Studies on Structure Diuretic Activity Relationships of Organic Compounds of Mercury
STUDIES ON STRUCTURE DIURETIC ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF MERCURY R. H. Kessler, … , R. Lozano, R. F. Pitts J Clin Invest. 1957;36(5):656-668. Research Article Find the latest version: STUDIES ON STRUCTURE DIURETIC ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS OF MERCURY' By R. H. KESSLER,2 R. LOZANO,3 AND R. F. PITTS (From Thc Department of Physiology, Cornell University Mledical Collcgc, Neczw York, N. Y.) (Submitted for publication December 3, 1956; accepted January 10, 1957) The mercurial diuretics in commiiiion use today are available or easily prepared as starting ma- exhibit certain basic similarities in structure. All terials. Mercuration in methyl alcohol is relatively are mercurated derivatives of substituted three easy and yields of the 3-mercuri-2-methoxy propyl carbon compounds of the type indicated below, in end products are satisfactory. Logical questions which the three substituents are designated X, OY, which arise include: Is the three carbon side chain and R. of the presently used diuretics an essential or opti- H H H mal element of diuretic structure, or is it merely a matter of preparative convenience? X-Hg-C-C-C(-R The diuretic activity of organic mercurial com- of HOY H pounds has recently been ascribed to inhibition sulfhydryl enzymes concerned with the renal tu- According to Friedman ( 1 ), the nature of the X blular reabsorption of sodium and chloride ions substituent (usually halogen, theophylline or thio- (2, 3). Mercuric chloride and certain relatively glycolate) has no effect on diuretic potency if the simple organo-mercurials, including bromomer- compound is given intravenously, but does influ- curi-methane, bromo-mercuri-benzene and para- ence both hyperacute (cardiac and respiratory chloromercuri-benzoate, are potent and more or arrest) and acute (7 to 14-day) renal toxicity.
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