|g H ightstown Gazette. HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10 1942 N U M B E R 30 One Way to Keep in Shape . Will Distribute 18-Year-Old Youths May NEWS Ration Book 2 fro m the In January Register At Peddie School Fighting Front Limitation of Other During Next Three Weeks Goods Expected Soon Donald W . Rich, Jr., chairman of the war service advisory commit­ This column will be devoted to news ol men After New Year tee of the Peddie School and head of the social science department there, horn Highwtown and Ticinity wbo are terring will act as registrar for youths who have reached their i th birthday la the armed forces. Parents, relatives or 8 friends are requested by this column to send W ar Ration Book Two, which will since June 30, 1942, as well as for those who will become 18 after the is any news providing it does not violate be distributed to the public next month wartime censorship. Service men may coop- first of the year. This was announced today by Selective Service Boattl efsie by writing letters in care of this column. for use in connection with commodities 'P N o. 1 for Mercer county with head- to be rationed next year, has begun to Recovering From W ounds. Lieut. W illiam Kohler arrive in quantity in various parts of quarters at Princeton. the state, James Kerney, Jr., state OPA Anyone desiring to register at Home on 10-Day Leave; director announced. Princeton may do so, but it is as­ Kerney stressed that they would be Recently Commissioned sumed that most of those affected will Peddie School student* are shown attempting to scale an eight-foot given only to holders of War Ration register in Hightstown to conserve tire* barrier which is one of the obstacles in the steeplechase coarse recently Book One, the present sugar and cof­ and gas. William Kohler was commissioned as fee rationing book. He said: a second lieutenant in the infantry erected beside Peddie Lake. Under the direction of George W . Weed, "It is important for every person to Registrations’ will be conducted each Saturday at Fort Benning, Ga., after the prep school lads are in the midst of a toughening up class. This is in have a copy of W ar Ration Book One, day from 8:30 a. m. to 12 nobn, and three months at Officer Candidate line with the national fitness program. even if he does not use it to buy sugar from 2 to 4:30 p, m. in room 10, Me­ morial Hall, Peddie. Rich will act a* School Lieut. Kohler is home enjoying Hightstown High School also has erected barriers similar to the and coffee. This book may be used in a -day leave prior to entraining for the rationing of other commodities, and registrar not only for those living in 10 one pictured above. George F. Coons has supervision of the special phy­ Fort Lewis, Wash., where he will join it will be the basis for distribution of Hightstown but also for Peddie stu­ sical training course there. the 44th Division (New Jerse/d Na­ War Ration Book Two. Anyone who dents. tional Guard unit). does not have a copy of the present Lieut. Kohler has been in the Army sugar and coffee book should apply to his local rationing board for one be­ Tom to page two and read tho e ^ - almost two years, receiving his basic fore December 15, 1942.” torial entitled, "Teen-Age YobiIm training at Fort Bragg. N. C. He has Airplane Spotters Began Take Iidtsal Step Toward Induction held the rank o f private first class, cor­ Has Eight Pages poral, and sergeant on his climb to a Into Armed Forces.** commission. Duty One Year Ago Today Book Two,, it was explained, is to be used in connection with rationing arti­ Last summer he trained with the am­ In accordance with the President's phibious forces along the Eastern sea- cles by the “point system.” This sys­ This morning at 7 a. m. was the first tem is used for the rationing of a group order, the following schedule will be coast and at one time was on board \vartime activation of the Ground Ob­ observed: server System. of similar or related commodities, with the transport Edward S. Rutledge—one anniversary of the Hightstown Obser­ a) Those born between July 1 and a low point value given the most (plenti­ of five sunk during the North Afrcian vation Post. At that time last year 1 extend to all of the volunteers m Aug. 31, 1924, may register on Friday ful, and a high point value given the campsugn. the (ground Observer Corps, Aircraft through Thursday, Dec. 11-17. the first two observers went on duty Warning Service my greetings and ex­ scarcest. PVT. JOHN KURTZ Ernest Peterson, Jr., w a s recently b) Those born between Sept. 1 and —they were Peggy a n d Billy West, press to each the appreciation of this The following explanation of point ra­ promoted to second class radio man in John P. Kurtz, son of Mr. «nd Oct. 31, 1924, may register on Friday children of William West, chief ob­ Command for the faithful service which tioning was outlined by state ration­ man in the U. S. Navy and was placed Mrs. Philip Kurtz of Maxwell ave­ through Thursday, Dec. 18-24. server. you have performed, and my solicitation ing officials: in charge of his group on board his nue, is recovering from severe gun­ c) Those born between Nov. 1 and Today there are 150 observers tak­ for your continued interest in and devo­ 1. Book Two consists of eight pages Dec. 31, 1924, may register on Satur­ ship. tion to the service. shot wound* of th e heaiL Kurtz, ing part at the post which is located of coupons; four pages are red, and who is 24 years old, was wounded in day through Thursday, Dec. 31. Adolph Grancllo of Mercer street re­ on top of Memorial Hall, Peddie School. W e have been through a trying peri­ four pages are blue. There arc 24 cou­ No registration will be held on Sun­ ceived a Christmas card from Sergeant action during the N o r th African Included in this number are men in od of transition from our normal peace­ pons on each page—six 8-point coupons, campaign. days, however. Frederick "Pete” Vey who is in Egypt. various phases of business in town as time lives to w'artimc conditions and six 5-noint coupons, six 2-point coupons, According to Mrs. Kurtz, who, A fter Dec. 31 as anyone reaches his The card was adorned with airplanes well as women and students from high still greater changes will inevitably and six one-point couipons. Each cou­ along with her husband, visited her 18th birthday, he must present himself in the foreground, soaring far over­ school and Peddie. come in the future. The war will be pon has both a letter and a number to son at Waiter Reed General hosintal that day either to Rich or to the head the age-old pyramids. The front brought closer to those of us at home designate it: A-5, B-8, C-2, etc. in Washington, D. C., l a s t week, Princeton board for registration under cover had printed on it "Black Scor­ as llic losses of sons and brothers are 2. When the government decides to John is coming a lo n g as well as the Selective Service Act. If his birth­ pions, U. S. A . A. F.” Turn to page two and read the edi­ reported and a full realization of what ration a group of similar or related could be expected. He was wounded day falls on a holiday or Sunday, he Same "Sandy” Lucidi, formerly em­ torial entitled, "Wake Up at 3 A. M. sacrifices that calls for will dawn upon commodities, it will announce what while fighting the French. The sol­ must register the following day. ployed at the American Shoe Repair everyone. those commodities are. the number of Some Day to Give a Thought to the dier next to him was killed. This will be the sixth registration of Shop, was inducted into the Army last I realize the difficulties which have points allotted to each, and what total Airplane Observers.” points may be used each month by each J o h n was inducted in January, American manpower held since 19W Wednesday. been encountered and overcome in set­ when all men between 21 and 35 reg­ ting up and maintaining the Ground person to purchase these commodities. 1941. His brother, Walter, 22, was P. F. C. George Huber is with Hq. inducted recently at Fort Dix and istered for military service. The fifth Work wa.s started Tuesday on a new Ob.scrver System and the great con­ Co., 2 Bn., 110th Infantry, A. P. 0 . 2H, Point System Explained has b e e n moved to Miami Beach, registration, held last June 30, took in Camp Livingston, La. observation tower which will be con­ tributions you liave all made to it; this youths who observed their 18th birth­ typifies the best traditions of our (2oun Fla. Pvt. Archie "Buster” Wormley is nected wnth the heating system in Me­ For example, if it is announced that day anniversary on or before June 30t morial Hall. It will be elevated above try, the indomitable will to win. a group of five items are rationed, OPA 1942.
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