Student Satellites – A Potential Cradle for Academic Research and Development Engr. AKHTAR SAEED Lecturer Department of Electrical Engineering
[email protected] DHA Suffa University 1
[email protected] Karachi, Pakistan Abstract • A tough competition for the space endeavors deem essential for future integrity. • Apart from the military and strategic needs, advent of the Student Satellites has opened a new panorama for research and development in the field of satellite communications. • Student Satellites are miniature satellites typically designed by students, academicians and researchers of educational institutions and universities for research and development purposes.* • Such satellites are designed to perform dedicated tasks such as meteorology, communications, remote area sensing by following linked algorithms. * Department of Space, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) Paper Evaluation I. Introduction II. Global Student Satellites III. Student Satellites and Pakistan IV. Recommendations & Suggestions V. Conclusion I. Introduction Origin of Cube Satellites • The idea of CubeSat was preliminary conceived in 1995 during work on Stanford OPAL micro-satellite. • Some students in the class of micro-satellite design popped up with an idea of Pico-satellites, which weighs usually less than 1 kg [1] or corresponding to water of 10cm3 [3]. • Figure 1. A Premature Pico-satellite fabricated by Mike Hicks at Stanford I. Introduction cont’d Objectives • Some main objectives of developing such miniature satellites are [3]: • As a test-bed for newly-developed aero-space technologies newly-designed components need to be physically-tested in the real-world environment. • As a alternate to conventional satellites could be viable alternate to the conventional bulky satellites as they offer same services in lesser amount.