|g H ightstown Gazette.


One Way to Keep in Shape . . . Will Distribute 18-Year-Old Youths May NEWS Ration Book 2 fro m the In January Register At Peddie School Fighting Front Limitation of Other During Next Three Weeks

Goods Expected Soon Donald W . Rich, Jr., chairman of the war service advisory commit­

This column will be devoted to news ol men After New Year tee of the Peddie School and head of the social science department there, horn Highwtown and Ticinity wbo are terring will act as registrar for youths who have reached their i th birthday la the armed forces. Parents, relatives or 8 friends are requested by this column to send W ar Ration Book Two, which will since June 30, 1942, as well as for those who will become 18 after the is any news providing it does not violate be distributed to the public next month wartime censorship. Service men may coop- first of the year. This was announced today by Selective Service Boattl efsie by writing letters in care of this column. for use in connection with commodities 'P N o. 1 for Mercer county with head- to be rationed next year, has begun to Recovering From W ounds. Lieut. W illiam Kohler arrive in quantity in various parts of quarters at Princeton. the state, James Kerney, Jr., state OPA Anyone desiring to register at Home on 10-Day Leave; director announced. Princeton may do so, but it is as­ Kerney stressed that they would be Recently Commissioned sumed that most of those affected will Peddie School student* are shown attempting to scale an eight-foot given only to holders of War Ration register in Hightstown to conserve tire* barrier which is one of the obstacles in the steeplechase coarse recently Book One, the present sugar and cof­ and gas. William Kohler was commissioned as fee rationing book. He said: a second lieutenant in the infantry erected beside Peddie Lake. Under the direction of George W . Weed, "It is important for every person to Registrations’ will be conducted each Saturday at Fort Benning, Ga., after the prep school lads are in the midst of a toughening up class. This is in have a copy of W ar Ration Book One, day from 8:30 a. m. to 12 nobn, and three months at Officer Candidate line with the national fitness program. even if he does not use it to buy sugar from 2 to 4:30 p, m. in room 10, Me­ morial Hall, Peddie. Rich will act a* School Lieut. Kohler is home enjoying Hightstown High School also has erected barriers similar to the and coffee. This book may be used in a -day leave prior to entraining for the rationing of other commodities, and registrar not only for those living in 10 one pictured above. George F. Coons has supervision of the special phy­ Fort Lewis, Wash., where he will join it will be the basis for distribution of Hightstown but also for Peddie stu­ sical training course there. the 44th Division (New Jerse/d Na­ War Ration Book Two. Anyone who dents. tional Guard unit). does not have a copy of the present Lieut. Kohler has been in the Army sugar and coffee book should apply to his local rationing board for one be­ Tom to page two and read tho e ^ - almost two years, receiving his basic fore December 15, 1942.” torial entitled, "Teen-Age YobiIm training at Fort Bragg. N. C. He has Airplane Spotters Began Take Iidtsal Step Toward Induction held the rank o f private first class, cor­ Has Eight Pages poral, and sergeant on his climb to a Into Armed Forces.** commission. Duty One Year Ago Today Book Two,, it was explained, is to be used in connection with rationing arti­ Last summer he trained with the am­ In accordance with the President's phibious forces along the Eastern sea- cles by the “point system.” This sys­ This morning at 7 a. m. was the first tem is used for the rationing of a group order, the following schedule will be coast and at one time was on board \vartime activation of the Ground Ob­ observed: server System. of similar or related commodities, with the transport Edward S. Rutledge—one anniversary of the Hightstown Obser­ a) Those born between July 1 and a low point value given the most (plenti­ of five sunk during the North Afrcian vation Post. At that time last year 1 extend to all of the volunteers m Aug. 31, 1924, may register on Friday ful, and a high point value given the campsugn. the (ground Observer Corps, Aircraft through Thursday, Dec. 11-17. the first two observers went on duty Warning Service my greetings and ex­ scarcest. PVT. JOHN KURTZ Ernest Peterson, Jr., w a s recently b) Those born between Sept. 1 and —they were Peggy a n d Billy West, press to each the appreciation of this The following explanation of point ra­ promoted to second class radio man in John P. Kurtz, son of Mr. «nd Oct. 31, 1924, may register on Friday children of William West, chief ob­ Command for the faithful service which tioning was outlined by state ration­ man in the U. S. Navy and was placed Mrs. Philip Kurtz of Maxwell ave­ through Thursday, Dec. 18-24. server. you have performed, and my solicitation ing officials: in charge of his group on board his nue, is recovering from severe gun­ c) Those born between Nov. 1 and Today there are 150 observers tak­ for your continued interest in and devo­ 1. Book Two consists of eight pages Dec. 31, 1924, may register on Satur­ ship. tion to the service. shot wound* of th e heaiL Kurtz, ing part at the post which is located of coupons; four pages are red, and who is 24 years old, was wounded in day through Thursday, Dec. 31. Adolph Grancllo of Mercer street re­ on top of Memorial Hall, Peddie School. W e have been through a trying peri­ four pages are blue. There arc 24 cou­ No registration will be held on Sun­ ceived a Christmas card from Sergeant action during the N o r th African Included in this number are men in od of transition from our normal peace­ pons on each page—six 8-point coupons, campaign. days, however. Frederick "Pete” Vey who is in Egypt. various phases of business in town as time lives to w'artimc conditions and six 5-noint coupons, six 2-point coupons, According to Mrs. Kurtz, who, A fter Dec. 31 as anyone reaches his The card was adorned with airplanes well as women and students from high still greater changes will inevitably and six one-point couipons. Each cou­ along with her husband, visited her 18th birthday, he must present himself in the foreground, soaring far over­ school and Peddie. come in the future. The war will be pon has both a letter and a number to son at Waiter Reed General hosintal that day either to Rich or to the head the age-old pyramids. The front brought closer to those of us at home designate it: A-5, B-8, C-2, etc. in Washington, D. C., l a s t week, Princeton board for registration under cover had printed on it "Black Scor­ as llic losses of sons and brothers are 2. When the government decides to John is coming a lo n g as well as the Selective Service Act. If his birth­ pions, U. S. A . A. F.” Turn to page two and read the edi­ reported and a full realization of what ration a group of similar or related could be expected. He was wounded day falls on a holiday or Sunday, he Same "Sandy” Lucidi, formerly em­ torial entitled, "Wake Up at 3 A. M. sacrifices that calls for will dawn upon commodities, it will announce what while fighting the French. The sol­ must register the following day. ployed at the American Shoe Repair everyone. those commodities are. the number of Some Day to Give a Thought to the dier next to him was killed. This will be the sixth registration of Shop, was inducted into the Army last I realize the difficulties which have points allotted to each, and what total Airplane Observers.” points may be used each month by each J o h n was inducted in January, American manpower held since 19W Wednesday. been encountered and overcome in set­ when all men between 21 and 35 reg­ ting up and maintaining the Ground person to purchase these commodities. 1941. His brother, Walter, 22, was P. F. C. George Huber is with Hq. inducted recently at Fort Dix and istered for military service. The fifth Work wa.s started Tuesday on a new Ob.scrver System and the great con­ Co., 2 Bn., 110th Infantry, A. P. 0 . 2H, Point System Explained has b e e n moved to Miami Beach, registration, held last June 30, took in Camp Livingston, La. observation tower which will be con­ tributions you liave all made to it; this youths who observed their 18th birth­ typifies the best traditions of our (2oun Fla. Pvt. Archie "Buster” Wormley is nected wnth the heating system in Me­ For example, if it is announced that day anniversary on or before June 30t morial Hall. It will be elevated above try, the indomitable will to win. a group of five items are rationed, OPA 1942. They, like the youtlis not yet with Jhc 91st Aviation Squadron, Biggs You have been given an opportunity Field, Texas. the roof, giving an unobstructed view will announce point values and proce­ 20 who registered at the time, were not of the sky. Besides an enclosed rooni to serve your Country in a manner dures as follows: eligible for military service until Con­ Corporal James M. Thompson is en­ with windows on all sides, there will never equaled by civilians since Lex­ a) Item 1— 1 point per pound gress adopted the ’teen-age amendment joying a 10-day furlough at his home Cold Weather be an outdoor catwalk around the en­ ington and Concord. You have risen Item 2—2 points per ipound and it was signed recently by Presi­ on Ktra road. He is stationed at 811 tire building. The phone will be moved to the occasion and kept the flag fly­ Item 3— 4 points per pound dent Roosevelt. Chemical (Company, A i r Operations, to this structure which is expected to ing in city, hamlet, and town; on lofty Item 4— 8 points per pound During the last month or so, local Herbert Smart Airport, Macon, Ga. And Snow Warm be completed soon. buildings, and in lonely fields, reporting hem 5—11 points per pound boards liave started sending question­ He, too, is down amongst the "bare­ Following is a letter from the dis­ all planes in order that our fellow men (This will indicate that Item 5 is the naires to those youths who registered footed squirrel hunters,” as is Pvt. W al­ trict supervisor, expressing the Army's may go about his or lier appointed oc­ scarcest, and Item 1 is the least scarce.) Kids* Hearts last June. It is expected that some will ton Palmer Dennis. The latter is appreciation of what the observers have cupation, that our great industrial b) 48 points a month may be used be inducted sliortly after the new year. pounding the turf as a foot soldier in done and will continue to do:. plants may pour forth their products, by each person to purchase these com­ Camp Wheeler, however. Recently he and our citizens rest secure in their modities. was on K. P. for 15 hours at a stretch Dear Fellow Workers: homes, readying themselves for tomor^ I am sorry that I cannot write to each c) Blue stamitis A, B, and C will be ‘Tm Dreaming of a White Christ­ (twice). row's tasks, and that our Air P'orces of you individually, and since this is used during the first month. There are mas” has become the theme song of lo­ Legion Holds and "round defenses m a y remain at Harry Taylor, Jr., son of Mr. and impossible, I am addressing this letter four each of the A, B. and C stamps, cal residents following th e four-inch their stations secure in their minds that Mrs. Harry Taylor of Maxwell avenue, to all the State Directors, District Di­ in denominations of 8, 5, 2, and I points snowfall yesterday. is pictured "ready” with the bayonet to you, the eyes and ears of the Air De­ under each letter. Consequently, there Beginning at 6:30 a. m. Wednesday, Regular Session rectors, Sub-District Directors, Chief fense System, are guarding them deal the thrust through the midriff to Observers, and Observers as Command­ are A stamps to the value of 16 points, the white stuff fell through most of the against surprise attack. and the same applie,s to the B and C day and covered the ground with a ing Officer of the Air De­ To each of you, I say, carry on. You Monday Night fense Wing on the anniversary of the stamps, making a total of 48 points. thick blanket. Toward late afternoon have done well, keep it up; there is al d) When you purchase a pound of it stopped, however, and the roads were j ; ways room for improvement. W e are Item 1, therefore, you surrender an A-1, turned into mush. Commander______Joseph______S. Gillow____ ’m. Also he is attending quartermaster's school. CARD OF THANKS Craig. Dunphey, .who is stationed somewhere ter, Margaret, on the program tliat night were the While out at Sa nFrancisco, "Bud” was The committee and Scout member­ COTTRELL.—We wish to express in Panama; Floyd Dunphey, Jr., wltp is to Lieut. John Bordentown Quartet a n d Gerald t h e shortstop and captain of a semi-profes­ ship was registered this week—Troop our sincere thanks to neighbors a n d with the Marines on* Guadalcanal in the W . E r V i n of Magician. sional baseball team and he batted .528. friends for their many acts of kindness Solomon Islands; two daughters, Eliza­ Cranbury on 53, Hightstow.’n—in the George W ash­ Pvt. Edgar Everett has been moved a n d expressions of sympathy at the beth and Grace; three brothers. Charles Thanks- ington council. to 765th T. S. S., Barracks 414, Buckley time of the passing of our beloved and Terrence of here and Raymond of giving Day in Men Must Carry Pield, Colorado. brother, George W. Cottrell; a so to A s b u r y Park; and two sisters, Mrs. t h e chapel atj Stults to Be Listed Fort Bliss, Classification Cards Pvt. Edward Platt’s new address is those who sent floral tributes and loaned Fred Paladino and Mrs. William W il- In CoUege ‘W ho’s W h o’ 319th Base, Hq. and Air Base Squ., automobiles. Carrie C. Davison a n d son. Tex. Father! Dunphey recovered sufficiently from Mc.Ateer offi-| Selective Service registrants must h . A. F. Tech, Trg. School, Boca Ra­ Laura C. Howell. _____ carry their classification cards with Walter B. Stults, son of Mr. and Mrs. tion Field, Fla. He was recently trans­ his injuries to return to his home sev­ elated. a p p r e c i a t e s u p p o r t eral weeks ago, but he suffered a re­ T h e couple] them at all times, beignning Jan. L C. Stanley Stults of South Main street, ferred from Victoria Field, Tex, is among the students who will be list­ The members of Hightstown Engine lapse and returned to the Philadelphia are making Regulations already require that regis­ Lieut. John Braun is now stationed ed in the 1942-43 issue of "W h o’s W ho Co No 1, express their appreciation their home in Mr*. John W . Ervin tration cards be carried. hospital. Among Students in American Universi­ at Charleston, S. C., at an ordnance Wilbur was on his way home for a El Paso, Texas. Upon entering active service the reg­ to the residents of tliis community for ties and Colleges.” He will receive hi* aviation base. Lieut. Braun was com­ furlough and didn’t hear of his father’s istrant must surrender his classification the financial support during the ambu­ .A. B. decree from Williams College iB missioned in September at Camp Lee, death until his arrival Iiere. Floyd, Jr., card to his commanding officer. When va., where he was in the quartermaster lance drive. Any person that was over­ ORDER CHRISTMAS TREES February. looked may send their contribution to was reported wounded in action a few you receive a card with 1-C on it, you now from Henry William.s, for the sup­ Stults is president of t h e Garfield Corps. He then went to the ordnance days before the death of his father. may rest assured you are "IN.” ^hool at Camp Holobird, Baltimore, the fire company.______ply will be limited. A few live trees Club, largest social unit on the William* will be available. Sale is to be held CHICKEN SUPPER ^d., for four weeks, prior to being as­ CHRISTMAS TREES . campus, and is a member of the colleg* on town parking lot next to Acme Mar­ will be served Saturday, December 12, signed to Charleston. He recently Place your order now for your Christ­ A DELICIOUS TREAT executive committee. He played on the ket. Order now and be assured of a 5:30 p. m., at Mt. Olivet Baptist 'I'rote home for an alarm clock, but mas tree. This year the supply is lim­ Castle's Pineapple Ice Cream Pie, varsity soccer team for the past three serves four, 39 cents, at Embley’s.—adv. tree,—adv. Church. Tickets 75 cents.—adv. years and w’as manager this fall. ited. Totten’s Grocery.—adv. (CoBktniied on pogo ^ cohimn 3) V t n T m mCHTSTOWN GAZETTE, HICBTSTOWK. MERCER COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1912


CEO P- DEHMIS. 1 World News W. PALMER DENNIS, M isxias EAiar P k ooc m A s 1 See It THURSDAY. DECEMBER I«. tSC by Hoo Nose Entered at th e Hjgiststtrtrrv S. ? o * l O S ce as secoQ-i c b * « aaRer.

F0b&sl»ed es'ery 'ntnrsdsT at tfee (iaiette Bad^fag, 114 fu>c«rrs A sctsa c- Tbt soptr-inuksbip Xcw jersey

Yard Monday, just one year after TEJtMS SUBSCRIFTim Japuese attas^ Pearl Harbor a ad Oac Year.. __ fi jO E^fet M ociSis, ------SI j O O S e x M o n i e s * . _75c jS ^ or danced eight bassioiiji J ttoe were m the harbor. .Al&ijS Foot M ootks.______50c Siagle Cofpr------4c omcsal tonnage and annamen; aTe>SS secrets, estimates are that it w'utS aOOO tons and w-31 have anri-ZIS^ battenes equal to aa asta-aiTcra*- -w ‘Teen A ge Youths Take Initial Step meet. ’ ■ 1 t Spangler of loaa v u Toward Induction Into Armed Forces cle «^ Repobiican natkf^ai dairmaa : Monday at the St. Louis meeting o i the national oo^ttee. He waTa e S 'Teen-age youths »il! b^in registering for Sdective Service toiaar- j promise choice after a hattie deveVr.~i WMBde’t c a « £ ^ row, December ii. The boys will make the first step toviard inductio!! «h e censenative into the armed forces of the United States. ,G O P 5tandb}-x. Spangler, boxever is •no l.’beial by any .means, and the R*. This takes on added significance as a result of the latest order is­ i^ b h c^ may be expeaed to make no sued by the President in forbidding ealisanem of men b>' any branch. Morthnght moves which repndiate their I isolationist tendencies. Only ly-year-olds and specialists over 38 may enlist today. Draft calls > will be larger from now on, for Selective Service must supply the .Army, i Adnnral W i ^ m F. H .h .y . Jr, U. . S. rntnmvndrr in the Sooth P^iS. Navy, and Marines from the same source. 1 ™ «w n «B d by tott.. It was back in 1940 that the first registration of -American manpower ; ^ aiifcs: ”G atl»ca, we are lb. ^ F»«hting Fetee. 1 wut was called. .All men between 21 and 35 were re^slered for one yeaPs I nobody to think in t a n . of A m military service. In successicai came the registrations at various intervals N «.y . u d M u fa c . Every —— majt 1 ^ n d eeery hlej*,*,. of all men between 20 and 65, only the younger ones to serve in the b l^ M ud to ■wtt andoetand it if armed forces, however. I 1 to take off aM aaifowa, issua iaipr^ tke miUBk D ecem ber 7 , 1941, brought the United States fully into the war on r S- P. F, F. OB tkc scat of &c pants. the side of the United Xations w hen the Japanese attacked Pearl Har­ U s e o f chocolate in atanuiactanaz bor. One year later, the nation's i 8-ytar-olds start to leave behind the novelties such as Santa Ciaascs, happj-, carefree life o f youth and prepare for war. |cntine Hearts. Easier bunnies and csz%. F ro m tk g A d m m Vmi om H , JL I was prohilntcd by WPB last W ar today is a young man’s job. for men over 35 cannot stand the ’ This wff! provide additkmal cbooi^te terrific pace. Mechanized warfare demands too much from an indi­ I for soldiers and war workers. Imported “jSuper-Senrice It Out ' Gift wrapping and gift packing will :cocoa beans from which c!»co3atc is vidual. Only the strong and healthy and young can survive .An 18- : become a domestic chore and not a made are hard to get and grinding of year-old lad is ready; a man of 35 is past his prime. The Bandstand N o whipped cream No caffs on I professional service. ithem is limited to 60 per cent of Ian men's suits. No gift wrapping. No year. The fifth registration, held last June 30, took in j-ouths who observed Free style shows, instruction classes, —by Philip Basse) second pat of butter in seme restau­ jfree concerts, free refreshments, an d j Both North Carolina and Pesmsyl- their i 8th birthday anniversaiy on or before June 30, 1942. T h ev , like of the Peddle School rants. One by one the frills of the sa- I even air-conditsoning are on the OPA j \ania are experiencing shortagesof the youths not yet 20 who registered at the time, were not eligible for , p-erstandard of American Ixring are bc- 'liquor. The former state is going » • store-services “biacklisL” militaiy service until Congress adopted the 'teen-age amendment to the * :ng dippifd by ibc harsh shears o f war- ; lar as to ration its supplies at stale ! time economy. j To most Americans this will come as stores. About three qaarts will ht National Selective Service .Act and it was signed a short time ago by the Profiling a bandleader; Edward Kcn- Yet com;^ratr.-cIy few persons have a shock. Not that they would for a mo­ available to registrants from Dev. 7 to : nedy “Duke” Ellington, who was bom President. Recently, local boards have begun sending questionnaires to fell as yet the full unpact of one o f the ment question necessary economies in 31. A pint a week is expected so be the fin Washington, D. C., in plays hmit after the middle o f February latest Ofince o f Price Administration times like these. But ihey^ve been those youths who registeret] last June. I piano and has arranged one or two of | orders. They wiiL and soon. Many re­ R^siration was held Tuesday and spoiled. Spoiled by super-service. It will be only a short time before these youths will be inducted. fthe original tunes in h:s library. tail store scsvices long taken for grant­ Wednesday. They may be spoiled b>- it again some He attended school in Washington ed are about to beceme part of the all- They will be taken in preference to older and married men. As other out war effort—and we meant « i t ! Bcfiimi&g Jatt. 1, sales- and intended to play legitimate piano. time—they hope—but they will then Purchases on approval whll h t a privi­ maa will be permitted aa mcreue ta youths become i 8 t h e y , t o o , will sign up for service. .A boy can count have more appreciation of it, for they : *Thc Duke,” as he is often cal3e>l, lege of the past, if merchants adopt the t h e i r aiBeage rariening to a maxi- upon militaiy service upon his reaching 18. /showed real ability in art. He was I n e w OPA amhonzation. No articles will be able to remember what it was unim of SAM miles a year, or 6 per It isn’t pleasant for the parents to see these youths lake such a nicknamed “Duke” because he was the may be returned simply because the like without it. — Christian Science cent of their last ycarit mileage, whicheYer is less, it was j “sharpest” character on the high school customer has changed her mind. ' Monitor. responsibility so soxm. To many young boys, the prospect of military- hy OPA Saturday. The increase was campus. He went for the gay life that) service is not fun. - granted at the re<|Dest of WSliasi M. one lives in the band business, and his i I Jeffers, mhbnr director. But other aiuntries are using boys that are 16 and 17 . G erm any first job was with the W ooding band in ■ ( Wa«h ngton, where he played one c: : When a W'.AAC goes .A. W O. L, has speeded up the war because of her using youths. .America must ac­ i the two pianos in the band in that or­ READING &\UUT1NG ; where wx»uld be the best place to search cept the decision. This kind of w ar spares no one, and youths are better chestra i for her ? Certainly not in a strip tease ; show—or is it. Auxiliary Kaihryu off preventing boml>s from falling upon .American cities rather than wait­ .•\tier slumming around S':»ine -smal! I Grecjory of the W A A C S had her brief “combos,” he organized his own band ing and having to defend their country at home when they are unpre­ Viodm nSe(Ufcixfxy7^)UnM ^/ixm strip tease reign as “ .Amber d'Georg, and left for New York. Band business | pared. glamor girl from Hoh-wocid," in the was at a standstill in the city at that ^ Carino Follies at Des Moines,Ta, while time, so the boys didn’t cat regularly. A. W. O. L. from Fort Worth, Tex. The band’s b:ggei aid (only when they need it, of When they left the Cotton Ciub in the great carrier ship, the U.S.S, L ci- ; course) from the city's ^ rb ag e and aih , 1932 they were known from coast to ' ington. ' truck drivers. The latter have rist Snow and falling temperatures have been the weather menu for this coast. From that point on. Duke and As fighting ships go, the Lexington completed the standard first aid course and are now working on the ad'.'ar.ted area lately. A oung folks have gloried in the chance to take part in win­ . the boys went steadily upward and they ‘ was an old-timer. She was first built as a icourse. W hen this is finished, each ter activities, while the older generations have viewed the approach of are st:ll moving. Duke can’t even name , battle cruiser and launched in 1925. She ' truck will be equipped with k:*s. and winter with varied emotion.s. all the tunes he has written, because had none o f the comforts o f later carriers, ; the drivers and helpers will be qualified thet; are so numerou.s. cruisers and battleships. But compared to to administer first aid. For a day or so there was even a chance for the kids to go sleight Personnel: saxes; (\) Johnny Hodges,' fighting ships o f the old days, she was riding on the nearby slopes, .A raging snowstorm had covered the earth Otto Hardwnck. f3) Ben Webster,* luxurious beyond imagining. (4 ) Chauncy Haughton, fS) Harrv Car- ' with a clean, white blanket, permitting a snowball fight to develop here Gone are the days when all the food ney. Trumpets; 0 ) Re.x Stewan, (’3)1 Reviews of Shows and there. This soon melted, how ever, but it prophesied tilings to come. Ray Xance, (3 ) Wallace Jone=. Trom* ! was cooked in one huge galley. In the Lex­ ice skates came out of their hiding places as both young and old bones: ( 1) Joe Kanton, •('2^ Lawrence' ington there were modern cafeterias in Soon to Be Played STANLEY JOHNSON each section o f the ship. Food was plenti- raced to Peddle lake to sec if the ice was thick enough. It was! Soon , Brown, f3 ) Juan Tizol Galvej. Drums: j Sonny Greer. Guitar: Fred Guv. B ass: ‘ , , varied. One o f the showplaces was On Local Screen the pond was dotted with forms and figures, gliding along, enjoying the Junior Raglin. Piano: Duke Eliinc-' t ^ modem bakery, w i^ electric ovens, dough-mixen and cake-baker*. crunch ot steel on ice. ton. Vrxinis: I-.ie .Anderson. ~ Most o f the bakers had stations on anti-aircraft guns, and on the day the Lexington met her , the bakers got their day's bread into t l» Ah, yes, cold weather and snow do have their advantages. .RECORD ROUND-UP: ovens, then ran to t W gun pom. Vhen they knew the bread was ‘Panama H attie' and On the other hand, w-hat about the poor, shivering fellows who use Some of the new releases this week | done, telephoned the electricians and had the power to the ovens cut on ! I‘Somewhere I’ll Find You’ oil with which to heat their homes? They must sit home and feel the by the various record:ng companies are ■WJtn Lexington waj in flamea and the order given to aban- ugly breath of the c r M North winds as they beat against the house. hardly worthy of mention. Here are Top This Week's Films some of the more mcntionable. On ^ ihip, tl«e waa no panic, no nuh. In all, the abandonment took The temi>erature inside no longer is a warm 75, rather it is a cool 65. Hit Records this week we find Sam j about tw o hours. During tnia time Bed covers do feel much nicer today than ever before. Donahue and h:s orchestra recording Mr. Johnson uw on the flight deck 1 Friday “Panama Hattie” comes to the While the Ixjys and girls are outside rolling in the snow (everv now Im Old-Faihioned.” “Manhattan Sere­ an officer nirroanded by fliers, gun­ (Hights Theatre fo r a two-day stay. ' Starring in this film which once was a nade.” “ Just As Though You Were ners and mechanics. He waa calmly and then; and others are zipping along on the pond, their elders are raucous, good-natured musical on Here, ’ and “ I Came Here to Talk for giving them a clasaroom lecture on home, wrapped in sweaters, trying to appreciate the zest of youth. So Broadway sometime ago, are A m Sodi- J o t. The ^^a^?haIls and their o rch es-; war strategies! .ern, Red Skelton. Dan Dailey, Jr.. RagJ far they have failed to .see the light. tra make the only other recordings, The last man to leave, o f course, i Ragland, and Ben Blue, which are; “Daybreak” “I Met Her was the ship’s captain. H e started i Ann escaped from her Ma:s:e role on Monday.” “ He’s My Guy," a n d long enough to climb into Hattie’s lab- down the rope and then hesitated. ‘'.Amen.” julous wardrobe. Red makes the ga?s Come on. Skipper,” someone urged. Wake Up at 3 A. M. Some Day to Give Christmas" Bing Crosby fD ecca); .while keeping his eyes on the Parania The Captain replied slowly: " I was “ Praise the Lord and I‘ass the Am- Canal. I The siorv* is concerned with Hattie ,munition," Kay Kyser (Columbia); just thinking . . . wouldn’t I look A Thought to the Airplane Observers silly if I left this ship and then the fires went out?” I Malofiey (Ann Sothern) who stngs * •“Der Fuehrer’s Face.” Spike Jones I sweet song and shakes a mean hi? io lOiluebirdj; "There Are Such Things"' Stanley Johnson, author of "Queen of the Flat-Tops,” is a Chicago ;a Panama City night club. Hatr.e’s ihe As the chill deejiens through the lengthening nights, spare a thought and “Manhattan Serenade,” both bv Tribune correspondent and the only newspaperman aboard the ship at jlove o f the Army, the light of the Na\7 for the sky watchers on towers and hilltops all through this seacoast Tommy Dorsey (Victor); "Dearly Be­ the tune. One thing he doesn’ t tell in his book. He himself earned iand the girl the Marines chased :roffl loved," Glenn Miller. commendatiOT by going into the smoke-filled, lightless tunnels and ;the halls of Montezuma to the shor^ land. When you are going to bed at midnight they are climbing to lone­ of Tripoli. But when she tangles with Some o! the juke bo.\ favorites are; caveriu o f the doomed ship and helping to rescue some sixty burned or ly eyries and a three-hour communion with the darkness and its stars. A\ n.ie C h r i s t m a s," Bing Crosby; the daughter of a soldier boy tfoffi wounded men. That probably slipped his mind. Philadelphia's Main Line—well, weTl “ When t h e Lights O j on A gain/’ ... When you are deep in sleep at 3 a. m. they are prodding their eyes open let you find out. .Vaughn MonrOc; “ Praise the Lord and and girding themselves with mitt and muffler to watch the night on Book-of-the-M onth Club selection will be "H ead­ “ Panama Hattie” w a s filmed Pass the -•\mmunition,” Kay K vser; than a year ago, but it was ^helved. throu gh. hunting in the Solomon Islands" by Caroline .Mytinger. It’s not about “ Pennsylvania Polka.” .Andrews Sisters; So don't expect a sensation. Some o. ' ■' ■" headhunting in the accepted meaning The ilark w ind whips the heights. There is frost in the murk. Not "M r. Five by Five,” Harry James; the gags aren’t bad, anyway. “There .Are Such Things,” Tommv Dcr- y/ k.-, —' th e term, nor is it about what our Clark Gable’s first picture since the the wind of the steppes or the frost of the North Atlantic, but it bites ' sey. ' I Marines are doing to the Japs. Mist tragic death of his wrife. Carole at middle-aged bones and it will gnaw deeper in the weeks ahead. The Mytinger it an artist and does her THE MUSIC GOES 'ROUND: bard, is “ Somewhere I’ll Find watchers themselves smile at such a thought and say, “This is a soft headhunting with a brush; her book He is teamed wnth Lana Turner, doesn’t make a bad pair at all. Jibe job. All you need is eyes and ears." Charlie Spivak it due back at thej tells o f her experiences painting por­ show’ will be on the local screen Sus* Cafe Rouge of Hotel Pennsylvania on ’ traits of natives and colonialj in the day, Monday, and Tuesday. . They watch, and they know the stars, by sight if not by name, and South Seas. December 16. . . . Jerry Wald, who is As the older of a brother te^ they know the moon in all its phases. They hear the night-rumble of breaking ail the attendance records a t ! foreign correspondents. Gable is hu­ the train and the roar of the long-haul truck, but they listen for the dis­ ‘the Meadow-brook, has added scat-sing- ' In ’The Last Man Comes Home,’ man, believable, and tops in actu^ ing Johnny Bond to his vocal depart­ Robert Sterling is the younger broth­ tant growl of motors in the sky. They are the nerve-tips of the Inter­ Stephen Longstreet tells o f a boat ment. Bond is the first male w arbler’ er. Lana Turner is just as nice to , . , rt-ip he made down the Yellowstone ceptor Command's whole network. with the band...... Mitchell Avres has at as she was the last time you saw and .Missouri Rivers in a white oak boat, accompanied by a full-blooded • replaced Harry James at the Blue her. ^ m e aftemrxins they are weary-eyed at t h e i r civilian desks or Indian w to was the grandson o f Sitting Bulk During one stage o f this Room of Hotel Lincoln, The action carries the trio from bencheS' but thats of no consequence. There are wearier eyes in the ’ ■oyage, the Indian surted tinging in a low monotone, and the author York to India, China, and Manila, wTth ( ^battled places on this earth. They’re simply doing a little job that c o ^ e d iui earjhoping to get the words and rhythm o f some old Sioux lots of timely combat and herois^ Silk and oyloo u-e indUpeauble in tas to be done. It calls for no heroics, no mention in any communique tribal chant. ’The noise o f the river drowned out most o f the chant, There is lots of kissing, which making powder bag. (or tba big gnu. But It s worth rem ^ ^ rin g when the wind is bitter in the night and the but finally Longstreet caught the words. be welcomed by some. Wa»b yoor diaeardad atockings and frost rntes deep.— N. Y. Times. ee Macdonald had a farm,” the Indian w u singing, "Ee-yi- Don't wut« cooking f«l! aava tbom to win tba war. and sell it to yoor bntch^ by tb« pooncL It U needed for ezplotsv**- Trains for Naval Reserve iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Y o u r H o m e a n d Ga r d e n H o m e in t h e K it c h e n iiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii{iiiiiiiiiiiiii Should Prune Deciduous Trees Consider Keeping Qualities

By A. C. McLean consider the idea and plan for cstab- lishing one next year. surface of the ground that they com­ In Shipping Xmas Cookies N. J. Exteotion Service pete with smaller plants for moisture Ground covers arc often ideal in and plant food. Consequently, there is ^ ad y places—under trees, for instance not much use attempting a ground cover If you're planning'-to send cookies or covci^vvith wax paper. Pack the can­ Timci when there is absolutely noth­ Iw o very useful plants for this purpose in such a situation unless you want to candies to one of Unde Sam’s nephews dies or c(x>kies in layers with wax pa- are l^achysandra tcrminalis, or Japa- ing to do in the garden are rare. When go to the trouble of digging out the at the holiday time, the best type of paper in.bi iwecn them, and top the box nese Spurge, and Vinca minor, or Peri­ the last bit of protection has been roots and adding plenty of organic mat­ cookies to clioose are those made with with more crushed paper until the winkle, commonly called Myrtle. New ter to the soil. With ample water, placed about the shrubs, one can be­ foods that have good keeping qualities whole thing is firm. Popcorn makes a varieties of Myrtle are superior to the ground covers can be grown fairly suc- original type. as well as flavor and texture to recom­ good filler, and it has the added advan­ gin pruning deciduous trees. Decem­ 'cessfully this way for a while, but the mend them. I*'or food sent any dis­ tage of being edible.” ber is a favorable time for this work, Both of these plants do well in the roots will ^ eventually work themselves tance today should be well able to Holiday sweets suggested by Mrs for the weather is usually more pleasant shade and both require soil that is only to the surface a§ain. stand heat, cold, shaking about, and any Cooke include: than during January or February. slightly acid, although Pachysandra is delays there may be in the mail. Honey Date Stripe The wood of deciduous trees is well more acid-tolerant than Vinca. The Have you eomething to tell that you Dried fruits—clean, moist and tasty ripened now and pruning can be done plants are available from many nursery­ have been trying to get rid of for —arc one of Nature’s best offerings at men, and—given a moderate amount of 3 eggs, 1 c. honey, 1 1/3 c. enriched anytime. Shade trees need very little tome time? Why not try a FOR this season, and they can be sent either flour, 1 isp. vanilla, 1 c. chopped nuts, pruning except to open the center—but shade and water—they will grow well SALE classified ad in the Gasette. "as is” or prepared as a confection. in oiit-of-lhc-way places. They arc low 1 lb. chopped dalc.s, 1 tsp. baking (pow­ not remove the leader—and cut off the It brings results. But it's cookies that are without a der. lower limbs which hang down in the growing and make a nice ground cover doubt the m ou poimlar choice for any Mix the eggs and honey together, way. Clear interfering branches, those practically anywhere except under ma- well-packed snack-bu.x. Those that America’s big guns are loaded with i beating well. Add sifted dry ingredi- wliich rub together and those which pie trees. Called inlu llic United Stales armed travel best are thick and firm with a powder bags made of silk . . . but Iciits, then chopped nuts and date*. may cause narrow crotches. Winter is Nothing much but moss grows well service, Oscar L. Rand, master in the rather soft center. silk is scarce. Your old silk and ny­ I Bake in a flat tin, with mixture not the time to do this because you can see under Nonyay Maple or R e d Maple lon hosiery can play a valuable part Department of Mathematics, left Ped­ Use Stout Boxes more than % inch thick, in a moderate better which branches you vVant to re­ trees. Their roots are so close to the in winning the war. Save them! dle on Tuesday, November 24, just be­ oven. Cut into strips and roll in pow­ move. fore the Thanksgiving recess. He re­ Square cookies pack belter, than dered sugar. For shipping, the bars When pruning deciduous shrubs, don’t ported one week later at Cornell Uni­ round ones, Mrs. J. Kathryn Cooke, may be packed without cutting, or cut cut them too much. Simply thin out ances to these soldiers* families versity in Ithaca, N. Y., to begin his county liome demonstration agent, re­ and iced all over. the old wood and such canes as inter­ in as short a time as possible. training for the Naval Reserves. minds liomcmakers who are planning to fere with their neighbors. This applies Chocolate Chip Cookies Official application blanks hava Mr. Rand will be in training for one fill Christmas boxes for m e n in the to all deciduous shrubs which bloom be­ month a.s an apprentice seaman before armed forces. Brownies, date bars, and 1/2 c. butter, Yi c. honey, 1 small egg, fore June 1. If you cut these back too been sent to all Army posts, camps becoming an ensign in the Naval Re­ thick drop cookies will keep moist a 1 c. sifted enriched flour, 1 tsp. baking much you will destroy the bloom. And and recruiting stations in the long lime, she adds. serves. He is now participating in the powder, ^ tsp. salt, c. semi-sweet don’t “bob” flowering shrubs as you United States and to all overseas "Tin boxes arc ideal for shipping indoctrination course which all must chocolate chips, Yi tsp. vanilla, c. would a h edge! This produces a mon­ stations. Soldiers, who are eligible sweets and cookies, of course, and if lake previous to becoming an ensign. nut meats chopped. strosity. The idea is to remove the sur­ for the family allowance, may ob­ you are fortunate enough to have a Cream butter and honey until light F.ducated at Yale and Harvard Uni plus wood—wood which does not con­ few, by all means use them,” Mrs. Cooke and fluffy. Add egg and beat well. tribute to the building of the kind of tain these official blanks from their versities, Mr. Rand started teaching at says. "Plum puddings and certain commanding officers. In order to Sift flour, baking powder and salt twice. plant you want. And do not prune Peddle in 1939. Until the lime of his kinds of cakes can be baked in one- Add flour mixture to butter mixture; evergreens now. If vou do, they will facilitate payments, men in the departure, he was the faculty member pound coffee containers a n d shipped then add vanilla and blend all well. be subject to winter-burning. service are urged to file the appli­ in charge of all iniranmral sports activi­ right in the container. Fold in chocolate chips and nuts. Chill "If you plan to use a stout cardboard Hardy roses may be pruned now, but cation themselves. Don’t leave it ties. A member of I’hi Beta Kappa and and drop by teaspoonfuls on greased or wooden box. put a layer of crushed the trimming of the more tender ones up to the family I Cum L^ude, honor societies in college cooky sheet. Bake at 375 degrees F. should be delayed until late February paper on the bottom of the box and for 12 minutes. When the soldier files the appli­ and preparatory schools respectively, he or March. Most rose pruning involves was president last year of the Pcddic thinning and cutting back. cation himself, he knows the busi­ Recorder Handles 32 Cases Cornflake Macaroons ness has been attended to properly. Cum Laude chapter, which initiated 15 There is no satisfactory rule for new members from the sliideiit body 1 can sweetened condensed milk, 6 pruning any plant. Just use judgment, His officers will help him fill out During Month of November and sent delegates to the Cum Laude c. corn flakes. bearing in mind that the purpose is to the application correctly and com­ convention held at The Hill School in Seventeen disorderly and 14 m o t o r Mix flakes and milk together lightly. produce better flowers, fruits or better pletely, and can tell him what Drop from teaspoon on greased baking I’ottstown, Pa. vehicle cases were handled by Borough shaped bushes. sheet; shape edges with spoon. Bake documentary proof is required. Recorder Franklin K. Hampton during Prior to his appointment to the Ped­ in a slow oven (325 degrees F.) 12 to Catalogues will be coming in soon. The family allowance can be ap­ the month of November, acoerding to dle faculty. Mr. Rand taught for two 15 minutes or until done. Rerrvove from All of these commercial publications are FAMILY AID ACT his report presented to borough coun­ proved more quickly if the soldier years in China at the school known as pan immediately. If macaroons stick, full of information, and you can find cil Tuesday night. much pleasure and satisfaction by read­ NOW IN EFFECT files the application. His officers “ Yale in China.” reheat pan over low flame for a few ing them during the long winter cve- will already have made the proper A total of 32 cases were handled and seconds. Chocolate chips or dried fruits S133 was paid in fines. One case was ning.s. Weeks ahead of schedule, pay­ may be added for varietiy. military pay adjustments and have Leavesffor U. S. Navy reviewed and settled out of court. No ments are being made to soldiers’ seen to it that ail the necessary criminal cases came before Recorder Honeyed Grapefmit or Orange Strips Only Moss Grows Well families under the provisions of records are in good order and ready Hampton for review. Rind of 2 grapefruits or 4 oranges the Servicemen's Dependents Al­ for processing. Also, the soldier Detailed recorder’s report for Novem­ cut in strips about of an inch wide an i\W2 inches long. Or Red Maple Trees lowance Act. This act applies to is permitted to submit documen­ ber, 1942, follows: 4 c. water, 1 tsp. salt. all soldiers in the four lower tary proof to support his applica­ 17 disorderly cases handled; 14 paid .Allow fruit strips to lx)il in salt water Under Norway Maple grades, that is, private^ private tion any time within six moriths $75 in fines; one case handled for act­ ing overseer of the poor; one case for 30 minutes. Drain and rinse. Add first class, technician fifth grade, after the date he files his applica­ turned over to provo.si marshall at Fort 2 cups td hot water and let boil 5 min­ If there is sonic spot on the property corporal, technician fourth grade, tion with his commanding officer. Dbc; one committed to the workhouse. utes. Then strain. where grass does not grow well, per- ' and sergejint. The Army has During that time, payments can be 14 motor vehicle cases handled; 13 Cover the fruit strips with ^ to 1 haps you can solve the problem with a I spared no effort to get the allow­ on their way. paid $58 in fines,; one given suspended cup of honey and cook slowly until they grotmd cover. This is a good time to 1 sentence. are ch^ar—about 45 minutes. Remove One ca>e vvas reviewed a n d settled from the syrup lay on waxed paper and out of court. No criminal cases were let stand 2 to 3 days before dipping or listed among the 32 total cases handled. storing. i-

During the Thanksgiving .recesi, | Warren S. Hubbard, head of the De- • HOMEonl/.e'O partment of Spanish, une.xpeciedly left the school to join the United States! Navy. I Mr. Hubbard has been for many; years the faculty adviser of The News; i this position is now being filled by i Charles E. Overholser, of the Depart- | 2-48 rnent of Spanisli, who was formerly as- | over sugar, corn syrup and hot sistant faculty adviser. Mr. Hubl)ard ' By water mixture. Bake 45 minutes was also advisory editor of The Pcddic j in moderate oven (375® F.). Serve Chronicle, school alumni magazine. ! ELIZA hot with cream or hard sauce if desired. Yield: 8 generous servings. Educated at the University of W is- 1 M 1 consin and at Columbia University, Mr. ! Coffee Delite Hubbard taught at several other schools STEPHENSON 1 envelope o r I tablespoon plain unflavored gelatine before be came to P e d d i e in 1930. Hume Service Among the subjects in which he has % cup cold water Director IJ4 cups freshly made coffee given instruction are not only Spanish, K cup sugar but also English. German, and Mathe­ Jersey Cgntrai ^ cup molasses matics. He is a member of Cum Laude, PofCER & Lichy Yi cun heavy cream, whipped , iheix eye. « -toguetd scholastic honor society. Co. Soften gelatine in cold water. Add hot coffee and sugar; stil until dis­ Tbe tin and steel in your old tin MORALE FOR HEALTH solved. Add molasses. Poor into cans are needed. Clean your tin cans, Did our pioneer great-grand­ the mold one-half of the liquid: flatten them, and contribute them. mothers grumble when they strug­ chill until firm. Chili the remaining Do your part in the war. gled to make tempting dishes from liquid until slightly thickened. Fold the limited food available in their the whipped cream into the thick­ locality? If they did, their neigh­ ened liquid. Four this on top of the Borough Relief Costs bors failed to report it. Perhaps chilled clear jelly. Chill until firm. they lived too far away. Turn from mold and serve with Again Reveal Decrease; The grandmothers of tomorrow additional whipped cream- Makes are faced with a similar problem six servings. , f FOKCE! • Yottr need an Ihe help they oeageL November Total Is $260 ! today. They, however, are not in Molded Luncheon Salad the helpless predicament of solving envelope plain gelatine Don't handicap them with too little light. Clean their problems alone as the earlier 1 Borough relief costs are declining settlers did, for everywhere you Ya cup cold water reflector bowl* and bulbs faequently. You'U get Vi cup sugar steadily and the November total is but turn ideas are being offered. The Va teaspoon salt from 25% to 30% more light. nutritionists of the country are do- $260.81, a decrease of nca-rly $100 in cup hot water irlg their patriotic duty in suggest­ 1 comparison with those of a year ago J'4 cup lemon juice ing ways to make Victory Foods and a drop of more than $()3 under that red apples into tempting, thrifty, nutritious 2 of October, according to the report pre­ Y cup .chopped celery sented to borough council Tuesday dishes. Yi cup chopped cabbage It is said morale is an intangible night by Mrs. Elsie V. Franklin, di­ Ya cup chopped peanuts thing made up of a combination of rector of welfare. Yi cup mayonnaise Twenty-two persons were involved in ; what is in men’s hearts and minds, Soften gelatine in cold water; last month’s relief, including three fam­ —and in their stomachs. This is add sugar, salt, and hot water and considered by the Government an ily groups. Foo(l, shelter, and board stir until gelatine Is melted. Add STRATE61C MANEOVEK! important factor in building morale and care constituted the major portion lemon juice. Chill in refrigerator in the armed forces and no less until slightly thickened. Quarter of the total costs. necessary to the healthy well being Arrange your fumituie and lamps so The detailed relief reoort for Novem­ and core apples, but do not peel. of the civil'an population. Cut into small dice and fold into that you can, if necessary, make each ber follows: three families comprising Secure all the information avail­ gelatine mixture together with 10 persons. $42.80, a n d 12 individual able to help vou in selecting and lamp provide good Ught for more fcan celery, cabbage and peanuts. Last­ persons, $218.01. preparing the available foods for ly fold in mayonnaise. Transfer to one person. Be sure you're close Expenditures were as follow s: more buoyant healffiv ring mold and chill until firm. Un­ enough to the lamp; a difference Food ...... $102.80 Candied Apple Ring mold and serve on lettuce with a 78.t» 12 inches may cut your light in hali. Shelter ------78.00 ^ 2 cups sifted enriched flour garnish of small cream fbcr«e balls. F u e l..... 15.60 4 teaspoons baking po^Yde^ Makes 6 serv'ngs. Medical Service ..... 3.00 1 tablespoon sugar Vita-Relish Medical Supplies — 1.98 ' i cup shortening Board and C are..... 51.43 to >4 cup milk 2 apples, pared and cort i Cash ...... — ...... 8.0 0 ! Melted shortening 4 cups fresh cranberries Cinnamon 2 oranges r EDIFORCEMENTS! You'll get inore $260.81 I •Mix together until sugar is 1 lemon Relief Cost, Nov. 1941 ...... $360.63 | dissolved: 1 cup sugar help for your eyes when you read, play Relief Cost, Nov. W 2 ______260.81 > Vj cup sugar 1 cup corn syrup (dark or games or sew, if your lamp sh a ^ s are Decrease ______$99.82 Vi cui) dark corn syrup white) Yi cup hot water Put apples and cranberries light-colored or have white linings, Is That So? Sift flour, baking powder and through food chopper. Quarter d e a n or brush them regularly; or if they .sugar together. Cut in shortening. whole oranges and lemon, remove seeds and put through chopper. .Add are too bad, replace with fresh shades. Are you intending to visit or en­ .Add milk to make a soft dough. tertain? Your friends have a friend­ Roll out to rectangular sheet M sugar and syrup and blend. Chill ly interest in your guests and your inch thick. Spread with melted in refrigerator a few hours before own whereabouts. L e t them know shortening. Spread with apples. serving. Makes Wu quarts relish. about your plans insofar as they are Sprinkle with cinnamon and roll This relish will keep well in the jelly-roli fashion. Cut in inch refrigerator for several weeks. (One interested. Address all personals to cup of-mapJe syrup or Yi cup honey Jersey CentrdI Power & The Higbtstown Gazette, or phone slii^s and place in well-greased 9- mav be used in place of corn syrup.) 373. inch mold or 8-inch casserole. Four Milkmen Threaten Lumbermen; Commercial Loop Race Tightens Masons Drop Three To Decker’s; Shares Help league

Peterson, Westover Wage Duel G a z e t t e S p o r t s T o Keep Mates B O W U M G S T A N D I N G S

In Shangle & Hunt, Heyer Battle ------— In T op Position . 3t TEraaBai. DeroEsa m. m . -t-sr ^ IH iaatt . . a Tj v -extsl - ju t |3ie«: ■« :ae: jeaSK .t^araig . ^kasE^ai S>T!DCa£?s asafS r;3[7pff0 9 £ ga«>-y , - 35 Saanpt aas fiiEK Xa*srS53 3l Curm am iCT L e s a s e -■ ^ ae Cca^trcil U ^ , »c^ . a ia i . !? 3 J f&T. T ie latrTsieit *siI6r,5 «i ae jiaa: "Hs o k c s :n r i s « r * 5Sc-| E«aj t k e i r Tsrih ^^aoSar !>cdber^< fl! . il 31 ■4ife At IjtEXeriiitE tac:&E^ iar»3^7- W, 5. S «»r -afe *rai;j?Vr tffi kacas a S e y ^ s«aC d i^ r 20^ ^ — 7 W n»?v 'j« « ar»st. •------Tossm It Around r’wsEsatd f£ase as hncs W—ilij aCgjte* O -jC rtfF j €a:r^ scaiipeC » ••:3u®iBesi zaesais fisaes aaer ^i©- vt. lAsrie:'! r?^ “ ' -T_. F»poax Satoe lace ' fr-yiL t - with george foster ^#-^e s£3.- t v eaaiiy s^«|ic ft Haas® rilfennii Rr- M*«: 1 Sir,!?— iwaacS: ss. i^r.c ^ : V 2 32 S ^ fiEiEs csS a r i t e c f c ^ S o r s ^ 's S h ^ & xi -#^ S;o:kwr>:*3 t f c c V a —5t ruatixTiie sti ^jnmacst^ r^mn&tr?^ a s e s a r a ^ M s e r same, D e c « * w a ScIm^ ^ t/»tr- ?featr,ii C Hta»c»er, t ie i-iit- A As a 2Ieee23lir„ O■XTHTtfrcai JL^aCTe x ivsa ^ ^Tser wciE .gw l^edccr's Eafer'* -*^ Fex-nr--*' ^ -yiAsT-nn, V* iitar.nif Ttrtsr'-: C5»:«xiii:e 211^: Jteer A .5S& s *k x^. c*..,, 4 Hjne _____ -S' ca5*f^ 2sn& -CSC rsit prisesE sr*c ^•-~ $e5s* 2 ^ e : is d W^tidatE K tc «Etre5T -sisr« x r a szSf race, %s«3rw>ad: Dsaaa:ci£ l^nk.'r's latr^-______3» TOCX ias- ior rwo xaerr is^ski sc Xatiie iaet m J>ee4aff"i rrt SEX -:r.eB 22tt l i e s»c:< ai is ^ f 'visa .a pez: :-se f--ir l3S£r “Sir- Htoduaftorr'i 2t 722 jsiz „ 3 r^xetsr & H ^ s a s fi itS -r f" Wn. 5 He^-er______23t -Z rjK* -•:3aai:jL .s: s; aardr i ^ sexiaf ■artS ; •rrciaihe w iicx t5edce£ sV 35-aDES- T'^utre 35 TUit 'W53tic >»5e;' iir ' 21. -i«; ______2T.- xmarg- Ijaryxsex sa sfeot fertr, isii' zd3d^!>t scuth .% % z ams>T 5t DbMOK B r-scasrij szii t2^ sE32ci:g. i a^.t;£ 3ii 5«t 5ark tfet an^es sc K a- W ^rtrof«*tsr,i an^r.. riw: two- :if tie 'Gsertaacsri. , . 7, L. i a a ly -tssiit at a 'itja*€ s t iosm iia. r35> Lace 35- xajtsrraix tae gaariy^ rar/X ' BScut” 5iiX w ri. •i4no tKar 7 :cttx j y ’Jkjt-t xmixnjr s c t ’ sxaiiitoimr Down Cardinals ac Ta*t «wse 7'iic'e -A i 'A'x.'i'jEtrjTiX r'ltrtrj __ c r : r.e& rx k 3- i»«s’ CimnEemsl iix^ t ie ISIS 5t.c tie. S^asitci .aiZ2Lm«: iettm t Broker Act Ud^ Vie 3^3Cii ' Lenfer"} L-siry...... Oxtts xsiiirt ttit S. •& ^tmti •;Z^jajj.rjf J/.s£rk.-cc ____ Kanifeirv -se ■issizzck « 2 -wiaa: ■ritiri 3s Five Sundav* sr:!' iK x.-^cyMnd. Z-e-Jv- t .1 * ncmiaa.ti:ii. :c iLetiar a x £ ato: .T.rxLnr r 3k£w to A iter siL c5 •Ajt% x a 2l 11 tat=er£ tie GrwxaJi if tie A T-»C • Hiorir’-t 7'j*?ai'ire ..... :x 12 • XlfJ? 'rie xtr: x ^* !* zca. tee tsx- t i e r 'ScrasaBisd i k c 2 3;: - - ^ a l rr,; i x c 3C»; tt7E5»ar.-. t'x xiik^ loss 5xr Z?i aX' JffiCC bis -rr^'-r-x ^ S2j£ET B:5i if3i^ 5y’ liagfexsix^v-r 5re . >£.-i?:araa:Mt.4 ra?ie pr'w'iiwgiii C _iiihirri- iir 2Ife- xzstca - FxriSf V i- DetrsL-se lucaxcy c»j« t pjcsns&sEg Ssi^-jf^r. c a c ? ^ “Gaels'" y 2 It «5SKS ".xe acTpnrast: .aX lie^saa wiincx r 'Vifi'rrtnfta in- i^Ii ttar.'rfcci Si' hiXBsn; i s a -6*amr-£>?- 1 lefiXirC xw .E4&C5 xxue: 'taase ^ r e Ex® 5Ca^ is ^ Car?,mafs as hri^fer StE&ia- C-Xt-Tt ?tC!er li; ^ 'f!m a« -ai’jrtrfi itn;- a rfiai- XXX 3t r X ir ■* ^ix^i'-jatrk:'’ ' rjTtmr rxe --xr —.-.J- Ji.- __ _ r -- ____ -__a -3 la - t _-p. ''- - ; 3lcr» -,C V,5 't«s.rxrtc5'31. l.'TraaTti C 5C, •iaatf Cbarlbt Ci^iks wba aTerageiS x « tbe ^%3c*Z a^eyi 'ix x^ b *" Mil iV jc2i£t0c? 3r>3iacc( a} a rersiix x xlS xice'E rxitef "xkbdT V.ni. M-.mtxr isn^rr mjf ^ ------t Wt o( Tt«:r' tc tT-^^^aiEr 'iiit tbs*!>tni :£> M i i Kisii' sgstiss xces 354T 2 txeTCft zacestts.. l05 2;xraj scxrt xber s^>vH i-.-s:!2as^i»to ii'5* asuf 2i3s SJjutaciF 3»:^wic}x; Titeae two t ■lCS»£g'/'. r£s arid TiH-ryy. i a i asr-* uaiC. *: « ^::ii V-^v 25* T.hrie-zznit x-x^x^ xlc 5£ii. i exxeti 'UEt tV k*^icr^ W 3 1^5* 3£ea sri*trasK isA as*t i7F ^5 >cr-a^ Fiaet 2> xi^XTa^ xnn ■€ :rzz. :r ieT i*t a Tvmsrx xirxTj'ei .iricTSeT- 5xr tSje WsUxesasH.. ^tatarxil’/' :iey '*'o»si£ xeag .ax'j reaar- tier St k rsFx'dhs- uxr iv 33. Ts xc 31B 5'jrpsr_^—is 3et ai hr.oriimr ftXAtraej 22»t Sas arxy Stmntx' 'ixcid 5xr 7 ^ fair, as tia-t 'tmt -wat aSMsf ^ 5 ^ _Mx3kk^er rrseg^-f 5^; Ltrr.n»trntoS/->f.ic:^at3aarr a s -it t k ':^;ei - EiL H-ty-r sc -hart ir. xi.* 'iiT-oxJTi is: xEt F rij^ rxcc rstrs -cs t&t ‘.5 X z f ^ z » ijsi-ti- cisnier :^-t9'. ^fbe r tfe ot tx*t Ge fjosraxexiex. act 3X^rTS8 arirakr 19Z tmi\. ■Ceil a .i> - S*Qt ______xtr;?: 13 3 a; xai£ k be rsa^ixfflf by3 y ' M.-ISmsa fD. D-j. >.=&as:j ’wrxe 9 . W%X)V^Xki^ VxSJKi !% SsTJ Tie S3ce sesagu. T i e setxtctf j»nn.ia. riarxisc V :«sh ^ SiS! —snrp,' 35a: sx; ?ace feci xearrf. 3)7 xi« ic-*n*'-»er, dxr ix i x-peasig gsoae-s^fe ci€ "*^5 ■easnBg& ^ ____ ',t £, & 5i jmi jSAS'it •Kis a lrta^ / h i z ^ He ia£x': V.-wt xxir-i i23i.e x: rxil j ^ . ‘ take xr^- feox-rj, in jja. 5'jr a?"-*:! 43ssx*irt !',■ -sruus: — - ZW ieSjed x:3s * . a 552 i i t a i ^ s m w szari, C3iB3:.E LteStr” ^ S'* ^ k. tV £rsr weeia 5 rj'acEtHsfc'.* ?-T5ie i x . c a a t e - i-C2f '^^Vtrxe zSi.riae:t .hri iuiaff xn VaTac Starie tacc V^t*t w»ra .a tsci ■nbjdriai br:2- tiwer wa; HartiH laxrs- 'z^» v i l xe !i^d 3c xxr j«t'f-»rai » IjriccTf all. W . 5. H.*yer lAaxaacai E rxirsri ar* •dsti witti h^- 5xr tilt C^eckerg-gg SJaxa»i£?* sirit-eEM; scaxxtrH 574 njas 4U3£iaiK3e*r »'iry r'.tlAifc aacatr i r XaX’VX'giZ ^ •XXta~)»rT:*»»f hse3.'jTjfi h. H x x : at 2i£a»tc.4 T T t y ^ jc c 5 x xT5t la ii ^vaxi-t 3 zht. ti5*c=>cr E2> -asE b s s d ^ j. The dr- C^iftmrxT^. he I'f xfcEj TxE’’ T x i ' .h sd z n He dbSiSkAi -b> iia£T;»r. tT fxttxx.v>»r't ifc.-ts's Ti. 5e£iKrasi F:.:.Tjfr ^ A'-* p x t e r & Haicnacx. ac»i ?lrj6c~ -rfcak rtfased £0 xakt £ 25&i^*v'aaa-craftier /K.. r.e TT1.X r-xc x’-^r a s-xrir^jd baixk. is r y jt Zjri^Tj ar> ot-ie teiixTii & a=.i V r j t ^ ja * d ^ .s~.=>M«i d,, SM &CM 2M Deer Himters Urged Mere spe^ n—ts: Ckefie Van r*t Gsrtst?* tx» 2 xarr^-raryw »-*ve» - - s«C-C!_ - fttiU -k H m t ssarkeiit a 'xuisd r.72 iJini-X2:T sxLeSc: dre't**x ia- ia- l£trra' oifc-rsi. Tm ^K-asials, sxrt3r:-<^ac3>e 'Sajart u'-. & & H .'H e 3rer Duel To Tom to Hide* **ix XX -ze* rj^ ' jo c f *. "‘set.^rar.”" t'zr-j K g.>:d K.--OZS ra cardked f i f e , S 4 . £ar '*St-i tr.^' .- .. jzrr>r¥X P4t.-xtr7.xc. 5r. b'jxt ^ 2 xfe 23iEid ~5 si=i w i i l e titiC T-ue j.'btct re^Tr-'&eT^'2,3^ .asrC - ^ . W h i s S., rair tx- ?-'s 193 _F..:;x ^act-e ins-teci t f Z*ew J e rie / t^sexTr -spert x:. t-tc- ftrtx acot fpari- wrr* "'5''^ * xjird 5.xrrar xotxk :a was Z'ypi z z d Hart-oa Wt:fX'r?eT aided Two 's-sotr'-.fi /x n . w itr-: -xp4S4x but f«2 xG xs tie sc k ; yapo i pis."-x;x;^ V. tarrxcja.te 31. txe -tstsr h.-.-xr’XiX't :-:«xcxa-! v T z h i m : fiitr*, fci lu-x »-*cr* Tccbi'C 07 »;nrri!rrt re -_fe :,>r± y b . z h iZs tttx.^. i£.k4 k2cl5*xfe; bad 194 ;'or sie WSili'tC TBTP.’.ttn v«3»tCl4' t*X I^j3t_ 17 V^iTt Sii& s»:;ta2e5 5t5 as.i aviriie.i for as/i ‘.-wt V/ 'r.^, 2!.', ,j»xi>xxs, 2Z drriicixci.. H.-t T-a.-i iry.ei V/ T'e i t i ! e Flii a&t '5' ■ -t. V>1 XX *34' ” i e icc- xiree racses ox- sbx*n xhar i t xic^i boid 22^ iiCZ H'-^rj::ifct. 21! Ots.-ir'.Q, Vfxii -05 3? ike Rc t7*X'’ 71? _ trrrxti-®a-:.o tt .tx txe -arar ■xr.ii ratte t ie ? •boo -atfeh a 5i2dd*r xjrt- c'lec L^w rr, 221.. Z f i O- 7. £Cil Larry R trff l * i averraz* t ie Ca- -s h e n z h t n'trt '-i-ara. You t’/ “Stna-tax^ t ie toies tt >xrft xd eat'ex'Txxcal bx'wt.aax. H'-**' raaT reca3 lia t i.4 izY ex xa'iv .daring f *x.toc uralot-i :>_u*ri- Stc 2Ti2 ax?; Xvtiaot, .-c x*( .craze ilakcr? W4rt aoLt so i€ix2 t^tMerxxatn: tt jevar.-ie !.*5scieri Itf e-»er, x it Mxrtuxiaxk tatte tsaic tx iie ¥vxtrxrsi xiarrx xtia- 'cx^ W-JEs Grx2-Kx?i.i*rxTir: rxatch tw V*'e:itv> .».-r .'■*x'-ri*7t 2!!^? X-T yCfX xxtj axiX Htckx. ■ r t ; r-■£ -t*t^ XX X-Zree s_0xs xrxes lie a.-arx- In ao-ii*./",!! asat I'92 ft< tixT-d itnc-xeit x: w it trie Vr 1.5 w^cifks a?^'. ' r tr.e /t*.-' :.-'x<3*.. ' xr.: ^ tt si! vt lX'£. X2.v:r X--40 scExcti,. 'X3'XC,-r 0V:.:.£ Bextitr?. T i e ^ S H_ Lerittr Rii-xaidY r?etE are slaxei :. :.ik t to the & >tar/ ret'xj-.-'errjexxs *■•--: w-tni 5.- far ^25 ox r :3 -^Q is tie *? Hr/>r. Errie F e r .j- r s X a S r, and H.a"x*H i n n o c e n t STUFF: Everyth*^ ^-3rys ax ±>»i-rc;e’> rc T rfr ::o t-:night -X tr~;;u:'r y»'eixx'i*r. axitExrr^r. xxr S^anre i ^ic.xc-j^ •-rxcxi-'-x. Lcs-xer E l y a s i fie IU«Ur R«»f^ s x.x .t t ie WiISs Gr:i' qnintet 21 •xtrxxi-vitix ar.x.X‘2:ot*rt tie rx ifi ttar T irs is t ie rrsatri xiax -sn? ?x:%xo>ed 7 xe fsater-taic-eri **..,.77 :» o ‘--r’t-t't vaer tx xarxe w-ardexi ax essti a XT>- atji la i l^txe -m eati &2ght Hope hir Meckaascs ■-■: fe p^yed last T im caj. ^ rje n :; txe ‘'/sxi xxt/. wrix w-Z lexd ie x t xx d.ej&x- xil't. Pete xxtaed 3*7, txr an a-erate Z'jfl . V ii : r x:-f d a 0 7 _ _ CwssmSi (1) iiCt/..o£ 'x»*7 it't" txetr io^tx i.t»t .x*d cxT.tera-a.xxet x-f xxe F ;,s s *zxi xc ly... iV estr fcri 5h2. an average x: 74 Fe-tersxc': 2f.i 22 2K STS XaS 137 —. waxtr at-x tztis- ra-T-e yLce 553 as X2T J.7-£ lr,Tr»>t. !-etter Kx'axx*i !y^, rxx'ext :xr sa.txxi' xc xe de- 2'^ an^ fwx-sfedrd*. T ie axetrer’'! — «d ‘Jjrce-zarx^ fe-o-c; wfii xK in iw ■',-.':y XX t ie oxc.ieriatxrt at at'-i xeflhs-? ?34 ?ss r?^ 9L<-:-=- 154 X59 I7» hroVs sto-i Pay ^fSei'2 'i UJ! ?anxe wai xcl-j 2fi‘ ifX O i^ ax-d W e it/ 5ric-- Frayj-rxr ' C l^ lai' 2* 175 :r _ lo* tiut iferF-atXjr.? r.v s "wtS earsed irjerjjry t *arr.c-^Xrx>lx rjrsx*xx-z ar.«d ^iVX’xna' '.zvxx -yitc 7.r:rxi-t-d. Pt’T-xcrxt- had tie tax:*£ac:ixrt xf tx^-X'.^ that >xx'-t a iti 9i*t, t. i/zaroxo-i Brexiers rs :-: rr i« iere. Tie *’>r*a'!e ■duta'i :a.re xixxdv 7x> bjdei xxay al-vx i e delrr- ” ■ OXCj xr. w.xi a — !35 1J> ■»iti 2!?', :xxak;d 232: i-e xearx tiree-zame v> •»eil ■ vierw t «t. xTi-te r=2X2 : -5 ;: c 'z crearr. at _ Leister Ely xf tie MxrCtrans az-i & 9 '99 Ttc: K^tiKT -cx.'xptd trx: w"»d'S ior a axi-d i-arxe 5amt a.t rxeied X'X’wcrred rrar fe x i ?/:cxe r4a.tr: >y L r .^ 3 tie moqpecxed dr______dsr- ■ rear 215 x rie O'-rd rxa'tri. C ta x it A/er ax-1 -X'rk;/xr! :vr reitj;-rxext■ xx x-i r.^ert. -were rm .-ing ne.’:*: a.r.« pxrktx&i tie Cx.lex -x '.x* tarxe xce Q *x - re xxr. ervaxxr-S- •3 axe ana! exetefa Fxr %rx frarres tie Ffay-TThe Angrf I* SUted Ki»xl i»5:>-xlr;i rx? a sxrrke -£ar?j r ‘^r Bre-tcers sHscssid fea ^ ^ ecute aot i>er.els.t*tdc Cxc:ter^axxrt d-esb'.xaxtd b-r t ie 5xax* vxxre read . y Si. 7^. 9*. 117. F:nal- 4 z'm aeGc ;r. xraxixc 5 - ar»; dsizsjEcsc:;.. 3oti faci ^ T o Appear at Arena fcad 5^; ;oc/i. F. and1 *>arreG Cx xrrxsiuxc tx rextr'vt IT, Lts erdsred axead 'ci t ie sex'enti— ai'ZTczaxjxcs xia.* 'r e ceer baikexbsai! frx ‘^ T sij-ie^ tie doje ■ Fautie.' atxtd u-,x lx dr,*»x.' ■.:>'i*:s fxr X''txara:>xx :x*tiX2de !37 tx !3il. B .r -sre.^tre 2ri3-S91. irr cx-i-^iz-z .deciisxs? i.-aoDC.r. T ie FiTr- Edward 1 axhfi'txx x-T'-^'ran 'trJLyz 5!5: - cic *J*e ■tlayyf.iJt >v*yrr* .,x tixet itracirit eaax x: tie Hae/i'Txe Tratt a-.-:rrern«a Px-tter & Hiliras tilf a* ?ia?- Tresxxc A-'rza c-c I ak_ 17 wf! ?:art at c.XTt’Jti.*! asf/en Co?iTi4 I>tx3cer, 5r. acH v''X e; Pv'xett Lebretxt, a*. th..e rlaxh :sa* r.vbtrrg the -x'ier :x -a z x oi- cx d is^ -seek as^i RxcSrakO^iid li^afry o c Jxiti fierier reoxx-ded j^ax-jei. 'fx -ia : Tho fmt fcm use in your Idhuhcn is 9 j». 2x^ 04se-iali brer feer 1x22 usiial. Tra:* at TtS'.iaV.e; rr*--! V**, Tia-sred rr-ar.ner.. it ^eerned that ii'i* ^ - . Frayjrsxc aasexi X asffc Lac* 7r.e i-j>rrjfr7 rix-ieri tre ititki f'xr 2:^ t, at >»ex fjr -.-r A . a ld e l XX -xre'% ixwvrna raxher than dt- vitnSy nieedsd for H-xL-day si-vf-jers asd fx:reke-:;’£TS wll tsoo- You hoj U a.-z'S Xx-rxxcs StrSders ^ ib z,r ia v e an cp'p'xrtcnkj- ;-x xzt to lhc x , t"r-A i'-d I5>4- X t ie t5i:.yd, •wr.:Ie 3:X’.rJct. a* ‘ he C-xtx'n Pxv'.it S'-x*xx- •ra'-Xe?! in tjxe -e-vtnxh cantx x: tie 21 . ♦f* lat’ tr :5.re/p vxr wr-XcJt* *o^»aird tit rr.k' '^Irxcryli at Q ctx xc; r ia Lev,-\ a* x.xae. the t»- ai'i:re^t>xc were kno-t- hy savmg sB fnt sad soiSag it to .-\rtca wxxfec: havtnz :-o n.'-^ ary of 4 P- _r£. arx*”-! the vS ea'*e-7s tave cc!-’ es/I of tre tr.x'd '1 : v., £ixiif. w-th. 2>*, •re Hxy 7raxt tear V/ai^axi Center let a* 2^*’ —-arks— :z. th-e n..n-th. -4^} yogsr heslcker. Xhzr exotin? maxrhej xia: ^'11 be 00 DaAMT P «c«s M 3 axd Peter P 'era a e. at tie Cvlj-.ers M Ci Tratt, Cx-lers M-II* I ou tho alleys: Fred Strang - ‘roox-^er J x ir n j f*®? ha- c-x-t yet if':3iX7af.-le:, it'Xy Voryjny: tric 'd to -’i' '-xcld-x’x r.vir'ixa.'x-i w ir ie fie ri War or .Vo ITar, lined r ? ias -card fxc L*ec. I” :■.:; he cx- ra .!./',';, ;y‘.-r*-:t' f.rvri t'.xt e .tx C ot teppa M3kA bottOOM o£F ttt cu ts -rx m->r* 5Xr:kei ^-xr Tpar-t-s;. H:» Bowling Score* . xccts t ic Fresch A rze i MiXrfce Til- i ’ ; e jsai x< v//*:’y ^ wtSik jcar.xei Flatten Uaem bimJ taera tkem bt, U>> • ra.zix ’a :Z. ■»-f..x’r. xx i.xi:v4 all t i t Youngsters Keep U*. to be available. The .\r^.i--'. has ap- '■/f 1-4^ ‘ ‘ Niijtf XX i .74 fred ;'a.xx- m Du Bros. 0> fcrther witk top* sad bsttoaftt, for the r'v'zblti x: tit knz .VI:L nvt. -wain': ;'cared a: i h t Arer-a xcly :r.:t bef.ve tex’' *x7 y.ii' 'r-Jt x,x)i v^/*. for txe - W lv-tt Xi.3 >l5 J-1 ▼aisttUci tia a a d steel they eootem. 'Pc.rz azafr.-- x r. ^ Tiea're. :<■ :>'.__ :.*3 :>. an-d xrii a^'-earance waf a scll.x:. ky'SCTl. Faith in St. Mek ? r*^rj-ir :?> — :iz ix V-.o TTi* ■ ^ There 2x31 be zyo show :n Crhstmai €y K.'rr.’x^^'air', ’•'/fc't'rt:-''- tl.t i.-> :ei SL-:- rzi Jr. 'JA t.-.e bet arranzenxeciS are xixfer way for '// . :x the vexxTV'I i;irxe, and itarr/ Tbrc-fzgTjcxrt tius tatxx^o, setters 'S;-c^-z: 2 ::r a ?ala card or. New Yeir'f night Uxyd ? if red i'. a 1V>. r--x Spearheads of Soccer Attack tr o r:i kiddies are begtnring to peer ------« L __ ’JF. -JA T.'cxaiis wxH be amxxmxvi la:cr. into the pest c5xces. Taey eTesSu- h'jrxrPvn-' • * -«: CP^erraMer'S. J x h r. s.l2y turn up at the postnxasters' 754 715 r.-? f/jxxr/t P K.i? hC:i a;^';crfc;^ti?/n rxHed 6& sks. fer th^ are addressed- Lacc 03 O) w'eii; ;n f^r'.* t#.,x erxxxtsnter? and axti X?: 'M 59 W. 5c-,f,r :2- ra'r..»r ?a x d l/, Fred f^anter'i V/-. -«a.5 Santa Claus C. IfzZTT C H=:t xx'Ti fxT the as Faxh-!e and 5her- North P ole W- :7>’ '.y. J- 3:zC-» n’an fa rred fxr t>.e E ‘.en vo ?:. and L ?.c~ lU L—. ! « ‘-V lyy. re i'-s/*; .e '/ _ In New york city, San Francisco. O. Fitiitr New Orleans, Oticago and hundreds 7»Vf .-iT-J 751 ~*6 r i r:. Bowling Scores of other cities s?;4ch addressed let­ Rackweed Dasy #f) Poto * Ha»«. (J) ters turn up—all testifying that, war /- C-.aTwi#:c I2i !37 >>.i E. R/z* IK •'■ i iu « u a tn W -S Hj^kts TkmSre or no war, the simple and faithJui r M-.-rrii W 153 !5? ’ Jrirp. M ifA tr. •r*T *M \7, X. ;^: :5'. > hvr^y-Ji .z-i \if. children have put their trust in San­ .-_ -A'--:a» ;y^|- -7| H \‘rp3-jei ZK XC ’ — m \y. M ^l. 5Xe"i.-hcl< X53 l<5 :v-4 j 'A'. '.Tt Vzf. I>-7 ta Claus. v»’ Ririd* n : xf: :?;. i hari,'X •':>* 'V- h-err7,*< IK\ 122; :'/f ' GET YOUR J>vapt \'/*. JX iX E/ 'p.'Pi-rtp !>. ;5> St^h letters as the one foUowxng 7f: f->3 K*^ are the kind “ 7'A Vf. 7254 ing upen lo c HEARING £>«ckiv'ft tmeTf ijf Mmqo* fr> I^s-ker, tx. 5t' :'j«4 J'.7 viduals, try T-^r-.-p^p: ty; J7X :y ■fV^r 146 Or '.'A Christmas rr F-rfr.'.^r-ias ;-> .Vi lU /j-ES'jty : s 17; TESTED xw. xo> y/> f'fcrJuf.r. ::» '/,Z Ef. X^x X*'? XX H‘.irrr..p. ]«*> i74 ;L ‘‘Dear Santa Claus—*1 am / .V-r >jrr - IX 2f>* . J-; X ;« writing to you because I am Isifkis „ J.X7 scared that you will rrJss me N O CHARGE rn T'j m like you did last year. I have Don’t tlirow away molted kitelien •at. Save it m a container and take CpfUtuS* C*r«s* (1) H(*Cc !»»*ms‘s Men's (2 ) ' five sisters ar.d four brothers, Tbe chmrfa err 10 to 1 -• 7 v*V'.^77X3 ;:•< x>. I'ifW.isafi XX acd they x-c-uld L ie somethL’-.g •t to yonr buteber. Unde Sam need, VA X7 rat to make exploeirea err not rreCy deef—*ad ywi )?; S75 X7 S for Christmas too. Mama hasn-t TiX-r XU itt iOV can beer wi^ proper f>»-.'* .V.'A.V.I got enough money to buy us any­ Let oe prove it to j w — l rrTtZ.. ( - .24 -- 'fil'.v/ti _ 5V. K 3 thing and daddy has light, gro­ STOCKHOLDERS- MEETING cery and other bills to pay. et oar eipense! Let ai dcffioo- 7'S %2 7X5 f.'.'t 731 Tbe Fir. 1 National Bank of Highuiown stxate om- personalized SitJUifk 4 Htmt tr) w * . s. Heyer It) _ ‘"Santa, we all hope and pray kfa'.’Vll y.l 2W 2T.J rvi 377 5:> 171 mat you can get to our house. Heerir^ Aid Serrice. 163 2; 1 i 37 IJ-X Ia"3 563 Highutown. -V. J, Dec. in m 2._-T h e "?*e live on the second floor. I ! '7 r/Z 114 2TA 13^ _ Annxia] Meexinz xf the : We tret yoor bearieg b te 5*: __ K-th r-7 :a 177 >xockhol-iers of 1 E^PT'pm.Sr. z/j r/i 177 V.'e*»'nref ’ * 171 2’X --Mary G - -h:5 bank :c 7 the decti-xn of a bxardb of at cheigc—study jxnif needs jAr*/ 144 Hryer L T L r J ? ' director? to 'crve for the ensmn? veax —select the bmt set forjoa v/y yr 'ff! «K4 jr:< 7 ix : vnll be heM a; the Banking House on —meke eS todividua! adjure* ^Tiy Not Give a Fewermte (t) Diuewee’s (Z) ■ Tuesday. January 12. 1W3. Polls will mente—exad goaranree yoor y.^n. \n VJi ; 3* U . 1’ 2 E. tf^r.ft m \ff. IX! p*.n vr AA V'.i ‘Roving Party’? Cclock .\. M.. and remain T. {'ff*p.4 in !21 -AA ^ 143 Ask any custocner ebcut h*ptntp3rt(y. \y. 147 !,36 I.?T 197 176 “Roving Parties" are loads of fun! ’’'^''‘''■ i , Wtxtr I5J vet UA 1% 174 U< .\nd they cut down the work for our ocr "fokkn rek" policy. / Esl^m.Tt . - JX2 . .. JNO. W. PF.RRIXE, Cashier. Mfll 1 6 7 _ hostess. "They can easily be ar- i 7V, 741 7ej ranged where several close friends vxi 7A*; live on the same street, or close b y.' HifSU £«rWr 0 ) <^altty k U r ^ vh< y.J W2 W) WrKe?Te7 Ife< M7 f7f, PRQDUCf Of iUi- tUfI*«31it f..»«9ns«f<'/n I//» 117 „, A. feRV/jiie 5tJ» K2 HS BOB RALPH CAPTAIN ERNIE TURP BOB CAMPBELL tnain course is served at the next LiBCRi»708.IIS «ISS«8C« I Frrfmao m { « ira I 134 113 home. A thurd hostess serves the I J. iPiimtl — l<5 Wj J,. Riirtfs __144 125! Three reasons why Coach Harold *'Prof” Hoot's high school soccer salad, and a fourth comes after* c . j'ihtiupt _____ kii •leyea enjoyed soch a good season debits lack of bus facilities are shown Christmas I d e a l e r "- ^ CHANCE^ ward with dessert. "This is the last' M9 774 y/8 7W 751 70S hore. "Rafter” Ralph, CapL Torp, and "Biggie” Campbell scored a total AND I Td. lu -w ML HcHr. N. J ! stege of the "roving party," and a t; I AUDIPHONE C a I WMsgert f PhMW <2) SdreUd RMk« /I) of II goals. Turp led with fiee, Ralph nett^ four, and Campbell two. I _ , r« Eau Sl»fc «L „ , j fMnter 144 f*T }5l Babc/-■ Cyfirett 151 152 144 %arkhftn*« 141 vm These men formed the center of the Hne, plajdng inside left, center forward, and inside right, respecthrely. the evening. I Smd FREE Look. Erptaia FEES w—• ! Hfhanck 154 113 159 K»frw/nd JK3 159 m New Year’s I l/l iM» 17J SfmT-son m __121 The "roving party" can, of course. ■ Hoff(4e 157 iSi m Ptitrl^n m m iM The Blue and White finished with a post-season win orer a group I I Hsceman __ 156 146 of British sailors from Asbury Paric a week ago Saturday, 4-1. On the be divided between two or three Hightstown r e i ^ scheduU the boys won five, lost one. and tied five. HamilUm hostesses, U this plan is more suiP : Bowling Alleys 747 « // 796 715 712 7» High was the oaly team to trip Hunt's proteges. ablt Cor. Merror & Wmvl Su. DECEM BER 10, 1942

The morning worship service h held at 11 a. m. "Light for This DarknesiT Classified Department will be the tooic of the pastor’s sermon. The Churches The Junior and Senior choirs will sing. The devotional service of the Youth BIG RESULTS HERE Fellowship will be conducted at 6:45 p. Miss Geraldine Barth spent the past m. by this week’s leader, Shirley Green. week at Williams College. Cranbury Fire Company Ralage of the Birth of Jesus under the 6rst aid squad ambulance. Mass every Sunday at 8, 9J0t a n d direction of Miss Marion Disborough meeting of the Cran- 10:45 a. m. bury Fire Company, the following offi- assisted by the Youth Fellowship and Ted Breed has been confined to his the Young People’s choir. Time o f this home on North Main street the past F O R SALE TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH service is 7 :3 Op. m. bchncll, vice president, Wayne Stahl: WANTED REV. JOHN K. BODEL few days with a severe cold. fire chief, Joseph Wincklelioler; first L t CbL Chaplaia. U, S. A.^ Rtd.) Monday, Dec. 14, the Woman’s So­ assistant chief, Peter Brown; scednd your Christmas turkey VEAL ^Ives wanted. Phone 18. ciety of Christian Service will meet at Mrs. William H. Thompson, Sr., is J^UW. Supply of small birds is limited. Services ‘ every Sunday at a, hi. assistant chief Francis Wincklehofer; Joseph Riordan. 112 Main Street. 11 the church at 8 p. m. Miss I^thryn seriously ill sit her home, Carlton Villa, Phone 22-R-l. Richard Lee, R. D. 1. Hightstown. 35tf. Second and fourth Sundays in the M. Donahue, missionary on furlough Etra road. ______treasurer, Ralph Danser; secretary, Hightstown. Harry Cross; houseman, William Bo­ month Holy Communion and sermon. from South .America, will speak in the Other Sundays morning prayer and ser­ devotional period. A business session Former Chief of Police Fred G. Davi­ gart; trustees John N. Stonaker and A CORD of block wood. See Arthur IMPROVED bungalow, good loca­ mon. follows. son has accepted employment as a night Ceorge Puerschner. L. Scheren, 155 Stockton street, Hights­ tion. Must be sold to settle estate; town. 29-3t.* Thursday, 7 :45 p. m.. the mid-week watchman at the Jamesburg State make offer. Also other home invest­ ST. PAUL’S EVANGELICAL service of prayer is held in the church Home for Boys.______» William H. Gordon and Mrs. John W . Tippett spent Thurs- ment properties and farms from $750 WOMAN to do washing for family ^ LUTHERAN CHURCH school room. Broad StraaL HigbUtowo. N. J. Mrs. Elmer Thomas of North Main day m Newark. to $25,000. Phone 158, Egnor Insur­ ance Protection. of four. Phone after six o’clock 119-J. * REV. JOHN A. McCONOMY. Pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH street is spending a few weeks at Pitts­ John W . Frazier has been confined Realdeece: 131 LiDcotn Ava. Pboos U»-M REV. PAUL M. HUMPHREYS. burg, Calif., where Conporal Thomas FARM WORKER s?owly ** improving HOTPOINT electric range with com­ is stationed at Camp Pittsburg, Live in tenant house. The service, 11 a. m. 9:45 A. M.—Church school. plete service. Also baby carriage. Call Church school. 10 a. m. at 201 Summit avenue or phone 963. Year round work if desired. 11:00 A, M.— Morning worship. Miss Ruth Taylor of Mercer street Mr and .Mrs. Forster Abcel of Fors- No dairy. Good wages. CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIKNTIST 6:45 P. M.—Interm^tate and Senior has returned home after spending two gate Farms entertained the following children in celebration of their daugh­ FOR SALE—Toy Pomeranian pup­ Address PRINCETON. N. J. Young People’s meeting. months with her sister at Crane, Tex. pies, $5. G. C. Autn, Hightstown-Free- Box 19, Gazette Office "God the Preserver of Man" is the She is employed at Potter & Hillman. ter Susanne's fourth birthday Saturday The Peddie School convocation will afternoon: Roger Bentley and Wilson hold Road, Route 33 (second house Lesson-Sermon subject for Sunday, De­ be held at 11 o’clock with Dr. Paul R. from Rfchfield gas station). 30-3t. TRUCK DRIVER cember 13, in all Christian Science Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dey entertained Kimnach of Hightstown; Christine On heavy duty truck. Experienced. Moody, president of Middlebury (A l­ Churches and Societies throughout the lege, as guest speaker. Headmaster Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cramer of Point Farle Charles Vance, Elizabeth Ful­ Apply to world. Pleasant and Miss llda Dey and Wilbour E. Saunders will preside. ton, Susan Barclay, Sally Applegate, Held Vacant for Sale HAROLD C. MOUNT The Golden Text is: "In God is my Charles W ym bs of Eatontown on Sun­ Gerald H. Miller, Jr., Joseph Bradham, Phone 100 Route 25, Hightstown salvation and my glory: the rock of my Prayer meeting will be held Thursday Ann Gildar, Wendy Jesser, Ronald and evening at 7:45 o’clock. day. ______Attractive six-room bungalow at strength, and my refuge, is in (Sod." Billy McCarthy and Judy Abeel. ONE or two furnished rooms, near The Rev, Paul M. Humphreys wiU Members o f Hightstown Council, No. 320 Park Avenue, Hightstown, New (Psalms 62:7). business section. Box 25, Gazette of- speak Sunday evening to the Angelus 46, Sons and Daughters o f Liberty, will Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wells spent Jersey. Estate to be closed. Our the weekend with D. W . tyells at Lin- listed price is $4500, but we will con­ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH group at the Clinton Avenue Baptist entertain at cards in their lodge room REV. S. K. CAMBELL. Pastor Church, Trenton. on Monday. They will hold their an­ WTOd, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Z. W sider a reasonable offer. DINE and DANCE nual Christmas party Monday, Dec. 21. Wells at Wilmington, Del. 9:55 A. M.— Sunday school hour. Call Trenton 3-4133 11:(X) A. M.— Morning worship and Mr. and -Mrs. Bernard Mount and or your own broker. RED BALL INN Services Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Rue and : sons of Princeton were Sunday guests CAPON SUPPER, 3Sc (Snved > to 12) sermon. "Lights That Blaze the Christ- Mr. and Mrs. C. Lester Rue of Wind- SATURDAY EVENING ;of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Meyer, Sr JOHN F. RAPP, JR. ward W ay." Universal Bible Sunday. For Allentown Victim 6or and Mrs. Lillian Conover are at­ and family. ’ ROUTE 32 (HIchtotown-FravlioM Ro«l) Guest soloist, Grace Ashton. tending the State Grange convention 5:00 P. M.—Service of Evensong. An old-fashioned dance will be held Broad St. Bank Bldg. Trenton HARRY FORMAN. Pnvrtetor O f Hunting Accident at Atlantic City this week. "From Tears to Fear." Soloist, Dr. C. at the school auditorium on Friday Dunn Williams. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Rudolph night under the auspices of the P -T Victim of a hunting accident, Ja___ A. FOR RENT 4:00 P. M.— Intermediate C. E. Yohonic over the weekend were two S:(W P. M.—Senior Society. Supper Schino, 19, son of Mr, and Mrs. Vin­ nieces from Perth Amboy, Joan and Mr.->. John W. Tippett was a Sunday GLAZING meeting. Leader, William Anderson. cent Schino of Davis Station road, near Sheila Kennedy, 8 and 6, respectively. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Bur- NINE ACRES of good potato land Calendar for. the week— Allentown, was buried yesterday tmnrn- in Borough of Hightstown. Cash rent Mrs. G. C. Wintringey,-Princeton Red roughs and Mrs. George B. Mersljon. Glass cut while you wait Dec. 10th.—Prayer* Arvice and social ing after funeral services at his homc^ or on. shares. Phone Bordentown a t . . ^ home o f Mr. and Mrs. Addison followed by a requiem high mass at Mrs. Dorothy Doris Cornell of the 484-R-3. Frank W . Powell, YardvUle, Glazer on Premises Robbins, 8 p, m. St, John’s Church, Freehold road left Wednesday for Musical Service Sunday N. J. 29-4t.* Dec. 12th.—Choir rehearsal, at t h e Interment was in St. Mary’s ceme­ North Carolina where she will spend church, 7 :30 p. m. the holidays with her husband. Sergeant In Princeton Chapel I‘ OR KENT—Apartment, furnished. tery, Trenton, under direction of Nor­ Phone 325 Dec. 15th.—Woman’s Society for Mis­ man T. Peppier of Allentown. Donald Cornell. Phone 33-J. sions, Christmas meeting, at the home Schino was killed Saturday afternoon A musical vesper service will be held of Mrs. Willard Davison, 8 p. m. William W ilson of North Main street m the Princeton University chapel at FOR SALE—Red Rock pullets. Housewrecking Company in front of his home when the shotgun was the first local hunter to come back Dec. 16th.—Couplers’ Club, Christmas of his brother, Paul, 16, accidentally 8 ,p. m.^ Sunday. An organ recital by Phone 33-J. dinner and party, at the home of Mr. with a deer. The 150-pound buck seen Prof. Edward B. Greene, organist and Hightstown discharged as they returned from a and Mrs. Frank Probasco, 7 p. m. hunting trip. hanging in Alonzo Dey’s meat market choir nia-Ster, is to precede the service. HE-ATED apartment, 6 rooms and 2 was shot by W ilson in Medford Coun­ baths, no small children. Large dwell­ Trooper Julius Itchmoney of Hights­ The recital will include selections FIRST METHODIST CHURCH ty, Pennsylvania. ing, 9 rooms, bath and additional lava­ REV. P. R. COMER. JR.. Miniaur town State Police barracks, investi­ from tile French organ schools of the tory. Phone 112, Croshaw Agency, Inc., Cars Washed & Simonized gated, and Dr. Walter E. Farmer, as­ 17th. 18ih, and 20th centuries. Dean Mr. and Mrs. C. Stanley Stults, Mrs. Hightstown. 21-tf. Service on all makes of Cars and The Sunday church school meets at sistant county coroner, said Schino died Jolin W . Sprout and Miss Virginia Pug-, Wick.s will conduct the vesper service. Trucks. Have your battery charged 9:45 a. m. with classes for every age. instantly. lin spent the weekend at Bucknell Uni- Tlie 60-voicc choir will sing a program JOHN DEERE killcfer by the day while you wait at fcrsity, Lewisburg, Pa., where they including carols by Bach, Buxtehude, or per acre. Phone Bordentown 484-R-3. and Praetorius, a group of modern POTTER & HILLMAN visited Charles Slults and John Sprout, Frank W . Powell, Yardville, N. J. 308 Mercer St. Hightstown Jr. ______English carols, a Erench carol, and a 29-3t.* W hen 'Spirits Are|lLow i- CALL chorus from Handcl’.s oratorio, “ Sam­ Phone 308 Mrs. Paul Lewis of Palmerton, Pa., son." DWELLINGS, bungalows, factory DAMASCO’S HI6HTST0WN spent a few days this oast ^eek with The service is open to the public, free and storage buildings. The Croshaw 365 WINE AND LIQUOR STORE her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Pe­ of charge. Agency, Inc., 307 North Main st., terson, of Grant avenue. Mrs. Mabel Hightstown. Phone 112. 43lf. R. Toga of Bethlehem, Pa., accompa­ DANCE 1 0 7 Stockton Street Hightstown Janice Probasco Observes nied her on the visit. FURNISHED rooms with or without ------A T ------Miss Miriam Adele Barclay, daughter Fifth Birthday Yesterday board at Central Hotel. 21tf. of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Barclay of Allentown, and Richard S. Satter- SIX-ROOM house, bath, steam heat, GAZE’S Janice Probasco, daughter of Mr. and at 327 N. Main street; also 3-room Christmas Suggestions.... thwaite of Allentown were married Mrs. John Probasco. celebrated her apartment with bath, at 227j^ Morrison R E D TAVERN Saturday afternoon in the Allentown fifth birthday yesterday by entertain­ avenue. Apply to J. Ely Dey, 202 M or­ Our New Orchestra Install a “MORGAN” KITCHEN UNIT Presbyterian Cliurch. T h e receptiem ing a group of young friends. rison avenue. 25tf. iJoyd Scarborough and Hit Boyt was held at the Old Hights Inn. Invited guests were Linda Kay FRIDAY - SATURDAY NITES They are reasonable in price and save atepg every day in the year. Thompson, Sandra Robinson, Sandra Mesdames E. J. vTelbei, S r, H. B. NINE-ROOM house, modern im­ Pullen, Mimsi Fou, Gail Probasco, Lyle provements, hot water heat, coal burn­ Chicken on the Rough, 30c Brighten the Kitchen and Bathroom Taylor, and Blake Johnson and the Eutchen, Lynn Hunt, Gordon Dey, Misses Edith and Vivian Drake and er, 2-car garage, at 516 North Main Hightttown-Freehold Road (Route 33) Bobby Hicks, and Wilson Kimnach, of Street. Inquire at Weller Bros. Smoke PHONE 380 Install “MARLITE” Prefinished Wall Panels. A color to gait Elizabeth Hodasc were hostesses Tues­ every taste. here. Also, Constance Danser and Shop. 30-2t.* day evening at the meeting of the Jerry Scott of Cranbury, Billy Mount of Windsor Grange. Delegates to the ITinceton, Bobby Britton of Plains- state meeting gave reports. SIX-ROOM bungalow, ^ 5. Five l)oro, and Norttian Applegate of Free­ rooms, improvements, $20. Six rooms, Visit Our Showroom hold. ClifTord L. Shangle of South Main $40. Four room.s, improvements, $30. See these Cabinets and Marlite sis it would he in your bonie.suul street went hunting one day recently Seven rooms with electric, $20. Three learn how easy they sire to instalL with tlie Princeton football squad on Methodist Bible Class rcioins, gas stove ami refrigerator, $32. Colonel Arthur Koran’s private hunting Plione 158, Egnor Insurance Protection. club in North Jersey. Col. Koran an­ To Honor Mrs. West nually invites the Tiger gridiron war­ SIX-ROOM house, all improvements, located at 213 Morrison avenue. In­ A Few Items From Our Hardware Dept. ders to his grounds where they can j The Berean Bible Class of the Meih- wreak havoc with little opposition. quire of \Vinficl(l Johnson, 215 Morri­ PYREX WARE SAVOY ROASTERS CARVING SETS jodi>i Church will tender a Christmas son avenue. 30-2t.* : party in honor of their teaclier, ^Irs. STAINLESS STEEL TABLE KNIFE & FORK SET—Ivory or Rad Among those attending the annual Plaatic Handle. UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC TOASTERS iJohn WeM. on Tuesday. A covered sessions of the State Grange at Atlan­ THERMOS BOTTLES and LUNCH KITS FLASHLIGHTS i dish siiDper will be served at t> p. ni.. MISCELLANEOUS tic City this week were Master and DU PONT’S LACQUERED TABLE CLOTHS in Several Patttma ! to whicit all members of the class and Mrs. A.sa T. Davison, Jf., Lecturer-elect and Colors. Miss Edith Stackhouse, Pomona Lec­ their families and frietuls are invited. Appropriate gift.s for adults and chil­ RUBBER STAMPS turer Mrs. J. Ely L)ey, J. E ly Dey, Rubber stamps, self inkers, band TOOLS of EVERY KIND for the Deputy Ancil Davison, Mr. and Mrs. dren will be c'cchanged. Santa Claus will be there to present the gifts. S. I’TwchmI Croshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Mau­ daters, pads, stamp inks, numbering MECHANIC and HOUSEHOLD USE rice H. Hagcman, and Mrs. Della Dey. machines, stencils, seal presses. Prompt attention to all orders. Gazette office Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cohen of the Jersey Homesteads recently announced 'Dear Santa’ in Gazette Building, 114 Rogeia .*\ve- the engagement of their daughter, Es­ Chas. R. Field & Son, Inc. ther, to Irving Schneider of South Main When you think of INSUR.ANCE, street, son of Mrs. Simon Schneider. think of EGNOR. Phone 158. Phone 17S Hightstown, N. J. The marriage will take place at the borne of Miss Cohen on Jan. 17. Kol- MONEY to loan on well secured first SHOP HERE YOU CAN PARK AT OUR DOOR lowing a brief honeymoon, the couple i morlgagc^. ‘War Damage & Bombard­ will reside with Miss Cohen’s parents. ment Insurance—R. A. EGNOR offers this coverage backed by U, S. (joveni- Cross chairman of surgical dressings, mcni. 158 Rogers Avenue. visited the local Red Cross rooms on PEPPLER’S W EEKLY CHAT'S Thursday to inspect the finished work. She reported everything satisfactory. Borou^rh ol HlghUtowB However, as the quota has been raised, NOTICE POWER DRIVEN ELEVATORS FOR POTATOES more workers are needed. Anyone de­ The Commou Council of the Ikjrough ol siring to help is requested to contact Hightnt'jwii will receive bids on Tuesday, De­ W e build them 10 to 16 ft. or longer to euit' your needs. cember 22. 1W2, at S o'clock (Eastern War Mrs. Robert Dietz, local chairman. Tinie> in the evening at its regular place of MYERS AUTOMATIC £LECTRIC WATER PUMPS, t » l M Because of a lack of response, the room meeting, Borough Hall, Hightstown, N. J.j for *n the J. Ely Dey building will not be one W. & T. >ohition feed visible type ASVM MYERS HAND PUMPS, $15.76 PITCHER PUMPS, $265 & up chlorinator (without convertor) with a maxi­ opened on Fridays until after the holi­ mum capacity of IS pounds of chlorine j>er 24 WOOD PUMPS, 6 ft. PORCELAIN LINED, $13.75 days. hours, including one 60U-i»ouiid capacity plat­ form scale, two W. & T. comparators, m ac­ GALVANIZED PIPE. FOOT VALVES, WOOD PUMP TUBING cordance with plans and specifications compiled by the Boruugli Engineer and On file in the 50 ft. ENDLESS CANVAS STITCHED & RUBBER BELTS Helen B. Hulick clerk’s office. . The right is reserved to reject any or all 5-in. $1760; 6-in. $20.00 5-in. rubber, $2160; 6-ia. $24.00 Engaged to Wed bids and to waive any immateri.al defect or in­ formality in anv bid should it be in the iQ- i DR. HESS PANAMIN, WORM POWDER & TABLETS ,ere,, of Ihe Borough to ^ DR. LEE GIZZARD CAPSULES & GERMOZONE Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe W . Hulick of Borough Gerk. Dutch Neck announce the engagement (Hightstown Gazette, Dec. 3, 10, 17, 1942.) B, K. POWDER, TOXITE, CARBOLA of their daughter. Miss Helen Blanch­ CELLO-GLASS FLEX-O-GLASS WRY-0-GLAS3 ard Hulick, to W ilford Earl Kutz, son . POULTRY NETTING IN ALL SIZES of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kutz of Boiling These boys want Santa Claus to Springs, Pa. NOTICE!! 7M-ft. STEEL FENCE POSTS, 56 cento each know about their favorite toys in Miss Hulick is stock manager at a SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT plenty of time before Christmas, Do You Receive A *Jore at Princeton and Mr. Kutz is as­ KEM-TONE, $268' gaL SEMI-LUSTRE, $365 guL sistant manager of a store at Baltimore. and they’re willing to rise to the oc­ casion. With the help of his older 20% DIVIDEND FLAT TONE. $2.65 gaL brother, this young man solemnly ON YOUR FIRE INSURANCE CIRCULAR SAW BLADES, 26-m. $660; 30-in. $9.00 MRS. STELLA H. MARKER mails his letter to “ Dear Santa.’’ POLICY Mrs. Stella H. Harker, widow of the If not, why not make this saving? HARDWARE. PRUNING EQUIPMENT, STEP LADDERS w e Rev. Albert E. Harker, diM at her PLOW REPAIRS, SHARES. MOLDBOARDS, LANDSIDES FOR home in Greenwich, N. J., on Tuesday, AUTO INSURANCE FLEMINGTON NOTICE JOHN DEERE, OLIVER & INTERNATIONAL PLOWS December 1. CREDITORS OF Mary Emma Pemne, De- Second Vehicle insured «t half rate Mrs. Harker was the dau.ghter of reased arc bv order of the hurrogate of Mer­ FUR COMPANY REPAIR SERVICE FOR FARM EQUIPMENT ^ h n H. Hutchinson and the late Mrs. ce r County’, dated .Vov. 20. l'M2 ui>oa applica­ RatesReduced 3Times in 1942 tion of the subscriber, notified to bring m tiie.r Representing A-Plus Excellent rated Hutchinson of Windsor, and her hus- debts, demaiid*; and claims against ber es- 137 South Broad St. oand was a former pastor of the Wind­ t.nte. under oaifi. within six months from a^>e insurance companies. sor Baptist Church. In addition to her daie.-IIARRV PERRl-^E (hjtecutor), R- D. 1, Trenton, N.J THOS. PEPPLER, SON & CO. father, slic is survived by four children Cranbury, N- J- The Croshaw Agency, Inc. Open Daily to 9 P. M. SAMUEL PEPPLER, Pni|rk«er ALRKRT C. BARCLAY 3nd four grandchildren; also one sis­ Telephone 112 307 North Mam SL Fleniington Factory: 8 Spring Street PHONE 143 HIGHTSTOWN. N. X ter, Mrs. Raymond Richardson of Al­ fHighVsm^'n'^Cazette, Nor. W2-—6t-J Hightstown, N. J. lentown. (Pees $6.10.) gE n ra ga : aii, » s s a z E n a e . ; Tw o Students Come U. S. Railroad Builders in Latin From North Africa America Cut Thru Wilderness

- i . isS9 - -JqTr T affifr aBE»=aX ant Anitarxia si- Wii!S!;33»ri^utJB’ To Attend Peddie arm qs- Tr^ 3 C »^ " T.ltUtDerKX Tn^TiaUXJI^ TzoMt T»as It lie is»5«ate -»^£X‘ .ai, 'is im s ir jrra g g s ta in tm ;' f a t 5 sc3 l- WTjtrii -»c2x M s c in g £ ^ aca C adaicikat Kit jclsar ~gn.mTy JfecaBCC s a t •xasar'- a tJ^55 «stf m^Sn utiarx mSatua. Christmas Wau hed : m- «SE£ itrle is. its iar Tiais. 3? xaL x x 't rsassEiEr xaiiixBt ;TTyr?*rT^«TF f r i i t f a t X tm iiri ii ia a s rlaana -wts t&e i*y?T«sE aiaf is ' ia. TOStsi*- iwitwus ysi^LKF!:- :tui!a:!rr5^ ■.■Hark i .abut ais- ^ierw s.i\ *!Ii #e : Hutory in Making '.'ttirri .Ti-igrat' A riH rrrx X jrn*m it !Sar:± Arffimasx^ J sjSib »psr-:. 1C m we-isfi.-' i*sas=ir -araagiti m tc ist?' w* 'asr wat «s ■ i^isai H JiiHL C- TisaciKHKi^ scac Mmmm. Mi*nifiiiiiu, .atw :* Ctrar'' 't»' ^vOTifei -tr/rTT* "/triert. joay: ■ Sir m r i!3i 3S^it. r a is fte "sssnrj i t *3ai^ ru n d ; Ir nsm tartra^. -dsi25e tTSSikaL ' ■fcai »»W tttuta mmr ia ■528s.vgiJrui:. "Isfr jsssbk- j i. j- i. * .* ,33s»£ i!S ,a>£agiTra?7!i;6.. J-a^aeir. Tisti -iirrsffi^imDi .^.smst ,AiHtr> jmq^F-c- -g-^iiyrt it jiacac*- 2:X3e sex ttrtt^Atm m rU ^ *y*5«ime5: it F rt-xt-t, atft nwt-'tsac / ’ia n .atjrk,. -rs, aui. f i e lanE^ iras.. x « r a i^ i 2£ •aim-^ xmeaenrsffiik grtiSE -msil te ’ r«aUm{^ « , .S« ^ w»=:*: lairti uyru. ir iicS!v?*«Si ipnr-i. i u t m ca. 'Msiagia tbliei isrjeazn. 35* tx*c . > wais a -n y t ‘ra- ' irrrarjwcssncjt. stiar linzm ca. asiiL ^^r iu c i tmatm mSkA *r£sSJit:t -fairsiesn n- .11 x 5 X-£.r xzaat- 'lamCTitCa. T f e S.*»35S7»* %r '!!*£5a.;i‘--T -vriix <«*t£r JSX*^' int: crtSi'h au?t .i:-*56«?Tt5L. .^tliiia!CT a; it-Ti:dir*r titise : aiiiEri.=EaEa3:. s ax A r - « w CSasteBa***;. ErtacSi ti,, ies.fl iiftiJi: V, '.*y.,vjt. .rTiir-: 5iErrj!kt. ^amiccr. x a ie .i^-^trrkitaerw i i - SExnna.. Cttie,, r'trx m f r^ax^iKE,. -vtre t t v m t e * x t K m « . tSLliti ly r T '-^ r. -sr-'-HTri rt TSutAr -t ie 5«T».*£:ir- aaiP' i t --a t i a . rmminxnn. seninx iitnr "itilLSiaL ne xHtiCraimg 'k tie Mafieir^-Ma- • jj2 txli«r tirm irei «r «i ftiF WeaL W ieeieagix iKir: ‘vsia .DiTi. i t % ‘^ - -iHirt isiinstt it tie litan sx S r js ^ It H t ,>»fi3istrr 3£ 1 7 'iis i t - t i n s vsT-j-ysrir ISiitefiiKrxx: ..■iiarrisx. dai- imier ne -if Tfl|^' V jA ^,^ -M n g aa: tin* =js2a:.-- dz^oereraek. istsc Itairtg?. Arg-eirntx S a- is a a .r . V n t n iwrm. Be $usa«»: ^ac-nrj Sf* maft sst XXL mcrixaet -sdi iii= iar Zneaa.iT'- lie nazicraxiic; _:f few ita ef See !a« «( j„,, iv r iiA '■3*'r-':iar r.-uiiiii ,'ursr '^a-- iiiA S i itui. 5**saci!rt l r ? j £ !^ Vis*' -tas i& e’ «Pirx 1 -antrirr^. fcxtfec x -’main. ::i auf jr.'-in: r x e n i 1-m c.a-. •7i'5S4 x -its,. t i d e *T, rathsi' V:-T:^' v a r tti^ . " i j a i r ' «srft tf-'ils, -He icds:3t>, Siir5crj«t as:^ ■ Surwisrf li' 5t*r lanra 1791 Si s ^ a e ^ M a XitrjwiriE IE ial.& H i 'amir lie irn: iiiii' rtm ojinrt p?' 5tm ;r KkriL -«‘Xii- 'Baa’7 ;ixiK l-Ti'-'?; iC x r x X i wsit itcits.. .iami*n tiaa. -liac ic 3tr X ■»’5£5 "3 € j EiEsy la o r "" 2mx- Ji- aK- tie imZidrm' ic radriatfs ftt&raiJa Is SOaM; tret- isa a e - is s y i- s s e weiBasE Sili tSw: riSilk *iin»ici2 sr : _ x -i n ; l i e m izn n v >K 'Af ^ ik * .s a£z:-:des:L. jxtn-i n. Siir-'rd icier 2-mtnI Animtsx Ht- jiaiurmis id e Itui^ sra jpwsfi— inst Cirui/ia. t: i ggnaic? k i«i£ iaj£ 3T, jantaiiritt l i r*-!?miasriia%' xmesL T s .‘i Tissicis- ^cx- tnnucr. i !<«• Tssast«ss £ni3js4 its >«. ite jr-'^t 11 .X irvu it. 7 1»* 'rriini!. I r ig ig f iiBsk: 15 is a a iip * i s c x n r » SKiilcr.'i TJ5?^e".Vy‘rt:i iisii. a t loftr T f ser ^esce-oioE tie irsc 3X nnnnmfSCi- n e iigtzde^' ir 7'iir-H ifAT* -inu'3 i-t adiTi^m en, *x j p e a £ « 9i c « frvaa Fa *Iu 4. !/:«¥ gtrmirj ijrSii-j: 'imsrt. siv^ruas' -V'Jtf -ttiirr iitfS/tr- .n Siar BSC; aiupt a : itft 2s£a isst js. l i e ,iaiii--AiiQrsrt imwxi*' n n n e c r 1 *. r " 5 .ftmcxwirarmx :,c t ie id C lsn BxrlMrs RxrU« htn. .-r'.artrjisk siuc ,.ine. ic r Ccant xciir- S-riciiB'.r^ jcmr*'., ir Tfindr; Amexesix ssift' .'jsn*¥Jt.r iori.iiii%- ',r sitaam ig ies riflm - T v s w s u i i s S b jot. 5 b e UmmOgd SW Amoieu .-.^aeL IX J t n s ’litsirv rjE x r s is c im ii: rairtaic iJitiseen- t?sstii?£ sati: jsrd er «tir- i- 'tJ/ "Itis: trvxz: iD a : 7 ! » M C n Joe Palooka mrt TTSsar-tgiscffii fn ^ ’2ns- E c a iZ ir a t - •v-iac s- sn-iiaiir/ tit. yiLesr -irzidnu: m i i»-«rim e laicmzTLi. 11- -tim r^stf *cifc: '»i -Ijr^ 'ir'itias •^liK i f Siup?r3 iK « BXcr«KirLffla ruIrisiL n. 7 X" - .X ..•^nrems. inni. lie n*rr Ktsre 1 : ite Tctmitci-g tf 4 s x - ISn Gem. Zsc^x 7 T a rise 'Kses\fu:^> is A "-•c -it e ■^\ncn: ji- k- Sitsnicii*.. 3Si$er--ecai^$: i o n tc Tauierx 11 lat riii. mmi:: x C;« hiik: Kirn: tc .■xter-.-irainiag: i>3gerst- I Scs^ai Hke ~ 'TsessxyA. 'v .« "yr^i'X.* - s a •if jpea: EAnkt. Tia iiut- cracaL?' iraiK' .u 'Tiiie. iimniknsL n 1? ^ r i* • icx 3tmKe MmitsoM ciempMer. .a. 'S it ''.Ttn^ri trxTA^i x .r »ri$it ,sf 4 t: Siuider Tamest mcneer H ; x '/ v m .'^irsrxn,,, tT3£E JS ■ i 11T5 © - lx -ttJgiX T: ' iniioix Apptfs^iss^*' af Fireplaoe u d }-.• TlJS lEldinSi— S3> aatac^ii pm iaaei bj Ti SeiGXfzfj 2^bc»c htXAS ■SrjrasMl'^rWjBf f-?r^>f6'.T3'>» k f-vsfi-kvtiixg 4 P r « e 6 eet $• aS isbabtiub T -v ri O 7 . ■^'ijie? • *»*ss;n;>r> ,:a«t 4t*n .da rsacraerr a -Srasc ^ j® 5«er,. 'li^'iesihrrini i s t i ie x u i txiL isrrert X s g y a a B t' sstj-XtAs' .ir-’ i-sr-* 5r»rTisSr S i«' xiicutfS !2ae « ifit 'i f t a ? ^ «s- 5$c a. 11- nainj.er.£:a. n en* liax iwi. f-^acTE. Tirtr* V. VE TT.'trs^^^ i.f' ■fid. aiifi iDfet Bi* srrjxdEjeii -d Ifrigp itrr: im .t:: zr.rrx t : ?*rx .*xii Ticust "faxie- . p:vi£is:inx. zekte^pe ce«a at ise jiadira if sikasr 5iad ■ieiaa. wirk :x iirr 7sa.irtL ix i’Yir.i' x a-, .-tt ".%A *.T>'“i'jrt3 .rr T texv faztis pcc$x5ii±-. zinrsi.s la^acL It ■ wrx* "'DaxT Kr. SCirsiSL- 'Tiss Ire “xns sr. i d * i.:r: :•; '..'* ^ 1 C rsi^ fees :32.tmr. ciltriic vAityyji lAt'.'-iae-j " U i j ^ 7®3r':ae ts> t * ' izajif''. 5»x tile xiri»sr i r t 1 . X i x * r 5rii .iTix i ITir XCCil 11 teu x Jrssit. x z fC a a i B A R T O N F. F R A N C IS 11--S-7 ti*-..p 11 xr-X’l n-jr .Pi? f r j s i c ‘Dtcr.g i»icci*r. n ii itisx la x-sx xei?- EPS ?a:i«ni z rj rx Sa-it-i Dodge - P l j r a i o u i h £5TASLi$H££> AUGUST L Siv»'.'j d a iax2rt it E.gx ler xaxpe- U S E D CAR S *'2r ? n a ------'" ' Lena? sr. stxzsz crjirirtjcxp- i»«S 1>«S«» C f m v COCT£, K «s« «.e4; a t fn s s e Ik3^ f-*jae- B fit '; Saai ritfiary riR i«r arsfik m u «.*r. S«J« if2 8 C W r r W s ^^Cf^asco I z e m m A y 7 ^ 91116. Var fisesfe. STOLL’S - FSj-« m« sg» C . - f«« F«r^ CW . C « 5Mt KaJbe c^ n sia fam ^y boad^ct M W P « s i « _*. _____ 8 2 fjrn 4-^ S«fi« !♦ jsertraS by ,?S«ib YeatX'*- t*W erjr’ta tA ^-4r. 5 » 4 »s.» D W « « 4 ^ . SsrftMU M W EkB4|» « - r. S«U jm 4 $$?7 Oi«ir"8riaijft< SeA**. TTzf Choice o f Christma.s Shoppers . SIW ttiS>VM 5^34 CWvrt£«t 2^ . D « '^ oueed ; MW 0«ip , 0»«|^ WA S*»d«^ W 4^. 7 J K * f * f .4 '■t<«s Ptmex a g Hot KtbS: 4 For Decades It Has Droven So pssnaetessA .Jt£. S.ck -X iix c j sikKe. St734 iTfeCTitt t i^,-£^ .farW’-.fcty.r: -w •tiitr isrss! XK! 2r:-tr ^

A N D o t h e r m u n i c i p a l L IE N S. •JXOA - '-if. «,r ■^: 'tie •Jax.'.e. 'l>v'-es. XS*!- B.»-» ■ . ^ ... ;>jAir •:•, t;r'«-,r-.-r y "^"■w.'.n. isirc fcf * tret t v j yi-ir, i.ii-1 xr,«r ts-r* Playing Cards— :: - *..■ =—34: & Booklets— Iry V '.- JOT-.,.' l i .j yjis t'.t a ief.T.1. .<• r.*. n-i -o tit —, , .------i- tt -nt tr-ttu .trrea: is e a tais itrej: « 2 ties L P ^ s-y 'sL-Cx-wjmz. c I t . . « . i # to sias. i',' 7 i#t t*/C » .'. ->» y.y Trteetit yevzz-'-yi. »tiJ te ^'r»sc 5.'tci fci-> sc • ---r t'i.rol i l - ^ W>. 'j .-•>*. i..5v> e-.i'r»a.-j,t iT.fca.tr ti/» '.trfrea-.e fcj»-.a.-it ttit t**£ ITiT^rtse- le tir! ' tiicL SI.B *•«.»■ in -x.» i.'t - ; , i . / c-t ■•.•.Biiptnj - i v J • iSV.**-.? '-’ JV ■.-.ft; ,^.J' I -^' ; s ; / ' -1« W .-* a ^ v^r.sr-n-' »•-,t :arcrti.'' '■>' '.■<■*■ 4«tiC f . '; '; '.r feefc-^rtsory, f ^ t c i— n i * - : a-. -: U . cl— S lM u ^ - » 1 y.r.'\Jt.A *ztt ia.t:ee, btsv^et; v, r«- s«0'5 szrxj S c . » c . SSc. TSc. .e- a ■rr.-'.ee.t -.r c^ri- j#.- -j*-,-.Mtt >er t t ■'‘-.At I. '*' U.5rJ5:£i: V. i-ATrr^. ? - - ; S2L5* V . ic a :^ l a - ; SIJ* a= i s n s r t >*/•■--' '■•..- u> I'W i ti-j., -.'e -J , ;«v:*r5. ; . Z'tJFUTi X V '.C T 'i ■Wfcl '.^ ^.Al' tfr. . , yxj~y/.y, tx yt}iieT.~ ud siaa ^A-f A -i -fJt. yx^.'} >>- »•-.«'< ' T ntWieM Fountain Pens e rs S z i i ' ...... ' ■'' fcVC V. -vr ^ y,r ■A jXf.xrr Vfc^t.sstrvsr V .X Vr irrxZk ‘/i vetreai&fT 3«», SS^ y •xsrvM. - y irurijia^ *-n* 'K'.‘iC%r.t-,t««r* Ossaerte. :■ — oar.e L-a-r — U S I to SIS5S. t>.*.C A*,* 'trsi-iT^e. ■ A te '- wC" ■ *» vtier tus r.jCtt & Desk Pen Sets— W « ' \ rtx rA •'.« -- >lg RtaM. MBrtI For Sports— t "A. tuxA -t *fU4.-> fe^Pr' ''■ne T -i» p A.- fct^y '-ti^ ,.4> -iy, ^ ee wt!V ixrr--\eiS V.fc.ese.ei r-'yy^.:zid head-^xar'-tr; ;:■ - S 2 m - jetxrrK jsyjT jey vT * « *-«! all 5.>r?s. Jr.iri"*— T*..*' xe-w-rt 5 2s ,i bes-: H b ia-xii *M a» W iw rs 4 «5s «>*. irtg .Sir -A THl, laT'l saixww—p::, K.oL IryikiZiZ a r f my~z ' nzrzirM. : * ':rs. a sere S- x l vA.^:* rrJc p ec 5. S iM to T -:< ir:r.^ etc-—TSc. . abwe bv : licAty^v.4y—SZM. z o r m V. £ifV 7?co, tarn 'C'vseO ;:. -Vc? «_■ ______c -- r - . _- . r~____ to n s m 'B-ot.z x x x —I2LSR OsSiatwr t / Texea Sac. -ii rirrie- »!SJS i7r.i S1S.2S. Hcarxh Bri»:cr5— TSe footbalii. Fi'icer' _ JbBL uiis. tu t to m m 7i*ei V/4»<55r S-rarer 12/:7 Tor*: .^er -.-:}—JlUiS ia ,i SUM. X • S#'i V If.^xr S i Lt&'/’>s ,*,■*) « ;jc , 2jf < t-fi y a J? F's>4 7vr.«n6'-kr. 22t u*.«s. V ___ Ca--ter'! C-:riie 'A 'e j Sets — SSe. — . — .,. iU3» 'jfj -Jxl tts: Z'.Ft SIM. ir.-.i S2M For the Boys ?* 7 £ »/ ?{*«.'. 21* V,v.<*.v« V . , _ ------W fA y,«2 i c x 22. Ji is;^f^ Hi-de-y 7 i:.'S ^ , 22C 225: A<’^*!«c.y V ____ ------U72 ur, * a £!'.erhr'..-.« !>esk: Pee Se-.s. tZSa Mfk S-.vt.? MycLstrVy, OT V.a&w.? ^ __ ------r . « E/,7 in the Service— Oi.ACfAV.'fw% ^ykJunsA. N>/r ;L2. d&t. Barometers, WASHieeCTW T O w x% H ic. MESCES coisirrr ft j Thermometers NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FO R & Air Guides— NON-PAYMENT OF TAXES, ASSESSMENTS SUM to S tS M AND OTHER MUNICIPAL LIENS si'rtrtrt .1 '-rtreSyr jT'»*s %' I. r-,7 7.- Binoculars— T'/irirt' ■>. ^'.■xx.'-j tf T4y;r.

V. M . i . Ttrt *»rj /*vis IT .'■ *yy£ ;£. ,-a^ v. y a, »JS t.-ye ttewr. vA-/Kt tA re- * ' "*'* '* « «-/>fyett t# era** p*rr K!E tyty »•. r>ts’a^—SSfSS OS. ms4 to sum tntx. TXrt vstflCrtart S'yf *'rt V " .v > 'te •r/st^wtr, "f. rse »a> Burrowes l'o»M.Tables—SS-M rJi*5 iar r*tr/-f, <* ti 'y- 'Ivsr-l) 'rtif? -»i5 ?ae it x .e y M tfi latfoeruf. ' ' ' Cra.r'^MJS ap. As>r y'AX ‘A fts. y 'x y ? -rtr* I's*! '-ae ar, virtr »f 1^? O y.seseci Laa;;-*. SZ.SS. 554m ««a! ».v • » * . 'i r t . . r t T .r 'a* i-x f-/^.ssxy.tm. 4 ;. »-«?.•! pry -aw »»»ssr. akj k l 0::'.er Ijnttrt. SSSS t^ . aww.-rr-As'.'ry ,*-fcrr •'tr- '-rrye/'-rty tirA » t «xUry p«»r-rs*4rtr«, :s-'.'r»2;scT** r»^r l e a t h e r GOODS; FLOWERS — NON-FAD!NC - V> Ia*r ’A eA»f tj-te ♦•j; ' aft* 'A f^jycxyxje. ' ' '^' ' The n e w FP^e-scent Laa:;,*. f:*r Decorative purposes—beau­ T?rt ♦»> .« x : J y f'rt prt-zrMrrt.* */ TrrJe U M , e< trtri S»>yri.?jf ®>4 *-*>y Wallets. SUM «p. tiful Camatic'ns. L^ahlias. and A> *»7 *fe« sa^, * '« ye^VrstTneyi » t r«jt:ye Wirrtsrt *4 rV*E trx x m x dar oc ^antzen SSM. SUSS Awa SI7JS. 4*7 y y y » ■ " y**r^*t' aad r.'ys't Mt.srzfttl ^ t-, *h# r,K« r.f paytKrtnf Money Beits, $1J» to S2-T%. Roses in beautiful colors Tart »*.4 laadSs v , v. »*> are «irttrt:?-fyrte sa vx/.trd*sKd SSM. F'.esi Cards :n Cases—54c up '*wS.-f,;r rt4«srt- ' / *5rt --■••irtr & « V U-t' * « das^w.***. sM arar^rrare .i/ tire-s F>ne o f Jantzen’ s top-flight decoratk>ns. awswf .'rarrea w4arh »*.'y 4 ^ CHklSTM.SiS St'F.CI.M^hair hzs% u s t, •re at sweaters — iuxuriotisly light Cnshkaii, S2.5S—rcanlarly $3.W. I>re?sing Ca^es. etc.. S5-M op. SPECIAL—IVinsetiia - and STift. It win h old its t «r * ■ « LRROV *n?Sf>ALL. tm tM 2J, ( j O f r M , . / T » « « . shape permanently. Price Jitt. Ml y*fA fj««r ?f*mrt Sii« \/est^m T#* 7-I-<3 T-.r»l i 6,50, < St ffrtftrj W MfBer, 4T a * '« . A Si^« .... —------i :» .x tir^n j{ 4 a A a JCaJrsrta -_' 4 a. Msirj JT Cf#7 , »rre%■-111 ~ & «r/“~Mdsrr.. SH.A2 Others— 3.50 to 8.95 ^«,*'AiiosT;I&? R d .______7fA S2 7/A 20 EAST STATE STREET m 2 W'f48«y L'pelskrt, *tre* 4 hM«i'e R«rV R*»d ______217 !«!j» 2541 J74I2 « > U fyf’.etceo yi »e.T*. tejte* 5*«^ ^*>*4 . ______i,7J wattACN tie s J3 L« S3 (AST STATi ST 23 7 lA fAeutfi FMsift, v.tt, Jhitth ? f«k im* 4 ______14« I.' TRENTON, N. J. TRENTON, N. J. CH»4h^-Mre Ca/e*!«, -kvy 2H, STOLL’S What Percentage of Your Fire Rallies Students on Eve of Blair Game IIBERTY LIMERICKS lub Is Active? Keeping

[t High Should Be Goal [ l e t i i f ,

How many of your club members do The little girl tugged gently at her | and richness to the organization and mother s sleeve keep It out of the easy ruts. ,011 think are really interested and ac- “ Now, Mother?” she asked. “ Now li,c clubwomen to whom the club means can t we write my letter?” i You owe a duty to her to provide “ Why, ol course, Betsy,” Mrs. Car- vital and cherished experience? If the ineMs of her entrance on the son grinned. “ Are you going to write ,our club is small, 100 per eent might be •ceno. You may think that the owes it or am I? ” *e quick answer: but if. on the other a lot to you and to your predeces­ -‘Well,” Betsy said. "Maybe you’d sors who have worked hai^ to de­ better kind of say it to me. Only I’d land, it is ‘ *'e velop the chib to the point it has now love to write it.’' town as low as eight per cent. The reached. Of course she does; and it “ All right, then, Miss Carson, take orth of the club to the community, wasn't all paid up whsn she paid her a letter,” her mother said, walking i s £ i s > . 1(1 also to its members, depends large- imtiation fee. Did you ever stc^ to slowly up and down the room. think why there should be such a on this percentage. It should be a “Ready? ‘Dear Mr. MoTgenthau: ” War Bonds,” said an an- thing as an initiation fee? It does The way I save money for War Icfinitc goal of the president and offi- help on the financial side to pay for Stamp buying is to steer all the ^ ter named Vade, ers to keep it as high as possible. the things someone cite paid for in small household jobs toward my ” Are the sportingest catch This is a part o f club management effort, money and brain power all daughter, who is I have made— h i has nothing to do with parliamen- during the previous years. It spreads eightyears o ld . "rv procedure. It is a clever and dem- the load. She is so keen TheyTl save ns onr free­ Irlice executive who can be success- about buying War dom S in this important naatter. There are But the new member owes a debt al­ S ta m p s th a t I mious devices for finding out what so in iparticipation not entirely finan­ know all the And then, when we need 'lub members can. and will, do, even cial. If it is necessary through her in­ money I might ’ em , ■( they have to be almost coaxed; itiation fee to contribute to those first have paid to -They’re good for more cash hough coaxing seldom gms the right years of activity and all that was fore­ s o m e o n e else erson in the right place. On the mem­ seen in the future as financial obliga­ for doing the jobs will go toward Vic­ than we paid!” bership application card may be regis- tions, it is also necessary for the new tory when paid to her.’ “ered the fields m which applicant club member’s self-respect to pay a litr “Now make a list, Betsy. ‘Win­ Hdp dink tboM Japuhca* tie sum from her heart, a happy par­ dows washed, 60 cents. Apples Put ■ toU works most easily. Flame* that shot 50 feet into the air were the result of a week-long ticipation in club affairs. Perhaps she picked from under the tree, 25 search for wood by Peddle School students two weeks ago. Peddie’s New member* may confer with the is just waiting to do it. You send a cents. Emptied trash cans, 4 cents. laSo War Baw ii er Staaspa* eleven defeated Blair Aca^my 21-0 in their traditional encounter. memberehip committee about their bill for dues; why not also send an SOS Sold string beans from the garden, —wypaj'dky. IfAsTlTAlis .necial intereiU; eponeor. may Imve for service, and do it tactfully, not au­ 15 cents. Sold strips of spoilM ffim to children for sungazing, at one cent V. S. Trtamtry Department. eoroe deeignated reepoonbillty fo r thoritatively, and sec how she will re­ a yard, 20 cents. Total, $1.24. Yours making the talent* of their spond, provided you really need and member known. R«ordi. naturaUy, helpfully, I hope,’—and then I’ll sign want her, which, of course, you do. it at the bottom .” are necetiary to make *uch plan* ef­ Women are shy, believe it or not. Betsy was puffing like a grampus Dutch Neck Notes of Interest fective. Women are reluctant to expose them­ from her labors. The tall, painstak­ Perfame io Ancient Times Perfume and sweet odors are In a street by street card catalogue selves to a possible rebuff; even a lit­ ing letters tottered bravely across the sheet of paper. Gravely Mrs. prominently mentioned in all history membership list may be indicated mem­ tle one will discourage them. But once show them a real need and they come Carson took the pen to sign. Corp, Charles T. Matthews of Fort Eaton. of man. The first divine command bers’ s p e e i a 1 aptitudes or mtercsts-- “Mother, would it be the proper Miles, Dela., spent a few days last Mr. a n d Mrs. Steven Gronski are clerical, welfare, legislation, music, and running. And in these days there is to Moses in the Bible was to erect need of so many things. Those who etiquette if I signed it too?” week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. spending the winter at Riviera Beach, so on On her card should also be an altar of incense. And always, have lost most through this war are “ Perfectly proper, I think,” Mrs. William S. Matthews. Fla. perfume has signified someth&g noted what each does for the club as Carson said without a smile, and Mr. and Mrs. W esley A. Konover of years go by as well as past offices or those who need still to give the most, T. 4th/g Fred A. Cook, who has been fine, mysterious, and aristocraUc. filling their empty hearts with service handed the pen back to Betsy. stationed in California for over a year, Trenton spent Sunday with relatives occupations she may have held iprevious Roman men of fashion made use of honorably a n d inconspicuously ren­ (Letter from an actual commu­ spent four days with his wife and par­ here. to joining the club or moving to the a different perfume for each part of dered. Ask them also for their gifts nication in the files of the Treasury ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Cook. He town. Rotation in office helps to main­ Mr. and Mrs. Beverly L. Everett, Mr. their person, and for each of their of loving service. Department.) left Monday for the Army Administra­ and Mrs. Lester W . Reed, Mr. a n d tain a wider interest in club affairs and • * • garments. So far did this rage go tion School, Mississippi State College, Mrs. Harold Terhune, Mr. a n d Mrs. it is a good plan to promote from com­ in Rome that horses and dogs were Every member of the family Starkville, Miss. Raymond C. Groendyke, Mr. and Mrs. mittee membership to chairmanship and frequently sprayed with fine per­ should invest in America’s future. Other guests at the home of Mr. and Bergen C. Groendyke, Mr. and Mrs. to office, which allows the member to Make eertaita at least 10 percent of Mrs. Cook during the weekend were: Harlan White, Miss Bernyce White, fumes. Sweet odors were dispensed learn club policies and traditions as the family’s total income is pledged Mr. and Mrs. William C. Sweeney and Mr, and Mrs. Fred S. Cook, Miss Reba by the most fanciful devices. Doves, she goes on, valuable knowledge for an to victory no later than New Year’s daughters, Shirley Ann and Donna E. Cook, Miss Harriet B. Cook, Mrs. their wings saturated with perfume, incoming officer. Obituary Day. U. S. Treasury Departmeni Claire, of East Orange, and Mr. and Melvin W . Tindall, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. were often turned loose indoors to Mrs. Leroy Page and children, Caro­ Robert C. Sanders, and Miss Sara M. flutter overhead and produce a sub* Inactive Members lyn and Lee, of Princeton. Bergen were included on the invitation tie, fragrant odor. Jolin W . Wilson left last week for list for the surprise variety shower giv­ When everyone, in addition to the MRS. EVA BLACKWELL St. Petersburg. Fla., where he will en for T, 4th/g Fred A. and Mrs. Cook usual Christmas preparations, has the widow of John Blackwell, died Sunday spend the winter with his brother-in- by Miss Ruth Stout of the Princeton- Patents Applied For necessity of keeping on with war work, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Cora law and sister, Mr. a n d Mrs. Leslie Lawrenceville road Saturday evening. Patents have recently been grant­ it is just the time when the social fringe J^^cDonald, Kingston. She formerly re- ed for: A device which rings a bell (the 50 per cent or what have you), the sided at Plainsboro. Funeral services or turns on a light, warning motor­ inactive members, should be drawn in­ were conducted Wednesday afternoon ists when tires are over- or under­ to the work of the club. If each per­ at the Kingston Methodist Church. In­ An Artificial Fireplace son, wlio is about exhausted just do­ Military motorcycles, for couriers, inflated. A pair of skis, mounted cm terment was in Kingston cemetery un­ a track (similar to the track on a ing what she thinks necessary, could der the direction of A. S. Cole, Son & for speeding light guns from one ask a neiglibor or a friend (or be as­ section to another, are an important crawler tractor), which can be used Co. successfully when there is no ice or signed a neighbor or a friend) to help Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. A l­ part of America’s mechanized Will Be Better Than None snow on the ground. A device and in llie work she is doing, it would af­ bert Davison of Plainsboro; four sons, army. Many are equipped with side­ ford the right opportunity for the wo­ method which can be used by fisher­ Edward, Irving a n d Raymond, oi cars for use of staff officers. They Give your home a licart. W e mean j small town. Copied from a magazine man who has never never done much Plainsboro, and Donald of Monmouth cost from $400 to $450. men for keeping fish fresh until they and may be feeling neglected. a fireplace. An actual one, if possible, illustration of an old colonial interior, reach shore; liquid carbon dioxide, Junction; s ix grandchildren, a great­ it juts out into the room about a foot but if this can’t be managed, there are injected into the fishes’ stomachs From that point on her club might grandchild, three sisters, Mrs. McDon­ j to accommodate t h e necessary “fire by means of a special nozzle, ex­ become a vital and developing force in ald, Mrs. Sarah Kinsey of Princeton, many types of “make-believe” ones, and i box” effect, and the resulting alcoves her life. She will have new ideas; she and Mrs. Margaret Seeley of Norfolk, their possibilities for charm are m any.} on either side are fine soots for books. pands within the fish and changes to can’t help having. Even if she is not a preservative d:y ice. Va., and two brothers, Edward a n d Granted that there’s nothing like an | For a convincing picture, avoid white an original sort of person, just a fol­ Alex Grant of Princeton. open fire to add life and interest to a j birch as they savor too much of spots for decoration. You will ivant to lower, she will follow some pattern that room, the next best thing is a m ak c-bc-; she is used to, but which is new' to the MRS. LAURA M. WRIGHT the artificial, or “property” fireplace. vary it witli the seasons—pussy willows lieve one. | club, and thus slie will bring frcsliness The funeral of Mrs. Laura Miller Dark hickory or oak, with a few dried against turquoise brocade f o r spring, Wright, 74, who died suddenly Satur­ Sometimes much furniture shunting i leaves lucked in for good measure are flowers from the garden in an old su ^ r day, was held from her residence at fails to bring about the desired homey j much more effective. Or perhaps you bowl for summer, brown oak leaves with Crosswicks. Tlie Rev. P. H. Norton of atmosphere, while the introduction oi 1 prefer a grate, witli coals all ready to bittersweet in a copper measure, against Notary Public Higlitstown officiated. Interment was a fireplace mantel lielps to achieve the light, thought never lighted. Real ashes a length of old-time weaving of brown GEO. P. DENNIS in Allentown Presbyterian cemetery. result at once. Tliese mantels are to be sprinkled below the make-believe fire or and ivory wool, during the autumn, and found in shojis carrying household fur­ shredded asbestos and some small bits as for Christmas, why, you’ll wonder Olhw-At HIGHTSTOWN GAZETTE She iS'survived by her husband, Dan­ We need thousands ol these small niture and appliances. of cliarcoal lend a realistic effect. how you managed without a mantel t Gazette Building, U4 Roger. Avenue iel J. Wrieht. Born at Inilaystown, maneuverable machines in our she had resided in the Crosswicks A charming one seen recently was You’ll find that the over-the-mantel Then is the time you’ll be glad you gave Army today. You and your neigh­ vicinity throughout her lifetime.______the work of the local carpenter in a space is one of the most responsive your home a heart. bors, all buying War Bonds and WHEN GOOD Stamps, can help buy them for the WELLER BROS. Army. Invest at least ten percent cleaning can be done cheaper CIGAR STORE of your income every payday in War “Smoke Shop” Bonds and Stamps and become a member of the patriotic ’‘Ten Per­ W E will do it MAIN STREET HIGHTSTOWN. N. J cent Club.” It is rapidly becoming the largest club in the world. '*« i FRANK MORRIS U. a. 'I rcosury Dctartmeni Dependable DISTRIBUTOR OF ROCKWOOD DAIRY There is no substitute for silk in Cleaners & Laundry GOLDEN GUERNSEY PRODUCTS making powder bags for big guns. ■' I Cottage Cheew - Chocolate Milk Your old silk and nylon stockings can at. MERCER & WARD STREETS I Buttermilk play a vital part in the war. Wash - I RES. PHONE «9-M H9 OAK LANE them and save them. Speed the War Effort

JERSEY a c k of every new ship oif the sky and CENTRAL POWER Bsea are thousands of telephone calls. She’s Doing a Man’s Job & UGHT CO. Long Distance lines are heavily burdened The Board o f Directors ha* and materials needed to build more have declared the followinr regular dividends: She is doing it well, loo, taking a justifiable CvmaUtlve Prefeired Slo«k 5%% SeHet gone to war. pride in her work. No haphazard meals for No. 46, quarterly, $1.37^4 per share W e are keeping the lines in fine condi­ CamnUtlve Ppeferted St'»ek 6% Seriw her. She has a hearty appetite and must No. 62, quarterly, fLSO per share tion and putting through calls as fast as we have nourishing food, if she is to continue Camalatlve Preifeewd Sloek 7% S«f«» can. You can help speed the war effort N o. 71, quarterly, fl.7 S per share to work with unflagging attention and inter­ Payable on Jan. 1, 1943, to holders s f by not calling Washington, D. C., and est. Nutrition is all important and these are record at close o f business Dec. 10. other war-busy centers unless n e c e s s a r y . the times when we should pay particular 46 62-71 R . R . BOLLINGER, T r e a tn r e r . attention to it. Consult our Home Econo­ mics Department if you want recipes or suggestions on meal planning. Ask for a ropy o f our pack a-lunch recipe booklet.

I m i iMrrmeiiett PonitR

PHilADELPIIIA80eM.45 NEWY0IIK...95«M.75 BORDENTOWH.— 30i S5< BURimeroN------sh $ ROEBUNG_____ 45( EORT DIX------, MT.H0llY.».~—.40( J CAMDEN ...»...... 70i i



Fightin* Men . . .!s « Escape Injury Following Accident If they’re Fisher*s (Contmoed horn page h cohtnm 1) his father was unable to get one in Early Monday Morning town—after spending a day looking for Plan Now to Turn to Acme for Your one. A car driven by Leon L. Penrith of SUPPERS Corporal Ivawrenson C. Rue is sta­ Monmouth street and owmed by Pres­ tioned at 30th Division Hqs. Co., Camp CHRISTMAS FOOD NEEDS ton W. Nottingham of Jersey Home­ —your gift will be sure o f a warm Blanding, Fla., A . P. O. 30. The more money you save on your food needs the more steads figured in a collision with an welcome. Fischer’s are Slippers HE Charles Cullen left yesterday for New you will have to do other things, such as helping to automobile occupied by three soldiers would choose— trim, smart, distinctive York where he was sworn in as a early Monday morning on Route 33 win the war by buying U. S . WAR BONDS and Stamps. member of the Marine Corps. He then about a mile and one-half east of here. —and comfortable. proceeded to Parris Island, S. C., for You can always depend upon complete satisfaction No one was injured, but Nottingham’s training. when you shop regularly in the Acme. car was demolished, while the auto driv­ Coast Guardsmen Charles Byriie and $2^0 and up en by Dominick Cianci o f Camden was Russell Hampton were home for one badly damaged. Mr. and Mrs. Notting­ ( f O t d Pure Semolina day this week. ham were riding with Penrith at the Lieut. Milton R. Beckman of Cran- time of the crash. bury is enjoying a 21-day leave. He Trooper Julius Itchmoney of the local accompanied Lieut. Richard Spotswood Give I^m HOSE MACARONI State Police station, who investigated, Smith, Flying Fortress pilot, home to said the accident occurred when the car Philadelphia and then came to Cran- Distinctive Fischer Hose in or SPAGHETTI driven by Penrith was attempting to bury. Lieut. Smith was reported dead wool, lisle, rayon and wool. 8-.« by the Army 10 months ago, b u t the negotiate the curve at Elj^s Corner. Plain, clocks and patterns. Penrith w as heading towTird Hights­ pkc mystery was cleared up when another town and apparently swung wide. Ci­ • -lb Lieut. R. Smith was found to have tak­ 9 "* bnx * 3 c en his place upon transfcrral. anci tried to avoid colliding with Pen­ 39c, 3 for $1. rith but failed. The Nottingham ve­ MUELLER’ S * * 5 c Pvt. Edgar C. Reid o f Edinburg, with hicle rolled over twice, but the occu­ To $3. A Pair t h e 59th Service Squadron in India, pants were not injured. Nsteral Farmdale Cheese AseS * 3 5 c writes his iparents: The three soldiers were cn route to “We had last Sunday off, and went Fort Monmouth after having spent the 80 E. State Trenton to town, so to speak. There is only weekend in Camden. one street to go on. We have a choice A hearing was held yesterday morn­ of three movie houses. Sunday, our ing before Recorder Franklin K. Hamp­ day off, we hired a bicycle and rode ton. around for five hours. By the way, bikes cost us 6 cents an hour. Sur­ War Board Committees ORANGES prising, eh? “We rode to an old fort that was Will Adjust Errors in D u n h a m ’s built over 300 years ago. It look 3,000 j q c ______State and Broad S t » .. . . Trenton______Florida men 8 years to build it. It is made Farm ODT Certificates mostly of red ^sandstone, with some white marble. W e could only go No. 1 Sweet Potatoes 4^. 3 through a part of it, but it took u> Any dissatisfied farm holder o f a TOYLAND No. 1 Yellow Globe Onions 3 about two hours to do that. It had an Certificate of W ar Necessity should interesting history, and I wouldn’t have appeal to his county war board farm Has the Toy Hit of this Christmas Washed Carrots' Parsnltm I 3< mis.sed seeing it for anything. Have transportation committee which will re­ Jnniho Florida Peppers 3 te> read o f such buildings in history books, view individual cases and send recom­ but never thought 1 would see one. It mendations to the Office of Defense New Crop Splnaeh X xs< was a great break for me, and one 1 Transportation district office. elected Apples 3 ie« will always remember. This special system fo r farmers to Rhotir iNlHoti Flfre Combination Dunham’s Toyland - - - Lower PToor Rnby and lYyslal Class cake were very good, but coffee must Anyone interested in joining the U. have been Indian.” S. Marine Corps may see Sergeant Stu­ art at the post office building Mon­ Truck Operators Have day afternoon between 1 and 4:30. A HOSTESS recruiting station w'agon will be there Until Jan. 1 to Get and the sergeant will interview all ap­ SWERN ^ SET 49c plicants. onlyj W a r Certificates According to Sergeant Stuart the physical requirements for enlistment Beginning Saturday— with any $1.00 purclinso. are that the person must be between C A last-minute rush on the part of 17 and 35, have good eyes, 18 sound F l o u r 4 5 c commercial motor vehicle operators ap­ teeth, and be in fairly good health. OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS Fitrnidale plying for Certificates of War Neces­ The Marine Corps offers every man Mince Meat 4 )id*Fnstiioiu*fl Flavor 1 4 c sity is keeping the office of the motor that enlists an opportunity to attend transport division, ODT, Broad Street any of the 17 different technical schools C ran berry Sa''ce""«' sw«te lar I8c Bank building, Trenton, busy from 8:30 where he' may learn a trade that will Pancake Flo *r 20>02 a. m. to 6 p. m. ^[any callers complain help him in civilian life when the war P k c that although they filed their applica­ is over. "Besides being the fighteneit Niblets Corn “ 2 mtirt •oe t2 5 c tions several weeks ago they have not branch of our federal forces, the Ma­ Santa’s here I $-o yet received their certificates. rines are the best educated military VanCam p*sTenderoni 2,?i'"l9c Clarence G. Tyson, manager of the service in the world,” it was stated. «»ne IMK linap KIIKI-: u iiii each 2 package.'’ Trenton area office, explains the appli­ If time cannot be ipound to see the cations have been filed with the Detroit recruiting personned on Monday, you Supreme in both Quality and Price office of the ODT, which mailed the ap­ are requested cither to write or apply ...in Trenton’s plication forms to operators all over the at the Marine Corps recruiting station, Eariehed Supreme country, but it takes considerable time .Mercer County Court House, Room to file forms and mail the certificates. B-26, Trenton. Tyson also pointed out that operators Greatest toyland BREAD who have applied for certificates but Former Bennett Flying have not received them will be allowed to continue their operations until Janu­ Service Employee Joins Come see jovial Santa . . . ary without certificates. Free! Gift with 2 17e 1 bring the children to tell him C arh ktd^ n lay yaert kigk la VH » Office of Price Administration an­ TW A Staff of Pilots what they want . . . get a sur­ each surprise sits flt Ceafsat. NIecIa ead IraR# nounced this week that operators who prise package from him for have applied for certificates but have only . . . 25c package! not received them have been excused Stephen Lazewski of Englishtown has from these requirements in qualifying joined the pilot staff of Transcontinental for tirs under the rationing regulations. & Western Air, Inc., after completing - - Effanbee’s adorable new baby doll They have until January 1 to fulfill these a special course of instruction for first Fancy KrcMii-Killed Stewine requirements. At the same time ODT officers in Kansas City. He is flying announced that the ban against sale of the route between New York City and Come in and see her nurse take care of her. "Sweetie Pie” has parts and motor fuel not now under ra­ Kansas City. '‘ J I - moving eyes . . . and she’s dressed in rompers, eton jacket and Chickens tioning regulations also has been lifted Lazewski started flying in 1936. Af­ KiO Knd— I p co |ft« until January 1 insofar as such opera­ ter obtaining his license, he went on bonnet, all trimmed with tiny ruffles. tors are concerned. a baniiiorm ing tour which took him ;------SOUTH BROAD AT LAFAYETTE, TRENTON—PHONE 8-191 lb all over the country. He was associ­ Pork Loins No Outdoor Christmas ated with flic Bennett Flying Service, about four miles south of here, until Long Cnt Sour Kront X *" 13c Lights for Dimout Area 1939 when he accepted a (position as wa aa «ia wa Ilia UBS isa Ilia tea* Smoked Beef Tongues "*3lc flying instructor at Staten Island. Outdoor Christmas trees in the dim- In 1940 he was employed as chief Julesr Half Smokes 33c out area of New York, New Jersey pilot for the civil pilot training pro­ NEVWS-yoORHEES Domestic Sweitzer Cheese ** "* XXc and Delaware, will be in darkness dur­ gram at Princeton University, where he ing, the dimout hours this coming holi­ taught acrobatics to students for 15 open 'til p p. m. Saturday and Baked Loaves ** months prior to joining TWA. day season in conformity with Army every night until Christmas Eve Corn Meal Mush ^ a'-ajxc regulations recently issued by Maj. Gen. T. A. Terry, commanding the Second Fuel Oil Coupon No. 1 Delicious Baked Beans "‘i* i Service Command. 'This was announced by Army officials Not Valid After Dec. 1 CROAKERS , in reply to many inquiries from indi- Saleet Ojrsters jviduals and organizations who want to All contumeri who have pnrchateil !know what effect the new rules will fuel oil since OcL 1 and have not j have on holiday outdoor decorative filed their applications for rations are I lighting. As yet, Hightstown ij not in urged to do so this week by Ken­ Salt Mackerel t 13e ! the dimout area. neth G. Stults. chairman of the local Jersey Fillets Trout * X9c War Price and Rationing Board. Fuel oil coupon No. - will not be Large No. I Smelts • Xge HIGHTS THEATRE valid jifler Dec. 16; the^pfore, any consumer who does not procure his HIGHTSTOWN. N. J. T eL t Hixbtatown Ui ration by that time will ^ deprived NEW AMERICAN *hd%C of approximately one-fifth of bis I _ - MATINEES — year’s supply of oil. i MomUy, W«hM*d*y, Friday at 2:N P. M. Gift Gloves of Encyc'opedia O V Satvrday, Sunday Sc Holidaya at 2:39 P. M. I EVENING SHOWS - Mrs. Ethel M. Kuhn Weds with any $ 1.00 purchase of merchandise. Starting at 9;3> P. M . and 9:M P. M. ■500 u n ^ Saooa aaMeata. A kM mI book o f Thuraday, Etecambar 19. Clifford E. Schenck Glace Kidskin enrrent liifnrmatlnn. The onix one-TOInme encT- “LITTLE TOKYO. V. S. A.,“ aUrrina Prea- rloix-Ala ever nnhllaheO. ton Foatar and Bmula Jeyca — _ “GIVE OUT SISTERS,” faaturinf tfaa Attdrewa Sla« Announcement has been made of the tera, and Chariea Buttenrorth. marriage of Mrs. Ethel M. Kuhn of 3.00 Friday & Saturday, December 11 A 12. Hightstown and Clifford E. Schenck 105-07 N. Msin Street PANAMA HATTIE” with Ann Sotbem, Red of Princeton, son of Mrs. Marie Skelton, Re«a Rafland, Dan Dail^, Jr., and Schenck of New Market, on Sunday. A wonderful Christmas Ben Blue. Hightstown, N. i. Nov. 29. Soft, supple kidskin with corded FREE PARKING on City Lot Sunday, Monday, St Tueaday, Dec. 13, 14, Sk. IS. The Rev. Malcolm R. Palmer, pastor stitching for smart decoration. Qark Gable and Lana Turner In “ SOME­ of the N e w Market First Baptist WHERE TLL FIND YO U " with Robert Steri- Overseam stitching. Black or kiE. Church, officiated. A reception fol­ Open Friday^ 10 P. M .; Saturday, 9 P. M . lowed at the home of the groom’s sis­ white. Sizes 5J4 to 7 %- Wedneaday Sc Thuraday, December 19 St 17. ter, Mrs. Raymond Purnell of New “ SIN TOWN,” featuring Conataace Bennett, Gloves—Street Floor Patric Knowlea, and Bred Crawford alao — Market. The attendants were Mrs. “ GET HEP TO LOVE,” atarrinf Gloria Jean Purnell and Austin A. Nowland of and Donald O'Connor. Freehold.