Automatic Action in Plotinus
Created on 26 November 2007 at 17.13 hours page 373 AUTOMATIC ACTION IN PLOTINUS JAMES WILBERDING 1. Introduction Plotinus scholars have recently called attention to a kind of action in the sensible world, which one could call ‘spontaneous’ or ‘automatic’ action, that is supposed to result automatically from the contemplation of the intelligible.1 Such action is meant to be opposed to actions that result from reason, calculation, and plan- ning, and has been put to work to provide a way for Plotinus’ sage to act, and in particular to act morally, without compromising his ã James Wilberding 2008 A version of this paper was presented at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 2006, where it received a helpful discussion. For comments and suggestions I am par- ticularly indebted to Peter Adamson, Julie Cassiday, Christoph Helmig, Christoph Horn, Jan Opsomer, David Sedley, and Carlos Steel. I have also profited greatly from a reading group held in autumn 2005 at King’s College London on Ennead 3. 8 with Peter Adamson, Verity Harte, M. M. McCabe, and others. I would like to thank Williams College and the Humboldt-Stiftung for funding the research leave during which this paper was written, and Andreas Speer for welcoming me into the Thomas-Institut for this period. 1 e.g. A. Schniewind, L’Ethique‹ du sage chez Plotin [L’Ethique‹ ] (Paris, 2003), 190 with n. 7: ‘les actions du sage sont l’expression (παρακολοýθηµα) de sa propre con- templation . Plotin evoque‹ deux possibilites:‹ d’une part, les actions par faiblesse (èσθÝνεια) de contemplation, pour ceux qui ne parviennent pas a› l’Un; d’autre part — et c’est la› ce qui correspond au sage — les actions en tant qu’activites‹ secondaires (παρακολοýθηµα), issues de la contemplation’; D.
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