A Review of the Anti-Predator Devices of Spiders* Invaders Away Or Kill and Eat Them
Bull. Br. arachnol. Soc. (1995) 10 (3), 81-96 81 A review of the anti-predator devices of spiders* invaders away or kill and eat them. The pirate spiders (Mimetidae) that have been studied feed almost J. L. Cloudsley-Thompson exclusively on other spiders, whilst certain Salticidae 10 Battishill Street, (Portia spp.) feed not only upon insects, but sometimes London Nl 1TE also on other jumping spiders, and even tackle large orb-weavers in their webs (see below). Several other Summary families and genera, including Archaeidae, Palpimanus (Palpimanidae), Argyrodes and Theridion (Theridiidae), The predators of spiders are mostly either about the and Chorizopes (Araneidae) contain species that include same size as their prey (arthropods) or much larger (vertebrates), against each of which different types of de- other spiders in their diet. Sexual cannibalism has been fence have evolved. Primary defences include anachoresis, reviewed by Elgar (1992). Other books in which the phenology, crypsis, protective resemblance and disguise, enemies of spiders are discussed include: Berland (1932), spines and warning coloration, mimicry (especially of ants), Bristowe (1958), Cloudsley-Thompson (1958, 1980), cocoons and retreats, barrier webs, web stabilimenta and Edmunds (1974), Gertsch (1949), Main (1976), Millot detritus, and communal webs. Secondary defences are flight, dropping to the ground, colour change and thanatosis, (1949), Preston-Mafham, R. & K. (1984), Savory (1928), web vibration, whirling and bouncing, autotomy, venoms Thomas (1953) and Wise (1993). (For earlier references, and defensive fluids, urticating setae, warning sounds and see Warburton, 1909). deimatic displays. The anti-predator adaptations of spiders The major predators of spiders fall into two cate- are extremely complex, and combinations of the devices gories: (a) those about the same size as their prey (mainly listed frequently occur.
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