Adibasi 1982-83 V22 1-4 Ocr
Duna -Its Implication in the Dongria P. S. Daspatnaik 'ar ..,,._..._.... -_r ---- . 0 t,? __ -• ...,~a h •. ~-./r --__;... --< i:: I Adibasi Instruction to Authors Adibasi is a quarterly periodical published by the Tnibal and Harijan Research-cum-Training Institute, Bhubaneswar, Orissa every year in April, July, October and January. It contains papers and findings on Social Sciences emphasising tribal problems of Orissa. Adibasi invites contribution from persons interested on Anthropology, Demography, Economics, Human Geography, Museology, Planning and Sociology with particular reference to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Manuscripts sent for publication must be type-written in double space on one side of the paper. Each contributor will be given twenty-five off prints. New Contributors are required to send a note on their academic qualifications, research experience and postal addresses along with their manuscripts. All correspondence should be addressed to Dr. N. Patnaik, Director, Tribal and Hariian Research .. cum-Tra,ining Institute, Bhubaneswar. Orissa Annual subscription oI the journal : Rs. 16'00 Inland Rs. 20·00 Foreign (This is subject to revision) Back issues are available for sale, Adibasi is also supplied on exchange basis. The authors are solely responsible for the presentation and the manner in which their articles are written. The Dr. N. PATNAIK opinions expressed in the articles are also the authors and not those of the editors and the Government. DUNA-/ts implication ,n the Dongria Culture P. S. DAS PATNAIK As the name signifies, Duna is a bamboo-made earning is hoarded in this bamboo socket instead money container, largely used among the Dongria of being spent until the socket is packed up.
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