Queensland Government Gazette
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Queensland Government Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXXXIX] (339) FRIDAY, 10 JUNE, 2005 )URPQRZXQWLO-XO\ D&8$FDUORDQ UHZDUGV\RXZLWKPRUH WKDQMXVWDORZUDWH <RX¶OODOVREHUHZDUGHG ZLWKDFKRLFHRIJLIWIURP KROLGD\DFFRPPRGDWLRQ WHOHYLVLRQVKRPH DSSOLDQFHVDQGPXFK PRUH 3OXVWKHEHQH¿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ueensland Government Gazette EXTRAORDINARY PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXXXIX] MONDAY, 6 JUNE, 2005 [No. 27 NOTICE Premier’s Office Brisbane, 3 June 2005 As Premier and Minister for Tr ade, I not ify that, acting under the provisions of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, I have appointed the Honourable Anna Maria Bligh MP, Minister for Education and the Arts, to act as, and to perform all of the functions and exercise all of the powers of, Minister for Tourism, Fair Trading and Wine Industry Development from 3 June 2005 until the Honourable Margaret Majella Keech MP returns to duty. PETER BEATTIE MP PREMIER AND MINISTER FOR TRADE © The State of Queensland 2005. Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of Goprint. Inquiries should be addressed to Goprint, Publications and Retail, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, DC, Q, 4151. BRISBANE Printed and Published by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 6 June, 2005 294665—1 [429] Queensland Government Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXXXIX (339) FRIDAY, 10 JUNE, 2005 [No. 28 Integrated Planning Act 1997 PUBLIC NOTICE JOHNSTONE SHIRE COUNCIL ADOPTION OF THE PLANNING SCHEME AND ADOPTION OF PLANNING SCHEME POLICIES FOR THE SHIRE OF JOHNSTONE Notice is given under the Integrated Planning Act 1997, Schedule 1, that on 26 May 2005 Johnstone Shire Council adopted its new planning scheme. The planning scheme will have effect on and from 20 June 2005. The planning scheme becomes the planning scheme for the area and replaces the existing planning scheme. Notice is also given under the Integrated Planning Act 1997, Schedule 3, that on 26 May 2005 Johnstone Shire Council resolved to adopt six (6) planning scheme policies. The planning scheme policies are: Planning Scheme Policy 1 - Information Johnstone Shire Council may request. Planning Scheme Policy 2 - Consultation. Planning Scheme Policy 3 - Additional identified cultural heritage or habitat areas. Planning Scheme Policy 4 - Protection of habitat values. Planning Scheme Policy 5 - Infrastructure standards. Planning Scheme Policy 6 - Trunk infrastructure contributions. 295410—1 430 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 28 [10 June, 2005 The purpose and general effect of the policies are: Planning Scheme Policy 1 - Purpose of policy is to advise the minimum supporting information to be provided by an applicant to assist the assessment of a development application. Planning Scheme Policy 2 - Purpose of policy is to advise, without limiting Council’s discretion under the Integrated Planning Act 1997, the names of agencies which Council may consult when assessing a development application. Planning Scheme Policy 3 - Purpose of policy is to advise procedure for nominating of additional features for Council consideration for inclusion in Schedule 2 or Map 6, Cultural Heritage Features. Planning Scheme Policy 4 - Purpose of policy is to identify circumstances under which Council may favourably consider development applications, resulting in a higher density of development than otherwise provided in the planning scheme. Planning Scheme Policy 5 - Purpose of policy is to advise standards of infrastructure associated with development (which are contained in the Far North Queensland Regional Development Manual). Planning Scheme Policy 6 - Purpose of policy is to provide a mechanism for funding and provision of infrastructure under the following headings: Water, Sewerage, Stormwater, Public Recreation Areas, Bike Lane/Shared Pathways, Car Parking. The planning scheme policies will have effect on and from 20 June 2005. A copy of the planning scheme and/or planning scheme policies will be available for inspection and purchase at the Johnstone Shire Customer Service Centre, 70 Rankin Street, Innisfail from 20 June 2005. The planning scheme and planning scheme policies will also be available for viewing and downloading from Council’s website “www.jsc.qld.gov.au”. A copy of the planning scheme and/or planning scheme policies is also available for inspection at the Department of Local Government, Sport and Recreation, Mineral House, Level 25 Plan Room, 41 George Street, Brisbane. PETER B ROBERTS CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER JOHNSTONE SHIRE COUNCIL © The State of Queensland 2005. Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of Goprint. Inquiries should be addressed to Goprint, Publications and Retail, 371 Vulture Street, Woolloongabba, 4102. —————— BRISBANE Printed and Published by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 10 June, 2005 295410 [431] Queensland Government Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXXXIX] (339) FRIDAY, 10 JUNE, 2005 [No. 29 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 AMENDING TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 907) 2005 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Amending Taking of Land Notice (No. 907) 2005. Amendment of Land to be taken [s. 11(1) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 2. Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 856) 2004 dated 2 December 2004 and published in the Gazette of 3 December 2004 at page 1061 relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, is amended as described in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Amend Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 856) 2004 dated 2 December 2004 and published in the Gazette of 3 December 2004 at page 1061 relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland as follows - Omit - “County of Cook, Parish of Gregory - an area of about 4036 square metres being part of Lot 18 on Crown Plan CK3676 contained in Title Reference: 17363062. As shown approximately on Plan R12-499(C) held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane. Isis Shire Bruce Highway (Maryborough – Gin Gin) R12-499(C) 510/291; 775/609” Insert - “County of Cook, Parish of Gregory - an area of 4039 square metres being Lot 19 on SP180600 (being a plan to be registered in Queensland Land Registry, Department of Natural Resources and Mines), being part of the land contained in Title Reference: 17363062. Isis Shire Bruce Highway (Maryborough – Gin Gin) R12-499(C) 510/291; 775/609” ENDNOTES 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 2 June 2005. 2. Published in the Gazette on 10 June 2005. 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Main Roads. 000000—1 432 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 29 [10 June, 2005 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 AMENDING TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 908) 2005 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Amending Taking of Land Notice (No. 908) 2005. Amendment of Land to be taken [s.11(1) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 2. Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 848) 2004 dated 14 October 2004 and published in the Gazette of 15 October 2004 at page 492 relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, is amended as described in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Amend Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 848) 2004 dated 14 October 2004 and published in the Gazette of 15 October 2004 at page 492 relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland as follows - Omit - “County of Stanley, Parish of Tingalpa - an area of about 905.1 square metres being part of Lot 1 on RP896571 contained in Title Reference: 50113189. As shown approximately on Plan R13-1179(B) held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane. Brisbane City Redland Sub-Arterial Road 510/2843; 3360” Insert - “County of Stanley, Parish of Tingalpa - an area of 912 square metres being Lot 70 on SP173867 (being a plan to be registered in Queensland Land Registry, Department of Natural Resources and Mines), being part of the land contained in Title Reference: