5 i


DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, MAT 0, ISSi). 1 r PORT OF , H. I. LOCAL AND GENERAL. OBITUARY. THE STEAMSHIP MARIPOSA. dvcrliscmcnls. AKKIVA I.S. j S. S. Mariposa sails at S this morning. Heath aiul of A. Arrives from the Colonies Full of las-eiie- rs Satcrday. May 4. Uurial Tliiniir.. Tlirmu One f Olilest i;est Itesi-l'iit- s Ileport of the Voyage and Stmr Lehua, Clark, from llamakua. Twelve lepers arrived fruiu Ko;;a by a the ami 4 i sStnirJ A Cummins. Neilson. from Kuo-la- u. schooner un Sunday. Sketch of His Career. the Fire on loartl Steamer Koc kton on the Way with Shipwrecked avy Stmr Waialeale, Campbell, from Kilai.ea The announcement of the death ot THE ARCADE," auu u&iiaiei. The hand gives a concert at Kmiua Mr. T. A. Thrum came with the sudden- --Men. Stmr James Makee, Square this evening. Kapaa. Macaulav, from ness of a blow to many people yesterday. The Oceanic steamship Mariposa ar- Stmr Tele, Smythe, from Kauai. A good ileal of amusement will be Although he was known to be failing rived in Mjrt about 9 o'clock last night 7" and 77 FDKT ) ( 75 and 77 FORT Stmr Viva from Maui. gleaned at Y. .M. C. A. hull this eve- under advancing years, only a limited from the Colonies, with all her pas- STKEKT. ) KG AN & CO., STREET. Sunday. May ". ning. number of citizens were aware he was so senger accommodation filled. Thirteen "Stnir Mikahala. Freeman, from Kauai. near his end. of the cabin passengers stop over for the Stmr Likelike, Davies. from Maui ami S. S. Umatilla sails on Friday at noon. . For freight or passage apply to Messrs, Thos. Augustine Thrum was horn in steamer Umatilla. The Mariposa brings Stmr Kilauca llou, Cameron, from lla- W. r. Irwin & Co. London, England. November 17, 1811, word that the .steamer Rockton, chart makua, Hawaii. Hchr and died May 5, lssy, consequently was ered to take home the American ship Glotliiiis?:--: $24,000 Liholiho from Lahama. Prof. W. T. Prigham, of Harvard, Schr Kulamanu tmm Kolmlalele. in his seventy-eight- h year. By trade a wrecked naval men trom Samoa, had Schr Kauikeaouli from Kohala. lectures on Photography at the V. M. w boat was his left day before Schr Waiehu from Kona. C. A. hall evening. builder and shipwright, as Sydney the the lormer, SS Mariposa, Haywanl, 11 .lavs from father, he emigrated with his, parents to but nothing had been heard of her at the Colonies. Messrs. V. C. Peacock fc Co. have New South Wales in 1S3S or lSo". He Tituila. Mr. Thomas Smith, the courte- memo, cellu- $24,000 WOItTJl OP CLOTIIIXCJ FOR given us a hand' tahlet in married, December 16, 1S3!, Elizabeth ous purser, has our thanks for files of loid with a calendar for lSS'jon the back. ikii:ti;i:ks. Wharton McPhail, whose death in Feb- Australian and papers, and Satckday, 1. following report of the voyage : May ruary, 18S7, is stiil fresh in memory. the Haw bk W P Godfrey, Panel, for San The Illustrated London News devotes Sailed from Sydney at 5 :35 p. m. r rancisco. two pau'es to pictures of the American Through the favorable reports of these April 17th. To iith inst. had battling game players in city. baseball and that islands early in the '"lifties," he was in- winds and confused sea, after which had GEjSTS, YOUTHS' and BOY'S Veaseln LpkiIiic To-Ia- y. duced to try his fortune here, arriving tine weather to Auckland, which port J Spreekelsville plantation is estima'ed was reached at rj .oO p. m. April 21st. KM S S Mariposa, Haywanl, for San to yield 14,000 tons of sugar this season, early in ISol, followed the next year By April PWBIB Sailed from Auckland L'2nd, Francisco. his wife and family, save the second at .Stmr Kaala, two or three thousand tons more than .1:47 p.m. At 0:40 a. m. of the 23rd "Ii.5ca: Cnderwooil, for Waialua year. eldest son, Thomas G., who was left, en fire Absolutely Pure. MUST be Sold AVitliin tlie arid Waianae, at ! a rn. last was discovered in the cargo of rlax route, at Tahiti with his grandfather, fore-hol- d Ncil-u- n. in the and at S :20 Stmr J A Cummins, fur K.,!;ni and followed on a year later. Owing to a. m. the tor quick raising, the Koyal Baking l'owiur i 9 in. Salurlayand Sunday yielded no less vessel was turned back to Auckland. superior to all ether lr: vein use agents. It is a! ." than eighteen arrests for drunkenness. scarcity of mechanics through the "gold solutely pure and whules-oai- e ar.il of the Stmr Viva for Maui at p m. The wharf was reached at 4 a. m. April leaveuir.g power. Mt.tM -:-- Stmr Lehua, Clark, Ha- T.vo nen were arrested for smuggling tever" on bis arrival, Mr. Thrum's tirst ll is always umforu. in for llamakua, 24th, and all of the flax on board was ntreutith and quality an. 1 never f.iM.s SO SO waii, at A p for service was as house carpenter with toluol;? Days! Days! in. opium, and two children disobedience put ashore. Sailed again for Honolulu ligbt, sweet, most yahiia'ule aiul nutritive t !. btmr Mokolii, Mc Jregor. liobt. Wakeman, but soon followed his eu-.- . v, for Mulokai. at to parents. at 'J:j p. in. same dav. Called off Tu- - hreait, biscuits, inutliiis, cake, raised ii! 5 p m. own trade with W. II. Johnson, after- Koyal Baking Powder may l.e eaten Lyi il!.i:e tuila p. April 111; d.-- 5:20 2Sth. iii;--:iv- Schr Ka Mifor Koholalele. A telephonic voict suggests that ladies ward Emmes ec Johnson, and subse- in. Fine distress results to the most ate Schr Mary for llanalei. weather was experienced during the organ. It will keep iu any climate wilhuiu leave their hats and bonnets at home quently with (i. J. Emmes, till, from passage. deterioration. KEGARDLESS OF COST! this evening, while attending the- enter- various injuries, through being run over Prof. 11. a. Mott. T. S. Government Chemist, On the evening of the 4th inst. after In u back the examining olliiially the principal baking Vm1 I'ort fioiu l on-l- Tort. tainment, so that people in the in lSbT, and from a severe fall from a powders of tlie country, may be able to see the performance. cabin passengers met in the dining sa- reported: OSS I'matill i, Holmes. eats staging ten years later, he felt his loon and tendered an address to Cant. "The Uoval Paking Powder is absolutely pure, Am Mist pkt strength to of for I have so found it i n many tests made both Morning Star, tiarlan.I. S S I. unequal the demands his Hay ward, an engrossed and for ! k(i N Wilcox, r.r. I'.v the I'm itilla the Criterion has re- in was illuminated that compauj and the l uited States Govern- Kav li. iM. n. trade this climate. He marked copy of w hich w ill be made in San Fran- ment. II II M S Cormorant, Nio.lK Hawaii. ceived a large invoice of the celebrated for all was good honorable in or niicl Fiincy that and cisco and there presented to him to- "Pecause the facilities that com pan v have liiae Dress Goods! Ilk Olaf Trygvaon, .Mt ver. Newcastle. Philadelphia beer, including a limited man, of staunch principle yet humble for obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, and Uk W U Franci-co- well-know- gether with a souvenir. A sum of 131 Ctxlfrev, Dahel". San . supply of the n Bock brew. for other reasons dependent upon tlie proper l'.k Alex McNeil, character. proportions of same, FnihroitUM-y- , Friis, San Frant is. . big to- was also collected and money presenta- the and the met liu.i of its Pact's, ILits, FeatluTs, Killnns, Hilks, Velvets, Tiimminga, I ailiea' Pk Jamei Chestou, Lookout lor their advertisement On the establishment of the Sailor's preparation, the Koyal Piking Powder is un- I'luinl., Pu'ct "iind. tions will be made to the officers and doubtedly purest Fmleiwear, Hosiery, Roots, Shoes, clippers, etc., ete. Haw bk Andrew Welch, New- morrow. Home, in this city, the subject of this crew. During voyage, the and most reliable baking Mart.ni. wife were the a number of powder offered to the public. castle. sketch and his excellent concerts were given manage- li ENUY A. MO'I'T, Sit-hcr- (ileaners' even- under the Ph. 1.." Pr The entertainment this S 1221-l- y "k. -- lk Jamaica, iiagov. selected by the late Damon as the m. V. S. o- Hk Metzger. ing promises to be a delightful affair. lr. ment of Mr. Leybour.ic-Popha- Government Cfieeiist. Newcastle. right parties for its management, and two-colum- lr. a n Am hk C O Whitmore, Ward, l'uet Sound. The young ladies who so kindly take unanimously confirmed by the trustees. From clipping from the part in the tableaux have expended Auckland Herald, furnished by Purser On aci'onnt of the tleath of Mr. Simon Cohn, the Entire new ami Magnificent This was held for several years, and the Smith, following jV1.ES Kvcelpt of I'nxliKf. much thought and displayed great good kind reference to Father and Mother the additional facts JA ss CAPrY Sue-ce- about the lire on board are gleaned. liaKrf auar. Harriet. Mm. pk((. taste in their dresses and makeup. Thrum was carried br "wandering boys" is sure to reward them. At first the tire was supposed to be in Stmr Likrlike. .. Mfs JuT to various oceans and climes. the mail room, and a deluge of water Can be found next door t'" the P. ('. A. . Kilmieu Hou . ,'Vxni -- Office, STOCK SOLD Upon Mr. T.'s arrival he early identi- was quarter Merchant Street. WILL BE FOB CASH! Htnir Lehua ... LVoO The Anglican Church Chronicle for fied himself with the church work of this turned into that through the . . hose. was spread out i JStuir Mokolii. . SJ ;io Uhi May contains the programme of the Dio- city, connecting himself with the then The mail on the Hacks Nos. U, 37. (iG, 7o, Stmr Mikahala. . 413S wharf at Auckland and found uninjured. 10 'O cesan Synod to meet on Wednesday. forming Second Congregational Church Htnir Waialeale.. Special mention is made of the assist- AND WAGON KTTK 111). i Stmr J as Makee. "J.lvj10 Tie editor supports the Saturday half till the establishment of the Methodist holiday movement. For rest the ance in putting out the fire given by t-S- It el l Telephone 'lOl, T.OO. .A-- ! . . . 4'ACt the chapel, which he stood by till its death, Mutual titmr Pele.... Captain Melntyre and crew of the jiia-t- r t a,ncl Mtrur Kaala lt;4o periodical contains the usual proportions when he identified himself with the late Below Cost chr of interesting intelligence and instruc- wrecked ship lied Cioss who were pas- Liholiho... lwo Betllel church, holding the honored posi- sengers. Five hours after putting back ichr Kulamanu.. 100 tion. tion of deacon for several years. r; iL'Cii-.'i- ni 7o 77 d, EfJAN CO., ami Fort St. the fire was all out, but Captain Hay-war- Received S. S. Seven children survive this honored of per Umatilla sons four daughters, of fearing a recurrence the disaster I'ASSF.NtiKKS. THE CHAMPION CYCLIST. father, three and in the tropical belt, determined to con- whom Mrs. D. Dayton, Mrs. .I.S. (furney tinue to Auckland. There was not A Full Line of Spalding's AKKIVAI.S. and Thomas i. Thrum, Registrar of the A 11mi :t Per-foriufiii- slightest manifestation of a panic Pioneer Shirt Factory, of Honolulu. From Waialua and Waianae, per Mmr Small but l.rilliant Conveyances, are well known residents Kaala, May a among the passengers, a result attribut- James Uav, J F Scott, Mr of this city. The others, John F., ami U. Cook, and 10 deck passengers. W. Mrs. A. Hamilton ed by Lieut. A. Marix, S. N., who Baseball Goods iSTo. There, was an undeservedly small James Thrum, J. was homeward bound from the Mel- IT Emma Street. From Kauai, per stmr Waialeale, May 1 and Mrs. C. 11. Woolmington have been SO-li- n MPS. THOS. LACK. Port St. o 1 latnberg, jr, ami 4 deck passengers. patronage given Mr. Maltby, the cham- bourne Exhibition, to the "tact of Capt. The uinlprsijineil to tLe public of la residents of California for several years. Ilayward splendid discipline hes Inform these llmds that be making Sltlrta From Kauai, per stmr James Makee, pion cyclist of the world, at his opening The funeral of the late Mr. Thrum and the measurement. Directions for will hv sivt-- ou applicatiou. 11 Mita-inura.Mr- maintained on board the ship." The May 4 C Spalding und wife, Dr sJ lerforinance on the stage of the Ha- took place on Sunday afternoon, and r. Captain fire arose from pas-aenge- believed the Fernandez, and 11 .leek Beck-wit- h ArONG SVI, (towns. waiian Opera House on Saturday even- was largely attended. Kev. Dr. spontaneous combustion in the flax. Wliite Shirts, Over Shirts and Night conducted the services, assisted by M NlKAC Tl'KKlt K ing. Although the stage was itself too There was 300 tons of the article, ship- A a to every From Kauai, per stmr Mikahala . Miv Kev. S. E. Bishop. The former, in the lit guaranteed ly making sample Shirt order. Isl.uul orders solicited. CW Spitz and wife. Hon (ill Dole, 'll . small to permit of the best display of ped by a Wellington firm. On behalf of O Macfie, course of his address, stated that, at last M. (who Wool, Calico and Linen Shirts, jr, Aug Dreier, AWMaiohoand of Mr. J. Flavin lately spent some wife, h Iovell, Mrs O Denherg, Miss vh!eh the cyclist is capable, yet the feats accounts, the father the lamented weeks in Honolulu) and other passen- A a, gentleman was still alive and well at the Hardy, Urote and wife, J IVrei.-- M J he performed were incredible to any- gers, a band was engaged at Auckland Queen St., door to K. P.. of ninety-eig- ht years. He also re- - next Thomas'. I'.ell Telephone 11(1. 104 ailva, F Holme. 5 Chinese, and 4 deck of ,age to play Mariposa oil", passengers. thing but the actual seeing them. terred to 'the tact that the late Mr. the when she made Mr. Maltby appeared first in feminine Ler second departure thence, out of com- From Maui, per stmr rakelike, May r Thrum had attended divine service at pliment to Capt. Hay ward, ollicers and H 11 Hitchcock, wife and child, Mrs A C attire and many really thought it was a Central Union Church on foot the last crew. Jrl. K. Melntyre & BroM Hurohardt, 2 children and maid, Kev lady who was performing very skil- Sabbath of his life. Interment was in CHR. GERTZ, Father Tiietnloro and James, Miss 1) E the The Maiiposa was announced to sail Nuuanu cemetery. At ibe residence IN Crook, J A l'ulmer, SM Kaiiakanui, Mrs ful gyrations on the bicycle until unde- were noticed Kev. Dr. C. M. Hyde and at 8 o'clock this morning for San Fran- Importer and Dealer in IMPORTERS AND DEALERS V, n, J J II Morri-uo- off n, cisco. Barba, Wilcox, Perry, H ceived by the champion throwing tho Kev. W. B. Ole-so- 59 deck passengers. wife, Kev.W.C.Merritt, and mask at the finish. In his next appear- Mrs. J. M. Damon, Mrs. P. C. Jones, ;ents, I.alies' and ClifMreiiN From Waimea, per stmr Pele, May 4 ance, after doing some of the finest tricks Captain Melntyre, Fred Wilbelm. imaginable on regulation bicycle, Miss Chamberlain, and. the Hons. S. ,M. Damon, J. B. Atherton, XV. Toots, Slio.s a d nippers Groceries, Provisions Feed S. removed e; From the Colonies, per S. Mariposa, Maltby the small wheel from XV. llall, M. P. Kobinson and II. Water-hous- May 5 Cubin: Mr Keaiimoitt, J t Bryant, his machine. To the marvel of the au- Messrs. J. O. Carter, J. A. Hop- No. SO Fort St., Honolulu. EAST CORNER FORT AND KTNO STREETS. J J Mrs 78-l- y T Simpson. Willcox, Parker, dience and the confusion of ordinary J- per, J. Hopp, M. Mclnerny, - Gilfillan, Bond, Miss Bond, Miss MeCormick, P of laws of gravity be balanced by every par from Kastern Europe James, B II Satow, Mr ideas the C. M. Cooke, L. Adler, E. C. Damon, C. New Goods received Ret the States and Jrenh Callforufa James, J James. prop-die- I'rr.dwre by every ste?.mer. All orders faithfully :it tended to, mid (Joods delivered to any part of A and himself about the stageon 11. M. NOTICE. the Woodford. Steerage: H Albert, Kev again B. Reynolds, II. Williams, John :ity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. I'ostollicc l;ox o. 41b Bohn, K Krahenbull, J (iraham, John the single wheel, tirst seated and Angus, XV. K. Ilerrick, XV. IE Lewers, iviehntie Nn. or1 Hooker. Theo Maag, Aug Schmidt, Miss with the seat taken olF and supported J. C. .Marchant, J. A. Dower, Charles Firewood For Sale! Kmma Uhl, Mr and Mrs Kirke and family. only on the treadles. A greater feat stiil Gray, II. E. Melntyre, and many others, J. M. CAM A It A. .1 It. IS MY ONLY w as accomplished, when he attached the ladies and gentlemen. The chief mourn- authorized Collector. All bills due me driving gear to the little wheel, and rode must be paid to him or to myself. S8 per Cord, MRS. GOOD, HIIIl'I'INn NUTKS. ers were Mrs. Gurney and family, Mr. 10U EAGLE HOUSE round on that alone. Other tricks were JNO. S. McdllKW, M. 1). sugar mills have and Mrs. Thomas G. Thrum and family, AT CUR. NUUANU The Koloa ami Waimea performed, such as balaneingthe bicycle, Mr. and Mrs. David Dayton and family. GER'raS STREET. shut down for a week. with the cyclist astride, upon a chair. The colli n was a very handsome one in 20-- 1 SO The steamer Ewa brought (MX) bunches Mr. Melville appeared in good acro- m POUT STP.KKT. Fashionable Milliner, the native koa and kou woods furnished Firet-rlas- bananas from Ewa on Saturday. on trapeze and on ladders. NOTICE. This Family lintel, batic feats the bv Messrs. II. H. Williams & Co. fiaviiij? just changed bands, haa been The steamer Lehua brought '2 racehorses He leaped twelve or fifteen feet in the '"3i3 tboroujjhly renovated, together on Sat- Honolulu, wltb ml 2i head cattle from Kawaihae air lrom the trapeze to a sw ing. Also, A LL MURRAY & LAM AN' S Fort Street, ntS.-i-litl the KAI'EXA I'KEMISES now attached, Hand Concert. FFRSONS ARE FORBIDDEN TO it) urday. f- - y and prepared to receive gmests he gave some rare good tumbling. Prof. trespass or wash clothes or to allow-an- The steamer Waialeale brought 2;? horses Berger with the lioyal string Viand fur- The lioyal Hawaiian Band will give a' cattle to dirty the artesian water on for Mr. P. Isen-ber- g, WATER Umatilla, in on Saturday from Kauai nished excellent orchestral accompani- concert this evening, at Emma Square, the land of Kapakea, Waikiki uka, and all FLORIDA Has Received ier Steamer By the Day, Week or Month Jr's., ranch at Waialae. ments. parties found on the lands after 8 o'clock The Universal Perfume all the Mokolii brought 15 head commencing at 7 :"0. The following is at night will be ex- At Keasoiialde Itatea. The steamer The next exhibition will be on Tues- prosecuted to the full the Enth and the Handkerchief. o' H'2 bags sugar tent of the For the Toilet, cattle, 2 horses, calves, and be the programme : law. TA11T.K UNSURPASSED. 1 day evening. Seats are to had at Mr. Transient RuestH sheep from Lanai. FOOK SING WAI CO. ev-r- y from . and Levey's o trice. 1. French Comedy Bela made Newest Shades and Latest Novelties will find accommodation, a place where Sun- L. J. Overture Honolulu, April 2l, lSn. 102-l- m la view of the attempts comfortH of a be The steamer Mikahala brought on 2. Waltz Southern Breeze Meisler recently by some hum ru;uliis all the borne can obtained. 'JO , day morning, besides sugar, head cattle, .'5. Fantasia Forge in the Forest Machaelis dealer-.- to 'f"it upon the public SO imit.iti.--n- . tlie TUGS. KHOU.SE, Prop. lt hides, I horse, and sheep from OPIUM SEIZURES. 1. Selection Nabucco Verdi a worthless bearing Niihau. Aloha Oe. Ahi Wela. Malamalama. (By Hi general outward appcaranue of lUbhons, Velvets, Honolulu, 11. I. 15f Hawaiian Tramways Co. the genuine, we call attention to Th bark Alex. McNeil was lowered from request.) the marks of the ih Murine Uailwav on Saturday afternoon Two Firemen of the Steamer I'matilla f. Selection Bells of Corneville (LIMITED.) genuine Mckkay 3c Lanman wharf where Pianquette Surah Silks, nd was moored at the Kinau Arrestett with Ouautitfcs f Opium. WATER. Planters' Monthly will commence receiving sugar for San C. Waltz Dorothy Ceilier - FLORIDA nhe ! AUK PllEPAIlED TO 01 VIS SPE- Francisco. Between eiht and nine o'clock on 7. Cavotte Old Gold Bogetti W1 cial Cars to Waikiki for ordinary F.ach bottle of the grnuine Al.so a Large Variety of March-T'- e on Sunday 3. Salute Boeder twenty-fiv- e article bepr on its neck tlie Trade The steamer Likelike arrived j Saturday evening, Win. Thomas Tenlap fares with a minimum of pas- For April J&M. Foiioi. t Mark, which appears alongside Maui with o.l.V bags sugar. 1,011 feet Hawaii sengers anV-ia-esrei- Saturday or Sun- from j fire notice and on each leaf of 1 7 bags and Samuel Patterson, of the room this j koa timber, trace horse. mule, day. Notice to" be j;iven at tlie Company's the pamphlet, which ii wrapped 4! m French. Flowers, com , 30 bags taro flour, hides, and of the S. S. I'matiHa, were intercepted office the day previous. 102-l- w around it. appears in faint water w ill packages sundries. She leave j while going ashore from that vessel with mark letters the words 1 1 ATS AND HAT "AlLE OF CONTENl;;n. ' opium in their possession. Tenlap LANMAN" & KEMP, rilKNCH LACK Company's brig-ntine- s in- The Oceanic Steamship ; NEW VCKK. FKA.MLS; Spreckels bad l; half pound tins and Patterson If. Not'S st Consuelo and John 1. I of the same kind of package. A third NOTICE. pillar lie Maui, on Satur- If - Joth sailed from Kahului, - article- us fei"il"".,ml!,,V Load to the Volcano full cargoes of sugar man descried the trouble in time to es- the Mav 4th, with PE-speetful- day, unrecognized to ship. MPS. LIZZIE JORDAN WOULD ly Pananas, Increased Shipment for . They were to race to cape back the One i inform her friends Sc ics in San Francisco, the Lonsueio naving a sian of those caught threw away his stock Li awaii jlii and the DOWNING SCII3IIDT American Sugar Tariff it was recovered. The other had public generally that she has opened a Wholesale Agents of nearly two hours. but . . place of on us Sugar Maiket May 1th ...... business Fort street, next door The bark W. B. Oodfrev sailed i..his supply with turn. Ltistom House to Oonsalves' Photo. Gallery, where she is San Francisco, CaU gZ?" Personally seltvted by me for Jlawaiian Commerce, i ISa for San Francisco with ,;ls uf;ir guards F.dwin and Dibble and police of- OPERA HOUSE prepared to do sewiner. embroidery, etc. of Honolulu and the other islands. H." ltn I a o.. Japanese immigrants 1. shipped as follows: Theo. II. vies ficer D. Kekona have the credit of the all descriptions. Native hats of all kinds sugar; F. A. Schaefer V ( o., prisoners Sugar at I.04O bgs ; double capture. The are Lessee Manager - Lewis Levey. made to order. Hawaiian curios always Manufacture W.iiakea ; & Cooke, 4,.10do. .io. and J. 4 H89 do. do. Castle charged with smuggling opium. on hand. An inspection invited. 82-.5- m 7,0-- Total to,,. , Cold Storage for Oranges, etc C. Brewer ,t Co.. N do. do. Manliattaii Life domestic va!ue,10o.,.O.N.. Fertilizers for Sugar Cane i,Hge,l,0l3tons; The Tahiti lHsaster. ! Mestrs Hall Bros, are now building, at Oceanic Steamship Co. l)i (fusion in Demerara Puget Sound, a new of Great Success Port' Blakelv, The Auckland Herald has accounts OK j TIIK Sugar Enterprise at l.H.'S fonr-raaste- d schooner for Messrs. Lewers Koloa, to the Tahiti fljds, which show them to A Cooke of this city, and le; Iieiiowiicl:-:Iicycle:-:Ri(lo- Sugar Enterprise at AVaimea, lKIJS 1). I . 1 en- - r! by Captain 1. j have been bad enough, but less awful commanded 1 Maceration (.'oniared now of the barkentme lanter. in SAN with Diffusion hallow 5o0,hm than reported American papers. The FOR FRANCISCO. capacity will be about j l Experiments on Cane and Peet Sugar Her carrying capital city of had live feet of Of ev York. F.tal.ll-lie.- I8j(l. j feet lumber. The A 1 steamship O How to Make an Orange Orove Pay consignees per Mariposa are: Castle water in the streets, and the fine roads The - A. Sugar and Coffee Planting in Java A Cooke. J. K. Brown A. Co., baiter ; were destroyed to a great extent. It was I reed t Who was greeted with great applau-- e on i 6 99 A Co . S. M. lamo, nit.n " the little hamlet of Papetoa which was -- Cleaning Steam Engine Toilers Mrs. his first appearance on even- - K. Me In tyre Uro.. II. May Co.. swept away, instead of the city of Pa- Saturday TJ L LA, oV This old Company now oli'ei.s to ih; In- Hilo C MAT Waiakea Plantation, W . I . A .., ing, and will bv special request, Von Pepi-k- v. William Irwin Jives lost were not 'Order. The importations are peete. The the ilVi: Ni: MoUK exhibi- Selling Fruit in the Grove C. Peacock. - previously but Hiring new w I.1) - thousands reported, those tion at the Hawaiian K Public its a ne. PKirs. mcii., x The Overproduction Heresy ..l, K' pkgs. cheese 1 e. caniieu of twenty-si- natives carried oil with the opera House, ludse.. 10 "Iiondon Purple" Ileinetly for Cof- goods, 2.V bags potatoes, e onion. houses of the village of Papetoa. bbls. beef, '2X coils rope. Tupsdav Evciiiiiir, May 7th ft r I '.. fee Plight ) Tyrolean Warbler. At s o'clock, Will for above port on 'Sill l)i The Same Old Prediction KAHULVI SIllVHIN'i NKWS. lav Honolulu the Mirioi Mr. Levey has secured at great ex- Mr. Levey Sunshine llegis-te- r A Novelty Arrivals-Ap- "..' bktne John Smith. And in addition Ins secured ril - Hon- in Kustel master, two 'lav- ixxx pense, to appear in conjunction with FA Starting Pusiness Oscar Mi TIIK MOPS i affords all'tlie of Lif olulu; 30. schr. J.C. l ord. H. ner Maltby Ibe cyclist evening, Which advantaH Sensitive Plant in . 1. bgtne. Join. ll), l.'UW, ma ter.lOdays. and. May Friday, May j Insurance during the earlier years of life, K. W. Christiansen master. the famous Swiss Tyrolean warblers, who 11') l?40-l- 1. Spreckels, ! and at time makes a provision PJdavs from San Francisco. arrived last night by the Mariposa. This Swiss Tyrolean Singers tin' sarin" I. schr. J. . l onl. 4. for old age, as the Policy-hold- er can s n- -' TEEMS : master; is enterprise, on the part of the present At .noii. iMrtn? "nsuelo. S. T. Robertson per of Sur-- - f .fust Arrive.! Stmr. Mariposa. . render his Policy at the end the bSj?nti.?i D. Spreckels, all for an lessee the Opera House, which can V. ."-.i- l ;:.ti,f:,.-ii- n in the John i r i ... i . i i . i . urea 1: i t . - ..i i api-l- to - p Yea ly sul iscri ion 2 ro i .i or Passage 1 TO 4 It A VS.v. in- ,T '. I h i a .t inl ivoi.-hi- 1iviii:.M) and receive .$ Francisco. scarcely l.tu io ieumru rroHueii m I'i ii.iiui world-renowne- d - Who will make their tirst appearance Foreign " house Two and dis- this occasion. Further particulars ' i:s I't'l.i. V.ti.i r. in ('ami thus combin- - l - . (K) tmct specialties m on f t'-- .:U- it; nci'l-- n leinl- - Pound Volumes 4 IIKI. in next issue. II r 4 only hvth. ing Invj.stmkni' and Pkotkc i ion. to which we have not been used , , ing u to nil Mil i rcr.. Pack Volumes bound to order, May .Mb. of par thing Wjl. (J. & CO., THRUM In this city. Box plan open now at Mr. Levey's oMice IRWIX a of ats A. Thrum, native fif-Se- now .1 . alysis. Thomas can be secured at L. A Decatur, hi. jLjT Address : Ixmdon, England, aged . years... a Levey's othce. yen i. 1 Ohio. Jt4 of islands , By un- 1A7--- Jt months; a resident these A petanl, thrown somo ffir"Nu ad vane1 in prices .ril Si Jd l,y 1 r.if - ils. 1S."1. Tr.JisSSSn pup.lisiiincj co., since Sydney papers known person, exploded behind tho iKLNSON, SMITH Jt .. T3r" Any information clieei fully ;zi:tte IS A-ri- XJ-- Han Francisco and of at Valentin, 'IMIIS PAPER KEPT ON FILE r,i its. Merchant St., Honolulu. copy. altar the cathedral 1 at E. C. AmKKTisiNo please service. A panic en- IV Iki;'s d&w'Jw Ireland, during ruitv. AiitM'Y, bt ec '.") Merchant's Exchange, - . X T T" ' W sued, but no lives were lost. The itllV San JOHN ll. l'ATV. WA.N1 Alili III' in I win hi. i ii. pn -1 i iuhiIiI fre. Francisco, Cal., where contracts tor EAD THE DAILY ADVERTISER hVERTlSE YOER WANTS IN F YOU mi. M - "i 1 1 cathdral was greatly damaged. T. t'o. 0 Sac'to ht. 6au 'rmiicisco, Cal. CS.A advertising can be for i V read the Daily 1. C. Advertiser. t. made it. if you want the latest news. Itt 1200 Agent. J Daily l'acitic Commercial Advertiter


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