TO: Recipients of the Minutes of the June 20-22 and 28, 1990, Meeting of the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees

Attached are the proposed minutes of the June 20-22 and June 28, 1990, Meeting of the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees.

These minutes will become "official" when approved by the Board of Trustees at its next scheduled meeting (September 30-0ctober 4, 1990 in Indianapolis, Indiana).

Sincerely, /'. /' ·/J

I ~ [/~ -- ~ , W. Krepinevich International Secretary





June 20-22 and 28, 1990

Exhibit Number

Approval of Minutes of May 2-6, 1990, Board Meeting ...... 2 Approval of Minutes of Executive Committee Conference Ca 11 , May 2 0 , 19 9 0 ...... • ...... 2 1 Approval of Minutes of Executive Committee Conference Call, June 4, 1990 ...... 2 2 Message of President ...... 2 3 Message of President-elect ...... 2 4 Message of Secretary ...... 2 5 Report of Treasurer ...... 2 6 Administrative Action ...... 3 7 Approval of Changes to International Committees for 1990-91 ...... 3 8 Preliminary Report of Finance Committee ...... 3 9 Administration ...... 3 10 Procedure 112.2 Amended -- Administration ...... 3 Fixed Income Investment Objectives Revised for Pension Plan ...... 4 Education and Program Development ...... • • ...... 4 11 Approval of Overexpenditure of European Leadership Training Line Item ...... 4 Finance ...... • ...... 4 12 Approval of 1990-91 Capital Improvements Budget ...... 5 13 Motion Tabled to Amend Procedure 892.le -- Allowance (Mi le age) ...... 5 Long Range Planning ...... 5 14 Procedure 112.7 Amended -- Long Range Planning ...... 5 Retreat Planned for January 1991 Board Meeting ...... 6 Sponsored Programs ...... • ...... 6 15 Approval for Circle K Marketing/New Club Building Video . 6 Approval of 1990· K-Family Conferences East and West ..... 6 Builders Clubs Placed on Revoked List ...... 7 16 Builders Clubs Placed on Suspended List ...... 7 17 Kiwanianne Clubs Placed on Revoked List ...... 7 18 Kiwanianne Clubs Placed on Suspended List ....•...... 7 19 Member Services, Internationalization, and Extension ...... 7 20 Greece Authorized for Extension ...... •...... 7 Procedure 408.1 Amended -- Minimum Number of Clubs and Members for Council, Provisional District, Interim District, and Designated District ...... •...... 8 -ii-

Exhibit Number

Procedure 408.3 Amended Full District Status 8 Procedure 408. 4 Amended Services ...... 8 Procedure 408.6 Amended Principles Applying to Council, Provisional District, Interim District, and Designated District ...... 10 Republic of Korea Granted Provisional District Status ... 11 Procedure 122.4 Amended -- Official Recognition of a New District ...... • ...... 11 Award Created to Recognize Outstanding Performance by Kiwanians or Clubs ...... 11 Flagship Pilot Project ...... 11 Procedure 304.7 Amended -- New Club Petition and Processing ...... 12 Kiwanis Clubs of Nyssa and Ontario, Oregon, Added to Utah-Idaho District ...... 12 Communications and Conventions ...... 13 21 100% Registration Incentive Revised for Future International Conventions ...... 13 Approval of Official Program for 1990 St. Louis International Convention ...... 13 22 Quotas for Anaheim Convention Reduced for Iceland, Austria, and Germany Districts ...... 13 Procedures 905 and Amended -- Travel Management 13 Executive Committee ...... 14 23 Employment Contract with International Secretary ...... 14 Procedure 112.1 Amended -- Executive ...... 14 Policies, Procedures, and Structures ...... •.... 14 24 New Procedure 1101 -- Invitations to First Meeting of Council ...... 14 Procedure 132 Amended -- Associate Secretary Emeritus ... 15 Procedure 134 Amended -- Secretary Emeritus ...... 15 Procedure Amended -- Allowance (for Former Staff Holding Emeritus Status) ...... 15 Willy 0stholt, European Federation President ...... 16 R. Tyler Bland, KI Foundation President ...... 16 KI Foundation Allowed to Pursue Alternate Funding Sources .. 16 Proposed Amendment No. 1 for St. Louis Convention Withdrawn. 16 25 Proposed Amendment No. 3 for St. Louis Convention Withdrawn. 16 25 Appreciation to Staff ...... 17 Report of KI Foundation President ...... •... 17 26 Report of Past International Presidents Committee ...... 17 27 Executive Committee ...... 18 28 Revised Priority List of Grants-for 1990-91 ...... 18 Finance ...... • ...... • ...... 18 29 1990-91 Operating Fund Budget Adopted ...... 18 1990-91 Magazine Fund Budget Adopted ...... 18 1990-91 International Convention Fund Budget Adopted .... 18 1990-91 General Liability Insurance Fund Adopted ...... 18 1990-91 Capital Improvements Fund Budget Adopted ...... 18 International Board Approves Proposed Employment Contract for International Secretary ...... 19 Distribution of Materials for 1990-91 by President- Designate Blechman ...... 19 30 Proposed Calendar of Events for 1990-91 Proposed Calendar for 1990-91 President W. J. Blechman 1990-91 Board Counselors to Districts 1990 and Spring 1991 District Convention Assignments -iii- Exhibit Number 1990-91 Board Committees 1990-91 International Officer List Next Board Meeting, September 30-0ctober 4 and 7, 1990 19 Adjournment Sine Die ...... • 19 MINUTES



JUNE 20-22 and 28, 1990

A meeting of the Board of Trustees of Kiwanis International was held at the Adam's Mark Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri, June 20-22 and 28, 1990. Those present: Noris A. Lusche, President; W. J. "Wil" Blechman, M.D., President-elect; Gene R. Overholt, Immediate Past President; C. A. Dillon, Jr. and William L. Lieber, Vice-Presidents; John D. Morton, Sr., Treasurer; Kevin W. Krepinevich, Secretary; A. S. "Buddy" Ammar, Andrew Batsis, D.M.D., Joe L. Griffeth, M.D., Robert L. Mccurley, Jr., Glenn E. Muggelberg, Don Miles, J.D., Ian Perdriau, Eyjolfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson, Kenneth W. Smith, D.C., Arthur D. Swanberg, Kun-Hua "Jeffery" Tseng, Robert E. Wales, Trustees.

Also present were: Willy Ostholt, European Federation President; R. Tyler Bland, Kiwanis International Foundation President; Donald R. Collins, Assistant Secretary for Finance and Management Information Services; Larry J. Horney, Assistant Secretary for Communications; John E. Merski, Jr., Assistant Secretary for Human Resources; W. Thomas Nelson, Jr., Assistant Secretary for Membership; James P. Tinsley, Jr., Assistant Secretary for Sponsored Programs; and A.G. Terry Shaffer, Assistant to the International Secretary. -2-

The meeting was called to order by President Noris A. Lusche on Thursday, June 21, 1990, at 1:00 p.m. The invocation was given by Trustee Don Miles, J.D.

A scrapbook of the 1988-89 administrative year was given to Immediate Past President Gene R. Overholt.

Secretary Kevin W. Krepinevich presented the minutes of the Meeting of the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees held in Indianapolis, Indiana, May 2-6, 1990.

Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was:

RESOLVED, That the minutes of the Board Meeting held May 2-6, APPROVAL OF 1990, be,approved. MINUTES OF MAY 2-6, 1990, BOARD MEETING Secretary Krepinevich presented the minutes of the Executive Committee Special Meeting, Sunday, May 20, 1990.

Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was: APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF RESOLVED, That the minutes of the Executive CoDDRittee Special EXECUTIVE Meeting held by conference telephone call on Sunday, May 20, COMMITTEE 1990, be approved. (See "Exhibit 1.") CONFERENCE CALL, MAY 20, 1990

Secretary Krepinevich presented the minutes of the Executive Committee Special Meeting, Monday, June 4, 1990. APPROVAL OF Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was: MINUTES OF EXECUTIVE RESOLVED, That the minutes of the Executive CoDDRittee Special COMMITTEE Meeting held by conference telephone call on Monday, June 4, CONFERENCE 1990, be approved. (See "Exhibit 2.") CALL, JUNE 4, 1990

The Message of the President was presented by Noris A. Lusche MESSAGE OF and is attached as "Exhibit 3." PRESIDENT

The Message of the President-elect was presented by W. J. "Wil" MESSAGE OF Blechman and is attached as "Exhibit 4." PRESIDENT­ ELECT The Message of the Secretary was presented by Kevin W. Krepinevich and is attached as "Exhibit 5." MESSAGE OF SECRETARY The Report of the Treasurer was presented by John D. Morton, Sr. and is attached as "Exhibit 6." REPORT OF TREASURER -3-

The Board reviewed the report of the Administrative Action taken by staff since the last Board meeting. Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was:

RESOLVED, That the Administrative Action taken by staff since ADMINIS­ the last Board Meeting he approved. (See "Exhibit 7.") TRATIVE ACTION

Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was: APPROVAL RESOLVED, That the Changes to the International Committees for OF CHANGES 11 1990-91 he approved. (See "Exhibit 8. ) TO INTER­ NATIONAL COMMITTEES FOR 1990-91 The Preliminary Report of the Finance Committee was presented by Trustee Arthur D. Swanberg. (See "Exhibit 9.") PRELIMINARY REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE The Report of the Board Committee on Administration, Gene R. Overholt, Chairman, was presented. (See "Exhibit 10.") ADMINISTRA- TION It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That Procedure 112.2 he amended-. PROCEDURE 112.2 Procedure 112.2 - Administration AMENDED -- ADMIN­ a. Personnel - Personnel policies and procedures, including ISTRATION employee benefit programs. (10/5/86) (1/20-26/88)

b. International Office - International Office costs, opera­ tions and procedures, including management information services. (10/5/86) (1/20-26/88)

c. Property Building, office furniture and equipment requirements, operating costs and maintenance. (10/5/86)

d. Supplies - Marketing, inventory, and operating procedures of the Supplies Department, including the sale of Kiwanis supplies outside the United States and Canada. (10/5/86)

e. Travel - Review of all arrangements and travel management procedures.

f. Non-Dues Revenue - Review of all internal and external guidelines regarding current and future development of programs.

(Referred to Board Committee on Policies, Procedures, and Structures.) -4-

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That the Fixed Income Investment Objectives for the FIXED Pension Plan be revised as follows: INCOME INVESTMENT 4) TYPES OF ASSETS OBJECTIVES REVISED In order to provide the investment manager with the FOR PENSION freedom to invest in various types of assets, the PLAN following items are expressly approved for investment purposes:

U.S. Governmental Securities CoDDDercial Paper Bonds with tu\..\ rating or Higher Bonds A rated or better, with A rated corporates not to exceed 25% of the portfolio. · Additionally, the average weighted quality of the bond portfolio must be AA or better at all times. Money Market Funds CODDDon Stock Convertible Securities Preferred Stock

This completed the action on the recommendations of the Board Committee on Administration and the report was received.

EDUCATION The Report of the Board Committee on Education and Program Develop­ AND PROGRAM ment, John D. Morton, Sr., Chairman, was presented. ( See DEVELOPMENT "Exhibit 11. ")

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows: APPROVAL RESOLVED, That the Education Department be authorized to over­ OF OVER­ spend European Leadership Training, Line Item 143-72O3~O1-Adminis­ EXPENDITURE tration International, by $6,500. OF· EUROPEAN LEADERSHIP TRAINING LINE ITEM This completed the action on the recommendations of the Board Committee on Education and Program Development and the report was received.

The Report of the Board Committee on Finance, Arthur D.. Swanberg, FINANCE Chairman, was presented. (See "Exhibit 12.") It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows: APPROVAL OF 1990-91 RESOLVED, That approval be given to the 1990-91 Capital CAPITAL Improvements budget in the amount of $134,146. ( See "Exhibit IMPROVEMENTS 13. II) BUDGET

It was moved by the Committee that Procedure 892. le be amended, MOTION to become effective October 1, 1990. TABLED TO AMEND Procedure 892.1 - Allowance PROCEDURE 892.1 -­ e. When official travel is made by automobile, a mileage ALLOWANCE allowance of twenty five cents ($ • 25) twenty-three (MILEAGE) cents ($ .23) per mile by the most direct route shall be approved. This cost shall not exceed the cost of air coach transportation between the same points.

(This motion was tabled.)

This completed the action on the recommendations of the Board Committee on Finance and the report was received.

The Report of the Board Committee on Long Range Planning, Robert LONG RANGE L. Mccurley, Jr., Chairman, was presented. (See "Exhibit 14.") PL.ANNING

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That Procedure 112.7 be amended. PROCEDURE 112. 7 Procedure 112.7 - Long Range Planning AMENDED -­ LONG RANGE a. Develop, implement, review, and evaluate the conceptual PL.ANNING goals of the Kiwanis Long Range Planning Program. See Section 116.

b. Assist other Board committees in the development, imple­ mentation, and review of conceptual goals, operating objectives, action strategies and action statements.

c. This Committee shall be chaired by the President and shall be composed of the President, President-elect, Treasurer, both Vice-Presidents, Innnediate Past President, and such other Board member(s) as shall be appointed by the President.

(Referred to Board Committee on Policies, Procedures, and Structures.) -6-

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees attend a retreat to discuss RETREAT board governance, goal orientation, priority setting, and the PLANNED organization's structure and functions. The retreat is to be FOR JANUARY held in conjunction with the January 1991 Board meeting. 1991 BOARD MEETING AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the International Secretary be authorized to contract with Dr. John Carver to serve as facilitator, or such other person as determined by the 1990-91 International President. The International Secretary is authorized to select and contract with a conference center for the retreat.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That up to $6,250 be included in the 1990-91 budget to cover the expenses of the retreat and the employing of a facilitator. Attendance is to be limited to the International Board and the International Secretary.

This completed the action on the recommendations of the Board Committee on Long Range Planning and the report was received.

The Report of the Board Committee on Sponsored Programs, Don SPONSORED Miles, J.D., Chairman, was presented. (See "Exhibit 15.") PROGRAMS

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That approval be given to a Circle K marketing/new APPROVAL club building video not to exceed $22,063 with the following FOR CIRCLE funding: K MARKETING/ NEW CLUB Circle K non-subsidized budget accounts: BUILDING 161-7463-003 $11,030 in 1990-91 VIDEO 161-6412-008 $(5,115) in 1990-91

161-7463-003 $11,033 in 1991-92 161-6412-008 $(5,115) in 1991-92

Circle K subsidized budget accounts: 165-8596-002 $ 5,515 in 1990-91 165-8596-002 - $ 5,515 in 1991-92

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows: APPROVAL OF 1990 K-FAMILY RESOLVED, That approval be given to conduct K-Family Conference CONFERENCES East, October 26-28, 1990, in Edison, New Jersey; and K-Family EAST AND Conference West, November 10~1z 1990, in Vanderwagen, New Mexico. WEST -7-

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows: BUILDERS CLUBS PLACED RESOLVED, That the Builders Clubs for which 1988-89 and 1989-90 ON REVOKED sponsorship fees have not been received be placed on the revoked LIST list and be revoked unless sponsorship fees are paid as of September 30, 1990. (See "Exhibit 16. ")

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows: BUILDERS CLUBS PLACED RESOLVED, That the Builders Clubs for which a 1989-90 sponsorship ON SUSPENDED fee has not been received be placed on the suspended list unless LIST sponsorship fees are paid as of September 30, 1990. (See "Exhibit 17.")

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows: KIWANIANNE CLUBS PLACED RESOLVED, That Kiwanianne clubs for which 1988-89 and 1989-90 ON REVOKED sponsorship fees have not been rece'ived be placed on the revoked LIST list and be revoked unless sponsorship fees are paid as of Septem­ ber 30, 1990. (See "Exhibit 18. ")

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows: KIWANIANNE CLUBS PLACED RESOLVED, That the Kiwanianne clubs for which a 1989-90 sponsorship ON SUSPENDED fee has not been received be placed on the suspended list unless LIST sponsorship fees are paid as of September 30, 1990. (See "Exhibit 19.")

This completed the action on the recommendations of the Board Committee on Sponsored Programs and the report was received.

MEMBER The Report of the Board Committee on Member Services, Internation­ SERVICES, alization, and Extension, Kenneth W. Smith, D.C., Chairman, was INTERNATION­ presented. ( See "Exhibit 20. ") ALIZATION, AND EXTENSION It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That Greece be authorized for extension. GREECE AUTHORIZED FOR EXTENSION

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That Procedures 408.1, 408.3, 408.4, and 408.6 be amended. -8-

Procedure 408.1 - Minimum Number of Clubs and Members for Council, PROCEDURE Provisional District, Interim District, and 408.1 Designated District AMENDED -­ MINIMUM When deemed in the best interests of Kiwanis International NUMBER OF and the Kiwanis clubs involved, the Kiwanis International CLUBS AND Board may grant authority to a group of not less than ten MEMBERS (10) Kiwanis clubs in good standing in non-districted areas FOR with a minimum of 408 300 paid members having compatible COUNCIL, geographic areas and customs to create a provisional -di"S"tri.~ PROVISIONAL council. With the Board's approval, a council may become DISTRICT, a provisional district when it attains a minimum of 500 INTERIM paid members and no less than 15 clubs in good standing; DISTRICT, a provisional district may become an interim district when AND DESIG­ it attains a minimum of 700 paid members and no less than NATED 20 clubs in good standing; and an interim district may become DISTRICT a designated district when it attains a minimum of 900 paid members and no less than 25 clubs in good standing.

Procedure 408.3 - Full District Status PROCEDURE 408.3 The provisional designated district -shai-½- have five years AMENDED -­ ff- eomply with the required 25 clubs and--¼-,--800 members FULL DIS­ neeessary---£er--ftt±l- distriet: s-tatus. 1!h:e- fi 1re year period TRICT -hegi.fl:S--6n---the--tiat:-e--p1!'6 1ri s iona l--s-ta-1:tts--i-s-a-ppro 1red hy the STATUS Beard-.--l-f requirements are not met within the five year1t, -the--p,ro1risional district will-revert-to non districted status. must retain the 900 paid members and 25 clubs in good standing for two consecutive semi-annual billings before being granted full district status.

Procedure 408.4 - Services PROCEDURE 408.4 Kiwanis International will provide non-districted areas, AMENDED -­ councils, provisional districts, interim districts, and SERVICES designated districts with services comparable to a regular distriet in accordance with their respective status. The International Board of Trustees may also authorize special services to assist non-districted areas, councils, provisional districts, interim districts, and designated districts to achieve full district status.

In general, appropriate services and support will be available as delineated below:

Non-Districted Area 1) Core Materials - less than 300* members 2) Limited Staff Support and - less than 10 clubs Assistance 3) KIAR Training Council 1) Expanded Growth Mat-eri-al-s­ 30(tk paid members and and · Prog·ram Support 10 clubs in good standing 2) Expanded Staff Support·· and· Assistance 3) KIAR Training 4) FSR Service (Part--timel

Provisional District 1) All Growth Materials· and 500* paid members and Program·Support 15 clubs in good standing 2) Full Staff. .Support--· and Assistance 3) KIAR Training 4) FSR Service (Full-time) 5) Lt. Governors Training 6) Attendance at Governors-elect Training Conference 7) Office Manager/Fiscal Agent 8) Subsidy for Growth, Adminis­ tration and Program Materials in Native Language

Interim District 1) All Growth Materials and 700* paid members and Program Support 20 clubs in good standing 2) Full Staff Support and Assistance 3) KIAR Training 4) FSR Service (Full-time) 5) Lt. Governors Training 6) Attendance at Governors-elect Training Conference 7) Office Manager/Fiscal Agent 8) Subsidy for Growth, Adminis­ tration and Program Materials in Native Language 9) Leadership Training Program 10) Attendance at International Council in October 11) Board Counselor Visit

Designated District 1) All Growth Materials and and Full District-k* Program Support 900* paid members and 2) Full Staff Support and 25 clubs in good standing Assistance 3) KIAR Training 4) FSR Service (Full-time) 5) Lt. Governors Training 6) Attendance at Governors-elect Training Conference 7) Office Manager/Fiscal Agent 8) Subsidy for Growth, Adminis­ tration, and Program Materials in Native Language 9) Leadership Training Program 10) Attendance at International Council in October 11) Board Counselor Visit 12) Subsidy for Office Equipment 13) Presidential Visit

* Certified Paid Membership on December land June l of each year. -k-k A Designated District must maintain 900 paid members and 25 clubs in good standing for a full administrative year before being granted full district status.

Procedure 408.6 - Principles Applying to Council, Provisional PROCEDURE District, Interim District, and Designated 408.6 District AMENDED -­ PRINCIPLES a. A council, provisional district, interim district, and desig­ APPLYING TO nated district or its board of trustees may not propose COUNCIL, amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws or submit resolutions PROVISIONAL for consideration by Kiwanis International. DISTRICT, INTERIM b. The officers of a council, provisional district, interim DISTRICT, district, and designated district are not eligible to AND DESIG­ participate in the Distinguished Governor or Distinguished NATED Lieutenant Governor award programs. DISTRICT c. The governor, governor-elect, lieutenant governors, treasurer, and secretary of a provisional district, interim district, and designated district are not delegates-at-large to a Kiwanis International Convention. d. A lieutenant governor or past lieutenant governor of a provi­ sional district, interim district, or designated district may not be a delegate representing a club other than his/her own at an International Convention. e. A provisional district, interim district, or designated district is not eligible to participate in the District Admin­ istrative Excellence Award Program. f. The governor of a provisional district is not a member of Council. g. A past governor of a provisional district, interim district, or designated district is not eligible to serve on the Board of Trustees or as a delegate-at-large to an International Convention unless the past governor has served as a governor of a district.

(Referred to Board Committee on Policies, Procedures, and Structures.) -11-

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That the Kiwanis clubs of the Republic of Korea be REPUBLIC OF granted Provisional District Status in accordance with Board KOREA Procedure 408. GRANTED PROVISIONAL DISTRICT STATUS It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That Procedure 122 be amended to provide a new Section, PROCEDURE 122.4. 122 AMENDED -- OFFICIAL Procedure 122.4 - Official Recognition of a New District RECOGNITION OF A NEW a. When a designated district has attained full district status DISTRICT in accordance with Procedure 408, recognition of that district may include visitation by the President of Kiwanis International or designee and appropriate gifts from Kiwanis International. b. Gifts shall include a banner for the new district and a gong and gavel appropriately engraved. c. If the district has a special celebration of the formation of the district, the President or designated representative should attend the celebration to bring greetings from Kiwanis International and present the gifts. This shall be planned in advance to coincide with existing travel cononitments within the region of the new district. d. If no special celebration is planned, then at the first district convention the President or the assigned Counselor to the district should bring greetings from Kiwanis International and present the gifts.

(Referred to Board Committee on Policies, Procedures, and Structures.)

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows: AWARD CREATED TO RECOGNIZE RESOLVED, That an award be created to recognize outstanding OUTSTANDING performance by Kiwanians or clubs. PERFORMANCE BY KIWANIANS OR CLUBS

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That the Flagship Pilot Project be endorsed but that FLAGSHIP Kiwanis International involvement in its implementation be limited PILOT to the following: PROJECT -12-

1. Upon request, staff will download relevant membership informa­ tion from the Kiwanis International mainframe for use by the Subcommittee and will duplicate pilot information diskettes.

2. Upon request, staff will duplicate and distribute materials . and correspondence relative to the pilot up to $3,000.

3. Staff will share with the Subcommittee relevant information from other membership-related research programs.

4. As requested, staff will observe the Subcommittee's work as time permits but will provide no additional administrative support beyond that described above.

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That Procedure 304.7 be amended to provide a new section PROCEDURE b. 304.7 AMENDED -­ Procedure 304.7 - New Club Petition and Processing NEW CLUB PETITION b. Any new clubs in an administrative year must be organized AND PROCESSING by September 30, reported to the International Office by­ October 3 of the next administrative year, and all· necessary­ documents and fees for such clubs received by Kiwanis Inter~­ national no later than November 30. New clubs fully -processed· before December 1 of the following administrative year will­ be credited toward the appropriate lieutenant governor·'s and governor's distinguished award criteria, and the additional membership will be counted for their year. If the required· papers and fees are not received before December -1· ·Of· · -the following year, the current lieutenant governor and· governor­ will receive distinguished award points for such clubsj- and· the additional membership will be counted for the new ·admin-· istrative year.

(Referred to Board Committee on Policies, Procedures, and Structures.)

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows: KIWANIS CLUBS OF RESOLVED, That the Kiwanis Club of Nyssa, Oregon, and the Kiwanis NYSSA AND Club of Ontario, Oregon, shall be, for administrative purposes, ONTARIO, considered clubs of the Utah-Idaho District effective October OREGON, 1, 1990. ADDED TO UTAH-IDAHO DISTRICT

This completed the action on the recommendations of the Board Committee on Member Services, Internationalization, and Ex tens ion and the report was received. -13-

The meeting recessed at 5:05 p.m. on Thursday, June 21, until Friday, June 22, 1990.

The meeting reconvened on Friday, June 22, at 9:00 a.m.

The Report of the Board Commit tee on Communications and COMMUNICATIONS Conventions, C.A. Dillon, Jr., Chairman, was presented. (See AND CONVEN­ "Exhibit 21.") TIONS

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That the 100% registration incentive be revised for 100% REG­ future International conventions beginning with the 1991 Anaheim ISTRATION Convention. The new incentive would state that any club in good INCENTIVE standing that registers 100% of its active member~ by May 1 by REVISED sending a "lump sum" check and appropriate registration forms FOR FUTURE to the International Office would pay a registration fee of $20 INTER­ per Kiwanian. Spouse registration would be complimentary, provided NATIONAL the spouse is not also a Kiwanian. CONVENTIONS

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows: APPROVAL OF OFFICIAL RESOLVED, That the Official Program for the 1990 St. Louis Inter­ PROGRAM FOR national Convention be approved. (See "Exhibit 22.") 1990 ST. LOUIS CONVENTION

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That the Iceland, Austria, and Germany Districts be QUOTAS FOR given an exception to procedures regarding attendance quotas ANAHEIM for the 1991 Anaheim Convention. The Iceland_ District's quota CONVENTION would be reduced from 26 to 10. The Austria District and the REDUCED FOR Germany District would be assigned a quota of 5 each. ICELAND, AUSTRIA, AND GERMANY DISTRICTS It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That Procedure 905, Travel Management Procedures, and PROCEDURES Procedure 892. la(l), Transport.ation Allowance, be amended. 905 AND AMENDED -­ TRAVEL MANAGEMENT -14-

Any upgrades in class of service are made at the expense of the individual except for travel exceeding rir ten hours of continuous flight, for which business class, or if not available, first class, is permitted. This procedure does not apply to fights on the North American continent, and it only applies to all members of the International Board of Trustees and spouses.

This completed the action on the recommendations of the Board Committee on Communications and Conventions and the report was received.

The Report of the Executive Committee, Noris A. Lusche, Chairman, EXECUTIVE was presented. (See "Exhibit 23.") COMMITTEE

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows: EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees authorize the Executive WITH INTER­ Committee to enter into a contract with the International Secretary NATIONAL to be signed by the International President by October 1, 1990, SECRETARY and that Procedure 112.1 be amended.

Procedure 112.1 - Executive PROCEDURE 112.1 b. Personnel - Review personnel matters...!.. and- approve the AMENDED -­ compensation paid to the International Secretary and EXECUTIVE execute an employment contract with the International Secretary and Assistant Scc~etarics. (10/5-9/86)

(Referred to Board Committee on Policies, Procedures, and Structures.

The Report of the Board Committee on Policies, Procedures, and POLICIES, Structures, William L. Lieber, Chairman, was presented. (See PROCEDURES, "Exhibit 24.") AND STRUCTURES

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That new Procedure 1101 be adopted in a new Section T: NEW PROCEDURE 1101--­ Procedure 1100 - Kiwanis International Council Meetings INVITATIONS TO FIRST 1101 - Invitations to First Meeting of Council MEETING OF COUNCIL a. In addition to members of Council as specified in Article X, Section 2, of the Constitution, invitations -15-

to attend the first meeting of Council shall be limited to the following (with spouses, if applicable): International Committee Chairmen, Host Chairman of the next International Convention, Circle K Inter­ national President, Key Club International President, widows of Past International Presidents, individuals and · widows of individuals who have been granted emeritus status by the Kiwanis International Board or the Kiwanis International Foundation Board, District Secretaries, and the Kiwanis International Foundation Board.

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That Procedure 132 be amended as follows: PROCEDURE 132 AMENDED Procedure 132 - Associate Secretary Emeritus -- ASSOCIATE SECRETARY Establishment of this designation for L.A. Hapgood is as EMERITUS provided in the Board action taken at the September 25-28 and October 1, 1978, Board Meeting. He and his spouse will be invited to attend all International Council Meetings and International Conventions on the same expense basis as an International Trustee.

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That Procedure 134 be amended. PROCEDURE 134 AMENDED Procedure 134 - Secretary Emeritus -- SECRETARY EMERITUS Establishment of this designation for R.P. Merridew is as provided in the Board action taken at the June 24-26 and July 2, 1981, Board Meeting. He and his spouse will be invited to attend all International Council Meetings and International Conventions on the same expense basis as an International Trustee.

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That Procedure be amended. PROCEDURE Procedure 892.1 - Allowance AMENDED -­ ALLOWANCE k. Any former staff member holding emeritus status from (FOR STAFF Kiwanis International and spouse shall be invited to HOLDING all International Conventions and Council meetings, EMERITUS and their expenses are to be paid in the same manner STATUS) -16-

as are the expenses of i:1ast- Presidents, International Trustees..,....~ except where this procedure is inconsistent with agreements made prior to the adoption of this procedure, in which ease such agreements shall apply.

This completed the action on the recommendations of the Board Committ e on Policies, Procedures, and Structures, and the report was received.

Willy 0stholt, 1989-90 European Federation President, was WILLY introduced and gave greetings from the European Federation. 0STHOLT, EUROPEAN FEDERATION PRESIDENT R. Tyler Bland, 1989-90 Kiwanis International Foundation President, spoke to the Board of Trustees about seeking sources of alternate R. TYLER funding for the Foundation. BLAND, KI FOUNDATION PRESIDENT

Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was: KI FOUNDA­ TION ALLOWED RESOLVED, That the Kiwanis International Foundation be allowed TO PURSUE to pursue alternative funding sources with the stipulation that ALTERNATE any proposal be brought before the Kiwanis International Board FUNDING of Trustees for approval prior to implementation. SOURCES

Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was:

RESOLVED, That Proposed Amendment No. 1 be withdrawn and not PROPOSED be presented to the delegate body at the 1990 St. Louis Inter­ AMENDMENT national Convention. The purpose of Proposed Amendment No. 1 NO. 1 was to provide specific steps for rescinding a Board of Trustees' WITHDRAWN interpretation of the International Constitution and/ or Bylaws. (See "Exhibit 25.")

Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was:

RESOLVED, That Proposed Amendment No. 3 be withdrawn and not PROPOSED be presented to the delegate body at the 1990 St. Louis AMENDMENT International Convention. The purpose of Proposed Amendment NO. 3 No. 3 was to establish flat membership fees based on percentage WITHDRAWN of annual dues in lieu of prorated dues. (See "Exhibit 25.") -17-

Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was:

RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees is very appreciative of APPRECIATION the cooperation and assistance received from staff. TO STAFF

The meeting recessed on Friday, June 22, at 3:30 p.m. until Thurs­ day, June 28, 1990.

The meeting reconvened on Thursday, June 28, 1990, at 8:00 a.m. in the Adam's Mark Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri, with President Noris A. Lusche presiding. The invocation was given by Trustee Ian Perdriau.

Past Presidents attending this breakfast meeting were: Wes H. Bartlett, Roy W. Davis, Frank J. DiNoto, William M. Eagles, M.D., Merald T. Enstad, Anton J. "Tony" Kaiser, James M. Moler, Ted R. Osborn, John T. Roberts, Mark A. Smith, Jr., Hilmar L. "Bill" Solberg, Merle H. Tucker, and Donald E. Williams.

Also in attendance were: R. Tyler Bland, 1989-90 President of the Kiwanis International Foundation, and R. P. "Reg" Merridew and L.A. "Larry" Hapgood, Secretaries Emeriti.

The Report of the Kiwanis International Foundation was presented REPORT OF by R. Tyler Bland, 1989-90 President of the Foundation. (See KI FOUNDA­ "Exhibit 26.") TION PRES­ IDENT

The Report of the Committee of Past International Presidents REPORT OF was presented by Frank J. DiNoto, Chairman. (See "Exhibit 27.") PAST INTER­ NATIONAL PRESIDENTS COMMITTEE Immediate Past President Gene R. Overholt, Vice-President C. A. Dillon, Jr., and Trustees A. S. "Buddy" Ammar and Don Miles, J.D. made farewell remarks. The Past International Presidents, Secretaries Emeriti, and the President of the Kiwanis International Foundation commented on the St. Louis convention and other issues of concern for Kiwanis International.

The newly elected Trustees who will take office on October 1, 1990, were introduced -- Gerald P. Christiano, W. Gene Engelhardt, Alfred L. Provasi (all for three terms), and Walter G. Sellers (one-year term). -18-

The Report of the Executive Committee, Noris A. Lusche, Chairman, EXECUTIVE was presented. (See "Exhibit 28.") COMMITTEE

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That the revised priority list of grants for the 1990-91 REVISED administrative year be adopted. (See "Exhibit 28.") PRIORITY LIST OF GRANTS FOR 1990-91

The Report of the Board Committee on Finance, Arthur D. Swanberg, FINANCE Chairman, was presented. (See "Exhibit 29.")

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That the 1990-91 Operating fund budget be adopted 1990-91 (pending modificiations recononended at the October, 1990 Meeting OPERATING of the Board of Trustees). (See "Exhibit 29.") FUND BUDGET ADOPTED

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That the 1990-91 Magazine fund budget be adopted (pending 1990-91 modifications recOIIDD.ended at the October, 1990 Meeting of the MAGAZINE Board of Trustees). (See "Exhibit 29.") FUND BUDGET ADOPTED

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That the 1990-91 International Convention fund budget 1990-91 be adopted (pending modifications recoDDDended at the October, INTERNATIONAL 1990 Meeting of the Board of Trustees). (See "Exhibit 29.") CONVENTION FUND BUDGET ADOPTED

It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That the 1990-91 General Liability Insurance fund budget 1990-91 be adopted (pending modifications reconmended at the October, GENERAL 1990 Meeting of the Board of Trustees)o (See "Exhibit 29.") LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND ADOPTED It was moved by the Committee and duly carried as follows:

RESOLVED, That the 1990-91 Capital Improvements fund budget be 1990-91 adopted (pending modifications recODDDended at the October, 1990 CAPITAL Meeting of the Board of Trustees). (See "Exhibit 29. ") IMPROVE­ MENTS FUND BUDGET ' . ADOPTED This completed the action on the recommendations of the Board Committee on Finance and the report was received. -19-

Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was:

RESOLVED, That the International Board of Trustees approves the INTERNATIONAL proposed employment contract for International Secretary Kevin BOARD APPROVES W. Krepinevich. PROPOSED EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT FOR INTER­ NATIONAL SECRETARY At 10:45 a.m. President-designate Blechman called to order the 1990-91 Board of Trustees and discussed the Proposed Calendar of Events for 1990-91, his personal calendar, and appointments for the 1990-91 administrative year including Counselors to DISTRIBU­ Districts, District Convention Assignments, Board Committee Assign­ TION OF ments, and Mailing Addresses for the 1990-91 Board of Trustees. MATERIALS (See "Exhibit 30. ") Copies of these items are included in the FOR 1990-91 1990-91 Reference Guide which was mailed July 20 to the 1990-91 BY PRESIDENT­ Board of Trustees, Past International Presidents, Secretaries DESIGNATE Emeriti, and 1990-91 European Federation President. Assistant BLECHMAN Secretaries and Department Heads also received the Reference Guide.

Copies of these i terns are not included in the June, 1990 minutes for those who received the 1990-91 Reference Guide but are included in the minutes for the Past International Board members and District Secretaries who did not receive the Reference Guide.

The next meeting of the Board of Trustees will be September 30- NEXT 0ctober 4 and 7, 1990. International Council will be October MEETING 4-7, 1990. SEPTEMBER 30-0CTOBER 4 and 7, 1990

The meeting adjourned sine die at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, June ADJOURNMENT 28, 1990. SINE DIE EXHIBIT ffol


TO: International Board of Trustees

FROM: Noris A. Luscher

DATE: May 25, 1990

SUBJECT: Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting, May 20, 1990 (attached)

In the Executive Committee Special ~eeting Minutes attached, the Exe­ cutive Committee requested the Communications and Conventions Commit­ tee to reconsider their original recommendation on amending Procedure 892.lA(l) and Procedure 905 concerning the travel management program.

This is official notification to the Board that there may be a motion from the Communications and Conventions Committee to rescind the action taken by the Board at the May 2-6 meeting pertaining to these two procedures. By making this notification to rescind previous Board action, only a majority vote of the Board will be required at the .June meeting.


Indianapolis, Indiana

Sunday, May 20, 1990

Executive Committee Members Present:

Noris A. Lusche, Chairman W. J. ''Wil" Blechman, M.D., C. A. Dillon, Jr. William L. Lieber John D. Morton, Sr. Gene R. Overholt Arthur D. Swanberg

Other Participants:

Andrew Batsis, D.M.D. Gayle L. Beyers Kevin W. Krepinevich William A. Brown Larry J. Horney Wendy L. Schrick James P. Tinsley, Jr.

A meeting of the Executive Committee was held at 7:00 a. m. EST on May 20, 1990, in the office of the International Secretary by conference telephone call. President Noris A. Lusche presided.

Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was:

RESOLVED, That the action taken by the Circle K International Board of Trustees to remove Trustee J. Thomas Adams from office be approved as of May 20, 1990.

Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was:

RESOLVED, That the proposed amendments submitted by the Switzerland­ Liechtenstein District, to the proposed draft for the Bylaws of Kiwanis International -European Federation be accepted for presentation at the European Federation Convention, in Montecatini, Italy, June 6-13, 1990. (See Exhibit A.)

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the remainder of the amendments not be accepted at this time until the amenchents are researched and studied further. (See Exhibit B. )

Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was:

RESOLVED, That the Board Committee on CoDJD11nications and Conventions at the June 18-23 Board meeting reconsider the revision to Procedure 892.lA(l) and Procedure 905 adopted at the May 2-6, 1990, Meeting of the International Board of Trustees based on new financial information which is now available.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin W. Krepinevich International Secretary WAIVER OF NOTICE OF

· MAY 2 0 , 19 9 0


We the undersigned, being all the members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Kiwanis International, an Illinois not­ for-profit corporation, hereby waive notice of the special meeting of the Committee held on May 20, 1990, and further, we consent to the action taken as reported in the minutes reported above.

Noris A. Lusche, Chairman

W. J. "Wil" Blechman, M.D.

C. A. Dillon, Jr.

William L. Lieber

John D. Morton, Sr.

Gene R. Overholt

Arthur D. Swanberg EXHIBIT A


With reference to the proposed amendment submitted by the Switzerland-Liechtenstein District to the proposed draft of the Kiwanis International - European Federation bylaws, the following changes could be approved.

Article I (Name and Territorial Limits) Section 1. the addition of "(KI-E)."

Section 3. the addition of "(BOT)."

Article II (Objectives) Last Objective - changing the word "by" to "between."

Article IV (Membership) Section 2. the addition of the words "the lieutenant governor and."

Section 3. the moving and rearranging of the words "and the District Governor in whose district the club is being built," from the second sentence to the first sentence.

Article V (Officers) Section 4e and 4f. changing the responsibilities of the Secretary and Treasurer.

Article XII (Nomination of the Member of the Kiwanis International - European Federation for the Office of Trustee on the Board of Trustees of Kiwanis International) Section 1. taking out the words, "Kiwanis International."

Article XIII (Official Publication) Section 1. replace the word "may" with the word "shall."

Article XVI (Finance and Audit of Accounts) Section 3. add the wotds "for approval."

Article XVII (Languages) Section 1. deleting "Federation Board" and adding the word "convention." EXHIBIT B


With reference to the proposed amendment submitted by the Switzerland-Liechtenstein District to the proposed draft of the Kiwanis International - European Federation bylaws, the following changes are retained for research and further study:

Article III (Powers) c. taking out the words, "assist Kiwanis International" and replacing with the word "coordinate"

Article V (Officers), VI (Vacancies in Office), and VII (Board of Trustees) The sections within the above articles with reference to officers and the Board of Trustees of the Federation

Article VIII (European Council) Section 1 thru 6. being deleted

New Article IX (Conventions) Section 2. the addition of the words, "communications permitting"

Section 14. taking out the word "President-elect" and replacing with the word "Vice-president"

New Article XI (Nomination and Election of Officers of the Federation) Section 1. taking out the words "Treasurer and the Secretary"

Section 3. (Candidates) Deletion of original Section 3(a); the deletion of the word "President-elect" and replacing with the word "Vice-president" in new Section 3(b); deletion of orginial Section 3(d); and the deletion of the word "President-elect" and replacing with the word "Vice-president" in the original Section 3(e).

Section ·4 & 5. the deletion of the words "Board of Trustees" and inserting the words, "President and Vice-President are"

Section 6. the deletion of the words "the name of the President-elect as the sole candidate for the office of President, and" and also the deletion of the words "President-elect and Trustee" and inserting the words "and Vice-President"

Section.7. being deleted

Section 9. (original) - the deletion of the word "President-elect" and replacing with the word "Vice-President"

Section 10. (original) - being deleted - 2 -

New Article XII (Nomination of the Member of the Kiwanis International - European Federation for the Office of Trustees of Kiwanis International) Section 6 .. the deletion of the words "European Council" and r·eplacing with the words "Board of Trustees"

New Article XIII (Official Publication) Section 2. the deletion of the words "European Council" and replacing with the words "Board of Trustees"

New Article XV (Revenue) Section 1. (new) - the addition of this section where the charter fee of Swiss Francs 410.- the charter fee for the federation must be separate and not include the charter fee of Kiwanis International as outlined in Section 2 of this Article

Section 2. (original) - the change from semi-annual installments for payment of federation dues to an annual installment for payment of federation dues

New Article XVI (Finance and Audit of Accounts) Section 4., deletion of the word "Secretary"

New Article XVIII (Amendments) Section 2(b) .. the deletion of the words "or by the European Council as provided in Article VIII of these Bylaws" EXHIBIT #2


Indianapolis, Indiana

Monday, June 4, 1990

Executive Committee Members Present:

Noris A. Lusche, Chairman C. A. Dillon, Jr. William L. Lieber John D. Morton, Sr.

Executive Committee Members Excused:

W. J. "Wil" Blechman, M. D. Gene R. Overholt Arthur D. Swanberg

Other Participants:

A.G. Terry Shaffer William A. Brown

A meeting of the Executive Committee was held at 9:00 a.m. EST on June 4, 1990, in the office of the International Secretary by conference telephone call. President Noris A. Lusche presided.

Upon motion duly made, supported, and carried it was:

RESOLVED, That we accept the technical clarification of Amendment No. 1 to be presented at the 1990 St. Louis International Convention. (See Exhibit A attached.)

NOTE: Spe.cifically, the words "Constitution and" have been removed from Article XVII of the proposed amendment as originally mailed to all clubs because that article refers only to Bylaws and Amendments to Bylaws. The reference to the Constitution has been added to Article XVIII--Amendments to Constitution, where it properly belongs.

In addition, since the proposed Amendment also provides a means to rescind an amendment to the Bylaws passed by the International Council, a state­ ment to this effect has been added to the purpose in the first column.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin W. Krepinevich International Secretary WAIVER OF NOTICE OF

JUNE 4, 1990


We the undersigned, being all the members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Kiwanis International, an Illinois not­ for-profit corporationj hereby waive notice of the special meeting of the Committee held on June 4, 1990, and further, we consent to the action taken as reported in the minutes reported above.

Noris A. Lusche, Chairman

W. J. "Wil" Blechman, M. D.

C. A. Dillon, Jr.

William L. Lieber

John D. Morton, Sr.

Gene R. Overholt

Arthur D. Swanberg EXHIBIT A

XVII. Bylaws and Amendments to Bylaws PROPOSED AMENDMENT NO. 1 Section 1. Bylaws for the government of Kiwanis Internation­ ·TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONSTITUTION al, not inconsistent with this Constitution, may be enacted and (AS REVISED FOR TECHNICAL CLARIFICATION) may be amended from time to time, as provided in Article X of this Constitution, or at a convention of Kiwanis Internation­ Submitted by the Board of Trustees of Kiwanis International. al by a majority vote of tI?-e delegates and delegates-at-large voting. At least sixty ( 60) days prior to the date of the conven­ Purpose: To provide specific steps for rescinding a Board of tion, the Secretary must receive: Trustees' interpretation of the International Constitution and/or Bylaws and to provide a means to rescind an amend­ a. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws to be voted on at a ment to the Bylaws passed by the International Council. convention ( except those passed by the International Coun­ cil and those initiated by the Board of Trustees);_ CONSTITUTION b. Proposals to rescind the Bylaws adopted by the Interna­ Amend Article IX, Section 3; Article X, Section 3; Article tional Council; or XVII, Sections 1, 2, and 3; and Article XVIII, Section 1 of the Constitution of Kiwanis International as follows: c. Proposals to rescind the construction and interpretation of the Bylaws by the Board of Trustees, as provided in IX. Board of Trustees Article IX, Section 3. SftftH ~ recewed by the Seeretury ftt lettst ~ t6et tittys-pt'fflf" te the t.tttte ehhc eon ventim1. '.ftte. Section 3. The construction and the interpretation of the Secretury Sfl:ftH 5efttl ft eepy et ttll proposed umeflclmeflts, Constitution and Bylaws by the Board of Trustees shall be iflelttdi:ng these B:mendmcnts pussed -by -tfte Interftfltionul final and binding, unless such construction and interpretation CottHeil t6 the seeretfify e£ efteh- ehurternd elttb; ftflf lttter by the Board of Trustees are rescinded at a subsequent con­ Htttft ~ ~ tittys- pt'fflf" ffi the t.tttte et the co 1:wefltion. vention of Kiwanis International, as provided in Articles XVII AmeHdments ffi the BylftWS ~ by the Intcrttut:i:onul and XVIII of the Constitution. The proposer to rescind con­ Cottftcil 3ftftH fefflftfflifl: fefee ~ disupproved at the~ struction and interpretation must provide the wording of an stteeeedit1g eon·-tentiofl. appropriate amendment to the affected Constitution/Bylaw provision. Section 2. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws, proposals to rescind the Bylaws adopted by the International Council, or - International Council proposals to rescind the construction and interpretation of the Bylaws by the Board of Trustees must be submitted by: Section 3. The International Council shall confer and advise with the Board of Trustees on matters relating to Kiwanis a. International Board of Trustees, International. By a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the entire Council at its first meeting, the International Council may b. Districts, by the district board of trustees, or by the house enact or amend the Bylaws of Kiwanis International as of _g_elegates, or - provided in Article XVII of the Constitution; provided a copy of any proposed amendment to the bylaws is sent to each c. Clubs, by majority vote of the members. member of the Council not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting of the Council. Amendments to the Bvlaws Section 3. Not later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of passed by the International Council shall remain in force, the convention, the Secretarv shall send a copy of all proposed unless rescinded at the next succeeding convention, in accord­ amendments, including those amendments passed bv the In­ ance with Article XVII of the Constitution. ternational Council, and all proposals to rescind the Bylaws adopted by the International Council or to rescind the con­ XVIII. Amendments to Constitution struction and interpretation of the Bylaws bv the Board of Trustees to the secretary of each chartered club. Section 1. Amendments to this Constitution shall be made only at a convention of Kiwanis International by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates and delegates-at-large voting. Proposals to rescind construction and interpretation of the Constitution and proposed amendments ( except those in­ itiated by the Board of Trustees) shall be received by the Secretary of Kiwanis International at least sixty ( 60) days prior to the date of the convention. The Secretary shall send a copy of all proposals to rescind construction and interpretation of the Constitution and proposed amendments to the secretary of each chartered club not later than thirty (30) days prior to ~ date of the convention.



to the


June 21, 1990

This 75th Anniversary year has passed rather quickly. Here we are at our final Board meeting for this administrative year, and it seems like only a few months since we had our first meeting in October.

Our official visits are concluded with the exception of my visit to my home district, Rocky Mountain, and a visit to a non-districted area. I would like to report to you that Jeannie _and I have been treated royally in all of our visits, and I have been most favorably impressed with the spirit and enthusiasm of Kiwanians worldwide.

Since our May Board meeting, other than our official visits, Jeannie and I have attended the Indianapolis "500" race where I was the speaker at the "500" Memorial Service, and also spent two days working with staff.

We also attended the Children's Miracle Network Telethon at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, where Kiwanis International was given exposure on four time slots and the final one of which we presented a check in the amount of $1,020,000, the highest dollar amount raised to date by Kiwanis clubs in the United States and Canada. I am confident that Kiwanis partici­ pation will continue to increase in this fine program in the years to come.

In June, Jeannie and I went to the Kiwanis International Euro­ pean Federation Convention in Montecatini, Italy. It was our hope that a new set of bylaws would be adopted at this convention. The Kiwanis International-European Federation (KI-EF) Board had proposed a set of bylaws, and the Switzer­ land-Liechtenstein District proposed several amendments. The House of Delegates' session of that convention was presided over by a Master of Ceremonies, instead of the President of KI-EF. This delegate session turned out to be one of the most unusual sessions I have ever witnessed. Not one word of discussion was directed towar~ the content of the bylaws or the proposed amendments, yet both were defeated by separate votes of the delegates. Thus, the Kiwanis International­ European Federation has no new set of bylaws, and is still operating on the existing bylaws, some of which are in conflict with Kiwanis · International bylaws. Simply put, we are back to "square one." -2-

I am very pleased with the widespread response and acceptance of the Operation KNOW program which was initiated and funded by the Kiwanis International Foundation. It is estimated that more than 150,000 elementary school age children have participated in this program since it was initiated January 22, 1990. There is a very strong demand for continuation of this program, and the Kiwanis International Foundation is working hard to develop alternate sources of income to fund this program, similar to the program Kiwanis International initiated recently.

At the request of the Kiwanis International Foundation, I am placing on the agenda of this meeting their request to approve their pursuit of alternate funding to enable them to continue partial funding of this program. I, personally, question the need for the approval of this Board for such a fund raising effort since this Board has never been involved in any of the prior Kiwanis International Foundation fund-raising programs, i.e., The George Hixson Fellow, Tablet of Honor, KIF Birthday campaign, and O.E. "Pete" Peterson Fellow. However, since this is a request of the Executive Committee of the Kiwanis International Foundation, I will ask this Board to grant such approval at this meeting.

Let's make this 75th Anniversary Convention a most memorable experience for those in attendance. Letts make it a convention that is worthy of our 75-year heritage. The majority of those attending this convention will be first-timers. We must strive to make this an experience that will motivate them to want to attend future conventions. When we see a Kiwanian with a "First-Timer" ribbon, let's make a special effort to introduce ourselves and make them feel welcome.

At the May Board meeting, this Board took action on a travel manage_ment procedure based on financial information which was apparently not accurate. At my suggestion, the Executive Committee has requested the Board Committee on Communications and Conventions to reconsider this action. I am sure this matter will be brought before the Board during this meeting.

This administrative year has been a real delight for Jeannie and me. We especially want to thank every member of this Board and your spouse for your support and cooperation during this administrative year.

I am confident that the year-end figures on membership and new club building will be very good. Our 1989-90 team of Governors continue to be highly motivated, and I know they will continue to be so following this convention and right up to September_ 30, 1990. They have promoted extra service projects for our 7 5th Anniversary and, of course, they have been very enthusiastic about the Operation KNOW program.

I am particularly happy about the growth potential we now have in Eastern Europe. We have our first clubs in Hungary and Czechoslovakia. We have also organized a new club in Greece.

New Club Building in North America is ahead of last year's rapid pace, but is lagging somewhat outside of North America. I am confident that New Club Building worldwide will continue brisk through the remainder of this year.

I believe there will be good momentum for President-elect Wil's team to build on in 1990=91.

Respectfully submitted,

Noris A. Lusche President EXHIBIT #4


to the


June 21, 1990

As might be imagined, most of my non-professional time spent since the May Board meeting has been in planning, communication, and follow­ up. I am grateful to staff members Matt Morris, Pat Nash, Tom Nelson, Chris Rice, Terry Shaffer, Janet Wilson, and their supporting staff for what they have been doing for Rachel and me.. And Kevin Krepine­ vich has been seeing to it that things are coordinated, so the level of efficiency has remained high. Other personnel have also been working very hard, and they' re doing just fine without my bugging them.

There have been two items that also deserve comment:

1. George Scheer's "Bicentennial" Committee had a meeting with me in Miami to do some planning. George, Dale Loy, Charles Price, and Murray Taylor were able to participate, and their accomplishments should be most helpful in the final results of the full committee meeting this week.

2. The European Convention turned down the European Federation Board Proposal (which we had basically accepted). The vote was a resounding defeat for the European Federation Board and, I believe, shows unhappiness by many Europeans of the dual dues requirement along with a question of what they are getting for their money.

Since I have had more of an opportunity to be involved with the Kiwanis International/European Federation interaction, I have felt that the European Federation Board has simply been trying to act like a "super district" or a "small Kiwanis International."

In my opinion, neither of these positions is warranted. Indeed, this year, it simply added another layer of bureaucracy, something we should always be looking to inhibit, not encourage. I believe the European Federation Board should become a visionary body which reacts with the KI Board and perhaps can be used more for training (although at least some Europeans feel they don't need training). The role ( if any) of the European Federation Board in growth must still be investigated. Frankly, I am not at all satisfied that their appropriate structure or funct\ons are in the wings, much less here now.

As a final comment, it is a necessity for the President-elect to attend the European Federation Convention, even though my most promi­ nent reason for being there was not accomplished. Two governors-elect did not show ';lP, and partly as a result of poor communications, two others missed the meeting of the 1990-91 Council. Therefore, there was little impact that I could have on the Bylaw amendment packages. Still my ability to work with some of next year's team can only have positive effects. Since John Morton knows he will be going we 11 in advance, it is incumbent upon him to work with Giovanni Tinebra this coming year to be certain that meetings are appropriately scheduled and that his governors-elect are well aware of the need to attend.

Respectfully submitted,

W. J. "Wil" Blechman, M.D. President-elect EXHIBIT #5


to the


June 21, 1990

Welcome to St. Louis.

Since we last met, the International Office staff has been busy preparing for what should prove to be an exciting week for the delegates to the 75th Annual Convention. At last count, we were just shy of 12,000 registrants for the convention. Preparations have also been made for the Key Club International Convention.

We have just completed the certified membership from the April membership billing. Growth year to date is a little less than 3,000 members. This is encouraging. However, to exceed the 1989~90 administrative year's growth figures we will need to do a better job in the second half of the year. To date, new club building is up in North America, but it is down in the other parts of the world and the total lags behind last year. A positive note is that growth seems to be coming from within existing clubs. We need to work with the Governors to provide them with as much assistance and encouragement as possible for a strong finish. This convention will be a perfect first step to accomplish this task.

We have worked very closely with President-elect Wil in finalizing International Committees for next year and to put the finishing touches on the first year of the 1990-93 Major Emphasis Program.

I am pleased to note that the Regional Office in Europe does not seem to be an issue among the European Kiwanians anymore. During the European Federation Convention, many positive comments were made about the office and its staff. It is not surprising to note that the Regional Office staff is fielding more and more assistance requests. As a matter of fact, the Kiwanians from Europe are asking for more services than they had ever received from the KI-KIE office of the past. We are doing our best to accommodate. Since January, club officers have received a publication each month from the Regional Off~ce. We have alternated the BKO with a Regional Office newsletter to keep the European members informed of activities in the office.

If you need any assistance during the convention, the convention offices will be rooms 256-258. There should always be someone in the office to assist you. We will be using Dateline Kiwanis to announce the results of the voting on resolutions and amendments as well as the results of the elections and the Board Counselor assignments in the July 2nd issue to distribute the information to the Kiwanis leadership much quicker than in the paste Hopefully, the information will be in the leadership's mail when they arrive home from the convention. This will, of course, be in addition to the information to be distributed at the Board meeting next Thursday morning.

We hope your stay in St. Louis will be a memorable one as we continue to Encourage Excellence in Kiwanis.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin W. Krepinevich International Secretary EXHIBIT #6


to the


June 21, 1990

On May 31, 1990, Kiwanis International had cash and investments totalling $10,890,145. The average current interest rate on investments at Hay 31 was 8. 24%.

Net Account Receivables from clubs and districts for dues, magazine subscrip­ tions and liability insurance premiums totalled $407,364 at May 31, 1990.

The total net surplus (all funds combined) has increased by $726,584 from the beginning of the fiscal year from $10,346,770 to $11,073,354 as of May 31. The adjusted budgeted surplus of $901,476, subject to additional funding requests approved by the Board of Trustees, ls expected to be $948,000 at September 30, 199 0.

Respectfully submitted,

John D. Morton, Sr. Treasurer EXHIBIT #7


Meeting of the Board of Trustees

June 21st - 22nd, 1990

The following actions have occurred since the last meeting of the Board of Trustees through May 6th, 1990. Formal Board approval is required on these actions.

A. NEW KIWANIS CLUBS PROCESSED. (These clubs have been assigned a key number and have been processed and routed.)


Nabunturan, 09-29-89 21 Montecristi, Ecuador 10-03-89 24 Camp Evangelista, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines· 03-06-90 40 Jerico, Colombia 03-23-90 31 Golden "K" Cedar Rapids, Iowa 03-27-90 25 Lockeford-Clements, California 03-30-90 27 Metro Marulas, Valenzuela, Metro , Philippines 03-30-90 23 Kamiai de Ensenada, Mexico 04-03-90 26 Central Zamboanga, Zamboanga City, Philippines 04-16-90 27 Seocho, Seoul, Korea 04-17-90 21 Golden K of Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada 04-18-90 27 West Omaha Diamond K, Nebraska 04-18-90 27, Rockcastle County, Kentucky 04-19-90 38 Broomfield, Colorado 04-19-90 28 Poplar-Ridgeway, Memphis, Tennessee 04-20-90 43 Pickens, South Carolina 04-23-90 29 Dundee Township, Illinois 04-24-90 25 Copaiba, Cabimas, Venezuela 04-24-90 31 Antlers Noon, Oklahoma 04-25-90 65 Midlothian Breakfast, Virginia 04-26-90 32 Tsai-Shen, Taichung, Taiwan 04-27-90 28 Lih Der, Tainan, Taiwan 04-27-90 35 Lower Prince George's County, Maryland 05-01-90 26 Summit City, Ft. Wayne, Ind·iana 05-01-90 30 Apache Junction, Gold Mountain, Arizona 05-03-90 26 Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee 05-03-90 25 Montgomery County, North Carolina 05-07-90 27 Salmon Arm, British Columbia,- Canada 05-08-90 25 Gardner, Kansas 05-10-90 25 Ogallala Big Mac, Nebraska 05-14-90 25 Immokalee, Florida 05-15-90 32 -2- .. CLUB NAME ORGANIZATION DATE MEMBEKSB.IP

Dyersburg Dogwood, Tennessee 05-17-90 35 Makati Centre, Metro Manila, Philippines 05-17-90 22 Durant Diamond K, Oklahoma 05-22-90 25 Sauk Prairie, Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin 05-23-90 28 Rothenburg Ob Der Tauber, Germany 05-26-90 20 Elmwood Place-Carthage, Cincinnati, Ohio 05-29-90 25 Brno, Czechoslovakia 06-02-90 20


B. KIWANIS CLUBS REACTIVATED (The following club(s) were previously placed on Not-Meeting status by district recommendation and have been reactivated.)


Carolina, Puerto Rico 01-28-75 01-01-88 03-25-90 16


C. CLUBS MERGED (The following clubs have officially merged.)


Greater South Austin, TX Austin South Central, TX 05-15-90 20 Weymouth, MA Hingham, MA 05-30-90 34


D. CLUB NAME CHANGES (The following clubs have changed their official names.)

From: Pine Mountain, Georgia To: Harris County, Georgia

From: Son Norway To: Son-Vestby, Norway

From: Fruitland Peninsula, Georgetown, Florida To: South Putnam County, Florida

TOTAL: 3 -3-

E. CLUB INCORPORATIONS (As required by the Kiwanis International Constitution, the following clubs have submitted Articles of Incorpbration for approval by the Board of Trustees.)

Beverly Hills, Florida Rochelle Golden K, Illinois Kernersville, North Carolina The Rockaways, Far Rockaway, New York Granite Bay, Californina Ann Arbor North, Michigan Evansville-Golden K-East, Indiana Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia Wilsonville, Oregon Florence, Arizona Valley Center, California Guilds.Lake-Portland, Oregon


F. CLUB FOUNDATIONS (The following clubs have established non-profit foundations.)

The Kiwanis Club of Crystal City Foundation (Kiwanis Club of Crystal City, Arlington, VA)








J. CLUB CHARTER RESIGNATIONS (The following club have resigned from Kiwanis International since the last Administrative Action Report; they have complied with the requirements of Article IV, Section 7 of the International Bylaws.)




INDIANA Zionsville Community, IN 11411 03-14-85 12 05-29-90

PACIFIC NORTHWEST Burnaby, B.C., Canada 12666 04-20-89 24 05-17-90

PENNSYLVANIA Suquesne-West Mifflin, PA 02545 08-12-44 6 06-06-90




L. CIRCLE K. CLUBS (These clubs have been completed since the last Administrative Action Report.)


North Georgia College 05-14-90 Cleveland, GA


M. KEY CLUBS (These clubs have been completed since the last Administrative Action Report.)


Edward Milne High School Gllangcolme, BC Port Maria High School St. Mary, Jamaica Sheboygan South High School Sheboygan, WI Sheboygan S.W., WI Camden Central School District Greater Camden, NY Cave City High School South Sharp, AR Sheboygan North High School Sheboygan, WI Franklin D. Roosevelt High School Sheepshead Bay, NY Highland High School Sugar House, UT Marshall County High School Lewisburg, TN Loudon High School Loudon, TN Mona High School Liguanea, Jamaica Bradenton Christian School Bradenton, FL Braridenton Sunrise, FL Canton R-V High School Canton, HO Hedford High Schoo 1 Medford, Ha KEY CLUBS, Continued •••


Volunteer Comprehensive High School East Hawkins Co., TN Baker High School South Columbus, GA San Rafael High School San Rafae 1, CA Savanna High School Anaheim, CA Century High School South Santa Ana, CA Triton High School Dunn, NC Manitowoc Lincoln High School First Kiwanis of Manitowoc, WI Kingfisher-High School Kingfisher, OK Anderson Union High School Anderson, CA Coffee County·central High School Manchester, TN Grandview High School Grandview, WA Columbia High School Columbia Station, OH White Hall High School Pine Bluff, AR Florin Senior High School Sacramento Valley Hi, CA Harrison (William Henry) High School Green River, 1N Harding High School Charlotte, NC Campti High School Natchitoches, LA East High School Denver, CO Be 11 High Schoo 1 Carleton, Ontario Pioneer High School Ann Arbor-Briarwood-Pittsfield, MI Ann Arbor North, MI Clarendon College High School May Pen, Jamaica Bridge Creek High School Tri-City, OK Montclair Kimberly Academy Montclair, NJ Gordon H. Garrett High School North Charleston, SC Lincoln College Preparatory Academy Lee's Summit, MO Council Grove High School Council Grove, MI Flint Hills, MI Baltimore City College High School Baltimore City, MD Arlington Heights High School University Area, Fort Worth, TX Bishop Gorman High School Las Vegas, NV Sandy Union High School Sandy, OR Viewpoint High School ·Agoura, CA Dayton High School Dayton Township, NV Weld Opportunity School Union Colony, CO Noble High School Noble, OK Decatur High School Federal Way, WA Roosevelt Junior/Senior High School Roosevelt, NY Chickasha High School Chickasha, OK Montebello High School Montebello Chapter, CA Forsyth High School Miles City, MT Medicine Hat High School Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada Ballard High School Downtown Sunrisers, Seattle, WA Lake Region High School Norway/Paris, ME Bishop McGuinness High School Winston-Salem, NC Gordo High School Greater Tuscaloosa, AL West Technical High School Knoxville, TN Vere Technical High School Southern Clarendon, Jamaica Shaker Heights High School Shaker Square, OH KEY CLUBS, Continuedo ••


Lancaster High School Northern Neck, VA Swartz Creek High School Swartz Creek, MI Window High School Windsor, CO South Broward High School Dania, FL Andrew Jackson High School Cambria Heights, NY Mayfield Central School Gloversville, NY Colegio San Francisco Javier High School Pasto, Narine, Colombia Weed High School Weed/Lake Shastina, CA Fisher High S9hool West Jefferson, LA Bellingham High School Bellingham, WA San Salvador High School San Salvador, Bahamas Smithtown High School West Smithtown-Hauppauge, NY Bloomington High School Bloomington, IL Ferncourt High School Seville, Jamaica Cordova High School Rancho Cordova, CA Colombo Britanico High School Cali, Colombia Terry Parker High School Arlington, Jacksonville, FL Oakridge High School Oakridge, OR Dunlap High School Dunlap, IL

·TOTAL: 80

N.. BUILDERS CLUBS (The following are clubs built since May 6th, 1990.)


Indian Valley Middle School Lewistown, PA Lead Hill Junior High School Harrison, AR St. Peter School Lorain, OH Judkins Intermediate School Gold Coast, CA Woodrow Wilson Junior High School Kings-Hanford, CA St. Anthony School Winsted, CT Saint Joseph's School West Orange, NJ Edison Junior High School Fort Neal, WV Summit Junior High School Boyd County, KY Utah Boys RAnch School Bonneville, Salt Lake City, Ut Muscatel Junior High School Resemead, CA Kohn Middle School Pontchartrain, New Orleans, LA Public School 127 La Guardia Airport, NY Ida Freeman Elementary School Edmond breakfast, OK Martin Luther King Middle School Mid-Town, Kansas City, MO Alexander Fleming School Greater Midway, IL Robert L. Grimes School Greater Midway, IL Walter Strom Middle School Roslyn, WA Saks Middle School Anniston-Sunrisers, AL Washington Middle School Miles City, MT Dozier Middle School Denbigh, Newport News, VA Roosevelt Junior High School Gatewpy, Glendale, CA

TOTAL: 22 -7-

0. IC.IWANIANNE CLUBS (This is a new category. These clubs have been completed since the last Administrative Action Report in May 1990.)


Aix-Vendome Aix-Doyen, France Amiens-Ambianies Amiens, France



(Refer to EXHIBIT A for clubs which have been to good Standing from the Suspended list, since the last Administrative Action Report.)


(Refer to EXHIBIT B for clubs which have been returned to Good Standing from the Not-Meeting list, since the last Administrative Action Report.)


(Refer to EXHIBIT C for additional clubs which have been suspended since the last Administrative Action Report.)


(Refer to EXHIBIT D for clubs which have been added to the Not-Meeting list since the last Administrative Action Report. The membership in these clubs have been eliminated from an active status.)


(Refer to EXHIBIT E for the total number of clubs in this status, including the related total accounts receivable, within each district, as of 6/12/90.)


(Refer to EXHIBIT F for the entire list in this status, as of 6/12/90.)


(R~fer to EXHIBIT G for the entire list of clubs in this status, as of 6/12/90. The membership in these clubs have been eliminated from ~n active status.) AR u J5 J EXHIBIT A KIWANIS CLUBS RETUR~ fO GOOO STANDING FRO~ SUSPENDED STATUS

------~------~---~-----~------~------~------~-~---CLUB DATE STATUS CHG NO .. Of DISTRICT NAME CLU8 NAME KEY ORGANIZED CATE HBRS. ------~---~-~~---~-~-----~--~-----~----~------~-~----~~--~------~---- ANDEAN P[JPAUN K12318 6/01188 5102'90 ANDEAN ANTIOQUIA, MEDELLIN k09639 UU/19 5103/90 zz ANDEAN TANESIS 111918 1.105/81 5/03/90 u' ANDEAN HJINTA K09940 5101/80 5125/90 14

--60 4


284-- U

E CANADA ANO CARIBBEAN KlTIVIK, CONCEPTION BAY, 1(11926 6'03/81 s110,u u E CANADA ANO CARIBBEAN STONY HILL K12326 5/02/88 5131'90 25 0-- 2

INl'L E XTENS IIJN LA CAPITAL FEDERAL, BUENO U2769 11/25/88 5/03/90 20 INT'L EXTENSION JOHOR BAH~U l11508 1106185 5/10190 21 INT'L EXTENSION TUCUHlN K12ll3 12122188 5/24190 u INT'l EXTENSION COLOHBO CITY K10806 91'30/82 5/31/90 26

--89 4

IT ALY-HAL TA HARSALA Kt 2647 3.120189 5/Zl/90 25 ITALY-HAL TA HAZARA DEL VALLO K08862 8105111 512'1'90 u IT ALT-HAL TA CASTELVETR.\NO 1(12332 4/28/88 5129/90 42 IT Al Y-HAL TA REGGIO CALABRIA KD9443 1/10119 5/ 30190 55 IT ALY-HAL TA VILLA SAN GIOVANNI Kl2574 121'19/88 6/01190 23

186 5 It:i 'HON TANA KOOTENAI, LIBBY KO 9394 11/08178 5131/CJ0 1 ► Cit., ------1


104 4

NOROErl TVEDESTRAUO Kl1561 9/23/85 5/02/90 25

25 1

PHILIPPINE LUZON OASHARINAS, CAVIT!: ·K 11898 11'21186 5/30/90 34 PHILIPPIHE LUZON INTER-CITY HOMES, HUNTINL K1239:! T/03188 5130/90 u PHILIPPINE LUZON SILANG, CAVITE 1(08554 10/03176 5130/,90 28 PHILIPPINE LUZON AHPUTI LA YAG, SAN CARLOS K12156 10/04/81 6/11/90 1Z PHILIPPINE LUZON GOA K09SH 2/H/19 6/11/90 54 PHILIPPINE LUZON !RIGA CITY 1(01425 2/25174 6/U/90 29 PHILIPPINE LUZON HEGA STARS, !RIGA CITY K126l2 3/04/89 6/ 11/90 u PHILIPPINE LUZOU HEGA STARS, UQOANETA U2633 2/25/89 6/11/90 12 PHILIPPINE LUZOH PRINCESS , OAGUPAN K12426 8/09/88 6/11/90 16 PHILIPPINE LUZON PROGRESSIVE PANIQUI K12448 8/21188 6/11/90 u PHILIPPINE LUZON SAN PEDRO K09312 10/01.118 6/11/90 15 Pttll.lPPINE LUZOtl UROANETA K08490 8/14/16 6/11/90 12

261 12

PHILIPPINE SOUTH HARBEL K08243 2/01/76 5130/90 33 PHI LI PP INE SOUTH 6ADIANGON SPRI~G, GINGODG ll12060 Ult/81 6/11/90 19 PHILIPPINE SOUTH HAClJALAR BAY, CAGAYAN OE K08208 1112fl15 6/11/90 24 PHILIPPINE SOUTH METRO CRHOC, ORHOC CITY ll 10623 1/23/82 6/11/90 12

88 4

REP~OLIC OF CHl~A HT. ALI, CHIA YI HSIEN K12844 8/20/89 5/07190 50

50 1

SWiflFRLANO-LIECHTNSTN KCZERN-RIGI K 11302 7/05/84 '5/10/90 32

32 1

TfXAS-01(.LAHOMA YUKON K05756 6/21/6°' ':i/24/90 22

22 1

P:lPT TOTALS 1,282 ~2 ,ll,U.bJ t:XtilBI I a klWANIS CLUBS RETURNED TO GOOD STANDING FROM NOT-MEETING STATUS ------~------~------·~---~-~--~------~-----~------~---~------CLUB DATE STATUS CHG NO. Of DISTRICT NAME CLUB NAME KEY ORGANIZED CATE HBRS. ~------~~----~---~------~------~-~--~------~------·---~~------PHILIPPINE LUZON ASAC, ANGONO, RIZAL K10703 51'21/82 5/30,90 2

-2 1

PHILIPPINE SOUTH SAHBOANGAN CI TY uosn 11/30/81 '5104190 1 PHILIPPINE SOUTH BUUGAN 1(07656 1011,n1t 51301'90 25 PHILIPPINE SOUTH GENERAL SANTOS K06445 11/03/68 6/11/90 2

21-- 3


iH Doi td ~ ~


------~-~------~------~CLUB DATE SUSPENDED NO. OF DISTRICT NAME CLUB NAME KET ORGANIZED CATE "1BRS. A/R IUUNCE ------~------~------~------~-~-~-~ ANO!:M~ JUN IN K12910 9/1.2/89 6/01/90 26 ------"68.00 26 1 468.00

PHILIPPIUE LUZON TANGLAW NG POL4NGUI K12589 1/H/89 6/ 11/90 0 ------no.oo 0 1 :uo .. oo

PHILIPPINE SOUTH RAJAH BUAYAN K08715 6/01177 6/12/90 0 211 .. so

0 1 ------211 .. 50

REPUBLIC OF CHINA PATRIOT, iAOHSIUNG K11059 11/25/83 6/011'90 17 ...... 291.00 n 1 291.00

REPORT TOTALS 43 4 1,312 .. 150


~td H t-i n .:.XrHc:d i 0 AUUlflONAl CLUBS NOT-HEETING

------✓------~------~-~---... ---~-~-~~~~-~~------~-----~~------~------~--~-~-~~ CLUB OlTE t1CT-fo?EET ING NO. as: ------~~~------~~------~-~-~----~~~------~------~--~------~~~~-~--~--~------~-~----~---~--~-----~---~----~--~~-~~-DISTRICT NAME CLUB NAME KEY ORGANIZED CATE MBRS. Al'R UUNCE ALABAMA NORTHPORT K10601 2/01/82 3/31/90* 12 ...... 156~15 12 1 156., lS

CALIF-NEVADA-HAWAII EL TORO U2250 3.109/88 1, 2,.,CJo• 15 211 .. 10 CALIF-NEVADA-HAWAII SORRENTO-MESA, SAN OIEGO K12371 6.121188 5/08/90JOC 14 .oo

29 2 2ll.,------JO

CAPITAL SUNRISE GOLDEN K OF NORTH K12U2 8.111189 3131190• 38 541.50 CAPtlAL CROlET-IVY K124l1 9/13/88 4/01/90* 9 ...... oo 41 2

CAROL HHlS SELMA K0U74 2/07124 4/26190* g ...... 99.U 9 1 99. l5

FLORID& FORT MYERS EAST K11435 4'11/85 . 3121/90$ g • 00 FLOP.IDA LAKE SQUARE,LEESBURG k11564 9/30/85 3/21190* -2 .oo 11 2 ---.oo

ILLINOIS-EASTERN IOWA FAIRBURY K11741 6/19/96 V281'90$ 10 .oo --10 1 .oo INOIAtlA ZIONSVILLE COH~UNITY KU411·· 3/1~/85 5/29/90• --12 .. 00 12 1 ------a.oo H!SSOUR?-ARKA~S~S ELAINE K03501 5/24/50 9130/89$ 11 .. oo 1-4 ------· w - tldl 11 l .. oo ~ -~ N':cJRASl<.A-IOWA STATE CENTEP. K10255 3/01131 '131/90~ 15 185 ... 25 -... .-...... 15 1 185.25

PACIFIC NORTHWEST BURNABY Kl2666 4/20/89 511 7/90* 24 .. 0.0

H 1 .. oo ;:)\ ;11 o ii (,, AO~lllUNAL CLUB~ NOT-MEETING

------~------~------~------~~--~-----~---~------~----~------CLUB DATE l\iCT-HEETING NO .. OF DISTRICT rlAME CLUB NAME KIEJ ORGANUEO CATE MBRS. A.IR ULUICE ------~------·------·------ROCl'Y MOUNTAIN LAKEWOOD K02H8 5/22/40 5/ 31/90¥ 8 .. oo

8 1 .. oo

S'JUTHWE ST HUACHUCA, SIERRA VISTA K 11660 2/27186 4/0l/'9011' 5 .. oo

5 1 .. oo

. T~X~S-OKlAHOHA OKLAHOHA CITY ROCKWEST K1200l 51'20187 '3124.190• 1 .. oo 1 1 -·-.. oo

iH: P(lf:' T TOTALS 194 16 1,254 .. 95

*=DISTRICT ACTION 1:XHlt:ll a:: TOTAL NQT IN GOOC STANDING CLUBS CLUB one ~GS STATUS NO. OF DISTRICT NAME CLUB NAME ltEY ORGANIZED CATE tt8RS. AJ'R eAUNCE ------~------~------~~------~~------~------~------~----~ AMDEAtl METROPOLITAN, PANAMA CITY 1(11513 7/04185 4/01./90 39 120.00

39 1 120.00------

E CANADA ANO CA~IeBEAN PARAHARIBO CENTRAL K12498 9/02.188 4/01/90 28 123.40 E CAUADA ANO CARieBEAN PARAMARIBO K08449 8.112176 5101/90 2l -314.U ~ CA~A~A AND CARl9B~AN TROIS RIVIHES K03086 l2/l 1/1t7 5/01/90 H ...... 435.lS lS 3 813.25

~EM JERSEY NORTH BERGEN-GUTTENBERG K01381 5.1051'25 5/01/90 18 :ne.u...... ·-18 1 318 .. 15

N~W ZEALAND-SOUTH PACIFIC WELLINGTON BREAKFAST CLUB K12490 9/19/88 4/01/90 20 ...... tu,.oo 20 1 126.00 PACIFIC NORTHWEST ACHIEVERS, SEATTLE K12791 8/08/89 ':/(H/90 28 ----·.,856. 34 --u 1 856.34

PHILIPPINE LUZON ANT !POLO-VALL El 1(12151 10/11/81 4/01J'90 24 318 .. 00 PHILIPPINE LUZOP-1 CIINTA GREENPAAK,CAI~TA,R K11414 6/15185 4101/90 21 360.00 PHILIPP.INE LUZOU CARDONA CENTRAL U2805 8/28189 4/01/90 30 288.00 PHJLIPPIHE LUZO.N NINOY AQUINO, CONCEPCION K12806 8.121/89 4/01/90 20 ...... 198.00 95 4 1,164.00

PHILIPPINE SOUTH KADAYA~AN, K12864 7121189 4/01/90 15 315 .. 00 PHILIPPINE SOUTH .. ALITA, DAVID CEL SUR K12904 5/0E/99 lt/01/90 30 540.00 P~!l!PPl~E SOUTH S UN SH I NE CI T Y K12898 8/0218~ 4.101/90 25 450.00 _., ...... , ...... _ I.... u l le!05.00 1-i ------tlld

REPORT TOTALS 345 14 5,423.H


------~-~------~~------~------·--CLUB DUE ~USP ENDED NO. OF DISTRICT NAME CLUB NAME KEY ORGANIZED CATE HBRS. A/R !AUNCE ------~---~------·------~---~ -'L~nMI-• B □ AZ K12121 6/08189 2/01/90 14 200.zo . .,,_,.,..., H 1 200.20

ANDEAN EL RUil-HANIZALES K1182Z 9/10/86 3.101/90 8 201.00 ANDEAN IDULES K10928 5.114183 3101/90 23 04.25 AP-WEAN HETROPCLITANO-~ANTA K127ZT 2/2S/89 3.101/90 23 04.00 A~OEAN SAN ANDRES-ISLAS K12754 11/15/88 ~.101/90 21 453.H ANOEAU TULUA K09146 5/02178 3.101/90 15 26~.oe ANOEAU TUQUERRES K12202 12/U/87 3/01/90 12 432.00 ANDEAN GUAYAQUIL-EL OCP.AO □ K11821 9110186 4/04/90 10 180.00 .\.._,0~ Afl JUN IN K12910 9/12/89 6.101/90 26 ~68.00 ...... _ .. 138 8 2,833.06

CALIF-NEVADA-HAWAII BEVERLY HILLS KOlHS 2/24125 2/01/90 18 ClLIF-NEVADA-HAWAII NEWARK K12S33 9/29/88 2/011'90 8 529.U CALIF-NEVADA-HAWAII SAN FRANCISCO-ASIAN AHERI K12569 12.109/88 2/01/90 20 09 .. U CALIF-N~VAOA-HAWAJI WAIMEA-KAHUELA Kt2619 1/26/89 2/01/90 --11 ~U.90 51 4 1,926.60

_ CANADA AND CARl~BEAN NORA NOA K01T86 8/21128 2/01/90 n 700.23 e CANADA ANO CARieBEAN o•ABAOIE K1H53 8/H/88 3101/90 16 423.50 E CANADA A-UO CARIBBEAN INAGUA KO 9697 9/21/19 3101/90 21 uo.oo E CANADA ANO CARIBBEAN NICKERIE K11680 9/11/85 3/01/90 12 249.80 E CANAOI ANO CAP.l~BEAN RIO CLARO, PORT-OF- K10601 12/lt/81 3.101/90 19 01.15 E CAN~~A A"O CARl~BEAN ST. THOMAS K07039 8/30172 3/01/90 12 ...... U0.50 117 6 2,201.18

HID IA tJ.:l CONNERSVILLE GCLDEN K Kl2518 9/28.188 2/01/'90. 33 ___ !!~:!~- ffl 33 1 921.90 OS ..... a-i - INT•L EXTENSION HANYANG-SEOUL KOBUS 9/03/76 l.1(11/90 51 579.00 t'li1 INT'L EXTENSIOH INCHON K09282 81'19/78 l/01/90 H 190.50 .INT'l EXTENSION SAO PAULO CENTRO K12692 1/30.189 1/01/90 ·25 EOB.50 IHT•L EXTENSION BUPYEONG, INCHCN KC6575 9/lS/69 3/01/90 37 en.oo IHT'L EXTENSION DAKAR IClOOOO 6/14.180 3.101/'90 Z4 -02.00 INT•L E•TENSION DONGSHIH, SEOUL K12396 6/15.188 3.101.190 32 INT'L EXTENSION HONG KONG K06599 1/06110 3.101/90 24 432.00 INT'l EXTENSION HWARANG, SEOUL K12397 6/25188 3.101/90 25 SH.U INT•L EXTENSIO" JQONG ANG, SEOUL K12229 1/18/813 VOl ✓ SO l 69 .. 00 :.....llrU o 11 r IJl~L ~USPcNCfO CLUBS


INT'L EXTENSIOU HELAKA K12604 10.IOE/88 3/01/90 20 ~60 .. 00 INT'L EXTEHSIOU NAH SECUL K09506 2/20179 3/01'90 39 eiH.50 INT'L EXTEHSIOU NEW SEOUL Kl2256 2.125188 3/01190 53 e12 .. u INT'L EXTENSION OLIVE BRANCH, NAIROBI, KE U1051 11/19183 3/01/90 8 230.00 INT 'L EXTENSION SINAN l12165 9/18/87 3101'90 30 LA CUIACA K128H 8.105/89 ~/01'90 20 360 .. 00 ItH ' L EX T ENS IOU ,._..,_c., __ 435 15 8,133 .. 15

LOUISIANA-HISS-W TENN SCOTLANDVJLLE, ?ATCN ROUG Kl0765 8/U/82. UOl/90 14 ...... ?42.55 14 1 342 .. 55

NEW EUGLANO AMHERST K06221 3.115/67 2/01/90 u 112 .. ~o __ ,__., .... u 1 112 .. 30

NEW Y!JRK EL BARRIO OF Eisr HARlfH K12018 6111181 1/01/90 21 1,111.80 NEW YORK ~ARLEM K01594 9/25114 2/01/90 14 381 .. 10 NEW YOU JFK AIRPORT, NEW YORK C U2148 9130181 U01'90 g 486 .. 80 NEW YORK MIDDLE Vlll.llGE K09199 11/30119 2101190 16 US .. 35 NEW YORK V!:RNON K03492 S/01150 2101/90 6 111.u _._ .... _, ... ,.,. 72 5 2,643.25

NEW ZEALAND-SOUTH PACIFIC AVONDALE K06964 2/01/12 3/01/90 19 2 88 .. 00 NEW ZElLAND-SOUTH PACIFIC DUNEDIN NORTH K08410 8/24176 3/ 011' 90 23 04 .. 00 NEW ZEALAND-SOUTH PACIFIC MT. ALBERT, AUCKLAND K10589 11/H/81 31011'90 10 108 .. 00 u~w !FAL•uo-sour~ PACIFIC TAKAPUNA K066SJ 7123170 V0l/90 2S 468 .. 00 ------11 4 1,219 .. 00

PHILIPPINE LUZON ALFONSO K12613 10/10188 4/02/90 23 595.50 PHILIPPINE LUZOH ASIHGAN K12l89 8/12189 4/02/90 31 561 .. 00 PHILIPPINE LUZON BACLARAN, PARA~AQUE. HETR 1(12371 6/11/88 4/~2/90 24 ~05 .. 80 PHILIPPIUE LUlOU BALANGA KC9916 2/28180 4/02/90 16 243.0J PHILIPPINE LUZON CA'3ANATUAN CITY K07530 6/12114 4102/90 18 PHILIPPINE LUZON DAET K07612 9130114 4/02/90 18 331.20 PHILIPPINE LUZOU OALAHPASIGAN (~ERCEDES) K.12686 3/13189 4/02/90 20 360 .. oo PHILIPPINE LUZOtJ GREATER SUCAT KlHl0 3/13/85 4/02/90 13 281 .. 00 PHILIPPINE LUZOU ICAPATIRAN, JNGELES CITY K12H9 6/09/89 4/02/90 29 531 .. 00 PHILIPPINE LUZON KATIPUNAN, LOYCLA HEIGHTS K12409 7115188 4/02/SO 1 201.00 PHILIPPINE LUI □~ HETQO BAGUIO, fAGUIO CITY K12440 8/22188 4/02/90 u 306 .. 00 PHILIPPINE LUZOU OAS K08l71 5/22117 4/02/90 12 342.00

*=DISTRICT ~CllON :.. A.hi L..:. I I IUluL ~u~PENOEO CLUBS

------·------~------CLU,8 DATE SUSPENOEO NO. Of DISTRICT NAME CLUB NAME KEY ORGANIZED DUE MBRS. AIR ,uuce ------~----~------~------~------PHILIPPINE LUZON OLONGAPO CITY K01417 3/09/H 4102/90 15 ~51.00 PHILIPPINE LUZO"I PACITA COMPLEX, SA~ PED~O Kl0918 7123163 4/02/90 19 498.00 PHILIPPINE LUZON PARACALE K12188 8/02/89 4/02/90 28 486.66 PHI LI PP INE LUZOt-4 PROGRESSIVE PU"A K12185 1130/89 4/02/90 21 432.00 PHILIPPINE LUZON SIN•G NG CARMONA Kl2424 8101188 4102/90 13 289.60 PHILIPPINE LUZON SINUKUAN, HAGALANG K12625 2/18189 4/02/90 20 510.00 PH I LI PP IN E LU ZO t~ ST. JUDE VILLAGE, SAN FER K1271 l 5/20/89 4/02/90 20 360.00 PHILIPPINE LUZJU STO. TOMAS, PA~PANGA K09822 10/31/79 4/02190 26 252.00 PHILIPPINE LUZJ~I SUHMER CAPITAL, BAGUIO CI 1(12711 7121189 4/0Z/90 20 360.00 PHILIPPINE LUZON T~G4YTAY CITY Kl1616 11/23185 4/0Z/90 16 633.00 PHILIPPINE LUZOU TAYTAY K12632 2/24/89 4/02/'90 H 612.00 PHILIPPINE LUZOU V!LLASIS K12796 8/21189 4/ 0219 0 28 504.00 PHILIPPINE LUZOU AORIATICO, ~ALATE, MANILA K12815 8/ZE/89 5/01/90 20 360.00 PHILIPPINE LUZOU BAYVIEW, MANILA K12857 8/30189 5/01/90 20 360.00 PHILIPP!NE LUZON BEL AIR VILLAGE, HAKATI, K12856 9/21189 5.101./90 20 360.00 PHlllPPIHE LUZOU BUENDIA, HAKATI, HETRO HA K12859 8121189 5101/90 20 360.00 PHILIPPINE LUZOU GREATER HANILA U2862 8/29/89 5/01/90 20 360.00 PHILIPPINE LUZOU LUNETl, MANILA Kl2860 8/29/89 5.101/'90 20 ]60.00 360.00 PH IL IP P 1H E LU l □ t~ MANILA CENTRAL K12821 8130/89 5101/90 20 PHILIPPINE LUZON P4CO, ,-ANILA Kl2816 8/26/89 5/01/90 20 uo.oo PHILIPPINE LUZON PANOACAN, MANILA Kl2958 8/ZS/89 5.101/90 20 :uo.oo PHILIPPIUE LUZOU PASONG TAHO EAST, ~AKATI, K12819 8/28/89 5101/90 20 360.00 PHILIPPINE LUZON PEDRO GIL, HA~ATI, MANILA Kl2822 8/30189 5/01/90 20 360.00 PH Ill PP INE Luzar-, UNITED H~TIONS, ERMITA, H K1Z817 8.126/89 5/01/90 22 396.00 PHILIPPINE LUZON VITO CRUZ, ~ANJLA Kl2820 8/28189 5/01/90 20 360.00 PHILIPPINE LUZOtl WALLED CITY, I~TRAMUROS, K128te 8/Zl/89 5/01/90 20 360.00 PHILIPPINE LUZON WESTERN MANILA K12861 8/29/89 5/01/90 20 360.00 PHILIPPINE LUI~H TANGLAW NG POLANGUI K12589 1116/89 6/11/90 0 330.00 ._ ...... 780 40 15e654.H

PHILIPPINE SOUTH CENTRO DAYAO, CAVAG CITY Kl2649 2/11/89 4/02/90 21 352.50 PHILIPPIUE SCUTli COPPER CITY, TCLEOO CITY Kl 2616 1/01/89 4/02190 43 589.00 PHILIPPINE SOUTH SIKATUNA, K11091 2/11.184 4/02/90 22 05.00 PHILIPPINE SCUTH DOWNTOWN OAYAO, DAVAO CIT K12lS5 4/13189 4/02/90 15 221.00 PHILIPPINE SCUTH OUMAGUETE CITY, NEGROS OR K08518 10/11/16 4.102/90 15 252.00 PHILIPPINE sour~ K"LINAN K11908 10/18186 4102'90 28 51H.OO PHILIPPINE SOUTH ~ASAWA, CITY K12063 8108.181 4/ 02190 16 2u.oo PHILIPPINE SOUTH HIRAL, BANSALAI\ K12674 2/U.189 4/CZ/90 11 462.00 PHILIPPINE SOUTH PANABO NORTH Kl Zl 95 1116189 4/02./90 30 504.00 PHILIPPINE SOUTH PINEAPPLE COUNTRY Kl001Z l/15180 4/02./90 22 396.00 .PHILIPPINE SOUTH POWER CITY, ILIGlH CITY Kl 0306 4/13181 4/02/90 16 264.00 PHILIPPINE SGUTH SAN ANTONIO, ARAS-ASAN, C K12696 5/01189 4/02/90 25 450.00 PHILIPPINE SCUTH OUPONG 8AY UZ82l 10/02/88 5101190 2Z 534.00 PHILIPPINE SOUTH LANANG Kl 28 96 2125/89 5/01/90 22 561.00 PHILIPPINE SOUTH PERLAS KALINAN, DAVAO CIT U285.5 9/20/ 89 5101'90 23 414.00 PHILIPPINE SCUTH RAJAH BUAYAN K08ll5 6/01.177 6/12/90 0 ------211.50 331 16 6,420.00 l:.XHl 611 t· TUIAL SUSPENCEO CLUBS ------.------~------CLUB DATE SUSPENOfO NO. Of D I S T R I C T ~l A ME CLUB NAME KEY ORGAUl?EO [Alf HBRS. AIR BALANCE

~ E P IJ BLI C OF CH PU CHUNG YUAN Kl 2219 2/07/88 3/01/90 22 396.00 iHPIJBLIC OF CHINA HSIN KUANG, TAICHUNG K12745 2/28/89 3101/90 25 01.00 REPUBLIC QF CHINA NORTH TAIPEI K07H9 10/28173 3101/90 26 468.00 REPUBLIC OF CHIUA PAO SHI~, TAICHUNG 1(12747 5/2'/ 89 3/01/90 50 886 .. 50 REPUBLIC CF CHIUA PHOENIX, TAINAN HSIEN IC12168 10/01187 3/01/90 36 'UJ.00 REPUBLIC OF CHIUA TA LI, T Al CHUNG 1(09701 8/08179 3/01/90 12 261 .. 00 REPUBLIC OF CHINA TAICHUNG CHUNG CHENG 1(08674 3108111 3/01/90 21 480.00 REPUBLIC OF CHIH~ CHIA YI HSIEN IC 12823 4112/89 5/01/90 22 396.00 REPUeLIC OF CHIHA CHU PEI 1(12845 8/20/89 5/ 01/90 20 360 .. 00 REPUBLIC OF CHiflA PATRIOT, KAOHSIUNG K11059 11/29/83 l-/01/90 11 297 .. 00 ------. .. 251 U) 4i,824 .. 50

SOUTHMEST EL PASO-CORCNACO K05720 3.119/63 Z/01/90 22 U4.05 S □ UTHMEST VISTA HILLS, El PASO k1026l 31'19/81 2101/90 20 613. eo ... ._ ...... 42 2 1,221.85

TE XA S-OIC.LA HOH4 KAUFHAN K10546 11105181 2/01/90 29 no.ea TEXAS-Ol(.LAHOHA QUITMAN 1(12349 5/Zt/88 2/01190 26 US.90 TEXAS-OUAHOHA BASTROP K07440 4/0~/H 3/01/90 22. 282 .. 10

n 3 1,?39 .. 40

UTAH-IDAHO SANTA CLARA K09027 1106118 2/01/90 12 ...... 342.EO 12 1 342 .. 60

REPOIH TOTALS 2,461 lU 50,467 .. H


------~-~------~--~~~CLUB DATE SUSPENDED NO. Of ·FED. AMT. INTL. A/R CLUB NAHE KEY ORGAtUZED CATE MBRS. SFR. SfR. ------~------~-~--~------DISHICT tlA ►IE BELGH-LUXHBG-FRANC-HONACO BRA~AHT WALLON, NIVELLES K07865 3/22/12 4/01/90 28 211 .so 22.00 BELGH-LUXHBG-FRANC-HONAC □ BRUSSELS NO. 1 1(01867 4109163 4/01/90 24 187.50 3H.OO BELGM-LUXHBG-FRANC-HONAC □ BRUSSELS-SCALE 107871 10/14/66 4101/90 30 232.50 22.00 BELGH-LUXHBG-FRANC-HONACO DINARD COTE D'EHERAUOE 1(09312 9/14178 4/01/90 20 181.50 HZ. 50 BELGH-LUXHBG-FRANC-MCNACO LA ROCHE SUR YCN 1(12711 5/29189 4/01/90 20 150.00 22.00 BELGH-LUXHBG-FR~NC-HONACO ll SEY~E-SUR-HER K11310 9/03/84 4/01/90 15 150.00 1, BELGH-LUXHBG-FRANC-HONACO LAVAL 1(09999 5/31180 4/01/90 22 187.50 .. oo BELGH-LUXHBG-FRA~C-MONACO LI BOURNE 1(12642 3/15/89 4/01/90 26 HJ.SO 4 82. 50 · BELGH-LUXHBG-FRANC-MONACO HARSEILLE-OOYEN 1(07919 12/21170 4/01/90 38 no.oo 530.00 BELGH-LUXHBG-FRANC-HONACO HENOE LES SOURCES 1(11568 9/23/85 4/01/90 23 181.50 2H. 50 BELGM-LUXMSG-FR~NC-M □ N~CO flANTES 1(09893 3/29/80 4/01/90 31 262.50 22.00 BELGH-LUXHBG-FRANC-HONACO PARIS K07933 12/03165 4/01/90 11 562.50 688.50 SELGH-LUXHBG-FRANC-HONACO PARIS-VENDOME 109551 4/20119 4/01/90 20 181.50 210.00 BELGH-LUXHBG-FRANC-HONACO ROANt4E 109106 3/10178 4101/90 30 210.00 265.60 BELGH-LUXHBG-FRANC-HONACO SENS Kl0123 9/27/80 4/01190 29 210.00 400.00 SELGH-LUXHBG-FRANC-MON~CO VI\LENCIENNES K11207 5./22/84 4/01/90 22 181-50 314.00 ------.. ._, ...... 16 394 4, 327. 50 4,960.10

EUROPE NON-OISTRICTEO LIS BONNE Klll'H 5/03/84 4/01/90 21 187 .50 ....283.50 ---- 1 21 181.50------28 J. 50

ITALY-MALTA ACRI K1Z354 5/09/88 4/01/90 20 337.50 540.00 1,Ul.50 2,551.50 IT ALY-HALT A CATANZARO Kl OHO 7/31/81 4/01/90 48 IT Al Y-HAL TA LAMEZIA-TERME Kl1596 10/04/85 4/01/90 26 tel.SO Hl.50 ITALY-HAL TA NOTO IC.10244 2/21181 4/01/90 28 210.00 318.00 IT ALY-HALT A ROME K0800Z 4/21172 4/01/90 49 217.50 1, IT All-HAL TA TORINO HOST K12741 6/06/89 4/01/90 20 ...... 150.00 _...... ------550.00 6 191 2,580.00 5, 630. 50

NETttERLANOS GOES DE BEVELANOEN K11793 7/28/86 4/01/90 25 -~,_,-210.00...... 400.00 1 25 210.00 400.00

NOROfN '4LTA Kl0377 6/20/81 4/01/90 13 375.00 351.00 NORDEN fYLLINGSDALEN 1(08015 5/H/15 4/01/90 19 HS.OD a1.oo NOROEtl HEIMDAL 1(08214 3/08/16 4/01/90 19 1,125.00 1,310.50 9/29/83 4/01/90 21 202.50 364.50 NIJ JWE r, TAMPERE Kl1015 ...... _.,. ___ ------...... 4 18 2, 2,561.00

R~Pnrr H~T/11 <; 28 709 9,382.50 13,841.10 l.(HliHI u JOlAL NOi-MEETiNG CLUBS

------~~~------~-~------~------~------~------CLUB DATE t-.CT-HEETING ND. Of DISTRICT NA'1E CLUB HAME KEY ORGANIZED CATE HBRS. A/R UUNCE

AL AAA P1A tlORTHPCRT K 10607 2/01/82 3/31/90• 12 156.15____ ..,..,., 12 1 156.U

ANOEAH HALAGA KU476 6/01185 9/30/89 2 252.50 ANOEAtl HARACAIBO K11414 3/13185 9130/89 18 112.00

20 2 1.024.50------


·CALIF-NEVADA-HAWAII SOUTH STOCKTON K11Z27 6/20/H 6/30/89* 1Z 15. lO CALIF-NEVADA-HAWAII SUNRISE• SEASICE Kl2084 9/02187 6130189• u .oo CALIF-tlEVAOA-HAWAII NORTH CLAIREHONT-SUNRISER K11550 9/2'/85 1122189$ 10 .oo CALIF-NEVADA-HAWAII CHATSWGRTH K0990Z 4/01/80 8/04/89$ l. .oo CALIF-HEVADA-HAWAli CLOVIS WEST K1Z153 11/20/87 8104189$ 18 223. 55 CALIF-HEVADA-HAWAII DESERT HOT SPRINGS K11516 8/B/85 g/04/899 15 u,.u CALIF-HEVAOA-HAWAJI CAP ITOLA-SOQUEL Kl2363 6101188 9130/89* u 141. 3S CALIF-NEVADA-HAWAII COLISEUM OAUA~O K12461 9/01188 9.130/89• 11 .oo CALIF-NEVAOA-H~W~II FIVE CITIES, PISHO BEACH KC9634 1/19119 9130/89• g .oo CALIF-NEVADA-HAWAII GREATER IRVINE K118SS 9/30/86 9130/89$ 10 .011 CU IF-NEVADA-tlAWA II HONTEREY BAY ll12353 5/31/88 9.130/89$ 16 .oo ClLIF-NEVAOA-HAWAII NORTH OAKLAND KO 1801 11/26128 9130189* 15 .oo CALIF-NEVADA-HAWAII NORTH SANTA BARBARA 1(04758 3/25157 9/30/89$ H .oo CALlF-HEVADA-HAWAII SEAL BEACH-COAST LINE K119Z4 1/14181 U/01189* 13 .oo CALIF-NEVADA-HAWAII SAN OIHAS 1(06250 5111161 12131/89$ 10 .oo CALIF-NEVADA-HAWAII EL TORO K12250 3/0S/88 1/l

CAROLINAS WEST CHARLOTTE K12245 3/02/Se 3/31/89$ 0 693.15 CAROLINAS THE CRISTAL COAST-SWANSBO KJ.2413 9/14/88 9/30,89• 12 .oo CAROLINA~ FRIPP ISLAND Kl2408 J/13/88 1/01/9('$ 13 157.30


------~-~------~-----~-~------CLUB DATE NOT-f4EET ING NO. OF DISTRICT NAHE CLUB NAHE KEY ORGANIZED CATE HBRS. A/R UUNCE --~------~~------~----~------~~--~--~-~------CAROL IUAS SELHA KOHH 2/0 l/ 24 4/26/90* 9 99.15

34 4 950------.. 80

E CANADA ANO CARJeBEAN POINT FORT IN K10310 5/30/81 12/21/89$ u UloOO E CANADA ANO CAP.leB~AN BONURE K092l4 6'29i18 3/ 31/90 u 294 .. U E CANADA ANO CARieBEAN CHAPEL TON KOJ815 U09/J5 3131/90 6 121.50 E CANADA AtfO CA RHB EAN RAIZET-INTERNATIONAL K12548 10.101188 3/31/90 27 E28 .. 50 E CANADA ANO CARIBBEAN SAN JOSE K12H7 4.12 8/ 88 3.131,(90 25 515.U E CANADA ANO CARieBEAN TUNAPUNA K 12119 9.121°.181 J/31/90 30 30 3.00 ... - ...... uo 6 2.00, .. 00

FLORIDA NORTH TAHPA K04406 3129155 6/30/89• 11 .oo FLORIDA KEY WEST K031'e3 4/22148 8121/-89• 20 .. oo FLORIDA MAITLAND K0S5Jl 3/22162 10/01189* IS !03 •. 30 FLORIDA CLEWISTCN l10018 l/29/80 11.110/89* u ue .. 30 FLOIHDA BELLEVIEW K10984 9/14183 3/14/90. u .oo . FLORIDA FORT MYERS EAST KU435 4.111185 3/21/90$ 9 .oo fLOf1 I DA LAKE SQUARE,LEESBURG KU564 9/30/85 3/21/90• 2 .oo

86 1 01 .. 60

GEORGIA COUNTY CORNERS, HARIETTA K11662 3/0i/86 101'01/89* u 157. 30 GEORGIA WASHINGTON COU~TY-SANOERS l12384 8.112188 10/01189• 1l 386 .. 10 GEORGIA LIBERTY COUNTY, HINESViLL U2Sl2 12.101/88 1101/90* '30 216.60 ... ._ ...... 58 3 uo.oo

ILLINOIS-EASTERtt IOWA WE ST JOLIET 1(10412 9/22181 9/301'89* 19 185., 25 ILLINOIS-EASTERN IOWA FAIRBURY K 11741 6"/19186 3/ 28/90• 10 .oo ... ._, .. ..., .. 29 l 185.25

IUOIAfU CONNERSVILLE SUNDOWNERS K08186 6/21/77 11/11/89$ 16 210.25 INOJAtU GREATER PORTAGE AREA K12507 9/Zl 188 11/11/89• 23 3.U .. 90 INOUUA WAKARUSA K10995 9/21/83 11/11/89$ 26 Ht .. 80 INOIAflA ZIONSVILLE C □ H~UNITY K11411 3/14/85 5/29/90* 12 .oo ---<949411 H 4 910 .. 95

INJIL EXTENSIOU CAROLINA K07682 1.128/15 1/01/88$ 0 .oo ItH ' l E X TE US Ia U SANTil CIJHINGO K08664 3/22/H 10/11/88• 0 .. oo


CLUB DATE NQT-MEETING NO. Of DISTRICT tlAHE CLUf! NAHE KEY ORGA~ll ED CATE MBRS. Al'R PUANCf --~------~---~-----~------~---~---~------~---~~- ltlT'L EXTENSIOU SIUGAPORE 1(06810 6/15171 3/31189 0 l;U.50 IUT'L EXTENSIOU AHHAN K08118 31'29111 91'30/89 23 552.00 INT'l EXTENSIOU COMOROS, COHORCS P.~PUSllC K11288 8/21184 'J/30/89 16 433.90 INT'L EXTEUSION HAN ,.a:G. s~ OUL UOJZO 4/11182 9/301'89 31 1,165.50 lNl'L EXTENSl □ tl IPOH Kl22Sl 11'31188 9130/89 20 00.00 lNT'L EXTENSIOU HCKPO K1175

KAUSA$ SUBLETTE K12714 41'20/89 10/011'89• 25 .oo --25 1 .oo---

LOUISI,t1A-HISS-W TENN PONTOTCC Kl2221 1/21"1'88 9/30/89* 21 07.30 LOUISI~HA-HISS-W TENN BAKER l123Sl 5/Zl 188 10/01189* 13 51.20 LOUISIANA-HISS~W TENN CHOUDRANT-DCWNSVILLE Kll 92 9 1/29/81 1.1261'90$ n 2H.10 LOUISIANA-H!SS-W TENN PACEMAKER CITY, H □ NROE K04616 5/01156 ~/31/CJOior 6 ___ ..., _

59 4 931.EO

HICHIGAN LAC STE. CLAIRE l08510 9/281'76 9/30/89* 19 .oo MI(HJr.Af-1 WARREN-NORTH K12479 9/14/88 9/30189• l .oo

26 l ;.oo

. HISSOURI-ARK.HIS•\S GRA NOV I EW K05164 91'2 3159 6/151'89* 8 102.H MISSOURI-ARKANSAS NEVADA K12282 3/29/88 6/151' 89• 10 .oo HIS SOUR I-ARKANSAS HARSHFIELD Kl2104 9/16/87 !»/20/8'1* 14 lH.90 HISSOURI-ARKAHSAS POTOSI K12392 61'29198 1/15/89$ 20 .oo HISSOURI-ARKAUSAS 6ERKELEY K06.IJ61


NEB RA sece- IOWA ASHL,rno 1(12059 8./0E/'87 9.13U89$ 13 .oo N::!lP.A)KA-IOWA STATE CENTER K10ZS5 3/01.181 3.1311'9041 15 185 .. 25 04-ee,•.., 28 2 US.25

NEi4 EUGLAND LOWER CONNECTICUT RIVER V KO 9944 5/H/81) 9/30189* 11 n.10 NEW EUGLAUD SHEL TON-DERBY ICC1181 2/22124 9.1301'89 24 ES0 .. 00 NEW EUGLMID WELLS ANO THE ICENNEBUNKS KUS 81 10/01/85 9/30/89$ 12 .. oo NEW EUGLAtlD WINCHESTER K03682 l.123151 10/01/'89$ 11 .oo NEW EtlGLAtJD CHICOPEE K01046 6/03123 2/18/90• 14 ...... 361.95 72 s 1,095.05

NEW lORK SINGHAHTON WEST 1(06490 4/09/'oCJ 6/26/69* 8 115.65 UE W lORIC HEIGHTS-TREHONT GOLDEN IC K1254S 10/01.168 9/301'89* 28 .oo NEW JORI( RAVENA-COEYMANS-S:LICIRK K12561 11/17188 91301'89$ a 312.U NEW JORK SCARSDALE K12U5 9/'30/87 111'30/ 8 ,. 38 543.40 NEW YORI' SOUTH HUNTINGTCN-OIX HILL K11943 2/24/81 3/02/90• 5 H .. 50 .. ..,_,_ .. .., 108 ~-~-5 --~--~--~~-1,103.20 r,~w z~ALJNO-SOUTH P~CIFIC OLENHEIH l<.08546 101'11176 8/20/891'r 9 .. oo

9 1 .oo

OHIO STRONGSVILLE K037SO 11/2 3.151 13/181'89$ 9 .oo

9 1 .oo

PACIFIC NORTHWEST HILL CKEEK 1(11931 21'03181 9.1301'89• 10 143 .. 15 PACIFIC UORTHWEST SHORELINE• SEATTLE 1(07030 8/16112 3.131/90• 2 6 .. U- PACIFIC NORTHWEST CAPITOL-OLYMPIA K12350 5/26/88 4.101/90* 19 471 ... 30 PACIFIC "ORTHWEST WYAH, THE DALLES K06211 12/29166 4.101/90• 18 .oo PACIFIC UORTHW[ST BURNABY K12666 4/20/89 ~/17190* 24 ·------..-.oo 13 5 613. 5l

PENUSYLVi~NI.t GERMANTOWN, PHILADELPHIA K03062 11/2 5 .141 9.115.189* 1 .oo PENNSYLVANIA GOVERNOR HlFFLINe SHILLIN J.12025 6/23181 9.1 lS/'89• 35 321 .. 25 PENNS Yl VAtH A SUBURBAN BETHLEHEM 1(05596 4/30/62 9/15/'89• 8 PEfltlSYLVANIA REYNOLOSV!ll E J.00832 8/18122 q.12 91' 8 'h: 12 .oo

62-- 4 424------.. 05


------~-----~--~~------~------~-----CLUB DATE HT-~EETING NO. OF DISTRICT NAME CLUB NAME KEY ORGANIZED CATE MBRS. AIR BALANCE ------~------~~--~------~~~~-~------PHILIPPINE LUZON NORTH, LAGRO 1(12394 l/03188 8/12189 9 201.u PHILIPPINE LUZON TIHOG,CUEZON CITY K12441 8/23188 9/15/89 20 uo.u PHILIPPINE LUZOH ANTIPOLO CENTRAL Kl2329 5/13/88 9/30/89 31 PHILIPPINE LUZON 8ANGUS CITY, QjGUPAN CITY Kt 22 9 8 voa,ee IJ/30/89 21 459.90 PHILIPPIHE LUZOU CALAUAG K10315 2/20181 9/30/89 12 1ao.oo· PHILIPPIN~ LUZON FREEDOM P4RK, ~ALAC~NANG, lll24SCJ 8./30/88 9130/89 20 no.u PHILIPPINE LUZOfl INDANG, CAVITE KtOS.31 10.101/81 9.130/89 13 U5.00 PHILIPPINE LUZOH HANDALUYONG K07285 8./03/13 9/30/89 2 241.50 PHILIPPINE LUZOH HANOALUYOUNG EAST K11465 5/30/85 CJ/30/89 i 458.H PHILIPPINE LUZON HARAGONDON, CAVITE K11520 8.118/85 9/30/89 33 t,:ns.oo PHILIPPINE LUZON HAS4NTOL 1 PAHPANGA, PHILI Kt J143 4/09/84 1130/89 u t,ou.u PHILIPPINE LUZON SAN MANUEL BUILDERS K12449 8/21/88 9/30/89 20 uo.,o PHILJPPIHE LUZOH SAN ROQUE, MARlKlNA Kl2451 8./28188 9/30189 21 199.31 q/30189 1 258.H PHJLJPPIHE LUZON TANOANG S0Rl 1 QUEZON CITY K11696 4/20/86 PHILIPPINE LUZON HIOTOWN QUEZON CITY Kl1716 5/14/86 3131/90 6 201.00 PHILIPPINE LUlnN HORONG, BATAAN K12241 2 ✓ 21/88 3/ 31/90 16 OS.SO PHILIPPINE LUZON PASAY NORTH, SAN JOSE DIS K12610 1/25/89 3131/90 24 ,u.oo . PHILIPPINE LUZON SAN JUAN, RIZAL l07559 8/05174 3/31/90 13 .ue.H TANGLAW NG CAI~TA K12561 10./23188 3/31'90 31 190.50 PHILIPPINE LUlON _..., ...... 319 n 8,082.U

PltILIPPINE SOUTH KABAHGKlLAN K12330 5/14/88 7115./89 39 n,.n PHILIPPINE SOUTH ARAS-ASAN KU 731 4.113/86 9/30/89 20 nz.u PHILIPPINE SOUTH MACTAN, LAPU LAPU CITY K1Z280 3/U/88 9/30/89 21 ns.oo PHILIPPUI: SOUTtt ROUS CITY KtztH 10/HIBl 9/30/89 ZS ua.u. PHILIPPINE SOUTH DAVAO-GULF U1114 3/02184 3/31/90 u PHILIPPINE SOUTH HIAGAO TOWN K11933 1.111187 3131/90 4 102.00 PHILIPPINE SOUTH NEW HORIZON, GENERAL SANT U2435 8./14/88 1/31/90 s 600.00 PHILIPPINE SCUTH TAG BIL ARAN K09038 0/00100 3/31/90 u 144 .GO ·143-- 8 4e33t.U------

REPUBLIC OF CHINA PENG HU K09594 4/25119 9./30/89 26 634.00 REPUBLIC OF CHINA HSIN CHUANG K10641 2/27.182 3/31'90 24 ...... , ..589.50 ----..A-- --50 l 1,223.50

115.65 ROCKY HOUNT AIN GOSHEN COUNTY, TORRINGTON K10155 10/23180 8/01/89$ 12 6 .oo ROCKY HOUNTAIN JlNBOREE, COLORADO SPRING 1(12535 9'30/88 CJ/25/BCJ• 5/31/90$ 8 .oo ROCKY MOUNT Altl LAK Ewaoo K023l8 5/22140 ...... --26 3 US.65

1/J0./89$ 11 298.65 SOUTtf\l c ST BLOOHFIELD K10362 6/11/81


CLUB DATE t. □ l-PIEETING NO. OF DISTRICT NAt1E CLUB NAME KEY ORGANIZED DATE NBRS. A/R UUNCE ------~------~~------~-----~------~------~----~----~-----~--- S '1 U Tti W!: ST HUACHUCA, SIERRA VISTA IC 11660 2/27/86 4/01/90• s .co

16- 2 U8.65··-


UT AH-IDAHO NORTH UTAH COUNTY K0712CJ 3/'13175 11/01/89$ 8 .oo UTAlf-ID~HO CLINTON K10l82 9/'15/82 1/15/90* l. .oo

to 2 ---.oo

W::ST vrqGJNIA DUNBAR-INSTITUTE KOT512 6/05114 7101189$ 5 ...... oo 5 1 • oo

WISCONSIU-UPPER HICH JANESVILLE-BREAKFAST K11703 5/01/86 6123/89$ n 218. 45 WISCGNSIH-UPPER ~ICH GREATER FOND DU LAC K11182 5/02/84 9/ 30/ 89• 1 .. oo WISCONSIN-UPPER HICH NORTHWEST MILWAUKEE K04004 6/15/53 9/301'89$ 9 • 00 WISCONSIN-UPPER ~ICH OCONTO FALLS K0131l 12/'lS/24 4/01/90* ....1 .oo 40 4 2u.u

REPORT TOTALS 2,380 uo 37,534.U




Chairman: George M. Scheer, Jr. - 275 Lincoln Piedmont Bldg., Michele 3405 Piedmont Rd., Atlanta, GA 30305 Bus: 404/ 266-1999 (Peachtree, Atlanta Club)

Members: Alonzo J. "Lonny" Bryan - 8115 S. Poplar Way, IB203, N/A Englewood, CO 80112 Res: 303/771-6168 (South Denver Club)

Charles H. Price - 125 Castlebar Rd., Rochester, NY Pauline 14610 Res: 716/442-9532 (Southwest Rochester Club)

E. Murray Taylor - 1436 Peacock Ln., Fairmont, WV Betty 26554 Res: 304/366-2153 (Fairmont Club)

Larry R. Tucker - 3901 Quivira, Hutchinson, KS 67502 Sue Bus: 316/665-2937 (Hutchinson Club)

Dana C. Weigle - 425 Commerce Dr., Richmond, IN Jean 47374 Bus: 317/962-7413 Fax: 966-4187 (Richmond Club)

(NOTE: Dale W. Loy has resigned from this committee.)


Chairman: Andrew A. Chaffin - P.O. Box 264, Gadsden, AL 35902 Elsie Res: 205/543-3836 (Gadsden Club)

Members: Linda Anne Dougherty - 6653 W. 63rd St., Chicago, IL NIA 60638-4129 Bus: 312/767-4419 (Greater Midway Club)

Richard G. Feeser - P.O. Box 372, Taneytown, MD 21787 Pat Res: 717/359-7328 (Taneytown Club)

James T. Hebron - 18 Marwill Place, Roslyn Hghts., NY Binky 11577 Bus: 516/575-2456 Fax: 575-7428 (North Shore, Long Island Club)

George C. Petersen, Jr. - 485 "E" St., Idaho Falls, Evelyn ID 83402 Bus: 208/523-4650 Res: 529-0582 (Idaho Falls Club)

John A. Ward - 126 Blakeley Pl., Charles Town, WV Ruth 25414 Res: 304/725-9520 (Charles Town Club)

James R. Washington - 203 5th Ave., W. Cape May, NJ Alice 08204 Res: 609/884-4812 (Cape May Club)

(over) - 2 -


Chairman: Chester Bogushas - 60 Bronson Dr., Middlebury, CT Else 06762 Bus: 203/756-6516 Res: 758-8034 (Waterbury Club)

Members: Dennis Dimoff - 1323 Algonac, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Denise Bus: 313/763-9819 Res: 662-0951 Fax: 763-0417 (Brighton Club)

Paul L. Frantz - 112 Sunset Blvd., Bozeman, MT 59715 N/A Bus: 406/586-4311 Res: 586-3406 Fax: 587-8435 (Bozeman Club)

Donald A. Gier - 507 N. 11th St., Marysville, KS Mary Ann 66508-1404 Bus & Res: 913/562-5483 (Marysville Club)

Bruce E. Marich - 38 Glenridge Ave., N. Brunswick, NJ Jackie 08902 Res: 201/246-4198 (East Brunswick Club)

Willi Schaefer - 950 Street Rd., Southampton, PA Liesel 18966 Bus: 215/355-9050 Fax: 355-9567 (Southampton Club)

Leo J. Sheetz - P.O. Box 1173, (2301 N. Croatan Hwy.), Mary Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 Res: 919/261-3904 (Kill Devil Hills, The Outer Banks Club)


Chairman: L .J. 11 Les II Mace - 2516 S. Sheridan, Springfield, MO Virginia 65804 Res: 417/881-4826 (Springfield South Club)

Members: Eugene Burman - Hollywood & Vine, Centerville, MA Marcy 02632 Res: 508/775-5870 Fax: 778-5688 (Hyannis Club)

Robert A. Calabrese - 1352 Culver Rd., Rochester, NY Janis 14609 Bus: 716/482-4080 (Penfield-Perinton Townships Club)

Frederick M. Hammill - 17 S. Stratford Dr., Athens, Betty GA 30605 Res: 404/549-2978 (Athens Area Club)

Charles E. 11 Chuck II Kaufman - 3510 Brook Dr. , Muncie, Joyce IN 47304 Res: 317/289-5578 (Delaware, Muncie Club)

S. Dale Leach - 2732 Woodgrove Dr., Grove City, OH Polly 43123 Res: 614/875-1786 (Grove City Club)

F. Keith McGruer - C/0 Ottawa-Carlton Economic Nancy Development Corp., 111 Lisgar St., Ottawa, ON K2P 217 CANADA Bus: 613/236-3500 Res: 226-2548 Fax: 236-9469 (Ottawa Club) - 3 -


Chairman: Ernest Sturch, Jr. - 1810 Oak Hills, Durant, OK Kathy 74701 Res: 405/924-0816 (Durant Club)

Members: Mark Arthur, Jr. - P.O. Box 111, (525 Main St.), Judy Russell, KS 67665 Bus: 913/483-3195 (Russell Club)

Frank J. DiNoto - 11 Bordeaux, Newport Beach, CA Mary Jane 92660 Bus: 714/833-2363 Fax: 250-9008 (Rosemead Club)

Fay H. McDonald - 633 Willow Rd., Naperville, IL Marge 60540 Res: 708/355-3487 (Naperville Club)

James B. Richard - 925 Rebecca Ave., Wilkinsburg, Nancy Pittsburgh, PA 15221 Res: 412/371-2601 (Wilkinsburg Club)


Co-Chairman: Charles H. Greenwood - 2504 W. Lincolnshire Dr., Theresa Muncie, IN 47304 Bus: 317/285-8230 (Muncie Club)

Vverrollton C. "Vic" Shaul - 72 Greencroft Dr., Wilma Jane Champaign, IL 61821 Res: 217/352-4051 (Champaign­ Urbana Club)


Chairman: Charles H. "Pheeze" Kemper, Jr. - P.O. Box 86, Troy, Mary Anne MO 63379-0086 Bus &~Res: 314/528-7562 Fax: 528-7519 (Troy Club)

Members: Gary A. Bionde - Dist. Office: P.O. Box 5214, Betty Lou (42 Main St., Ste. 1, 2nd Flr.), Clinton, NJ 08809 Dist: 201/735-6969 (Caldwell-West Essex Club)

Roy H. Frank - P.O. Box 747, (10184 SW Laurel), Dixie Beaverton, OR 9707 5· Bus: 503/641-8869 ( Beaverton Club)

George F. Langguth - Dist. Office: P.O. Box 536755, Ann Orlando, FL 32853-6755 (1111 E. Park Lake St., 32803), Dist: 407/898-8751 Res: 677-8274 Fax: 896-6781 (Winter Park Club)

Russell L. Luckow - Dist. Office: P.O. Box 1093, Edna (Appleton PCA Bldg., 3962 N. Richmond St.), Appleton, WI 54912 Bus: 414/738-9448 (Appleton Club)

~ Confirmed since May Board Meeting

(over) - 4 -


Member: Kevin E. Thomas - Dist. Office: 2404 Park Dr., Audrey Commerce Park, Harrisburg, PA 17110 Bus: 717/540- 9300 (Cumberland County Club)


Chairman: ~aymond W. Lansford - 46 Verbena Rd., Lake Ozark, Beuna MO 65049 Res: 314/365-2152 (Columbia, Missouri Club)

Members: ✓susan Barber - 1600 7th Ave., S., Birmingham, AL 35233 Bus: 205/939-9183

Vnavid K. Holderman - 62626 Stephanie St., Goshen, Diane IN 46526 Bus: 219/533-0505 (Goshen-Noon Club)


Chairman: George Kane, D.D.S. - 35 E. Grassy Sprain Rd., Amy Yonkers, NY 10710 Bus: 914/337-5252 (East Yonkers Club)

Members: Floyd Baugus - P.O. Box 312, (815 S. Meadowbrook), Gertie Wynne, AR 72396 Bus & Res: 501/238-3556 (Wynne Club)

Calvin H. Clayton, Sr. - 2704 15th Ave., Forest Grove Betty OR 97116 Res: 503/357-6269 Fax: 644-3600 (Forest Grove Club)

Douglas R.K. Everett - 2106 Kirk Rd., Youngstown, OH Joan 44511 Bus: 216/726-8101 (Mill Creek Club)

A. James Kauffman - P.O. Box 1-P, (700 Main St., Pat Ste. 1104), Richmond, VA 23202-0363 Bus: 804/649- 9251 Fax: 644-1710 (Chesterfield Club)

Robert W. Last - 962 Martin Ave., Fond du Lac, WI Jackie 54935 Res: 414/921-3972 (Fond du Lac Club)

Michael G. Pratt - P.O. Box 1665, (4124 Del Rio Dr., Suzanne E.), Cottonwood, AZ 86326 Bus: 602/267-7512 Res: 646-6459 (Clarkdale-Verde District Club)

V= Confirmed since May Board Meeting - 5 -


Chairman: ~rlos B. Torres - Apdo. Aereo 20292, Cali, Odette COLOMBIA Bus: 001-57-23/813645 Fax: 617429 (Cali Club)

Members: * Pedro Celestino

Guido Krebs - DECLINED

* Julio Muller


Chairman:~ns Servais - Sip 17, 4728 Hergenrath, BELGIUM Annalie Bus: 87/659996 (Aachen-Urbs Aqensis Club)

Members: ~ean-Pierre de Harven - Av Massenet 19, 1190 Dominique Bruxelles, BELGIUM Bus: 011-32-2/344-2698 Res: /343-5676 Fax: /347-5711 (Bruxelles Scales Club)

* Roger Nadig

'* Nicolo Russo


Chairman:* Braulio D. Hizon

Members: Vs':ung Ho "Sam" Shim - 20-2, 254-13 Nonhyun-dong, Bong Yeol Kangnam-ku, 135 Seoul, KOREA (Hayang Club)

Vtternando Streegan - Rhine Marketing Corp., Corner of Don V. Sotto & McArthur Blvd., 6401 City, PHILIPPINES

* Dr. Hideo Ueda, M.D.


Chairman:Vc~off Hergt - 241 Dendy St., Brighton, 3187 Margaret Victoria, AUSTRALIA Res: Oll-61-3/592-6356 Fax: 547-8864 (Moorabbin Club)

Members:* E. S. Lim

✓= Confirmed since M~y Board Meeting * Acceptance not confirmed

(over) - 6 -


Members: ~- Ray Peek - P.O Box 156, Victoria· Park, 6100 Margaret W.A., AUSTRALIA Res: Oll-61-9/470-1044 Fax: 470-3059 (Perth Club)

~ville Puckey - 19 Gallard Pl., Hamilton, Karen NEW ZEALAND Res: 011-64-71/60072 Fax: 64-71/ 82-666 (Kirikiriroa Club)


Chairman: Thomas H. Dunham - P.O. Box 47249, (5340 S. Patty Harding St.), Indianapolis, IN 46247 Bus: 317/788-9761 Fax: 788-9797 (Indianapolis Club)

Members: ~omas L. Beveridge - 90 Sparks St., Suite 1000, N/A Ottawa, Ontario KlP 5T8 CANADA Bus: 613/560- 2805 (Ottawa Club)

Harry Frels - 1895 Camino Del Rio So., San Diego, Dorothy CA 92108 Bus: 619/295-1920 Res: 272-5096 (San Diego Club)

James D. Heymes - 1360 Balfour, Gros~e Pointe Charlotte Park, MI 48230 Bus: 313/237-8238 Res: 882-9379 Fax: 237-6498 (Detroit #1 Club)


Chairman: Stanley E. Snow - P.O. Box 467, Twin Falls, ID 83303 Betty Bus: 208/733-4208 (Twin Falls Club)

Members: David H. Ma - 108 N. Ynez Ave., Ste. 200, Monterey Grace Park, CA 91754 Bus: 818/288-0688 Fax: 288-9160 (Monterey Park-Sun Gabriel Valley Club)

Donn H. Roy - 18 Waterford Dr., Englewood, FL 34223 Betty Res: 813/474-1647 (Englewood Club)

Luther Smith - 5956 Crestwood Cir., Birmingham, AL Jewell 35212 Res: 205/592-3572 (Birmingham Club)

Chris M.A. ter Beek - Postbus 20, 3958 ZT Amerongen, Paula NETHERLANDS Res: 011-3434/52826 Fax: 79/212172 (Amerongen-Leersum Club)

V=' Confirmed since May Board Meeting - 7 -


Chairman.: Robert D. Hayes - 605 Chestnut Hill Rd., Marietta, Jean GA 30064 Bus & Res: 404/422-3646 (Marietta Club)

Members: ~oward Chang - 1-1, Ta Yea Rd, Taichung 40409, Mu-yen Tang Taiwan, R.O.C. Bus: 4/201-5883 Res: 4/201-2898 (Taichung Club)

Michael Henriques - P.O. Box 362, Kingston 6, Yvonne JAMAICA Bus & Res: 809/927-7866 Fax: 926-7134 (Kingston Club)

Charles H. Kopeland - Rt. 1, Box 845, Ashland, VA NIA 23005 Bus & Res: 804/798-6863 Fax: 752-7168 (Ashland Club)

Jean-B. Renucci - 39 Rue de la Republique, 13002 Denise Marseille, FRANCE Bus: 011-33-91/908194 Fax: 909484 (Marseille-Centre Club)

~han Schnitler - Solhogdveien 32, N-7021 Trondheim, Gunvor NORWAY Res: 011-477/943763 Fax: 932328 (Trondheim Club)

* Giovanni Tinebra


Chairman: Roger L. Lawrence - 2215 Kellogg, Ames, IA 50010 Pauline Res: 515/232-8402 (Ames Club)

Members: Michael L. Colby - 2311 Oak Ct., Pembroke Pines, FL N/A 33026 Res: 305/431-5879 Fax: 362-4188 (Miami Lakes Club)

William J. Dawson - 453 N. Clark St., Nappanee, IN Barb 46550 Res: 219/831-4060 Fax: 258-4594 (Nappanee II Club)

Richard L. Prada - 1045 Marsh Creek Ln., Manteca, CA Vel 95336 Res: 209/823-4639 Fax: 239-7421 (Manteca Club)

George R. Whitney - P.O. Box 467, (8 Upper Cherry Ruby St.), Hardwick, VT 05843 Res: 802/472-6240 (Hardwick Club)

~ Confirmed since May Board Meeting * Acceptance not confirmed

(over) - 8 -


Member: Ralph Wilson, Jr. - P.O. Box 308, (109 N. Maple), Sally Osceola, AR 72370 Bus: 501/563-6035 Fax: 563-6554 (Osceola Club)


Chairman: Lindley H. "Dig" DeGarmo - 3801 Millender Mill Rd., Peggy Upperco, MD 21155 Res: 301/239-8363 (Reisterstown Club)

Members: James B. Dye - 9130 Greenway Ct., L-185, Saginaw, MI Pat 48603 Bus: 517/793-9111 (Saginaw, Riverside Club)

Laurence S. Kravet - 3 Eagle Ln., Palm Harbor, FL Maria 34683 Res: 813/734-4091 Fax: 789-3224 (Dunedin Club)

West McLean - 8453 E. Chaparral Rd., Scottsdale, AZ Mary 85250-7447 Res: 602/945-4772 (North Scottsdale Club)

Eliot H. ~otter - 100 S.E. 9th St., Apt. 1002, Topeka, Treva KS 66612 Res: 913/235-5996 (Topeka Club)

Ronald L. Shaffer - 4011 Homestead Dr., Prairie Jeannine Village, KS 66208 Res: 913/831-0907 Fax: 384-6088 (Plaza District, Kansas City Club)


Chairman: Preston A. "Pres" Davis - 600 6th Place, S.W., Mary Washington, D.C. 20024 Bus: 2q2/554-7693 (Capitol Hill Club)

Members: Robert W. Evans - 2404 Lyndhurst Dr., Champaign, IL Geri 61820 Res: 217/352-5695 (Champaign-Urbana Noon Club)

Kenneth C. Forror, M.D. - P.O. Box 1328, (1207 Beth Merritt Dr., 92020), El Cajon, CA 92022 Res: 619/ 444-9331 Fax: 224-6253 (North Park, San Diego Club)

Clark Harvey - 5119 40th St., Lubbock, TX 79414-2799

Saundra Huge - 7418 Dean Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46240 N/A Res: 317/849-4192 Fax: 579-7210 (Indianapolis-Broad Ripple Club)

Ronald L. Logsdon - 4016 S. Griffith Ave., Owensboro Barbara KY 42302-0630 Bus: 502/686-1610 Fax: 686-1614 (Owensboro Club)

N/A - 9 -


Chairman: Carlton E. Levy - P.O. Box 364, (20 Banana Walk), Winsome Kingston 8, JAMAICA Bus: 809/929-3091 Fax: 926- 8509 (Kingston Club)

Members: Rev. Dr. Hervis Bain, Jr. - P.O. Box N-4313, Nassau, BAHAMAS

Cornelius "Boy" Mendez - Cassandraweg 40, Curacao, Rose Marie NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Bus: 011-599-9/75870 Res: 599-9/77439 Fax: 599-9/371312 (Piscadera Club)

R. Sat Ramparsad - P.O. Box 671, (172 Abercromby N/A St.), Port of Spain, TRINIDAD, WEST INDIES Bus: 1-809/623-1639 Res: 637-8279 (Port of Spain Club)


Chairman: Jorge Garcia - Cra. 56-B #135-40, P.O. Box 4084, Nora Bogota, COLOMBIA Bus: 011-57-1/204-8155 Fax: 204-1932 /204-8255 Telex: 45224 (Bogota Club)

Members: Miguel Clare - Apdo. 6-5000, El Dorado, PANAMA Elizabeth Bus: 011-507/247993 Res: 619339 Fax: 248497 (Panama Club)

* Col. Pedro Velez (T)

*Dr.Edgar Villota (T)


Chairman: Guy A. Caron, M.D. - 42 Rue des WETZ, 59500 Marie-Lou Douai, FRANCE Bus: 011-33-27/888812 Fax: 966598 (Douai Club)

Members: Adalsteinn Adalsteinsson - Hjallasel 14, 109 Elisabet Reykjavik, ICELAND Res: 91/76405 (Akranes- Thyrill Club)

Antonio Bonura, M.D. - Via G. Aracri, 24, I-88100 Catanzaro, ITALY (T)

Hubert Chantraine, M.D. - Rue de Verviers, 28, N/A B-4700 Eupen, BELGIUM Bus: 87/553542 (Eupen Club)

* Acceptance not confirmed (T) Requires Translation

(over) - 10 -


Chairman: Dr. Juan F. Torres, Jr. - Santo Tomas University Leonie Hospital, Suite 203, Espana, Manila, PHILIPPINES Bus: 2659/695-8741 (Antipolo Club)

Members: Eric Chu - #20, Liu-Ho 2nd Rd., Kaohsiung, Chiug-Hua Wu Taiwan, R.O.C. Bus: 886-7/271-8745 Fax: 7/261-9920 (Kaohsiung Club)

Dr. Hyun Soo Kim - 361, 2-Ka, Kwang Hee-Dong, Soo Ryun Cheong-Ku, 100 Seoul, KOREA Bus: 2/279-8890 Res: 279-9362

Chooi Tat Wai - 41A, Damai Complex, Jalan Dato Gaik Haji Eusoff, 50400 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Bus: 03/4417518 Fax: 03/4411291 (Petaling Jaya Club)


Chairman: Colin G. Miles - P.O. Box 13-371, Christchurch, Jill NEW ZEALAND Bus: 3/791-786 Fax: 3/663-585 (Christchurch Central Club)

Members: John "JJ" Jenkins - P.O. Box 152, Glenorie NSW Colleen 2157, AUSTRALIA Bus: 61-2/652-2280 Fax: same as Business# (Manly-Warringah Club)

Vladimir "Val" Urlich - RDl, Tokerau Beach, Mavis Kaitaia, NEW ZEALAND Res: 09/408-7194 (Kaitaia Club)


Chairman: George D. "Jake" Swartout - 628 Inlet Rd., N. Palm Alice Beach, FL 33408 Res: 407/844-8674 Fax: 622-1629 (The North Palm Beaches Club)

Members: William Homisak - 1310 Louisa St., Williamsport, PA Ellie 17701 Res: 717/323-1495 (Williamsport Club)

William L. Martin - P.O. Box 62, (91 Chestnut St.), Sheila Oneonta, NY 13820 Bus: 607/432-1100 (Oneonta Club)

D.D. "Dick" Mortimer - 649 W. School St., Columbus, Beth WI 53925 Res: 414/623-3455 (Columbus Club)

Robert Robson - 381 N. Arizona Ave., #B, Chandler, AZ NIA 85224 Bus: 602/786-0809 Res: 897-7337 (Chandler Club)

.,{iex A. "Bo" Shaffer, Jr. - P.O. Box 4307, Knoxville, Mary TN 37921 Bus: 615/546-0761 Res: 584-1844 V= Confirmed since May Board Meeting - 11 -


Member: William R. Wirth - Heritage Publishing, 500 Furman Marj Rd., Ste. 2, Boone, NC 28607 Bus: 800/438-5967 Res: 704/963-6257 Fax: 264-1267 (Boone Club)


Chairman: Donald E. Williams - 19 Parkview Dr., Berea, OH Sally 44017 Res: 216/234-5702 - April 1 to Jan. 31 (684 Ellicott Cir., N.W., Port Charlotte, FL 33952 Res: 813/625-8975 - Feb. 1 to Mar. 31) (Berea Club)

Members: L/i.R. "Jim" Brooks - P.O. Box 1927, (7742 E. Pleasant Leanna Run), Scottsdale, AZ 85252 Res: 602/443-8968 (Scottsdale Club)

~.B. "Rick" Erickson - 2671 S. Garland St., Lakewood, Rita CO 80112 Res: 303/771-6168 (South Denver Club)

W. Donald Goodfellow, Q.C. - 1660 Aquitaine Tower 540 Lois 5th Ave., S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2P OM2 CANADA Res: 403/262-4610

~.A. "Larry" Hapgood - 4133 Saratoga Ave., Apt. B 217, Peg Downers Grove, IL 60515 Res: 708/963-5807 - June-Dec, ( 6362 N. Willow Haven Dr. , Tucson, AZ 85 704 Res:· 602/ 797-8274 - Jan-May) (Western Springs, Illinois Club)

Gene R. Overholt - 40439 Newporte Dr., Plymouth, MI Jane 48170 Res: 313/453-1147 (Colonial-Plymouth Club)

Donald G. Wilson - 4209 Ranch View Rd., Ft. Worth, TX Margaret 76109 Res: 817/923-1792 (University Area, Ft. Worth Club)


Chairman: Wayne W. Hoeft, O.D. - 10043 Olivia Terr., Sun Valley, Lyn CA 91352 Bus: 213/467-4148 Res: 818/767-6103 (East Hollywood-Los Feliz Club)

Members: I. Douglas Dunipace - 2 N. Central, Ste. 1600, Jan Pheonix, AZ 85004-2393 Bus: 602/262-5832 Fax: 253 3255 (Pheonix Club)

Preston W. Forbes - 22 Hampden Park, Tiffin, OH 44883 Jean Res: 419/448-9338 Fax: 448-2124 (Tiffin Club)

Clark Gannon - P.O. Box 836, (210 Haynes Dr.), Elsie Murfreesboro, TN 37129 Res: 615/893-7517 (Stones River Club)

Confirmed since May Board Meeting

(over) - 12 -


Members: John J. Lucca - P.O. Box 1086, Hammonton, NJ 08037 Sharon Res: 609/567-0933 (Hammonton Club)

Phillip C. "Pappy" Rawlins - 8338 Wind way Dr., San Sally Antonio, TX 78239 Res: 512/656-5925 (Greater Randolph Area Club)

Thomas D. Weldin - 1906 Robin Dr., Camden, SC 29020 Hap Res: 803/432-3263 (Camden Club)

Advisor: John B. Wilson - 2182 Westchester Blvd., Spring Hill, Mercedith FL 34606 Res: 904/683-3947 (From May 1 to Oct. 15 - D-24 Land Harbor, Newland, NC 28657 Res: 704/733-2369) (Spring Hill Club)


(All Past Presidents, with Chairman to be named in St. Louis)


Chairman: Paul E. Tomshany - 1971 Parker, Dexter, MI 48130 Gale Res: 313/426-3632 (Dexter Club)

Members: Glen Bagnell - Banook Woods, Ste. 612, 30 Brookdale Shirley Crestin, Dartmouth, NS B3A 4T7 CANADA Bus: 902/ 464-2620 (Dartmouth Club)

Richard B. Domingos - 246 Corbin Ave., Macon, GA Mary 31204 Res: 912/743-7334 (Macon Club)

Joseph C. Hillier, D.D.S. - 4701 Buckingham Ct., Susanne Chester, VA 23831 Bus: 804/748-5008 (Chester Club)

Karl F. Kohlhoff - 15155 E. Elliot, Gilbert, AZ 85234 Joan Bus: 602/644-2273 (East Mesa Club)

Warren Mitchell - 1943 26th Ave. Ct., Greeley, CO JoAnn 80631 Bus: 303/356-2920 Fax: 356-3762 (Greeley Club)

Raymond I. Wolfson - 180 Allen Ave., Newton, MA Gertrude 02168 Res: 617/332-0803 (Roxbury Club)


Chairman: Gene O'Brien - 5013 SE Allan Rd., Milwaukie, OR Marlene 97267 Res: 503/654-3597 (Milwaukie Club)

Members: Herbert A. Black, II, J.D. - P.O. Box 269, (12 W. Marie Central St.), Natick, MA 01760 Bus: 508/653-8400 Fax: 650-9287 (Belmont Club) - 13 -


Members: Alfredo Gomez Camacho - Cra. 67 #57All Sur, P.O. N/A Box 013554, Bogota COLOMBIA Bus: 011-57-1/2305082 Fax: 2617535 (Bogota Club) (T)

0ack K. Frost - 4309 Tamarisk Dr., Oklahoma City, Avonne OK 73120 Res: 405/751-7005 (Mayfair, Oklahoma City Club)

Anton J. "Tony" Kaiser - 37 Acme Ave., Bethpage, NY Kim 11714 Res: 516/681-5822 (Farmingdale Club)

Louis LaFlamme - 476 Ross Haven Ave., Apt. 401, Michele Fort Murray, AB T9H 4Kl CANADA Bus: 403/743-6095 Res: 743-4872 Fax: 791-8330 (Calgary Club) -

Robert C. Swanson - 6522 Newhall Rd., Charlotte, NC Helen 28226 Res: 704/366-8427 (Mecklenburg, Charlotte Club)

YOUTH SERVICES . Chairman: Joseph 0. Hesch - 217 N. 7th St., Wahpeton, ND 58075 Carol Res: 701/642-2487 (Wahpeton Club)

Members: Myral C. Coatney - 6235 Truman Rd., Kansas City, MO Billie 64126-2692 Bus: 816/231-5600 (Blue Valley, Kansas City Club)

Mark Frady - P.O. Box 9184, S. Lake Tahoe, CA 95731 Carla Bus: 916/541-1541 (Carson City Club)

James A. Hallman, D.D.S. - 53~ Foxwood Blvd., Nancy Englewood, FL 34223 Res: 813/475-1081 (Englewood Club)

Earl D. McMichael, Jr. - 86 Coveland Dr., Avon Lake, Lois OH 44012 Res: 216/933-5085 Fax: 933-9586 (Avon Lake Club)

J.E. "Gene" Parks - Drawer T, Tryon, NC 28782 Res: Mary Jo 704/859-5142 (Tryon Club)

Anne Marie Wells - P.O. Box 267, (579 Fifth Ave.), N/A Lansingburgh Station, Troy, NY 12182 Bus: 518/ 457-7103 Res: 235-3675 Fax: 457-3081 (Lansingburgh Club)

/= Confirmed since May Board Meeting

(over) - 14 -



Chairman: George Engdahl - 32460 Crown Valley Parkway, #211, N/A Monarch Beach, CA 92677 Bus: 714/556-2121 Fax: 556- 0156

Members: Lowell 0. "Budd" Amundson - 7701 E. Elida, Tucson, AZ Ramona 85715 Res: 602/298-8648 Fax: 298-5274 (Rincon-Tucson Club)

R. Tyler Bland, Jr. - P.O. Box 1702, (426 First St.), Trudy W. Point, VA 23181 Res: 804/843-3279 Fax: 843-3338 (West Point Club)

Mort Freedman - 435 E. Greystone Ave., Monrovia, CA Fran 91016 Res: 818/358-9282 Fax: 359-9314 (Monrovia Club)

David T. Lockwood - 7 Melrose St., Boston, MA N/A 02111 Bus: 617/95£-6380 Fax: 350-8321 (Duxbury Club)

John A "Jack" Sundberg - 1980 Sweetbriar Ln., Betty Rockford, IL 61107 Res: 815/226-1214 (From Jan. 1 to Apr. 30 - 7406 Lake Breeze Dr., #214, Ft. Myers, FL 33907 Res: 813/481-5337) (Rockford ClubJ

William A. Thacher - 8645 E. Henderson Tr., Inverness, Jean FL 32650 Res: 904/726-6666 (Floral City Club)


Chairman: John J. "Jack" Harten - 1879 Ridge Rd., Webster, NY Jackie 14580 Bus: 716/671-7520 (Webster Club)

Members: Mark Arthur, Jr. - P.O. Box 111, (525 Main St.), Judy Russell, KS 67665 Bus: 913/483-3195 (Russell Club)

Bill Wesley Brown - ITEC Dept., CA State University, Judith Chico, CA 95929-0305 Bus: 916/895-4505 (Greater Chico Club)

Robert W. Fowinkle - 6116 45th St., W., Bradenton, Jan FL 34210 Bus: 813/755-2628 Fax: 813/753-2968 (Bayshore Club)

Elb~rt L. Kidd - 121 Ocala Dr., Montgomery, AL 36117 Marge Res: 205/277-3728 (Good Morning, Montgomery Club) - 15 -


Members: William J. McMahon - 7942 S. Komensky, Chicago, IL Pat 60652 Res: 312/767-8745 Fax: 236-9618 (Southwest Chicago Club)

Thornton "Pat" Patberg - University of Evansville, Melba 1800 Lincoln Ave., Evansville, IN 47722 Bus: 812/ 479-2361 (Evansville-Green River Club)

Robert G. Wallace - 114 Tuckahoe, Jackson, TN 38305 N/A Bus: 901/668-4848 (Jackson Club)

Raymond A. Wallander - P.O.Box 2586, Colorado Carol Springs, CO 80901 Bus: 719/635-5588 Res: 593-9592 (The Rampart Range, Colorado Springs Club)

Robert G. Wegner - 4038 Grove Ave., Broo~field, IL Donna 60513 Bus: 312/727-4863 Fax: 606-9263 (Brookfield Club)

James C. Wilkins - 2730 Lakeview Dr., Fergus Falls, Jean MN 56537 Res: 218/739-9004 Fax: 739-7475 (Fergus Falls Club)


Chairman: Robert E. Lynch - 2041 S. Durkee Rd., Grafton, OH Janet 44044 Bus: 216/329-7221 (Grafton-Midview Club)

Member: Darrell Coover - NAII, 499 S. Capitol St., S.W., 1401, Betty Washington, D.C. 20003 Bus: 202/484-2350 Fax: 484- 2356 (Washington, D.C. Club)



Robert L. Gibbons - 16222 Monterey Ln, #252, Nancy Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Res: 714/840-9516 Fax: 213/921-5892 (Bell Flower Club)

ELECTIONS (To be appointed)

SERGE.ANT-AT-ARMS (To be appointed)

CREDENTIALS Cary Mayer - 12600 Oxford Dr., La Mirada, CA 90638 (La Mirada Club) 1989-90 Board Committee on Finance Preliminary Finance Report (OOO's) June 21 - 22, 1990 Non-budgeted Fund Requests Int'l. Genl Liab Capital Operating Budget 1989/90 Operatin~ Ma~azine Convention Insurance Improvement Total Sept 30, 1989 Audited Fund Balance $4,260 $ 442 $ 480 $ 239 $4,926 $10,347 1989/90 Budget Surplus at 9/30/89 $ 828 $ 47 $ 49 $ -0- $ 40 $ 964 Adjustments· - October Meeting (14) -0- ( 48) -0- -0- ( 62) Surplus as Adjusted $ 814 $ 47 $ 1 $ -0- $ 40 $ 902

Approved the 1989/90 Budget January 1990 Board Meeting:

One Day Trng Conference 132-7241-012 ( 3) -0- -0- -0- -0- (3) 143-7241-012 ( 23) -0- -0- -0- -0- ( 23) 145-7241-012 ( 3) -0- -0- -0- -0- (3)

Past Pres. Per Diem (111-7261-002) ( 4) -0- -0- -0- -0- ( 4)

Print Anl Audit in Mag 115-7461-001 (12) -0- -0- -0- -0- (12) 250-4201-900 -0- 12 -0- -0- -0- 12

Billboaid Project (141-8041-016) (21) -0- -0- -0- -0- (21)

Trans·lator-Dist Visits ( 131-7224-005) ( 8) -0- -0- -0- -0- ( 8)

MEP Display System (142-8041-037) ( 6) -0- -0- -0- -0- ( 6)

MEP Evaluation Forms (142-7463-009) ( 5) -0- -0- -0- -0- ( 5)

Intl Orientation Program (111-7223-013) (1) -0- -0- -0- -0- (1) Increase Umbrella to $39M (486-8051-001) -0- -0- -0- (75) -0- (75) a H t:ld Wednesday Reception (375-7620-062) -0- -0- ( 2) -0- -0- ( 2) H i-a

~ Marketing Survey (375-8128-005) -0- -0- ( 27) -0- -0- ( 27) 1.0

2nd European Newsletter (190-7470-001) (12) -0- -0- -0- -0- (12) Adjustments ( 98) 12 ( 29) ( 75) -0- ( 190)

Surplus/(Deficit) as Adjusted $ 716 $ 59 $ ( 28) $ ( 7 5) $ 40 $ 712

F:BOARDMTG / P:JUN90.l / 6-14-9 -2- General Int'L Liability Capital Operating Budget 1~?9/90 (contd) Operating Magazine Convention Insurance Improvement Total

May 1990 Board Meeting:

MEP Program Guide Mailing (142-7463-002) ( 9) -0- -0- -0- -0- ( 9)

MEP Expert Review (142-7463-002) (1) -0- -0- -0- -0- (l)

1 Day Trng Conf Reduct (143-7241-012) 15 -0- -0- -0- -0- 15

Business Class Upgrade-Overseas Trvl: Board Meeting #4 (111-7223-014) ( 5) -0- -0- -0- -0- ( 5) Non-N Am Bd Dist Visits (131-7224-004) (24) -0- -0- -0- -0- (24) N Am Bd District (111-7224-001) (10) -0- -0- -0- -0- (10)

Mail Copies of Bd Min to Dist 111-9962-713 (1) -0- -0- -0- -0- (l)

Decrease Umbrella to $25M (486-8051-001) -0- -0- -0- 10 -0- 10

EC & C Subsidy (131-8593-001) (1) -0- -0- -0- -0- (1)

Dir Fld Oper-Europe (Sal)(131-7103-081) ( 8) -0- -0- -0- -0- ( 8)

Latin Am FSR Trng 131-7211-075 (2) -0- -0- -0- -0- ( 2) 131-7211-07 6 ( 6) -0- -0- -0- -o- ( 6) 131-7211-079 (3) -0- -0- -0- -0- (3) Adjustments ( 55) -0- -0- 10 -o- (45)

Surplus/(Deficit) as Adjusted $ 661 $ 59 $ ( 28) $ ( 65) $ 40 $ 667

Requested Adj - June 1990 Bd Meeting:

Europe Ldrshp Trng (143-7203-001) (7) -0- -0- -0- -0- (7) Non~NA Bd Dist Visits (131-7224-004) 16 -0- -0- -0- -0- 16 NA Bd Dist Visits ( 111 - 7224-001) 4 -0- -0- -0- -0- 4

Adjustments 13 -0- -0- -0- -0- 13

Surplus/(Deficit) as Adjusted $ 674 $ 59 $ (28) $ ( 65) $ 40 $ 680 1989-90 BOARD C01~1ITTEE ON FINANCE Preliminary Finance Report (OOO's) June 21-22, 1990 Non-budgeted Fund Requests KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL

Ope~at~~g Budget 1989/90 Operating Convention Total

September 30, 1989 Audited Fund Balance $333

1989/90 Budget Surplus/(Deficit) at 9/30/89 ~) 14 __i!i!_)

Requested Adj. to the 1989/90 Budget October 1989 Board Meeting: -0- -0- -0-

Requested Adj. to the 1989/90 Budget January 1990 Board Meeting:

7 5th Anniversary Gift 166-8042-001 ___Ll_) -0- ___Ll_)

Surplus/(Deficit) as Adjusted ( 86) 14 ( 72)

F:BOARDMTG / P:JUN90.3 / 6-14-90 1989-90 BOARD COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Preliminary Finance Report (OOO's) June 21-22, 1990 Non-budgeted Fund Requests CIRCLE K INTER.NATIONAL

Op~_!"-9-tin_g__Budget 1989/ 90 Operating Convention Total

September 30, 1989 Audited Fund Balance $ 49

1989/90 Budget Surplus/{Deficit) at 9/30/89 8 2 10

Requested Adj. to the 1989/90 Budget October 1989 Board Meeting: -0- -0- -0-

Requested Adj. to the 1989/90 Budget January 1990 Board Meeting:

75th Anniversary Gift 161-8042-001 __Ll_) -0- __Ll_)

Surplus/(Deficit) as Adjusted 5 2 7

F:BOARDMTG / P:JUN90.4 / 6-14-90 EXHIBIT #10



JUNE 20-22, 1990

Dates of Committee Meeting: June 21-22, 1990

Place of the Meeting: Adam's Mark, St. Louis

Present Members: Joe L. Griffeth, M.D. Glenn E. Muggelberg Robert E. Wales

Chairman: Gene R. Overholt

Others: Noris A. Lusche

Kevin W. Krepinevich

Staff: Donald R. Collins, and John Merski, Jr.

Proposal for the Purchase of the Image System 90

At the May 1990 Board Meeting the committee was provided a demonstration of a system now available for the filing and retrieval of large volumes of documents.

After reviewing an initial proposal, the committee suggests that consideration of the purchase of a computerized Image Filing system be deferred until next year. This will give staff time to more carefully consider the specific requirements and resulting cost for this equipment.

Long Range Conceptual Goal-Administration Committee

The committee discussed the request by the Long Range Planning Committee to reevaluate long range goals·. The committee reviewed the conceptual goals currently established. The committee recommends no changes at this time.

Adjustment to Administration Committee Responsibilities

The committee reviewed its responsibilities at the·May 1990 Board Meeting. The Board suggested that the administration committee include the travel and non-dues revenue programs as part of its responsibilities in the 90-91 administrative year. Recommendation #1

The Committee recommends that Procedure 112Q2 be amended as follows:

Procedure 112.2 = Administration

a. Personnel - Personnel policies and procedures, including employee benefit programse (10/5/86) (1/20-26/88)

b. International Office - International Office costs, operations and procedures, including management information services., (10/5/86) (1/20-26/88)

c. Property - Building, office furniture and equipment requirements, operating costs and maintenance. (10/5/86)

d. Supplies - Marketing, inventory, and operating procedures of the Supplies Department, including the sale of Kiwanis supplies outside the United States and Canada. (10/5/86)

e. Travel - Review of all arrangements and travel management procedures.

f. Non-Dues Revenue - Review of all internal and external guidelines regarding current and future development of programs.

I move that Recommendation #1 be adopted.


Finance: Budget impact none Procedure: Refer to Board Committee on Policies, Procedures, and Structures for Insertion.

Report of Progress of Advertising in Supplies Catalog and Directory

The committee reviewed the status of advertising in the Supplies catalog and Directory. Rate cards and flyers have been completed and materials have been- distributed to potential advertisers for the Fall 1990 Personal Items Catalog and the 90-91 Directory. -3-

Report on Response to Asia-Pacific Supplies Questionnaire

The committee was provided an update on the questionnaire distributed to the Asia-Pacific districts and club secretaries. This survey was distributed in November 1989. There has been insufficient response to continue the project. It will be discontinued.

Report on Sales Derived From the Test Mailing of the Personal Items Catalog

The committee reviewed the status of the test mailing of the personal items catalog. The test was conducted with 23 different clubs throughout the United States. A total of 1,009 catalogs were distributed to the club members of the sample population. Results of the test are not conclusive. Sales have not been enough to recommend full implementation of a d~stribution of personal items catalogs to all Kiwanians.

Modification of the Fixed Income Investment Objective for the Pension Plan

At the June 1989 Board Meeting investment objectives for the Pension and Salary Savings Plans were established. In March 1990 the investment managers were provided the investment objectives. The Pension Committee was request~d by the fixed income financial advisors to reconsider the current requirement concerning AAA rated bonds.

Recommendation #2

The committee recommends that the Fixed Income Investment Objectives for the Pension Plan be revised as follows:


In order to provide the investment manager with the freedom to invest in various types of assets, the following items are expressly approved for investment purposes:

U.S. Governmental Securities Commercial Paper B~nd~-w~eh-AAA-r~e~ng-~r-h~gher Bonds A rated or better, with A rated corporates not to exceed 25% of the portfolio. Additionally, the average weighted quality of the bond portfolio must be AA or better at all times. Money Market Funds Common Stock Convertible Securities Preferred Stock -4-

I move that Recommendation #2 be adopted.


Finance: none Procedure: in compliance

General Liability Insurance Program

The committee reviewed the current General Liability Insurance Program. All reports indicate that the insurance carrier and broker have been providing satisfactory service at this time. Efforts are being made to keep claims low while educating K-family members.

Respectfully submitted,




June 20-22, 1990

Date of Committee Meeting: June 20, 1990

Place of Committee Meeting: Adam's Mark Hotel St. Louis, Missouri

Present: Members - C. A. Dillon, Jr., William L. Lieber, Eyjolfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson Chairman - John D. Morton, Sr. Staff - Larry J. Horney

Long Range Plan Conceptual Goals

The Committee reviewed the conceptual goals for Educatlon and determined that the existing statements are still valid.

1. Provide a timely and consistent leadership and education program for officers to ensure proper management at all levels in Kiwanis.

2. Provide an information and instruction program which will ensure that all members are consistently and carefully educated in the precepts, objectives, and organization for community service.

The Committee also urged staff to proceed with the development of further long­ range plans, recognizing these general concepts as guidance and also to proceed according to plan with the expansion of both the Leadership Training and Opera­ tional Training programs.

Overexpenditure of European Leadership Training Line Item

The Committee reviewed the expenditures for European Leadership Training and the reason for the line overage. It was determined that the extra costs could not have been anticipated when the budget was made, since changes in scheduling, numbers of participants, and unanticipated cost increases in Europe were the major factors causing the override. The Committee noted that while this line is over budget, the Education Department anticipates an under budget variance of $31,000 at year end.

Recommendation #1:

The Committee recommends that the Education Department be authorized to overspend European Leadership Training, Line Item 143-7203-01-Administra­ tion International, by $6,500.

I move that Recommendation #1 be adopted.


Finance: Overexpend 1989-90 line item 143-7203-0'1-Administration International by $6,500. Refer to Finance Committee. Procedure: In compliance -2-

1990-93 Major Emphasis Materials

The Committee reviewed the status of all materials relating to the Major Emphasis Program and noted· the reasons for delays_in production and distri­ bution.

Pilot for District Operations Training

Staff presented a detailed report which contained both results and recom­ mendations after training was completed in Capital and Texas-Oklahoma Districts. Training in the Kentucky-Tennessee District will take place in July. The Committee requested that staff present a full report at the October Board meeting which would reflect Kentucky-Tennessee and also would contain proposals for future expansion of this program.

Training of Major Emphasis Program District Chairmen and Lieutenant Governors

The Committee reviewed the agenda of the Saturday, June 23, training sessions for MEP District Chairmen and Lieutenant Governors.

Since this training program is a first-time effort for Kiwanis and a new method of promoting the Major Emphasis Program, the Committee requested that staff present at the October ijoard meeting a report and evaluation that includes participant reaction, attendance, and long range effec­ tiveness.

Pennsylvania Leadership Training Programs

The Committee reviewed correspondence between the International Office staff, President Lusche, and representatives of the Pennsylvania District regarding significant changes made by that District to the Leadership Training Program. (See Exhibit A for President Lusche's letter to the Pennsylvania District Governor regarding this matter.)

The Committee wishes to commend staff for their support and good work during the year.

Respectfully submitted,



PRESIDENT NORIS A LUSCHE 12164 West Exposition Drive Lakewood, Colorado 80228-3304 PRESIDENT-ELECT W.J. 'Wit:' BLECHMAN, M.D. May 23, 1990 5250 S.W. 84th Street Miami, Florida 33143-8434 IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT GENER. OVERHOLT 40439 Newporte Drive Plymouth, Michigan 48170 Edwin C. Gillmore VICE-PRESIDENTS Ben Franklin C. A DILLON, JR. Riverside Plaza Post Office Box 1111 Raleigh, North Carolina 27602 Blossburg, PA 16912 WILLIAM L. LIEBER 4950 Broadway Gary, Indiana 46408 TREASURER Dear Ed: JOHN D. MORTON, SR. 130 Sweden Street Berlin, New Hampshire 03570 I have reviewed the recent communications concerning the Kiwanis SECRETARY Leadership Development Program for Incoming Club Presidents. KEVIN W. KREPINEVICH 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 My observations are these: TRUSTEES AS. 'BUDDY" AMMAR Sl 6 Monterey Hill 1. Attendance 01 • 1efield,WestVirginia 24701 JREWBATSIS, D.M.D. -.,ienwood Road You have indicated this as the primary rationale behind your Toms River, New Jersey 08753 program changes. I agree that low attendance is a continuing JOEL. GRIFFETH, M.D. concern. The initial assumption was that the program's very ,\.\edical Center Ciinic Post Office Box 399 positive regard would generate ever higher levels of attendance. Commerce, Georgia 30529 The reality is that high attendance in some districts (up to 80%) ROBERT L. McCURLEY, JR. Post Office Box 12 87 can be attributed more to the marketing efforts and commitment by Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35486 current and incoming lieutenant governors than to the program's DON MILES. J.D. carry over from year to year. 201 West 5th, Suite 401 Olympia. Washington 98501 GLEr--lN E. MUGGELBERG A solid marketing strategy needs to be developed and implemented. 1685 Arbo la do Road Peso Robles, California 93446 2. Program Revisions IAN PERDRIAU 24 Laburnum Street Brighton. 3186 Victoria Australia Although the program has received high marks worldwide, we believe EY JOLFUR ''EDDIE. SIGURDSSON the program should be upgraded and changed over time. The current Post Office Box 8427 program went through three years of cross-cultural testing and 12 8 Reykjavik lceiand revision before the first volunteer ·was trained and certified to KENNETHW. SMITH, D.C. conduct the program. 22 7 Dumfries Avenue Kitchener, ON N2H 2E6 Canada As changes are recommended by trainers and others, these changes .A.RTHUR D. SWANBERG need to be examined and tested cross-culturally and then imple­ Post Office Box 18014 l Dallas. Texas 7 5218 mented worldwide. KUN-HUA JEFFERY"TSENG Post Office Box 22247 Taipei. Taiwan. l 0099 Republic of China 3ERTE. WALES ,e 200 t1555 United Plaza Boulevard Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809-2251 - 2 -

No matter what level of quality your changes may encompass, the fact is that these changes are being made independently of the program worldwide. If each district or each of the more than 230 trainers makes independent alterations, some results could be very negative. As you may recall, in the not too distant past, Kiwanis training at all levels did not have consistent content and the quality ranged from high to non-existent.

I would urge you to adopt a longer range perspective and a worldwide view. We would welcome your advice and assistance from other quality people in your district as we move toward development of training programs of the highest quality and practical benefit applied con­ sistently throughout the Kiwanis world.

Thank you.


Noris A. Lusche, President Kiwanis International

NAL/nk cc: Larry J. Horney, Assistant Secretary of Communications John E. Johnson, Director of Education EXHIBIT 4112



June 20-22, 1990

Date of Committee Meeting: June 20, 1990

Place of Committee Meeting: Adam's Mark Hotel St. Louis, Missouri

Present: Members - John D. Morton, Sr., Gene R. Overholt, Robert E. Wales Chairman - Arthur D. Swanberg Staff - Donald R. Collins, Kevin W. Krepinevich, Rene' Chapuis Other - W. J. "Wil" Blechman, M. D.

1990-91 Budgets for Operating, Magazine, Liability Insurance, International Convention and Capital Improvement Funds

The Committee continued its review of the proposed budgets for 1990-91. The budgets for Key Club International and Circle K International were found to be within the guidelines requested by the Committee at the May, 1990 Board meeting.

It was recognized that further budget requests and modifications would be made at this Board meeting. There were few changes in number but the amounts are significant. Staff was requested to prepare schedules of the proposed budgets once the Board has acted on the various Committee recom­ mendations and prepare a final proposal for consideration at the Post­ Convention Meeting of the Board of Trustees on Thursday, June 28, 1990.

1990-91 Capital Improvements Budget

The Committee continued its discussions of the proposed 1990-91 Capital Improvements Budget. Staff recommended deferring consideration of the purchase of a computerized Image Filing System until next year. This will give staff adequate time to more carefully consider the specific require­ ments and resulting cost for this equipment.

The Committee decided to also defer approval of filing cabinets and two of the four laser printers requested by staff since these items may be directly impacted by the decision to purchase the Image Filing System. -2-

Recommendation #1:

The Committee r~commends approval of the 1990-91 Capital Improvements budget, as shown in Exhibit A, in the amount of $134,146.

I move that Recommendation #1 be adopted.


Finance: 1990-91 Capital Improvements Budget Procedure: In compliance

Mileage Allowance Increase

At the May, 1990 meeting of the Board of Trustees, approval was given to increase the mileage allowance for use of personal vehicles from 20 cents to 25 cents. Staff reported that the budget impact would be $1,000 for the 1990-91 Budget.

Later, it was determined that the actual impact would be $8,689 due to not accounting for the considerable miles driven by field service represen­ tatives. After careful consideration of the full budget impact, the Com­ mittee decided the original recommendation should be changed from 25 cents to 23 cents per mile.

Recommendation #2:

The Committee recommends that Procedure 892.l(e) be amended to become effective October 1, 1990.

Procedure 892.1 - Allowance

e. When official travel is made by automobile, a mileage allowance of Uweaty five eentB ($ ,25) twenty-three cents($ .23) per mile by the most direct route shall be approved. This cost shall not exceed the cost of air coach transportation between the same points.

I move that Recommendation #2 be adopted.


Finance: Reduce 1990-91 Operating Budget by $4,698 Procedure: Revised Procedure

Club Waivers of Indebtedness

Staff reported that no requests for waivers·of indebtedness had been approved by the International Secretary since the May, 1990 Board meeting. -3-

Internal Audit of Petty Cash Funds

Staff presented a report on the internal audit of the petty cash fund; a copy is attached as Exhibit B.

Generally, the petty cash funds used by Kiwanis International were found to be in order. Additional procedures and controls are being implemented as notedo

Amounts Due From and To the European Federation

Staff presented a report on the above. As of May 31, 1990, the European Federa­ tion owes Kiwanis International Sfr 80,178.81, and a bill will be presented to their representatives by the end of the month.

Proposed Changes to Financial Procedures

The Committee discussed the changes to Finance Procedures suggested by the International Committee on Constitution and Bylaws.

Staff is to review and provide comments to the Committee. Each Committee member is to review and send their comments to the International Secretary. The com­ ments submitted will be summarized and forwarded 'to the 1990-91 Board Committee on Finance.

Respectfully submitted,


Exhibit A of the Report of the Board Connnittee on Finance, "Capital Expenditure Requests," is now Exhibit 1/:13 of the June 20-22 and 28, 1990, Minutes. EXHIBIT B!il p0 1


Kiwanis Int•ernational Board June 20, 1990 Committee on Finance

W~ have completed our third internal audit program covering Petty Cash Funds.

This report is being presented to your committee for review, connnents, and corrective action.

Respectfully submitted,

cc: Kevin W. Krepinevich Donald R. Collins John E. Merski, Jr. Rene Chapuis Robert M. Scroggin William W. Parker EXHIBIT B, p .. 2 KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL Internal Audit Report on Petty Cash Fund June 20, 1990


As of June 6, 1990, Kiwanis International maintains five separate permanent petty cash funds. Four are maintained at the International Office and one at the Regional Office in Zurich .. All the petty cash funds are imprest funds except for the Regional Office in Zurich ..

An imprest fund is a fixed amount of currency kept on hand for payment of minor items that is replenished periodically by a voucher check. Payments of numerous minor items can more conveniently be made in cash from a petty cash fund than by going through the formal verification procedures requiren ~or issuance of a check. Verification and documentation is required for each petty cash disbur­ sement. The formal verification of the petty cash items iP done when the­ dian of the fund requests replenishment of the fund. Therefore, it is important that each petty cash fund custodian maintain adequate accounting controls.·


The audit was a test of whether adequate and effe.cti V'-:> internal accounting controls are maintained, the funds are sufficient, ~nd ire recorded properly in the financial statements. Tests included a suprise cash count and test of transactions.


The audit was limited to the five permanent petty cash funds maintained by Kiwa­ nis International.

Finance Department - Board Meeting $1~000 Finance Department - General 500 Supplies Department 150 Human Resources Department 25 Regional Office-Zurich 600 ( 1,000 Sfr) ------$2,275 ======

The audit date of the petty cash funds was June 6, 1990 for the funds maintained at the International Office and May 17, 1990 for the Regional Office in Zurich.


Based on the results of our review, we have formed the opinion that Kiwanis International maintains an adequate system of control over its petty cash funds and the amounts are properly recorded in the financial records except for the following finding which are presented along with suggested recommendations as a means of additional safeguards:

F:AUDITOR / P:PETTY2 / 6-14-90 Petty Cash Fund EXHIBIT B, p.. .3 Page 2

o While the existing controls are adequate, Kiwanis International does not have a written standard operating procedure for petty cash. It is recommended that a procedure be written to clearly document and define the controls of each fund.

This will be accomplished by the Finance Department on or before October 1, 1990.

o Paid petty cash vouchers and the attached supporting doc~mentat·ion are not cancelled. It is recommended that paid petty casn. vouchers and the attached supporting documents be cancelled at the signing of the reimbursement check. This would prevent possible double ·payment of items.

o It is recommended that the cashing of employee personal checks be r~stricted to the Finance Department - General petty cash fund. Check amounts will be limited to $25.00 and the approval of the Director of F~nance will be required.

This will be accomplished immediately.

o The Regional Office-Zurich does not maintain· an imprest system for its petty cash fund. At times the petty cash fund is reimbursed by cash receipts. Currently the Regional Office Manager maintains a written journal of all petty cash transactions and records the activity monthly. Kiwanis International Bylaws, Article XVIII, Section 2 states "All disbursements shall be made by voucher checks ••• ". It is recommended that the Regional Office establish and maintain an imprest petty cash system.

This will·be accomplished by the Regional Office Manager on or before October 1, 1990.

o At the date of the test cash count and the subsequent testing of prior transactions of the Human Resources Department's petty cash fund, minor discrepancies were discovered. It is recommended that:

- The Finance Department review each reimbursement transaction for accuracy.

A procedure be implemented to eliminate the discrepancies in the future.

These controls to be implemented immediately.

F:AUDITOR / P:PETTY3 / 6-14-90 EXHIBIT :fl:13


Lochinvar 85 Gal. Hot Water Heater 5,059 1 5,059

Weil Sump Pumps 1,335 2 2,670

Hard Drive PC and LQ Printer 1,500 5 7,500

Zenith Lap Top Computer 1,500 2 3,000

CPT CPU Port Exchange 5,000 1 5,000

CPT Easy Access Software 8,000 1 8,000

Kurtzweil Scanner 18,750 1 18,750

Steel Flag Poles 26 75 1,938

Nixdorf Dot Matrix Printer 2,300 2 4,600

Computer Room Storage Equipment 4,190 1 4,190

Fireproof Magnetic Tape Storage Unit 2,000 1 2,000

UPS Manifest System 9,135 1 9,135

Sharp SF-7900 Copier 3,145 1 3,145

Personnel Computer Software 1,250 4 5,000

Office furniture 1,153 various 1,153

AGR2 Automatic Stitcher with 2 heads 8,711 1 8,711

HP Laser Printers 2,000 2 4,000

Poster Printer 2, 4 9·5 1 2,495

Fax Machines for Lat. Amer. FSRs 1,000 4 4,000

4800 BAUD Modems 900 2 1,800 H-tH4tt--H-tH-tHH-lH I - -" 1990-91 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE REQUESTS ,u1,,, .. ,.,., ... __. I -...... '"''"'""'"'''"''"'"'''"''""'"'''''''''...... - ...... I 'l1 EM UNIT NUMBER TOTAL COST COST

u...... u1,,,.,.,uu111uu,.,,,. IHK78 PC Control Boards 500 3 1,500

'"- HST-7 Desk Top Translation Receivers 100 25 2,500 "~-" - ... ,,,,, ...... , Multi-Hole Paper Driller 15,000 1 15,000 .... Portable VCRs for North Am . FSRs 600 5 3,000 .. International Secretary Contingency 10,000 1 10,000

TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURE REQUESTS FOR 1990-91 134,146 ...... ''"'""'"'' __ EXHIBIT #14



June 20-22, 1990

Date of Committee Meeting: _.June 20, 1990

Place of Committee Meeting: Adam's Mark Hotel St. Louis, Missouri

Present: Members - Don Miles, J .. D., Glenn Ee Muggelberg, Kun...:Hua "Jeffery" Tseng Chairman - Robert L. Mccurley, Jr. Staff - James P. "Pete" Tinsley, Paula 'Zhou Others _,~w. J. "Wil" Blechman, M.D.

The Committee f·or 1989-90 believes that Long Range Planning for boards is suc­ cintly stated by John Carver as "Creating policies with a long-range perspective is the greatest board contribution to long range planning." For further infor­ mation on long range planning and leadership, the Committee offers the attached leadership bibliography (see Exhibit A). The foremost authority on nonprofit board governance is Dr. John Carver, and the Committee suggests his most recent book, Boards that Make a Difference.

Composition of Long Range Planning Committee

The Committee discussed the composition of the Long Range Planning Committee and believes that the Committee should be composed of the officers of the Boardo The Committee believes this is necessary since the officers play an important role in establishing future directions.

Recommendation #1:

The Committee recommends that Board Procedure 112.7 Long Range Planning be amended as follows:

112. 7 - Long Range Planning

a. Develop, implement, review, and evaluate the conceptual goals of the Kiwanis Long Range Planning Program. See Section 116.

b. Assist other Board committees in the development, implementation and review of conceptual'goals, operating objectives, action strategies and action statements. -2-

c. This Committee shall be chaired by the President and shall be composed of the President, President-elect, Treasurer, both Vice-Presidents, Immediate Past President, and such other Board member(s) as shall be appointed by the Presidento

I move that Recommendation #1 be adoptede


Finance : None Procedure: Refer to Board Committee on Policies, Procedures, and Structures

Board Retreat

The Committee discussed with President-elect Wil Blechman a board retreat which would be basically as follows:

Why: To develop a discussion of board governance, goal orien­ tation, priority setting and our organization's structure and functions;

When: In conjunction-with the January 1991 Board meeting. To begin after dinner on our day of arrival and be all day the following day, with a closing summary session the next morning at breakfast;

Where: At an executive conference center within one hour of Indiana­ polis to be determined by the International Secretary;

Who: The International Board and International Secretary;

Facilitator: Dr. John Carver, President of Carver Governance Design, Inc.;

Expense: Facilitator - $3,250; board rooms and meals - $2,000; transportation and other expenses - $1,000. Total - $6,250;

Specifics: To be planned by the facilitator and International President.

Recommendation #2:

The Committee recommen·ds that the Board of Trustees attend a retreat to discuss board governance, goal orientation, priority setting, and the organization's structure and functions. The retreat is to be held in con­ junction with the January 1991 Board meeting.

The Committee further recommends that the International Secretary be authorized to contract with Dr. John Carver to serve as facilitator, or such other person as determined by the 1990-91 International President. The International Secretary is authorized to select and contract with a conference center for the retreat. -3-

The Committee further recommends that up to $6,250 be included in the 1990-91 budget to cover the expenses of the retreat and the employing of a facilitator. Attendance is to be limited to the International Board and the International Secretary.

I move that Recommendation #2 be adopted.


Finance: $6,250 for 1990-91 budget (account 111-7223-012) Procedure: In compliance

The Committee commended and thanked staff for assistance and support for the year.

Respectfully submitted~




Boards That Make A Difference, J. Carver, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1990

Leadership, B. Kellerman, Prentice-Hall, 1984

Leaders, W. Bennis & B. Nanus, Harper & Row, 1985

Why Leaders Can't l-.ead, W. Bennis, Harper and Row, 1989

Leadership, J.M. Burns, 1978

Leadership in Administration, P. Selznick, University of California Press, 1983

Governing Boards, C. Houle, National Center for Nonprofit Boards, 1989

In Search of Excellence, T. Peters & R. Waterman, Harper & Row, 1982

A Passion for Excellence, T. Peters & N. Austin, Random House, 1984

Thriving on Chaos, T. Peters, Knape Press. 1988

The Power to Lead, J.M~ Burns, Simon and Schuster, 1984

Leadership as an Art, M. DePree, Doubleday, 1987

Tough-Minded Leadership, J. Batten, American Management Association, 1989

Pawns or Potentates, "The Realty of America's Corporate Board", J. Lorsch, Harvard Business School Press, 1989

Type Talk, 0. Kroeger and J. Thuesen, Tilden Press, 1988

Marketing for NonProfit Organizations, 2~d Ed., P. Kotler, Prentice-Hall, 1982 EXHIBIT #15



June 20-22, 1990

Date of Committee Meeting: June 20, 1990

Place of Committee Meeting: Adam's Mark Hotel St. Louis, Missouri

Present: Members - Andrew Batsis, D.M.D., Arthur D. Swanberg, Kun-Hua "Jeffery" Tseng Chairman - Don Miles, J.D. Staff - James P. "Pete" Tinsley, Paula Zhou

Others - W. J. "Wil" Blechman, M.D.

Review of Proposed Amendments to Circle K International Constitution and Bylaws

The Committee reviewed the proposed amendments to the Circle K Inter­ national Constitution and Bylaws received as of this date. These will be presented at the Circle K International House of Delegates in Anaheim at the August convention. Final consideration and approval of the amendments are not r~quired until after the Circle K International House of Delegates has voted on the proposals.

Adjustment in 1990-91 Circle K Budget

The Committee reviewed a request from the Circle K International Board for funding to update the Circle K marketing/new club building video. Currently the only audio-visual tool available for Kiwanis clubs interested in building a Circle K club is a 16mm film which was produced in 1983. This film is outdated and does not present the many new positive aspects that have been implemented in Circle Kin recent years. Also, the film format does not lend itself to easy use by Kiwanis clubs, Kiwanis lieute­ nant governors, and.others who want to learn more about Circle K.

If new growth is expected for Circle K, then the proper tools are needed. The cost of this new and improved video would be $22,063 which includes scripting, photography, pre- and post-production as well as 250 copies to be available on a loan basis. The Committee suggests that Kiwanis Inter­ national share the cost with Circle Kover a two-year period. =2-

Recommendation #1:

The Committee recommends the approval of a Circle K marketing/new club building video not to exceed $22,063 with the following funding:

Circle K non=subsidized budget accounts: 161-7463=003 $11,030 in 1990=91 161-6412=008 $(5,115) in 1990-91

161-7463-003 $11,033 in 1991-92 161-6412-008 $(5,115) in 1991-92

Circle K subsidized budget accounts: 165-8596-002 $ 5,515 in 1990-91 165-8596=002 - $ 5,515 in 1991-91

I move that Recommendation #1 be adopted.


Finance: Impact as stated above~ Procedure: In compliance

Approval of K-Family Conferences East and West

The Committee reviewed requests from the New Jersey and Southwest Districts to conduct the 1990 K-Family Conferences East and West respec­ tively. Board Procedure 507 requires that approval be obtained from the Kiwanis International Board before the conferences can be initiated. The Committee reviewed the application forms and found them to be in order.

Recommendation #2:

The Committee recommends that ·the request to conduct K-Family Conference East, October 26-28, 1990, in Edison, New Jersey, and K-Family Conference West, November 10-12, 1990, in Vanderwagen, New Mexico, be approved.

I move that Recommendation #2 be adopted.


Finance: No impact Procedure: In compliance


Approval of Builders Clubs to be Placed on Revoked List

The Committee reviewed the list of Builders Clubs for which a sponsorship fee had not been received for the 1988-89 and 1989-90 years. The Committee discussed the steps that had been taken to ensure the sponsoring Kiwanis -3- clubs were properly notified. The Committee noted that a final mailing is planned to notify each sponsoring Kiwanis club that their Builders Club has been placed on the revoked List.

Recommendation #3:

The Committee recommends that Builders Clubs for which 1988-89 and 1989-90 sponsorship fees have not been received, as listed in Exhibit A, be placed on the revoked list and be revoked unless sponsorship fees are paid as of September 30, 1990.

I move that Recommendation #3 be adopted.


Finance: No impact Procedure: In compliance

Approval of Builders Clubs to be Placed on Suspended List

The Committee reviewed the list of Builders Clubs for which a 1989-90 spon­ sorship fee has not been received. The Committee noted that several com­ munications had been made to inform sponsoring Kiwanis clubs of the possibility of their Builders Club being placed on suspended status.

The Committee believes it is important to place these clubs on suspended status so that they may be identified for assistance in reactivation efforts.

Recommendation #4:

The Committee recommends the Builders Clubs for which a 1989-90 sponsorship fee has not been received, as listed in Exhibit B, be placed on the suspended list unless sponsorship fees are paid as of September 30, 1990.

I move that Recommendation #4 be adopted.


Finance: No impact Procedure: In compliance


Review of Key Club Budget Reductions for 1990-91

The Committee reviewed a list of proposed expense reductions and income increase to the 1990-91 Key Club non-subsidized budgets. The Committee was pleased with the efforts made to make these changes which result in reducing the Key Club deficit from $76,459 to $37,128. These adjustments were referred to the Finance Committee. -4-

Internationalization of Key Club/Circle K

The Committee discussed internationalization of Key Club/Circle Kand the steps needed to begin this venture. The Committee encourages an aggressive approach to internationalization in those districts that desire the programso Further, the Committee believes it is important to "get in front of the process" so that the development is planned and organized.



The Committee was encouraged to learn that six new Kiwanianne clubs have been chartered thus far this year. The Committee believes interest still exists for this program and encourages Board support.

Approval of Kiwanianne Clubs to be Placed on Revoked List

The Committee reviewed the list of Kiwanianne clubs for which a sponsorship fee has not been received for the 1988-89 and 1989-90 years. The Committee discussed the steps that have been taken to ~nsure the sponsoring Kiwanis clubs are properly notified. The Committee also noted that a final mailing is planned to notify each sponsoring Kiwanis club that their Kiwanianne club has been placed on the revoked liste

Recommendation #5:

The Committee recommends that Kiwanianne clubs for which 1988-89 and 1989-90 sponsorship fees have not been received, as listed in Exhibit C, be placed on the revoked list and be revoked unless sponsorship fees are paid as of September 30, 1990.

I move that Recommendation #5 be adopted.


Finance: No impact Procedure: In compliance

Approval of Kiwanianne Clubs to be Placed on Suspended List and Revoked List

The Committee reviewed the list of Kiwanianne clubs for which a 1989-90 sponsorship fee has not been received and that are due to be placed on suspended status. The Committee noted the sponsoring Kiwanis clubs had been notified of the possibility of their Kiwanianne club being placed on suspended status.

The Committee believes that identifying these clubs by placing them on suspended status would increase reactivation efforts. -5-

Recommendation #6:

The Committee recommends that Kiwanianne clubs for which a 1989-90 sponsorship fee has not 'been received, as listed in Exhibit D, be placed on the suspended list unless sponsorship fees are paid as of September 30, 1990.

I move that Recommendation #6 be adopted.


Finance: No impact Procedure: In compliance


The Committee reviewed letters from Joachim Marx, Governor of the Austria­ Germany District, and European Federation President Willy Ostholt requesting the amendment of Board Policy E3 to allow the formation of Kiwa-Junior above club level in Europee The European Federation Presi­ dent's letter indicates that complete information about Kiwa-Junior mem­ bership, bylaws, and sponsorship fees would be provided before the Board is expected to make this decision. The Committee looks favorably upon this request and eagerly awaits the designated material.

Respectfully submitted,


Exhibit A of the Report of the Board Committee on Sponsored Programs, "Builders Clubs to be Revoked September 30, 1990," is now Exhibit #16 of the June 20-22 and 28, 1990, Minutes.

Exhibit B of the Report of the Board Committee on Sponsored Programs, "Builders Clubs to be Suspended September 30, 1990," is now Exhibit #17 of the June 20=22 and 28, 1990, Minutes.

Exhibit C of the Report of the Board Committee on Sponsored Programs, "Kiwanianne Clubs to be Revoked September 30, 1990," is now Exhibit #18 of the June 20=22 and 28, 1990, Minutes.

Exhibit D of the Report of the Board Committee on Sponsored Programs, "Kiwanianne Clubs to be Suspended September 30, 1990, "· is now Exhibit #19 of the June 20-22 and 28, 1990, Minutes. EXHIBIT #16


Builders Club Charter Number Sponsoring Kiwanis Club


Oak Hill School 995 Greater Tuscaloosa, AL


Arrowview Junior High School 1105 Greater San Bernardino, CA Currie Intermediate School 1004 Tustin, CA Jefferson Junior High School 478 Oceanside, CA Kihei School 1044 Kihei-Wailea, HI Marshall Fundamental School 857 Pasadena, CA Vina Danks Middle School 924 Ontario, CA Whitney School 1157 La Palma, CA


Sampson Middle School Clinton, NC


Addie R. Lewis Junior High School 918 Niceville-Valparaiso, FL Bellview Middle School 1093 Greater Pensacola, FL c.w. Ruckel Junior High School 805 Niceville-Valparaiso, FL Okeechobee Junior High School 1144 Okeechobee, FL Punta Gorda Junior High School 476 Port Charlotte, FL Ramblewood Middle School 969 Coral Springs, FL Valparaiso Elementary School 986 Niceville-Valparaiso, FL


Sammye E. Coan Middle School 561 Metro Atlanta, GA Taylor County Junior High School 1133 Reynolds, GA


St. Joseph Catholic Grade School 762 Princeton, IN

Louisiana-Mississippi-W. Tennessee

Eual J. Landry Sr. Middle School 1111 St. Charles, Boutte, LA Meisler Junior High School 1156 Lakeside, LA

New Jersey

Reynolds Middle School 1186 Hamilton Township, NJ


Central Junior High School 1234 Findlay, OH Sycamore Junior High School 702 Blue Ash, Cincinnati, OH

118/BUILDERS/REVOKEl 6/6/90 -2-

Eastern Canada and the Caribbean

Calabar All Age School 960 Downtown Kingston, JAM Gambier All Age Scholl 957 Fort Montagu, BAH LaSalle Catholic Comp. High School 983 Lakeshore, Montreal Mountain View Primary School 1151 Sto Andrew, JAM Ridgeway Senior Public School 533 Oshawa, Ontario TDG. Glover Junior High School 958 Fort Montagu~ BAH Upper Guaico R.C. School 1182 Chaguanas, W.. I.

Pacific Northwest

Amity Middle School 1261 Walnut City, OR Gault Xiddle School 1298 Tacoma, WA

Rocky Mountain

Forest Heights Lodge School 1115 Blue Spruce, Evergreen, CO


Beaver Creek School 932 Montezuma-Rimrock, AZ DeGrazia Elementary School 745 Desert, Tucson, AZ Thornydale Elementary School 525 Desert, Tucson, AZ


Charles Haskell School 1164 Edmond Noon, OK Dubose Middle School 1110 Alice, TX Kirby Junior High School 1089 Wichita Falls,. TX William Adams Junior High School 1188 Alice, TX

Wisconsin-Upper Michigan

Oconomowoc Junior High School 541 Oconomowoc, WI Wisconsin Dells Junior High School 783 Wisconsin Dells, WI

TOTAL= 43 Clubs

118/BUILDERS/REVOKE2 6/6/90 EXHIBIT tfal 7


Builders Club Charter Number Sponsoring Kiwanis Club


Brownell Fundamental School 1313 Gilroy, CA C.K. Price Middle School 1106 Orland, CA Eagle Rock Jr. High School 1155 Eagle Rock, CA Ft. Miller Middle School 1085 North Fresno, CA Joe Walker, Jr. School 978 Lancaster, CA Rio Seco School 939 Lake Murray, CA Willits High School 628 Willits, CA


Arundel Junior High School 938 Odenton, MD J. Dean Middle School 1291 Manassas, VA Lake Braddock Secondary School 1324 Springfield, VA Old Mill Middle School 883 Odenton, MD Powell Valley School Big Stone Gap, VA


Robert Smalls Junior High School 1243 Beaufort, SC


Bonifay Middle School 1138 Bonifay, FL Caloosa Middle School 280 Cape Coral, FL Conniston Junior High School 14 West Palm Beach, FL Conway Middle School 881 South Orlando, FL J.F.K. Junior High School 568 North Miami Beach, FL Trinity Preparatory School 284 East Orlando, FL


Gainesville Middle School 447 Gainesville, GA Ralph J. Bunche Middle School 1102 Metro Atlanta, GA

Illinois-E. Iowa

Falconer Grade School 803 Belmont Cragin, IL Nathan Davis School 1073 Archer Road District, IL North Middle School 286 Mt. Carmel, IL North Side Learning Center 847 Belmont Cragin, IL Richard Edwards Elementary 785 Archer Road District, IL


Van Hoosen Middle School 1302 Rochester Hills, MI


Bemidji Middle School 1171 Bemidji, MN

118/BUILDERS/SUSPENDl 6/6/90 Montana

Eureka Elementary School 1270 Tobacco Valley, MT

N'ew England

Auburn Middle School 1292 Auburn, MA

New Jersey

Jefferson School 69~B Trenton, NJ Joseph E. Soehl Middle School 842 Linden, NJ Joyce Kilmer Elementary School 555 Trenton, NJ Monument School 698A Trenton, NJ Sparta Junior High School 1131 Sparta, NJ

New York

Chenango Forks Middle School 570 Hillcrest-Port Dickinson, NY JeH .. S. 1006 Morrisania, NY WeS. Boardman Junior .High School 712 Oceanside, NY


Athens Middle School 301 Athens, OH Chagrin Falls Middle School 964 Chagrin Falls, OH Donnell Junior High School 884 Findlay, OH Hastings Middle School 1240 Northwest Columbus, OH Hayes Junior High School 128 Northside, OH Madison Junior High School 1280 Mansfield, OH

Eastern Canada and the Caribbean

C.H. Reeves School 703 Over=The=Hill, BAH Dunrobin Primary School 1328 North St. Andrew, JAM Franklin Town Primary School 395 Kingston, JAM Melrose All Age School 1126 Kingston, JAM Mico Practising All-Age School 285 Kingston, JAM Mona Primary School 732 Kingston, JAM Padmore All Age School 936 West St. Andrew, JAM Red Hills All Age School 605 West St. Andrew, JAM Rock Hall All-Age School 550 West St. Andrew, JAM

Pacific Northwest

Fowler Junior High School 487 Tetrapolitan Golden K, OR Methow Valley Middle School 529 Winthrop, WA Sweet Home Junior High School 1117 Sweet Home, OR Twality Junior High School 69 Tetrapolitan Golden K, OR


Sullivan County School 1047 Sullivan County, PA

11~/BUILDERS/SUSPEND2 6/6/90 Rocky Mountain

West Junior Community Ede Center 1316 Rampart Range, CO


Vail Middle School 1311 Rincon-Tucson, AZ


Brown Junior High School 1054 Palm City, TX C.C. Hardy Junior High School 1076 Conroe, TX Daggett Middle School 946 West Side Fort Worth, TX Dallas Montessori Academy School 1329 Dallas-North Park, TX Wedgwood Middle School 1077 Fort Worth-Southwest, TX

West Virgin.ia

Bethany Middle School 1141 Bethany-Brooke Hills, WV Matewan Junior High School 1121 Red Jacket, WV

Wisconsin-Upper Michigan

Little Chute Middle School 66 Little Chute, WI Markesan Middle School 591 Markesan, WI Whi t 1man Middle School 655 Central Wauwatosa, WI

TOTAL= 70 Clubs



Kiwanianne Club Charter Number Sponsoring Kiwanis Club


Fountainbleau 152 Fountainbleu, Melun, France


Chowchilla 143 Chowchilla, CA Lompoc 7 Lompoc, CA South Berkeley 172 South Berkeley, CA


Old Fort 183 Old Fort, NC

Eastern Canada and the Caribbean

Alexandria 93 Alexandria, St. Anns, JAM Arima 65 Arima, Trinidad and Tobago Vance River 128 P2nal, Trinidad and Tobago


Bartow 54 Bartow, FL


Powder Springs 142 Powder Springs, GA


Comoros 208 Comoros, Kenya Seoul 37 Seoul, Korea


Oslo-Rosenborg 77 Oslo Rosenborg, Norway


Dayton 74 Dayton, OH

Pacific Northwest

Gllangcolme 165 Gllangcolme, Victoria, BC

118/KIWANIAN/REVOKEl 6/6/90 Philippine Luzon

Dagupan City 79 Dagupan City, Philippines Manila 132 Manila, Philippines

Philippine South

Suntan, Cagayan de Oro City 202 , Philippines

Republic of China

Kaohsiung Harbor 110 Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan Taichung 122 Long Sun, Taiwan

Wisconsin-Upper Michigan

Manitowoc 22 Manitowoc, WI Two Rivers 96 Two Rivers, WI

TOTAL= 22 Clubs


Kiwanianne Club Charter Number Sponsoring Kiwanis Club


Eze Luberon 159 Marseille-Centre, France Moulins 129 Moulins, France Veurne-Zilvermeeuw 173 Veurne Folder en Duin, Belgium


Cypress 163 Cypress, CA Mountain Empire-Campo 21 Mountain Empire-Campo, CA Santa Cruz County 185 Greater Aptos, CA Santa Cruz, CA

Eastern Canada and the Caribbean

Belleville 51 Belleville, Ontario Lucaya 151 Lucaya, Freeport, BAH


The Cayman Islands 187 Seven Mile Beach, Cayman Islands

_) New Zealand

Garden City 188 St. Martins, Christchurch Tokoroa 47 Tokoroa


Hafa-Adai 31 Rafa Adai, Agana, Tunis 108 Tunis, Tunisia

Pacific Northwest

Puget Sound 125 Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA


Blair County 82 Eldorado, Altoona, PA

Western Canada

Calgary 86 Northmount Calgary, Alberta Selkirk 23 Selkirk, Manitoba

_Wisconsin-Upper Michigan

Marinette 182 Marinette, WI

TOTAL= 18 Clubs





June 20-22, 1990

Date of Committee Meeting: June 20, 1990

Place of Committee Meeting: Adam's Mark Hotel St. Louis, Missouri

Present: Members - A. s. "Buddy" Ammar, Robert L. Mccurley, Jr., Ian Perdriau Chairman - Kenneth w. Smith, D.C. Staff - W. Thomas Nelson, Jr. Others - W. J. "Wil" Blechman, M.D., Korath C. Norin

Authorization of Extension into Greece

The Committee considered a request by the Italy 'District that Greece be• authorized for extension. It was noted that Greece meets all the criteria for extension. A petition has been received with 26 names for the first club in Athens, and prospects are excellent for the formation of several additional clubs in the near future, It was concluded that the combined efforts of the Italy District, the European Federation and Kiwanis Inter­ national are sufficient to ensure sustained service and support of clubs in Greece.

Recommendation #1:

The Committee recommends that Greece be authorized for extension.

I move that Recommendation 111 be adopted.

(Adopted) Finance: None Procedure: In compliance

Member Services, Internationalization and Extension Committee's Respon­ sibilities in 1990-91

The Committee reviewed its current responsibilities as provided for in Pro­ cedure 112.S and concluded that no changes are necessary in anticipation of the 1990-91 administrative year.

Panamanian Dues Moratorium

The Committee was gratified to note that sinc.e the Panamanian dues mora­ torium expired on May 31, 1990, two of our four clubs have paid dues in submitted partial payment and pledged full payment by September 30, 1990. -2-

The Committee congratulates the Kiwanis clubs of Panama on their promptness in fulfilling their dues obligations and requests that President Lusche express the Board's thanks to each club.

Proposed Amendments to Procedure 408 - Provisional Districts

The Committee continued its review of current Procedure 408 - Provisional Districts and concluded that an expanded and more flexible district classifica­ tion program would create a greater incentive for non-districted areas to achieve full district status.

Recommendation #2:

The Committee recommends that Procedure 408.1, 408.3, 408.4 and 408.6 be amended to read as follows:

408.1 - Minimum Number of Clubs and Members for Council, Provisional District, Interim District and Designated District

When deemed in the best interests of Kiwanis International and the Kiwanis clubs involved, the Kiwanis International Board may grant authority to a group of not less than ten (10) Kiwanis clubs in good standing in non-districted areas with a minimum of~ 300 paid members having compatible geographic areas and customs to create a provisional district council. With the Board's approval, a council may become a provisional district when it attains a minimum of 500 paid members and no less than 15 clubs in good standing; a provisional district may become an interim district when it attains a minimum of 700 paid members and no less than 20 clubs in good standing; and an interim district may become a designated district when it attains a minimum of 900 paid members and no less than 25 clubs in good standing.

408.3 - Full District Status

The pro;isional designated district shall have five years to eoeply ~vith the required 25 clubs and 1,000 members necessary for ft.H:-1 district status. The five year period begins on the date provi oional status is approved by the Board, If requirements are not met ~,ithin the five years, the provisional district will revert to aen aistrietee otatHs~ must retain the 900 paid members and 25 clubs in good standing for two consecutive semi-annual billings before being granted full district status.

408.4 - Services

Kiwanis International will provide non-districted areas, councils, provisional districts, interim districts and designated districts with services comparable to a regular district in accordance with their respective status. The International Board of Trustees may also authorize special services to assist non-districted areas, councils, provisional districts, interim districts and designated districts to achieve full district status. -3-

In general, appropriate services and support will be available as delineated below:

Non-Districted Area 1) Core Materials - less than 300* members 2) Limited Staff Support and Assistance - less than 10 clubs 3) KIAR Training

Council 1) Expanded Growth Materials 300* paid members and and Program Support 10 clubs in good standing 2) Expanded Staff Support and Assistance 3) KIAR Training 4) FSR Service (Part-time)

Provisional District 1) All Growth Materials and 500* paid members and Program Support 15 clubs in good standing 2) Full Staff Support and Assistance 3) KIAR Training 4) FSR Service (Full-time) 5) Lt. Governors Training 6) Attendance at Governors-elect Training Conference 7) Office Manager/Fiscal Agent 8) Subsidy for Growth, Administra­ tion and Program Materials in Native Language

Interim District 1) All Growth Materials and 700* paid members and Program Support 20 clubs in good standing 2) Full Staff Support and Assistance 3) KIAR Training 4) FSR Service (Full-time) 5) Lt. Governors Training 6) Attendance at Governors-elect Training Conference 7) Office Manager/Fiscal Agent 8) Subsidy for Growth, Administration and Program Materials in Native Language 9) Leadership Training Program 10) Attendance at International Council in October 11) Board Counselor Visit

Designated District 1) All Growth Materials and and Full District** Program Support 900* paid members and 2) Full Staff Support and Assistance 25 clubs in good 3) KIAR Training standing 4) FSR Service (Full-time) 5) Lt. Governors Training 6) Attendance at Governors-elect Traintng Conference 7) Office Manager/Fiscal Agent 8) Subsidy for Growth, Administra­ tion, and Program Materials in Native Language -4-

9) Leadership Training Program 10) Attendance at International Council in October 11) Board Counselor Visit 12) Subsidy for Office Equipment 13) Presidential Visit

*Certified Paid Membership on December land June 1 of each year. **A Designated district must maintain 900 paid members and 25 clubs in good standing for a full administrative year before being granted full district status.

408.6 - Principles Applying to Council, Provisional District, Interim District and Designated District

a. A council, provisional district, .interim district and designated district or its board of trustees may not pro­ pose amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws or submit resolutions for consideration by Kiwanis International.

b. The officers of a council, provisional district, interim district and designated district are not eligible to participate in the Distinguished Governor or Distinguished Lt. Governor award programs.

c. The governor, governor-elect, lieutenant governors, treasurer, and secretary of a provisional district, interim district and designated district are not delegates-at-large to a Kiwanis International Convention.

d. A lieutenant governor or past lieutenant governor of a provi­ sional district, interim district or designated district may not be a delegate representing a club other than his/her own at an International Convention.

e. A provisional district, interim district or designated district is not eligible to participate in the District Administrative Excellence Award Program.

f. The governor of a provisional district is not a member of Coun­ cil.

g. A past governor of a provisional district, interim district or designated district is not eligible to serve on the Board of Trustees or as a delegate-at-large to an International Conven­ tion unless the past governor has served as a governor of a district.

I move that Recommendation #2 be adopted.


Finance: Unknown -- To be budgeted each year Procedure: Refer to Policies, Procedures and Structures -5-

Review of Kiwanis Clubs in the Republic of Korea

The Committee was informed that modest progress among the Kiwanis clubs of the Republic of Korea has been recent months, including the formation of two new clubs for a total of 30 clubs and a rise in paid membership to 585.

Recommendation #3:

The Committee recommends that the Kiwanis clubs of the Republic of Korea be granted Provisional District Status in accordance with Board Procedure 408.

I move that Recommendation #3 be adopted.


Finance: Increase 1990-91 budget $2,500, Account 143-7241-025 Procedure: In compliance

Long Range Plan Topics

The Committee continued its consideration of a suitable conceptual goal for Kiwanis' membership activities and concluded that the following should be referred to the Long Range Planning Committee.

Conceptual Goal for Kiwanis Growth

Kiwanis International's conceptual goal for membership is three-fold:

1. Achieve a membership of 500,000 by 1999. 2. Ensure membership quality by recruiting business and professional per­ sons of the highest caliber. 3. Expand the Kiwanis Family of Nations to 100 by 1999,

Amendment to Procedure 122 - Official Recognition of a New District

The Committee reviewed a proposed amendment to Procedure 122 - Official Recog­ nition of a New District and concluded that an established procedure for the recommendation of new Kiwanis districts in the future will be beneficial.

Recommendation #4:

The Committee recommends that Procedure 122 be amended to provide a new Section, 122.4, which reads as follows:

Procedure 122.4

a. When a designated district has attained full district status in accordance with Procedure 408, recognition of that district may include visitation by the President of Kiwanis International or designee and appropriate gifts from Kiwanis International.

b. Gifts shall include a banner for the new district and a gong and gavel appropriately engraved. -6-

c. If the district has a special celebration of the formation of the district, the· President or designated representative should attend the celebration to bring greetings from Kiwanis International and present the gifts. This shall be planned in advance to coincide with existing travel commitments within the region of the new district.

d. If no special celebration is planned, then at the first district con­ vention the President or the assigned Counselor to the district should bring greetings from Kiwanis International and present the gifts.

I move that Recommendation #4 be adopted.


Finance: None Procedure: Refer to Policies, Procedures, and Structures

Additional Awards for the 1990-91 Administrative Year

The Committee received a request from President-elect Wil Blechman for the creation of an award for the use of governors and lt. governors in recognizing outstanding performances by individual Kiwanians or clubs throughout the 1990-91 administrative year. The Committee believes that such an award would have numerous benefits and is well worth the modest cost involved.

Recommendation #5:

The Committee recommends that an award be created to recognize outstanding performance by Kiwanians or clubs.

I move that Recommendation #5 be adopted.


Finance: Increase 1990-91 Budget $1,200, Account #133-8061-002 Procedure: In compliance

Status of IU:wanis Club of Carolina, Puerto Rico and Kiwanis Club of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Subsequent to the return of these two clubs from charter revocation to not­ meeting status at the January, 1990 meeting, staff has reported that both have made excellent progress toward reactivation. Staff will continue to provide as much support and encouragement as possible.

Flagship Pilot Project

The Committee reviewed a letter from Past International President Frank J. DiNoto which delineated the objectives, costs, and anticipated benefits of the flagship pilot project. The Committee concluded that while this project has considerable potential and is worthy of the Board's endorsement, the exact limits of Kiwanis International's involvement and support must be clearly defined. -7-

Recommendation #6:

The Committee recommends that the Flagship Pilot Project be endorsed but that Kiwanis International involvement in its implementation be limited to the following:

1. Upon request, staff will download relevant membership information from the Kiwanis International mainframe for use by the Subcommit­ tee and will duplicate pilot information diskettes.

2, Upon request, staff will duplicate and distribute materials and correspondence relative to the pilot up to $3,000.

3. Staff will share with the Subcommittee relevant information from other membership-related research programs.

4, As requested, staff will observe the Subcommittee's work as time permits but will provide no additional administrative support beyond that described above,

I move that Recommendation #6 be adopted,


Finance: Increase the 1990-91 Budget by $1,500 in Account #132-8021-001 - Office Postage: Increase the 1990-91 Budget by $1,500 in Account #132-9962-713 - Printing and Photocopy Procedure: In compliance

Deadline for New Club Paperwork

The Committee reviewed a staff recommendation to amend B.oard Procedure 304. 7 which would clarify the deadline for the submission of new club paperwork. The Committee concluded that such an amendment would also eliminate confusion regarding the application of new club building credit for purposes of the Distinguished Program.

Recommendation #7:

The Committee recommends that Procedure 304,7 be amended to provide a new section (b) which reads as follows:

Procedure 304,7 - New Club Petition and Processing

b. Any new clubs in an administrative year must be organized by Sep­ tember 30, reported to the International Office by October 3 of the next administrative year, and all necessary documents and fees for such clubs received by Kiwanis International no later than November 30. New clubs fully processed before December 1 of the following administrative year will be credited toward the appropriate lieute­ nant governor's and governor's distinguished award criteria, and the additional membership will be counted for their year. If the required papers and fees are not received before December 1 of the following year, the current lieutenant governor and governor will receive -8-

distinguished award points for such clubs, and the additional mem­ bership will be counted for the new administrative year.

I move that Recommendation #7 be adopted.


Finance: None Procedure: Refer to Policies, Procedures, and Structures

Transfer of Clubs from the Pacific Northwest District to the Utah-Idaho District

The Committee was informed that the Pacific Northwest District and the Utah-Idaho District have agreed along with the Kiwanis Club of Nyssa, Oregon and the Kiwanis Club of Ontario, Oregon, that for the purpose of administration, the two clubs should become members of the Utah-Idaho District with an effective date of October 1, 1990, rne two Kiwanis clubs are located on the border bet­ ween Oregon and Idaho and the two clubs are closer to clubs in Idaho than to clubs in Oregon.

Recommendation #8:

The Committee recommends that the Kiwanis Club of Nyssa, Oregon, and the Kiwanis Club of Ontario, Oregon, shall be, for administrative purposes, considered clubs of the Utah-Idaho District effective October 1, 1990.

I move that Recommendation #8 be adopted.


Finance: None Procedure: In compliance

Growth in Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia

President-elect Wil Blechman reported on a recent meeting with Rached Trimeche, Founder of Kiwanis' nine clubs in Tunisia. President-elect Wil believes that the potential exists in the next few years for the formation of a district across North Africa including Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. Staff reported that as a preliminary step tow~rd that possibility it would work with Rached in the implementation of an area coordinator program and seek the Board's authori­ zation of extension for Algeria and Morocco at the October, 1990 Board meeting.

The Committee would like to express its thanks to the staff of the Membership Division for their assistance and support throughout the 1989-90 administrative year.

Respectfully submitted,




June 20-22, 1990

Date of Committee Meeting: June 20, 1990

Place of Committee Meeting: Adam's Mark Hotel St. Louis, Missouri

Present: ·Members - A. S. "Buddy" Ammar, Joe L. Griffeth, M.D., Kenneth W. Smith, D.C. Chairman C • A. Di 11 on , Jr . Staff - Larry Horney

Anaheim Convention Registration Incentives

The Committee discussed staff's proposal from the Anaheim Host Committee to revise the 100% club registration incentive. As proposed, clubs registering 100% of their active membership by May 1 would receive a 50% discount off registration fees, and ~pauses/guests would be free.

The Committee believes that this incentive should be even greater than the original proposal, so that the number of 100% clubs might dramatically increase, thus increasing overall revenues. It was recommended that the 100% club registration incentive be set at $20 per Kiwanian for clubs in good standing that register 100% of their active membership by May 1. Spouse registrations would remain complimentary, provided that the spouse is not also a Kiwanian.

Recommendation #1:

The Committee recommends that the 100% registration incentive be revised for future International conventions beginning with the 1991 Anaheim Convention. The new incentive would state that any club in good standing that registers 100% of its active members by May 1 by sending a "lump sum" check and appropriate registration forms to the International Office would pay a registration fee of $20 per Kiwanian. Spouse registration would be complimentary, provided the spouse is not also a Kiwanian.

I move that Recommendation #1 be adopted.


Finance·: Not known at this time Procedure: In compliance -2-

Approval of Convention Program

The Committee reviewed the 1990 St. Louis Official Convention Program.

Recommendation #2:

The Committee recommends that the Official Program for the 1990 St. Louis International Convention be approved. (See Exhibit A.)

I move that Recommendation #2 be adopted.


Finance: None Procedure: In compliance

Exceptions to Anaheim Convention Attendance Quotas

The Committee discus·sed the attendance quotas assigned to Iceland and Austria-Germany and noted inequities caused by unusual statistics in the case of Iceland and the redistricting of Germany and Austria.

Recommendation #3:

The Committee recommends that the Iceland, Austria, and Germany Districts be given an exception to procedures regarding attendance quotas for the Anaheim Convention. The Iceland District quota would be reduced from 26 to 10. The Austria District and the Germany District would be assigned a quota of 5 each.

I move that Recommendation #3 be adopted.


Finance: None Procedure: Recommended exception

"Officialization" of Kiwanis Espanol Magazine

The Committee reviewed staff's report on the Kiwanis Espanol Magazine which summarized recent meetings between the leadership of the Andean and Central America District and staff. Staff was requested to proceed with discussions and negotiations and submit a budget and proposal for officializing the Espanol Magazine at the October Board meeting.

Australia/New Zealand Magazine Survey

Staff presented an up-to-date report on the results · of the recent magazine survey which was compiled after clubs in New Zealand and AYstralia received three issues of the Kiwanis magazine·. As a result of survey findings, the Committee requested that staff not pursue -3-

Affinity Credit Card

The Committee discussed briefly the Affinity Credit Card; but since a detailed analysis was not available, staff was requested to present a report at the October Board Meeting. This report would be included in the agenda of the Administration Committee.

Travel Procedures

The Committee reviewed material and financial information pertaining to Travel Management Procedures, specifically the statement allowing business class upgrades on off-U. S. continent flights of six hours or more.

Recommendation #4:

The Committee recommends that Procedure 905, Travel Management Procedures, and Procedure 892. la( 1), Transportation Allowance, be amended.

Any upgrades in class of service are made at the expense of the individual except for tr·avel exceeding ~ ten hours of continuous flight, for which business class, o-;-if not available,. first class, is permitted. This procedure does not apply to flights on the North American continent, and it only applies to all members of the International Board of Trustees and spouses."

I move that Recommendation #4 be adopted.

Finance: Reduction in 1989-90 Line Item #131-7224-004 - $16,000 and Line Item #111-7224-001 - $4,000; Reduction of Proposed - Budget for 1990-91 - $43,000 (various accounts) Procedure: In compliance

The Committee wishes to commend the Communications staff for• their support and good work during the year.

Respectfully submitted,


Exhibit A of the Report of the Board Committee on Communications and Conventions, "Official Program for the 1990 St. Louis International Convention," is now Exhibit ff22 of the June 20-22 and 28, 1990, Minutes. EXHIBIT #22

. A copy of the Official Program for the 75th Convention of Kiwanis International, St. Louis, Missouri, June 24-28, 1990, is included in the International Secretary's Official Minutes. It is not included with your copy of the minutes but is available upon request from the International Secretary.



.SJ: LOUIS .. MISSOURI. JUNE 24.;28 1990 1991 - Anaheim, California, June 23-27 1992 - Indianapolis, Indiana, June 21-25 1993 - Nice, France, June 27-July I 75TH ANNUAL 1994 - New Orleans, Louisiana, June 26-30 1995 - Atlanta, Georgia, June 24-28 CONVENTION KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL Responsibilities Contents

Every Kiwanis Club is entitled to two (2) delegates at the Delegate Responsibilities ...... Inside Cover St. Louis Convention. If you have been selected as a delegate, you have the distinct responsibility of Welcome Letters representing your club in all matters that affect our entire International President and First Lady ...... 2 organization. Your duties at the Convention are of the utmost importance. They include: General Host Committee Chairman ...... 2 1. To attend PROMPTLY all meetings of the House of Convention at a Glance ...... 3 Delegates 2. To study the qualifications of all candidates for Official Program International Office Saturday...... 4 3. To vote according to your best judgment on the issues presented Sunday ...... 4 4. To utilize every opportunity to gather information for Monday...... 7 your club 5. To present a complete convention report to your club Tuesday ...... 12 The House of Delegates will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday ...... 16 Wednesday mornings, June 26 and 27. Resolutions and proposed Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws will Guests and Spouses Program Highlights ...... 20 be considered, and Kiwanis International Officers for Youth Information ...... 22 1990-91 will be elected. As a delegate, you are strongly urged to participate fully in these two critical voting General Information ...... 22 sessions. Convention Center Diagram...... 24 St. Louis Downtown Map ...... 27 St. Louis Hotel Information ...... 27 District and Club Awards ...... 29 Pictures of 1989-90 Kiwanis International Leaders International Board of Trustees (Officers) ...... 31 The Spirit continues International Board of Trustees ...... 32 1915-1990 Past International Presidents ...... 33 Presidents of Sponsored-Youth Organizations ...... 35 Officers Emeriti ...... 35 President of the European Federation ...... 35 International Committee Chairmen ...... 36 District Governors...... 39 International Foundation Board ...... 43 1988-89 Distinguished Governors ...... 44 International Convention Committee Chairmen ...... 45 St. Louis Host Committee...... 46 Standing Rules for the House of Delegates ...... 48 Welcome to St. Louis Convention a Glance

Welcome to St. SATURDAY, JUNE 23 Louis I Whether you 10:30 am Registration, Credentials, Exhibit Hall arrived by plane, boat, and Exhibits open train, car, bicycle, or on Hospitality Lounge opens Room 267 foot, your first Youth Lounge opens Room 263 impression of our host 3:30 pm Sergeant-at-Arms Meeting Room 276 city probably was its 630 foot arch on the SUNDAY, JUNE 24 riverfront. You're 8:00 am Prayer Breakfast Adam's Mark probably eager to visit 9:00 am Registration, Credentials, Exhibit Hall Eero Sarrinen's and Exhibits open monument, as well as Hospitality Lounge opens Room 267 the numerous other sights of the Gateway City. Enjoy! Youth Lounge opens Room 263 And enjoy the spirit of the 75th Annual Kiwanis 1:00 pm Sergeant-at-Arms Meeting Room 276 International Convention. Thousands of Kiwanians are here 1:30 pm Meet the Candidates Upper Foyer to meet you and to join in the fellowship, fun, Training Sessions Various entertainment, education, and business of this occasion. 2:00 pm Showtime Room 130-32 We are thrilled that you have chosen to participate in this 3:15 pm Forums and Seminars Various historic gathering. 7:00 pm Opening Session Halls B & C Kiwanis is experiencing an excellent year: celebrating the 75th Anniversary of its founding, developing service MONDAY, JUNE 25 programs that "Encourage Excellence" among our youth, 8:00 am Registration, Credentials, Exhibit Hall and increasing Kiwanis membership and pride. and Exhibits open Let the spirit contin~ Hospitality Lounge opens Room 267 ~L Youth Lounge opens Room 263 9:00 am First Business Session Halls B & C 12:30 pm Awards Luncheon Room 131-32 Noris and Jean Lusche 1:30 pm Forums and Seminars Various International President Guest and Spouse Forum Room 261-62-65-66 and First Lady 3:15 pm Forums and Seminars Various 8:00 pm Superstar Show Fox Theatre TUESDAY, JUNE 26 As we celebrate our 75th year of 8:00 am Registration, Credentials, Exhibit Hall Kiwanis, it is only fitting that we and Exhibits open meet in a city rich in tradition and Hospitality Lounge opens Room 267 history. From our brick streets in Youth Lounge opens Room 263 Laclede's Landing to the world 9:00 am Second Business Session Halls B & C famous Gateway Arch, we are sure 12:30 pm Legion of Honor Luncheon Sheraton you will enjoy your time in St. Luncheon for Guests and Spouses Adam's Mark Louis. Best of all, you will enjoy the 1:30 pm Forums and Seminars Various friendliness of our people and our 3:00 pm Foundation Honor Reception Adam's Mark tradition of hospitality. 3:15 pm Forums and Seminars Various An overview of the programs and 8:00 pm Superstar Show Fox Theatre activities scheduled for this Convention are contained on the next few pages. Please take a few moments to WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27 familiarize yourself with the events that have been planned 8:00 am Registration, Credentials, Exhibit Hall for you. Remember - if you have questions or need and Exhibits open assistance, your host committee and the entire Missouri­ Hospitality Lounge opens Room 267 Arkansas District are here to help! Youth Lounge opens Room 263 Halls B & C Sincerely, 9:00 am Third Business Session 1:30 pm Forums and Seminars Various Forum for Guests and Spouses Room 120 w.~£~ 3:15 pm Forums and Seminars Various 7:00 pm Closing Session Halls B & C W. Gene Engelhardt Following General Host Committee Chairman Session Au Revoir Reception Room 120

2 3 (Sunday)

SATURDAY, IUNE 23 1 :30-3:00 PM Training Sessions • 1990-91 Club Presidents 1 :00-5:00 PM Training Session Convention Center, Rooms 121-123 and 125-127 EYJOLFUR SIGURDSSON, Presiding • 1990-91 Lt. Governors on the Major Emphasis This training session is repeated on Monday at 3:15 pm Program and Tuesday at 3:15 pm Convention Center, Rooms 121-123 and 125-127 • 1990-91 Lt. Governors 3:30-4:30 PM Sergeant-at-Arms Meeting Convention Center, Rooms 261-262 and 265-266 Convention Center, Room 276 ROBERT L. McCURLEY, JR., Presiding

2:00-4:00 PM Showtime SUNDAY, JUNE 24 Convention Center, Rooms 130-132 Volunteer musical entertainment for all convention-goers 8:00-9:30 AM Prayer Breakfast Adam's Mark, St. Louis Ballroom 3:00-5:00 PM Administrative Secretaries Welcome Tea ART FLEMING, former host of "Jeopardy," speaking Adam's Mark, Directors Row 46 MARY CHYLA, President, Council of Administrative Secretaries, Presiding

Mr. Fleming. is known worldwide 3:15-4:45 PM Training Session as a speaker on entertainment and motivation and for his career in • 1990-91 KIARS and Lt. Governors on New Club radio, television, and motion Building pictures. He was the original host Convention Center, Rooms 261-262 and 265-266 of "Jeopardy" and.hosted "College KENNETH W. SMITH, D.C., Presiding Bowl" for seven years. Mr. Fleming Learn the steps to success in this critical area of responsibility lives in St. Louis where he , - -)~ i, ' currently co-hosts the popular ',·:f~·, "Midday Show'' and "Sunday Night .... i? 3:15-4:45 PM Forums/Discussions Trivia Spectacular:''/,. · ···• · •. · • Stimulating More Active Member Involvement Convention Center, Room 275 ROBERT E. WALES, Presiding This forum is repeated on Tuesday at 1 :30 pm 10:00-11:15 AM Council Meeting Adam's Mark, Promenade B • Resolutions and Amendments Board of Trustees, Past International Presidents, Convention Center, Room 260 Secretaries-emeriti, European Federation President, GENE R. OVERHOLT, Presiding District Governors, International Committee Chairmen, Share your thoughts on the issues Kiwanis International Foundation Board, Sponsored­ • Why Key Club? Youth Presidents, and General Host Committee Convention Center, Rooms 120-124 Chairman are invited to attend DON MILES, J.D., Presiding Learn more about our high school level service 1 :00-2:30 PM Sergeant-at-Arms Meeting organization Convention Center, Room 276 -Attn: 3:30-4:30 PM Elections Committee Meeting 1 :30-3:00 PM Meet the Candidates , Delegates Convention Center, Room 27 4 Convention Center, Second floor foyer All Kiwanians and their families are invited to meet the candidates for International Office

4 5 7:00 PM Opening Session Convention Center, Halls B & C NORIS A. LUSCHE, International President, Presiding 8:00-9:30 AM Administrative Secretaries Board • Musical Prelude (6:30-7:00 PM) Breakfast • 75th Anniversary Tribute Adam's Mark, Directors Row 46 MARY CHYLA, President, Council of Administrative • Introduction of the International President and First Secretaries, Presiding Lady • Call to Order 9:00 AM First Business Session Convention Center, Halls B & C • Invocation/In Memoriam NORIS A. LUSCHE, International President, Presiding GEORGE M. SCHEER, Chairman, International Committee on Human and Spiritual Values • Musical Prelude (8:30-9:00 AM) • Introduction of Board of Trustees and Wives • Call to Order KEVIN W. KREPINEVICH • Invocation • Recognition of Flags of Kiwanis Countries RABBI ROBERT P. JACOBS, Executive Vice President, St. Louis Rabbinical Association, St. Louis, Missouri • Presentation of Host Flag and National Anthem • Greetings from European Federation • Introduction of 1989-90 Governors and Wives WILLY OSTHOLT, President • Introduction of European Federation President and • Address Wife ROGER H. WOODS, President, Key Club International • Welcome from the District • Recognition of Honor Clubs and Presentation of ROBERT JOHNSON, Governor, Missouri-Arkansas Distinguished Governor Awards District GENE R. OVERHOLT, Immediate Past President • Presentation of the World Service Medal • Recognition of Legion of Honor Members WILLIAM V. DOLAN, M.D., Recipient (standing recognition) • Announcements • Address • Featured Entertainment NORIS A. LUSCHE, International President LOUISE DuART, Impressionist • Musical Entertainment

The·next voice you hear.could be just about anyone's·· · happens to be coming from Louise Du Art. She does· dead.,on impressions of the likes· of Carol Burnett, Joan Rivers, Barbra · Streisand, ,Dolly Parton, and Cher. Louise is one oUhe few female ·· impressionistsJhat effectiv:ely •. · . J. ;:/:: c:·c mimics men; including George .. ... < BurnsiWoody Allen, Rodney Dangerfield, and Michael : Jackson~ ·:•·f\;f

• Adjournment 6 7 Official (Monday)

• Speaker • Public Relations MERLIN OLSEN Convention Center, Room 27 4 JOE L. GRIFFETH, M.D., Presiding Tips from media experts

Better known as "Father Murphy" • Human and Spiritual Values Projects or "Jonathon Garvey," Merlin Olsen Convention Center, Room 275 is a caring person who gives his GLENN E. MUGGELBERG, Presiding time and energy to many This forum is repeated on Tuesday at 3:15 pm worthwhile organizations. But, as • Recruiting and Retaining Members Kiwanians will learn, one of his Convention Center, Rooms 121-123 and 125-127 favorite projects is the Children's A. S. "BUDDY" AMMAR, Presiding Miracle Network Telethon, a This forum is repeated on Tuesday at 1 :30 pm and Kiwanis supported event. Laugh Wednesday at 1 :30 pm and cry as Merlin speaks about the hopes and dreams of the children and the progress • How to Build the Club's Administrative Account being made through the telethon. Learn how Kiwanians Convention Center, Room 276 worldwide are making a difference in the lives of so IAN PERDRIAU, Presiding many children and enjoy the wit, humor, and This forum is repeated on Wednesday at 1 :30 pm compassion that have endeared Merlin Olsen to people • Kiwanianne Clubs of all ages. Mr. Olsen's appearance is sponsored by Convention Center, Room 260 FTD Florists. ROBERT H. ANDREW, Presiding Learn more about our sponsored service clubs for women • Guests and Spouses • Announcements Convention Center, Rooms 261-262 and 265-266 JEAN LUSCHE, First Lady, Presiding • Adjournment EMYL JENKINS, Antique Appraiser, Speaking

12:30-2:30 PM Luncheons • Administrative Secretaries VIP Luncheon Adam's Mark, Rose Garden MARY CHYLA, President, Council of Administrative According to Ms. Emyl Jenkins, Secretaries, Presiding Director of the International Society HILMAR L. "BILL" SOLBERG, Past International of Appraisers, you are richer than President, Speaking you think! Ms. Jenkins entertains and informs audiences across the • Awards Luncheon nation with a topic that appeals to Convention Center, Rooms 131 and 132 everyone - personal property, GENE R. OVERHOLT, Immediate Past President, collectibles, and antiques. Widely Presiding recognized for her common sense 1988-89 Club and District Awards will be presented approach to antiques and personal at this luncheon property, Jenkins freely shares her knowledge as an antiques appraiser through her monthly column in The 1 :30-3:00 PM Forums Antique Dealer. Ms. Jenkins encourages you to bring Attn· 1990-91 • 1990-93 Major Emphasis Program Clu\j presidents small items for her on-site appraisal so you can find out Convention Center, Rooms 120 and 124 if you are, in fact, richer than you think! W. J. "WIL" BLECHMAN, M.D., Presiding This forum is repeated on Wednesday at 1 :30 pm

8 9 Official (Monday)

1 :30-3:00 PM Workshop • Developing an Orientation Program for New Members • Musical Groups Convention Center, Rooms 120 and 124 Convention Center, Room 264 ARTHUR D. SWANBERG, Presiding For persons interested in sponsoring volunteer This session is repeated on Tuesday at 3:15 pm entertainment 8:00 PM Superstar Show (No-host cocktail reception 3:15-4:45 PM Forums/Discussions begins at 7:00 PM) • Liability Insurance Fabulous Fox Theatre Convention Center, Room 27 4 Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers RAYMOND W. LANSFORD, Presiding This forum is repeated on Tuesday at 3:15 pm • Current Club Presidents and Secretaries Country music's hottest trio has earned the respect Convention Center, Rooms 261-262 and 265-266 and admiration of critics and country music lovers from J. F. "JOE" DeSORT, Presiding all over the world. As recording artists, the Gatlins have Planning for a successful fourth quarter accumulated an impressive list of awards and honors, • Conducting Club and Community Analyses including a Grammy and several awards from the Music Convention Center, Room 264 City News Awards. They have recorded ten albums, MERALD T. ENSTAD, Presiding producing such hits as "All the Gold in California," This forum is repeated on Tuesday at 1 :30 pm "Broken Lady," "The Midnight Choir," and "Take Me to Your Lovin' Place." • Successful Community and Youth Service Projects Convention Center, Room 275 JOHN J. "JACK" HARTEN, Presiding This forum is repeated on Wednesday at 3:15 pm • Basics for New Club Secretaries Convention Center, Room 276 DANIEL P. BORBA, Presiding Ideas for "Getting it Together" • Ask the Experts Convention Center, Room 260 ANTON J. "TONY" KAISER, Presiding A panel of Kiwanis leaders ready to answer your questions

3:15-4:45 PM Training Sessions • 1990-91 Club Presidents Convention Center, Rooms 121-123 and 125-127 C. A. DILLON, JR., Presiding This session is repeated on Tuesday at 3:15 pm

10 11 (Tuesday)

"EIJESDAY, JUNE 26 . 12:30-2:00 PM Luncheons • Legion of Honor Luncheon 7:00 AM Elections Committee Meeting Sheraton Hotel, Ballroom Convention Center, Elections Area THOMAS EAGLETON, former U.S. Senator, Speaking

8:00-9:30 AM Administrative Secretaries Continental Breakfast Adam's Mark, Directors Row 46 Former United States Senator MARY CHYLA, President, Council of Administrative Thomas F. Eagleton is renowned in Secretaries, Presiding the State of Missouri and City of St. Louis for his outstanding public 9:00 AM Second Business Session service. Eagleton began his public Convention Center, Halls B and C service career in 1957 as Circuit NORIS A. LUSCHE, International President, Presiding Attorney of St. Louis, advanced to the position of Attorney General in • Musical Prelude (8:30-9:00 AM) 1961, and became Lt. Governor of • Cal I to Order the state in 1965. He was elected to the Senate in 1969 and left office in 1987. Mr. • Invocation Eagleton now teaches political science, government, FATHER ROBERT CHENOWETH, Chaplain, St. Louis and business at Washington University in St. Louis and University Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri is a member of a St. Louis law firm. • Introduction of International Committee Chairmen • Address WENDY L. SCHRICK, President, Circle K International • Luncheon for Guests and Spouses • Report of the International Treasurer and the Adam's Mark, Promenade Ballroom Committee on Finance CHRISTOPHER REEVE, Actor, Speaking JOHN D. MORTON, SR. • Report of the International Secretary KEVIN W. KREPINEVICH Although most often recognized • Musical Entertainment for his role as "Superman," Christopher Reeve has numerous • Greetings from Rotary International other film and stage credits to his G. H. "CURLY" GALBRAITH, Vice President name, including "Deathtrap" with • Report of the Committee on Credentials Michael Caine, "Switching ALVIN KROETER, Chairman Channels" with Burt Reynolds and, on Broadway, "A Matter of Gravity" • Presentation of Proposed Amendments with Katharine Hepburn. • Announcements Reeve's primary topic will be "The Importance of Getting Involved," but his question • Adjournment and answer session promises to feature a few "Hollywood" stories!

12 13 (Tuesday)

1 :30-3:00 PM Forums 3:15-4:45 PM Forums • Stimulating More Active Member Involvement • Conducting Successful Club and Board Meetings Convention Center, Rooms 261-262 and 265-266 Convention Center, Room 130 ROBERT E. WALES, Presiding PHILLIP C. "PAPPY" RAWLINS, Presiding This is a repeat of the session on Sunday This forum is repeated on Wednesday at 3:15 pm • Recruiting and Retaining Members • Human and Spiritual Values Projects Convention Center, Rooms 121-123 and 125-127 Convention Center, Room 132 RAYMOND A. WALLANDER, Presiding GEORGE M. SCHEER, JR., Presiding This forum is repeated on Wednesday at 1 :30 pm This is a repeat of the session on Monday • Conducting Club and Community Analyses • Contemporary Issues Convention Center, Room 131 Convention Center, Rooms 261-262 and 265-266 PAUL E. TOMSHANY, Presiding ROBERT E. LYNCH, Presiding This is a repeat of the session on Monday STEPHEN J. BURROWS, Vice President of Consumer • Fund Raising Awareness and Education, Anheuser-Busch, Speaking Convention Center, Room 130 Topic: Rights and Responsibilities JOHN T. ROBERTS, Presiding • Liability Insurance This forum is repeated on Wednesday at 3:15 pm Convention Center, Room 260 • Circle K: Invest in our Future AUBREY E. IRBY, Presiding Convention Center, Room 132 This is a repeat of the session on Monday ANDREW BATSIS, D.M.D., Presiding • Club Success Stories Learn more about our college level service organization Convention Center, Room 275 • Flagship Clubs JOHN D. MORTON, SR., Presiding A sharing of ideas and success stories Convention Center, Room 264 FRANK J. DiNOTO, Presiding • Club Bulletins • History of Kiwanis Convention Center, Room 27 4 Convention Center, Room 260 JOE L. GRIFFETH, M.D., Presiding An effective club bulletin keeps members involved JAMES D. HEYMES, Presiding How did we get to where we are? 3:15-4:45 PM Training Sessions • Operation Know Convention Center, Rooms 120 and 124 • 1990-91 Club Presidents Convention Center, Rooms 121-123 and 125-127 TED R. OSBORN, Presiding WILLIAM L. LIEBER, Presiding This is a repeat of the sessions on Sunday and Monday 3:00-5:00 PM Foundation Honor Reception Adam's Mark, St. Louis Ballroom D and E • Developing an Orientation Program for New Members 3:15-4:45 PM Conference on Nominations Convention Center, Room 131 Convention Center, Room 276 WAYNE HOEFT, Presiding ANTON J. "TONY" KAISER, Presiding This is a repeat of the session on Monday

8:00 PM Superstar Show Fabulous Fox Theatre Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers See page 11 for more information

14 15 Official (Wednesday)

WEDNESDAY, jUNE 27 10:00-11 :30 AM Administrative Secretaries Closing Brunch Adam's Mark, Directors Row 46 9:00 AM Third Business Session MARY CHYLA, President, Council of Administrative Convention Center, Halls Band C Secretaries, Presiding NORIS A. LUSCHE, International President, Presiding • Musical Prelude (8:30-9:00 AM) 1:30-3:00 PM Forums • Call to Order • Builders Clubs Convention Center, Room 130 • Invocation JAMES A. HALLMAN, D.D.S., Presiding BRIGADIER LEWIS M. FORNEY, The Salvation Army, Learn more about our junior high school level service Fenton, Missouri organization • Report of the Committee on Credentials • Recruiting and Retaining Members ALVIN KROETER, Chairman Convention Center, Rooms 121-123 and 125-127 • First Report of the Conference on Nominations ROBERT L. McCURLEY, JR., Presiding KEVIN W. KREPINEVICH, International Secretary This is a repeat of the sessions on Monday and Tuesday • Nomination and election of Officers above the level • Bicentennial Celebration: U.S. Bill of Rights of Trustee Convention Center, Room 272 GEORGE M. SCHEER, JR., Presiding • Introduction of Kiwanis International Foundation Join in the celebration Board • How to Build the Club's Administrative Account • Presentation of Kiwanis International Foundation Convention Center, Room 131 Tablet of Honor and George F. Hixson Fellows IAN PERDRIAU, Presiding R. TYLER BLAND, President, Kiwanis International This is a repeat of the session on Monday Foundation • Children's Miracle Network Telethon • Presentation of Robert P. Connelly Medal Convention Center, Room 264 • Report of Committee on Resolutions WES H. BARTLETT, Presiding WILBUR A. SUNDT, Chairman Join with hundreds of other clubs to support hospitals for children • Second Report of the Conference on Nominations KEVIN W. KREPINEVICH, International Secretary • 1990-93 Major Emphasis Program Convention Center, Rooms 261-262 and 265-266 • Nomination and election of Trustees PRESTON A. DAVIS, Presiding • Announcements This is a repeat of the session on Monday • Adjournment

16 17 (Wednesday)

• Guests and Spouses 3:15-5:15 PM Training Session Convention Center, Rooms 120 and 124 • Meeting for 1990-91 International Committee JEAN LUSCHE, First Lady, Presiding Chairmen PAULA STRAUSER, Educator, Speaking Convention Center, Room 272

7:00 PM Closing Session Convention Center, Halls B and C According to Paula Strauser, NORIS A. LUSCHE, International President, Presiding " ... Every child is a masterpiece." Strauser believes that our role as • Musical Prelude (6:30-7:00 PM) parents and grandparents is to • Call to Order foster and nurture that belief by encouraging creativity and • Invocation individuality at an early age. Her REVEREND WENDY E. ROBERTS, Pastor, Wurdack program, "Supporting Your Child To Memorial Presbyterian Church, Manchester, Missouri Be the Best He/She Can Be," • Introduction of Past International Presidents and focuses on this theme and is an Wives opportunity you won't want to miss. • On-to-Anaheim ROBERT GIBBONS, 1991 General Host Committee Chairman 3:15-4:45 PM Forums • Report of the Committee on Elections • Conducting Successful Club and Board Meetings ALONZO J. BRYAN, Chairman Convention Center, Room 131 • Presentation of Officers-designate GLENN E. MUGGELBERG, Presiding This is a repeat of the session on Tuesday • Address W. J. "WIL'' BLECHMAN, M.D., International President­ • Why You Should Want To Become a District designate Governor Convention Center, Room 260 • Convention Slide Show JOHN D. MORTON, SR., Presiding • Benediction A summary for Kiwanians interested in seeking this REVEREND WILLIAM L. JENKINS, Assistant Pastor, office Galilee Baptist Church, St. Louis, Missouri • Why You Should Want To Become a Lt. Governor • Auld Lang Syne Convention Center, Room 264 MERLE H. TUCKER, Presiding Immediately Following Session For Kiwanians interested in someday becoming their Au Revoir Reception division's leader Convention Center, Rooms 120-127 • Successful Community and Youth Service Projects Convention Center, Rooms 261-262 and 265-266 JAMES M. MOLER, Presiding This is a repeat of the session on Monday • Fund Raising Convention Center, Room 130 FRANK J. DiNOTO, Presiding This is a repeat of the session on Tuesday


10:30 AM-5:00 PM Hospitality Lounge 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Hospitality Lounge Convention Center, Room 267 Convention Center, Room 267

- " 12:30-2:00 PM Luncheon for Guests and Spouses SUNDA'4 JUNE 2~ \_: Adam's Mark, Promenade Ballroom See page 13 of Official Program for details 8:00-9:30 AM Prayer Breakfast Adam's Mark, St. Louis Ballroom 3:15-4:45 PM Contemporary Issues See page 4 of Official Program for details , Convention Center, Ro0ms 261-262 and 265-266 See page 15 of Official Program for details 9:00 AM-5:00 PM Hospitality Lounge Convention Center, Room 267 8:00 PM Superstar Show (No-host cocktail reception begins at 7:00 PM) 1:30-3:00 PM Meet the Candidates Fabulous Fox Theatre Convention Center, Second floor foyer Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers All Kiwanians and their families are invited to meet the candidates for International Office WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27

2:00-4:00 PM Showtime 8:00 AM-1 :00 PM Hospitality Lounge Convention Center, Rooms 130-132 Convention Center, Room 267 Volunteer musical entertainment for all convention-goers 1:30-3:00 PM Forum for Guests and Spouses 7:00 PM Opening Session Convention Center, Room 120 Convention Center, Halls B and C Ms. Paula Strauser, Speaking See page 6 of Official Program for details See page 18 of Official Program for details

MONDAY, JUNE 2S 7:00 PM Closing Session Convention Center, Halls B and C 9:00 AM First Business Session See page 19 of Official Program for details Convention Center, Halls B and C See page 7 of Official Program for details

8:00 AM-5:00 PM Hospitality Lounge Convention Center, Room 267

1:30-2:45 PM Forum for Guests and Spouses Convention Center, Rooms 261-262 and 265-266 Ms. Emyl Jenkins, Speaking See page 9 of Official Program for details

8:00 PM Superstar Show (No-host cocktail reception begins at 7:00 PM) Fabulous Fox Theatre Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers

20 21 Youth

Youth under age 2; will need to visit the Youth Booth in president and club secretary, was not sent to the the Exhibit Hall to obtain a complimentary youth badge. convention office before the delegate's arrival, it should be The Youth Committee manning the Youth Booth will be presented as soon as possible to the Credentials able to provide up-to-date information on Youth activities. Committee at the Credentials Counter. Parents needing information about babysitting should visit A delegate elected at the last minute to replace the Youth Booth also. someone previously certified must present official A youth game room will be open in the Convention verification of the change, signed by both the club Center daily, Saturday through Wednesday. The game president and club secretary. room will have several "free playing" video games, a NO DELEGATE MAY RECEIVE CREDENTIALS TO popcorn machine, and entertainment available to all REPRESENT A CLUB PAST DUE IN ITS FINANCIAL Kiwanis youth. Hours for the game room are: OBLIGATIONS TO KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL. Saturday ...... ; 0:30 am-5:00 pm Sunday ...... ; 0:00 am-5:00 pm Important Phone Numbers Monday ...... 8:00 am-5:00 pm Convention Office-342-5400 Tuesday ...... 8:00 am-5:00 pm National Car Rental-i-800-328-7949 Wednesday ...... 8:00 am-i :00 pm St. Louis Visitors Center-241-1764 The youth game room will be in Room 263. Time and Temperature-321-2522 Two special outings will be offered to Kiwanis youth this Tourist lnformation-869-7i00 year. The first outing will take place on Monday, June 25, TWA-i-800-325-4933 and it includes a tour of the National Bowling Hall of Fame, Weather-321-2222 entertainment, transportation, dinner and dancing. Registration and Exhibit Hall Hours The second outing will take place on Tuesday, June 26, at Busch Memorial Stadium. This outing offers a ticket to Saturday, June 23 ...... i0:30 AM to 5:00 PM the Cardinals vs. Mets baseball game, transportation, hot Sunday, June 24 ...... 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM dog, popcorn, and beverage. Monday, June 25 ...... 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Both outings are for youth ages ; ; through ; 8, and more Tuesday, June 26 ...... 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM information about both outings will be available at the Wednesday, June 27 ...... 8:00 AM to ; :00 PM Youth Booth. Ribbons Youth Tour Programs have been designed for children Ribbons indicating specialized status are available at the ages 6-adult. These tours include a visit to the home of following locations in the Exhibit Hall: over 3,000 animals at the St. Louis Zoo, thrilling rides to Delegate, Delegate-at-Large ...... Credentials Counter the top of the Arch, and chances to see the famous First-Timer ...... Pride of Membership Booth Clydesdale stallions up close. Visit the Outings Booth in Foundation Honor ...... Kiwanis Foundation Booth the Exhibit Hall for more information. Legion of Honor ...... Pride of Membership Booth Life Member ...... Pride of Membership Booth General Information Service Desk The Service Desk (located at the Registration Counter in NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED TO ANY CONVENTION the Exhibit Hall) will be open throughout the Convention. SESSION HELD IN THE ST. LOUIS CERVANTES Any problems with registration or housing should be CONVENTION CENTER WITHOUT A KIWANIS BADGE. directed to this desk. To learn where someone is staying, ask for help at the Service Desk. LOST AND FOUND Credentials Hours WILL BE LOCATED AT THIS DESK. The Credentials Counter will be open the following hours: Saturday, June 23 ...... i0:30 AM to 5:00 PM Shuttle Service Sunday, June 24 ...... 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM Free shuttle bus service is offered between convention Monday, June 25 ...... 8:00 AM to ; :00 PM hotels and the Cervantes Convention Center. The buses Tuesday, June 26 ...... 8:00 AM to ; :00 PM will be identified with "KIWANIS" signs. Beginning on Wednesday, June 27 ...... 8:00 AM to; :00 PM Saturday, June 23, schedules will be posted in hotel Every club in good standing is entitled to two delegates lobbies and are available at the Information Booth in the and two alternates, each of whom must be certified. If the lobby of the Exhibit Hall. certificate, bearing the signatures of both the club 22 23 Convention


MAIN FLOOR I 123 127 132 FIRST AID ELEVATOR 122 126 131 ITT 121 125 ESCALATOR EXHIBIT Al HALL 120 124 130 A FINANCE -----□---- w


24 25 location Map and Convention Center District Hotels



_J a: _J 000® <( UJ ~ :::; ~ -t-__. ® 262 266 0 275 AIRPORT HOTELS [ill 261 265 \ JfffERSON

260 264 274 20th UNION ® STATION@

270 271 272 TUCKER BLVD 12th

<( □ _J 8 9th ~@ □ RESTROOMS UJ a:~ > CONVENTION :v; <( :::; I CENTER BUSCH ::;; 0 STADIUM 7th @ ® Kiwanis International Board policy strictly prohibits clubs BROADWAY or individuals from selling or soliciting goods or services at I 4th / or within the Exhibit Hall and/or Convention Center during ® G) @ ® ___-/ the Kiwanis International Convention. This policy includes GATEWAY~ MEMORIAL OR LACLEDE'S (J) the sale of buttons and pins. The only ex~eptions to this ARCH LANDING policy are the Kiwanis International Foundation Booth, the Kiwanis International Supply Booth, and Kiwanis lnternational's subcontracted vendors. Any person or club found to be in violation of this policy will be asked to leave the premises. I MISSISSIPPI RIVER Additionally, the posting of any campaign materials in or on the grounds of the Convention Center is a violation of the regulations governing the St. Louis Cervantes Center. 1. ADAM'S MARK JAPAN, KOREA, NETHERLANDS, Please limit ALL campaigning to the area outside of the Fourth and Chestnut NEW ENGLAND, NEW ZEALAND­ St. Louis, MO 63102 SOUTH PACIFIC, NORDEN, facility. 314/241-7400 PHILIPPINE LUZON, PHILIPPINE OFFICIAL FAMILY, ANDEAN AND SOUTH, REPUBLIC OF CHINA, CENTRAL AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, ROCKY MOUNTAIN, AND AUSTRIA-GERMANY, BELGIUM­ SWITZERLAND-LIECHTENSTEIN FRANCE-LUXEMBOURG-MONACO, DISTRICTS FLORIDA, ICELAND, ITALY,

26 27 1988-89 District and Club District Headquarter Hotels Awards

2. BRECKENRIDGE AIRPORT 11. HOLIDAY INN RIVERFRONT District Administrative Excellence 9600 Natural Bridge Rd. 200 North Fourth St. St. Louis, MO 63134 St. Louis, MO 63102 DIAMOND GROUP (12,000 members or more) 314/427-7600 314/621-8200 Honor-New York KANSAS DISTRICT EASTERN CANADA AND Honorable Mention-Florida CARIBBEAN AND OHIO DISTRICTS 3. CLARION HOTEL RUBY GROUP (9,000-11,999 members) 200 South Fourth St. 12. HYATT UNION STATION Honor-Capital St. Louis, MO 63102 One Union Station 314/241-9500 St. Louis, MO 63103 Honorable Mention-Indiana CALIFORNIA-NEVADA-HAWAII, 314/231-1234 EMERALD GROUP (5,000-8,999 members) LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE, NEW Honor-New Jersey TENNESSEE, AND NEW JERSEY YORK, AND PACIFIC NORTHWEST DISTRICTS DISTRICTS Honorable Mention-Kentucky-Tennessee 4. DAYS INN AT THE AIRPORT 13. MARRIOTT AIRPORT CORAL GROUP (2,000-4,999 members) 4545 Woodson Rd. 1-70 at Lambert Intl. Airport Honor-Rocky Mountain St. Louis, MO 63134 St. Louis, MO 63134 Honorable Mention-Kansas 314/423-6770 314/423-9700 OVERFLOW MISSOURI-ARKANSAS AND PEARL GROUP (1,999 members or fewer) Honor-Australia 5. DAYS INN AT THE ARCH NEBRASKA-IOWA DISTRICTS 333 Washington Ave. 14. MARRIOTT PAVILION Honorable Mention-Andean & Central America St. Louis, MO 63102 One Broadway St. 314/621-7900 St. Louis, MO 63102 MONTANA AND WISCONSIN­ 314/421-1776 Honor Clubs and UPPER MICHIGAN DISTRICTS ALABAMA, INDIANA, MICHIGAN Honorable Mention Clubs 6. DRURY INN UNION STATION AND SOUTHWEST DISTRICTS Multiple Service 201 South 20th St. 15. SHERATON ST. LOUIS DIAMOND SECTION St. Louis, MO 63103 910 North Seventh St. (76 members or more) 314/231-3900 St. Louis, MO 63101 Honor-Swift Current, Saskatchewan; Western OVERFLOW 314/231-5100 Kenosha, Wisconsin; Youngstown, Ohio GEORGIA, PENNSYLVANIA, Honorable Mention-Indianapolis, Indiana; 7. EMBASSY SUITES TEXAS-OKLAHOMA, AND 901 North First St. WESTERN CANADA DISTRICTS Montgomery, Alabama; Springdale, Arkansas St. Louis, MO 63102 RUBY SECTION (46 to 75 members) 314/241-4200 16. STOUFFER CONCOURSE CAROLINAS DISTRICT 9801 Natural Bridge Rd. Honor-Crofton, Maryland; Litchfield, Arizona; South Riverside, Portland, Oregon 8. FOREST PARK HOTEL St. Louis, MO 63134 314/429-1100 Honorable Mention-Andalusia, Alabama; Saskatoon, 4910 West Pine Blvd. ILLINOIS-EASTERN IOWA St. Louis, MO 63108 DISTRICT Saskatchewan; Sayville, New York 314/361-3500 EMERALD SECTION (30 to 45 members) OVERFLOW ■ CERVANTES CONVENTION Honor-Antipolo-South, Rizal, Philippines; Choctaw, 9. HILTON AIRPORT CENTER 10330 Natural Bridge Rd. 801 Convention Plaza Oklahoma; Jackson, Tennessee St. Louis, MO 63134 St. Louis, MO 63101 Honorable Mention-Columbiana, Alabama; 314/426-5500 Columbine, Littleton, Colorado; Whakatane, New MINNESOTA-DAKOTAS DISTRICT Zealand 10. HOLIDAY INN CONVENTION CORAL SECTION (29 members or fewer) CENTER 811 North Ninth St. Honor-Bituin Ng Maynila, Philippines; Northwest St. Louis, MO 63101 Omaha, Nebraska; Taneytown, Maryland 314/421-4000 Honorable Mention-Las Vegas Strip, Nevada; Pe Ell, CAPITAL, UTAH-IDAHO, AND Washington; Sincelejo, Colombia WEST VIRGINIA DISTRICTS Single Service DIAMOND SECTION (76 members or more) Honor-Knoxville, Tennessee; Little Rock, Arkansas; Winnipeg, Manitoba Honorable Mention-Buffalo, New York; Houston, Texas; Selma, Alabama

28 29 1988-89 District and Club International Board of Trustees Awards Officers

RUBY SECTION (46 to 75 members) Noris A. Lusche Honor-Eaton Rapids, Michigan; Grand Rapids, President Lakewood, Colorado Minnesota; Winchester, Kentucky (South Denver Club) Honorable Mention-Austintown, Ohio; Hammond, Louisiana; Rotorua, New Zealand EMERALD SECTION (30 to 45 members) Honor-Barranquilla, Colombia; Somerville, New Jersey; Tyler-Mid City, Texas Honorable Mention-Knox County Golden K, Rockland, Maine; Opotiki, New Zealand; Ottawa Golden K, Illinois CORAL SECTION (29 members or fewer) Honor-Fort Myers-Palm City, Florida; Gllangcolme, Victoria, British Columbia; Westwood, Johnstown, W. J. "Wil" Blechman, M.D. Pennsylvania President-elect Honorable Mention-Sierra Vista-San Pedro, Arizona; Miami, Florida Sundance, Wyoming; Three Village-Brookhaven (North Miami Beach Club) Township, New York International Bulletin Contest District GOLD DIVISION (251 clubs or more) First Place: Belgium-France-Luxembourg-Monaco Honorable Mention: Florida SILVER DIVISION (201-250 clubs) First Place: New England C. A. Dillon, Jr. Honorable Mention: Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Vice-President Raleigh, North Carolina ORANGE DIVISION (126-200 clubs) William L. Lieber First Place: Georgia Vice-President Honorable Mention: Louisiana-Mississippi-West Merrillville, Indiana Tennessee (Gary Club) BLUE DIVISION (125 clubs or fewer) First Place: Italy Honorable Mention: Switzerland-Liechtenstein Gene R. Overholt Immediate Past President Club Plymouth, Michigan GOLD DIVISION (101 members or more) (Colonial Plymouth Club) First Place: Indianapolis, Indiana John D. Morton, Sr. Treasurer Honorable Mention: Phoenix, Arizona Berlin, New Hampshire SILVER DIVISION (71-100 members) First Place: Arvada-Jefferson, Colorado Honorable Mention: Sunshine, Tucson, Arizona Kevin W. Krepinevich ORANGE DIVISION (46-70 members) Zionsville, Indiana (Keystone at the Crossing, First Place: Fort Neal, Parkersburg, West Virginia Indianapolis Club) Honorable Mention: Carleton, Nepean, Ontario BLUE DIVISION (31-45 members) First Place: Tullahoma, Tennessee Honorable Mention: Upland-Foothill, California WHITE DIVISION (30 members or fewer) First Place: La Habra, California Honorable Mention: Jacksonville-Breakfast, Florida 30 31 Trustees International

A. S. "Buddy" Ammar 1956-1957 Bluefield, West Virginia Reed C. Culp Andrew Batsis, D.M.D. Salt Lake City, Utah Toms River, New Jersey 1959-1960 Albert J. Tully Mobile, Alabama

Joe L. Griffeth, M.D. 1962-1963 Commerce, Georgia Merle H. Tucker Robert L. Mccurley, Jr. Albuquerque, New Mexico Tuscaloosa, Alabama 1963-1964 (Greater Tuscaloosa Club) Charles A. "Nick" Swain Delray Beach, Florida

Don Miles, J.D. 1967-1968 Olympia, Washington James M. Moler Glenn E. Muggelberg Charles Town, West Virginia Paso Robles, California 1969-1970 Robert F. Weber Grosse Pointe, Michigan (Detroit No. 1 Club)

Ian Perdriau 1971-1972 Brighton, Victoria, Australia Wes H. Bartlett (Melbourne Club) Algona, Iowa Eyjolfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson 1973-1974 Reykjavik, Iceland William M. Eagles, M.D. (Reykjavik-Hekla Club) Richmond, Virginia (Chesterfield Club)

Kenneth W. Smith, D.C. 1974-1975 Kitchener, Ontario, Canada Roy W. Davis (Kitchener-Waterloo Club) Homewood, Illinois Arthur D. Swanberg (Homewood-Flossmoor Club) Dallas, Texas 1975-1976 (White Rock, Dallas Club) Ted R. Osborn Lexington, Kentucky (The Blue Grass, Lexington Club) Kun-Hua "Jeffery" Tseng 1976-1977 Taipei City, Taiwan Stanley E. Schneider Republic of China Crestline, Ohio (Chien Kuo Club) 1978-1979 Robert E. Wales Hilmar L. "Bill" Solberg Baton Rouge, Louisiana Appleton, Wisconsin (Capital City, Baton Rouge Club)

32 33 Past International Presidents Organizations

1979-1980 Wendy L. Schrick Mark A. Smith, Jr. Circle K International Dunwoody, Georgia Saint Martin's College (North DeKalb Club) Lacey, Washington 1980-1981 Roger H. Woods Merald T. Enstad Key Club International Fergus Falls, Minnesota Los Alamos High School Los Alamos, New Mexico

1982-1983 John T. Roberts Baton Rouge, Louisiana (Audubon-Baton Rouge Club) Officers Emeriti 1983-1984 Aubrey E. Irby Tyler, Texas R. P. "Reg" Merridew Secretary Emeritus Northbrook, Illinois 1984-1985 (Glenview-Northbrook Club) Raymond W. Lansford L.A. "Larry" Hapgood Lake Ozark, Missouri Associate Secretary Emeritus (Columbia Club) Naperville, Illinois 1985-1986 (Western Springs Club) Donald E. Williams Berea, Ohio

1986-1987 President of European Frank J. DiNoto Newport Beach, California Federation of (Rosemead Club) Kiwanis International 1987-1988 Anton J. "Tony" Kaiser Bethpage, New York (Farmingdale Club) Willy J21stholt Oslo, Norway

34 35 International Chairmen

ACHIEVEMENT KEY CLUBS J. F. "Joe" Desort Thomas A. Muchler Kennesaw, Georgia Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania (Marietta Club) KIWANIANNE CLUBS ADMINISTRATION Robert H. Andrew W. Leonard Fant Wilsonville, Oregon Ft. Oglethorpe, Georgia (Oregon City Club)

BUILDERS CLUBS KIWANIS INFORMATION & James A. Hallman, D.D.S. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Englewood, Florida Paul E. Tomshany (Pottstown Club) Dexter, Michigan CHILDREN'S MIRACLE MAJOR EMPHASIS PROGRAM NETWORK TELETHON Lindley H. "Dig" DeGarmo Ces Lawton Upperco, Maryland Orlando, Florida (Reistertown Club)

CIRCLE K MEMBERSHIP GROWTH Thomas P. Ewbank (EAST) Indianapolis, Indiana A. James Kauffman Richmond, Virginia CLUB DEVELOPMENT/ (Chesterfield Club) MEMBER RETENTION (EAST) Tom P. Horan MEMBERSHIP GROWTH Willmar, Minnesota (WEST) Raymond A. Wallander Colorado Springs, Colorado (Rampart Range Club) CLUB DEVELOPMENT/ MEMBER RETENTION (WEST) Phillip C. "Pappy" Rawlins MEMBERSHIP GROWTH San Antonio, Texas (EUROPE) (Greater Randolph Area Club) Guy Caron, M.D. Douai, France COMMUNITY SERVICES Gerald P. "Jerry" Christiano NEW CLUB BUILDING (EAST) Leicester, New York Leo J. Sheetz (York-Leicester Club) Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina (Kill Devil Hills, The Outer Banks CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS Club) Fay H. McDonald Naperville, Illinois NEW CLUB BUILDING (WEST) Wayne Hoeft DISTRICT SECRETARIES Sun Valley, California Daniel P. Borba (East Hollywood-Los Feliz Club) Oakland, California NEW CLUB BUILDING (EUROPE) Hans Servais Hergenrath, Belgium HUMAN AND SPIRITUAL (Aachen-Urbs Aquensis Club) VALUES ON TO ST. LOUIS George M. Scheer, Jr. L. J. "Les" Mace Atlanta, Georgia Springfield, Missouri (Peachtree, Atlanta Club) (Springfield South Club) INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS PROJECT 39 Walter G. Sellers George Kane, D.D.S. Wilberforce, Ohio Yonkers, New York (Xenia Club) (East Yonkers Club)

36 37 International Chairmen

PUBLIC RELATIONS ALABAMA Robert E. Lynch Weldon E. "Buddy" Hix Grafton, Ohio Birmingham, Alabama (Grafton-Midview Club) (Birmingham-East Club) RESOLUTIONS ANDEAN & CENTRAL Wilbur A. Sundt AMERICA Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin Carlos B. Torres t Cali, Colombia AUSTRALIA 75TH ANNIVERSARY John "JJ" Jenkins James D. Heymes Glenorie, New South Wales, Grosse Point Park, Michigan Australia (Detroit No. 1 Club) (Parramatta Club) SPECIAL OLYMPICS AUSTRIA-GERMANY Alfred L. "Al" Provasi Joachim Marx LeRoy, Illinois Muehlheim-Ruchr., Federal Republic of Germany (Ruhr Club) TRANSLATIONS-EUROPE BELGIUM-FRANCE­ Egon Kuzmany LUXEMBOURG-MONACO Vienna, Austria Jean Renucci YOUTH SERVICES Marseille, France John J. "Jack" Harten (Marseille-Centre Club) Webster, New York CALIFORNIA-NEVADA-HAWAII Robert E. Wikoff Oakdale, California

CAPITAL Kavanaugh Y. "Spike" Thrift Board Committee on Norfolk, Virginia Communications and CAROLINAS William H. Roberts Conventions Winston-Salem, North Carolina (Includes primary responsibility for International Convention) (Twin City Club)

C. A. Dillon, Jr. EASTERN CANADA AND Vice-President THE CARIBBEAN (Chairman) Eric Kingston Weston, Ontario, Canada A. S. "Buddy" Ammar (Humber Valley, Toronto Club) International Trustee FLORIDA Wallace S. Hamrick Ocala, Florida

Joe L. Griffeth, M.D. GEORGIA International Trustee Rev. David Black Fayetteville, Georgia Kenneth W. Smith, D.C. (Fayetteville County Club) International Trustee ICELAND Astbjorn Egilsson Reykjavik, Iceland (Reykjavik-Esja Club)

38 39 District Governors

ILLINOIS-EASTERN IOWA NETHERLANDS Patrick G. Nelson Leo van Roosmalen Batavia, Illinois Valkenswaard, Netherlands (Valkenswaard-Dommelland INDIANA Club) Thomas H. Dunham Indianapolis, Indiana NEW ENGLAND Edgar E. "Gene" Gammon Dover-Foxcroft, Maine

ITALY NEW JERSEY Alberto Rosso di San Secondo James E. McGeary Urgnano, Italy Egg Harbor City, New Jersey (Bergamo Club) NEW YORK JAPAN Steven R. Scharoff Yoshio Katagiri Merrick, New York Tokyo, Japan

KANSAS NEW ZEALAND-SOUTH Dale Vernon PACIFIC Kansas City, Kansas Neville W. Puckey KENTUCK~TENNESSEE Hamilton, New Zealand John W. Gorrell (Kirikiriroa Club) Lexington, Kentucky NORDEN Johan Schnitler Trondheim, Norway

LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI­ OHIO WEST TENNESSEE Daniel J. Romanello, Sr. L. Nettles Brown Norwood, Ohio Natchitoches, Louisiana PACIFIC NORTHWEST MICHIGAN George D. Wieman Roy Klay Bellevue, Washington Wayne, Michigan (Kirkland Club)

MINNESOTA-DAKOTAS PENNSYLVANIA E. Charles "Chuck" Schroder Edwin C. Gillmore Brandon, South Dakota Blossburg, Pennsylvania (Sioux Falls East Club) PHILIPPINE LUZON MISSOURI-ARKANSAS Norberto M. "Bert" Villaluna Robert S. Johnson Quezon City, Philippines Festus, Missouri (Festus-Crystal City Club)

MONTANA PHILIPPINE SOUTH Keith A. Maristuen Cereal T. "Real" Sabay Havre, Montana Davao City, Philippines NEBRASKA-IOWA REPUBLIC OF CHINA Lawrence E. Ziska, Jr. Eric Chu Omaha, Nebraska Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of (North Omaha Club) China

40 41 District Governors

ROCKY MOUNTAIN R. Tyler Bland, Jr. Rod Ellerbusch President Denver, Colorado West Point, Virginia (East Jeffco-Lakewood Club) Ted R. Osborn SOUTHWEST President-elect Harold C. "Lars" Larson, Ph.D. Lexington, Kentucky Flagstaff, Arizona (The Blue Grass, Lexington Club)

SWITZERLAND­ William A. Thacher LIECHTENSTEIN Immediate Past President Roger Nadig Inverness, Florida Kuesnacht, Switzerland L. A. "Larry" Hapgood (Zurich-Oerlikon Club) Secretary-Treasurer TEXAS-OKLAHOMA Naperville, Illinois Jack McGee (Western Springs Club) Wetumka, Oklahoma

UTAH-ID AHO James D. Heymes Bernard M. "Barney" Tanner Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan Salt Lake City, Utah (Detroit No. 1 Club) (Bonneville Club) Marcus M. Marble, Jr., M.D. WEST VIRGINIA Buckeye, Arizona Robert W. Claar (Litchfield Club) Charleston, West Virginia (West Charleston Club)

WESTERN CANADA Robert G. Moorhead Louis LaFlamme Indianapolis, Indiana Ft. McMurray, Alberta, Canada Ian Perdriau (Calgary Club) Brighton, Victoria, Australia WISCONSIN-UPPER MICHIGAN (Melbourne Club) Kenneth M. Bailey Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Eyjolfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson Reykjavik, Iceland (Reykjavik-Hekla Club) Louis L. Theiss, Jr. Bayside, New York

Donald E. Williams Berea, Ohio

42 43 Distinguished Governors International Convention 1988-89 Administrative Year Committee Chairmen

ALABAMA; Bill A Hagler; Anniston, Alabama HOST COMMITTEE Gene Engelhardt BELGIUM-FRANCE-LUXEMBOURG-MONACO; Jean-Pierre de St. Louis, Missouri Harven; Bruxelles, Belgium; (Bruxelles Scales Club) (Crestwood-Sunset Hills Club) CAPITAL; Preston A Davis; Washington, D.C.; (Capitol Hill Club) HOST COMMITTEE FLORIDA; George D. "Jake" Swartout; North Palm Beach, VICE-CHAIRMAN Florida; (North Palm Beaches Club) Arnold W. Zimmerman, Jr. St. Louis, Missouri GEORGIA; Robert D. Hayes; Marietta, Georgia (Crestwood-Sunset Hills Club) ICELAND; Bragi Stefansson; Reykjavik, Iceland; (Reykjavik-Jorfi Club) CONVENTION MUSIC Verrollton C. "Vic" Shaul INDIANA; Thornton "Pat" Patberg; Evansville, Indiana; (Green Champaign, Illinois River Club) (Champaign-Urbana Club) ITALY; Nicolo Russo; Giarre, Italy; (Giarre-Riposto Club) CONVENTION MUSIC KANSAS; Larry R. Tucker; Hutchinson, Kansas Charles H. Greenwood Muncie, Indiana KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE; Alex A. "Bo" Shafer, Jr.; Knoxville, Tennessee MICHIGAN; Dennis Dimoff; Ann Arbor, Michigan; (Brighton Club) 1 CREDENTIALS NETHERLANDS; Chris ter Beek; Amerongen, Netherlands; Alvin Kroeter (Amerongen-Leersum Club) Florissant, Missouri NEW JERSEY; Andrew J. Mooney; Ocean View, New Jersey; (Ferguson Club) (Somers Point Club) ELECTIONS NEW YORK; Thomas J. McIntyre; Troy, New York; (Taconic­ Alonzo J. "Lonny" Bryan Raymertown Club) Englewood, Colorado (South Denver Club) PENNSYLVANIA; Willi Schaefer; Southampton, Pennsylvania

ROCKY MOUNTAIN; Warren F. Mitchell; Greeley, Colorado SERGEANT-AT-ARMS SOUTHWEST; Karl Kohlhoff; Gilbert, Arizona; (East Mesa Club) Erick B. Erickson Lakewood, Colorado UTAH-IDAHO; George C. Petersen, Jr.; Idaho Falls, Idaho (Green Mountain Club) WESTERN CANADA; Louis LaFlamme; Calgary, Alberta, Canada

44 45 Louis Chairmen

AIRPORT RECEPTION PRAYER BREAKFAST Jeff Johnson Don Yount Ballwin, Missouri St. Louis, Missouri (Brentwood Club) (Downtown St. Louis Club) CAMPERS AND REGISTRATION CAMPGROUNDS Erwin J. Roesel Ted Horowitz St. Louis, Missouri Clayton, Missouri (Southside St. Louis Club) (Clayton-University City Club)

DISTRICT 100% CLUB VIP TRANSPORTATION ATTENDANCE Peter J. Mihelich Del Wachter St. Charles, Missouri St. Clair, Missouri YOUTH ACTIVITIES GUEST ACTIVITIES Kenton Kolker Delba Engelhardt Ladue, Missouri St. Louis, Missouri (St. Charles Club)

GUEST ACTIVITIES Mary Anne Kemper Troy, Missouri INFORMATION Mike Bailey Maryland Heights, Missouri (Bridgeton Club)

INVOCATIONS AND BENEDICTIONS Herbert B. Roberts St. Louis, Missouri (Creve Coeur Club) LEGION OF HONOR LUNCHEON Ken Andersen St. Louis, Missouri (Southside St. Louis Club)

46 47 Standing the House of Delegates

RULE 1-The official language of this convention shall be RULE 15-Any candidate who is unopposed for office may English. Simultaneous translation shall be available in be elected by a voice vote. French and Spanish. When there is a sole candidate for the non-U.S. RULE 2-Only delegates with official delegate badges may guaranteed seat, that candidate shall be nominated in present or speak on motions and vote. the Conference on Nominations. This nominee shall be RULE 3-Only delegates may be seated in the area listed with all other candidates in the Report of the designated for delegates. Conference on Nominations. The presiding officer shall RULE 4-The House of Delegates shall not be closed. call for nominations from the floor during the House of RULE 5-Any main motion or amendment shall be written Delegates. If the nominee remains the sole non-U.S. in English, signed by the maker and seconder, and candidate for the office of Trustee, the presiding officer presented to the International Secretary before it is will declare the nominee elected. The presiding officer moved. shall then announce the remaining number and term(s) RULE 6-No delegate may speak more than three minutes of the Trustees to be elected. at a time unless allowed to do so by the orders of the RULE 16-Debate on any proposed resolution or day or by a majority vote of the delegates. amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws, including all RULE 7-No delegate may address the assembly a amendments thereto, shall be limited to 45 minutes. second time on the same questions until all delegates RULE 17-A motion to move the previous question will not who desire to speak on the topic have spoken. be in order until 15 minutes of debate has taken place or RULE 8-The maker of a motion shall be entitled to speak all microphones are clear. first in support of such motion or may immediately yield RULE 18-Nominating speeches for officers may not be the floor to another delegate. waived. RULE 9-Debate shall alternate between those speaking RULE 19-lf the first session of the House of Delegates is for and those speaking against a motion. a morning session, it shall be adjourned at or near noon. RULE 10-Microphones shall be designated by number. Subject to the discretion of the chair, no proposed Speakers for the main motion shall use the odd­ amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws shall be numbered microphones, and speakers against the main introduced later than 15 minutes before the scheduled motion shall use the even-numbered microphones. The adjournment of any morning or afternoon session. Any chair will recognize microphones in rotating order. proposed amendment not considered on that day shall RULE 11-A delegate shall not speak for or against a be considered during the second session of the House motion and move to close debate on the same of Delegates. recognition. RULE 20-Any of the above rules may be suspended by a RULE 12-An assistant Sergeant-at-Arms shall be majority vote. positioned at each microphone to relay to the chair RULE 21-Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be priority motions, such as a point of order, a point of the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure information, etc. not specifically covered by the Constitution and Bylaws RULE 13-Candidates for office above the level of trustee of Kiwanis International and these standing rules. may have one nominating speech not to exceed three minutes and a seconding speech not to exceed one minute. RULE 14-Candidates for the office of Trustee may have one nominating speech not to exceed two minutes and a second from the platform with no speech.

48 EXHIBIT #23



JUNE 20 22, 1990

Date of the Committee Meeting: June 21 and 22, 1990

Place of the Committee Meeting: Adam's Mark Hotel St. Louis, Missouri

Present: Members - W. J. "Wil" Blechman, M.D .. C. A. Dillon, Jr. William Le Lieber John Do Morton, Sr. Gene R. Overholt Arthur De Swanberg

Chairman - Noris A. Lusche

Staff Kevin W. Krepinevich

International Secretary Employment Contract

The committee discussed entering into an employment contract with Kevin W. Krepinevich as International Secretary. Board procedure 112.1 provides for the Executive Committee to review personnel matters and approve the compensation paid to the International Secretary. However, the committee believes that, since this would be the first contract executed with an International Secretary, the Board should authorize the Executive Committee to enter into such an agreement.

Recommendation #1

The Committee recommends that the Board of Trustees authorize the Executive Committee to enter into a contract with the Internat.ional Secretary to be signed by the International P~esident by October 1, 1990 and that Procedure 112.1 be amended as follows:

112.1 - Executive

b. Personnel - Review personnel matters, -Qflo& approve the compensation paid to the International Secretary and execute an employment contract with the International Secretary and 1\!J:!btarxt Seer etaries. ( 10/ 5-9/ 86)

I move that Recommendation #1 be adopted.

(Adopted) =2=

Finance: No impact

Procedure: Refer to Policies, Procedures and Structures Committee for insertion

Respectfully submitted,




JUNE 20-23, 1990

Date of the Committee Meeting: June 20, 1990

Place of the Committee Meeting: Adam's Mark Hotel, Directors 24 St. Louis, Missouri

Present: Members: Andrew Batsis, D.M.D.; Ian Perdriau; Eyjolfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson; Chairman: William L. Lieber Staff: A.G. Terry Shaffer Guests: Kevin W. Krepinevich

Insertion of Board Approved Policies and Procedures

The following new or revised policies and procedures adopted by the Board at its May meeting are approved and will be inserted in Policies and Procedures:

Policy E - Sponsored Organizations (Amended policy re. Bylaws - see May 1990 report of the Committee on Sponsored Programs. The amended policy is attached as Exhibit A.)

Procedure 112 - Communications and Conventions (Amended procedure - see May 1990 report of the Committee on Communications and Conventions. Procedure 112.4(d) re. International Coun­ cil has been renumbered as 112.3(e). The amended proce­ dure is attached as Exhibit B.)

Procedure 122.1 - Scheduling (Amended procedure· - see May 1990 report of the Committee on Administration. This reflects the split of Austria-Germany into two districts. The amended procedure is attached as Exhibit C.)

Procedure 150 - International Conventions (Amended procedures 151 through 159 - see May 1990 report of the Committee on . Communications and Conventions. Several content- and housekeeping changes have been made, as well as renum­ bering from 151 through 156. The amended procedures are attached as Exhibit D.)

Procedure 157 - Procedure for Establishing District Attendance Quotas for the International Convention (New procedure - see May 1990 report of the Committee on Communications and Conventions·. Originally submitted as Procedure 159, but since the 150 Procedures have been renumqered, 159 now has become 157. The new procedure is attached as Exhi­ bit E.) -2-

Procedure 182.1 - General Liability Insurance - Reserve Fund (New proce­ dure - see May 1990 report of the Committee on Admi­ nistration. The new procedure is attached as Exhibit F.)

Procedure 195 - Leadership Education (Amended procedures 195.1, 195.2, 195.3, and new procedure 195.4 re. the proper names of the Leadership Development Program= see May 1990 report of the Committee on Education and Program Development. The amended and new procedures are attached as Exhibit G.)

Procedures 411 - International Extension (New procedures 411 re. Official & 412 List of Kiwanis Nations and 412 re. List of Nations Authorized for Extension - see May 1990 report of the Committee on Member Services, Internationalization and Extension. The new procedures are attached as Exhibit H.)

Procedure 507 - K-Family Conference Guidelines (Amerided procedures 507oa and 507.b re. conference approval - see May 1990 report of the Committee on Sponsored Programs. The amended ·procedures are attache~ as Exhibit I.)

Procedure 825 - Fund for KIWANIS Magazine (Amended procedure - see May 1990 report of Committee on Finance. Procedure 825 has been deleted and replaced with 825.1 re. Purpose and 825.2 re. Reserve Fund Balancee The amended procedure is attached as Exhibit J.)

Procedure 826 - International Convention Fund (New procedures 826.1 re. Purpose and 826.2 re. Reserve Fund Balance - see May 1990 report of Committee on Finance. The new procedure is attached as Exhibit K.) ·

Procedure 886.2 Permitted Fund Balances (Amended procedure re. minimum and maximum fund balances - see May 1990 report of the Committee on Sponsored Programs. The amended procedure is attached as Exhibit L.)

Procedure - Allowance (Amended procedure re. Per Diem for Board Members and Past Presidents - see May 1990 report of the Committee on Administration. In addition, the first paragraph on page Q-24 has been eliminated because of conflict with the amended procedure. The amended procedure is attached as Exhibit M.)

Procedure - Allowance (New procedure re. exceptions for Board Members and Past Presidents - see May 1990 report of the Committee on Finance. The new procedure is attached as Exhibit N.)

Procedure 906 Kiwanis World Service Medal (New procedure - see May 1990 report of the Committee on ~ommunications and Con­ ventions. The new procedure is attached as Exhibit O.) -3-

Recommendation #3 of the Committee on Communications and Conventions amending Procedures 905 and, both regarding class of service, was not approved for insertion, pending the outcome of possible reconsideration.

In addition, Recommendation #4 of the Committee on Finance amending Proce­ dure 892.le re. mileage rate was not approved for insertion, pending reconsideration by the Finance Committee.

Kiwanis International European Federation Bylaws Report

The Committee discussed events at the European Federation Convention in Monte­ cattini, Italy, June 8-10, 1990, and noted with concern that the proposed federation bylaws were not adopted. The Committee feels that all efforts must be undertaken to assure the adoption of European Federation Bylaws for approval by the Kiwanis International Board at the Anaheim Convention.

In connection with the proposed European Federation Bylaws, a question has ari­ sen as to whether a governor may simultaneously be a member of a federation board. The Committee feels that Kiwanis International Bylaws should contain a provision that a governor not serve as a member of any other Kiwanis board above the district level and refers this concern to the International Committee on Constitution and Bylaws.

Procedure to Specify Mailing of Candidates' Biographical Sketches with Proposed Amendments and Resolutions Beginning in 1991

At the May 1990 Board Meeting, a recommendation was adopted specifying that the Candidates' Biographical Sketches are to be mailed with the Amendments and Reso­ lutions beginning in 1991. The recommendation was referred back to the P.P. & S. Committee for drafting of a procedure. That procedure has been drafted, num­ bered Procedure 158, and is attached as Exhibit P.

Request for Inclusion of Widow of President Emeritus of Kiwanis International Foundation as Invited Guest to International Council

A request has been received for the inclusion of the widow of the President Emeritus of the Kiwanis International Foundation as an invited guest to the first meeting of the International Council. The Committee concurs, but notes that, other than many years of tradition, no procedure exists which clearly defines who shall receive invitations to the first meeting of the International Council. The Committee recommends that a new procedure be created to cover this matter and, in addition, recommends that a new procedure Section T be created, entitled Kiwanis International Council.

Recommendation #1:

The Committee recommends the following new Procedure 1101 be adopted in a new Section T: -4-

1100 - Kiwanis International Council Meetings

1101 - Invitations to First Meeting of Council

a. In addition to members of Council as specified in Article X, Section 2 of the Constitution, invitations to attend the first meeting of Council shall be limited to the following (with spouses, if applicable): Inter= -national Committee Chairmen, Host Chairman of the next International Convention, Circle K International Presi­ -dent, Key Club International President, widows of Past International Presidents, individuals and widows of indivi­ duals who have been granted emeritus status by the Kiwa­ nis International Board or the Kiwanis International Foundation Board, District Secretaries, and the Kiwanis International Foundation Board.

I move that Recommendation #1 be adopted.


Finance: Approximately $125 for 1990-91., (Account 144-7241-031) Procedure: New Procedure

Expense provisions for all those listed above, with the exception of the widow of the President Emeritus of the Kiwanis International Foundation, are addressed in existing finance procedures. The financial impact of this recommendation reflects the cost of programmed meals for the widow of the President Emeritus of the Kiwanis International Foundation.

Clarification of Reimbursement of Expenses re: Secretary Emeritus

Attached as Exhibit Q is a letter from Secretary Emeritus R.P., "Reg" Merridew, regarding the lack of specific documentation of his reimbursement status. The problem seems to stem from the fact that Board Minutes reflect that Associate Secretary Emeritus L.A. "Larry" Hapgood's reimbursement status is the same as a Board Member, while Merridew's reimbursement status has never been detailed in Board Minutes, although verbal commitments were made that Merridew would receive the same reimbursement as Hapgood.

For many years, the Board and Past Presidents received equal reimbursement. Procedure was written to reflect that those given Emeritus status would be reimbursed in the same manner as Past Presidents. When the reimbursement of Board Members and Past Presidents changed in 1985, since the Minutes did not reflect that Merridew be paid the same as a Board Member, his reimbursement was . reduced accordingly to agree with Past Presidents' reimbu.rsement. After review 11 by the Board, Procedure was amended to add the phrase 0 •• except where this procedure is inconsistent with agreements made prior to the adoption of this procedure, in which case such agreements shall apply." However, a written agreement exists in the case of Hapgood, but none for Merridew.

To clarify the issue, the Committee recommends that Procedures 132 and 134 be amended to specify agreements made with Hapgood and Merridew. -5- Recommendation #2:

The Committee recommends that Procedure 132 be amended as follows:

132 - Associate Secretary Emeritus

Establishment of this designation for L.A. Hapgood is as provided in the Board action taken at the September 25-28 and October 1, 1978, Board Meeting. He and his spouse will be invited to attend all International Council Meetings and International Conventions on the same expense basis as an International Trustee.

The Committee further recommends that Procedure 134 be amended as follows:

134 - Secretary Emeritus

Establishment of this designation for R.P. Merridew is as provided in the Board action taken at the June 24-26 and July 2, 1981, Board !:!_eeting. He and his spouse will be invited to attend all Inter­ national Council Meetings and International Conventions on the same expense basis as an International Trustee.

I move that Recommendation #2 be adopted.


Finance: None· Procedure: Amended

The Committee further recommends that Procedure be amended to provide that those granted emeritus status by Kiwanis International be reimbursed in the same manner as Board Members and that the phrasing referring to prior agreements be deleted as unnecessary, if the amendments to Procedures 132 and 134 receive Board approval.

Recommendation #3:

The Committee recommends that Procedure be amended as follows:

892.1 - Allowance

k. Any former staff member holding emeritus status from Kiwanis International and spouse shall be invited to all International Conventions and Council meetings, and their expenses are to be paid in the same manner as are the expenses of Paaf: Presidents International Trustees..,-~ e-xee-p-t-•whe-re--t·hls- p-:rocedure is· incon- s i o tent w4.--t-h--~a~r-eeme-n-t--s-mad e--p-r-i--0-r'-- ·E e---t-he--a-d op-t-ion-- o-f.--th is p r o ce -

I move that Recommendation 113 be adopted.


Finance: None for those currently holding emeritus status Procedure: Amended -6-

Article XVI, Section 5 of Standard Form for Club Bylaws re: Disposition of Assets Upon Dissolution of a Kiwanis Club

President-elect Wil Blechman requested the Committee to study the matter of what provisions exist for disposition of assets of a club when it dissolves and, if there are such provisions, what is being done to enforce them. Article XVI, Section 5 of the Standard Form for Club Bylaws states that when a club dissolves and assets remain after club obligations are paid, said assets are to be paid over to the Kiwanis International Foundation, if the club has made no provision for distribution.

The Committee requested the International Secretary to include reference to this provision in the communication mailed to a club when its charter is revoked.

Review of Technical Clarification to Proposed Amendment No. 1

The Committee reviewed· the technical clarification to Proposed Amendment No. 1, which will be given to Convention attendees at the registration desk. The Com­ mittee concurs that the clarification is necessary.

The Committee wishes to express its appreciation to Staff for its courtesies and assistance provided throughout the year.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew Batsis, D.M.D. Ian Perdriau Eyj olfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson William L. Lieber, Chairman

board690/ppsrepl-6 dlr EXHIBIT A

E. Sponsored Organizations

1. Circle K

b. Amendments - Constitution and Bylaws

(1) No amendments to the Cons~itution and Bylaws of Circle K Inter­ national adopted by the delegates at a Circle K International con­ vention or by the Circle K Board of Trustees shall become effective until approved by the Board of Trustees of Kiwanis International. (5/90)

(2) Authority is vested in the Board of Trustees of Kiwanis Inter­ national to make necessary changes to the Circle K International Constitution and Bylaws; and said Board, on having made these changes, will so inform the Circle K International Board of Trustees of the changes so made. (5/90) EXHIBIT B

112.3 - Communications and Conventions (10/5-9/86)

a. Kiwanis Publications - Editorial content, production, and distribution of the Kiwanis Magazine, the Bulletin for Kiwanis Officers, and all other publications of Kiwanis International. (10/5-9/86)

b. Advertising - Procedures covering solicitation and acceptance of advertising and the setting of advertising rates for the Kiwanis Magazine. (10/5-9/86)

c. International Convention - Planning and coordination of the Convention, including program, budget, finance, and promotion; Convention criteria; selection of future Convention sites; and preliminary planning for tne following year's Convention.

d. Public Relations - Publicizing of objectives, programs and achievements of Kiwanis International, clubs and members. (1/86)

e. International Council - Planning and coordination of meetings, including program, for the following year's Council. (10/86) (05/90)

112.4 - Education and Program Development (10/5-9/86) (1/25-29/89)

a. Education - Educational materials and audio-visual productions. (1/23-28/86) (10/5-9/86)

b. Governors-elect Training - Education training program, including support materials. (10/5-9/86)

c. Leadership Education - Education of district and club officers and committee chairmen, including support materials. (10/5-9/86)

d. Program Development - Develop and implement annual theme, major emphasis program and other s~rvice programs. (10/5-9/86) (1/25-29/89) EXHIBIT C

122.1 - Scheduling

a. The President of Kiwanis International shall make one (and only one) official visit to a district or international area on the schedule shown below, with year one commencing in the 1981-82 administrative year, and the cycle repeating every three years. Although this procedure limits Presidential tra­ vel to specific districts, when the President is in a district, visits to several locations within that district shall be at the President's prerogative when the need is apparent. (9/30-10/4/89)


New England New York E.C.& c.-Northeast New Jersey Pennsylvania Ohio Capital West Virginia Carolinas Georgia Florida Alabama La.-Miss.-W.Tenn. Kentucky-Tennessee Missouri-Arkansas Wisconsin-U. Michigan Indiana Michigan E.C. & C. - Caribbean E.C. &. c.-Northwest Iilinois·-E. Iowa Minnesota-Dakotas Nebraska-Iowa Kansas Western Canada Rocky Mountain Montana Texas-Oklahoma-East Texas-Oklahoma-West Southwest Utah-Idaho Cal-Nev-Ha - South Pacific NW - North Pacific NW - South Austria Cal-Nev-Ha - North Belgium-France-Lux-Monaco Switzerland-Leich. Iceland Germany New Zealand-S.Pacific Italy Norden Philippine Luzon Japan Australia Andean & Central America Philippine South Republic of China Far East* (see below) Netherlands South America Puerto Rico Africa* (see below) Mid-East* (see below) (list updated 05/90)

*Anon-districted area to which a visit would be perceived to be benefi­ cial by the International President. (9/30-10/4/89) EXHIBIT D, PAGE 1

150 - International Conventions

151 - Convention Site Inspection

Not less than eighteen months prior to a convention in a specific city, the President-elect and the Convention Director will visit that city to meet with host committee members and to see the convention facilities and potential headquarter hotels. (6/84) (5/90)

152 - Financing

152.1 - General

Kiwanis International Conventions will be self-supporting and will be financed by the registration fees and other convention income. (05/90)

152.2 - For certain financial procedures see: (05/90)

a. 828.3 - Convention Registration Fees and Other Convention Income b. 832.2 and 834 - Fund and Reserve Fund Balances c. 864.lo - International Convention - Committee Chairmen d. 864.lq - Host Convention Chairman e. 891 - Guidelines for Other Convention Income

153 - Convention Music

153.1 - Chairman of Convention Music

The Chairman of Convention Music shall review and audition, when possible, all Kiwanis-sponsored musical groups, recommend the groups to appear on the convention program, and will schedule their appearances. (05/90)

153.2 - Registration Fees for Soloists or Musical Groups are as follows:

a. All Kiwanians or spouses who are soloists or members of musical groups are required to pay registration fees. (05/90)

b. No registration fee is required of soloists or musical groups who are not Kiwanis members or spouses of members, and they will be furnished courtesy badges. Groups, when in uniform, may be admitted without courtesy badges to assigned sessions and other non-special convention activities. (05/90)

c. If a musical group is composed of Kiwanis members and non-members, the non-members will be furnished courtesy badges. (05/90)

153.3 - Convention Budget

The convention budget shall not include any provision for the payment of the expenses of any· soloist or musical group sponsored by a Kiwanis club, division, or district. (05/90) EXHIBIT D, PAGE 2 150 - International Conventions

154 - House of Delegates

154.1 - Convention Parliamentarian

Subject to approval by the Board of Trustees, the Convention parliamentarian shall be appointed by the President and shall be certified by the National Association of Parliamentarians. (10/85) (05/90)

154.2 - Delegates-At-Large

By May 1 of each year, the district secretary shall certify to Kiwanis International the names of the past district governors who are active, privileged; or senior members of clubs in that district (including past district governors of other districts), and such past governors shall be given credentials as delegates­ at-large at the International Convention. The Credentials Commit­ tee may certify as a delegate-at-large a past governor who may have been omitted from such list. (05/90)

154.3 - Procedure Followed When Number of Trustees to be Elected May be Affected by Results of Election for Office Above Trustee

At an International Convention, when the number of Trustees to be elected may be affected by the results of the balloting for an office above the level of Trustee, the nominations for the Trustees to be elected at the convention may proceed immediately following the voting for the Treasurer. In such a situation, the presiding officer shall announce the number and term(s) of Trustees to be elected prior to the casting of the ballot for the election of Trustees. (05/90)

154.4 - Standing Rules for the House of Delegates at an International Convention (10/87)

Rule 1 - The official language of this convention shall be English. Simultaneous translation shall be available in French and Spanish.

Rule 2 - Only delegates with official delegate badges may present or speak on motions and vote.

Rule 3 - Only delegates may be seated in the area designated for delegates.

Rule 4 - The House of Delegates shall not be closed.

Rule 5 Any main motion of amendment shall be written in English, signed by the maker and seconder, and presented to the International Secretary before it is moved.

Rule 6 - No delegate may speak more than three· minutes at a time unless allowed to do so by the orders of the day or by a majority vote of the delegates. EXHIBIT D, PAGE 3

150 - International Conventions

154 - House of Delegates (continued)

154.4 - Standing Rules for the House of Delegates at an International Con­ vention (continued)

Rule 7 - No delegate may address the assembly a second time on the same question until all delegates who desire to speak on the topic have spoken.

Rule 8 - The maker of a motion shall be entitled to speak first in support of such motion or may immediately yield the floor to another delegate.

Rule 9 - Debate shall alternate between those speaking for and those speaking against a motion.

Rule 10 - Microphones shall be designated by number. Speakers for the main motion shall use the odd-numbered microphones, and speakers against the main motion shall use the even­ numbered microphones. The chair will recognize microphones in rotating order. (05/90)

Rule 11 - A delegate shall not speak for or against a motion and move to close debate on the same recognition.

Rule 12 - An assistant Sergeant-at-Arms shall be positioned at each microphone to relay to the chair priority motions, such as a point of order, a point of information, etc. (05/90)

Rule 13 - Candidates for office above the level of Trustee may have one nominating speech not to exceed three minutes and a seconding speech not to exceed one minute.

Rule 14 - Candidates for the office of Trustee may have one nomi­ nating speech not to exceed two minutes and a second from the platform with no speech.

Rule 15 - Any candidate who is unopposed for office may be elected by a voice vote.

When there is a sole candidate for the non-U.S. guaranteed seat, that candidate shall be nominated in the Conference on Nominations. This nominee shall be listed with all other candidates in the Report of the Conference on Nominations. The presiding office-r shall call for nominations from the floor during the House of Delegates. If the nominee remains the sole non-U.S. candidate for the office of Trustee, the presiding officer will declare the nominee elected. The pre­ siding officer shall then announce the remaining number and the term(s) of the.Trustees to be elected. (1/88) (05/90) EXHIBIT D, PAGE 4 150 - International Conventions

154 - House of Delegates (continued)

154.4 - Standing Rules for the House of Delegates at an International Con­ vention (continued)

Rule 16 - Debate on any proposed resolution or amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws, including all amendments thereto, shall be limited to 45 minutes. (05/90)

Rule 17 - A motion to ·move the previous question will not be in order until 15 minutes of debate has taken place or all microphones are clear.

Rule 18 - Nominating speeches for officers may not be waived. (05/90)

Rule 19 - If the first session of the House of Delegates is a morning session, it shall be adjourned at or near noon; subject to the discretion of the chair, no proposed amendment to the Constitution and Bylaws shall be intro­ duced later than 15 minutes before the scheduled adjournment of any morning or afternoon session. Any proposed amendment not considered on that day shall be considered during the second session of the House of Delegates.

Rule 20 - Any of the above rules may be suspended by a majority vote. (05/90)

Rule 21 - Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by the Constitution and Bylaws of Kiwanis International and these standing rules.

155 - Exhibits

155.1 - General Procedure

a. The objective in allocating exhibit space shall be to allow persons or organizations to demonstrate their products or programs, which must be compatible with the objectives of Kiwanis International. (05/90) -

b. All exhibits and exhibitors shall be subject to the authority of the International Secretary or designee. (05/90)

155.2 - Specific ·Procedure

a. All invitations to apply for exhibit space shall be iss~ed by the International Secretary or designee. (05/90)

b. _Each applicant must complete the Exhibitor Application Form and include the required fee before final approval of the exhibit may be issued. (05/90) EXHIBIT D, PAGE 5

150 - International Convention

155 - Exhibits (continued)

155.2 - Specific Procedure (continued)

c. All exhibitors must receive approval in writing of their exhi­ bits from the Convention Director at least thirty days prior to the opening date of the convention. (05/90)

155.3 - Fund-Raising Exhibit Procedures

a. The purpose of the fund-raising exhibits shall be to:

(1) acquaint Kiwanians attending Convention with new oppor­ tunities for fund-raising projects; (2) provide a clearing-house for club problems associated with fund-raising projects carried out in cooperation with the exhibitors; and (3) stimulate clubs to raise additional funds so that services to their communities may be enhanced. (05/90)

b. An exhibitor will be:

(1) a Kiwanis club which has successfully operated a fund­ raising project independently of any commercial organiza­ tion, provided that the project has applicability to other Kiwanis clubs; · or (2) an organization which offers a fund-raising plan for Kiwanis clubs, provided that a Kiwanis club with a proven experience with the fund-raising plan consents to permit use of its name as sponsor of the exhibit. (05/90)

c. Criteria for the selection of exhibitors shall be:

(1) the number of clubs currently participating in the project. (2) the originality of the project. (3) previous experience with the exhibitor. (4) the over-all potential of the project 1or use by a large number of clubs. (05/90) (5) conformity with the criteria for products and services accepted for advertising in the Kiwanis magazine. (05/90)

d. Facilities provided by Kiwanis International shall be limited to: (1) six to eight feet of counter space, (2) two stools, (3) one table (six to eight feet long), and (4) an identifying sign standard in size and· design for all exhibitors. All other expenses· and services inciden~ to the exhibit (shipping, set-up, knock-down, additional furniture, electrical connec­ tions, etc.) shall be entirely at the expense of the exhibi­ tor. (05/90) 150 - Internationl Conventions EXHIBIT D, PAGE 6

155 - Exhibits (continued)

155.3 - Fund-Raising Exhibit Procedures (continued)

e. Permitted activities are:

(1) the distribution of descriptive literature and product samples. (2) on or behind the counter, the display of sample items to be sold to the club or to the public in the fund- raising project in quantities not to exceed one minimum lot shipment. (3) on the counter, the display of up to two flat ~lacards, flat metal signs, or similar display material: other items not exceeding fifteen square feet per item may be displayed behind the counter on easels. (05/90) (4) the utilization of manually or automatically operated visual aid equipment for projecting images on a screen not exceeding fifteen square feet. (5) the communication, either orally or in writing, of full details of the project, including prices, to any person visiting the booth. (6) the taking names of orders from interested persons or clubs by exhibitors of fund-raising projects. (05/90) (7) solicitation or acceptance of gifts or pledges by the Kiwanis International Foundation. (05/90) (8) solicitation or acceptance of gifts or pledges by the Kiwanis International Supplies Department. (05/90)

f. Prohibited activities are:

(1) solicitation or acceptance of all gifts or pledges, or the selling of goods or services by exhibitors, indivi­ duals, Kiwanis districts or clubs, inside or outside of the exhibit hall and/or convention center. (05/90) (2) conducting a drawing or any other contest of chance or skill inside or outside of the exhibit hall and/or con­ vention center. (0186) (05/90) (3) presenting gifts to employees of Kiwanis International. (4) using any sound amplification or lighting equipment or any technique other than the fixed booth displays to attract persons to· the exhibits. (05/90) (5) the distribution of any materials inside or outside of the exhibit hall and/or the convention center other than at the exhibitors' booth. (05/90) (6) exhibiting or promoting any activities which are not in conformity with the programs or objectives of Kiwanis International. (1/84) (05/90)

g. Registration Fee

(1) Any Kiwanis member or spouse who is an exhibitor or an assistant to an exhibitor is required to pay a registra­ tion fee. (05/90) (2) Any non-member exhibitor or an assistant to an exhibitor is not required to pay a registration fee •. (05/90) EXHIBIT D, PAGE 7

150 - International Convention

155 - Exhibits (continued)

155.3 - Fund-Raising Exhibit Procedure (continued)

h. Setup and Operation of Exhibits (1) The exhibit shall be set up by the exhibitor and shall be ready for operation no later than the time registration first opens at the convention site. It must be closed out no later than the time designated by the Convention Director. (05/90) (2) The exhibit will be manned during the half-hour pre­ ceding and following each morning session of the conven­ tion and during such other times as designated by the Convention Director (05/90) (3) Materials to be used in the exhibit, if shipped in advance, shall be sent prepaid after the date and to the warehouse designated by the Convention Director. Following the convention, all responsibility for takedown and shipment rests with the exhibitor. (05/90)

155.4 - Copy of Exhibit Procedures

A copy of these policies shall be provided each prospective exhi­ bitor and agreement to abide by·these policies shall be a con­ dition to exhibit approval. Any necessary interpretation of these policies to the exhibitor may be made by the staff member assigned responsibility for the Fund-Raising Clinic and any appeals from each interpretation shall be made to the Board Committee respon­ sible for Conventions. (05/90)

156 - President of the European Federation

156.1 - Official Host

The Treasurer of Kiwanis International shall be the official host for the President of the European Federation at the Kiwanis Inter­ national Convention.

The European Federation President shall be invited to all func­ tions to which the Treasurer is normally invited, except those personal invitations or functions which may be restricted only to the Board of Trustees. (05/90)

156.2 - Housing Expenses

The President of the European Federation shall receive at the expense o~ Kiwanis International, the same or comparable accom­ modations as those provided to governors for the five (5) nights of the International Convention. (05/90) EXHIBIT E

150 - International Conventions

157 - Procedure for Establishing District Attendance Quotas for the Inter­ national Convention (continued)

1. The percentage of active membership based on distance. (North America is divided into thirds. The area nearest the convention city is charged with 5% of active membership; the area in the mid-range is charged with 3 & 1/2 % and the most distant areas are charged with 2%.) (05/90)

2. The active number of clubs multiplied by two. (This number represents a district's voting potential.) (05/90)

3. The three year average convention attendance for the district. (05/90)

Non-North American quotas for North American conventions will be based on a three year average convention attendance. In no case, however, shall any district's quota be fewer than five (5) persons. (05/90)

The exception to this formula shall be the Host District, whose quota shall be equal to 14% of their active membership. The host year will not be used for calculation of quotas for subsequent years. (05/90) EXHIBIT F

182.1 - General Liability Insurance - Reserve Fund

A General Liability Insurance Reserve Fund shall be maintained in an amount equal to one year's premium plus an additional $700,000. This fund would not exceed two million dollars. (5/90) EXHIBIT G, PAGE 1

195 - Leadership Education


195.1 - International

a. The President-elect of Kiwanis International, at the request of the President, shall be responsible for the education of our leadership as to their Kiwanis duties and respon­ sibilities. In implementing this responsibility, he will work closely with the appropriate Board Committees as they develop the specific procedures for final approval by the Inter­ national Board.

b. The basic leadership education of all governors-elect and of the President of Kiwanis International-Europe shall be pro­ vided by Kiwanis International at the Governors-elect Training Conference to be held annually between February 15 and March 15. The presiding officer for the conference will be the President-elect of Kiwanis International; the faculty will consist of the Board Committee responsible for Leadership Edu­ cation and the staff. Kiwanis International will reimburse all governors-elect for the costs of travel, lodging and meals necessitated by their attendance at the conference. The agenda shall be developed by the Board Committee on Education and Program Development. (5/90)

c. If the governor-elect cannot attend the Governors-elect Training Conference, he ~ay not send a substitute to act in his stead. (5/90)

d. The President-designate shall appoint the International Repre­ sentatives to the several district conventions. These shall be officers, officers-designate, or in the event of emergen­ cies, past officers of Kiwanis International.

e. At the post-International Convention Board sessions, the President-designate shall be prepared to instruct those assigned as International Representatives to district conven­ tions in their duties, and especially as such duties relate to the program of education, which will be implemented at the district conventions under the general supervision of the governors-elect.

195.2 - District

a. The governor of each of the several districts shall delegate . to the governor-elect the responsibility of implementing a District Operations Training Conference for Incoming Lieuten­ ant Governo~s and a Division Operations Training Conference for Incoming Club Officers who will serve during the governor­ elect's administrative year. (05/90) EXHIBIT G, PAGE 2

195.2 - Districts (continued)

b. The governor-elect shall, in cooperation with the governor, assure that adequate time is allocated for the education of the leadership in their Kiwanis duties.

c. The governor-elect shall select the faculty to assist him in implementing the educational program. The key leadership is to be found in the governor, the immediate past governor, the International Representative, the Counselor to the district (if in attendance), the District Secretary, and past district officers. (05/90)

195.3 - Club

The education of the new officers, members of the board of direc­ tors, and the committee chairmen in each local club shall be under the direction of the president-designate. The club president­ designate shall conduct a Club President's Conference for Incoming Officers and Appointees to prepare them for their club respon­ sibilities. (05/90)

195.4 - Leadership Development Program

Under the direction of the Kiwanis International Department of Education, all incoming Kiwanis club presidents and lieutenant governors shall have the opportunity to participate in the Kiwanis Leadership Program for Incoming Club Presidents and Lieutenant Governors. These programs will be presented by Kiwanis trainers who have been trained and certified by Kiwanis International's Department of Education. (05/90)

196 - Sending Materials to Past Officers of Kiwanis International

Copies of materials produced by the International Office shall be sent to Past International Officers upon request. EXHIBIT H, PAGE 1

411 - Official List of Kiwanis Nations

a. A nation will be added to the Official List of Kiwanis Nations at the time the first club is organized in that nation in accordance with Board Procedures 401 and 402. A nation will be dropped from the list 90 days following approval of charter revocation of the last club in that nation by the Board of Trustees in accordance with the provisions in Procedures 308 and 309. (05/90)

b. The following is the current Official List of Kiwanis Nations: (05/90)

1. United States 31. Hong Kong 2. Canada 32. Ecuador 3. Mexico 33. New Caledonia 4. Bahamas 34. Bermuda 5. Austria 35. Singapore 6. Switzerland 36. Martinique 7. Belgium 37. Vanuatu 8. Germany 38. England 9. Norway 39. Guam 10 .. Iceland 40. Liechtenstein 11. Japan 41. Monaco 12. Jamaica 42. Barbados 13. Philippines 43. Cayman Islands 14. Netherlands Antilles 44. Venezuela 15. Aruba 45. Guadeloupe 16. Puerto Rico 46. Malaysia 17. France 47. Suriname 18. Netherlands 48. Jordan 19. Sweden 49. Brazil 20. New Zealand 50. India 21. Colombia 51. Portugal 22. Australia 52. French Guiana 23. Italy 53. Turks and Caicos Islands 24. Panama 54. Cameroon 25. Republic of China 55. Tunisia 26. Korea 56. Spain 27. Trinidad and Tobago 57. Ivory Coast 28. Argentina 58. Faroe Islands 29. Costa Rica 59. Federated States of Micronesia 30. Luxembourg 60. Saint Lucia

(continued on next page) EXHIBIT H, PAGE 2 400 - International Extension

411 - Official List of Kiwanis Nations (continued)

b. (listing - continued)

61. Sri Lanka 67. Tahiti (French Polynesia) 62. Finland 68. Grenada 63. Andorra 69. Hungary 64. Comoros 70. St. Vincent & The Grenadines 65. Papua New Guinea 71. Czechoslovakia 66. Denmark

412 ~ List of Nations Authorized for Extension

a. The List of Nations Authorized for Extension will be composed of:

(1) all current and past Kiwanis nations in which growth activity may occur without prior re-authorization of extension by the Board of Trustees. (05/90)

(2) additional nations which the Board may have authorized for exten­ sion, but in which an active club has yet to be organized. A past nation may be specifically excluded excluded by the Board of Trustees from further extension activity and eliminated from this list. (05/90)

b. The following is a list of Kiwanis nations authorized for extension: (0590)

1. Andorra 23. East Germany* 2. Argentina 24. Ecuador 3. Aruba 25. El Salvador* 4. Australia 26. England s. Austria 27. Faroe Islands 6. Bahamas 28. Federated States of Micronesia 7. Barbados 29. Fiji* 8. Belgium 30. Finland 9. Belize, Central America* 31. France 10. Bermuda 32. French Guiana 11. Bolivia* 33. Ghana* 12. Brazil 34. Greece* 13. Bulgaria* 35. Grenada 14. Cameroon 36. Guadeloupe 15. Canada 37. Guam 16. Cayman Islands 38. Guatemala* 17. Colombia 39. Guyana* 18. Comoros 40. Hong Kong 19. Costa Rica 41. Hungary 20. Czechoslovakia* 42. Iceland 21. Denmark 43. India 22. Dominican Republic* 44. Indonesia*

* Denotes no currently active clubs.

(continued on next page) EXHIBIT H, PAGE 3

400 - International Extension

412 - List of Nations Authorized for Extension (continued)

b. (listing - continued)

45. Ireland* 72. Philippines 46. Israel* 73. Poland* 47. Italy 74. Portugal 48. Ivory Coast 75. Puerto Rico 49. Jamaica 76. Republic of China 50. Japan 77. Romania* 51. Jordan 78. Saint Lucia 52. Kenya* 79. Senegal* 53. Korea 80. Singapore 54. Liberia* 81. Spain 55. Liechtenstein 82. Sri Lanka 56. Luxembourg 83. St. Vincent & The Grenadines 57. Malaysia 84. Suriname 58. Malta* 85. Sweden 59. Martinique 86. Switzerland 60. Mexico 87. Tahiti (French Polynesia) 61. Monaco 88. Thailand* 62. Netherlands 89. Trinidad and Tobago 63. Netherlands Antilles 90. Tunisia 64. New Caledonia 91. Turks & Caicos Islands 65. New Zealand 92. u.s.s.R.* 66. Nicaragua* 93. United States 67. Nigeria* 94. Uruguay* 68. Northern Mariana Islands* 95. Vanuatu 69. Norway 96. Venezuela 70. Panama 97. West Germany 71. Papua New Guinea 98. Yugoslavia*

* Denotes no currently active clubs. EXHIBIT I·

507 - K-Family Conference Guidelines

a. Any individual, group of individuals, club, division or district wishing to initiate a K-Family conference or seminar for which atten­ dance will be solicited of, or accepted from, Kiwanians, Key Clubbers or Circle K members from outside of the originating district's boun­ daries must first obtain approval from the Kiwanis International Board. Acceptance by the Kiwanis International Board of the concept and need for the conference shall give the sponsoring group the authority to conduct subsequent conferences provided that the program content for each conference is reviewed and approved by the Kiwanis International Board through the International Secretary or his designee in consultation with the appropriate Board committee. Appro­ val must be granted prior to distribution of promotional materials and/or registration forms by the conference organizers. (05/90)

b. Individuals seeking conference approval must obtain an application form from the International Secretary or his designee. (05/90) EXHIBIT J

825 - Fund for KIWANIS Magazine

825.1 - Purpose

The Magazine Fund is used to report Kiwanis magazine subscription fees, advertising revenues and publication expenses. The Magazine Fund balance represents the amount of resources available without restriction for implementing the publication of the magazine. (05/90)

825.2 - Reserve Fund Balance

Kiwanis seeks to maintain, at the end of the administrative year, a Magazine Reserve Fund balance of 10% of the magazine expenses budgeted for the following year. Reserve balances in excess of 10% may be budgeted or used for magazine publication e~penses or to defer subscription fee increases. When the reserve balance becomes less than 10% of the budgeted expenses for the following year, the Board should consider a Bylaw amendment to increase the subscription fee. (05/90) EXHIBIT K

826 - International Convention Fund

826.1 - Purpose

The International Convention Fund is used to report convention revenues and expenses.· The Convention Fund balance represents the amount of resources available without restriction for Inter­ national Convention purposes. (05/90)

826.2 - Reserve Fund Balance

Kiwanis seeks to maintain, at the end of the administrative year, an International Convention Reserve Fund balance of 50% of the International Convention's budgeted expenses for the following year. Reserve fund balances in excess of the 50% may be used to reduce future convention registration fees. (05/90) EXHIBIT L

886.2 - Permitted Fund Balances

The maximum fund balances permitted for a sponsored youth organi­ zation shall be 50% of the non-subsidized expenses for the organi­ zation. Any additional fund balances shall be used to reduce the sponsored youth organization's dues and/or convention registration fees. The sponsored youth organizations should attain and main­ tain a minimum fund balance of 25% of the annual non-subsidized expenses for the organization. Proposed budgets which would reduce the fund balances below this level must be explained at the time of submission. (04/86) (05/90) EXHIBIT M

892.1 - Allowance

a. (3) Per diem shall be as follows effective October 1, 1990:

$35 per day for Trustees, Treasurer, Vice-Presidents, Imme­ diate Past President, President-elect, and Past Presidents for travel with North America, and $45 per day for travel outside North America; $45 per day for President or President-designate; and $60 per day for President or President-designate--wife present. (05/90) EXHIBIT N

892.1 - Allowance

a. (4) Exceptions to the above may be authorized if approved in advance by the International President, if the total expense to Kiwanis is reduced. (05/90) EXHIBIT 0, PAGE 1

906 - Kiwanis World Service Medal Procedures (05/90)


a. The Kiwanis World Service Medal will be awarded to an individual, or, in special circumstances, to an organization or agency when no one person can be identified as primarily responsible for the service activity being honored.

b. Candidates may be nominated by (1) a Kiwanis club, (2) a past medal recipient, or (3) a service agency or organization with the endor­ sement of a Kiwanis club.

c. No more than one recipient per annum will be honored, and no medal need be presented.

d. The 5oard Committee on Communications will review all nominations and recommend a recipient to the International Board; final selection is decided by the International Board.

e. Nominations will be due appoximately 30 days prior to the winter International Board Meeting. Selection of the recipient shall be made at the winter Board Meeting.

f. Nominations will be distributed to the Board Committee, and a summary of nominations to the full Board, prior to the Board meeting. Exhibit materials supporting the nominations will be displayed for examination by Board members at the meeting.

Selection Criteria

a. The medal is awarded for service that (1) enhances the quality of life and (2) benefits a significant number of people in a substantial way.

b. The recipient's involvement in service must be actual, not merely the espousal of a position of philosophy, and should provide an inspiring example to others.

c. The recipient may be involved in service as (1) a volunteer, or (2) may be exercising professional skills to benefit others in-ways that sacrifice personal gain and exemplify outstanding dedication beyond ordinary requirements of employment _or professional duty.

Point System for Judging

a. 10 points -- To what degree is the service activity "actual," that is, meeting a specific need in a direct way rather than merely publicizing the need or promoting public involvement in a general way?_·

b. 10 points -- How extensive is the service activity's impact, that is, how many people and how wise a geographic area is served? EXHIBIT O, PAGE 2

906 - Kiwanis World Service Medal (continued)

Point System for Judging (continued)

c. 10 points -- How substantially does the service activity improve the quality of life for those who are served?

d. 10 points -- To what degree does the nominee's service involvement serve as an inspiration to others? For example, has the nominee's involvement inspired others to join in the service activity?

e. 10 points -- To what degree is the nominee's involvement a voluntary commitment or professional sacrifice to service?

1. If a volunteer, to what degree has the nominee devoted him/herself to the activity?

2. If a professional, to what degree has the nominee sacrificed con­ siderations of a normal professional career and renumeration and exceeded the ordinary requirements of professional duty?

f. 10 points -- Initiative: How unique is the service activity? Has the nominee found a way to address a previously neglected or largely unmet need, or is it also being served by others? Has the nominee found a new or more effective way to meet a service need? EXHIBIT P

157 - Mailing of Biographical Sketches of Candidates

The Kiwanis International publication, "Biographical Sketches of Can­ didates for International Office," shall be sent to the secretary of each club in the mailing containing Proposed Amendments and Resolutions. (05/90) EXHIBIT Q, PAGE l


OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY EMERITUS R. P. MERRIDEW 2885 Shannon Road Northbrook. Illinois 60062

Apri 1 10, 1990

Kevin Krepinevich International Secretary Kiwanis International 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268 Dear Kevin: I recently received a call from Terry Shaffer, asking whether there was anything in writing with regard to our being on the same expense basis as a member of the Board, now that we are retired. After diligent search by Terry at the office and by me among my personal files we find only two references in official Board mi_nutes. I am enclosing a copy of those references even thougn I am sure you have seen them. When Larry Hapgood retired we made sure that all the expense information was included in the October, 1978 Board minutes. When I retired there was cons i derab.l e confusion ,with Bil 1 Kleindorfer having just begun to serve as our International Secretary. It is therefore quite understandable that the Board action o'n my retirement was not as comp·1 ete as that on Larry. However, it was made very clear to me by Maury Gladman, Chairman of the Special Committee on my retirement (just as he had been for Larry) that I also would be on the same expense basis as a member of the Board of Trustees. As you know, I have been on that basis ever since having retired in 1981 but it has now become apparent that there is no written report of Board action to support that. In view of the above and since we would all be more comfortable in the future with written clarification of my expense basis as comparable to that of the Associate Secretary-emeritus, if indeed that is the wish of the current Board, I can only suggest that the matter be brought before the Board at its May 1 meeting for whatever action the Board wishes to take.

911 Merri dew al Secretary-emeritus EXHIBIT Q1 ~AGE 2


L At the October, 1978 Board Meetin;, the following action was taken ~ L. A. ''Larey'' Hapgccd:

"Inrnediate Past International President Maury, ChaiI:man of the Special Camdttee on arrangenents for the retire:rent of the Associate Secretary, reported on plans for the recognition of Associate Secretary Lar.r:y Hapgco:i at. Ccnmcil ard naie the following recatmerXlation in behalf of the Camdttee:

'fflat effective October 1, 1978, the title of Associate Secretary Emeritus be bestowed upon L. A. "Larey" Hapgcxxi in reo::,gnition of his long years of service to Kiwanis International, ani particularly his m:n:e than twelve years as Associate Secretary. It is the intent of the Camdttee that Associate Secretary :ateritus Larey am his wife Peg will be invited to attend all future International COUncils am· International Conventions on the same expense basis as a member of the Board of Trustees of Kiwanis International.

2. At the June, 1981 Board Meetin; in New Orleans, the following action was taken regan:ling R. P. "Reg" Merridew: .

"At the request of the President the entire Board was polled regarding the status of Secretary Mer.ridew upoh retirarent.

Voted, unaninously, that the Board confer upon R. P. Merrie.av ~'-= title of Secretary areritus upon i,; s ?:?ti .,..sne.."lt. "

The Minutes do not c:ddress the matter of invitations to Council ani Convention, or the matter of reimbursenent of expenses. EXHIBIT #25

XVII. Bylaws and Amendments to Bylaws

PROPOSED AMENDMENT NO. 1 Section 1. Bylaws for the government of Kiwanis Internation­ TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONSTITUTION al, not inconsistent with this Constitution, may be enacted and may be amended from time to time, as provided in Article X Submitted by the Board of Trustees of Kiwanis International. of this Constitution, or at a convention of Kiwanis Internation­ al by a majority vote of the delegates and delegates-at-large Purpose: To provide specific steps for rescinding a Board of voting. At least sixty (60) days prior to the date of the conven­ Trustees' interpretation of the International Constitution tion, the Secretary must receive: and/or Bylaws. a. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws to be voted on at a CONSTITUTION convention ( except those passed by the International Coun­ cil and those initiated by the Board of Trustees)i._ Amend Article IX, Section 3; Article X, Section 3·; and Article XVII, Sections 1, 2, and 3, of the Constitution of Kiwanis b. Proposals to rescind the Bylaws adopted by the Interna­ International as follows: tional Council; or

IX. Board of Trustees c. Proposals to rescind the construction and interpretation of the Constitution and Bylaws by the Board of Trustees, as Section 3. The construction and the interpretation of the provided in Article IX, Section 3. shttH be reeeived by the Constitution and Bylaws by the Board of Trustees shall be Seerctttry at least &Hfty t69), tittys" ~ te the tittte et the final and binding, unless such construction and interpretation eoM'ention. ~ SeeretB.f) fflftltsenett~ etttll prnposed by the Board of Trustees are rescinded at a subsequent con­ ttmencimcnts, inclttdtng Ht6Se ttmend:ments passed by-Hie vention of Kiwanis International, as provided in Article XVII International Cottndl ffi the seeretM~ flt etteh chMtered of the Constitution. The proposer to rescind construction and ettttr, ft6f 1tttef Htftft Httfey ~ ~ ~ ffi the tittte flt the interpretation must provide the wording of an appropriate eoM ention. Amendments ffi the ~ pttSSett by the amendment to the affected Constitution/Bylaw provision. International Cottneil shttH feffltttft in: f6ree ~ eisttp­ prtWetl ftf the ftffiff .:mceeecl:mg eon, ention. X. International Council

Section 3. The International Council shall confer and advise Section 2. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws, proposals to with the Board of Trustees on matters relating to Kiwanis rescind the Bylaws adopted by the International Council, or International. By a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the entire proposals to rescind the construction and interpretation of the Council at its first meeting, the International Council may Constitution and Bylaws by the Board of Trustees must be enact or amend the Bylaws of Kiwanis International as submitted by: provided in Article XVII of the Constitution; provided a copy a. International Board of Trustees, of any proposed amendment to the bylaws is sent to each member of the Council not less than thirty (30) days prior to b. Districts, by the district board of trustees, or by the house the meeting of the Council. Amendments to the Bylaws of ~elegates, or - passed by the International Council shall remain in force, unless rescinded at the next succeeding convention. in accord­ c. Clubs, by majority vote of the members. ance with Article XVII of the Constitution. Section 3. Not later than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the convention, the Secretary shall send a copy of all proposed amendments, including those amendments passed by the In­ ternational Council, and all proposals to rescind the Bylaws adopted by the International Council or to rescind the con­ struction and interpretation of the Constitution and Bylaws by the Board of Trustees to the secretary of e·ach chartered club.


Submitted by the Board of Trustees of Kiwanis International.

Purpose: To establish flat membership fees based on percent­ age of annual dues in lieu of prorated dues_.

CONSTITUTION t Amend Article XIII, Section 2, (paragraph 2), of the Constitu­ tion of Kiwanis International as follows: XIII. Revenue

Section 2, (paragraph 2). The monies to be paid to Kiwanis International under this section by each new club admitted to membership in Kiwanis International ttttffflg ttey tisettt yettf' Sfttttl ee fffitt'ftfett tteeoramg ~ Hie ttftC:KpH'Ccl :portioH M the inshtHment ~ mwmett s-ttttl etttt, WttS org~ccl shall be as defmed in the Bvlaws.


Amend Article Ill, Section 6e, of the Bylaws of Kiwanis International as follows: III. Organizing and Chartering of Clubs

Section 6. Upon the organization of a Kiwanis club under the direction of the accredited representative, and upon approval of the Board of Trustees, there shall be issued to said club a charter from Kiwanis International signed by the President and the Secretary of Kiwanis International. Upon organiza­ tion said club must have complied with the following condi­ tions:

e. Paid to Kiwanis International the charter fee, :prorotccl one-third (1/3) of the annual dues for each member, and one-third ( 1/3) of the annual magazine subscription and one-third (1/3) of the annual insurance charges as required by the Constitution and Bylaws. EXHIBIT #26



June 28, 1990

Gentlemen, thank you for this opportunity to speak to you today on behalf of the Kiwanis International Foundation.

We have had a busy year and most satisfying year as we have helped introduce the 75th anniversary project - Operation Know. This has been so successful that, as you know, we are improvising and instigating programs for corporate support to help us finance the program.

In the long run, this method of financing our project will benefit not only the Foundation, but Kiwanis International also. We will be able to approach corporations to possibly assist in funding major emphasis programs and other long-term programs such as "Terrific Kids" and the "Bug" Program.

We want to be able to cut back on our continually going back to Kiwanians for additional· support. We want to tap into non-Kiwanis funds in the future.

We are not in position to exist without support from Kiwanians, and we certainly depend on you Board members to assist us. President-elect Wil has indicated a desire for you to support your Foundation by mentioning it during your official visits to the districts you counsel. We will provide you with a few suggested paragraphs for your remarks, and we would appreciate your using these or rewriting them into your own words.

Back to Operation Know Project - I would like to read to you now a resolution -that the Kiwanis International Board passed at its meetings last week. It is important for you to know where the KIF Board stands on this Kiwanis International Project. (Read Resolution)

Also related to. the Operation Know Project: It is important for all of you to know that, when our Foundation staff returns to its office after this convention, it will be working on two things: First, a memo under President Noris' s signature to all U.S. Governors with copies to all U.S. Lieutenant Governors. The memo will let the Governors know that in a very short time a letter will be sent out under President Noris' s and my signatures. That letter will appeal to all club presidents whose clubs did not contribute at least $7. 50 per member to the Annual Birthday Campaign. As you know, the Foundation was counting ·on that much per year during our 75th Anniversary to fund the Operation Know Program.

Now, to catch you up on what is happening in the Foundation office. We as a Board had much discussion as to who will do what in the Foundation as a result of Jim Sheets' Assistant Administrator, Patrick Black. To summarize so that all of you will know, Jim will be responsible for the Foundation's fund-raising efforts, and Patrick will be responsible for not only managing the daily functions of the Foundation office, but also for providing Jim with the public relations and_ publications support necessary to ac·complish increased fund-raising efforts.

And finally Gentlemen, I would like to show all of you the Foundation's newest award to donors who make contributions to the Foundation's newest fund-raising program, the 0. E. Peterson World Service Medal Endowment. Contributions made to this program, named of course in honor of former International Secretary Pete, will fund the monetary award given to each year's world service medal recipient designed by Kiwanis International. Here are a few brochures that detail that program.

Thank you, gentlemen, for your time today.

Respectfully submitted,

R. Tyler Bland, Jr., President Kiwanis International Foundation EXHIBIT :/127



June 20-23 and June 28, 1990

Date of Committee Meeting: June 22-23, 1990

Place of Committee Meeting: Adam's Mark Hotel St. Louis, Missouri

Present: Members -.Wes H. Bartlett, Roy W. Davis, William M. Eagles, M.D. Merald T. Enstad, Aubrey E. Irby, Anton J. "Tony" Kaiser, James M. Moler, Ted R. Osborn, John T. Roberts, Mark A. Smith, Jr., Hilmar L. "Bill" Solberg, Merle H. Tucker, Robert F. Weber, Donald E. Williams

Chairman - Frank J. DiNoto

Staff - Kevin w. Krepinevich, A. G. Terry Shaffer

Others - Noris A. Lusche, W. J. "Wil" Blechman, M.D. John D. Morton, Sr., R. Tyler Bland, Jr.

Absent - Reed C. Culp, Raymond W. Lansford, Stanley E. Schneider, Albert J. Tully,

Following an invocation by Roy Davis, members who were unable t'o attend were remembered, as were the widows, from whom a number of communications were read. Appropriate cards have been sent to all absentees, duly signed by the attendees, Staff noted that a report of the St. Louis Convention will be sent to all Past Presidents and widows unable to be present.


John Roberts read a tribute to Past International President E. B. "Mac" McKitrick, and Bob Weber read a tribute to Past International President Walter J. L. Ray. Both documents were unanimously adopted by the Committee, signed by the attendees, and will be mailed to the families of these Kiwanis leaders.

Action of Board of Trustees on Recommendations Presented by the Committee at at the October Council Meeting

Chairman DiNoto reported on the disposition of the four recommendations made by the Committee at the October Council Meeting.

Report of Special Committee on Functioning and Responsibilities of the Committee of Past Presidents

At the request of President-elect Wil Blechman, a sub-committee was appointed to study the role and responsibilities of the Committee and make any appropriate recommendations. Sub-chairman John Roberts presented a report, which was received and retained for further study. -2-

District Responsibilities

Chairman DiNoto reported that the Board Committee on Policies, Procedures, and Structures is studying the criteria for a district in good standing, which ini­ tially appeared as an agenda item for the Committee of Past Presidents at their October, 1989 meeting. The Committee would be pleased to assist in the develop­ ment of the criteria.

Update on Flagship Club Pilot Program

Chairman DiNoto explained the flagship club pilot program and urged Committee members to attend the forum on this subject during the convention.

Travel Management Procedures

The Committee believes that the Board of Trustees has the right to limit reim­ bursement to the amount for which the approved travel agent can obtain a ticket but not the right to dictate from whom a ticket must be bought. Therefore, the Committee strongly recommends that the travel management procedures be-amended accordingly.

Recommendation #1:

The Committee recommends that any Kiwanis International travel management program permit Kiwanians to utilize any travel agency for the purchase of airline tickets and to be reimbursed in an amount equal to the sum that otherwise would be paid by Kiwanis under the travel management program.

Mr. President, I respectfully ask that this recommendation be referred to the appropriate Board Committee for consideration.

In further reviewing Procedure 905, other items appear to be open for possible added costs or misuse, for example: reimbursement for gifts, additional costs for travel insurance, the inability to use senior citizen discounts available on many airlines, etc.

Recommendation #2:

The Committee recommends a thorough review of Procedure 905 - Travel Man­ agement Procedures, and this Committee offers its assistance in developing revised procedures.

Mr. President, I respectfully ask that this recommendation be referred to the appropriate Board Committee for consideration. -3-

Deletion of the Phrase, "With Board Approval," from Procedures

The Committee noted with some concern that the phrase "with Board approval" has been deleted in certain revised procedures which may be misconstrued that the Board has abrogated its responsibility of approval of action by the Committee.

Recommendation #3:

The Committee recommends that the Board review the deletion of the phrase "with Board approval" from procedures to assure that there is no intent of the Board to abrogate its ultimate responsibility of approval of action by any committee.

Mr. President, I respectfully ask that this recommendation be referred to the appropriate Board Committee for consideration.

(Referred to Board Committee on Policies, Procedures, and Structures)

International Representatives at Convention District Dinners

The Committee recognizes that there are unique problems this year in connection with assignment of International Representatives to district dinners in St. Louis. The Committee also noted, however, that no assignments were made at the Orlando Convention last year. The Committee hopes that the custom of assigning an International Representative to district dinners will be resumed. The Com­ mittee feels that this practice builds better communications between the Board of Trustees and our members and enables our members to become better acquainted with members of the Board.

Possibility of Tying Future Dues Adjustments to Cost of Living Index

The Committee noted that in the January, 1990 Report of-the Board Committee on Long Range Planning, the possibility of tying future dues adjustments to the cost of living index was referred to the Committee on Finance. The Finance Committee in its report in May, 1990 stated that it felt the present arrange­ ment was more acceptable. The Committee of Past Presidents concurs with the findings of the Finance Committee.

Review of Proposed Amendments

· The Committee reviewed the amendments being proposed to the House of Delegates at the St. Louis Convention. Chairman Frank DiNoto was requested to meet with the Board of Trustees and suggest that Proposed Amendment No. 1 be withdrawn as it is unclear and that Proposed Amendment No. 3 be withdrawn for further study.

In connection with Proposed Amendment No. 6, which lists as its purpose, "to allow the Board of Trustees of Kiwanis International to reduce the number of monthly reports submitted to Kiwanis International," the Committee is concerned about the perception that Kiwanis International rio longer cares about local club activity. In addition, with the advancement of data processing, analysis of the reports may be advantageously undertaken, especially to assist in the strengthen­ i~g of weaker clubs. -4-

Recommendation #4:

The Committee recommends that Kiwanis International continue to receive monthly club reports and urges staff analysis and utilization of the infor­ mation contained in these reports.

Mr. President, I respectfully ask that this recommendation be referred to the appropriate Board Committee for consideration.

The Committee also expressed its opposition to Proposed Amendment Nos. 7 and 8.

Preview of 1990 Council Meeting

Staff reviewed the program for the 1990 Council Meeting, to be held at the Westin Hotel in Indianapolis, October 4-7, 1990.

Visitations by Officers

President Noris Lusche addressed the Committee, expressing gratification with the growth trends, particularly in North America. He also discussed the challenges faced currently by Kiwanis. President-elect w. J. "Wil" Blechman outlinea plans for implementation of the first year of the new 1990-93 Major Emphasis Program and requested the Committee's input on a number of issues. Treasurer John Morton expressed commitment to both the Major Emphasis Progr~m and the "Know to Say No" program. Secretary Kevin Krepinevich discussed items relating to administrations of the International Office. All officers answered questions from the Committee. Kiwanis International Foundation President Tyler Bland also addressed the Committee concerning the progress of the Foundation in its fund-raising efforts as they relate to the "Know to Say No" and other programs. He asked the Past Presidents for their assistance in obtaining addi­ tional funds for the Foundation.

The Committee wishes to thank all the above-named individuals for their time and willingness to talk with the Past Presidents on subjects which impact greatly upon the future of the organization.

Report on the Past Presidents' Memorial Fund

Ted Osborn reported briefly on the Past Presidents' Memorial Fund. The ensuing discussion revealed that certain aspects of the administration of the fund have not actually been formally agreed to by the committee. Ted, as chairman, and Johnny Roberts and Don Willilams, as committee members, agreed to consider the alternatives and make recommendations to the committee's October 1990 meeting. -5-

Criteria for the Investigation of Crisis General Liability Claims

This matter was raised during the committee's discussion with Secretary Kevin. Following the discussion, the committe concluded that Procedure 183 - General Liability Insurance-Criteria for the Investigation of Crisis General Liability Claims, might well benefit from reconsideration, particularly with respect to the number and identity of the members of the "investigation team," the low ($25,000) threshhold of claims to be investigated, the need for the insurance company to request such an investigation, and the necessity that action be taken only with the advice and consent of the attorneys for Kiwanis. The Committee suggests that the KI Board or the Board Committee on Adminis­ tration reconsider Procedure 183 (which was adopted at the January 1990 Board Meeting).

Respectfully submitted,

Frank J. DiNoto, Chairman Committee of Past International Presidents EXHIBIT #28



JUNE 28. 1990

Date of the Committee Meeting: June 23, 1990

Place of the Committee Meeting: Adams Mark Hotel St. Louis, Missouri

Present: Members - W. J. "Wil" Blechman, M.D. C. A. Dillon, Jr. William L. Lieber John D. Morton, Sr. Gene R. Overholt Arthur D. Swanberg

Chairman - Noris A. Lusche

Staff Kevin W. Krepinevich

The Executive Committee was informed by the Kiwanis International Foundation that only $135,000 would be available for the 1990-91 administrative year to fund grant requests made to the Kiwanis International Foundation by Kiwanis International, Key Club International, and Circle K International. The committee again reviewed all of the proposed grant requests for the 1990-91 administratiye year and prepared a list of revised priorities:

Recommendation #1

The Committee recommends that the revised priority list of grants for the 1990-91 administrative year be adopted. (See Exhibit A.)

I move that Reco11DDendation /Fl be adopted. (Adopted) Finance: Referred to the 1989-90 Finance Committee for consideration in development of 1990-91 budget.

Procedure: In compliance

Respectfully submitted,




AS OF 6/28/90


Production of audio-visual 1/1 39,969 39,969 support materials for the 1991-92 Major Emphasis Program, Theme, Goals.

1991-93 Circle K 5/2 18,705 58,674 International Theme and Major Emphasis Program Audio Visual.

Key Club Regional Training 6/3 23,766 82,440 Conference.

Circle K Regional Training 7/4 19,815 102,255 Conference

Key Club Leadership Seminar 8/5 16,830 119,085

Circle K Leadership Training 9/6 16,291 135,376 Conference.

Production of English 2/7 17,503 152,879 project guide for the 1991-92 Major Emphasis Program, Theme and Goals

Production of French, 3/8 14,807 167,686 Spanish, and German materials for the 1991-92 Major Emphasis Program

Distribution of 1991-92 4/9 2, 611 170,297 Major Emphasis Program materials to Europe and Asia

Choices About Drugs and 10/10 25,000 195,297 Drinking Teaching packet rep r i.n t. EXHIBIT /129



June 28, 1990

Date of Committee Meeting: June 25, 1990

Place of Committee Meeting: Adam's Mark Hotel St. Louis, Missouri

Present: Members - John D. Morton, Sr., Gene R. Overholt, Robert E. Wales

Chairman - Arthur D. Swanberg Staff - Donald R. Collins, Kevin w. Krepinevich,

1990-91 Budgets

The Committee continued its review of the proposed budgets for the fiscal year 1990-91. Staff had processed the changes approved by the Board at its meeting June 20-22 in St. Louis. The Committee discussed the impact of these changes. It also recognized that the grant requests from the Kiwanis International Foundation were $60,000 less than requested.

Proposed Operating Final Budget

The summary of the proposed operating final budget and comparisons of prior years is attached as Exhibit A. The proposed budget has a surplus of $427,000.

Recommendation #1:

The Committee recommends that the 1990-91 Operating fund budget, as shown in Exhibit A, be adopted (pending modifications recommended at the October 1990 Meeting of the Board of Trustees).

I move that Recommendation #1 be adopted.


Finance: 1990-91 Operating Fund Procedure: In Compliance -2-

Proposed Magazine Fund Budget

The summary of the proposed Magazine fund budget and comparisons of prior years is attached as Exhibit B. The proposed budget has an operating deficit of $64,000.

Recommendation #2:

The Committee recommends that the 1990-91 Magazine fund budget, as shown in Exhibit B, be adopted (pending modifications recommended at the October, 1990 Meeting of the Board of Trustees). ·

I move that Recommendation #2 be adopted.


Finance: 1990-91 Magazine Fund Procedure: In Compliance

Proposed International Convention Fund Budget

The summary of the proposed International Convention fund budget and com­ parison of prior years is attached as Exhibit B. The proposed budget has an operating surplus of $63,000.

Recommendation #3:

The Committee recommends that the 1990-91 International Convention fund budget, as shown in Exhibit B, be adopted (pending modifications recom­ mended at the October, 1990 Meeting of the Board of Trustees).

I move that Recommendation #3 be adopted.


Finance: 1990-91 International Convention Fund Procedure: In Compliance

Pr~posed General Liability Insurance Fund Budget

The summary of the proposed General Liability Insurance fund budget and comparison of prior years is attached as Exhibit C. The proposed budget has an operating surplus of $132,000. -3-

Recommendation #4:

The Committee recommends that the 1990-91 General Liability Insurance fund budget, as shown in Exhibit C, be adopted (pending modifications recommended at the October, 1990 Meeting of the Board of Trustees).

I move that Recommendation #4 be adopted.


Finance: 1990-91 General Liability Insurance Fund Procedure: In Compliance

Proposed Capital Improvements Fund Budget

The summary of the proposed Capital Improvements fund budget and a com­ parison of prior years is attached as Exhibit C. The proposed budget has an operating surplus of $43,000.

Reco~mendation #5:

The Committee recommends that the 1990-91 Capital Improvement~ fund budget, as shown in Exhibit C, be adopted (pending modifications recommended at the October, 1990 Meeting of the Board of Trustees).

I move that Recommendation #5 be adopted.


Finance: 1990-91 Capital Improvements Fund Budget Procedure: In Compliance

Respectfully submitted,


OPERATING (UNRESTRICTED) FUND: The proposed budget and comparisons of revenue and expense to prior are as follows:

Budget Proj. Budget ( 000 's) 1991 5/90 1990 1989 1988 1987

REVENUES: Dues $5, 713 $5,616 $5,616 $4,614 $4,461 $4,422 Life Member 82 77 77 64 55 116 Processing Fee 696 694 694 692 598 393 Charter Fee 41 39 39 45 39 24 Interest 434 435 415 401 311 265 Supplies (Net) 945 961 910 896 826 750 Royalties 0 0 9 0 0 9 Grants 40 115 116 133 94 123 Miscellaneous 124 116 116 96 80 70

TOTAL RE VENUE $8,075 $8,053 $7,992 $6,941 $6,464 $6,172

EXPENSES: Board Admin & Struc $430 $383 $378 $352 $343 $330 Executive 236 227 227 195 235 573 Off ice Services 464 397 411 545 565 477 M. I. S. 712 672 686 627 589 473 Finance 323 320 3f0 259 260 311 Human Resources 140 116 115 110 130 67 Meetings & Conv. 45 40 45 21 32 38 Budgetary 35 0 35 0 0 0 Supplies 576 551 545 459 529 561 Intl. Extension 497 763 738 646 579 430 Member Services 370 913 879 784 801 739 Club Services 330 277 302 212 202 200 Field Oper-N/A 554 0 0 0 0 0 Field Oper-Latin Am/ 158 0 0 0 0 0 Field Oper-Asia/Pac 205 0 0 0 0 0 Public Relations 292 306 286 272 244 280 Prog. Development 382 328 .319 258 247 239 Education 384 3% 365 312 271 249 Intl. Council 155 130 14 7 107 114 97 Special Services 158 237 229 148 124 116 Publications 138 110 111 102 97 93 Sponsored Prog. Serv 68 78 76 4.3 20 7 Circle K(subsidized) 250 235 234 250 222 178 Key Club(subsidized) 265 253 253 241 220 218 KIF Cost 37 52 49 55 67 80 Regional Off. Europe 444 442 438 318 352 314

TOTAL EXPENSE $7,648 $7,164 $7,178 $6,316 $6,243 $6,070

Net Surplus(Deficit) $427 $889 $814 $625 $221 $102 ======~======

FUND BALANCE: Beg.of year $5,204 $4,315 $4,315 $3,690 $3,469 $3,367 End of year $5,631 $5, 20!~ $5,129 $4,315 $3,690 $3,469 * NOTE: -Jc = Projected EXHIBIT B

MAGAZINE FUND : The proposed budget and comparison of revenue and expense to prior are as follows:

Budget Proj. Budget ( 000 's) 1991 5/90 1990 1989 1988 1987

REVENUES: Magazine $1,903 $1,871 $1,860 $1,863 $1,820 $1,787 Advertising 503 468 511 375 327 445

TOTAL REVENUE $2,406 $2,339 $2,371 $2,238 $2,147 $2, 232

EXPENSES: Magazine $1, 713 $1,642 $1,639 $1,568 $1,471 $1,398 Advertising 7 57 646 686 632 506 600

TOTAL EXPENSE $2,470 $2,288 $2,325 $2,200 $1,977 $1,998

Net Surplus(Deficit) ( $64) $51 $46 $38 $170 $234

FUND BALANCE: Beg. of Year $493 $442 $442 $404 $234 $0 End of Year $429 $493 $488 $442 $404 $ 234

INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION FUND: The proposed budget and comparisons of revenue and expense to prior are as follows:

Budget Proj. Budget ( 000 's) 1991 5/90 1990 1989 1988 1987

TOTAL REVENUE $993 $918 $960 $1,015 $916 $862

TOTAL EXPENSE $930 $959 $959 $7 56 $771 $866

Net Surplus(Deficit) $63 ( $41) $1 $259 $145 ( $4)

FUND BALANCE: Beg. of Year $439 $480 $480 $221 $76 $80 End of Year $502 $439 $481 $480 $221 $76 EXHIBIT C

GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE FUND: The proposed budget and comparisons of revenue and expense to prior are as follows:

Budget Proj. Budget ( 000 's) 1991 5/90 1990 1989 1988 1987

TOTAL. REVENUE $1,524 $1,218 $1,228 $1,473 $1,377 $1,325

TOTAL EXPENSE $1,392 $1,218 $1,228 $1,484 $1,379 $1,088

Net Surplus(Deficit) $132 $0 $0 ( $11) ( $2) $237 ------==--=-===------~------FUND BALANCE : Beg. of Year $239 $239 $239 $250 $252 $15 End of Year $371 $239 $239 $239 $250 $252

CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND: The proposed budget and comparisons of revenue and expense to prior are as follows:

Budget Proj. Budget (000's) 1991 5/90 1990 1989 1988 1987

TOTAL REVENUE $263 $269 $284 $27 5 $257 $268

TOTAL EXPENSE $220 $220 $244 $227 $231 $254

Net Surplus (Deficit) $43 $49 $40 $48 $26 $14 ----=--=---=-======FUND BALANCE: Beg. of Year $4,919 $4,870 $4,870 $4,822 $4,796 $4,827 Prior Year Reclass ($45)

End of Year $4,962 $4,919 $4,910 $4,870 $4,822 $4, 796 EXHIBIT /130





29 YOM KIPPUR (starts night of 28th)

29 New Trustee Orientation, Part II, Indianapolis, Indiana

Sept. 30-0ct. 4 Kiwanis International Board Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana


4-7 International Council Meeting, Field Service Representatives Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana


11-14 European Federation Board Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland

19-22 Key Club Board Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana

21-27 Circle K International Theme and Emphasis Week

26-28 K-Family Conference East, Edison, New Jersey

27 Circle K International Service Day


4-10 Key Club Week


10-12 K-Family Conference West, Vanderwagen, New Mexico

14-18 Service Club Leaders Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana (hosted by Kiwanis International)

16-22 Farm-City Week



7-9 Key Club ~heme Committee Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana



(over) -2-


Dec. 30-Jan. 2 Rose Bowl Festivities, Pasadena, California

3-7 Circle K Board Meeting (tentative) Indianapolis, Indiana

5-6 North American Regional Governors Conference, Phoenix, Arizona

8-9 North American Regional Governors Conference, Kansas City, Missouri

13-19 Kiwanis International Board Meeting and Retreat, Indianapolis, Indiana

20 76th Anniversary Celebration of Kiwanis International, Detroit, Michigan

23-24 North American Regional Governors Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana


(Any weekend K-Family Weekend in February)

3-9 Circle K International Week

8-11 Key Club Board Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana

13 European Federation Regional Governors Conference, Zurich, Switzerland

14-17 European Federation Board Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland

MARCH 1991

Feb. 27-Mar. 3 Governors-elect Training Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana

2-3 North American Regional Governors Conference, Orlando, Florida

8-10 Achievement Committee, Indianapolis, Indiana

14-17 Circle K Regional Training Conference I, Baltimore, Maryland (tentative)

15-17 District Secretaries Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana -3-

MARCH 1991 (Continued)

30 PASSOVER (starts night of 29th)

31 EASTER SUNDAY (Western Tradition)

APRIL 1991

1 EASTER MONDAY (Europe/Philippines)

1 Circle K Club and District Officers Assume their elected and appointed offices

4-7 Circle K Regional Training Conference II, Indianapolis, Indiana (tentative)

11-14 Asia-Pacific Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Asia-Pacific Area Regional Governors Conference will be held during the Asia-Pacific Conference)

19-21 Key Club Regional Training Conference, Chicago, Illinois (tentative)

21-27 Australia-New Zealand Goodwill Week (Anzac Day, April 25)

29-30 Resolutions Committee, Indianapolis, Indiana


MAY 1991

1-5 Kiwanis International Board Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana

4 Key Club International Service Day

10-12 Key Club Regional Training Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana (tentative)


17-20 Key Club District Services Committee Meeting Indianapolis, Indiana (tentative)


17-23 Circle K Board Meeting (tentative) Indianapolis, Indiana

29-30 European Federation Board Meeting, (location not determined) -4-

JUNE 1991

May 31, and European Federation Convention, June 1-2 (location not determined)

1-2 Children's Miracle Network Telethon, Anaheim, California


19-22 Kiwanis International Pre-Convention Board Meeting Anaheim, California

23-27 76th Kiwanis International Convention, Anaheim, California

27 Kiwanis International Post Convention Board Meeting, Anaheim, California

JULY 1991


June 29-July 3 Key Club International Convention, Chicago, Illinois

23-26 Key Club Board Training, Indianapolis, Indiana

(Date not 1992 Convention Planning Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana set)


14-17 Circle K Board Meeting (tentative) Baltimore, Maryland

17-21 Circle K International Convention, Baltimore, Maryland


Aug. 30-Sept. 2 Key Club Valley Forge Leadership Conference, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania

14-20 Circle K Board Training (tentative) Indianapolis, Indiana

9 ROSH HASHANAH (starts night of 8th)

20-22 Circle K Leadership Training Conference Indianapolis, Indiana (tentative)

18 YOM KIPPUR (starts night of 17th)





JUNE 1990

30 Leave for Washington, D.C. 7:30 PM, VIP Reception, Key Club

JULY 1990

1 2:30 PM, Faculty Advisor Meeting, Key Club 6:30 - 9:00 PM, Remarks at Opening

2 Leave for Miami

9-15 On Call

18-22 1991 Anaheim Convention Planning Conference

23-29 On Call


6-17 On Call

18 8:00 - 10:00 PM, Remarks, Circle K Convention

19 Leave for Miami

27 - September 2 On Call


6-9 Florida District Visit, Innisbrook, Florida

17-23 On Call

25 Presentation, Bill of Rights, Washington, D.C.

29 YOM KIPPUR (starts night of 28th)

29 New Trustee Orientation, Part II, Indianapolis, Indiana

·NOTE: The dates of arrival and departure for Wil Blechman are not necessarily the dates of the events. -2-



Sept. 30-0ct. 4. Kiwanis International Board Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana

4-7 International Council Meeting and Field Service Representatives Meeting Indianapolis, Indiana


11 Priority One Advisory Council, Washington, D.C.

11-14 Capital District Official Visit

15-21 On Call

18 Miami Beach Installation Dinner, Miami Beach, Florida

26 Arrive Newark, New Jersey

26-28 K-Family Conference East, Edison, New Jersey

28 Leave for Miami in AM

29 - November 4 On Call



8 Keynote Speaker, North American Riding for the Handicapped Association, Denver, Colorado

9-11 Minnesota-Dakotas Official District Visit

15-18 Service Club Leaders Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana (hosted by Kiwanis International)

19-25 On Call


30 - December 2 Western Canada District Official Visit -3-


3-9 On Call


17-23 On Call



Dec. 30-Jan. 2 Rose Bowl Festivities, Pasadena, California

3-6 North American Regional Governors Conference, Phoenix, Arizona

7-9 North American Regional Governors Conference, Kansas City, Missouri

12 Georgia District Official Visit

13-19 Kiwanis Retreat and Board Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana

20 76th Anniversary Celebration of Kiwanis International, Detroit, Michigan

21-24 North American Regional Governors Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana

25-27 Louisiana-Mississippi-W. Tennessee District Official Visit

31 Speaker at Division 15-22 Prayer Breakfast, Florida District, Fort Lauderdale, Florida


1 Meeting with Florida Kiwanis Foundation

2 Florida District Official Visit

8-10 Texas-Oklahoma Official Visit, Austin, Texas (Doubletree Hotel)

13 European Federation Regional Governors Conference, Zurich, Switzerland

14-17 European Federation Board Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland

22-23 New Jersey District Official Visit (2nd Choice)

27 - Match 1 Meeting of Southeastern Council for Family Relations (with Southeasfern Governors and their MEP Chairmen) -4-

MARCH 1991

2-3 North American Regional Governors Conference, Orlando, Florida

8-10 Pacific Northwest District Official Visit (2nd Choice)

15-17 New England District Official Visit

21-25 Republic of China District Official Visit

30 PASSOVER (starts night of 29th)

31 EASTER SUNDAY (Western Tradition)

APRIL 1991

1 EASTER MONDAY (Europe/Philippines)

4-6 Australia District Official Visit

11-14 Asia-Pacific Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Asia-Pacific Area Regional Governors Conference will be held during Asia-Pacific Conference)

19-22 Norden District Official Visit

23-28 Belgium-France-Luxembourg-Monaco District Official Visit

29-30 Resolutions Committee, Indianapolis, Indiana


MAY 1991

1-5 Kiwanis International Board Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana

10-12 Mexico Visit (Mexico Convention)


17-19 Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Official Visit


24-26 Eastern Canada and The Caribbean District Official Visit

29-30 European Federation Board Meeting (Location not determined) -5-

JUNE 1991

May 31 and June 1 and 2 European Federation Convention Meeting (Location not determined)

13-14 Utah-Idaho District Official Visit


17 Leave for Anaheim

18-28 76th Kiwanis International Convention, Anaheim, California

JULY 1991




9 ROSH HASHANAH (starts night of 8th)

18 YOM KIPPER (starts night of 17th)

NOTE: The "On Call" notation denotes the "On Call Schedule" for Dr. Blechman's medical practice when he must be in Miami, Florida.



ALABAMA. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Kun-Hua "Jeffery" Tseng ANDEAN AND CENTRAL AMERICA•••••••••••••• Robert L. Mccurley, Jr. AUSTRALIA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Glenn E. Muggelberg AUSTRIA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Andrew Batsis, D.M.D. BELGIUM-FRANCE-LUXEMBOURG-MONACO•••••••• John D. Morton, Sr. CALIFORNIA-NEVADA-HAWAII•••••••••••••••• John D. Morton, Sr. CAPITAL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·•••••• Joe L. Griffeth, M.D. CAROLINAS •••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • w. Gene Engelhardt EASTERN CANADA AND THE CARIBBEAN•••••••• Walter G. Sellers FLORIDA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Robert L. Mccurley, Jr. GEORGIA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• W. Gene Engelhardt GERMANY Andrew Batsis, D.M.D. ICELAND ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Arthur D. Swanberg ILLINOIS-EASTERN IOWA••••••••••••••••••• Ian Perdriau * INDIANA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Andrew Bats is, D.M •. D. **ITALY .••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Robert E. Wales JAPAN ••••••••••••••••••• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • John D. Morton, Sr. K.ANSAS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Kenneth W. Smith, D.C. KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE•••••••••••••••••••••• Glenn E. Muggelberg LOUISIANA-MISSISSIPPI-WEST TENNESSEE Gerald P. "Jerry" Christiano MICHIGAN •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Gerald P. "Jerry" Christiano MINNESOTA-DAKOTAS Robert L. Mccurley, Jr. MISSOURI-ARKANSAS••••••••••••••••••••••• Arthur D. Swanberg MONTANA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Alf red L. "Al" Prov as i NEBRASKA-IOWA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• William L. Lieber NETHERLANDS Joe L. Griffeth, M.D. NEW ENGLAND ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Walter G. Sellers NEW JERSEY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Kenneth w. Smith, D.C. NEW YORK •••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • Ian Perdriau NEW ZEALAND-SOUTH PACIFIC••••••••••••••• William L. Lieber NO'RDEN •• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Noris A. Lusche OHIO •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • •• • • • • • • Eyjolfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson PACIFIC NORTHWEST••••••••••••••••••••••• Robert E. Wales PENNSYLVANIA •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Glenn E. Muggelberg PHILIPPINE LUZON•••••••••••••••••••••••• Eyjolfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson PHILIPPINE SOUTH•••••••••••••••••••••••• Eyjolfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson REPUBLIC OF CHINA ••••••••••••••••••••••• Kenneth W. Smith, D.C. ROCKY MOUNTAIN •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Alf red L. "Al" Provas i SOUTHWEST ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Robert E. Wales SWITZERLAND-LIECHTENSTEIN••••••••••••••• Ian Perdriau ***TEXAS-OKLAHOMA •••••••••••••••••••••••••• William L. Lieber UTAH-IDAHO •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Arthur D. Swanberg WE ST VIRGINIA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Kun-Hua "Jeffery" Tseng WESTERN CANADA •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Joe L, Griffeth, M.D. WISCONSIN-UPPER MICHIGAN•••••••••••••••• Noris A. Lusche

* Andrew Batsis, D.M.D. will be the 1990-91 Counselor to the Indiana District. However, William L. Lieber will be the international represen­ tative at the Indiana Dis•trict Convention since Andrew Batsis is unable to attend.


** The Italy District has been notified that the date of their district con­ vention is at the same time as the meeting ot the International Board of Trustees in Indianapolis. If Italy is unable to change the date of their district convention, an International Representative will not be sent to their convention. Robert E. Wales will be the 1990-91 counselor to Italy.

*** William L. Lieber will be the 1990-91 Counselor to the Texas-Oklahoma District. However, Arthur D. Swanberg will be the international represen­ tative at the Texas-Oklahoma District Convention since Bill Lieber is unable to attend.



Date of Convention Convention District Convention City Dates Board Meeting Representative

Minnesota-Dakotas St. Cloud, Minnesota 7/27-29 7 I 2 8 and 7/ 2 9 Robert L. McCurley, Jr.

Eastern Canada and the Caribbean Hull, Quebec, Canada 8/ 1-4 8/ 1 and 8/ 4 Walter G. Sellers

Louisiana-Mississippi­ West Tennessee Baton Rouge, Louisiana 8/2-5 8/3 and 8/ 5 Gerald P. "Jerry" Christiano

Utah-Idaho Salt Lake City, Utah 8/3-5 8/3 and 8/ 4 Arthur D. Swanberg

Alabama Huntsville, Alabama 8/3-5 8/2 and 8/ 5 Kun-Hua "Jeffery" Tseng

Missouri-Arkansas Hannibal, Missouri 8/ 9-12 8/ 9, 8/ 10, 8/ 12 Arthur D. Swanberg

Rocky Mountain Scottsbluff, Nebraska 8/9-12 8/9 and 8/12 Alfred L. "Al" Provasi

Kansas Hays, Kansas 8/ 10-12 8/ 10 Kenneth W. Smith, D.C.

West Virginia Martinsburg, West Virginia 8/ 10-12 8/ 10 and 8/ 12 Kun-Hua "Jeffery" Tseng

Western Canada Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada 8/12-15 Joe L. Griffeth, M.D.

California-Nevada-Hawaii Sacramento, California 8/15-19 8/ 15 and 8/ 19 John D. Morton, Sr.

Montana Missoula, Montana' 8/ 16-18 Alf red L. "Al" Provas i

Texas-Oklahoma College Station, Texas 8/ 16-18 8/ 16 and 8/ 19 Arthur D. Swanberg*

*William L. Lieber will be the 1990-91 counselor to the Texas-Oklahoma District. However, Arthur D. Swanberg will be the international representative to the Texas-Oklahoma Convention since Bill Lieber is unable to attend. -2-

Date of Convention Convention District Convention City Dates Board Meeting Representative

Australia Adelaide, South Australia 8/16-19 8/ 16 and 8/ 19 Glenn E. Muggelberg

New York Syracuse, New York 8/16-19 8/ 16 Ian Perdriau

Ohio Cleveland, Ohio 8/16-19 8/ 17 Eyjolfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson

Capital Hagerstown, Maryland 8/17-19 8/ 17 and 8/ 19 Joe L. Griffeth, M.D.

Carolinas Winston-Salem, North Carolina 8/17-19 8/.17 and 8/ 19 w. Gene Engelhardt

Indiana Evansville, Indiana 8/17-19 8/ 17 and 8/ 19 William L. Lieber**

Pacific Northwest Tacoma, Washington 8/17-19 8/ 17 Robert E. Wales

Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Racine, Wisconsin 8/17-19 8/ 17 and 8/ 19 Noris A. Lusche

Republic of China Taipei, Taiwan, ROC 8/18-19 8/ 18 and 8/ 19 Kenneth W. Smith, D.C.

Illinois-Eastern Iowa Oak Brook, Illinois 8/23-26 8/23 and 8/26 Ian Perdriau

Michigan Muskegon, Michigan 8/23-26 8/ 23 and 8/ 26 Gerald P. "Jerry" Christiano

New England Danvers, Massachusetts 8/ 23-26 8/ 23 and 8/ 26 Walter G. Sellers

Pennsylvania Allentown, Pennsylvania 8/23-26 8/ 24 and 8/ 25 Glenn E. Muggelberg

Southwest Scottsdale, Arizona 8/23-26 8/ 23 and 8/ 26 Robert E. Wales

**Andrew Batsis, D.M.D. will be the 1990-91 Counselor to the Indiana District. However, William L. Lieber will be the international representative to the Indiana District Convention since Andrew Batsis is unable to attend. -3-:.

Date of Convention Convention District Convention City Dates Board Meeting Representative

Georgia Pine Mountain, Georgia 8/ 24-26 8/24-26 w. Gene Eng~lhardt

Nebraska-Iowa North Platte, Nebraska 8/24-26 8/ 24 and 8/ 26 William L. Lieber . Andean and Central America San Andres, Colombia 8/29-9/2 Robert L. Mccurley, Jr.

Iceland Reykjavik, Iceland 8/30-9/2 9/ 1 and 9/2 Arthur D. Swanberg

New Zealand­ Rotorua, New Zealand 8/30-9/2 8/ 30 and 9/ 1 William L. Lieber South Pacific

Florida Tarpon Springs, Florida 9/6-9 9/ 6 and 9/9 Robert L. Mccurley, Jr.

Philippine Luzon Tagaytag City, Philippines 9/6-9 9/9 and 9/ 10 Eyjolfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson

Kentucky-Tennessee Chattanooga, Tennessee 9/7-9 9/7 Glenn E. Muggelberg

New Jersey Hershey, Pennsylvania 9/7-9 9/7 and 9/9 Kenneth W. Smith, D.C.

Norden Cruise from Gothenburg, Sweden, to Kiel, Germany 9/7-9 Noris A. Lusche

Japan Osaka, Japan 9/ 14 9/ 14 John D. Morton, Sr.

Philippine South Zamboanga City, Philippines 9/ 14-16 Eyjolfur "Eddie"' Sigurdsson -4-


Date of Convention Convention District Convention City Dates Board Meeting Representative

Netherlands (Not yet determined) 4/ 13-14. 4/ 12 Joe L. Griffeth, M.D.

Switzerland­ Liechtenstein Basel, Switzerland 4/ 13 4/ 12 Ian Perdriau

Italy*t'* Palmero, Italy or in the 5/3-5 5/4 vicinity of Palmero Robert E. Wales

Belgium-France­ Tienca-Leuven, Belgium 5/9-12 5/9 and 10 John D. Morton, Sr. Luxembourg-Monaco

Austria) Berlin, Federal Republic 5/ 10-12 5/ 10 ) Joint of Germany Andrew Batsis, D.M.D. Germany) Convention

THE EUROPEAN FEDERATION CONVENTION IN 1991 WILL BE HELD MAY 31 and JUNE 1 and 2, 1991. (The city has not yet been determined.)

*** The Italy District has been notified that the date of their district convention is at the same time as the meeting of the International Board of Trustees in Indianapolis. If Italy is unable to change the date of their district convention, an International Representative will not be sent to their convention. Robert E. Wales will be the 1990-91 counselor to this district. 7 I 3/ 90



W. J. "Wil" Blechman, Chairman William L. Lieber Noris A. Lusche John D. Morton, Sr. Kenneth w. Smith, o.c. Arthur D. Swanberg Robert E. Wales


John D. Morton, Sr.



Kenneth W. Smith, Chairman Robert L. Mccurley, Chairman Ian Perdriau Andrew Batsis, D.M.D. Alfred L. "Al" Provasi Gerald P. "Jerry" Christiano Robert E. Wales Noris A. Lusche

Past President Counselor: Past President Counselor: Gene R. Overholt Aubrey E. Irby


Eyjolfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson, Chairman Arthur D. Swanberg, Chairman Walter G. Sellers W. Gene Engelhardt Glenn E. Muggelberg Joe L. Griffeth, M.D. (Circle K) Kun-Hua "Jeffery" Tseng William L. Lieber (Key Club)

Past President Counselor: Past President Counselor: Mark A. Smith, Jr. Anton J. "Tony" Kaiser -2-



William L. Lieber, Chairman Robert E. Wales, Chairman Andrew Batsis, D.M.D. Gerald P. "Jerry" Christiano W. Gene Engelhardt Noris A. Lusche Glenn E. Muggelberg Eyjolfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson Alfred L. "Al" Provasi Kenneth W. Smith, D.C. Arthur D. Swanberg

Past President Counselor: Past President Counselor: Raymond w. Lansford Frank J. DiNoto


Ian Perdriau, Chairman Joe E. Griffeth, M.D. Walter G. Sellers Robert L. McCurley, Jr. Kun-Hua "Jeffery" Tseng

Past-President Counselor: John T. Roberts 7/31/90


Business Address Home Address Name and Title and Phone Number and Phone Number Wife


W.J. "Wil" Blechman, M.D. Packages *5250 S.W. 84th Street Rachel North Miami Beach, Inst. of Medical Specialties Miami, FL 33143-8434 Florida Club Rheumatology Department 305/661-7807 (Medical Doctor) 2845 Aventura Boulevard Fax: 305/667-9955 Miami, FL 33180 *305/933-6075 933-6074 (private office)


John D. Morton, Sr. 46 Wight Street *130 Sweden Street Jackie Berlin, Berlin, NH 03570 Berlin, NH 03570 New Hampshire Club 603/752-3100 603/752-3475 (Sheriff) Fax: 603/752-6477


No.ris A. Lusche 12164 West Exposition Drive Jean South Denver, Lakewood, CO 80228-3304 Colorado Club 303/985-4329 (Retired) Fax: 303/988-7404


William L. Lieber *4950 Broadway 6335 Taft Street Marcia Gary, Indiana Club Gary, IN 46408 Merrillville, IN 46410 (Bowling and Trophy 219/887-5257 219/980-4587 Shops)

* Denotes preferred address or phone number -2-

Business Address Home Addr~ss Name and Title and Phone Number and Phone Number Wife


Kenneth W. Smith, D.C. 227 Dumfries Avenue (Same as business) Shirley Kitchener-Waterloo Kitchener, ON N2H 2E6 Canada Club CANADA (Chiropractor) 519/742-4471 519/743-9212 Fax: 519/744-6133

Arthur D. Swanberg *Post Office Box 180141 9939 Lakedale Drive Alice White Rock, Dallas Dallas, TX 75218 Dallas, TX 75218 Texas Club ( 10229 Garland Road 214/348-8503 (Investments) Dallas, TX 75218) 214/321-9771 Fax: 214/324-4733 (Mark to Art's attention)


Andre~ Batsis, D.M.D. (Same as home) 2 Glenwood Road Kathi Toms River, Toms River, NJ 08753 New Jersey Club 908/244-9800 908/244-9763 (Dentistry)

Gerald P. Christiano 2706 Main St. Anita York-Leicester Club Leicester, NY 14481 (Feed Ingredient Manufacturer) 716/382-3516

W. Gene Engelhardt 10526 Sonata Dr. Delha Crestwood-Sunset Hills Club St. Louis, MO 63123 (Retired) 314/843-1864 -3-

Business Address Home Address Name and Title and Phone Number and Phone Number Wife

TRUSTEES (Continued)

Joe L. Griffeth, M.D. *Medical Center Clinic Route 5 Ann Commerce, Georgia P.O. Box 399 Box 510 Club Comme·rce, GA 30529 Commerce, GA 30529 (Medical Doctor) 404/335-5155 404/335-4380 Mobile Phone: 404/372-4653 Packages Medical Center Clinic Bolton Drive Commerce, GA 30529 Fax: 404/335-7701 (Mark clearly to Joe's attention)

Robert L. McCurley, Jr. *Post Office Box 1287 1341 Overlook Drive N. Martha Greater Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486 Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 Alabama Club (Pkgs: 326 Law Center 205/345-7520 (Attorney) Tuscaloosa,· AL 35401) *205/348-7411 Fax: 205/348-8411

Glenn E. Muggelberg Fax: 805/238-6504 1685 Arbolado Rd. Millie Paso Robles, (Newspaper Office) Paso Robles, CA 93446 California Club 805/238-0459 (Retired)

Ian Perdriau Packages *24 Laburnum Street Trish Melbourne, Nat. Mutual Life Asso. Brighton, 3186 Victoria Australia Club 60 Market Street, 1st Floor AUSTRALIA Melbourne, 3000 Victoria 011-61-3/592-2647 AUSTRALIA 011-61-3/616-3335 Fax: 011-61-3/614-8512l

Alfred L. "Al" Provasi 307 North Chestnut Jean Le Roy, Illinois Club Le Roy, IL 61752 (Retired) 309/962-5101 -4-

Business Address Home Address Name and Title and Phone Number and Phone Number Wife

TRUSTEES (Continued)

Walter G. Sellers Fax: 513/376-6530 1125 Wilberforce Clifton Road Irene Xenia, Ohio Club (Mark to Walter's attention) P.O. Box 494 (Retired) Wilberforce, OH 45384 513/372-0441

Eyjolfur "Eddie" Sigurdsson *Post Office Box 8427 Rekagrandi 4 Sjofn Reykjavik-Hekla, Iceland 128 Reykjavik 107 Reykjavik Olafsdottir Club ICELAND ICELAND (Book Publisher) (Also packages to P.O. Box) 011-354-1/ 1068 011-354-1/ 672400 Fax: 011-354-1/678994

Kun-Bua "Jeffery" Tseng *Post Office Box 22247 364 Hsi Yan Road, Sec •.. 2 Teng Kuei Chien Kuo Club Taipei, Taiwan, 10099 Taipei City, Taiwan (Chemical and REPUBLIC OF CHINA REPUBLIC OF CHINA · Lubricant Wholesale) Oll-886-2/301-3191 (3 lines) Oll-886-2/301-5486 or 301-2000 Fax: Oll-886-2/303-3435

Robert E. Wales *8555 United Plaza Blvd. 9132 Tallyho Avenue Gwynne Capital City, Suite 200 Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA 70809-2251 504/925-8850 Louisiana Club 504/923-3000 (Certified Public Fax: 504/923-3008 Accountant)


Kevin W. Krepinevich *Kiwanis International 7 5 Village Place MaryBeth Keystone-at-the Crossing, 3636 Woodview Trace Zionsville, IN 46077 Indianapolis Club Indianapolis, IN 46268 317/873-6082 317/875-8755, Ext. 102