Diuretic Cocktail"
Clinical evaluation of a "diuretic cocktail" LAWRENCE J. GALLA, A.B., D.O., and WIL- acetazoleamide depressing hydration of carbon LIAM BALDWIN, JR., D.O., F.A.C.0.1., York, dioxide, exchange resins drawing salt from food Pennsylvania in the intestinal tract, or water diuresis. Therefore, diuretic therapy should be planned to permit daily salt and water balance. The treatment should take into account the particular type of fluid or electro- The characteristics of an ideal diuretic can be lyte to be removed, the need for speed in its re- easily enumerated; it should be effective without moval, and the setting in which it will be done. producing electrolyte disturbance, nephrotoxicity, Oral diuretics, for example, are desirable; however, sensitivity, refractoriness, or cardiac toxicity. How- they are often not powerful enough for acute or ever, in practice, a compound encompassing these emergency problems, or they may irritate the pa- properties remains to be found. Furthermore, be- tient's stomach. It may be said that oral diuretics cause of the many factors involved in the patho- are useful in cases where a modest diuretic action logic states that result in abnormal water retention, is satisfactory. Other clinical situations are met by a universal diuretic—that is, one that will work in other means. every situation—has yet to to be made available. Diet is rather important. Patients with edema In recent years a number of new diuretic drugs will probably have to accept a low-salt diet sooner utilizing various physiologic principles have ap- or later; the sooner they start, the sooner better peared.
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