Summer 2021 Press pack Opening hours ››Mid-December to April: 2 open daily 8.30am to 7pm. ››May and June and September 3 to Mid-December: Monday to Friday 9am-12pm and 2pm-6pm. Saturday 9am-12pm and 2pm-5pm. Closed on Sundays and public holidays. ››July and August: open daily 9am to 7pm. Contact SUMMER 2021 Contents tourisme

››14, route de Thonon BP 40 - F - 74 390 Châtel Haute-Savoie - France Tel. 33 (0)4 50 73 22 44 Fax. 33 (0)4 50 73 22 87 [email protected]


Pontarlier 03 Strasbourg Seraing INTENSE Bœrsch Berne nature… Bâle Mont Tremblant (CA) CH LAUSANNE


IN CHÂTEL, A40 GENÈVE THONON Lyon EVIAN we follow in Paris Cthe tracks… ANNEMASSE AIGLE SION ANNECY A41 CLUSES Grenoble Marseille 05 MARTIGNY Vias IN CHÂTEL, the countryside and FR CHAMONIX traditions have been recognized with badges! COMING to Châtel Aoste IT Located in the heart of the Portes du Soleil between and Mont-Blanc, Châtel is just 20 minutes from the Swiss motorways, 30 minutes from Aigle railway station, 1.40 hours from Geneva Cointrin international airport and 07 45 minutes from Thonon-les-Bains railway station. CHÂTEL, GPS coordinates Car sharing: the Haute Sa- From : there is a daily rail Welcome Bike" and voie Departmental Council service between Geneva airport and Latitude: 46.269966 has set up a website that en- Aigle. Transfers between the station "Tour de France Cycle Longitude: 06.840753 town", two labels for ables people travelling to Châtel to find and resort are by taxi. By road a car-sharing partner just a few clicks! The Léman Express service runs daily two wheels... Reduce your carbon impact and plan between Geneva and Thonon-les- From France: follow signs for Geneva, your travel with our partner Tictactrip, Bains. exit the autoroute at Annemasse, con- a travel platform now integrated with ›› tinue to Thonon then follow signs for the 'Getting to Chatel' page on our Vallée d’Abondance/Châtel. 09 website. By air CHOOSE the best From Switzerland: follow signs for ›› holiday package Monthey - Grand Saint Bernard, exit the Geneva Cointrin international airport autoroute at Monthey (Portes du Soleil By rail is only 1.40 hours from Châtel. Travel EVENTS exit) then follow signs for . From France: Thonon railway station to Châtel is by train to Aigle or Thonon summer 2021 is the closest to the resort, with con- then by bus or taxi. necting taxi and bus services.

CONTACT PASCALE DUCROT - Communication Service Châtel Tourisme Tel. +33 (0)4 50 73 25 58 - Mobile +33 (0)6 86 93 56 54 - [email protected] Intense nature…

A FEEL-GOOD SUMMER IN CHÂTEL THE PORTES with micro-adventures for memorable DU SOLEIL experiences… MULTI PASS… With all leisure and general activities in the resort now safely Unlimited activities for adapted to comply with national regulations, there are fun new total action freedom! experiences to be had for visitors of all ages. Here are just a few: €2 per day, per person for the duration of their stay gives visitors unlimited access nature… Orientation trails to the pedestrian ski lifts, Forme d’O water The Super Châtel activity area has huge open park, tennis courts, mini-golf, little tourist natural spaces. Visitors can explore the area on train and the inter-resort minibus. This in- an exciting orientation course. Register at the credible offer is with the Portes du Soleil

tourist office, meet at the top of the telecabine Multi Pass available exclusively for visitors Intense and follow the course with a map and compass staying with participating accommodation picking up clues along the route. providers between 12th June and 12th Sep- tember 2021. And on top of all that… The one-day Multi Pass is available for ››Afternoon teas and local produce tasting at day-visitors at a cost of €11. mountain farms Partner activities, which give a reduction Outdoor Yoga ››the goat farmers’ snack on presentation of the Multi Pass, are the At the summit of Morclan (1,970m altitude), at ››the marmot hike cinemas, Fantasticable with its two thrill- Vonnes lake (1,240m altitude), or on the Dranse ››the fun, interesting Rivari and Châtel Aventures ing zip wires, the Old Customs house, the river banks (1,100m altitude), let the magnificent (Super Châtel) activity trails Bobluge and the tree-top trail at Châtel surroundings inspire total peace and relaxation. ››the little tourist train Aventures. Everyone including beginners, families and even ››the Old Customs house and activities (guided As its name suggests, the Portes du the non-sporty, can enjoy the positive energy walk along the Dranse river, the ringing of Châ- Soleil Multi Pass is valid for more than and find a sense of well-being. tel’s bells, a peek over the border, hiking into 60 activities in all 12 of the French and Switzerland, a riverside village, a village history Swiss resorts. Sled Dogs tour…) Hugatherapy: a unique opportunity to get up ››introduction to botany close, cuddle and be photographed with the ››creative workshops beautiful sled dogs at Vonnes Lake. Learn about ››themed nature walks their sled and harness, their training routine and ››panoramic views and botanical hike (in the other interesting facts from the world of mushing. Chablais Géopark) Cani’kart: total immersion in the mushing uni- ››electric bicycles verse! Head off in a carriage towed by huskies ››mountain bike biathlon for a drive round the Mouille Lake in Super Châtel. ››Belalp escape game ››water activity centre and playground at Vonnes Lake…

CONTACT PASCALE DUCROT - Communication Service Châtel Tourisme Tel. +33 (0)4 50 73 25 58 - Mobile +33 (0)6 86 93 56 54 - [email protected] 4


In Châtel, SUMMER 2021 we follow in the tracks…

ON FOOT, on the hiking trails… HTake time to explore one of the well-marked hiking routes in the resort – in total there are over 90kms of trails. Inhale the fresh air and let your mind wander as you admire the diversity of mountain flowers, see cows grazing nearby, hear the buzz of insects coming and going, immerse yourself in the beauty of the mountains and appreciate the bounty of nature… The desire to walk and hike in their purest forms As a sightseeing activity, hiking in Châtel also remains. The Portes du Soleil Multi Pass gives offers many options; explore the Dranse River access to altitude trails via the summer lift net- banks on foot or by bike with family, friends, fit- work. ness buddies and even infants in pushchairs. Or enjoy a guided visit of Châtel via your tablet or The unparalleled field knowledge of local Smartphone with the IONO Expression Nomade mountain guides, on fauna, flora, landscapes app… and views is essential to fully appreciating the region. In addition, the Chablais area, of which Châtel is part, is a UNESCO world Géopark. Hikes of half a day, a day or even a few days including a night in a mountain refuge, are all The Chablais landscape and geological sites are TRAIL RUNNING enriching activities giving the satisfaction of of global significance. The natural and cultural having got closer to nature than would have heritage of the area is protected and subject to on dedicated been possible were it not for the unique local an educational and sustainable development knowledge of the guides. strategy. The diverse Chablais landscape ex- circuits… tends from the southern shores of Lake Léman to The Portes du Soleil has the mountain summits of the Portes du Soleil. In over 400kms of marked trail Châtel, the Col de Bassachaux is a Géosite as is running tracks making a total Plagnes Lake in Abondance. Partner visitor sites of 48 permanent circuits. Each are the Old Customs house in Châtel, the Maison circuit begins at one of the 23 du fromage and the abbey in Abondance. Hiking pedestrian ski lifts open in in the area is enriched by the interesting cor- the summer and included relation of two local accreditations: Flocon Vert in the Multi Pass. Aline and Pays d’Art et d’Histoire. Châtel has 4 circuits suitable for a variety of dis- Ploton ciplines. Trail running as a stand-alone sport has Châtel native and always existed but is now widely used as prepa- mountain guide ration fitness training for other disciplines. The circuit list is available on the fr/portesdusoleil app. Meet

CONTACT PASCALE DUCROT - Communication Service Châtel Tourisme Tel. +33 (0)4 50 73 25 58 - Mobile +33 (0)6 86 93 56 54 - [email protected] In Châtel, the countryside and traditions have been recognized with badges! Abondance Abondance is the name of a valley, a village, a breed FLOCON VERT of cattle and a cheese! Châtel first received the Flocon Vert accreditation in 2015 rd Every day of the year, farmers make this (the 3 Alpine resort to do so), it was renewed in 2020. delicious cheese which requires a mini- The Flocon Vert recognises the engagement of This symbiosis between agriculture and winter mum of 100 days maturing before eating. Châtel in a clear environmental strategy. How- sports demonstrates how important environmen- This year they are proud to celebrate 30 ever, more than that, it also recognises that tal preservation is across all sectors of society. years of AOP accreditation. although the environmental protection initia- tives implementedT have borne fruit, the natural Geographically, Châtel sits at the heart of Abondance cheese is the base of the famous integration of countryside and agriculture is of the Mont de Grange reserve which reaches Berthoud, recognised as a ‘guaranteed tra- primordial importance to, and the very essence 2,432m altitude. ditional speciality’ by the EU and highly of, Châtel. acclaimed locally. The ‘fruity’, stronger taste Since 2003, the mountain range has been part of the summer cheese is much appreciated. The total area of natural pastures, forests and of the European Natura 2000 network (1,261 hec- The cheese produced is summer and winter mountain slopes – inaccessible by ski lifts - is tares). Controlled hunting is permitted ensuring is easily distinguishable. The summer cheese with badges! have been recognized the countryside and traditions larger than the ski area. Agriculture plays a key the equilibrium and well-being of the various is made from milk produced by cattle eating role in the maintenance and upkeep of the species. Keep an eye out for mountain goats, mar- summer flowers and grasses. The different summer pastures and as a direct result, the mottes, ptarmigans, foxes and other wild animals versions of the cheese are a source of local ski pistes in winter. During the 4 summer months as well as the huge array of mountain flowers. pride and a demonstration of the seasonality the cattle herds spend grazing in the mountain of local produce. pastures, they work as natural ‘cleaners’, keeping Natura 2000 is a network of protected sites found The emmontagnée, remuée and Châtel, In the undergrowth under control and enhancing throughout Europe. The sites have been selected démontagnée are important moments in | the beauty of the winter ski runs. As winter ends for the rarity or fragility of their wildlife and natural local farming tradition, they are the periods and spring begins, the piste workers collect hay habitats. The objective is to preserve this biodiver- when the cattle, farmers and other farm seeds from the barns of the village farms, which sity for the future without excluding human activi- animals leave their winter accommodation are then used to reseed the slopes once the snow ty so that this natural heritage can be appreciated in the village and head up the mountain has disappeared so that the cattle can eat the and enjoyed. Natura 2000 is not strictly a series of to the summer pastures, then change familiar grass they know and love. nature reserves but does have many similarities. pastures and finally return to the village in the autumn for the winter.

Julien David we follow in the tracks… A young farmer, with his par- ents Emmanuel and Corinne at Barbossine farm on one of the walking routes. Meet In Châtel, Châtel, In

CONTACT PASCALE DUCROT - Communication Service Châtel Tourisme Tel. +33 (0)4 50 73 25 58 - Mobile +33 (0)6 86 93 56 54 - [email protected] 6

7 SUMMER 2021

ART AND HISTORY ACCREDITATION This accreditation was granted to the entire Abondance valley, comprising 6 villages, 3 of which are holiday resorts, just under 20 years ago. It was granted in recognition of the local architecture and heritage and the way they are actively promoted through organised activities including guided visits of cultural and religious sites. Because Châtel is located on the French border, Châtel, "Ville sonnante"… the village has been just 2kms from Switzerland, the Customs Post awarded this joyful trophy in recognition of the has historically been an important and integral wide variety of bells ringing and chiming in the part of local village life, despite being run by the environs. There are a total of 5 buildings with 53 central French government for many years. In religious and civil bells between them. One can 2009 the local council bought the building back hear or listen to the 13 bells of the Saint Laurent CHÂTEL village from the government and created a Mountain church, the 26 bells of the Ars Sonora Frontière Contraband information centre called “La Vieille (a stunning musical sculpture in the place de ››1,247 permanent residents Douane” – The Old Customs House. The centre re- l’eglise), the 12 bells of the Plaine Dranse musical ››24,745 visitors beds traces the entire history of mountain contraband sculpture, the Vonnes chapel bell and the Très les ››20 hotels (1★★★★ hotels NN, 8★★★ hotels NN, in Châtel, the Abondance Valley and the Portes Pierres chapel bell. 11★★ hotels NN) du Soleil. Illustrated anecdotes in the form of ››3★★★★ NN Holiday apartment complexes Not forgetting the bells worn by the cattle in the large comic books are an authentic testament to ››28★★★ NN Holiday apartment complexes spring as they go up to the summer pastures the ingenuity of the cross-frontier traders. ››1 Holiday apartment complex with hotel services once the now has melted, or those they wear ››9 Hotels for groups, holiday centres As well the fascinating visitor centre, there are throughout the summer so their cowherd can ››1 winter/summer camping and caravaning many external activities organised during the week. find them should they stray or get hidden by the site★★★★ Focussing on the themes of the border with Swit- fog, or those that are put back on again as they ››Additional accommodation: 1 Gite★★★, 5 Bed and zerland, local heritage and the mountain landscape redescend to the village at the end of October. Breakfasts, 1 Youth Hostel, 1★★ Holiday village these activities delve deeper into the significance of The bell and bells have a very special place in ››60 restaurants (including hotel restaurants) the Customs House in local history. The Black gold the heart of local farmers. A bell is given for a ››A wide variety of shops and Grain of Salt exhibition is ongoing. birth, a birthday or a family celebration. The face of the recipient is often painted on the leather In addition, the Crépy sawmill, the Très-les- collar. Cows wear two types of bells: les “Cam- Pierres Chapel and many other local religious pannes” and the “Potés”. shrines and sites are also important aspects of Châtel’s history. They are mentioned, along with Most of these bells are passed from generation other buildings, in Eric Dresco’s book “Châtel, sur to generation as family heirlooms. They come les pas des Pionniers” (Châtel in the steps of the from neighbouring Switzerland or the Aosta Pioneers) and in "Notre Dame de Plaine Dranse" Valley in Italy where bell foundries still operate by Joëlle et Marie Pétey and "Mémoires de vo- today. yageurs dans nos villages" by Jérôme Vuilloud, providing historical information.

CONTACT PASCALE DUCROT - Communication Service Châtel Tourisme Tel. +33 (0)4 50 73 25 58 - Mobile +33 (0)6 86 93 56 54 - [email protected] CONTACT PASCALE DUCROT - Communication Service Châtel TourismeCommunication Service L two labelsforwheels and "Tour deFrance Cycletown", Châtel, Tel tional cyclists. regional, local, national,brought together and interna tel Chablais years, has, the last three for Léman Race sachaux race many for years, Having Montée local deBas organised technical, thehighly Tour, theCritérium duDauphiné, theTour deRomandie… in the Val andparticipated has d’Aoste welcomed the resort 1988, was it ontheTour then, Since caravan astage. for itinerary In Châtel was 1975, anarrival village ontheTour deFrance. In nical androlling roads. ing to train onthe down orwind after races official tech varied Top thearea of too, com teams cycle appreciate thebenefits manyby enthusiastic Châtellans! attributes These are allalsoenjoyed cyclists. for destination orholiday stop makes thevillagelocation asought-after pit the village road by 2kms from and this unique geographical Châtel. from ChablaisSwiss depart lakes intheFrench and beautiful along theshores of over throughvalleysMany cols, and circuits majestic in Châtel. integral to offer the summer activity tourism cycle years, For 50 has been ON THEROADS commitment to the promotion road of cycling. with a3-bike rating, indicating astrong - "Tour deFrance town" Cycle -accreditation, àVélo thenow "Ville received duTour deFrance" Bike" accreditation two years ago, Châtel has Having gained the "Accueil Vélo" -"Welcome . +33 (0)4 - 50732558 Mobile "Welcome Bike" thechallenging newChâ +33 (0)6 8693 - 5654 The Swiss border is only border isonly The Swiss

- - - - - [email protected] › › › › have already cyclists participated: nowned thisyear. inperson present be will Many re and restrictions, dueto theCovid in 2020 He was in2019, present watching afar from the first edition. enthusiastic sponsor since who its has Lemond been with Gregpartnership The race is organised in Léman Race CHÂTEL › › › › Olympic Champion).Olympic Pascal Richard asurprise for (1996 visit France), intheTour winner andstage Romandie de de 1 Tour theDauphiné(winner of Libéré, onthegrand Dufaux Laurent circuit Word Champion), (1997 circuit BrochardLaurent onthepetit champion),(9 times French Cyclo-Cross Francis Mourey ontheGravel circuit

... Chablais -

› › › 11 Sunday › Saturday 10 exhibitors. 25 showwith a cycle adraw€ 50,000 total prize acarand for pot, 2021 Edition › › › › Pas de Morgins –Pré la Joux. – –Champéry Rives UCI –Montée des –Aigle/ Evian-les-Bains Gingolph –Saint – duCorbier Pré –Col –Abondance la Joux 2,687m –elevation: -159km Grand circuit d’Abondance –Pré la Joux. –Vacheresse– Bernex Chapelle –La Chablais dela Beunaz/Bernex –Côte duPlan– Côte Fayet Paul –Saint en duCorbier Pré –Col –Abondance la Joux 1,734m –elevation: -100km Moyen circuit – Pas deMorgins –Châtel/Pré la Joux. –Champéry Rives –Montée des Aigle/UCI –elevation: -65km 1,900m circuit Petit Vonnes –Pré la Joux. Maisonnettes de des – Châtel– Côte – Lac Chapelle d’Abondance –La Abondance deFrémoux –Côte – – Abondance dePrétairié Plagnes –Côte des – Lac Grands Covagnes Les Plans des –Côte Pré –Plaine la Joux Dranse –Bassachaux/ Gravel -50.4km –elevation: 1,599m

th July th July

Châtel, "Welcome Bike" and "Tour de France Cycle town", two labels for two wheels... 8 M-BMX There is a new activity zone ded- 9 icated to M-BMX, a new bike dis- cipline born in the Swiss and available for the first time in France at the Pré la Joux Tapis site. A fun way to share unique family time or laughs

New with friends on the fun, easy circuits. SUMMER 2021

ON THE TRACKS PRÉ LA JOUX Mountain Bikers can indulge in their passion on numerous Mountain Bike Park dedicated tracks in and around Châtel. Accessed via the Pierre Longue and/or Take the Super Châtel bubble up to 1,650m alti- All MTB disciplines are possible in Châtel, Rochassons chair lifts. It is maintained by tude or the chair lift to the top of Morclan at 1,970m either organised or individually, including 9 bike patrollers, who open, maintain and altitude and revel in the majestic views of the electric MTBs for those wanting a little less close the park and are on hand to assist surrounding Franco/Swiss mountain tops before effort. There are 5 marked electric MTB cir- riders and give advice and help if required. tackling one of the many cross-country tracks. cuits: It has 20 wooded and varied downhill tracks for These tracks cross mountains and pastures mean- ››Châtel-Lac de Vonnes circuit, all abilities, 2 slopestyles, one of which is for dering between France and Switzerland. ››Très les Pierres-Col de Bassachaux-Rubis circuit, professionals, a kid’s shore and a pump track all ››Châtel-Morgins (with a shortcut option) circuit, of which provide great views, thrills and experi- In Pré la Joux, in addition to the bike park, the ››Linga-Col de Bassachaux-Chapelle, Saint ences. top of the lift gives access to equally spectacular Théodule-Plans des Feux circuit. Renowned in the Mountain Bike world, the Bike tracks leading to either the Col de Grange, below Park welcomes many local, regional, national Mont de Grange or towards Keysets and Sous le Batteries can be recharged at Châtel tourist and international mountain bikers every summer. Va to Vonnes Lake. The panoramic views of Châtel office and/or at the Pierre Longue lift office, the It is part of the Portes du Soleil tour, an 80km cir- change with each twist and turn of these spectac- “Hors Piste“ restaurant in the village centre or cuit through the area and on the itinerary of the ular rides. the "Sherpa" shop at Etringa together with the Pass’Portes du Soleil rally which takes place on auberge Haute Bise at the Col de Bassachaux the last weekend of June uniting more than 7,500 and at the col car park. participants.

Sylvain A day in the life of the Qualified MTB Bike instructor in summer, piste first-aider in Park winter and president of the local MTB patrol association in Châtel: team.

Meet Razorbike

CONTACT PASCALE DUCROT - Communication Service Châtel Tourisme Tel. +33 (0)4 50 73 25 58 - Mobile +33 (0)6 86 93 56 54 - [email protected] Choose the best Events holiday package summer 2021

Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th MULTI PASS BREAK Friday 25th June to Sunday 27th June L7 NIGHTS In an apartment from Pass’Portes du Soleil MTB rally ACCOMMODATION * The 2021 edition will welcome over 8,000 + 6-DAY PORTES DU € participants for this Franco-Swiss MTB event SOLEIL MULTI PASS 106 per adult covering the 12 resorts and 80kms of the Portes du Soleil tracks on a circuit punctuated with refreshment stops serving local produce and The Portes du Soleil Multi Pass gives unlimited access to over 60 activities good humoured encouragement! in the Franco-Swiss area (full details page 3). Pass’Portes Kids and Pedestrian Pass’Portes are also th st st th *Price valid from 10 to 31 July 2021 and from 21 to 28 August 2021, based on 4 people both very popular events.

sharing an apartment rented from a private landlord participating in the scheme. summer 2021 Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th July Châtel Chablais Léman Race MTB BREAK (see page 7) Events

7 NIGHTS In an apartment from Sponsor: Greg Lemond who will be present this year | ACCOMMODATION ** Saturday: Gravel circuit + 6-DAY PORTES DU € Sunday: Petit, Moyen and Grand circuits. per adult SOLEIL LIFT PASS 192 Monday 26th to Friday 30th July Sailing Course Buy a Portes du Soleil lift pass and get a free Portes du Soleil Sailing and mountains, a great combination! Multi Pass (of the same duration as the lift pass) when renting Introduction or improvers sailing, SUP and windsurf- through a participating accommodation provider. ing courses… for adults and children at Vonnes lake. **Price valid from 10th to 31st July 2021 and from 21st to 28th August 2021, based on 4 people Fishing and walking are also available at this bucolic sharing an apartment rented from a private landlord. activity centre. the best holiday package Choose Choose

Monday 3rd to Friday 6th August Châtel returns to Childhood Festival A week dedicated to families and children with INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS games and workshops planned. ››Châtel Réservation Tel. +33 (0)4 50 73 30 22 [email protected] The events calendar is likely to evolve as sanitary conditions permit.

CONTACT PASCALE DUCROT - Communication Service Châtel Tourisme Tel. +33 (0)4 50 73 25 58 - Mobile +33 (0)6 86 93 56 54 - [email protected] Communication Service [email protected] BP 40 -F74390BP 40 Châtel Fax. 33 (0)4 87 Fax. 7322 50 Tel. 33 (0)4 44 7322 50 Haute-Savoie -France 14, route14, deThonon Châtel Tourisme 4 SeasonsintheSun

[email protected] 33 (0)4 87 Fax. 7322 50 Mobile 33 (0)6 54 56 8693 Tel. 33 (0)4 7325 50 58 Pascale Ducrot Contact

thuria - 14812 - Photos: J.-F. Vuarand (Châtel Tourisme) - L. Meyer - J. David - S. Cochard - V. Thiébaut - Studio Yvon - S. Ploton - GAEC Barbossine Document not legally binding - please dispose of responsibly. The information and prices in this document are given as a guide only and may be subject to change. The prices shown are in euros and include all taxes at the VAT rate in force on the date of purchase. Châtel Tourisme cannot be held responsible for any changes.