Newsletter of the Alaska Entomological Society Volume 10, Issue 1, May 2017 In this issue: DNA barcoding Alaska’s butterflies . 10 Notes on using LifeScanner for DNA-based iden- Upcoming Events . .1 tification of non-marine macroinvertebrates . 18 Western Flower Thrips and Alaska . .3 Highlights of the 10th annual meeting of the Orthosia hibisci (Guenée), the speckled green fruit- Alaska Entomological Society . 27 worm: confirmed causing extensive hardwood defoliation in Southcentral and Western Alaska5 Upcoming Events Figure 1: Graphic from Kluane Bioblitz flyer. Kluane BioBlitz, June 23–25, 2017 tional Park and Reserve. If you’d like more informa- tion, contact Bruce Bennett at
[email protected]. Come join us for the Yukon’s BioBlitz in the Kluane re- Project website: gion. All are welcome to participate for the event which is kluane-bioblitz-2017-bioblitz-de-kluane-2017. part of Canada’s 150th anniversary celebrations. BioBlitz Canada and the Canadian Wildlife Federation are sup- porting a series of public BioBlitz’s across the nation and Eleventh Annual Meeting, January 2018 the Yukon Conservation Data Centre and Parks Canada in partnership with the Kluane First Nation and Cham- The eleventh annual meeting of the Alaska Entomologi- pagne and Aishihik First Nations are hosting the Yukon’s cal Society will take place in Anchorage in January 2018. 150BioBlitz in the Kluane area, including the Kluane Na- Check for updates on our events page as the meeting date approaches. Volume 10, Issue 1, May 2017 2 Western Flower Thrips and Alaska doi:10.7299/X7ST7Q01 of obligate diapause, and cryptic habit (Kirk and Terry, 2003).