Carolin Hahnemann, Professor of Classics, Kenyon College, Gambier, OH 43022, USA
[email protected] INVENTORY OF DUAL FORMS IN THE ILIAD This table follows the text of West’s Teubner edition; only occasionally does it record a dual reading reported in the critical apparatus. Since my primary interests concerns the different types of referents that take dual forms, in the fourth column after the name of the speaker (in capital letters) I distinguish the following types: Abstract Concepts Measure Objects Bodypart Nature Animal Persons Within the last group I have tentatively sought to establish the following subgroups: Sexual Couple Parent and Child Sibling Pair Equals in Action General Collective Many entries contain additional notes. Regarding these it is important to know that I started to add the label “formula” only late; hence it is very often missing. By “necessary dual” I mean forms for which no plural alternative exists such as the numeral. I can see two kinds of additional information that would help to provide a more well-rounded picture of the use of the dual in the Iliad. (1) Morphological analysis of each dual form would show the spread of dual forms according to part of speech as well as case, gender and declension for nouns and person, tense, mood, voice for verbs. (2) Tracking of the sequence of dual and plural per passage would give a sense of high versus low incidence of dual forms and also show whether dual forms gravitate toward are particular position within the passage such as its beginning or end. It is my hope that the table may prove useful to other scholars and will gladly provide microsoft versions for anybody who would like to adapt or build on the existing material as part of his or her own investigation (see email address in header).