Chronological Table

Date Contemporary events Publications

1834 Abolition of slavery in Tennyson, '0 Mother the British empire Britain Lift Thou Up'

1837 Accession of Queen McCulloch, Statistical Victoria; Canadian Account of the British Rebellions Empire

1838 Apprenticeship system in Thackeray, the West Indies abolished Tremendous Adventures of Major Gahagan

1839 Lord Durham's Report; Carlyle, Chartism; Aden annexed; First Taylor, Confessions of Afghan War (1839-42) a Thug

1840 New Zealand annexed; Buxton, The African Union of the two Canadas Slave Trade; Taylor, Tippoo Sultaun

1841 Livingstone in Africa; Carlyle, Heroes & Buxton's Niger Hero Worship; expedition; Retreat from Marryat, Masterman Kabul Ready; Merivale, Lectures on Colonization and Colonies

1842 Hong Kong annexed Tennyson, Poems

1843 Natal annexed; Carlyle, Past & Present

183 184 The Imperial Experience

Maori Wars (1843--47); Sind conquered

1845 First Sikh War Martineau, Dawn Island

1846 Kaffraria and Labuan annexed

1847 Governor of Cape Dickens, Dombey & Colony becomes High Son; Disraeli, Tancred; Commissioner for South Longfellow, Africa 'Evangeline'; Thackeray, Vanity Fair

1848 Transvaal and Orange Ballantyne, Hudson Free State annexed; Bay; Mill, Principles of Second Sikh War; Sa tara, Political Economy; Jaipur & Sambalpur 'lapse' Thackeray, History of to the British crown Pendennis

1849 Navigation Acts abolished Carlyle, 'The Nigger Question'; Dickens, David Copperfield; Lytton, The Caxtons; Wakefield, View of the Art of Colonization

1850 Australian Colonies Carlyle, Latter-Day Government Act; Baghat Pamphlets; Knox, Races lapses of Men

1851 Great Exhibition; Australian gold rush; Victoria becomes a separate colony

1852 Sand River Convention; Burton, Miss ion to Lower Burma annexed; Gelele; Dickens, Bleak Udaipur lapses House; Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin Chronological Table 185

1853 Jhansi lapses Dickens, 'The Noble Savage'; Thackeray, The N ewcomes

1854 Bloemfontein Convention; N agpur lapses; Crimean War (1854-6)

1855 New constitutions for C. Kingsley, Westward most Australian colonies Ho!

1856 Oudh annexed; Treaty of Burton, First Footsteps Paris ends Crimean War in East Africa; Reade, It Is Never Too Late to Mend

1857 May: Indian Ballantyne, The Coral Mutiny-Rebellion; June: Island; Dickens, 'Perils Fall of Cawnpore; Siege of Certain English of Lucknow and Delhi; Prisoners'; Livingstone, Sept: Delhi recaptured; Missionary Travels Nov: L ucknow relieved

1858 Proclamation of British Ballantyne, Young Fur rule over India; Traders; Ungava; Government of India Trollope, The Three Act; British Columbia Clerks established

1859 Palmerston Prime Darwin, Origin of Minister; Queensland Species; H. Kingsley, becomes a separate colony Recollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn; Trollope, West Indies & the Spanish Main

1860 Maori Wars resume (to Dickens, Great 1870); Kowloon leased Expectations; Russell, My Diary in India in the Year 1858-59 186 The Imperial Experience

1861 Lagos annexed; Indian Ballantyne, The Gorilla Councils Act Hunters

1862 British representative C. Kingsley, Water established at Mandalay Babies; Trollope, North America

1863 Ashanti War (1863-4); Huxley, Man's Place in Anthropological Society Nature; Lyell, The founded Antiquity of Man; Smith, The Empire

1864 Ionian Islands ceded to Lawrence, Maurice Greece Derring; Spencer, Principles of Biology

1865 Select Committee on Arnold, 'Heine's West African Grave'; Bury, Exodus Settlements; Morant Bay of the Western Nations; (Jamaica) rising H. Kingsley, Hillyers and Burtons

1867 Abyssinian Expedition; Carlyle, Shooting Straits Settlements Niagra; Hume, Life of Colony; Dominion of john Edward Eyre; Canada created Mayne Reid, Giraffe Hunters

1868 Basutoland annexed; Collins, The Colonial Society Moonstone; Dilke, founded; Dec: Gladstone Greater Britain; Grant, Prime Minister First Love and Last Love

1869 Suez Canal opened; H. Kingsley, Stretton; Hudson's Bay Company Wallace, The Malay cedes lands to Canadian Archipelago Dominion Chronological Table 187

1870 Red River Expedition; Disraeli, Lothair; Manitoba created Ruskin, Inaugural Lecture 1871 Griqualand West Austin, 'The Golden annexed; British Age'; Darwin, The Columbia joins Descent of Man; Canadian Dominion; Lytton, The Coming Leeward Islands federated Race; Whitman, 'Passage to India' 1872 Responsible government Bagehot, Physics and in Cape Colony; Politics; Butler, Disraeli's Crystal Palace Erewhon; Stanley, How speech I Found Livingstone; Taylor, Seeta; Tennyson, 'To the Queen' 1873 Ashanti War (1873-4); Ballantyne, Black Prince Edward Island Ivory; Trollope, joins Canadian Dominion Australia & New Zealand 1874 Disraeli Prime Minister; Henty, The March to Fiji Islands annexed; Coomassie Resident system introduced into Western Malay States; Lady Butler's 'Roll Call' 1875 Purchase Suez Canal W. Forster, Our shares; Carnarvon Colonial Empire; launches South African Thomson, The Straits confederation scheme of Malacca; Thorburn, The Great Game

1876 Victoria proclaimed Chesney, The Empress of India; Dilemma; Jenkins, The Bulgarian atrocities Blot on the Queen's Head 188 The Imperial Experience

1877 Annexation of the Ballantyne, Settler and Transvaal; Western Savage; Dicey, Pacific High Commission 'Gladstone & our created; G. W. Hunt's, Empire'; Gladstone, 'By Jingo!' 'Aggression on Egypt'

1878 Congress of Berlin; Carnarvon, 'Imperial Cyprus occupied; 2nd Administration'; Anglo-Afghan War; Gladstone, 'England's Walvis Bay Protectorate Mission'; Lowe, 'Imperialism'; Stanley, Through the Dark Continent; Tennyson, 'The Revenge'

1879 Anglo-Zulu War; Third Escott, Pillars of the Anglo-Afghan War; Dual Empire; Gladstone, Control established in Midlothian Speeches; Egytt; Gladstone's Tennyson, 'Defence of Mid othian campaign; Lucknow'; Trollope, Boy's Own Paper john Caldigate; launched; Butler, Wedderburn, Modem 'Remnants of an Imperialism in India Army'

1880 Gladstone Prime Ballantyne, Red Man's Minister; First Revenge;Froude, Two Anglo-Boer War Lectures on South {1880-1); Butler, Africa 'Defence of Rorke's Drift'

1881 British North Borneo Haggard, Cetewayo & Company chartered; his White Neighbours; Revolt of the Mahdi in Henty, In Times of Sudan Peril

1882 British occupation of Tennyson, 'Hands All Egypt; Butler, 'Floreat Round' Etona' Chronological Table 189

1883 Cromer becomes British Schreiner, Story of an Agent and Consul African Farm; Seeley, General in Egypt Expansion of England; Stevenson, Treasure Island

1884 Anglo-Portuguese Congo Haggard, Witch's Treaty; British Head; Henty, By Sheer Somaliland Protectorate; Pluck; With Clive in Papua annexed; Berlin India; Kingston, West Africa Conference Hendricks the Hunter

1885 Death of Gordon at Haggard, King Khartoum; Third Solomon's Mines; Anglo-Burmese War; Henty, The Young Anglo-Russian Penjdeh Colonists; True to the crisis; Oil Rivers Old Flag; Watson, Protectorate; 'Gladstone' Bechuanaland Protectorate; Indian National Congress formed; Lady Butler's 'After the Battle'

1886 Salisbury Prime Minister; Froude, Oceana; Gold discovered in Henty, For Name and Transvaal; Upper Burma Fame; Kipling, annexed; Anglo-German Departmental Ditties; East African agreement; Tennyson, 'The Royal Niger Company opening of the Indian chartered; Indian and and Colonial Colonial Exhibition Exhibition by the Queen'

1887 Victoria's Golden Jubilee; Haggard, She; Allan New Hebrides Quatermain; Henty, Condominium; Colonial With Wolfe in Canada; Conference; Informal A Final Reckoning; Anglo-Russian division Tennyson, 'On the of Persia into spheres of jubilee of Queen interest Victoria' 190 The Imperial Experience

1888 Imperial British East Froude, The English in Africa Company the West Indies; chartered; Protectorates Kipling, In Black and over Sarawak, Brunei, White; Plain Tales from North Borneo and Cook the Hills; Soldiers Islands; Zululand annexed Three; Wee Willie Winkie 1889 British South Africa Kipling, 'Ballad of East Company chartered; and West'; Stanley, My Salisbury announces Kalulu; Wallace, decision to remain in Darwinism Egypt for the forseeable future 1890 Cecil Rhodes Prime Dilke, Problems of Minister of Cape Colony; Greater Britain; Doyle, Anglo-German Sign of Four; Kipling, Heligoland-Zanzibar The Light That Failed; Treaty; Anglo-French Stanley, In Darkest treaty concerning West Africa Africa 1891 Anglo-Portuguese Henley, Lyra Heroica; agreement over Central Henty, Maori and and East Africa; Settler; Kipling, Life's Nyasaland Protectorate Handicap 1892 Gladstone Prime Haggard, N ada the Minister; Protectorate Lily; Henley, 'Pro Rege over Gilbert and Ellice Nostro'; Henty, The Islands; Indian Councils Dash for Khartoum; Act; Imperial Institute Held Fast For England; founded; Chums founded Kipling, Barrack Room Ballards; Tennyson, 'Akbar's Dream' 1893 Responsible government Keltie, Partition of in Natal; British South Africa; Kipling, Many Africa Company war Inventions; 'Song of the against the Ndebele; English' and 'Song of Halfpenny Marvel the Dead'; Pearson, founded National Life and Chronological Table 191

Character; Stevenson, Beach of Falesd

1894 Rosebery Prime Minister; Henty, Through the Uganda Protectorate; Sikh War; Kidd, Social Pluck founded; Union Evolution; Kipling, The Jack founded Jungle Book; Stevenson, Ebb-Tide

1895 Salisbury Prime Minister; Conrad, A/mayer's Chamberlain Colonial Folly; Kipling, The Secretary; Protectorate Second Jungle Book; over Kenya; Dec: 'William the Jameson Raid Conqueror'

1896 Rhodes resigns as Prime Austin, 'jameson's Minister of Cape Colony; Ride'; Baden-Powell, Lord Kitchener advances Downfall of Prempeh; in the Sudan; Fourth Conrad, An Outcast of Ashanti War; Federation the Islands; Henty, The of Malay States (Perak, Tiger of Mysore; Selangor, Negri Kipling, The Seven Sembilan, Pahang); Seas; 'England's Alfred Austin becomes Answer'; Shaw, The Poet Laureate; Daily Man of Destiny; Steele, Mail founded On the Face of the Waters; Stevenson, In the South Seas

1897 Victoria's Diamond Baden-Powell, Jubilee; Milner appointed Matabele War; Conrad, High Commissioner for The Nigger of the South Africa; Colonial 'Narcissus'; Henty, On Conference; Protectorate the Irrawaddy; over the Northern Kingsley, Travels in Territories; Royal West Africa; Kipling, Commission on the West 'Recessional'; Schreiner, Indies Trooper Peter Halkett; Wyatt, 'Ethics of Empire' 192 The Imperial Experience

1898 British victory at anon., The Empire Omdurman; Fashoda Reciter; Kiplinf, incident; Curzon 'Kitchener's Sc ool'; becomes Viceroy of N ewbolt, 'The Island India; Kowloon & Race'; Steevens, With Weihaiwei leased; Kitchener to Khartoum; Chamberlain's 5-Year Wells, War of the Plan for the West Indies; Worlds Niger Convention with

1899 Anglo-French Churchill, The River convention over Sudan; War; Hardy, 2nd Anglo-Boer War 'Embarcation'; Henley, (1899-1902); Dec: 'Black 'Remonstrance'; Week' of British defeats; Kipling, Stalky & Co.; Solomon Islands and 'White Man's Burden'; Tonga annexed Newbolt, The Island Race; Swinburne, 'The Transvaal'; Walton, 'Imperialism'

1900 Relief of Ladysmith, Austin, Songs of Kimberley and Mafeking; England; Buchanan Boxer Rebellion in 'Voice of the Hooligan'; China; Oct: Khaki Conan Doyle, Great election; First Boer War; Conrad, Pan-African Congress; Lord jim; Cramb, Daily Express founded Reflections on Origins and Destiny of Imperial Britain; Henley, For England's Sake; Hobson, The War in South Africa; Pearson, National Life from the Standpoint of Science

1901 Accession of Edward Buchanan, Poetical VII; Ashanti annexed; Works; Gooch, Heart Commonwealth of of the Empire; Henty, Chronological Table 193

Australia; North-West With Buller in Natal; Frontier Province Hobson, Psychology of created; Elgar, 'Pomp and jingoism; Kipling, Kim; Circumstance, March Masterman, Heart of No.1' Empire; Rosebery, Questions of Empire

1902 Balfour Prime Minister; Conrad, The Heart of Anglo-Japanese Alliance; Darkness; Davidson, Colonial Conference; 'Testament of an Peace of V ereeniging Empire Builder'; Henty, With Roberts to Pretoria; At the Point of a Bayonet; To H erat and Kabul; Kipling, 'The Islanders'; Mason, The Four Feathers; Watson, 'The Inexorable Law'

1903 Chamberlain resigns as Buchan, The African Colonial Secretary; Tariff Colony; Henty, With Reform League; Empire Kitchener in the Day implemented Soudan; Kipling, Five Nations; Watson, 'Rome and Another'

1904 Anglo-French Entente Conrad, Nostromo; settles problems in Egypt Galsworthy, The and Morocco Island Pharisee; Henty, Through Three Ca;aigns; Kipling, Tra Tics & Discoveries; Swinburne, A Channel Passage

1905 Bengal partitioned; Haggard, Ayesha; Milner ref.laced in South Henty, In the Hands of Africa; A berta & the Malays; Lawson, Saskatchewan created; Cartoons in Rhyme and Line 194 The Imperial Experience

1906 Camp bell-Bannerman Buchan, Lodge in the Prime Minister Wilderness; Strang, Samba

1907 Anglo-Russian Mason, The Broken Convention; Imperial Road; Maugham, The Conference Explorer; Twain, King Leopold's Soliloquy

1908 Asquith Prime Minister; Baden-Powell, Scouting Belgian state takes over for Boys; Cromer, control of the Congo Modern Egypt; from Leopold II; Boy Curzon, 'The True Scouts founded; Standard Imperialism'; Newbolt, of Empire founded 'Clifton Chapel'

1909 Morley-Minto Reforms Conan Doyle, The in India; Indian Councils Crime of the Congo; Act; Kelantan, Vance, The Bronze Bell Trengganu, Kedah, Perlis under British protection

1910 Union of South Africa Buchan, Prester john; formed Cromer, Ancient and Modern Imperialism; Forster, Howard's End; Kipling, 'If'

1911 Agadir crisis; Imperial Fletcher & Kipling, Conference; Delhi School History of Durbar; Crystal Palace England; Earl of 'Dominions' Exhibition Meath, Essays on Duty and Discipline; Wallace, Sanders of the River; Wells, The New Machiavelli

1912 Partition of Bengal Conan Doyle, The Lost revoked World; Haggard, Marie; Perrin, The Anglo-Indians; Chronological Table 195

Wallace, The People of the River

1913 Haggard, Child of Storm; Milner, Nation and Empire; Savi, The Daughter-in-Law; Woolf, The Village in the jungle

1914 Aug: First World War Burroughs, Tarzan of begins; Resident in the Apes; Diver, The Johore; Cyprus annexed; Great Amulet; Wallace, Protectorate over Egypt Bosambo of the River

1916 Lloyd George Prime Lenin, Imperialism, the Minister Highest Stage of Capitalism

1917 Montagu declaration Haggard, Finished; (India); Imperial War Kipling, A Diversity of Conference Creatures; Owen, 'Dulce et decorum est'

1919 Massacre at Amritsar; Maugham, Moon and Government of India Act Sixpence; Newbolt, 'Drake's Drum'

1922 Bonar Law Prime Forster, Reflection of Minister; Egypt granted India: Too Late; nominal independence Lugard, The Dual under King Fuad I; Irish Man date in British Free State established Tropical Africa; Wallace, Sandi, the Kingmaker

1924 Empire Exhibition at Forster, A Passage to Wembley India A Guide to Reading

Primary Sources Modern editions are listed whenever available:

Adderley, Charles Bowyer, Review of 'The Colonial Policy of Lord john Russell's Administration' by Earl Grey, 1853; and of Subsequent Colonial Policy (Edward Stan• ford, 1869) anon., The Empire Reciter for Platform, School and Home, with a Selection for Little Children (Sunday School Union, 1898) Ashe, Thomas (ed.), The Table Talk and Omniana of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (G. Bell & Sons, 1884) Ashworth, James George, Imperial Ben. A Jew d'Esprit (Remington & Co., 1879) Baden-Powell, Robert, Scouting for Boys (1908), (Penguin, 1990) Ballantyne, Robert M., The Coral Island (1857), ed. J. S. Bratton (Oxford University Press, 1990) -,Six Months at the Cape (J. Nisbet & Co., 1879) Buchan, John, The African Colony (Blackwood & Sons, 1903) -,A Lodge in the Wilderness (T. Nelson & Son, 1906) -, Prester john (1910), ed. D. Daniell (Oxford University Press, 1994) Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle, The Caxtons: A Family Picture, 3 vols (W. Blackwood & Son, 1849) Burke, Edmund, Works of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke, 16 vols, edited by Walker King & French Laurence (F. C. &J. Rivington, 1826) Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Tarzan of the Apes (A. L. Burt & Co., 1914) Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell, The African Slave Trade and its Remedy (2nd edn, John Murray, 1840) Carlyle, Thomas, Chartism (1839), (Holerth Library, No. 40, 1924)

196 A Guide to Reading 197

Carlyle, Thomas, 'Occasional Discourse on the Nigger Question', Fraser's Magazine (December, 1849) -,Latter-Day Pamphlets No. IV: The New Downing Street (1850), ed. M. K. Goldberg & J. P. Seigel (Canadian Federation for the Humanities, 1984) Cary, Arthur Joyce Lunel, A House of Children (Michael Joseph, 1941) -,Britain and West Africa (Longmans, Green, 1946) Conrad, Joseph, A/mayer's Folly: A Story of an Eastern River (1895), ed. J. Berthoud (Oxford University Press, 1992) -, An Outcast of the Islands (1896), (Oxford University Press, 1992) -, Lordjim (1900), (Penguin, 1994) -,Heart of Darkness (1902), (Penguin, 1994) -,Notes on Life and Letters (J. M. Dent & Sons, 1921) -,Last Essays (J. M. Dent & Sons, 1926) -and Ford, Ford Madox, The Inheritors: an Extravagant Story (1901), (A. Sutton, 1991) Cramb, John Adam, Reflections on the Origins and Destiny of Imperial Britain (Macmillan, 1900). Reprinted with additional material as The Origins and Destiny of Im• perial Britain (John Murray, 1915) Darwin, Charles, On the Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection, 2 vols (1859), (Penguin, 1969) -, The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex, 2 vols (1871), (Culture and Civilisation, Brussels, 1969) Davidson, John, The Testament of an Empire Builder (Grant Richards, 1902) Dilke, Sir Charles, Greater Britain: A Record of Travel in English-Speaking Countries During 1866 and 1867 (Macmillan, 1868) Disraeli, Benjamin, Tancred, 3 vols (Henry Colburn, 1847) Diver, Maud, The Singer Passes: An Indian Tapestry (W. Blackwood & Sons, 1934) Egerton, Hugh Edward (ed.), Selected Speeches of Sir William Molesworth on Questions Relating to Colonial Policy (John Murray, 1903) Fletcher, Charles Robert Leslie, and Kipling, Rudyard, A History of England (Clarendon Press, 1911) 198 The Imperial Experience

Forster, Edward Morgan, Howards End (1910), (Hodder, 1991) -,A Passage to India {1924), ed. 0. Stallybrass (Penguin, 1989) -, A binger Harvest (Edward Arnold & Co., 1936) -, The Hill of Devi: Being Letters From Dewas State Senior (1953),(Penguin, 1983) Fox, William, A Brief History of the Wesleyan Missions on the Coast of Africa (London, 1851) Galsworthy, John, The Island Pharisee (William Heine• mann, 1904) Grey, Henry George, 3rd Earl, The Colonial Policy of Lord john Russell's Administration, 2 vols (Richard Bentley, 1853) Haggard, Sir Henry Rider, King Solomon's Mines (1885), (Oxford University Press, 1989) -,Allan Quatermain (1887), (Wordsworth, 1994) -,She (1887), (Penguin, 1994) -, Nada the Lily (1892), (Macdonald, 1949) -,Child of Storm (1913), (Macdonald, 1952) Henley, William Ernest, Poems (Macmillan, 1926) Henty, George Alfred, By Sheer Pluck: A Tale of the Ashanti War (Blackie & Son, 1884) -, With Clive in India; or, The Beginnings of an Empire (Blackie & Son, 1884) -, The Young Colonists: A Story of the Zulu and Boer Wars (Blackie & Son, 1885) -, With Roberts to Pretoria: A Tale of the South African War (Blackie & Son, 1902) Hobson, John A., The Psychology of jingoism (Grant Richards, 1901) -,Imperialism, A Study (1902), (Unwin Hyman, 1988) Huskisson, William, Speeches of the Rt. Hon. William Hus• kisson, 3 vols (London, 1831) Kebbel, Thomas Edward, Selected Speeches of the Late Earl of Beaconsfield, 2 vols (Longmans, Green & Co., 1882) Kipling, Rudyard, In Black and White (A. H. Wheeler & Co., 1888) -,Plain Tales from the Hills (1888), (Penguin, 1994) -,Soldiers Three (1888), (Penguin, 1993) -, The Light that Failed (1890), (Macmillan, 1990) A Guide to Reading 199

-, The Jungle Book (1894) and The Second Jungle Book (1895), ed. W. W. Robson (Oxford University Press, 1992) -,Kim (1901), ed. T. Royle (Everyman, 1994) -,The Definitive Edition of Rudyard Kipling's Verse {Hod- der & Stoughton, 1982). [Complete Verse, (K. Cathie, 1990)] -, Early Verse by Rudyard Kipling, 1879-1889: Unpub• lished, Uncollected and Rarely Collected Poems, ed. A. Rutherford (Oxford University Press, 1992) Knight, William Angus (ed.), Rectorial Addresses delivered at the University of St Andrews, 1863-93 (A. & C. Black, 1894) Knox, Robert, The Races of Men: A Fragment (Renshaw, 1850) Lang, Andrew, Essays in Little (Whitefriars, 1891) Lawson, Sir Wilfrid, Cartoons in Rhyme and Line (T. Fisher Unwin, 1905) Lugard, Sir Frederick, The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa (W. Blackwood & Sons, 1922) Marryat, Captain Frederick, Masterman Ready, 2 vols (Longman, Orme, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1841) Maugham, William Somerset, The Explorer (Heinemann, 1907) McCulloch, John Ramsay, A Statistical Account of the Brit• ish Empire, 2 vols (London, 1837) Meath, Reginald Brabazon, 2nd Earl of, 'Duty and discipline in the training of children' in Essays on Duty and Disci• pline (Cassell & Co., 1911) Mill, John Stuart, Principles of Political Economy (1848), (Sir William Ashley, ed., Longmans, Green, 1909; reprinted Kelley, 1987) -,Autobiography (1873), (new edn, Longmans, 1908) Monk, William (ed.), Dr. Livingstone's Cambridge Lectures (Deighton, Bell, 1858) Newbolt, Sir Henry, Poems New and Old (Murray, 1919) Orwell, George, Burmese Days {1934), (Penguin, 1990) -, The Road to Wigan Pier (1937), {Penguin, 1989) -,Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters, Vol. 1: An Age Like This, 1920-1940, edited by S. Orwell & I. Angus (1968), (Penguin, 1993) 200 The Imperial Experience

Owen, Sidney James, A Selection from the Despatches and Other Papers of the Marquis of Wellesley during his Government in India (Clarendon Press, 1877) Pearson, Karl, National Life from the Standpoint of Science (A. & C. Black, 1900) Roebuck, John A., The Colonies of England (Parker, 1849) Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of, Questions of Empire (Arthur L. Humphreys, 1900) Ruskin, John, Lectures on Art (1870), (George Allen, 1905) Savi, Ethel Winifred, The Daughter-in-Law (Hurst & Black• ett, 1913) Seeley, Sir John Robert, The Expansion of England: Two Courses of Lectures (Macmillan, 1883) Shaw, George Bernard, The Man of Destiny (1896), (Players Press, 1992) Smith, Goldwin, The Empire: A Series of Letters Published in the 'Daily News' (Parker, 1863) Southey, Robert, Essays, Moral and Political, 2 vols (Lon• don, 1832) Spencer, Herbert, Principles of Biology, 2 vols (Williams & Norgate, 1865-7) Stanley, Henry Morton, How I Found Livingstone, 2 vols (Sampson Low, 1872) Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher, Uncle Tom's Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly (T. Bosworth, 1852) Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, The Poems of Tennyson, edited by Christopher Ricks, 3 vols (Longmans, 1987) Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, Life and Letters of Macaulay, 2 vols (1876), (Oxford University Press, 1932) Trollope, Anthony, The West Indies and the Spanish Main (1859), (A. Sutton, 1985) -,North America, 2 vols (1862), (A. Sutton, 1987) -,Australia and New Zealand, 2 vols (1873), (A. Sutton, 1987) -,South Africa, 2 vols (1878), (A. Sutton, 1987) Vance, Louis Joseph, The Bronze Bell (Grant Richards, 1909) Wall ace, R. H. Edgar, Sanders of the River ( 1911 ), (Ward Lock, 1933) Watson, Sir William, The Poems of Sir William Watson, 1878-1935,2 vols (1905), (G. G. Harrap, 1936) A Guide to Reading 201

Welldon, James Edward Cowell, 'The Early Training of Boys into Citizenship' in Essays on Duty and Discipline (Cassell & Co., 1910) Wilberforce, William, An Appeal to the Religion, justice, and Humanit; of the Inhabitants of the British Empire, In Behalf of the Negro Slaves in the West Indies (London, 1823) Woolf, Leonard Sidney, Growing: An Autobiography of the Years 1904-1911 (Hogarth Press, 1961) Wordsworth, William, The Excursion (Longman & Co., 1814) Young, George Malcolm (ed.), Macaulay: Prose and Poetry {1967), (Hart-Davis, 1970)

Secondary Sources, Introductory Bennett, George (ed.), The Concept of Empire: Burke to Att• lee, 1774-1947 (Adam & Charles Black, 2nd edn, 1967) Brantlinger, Patrick, Rule of Darkness: British Literature and Imperialism, 1830-1914 (Cornell University Press, 1988) Eldridge, Colin C., Victorian Imperialism (Hodder & Stoughton, 1978) Green, Martin, Dreams of Adventure, Deeds of Empire (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980) MacKenzie, John M., Propaganda and Empire: The M anipu• lation of British Public Opinion, 1880-1960 (Manches• ter University Press, 1984) McDonough, Frank, The British Empire, 1815-1914 (Hod• der & Stoughton, 1994) Morris, Jan, The Spectacle of Empire: Style, Effect and the Pax Britannica (Faber & Faber, 1982) Said, Edward W., Culture and Imperialism (Chatto & Win• dus, 1993) Sandison, Alan, The Wheel of Empire: A Study of the Im• perial Idea in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twen• tieth-Century Fiction (Macmillan, 1967)

Further Reading 1 Bivona, Daniel, Desire and Contradiction: Imperial Visions and Domestic Debates in Victorian Literature (Man• chester University Press, 1990) 202 The Imperial Experience

Bolt, Christine A., Victorian Attitudes to Race (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971) Bristow, Joseph J., Empire Boys: Adventures in a Man's World (Harper Collins Academic, 1991) Chakravarty, Suhash, The Raj Syndrome: A Study in Im• perial Perceptions (Chanakya Publications, 1989) Dabydeen, David, The Black Presence in English Literature (Manchester University Press, 1985) Eldridge, Colin C. (ed.), British Imperialism in the Nine• teenth Century (Macmillan, 1984) Field, H. John, Toward a Programme of Imperial Life: The British Empire at the Turn of the Century (Clio, 1982) Gidley, Mick, Representing Others: White Views of Indigen• ous Peoples (Exeter University Press, 1992) Goonetilleke, D. C. R. A., Developing Countries in British Fiction (Macmillan, 1977) -,Images of the Raj: South Asia in the Literature of Empire (Macmillan, 1988) Greenberger, Allen J., The British Image of India: A Study in the Literature of Imperialism, 1880-19"60 (Oxford University Press, 1969) Hutchins, Francis G., The Illusion of Permanence: Brit• ish Imperialism in India (Princeton University Press, 1967) Inden, Ronald, Imagining India (Blackwell, 1990) Islam, Shamsul, Chronicles of the Raj: A Study of the Liter• ary Reaction to the Imperial Idea Towards the End of the Raj (Macmillan, 1979) Killam, G. D., Africa in English Fiction, 1874-1939 (Ibadan University Press, 1968) Koebner, Richard, and Schmidt, Helmut D., Imperialism: the Story and Significance of a Political Word, 1840- 1960 (Cambridge University Press, 1964) MacDonald, Robert H., The Language of Empire (Manches• ter University Press, 1994) MacKenzie, John M. (ed.), Imperialism and Popular Culture (Manchester University Press, 1985) -, (ed.), Popular Imperialism and the Military (Manchester University Press, 1992) Mahood, Molly M., The Colonial Encounter: A Reading of Six Novels (Collings, 1977) A Guide to Reading 203

Mangan, James A., 'Benefits Bestowed'? Education and British Imperialism (Manchester University Press, 1988) -, Making Imperial Mentalities: Socialisation and British Imperialism (Manchester University Press, 1990) Meyers, Jeffery, Fiction and the Colonial Experience (Boy• dell, 1972) Parry, Benita, Delusions and Discoveries: Studies on India in the British Imagination, 1880-1930 (Allen & Unwin, 1972) Pieterse, Jan Nederveen, White on Black: Images of Africa and Blacks in Western Popular Culture (Yale University Press, 1992) Ray, Gordon N., Thackeray: The Age of Wisdom (Oxford University Press, 1958) Richards, Jeffery (ed.), Imperialism and Juvenile Literature (Manchester University Press, 1988) Ridley, Hugh, Images of Imperial Rule (Croom Helm, 1983) Street, Brian V., The Savage in Literature: Representations of Primitive Society in English Fiction, 1858-1920 (Rout• ledge & Keg an Paul, 1975) Suleri, Sara, The Rhetoric of English India (Chicago Univer• sity Press, 1993) Viswanathan, Gauri, Masks of Conquest: Literary Study and British Rule in India (Faber, 1990)

Further Reading 2 Arnold, Guy, Held Fast for England: G. A. Henty, Imperial• ist Boys' Writer (H. Hamilton, 1980) Bradbury, Malcolm, E.M. Forster- 'A Passage to India': A Casebook (Macmillan, 1970) Burden, Robert, Heart of Darkness (Macmillan, 1991) Crowell, Norton B., Alfred Austin: Victorian (Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1955) Das, G. K., E. M. Forster's India (Macmillan, 1977) Etherington, Norman, Rider Haggard (Twayne, 1984) Gilbert, Elliot Lewis (ed.), Kipling and the Critics (Owen, 1965) Gross, John (ed.), Rudyard Kipling. The Man, his Work, and his World (Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1972) 204 The Imperial Experience

Islam, Shamsul, Kipling's Law: A Study of His Philosophy of Life (Macmillan, 1975) Jamiluddin, K., The Tropic Sun: Rudyard Kipling and the Raj (Lucknow University, 1974) Katz, Wendy R., Rider Haggard and the Fiction of Empire: A Critical Study of British Imperial Fiction (Cambridge University Press, 1987) Keating, Peter, Kipling the Poet (Seeker & War burg, 1994) Kimborough, R. (ed.), Heart of Darkness: An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism (W. W. Nor• ton, 3rd edn, 1988) Knaplund, Paul, Gladstone and Britain's Imperial Policy (Allen & Unwin, 1927) Lane, Margaret, Edgar Wallace: The Biography of a Phe• nomenon (William Heinemann, 1938) Langer, William Leonard, The Diplomacy of Imperialism, 1890-1902 (Alfred A. Knopf, 1965) Lee, Robert F., Conrad's Colonialism (Mouton, 1969) Lownie, Andrew, john Buchan: the Presbyterian Cavalier (Constable, 1995) Maugham, William Somerset, A Choice of Kipling's Prose (Macmillan, 1952) McClure, John A., Kipling and Conrad: The Colonial Fiction (Harvard University Press, 1981) Monkshood, G. F., Rudyard Kipling, The Man and his Work- An Attempt at Appreciation (Greening & Co., 1902) Murfin, Ross C., Conrad Revisited: Essays for the Eighties (Alabama University Press, 1985) -,Heart of Darkness: A Case Study in Contemporary Criti• cism (StMartin's Press, 1989) Orel, Harold (ed.), Critical Essays on Rudyard Kipling (G. K. Hall, 1989) Parry, Ann, The Poetry of Rudyard Kipling: Rousing the Nation (Open University Press, 1992) Parry, Benita, Conrad and Imperialism: Ideological Bound• aries and Visionary Frontiers (Macmillan, 1983) Pocock, Tom, Rider Haggard and the Lost Empire (Weiden• feld & Nicholson, 1993) Quayle, Eric, Ballantyne the Brave: A Victorian Writer and His Family (Rupert Hart-Davis, 1967) A Guide to Reading 205

Pafford, Mark, Kipling's Indian Fiction (Macmillan, 1989) Rutherford, Andrew (ed.), Kipling's Mind and Art {Oliver & Boyd, 1964) Shahane, V. A. (ed.), Perspectives on E. M. Forster's 'A Pas• sage to India': A Collection of Critical Essays (Barnes & Noble, 1968) Shahane, V. A. (ed.), Focus on Forster's 'A Passage to India': Indian Essays in Criticism (Orient Longman, 1972) Sherry, Norman, Conrad's Eastern World (Cambridge University Press, 1966) Sinfield, Alan, Alfred Tennyson {Blackwell, 1986) Spittles, Brian,]oseph Conrad: Text and Context (Macmillan Educational, 1992) Sullivan, Zahreh T., Narratives of Empire: the Fictions of Rudyard Kipling (Cambridge University Press, 1993) White, Andrea,]oseph Conrad and the Adventure Tradition: Constructing and Deconstructing the Imperial Subject (Cambridge University Press, 1993) Zins, Henryk, Joseph Conrad and Africa (Kenya Literature Bureau, 1982)

Other Books Quoted in the Text Attlee, Clement Richard, Empire into Commonwealth (Ox• ford University Press, 1961) Darwin, Bernard Richard Meirion, The English Public School (Longmans, Green, 1929) Dicey, Albert Venn, Lectures on the Relation between Law and Public Opinion in England During the Nineteenth Century {2nd edn, Macmillan, 1914) Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, 90 vols (Publications Division of the Government of India, 1958-84) Gardiner, Alfred George, Life of Sir William Harcourt, 2 vols (Constable, 1923) Headlam, Cecil (ed.), The Milner Papers: South Africa. Vol. II: 189 5-1905, 2 vols (Cassell, 1933) Hume, Andrew Hamilton, Life of Edward john Eyre (Richard Bentley, 1867) James, Robert Rhodes (ed.), Winston S. Churchill: His Com• plete Speeches, 8 vols (Chelsea House Publishers, 1974) 206 The Imperial Experience

Kaunda, Kenneth, Zambia Shall Be Free (Heinemann, 1962) Lawrence, Sir Walter Roper, The India We Served (Cassell, 1928) Long, Edward, The History of jamaica, 3 vols (J. T. Lown• des, 1774) MacKenzie, Jeanne, and MacKenzie, Norman ( eds ), The Diary of Beatrice Webb, 4 vols (Harvard University Press, 1983) Magnus, Philip, Gladstone, a Biography (John Murray, 1954) Masterman, Charles Frederick Gurney, In Peril of Change (T. Fisher Unwin, 1905) Michell, Lewis, The Life of the Rt. Hon. Cecil Rhodes, 2 vols (Edward Arnold, 1910) Nehru, Jawaharlal, Autobiography (1936), (Oxford Univer• sity Press, 1991) Oliver, Roland Anthony, Sir Harry johnston and the (Chatto & Windus, 1957) Panikkar, K. M., Asia and Western Dominance; A Survey of the Vasco DaGama Epoch of Asian History, 1498-1945 (Allen & Unwin, 1953) Raleigh, Sir Thomas, Lord Curzon in India (Macmillan, 1906) Roberts, R., The Classic Slum (Manchester University Press, 1971) Roeykens, Aug., Leopold II et la conference geographique de Bruxelles, 1876 (Academie Royale des Sciences Colo• niales, 1956) Scott, Paul, The Day of the Scorpion (William Heinemann, 1968) Semmel, Bernard, The Governor Eyre Controversy (McGib• bon & Kee, 1962) Stratford, Esme Cecil Wingfield-, The Foundations of British Patriotism (Routledge & Sons, 1940) Index

Aborigines Protection Society 150, Beaconsfield, Earl of, see Disraeli, 157 Benjamin Abyssinian War 40, 68, 95,97 'Beaconsfieldism' 14, 49, 51 Achebe, Chinua 165 Beales, Edward 154 Adderley, Sir Charles Bowyer 39 Bee Hive 154-6 Advertising 93-4 Beesly, Edward Spencer 155-6 Afghan Wars 4, 15, 47 Belgium 6, 125 Africa 4, 35, 38, 55, 62, 64-7, 74, 143, Benson, Arthur Christopher 98 147, 177 Berlin, Congress of 4, 48 Alexander, Cecil Frances 144 Blake, William 62 Almond, Hely Hutchinson 91 Boer Wars 2, 5, 8, 10, 61, 80, 93-4 America, United States of 4, 6, 18, 25, Booth, 'General' William 148 27-9,38,40,43,53,67,154 Boy Scouts 2, 92-3 Amritsar 135, 148-9, 169 Boys' Brigade 2, 92 Anglican Church Lads' Brigade 92 Boys' Empire League 92 Anthropological Society of London Boys' Friend 59 158 Boys of our Empire 90 Anthropology 142 Boys' Own Paper 59 Anti-imperialism 3-4, 26-8, 99 Brereton, Frederick Sadleir 57 Argyll, Duchess of 148 Bright, Jacob 154 Arnold, Matthew 28 Bright, John 26,35-6, 154-5 Arnold, Thomas 157 British South Africa Company 84, Ashanti Wars 40,68 130 Ashworth, James George 50 Broadcasting 11 Asia 4, 43 Bronte, Charlotte 24 Attlee, Clement Richard, 1st Earl 84, Buchan, John, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir 89-90 12, 18, 57, 61, 77, 102, 109, 122, Austen, Jane 11, 24 134, 162, 180 Austin, Alfred 42, 82-3 Buchanan, Robert Williams 78, 100 Australia 24-8, 33-5, 38 Bullen, Frank 90 Bulwer-Lynon, Sir Edward Bad Boys' Paper, The 59 George Earle, 1st Baron 24, Baden-Powell, Robert 33-4, 157 Stephenson Smyth, Burke, Edmund 119-20 1st Baron 67, 92-3, Burma 127-8, 135-7 161 Burnaby, Colonel Frederick Bagehot, Walter 159 Gustavus 96 Baker, Samuel White 66 Burroughs, Edgar Rice 77, 164 Balcon, Michael 11-12 Burton, Sir Richard Francis 66, 147 Ballantyne, Robert Michael 11, 25, Bury, William Coutts Keppel, 56,59,61,160-2 Viscount 39

207 208 Index

Butler, Elizabeth Thompson, Lady 2, Curzon, George Nathaniel, 1st 10, 89, 97 Marquis 109-10, 114 Butler, Samuel 24 Cyprus 47, 67 Butt, Dame Clara 98 Buxton, Thomas Fowell 64-5 Daily Express 94 Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron 62 Daily Mail 61, 94, 132 Daily Telegraph 155 Cadet Corps 2, 91 Darwin, Charles Robert 10, 40, 154, Cambridge, University of 51-2, 65 158-9 Cameron, Vernon Lovett 66-7 Davidson, John 7-8 Canada 25-9, 35, 38, 40, 42-3, 51 Derby, Edward Henry Stanley, 15th Cannon Street Meetings 40 Earl of 50 Captain, The 59, 68-9 Dhar, Pandit Bishan Narayan Carlyle, Thomas 11, 16,20-1, 25, 129 29-30,32,40-1,65,142-3,145-6, Dicey, Albert Venn 18, 154 148, 153 Dicey, Edward James Stephen 47 Carnarvon, Henry Howard Molyneux Dickens, Charles John Huffham 11, Herbert, 4th Earl of 22 24, 34, 40, 65, 146, 148, 150, 153 Cary, Arthur Joyce Lunel 12, 77, Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth 10, 124, 127, 133, 177 38-9 Cetshwayo, King of the Zulus 97 Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st Earl of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) 58 Beaconsfield 4, 14-15, 44-51, 53, Chamberlain, Joseph 6, 8-9, 44, 85, 78, 140, 157 108, 114 Diver, Maud 132 Chesney, Sir George 24 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 59, 61, 125, Chester Mechanics' Institute 37 163 China 38,67 Dryden, John 15 Chums 59 Dryden, Leo 98 Church Missionary Society 147 Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Eastern Question 2, 15, 47, 80 Spencer 67, 179-80 120-1 Cinema 11-12, 180-1 Edgar, Alfred 83-4 Cobden, Richard 26, 36 Edinburgh Review 20-1 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 34, 62 Education 12, 88-92, 181 Collins, William Wilkie 150 Edward VII, King (and Prince of Colonial Society, see Royal Empire Wales) 68, 98 Society Egypt 2,135 Colonization 25-34, 40-2 Elgar, Sir Edward William 2, 10, 97-8 Commons, House of 15, 20, 36-7 Eliot, Thomas Stearns 167 Congo, River 75-6, 117, 124, 132, 165 Emigration 31-4, 40 Conrad, Joseph 57, 61-2, 75-7, 117, Empire Day 88, 93, 181 123, 125-6, 134-5, 165-6 Empire Youth Movement 181 Contemporary Review 78, 99, 105-7 Ethnpcentrism 140, 171 Coward, Sir NoiH Pierce 11 Ethnological Society 157 Cramb, John Adam 10, 79, 87 Eugenics 142, 163 Craniology 142, 158 Evolution 142, 158-9 Cromer, Sir Evelyn Baring, Earl of Exeter Hall 148, 151 114 Exhibitions 11-12, 81, 93, 97 Crystal Palace 44-6 Eyre, Edward John 2, 40, 151-5 Index 209

Falklands War 12 Halfpenny Marvel 59-60 Fawcett, Henry 154 Harcourt, Sir William George Fenians 40, 152, 155 Granville Venables Vernon 5 Fiji Islands 46 Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William, Fletcher, Charles Robert Leslie 89, 1st Viscount Northcliffe 60, 94 144 Harrison, Frederic 154 Forbes, Archibald 95 Henley, William Ernest 2, 81-2, 86-7 Ford, Ford Madox 125 Henty, George Alfred 2, 55-7, 59, 61, Forster, Edward Morgan 11, 77, 68-71, 77, 91, 95, 143, 161, 181 117-18, 133, 135, 137-8, 166-8, Hilton, James 180 170-6, 178, 180 Hobson, John Atkinson 10, 12-13, Forster, William Edward 154 87,96,98-9,116 Fortnightly Review 15, 22 Hooker, Joseph Dalton 153-4 Fox, William 147 Hopkins, Gerald Manley 80 France 2, 6, 14, 40, 43 Hotspur 77, 181 Franco-Prussian War 43, 68 Household Words 34, 150 Fraser's Magazine 41, 142-3 Hudson's Bay Company 61 26, 43 Hughes, Thomas 40, 57, 91, 154 Fripp, Charles 96-7 Hunt, George William 80 Froude, James Anthony 40-1, 103 Hunt, Dr James 158 Huskisson, William 20 Galsworthy, John 116 Huxley, Thomas Henry 40, 154 Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand 169, Hymns 92, 144 179 Garvin, James Louis 95 Illustrated London News 96 Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn 11, 24 Imperial Federation 6, 29, 39, 44 Gee, Walter 92 Imperial Federation League 44, 93 Gem, The 77, 180-1 Imperial Institute 93 6, 29, 43 India 11, 24, 29, 35, 38-9, 45, 48, 68, Girl Guides 92 110, 121, 128, 135-8, 145, 179 Gissing, George 116 Indian Civil Service 110-12, 128-30, Gladstone, William Ewart 4, 16-17, 131-6, 167-8, 170-2 35, 37, 49-51, 80 Indian Imperial Police 127, 136-7, Glasgow, University of 105-6 177-8 Gold Coast (Ghana) 46 Ireland 18, 25, 29, 149, 152, 154-6 Gordon, General Charles George 2, 4, 80, 92, 95, 97, 108 Jamaica 2, 142, 151-2, 154-5 Gordon, George William 151-2, 155 Jameson, Dr Leander Starr 82-4 Grant, James 24 Japan 4, 67 Grant, James Augustus 66 Jingoism 2, 10, 14, 16, 18, 24-5, Graphic, The 24, 96 44, 49, 60, 78, 80, 82, 84, 87, 98, Graves, Robert von Ranke 10 102 Green, Thomas Hill 154 Johannesburg 83, 141 Greene, Henry Graham 12, 77 Johns, William Earle 12, 77, 181 Greene, L. Patrick 164 Johnston, Sir Harry 130-2 Grey, Sir Henry George, 3rd Earl 21 Joy, George William 97 Jubilees 1, 9, 81, 100 Haggard, Sir Henry Rider 2, 55-7, Juvenile Literature 55-61, 68-71, 59, 61, 71-5, 77, 84, 127, 163 77 210 Index

Kaunda, Kenneth 177 Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley 57, Khartoum 4-5, 97, 108 77, 134, 164 Kidd, Benjamin 10 Masterman, Charles Frederick Kimberley 2, 87 Gurney 138 Kingsley, Charles 40, 56, 144, 148, Masters, John 12 153 Maugham, William Somerset 62, 77, Kingsley, Henry 24, 34, 153 131, 133 Kingston, William Henry Giles 56-7, Maxwell, Herbert 60 59 McCulloch, John Ramsay 35 Kipling, Rudyard 2, 10, 57-8, 77, 89, McNeile, Herman Cyril ('Sapper') 92,95,99-102,103,105,108-14, 12, 134, 180 122-4, 129-32, 144, 162, 164-5, Meath, Reginald Brabazon, 2nd Earl 167, 170-3, 175 of 88-9, 156 Kitchener, Sir Herbert, Earl 8, 108 Mechanics' Institute 37 Knox, Robert 140, 158 Mercantilism 25--6, 31 Korda, Alexander 11 Militarism 18, 58, 60, 79, 89 Mill, John Stuart 32-3, 40, 152-3, 154 Ladysmith 2, 87 Milner, Sir Alfred, Viscount 61, 100, Lang, Andrew 55 114,141 Lawrence, George 24 Missionaries 8-9, 55, 65, 147 Lawrence, Sir John, 1st Baron Molesworth, Sir William 35 92 Morant Bay Rising 2, 142, 151-2 Lawrence, Walter 128-9 Morel, Edmund Dene 125 Lawson, Sir Wilfrid 3-4, 99 Murchison, Sir Roderick 153 Leopold II, King of the Belgians 76, Music Halls 2, 10-11, 80, 87, 98-9 117, 124--6 Mutiny, Indian 2, 11, 24, 97, 142, Lessing, Doris May 12 149, 151-2 Livingstone, Dr David 2, 65--6, 78 Lobengula, King of the Ndebele 84 Napier, Robert Cornelis, 1st Baron 68 Long, Edward 157, 161 Napoleon III, Emperor of France 14 Lords, House of 47-9 National Union of Conservative and Lowe, Robert 15 Constitutional Associations 44 Lugard, Sir Frederick John Dealtry, Natural Selection 158--60 1st Baron 119, 126 Nehru, J awaharlal 116 Lyell, Charles 40, 154, 158 Newbolt, Sir Henry John 2, 90-1, 95--6, 107 Macaulay, Thomas Babington 121, New South Wales 34 149-50 Newspapers 2, 56, 58, 94-5 Macmillan, Maurice Harold, 1st Earl New Zealand 25--6, 28, 34-5, 40 of Stockton 181 Ney, Major Frederick 181 Mafeking 2, 87 Niger Expedition (1841) 65 Magnet, The 77, 180-1 Nineteenth Century 16-17,47, Malaya 46, 67, 134-5, 166 49-50, 104, 109 Malta 47-8 Norwich,JohnJulius 12 Malthus, Thomas Robert 31 Norwood, Cyril 91 Manchester School 26, 43 Nyasaland (Malawi) 11, 130 Marryat, Captain Frederick 11, 25--6,56 Obseroer, The 47, 95 Martineau, Harriet 24-5 Omdurman 108 Index 211

Orange Free State 94 Royal Academy of Art 10 Orwell, George 77, 127-8, 135-7, Royal Colonial Institute, see Royal 167-9, 172-3, 176-80 Empire Society Owen, Wilfrid 118, 133 Royal Empire Society 6-9, 40, 93 Oxford, University of 157 Royal Titles Act (1876) 14 Ruskin, John 40-2, 153 Pall Mall Gazette 84, 94, 154 Russell, Lord John, 1st Earl 36-7 Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Russell, William Howard 95 Viscount 4, 36, 40, 51 Russia 29, 43, 53 Pannikar, K. M. 170 Russo-Turkish War 4, 68 Papillon, Rev. Thomas 90 Patriotism 2, 10, 51, 58, 79, 82, 88-9, Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot 93, 97, 141, 179 Gascoyne Cecil, 3rd Marquis of Patteson, Bishop John Coleridge 92 6,82, 84-5,94 Peacock, Thomas Love 29 Salvation Army 92, 148 Pearson, Charles H. 10 'Sapper', see McNeile, Herman Cyril Pearson, Karl 160 Sassoon, Siegfried Louvain 10 Penny Dreadfuls 55, 58-60 Saturday Review 149 Perrin, Alice 164 Savi, Ethel Winifred 165 Philanthropists 8-9, 55, 152 Scientific Racism 142, 156-60 Philosophical Institute, Edinburgh 22 Scott, Paul 12, 167, 179, 182 Pluck 59, 83-4 Scott, Sir Walter 56 Primrose League 93 Sedbergh School 92 Prior, Melton 96 Seeley, Sir John Robert 10, 16, 51-4, Public Schools 2, 57, 60, 69, 90-2, 78,89 132, 180 Selous, Frederick Courtney 71 Punch 13-14, 151 Select Committee on Aborigines (1836) 103-4 Queen's College, University of Select Committee on Colonial London 79 Military Expenditure (1861) 40 Select Committee on the West African Race 60, 78, 140-66 Settlements (1865) 40 Radio Three Magazine 12 Shaw, George Bernard 114-15 Reade, Charles 24, 34 Shelley, Percy Bysshe 62 Reid, Captain Thomas Mayne 57 Sherriff, Robert Cedric 10 Religious Tract Society 58-9 Slavery 62-5, 70-1, 142, 147-9 Responsible Government 26, 37,44-5 Slave Trade 55, 62-4 Review of Reviews 99 Smith, Adam 25-6 Reynolds's Newspaper 149, 155 Smith, E. Harris 66 Rhodes, Cecil John 7, 42, 67, 100 Smith, Goldwin 26-7, 35, 38, 53, 154 Richards, Frank 181 Smith, William 92 Roberts, General Sir Frederick Sleigh, Social Darwinism 2, 18, 60, 74, 79, 1st Earl 86 89, 142, 159-66 Roberts, Robert 89 South Africa 25, 35; see also Boer Roebuck, John 36 Wars Rogers, James Edwin Thorold 154 Southey, Robert 31, 62 Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, Spectator, The 14-15, 153 5th Earl of 6-7, 18, 105-6, 114 Spectrometry 142 Rover 77, 181 Speke, John Hanning 66 212 Index

Spencer, Herbert 40, 116, 154, 159 Verne, Jules 59 Spicer, Howard 92 Victoria League 93 St Andrews, University of 40-1 Victoria, Queen 1, 14, 40, 47, 80, 82, Stables, Dr Gordon 55, 57, 61 100 Standard, The 68 Villiers, Frederick 96 Standard of Empire, The 94 Vincent, Henry 155 Stanley, Sir Henry Morton 66,95 Wakefield, Edward Gibbon 32 Stead, William Thomas 94, 100 Wallace, Alfred Russel 159 Steevens, George Warrington 67, 95 Wallace, Richard Horatio Edgar 12, Stephen, Sir James FitzJames 167-8 57,61,77,95, 132-4,180 Stevenson, Robert Louis 56, 59, 61, 75 Walton,J. Lawson 105-7 Stoker, Bram (Abraham) 75 Warre, Edmond 91 Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher 148 Watson, Sir William 80, 100, 109 Sudan 95 Waugh, Evelyn Arthur StJohn 77 Suez Canal 47, 68 Webb, Beatrice 1 Sullivan, Sir Arthur 99 Welldon,James Edward Cowell 91-2 Sunday Schools 57-9, 147 Wellesley, Richard, Marquis 121 Sutherland, Duchess of 148-9 Wells, Herbert George 10 Swinburne, Algernon Charles 85--{, Westerman, Percy Francis 181 West Indies 24-5,27,40,63-4, 142-5, Taylor, Philip Meadows 24 149 Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Baron 11, Whitman, Walt 167 23-4,40,42-3,49,51,63-4,81-2, Wilberforce, William 63 121-2, 153 Wild Boys of London, The 59 Thackeray, William Makepeace 11, Wilde, Oscar 75 24, 147 Wingfield-Stratford, Esme 2-3 Theatre 97 Wizard 77, 181 Thomson, Joseph 66 Wodehouse, Pelham Grenville 11 Thring, Edward 91 Wolf Cubs 92 Times, The 6-7, 14-15, 82-3, 85, Wolseley, Sir Garnet Joseph, 94-5, 108, 141, 152 Viscount 68 Transvaal 46, 61, 82-3, 85-6 Wood, Sir Henry 98 Trollope, Anthony 11,24-5, 27-8, Woodville, Richard Caton 89, 96-7, 34-6,39,43-4,143 99 Twain, Mark 125 Woolf, Leonard Sidney 58, 133, Tyndall, John 40, 153-4 172 Wordsworth, William 31-2,62 Union jack 59-60 Wren, Percival Christopher 180 Wyatt, H. W. 104 Vance, Louis Joseph 164 Van Eeghen, Captain R. 68-9 Zulu War 4, 15, 47, 97