7/16/2021 Gmail - THE MOTHER: THE MOTHER is 1% Father and 99% MOTHER, 1% Deva and 99% DEVI, 1% Half the Sky and 99% HALF THE… AADHA AKASH <
[email protected]> THE MOTHER: THE MOTHER is 1% Father and 99% MOTHER, 1% Deva and 99% DEVI, 1% Half the Sky and 99% HALF THE SKY ... 1 message Jagbir Singh <
[email protected]> Fri, Jul 16, 2021 at 8:42 PM To: AADHA AKASH <
[email protected]> THE MOTHER is 1% Father and 99% MOTHER, 1% Deva and 99% DEVI, 1% Half the Sky and 99% HALF THE SKY, 1% Church and 99% Mary Magdalene, 1% Vatican and 99% Uxmal, 1% Moonshine and 99% Sunshine, 1% pariah Beast and 99% Beauty, 1% ear and 99% hear. (July 11, 2021) July 16, 2021 This 22-page extract will provide HALF THE SKY the detailed roadmap to complete their mission to bring about the greatest miracle of all by 2050. There is no question that “the Divine Woman is a concept foreign to the current monotheistic religions, and one to which there is great resistance.” Hindus, Buddhists, and Sikhs will resist Her. Even Jains, Bengalis, and Nepalese. I do not have to mention Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Their Yahweh, Father, Allah, Devi, Buddha, Waheguru, Durga and Kali are supreme, no matter the evidence to the contrary. If that is the case, as has been for millennia, how will it be possible for the few here to do the impossible within three decades? Is 2050 a lost cause that has no chance of fruition? Can HALF THE SKY succeed in projecting THE MOTHER (Brahman) onto human consciousness? Jesus, by sending the Holy Spirit in the Age that has Come, renders the patriarchal synagogues, churches, and mosques impotent of delivering eternal life.