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Index of passages discussed

Aeschylus Archestratus Agamemnon fr. 52, 136, 187 10–11, 115 Archilochus 855–94, 129 fr. 122, 74 1227–36, 13, 114–17, 128–31, Appendix Vergiliana, Ciris 140 54–63, 206 1233–4, 91, 108, 205 57–86, 189 1389–92, 116 59–61, 209, 222 Choephoroi 74–6, 200 247–9, 116 81–8, 229 612–22, 117, 203, 204 499–504, 204 Fragments (Radt) 530–41, 204 199, 199 244, 157 Bacchylides Prometheus Bound 11, 157–8 363–70, 67 462–8, 158 Callimachus (Pfeiffer) 846–52, 198 fr. 75, 197 Persians fr. 288, 206–7, 210 65–71, 137 fr. 612, 197 Suppliants Catullus 836–1073, 150 60, 170, 190, 208, 220, 229 Apollonius of Rhodes, , 3 64 783–90, 68 152–7, 170, 208, 220, 221 790–817, 168 822–32, 169, 202 Epictetus 920–63, 51 Discourses 931–2, 169 1.12, 186 1233–1392, 221 3.24, 186 Acusilaus 3.26, 186 fr. 42, 91, 201 Fragments Agatharchides 11, 186 On the Erythraean Sea Euripides 7.7–13, 11, 178 Helen Alcman (PMG) 1584–7, 162 138, 109 Medea Anaxilas (PCG) 1–2, 212 fr. 22, 91, 126, 139, 140, 211–13, 137 184 1261–2, 138 Anthologia Palatina 1336–43, 91, 119–21, 170, 221 6.349, 56 1358–9, 170


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286 Index of passages discussed

Hecataeus 484–92, 46 fr. 27, 177 594–600, 49 Hedyle 780–5, 33, 66, 72 Supplementum Hellenisticum 456, 95, 196, Iliad 3 236 166–7, 76 Heraclitus the Allegorist Iliad 4 Homeric Problems 420, 34 5, 181 Iliad 5 70 842–7, 76 2, 186 Iliad 6 11, 11 136, 162 Heraclitus the Paradoxographer 179–83, 72 On Unbelieveable Tales Iliad 7 2, 184 101–3, 30 Herodotus Iliad 8 1 368, 72 2, 177 Iliad 15 2 31, 46 53, 260 Iliad 16 4 33–5, 170, 221 8–9, 199 155, 30 85–6, 66 326–9, 72 7 406–8, 30 191–2, 163 Iliad 18 Hesiod 398, 162 fr. 262 M.–W., 91, 108, 201 432, 161 Theogony Iliad 19 1–115, 46 64, 47 147–53, 32 267–8, 64 270–86, 107 364–97, 28–9 270–336, 201 Iliad 20 280–1, 110 144–8, 59 280–94, 110, 198 Iliad 21 295–308, 32 122–7, 62 311–32, 198 201–4, 62 315, 110 435–60, 59 325, 110 Iliad 22 332, 110 66–72, 55, 157 720–819, 31 Iliad 23 745, 31 316–7, 80 778–89, 31 1 820–35, 107 1, 48 820–68, 33, 101 1–10, 45 979–83, 110 6, 71 Works and Days 65, 46 67, 130 108, 52 Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite 160–1, 52 1, 45 251, 52 4–5, 74 Odyssey 3 8–32, 143 103, 46 Odyssey 4 Iliad 1 504, 64 4–5, 55 Odyssey 5 407, 46 6, 45 Iliad 2 173–9, 84

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Index of passages discussed 287

175, 64 37–8, 46 270, 81 47–54, 79 333–50, 83 56–8, 77 400–23, 64 59–68, 26–7, 78 419–23, 59 69–72, 26–7, 49, 79 Odyssey 7 73–84, 28–9, 32, 35, 57, 69, 74, 78, 35, 64 108 Odyssey 8 80–132, 67 550, 48 85–7, 31, 32, 73, 74, 77, 86, 108, 207 559–60, 81 85–92, 72, 107 Odyssey 9 85–100, 31 19–21, 48, 49 89–94, 40, 54, 68, 70, 109, 123 29–33, 85 95–100, 40, 53, 109, 123, 187 78–81, 82 96, 58 105–30, 39, 73 101–7, 68, 78, 79 125–42, 40 108–10, 79 189, 40 111–14, 28 190–1, 57 115–26, 29, 57, 69, 79, 201 193–5, 36 137–41, 87 196–205, 36 165–200, 44, 87, 126 231–566, 43 184–91, 49 259–61, 64, 82 201–5, 44 298–305, 39 206–21, 78, 82, 190 311, 57 208–12, 47 334, 57 222–5, 44, 79 345–74, 37 226–33, 29–30, 39, 45, 49, 57, 69, 408–12, 37 87 420–3, 38 234–43, 44, 68, 82 437–44, 39 244–50, 39, 44, 48, 109, 126 484, 57 251–5, 30–1, 40, 57, 123, 127 500–36, 71 256–9, 25, 39, 44, 56, 83 502–5, 39 329–32, 62 528–35, 48 Odyssey 14 Odyssey 10 29–47, 56, 157 113, 57 168–9, 46 116, 57 Odyssey 16 121, 57 73, 84 131, 57 Odyssey 19 190–202, 43 524, 84 210–19, 87 Odyssey 21 220–8, 85 428–30, 52 325–35, 48 Odyssey 23 388–96, 198 173–84, 71 538–40, 81, 87 Odyssey 24 Odyssey 11 126–8, 84 100–37, 87 167–9, 84 101–3, 50 Hyginus 110–14, 87 Fabulae 176–9, 84 Preface, 199 362–9, 227 125, 32 406–34, 84 198, 205, 206 424–7, 129–30 199, 95, 200, 205, 228 Odyssey 12 25–7, 78, 87 Juvenal, Satire 15 37–54, 85, 87, 127 13–22, 226

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288 Index of passages discussed

Lucretius 60–7, 190, 229, 240 1 70–4, 200, 238 75–7, 179 75–6, 51, 236 4 Ex Ponto 3 724–40, 179 1, 218, 224, 229 5 19, 218 89, 222 Ex Ponto 4 878–99, 178 10, 190, 220, 225, 227 892, 222 Remedia Amoris 905, 180 55–68, 223 Lycophron Tristia 1 44–9, 196 5.49–50, 225 648–58, 221 Tristia 4 7.11–18, 221, 225 Oppian, Halieutica 1 Palaephaetus 360–73, 58 20, 183, 227 Orion 28, 183 Etymologicum Magnum, Parthenius 720.18–20, 55 fr. 24 Lightfoot, 204 Pausanias Ars Amatoria 1 1.19.4, 204 269–70, 218 5.19, 94 283–340, 221 Philochorus 331–2, 222, 230 fr. 17a, 182 341–2, 219 Pindar Amores 2 Isthmian 8 11, 218, 223 29–49, 160, 162 16, 218, 223, 224 Olympian 4 Amores 3 8–9, 67 12, 213 Pythian 4 Heroides 12 161, 80 121–8, 211 Pythian 11 Ibis 38–40, 77 385–6, 220 1 Phaedrus 233–9, 239 229, 182, 185 490–552, 237 Republic 553–67, 242 588, 178, 185 630–48, 239 Polybius Metamorphoses 8 Histories 97–100, 207 34.2–3, 187–8 108–42, 208 Propertius 145–51, 204 3.12, 224 Metamorphoses 13 3.19, 219, 221, 227 730–4, 200, 226, 234, 4.4, 190, 212, 222, 230 251 758–69, 246 Sallust 789–869, 248, 251 Histories 4 (Reynolds) 870–84, 247 fr. 26, 192 903, 229 fr. 27, 187, 192, 230 912–13, 237 fr. 28, 192 Metamorphoses 14 Sappho 6, 229 fr. 5 Voigt, 162 37–9, 226 Scholia to [Plato] 59–67, 94 Epistles 345d, 55, 187

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Index of passages discussed 289

Scholia to Euripides Thucydides Hippolytus 1200, 204 1.4, 178 Scholia to the Odyssey 4.24, 187 12.85, 197 Tzetzes 12.86, 74 on Lycophron 46, 188 12.89, 73 12.124, 69, 188, 202 12.227, 45 1 Seneca 199–203, 47, 190 Medea 351, 222 200, 222 Seneca the Elder Aeneid 3 Controversiae 9.7.17, 217 246–7, 180 Servius 374–462, 191 on Virgil, Aeneid 3.420, 188, 420–32, 191, 228, 235 229 548–69, 51, 192, 235, 237, 238 on Virgil, Eclogue 6.74, 205 553, 236 Sextus Empiricus 672–4, 247 Against the Mathematicians Aeneid 5 7.80, 178 114–23, 184 9.49, 11, 178 Aeneid 8 Sophocles (Radt) 190–267, 199 fr. 861, 110 Eclogue 6 fr. 885, 129 74–7, 190, 209, 222, 229 Stesichorus Georgics 1 fr. 220 PMG, 91, 93, 110–11, 201 406–9, 204 Geryoneis, 94, 111, 197 S87 Davies, 94 Xenophon Strabo Memorabilia 8.6.13, 204 2.6, 126–7, 139, 140 Xenophanes (D.–K.) Themistius fr. 1, 177 Orationes 22, 108 fr. 11, 177 [Tibullus] fr. 14, 177 3.4.85–91, 221–3, 228 fr. 15, 177 3.7.70–81, 222–4 fr. 16, 177

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Index of Greek and Latin words

a«dÛv, 121, 155 kun»jrwn, 204 a«zž·ov, 28 kunäpiv, 129–30 ˆmÅnw, 28 kÅwn, 128–30 ˆmj©sbaina, 116 ˆna©deia, 130, 186 laqra±ov, 128 ˆndre©a, 122 la©qargov, 128 ˆpoqhri»w, 206 la±tma, 63, 70 Šprhktov, 79 lanq†nw, 45 Šrshn, 116 l†skw, 56, 86 aÉcžn, 65, 66, 136–7 Šwrov, 72–3 m”lw, 49 mtiv, 33, 37 b”reqron, 68 mimnžskw, 46 b©a, 127 muqolog”w, 178, 185 muqÛdhv, 178 d†kov, 115, 129 muc»v, 199 dam†zw, 161 dein»v, 75 neogill»v, 86 dhqÅnw, 29 nÅmjh, 95

–pisÅrw, 204 OÔtiv, 43 —ta±rov, 126 parqen©a, 162 zeÓxiv, 159 peiqÛ, 127 p”lwr, 35, 75 qaÓma, 75 pelÛriov, 76 qluv, 116 p”tra, 57, 58, 115 qžra, 125, 126 pontop»rov, 27 qÅraze, 30 p»ntov, 80 qwržssw, 29 p»rov, 81, 82

«d”a, 185 sk»pelon, 188 skÅlax, 32, 73, 183, 206 karcar»douv, 58 skÅllw, 207 kataksa, 206 stenac©zw, 66 ke©rw, 204 st»ma, 65, 66, 67 ktov, 54, 59–61 kl†zw, 56 t”rav, 75 kl”ov, 42 t»lmh, 118 k»lpov, 162 k»ra, 204 ËpodÅw, 162


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Index of Greek and Latin words 291

jaidr»nouv, 129 monstrum, 207, 228, 230 jwnž, 44 192 235 c†rubdiv, 68 nauifragus, , c†sma, 66 229 243 pistrix, aestus, pubes, 191, 230 puella, 228 candidus, 230 canis, 179, 226, 228 rabidus, 179, 222, 228 exspuo, 171 rabies, 190, 222, 243 rapax, 171, 211 fama, 210 fera, 189 scopulum, 236 feritas, 208 Scyllaeus, 190 ferus, 208 semimarinus, 179 fretum, 229 simulacrum, 179 furor, 219, 230 sorbeo, 191 furor, ar¯ ¯ı, 230 succingo, 179–80, 222, 228, 251, 255 genus, 179 gurges, 191 testis, 219

inguen, 189, 190, 222, 230, 241, 243 uterus, 230

libido, 219 virgo, 200, 226, 228, 229, lupanar, 230 255 lupus, 230 vorax, 227

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Index of objects discussed

Coins are listed according to the ancient city of emission. Other objects are listed according to their contemporary location.

Akragas EL stater with Scylla, 92, 99, AE hemilitron with merman, 101 123 AR tetradrachm with Scylla, 101 Allifae Eleusis, Archaeological Museum AR litrai with Scylla, 92, 124 Proto–attic amphora, 96 Athens, Collection S. Niarchos A 059, 98 Florence, Museo Archeologico Athens, National Archaeological Museum 73846, 35 19765, 13, 107 Geneva, Musees´ d’Art et d’Histoire Basel, Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig 3761, 103 BS 425, 96 Greifswald Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Antikensammlung 103, 103 F 16S2, 59 inv. 4333, 103 Heidelberg, Antikenmuseum TC 8612, 132 8, 103 TC 8613, 132 Heraclea TC 8614, 132 staters with Scylla, 148 TC 8616, 132 TC 8617, 132 Iraklion, Archaeological Museum TC 8619, 132 337–9, 350–2, 24, 58 Boston, Museum of Fine Arts Ischia, Museo Archeologico di 00.346, 146 Pithecusae 1901.8100, 86, 96 168813, 62 63.420, 60 Brussels, Royal Museum of Fine Arts London, British Museum R225, 103 1867.5–8.673, 144 A 487, 94 Cambridge, Mass., Arthur M. Sackler Museum B 155, 94 60.477, 167 B 374, 98 Cumae F 218, 124 AR nomos with Scylla, 92, 99, London, Victoria and Albert Museum 123 C 2492–1910, 103 nomos with merman, 101 Cyzicus Malibu, Getty Museum EL stater with merman, 99 86.AE.417, 125


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Munich Antikensammlung CA 313, 98, 144 596, 101 CA 62, 103 CA 795, 96 Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale Polygyros, Archeological Museum 82411, 136 frag. r.f. krater, 163–7 SA 708, 152 New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art Rome, Villa Giulia 45.11.1, 142 50683, 94 Ruvo, Jatta Museum Olympia, Archaeological Museum J 1500, 164–7 1636, 101 B 1643, 101 Skylletion/Scylaceum B 1802, 101 AE coins with Scylla, 192 B 977, 101 Syracuse, Museo Archeologico 6462, 103 Paestum, Museo Archeologico AR tetradrachms with Scylla, 124, r.f. krater, 9, 91, 97, 125, 134, 150–6 146 Paris, Bibliotheque` Nationale, Cabinet des Medailles´ Thurii Luynes 264, 134 distaters and staters with Scylla, Vase 202, 94 148 Vase 255, 161 Paris, Louvre Wurzburg,¨ Martin von Wagner Museum CA 1341, 121 821, 125 CA 2140 bis, 144 HA 260, 103

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General index

Aarne, Antti, 4, 8, 138 fish, 61 see also Thompson, Stith ketos, 59 Achilles Scylla, 35, 53, 142, 172 cruelty of, 62, 170 see also cannibalism; Cyclops; Laestrygones see also Nereids; Thetis Aphrodite, 143, 151, 152 Acis, 246 name semantics, 261 see also Galatea Apollo Actaeon, 146, 157 in love with Daphne, 237 Adonis, 151 aposkopein gesture, 98, 142, 148, 155 adynaton, 74, 180, 190 apotropaic function, 146–50 monster as, 208 Arethusa, 148 rhetorical trope, 226 Argo epos, 26–7 Scylla as, 225 Argo, ship, 26–7, 49, 211 Aeneas see also Argonauts; Jason Scylla and, 51, 190, 198 Argonauts, 202 travels of, 234 see also Argo, ship; Jason aetiology Artemis intertextuality and, 238 cures the Proetides, 157–8 metamorphosis and, 198, 200, 204, Hemera, 157 236 huntress, 125, 143–6 Aetna, mount outfit of, 145 habitat of Typhoeus, 67 Scylla modelled on, 250 Sicilian landmark, 192, 197 virgin, 143, 171 Agamemnon see also Actaeon killed by Clytemnestra, 114–17, Atalanta, 145–6 128–31 Athena allegoresis, 186 helmet with Scylla, 148, 149 see also allegory horses and, 261 allegory metis of, 261 concept of, 181 Parthenos, 150 ’ wanderings and, 186 Polias, 150 significance of monsters, 109 protector of cities, 146–50 stoics and, 186 virgin, 143, 171 Althaea, 118 see also gorgoneion Amazons, 92 audience Amphitrite, 54 expectations of, 25, 209, 217 Andromeda, 59, 152–6 experience, 25 animal imagery meaning constructed by, 216 see bull; dog(s); lion; lioness reader–response criticism, 7 anthropophagy, 53–65 response, 77 dogs, 55, 56 sympathy of, 237


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Barthes, Roland, 7 poetic fiction, 178, 185 Baubo, 132 rationalization of, 183 Bellerophon, 33, 198 , 23, 122, 184 Boas, Franz, 139 allegorical view of, 186 body ambiguity of, 84–8 female genitals, 131–40, 230 and disorientation, 43, 82 as spatial metaphor, 136 enchanted animals of, 86 turned into dog heads, 231 hated by Scylla, 238 mouth in love with Glaucus, 226, 233 straits visualized as, 131–40 jealous of Scylla, 94, 233 Boread, 105 lust of, 243 Bosphoros, 120, 136 polluting Scylla’s pool, 245 Darius crossing, 159 prophecy of, 26–7, 28–9, 44, 72, 77–80, 87, Bremond,´ Claude, 8, 25 191, 237 bull silence of, 78 animal imagery, 120 turns maiden Scylla into monster, 241 Europa on, 150, 208 turns men into pigs, 227 Burkert, Walter, 199, 262 ciris,bird,189, 203 Byblis, 219 clothing chiton, 152 Callisto, 197, 240 short, 145 Calypso, 23, 64, 83 peplos, 145 cannibalism, 52 Clytemnestra, 84, 91, 113, 119 of Egyptians, 226 lustful woman, 219, 221 see also anthropophagy murderer of Agamemnon, 114–19, 128–31 Cassandra, 114–17, 128, 196 comparative mythology, 23, 138 Cassirer, Ernst, 15 Crataeis, mother of Scylla, 69, 169, 201, 205, Caulonia, town, 236 252 cave(s), 35, 68 Creusa, 219 of Cyclops, 37–9, 248 Cyane, nymph, 244 of Scylla, 69 Cyclops, 23–4, 88 infernal connotations, 31 allegorical view of, 186 mirroring body, 65, 69 anthropophagy of, 56 Centaur(s), 179, 180 in love with Galatea, 200, 233, 245 iconographic type of, 96 jealous of Acis, 247 Ceraunia, 219 threat to navigation, 80 Cerberus, 72 tricked by Odysseus, 34–40, 198 defeated by Heracles, 199 hybrid creature, 259 Danaids, 150 inhuman parent, 219, 223 Daphne, 237 poetic fiction, 178, 185, 213 embraced by Apollo, 242 rationalization of, 177, 182 Deimos Charybdis, 24, 96, 126, 170–1, 192 father of Scylla, 202 animated landscape, 68, 70 dog(s), 10, 32 Argonauts and, 167 ambiguity of, 55 diminutive view of, 224 deceptive, 128 etymology, 54 domestication of, 156 inhuman mother, 208, 219 hunting, 125 sea-hazard, 219 insults, 130 straits of Messina, 191 lustful, 128–31 whirlpool, 234 mythical characters and, see Clytemnestra; Chimaera, 72 Erinyes; ; Lyssa adynaton, 225 protomes, 121, 123, 134, 144 defeated by Bellerophon, 33, 198 raging, 228, 243 hybrid creature, 259 women and, 14, 16–18, 128–30 inhuman mother, 219, 223 see also Cerberus

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296 General index

domestication, 143 gorgoneion, 149, 167 dogs and, 156 see also Athena maidens and, 157–8 Gorgons, 143, 185 sea and, 159 see also Medusa Greimas, Algirdas, 7, 8 hybrid creature, 32, 259 hair, cutting of, 117–19, 205 steals Heracles’ horses, 199 see also Nisus Eliade, Mircea, 5, 193 Harpyes, 184, 225 Erinyes, 13, 128 Hecate Eros, 151, 152, 155 mother of Scylla, 108, 169, 201 Europa, 150–6 visual representation of, 13, 107 abducted by Zeus in the shape of a bull, 97, Helen 150, 208 abduction of, 177 bride of Zeus, 152 dog insult, 14, 130 mother of Minos, 208 Helenus, 180, 191 rationalization of, 177 prophecy of, 235, 237 exemplum/a Helle, 136 abstract significance of, 218 Hellespont, straits, 80, 136 catalogs of, 219 Xerxes crossing the, 159 critical use of, 222 Hera, 157–8 formularity of, 221 goddess of marriage, 158, 169 historical, 218 helper of Jason, 168, 202 mythical, 217 Heraclea, town, 146, 148 Heracles figure, concept of, 2–3 Geryon killed by, 111, 199 mythical names and, 2–3, 254 ketos and, 24, 59, 60 Fish, Stanley, 216 master of animals, 262 fishing, 40, 123, 187 monsters defeated by, 33, 198 Scylla as angler, 30–1, 123 Scylla killed by, 51, 196 trident, 125, 146, 148, 151, 167 wrestling Nereus, 161 focalization, 38, 44 Herder, Johann Gottfried, 15 Odysseus’ perspective, 237 Hermaphroditus, 250 Scylla’s perspective, 237 Hestia, 143 Hippocentaurs, 185 Galatea, 200, 233 historians wildness of, 251 critical of monsters, 177 gender(s) homonyms, 11, 118, 189, 254, 257–8 contrast between, 249 conflation of, 209 metamorphosis and, 240 differentiation of, 203 reversal, 115, 127 Horney, Karen, 10 struggle between, 115–17, 121 hunting, 124, 143, 145 genealogy, mythical, 201 erotic metaphor, 128 Genette, Gerard,´ 235 see also Artemis; dog(s); fishing Geryon hybrid(s) cattle of, 196, 199 antithetical components of, 229 killed by Heracles, 33, 198 Lucretius’ criticism of, 179 nobility of, 110–11 metaphors and, 88 visual representations of, Mischwesen, 91–112, 200, 259 93–4 see also individual names Giants, 225 Hydra, 33, 96, 113, 198 Glaucus, 197, 206, 226 in love with Scylla, 233 image(s) transformed into sea-god, 241 text and, 36, 58, 92–3 see also Circe Ino-Leucothea, 83–4

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intertextuality, 7, 51, 113, 190–3, 199 Lipari islands, 169 and metaphors, 123, 131 Lycaon, 239 forms of, 235 Lyssa, 146, 157 in Aeschylus, 118, 129 in Euripides, 119 maiden(s) in Homer, 28–9, 41, 48–50 ketos and, 59 in Ovid, 234–8 metamorphosis of, 240 in Virgil, 209, 210 shunning sex, 237 mythical exempla and, 221 taming of, 157–8 Io, 177, 197, 198, 239, 240 threat raised by, 160 rationalization of, 182 transition into sexuality, 12 Iser, Wolfgang, 216 victim of male desire, 239 vulnerability of, 237 Jakobson, Roman, 6, 107 wildness of, 157–8, 161, 251 Jason see also individual names; parthenos/oi crossing between Scylla and Charybdis, 51, Marduk, 24, 33 168, 202 marriage crossing the Planctae, 26–7 as yoke, 158 Medea and, 119–21, 137, 211 Hera and, 158 see also Argo; Medea taming brought upon by, 158, 161 Jauss, Hans Robert, 7, 209, 216 see also Hera; maiden(s) Johnson, Mark, 16–18 Medea, 15, 223 Jonah, 24 compared to Scylla, 91, 113 Jung, Carl, 5 dangerous eros, 119–21 Jason and, 137, 211 Keto, 33 lustful woman, 219 ketos, 24, 164–6, 188 rationalization of, 177 anthropophagy of the, 59–61 Medusa, 107, 184 Perseus and, 152–6 adynaton, 225 korai, 122 beheaded by Perseus, 33, 198 Kottos, giant, 32 hybrid creature, 259 kouroi, 122 poetic fiction, 213 Kristeva, Julia, 7 visual representation of, 96, 142 Kuhn, Adalbert, 15 see also Gorgons Megara, town, 117–19, 189, 203 Laestrygones, 67–8, 88 merman, 93, 97–101 anthropophagy of, 56 Messina, straits of see straits Lakoff, George, 16–18 metamorphosis, 51 aetiology of, 204 mother of Scylla, 111, 201 alienation resulting from, 240 landscape clarification of essence resulting from, as intellectual metaphor, 77 245 intrusion upon, 243 Hellenistic stories of, 197, 198 organic perception of, 65 metaphor and, 239 personification of, 189 of Scylla, 189, 196–200, 203, 231 resulting from metamorphosis, 236 petrification, 236 sexual symbolism of, 139 of Thetis, 161–3 Larissa Kremaste, town, 167 psychological transformation and, 246 Lemnian women, 118 rhetorical tropes and, 226, 240 Levi-Strauss,´ Claude, 4 visual type and, 94 lion metaphor(s) animal imagery, 115 cognitive liguistics and, 16–18 lioness, 221 conceptual metaphors, 16–17, 114, 172, 256 animal imagery, 115, 119, 120 etymology and, 63, 63, 68 inhuman mother, 170, 219, 220, 223 metamorphosis and, 239

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298 General index

metaphor(s) (cont.) oar, 151 origin of myth and, 182 rudder, 148 source and target domains, 257 shipwreck, 62 metis, 24, 39 taming the sea, 159 divine succession myth and, 33 nekyia, 23, 34, 129 loss of, 43 Nemean Lion, 33, 198 navigation and, 80 Nereid(s), 13, 152–6, 244 of Odysseus, 33, 37–9, 71 bringing armor to Achilles, 167 speech and, 43 see also Thetis Minos, 178 Nereus, 97, 161 Scylla and, 118, 204 Nisus, 117, 203, 230 Minotaur, 178 nom parlant, 76, 146, 206, 259 rationalization of, 182 nudity, 121–3, 155, 164, 167 monster hybrid, 91–112, 259 Obriareos, giant, 32 in visual arts, 96 Odysseus, 122 multi-limbed, 32 Cyclops and, 198 see also individual names; hybrid(s) deflated achievements of, 224 Muller,¨ Friedrich Max, 5, 15, 181, 182 exemplum, 218, 220, 223, 224 Myrrha, 219, 221 metis of, 71 myth name of, 48 contemporary approaches to, 4 narrator, 38, 46, 79 in contrast to reason, 175–6 silence of, 43 mythography, 195–215 speech of, 42–4 historiography and, 203 stoic view of, 186 mythical names in, 3, 254 tales to the Phaeacians, 34, 50 as comment on Ithaca, 52, 85 name(s), divine fiction in, 226 areas of influence, 260 means of return, 42 Max Muller¨ and, 5 performance of, 49 modes of action, 261 unable to save companions, 38 name(s), heroic, 12, 262–3 wanderings of, 23, 186 name(s), mythical, 1–8 OldManoftheSea,97 as linguistic sign(s), 5 oxymoron, 228 biographical approach to, 201, 254, 258 componential approach to, 12–14, 93, 107–12, Pandora, 122 140, 204 parthenos/oi, 143 embodying abstract concept, 218 city protection, 150 etymology of, 54, 55, 73, 76 domestication of, 157–8 exempla and, 11, 212 erotic appeal of, 150 local version of, 258 sub-types of, 144 meta-cultural discourses and, 11 see also individual names; maiden(s) metaphors and, 14–18 Pasiphae, 178, 208, 219, 221, 223 narrative function of, 262–3 Pegasus, 107 plasticity of, 5, 218, 255 hybrid creature, 259 real-world and, 9 poetic fiction, 185, 213 referentiality of, 3, 12, 53, 96, 203 rationalization of, 183 Nannion, prostitute, 91, 113, 125–6 Peleus, 170 narrative pursing Thetis, 160–3 desire fulfilled, 38–9 Pelion, mount, 171 desire unfulfilled, 25, 50 Penelope, 129 visual, 36 ambiguity of, 84, 88 see also Bremond,´ Claude chastity of, 224 navigation, 80–3, 120 performance, poetic nostos, 42, 81 challenge to, 45

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General index 299

competition and, 49 roar, 44 memory and, 45 women and, 15, 16–18, 120 Perseus see also navigation; sea-life beheads Medusa, 33, 198 sea-life, 58 fights ketos, 24, 59, 152–6 cuttlefish, 163 poetic fiction, 213 dolphin(s), 123, 146 see also Andromeda; ketos fish, 61, 123, 146 Phaedra, 219 compared to men, 40 philosophers fish tail, 123, 134, 144 critical of monsters, 177–80 hippocampus, 125 , father of Scylla, 201 shark(s), 58, 123 , 33 tuna, 123 father of Scylla, 201, 203 see also ketos Phorkos, father of Scylla, 169 Sepias, cape, 163 Planctae, 26–7, 49, 77, 78–9, 167 Sicily, 111 see also Symplegades sign(s), linguistic , 107 images and, 12 anger of, 59 meaning of, 6 horses and, 261 Siren(s), 92, 113 potnia theron, 106 Circe and, 85 Proetides, 157–8, 197 hybrid creature, 259 propemptikon, 223 Odysseus and, 43, 79, 224 Propp, Vladimir, 4, 8 pities Glaucus, 197 Proserpina prostitute compared to, 126, 184 rape of, 244 song, 49, 109, 126 prostitute(s) visual representations, 96, 143 compared to monsters, 125–6 Skyli, see Scyllaion Scylla as, 206 Skyllai, town, 136 Skylletion, town, 146, 192, 235, rock 236 marker of wildness, 252 Skyllia, island, 136 Scylla’s habitat, 57 snake tail, 121 Scylla turned into, 236 Sphinx, 92, 113, 143 adynaton, 225 Salmacis, 250 hybrid creature, 259 Saron, 204 prostitute compared to, 126 Saronicus, gulf, 204 stone(s), 35, 148 Saussure, Ferdinand de, 4, 5, 14 straits differential meaning, 6 Argonauts crossing, 167, 169 langue and parole, 6 between Charybdis and Scylla, 26 Schelling, Friedrich, 15 difficult navigation in, 82 Scylaceum, see Skylletion of Messina, 135, 148–50, 187, 227 Scyllaeum, rock, 187, 189 puzzle raised by, 72, 80, 82 Scyllaion, cape, 204, 205 sexual significance of, 135, 140 Scythia throat-like, 69 inhuman mother, 219, 223 yoking of, 159 sea, 10, 41 see also Bosphoros; Hellespont as animal, 16–18, 70 Styx, 31 as devouring space, 56–70 Symplegades, 138 death at, 61 Argonauts crossing, 120 fears of, 88 sea-hazard, 211 gullet of, 63–5, 70 sexual significance, 15, 137 hazards at, 219 see also Planctae inhuman mother, 219, 221, 223 Syrtis/es mystery of, 80 Argonauts and, 221

© in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02676-6 - Scylla: Myth, Metaphor, Paradox Marianne Govers Hopman Index More information

300 General index

Syrtis/es (cont.) Typhoeus/, 32–4, 72, inhuman mother, 170–1, 208, 219, 223 107 sea-hazard, 219 father of Scylla, 205 hybrid creature, 259 tale type, 262 landscape embodied by, 66 hero and monster, 12, 24, 31, 199, 234 poetic fiction, 185 love triangle, 246 visual type, 101–7 maiden story, 12, 236 Zeus defeats, 101, 198 returning husband, 84 typical scene(s), 28 Talos, 258 aristeia, 29–31 Tarpeia, 212, 222 Tyro, 219 Tartarus, 31, 199 Tatius, see Tarpeia wolf, 139, 230, 240 Teiresias, 87 women Theseus, 170 ambiguity of, 83–8 concern for legitimization, 263 anxieties about, 10, 140, 218 pursuing maiden, 160 castration anxieties, 114–23, Thetis, 13, 143, 160–71 138–40 bringing armor to Achilles, 167 engulfment, 141, 256 helping the Argonauts, 167, 198 envelopment, 10 metamorphoses of, 161–3 vagina dentata, 138–40 on vase–paintings, 132 deceptive, 115 Peleus and, 163, 168 dog(s) and, 14, 18 protector of navigation, 163 gluttony of, 131 rescuing Hephaestus, 162 helpers, 83 see also Nereid(s); Peleus lust of, 117, 131, 218 Thetis, town, 163 praise of, 224 Thompson, Stith, 8, 138 sea and, 15, 16–18 see also Aarne, Antti see also body; Clytemnestra; Helen; Thurii, town, 146, 148 maiden(s); parthenos/oi Tiamat, 33 Tityus, giant, 213 yoke, 158 Tr i t o n , 97, 98, 151 type, iconographic, 13, 92–112 Zeus, 151, 198 see also individual names see also Europa

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