Translation of the “Caractors” Document
TRANSLATION OF THE “CARACTORS” DOCUMENT Mormon’s Chronological Summary of the Period from the 19th Regnal Year of the Reign of MosiahI to the Coming of the Limhites and Mormon’s Synopsis of the Book of Mormon Prophetic Calendar Translation and Commentary by Jerry D. Grover, Jr. PE, PG 1 Introduction When I completed publication of my last book, Geology of the Book of Mormon, I started on another research project to identify what exactly was meant by the word “ziff”, one of those undefined, untranslated words that are found in the Book of Mormon. Because of the context where ziff is found in the Book of Mormon, it is suspected to be some sort of metal. As part of my inquiry, I also looked at the metallurgy of the golden plates, as some have suggested that perhaps they consisted of ziff. While I was looking at various characteristics of the plates, and specifically at the nature of the engravings, I ran across the “Caractors” document, which in my youth many called the “Anthon transcript”. I recalled seeing the document, in my younger days, but had not really given it much thought. As I was evaluating the document to determine the character density (number of characters per square inch), I noticed something that I had really not noticed before—the bar-and-dot Mesoamerican number 9. As an engineer, I have always liked to fiddle around with numbers, so I thought to myself that it might be interesting to see if there were any other numbers there, and that perhaps by so doing I could identify a date, which would be helpful to perhaps place the document in some sort of chronological context.
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