Cities and the Grand Tour: the British in Italy, C
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02050-4 - Cities and the Grand Tour: The British in Italy, c. 1690–1820 Rosemary Sweet Index More information Index Abbot, Charles Bentham, Sarah, 17, 102 on Bernini, 61 observations on the everyday, 44–5 on coffee houses in Venice, 214 on Rome, 35 on Florence, 86, 277 on social life in Rome, 39–40, 140 on the Medici as merchants, 89 on Venice, 213 on museum at Portici, 50 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 61 on Naples, 178, 181, 193 Berry, Mary, 34, 44, 52, 56, 136, 142, 187, on prints of Florence, 68 242, 264 on Venice, 58, 211, 230 Berwick, Anna Vernon, Baronness, 26 Academy of Cortona, 85 Bianchini, Giuseppe, 117 Addison, Joseph, Remarks on Several Parts Blainville, Henry de, 99, 158, 221 of Italy, 5, 6, 12, 16 Blathwayt, John, 158 on Naples, 185 Bologna, 44, 53 on Rome, 109, 112, 154 Palazzo Bovi, 57 on Siena, 241 Palazzo Zampieri, 53, 54 on Venice, 204, 226, 228, 234 Piazza Nettuno, 59 Alison, Archibald, 24 Boswell, James, 16, 18, 30, 36, 191, Amiens, Peace of, 10, 12 194, 223 anglophilia, 80 Bowman, Walter, 137, 209, 227 antiquarianism Boyd, Henry, 97 developments in, 282–5 Brand, Thomas, 210 and travel writing, 6 Breval, John, Remarks on Several Parts of archaeology, development of in Rome, Europe (1726), 6 113–22 Breval, John, Remarks on Several Parts of Ariosto, Ludovico, 36 Europe (1738) Armitage, Whaley, 18, 153, 264 on Florence, 58, 86 Artaud, William, 253 on Florentine effeminacy, 87 Assisi, 257 on Naples, 172, 261 Ayscough, George, Letters from an Officer Broderick, Thomas, Travels of Thomas in the
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