Summit Herald, Summit
f * COMBINING The Summit Herald, Summit . Record, Summit Press and n Summit News-Quide OFFICIAL: Official Newspaper ot City and Subscription $2.00, a Year County. Published Thursday A, M. by-The Summit Publishing Co., 357 Telephone Summit 6-6300 Springfield Avenue. Entered at the Mailed In conformity with P, 0. D. Post Office, Summit, N. J., aa 2itf Order No. 19087. Class Matter. EDWIN CARTER, 5 CENTS 55th Year. No. 9 FRED L. PALMER, Editor &; Publisher THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1943 J. Business Mgr. & Publisher Gas or No Gas NEW INVENTION SPEEDS MAKING OF SURGICAL DRESSINGS Sunday School Circus Selectee List ~Auto Inspection""" Imposed Here Coming To Town; Made Public Is Still Required Beginning August 23 Two Shows Saturday By Draft Board A 48-hour week was imposed Robert Ringling's "Spangles," tlie Selective Service Board No. 1, l!l In the .Inly 29th issue of The circus in tlie continental manner, Maple street, made public thin Herald it was stated that we/had Friday on Summit, New Providence Borough and Township as part of will close next Tuesday after Its* week the names of registrants ac- relayed to H. VVr MeGee, Commis- cepted for the Army, Navy, MajincH the Newark area by the War Man- New York engagement, at Madison sioner of Motar Vehicles for the and Coast Guard, following their power Commission. The order is Square Gariien. Here in Summit, .State of New Jersey, thi) feelings the Hunt Brothers' Circus, which physical examination and induc- effective August 23 and is manda- expressed hy many Summit resi- the actors and working-men in the tion in Newark, July 31.
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