Chronological Table
Chronological Table Date Contemporary events Publications 1834 Abolition of slavery in Tennyson, '0 Mother the British empire Britain Lift Thou Up' 1837 Accession of Queen McCulloch, Statistical Victoria; Canadian Account of the British Rebellions Empire 1838 Apprenticeship system in Thackeray, the West Indies abolished Tremendous Adventures of Major Gahagan 1839 Lord Durham's Report; Carlyle, Chartism; Aden annexed; First Taylor, Confessions of Afghan War (1839-42) a Thug 1840 New Zealand annexed; Buxton, The African Union of the two Canadas Slave Trade; Taylor, Tippoo Sultaun 1841 Livingstone in Africa; Carlyle, Heroes & Buxton's Niger Hero Worship; expedition; Retreat from Marryat, Masterman Kabul Ready; Merivale, Lectures on Colonization and Colonies 1842 Hong Kong annexed Tennyson, Poems 1843 Natal annexed; Carlyle, Past & Present 183 184 The Imperial Experience Maori Wars (1843--47); Sind conquered 1845 First Sikh War Martineau, Dawn Island 1846 Kaffraria and Labuan annexed 1847 Governor of Cape Dickens, Dombey & Colony becomes High Son; Disraeli, Tancred; Commissioner for South Longfellow, Africa 'Evangeline'; Thackeray, Vanity Fair 1848 Transvaal and Orange Ballantyne, Hudson Free State annexed; Bay; Mill, Principles of Second Sikh War; Sa tara, Political Economy; Jaipur & Sambalpur 'lapse' Thackeray, History of to the British crown Pendennis 1849 Navigation Acts abolished Carlyle, 'The Nigger Question'; Dickens, David Copperfield; Lytton, The Caxtons; Wakefield, View of the Art of Colonization 1850 Australian Colonies Carlyle, Latter-Day Government Act; Baghat Pamphlets; Knox, Races lapses of Men 1851 Great Exhibition; Australian gold rush; Victoria becomes a separate colony 1852 Sand River Convention; Burton, Miss ion to Lower Burma annexed; Gelele; Dickens, Bleak Udaipur lapses House; Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin Chronological Table 185 1853 Jhansi lapses Dickens, 'The Noble Savage'; Thackeray, The N ewcomes 1854 Bloemfontein Convention; N agpur lapses; Crimean War (1854-6) 1855 New constitutions for C.
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