All Bora Apts. Cited As Hazards
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~.~" . ~ - cZItJdiXIJ.'__ l~' :' rr ARBERTH C''Oi,r:.:u::: -;:.; r • ~ ........ wrrmSOR AVE, • -------...,;------------jf~R8ERTH. PA• ,I'HESPECTATOR ManySporls World Leaders "'t, TO • ;,. Have Homes in Our Town VOLUME 26-NUMBER 10 Narberth, Pa" 1'hursday, March 20, 1947 I; PRIOE FIVE OENTS ~ THERE MUST BE something uniquely indigenous to Nar "r t berth that begets athletic prowess and supremacy. .Among other things, baseball penants have come here so oftin during ,~ the~; t .. the last 50 ye,ars that the chief interest is stirred only when , , fail to happen. Hazards Here also seems to be the logical abode of men accepted All Bora Apts. Cited As '. as nationallMders in other fields of sports, so much so that if a Pennsylvania football coach :fails to live is these parts some- 1947 Red Crols Drive KNOW YOUR BOROUGH Narberth Man Leaves @FIRE MARSHALL NULTY ASKS thing must surely be the matter with him or his team. Lou Reachel Half.Way Mark Estate of $1400 LAWS REQUIRING SPRINKEERS Young has resided in Narberth for a long time, ann his im- Main Line Branch No.1 ot Fox Is Serving Third Term An estate of $1.400 was .lett. by pressive experience with the Red and Blue elevens ,vill always the American Red Cross this Luigi Frieri, of 245 Hampden Ave., .. week reached the halfway mark Narberth, according to terms of his AND FIRE -PROOF CEILINGS be something for the sports experts to conJure WIth. In Its 1947 fund drive. But the On·Coun.cil; 2d':a$ 'Its Head wlll filed for probate in Norristown. Harvev Harman was a borough resident (and a member $90,000 collected must be dou- Mr: Freri. 62,. a gardener, died --------------.(i) State Inspector • • • >. bled before the quota Is reached. Walter A, Fox, a distinguished- ' March 6. In the absence of known St. Margaret's to Spon.sor of the local CounCIl) when he was on the same U. of I. Job, Mrs. J. T. Little, of Flat Rock looking man with a. kindly smile, relatives, letters of administration • on Way Here to only leaving when he took over at Rutgers. ~d., Penn Valley, first to go Is serving his second year as Presi- have been granted to .Tohn J. Leetnre on Com,mnnzsm Make Survey .. Allie Miller was here for nearly 30 ~'ears, and he had his over the top last year, repeated dent of the Narberth Borough Stretch, Jr., of 2.16 E. Eagle Rd., The Holy Name Society of ,.,,' h' V'll d 'UT h' t d J ff P this year, turning in 130 percent Council and his third term as a Oakmont. St. Margaret·s parish, Narberth, A dangerous fire hazard exists In LlU'llln coae mg I anova a~ n as lllg on an e ers.on. er- of her suotafr om the Pencoyd Councilman. has announced the second in its ,'every apartment house In the Bor- " he was alsoengftged WIth .other schools, but he 1s not up district. Every house was can. He has been interested in eom- series of lectures on Commun- oug-h of Narberth, Fll'e'Marshal AI tlte duet any longer to ask easJ1~', as he moved to Strafford a vassed and the amount collected DRT lk 'hlunity affairs since the day, thirty on ose a s ism. to he given Tup.sday, March I NUlty chargl'd this week. few months ago, which was too bad. (What's Strafford got, was larger than last year. ago, that he bought 11. lot tn 21i. at 8:30 P. M. In the church "Borough Council should Immedl- Allie, that Narberth lacksY) Mrs. Robert Coleman, of Ard- Narbr~ok Park when the Narberth T M b f haH. The speaker wlll be Eric ateh' pass a. law requiring either a Jack Jefferies, of courlie, was another member of the local more, is again second~ havin~ Civic ASl$oeiation began to clear. 0 ,_en? ers 0_ von Kuehnelt-Lrddihn, who wlll firE'proof basement ceiling or an galaxy as he taught the tonv kids at Hill School how to play collected 88.9 percent, and Mrs. what was 'then farmland. lecture on "Communism in adequatFl sprinkling system in • 'd aft th t h t P '. t th f b' d'· d Herbert H, Fritz. of Bryn Mawr, A Native of 'Btl1rAlo Practice." every apartment house," Nulty said. hn.11 an er a e pu rlllce on on emap 0 Ig Inmon is in third place with 87.2 per. N b th PTA He was born In~""uffalo,. New Eric von Kuehnelt-Leddihn. "Chance to Escape" f, cent. Several other districts ar er ·- · · dOIngs. ., York, the sOn at Au ._ ,;*,fiend Vie- S~ys "We Must who was torn in Austria in 19Oll, "In this w:;y," he said, "our fire- 111 have' passed the 50 percent As is well-known, Jack was a sand-lot player tIlLS town toria Sche~,Foz\'1i s father was a is a doctor of philosophy of the men would be given a chance to get and not even top-ace Bill Durbin will say there was a better groe-ery'-f'mporter,' a business that Pay the Price lJniverslty of BUdapest, is a pro- at the blaze before it sprea.ds and one. Bill himself went all over eastern America when he was .had been In the Fox family for found student of European his- apartment residents would be given .., many years. for World Peace" tory, an d h as tId'.rave e m every a decent chance to escapc t6 thi! . active in the game, and if "atomic" had been a working adjec Mrs. Earle Rice' But when young 'Valter got out "Have we dedicated to the cau"e country 'in Europe, including street." tive in his day that would inevitably have been applied to his of school, he answered an ad In the of peace the courage, patlence, the Russia. NuItY'5 chal'goe came fhls week kind of high speed pitehing to the utter confusion of his oppon- Dies in Hospital local paper, asking for "a boy,to llard work and the self-sacrificp. we Members of St. Marg-an·t·!'I after Council President Fox warned .' learn the advertising business." gave so recentl~' to the grim blH'li- parish and their friends have ,at' dang-eroul! fire hazards at the ents. At the age of 17, he did every sort ,ness of war?" been invited to alf.end fhe lec- I'Montgomery Court Apartments. lit Saying these things, it can be seen why Ell Pollock has At Age of 50 of job fOI' the publishing house of I This was ~he que5tlon Don Rose, fure, Then' will be no, admission Thil' wrelt, Fire Marshal Nulty taken root amongst us, for where better could he get the real "La Hacienda," in Buffalo, and Inewspaper columnist. and world fee or solicitation of funds. i r.slled upon the Rtate Department Narberth Woman feel of his trade than in this neighborhood? Ed's reviews llave when he was 19 he was sent out "nI \VALTER A. FOX traveler, asked members of the' of Labor and Industry to send an Badly Hurt in Church the road to sell advertising. jNarberth Parent Teachers' Associa- L dD k' investigator 10 Karberth immedi- assuredly advanced sports writings to a fine art and have estab In 1912 ~e was promoted to ad- Mr/'. Fox built their home at. tion at their ~eetlng Monday night. eonar, ra e ately to Inspect Monfgomery Court Fall February 21 vertlsing and assistant sales man-.. • No. ,Russia and \lar Apartments, " . lished him as a scribe of large importance. for the polls indicate Na~:ook that the sporting pages are the first choice of newspaper readers, Funeral services for Mrs. Earle agel' of the Lehigh Portland Cement ii :ark. I "Peace is just I:ke anything else D· M k· The inspector is expected In ths Company In Allentown, and three ';: Free ~n," I th in life," Rose told the audience. I enles a lng Borough some time this week. more than 60 per cent tilting that way, and what would that M. Rice, of 105 S. Narberth Ave., years later married Dorothea Glea- d e t ;xes b \e a e saml' ad-I "You may obtain it, if you're Wlllingi {,aws Inadequate mean in the case of the Evening Bulletin? Not less than a half Narberth, were held Monday after "on of Buffalo. ress 0 ny, u they have added Ito pay for it ... it depend5 how FICh "Under present Borough law," to S noon at Oliver H. Dair's, 1820 Chest ~ I~ 1917, when Fox decided to es- h it tah theil' famlly grew.I They seriously }'ou really want it." orma arges Nult" explained, "I have no author- million persons dail~', a sensitive and smart-e~'ed group, and to I. ave ree sons Ira who I ves in , • J nut st., Philadelphia. tablish his own advertising bus ness Li Ohi h' .. Referrtng to Russia and dangerl Ity to make apartment houses to keep in high favor with theIn, as Ed plainl~' does, is a grand Mrs. Rice died last Thursday in in Phlladelphla, he picked Narberth ma, 0, were he IS purchasing of war, Rose said that during con- But Reiterates That ; do any more than keep trash out tribute to his noteworthy procedure. Bryn Mawr Hospital, four weeks as h!s new home town and he ami ,(Continued JJ1 page 2) Iversatlol1s with Russians while he BArt t I ot basement haHways. was abroad, he was invariabl}' ask- oro pa men S "This is hardly adequate t.o meet This observer, whose only athletic specialty is conviction after falling down a flight of stairs in the Baptist Church of the 'Evan P v II M N d ed by them: "A Fire Hazard" dangerous conditlon5 which I know that Connie Mack is one of Philadelphia's heaviest handicaps, ·'es eDn a ey an ame "Just what do }'OU Americans exist In every apartment house in gel, Narberth.