Niger a Country Profile

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Niger a Country Profile REF 910,3 ? 54c'L/5" E92 NIGER ,Niger A Country Profile Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance Agency for International Development Washlngton, D.C. 20523 Niger LIS Y A ALGERIA International boundary Ddpartement bourdary * National capital Tamanrasset 0 DLpartement capital - Railroad Road 0 50 100 150 Kilometers a 50 100 1 Miles eBilma 1 -.. (( M ALI '\lm 9 5 5Ta)oua ae5 1 11 Go ur e' . :5 - . arni . Mha.... iarr7: BENINi~ / ( "-'er,IL" LChad ; ak-i-Tt rs UPPER ' Base 504113 11-79 (544513) NIGER: A COUNTRY PROFILE prepared for The Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Agency for International Development Department of State Washington, D.C. 20523 by Mary M. Rubino Evaluation Technologies, Inc. c",C1 Arlington, Virginia under contract AID/SOD/PDC-C-3345 The country profile of Niger Is part of a series designed to provide baseline country data in support of the planning and relief operations of the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). Content, scope, and sources have evolved over the course of the last several years and the relatively narrow focus is intentional. We hope that the information provided will also be useful to others in the disaster assistance and development communities. Every effort is made to obtain current, reliable data; unfortunately it Is not possible to issue updates as fast as changes would warrant. We invite your comments and corrections. Address these and other queries to OFDA, A.I.D., as given above. April 1985 OFDA COUNTRY PROFILES: APRIL 1985 AFRICA CARIBBEAN Burkina Faso CARICOM Regional Profile Cape Verde Antigua Chad Barbados East Africa Regional Profile Belize Djibouti Dominica Ethiopia Grenada Kenya Guyana Somalia Montserrat Sudan St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla Tanzania St. Lucia Uganda St. Vincent Gambia-Senegal Trinidad and Tobago Ghana Dominican Republic Mali Haiti Mauritania Jamaica Niger Sahel Transportation Survey Zaire CENTRAL/SOUTH AMERICA Zambia Bolivia Chile ASIA Costa Rica Ecuador Bangladesh El Salvador Burma Guatemala India Honduras Indonesia Nicaragua Malaysia Peru Nepal Pakistan Philippines INDIAN OCEAN Sri Lanka Island Countries of the Indian Ocean NEAR EAST The Comoros Madagascar Turkey Maldives Mauritius Reunion SOUTH PACIFIC Seychelles Fiji Tonga Western Samoa ii NIGER Contents Contents Prefaces....*...... o......go.......*....o . ..o . ooo......... .. .. .... i OFDA Country Profile List. .......................................... ii 1. General Information .................... ....... 1-14 1.1 Geographic codes......................................... 1 1.2 Time zones ................. .. .......o. 1 1.3 Host mission in U.S........................................ 1 1.4 U.S. mission to Niger....................................... 1 1.5 Currency...o . * * * * . * *a *. *.. * 0 . * a . .a . 2 1.6 Travel and visa information ................................ 2 1.7 Calendar and holidays..................................... 2 1.8 Treaties and agreements.................................... 3 1.9 International organization memberships ...................... 3 1.10 Geography ......................................... ......... 3 l.ll Ethnic and sociocultural groups............................. 6 1.12 Languages i.............................................. 7 1.13 Religions ... D .......................................... 15-7 2.14 Government................................................ 7 2.15 Population..dtoseo ................................... 8 1.16 Health c...i.i...a. 0 1.17 Economy .... ............. ........................ .. ... 10 1.18 Agriculture s.sur.. ....... ............ .... .......... 24 13 1.201.19 TransportationCommunicationso.oo................. ... .... .. so.. ......................................... ...... oa. 13 2. Disaster Vulnerability ....s..... ............................. 15-26 2.1 Overview of the physical environmentksstorage and..bon... 15 3.2 Drought .. ........ t. ...................................... 16 2.3 Agriculture sectoro an.volu.ntary.o......o..... ......... 17 2.4 Livestock production sestor ................................ 22 2.5 Health conditions and endemic diseases...... ... ........ 23 2.6 Demographic pressures ........ ......... .................. 24 2.7 Disaster history........ ......... ......................... 25 3. Disaster Preparedness and Assistanceso ........................27-50 3.1 GON organization, food stocks, storage, and distribution... 27 3.2 OPVN cereals marketing ................ o.............. .... 29 3.3 Nigerien private sector and voluntary organizationso ...... 31 3.4 Health and medical resources............o... ............ 31 3.6 Road nietworko................. ~ ooo ooo oo oo~o es 35 3.7 Railway transport . ...... 38 3.8 Water transports... o.-oo-o. ... .... o....... 38 3.9 Aviation ............... 40 3.10 Energy resources. ......... ... 41 3.11 U.S. mission disaster plan and resources................... 41 iii NIGER Contents 3.12 International organization.........s ..................... 43 3.13 Voluntary agencies......................................... 46 Bibliog rap hy ...e..a.............6 6..................o .. .... 51-52 Figures Figure 1. Rainfall Isohytes and the Northern Limit of Cul tivation . o. ........a ......... 6o a4 e ................ o 4 Figure 2. Administrative Divisions in Niger.................. 9 Figure 3. Mean Annual Rainfall ..... ........................ 17 Figure 4. Mean Monthly Rainfall ... o.......................... 18 Figure 5. Agricultural and Livestock Production Areas........ 21 Fig-are 6. Government of Niger Drought Coordination Organizational Chart .................. ..... ...... 28 Figure 7. Transportation Network and Departmental Food Storage Capacities................................ 30 Figure 8. Primary Transit Routes and Ports for Niger......... 34 Figure 9. Storage Capacity and Monthly Off-take Rates for Primary Ports for Niger........................... 36 Figure 10. Niger Internal Road Network....................... 39 Figure 11. Energy Assessment - Fuelwood Availability.......... 42 Figure 12. U.S. Mission Disaster Relief Orgauization Chart.... 44 Appendix A: Population by Administrative Division.............. 53 Appendix B: Niger Drought 1984: A Case Report.................. 54 Appendix C: Health Sector Resources............................ 61 I. Overall Health Infrastructure by Department If. Location of Health Facilities by Department iv NIGER I. General Information 1. General Information 1.1 Geographic Codes AID Standard 683 AID Region AF/SWA State Region AF/W 1.2 Time Zones EST+6; GMT+l 1.3 Host Mission in U.S. Embassy of the Republic of Niger 2204 R Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20008 Tel: (202) 483-4224 to 4227 For current information on the Nigerien Embassy staff, refer to the U.S. Department of State Diplomatic List. 1.4 U.S. Mission to Niger Embassy of the United States B.P. 11201 Niamey, Niger Tel: 72-26-61 to 64 (Embassy) 72-26-70 (AID) (There is no direct dial service between the U.S. and Niger.) Mission Disaster Dayton Maxwell Relief Officer General Development Officer Tel: 72-26-70 Tour ends August 1985. For current information on the U.S. Embassy staff in Niger, consult the most recent edition of Key Officers in Foreign Service Posts, U.S. Department of State. 1 NIGER I. General Information 1.5 Currency The CFA franc is tied to the French franc at the rate of 50 to 1. The rate of exchange for the U.S. dollar was approximately 483 CFA to $1.00 in April 1985. 1.6 Travel and Visa Information A passport and visa are required for all visitors. Visas must be obtained before arrival and are available through the Nigerien Embassy. Two photographs are required. Only a yellow fever immunization is required for entry into Niger; however, a current tetatus vccination and gamma globulin shot are recommended. Malaria suppressants are also advised. Water is not potable and should be filtered and boiled or treated with purification tablets before consumption. 1.7 Calendar and Holidays The fiscal year runs from October I to September 30, and the work week from Monday to rriday, 7:30 to noon, 3:00 to 6:00. New Year's Day ........... January I Good Friday..................... .. * Eater Day ........................ * National Day................. .April 15 Lebor Day .................... May 1 Independence Day.... .. ... August 3 Republic Day ....... .... December 18 Christmas Day ........... ...... December 25 Id al Fitr (Salle Azumi) .... ......... * Id al Kabir (Salla Layya, or Tabaski).* Maulid - Birth of the Prophet * • variable dater ( ) Hausa name for holy day. 2 NIGER 1. General Information 1.8 Treaties and Agreements Defense Economic and Technical Cooperation Investment Guaranties Peace Corps Social Security 1.9 International Organization Memberships African Development Bank, APC, CEAO (West African Economic Community), EAMA (Economic Commission for Africa), ECA, ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States), Entente, FAO, G-77, GATT, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, IDA, ILO, IMF, IPU, ITU, Lake Chad Basin Development Commission, Niger River Commission, NMI, OAU, OCAM (Afro-Malagasy and Mauritian Common Organization), UN, UNESCO, UPO, WHO, WIPO, WMO. 1.10 Geography Location: Niger is located in the heart of West Africa in what is referred to as the Central Sudan. Two-thirds of the country falls in the Central Sahara region. The national borders, revised sever-l times by the French during the colonial period, are delineated at 12*N and 24'N (at the Tropic of Cancer) latitude and 00 and 16*W longtitude. Bordered on the north
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    NIGER SITUATION REPORT Reporting period: 2-15 February 2007 Date of report: 16 February 2007 1) Significant events • The National Food Security Mechanism was soon have more than 70,000 mt of cereals in stock. • A mid-term evaluation of the PRRO is ongoing. • A nomadic rebel group attacked the town of Iferouane on 8 February killing three Nigerien soldiers. 2) Security Niger is under security phase 0, with the exception of Agadez and Diffa regions which are under phase 1. A nomadic rebel group attacked the remote north-eastern town of Iferouane (Agadez region) on 8 February, kidnapping two Nigerien soldiers and killing three more. Numerous nomadic groups in Niger's desert north staged an uprising in the 1990s and most groups accepted peace deals in 1995 but insecurity remains rife, with frequent acts of banditry, carjacking and kidnapping by former rebels. 3) Food security and nutritional situation Food prices are beginning to rise as household stocks decrease with the onset of the lean season. The Government’s market monitoring system (SIMA) reports that in January 2007, the prices of millet, sorghum and niébé (cow peas) all increased. Results of the Government/WFP/FAO joint household food security vulnerability assessment (November 2006) are finalized and are awaiting Government approval for circulation. At the National Food Mechanism CRC meeting of 6 February 2007, it was announced that, with food arrivals and confirmed contributions, the NFSM physical stocks will soon total over 70,000 mt- close to the 80,000 mt target level. Thanks to good donor support, this stock level will allow the mechanism an adequate response level.
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