who cannot be freed simply 6. in any of the polling places. Schachter read the resignation of do for the enjoyment of everyone. Election Goal because the other students do not Calder mentioned that he had al- Peter Franzese. and then proceed- Here is a form of fellowship where The publicized object of the elec- have the money to post the bond. ready ordered the ballots to be ed to swear in Patrick Sheehan, people can come and give of them- He has requested the following: printed. Two ballots will be given USA. as Sophomore Senator. tion was to show that Mississippi selves for others. Negroes want to vote, but are not that money be sent to Lowenstein to each voter. The first will have permitted to do so. Ballot boxes in Jackson, Mississippi, both bond the candidates for the Class offi- But what does a Coffee House on were to be placed in churches in money and administrative money. ces. The second will have a place this Campus look like. It looks like an estimated 20 cities during the The bond money, to free those still to vote for the Senior Senator, and Greetings a large room with warm lighting, week prior to November 4 (this in jail, will be refunded, while the for the Constitution. There will be Under a new arrangement with administrative money, to pay ad- a "YES" box and a "NO" box of (made from beer cans collected af- week), giving the Negroes an op- the State Selective Service System, portunity to cast ballots in support ministrative costs such as meals, which the voter must mark one. ter homecoming, and painted black of the COFO plan. Those arrested etc., will not be sent back. Two If he checks "YES" box it the University has agreed to verify and wire with seven and one half that Tuesday, two of which were colleges, Yale and Stanford, have means that he is in favor of the the enrollment and attendance of watt bulbs) card tables, with chairs already responded by sending $250 Yale students who had taken the Constitution. If he checks the "NO" all undergraduate male students arranged in what might be termed each. box he is against it. week off from school to help out each semester. It was anticipated the campaign, were distributing the organized confusion. literature advertising the election. that this task would be accomplish- It's noisy with the hum of peo- The story appears far from com- ed during this frist semester by ple talking in low voices, and the plete with the incidence of the 14 IVinter IVeekend Plans October 31. We now find that there sounds of cups and plates. The air students. On the same Tuesday, in will be a delay of approimately smells of coffee, tea, hot cider and Clarksville, Robert Moses. COFO threee to four weeks in getting this Director and director of the SNCC Scheduled For February cigarettes, very warm, very pleas- Voter Registration Project, and After serious consideration of the dates conflicted with the Univer- information out to the various Se ant. There's lighted snack bar with Steve Bingham, a Yale student, present date of Winter Weekend. sity's academic schedule for final lective Service Boards. busy people behind it handing out were arrested on charges of run- Winter Weekend Committee and examinations. Board Unwilling cups and glasses and plates of ning a stop sign. They were releas- the Board of Governors have de- Proposed Schedule cheese (a special of the Coffee ed on $8 bond. cided that a change in date would The Winter Weekend Committee Any undergraduate student who Violate Curfew be advantageous to the success of has proposed this tentative outline finds his Board unwilling or un- House.) It is a place made of peo- Later that night.