European Arachnology 2008 (W. Nentwig, M. Entling & C. Kropf eds.), pp. 41–50. © Natural History Museum, Bern, 2010. ISSN 1660-9972 (Proceedings of the 24th European Congress of Arachnology, Bern, 25–29 August 2008).

Patterns of distribution and diversity in European mygalomorph

ARTHUR E. DECAE Terrestrial Ecology Unit, Department of Biology, University of Ghent, Ledeganckstraat 35, B–9000 Gent, Belgium. Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam, Postbus 23452, 3001 KL Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Abstract A coherent picture of the distribution and diversity of the European mygalomorph fauna is presented for the first time. The picture is based on geographical and taxonom- ical information, mainly obtained in recent collection work. The patterns reveal that (1) the current distribution of the Atypidae is the result of a Holocene dispersal event; that (2) and Cyrtaucheniidae are building-up their diversity in situ as an effect of repeated fragmentation and isolation of local populations during successive Pleistocene glaciations; that (3) , with three locally restricted and geographically isolated genera, are most probably remnants of a former geography of the Mediterranean region; that (4) the Theraphosidae seem to show both evidence of dispersal in and of speciation in situ in ; that (5) the are either very old remnants or recent man aided introductions into the European mygalomorph fauna.

INTRODUCTION sity assessments and conservation studies. Thanks to collection efforts of mainly young The here presented view on the European arachnologists from southern Europe, a mygalomorph fauna was developed from the coherent picture of the European mygalo- results of these studies. To make the emerg- morph fauna is now emerging. The Europe- ing patterns visible, all available informa- an mygalomorph spider fauna as discussed tion on geographical locations from which here includes species occurring in the north- identifiable mygalomorph spiders have been ernmost parts of Africa (Fig. 1). Until recent- reported, are mapped (Fig. 1). The resulting ly, almost all the knowledge of European patterns of diversity and distribution reflect mygalomorphs was based on isolated taxo- important aspects of the evolutionary his- nomic work mainly conducted in the late tory of the different mygalomorph families, 19th and early 20th centuries. The problem and contain basic information for develop- was that nearly all this work was done as ing prospective research programs studying idiosyncratic descriptions of small haphaz- the ecology, behaviour and evolution of these ardly collected samples, from which it was primitive spiders. very difficult to develop an overall view of the European mygalomorph fauna. Recently a number of larger and more systematically conducted collection programs have been carried out, mainly in relation to biodiver- 6

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Fig 1. All locations from which identifiable mygalomorph spiders have been recorded in the course of this study.

Fig 1. All locations from which identifiable mygalomorph spiders have been recorded in the course of this study.

Fig. 2. Extent of permafrost at the end of the last ice age (hatched) and permafrost front (dashed line). After Hewitt (1999). Fig. 2. Extent of permafrost at the end of the last ice age (hatched) and permafrost front (dashed line). After Hewitt (1999). Decae: Patterns of distribution and diversity in European mygalomorph spiders 4 3

Family Asia Europe Africa N. America S. America Australia + + + + Atypidae + + + + + + + + Ctenizidae + + + + + + Cyrtaucheniidae + + + + + + + + + + + Hexathelidae + + + + + + + + + Mecicobothriidae + + Microstigmatidae + + + + + Nemesiidae + + + + + + Paratropidae + Theraphosidae + + + + + + 10 6 11 8 13 10

Table 1. Occurrence of different mygalomorph spider families per continent showing the com- parative poverty of the European mygalomorph fauna.

MATERIAL AND METHODS review and general discussion see Hewitt, Data on the distribution and diversity of 1999). European mygalomorph spiders were col- lected in an extensive survey of the extant RESULTS literature, museum collections and large With only six of the presently recognized fif- private and institutional collections from teen families (Table 1), the European myga- regions all over the area of interest. More lomorph fauna is relatively poor. The myga- than five hundred specimens, including rep- lomorph distribution, when viewed at the resentatives of all Western Palearctic genera, family level appears as a pattern of curved were morphologically studied with the aid lines running in an east-west direction that of a Ceti-Medo 2 binocular microscope in are separated with respect to their north- order to assess the European mygalomorph ern latitudes (Fig. 3). From this perspective diversity and to produce a determination mygalomorph families seem to have repopu- key for European mygalomorph species now lated Europe from the south over a broad in preparation. These data were amassed in front after the melting of the last permafrost a Microsoft Access Data Base and analyzed of the younger Dryas some 11.500 years ago. for distribution and diversity with the aid of Focusing on the and species levels, DIVA-GIS geographical computer program however, the situation is more complex and (Hijmans et al. 2005). The resulting distribu- more informative. tion maps were reviewed in reference to cur- rent knowledge of the Pleistocene history of Atypidae (Fig. 4) Europe (Fig. 2) and the repopulation of the The Atypidae, probably thanks to their cap- central and northern parts of the continent acity to balloon, have the broadest extent in after the last glaciation (for a comprehensive Europe being distributed all over the con- 8

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Fig. 3. Broadly east-west running curved dashed lines indicate the northern limits of the distribu- tions of the six mygalomorph spider families occurring in Europe.

Fig. 3. Broadly east-west running curved dashed lines indicate the northern limits of the distributions of the six mygalomorph spider families occurring in Europe.

Fig. 4. Distribution of the genus Atypus in Europe (as based on the currently included data points). Dashed line indicates latest permafrost front (see Fig 2). Block arrows indicate supposed Holocene dispersal routes of three Atypus species into formerly frozen territory. Fig. 4. Distribution of the genus Atypus in Europe (as based on the currently included data points). Dashed line indicates latest permafrost front (see Fig 2). Block arrows indicate supposed Holocene dispersal routes of three Atypus species into formerly frozen territory. Decae: Patterns of distribution and diversity in European mygalomorph spiders 4 5 tinent with exception of the most northern peated close coexistence of cork- and wafer- parts. Their distribution reaches far into the door strategies in many Nemesia populations latest permafrost coverage of the continent (Moggridge 1873, Decae 1996). and can therefore best be explained as the re- sult of a relatively recent Holocene dispersal Cyrtaucheniidae (Fig. 6) event. This hypothesis gains further sup- Although more restricted to the south-west, port from the low diversity observed within the European Cyrtaucheniidae appear to the Atypidae with just one genus, Atypus have a somewhat similar evolutionary his- Latreille, 1804, and three species broadly tory as the Nemesiidae. Here also we see distributed in eastern, central and western restricted species ranges and high species ranges. It has been suggested that the Aty- diversity (Platnick 2008). However, too lit- pus species have survived the last ice-age in tle is currently known about cyrtaucheniid three isolated southern refuge populations , occurrence and behaviour to draw in the Iberian Peninsula, the Southern Bal- further conclusions about survival capacity, kans and a region near the Caspian Sea re- ecological or behavioral versatility or to sug- spectively (e.g. Schwendinger 1990). gest prospective research programs for this group. Nemesiidae (Fig. 5) The Nemesiidae do not occur north of the Ctenizidae (Fig. 7) Alpine mountain ranges. Apparently they The focus of diversity in the European Cten- did not colonize the former permafrost re- izidae is on the genus, rather than on the spe- gions of central and northern Europe as Aty- cies level. This might indicate an older evo- pus did. Also in contrast to the Atypidae the lutionary history, not so much influenced by European Nemesiidae are very diverse with Pleistocene glaciations, as by tectonic events three genera and over sixty species known that shaped the present day geography of (Platnick 2008). The limited species ranges the Mediterranean region. This hypothesis and great species diversity in the Nemesii- gains support from the observation that the dae are believed to indicate a very limited three European ctenizid genera, Ummidia capacity for dispersal combined with a very Thorell, 1875, Cteniza Latreille, 1829 and strong potential for surviving adverse con- Cyrtocarenum Ausserer, 1871, are all locally ditions. The idea is that Nemesiidae in Eur- restricted and widely separated in space. ope have been repeatedly ‘pushed back’ into Each genus occurs solely in one specific geo- small fragmented and isolated refuge popu- logical and geographical region. Ummidia is lations in a series of Pleistocene glaciations restricted to the south of the Iberian Penin- that have hit the continent in the past 1.5 sula and adjacent geologically related (Ager million years, and that these ongoing cycles 1980) areas of North Africa. Cteniza inhabits of fragmentation and isolation have lasted the Tyrrhenian islands and a narrow strip of sufficiently long for extensive diversifica- continent along the northern shores of the tion and speciation to have occurred. Their Tyrrhenian Sea. Cyrtocarenum is centered in apparent strong capacity for survival might the Aegean region and has as yet not been explain the current presence of Nemesia spe- found outside and Western Anatolia. cies at high altitudes, approaching 2000 m, These areas all correspond to geologically in the Alps and the Pyrenees. Prospective re- recognized ‘microplates’ (Ager 1980) and search programs into the evolutionary back- the present distributions of European cten- grounds of nemesiid ecology and behaviour izids are probably best explained in terms could be developed, for instance to study of vicariance biogeography (Platnick 1976). the apparent character displacement in sym- The European ctenizids therefore seem to patric Nemesia species as for example the re- offer good opportunities for studies in bio- 10

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Fig. 5. Distribution of the Nemesiidae in Europe (as based on the currently included data points). Dashed line indicates latest permafrost front (see Fig. 2). Numbers of recognized species in the three genera are: Iberesia (squares) three, Nemesia (circles) approx. sixty, Brachythele (triangles) four. Fig. 5. Distribution of the Nemesiidae in Europe (as based on the currently included data points). Dashed line indicates latest permafrost front (see Fig. 2). Numbers of recognized species in the three genera are: Iberesia (squares) three, Nemesia (circles) approx. sixty, Brachythele (triangles) four.

Fig. 6. Distribution of the genus Cyrtauchenius in Europe (as based on the currently included data points). Dashed line indicates latest permafrost front (see Fig. 2). Number of recognized species in Cyrtauchenius currently is sixteen (Platnick 2008). Fig. 6. Distribution of the genus Cyrtauchenius in Europe (as based on the currently included data points). Dashed line indicates latest permafrost front (see Fig. 2). Numbers of recognized species in Cyrtauchenius currently is sixteen (Platnick 2008). 12

Decae: Patterns of distribution and diversity in European mygalomorph spiders 4 7

Fig. 7. Distribution of Ctenizidae in Europe (as based on the currently included data points). DashedFig. 7. Distributionline indicates latestof Ctenizidae permafrost in frontEurope (see (as Fig based2). Three on genera the currently are separated included in space; data Ummidiapoints). (squares)Dashed lineNW Africaindicates + southern latest permafrostIberia, Cteniza front (circles) (see Tyrrhenian Fig 2). Three region, genera Cyrtocare are- numseparated (triangles) in space;Aegean Ummidiaregion. (squares) NW Africa + southern Iberia, Cteniza (circles) Tyrrhenian region, Cyrtocarenum (triangles) Aegean region. and phylogeography. Their localized occur- fact that Chaetopelma has recently been re- rence may furthermore indicate that it here ported from Greece (personal observation) concerns remnant populations that deserve seems to support this idea, although it can- attention from a conservation point of view. not be ruled out that here it concerns a man mediated introduction. The genus Ischnoco- Theraphosidae (Fig. 8) lus differs from Chaetopelma in exhibiting a Theraphosidae, with two genera Ischnocolus considerable localized species diversity in Ausserer, 1871 and Chaetopelma Ausserer, the Mediterranean region (Platnick 2008) 1871, occur over a wide front in the southern- that might indicate a Pleistocene isolation most parts of Europe and directly adjacent and fragmentation of refuge populations regions. A recent revision of Chaetopelma as described above for Nemesiidae and (Guadanucci & Galton 2008) shows that the Cyrtaucheniidae. However, Ischnocolus is at species diversity in this genus is low (three present insufficiently studied and a revision or four species) and the distribution range, of the genus might provide more clarity. extending all over the Middle East and as far south as the , is comparatively Hexathelidae (Fig. 9) large. As in Atypus, these two factors com- The Hexathelidae are represented in Europe bined (low diversity and wide distribution) with one genus, Ausserer, 1871 may argue for dispersal as the main factor and just two species. The world distribution shaping the present day distribution. The of Macrothele shows some peculiar disjunc- 13

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Fig. 8. Distribution of Theraphosidae in Europe (as based on the currently included data points). Fig.Dashed 8. Distribution line indicates of latest Theraphosidae permafrost front in Europe (see Fig (as 2). based Two genera on the are currently separated included in space; dataIschnocolus points). (squares) Dashed twelve line regional indicates species latest (Platnick permafrost 2008) western front Mediterranean,(see Fig 2). Two Chaetopelma genera are separated(triangles) three in space; species Ischnocolus (Guadanucci & (squares) Galton 2008) twelve eastern regional Mediterranean. species (Platnick 2008) western Mediterranean, Chaetopelma (triangles) three species (Guadanucci & Galton 2008) eastern Mediterranean. tions. The centre of diversity for this genus, Peninsula in northern Italy (Pantini & Isaia with 20 recognized species, is in South-East in press) and in Belgium (personal observa- Asia. A second area of distribution with four tion). These findings show the likelihood of recorded species exists in West Africa. The M. calpeiana to be transported by man, possi- third area of distribution is in South Europe bly as an unintentional ‘stowaway’ with the where two isolated species occur; one on the export of garden materials or plants such as Iberian Peninsula and one on Western Crete. ornamental olive trees (as is reported for the It is very difficult to explain this distribu- Italian records, Pantini pers. comm.). Anoth- tion in terms of geological, geographical, er fact that might explain recent outlaying historical or biological arguments as used records of M. calpeiana is that the species has above. A recent molecular study of Macrothele attracted some general publicity as the only calpeiana (Arnedo & Ferrández 2006) has in- formally protected spider species in Europe. dicated that this particular species is a very This might have encouraged intentional old Iberian endemic. The peculiar distribu- transport by collectors of illegal spe- tion of two isolated Macrothele species in cies. In general, however, the question of Mediterranean coastal areas, however, rather Macrothele being an old endemic element in seems to suggest a recent man aided import the European mygalorph fauna or a recent of the genus into the European fauna. This man aided introduction awaits further re- idea is further supported by recent findings search. of M. calpeiana far away from the Iberian 14

Decae: Patterns of distribution and diversity in European mygalomorph spiders 4 9

Fig. 9. Distribution of the genus Macrothele in Europe (as based on the currently included data Fig.points). 9. Distribution Dashed line ofindicates the genus latest Macrothelepermafrost front in Europe (see Fig (as2). Twobased species on theare currentlyseparated in includedspace; M. data calpeiana points). (squares), Dashed southern line Iberiaindicates with probablylatest permafrost man aided transportsfront (see into Fig northern 2). Two speciesItaly and are Belgium, separated M. cretica in space; (triangles) M. restrictedcalpeiana to (squares)western Crete., southern Iberian with probably man aided transports into northern Italy and Belgium, M. cretica (triangles) restrictedCONCLUSIONS to western Crete. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS From reading their present distributions the This study would not have been possible Atypidae in Europe seem to be a clear case without the cooperation of Pedro Car- of Holocene dispersal. The Nemesiidae and doso, Paolo Pantini, Maria Chatzaki, Rob Cyrtaucheniidae appear to be responding Bosmans, Siegfied Huber, Johan van Keer, to glacial cycles with building up diversity Francesca di Franco, Fulvio Gasparo, Peter in situ through repeated fragmentation, iso- Jäger, Wolfgang Nentwig and Jiri Kral who lation and speciation. The Ctenizidae ap- all provided specimens, sometimes in large pear to be old relict populations confined collections, for this study. My thanks also go to distinct tectonic regions. The Theraphosi- to the several people who have sent, shown dae seem to show evidence of dispersal in or given me individual specimen for identi- Chaetopelma and of building diversity in re- fication and to the organizing committee of sponse to glacial cycles in Ischnocolus. The the 22th European Congress of Arachnology Hexathelidae could be very old endemics of for giving me the opportunity to present small, isolated regions in southern Europe, the data here published. I thank Jean-Pierre or recent man mediated imports. All these Mailfaet for providing the necessary facil- conclusions offer exciting opportunities for ities for this study and his constant support future research into the evolutionary back- and Nollie Hallensleben for correction of the grounds of the ecology and behaviour of manuscript. European mygalomorph spiders. 5 0 European Arachnology 2008

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